SUNBURY, JTJLT 520, 1872. ! . .... L I 1 Railroad Time Tablet. T,A,H. HGoina Nobtuward. Krta Vfell, leave at 0:05 a m Niagara Expraaa, " " 18:30 pin MaU, " " 4:80pm Krle Express, " " 6:80 p m N. C. B. W 4oixo 8octitwa. Krle Mnll, leave at 18:45 a m F.tle Express, " ' 7:40 a m Mnll, - " " 11:05 a m Nlaeara liipmn, 6:80 p m Tht Erie E v. press train ramaln here about 80 tnlnntet for breakfast. BcwBt'nT A Ltwmown R. R. Mall train leave at 7.80 a. m., nnd arrive at 7.50 p. in. Fnt Llu leave at .40 p. m., and arrive at 1.50 p. m. SHAttOKIK YaLLET R. R. Mall leave at 19.85 p.m., for Ehamokin and arrive at 8.55 p. m. Leave for Mt. Carmel at 4.40 p. in., and arrive at 0.25 a. in. D. H. A W. R. R. Train leave for New Tork, via Hmleton at J 80 a. tn., and arrive at 8.35 p. in. Accident Insurance Ticket can be had of J. Bhlpnmn, Ticket A if cut at the Depot. Spwino MACUIMM.--MIBS Caroline Daliutl the ogcut for the snlo of the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "The Improved Singer," "Grovor A Baker," "Howe," end "Domestic' which are constantly on band nnd sold at rea sonable price. She is also agent for the eclo bratod Frantz and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and co them. C'H'.e on Market street, east of the railroad. II. B. Maskm ha just received from New Tork, a new supply of Ice Cream Freezers, suita ble for families and saloon. For Sale. A second hand one-horse spring wagon Is offered for sale cheap. Apply to Jso. Wilvkr's Flour and Feed Store, Spruce St., Sunbury, Fa. Wantbb. A boy to learn the printing busi ness, will Oud a good situation by application at this office. One who cnu board at home pre ferred. At a session of tho Susquehanua Synod in Danville last week, it was decided to hold a grand temperance mass meeting In the woods, near Xewlsbnrg, on or about September 1. Thanks.-We tender our thanks to A. A. 8l-icr, Esq., for a largo rcgulutlon national ""Si'-'i'hn propose putting Into service for Grant, Whw,n an(j Hurtranft during tho prcseut political campn- Slmmi-.r Excurslni,TkeU now bc nR(J of Jacob Bhlpinnn, ticket aw.nt nt this pIncCi uooi until the 1st of November. . For particulars in quire at the depot. Still Living. It appears that th-.eivt, 0f n on of Rev. Mr. Gerhard, of WatontoD an noauccd In the JfUtonian, and copied In ourT1. per of last week, Is not correct. Also the killing of Dan Updegruli; nt Fine Station ; both are alive and walking about. Killed. On Thursday afternoon last, a son of Mr. Fred. Hammer, aged about seven years, was run over, about a mile north of this piuco, by the passenger train on the Danville, Hnzlcton A Wllkcsbarre Railroad. Tho boy was lying on the track asleep, when tho train ran over lilm killing him instantly. ' Wb learn that the barn of Jonas B. Wright, at Mahanoy Gap, In Jackson township, was struck I by llghtulug on Wfrdiwurtiv nf Inst. week, nud the ! building Rn4 bwiiieliis destroyed. The barn coo- I , one horse, fourteen tons of hay, a thresh- 101 " Biouna in sunuury, property or 8. A. lu; machine and various other farming imple- Simpson. mant. There was an insurance of J2000 on the j A tCiira ''" ou lands of Locnst 8ummit barn and contents, which comes uowlicic ucar j D'Trovement Company, property of John Bnr eoverlng tho loss. i tliolomo-, Jr. A lot of ground In bhimokin, property of John Rain. The weather lu3 been uncomfortably 1 xr ttnirlil warm for ievtral weeks, notwithstanding the al most dally showers. The vegctuMo kingdom was never uioro vigorous, and the crops, Includ ing fruits, will be unusually large. The wheat crops are butter than was expected, but the wet weather has thus far prevented it being taken in. Installation or Officers. At a regular stated meeting, on Tuesday evening labt, of W. 4?., No. 19, P. O. 8. of A., the following officers were Installed for llio enauuij; term : P. C. J. Blair. V. P. A. A. Conrad. M. of F. A C i. J. Gibson. C Clias. Mant. V. 8. C'hus. Burrows. AktilleutComi-any. A meeting will be held lu Sunbury on Monday, the 5th of August (first day of court) to organize a heavy artillery com pany, tho material for the formation of which will be, furnished from Buubury, Lower Augusta, lad the surrounding country. The meeting will isscinblo In Maiket Square, nt 8 o'clock, P. M. We understand that there are nboat forty young nen from Lower Augnsta ready to Join. The unbury Cornet Band will be likely to join the oinpany provided the proper material Is muster d. It Is proposed to cull the company the Cen ennlal Artillery of Northumberland comity, and . uniform similar to the Wiilluuisporl Grajd U uggested. Small Pox. We have been exceedingly fortu ate during the prevalence of small pox In our eighborlng towns the past six months, In not aving a single case In this towu. It could not, owever, be expected tbat we would escape this sease entirely, as thcio are five railroads ter liuatlng here which daily bring Into the town a irge number of strangers. It was therefore not urprUing that a few cases occurred during Inst ek. The disease bus been confined to three tses In two families, aud thus far there has X'u but one fatal cuse. We are happy to state at our worthy Chief Bnrgcss is using every ecautiou to prevent its further spread, aud the t of care is taken of those alDictcd. It is sup ised tbat the disease waa contracted at Harris irg, a the persons referred to are employee I the N. C. R. W. With tha excellent care ken, we do not apprehcud any new pases uuless ought here from other towns. Ebould auy w casca occur, we would suggest that the bo ugh authorities rent a house a distance out of wu, to be used a a hospital for this purpose. Jband Display or Fire Works An excite- .nt was created on Saturday evening lust, on irkct street, this place, by a free exhibition of I work got up by M. C. Gcarhart, the coufec uery manufacturer and lee cream caterer, ose establishment U l( well known through part of the country. Till grand display got up by Mr. Gcarhart for the benefit of hi nurou patrons who call daily at his eslab imept to ludulge In hi excellent caudles and cream, About 8)jj p'clock the arrangements a completed by Dr. Cressinger, dentist, who I superlntendlug It, and when the first rockets an to ascend, a largo crowd of pcrsous, num tng perhaps fomB four or live hundreds, as .bled lu Market street to witness the sight, were greatly dellgtjtcd. The whole affair a great success, and exoecded anything of kiud that has occurred her for a number of -a. All who witness the display agree that Vs truly sublltao. There I much credit due (r. Gearhart and Dr. Cressinger for their On ethiieUc uiiiWtion . otir- eitlitn free of Cocimib PaooaiDinoa. Council uiet at their hall Oil Toesdav 4vanlns? laat. Bol. Mallck. Rn.. Chief Brtrgoss, In tha chair, liantbora preseul Measra. Cake, DeWarlt Oarln((or, For, Irwin, Smith, Miller, Rohrbach and t. M. Cadwalladur. Mlr.nta of last meeting read and approved. Tha Chief Barges appointed lion. W. L. Dewart, C. J. Fot, O. W. Smith, J. A. Cake and W. H. Miller a commute to convey thauks to Hon. A. Jordan, Hon. 81mna Cameron, and other. On motion ot Mr. Dewart, an order was grant ed to Messrs. Rohrbach A Son for $500 on ac count of contract for fence on Market Square. On Motion of Mr. Dewart, Rtnolred, That tho Chief Burgas shall appoint a committe of two to confer with the County Commissioners on the subject of purchasing a town clock Willi four faces, to be placed in the Court House steeple. Aud should the Commissioner agree to bear oue-half of the expense, the said commlileo are Instructed to go on and purchase tba clock, and the Chief Barge Is hereby empowered to draw bis order on tho Borough Treasurer for the other half of tho expense. Adopted. Chief Burgcs appoiuted Hon. W. L. Dewart and W. II. Miller Raid committee. On motion of Mr. Dewart, fietolveJ, That the Chief Burgess be directed to repair Chestnut street from Third to Broadway. Adopted. Mr.'Fox offered an ordinance prohibiting the running at large of any horses, mules or cattle be tween the hours of 8 o'clock, p. m. and 5 o'clock, a. m., under a penalty of one dollar for each offence. Laid over until next meeting for finnl adoption. Mr. Miller offered the following i Whereas, It has come to tho knowledge of the Council that boys or some malicious persons have been Interfering with tha street lamps by lighting them and turning off the gas, and nt some places by turnlug on the gas without light ing them, therefore Rtiolvctl, That any person Interfering with the street Inmps except the police or other persons authorized by the Council, shall bc subject to a Que of flvo dollars j and that it shall bo the duty of the police officers to report those who break this rule to Council for the Infliction of the fine Proiitleil, that this is not to Interfere with any Individual arrangements for the use of the gas posts of tho borough. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Smith, Iteeoleed, That the per sons having rubbish In Centre Alley, that the High Constable glvo notice for the removal of said rubbish in ten days, nnd If not removed, that the High Constable bo authorized to remove the amc. Adopted. Committee on rip rapping the river bank, with bids lor the same, reported that they had award ed the rip rapping to Wm. T. Rickey, at 90 cts. per perch, and 15 cts. per cubic yard for excava tlou. Signed, C. J. Fox, Charles Garingcr and J. A. Cako. On motion, that tho proposal be laid over, nnd that the Council go in a body to examine river bank on Friday morning, nt 9 o'clock.-Adoptcd. Mr. Dewart offered tho following:, It is reported to Council that thero U a deficiency in the account for centennial cele bration, thcrcforo Jlfolvtd, Tbat the Chief Burgess be authorized to draw an order on the Borough Treasurer for tho Miiounl of deficiency, uot exceeding one hun dred doners. Adopted. Ou motion of Mr. Dewart, tho Bond of C. D. Rolubucli, Treasurer elected, ba approvod and filed. Adopted. On motion, adjourned. ' P. W. Gray, Town Clork. Siir.mrr Sai.ks. The Sheriff has advertised for sale, on Thursday, tho 1st of August, at the Court House, tho following properties : A lot of ground In the borough of Sunbury, wuureon is erected a frame dwelling house, the l""t"-"M j'.uifc. .. .,. . ( A lot of ground In Northumberland, property of AiKiiew lurutlicrs. A cabinet maker shop In Northumberland, property of Margaret Foust aud Andrew Curuth ers. A lot of ground In McEwcnsvllle, property of Wharton S. Welch. One-third part of a lot of ground lu the bo rough of Suubury, property of Charles and Mary Billmun. A house and lot in Sunbury, property of Har riet Martin. A piece of ground. i; Shamok'a township, pro perty or Nelson Balr. A lot and buildings la Mt. Carmel borongh, j proierty of J. F. Crist. j A house nnd lot In tho borough of Milton, i property of David P. Zulouff. Slshi ry Markets. We give the following quotaMous of rctull prices for family marketing ! Beef Roast, per lb. 20c t Corned, 1020c; Rump Steaks, 3ftc s Serloin, Sic ; Dried, So. Mutton Forcquartcr. per lb. 14c i Uiudnuar ter, 16c i Chops, aoc. Veal Foreouarter. nisrlb. 14ni ITii.,l,,nr .-inl ine Cutlets, yoe. ' j Vegetable; Beans (string), 10c per i peck j j " I'er ;i peca j rotatoes, lae per peck; Beets 8-" per bunch Onions, 20c V,' peek j Cab bage, b15o per head Radishes, 5c per bunch j Cucumbers, lfel5c per doz. Tomatoes, 30c i peck Squashes, 55(i30c per doz. j Grceu Corn, 'iha per doz. Fruit Apples, 25c peek i Lemons, 40(o50c Ter doz. ; Water Mellon, 3d(a,40c apiece. Berries Whortleberries, 12c per quart Dew berries, 8c Blackberries, B&lOo. Butter and Eggs Butter, aOo per lb. i Eggs, 30o per dozen. Os a recent visit to the office or the Sunbury Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, we were agreeably surprised at the amouut of business belug done by this company. The company has turned Its attention almost entirely to Insuring horses the Secretary informing us that tho losses of cattlo along railroads were too great for any company to carry that class or risks tbat the company 1 successful In horse Insurance 1 estaoiiehed beyond all question, and we are glad to note the enterprise of Us managers. A Niw Drug Store. Dr. C. E. Up I)e Graff will open, on Monday next, his new drug store, In Moore A Dissiugcr's block, Third street, with an entire fresh assortment of drugs. Hi room ha been handsomely re-painted and well ar ranged. The Doctor 1 a practicing physician, and all can reel safe In having tbelr prescriptions compounded at his Quo establishment. Wi Want Monet. We have seut out bill to a large number who owo us on subscription, Ac, some two month since ; but very row have re., sponded. We are much In want or money to pay our expenses, which are heavy. The amount outstanding on our book I too large for vs to beitr, aud though many of them are small, they will, wbeq collected, aggregate a large sum to us. Our terms are lqwcr than any paper It) (hp county, and all who desire to save by tho east) rate are requested to seud us their amount of In. debtcdness by the 15lh or August, as after bat date ou terms will ba atrlully adhered tp, Via 11.50 in advance, or 13.00 per anuum If pot paid In advance. Jp worl$ and advertising will ftlo be cash. The hot season Is opon u, and. folks, naturally get thirsty. W are pleased ft tea fflauy ubH, tutiug soda water, &c o mn it-ltaulattog drink. JIUkk'a Md la, j wo,t re.h. Ta Cdcisxt BCf EtttNtENDKNT. J. P. Wick ersham, - State Superintendent of Common Schools, after hearing tha evidence in the case of Battl Bhlpman, Bnpt., elect of this county, has at length decided to Issne a ticket to tha little fellow. He Say 'Under certain legal apects of th esse but not without reluctance In view of all tha circumstances I have finally concluded to lash tha commission to Mr. Shlptnnn.' Tht Stat Superintendent feel that while In hi opin ion there Is not lufDclent legal ground for Ret ting aside the election, there 1 abundaut evidence to convince him tbat morally the election was wrong. Tht decision will hav the effect ol pre venting honest men from ever becoming candi dates for the office of County Superintendent of this County. It I due to Prof. John to say that In this contest, which ha been carried on at bis expense, his only motive wa to vlndlcato the purity of the ballot, and not out of any desire for the position which he, before doing anything In the matter, notified Mr. WIckcrsbnm that he would In no event except. Mr. Shipnian, with the littleness peculiar to very little men, may continue to impugn the motives or those who at a great sacrifice of time ami money succeeded lu showing up the manner In which tho election was conducted. But all good men will lament that a long a a dinner will Influence a school direc tor' Tote lu Northumberland county, fitness In a candldato will contluuo to be held in secondary consideration. Mlltonian. We copy the following Items from the Sliamo kin Iltrald of this week I On Ti'ssday morning Lewis Bhroycr, an old man employed as fireman nt the Cameron Col liery, while crossing the Reading Railroad nt a point opposite the Gap bridge Tor the purpose of obtaining water from a spring, was struck In the back by tho tender of and engine. He was thrown some distance from the track, receiving severe cuts about the bend, and, it is reared, fa tal Internal injury. The engineer blew the whis tle, but Shroyer, not noticing the engine, suppos ed it to be that of tho passenger on the Shuino kin Division, which was passing at tho time, nnd paid no attentiou to It. Os Si'NiuT afternoon a trestlo-work at Big Mountain Colliery, some 150 feet in length by 50 fecet high, fell to tho ground. It wu erected about three years ago for the purpose of working a drill on Buck Ridge, but had been In disuse for over a year, nnd fell from its own weight. A portion of it struck a stable In which were sever al mules, killing two and badly Injuring another. Some half dozen boys weio playing around the stable nt the time, but with the exception of one, named Clark, they escaped iujury. The unfor tunate boy had an arm fact u red by a piece of timber falling upon it. About 4 o'clock Tuesday morning a fire broke out In the foundry of Flsler A Medlcr, which but for it timely discovery and the prompt action of a few persons living In the vicinity, would have laid In ashes the entire works and a large amount or property surrounding. When discovered, smoke and llama were issuing through the roof nf the foundry on the sido next the core house (a small brick building attached) but fortunately the fire bad made hut little headway nnd a few buckets of water, Judiciously applied, sufficed to put it out. It originated in the core house from the Igniting of some pattern lumb.-r which had been plnced there to dry, the flames foiciug their way throned the top of the door and couimnnt cat'ing to the side nnd roof or the building. Mr. David Stinuscr, a huckster, who happened to be driving nlong Rock street, discovered tho fire, and ho not only promptly gnvt. the alarm, but stopped bis team and rendered able assistance In putting It out. To him and Mr. Henry Shipp, who was the first upon the scene, is ninluly due the credit of saving the building.' Tub New Tork and Western Thentrical Troupe closed their engagement at this place ou Monday evening last. Their performances were of such a high character that it dieted full houses every evening, although the weather was extremely hot. The company Is ono of the best that is traveling. They are artists In ability and ladles and gentle men socially. During their short stny they made many warm rriends who will bo sure to give them a hearty welcome should they ever viflt this place again. ... u .. . . Tl,. WAnn, in tern 111 the Post Office nt this place, went into effect on Monday Inst. This will prove a great convenience to our business men generally. Mr. Smith, tho. rastiuastcr, will be found very oblig ing, and mauy of the Inonvenleucus experienced In the past, will now be done away with. NoiiTllt Miifiiil.ANn. This place, which is built on the point of land between tho North aud West Branches of the Susquehanna, at their Junction, is nearly a rentnrr old. It was laid out about tho year 1T7I or 17T5, by Reuben Ilayucs. Its inhabitants, during the Revolutionary war, were obliged to escape being murdered by a cruel ene my. They lied nnd took refuge at Fort Augusta, which Is now included in the Borough limits of Sunbury. The town wus not again re-occupled until 1785. It was incorporated as a borough on the 14th of April, 1828. Tbo Centennial Celebra tion of Sunbury having proved a success, it Is not likely that the citizen or Nathuiuberlnnd will allow the opportunity to pass by without ap propriately celebrating their Centennial Anni versary at Its proper time. Frceburg Conritr, Looktno Glasses. A Tcry One assortment of looking glasses have Just been opened at B. L. Raudenbush's Furniture Store, lu Masonic build ings. They are handsomely framed, aud what U more, are sold at very reasonable prices. Fur niture of every description is constantly kept on hand aud bis burial caskets and corpse pre servers are now procured at his establishment at astonishingly low prices. Handsome. Mr. Meiick, successor to Dr. Moody, in tho drug business, has lately been en gaged In repairing bis store room, aud refitting It. It is arranged In the most artistic style, and I probably one of the prettiest stores In our town. Mr. Meiick understands his business tho roughly, and with none but the best article in his store, he can expect a large Increase of cus tom. Fire! Fire! Insurance ou any kind of pro perty should never be neglected. Ail property wauts to be Insured in good and reliable com panies, so when losses occur that the money is at once paid over. Among the most popular and punctual Iusurance Companies is the People' Fire Insurauce Company of Philadelphia. Thou, ands Insure lu this company on account of safe ty, reliability and prompt paying or losses. Lire Insurances are taken at the lowest rates consist ent with security. For further particulars ap ply to Isaiah 8. Gossler, agent, Sunbury, Pa. List of Letter reraalulng in the 8unbury Post Office, July 17, 1873 1 Mr. J. B. Basler, John W. Campbell, Will McCormlck, Andrew Crick, Dr. Win. J. Chand ler (2), W. A. Chadwick, J. E. Emrick, Thoina L. Fryinire, Tho. McGce, Geo. J. Haas, M. T. Heiutzelman, Miss Josephine Heudy, George 8. lllmcs, Wm. W. Oosmau, Michael Oppcnlieiini r, Mrs. Sarah E. Purkcu, Mr. Rogers, James 11. Russell, J. Fred Reamer, Jacob U. KceU, Aiex. II. Bpenccr, Mrs. Louisa Suipnian, Miss Maggie Bilverwood, James Sbith, A. C. Bimeson, Frauk A. ttuiink, Mr. Asa SeasUoltz, Jacob Shlpe, G. A. Suouller, C. F. Bhiudel. J. J. SMITH, P. M. Fire. On Tuesday afteruoon a fire broke out In the lumber yard of the Watsontown Lumber Co., and before discovered and put out a pile of about 12,000 feet of pine lumber wa partly liurucd. The fire originated from a spark of a locomotive which had been In the yard a short time previous to take out some car. The now gum bucket of the book and ladder company Kuie brought Into use and were valuable assist ant In extinguishing the fire Waftontowt lite, trd. Tbi Best Wat A the cucumber aeaou 1 at hand we give an old physician's way of pre paring cucumbers for use. Pare them a nicely a possible, then cut them luto very thin slices, and aeaa thara with pepper, salt and vinegar. T4u fj'e tbern to to Isot Trial I.Ut for fonrt Cortintenetng Monday, Aug. 13, IS7'J .... B f Blaymaker'a nae v Jeremiah Bavldgi. Aaron Keber v John Crook. , ' Nngle A Owen vs 2 P Boyrr. Mayor A Morgan vs Joaoph VandtrV ' Jeremiah Wllvcr r Robert dntesmnn. Henry T John v The Co. of Norlh'd. Michael Dalton VS Hongeland. Jonathan Retta vs John B Welser. ' Geo. Emcrlck's use v Cornellu Troutman. J B Musser vs Benjamin Hendricks, Executor. Q W Row v M'chael llahn and wife. J W Cake va George Harrison. Fagloy A Btartzel v John Foy, Fxeeutor of D D Conrad, deceased. J II McCormlck vs T A Hull, Chief Burgess, and Town Council, C C Blranb nnd others. Samuel H Bush, C J Miller and James M. Trcx Icr v Jno Bartholomew . A J Btroh v Thomas McGow. A J Rtroali v D Druckomillnr A an. A J B'h v D W Drnckcmlllor A an. Ira T Clement vs Jacob Reiner. Com of Pennsylvania vs Simon Sides, Cenductor and Engineer on P A E Railroad. Tobias Basnm vs Elins Lahr. Joseph Long v H D Hunter. Joseph Warner's Executors vs J B Manser A an. W II Persing v Wclscr A Frlck. Tho Henry Clay Coal Company vs Grant A Bro. Catharine' Daiid vs The Enterprise Coal Company and Cobert Ammermnn. Catharine Reed, et at, vs The Catawissa R R Co. Goo Troxel, et al. v Daniel Becklcy, Sheriff. Peter Dunkle vs II K Shellenboigcr. William I Grccnoiigh v The Fulton Cool Com pany, tho Excelsior Coal Mining Company, the Enterprise Company, John B Douty and John H Gable. Adam Daniel vs Emanuel Kllngcr and Ella Bush. David Hamnn v Albert B Putnam. Oeorgo C Welker vs the N. C. Railway Co. Clluger A Co. vs John W 8iydcr, Contractor, nnd Locust Mt Coal Company owners. Wm M Cairn v Wm A Bamuel Russell. Lower Auousta, July 15, 1S73. E. Wilvert, Esq. i In your Inst Issue yon remark, "Time was when a Democrat reading the N. Y. 7Vidtm, wus tubooed by his friends." You are correct. Let me give one Instance. In 1858, tho lute David Recscr, Esq., was elected by a unanimous vote in Lower Augusta. In 1862 the Union club gave him a few copies or the dally Tribune. Ho was unwell, nnd party Inquisitors found tho pa pers lying around loose. For suffering bucIi d d papers about his house, anil evm reading them, ho was pronounced a heretic ; not sound on the goose i and, though u Democrat and an excellent Justice, ho was "tabooed," and denied a second term In 1S03. Now Groeloy Is a philosopher a Statesman a deml-god. His Abolitionism Socialism Free l.oveism Unlversnlism are nil right ; and the "nijjgtr vote" thankfully accepted. Fortunately there arc none in our township to be bought, nnd our white Republicans are not in the market. Our line Is unbroken. Camden. Editors)' Tabic. Dp.morest's Montiilt for Augnst Is on our tnble, replete with Its usual fund of Information nnd entertainment for tho Household. Beck at the Farm is tho most charming IHaMr ot American life we have perused for some lime. The many items or worth in the Month'v, and Its rtfitrtnir oi r.ihVmns should be seen by those wiio do not subscribe, and they would do so nt once. 83 per year, which a premium worth folly the amount puid. Puplisbcd at 858 Brondwav, N. Y. YorNO America Is also rrom the same pub lishing house its contents, as usual, full of ex cellent reading for our juvenile members. Miet at Piny, nnd Jtut my T.itck, are stirring illustra tions of Juvenile days entertaining enough for the edification of old beads, although juvenile enough lu incident for our young friends. $1 per year. Time nnd enlightened experience have shown that certain substances formerly used and relied on in medical practice, nro unnecessary and dan gerous ; yet some of theso substances have found t lieir wny Into medical compounds. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, however, contain nothing injurious, being composed exclusively or vegetable substances from California. For all disorders of the liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, ond digestive urKauK, oiwl for purifying the blood, they are tho most woudertui r..ndy known. J'J9 DusIuohb Notices. Don t illici t wnnt we liar tt?u .ndavorimx to fix on each reader's ruiud for some limn, tbat I in procuring your summer outfit, or In getting j any new clothing a great saving cau always be j effected hy .going direct to the clothing estahllsh j ment of Thos. G. Nott, ou Third street, bc'.'-iw I Market, when) a vast assortment of the finest clothing is mado up la the latest style at the very lowest prices. Aiirn Again. Wm. H. Miller, the enterpris ing hoot and shoo dealer nt the Excelsior Btore, on Market Square, purchased the first ticket sold nt the new depot, at this place, on Monday of last week. Mr. Miller in always wide awake in business, nud manages to get ahead everywhere, paitiuulaily in boots and shoes. lie gels the best article at the lowest prices, nnd then gives bis customers the benefit. Men like Mr. Miller make lively towns, ni:d their patrons are alfnys satisfied. Sr VI. 111 SlT.TNO AND SfMMER II ats. A large supply of stylish Spring and Bummer Hats to suit all fancies and tastes has just been received nt S. Faust's store, Market Square. A specialty lu straw hats j and the lightest, coolest and neat est hat lu use is the ventilated eassimere hat. A large stock to select from, stylish goods and rea sonable price. Call aud exumlue before pur chasing elsewhere. Vardiss at Welmer's. I huh Poi-lins at Weiinor's. ' Plaid Poplins nt Welmer's. Plain Poplins at Welmer's. Chintzes at Welmer's. Sl'Kivo Shawls nt Welmer's. An endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Geut's and Children wenr. Call ami seo for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Special Jiotlct'g. On Marriage Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere with Marrpige, and ruin tbo huppinese of thou sands, with sure means or relief for the Erring nnd Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Seut in sealed letter envelopes, rree or charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 3, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUML1S1IED ns a warning nnd for tho benefit or young Mitn and otnert who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss or Manhood, etc., sup- '"''""'THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by oue who cured him self, after under going considerable quackery, and seut free on re ceiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June S, '73. fimos. Brooklyn, N. Y. TO THE KlFfEKIVG. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing in Brazil as a missionary, discovered In that land of medleiues a remedy for Consumption, Bckofila, Soke Throat, Colons, Colds, Asthma, and Nehvoi s Weakness. This rem edy has cured myself after all other medicine bad Tailed. Wishing to benefit the suffering. I will send the recipe for preparing and ninur this remedy to all who deslro it IfKtiE OK CHARGE. Please seud an envelope, with your name and addrca on It. Address, Rev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, MB Bkoadwat, Oct. 141871. ly. New York Citt, "2 S 5 3 . i o S 6- , 1i5 In Point township, on tha td of Julv. after a tang and painful Illness, Mrs. ELIZABETH COLLINS, wire of Charle Collins, Esq., egoJ 09 year. NU.MtlUY MARKETS. Floor aul Grain Market. Extra Family H9.00;Red Wbent.p. bn.,13.00 Buckwheat, p. ct., 6.00 Rye, " 80 Corn Meal, 2.50:Corn, 70 Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1. 50' Buckwheat 1.00 Shorts, il.00.Ont. 32 lbs., 50 Corn A Oat Chop, 3.00 Flaxseed, 3.X5 Timothy Seed, p. b. 8 001 l'rodnce Market. Potatoes, B0;Ttnms, 15 Eggs, per dot., 13 Tallow, 8 Buitcr, per lb., So'Conntry Soap, 8 Lnrd, " 13'Drlcd Apples, 1 Bides, " Jo! Poaches, 19 i Shoulders, 10 NIMIIHY COAL MAKKET. HETAIL AT WHARF. RETAIL DELIVERER. Ktrg and Stove t3.fi0 Egg Hnd Stove (4.50 Chestnut !i 50 Chestnut 8.50 Pea l.SOiPca 2.50 bbcrtismtnls. BUTCHERY! BUTCHERY! MrrN. ItKFFKiV & BOWER, Third Street, opposite Central Hotel, 8UNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand the very choiewst of fresh It KEF, MITTOX AM) YE A I which is sold at the lowest prices. Meat can bo had nt all hour during the day. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. Presidential Campaign' CAPS, CAPES A TORCHES 8cnd for Illi-stratho Cin cn.Aii and Price List. CUNNINGHAM A HILL, MANt'FACTTRERS, L No. 304, Cm urii Stiikkt, PHILADELPHIA. June a, lOi. 4 mo'. Eating House. Waltz &Bright, Third Street, opposite thu Mooro & Dlasingcr buildings, SUNBURY, PENN'A., bnve opened an Eating House, and furnish .11 ra ut nil Hours. All kind or Game In si.'arou, Fifh, TurtV, Oys ter". &c, nro served up lu tha best ety. Families supplied w'tb Turtle So"ip, Ac, at the shortest notice. The best of Malt Liquors at the Bar. June 23, 1873. tf. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGJXT, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, I'ENN'A. Decorating nnd Paper Haiigit-g done In the lnteit Improved style. Orders solicited," which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Purdvtown, Emerick's building. Sunbury, May 11, 1872.-tf. gkam) ori:xi.j of t lie largest and most f.islilonablo stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, und Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at THOS. J. XOTT'N Mh.KIJllA.Yi liWiwiv PTonn, lu Miller' Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUNBURY, I'ENN'A. The most fuMilonuble clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Suits of all sizes made tip at tho shorten ?io tiee, rrom the best selected slock in New York and Phr.a'Mphi.i. Call nnd be convinced. Til OS. G. NOTT. April 30. 1873. "VTOTICE is hereby given that ou the nine 1 tccnth day of March lust past, the petition of the Northumberland Conuty Agricultural Society was presented to tho Court of Common i'leas or Northumberland county, praying the Court to arid ceitaiu amendment to Us l oo Mitntion, which said amendments were and re main filed ia the Prnthonotnry's olliec of the said county, and unless sufficient reasons be shown to the contrary on or before the first day of next term, the prayer of the petitioners will be grnuted agreeably to tho Act of Assem bly in such cases mnau and provided. WM. 1). HAUPT, Proth'T. Sunbury, May S4ih, 1873. TO DOOK AGEXT& M.1IIK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK, CC Houghing It, Is roady for Canvassers. It Is a companion vol. ume to "Innocbnts Adiioat," or which 100,000 copies bnve been sold. Don't waste t'me on book no ono wants, but take ono people will stop you in the streets to mbscribe for. "There Is a time to laugh," nnd all who read this book see clearly that lime has come. Apply ul once for terrilorv or circulars. Address, DUFFIEI.I) ASHMEAD, Publisher, TJlasmr Street. Philadelphia. O. V. KEEPER. rt. A. CASS. New G oods I Dry Goods, Kotions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Nails of every variety, at one low price, KEEFEIl & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange same a cash. Call and see us. KEEFF.R A GASS. Sunbury, April 27, 1873. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has In slock and constantly icceiviug NovrUic In hi Hue, consisting lu part of a full line of AMERICAN, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A Co., Walthnin, Mas sachusetts, and Boy' AMERICAN WATCHES; Also, a full set or Ladies, and Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral and Gold sets, Fur-Rings, Necklaces and Pendants, Onyx aud Jet Jcweirv. Solid Silver-ware or Sterling purlt), made to or der. Uridal and Presentation Piece, Knives, Forks and Spoon In cases, also, a full line or Silver Plutoil Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Sets, Erbit Slauds, Cake Baskets, Coffee Urns, Fork, and Spoons treble plated, thehet In the market SPECTACLES. ir you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, grouud from minute Crittle Pebbles mel ted together, and derive there name "Diamond" on accouut of there barduess aud Urllliaucy. They will last many years without change, nud warrauted Burlor to all others In use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal baudlca in case sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day aud Thirty hour Clocks, also Cu lender Qorks ol U disci 1 p. lions. Engraving doue at the shortest notice. Wat cine, Clock and Jewelry, Repaired mil Satisfaction warranted. All irood will be (old at tha very Lowest Cash Price. Every body Is cordially IuviledloCallaud Examine for themselves. Don't forget the place. T. B. SHANNON. I Suabury, f. i -tf. To DebiliUtod renoo. k To Dyspeptic, To 8u fib rem from Liver Complain To tlioso having no Ajtpotito, To Iboao with IJrokpo Down Csnslitu- lona, To Kerroui Z'eoiue, To Children Wasting Away, oany with Debilitated Digeatlve Organs, Or tuffltring with any of th folioteing & mptomt, tohiok indicate VtmrdereA Lixr Stomach, such Con stipation, Inward ' Plies, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dingust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stom ach, Sour Eructntinns,niuklng or Flittiarinrr nt tho Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and DHUcult Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart, Clicking or Sntl'ocat. Ing Sensation, when In a Lying TostuM1, Dimness or Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Sklu and Eyes, Paiu In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning lu the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, nnd Great De pression or Spirits. Ilooilaiid's dcrmaii Bitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits or any kind. Is different rrom all others. It is comiMwed of tho pure Juices, or Vital Principi.b op Roots, Hauns and Harks, (or as medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless or inert portions of the in gredients not belne used. Therefore In nn bot tle of this Biltcrs there is contained nsmuch me dical virtue ns will be found In several gallons of ordinary mixture'. The Roots, Ac, used in this Bitters nre grown In Germany, their vitnl princi ples extracted Ir. that country by a scientific Che mlt, and forwarded to the inmiufuctory ill this city, where they nre compounded nnd bottled. Containing uo.Kplr.tuou ingredients, this Bitters i Tree rrom the objections urged against all oth ers i no desire for stimulants can be Induced rrom their use; they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, huvo nny but a beneficial effect. IIOOt'LAMrN KEKMAX TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, and is intended for use in cases when some alcoholic stimulant Is required In Co i nection with the tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains ono bottle or the Bitter, combined with puree SANTA CUUZ RUM, nnd flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, form ing n preparation highly agreeable, nnd plcnfunt to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Biltcrs. The price of the Tonic Is $1. SO per Bottle, which many pon-ons think too high. They must take into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to he of a pure quality. A poor articln could be furnished ut a cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have a good article 1 A inediciuul pre paration i-hould contain none but the best luirre diciiU ; and thi-y who expect to obtain n cheap eoniponu 1, mid be benefitted by it will most cer tniniy be cheated. IIooflnnd'M firrinuu flitters, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S Podoplijlltu 1111, will cure yon. They nre the Gnalei-t BLOOD ITR!FIETS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases niislng from Impure blood. Debility or the lifgc.tive Organs, or DWcnfcd Liver, lu a shorter time than any oilier known remedies. TIIK WHOLE SUl'ltEME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. WltO TfOl'LD AK VOK MOKF DIGNIFIED AND Snio.NTii:rt Testimony 1 Hon. Groiior W. Wo.idwaiiu, rornierly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, at present Member of Congress from Peiinyl van la writes : I'liiUani'LPHiA, March 10th, 1S07. I find "Hooliiind'a Gorman Bitters" is good tonic, useful In diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benclit In cases of debilltv, and Hunv ui nervous tit in in in me svKteni. Tours, truly, GEO. W. WUODWAnD. Hon. James Tiiomi'Son, Chief Justice of the Su premo Court of Pennsylvania. l'i!i!.Ait:i.ri!u, April 23, lSi'T. I const di r "Hoollanit's German Iliucrs" a val uable medicine in case or attacks ot luligestton or Dyspepsia. I cau certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES TIIOMI'SON. i Hon. Groiior Siiaiiswooo, Justice of the Su preme Court ot Pennsylvania. 1'uii.Ani.i.rniA, Jnne 1, 8fl8. I have found by experience that "HooBand'a German Bitters" is a very good toulc, relieving ; it nivj., iu r , in j'tuiiiB inmost inreiiiv. GEORGE tSHARSWOOD. Hon. H '.a. F. Iiontrt. .Mayor of the City of Buf falo, N. Y. Mayor's Ofllce, Bntr.ilo, June 02, lf.fit5. I have ued "lloolland's German Billers nnd Tonic" iu my family during tho past year, and can recommend them ns nn excellent tonic, iui. parting tone and vigor to the system. Their use has been productive of decidcdlv beneficial ef fects. WM.'F, ROGERS. Uoa. Jafnct 31. Wood, Ex-Mayor of WlUiams- fort. Pa. take greut pleasare In recommending "Hoof, land's Tonic' to anyone wiio may be nfilicted with Dyspepsia. 1 'bad the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keep any "food on my stomach, nnd I' became so weak as not to bo 1 able to walk half a milo. Two bottles efl'ectod a pcrreet cum. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMBER THAT IIOOFLAXDS GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every Case of MAR ASMUS. or Wanting away of tho Body. REMEMBER f.'.ctf HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines you require to purify the Blood, excite the lorpid Liver to healthy action, and to eua.i'.e you to pass safely through auy hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S POD OP II I'LL IN, or substitute for Mercury Pill. Two Pill a Dose. The most Poa-crfnl, yet Iunoccuv Cathar tic known. It I not necessary to take a hnudful of these rills lo produce the desired effect ; two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, t-lomach und Bowel of nil impurities. The principal Ingredient is Podophyllin, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandrake, which is by many times more, nciiug and Marching than the Mandrake llse'.l. Its peculiar action is upou the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstruc tions, with nil lb.) pover of Mercury, ye.l tree from the Injurious rcsiuts attached to the nse or that mineral. For all diseases. In which the use era cathar tic is Indicated, these pills will ijlvo eutire satis faction In every case. They never fail. Iu cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ex treme costiveness. Dr. Ilooflaud's German Bit ten or Tonic should be used in connection with the Pills. The tonic effect of the Bitters or To nic builds up the system. The bitter or Toulc purities tho Blood, strengthen the Nerves, icgn lutes the Liver, und give stleuglh, eueiiry und viiror. Keep your Bowel active with the Pills, aud tone up the system with Bitters or Toulc, aud uo disvuse can retain the hold, or eveu assail you. Recollect that it i DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that are so universally ued and highly recommended I and do not allow lU Di'i'ggitl lo luduce you to take auythlng eU-e that be may say I just a good, because b uiuket a lurgcr profit on It. These Remedies will ba sent by F.xpress to any locality, upon applies turn lo the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, al the GRfo MAN MEDIC INg STORK, 6S1 ARCH fcT.v PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. M. EVANS, ProprietoaV Formerly C. M. Jackion Co. The tteuif. die ar for Hal by Druggiaia, aWorcketftMtf, aud Medllne Dealer rryrwr. bAiCiiY v cos ola i V. Wells Carbolic Tablets Ton Ciitotiif, Cln.riH A Hid ukfta:-'. Ttifso Tablets picscnl the Acid ill Combmai: wttfk othur elllelent remedies u a ponu'nr forn for tho .Cure of all TIlltOAT ami LUNG, i sea vs. Hotireennta nnd literal Ion of the Tin u : are Immediately relieved nnd ti.i'f u:eut nre en-, ftan'tly being sent to the proprietor of relict i -ensfia f Throat diftlcnlll w of vrtirs niundlng. CAUTION. Don't l dec i.c t by won Imitation. Get only Wella Carbolic, Tubp Price 25 cts. per box. JOHN (J. KFLLOGC Henit for Circular. IS I'intt street, K JlS.lw E ile Agcrf for Uj.iled Stat" QOjrn A MONTH easily mado with & . 'cWfii ana Key-uncc ck Dies. fraVuie calsr and Snmplct,re. 5. M. SPENCE1;, Lrattlcbero; v . J 10, 1W. FIIER TO 1500K AGENTS! We will fend a hnntlsntm1 Prospectus ct c Naw Famii.t Run. a cotnluln nearly 500 tine Scripture lllzrtiatlnus to ay Book Agent, fre of charire. Addle, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Jl3,4vr. Philadelphia, Pa; HY JOLLY FRMfffSECRE? DIO LEWIS' New and Greatc! Work Is nn ir mense success. 13th thousand In prc--. Ag-.L' delighted and coining monev. Agents Wai,'.w ! everywhere. GEO'. MA CLE N, PuhllMicr. Jl3.4w 7;i3 Sansom street, Phi liAllE CHANCE FOR AGENTS AGENTS, we will pay you per V i enh, If you will engage with tl t osr. Ever.' lliiiitt furnished nnrl expenses paid. AddrefS, Jl3,4v. F. A. ELLS A CO., Char: .ttc, Mlcb riilifa it no llniiilMig! JL. By sending 85 Cent v. itli age,' height, color of eyes and hair, you will iccc:c by return mnll, a correct picture of your I'M nro huslmnd or wife, Willi name, and 'lute of-Jiar-liaL'c Address. W. FOX. i I13,4w. P. O. Drawer, No. 24, FultonvMle, N. Y.- ACr.XTH VTAXTEO for the Aulohlo grapby of lloritro tirorloy. A ncw Illustrated edition now readv. Get this the only ! edition wiiiten by himself and endorsed by tb j Tribune. A No, the Life, nnd Times of I fi. j rniit, by Hon. J. T. Hcu lley ii-r'. orr IH7H Cniiiitigii .tlnuitrl for all paitie, Jiitt out, prise if 1 .AO. One Airent sold 80 in llirco days. Splendid Staid Portraits of Greeley, also I ol Grant. ?30d a month made sell'mir lh- ubova. E. B. TREAT, Publisher. jt3,4w. SJ5 Broadway N. Y. j AciKXts ! Agents! Ae:t3! Send Tor descriptive circular nnd special terms' j for the greatest eaiiim!gii book publish";' : McClcIlan's Republicanism in America. I Owiuir to the pre "nt political cxcileinei't. will , sell for the next six month like il.i lire. Is thu : most relinb book in the market. J. .M. STODDARD A Co.,, JI3,4w. 7:',3 n soui SirtTt, Phila.' It is not n physic which may g:ve temporary relief to tha sulTerer for the first few iio..i s, but which, from coi.tinucd use brlnirs Piles and kir -dred diseases to aid in weakening tlis invalid, nor is it a doctored liiinoe, which, under the popular namo of "Bitter.." Is so extensively palmed o!f on the public as sovereign remedies, tint H is ii most powerful Tonic and alterative, pronounced so by the lending medical authorities of Ltndon anil Par's, end lni3 been long used by t lie regular physicians of other countries with wonderful io-' medlal results. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUREBA ruiaius all the medical vhtnex peculiar to tho plant and must be t iken ui u permanent cn:ative agent. Is th:re w.intaf action In jour Liver & Spkcu t Un!e rc ieved r.t once, tha blood become im pure by deleterious pc-reiioiis, .rodiieing scrafu lous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Panuloa,' C.iiikcr. l'iniplcs, c, oVc. Take Jurubeba to c!caue, puify und restore th vitiated blood to healthy eclion. Have yon a Dyspeptic Sstmnach I Unless di gestion U promptly eided tho i-ystem U debilltM led with loss ot v iuil force, poverty of the Itlood, Dropsical TeniiCUcy, tluuvrul Wcukuess tr LkSiI tude. Take It to HfsNt Digestion w ithout reneti. ii, It will impart youthful Mgor to the -.veary s itfcrer. Have jou weakness of the L.tcuncs ( Yon are in danger of Chronic Diari liota or ,iic urccd f ul Iud imnialioii of'tlic Bowels. Take ll to nllnj irritution and aard off tcr.dcn.' cy lo iiillamiiiatliius. Have you weaknes of the t'terltie or Crinary' Organs ? Vou must procure inttant relief or yoil are lii.l.'.e In aiitlei ins v.orse than death. Tako ii tn strengthen organic weaknes or llfo bennies a burden. Finally it should bo frequently taken to kc.cp' the system in perfect health or you are otherwise In great danger or malarial, miasmatic or couta glutis diseases, JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Plait St., N. T. Sole Agent for the Coiled States. Price, lI er Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w j A ROYAL CIIAXCE! j An Army nf Llvo Agents w.-.iited to sell r. new j beautilully Illustrated su'ihcription c lition of ono wi i in: iii iii si jji'iim in merim'ie, oi wonu-w iuo fame and surpassing excellence. Kobinsou Crusocv A STiti'inIM ncltivo. iami F,fUl iviit.ib ......nn l..,'- i - i ' I -.. mii- td wpcr eiegaut biudiiig, only f A marvel' j or chenpness ! A mine of wealth! It is the I most rare, pomiiar, handsome aud clwap book extant, and will onteM nil others. For terms,' address, Hl'BllAIlD BROS., Publishers. Jta,4ir 7U'3 tSansom St., Pbil'n. Now at work, or looking for antiie new b'ook, will miss it If Uiey do not at once wiitc for circulars' or the lien selling book published. Extraordin ary Inducements ottered. Piilits more than don-' bio money. Oul fit five. Address, F. M. REED,' lot) Eighth street. New Tork. j2tl 4w. A fi E N T S W A N T E D for cioonsri-.KiiT Presidential CanipaigiiBook'. I'.ory ( llicrn mil It. Also, for CAMPAIGN tiOODS. Addres CiOODSPISeU'sEMPIUKl'rRLISIUKO IIousis' 107J.ilM-rty Pi., New York ; or, Cincinnati, O. A;KXTS lVAXTKD-for the Uvm et GRANT I GREELEY I WILSOS! BROWN f ' And the leading men of all f utiles. Oven -lO' rTKFi. roimiAirs. Just ttte tiook wanted by tha every wliem. Afei:ts nicer villi wonder ful success. S.-nd fox t'ircalay and secure terrlv tory at onee. Address, &EGLER A Sk-Cl'RDY 618 Arch street, Philadelphia. JS-4. Kounetl)' Hemlock Ointment oudr ibtance of cruineul l'hynlclans mid i nan sueeecd'tl in utilizing jlyfe-" tlie iiie.licinal properllcs coniaiue t (kjfbf ed In the Oil, Pilch nnd Rosin of the Hemlock 1 ne, and obtained a1 vatiti.bic picpaiatlou to be applied a a Salve or l'li'stir for Rheuma tism, Croup, Pain or gorenes of the Back, C hc-t or tftotrnl'li. Piles, Salt Klieum, Honrvy, Sole, I'lcers, llln,i.... R.kri. I'nr.iu Vtv..l Rilna t. tiuo.uiiir, oor Breasts und Nipples, Ringworms, Chntlng and skin diseases or inflammatory na ture. CHARLES N. CR1 TTEM'ON, Agent, JiilMw. T Hixih Avenue, New Yoik.- lTrust p, ron. Rang Am. Inst. ;. ru,l.l. n.....j f ii . i - -i j u .... 1 1 . i ' . .i.i.imi ...ill, i, I iiiiiiji iwpi, V'1! I ing; Door, Pender tiuani, Imnipiag nnd tasking I Grans, lire.t Draft. 1L 1 1 1 K, WA.KRFN Si. i O e Wat'T ftu-if, Nt w tork. ''.-. . '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers