jVUscrlliincous. inmfitctiircrs. From Wood' HomehoUl Maga.Hnt. Dyspeptic Cookifs. Ona cup iuolns s, oiuvlinlf cup euar, one ckJi oo tabic spoonful vinegar, ouo of water, vnu of gin ger, one of suiia, and salt to taste. SroKdK Cakk. Ono pint of sifted flour, otic pint (lifted sugar, six eggs, cup two thirda full of warm water, lemon. 15ut llio whites of the c?ps to a still' froth ; beat tlie nsl (except tlio llour) lilt ecu luiuutes ; nild flour nncl whites of eppa just before placing in own, stirring ouly cnouph to inix evenly. This ia excellent for roll jelly cake. TkA r.iscriT. One pint thick cream moderately sour ; 0110 teaspoon soda, one teaspoon civaru tartar ; llour suDlcicnt to roll out. .Hake in quick oven. These arc pronounced better than cuke. Pulverize the soda and cream tarter very finely with ii knife, and mix in the Cour before adding it to tho other iugredientB, for cither cake or biscuit. Puijie Vixeoak, ix Three Yekks. Molasses, 1 quart; yeast, 1 pint; warm rain-water, 2J pallous. Put into a keg or jup, and tie a piece of gauzo over the buug to keep out dies and let in air. To PoLifii Tins. First rub your tins with a damp cloth ; thcu tike dry flour and rub it on them with jour hands ; after wards take an old newspaper and rub the th.ur off, and the tins will shine as wtl! as if half an hour had been speut in rubbing them with brick-dufck or powder, which spoils the bauds. Oxi-Kc.o Cakk. 1 cup of butter, ll cups of sugar, 3 cups of flour. 1 egg, 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 teuspoouful of soda, 1 cup of raisins. UiiAniFfL Cakk. 3 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, j cup of butter, i cup of sweet milk, 3 cups of flour, 1 teasp Jonful of cream tar tar, i cup soda. Heat the butter, sugar and yolks of eggs together ; then lastly the whiles. Put ail together and stir quickly. Flavor with lemon ; bake 25 in'mute. Di vide the quantity and put currants iu ouc half, aud you have two kinds of cake. Quick Loaf Cakk. cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 2 6vcet milk, $ cup butter, 2 tcaspooufuls creiun tartar, 1 soda, raisins and currants, nutmeg. Hako three-quarters of an hour. Raised DorouxuTs. 2 cups of sweet milk, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, a piece of lard the sizo of au egg, J cup of yeast. Knead it at night ; iu tin? morning, if light, knead it over ; v.hn raised auain, roll out, and cut them and let them lie on the board un til light before frying. Crullers.! tablespoons of sugar, 3 do. melted butter, 1 cup of milk, 1 egg, 1 tcnapuutiful cream tarter, soda. Roll thin and try quick. Clove Cake. 1 coffee-cup of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of molasses, I tablcspoouf'il cloves, do. of cinnamon, 4 nutmeg, J cup of milk, 1 cup chopped rai sins, s of a teaspoonful of soda, 3 cups of flour. TAi'iccA Pcddixo 3 heaping table spoons of tapioca soaked iu a cup of warm water, 3 eggs, 1 pints of milk ; scald the n::!k and stir in the tapioca ; beat the yolks aud J cup of sii;;ar together, and stir iu w hilst building ; pour into a dish and then stir in the whites beaten to froth. Flavor to suit the taste. UrNOEKKRFAD PCDDIXO. 1 Cttp of mc- Jasses, i cup of butter, 1 cup of water, 1 tcpspoou of ginger, 1 round teaspoon of toda, 1 cup of chopped raisins. To be steamed two hours iu u tin pudding form, and eaten with sauce. CixcixxAii SroxoE Cake. 2 cups of sugar, 3 of llour, o eggs, 0 tablespoons of boiling water, 3 tea-spoons of baking pow der. Socu Mir.u Cake. 1 cup of sour milk, 1 cup of sugar, cup of butter, 2 cups of llour, 1 egg, i lewl terjpooiiiul of soda, i cup chopped raisins. Spice to suit the taste. Arri.E Fruit Cakk. 1 cup of dried ap ples soaked over n'ht, the.!'. tu anted uniil cft; put them into 1 cup of molasses, and simmer them slowly until well cooked ; when cool add one egg, 1 cup of fcii-ar, $ cup of butter, i cup of inik, 24 cups flour, 1 Uaspoouful of soda, cream tartar, aud spice. Cottage Fcddixo. 1 pint of flour, 2 eggs, i cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cream tartar, j of soda, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 cup of milk. Hake in cups one-half hour. To bo c.ileu with a sauce. Yoolkx Garments. All wooleu gar ments hanging iu dsets unused through the summer, mio'.-.'.J be at least three or lour times during the season thoroughly brushed and hung out of doors in the sun and wind. Sleigh robes Miould be sealed uj) like, tho smaller and choicer furs, but in default of this protectiou should never be allowed to remain more than two weeks uunng mo hot weather without receiving a shakiug aud airing. Remedy run nervous Headache. Take a dessertspoonful of common bodn, kuch as is used in iimkiua bread, and dis solve it thoroughly in a quart of cold wa ter, with this thoroughly shampoo the head lor about live imuutes, tcralchim' tho skin of the head and back of the neck well with the liuger nails ; thcu rinse th'j head with cicaii cool water. Pickled Peaches. One pound of su car to each riuart of vir.ccar : wine the peaches and stick a elovo or two in each ; Iiour the vinegar ovrr tlieni while boiling lot. After u few days boil the vinegar again and pour over them. I' so as much fruit as too vinegar will cover Pickled Ciif.rriks. Two ounds of sugar to each quart ot vinegar, biMcd with a lew Bucks oi cinnamon and whole cloves, skim the vinegar while boiling. Prepare piuuis uuu grapes toe same wuy. Muffins. One. f,u:irt of flour, a pint of u r,i i I Ij- n lilt1.. . ... . t ... ill tU UitllV, l IHllf V.ISl, I O U CgS, n nine salt, two spoonsful butter melted ; let it net iu rise, wuen ugni put in rings. How to luiEX a Haiiv. A farmer, who had pusked innumerable sleepless login, iinniiii uiiizeu mniseii uy discover ing a method of keepiug babies quiet. Tin iikxic oi oiierauou is as loiimvs ; As Soon us tho soualler awakes, set it no. orntmnl by a pillow, if it cannot kit alone; then smear li$ lingers Willi Illicit treacle ; theu put uati a dozen leathers into its hands. und it will sit and pick tho leathers from one liana to the other until it dioi.s asleep, As scon as it wakes again, treacle mid wore leathers, ami :n uIu.m of the nerve Bbtouudiug yells, there will be silence uud enjoyment unspeakable, AVidows. An exchange paper, tho edi tor of which, no doubt, lately "set up" with a widow, goes oil thus ; "For the other halt oi a courting match there nothing like an interesting widow. There is as much diilereueo between court in:; damsel uuu a wiuow, us mere is inffiiviice between cyphering in uddition nutl the double rule of three. Courting a girl is like eating liuit, all verv nice as far as it extends, but doing the amiable to a blue eyed U-rcaved ono iu black ciupc, comes uuuer mo ncaci oi preserve rich, pungent, syrupy. For delicious courting, vrs repeat, ZIVW us nvs ,uow, 00 TO x xt rar :e: NEW W a o H O to Central Variety Store! of all kinds, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SIIAAVLS, ALP AC OAS, CORDED ALPACCAS, Dditnop, Tickings, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood and Willow Ware. CARPETS. b BOOTS ate 4 in great variety, lower than the lowest in yv'xw. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Gro to FIDSTIsrEY'S for the GiratcBt Variety of Goods arriving VICTOR I VICTOR gent for the ictoi 5 MARKET NTREET, one dour c nut or Sunbuiy, Miiy 4, ly. i&fi'smcl Spring enin AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popula c SUNBU11Y, PEXJN A. Now un li.c.ij mid receiving nu enormous Bosortiuent of Sl'KIXG GOODS. 300 BRESS 500 Business and Working Coats, 400 Dress Pants and Vests, 500 Business and Working Suits, 15 18oy Suits. ITS FIIO oi,rl f nrt A H IMS 'miu h nil l A A grand nseoiiiuciil la this line, liidndliis nil the JJOI S J1AXS The Larrt'5t Assoruncnt iu th':t Hue Callen from "Tic lip. "Wliitu Iln i-s Shirts from f rlTV aud ECl-IPll HIsi: I'ltK.-- lliRT's. Gents' Spring and 500 Overalls and Oversliirts uiade to uidi'r. Ouly th'j best material used nnd well sewed. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, and uuniL-rous other articles. All the above gooils will be oflercd at lluyins; only of the l(ir;r-st and most reliable Houses, flud for CASH only, nnd doinr bv far tin; largest buiiiehs in my line iu this part of the country, I am euubled to Bull UETTEK AKTICl.ESat Iflowcr Prices than any of my competitors hero or else where. Call at the Large and Ikautiful .Store lloom, Corner Market and Third Streets, S UsT13TJK PA. Sft nEliZEELpETlj Proprietors Sunbury, March 2-i, 1872. ly. Niriug nud ftuimiier OpruiiiK .mii.m.i:kv (.uoiis. Hats and iSnuuctc, Trimmed I ntrimnied, IHIUJOXS, 1'LOWKltS. W'UEATIIS, L.VCES, &c, all new lylc. rnp Veil ol'ull ;iaIfN. CUAl'E II ATS AM) l.OXNETS, and everyihinf ubually keit In u Millinery t?tore. Cullut M. L. GOSSI.KIt'S Store, 43 South Fourth Elreet, below the t. V. R. ii., BtTNULHV, PA. April SO, 187J. VV. II. Blanks, HOUSE, SIO-3ST, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, tUNBlUV, fKN.N'A. Decorating nnd Paper llaugii'i; done In the luti sl ili.f ruvi-d style. Order ullelted, vhleh will receive prompt at tention. Ui sideuec In Puidytuwu, Euierkk't building, fctuubury, Muy 11, lb7 J.-H. C. NFFF & Second 1 ? l'ropiiulor, Coruer of Market Birauti, oppokit tb Cowl IIou Bunbjiry. .MO lrt Ma2S70. 3 i w w f I 1 a o o T. M f w Floor, Table, and Stair Oil Cloth. SHOES Q to M O t-1 ! Prices the Lowest ! Daily. Goods 9? s S I VICTORIOUS I c t Sewing Machine. Ucnrliurt'N oiifovllouorj Slor, j wotmng store, J. Kt very hite.-t Pining Slv'.cs. A lariru varlctv of AM) C A I S. to be fuuud ou'.cide the laipt cities. 1.00 np. Aircnev fur tlie Ci'lclirntid QITAKFU . v,'rv ..ne of which is L-uaianteed a icrfcct tit. Siiimnci Undenvnre. A. M. MEIXELL, VIHLT.H IN Aiuerli-iiu uiul Earoprau mat FIXE JEWELHV aud SILVEIIWARE! IVrTi'i'tcd N'cIhi'1p nul V.jv (lUNNrit. COIJ1 HEADED CAXES. Watches uud Jewelry innlly repaired and war. runUd. MalUet Square, BCXBURY, Pa. 8, 18T2.-tf. Feb. J-MO HOTEL, 313 aud 311 Hack Bthekt, HIILADKLrniA. Acoommotiulious flrst-cluts. fricet i 00 pur I dav. I Iu, laii-O.Sm. FR4.NK DCITBMTHiK, Prop'r. V A It I . No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, rillLADELPUIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL fi CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR. DE I'AHTMENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENAHLEI) TO PLACE I!EF( IRE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE (iENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION HF.1M1 GIVEN TO Til E SPE C I ATI ES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY l'HEM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, iWri-miOTim FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD IIERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR Til EM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. K. r.lLDWI'I.l. A CO. Fib. 10, 187U. qas ri.VTi ni'is. TH.1K AllA. 1JUCK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO MISKEV, M 11 HILL & TIIACK AHA, MAXVFACTURKU3 OK HAS FIXTURES, HROXZES, &c, &C, (lssiulclicri, lVntlaiilM, IlrarkrlM, Ac. Y-., would rcfpcctfully lnvitf the attention of pur- cliasers to our ik'u'.mt UEsortmcnt. WHOLESALE AND KETA1L SALLSH0OMS, T1S ( hrstuut Street. I MAM'FACTORV.-UVJ.mil.-IOC AXU iOH RACE I ST KELT. Auif. 19, 1871. tiii: tiitF.AT vi si: OK II U M A N Juet rubUthcJ, iu II M I S E II V . ealed i:uveloie. l'rico, tix eent. A Lecture mi tlie Nature, Treatment, and Kailical Hnre of Seminal Weakness, or tpernia tnrrliM M, inilurej by and Iinpeilimi nts to lar ri.i!.'C fiiTiilly ; ('unMiiiiptinn. Kpiiepey, and KitH ; Mental and I'liv.-ieal Iue.ipacil v, ete. liv Uy mill. J. C I l.VKUWiiLL, M. ))., author Jf tlie "iJiTen llook,'! ete. The World-reiiowiied iiuthor, in this admirable I.eeture, eUarly proves trom his own experieuee that the awlul ennsriiieiieea of Sell'-.M.upe may be elleetnally removed wit bout iiu dieinc null without danu'crniis snrtieal oiierath'!!-, bulimies, iiirtruineuts, rings, or enrdials, polulinu; out u raodu of cur at oiiec eeitain nml elleeuial, by wliich every Biulcrer, no matter what his ivmli lioii tn.iy be, may rare liinwi lf ebeap'y, private ly, and radieally. This lecture vci'A prove a boon to thoUbauile au I thousand-. bent, under teal, in a plain envelope, to any ad lreti, on receipt of six cents, or two postage Mumps, bv nd'lrcssimr the ptilili-hern. Also, I)Y. (T I.Vl'UVKI.l.-S Marriage C! tilde.' Pricu -J5 cents. Ai!ilrei th; l'nli'.Ulier h, CJIAS. .1. ('. K1.INK A: CO., P. O. Box-, 4..risr,. l-.'T How-erv, New York. April -.'7, IS','. JJAP.DWAnE FOIt ALL AT THE HAltmVAKE STOKE J. H. COrJWELLY & CO. .Market Mrecl, Niiiiburj, It is useless to ennnierate every kind of urticle in hU Store, hut anions; the leading items may he eel down tlie following: Iron, Steel, Lead. beaks, Steelyards, lirindstoneF, NulU of all kinds aud eizcs, Vices, Saw, Planes, Sieves, 1 liains, Axes, liiass and Irou Kettles, Sliovcls, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Hakes, Hatchets, arpenter anil blacksmiili Uorinu Machines, I Cellar tirales, Draw int.' Knives, Stone Slcdj.'e. Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, ! Hand Dinner Hells, nud la rye cast Iron Pie'.U for I School Uouses nnd Kartuers' Dinuer liclls, Carpenters' liench Screws, Potato Folks for dieting potatoes, Lookhifr lilasses. Tw ine, Hopes, Knives and Forks, Spoou.', Tackf, Mule uud Horse Shoes und Nails, Ilamincrs, Auiinrs, Chisels, Lanterns, oil Cloths, Urooms, Locks of all descriptions, Colfte Mills, Hits and Unices, Carriage Bolts of nil hinds, l'alnt and Wall I Uru-hes, Buckets, I Oils, Vui'iiislii'N, JupiniM, I l.vi. Soda A-li, Washing Soda, I l'AI.X'lS OF AM. Kl Its iu C il or Dry, : Parti-Colors ol all kinds, . ' ; CEDAK-WAKE aud other Wooden-Ware of all kinds uud very cheap, llav-l'ork Pullevs, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level (iiasses, Files, llinues, Coal Oil, Hems, Comlis, Screws, ! Saddlery and Shoe Findings, I BuitL'V Triinmiiiijs, Kxcclsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shol, dip uiul l'owiler, aud a creat variety of other articles. Any thing wanieii una uot ou Hand, will De ordered at ouee Sunbury, Aug. 10, lttTl. ct.xti:k or atthai tio. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the hnudsomo assortment of TOVS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL T. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame huildlii", adioinlnir Moore .t Disslnger' building, TH1K1I STHF.ET, SVXBl KV, PA. Jul opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOVM Or Al.I. KIMIS eoustiiutly on hand. The best KAISINS, FIfiS, I I'UHANTS & DRIED FKLTT. l'UHE HIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCriTS, CT.ACK'EKS, Ac. OVSTEUS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having fitted up a room expressly for terving up Oysters iu every style, Ladies and (icntleineu will be accommodated with the bc-t bivalves in market, ut all hors during the day nnd evening. Families will be supplied ut their residence w ith the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very low est prices. Call aud sec my excelleut assortment of goods aud ascertain the price. 6. F. NEVI-N. Dee. 10, 1871. a 1'itoFn ahm: ui sim:ss. LIGHT EQU AL TO GAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST I Cannot be exploded. Nochiuiuey or iek bscd. Men d-siilug a Profitable Business, can secure the exclusive right for the sale of Dyott's Pateut Curbou Gus Light burners and Oil, for Counties uud States. Write lor information or call ou M. 11. DYOTT, No. 114 South Second Street, Phllu., Pa. N. B. Churches furnished with Ctmudcllcrs aud Lamps of every description, 25 per caul. cheaier lluiu t nay olksr uhlukmeul io the country. Mich 23, l;i.-3m. RABWAY'S READY 'RELIEF lllir. TUB WOllsT TAINS In -from Ono to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR ftfUr rcftilwr tWi rnWertlvmpTit refd out out tHHKKH WITH FAIN. I; AD WAV'S KKAlY KKLIKP I A A CUtlK FOB i:vki;v rAi?t . Tt won Dm flrni IlllJ 1 Tho Only lnlr llcmcdy thit Itmtniillf irtop tho fnot mcniclatlnp ''np. ftllnri Til f 'iruinstloit, ntirt cure (.'ufrptUltift, whether of the Lung, rtirniclt, Uim'L'U ir vlhcr fEiMitd ur oraii. ly one aiipliciir IV FTIOM OXK TO TWKNTT WINfTES. Ko ninttpr how vlnioui or -Tcrnriitnie thf puln tlit KUKtT MATH', U.tlrHWn, Infirm, C'rit-iiled, 2frvou Kturallo, tr jTOslrMeil with ill.-aw mav HiitTor, RAOWAY'S READY RELIEF WII.T. AFFlini) INSTANT KAfK. INFLAMMATION 1K THE 1HNEY. INKI.AMMAT1UN OK TUB liLADDKR INFLAMMATION OF TIIK IIOWEI.S. ('(IMiKKTlON OF TTTR LUN08. P(nB TIIHOAT, Ml'KKTI.T IIUEATHINII. rALI'ITA THIS OK TUK HEART. IIYSTKRK'S, CRUUI'i Uil'IITIIKIilA. CATAltKll, IKFLVKNZA. i;t:aliaci!F, TtwrnAf he. , NKI IiAI.GIA, RHEUMATISM. COT.n fllll.TS, AOt'lti 'llll.l.ii. The niipli.-.-tion ..f t!.i- Itenitv K oHrT in tlie part or jvutu nucic th E.alu or itiUivulty cu.i wJii ajford eM and u.nifi.rt. 'i'wenly itrniti, It, linlf n I'imtj'rr t wntpr will In a few niniiH-ntu nirt- CUAMI'S. M'AKMW. Rotlt HTOMACII, 1 1 1-: -l ji t n i i : -v. tMrit itEAHAi'iir, kiarkIiea, KViKSTKIIV. Il.ll', WINK IN Tuli HyWtLS, ud nil INTERNAL PAINS. Tniwt.M. n!...nlil :unvs ritrrv n Lolllo of nninll'f Ronily itt'lirf -til ll un. A IV-w dropi iu water wlil l-ri'Vi-'i' tiki.ii1 or from rlinnrft uf wntr. ll is beitur i'AJ i'ltltCil tl'IMtV ,r lltULTfl lUI m slliiiuluttt. I'EVEtt A N O AKI II. rKVER AN D Alii K ci.r. J r,r flrty cents. Th'rf ll not ft K'llipttl.il liccht In lliii, f'rUI tl.iit wlil cure Fevirr ana Anne. util ml Mlicr MnlailcniL Ilillmi,, Pcnilpl, Tvtihotil, bellow, an.l . tl..r Kcvrra c.i.le.l l v 1!AII AY'rl PlLI.S) b inl' 1 bvl iill.-k :u l(AI AY S HI AUV llliUtt. Mir CUit HEALTH! BEAUTY! K fi'rnovn and itiie nirit m it)iNfnEASE op 1 l.li-ilt AMI WEi:HT-( I.EAI! KKIN ANU BEAU VIia'L COMPLEXION t-Et'lillED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT U MMH: TUB MOST ASTOVIMiIN(l (Tit ICS; PO t'I'niv, S Ti I'M auk tiii: 'iia;ks the P.)1)V VDi:i;r,(.l.S, I'NKFIi TIIK l.NKMTENrB K Trill i It VIA' Wu.NDEltl- iL MEU1C1K. 'J 1 1 A I' Every Day nn Incronso In Flesh and Weight I Soon and Felt. TKE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T.vtry tlrnp if n,o RAH.vM'Altll.MAN 1( KSOUV KNT c i iimiuhI1 iiir -ir'i t' IU"i., I'tiii-', a-i'l otlttf and lui-va (' ii..- '3! in t!;i vit I u f r It rfpHim lit wiutf t 1 v.S'li T v ;r" t f c ri nrtt-riit. fcrnfu.i vplil'i-, C"m'i:ti.tl -n, til ui li.' :r ti!i-, I'icrr In tho Tiir. M'. M-mt'i, Tn-'.o: N !.. I'l t . ( ftnd tit.'i tlicr part" -T iU- svstctn, S ir l"v Si 'in I 'l-linrp' frntntti! Kir, n'nl intnit futnn t.f i.,iu (livriAi-n. Kiuj I1, .iip. l-'iA-ur S i. ', F-il.l H'H. U r. V Ki'.i IJU-un., KryMj,,-! n, A -ii--. t;:.Tw'; S- !. Vi.r::.i In 1 lie FWth. T'.inf (, ( in't ii i'l I'l - V".i.I., .1 : :l Vti"t!iLi.i:i' i-ri'l ylt.ftil ilia, clii,-. Mil til S .vt'i'ts, Un. rf SiM-i in, tful n'l w -istcn ,f iho Lie rl iri'ilt'. mi within Hi. i iiiti i:iu cf lliU womIit oi Miiilfcti rlivriltr'., ftrs I n If .V i'iM." iti' Mill prove to i- "it JlOWlT t't . "ire 1 lie . If tin; pnU'iit. il.ii'v tcv-..iil"f re'liKi"'. W the wvi"n nrtj di .'i.-ii iif.ii"ti lunt it i'i"iiiini.,liv i'ru(TrMiii(f, muTUi'il In r.msii'ii; ti's" wntt-, . 1 n k!ri tin hame w':h nrw n,.v r 1 it i-n-lv f..-n lio.Jthv .lt-.J-M.d tlits tuc ijAUbAl'AUiL- N 't I.! 1 I'll. IT' ...I 1 i I nii.tuv !lfi,vrxT ct"cl nil I.i. itt rcii I im: it 'i' ;t. lll UUU Ol i liH.lMO, f-iTdliliOllK, iBCd ; but It id the only o;Uvo 1 :rt 1 T Kk!;i Kin'!i.i:n r y it rC3:n!Ser t'omsulnt, -I IV. ;i 'i i-.-iv, Ov.'l, Jili'.itc. Prnp-V V. .t-.'r. Iric,:i1i..i t,-n t l ii: trUhl IHi-ut?. I, ft ' I i'l iilri.'tM.-l'ihMUh' ll n- l.ri V i'-ift tiff- ! . -.r ll.f ..: r l tli;. , tl'Ht r,i. I v!tli iiiliManri H ii'w tl.e !i:tc f I-!-, .,r t r--;i lu-c v h 't ( r 1 1. ! J 1 ti -rli. k . ti';.-i ii'.juMi in.'., ur.d V.ti'.I. l...iif.1ii.-t Uiits, wifii t1,!.' i ii (iiihlh), Ini'i.itiif s.-rMthn . h.' in.-.Mur w at" '. iimI i .it' iu U.c Su.ull of t!iu Until ami fc.OttL I J'l 'LV, (i.co, WORMS. -T.-.c c;.Iv l.i.o vn furc Remedy f.-r 'H'tiiiwjr oi Year1 C-roivlli Cured Fy Calvny"H BCchoIvciU. !. inir, M Jul v 1, T'R. tt- i -4 f'x-,...u 1 i'l.'T iri i!e r1 t.--l . :l t.'ii; I'-ifi t "lir i . hci'.l r It." I Iriu.l -v i HV fr; L1.Vl.frnl.-li . Ii'lt l.'-tL.rc.- l.il-...l 1,1. I fftiv . ti P..-.'ifit, H I : I I wuiil I 1 1 ii ; lit Ii J f.vth ii il, I ' - I Ii .1 ,;ri ,r 1,!.-M.I-''. I I k K . tttr ft 1 0 I' i I. .1 - .o ' f V. t jivi t U. p v I ,) Uti!ti f f v-t,r il. ..- : 1 .'. t- ii r. I a . I' tu - t U n vr f. It, I i f, ,1 I tt; f, i-i.s. ter. a t Imni' T th t 1 I tv. . t mi-1, v,nri. i-!, o cr the t" 14 ) ju J I lilt l t.-t til Mr n ;t f IIAN.NAII I'. K.Ali OR. & 5FECT ATIVE PILLS, 1 lMiitrcf gvT. I 'lri-. ', .in hiuiitlUt!). Il.idna) l ii.i, l"tai-f svumrli, l.lvvr. lt.iwv!., mi Iii"'i!i.s llu.n'.'i' lie. I'l.DKtii a . In .i.i, li.iii.UMM'S", H.!- :ii r 1;.ai i nml u)i lc- .4i V:.i.'rl. V.trr.ititrl t. i !!-t i-, i ivtiUilul: s i.j mcrirur), Mr: Fv:ailot:.a iwultir.g frum TU- . T i l "... ff 0 rvvwl In ! Hull .,.r-. ;. ,i i.itr"! , l-.r,.i r-i I ml 41 .i, t I 'l. tat. it , fi.uk il- ir Kl Jltor . I., Snud.M'ii I tl Hi.i.i, Hurrl.-.l -ivi . , i.iuif 11- it, t'h. Vttv it Sjflmai V . '".:. i.. I V..I n, !'! or r, In'.l !-.. I . li.r 11.. Il,6.,i-1 i.: r- fV .i -n-1 In. l'..in III lh u l r.u,; c: JUt, Ljri.ng in tot f nil . t 1.1,1, L..I.O-, ft.. 1 : .V.'AV" VT!.T '! f . We nvntom ' . r.. 1. . i'l..!', 25 v villi 'vf .a lt. : .x I auc lSt'.v-,.(-ii. I xiii. i.iuai.uii.,,jg in.-,. n pn I'm r"r 'pit , t COMPOSE KOSADAI.I3 are published on everv pickj,', there I'oro it is not a went pieji nation, .coiiseipicntly rilTSKIAXS I KESCUIBK IT It is & certain cure for Scrofula, ..Syphili. in nil its l niH, lihunma- lisui, ibkiii lisrascs, l.ivtr (m 'pluiut und till difcsrs of tho liluod. .Will do more, good t!.aa ten bottlcf lof tiia Syrups of irsapariila. THE UNDEHSICNED PHYWCIAN3 jhave tied flosadnlis in their practieo jlor thu pist three years and tucly jendorsn it us a reiiahlu Alteralivo land lilood l'liniicr. nit. t. r. rrr. it. i f naiiinoc. llllt.T. J. UOVKIN, inn. H. W. I'A UH. " till 1' O. HANNI I.I.Y, ' 1UI. J. S. SPAHK.N, ut Nuln.Uiville, K v. DU. J. L. MtTAKTIIA, tolnmll, S. C. nit. A. 1). NOBLKS, IMgecomli, X. C USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. l llKM H k SUNS, Fall Uiver, LL'. W. SMITH. Jack : a. v. iin:i.f.u, i H) 11 A I I., I. inn. Oh l 11AVK.N Jt ( .,; SAM'!.. G. Mi 1 AD Jarkeri, .Mich. I.IUU. I'hld. idiic ildolll 11 1c. Vi. SADUEN. .Mur frees- boru, lean. I VSJ?3SB Our since will not allow of snv ex tended leHlAlks in n-Utioii to the llltlieSdi ItesAiUlls. Tothv ledleMl 1'riife'sioii nt pusrsntco n Fluid Kt trai l superior tu any tliey have ever used la the treatment of diseased Blond ; and to theatllii ted we my try Ho-iaJ.il is, and you will be reslurd to liralib Rosadalis is sold by all Dructtists. 'price 1. 00 per buttle. Address Manufacturing Chemiiti, Ualtimosb, Ud. July 22, lSU. It. WM. all llKAY, J. SI.AYMAKEIi. W M. U. I1LACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OlHce nnd School Stationery, 1'riutiiiK, WruppiiiK antl Miuillla PAPERS, 1A ri.lt 1MC.S, Ac, Ac. The Celebrated Corry Kerosene IlurniugOil always on bund. Having ulso opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply ut short notice, and at the lowest rules, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to 411 who may he pleased to Five us a call. Orders left at our olllee No. 85 boutb Third St., will be promptly filled. MUKRAY & CO. No. 55 Soutii Tbtrd biistt, Sunbury. Pa. Auj . 86, 1871. , 1 1 f i .-1 ! .,' ! S"l.'t -'.V I IM ' I Jsi- !' Y .: ! v ! i wry. ' ' It".: v . i-: " .-.ii ... v.iil ' IROSADALSS I IflACIIIKF. SHOP AXU IROSI FOITNOKV, GEO. KOIIRBACII A SON0, Nnnbnry, I'oitti'it, INFORM the public that they arc prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and Imvlnif added n new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have mpplicd themselves with New Lathes, Planing and boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With tho aid of skillful mechanics, they arc enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OH REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Grnfcn to suit any Ntove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bulld Imis. of nil Hires. BRASS CASTINGS, c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ( VERANDAHS, FOIt YAIIUS AT ItESIDUXCKS, AC, AC. The rLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been in.il I further improved, and will always he kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, lS7t. MMIIEK AM I'l.AMXJ MI M.S. Third Street, adjoiDlutf Phlla. it Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, 6CNBI RY, PA. 1UA T. CLEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Havinc all the latent improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is uow ready to till or ders i an KI1K1S ol FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornnmental ScrowlWorlt. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAHflF. ASSORTMENT OP HILL LUMUEIt. HEMLOCK nnd PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. " IRA T. CLEMENT. dccl'.i-GHily STOVE A TI X V:T Alll.ISII.fi ET. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFKED KRAUSE, l'roiuittor. sl CC ESSOlt TO SMITH OKSTIICU. J nAVING purchased tlie above well known es tabliidiment, Mr. Krause would respectfnl ly inform the pulilie that he now has ou hand a large assort nieiit of COOKING STOVES, Spccr"s Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna und others, which arc so arranged as to be ncd for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perforin satisf'actoi i- , lv or no Ealc. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to licit one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES j of diilercnl kinds at very low prices. Tinware of I'.verj' Ic'rilioii kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. KEl'AIRINU attended to villi dispatch. Coal Oil M.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware ofn a. nd.. Store opposite Coiilev"s hardware ! store. Give me a call. A. KUAUSE. I apl-M-ly t'A It It I A ( I'. Ml A 1 I VI TOR V, fciUXUl'RV, PKXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "TTTOULD re-peel tally iiiinoiince t4 the fit i- T .ens of Minb'iry and surrounding country, that he i prepared io maniifacture all styles of C'ai'i'iaii'M. It ug'.'iosi. Av., I at his new shop on cri-t MarUi t street, lie will ; furnish evciy description of Wagon-, both I L LAIN AND X1 ANCY. ! In short, will make everything i.i his line from a llrst-ehifS carriage to a u heelbarrow, waiiantvd i to be made of the be.-t and most durable lnateri- uls, and by the most experienced workmen. All I work four out from his c-tab.i-litnciil vii'.l Lc i found reliable in every particular. ! The patruiiago o! t fi pub!! Is soli.-ited. ! J. S. SE.WIOLT.. i Sunbury, Nov. 4, "i l.-ly. New Store! New (ioods! T. J. 3YROD, : Having taken '.he store room lately occupied by I 11. IVtcrs, corner of Third uud Chuich streets, .SL'XRL KV, l'A., has just opened a new store, villi an entire new stock of coo.Is, eiinipri.-iiig of Dry I mid ru''ri'.s. Tlie Dry Goods department i complete, having a general assortment of ('lot lis, Cas.-iiiu'ivs, ('alifi's, lVLitiits, and everything iu thu Dry Goods line. The 4.1C04 I.IlIilS I are all fresh, aud consists of Tea. Codec, Suar, ' Mollasses, Spices, M.j.it, Pish, ,Ve. Ylllvv- ure uiul Yt iiro, ; a general assortment. Iu fact everything kept j in a tirst-class store, can be had nt the j most reasonable prices for cash. ! Having lueated in Siinbiny for the purpose ol ' becoming one of it s citizens, 1 hope that by fair ! dialing uud strict attention to ba-iness to mc'il j a share of the pub.ic patronage. My motto is 'Small Profits and tjuiek Safes." All are cordially invited io call and examine i my goods, as no charges will be ma.le for show- lug tlieni. ! F. J. l.YROD. j Suubury, April 20, 17-2. ! Laekautiuiiii nml Itloouisliurg ltnll I id SUMMER ARRANGI MI NT OK PASiENliLH j i'. aINS. M'e.dav. Juiv IT.MsTl. I mitiiwaud. Lnve. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P M. Scrunton, : ti 45 1 45 10 05 0 50 4 00 j I licllevuc, . 0 5o 0 55 4 05 Tav!orvil!e, fl 57 10 17 7 Oi 4 IS Laekawauna, , 7 05 10 '.'0 7 11 4 2i I Piltston, 7 14 i 11 10 5 7 10 4 SO ; West Piltston, 1 7 19 10 40 7 24 4 K5 i Wvomiun, 7 27 3 21 10 47 7 SI 4 4t I Maltby, l0 Si 7 80 4 47 j W.'iharre' c"-i 7 40 3 33 ll 00 7 61 4 " ' Plvinouih Juuc., i i 8 00 5 00 ! Plymouth, ' 7 50 2 40 8 05 5.0 , Nanticoke, S il 8 20 lliinlock's, 8 07 8 80. Miickshiunv, 8 22 3 08 , H 45. Hick's Ferry, j 8 ill! I Beach Haven, 8 43 3 27 I li.rwiek, 8 50 3 84 Uriar Creek, 8 57 ; j Lime Kidg, ! 0 07 , ! Kspv, 0 14 1 Illooinrburg, 0 19 i Kupert, 0 20 C 57 , Catuwissa, I 81 nanvllle, I 51 ' Chulasky, i 9 50 i Cameron, 10 OS i I North'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 68 . j NOKTHWAHD. Leave. A.M. P.M Northuinberlnud, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Cutawissa, Kupert, Bloomiburg, Espy, Lime Kidue, Briar Cruelt, Berwick, Bench Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shicksbinny, Hunloi k's, Nanlicoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June, Klutrston, tie i st. W.-Barre ) e'rs Maltby, Wyoiiiiiit', West Pillsloa. Piilsion, Lackawanna, Taylorville, Beilevue, Bcrauton, (arrive) 10 25 11 14 DAVID T. UOVND, Sup't 5 10 5 7 ' 6 31 10 50 5 40, I tt 00 05 11 14 6 13 e it, w ; 0 84 , I 11 SB 0 41 ; It 43 fl 4S A.M.! i 6 55 : 19 00 7 0W 7 30 ' 7 24 7 45 PM. P.M. 7 1 8 00 12 20 7 41 8 15 P.M.' 5 10 1 . j 8 20 ; 15 j . , . a p., a po a am. li Of f OI O VV O o I I j 8 40 3 45 5 85 12 43 B 0C 8 45 Id 48 O SO I 8 13 8 52 64 6 4 7 13 62 8 18 U 04 3 69 5 G2 ! ! 8 2S V 14 8 07 fl 00 I 8 36 U 25 8 10 0 10 I I 8 42 V 82 23 8 IT I 1 14 8 48 V 40 I IU 9 I needing Railroad. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Maty Cth, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Rend liifT, Pottsvllle, Tamaqnn, Ashland, Bhainoliln, Lebanon, Allcutown, Easlon, Ephrota, l.ltli!, Lancaster, Colunihla, &c, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburjt for Ne Yolk, as fel. lows i At 2.45, 8.10, a. m. and .00 p. m., eon neetlug with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Rullroad, and arriving at New York at io.07 s. iu., 3.B3, and 9.43 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at 9.00 a. m 13.80 noon and fi.45 p. m., Philadelphia at 7 MO 8.B0 a. in. aud iT.iW p. in. ' Leave llarrisbnrg for Rending, Pottsvllle, Ta miKina, Miucrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokln. Allcutown and Phiiadulpliia at 8.10 a. in 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations ( the 4.05 p. in., train connecting Tor Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schnvlklll Harcn and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehauna Rullroad, leave Hurrisburg at 8.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read Ing for Allentown, Eastou and New York at 4 ti 10.40 a. m., nnd 4.05 p. in. Returning, leave New -J oik at 9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon 'nnd 5.45 p. m. and Allentown ut 7.K0 u. m. 12.85 noon. !i.l5, 4.25 and 9.15 p. in. ' Way Passenger Trniu leaves Philadelphia at 7.u0 a. m.. connecting with similar train on East Pcuua. Railroad, returning from heading at 6.90 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 a. m. and 9.30 p. m. Ilerndon at 10.00 a. m., Shaniokin nt 5.40 and 11.15 a. in. j Ashlaud at 7.05 a. in., and 13.42 nooiij Mnhanoy City at 7.51 a. m. and l.So p. ai. Tnmnqua at ti.iJS a. in. und 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York.Rcadinjr, Harrlshurg.&o. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.15 a. in. "for Ilarrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove aud Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville at 5.50 a. m., passes Reading at 7.5 a. in. arriving nt Philadelphia at 9.50 u. in., returning' leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Read ing nt 7.40 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville at 9.ii0 p.m. j Pot i own Accommodation Train leaves Potts- town at 0.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia, (Ninth, nnd Green,) ut 4.1H1 p. in. I Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at ; 7. 'JO n. in., nud 0.15 p. iu. for Lphruta, Litis, , Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lan caster nt S.20 a. in. nnd 3.25 p. in., and Coluui bia at 8.15 a. m. nnd 3.15 p. m. Perkioinen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrklomen i Junction nt 7.15, '.LOO a. m.,at 3.00 nud 5.45 p. in. Ri luiniiiL'.leavc Schweuksville ut 0.30,8.00 a. m., ; 1.05 nnd 4.45 p. m. conuectiiij; with trains on Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phos : nixvllic at 9.10 a. ni., t5.li aiul 5.50 p. m. ; re ; turning, leave liyers ut 0.35 n. m., l'J.45 noon, and 4.-'0 p. m., connecting with similar traius ou Reading Railroad. 1 Colehrookdalc Railroad Trai.-.s leave Pottstowu. ! ut !i.40a. in., l.aoand i;.'J5and 7.15p. m. .return ing leave Mt. Pleasant at 0.00, 5. JO and 11.25 a. in., an I p. in., coauccting with traius on iie.i.ii'ii; Railroad. I: -! r allcy Railroad Trains lcavu Bridge port at .;,0 a. in., 2.40 and 5.i3 p. In. returning-, ic.nu i 'on illusion ;.i u..m. nr., i..ajuooii and i 5.4-p , . oil' I. : l Mi : '; ' I'll I couuecting with similar trains on Kxad- . oau. i ! ays : Leave New York nt 3.45 p. in., Iphi.i at b.00 a. m. tin t li.l.i p. m., (ih ll.. I rr. ill I'lll'llilH (Ml! e to Ifo.t.litur. 1 e,n m H.'Vi a. Putt -i bleat S.UOn. m., lcae" i:.n-iiburg, '.'.,,i;,. m., nn I 2.00 p. in.: leave Allrulown til 4.25. 9.15 p. in. ; leave Rcadivg at 7.1T,.i. m. :i"d IO.u'j p.m. for llarrisinirg. ut 4.31 u. m. for New York, 1 ut 7.20 a. in. for Allentonn and ut 0.40 a. in. uud 4.15 p. in. for Phila ii l'a. Commutation, Milage, Season, Sch. rd and Excursion Ticket", to nud from all points ut re duced rates. ttuugiige checked through: 100 IVuuds litig gij'.C ullowed each I'asacngi r. ; J. E. WOOTTEN. Asst. Supt. .v; Eug. Maeh'ry. Aot'lii.erii t'rnlral Kailivuj. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Jane 10, 1ST 1 , trains mill nu as follows : NORTHWARD. , Niagara Express leaves Sunbury nt 13.30 p. in., for Niagara Kails : Mail arrivis nt Suubury nt 4.10 p. m., nrrive i at liliain.-port fiA: and l".ii.:i! i 10.u0 p. m. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury at 0.50 p. arrive at Wioiamrpoit 8.1", p. :h. Eli? Mail l.aves Sunbury at 0.00 a m j Wil- li itn.-port at b.t.'5 a in, and r.rrives ut F.i-.v.ira at 1.30 a la. SOUTHWARD. Mail ic.ives Sunbury ut 11.05 a. m., arrive at ITan ishurg 1.-15 p. m. Erie Expi'c s leaves Suubury at T.-iO a. in., ar rive at Ilarrisburg o.25 a. la.j Baiiiiuoie 1.1 ! p-,n- Eric Mail leave Sutibuiy at 13.45 n. in., arrive at Ilarrisburg i.iiO a. in.. H iltimore 010 a. in. Niagara Express leaves Simbury nt li.ati p in, Ilarrisburg at .15p in, arrives at Laiinuoic 11. 5i p m. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. lASlWAIlD. Leave Suubury at 4.40 p. in., arrive al oiiuiiio kill 5.5'i p. in., Ml. C.irmel 0.40 p. in. Leave Suuliarj (Accommodation,) ut 12. "5 a. in., tuitve at SiiauiV.iii 2.;-5 p. m. wt:stwMin. Leave Ml. Cartnel ut 7. Oil n. m., SLnmokln 7.4U a. m., arrive ut Suubury 9.55 a. in. J.-..V0 Sti.-imokiii (Aecoaiiiiodati.-n,) at 3.15 p. '. in., anive ut Suubury 4.00 p. in. i Apl e.- leav e d.li! V. . Ad other trains leave daily, except Sundays. ; A. R. 1'iski:. En. S. Yoi'M;, Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Passen'r Ag't., Ilarrisburg, Pa. Baliniotc, Md. rsiiliiiloliililaniid lirlo Kailroad. Sl'MMElt TIME TA1JLE. On nud alter Monday, June 31. 1S"2, tho Trains on the Pbiludc'ph'u & Eric Kail lloa l will ruu as follows : WFSTWAHD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Suubury, " " un nt K.r::, Eltnlra Mull leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, H.eO p ra li. 10 a ip 7.:itl p in 12.30 p m 0.55 p in 7.40 a in 7.50 a in 4.25 p ut 7.45 p in 7.20 a iu Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " bunburr, " " nrr ut Uenovo, EASTWARD. Mail Truln leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " urr ut Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Eric, " SiinbiirT, " ' nrr al Philadelphia, F.lmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr nt Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Keiiovo, " " Sunbury, " " arr al l'liiladciidii.i. 12.o5 p m 4.15 a m 112 5 a iu 12.40 a m A. 40 a iu 7.50 p ra 7.40 a in 1.20 p m 735 a m 10.5,1 a m 5.50 p m 2.25 p m ti.25 p in 12.01 a m Mail Kasl connects cist and wirt ut Etie with L. S. .v. M. S. H. V. uud at Corry and Irviueton with nil Cieek and Allegheny It. K. V. Cattai;sa passcumr traius will be run east from Wtlliamsport on Erie Express, and west, la Wiliiuuispuit ou Eluilra Mail. VVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l tsup't. NnOKTi:S l' KOI I K F.ASTM ARI. Danville, llHilctou A VlIkbrre Itail KoHtl, WISTER AKRANGEilENT. LEAVE EAbTWARD. ITAVE WESTWaJtO Suuburv, O 20 a m M pnuville, 7 02 " lullaw'a, 7 2S " , r Hazleton, 9 08 " u N. York, fl 00 a m Easton, 85 " PLU'a, 8 10 " Bclhlu'm 10 05 " Bethle'ra 18 10 p m Phlfa, a 15 " Eastou, 12 S5 " N. York, 3 50 M Hazleton, 1 P0 p ro Caliaw'a, 2 40 Paiivillc, 8 20 " bunbiiry, 8 57 " The afternoon train connects ut Euuubury lih tho Philadelphia Jt Erie, 4 35 p. in., train poind west, arriving at Williaiusporl fl 80 and Lovk Haven 7 55 p. in., anil witu me .onuciu veu- tral 4 50 p. ni., inovlii(i soulb arriving at Harris- I bure 7 IK) D. in., and Baltimore 10 45 p. us., aud I also wllb the Suubury iV Lewistowu K. H. Comfortable and baudtouie roaches on tbls new route. I. HfcKY E I KASF, . cmeriutendfnt. I l I J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers