StU) fcbcrliscmfitts. Jftlsrdlanfons. Mxla and Mineral 11 ntcn. Tlio nppronc 1 i'f tint tvnrm smsm lend uto rlevote a U-v wunis in Hici cunsiiltrn tlon f tho niUtiru mil lieallM'uliictg nf the VftriiAis bevernjtts which nru sold ly tlnu gists, confectioners, gtvivriv etc., tuuW tlu nanles of aia-wnUr, Sill eeMvntcr, etc. Within a few your tin " ialf of tiles;; U-vcrajfi- lias largely iiKTi-nt-edin most Cuvim nnd cilh s in this i-mintiy, rtinvnst txt'ti! is incurred, by tU-tiU'ta il titling u j.i iippuruuia of rmuljlo anil mIvit 'J.rdtili which ti d.PjiniRi! the clllrv csnjinn fojuiiis. Tin; ii;i;virtu 1h iirt:iiii!y vm 'sjlcgntit fti.d nttiaclivo, mid indic'ite Unit the business is su jirulUiildi: hs Ii be lliuitghl worthy ol'lienvy imtlayu in order to jinivid-.' counter njijiUitnivs. f?oda-w aU r, or noi;itcil wtilcr. is dimply cominon water hugely churned with tnr bouic acid under pressure. 1 1 tins is prei pared iu a careful mid chotdy wny, nnd in tho proper viss.'.'Is. there can bo no serious iibjeeliou to its b;:ia used IVeoly (luring the sunitner mouths by persons in oidinniy health ; but if, on tho eonirary, it is manu factured by slovenly ulid inom. potent deal 113 tunl copper vcsm-'s nro used, it b comes . 'not oniy a filthy but poisonnia beverage. Curboiiiu acid acts xioroiihly upon copper, forming tb.o rcen cni huirite of the metal, and when vessels are employed which ara not coated with t tie imtal tin, the poison ous salt is produced in laro ipiantilies. This is dissolved in water, and when drank IVeciy has a very pernicious iiKlvietice upyi the lHalllt. Wlifa copp'T fsunbtui; are opened by r.iaiuifacUni is far upaiis, or for tho pUl)OS3 iv.-tiimiiv, Uk-v arc oftrn found covcr.'d with a deposit' r.f epper sans, ana we nave S'en crvMais Bangui;; from tho upper, surfaces liUe stalactite's from the riir of a limestone cave. Too lOlleU CRM cannot be taken with copper Used for preparing aerated waters, nud dealers owe. it to their friends and etis tonters not to n'Kiw tin in to be acted upon 'by tho aeid. Tho materia' used i'.i the '' iiia.nuluj.turo of tha. water should be pure and the utmost rloanlim ss and care ob eervod iu tho nmuipul.Uki, processes. We, M'ibh that all cojiper vessels could be dis pensed with, and wc think that iron ones should be used in preference, as they have been employed successfully by many deal ers. Respectable and competent druist are usually vigilant nud careful regarding the character of tho waters they dispense, and the beverage so cooling and grateful can be procured iu a pure condition of those worthy of being trusted. Journal of (.'Ucm try. (rutniious otiees. Somebody who has sutl'ercd from an ex cels of gratuitous pulling "rises to explain1' after the following fashion : "The local columns of a newspaper are the most valu able to advertise, because they are the lirst road by everybody, and no publisher cau j;ivo them up to putliing this man's patent inahopany sausage stuller, or that one's new fangled double and twisted stump puller, for nothing nud board himself, l'ublishitig a newspaper is a legitimate business, and the newspaper man should have pay for his labor the same as the man . who carries the hod or wields the hammer in a blacksmith shop. It costs money, time, nnd a vast deal of patience, to con duct a newspaper, yet no class of men arc expected to do so much for as little pay ns the publisher." Much of this service, J whether valuable or worthless, arises from thoughtlcssucss by those who apply for it. They would not think of asking a carpenter to work a day r two for nothing, orexpect a grocer to give them a ham because they had bought a bushel of potatoes ; but ia a, printing oiiice it is oniy, in their estima tion, a lew minutes labor to write a ''pull'," uii'l it costs no more to put that in type and publish it than the same quantity of news item for which there is no expecta tion of special pay. Many, therefore, re ceive the favor as a thing of course, and some even rusub!c if a notice of them or their wan s is n.'t coupled with a direct oi indirect disparagement of somebody e!se in the sama line of trade. If there should bo a:i intimation that the solicited notice is a purely personal malter-to the solicitor, and the only benelit to be derived hum it enures to hims-Jf, and therefore the service bhould be paid for like nny other service, is is consideted a suflieient answer that "the other paper" does such work lor nothing, while such a reminder ia regarded as a severe rebuke to an avaricious or ac commodating disposition. For much of this misapprehension of llio fact that a printing otliee U like any other place of business, and can be sustained only on business principles aud practices, publish ers themselves are responsible. In pub lishing gratuitously, as is proper, notices of public and benevolent objects, they havo established a practice where it is often hard to draw a dividing line, aud where they loo frequently overstep it. Good judgment and a little limitless could correct an evil every publisher leels, and which he has Miaa time or other talked about eeiierally vil'.i no benelit to himself or anybody else. A!surJity oririuUiug. It has become a sort of popular, almost national, faith that it is not possible to be truly happy unless ,vou drink. Among 'certain classes -and they are by no means 'the lowest drink is tho beginning and end of everything. The very name of liquor is held to be syn onymus with enjoyment, and the dearer the liquor tho more it is prized nnd coveted. Vet every man who is not a vlow nright drunkard, is well aware that the pleasures ofdilnklug are, beyond a certain Iioiut. a luockery, a delusion, and a snare, put it to any one who Ins stood half the night at the bar, or f-ut hull' tho night in a club room, drinking, smoking, and bandy ing reckless talk, if the enj lynicnt of such nil eveuing lias been anything like that of it few quiet hours spent at homo with a book or newspaper t The evil iulluence of tavern pleasures oa the health is too obvi ous to be denied by any on?, nnd the illu bory nature of tho pleasures themselves, and put the truth out of sight. No one ever brought any good out of a drinking spree yet. It is a short, feverish spasm of animal enjoyment, which leaves uolhin. behind but uioroseuess, regret, bad temper, self-reproach, and headache. I should like to ask you, sir, if you say your prayers when you come homo iu that btalo 't No, you don't. You are ashamed to say them. You postpone them until you have purged yourself, your mind, and vour lips, by more sober aud rational be Laviour. Next uight, w hen you pass the liours quietly at home, with a book or a I'riend, you feel that you have had leal en joyment, and that the time has pasted pleasantly, that you have not injured your Lealth. You are not ashamed to say your j'royera, and you get up next morning with .cleur head, u good appetite, aud an in creased facility for work and enjoyment for lifij. All lite lVr lt'juml. To Mab Hard Soap. I noticed in your columns tho inquiry of M. J. T., for u recipe for making bard soap. I have a good one that I have used several years nnd send it : Pour four gallons of boiling WAter over six poanda of salsoda aud three pstmds of unbaked lime. Stir the mixture welt aud let it stand over night. Then drain it olf. l'ut sis pounds of tallow, or nny kind of clean grease with it, and boil it iwo hours, silrriujj most of tho time. HVvfrTii ll'iral. lIWi Cut llluitratM th miiwarof Uilnj 5VJ Fnnntaln lVacal Intnrfnr ..JVVv! DOUCHE, Tills tnttrnmont Is especially dttlgncd for the por feet appliuaiiou of r: DR. 8ACE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Tt Is tlio only form of Instrument yet Invented with rhicli fluid luuilicino ran bo ctirilcd high tip and ptrrtcUij ai!)!iici to all parts of the affected nasal pas sages, and tho chambers or cavities comtunnlcatinit thurewitli, in which sores nnd nlccis frequently exist, nnd from wUich tho catarrhal discharge m'nerallv pro ceed. Tuo want of success In trraUin; i'alarrh here tofure his orisca lar;elr from tho impossibility of applying ruaicdies to tbco cavities nud chambers by any 'of the ordinary methods. Thisobstacle In thtw'.y of ctloctins curcsti enlircly overcome bylhs '.Tivetition of tho Douche. In ueinst this Instninisiit, Ui Fluid Is curried by Its own weight) no enutf r.g, fore. in or p'.nnpng uoing requireu,; ui uiw nwriui in a mil l-e.iilyll jwin;;sni'Mi to tlm liihept portion of tli (iasal passages, passes into and thorov.ghly clrausca (ill t!io tiibwiiiHl chambers counocud therewith, and flOASOutol the opposite nostril. Itsusols pleasant and tn seuplo tlnt n child ran timlcrstnnd It. t ull ant xt; pile It dirortlotisi accompany each Itstrndient. When used Willi this instrtimont. Dr. Ht-To'a Catarrh Hemedy etivca recent attacks of ,"t!ll In tho llend " by a few applications. Symptom of tiatnri-li. l-'recim nt head ncli3, difcteirjrj f:illin into tlircat, eonu'timcs pro fuse, wnterv, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, c. In otliers u dryness, dry. water', weak or Inflamed eves. Ptoppln it j or obstruction of nasal pohsiiei's, rhiirins in curs, itenlncss, luiivkinir nnd conphinx to ( bar throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, volcu altered, nasal twain, otfonslvo breath. Impaired oi tula! deprivation ol sonso of smell and taste, diz.t Nss, mental depression, loss if appetite, Indiges tion, oiilarv'i'd tonsils, tlckliuc connh, Ac. Only a f.nv of thoso symptouis Bro likely to be present lu a:iv case at ono' time. Dr. Sairc'sj ratnrrh Ilrniedv, when nsed with Dr. t'inrco'M Naaal Dour lie, aud accom panied with tho constitutional treatment which Is recommended In tho pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of tho Hemedy, Is a perfect s peeiflc fur this loath po!nodieae, and tho proprietor offers, In pood faith, 8JOO reward for a caso he can not euro. Tho Itomedy is mill and pleasant to nse, containing no stroni; or caustic drills or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cunts, Doncho at 00 cents, by all DruRTKlstH, or either will be mailed by pro prietor OU receipt of 60 cents. II. V. I'lEnCE, MT. ., Solo rroprietor. BUFFALO. Ji. r. G j? Zwl 1 1T C3- GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger'c, In the new C'letmut liuiMint:, Jlitrket riijmtre, Sniibur', n. We. take pleasure In ni.tioticins Hint we have Just opened it lieu iissoiluieul of SPEING BUY GOODS, of nil ktvlcs ut the lowest prices. DOLLY VAUDKN. still raging iu new and bcilUil'ii'. di'bins. DRF.SS COODS, MOl'KXI.NG GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES, VESTING8, Ae., Ac. Ilcntly-Mnde t lot iiiiif;, tt fall assortment, which will be sold lower than elsewhere. Carpcta, CMK'Iollis nud rioor T3it- tiUR. GllOcilllES of nil kinds, which nro puurnmc-ct! all fieth. QUEENS WAR E, "V 1 LLO W WARE, &c, &c, &c. TRIM.MINCiS, GLOVES, nnd in fait eveiyihing that can be uieutioned lu n lifs-t-class store. t'li'.t mid i'X;i mine our stoek. I I.i v itivr i'ir siore lighted with tins, eiiu ho sj'.ccied in the evenhij; ns well up in the day time. No charges for t howie (roods. CLEMENT i DISSIXliKn. April SO, 173. Kl'SNYSIDi: !!ATK. Sl NNTSlOi: at Makyi.asu Ptatk Faik, 11al iiMOits. l'itst retnlti::i for l iic-pluce llcuurs nwurded the (Mmnysi-je. Ailvautiif;es of the nnuyuMe : 1. It is m) const i tii'ted that one-third mote nf the railiatinu' surface txteii;ls Into the room, .iv hitcthat much more heal without ex tra P.icl. It is the only IIot-AIr Virc-pluce Heater hi the malket. Like tlie rccriilur built cellar he:urr, it Ioms ti ) heal, but confines it all to iu icjiti-purpo-es. o. The fuel mnsazine is double Iks usual size, exlendini; from the tiro box to the tep of the stove, with tapatuy lr twenty-four bojis u;i- ply ol coal. 4. Tlie patent double cover for coal miiaitiuo consumes tlui iras, )iirrouts escape of M6 into the room, an 1 make it impo.'i ihie for nny puf lin','s or exj lu-ious to nccu.'. Thi U ua .nliaiit ngc po.;c.-seU by uj LlUel tire-place ttove iu l!i8 market. .. There are three u'.r ccatnbiMs, wherein a b:i.-.k cii'eulation is kept up, tlm wine; the eold nir in tlie room through Le.itet l'.aes inio a larye luii-uir ic-ci voir, ut the b.ti k of I lie novo. ti No bide pipes are used, hs the nir ! heated la n le.-irvoir havi'i double i.ol atliiir llius and double back, tupplvin:; lai'L'o t, lai.litics of but uiru itliout name of In at or liiel. 7. The SeNNVIIK utilises 1 he wnle heat so thoiouuhly that we fie.Ufnt!y hei.t nn adjoining lotitu mi the tirsl, bet'nlis healing ti c looms iu second nnj third stoiLs. H. A damper on top of tho stove, connected Willi the hot ulr tines, controls the nuanlity of hot nlr required for the use nf cither the tipper or lower looms. Ail oilier lire-place ttoves are very Inconvenient in this respect. l. The (irate Is sell in,', and no dust ran escape while sliakinu' it. fcll'KAT, rCTERSOX & CO., l'hiladelphia. 11. B. M.VSsEn, Agent. Nov. 11, 1S7I. Beef! Beef! riHE undersigned is prepared to furuish the .1 cilizens of Suubury aud vicinity with tho choicest llcef nud Pork ia Market, either at Wholesale or Retail. Families will be supplied by the quarter or side, or smaller quauliiiet ut the iuo;t reasona ble rates. Constantly on hand the choicest cuts of Beef, Polk, Multou and Yeal,alo Sausages, IlcK",'nas. ivc. Apply ut the Meat House, So ui h Third treet, in Moore ii: Dissinjjer's Row, Suubury. On uiaikct days the bc.a of meat is served to customers ut the meat htand, corner of Market and Third streets, wlau thu celebrated brosious' a a -ii yes can bj hud, lon known us tho best iu luaikel. HENRY K. FAG ELY. N. B. Persons bavin!; fat hs or beeves for sale can procure the lii'eel inuiket priee by np plicatiou at the above establishment. buubury, Nov. 1J, IS71. CAU It I A Ci K M A X V F A (TO !t Y, SUJCBUUY, l'EXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, "t'lfOULD lebpdt-tfully aiiuounca to the cltl- V ws of Suubury nud surroundint; country, thul he is prepared to manufacture all style of CarrttigeN, ItHftgioa, Av., Rt Ills new shop ou cast Muil.i t street, lie will furnuk every dcseriptloD of Wayous, both Plain and ITanct. In short, will make everything lu hi line from a lirst-clus carriage to a wheelbarrow, wununtcd to be made of the best and most durable materi als, and by tun most exerlenced workmen. All work sent out from bis establishment will be found reliable In every particular. The putrouane oi the public Is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Futibniy, Nov. 4. '71. -ly. on m i s BaV m r CARD. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, rniLAor.LriiiA. MKS9IIH. CALtlWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL l'.SI,F.CIALTTKNT10N TO TllF.llt 1)E PAHT.MF.NT OF SOLID H1I.VEH WATCHE.t. l'dr-SEt-SlXO SUl'FUIOlt FACILITIES TI1KV WILL I'.E KNAIiLKI) TO I'LACF, HEFOltE Cl'8TOM! Rf, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE UAL M MtKI'T. ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IM I'ltOVEMK.NTS IS SILVER COODS AS 11 A l'IDI.Y A8 l'liODVCEI), Vl'.HV PARTK fl.All ATTENTION IlEINd HIVES TO THE fcTE CIATIF.S tiF BRIDAL AND OTHER rilESEN T ATI ON G1F1S. 1 HE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG F1NTE ADOI'TEI) liV I'll EM IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, UiS-UKKlTits FINE. TH I'l (iUALlTY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD UE1-NQ STRICT LY Cl.'iRANTEF.D. ATTENTION IS RFSl'FCTFl'LLY DiRF.CT EI) TO 'IT I E UNVARYING Hl'SINI.SS POLICY i OFTHIS HOVSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM 1 LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED I PRICES, WHICH WILL HE MGIDLY AD- I HERED TO IS ALL li'aKS. S EC C RING TO I'L'KCtlASLIitt. FAT.NEblj AND E(;CALITY j IN EVERY TRANSACTION. I POLITE ITF.NTION MAY HE EXPECTED ; BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ! ORDERS AND INytMRIES BY MAIL, ' PRO.Ml' l LY ATTENDED TO. j j. s:. '.r.Dv;ri.Ei & co. i Feb. 10. lf,-l. f- AS I'lXTMIKfS. ! THACKAKA, BUCK & CO., st'ccEoi:s to MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTLUERS OF tiAS FIXTURES, RROInZES, &;., Ac, CltRinlt'IlcrM, EV-utlantN, K:-utli'f si, tie.. 6.C., would respectfully Invite the attention of pur chasers to our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS, 7r Instil til turret. MANUFACTORY, 4,f'. 404 -It 0 AND 408 RACE STREET. Atiif. 10. li.71. tiKKAT Ml'Si: OF M I S E R Y . II U M A X Just PubHs-he l, in u Sealed Envelope. Price, six cents. A I.cottire on the Nature, Treatment, ami Radical Rare of Seminal WiaKne.-!., urspi-ima-t'lirlueu, induced by ami Impiditnei.ts to Mai riagij f:vuerully; Consiitiiptioii, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Plivsicat Incapaeilv, etc. Fi lly ROU. .1. CC LYERWELL, M. D.," nuthr,r o'l' the "Green Hook,'' etc. The World-renowned author, in this a'.liuiiali'e Lecture, clearly proves from bis oivu experience that the awful consniaeiurs of Self-Abuse niav be eirectiially removed w ithout ino Uciuo anil without dnnirerous surgical opeiations, bougies, inttiutnents, rinys, or eordia'ls, pointing out a mode of cur at once tiyiaiu and i-tli eiual, bv which every sutrercr, no matter w hat his condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, private ly, nud radically. This lecture will proven boou tn thousand and thousum'.s. Sent, under seal, iu n plain envelope, to nny iiddress, on receipt of six cents, or two pol.i''e stamps, by addressing tlie publishers. Also, Dr. Cl'LVEIt WELL'S 'Marriage Guide. Price 25 ceuts. Address tha Publishers, CTIAS. J. C. KLINE .: CO., P. O. Cox, 4.5S(1. l-.'7 Iioworv, New Yoik. April 27, lsr.'. J.JARDWARE FOR ALL j AT THE HAllDWAlU? STORE ok ; J. H. CONKSLLY & CO, .Market Street, Suubtirj, Wu i It I useless to i-nuniciatt' every kin. or m tick Iu his Store, l-ut muoji;' thu leaiiiu item a t:i;iv 1 Le set ituwu tlie foiiowi.i;; Irin, StocI, I.c:i.l, t Ecalca. Mei-Iyanlst. Giiinlbtones, I Ka'Ia of nil nud usen, I Vices, tijN Planes, kiicvw, Clinins, Axes, : Crass mxl Iron KettleG, I Sliovels, I lorn, Forki, fc'inuies, Kakti, Huielu-t,, ' '.'ailientyr ntiJ Blnek.saiith Miu liiiies, Cellar Urates, UrawinK Knives-, i fctoiip S.e-Jircs, riii'-terei-s' Trowels, Miifonh1 llainincr aud Trowelf, ITanJ Dinner IlelU, ami laiue cat-t iron Cell for i Seboul Houses and FainiciV Uinaer I Cells, J CurponteiV Iieueh Serewn, Potuto Forks for diuinj; iot.itoc, I.ookinp Glimf?. Tnhi Hope, Kuives and Forks, fcpoona, Taek, Mule and Horse Show aud Xai!n, IIrtiunier, Auburn, Chiselw, l.anierns, UU Cloths, Urooins, Lucka of all ileseriptions. Coffee Mills, UitB and Craees, Carriage Bolls nf all kinds. Paint nnd Wall duske?, Bucket. Oils, Ynntishem, Japans, IV. i Ash, AV;iMiinir So&, VX1STH OF AM. Itfi iu idl or Drv, Fai ii-I 'olom of all Uinds, CEDAH-WAHK aud otlier Woodeu-Wai-ft of nil kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, l'iekp, Mill VU kts, Levels, Level (ilashec., Files, Hinges, Coal Oil," Hems, Ctiinls, fceicw, Haddleiy and fchoe Findings, Biipfy 'J'riiiiiuiucA. F.xceUior Glass Cutter. Foekil Kuives, fcei&eorB, flit-ais, Shot, t nps uad Powder, nnd a ( variety of other article. Any thing wanted and not on hand, will he ordered at ouce. Sunhury, Aujr. IU, 1871. C'KXTIIK OV ATT K A CT I O VT Everybody is Invited to come and buy of the haudbomc assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONEKIES GAMUEL F. KEVIN'S STORE, hi fra!ne buildiuir, artjohiinir Moore A Diisitlof er building, Till HI) bTBEET, bl'Mil'UV, PA. Ju-l oj-eued u iVtah supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF AM. KIM.H eotutautly on hand. Tho be.H HAISINS, FIGS, CLUUA.NTS iV LMUEU FUC1T. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & APICES, fresh Bread, Buns t Cakes, every moruinif. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CHACKEU3, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Havlni; tilted up a room expressly for ttervtug up Oysters iu every style, Ladies and Gentleiueu vill b aecouunodaled with the beel bivulves In market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied ut their rctidcuce with the bebt ghell or Cuiiucd Oysters, ns is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of otxU aud useertaiu the price. 8. F. NEYIN. I)ec. 10, 1871. A PltOIIT VUI.K lll'KIXKSS. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST I Cuuuot be exploded. No vhiuiuey or uhk used. Men desiring a Profitable Business, cau secure the exclusive rihi for the sale of ly oil's Patent Carbon Gus Li -4 lit Burners and Oil, for Couutie aud blates. Write for information or call ou M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 South Second Street, Phila., Pa. N. B. Churches fumUlicd with Chandeliers and Lamp of every dc&eriptiou, 25 per ecu, cheaper lhau at any other esl.iblishmeut lu lha couutrv. Milieu ms.-am. -ViilETTt Vinegar mtters are not ft vile Fanry Driutt, nixdt (f Poor Ktim, Whisliey, Proof Spirits and Kpfns" Liquors, tloctorecl, spiced, ftpd kwertenccl to please the taste, called Tonic, 'Appciizcis," Rcslorer," &c, that lend tlie tippler oit to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trua Medicine, made from the native roots nnd hcibs of Cali fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They ara the Great Blood Purifier and ft Life-giving Principle, a Per fect Renovator ftnd Invigorate ot the System, carrying off all poisonous mailer, and restoring the blood to a h&'iVy cnuitinn, curichinr; it, refreshing and inviRoratinK both mind and body. They art eny of administration, promi't in their action, certain ia their results, sate aud reliable in all forms of disr.ise. fio Pcron can tako trioie Hitter accord Injto directions, a. id remain Ion umveil, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poiun or other meant, and tlie vital organ waste! bevoud the iotnt of repair. Oyspepnta or Indll?rsllon. Headache, Pain to the hhoulders Coughs Tiiihtnessof the Chest, Dizzi ness, Sour Lructations of the Stomach, bad Taste in the Mouth, liil'ons Attack. Palpitation tf tlie Heart, In flammation of the Lunr; Pain in the regions of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, nnd one bottle will prove a tetter Guarantee of its merits than a lenihv advertisement. For I V mule Complaints, in your- or old, mar ried or (tingle, at the dawn cf womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic P.itte. s display so decided an iailuence that a marked improvement is scion perceptible. Foe lulnmmntory and Chronic Itheu nntism and (iout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ililiom. Remittent nnd Intermittent I overs. Diseases of the Blood, . Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these .Jitters have been mont successful. Such Disease are caused by Vitiated Ulood, wlrcli is generally produced by derangement of the Di go -.tive Organs. They arc a Gentle Purgative as well n a Tonic, pos,c-!,in also the peculitr merit of nctiiift as a powerful asPllt rciievin- Congestion or Inflammation of th Livt-r and Visceral Orcjan, and iu Uilions Diseases. For Skin Disease.. Kruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, llitchs, Spit Pimples, Pustules, Roils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Kyes, Ervsipelas, Itch, Scurl Discoloiatiotis ci the Skin, Humors and Disease of the Shin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in m short time bv the u e of titers l!it:ers. One botilo in such cases will ronviuc; 1U2 most incredulous of their curative etiecrs. Cleans tlio Vitlatrl Til nod svhenever vou find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Kruptions, ur SnrL's ; cleanse it when yuii find it ob structtd and f,ht(;-i.h in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings Will tell yen when. Keep the blood jmre. and the health of tlie system wiil follow. Grateful tlioitsnntls proclaim Vinkoa r Hit trrs the most wonderful Invitjoiant that ever buitUined the sinking syitem. 11 ut Tnic, and other Worms, linking in the svstoin of so many thousands, aie ellectualiy destroyed and removed. Savs .1 distinguilied phvsioloist : There is scarcely an indiriduai upon tlie face of the earth whose body i exempt from the presence of worms. It is not uxnt the healihv e'ements of the body that worms exist, but up"ii llu diseased humors and slany deHit that bred these living monsters cf disease. No svstein of MeJicine, no vermifuges, no nnihclmiuitics, will fiee tlie lyVfin fiom worm h!;e these Hitters. Mcchrtiilonl Olsenscs. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typt-stitters, CJo'id beaters, and Miners, ns they advance in life, will be Biihicct to p.w.i!ysis of the ltowrls. I'o i;uard against this take a dose ot Wai. kick's Litiur. once or twice a week, as a Preventive. ltlllous, IlfiuMtcnt, anil Intrrmlttciit Fevers, wliich are so prevalent in the valleys of our treat rivers throughout the United States, especially those of lha Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, liraos, KioCirande, PcJil, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, .it.d many others, vuth tlicir vast tributaries, thiottghout our entire country dm nig the Summer and Autumn, and rematkibly so tint in 5 reasons of unusual heat and dryness, a:e i.ivaiiab'y .ikCompamed by exten sive deiangrmentj of thi stcmach and liver, aud other abdominal viscera. Theic are always more or leas ob structions ot the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, aud treat torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exeiling a poweiftl iulluence u)Hn these various organs i csicntiaby netessarv. There is 110 cathartic fur tlie purpose equal to Dk. J. Wai.kuk's Vinugak HiTTfH as tlicy will bpeedily remove the daik-colured viscid matter with whuh tho bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the bc ret ions oC the liver, aud gcneialiy rusluiiD the healthy fuuciious of the digestive organs. Sca-oriila, or liins' aUvll, White Swc. lings, T'lccrs, KrvMpelas, Swehed Nck, Goiter, ScKifuluus Iiiflaiumatioiis, Indolent Ii!f!.immatinns lercurlaI Af fections, O'd Soics, Liupiiotis of the Skin, Sote Kyes, etc., etc. lu thee, as t.t all other couslitu'.ir.nal Discares, Wai.kuk's VjNKtiAR HiTTiiK have bhowu their f;reat curative puwcis ia the tuot cbi'..uatc an.l iutiacable C3M-S. Ur. Walfcitr'a California Vinegar Hitlers act on ail these cases in a manner. Dy punly-nn the li'ood tlu-y remove the cause, aud by resuiving away tlie e iects of the iiilla:uiua:'o:i (t!c tubetular deposits) the atYi'ctcd pans receive health, and a ermaucut cure is ptTcied. The properties of Dn. Wai.krr's Viubqau I'.mr.Hi a e Apeiiem, l'iaphoreiic ami Carminative, Nut 1 iiifus, I.ixi.Vk., DmreiiC, Sedative, Cou:iter-lri iuut, S'j l' niik. A tft.iiivt-, Ann-1! ii.ous. 'a'i Apvi'ient and m .1 I. amative properties of Dii- W.m Kbit's ViMKi.Ait LiTtlk; a:e the best safe guard iu all cases of crept 10. .s and luiiuant levers, tlieit l).tisamic, healiiir, and soo:li:r properties pir.icct the humors of tlie l uiccs. 'i lic.r S-dative properties allay pant in the nervous svstcm, s:onucii, and Loue.s, eitlicr trom irit!.mm.','..',:i, wind, co i", cramps, etc- Their Counier-lriiianl iiiduent-e e.:tnji ttuoiiiumt the sys:em. 1 heir Diuretic pr'K:riies a-'t ou the Kulnrys, coriecttng and rculatinj; the flaw cf mine. Their Ami-ltdioua pioperues stimulate the liver, in the secretion of biie. and its dischacs llimu ;h thi Lniaiy ducts, and aie superior to a:l iemid,at ai'.uiits, (ot the cure of Uihoiu t'eviir, F.'Vt r and A",Ui etc. Korltfy tlte body uaint tllbcaxo by puri fying ail as fluids wiih inkca;; IiItteks. No epidemic can t.d:e ho.d of a svstein thus forearmed. The liver, tlie stoinnch, the Uowtli, the kidneys, and the nerves aie Icudrrrd i! r ise-procf l-y this pleat iuviporaut. The Kill cue y 01 Ds. Walkbr's Vinfgar Hit Tcks, in Ciiroinc 1 )vs;eps.a. Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Co!:5tip.iiiou, (UnciciivV i f vital (sower, and all maladies aifectiag the siomach, liver, buweii, puimonary or.ns, or mucu!ar system, has bocn cxrwrienced by Lundieds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands more are ft-k inc tor the same tcliel. Directions v( the Hitters on pniog to ted at niht fiom a h tli to one aud one-halt wine.R lawful!. Eat good r.oui is'iins food, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, wuitou, mast beet, ad vegetables and take out doer excicuc. They arc composed ct purely vcgelabiu ingredients, and contain no p:riis. f WALK KK, Prop'r. II. II. McDOXAlsDsi CO., Druggists and Gen. A fits., San Francisco, Cal., sud comer ol W'asliuigtun and Chariton St., New Voile. SOLD IiV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DUALLR5. Mnrcli IiO. IhTJ.-oin. THADD'S S. SHANNON, Till lll AND MARKET SQUAKE, lias in ctiH-U and constantly icoi ivinc Novelties In his linr, ruiioistliiir lu l "Ta tall line of i.iti( A. xiv.a, Klgln, Illinois, Howard & Co., Waltham. Mns sadnisolls, and lioy's AMEIUC'AN WATt'UtS; Also, a lull srt of Ladies, and Gait's Cio'd and biiver Swiss Wali liis. JEWELRY. I Iiomau Gold si ts, pink rorul and Gold set:, r,ar-Kini;, Necklaces aud IVudauts, Onyx aud Jet Ji wi-lvv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-wure of titerllnsr l'Uiih , made to or il.r. liiidal an 1 Presentation Pieces, Kuives, Forks nikl Spoons in cases, ulso, a full line of Silver Plated Goods, Tea Sets, Ieo Water Sets, Ili bit Stands, Cake liaskets, I'uUce Vrns, porks and Spoons Irelile plated, I tic best iu the lunrket. Sl'KCTACLES. If you value your Kycsilit, uso tho Perfect Lenses, L'rouud from minute C'ristlc Pebbles mel ted together, and derive tliere name. Diamoud" on account of tliere hardness aud brilliancy. They will last many years without chaug, nud Vairauled Superior to all oIIiits iu utc. TABLE CLTLEHY. Ivory, Pearl nud Metal haudlcs In case, sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Kinht day and Thirty hour Clocks, ulso C'aleudur Clocks ol all disci ip tions. KuraviiiK doue at the shortest notice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Hcpaired and SalUfuctiou warranted. All goods will be sold ut the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially luvited loCall uud Lxuiulue for themselves. Dou'i lorget the plnce. T.S. SHANNON. Suubury Dcc.10, tf. MMtl lll DIAKItLE VAItO. rpHE undersl(rncd buving bought tho entire L stock of Dissluer ii Taylor, would inform the public that he is uow reudy to do all kinds cf makiii.i: IVOItK. t'l 11ms oil litniil nml milk tn nr.ti.r At lMl ------ ft V V KHOltT NOTICE- ither .Mouuiueula 4; llead-Stourn. t A . .4 : r . ri r stvlb. I)OOR AND WINDOW SILLS Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe aud ull other fencing yenerully used ou Ccmutoriu. John A. Taylor will continue in the employment, at th old stand on Marktt fc.. Buubury. my."08 I I I i ten I i R. R. RADVAY'S READY RELIEF tl'KF.- THE WOIWT FAINS tn from Ono to Twenty Minutes. (iOr QUE HOUR iviW tt-udvif niiv-ttl'fiinit ri'-cJ any On hf-FTKli M'lTII I AIN. rPTVA'.a ntAIpVJr,lLII1r!fli A cunK ToR If whs th flrt miu U mm Only lnlii Jtcmotly tliM. tnstfuttlr irtupn tlw rniiit rxeniclutlnR fiin. allnvi In ftimuinilnnrt. Mi.l uuriii rinjrt;(.iinn, wliether nf tint LunjtSt Ofoinucli, iiowv.s, or utlitr miicic yr crjiiiii, ly oiiO ftpulit tiait, IV rilOM OXE TO Tn'EXTT MINTTK! Jfn nriltnr htw vloknt or t-xufie'tttlni: the pnln the It REIT MATH:, H.-rt-ilnMi-it, lnfiun, Cri'rktl, rvuut, 'urultfia, r ;.-i'ir;vi.u w i'li liijciiso m.iv tMiivr, RADWAY'O READY" RELIEF tVII.l, AFFOril) INSTAKT F.ASB, LNTLAMMATIOX OK THE KM'NKYS. 1M1.AMM A I ION (IK TUB BLAtlDEIi I.Vn.AMMATluN OK Till: WIWKI.s. coNcKRi ion ok Tnn LfNas. tORE TUUOAT, I'lHTCLLT llltlTA Till Nk I'ALI'ITATION OK THE liEART. I1VSTSRXC?, C'ROLP, Dli'H I IIKRIA. !:adacu. orAStAliKK,, Mt.d r.,.u.9. AnrfrtAWi!"' kumaTim. Tlt nptillc itiuii l( lliu lnlv RHIpf tn tli part or l- irtx whvra tJu );i!u vr tiUuiUty vx.Ao nul aUoril easo Riid luiiifnrl, 'I'wi-iity drnv 1 1 Vi'fn (uniMer rf vatrr wilt In a few nr-nrM rum C it AMI'S, M'ASMS. tULli PI'OVIACIL J(hTMtTillM;V, HK'ii HKAIiAf.'IlK. PIAKIlHEA DVsKN'l V:i:V. COM'', IN TUB DOWLLS, alii all lXTKI'.NAT. I'AINS. Tm'.'Ii m is nni'ii rln.iv rnrrr n tottlo rt Rniltavt IlroJy U-IItT w.tli :cnu A f -w lrop In water will j i i-.i ell';!, .-.n or r.-om chunr' of wstcr. Il IB bc'.luT iVet;ii Ilin.iv it H.ucra Hi a sitmulnnt. S-'KVE!l AN3 A GTE. FEVEtt AMi A'il l-; fun (f fur fifty centi. There 1i not ft Teniiilitil Muut lu t!i'i viii!J l.l cur 1'cvcr and A.w. h.hI nil ft Ik- Mm'siV", Itlllou. Rcarlct, T bln.iil, Villo v, u;..l tli r Fcvwi (tin,..! l,v KADWAY'H PILI.SJ M q-tVi lIAriWAVH KKAlX llhiLl-F, Fifty 0U.U IEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! l.r.HMI A! prttR Itlrtf III,oon-lN('HEA8 OP I I.Ksll AM WKI'illT-Cl.nAU hKIX AND BKAU TltfLL lVJl'L,iiX10.N bLtlUKUlt TO ALL. RAO WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ITA-t MAt-y TI!r Mni-T ASTOMU1 ! NO 'IRE3 : ..i'l-':;, i:i-i am; thi; ciiANfiKs tins I ;v rMiciiiiiirj, i'ndi:;; Tin: iNri.rENri; v;:at Cvsry Dr.y an fnc:cac3 In Flcoli nnd Voifn N Coot r.nd Folt. Kt ? rl: .1 tf M Ml I' WM.M.W U i.Mil.V T r-i i i.-.-i, .1 l'" I.i' '!, S.i -i' r i"r, u'nl dtl, '.i ',. jIiUu'jJ .j n.'-m-r i.m k' . i .;i tlie ijor r 1 i': f r U rrp:tl(-n tliC VftUlra nf Mii ii ii.' .i : i bj n .1 ntyt' rinl, (Crifni , Sp!ii! fun. "ir:.ii, (I i;j,h.'-r i!i'.Th., Ulcil In the T.;oit,, h, r, N.-t!. Ii t ;j t;'a:itU uml t l:: r rs.t 'f t 't-j h- .4.n, H- i' .ti, ? r : i -u - - 3 I 1. Cirri. ftr:n t:.n r.r r.-.-l I': ' ' f i;v., f V .In tii-i .it-i, rii t i. K'tr S-r., ll'.az Y.i:-, ;L,t Kli'.u-i, iv..h..; i, Ac i.'. ".'a-l ft;. ,n, V.'..:-fi 'a ii:-t I'l 1 :::. C'i-iv.j It t.u :....! ; 1 -c .i;-, - 1 r.iufi.l ?. v f' i;... a, M.T-.i S? v t I- J.f S ( n. ..i.'l Kit w t-Uii rf fio I tt ; ,1 ic.e, ji'i 1 '- c t it. r.;i-f 2 .f t,lj tiiivr f M'-lilil C'i7'ti:tiV, ;i f.-v !a In lrv t l"iv f -1 . 1 M- n,; It Ii," U." ssf w.iiiS T lt4 Jn'r.;)' I. r.t T I'l C IT tl If ll.t mil y 1. v'. i !-" r.A .'e! ! v tTio wtisten ip1 dc'jM.,',i'.iiti tii;.t Is tn-itliiiiiii y r MT'', HucL'fiJ i in :in '.'. 1 tu-so .t, , ninl r,-,..iii tu t.ui-u li now i-mUt I -.1 n t lu f-..i ),o .It!. v .,u.,a-.i.'l I'.Ij li.j AKSAl'AUlL Ii!AS vill ii'cl ilia's yf.'tii , No; (-'ilv n.ii-i tlio bM.-pntT,i.iAf I'sjuiltctt nil ! li'iwi r.'lm-.'l il I: " ' 1 ' j I ( t'"' t-:-'t (f l' .:"!i:c Rcn-fuU un, 1 o;i--(i:i.;:.'iKi , ..i;a Si. I it It I'om ouly pottltlvo Ctitsl:i:-y 'j nii.!;:rr fpr.nbln:-, iv-ivv, ii" ' iv ir' ri. -.irt t;-n-?. i"i.t-tc, prot-iy f tv. vfl 1 ' I Til!;..ft.,-iT I'm-", Jittslit's I-isourc. 1 s.!! th ::t, f.:n ! a I r. 'iviu t!k.-r- 1 : 1 i'irV.iii'st Cv t-'ii'., t.r I .-1 iU r !i (.;;.'-, rxc-l - 'Hi I'.i.-jtJiTr-n t - j w '..t- i f r'i 1 nr tirr-s '1 Ii . !.i:o ul. r r t!.vr 1 It.. r. r.-i I, 'I:.-';. 1 1 ..u f.-i;.vnu. W'.to t .nr-fJi-H '.v.-,-siii, nit 1 V Jirii liirro U tt 1 '!-wi", I nr :ii.)( r-na:t(-n v..-'.i pi'- v.iL -. n n! 1 l.i l.' t!. unA i--t ... !...?.. y, i.,o. VORMCi-H o " !.iwvu t-C Hcuici!;- fu rc stnacr of 10 Years roxvtri C::rel try Lt::!v, irrsoSvent. !:k -siy, Mi., Jtily 1, ISC?. Tit. II-wav:-T h.V4 i .J Or:,i,-.l 'I'tini.r i.i t'' Arlc ai.rt , t- lti..r t .. . li.r- v.ns 1 ( I,. !;r. r it." 1 C -i: tr"'t.(t I'lil ttt t. fc" j i . .I .'. : I -It 1 -I. hi 1 '1 If"1. I flW ' - it ( ! i!:. :,r. l I . .'( Ii r il ; I ' 1 , I'.t i i it, 1- -ni I h...! i.-;.!..'.! (-r t-s'j f k f t l-M-t f l! l. I. i n. I t-'. W i ' f 1. in t ,1t. n-A n o Utll. . f vs.ur i ( Ii : ! ; i -eft il i' i." t'z'i "f t. . r t j t i..ts, r 'utt i "t I l-l i-i'v, t ii..l'r. - ( I ni t Jf t 'm f.r lucht ro. l i 'tt Ion w In t'i is-'i t .' f tnt lu" I, rr.r t' irtte. I u i t .1 J t a l-i - 'i. V i t ti r-,li a tf i j-i .o. i:a:n,:i i-. Vnait. POESATiVS FILLS. . fVCy 1. 1 r1.'niitl. (di'tivl frith cr,-rt Ritm. j urjres ri-;"ih:-', I'-iri'v, m-u, rvu "A M n. l.'.ulwny's I'lil. f r i!!.-. ni,- i if i i-oi tiers (T lliti Stolii'rh. Liver. Unwelm K -1iicv, H .i.Jilfi', K'tvmih Disc in, llcin'riclir, t'onslii-iv-t n'i, '''(i.tise-i. l.xlitifMicn, lx -pi;i, ltllioul:L'-, II;! 1) i'i l'cvf I-.! i-i.iii it'ii f It'iAvl-. ri!f, nml nil I)t rvi .1-htn .,f ll.-i luitf.--il Vircr.i, W.-irt-.i'itotl to effect n !oiiutt '"i":. l-u I V-.:cl..LIt', t,u"j;uJi:. L0 niircurj. :v? t!i- f ': -I', in,' s-L.-vtorii rciu.tiry f.-om D!i- ...L;fc-f i . 1 T c. 1 "i.'VrrP ri Yt T.'.vA n tU Vd r.h. J- r i ,.t . i lliri. ri.,-t M to A. I vir l'n S-.-..S. 'it. '-"-it Tut. to.! .,. i.sii.-iM riiiltrr ,. -j 1 i hs nC , I !. IUJ, l.urrirj " f (' - I' -I. J '" rr hull fl:nt i. n t.u.- -",uii, .mnri tf IKU vT - ri, '-.tjt ! :! f-.u t.t ti . Ho.. IWtrt.7 V-ii ' I' tVu lilt 1 r'. Til. lU t14 A fr .1 rf f. AnV.'AY'.' wV.) f-rc the rMcro f"'Ml It I I " . i t ,',: i J . irlc', 71 Mitt I ct los. bi,; nr I'lU i,' s if- is. I:KA? -V l ; ,l IIITT." Svn,l di.c lttrftKp t iri'-'.W x ' ').. ' ; : aIi. ti Idiifi, licw-i .ijn. I.!.: i...i'nl 'i : v.l.l ; wut you. iTnu icnr.Di;:.r ; that iCOMPOSr. r.O.'.rA! IS ara ' publUhf 1 f ;i everv p.u !':i;.--. l: t-ro-: toro it is '( a L.i.t j i ji..:u'.l.i:, co use-rue;. t!y p:!Y5Ici.vx5 p::r.: it It is a tor'.a'n (inc f'jr fiirnljli, Syphilis in i.M i'.:i l. ri.i. I;!:cur.u tisr.i, bi.ia UisM'c, l iver t'oia plaii.t cud ui! Ciun uf t o VAuvd. will ilo ihii.'o pio.l ti'an t.u b.ilt!os ot ilia !-vru-i cf iioiijiirilU. th; i;:i3zn5!a.s';3 physicians liuvt ii.c-I :.o.:i.:.-.I:s I ' i::L..'irsi".u 0 "Yi-Sv jfor l!io pus.1 tl.r.v yrrrn and f c. V. Jt!i.ti.ri.a it us a irliML! Ai'.ruti' E 13 aiid Ciuud l'uri.'xr. fcj r.Tt. t. c. rrtt.ri aa'.tiatio. ut. v.. i. n iv kin. : : ii. k. '; . i. a i. ii. Ilill. Y.O. DANM I.I.V. ' U.t. J. S. M'A1:aS, ui Nichoiasri'.lc. I lv y. r.. J. I.. .Mc( Ar.T:iA, CV.uuibL, s. c. IDn. A. 11. SOH.VS, r..irronu, N. c. iUced and i::;ecrcxd by j. . ruL.Ncii e. sons, r:i r.iver, Mm. f. '. . SMITH, J.irls:.n, .Villi. A. V. II KK1.KH. Lima, Ohio. II. II A I I., Lima. l't.:. it R.WtN & I i .. li..i'r.r; ilV, Vs. SA.VL. i;. JUiADDL.N, Mm frees Liru, 'i tii.ii. Our ssru will nut allow of any .x-tHiil.'-l irmarks in i.'itiou to thu virturfuil' lluHailali;. l'olhc lIo;liral Fr'.ti' -!imi we etiaisnti a Fluid Kk- Iracl superior to any tliry Jiavo ever lui-J iu lt.6 tr.alliirut of ilisfasnt I llt.Ki.l ; nnj t J llit'nlllii'te.l wo .iy try jliosaJalia, cud you will be rcfcturvi lu licaita I'. ji. 'i'lil is .!J Ly s!l Diuf plits, 'juica Ii 1.50 per bottle. A Mnvfeeturiiij I'ktmuis, Bal.TIUUK2, l!s July 82, 1871. ly. U. tll'KHAY. J. SLATSIaKEH. 'U. U. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers lu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olficc nnd School Stationery. Prluliojf, Wrisppisiic stud .Muulllu PAPERS. Pil'tli UAUM, Av., Ac. Tho CulubraU-d Corry Kerosene HuriiingOil always oa baud. Having also opoucd a COAL Y-A-TID, we are prepared to supply at short uollce, uud ut tho lowest rate, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may be pleased to irlve us a call. Order. Ull at our oUU-e No. U5 huuth Third St., Will bo promptly tilled. MUHKAY & CO. No. 85 Sout'u Third Btrect, Suubury, Pa. Aug. W, 1171. i March TO, !5.;3.-ly. IRosabam's . p!Sgs V Sm7 iJ i. .J) m iTsjW i s I J JiiVJ' iS ' . auuf;tctur3. V ; nit iiim: fsiior and uto GEO. ROITRBACH & SOX3, -Nunbur), I'eun'a, INFORM the public Hurt t bey are preparen to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, nnd hnvlnit uddrd a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes. l'lnnliiK nnd Borlnit Machine., with the latest Improveiucnts. With tho aid of skllirul mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OU REPAIRING, that may be givon them, In a satisfactory man ner. ttrntcN lo milt nny Store. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Idks, of nil sizes. llRASd CASTINGS, Ac. CrnF-mental Iron Fencing FOR CiRAVE YAi'.D LOTS VERANDAHS, TOIl YAKDS AT HESIDliNCKS, AC, AC. The ri.OWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will nlw'ays be kept on bind. Also, TUKKSIIINO MACHINES. Sunbttry, May Srt, 1S71. ' iTi'mtKH AM) I'UMVG .IlIM.Ji. Third Etrect, ad.lolnlng I'hlla. A Erie R. R., two tquarcs North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURT, PA. 1UA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared tn furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. llavinp, all the latest improved machinery for mar.ufai'turinp Lunhcr, he Is now ready to till or ders Wall kinds of FLOORING, UniNG, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, Hl.IMlS MOCI.IiISGS, VE RANDAS, U RACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamentnl FerowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, a Asrior.iMr.NT or r. 1 1. L I. U II Ii E H . HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, ehin.u'lcs, Pickets, Lathe, i';c. Orders promptly Ulle.1, and shipped bv Railroad oi olherwi,..-. ' IRA T. CLEMENT, rtecl'.l-f S:ly NTOVi: A TIX LSTABLISIIMEST. MARKET STREET, SUNBURV, PA. ALFRED KR A USE, rrojiriutor. sfccr.sso:; to pmitii a octthkii. J HAVING purehnsed the above well known es tablishment. Mr. Krause would respectful ly inlorm the public that be now hair on hand a lare assortment of COOK 1X0 STOVES, Ppeer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nud others, which arc so arranged as to be used Cor Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perforin satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lie..t otic or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ditl't rent hinds at very low price?. Tinware at' l-'.wvy WoscrJiiUon ke; t con.-taut!y on hand. Roolini: and Spouii;i Willi the b.-t material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oii I'Ld Lumps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A. lid-. Store opposite Cuuley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. nplS-l-ly FANCY SILK GOODS, " KID GLOVES, i.i hi. ..--"i'rvsi.. i-ix r"5?'i 3GI BROADWAY, mi YORK, Xmportrrs antl Jolbci-4 of Cori Eflffe M Eros Bm EM, ID ALL CCLOMS AfiD WIDTHS, TEi:iI,IIlT3 ASD eo'T:tzt SI1ZS, TUECU0IS3 tsi English Crc:iC, C:or.r..;!r.cj, Tissues, Lacos, HJir:r;c, heck ties, dp.e:s r'JTr::;:, sc. March :i(, IHTi.-'-'m. fiIee to nook "agentsT Wo will send a handsotue Prospe'tus of our New Illustrated Family Iliblc cotdalnini,' over 4.rit) fine Scripture Illustrations to any lio!: Atent, free ot charge. Addles", a'Jo,4w National Pi iit-isiusij Co., Phllu., Pa. I.H('nauuua Hkttl Wlooiuitburx ltutl ro: SUMMER ALRAXGI'MlvNT OF PASSENGER 'J . AlVS. J'.dav. Julv 17,"1B71. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P. II.: A.M. -P. M. P1L Scr.inton, Uellevue, Taylorville, Lackawanna, Pittston, West PittstOE, Wvoiniug, Maltby, Kingston, A i st. W.-Barra c'rs Plymouth June., Plymoutli, Nanticoke, HiinliH'k's, Shicksliiuny, Hick's Kerry, Reach I la veil, Berwick, Briar Creelr, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloom;. burg, Rupert, Culuwissa, Danville, Cbulusky, C 45 6 50 0 57 7 1)5 7 14 7 11' 7 27 i 7 40' 1 45 10 05 !10 10 3 11 10 10 3 21 0 .0 2 SS U 2 40 00 7 51 4 63 ! 8 CO 5 CO I 8 05 5 06 7 50 8 (id 8 07, 8 22 8 !i0 8 43, b 50 . 8 67 0 07' 0 14 9 1W 9 20, 9 SI 9 fill 9 fin ! 8 20 I 8 30 8 45 3 08 3 27 3 34 3 37 I ameron, 10 03! North'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 58 ,RD. NORTHW Leave. A.M. P.M.' Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, ' Catawissa, Rupert, Uloorusburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Reach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shicksbinuy, liunlock's, Nanllcoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June., Kingston, a i st. W.-Barre )c'rs Maltby, Wyoming, Wen PUlalon. Pittston, Liiekawunua, Tuvlorvllle, Bcllevue, SerautOD, (arrive) DAVID T. BOUND, Snp'l, 10 25 6 10: j 5 27! I 5 til 10 50 6 40, i 6 00 ! 16 05 111 14 0 12, I J 6 17 i I 0 34 111 SO 0 41 U 43 0 4S A.M.! ; 0 65! 1 !13 00 T 09 7 30, I I j 7 24 7 45, PM. P.M. 7 81 8 00 12 20 7 41 8 15 P.M. 6 10 I 8 20 6 18 U 84 7 51 8 80 S S3 5 3 I I 8 40 ' S 4S' 6 85 13 4 1! 8 06 8 45 H 48 5 40 I 8 13 8 63 Is 64 6 47 IS 62 8 18 tt 04 ii 69 ft 61 8 28 tt 14 8 07, 0 00 8 36, tt 25 8 16 6 10 8 4-J 82 S 241 0 IT I 14 8 48 V 40 8 30. 6 24 ICeadlng Itallrosul. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Gth, 1872. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the Nertli and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read Inir, Pottsrllle, Tamnqun. Ashland, Phnaiohiu, Letianon, Allentown, Eastou, Epbrata, Lltiis. Lnnenstcr, Columbin, ifcc., Aci Tralus leave Harrisburif for New Tork, as fuN lows i At 8.45, 8.10, a. tn. and 2.00 p. ui., eon m ctlnc with Blinilar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and nrrivlntf at New York at 10.07 a. tn., U.53, nnd 0.45 p in. respectively. Returning i Leave New - York ut 0.00 a. rh., la.KO noon and (MB p. in., Phllntldphia tit 7.80. 8.110 a. in. and 3.S0 p. tn. Leave llarrishuiv lor Readinc, Pottsvllle, Ta mHqua, Mincrsville, Asbliiud, Sbamokin, Allentown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. ia., 2.00 -mid 4.05 p. ni., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stntloin t the 4.05 p. m., train couueeting for Philadelphia, Pottsville aud Co lumbia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven' nud Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna R.illroad, lenvo Harrisburif nt C.40 p. ni. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains IcHve Read ing for Alleulowu, Eastou uud New York nt4.S4, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returuiutr, lnnvo New York ut 0.00 a. in., IS. 30 noon and 5.45 p. m. and AMentown at T.'Ma. m. 12.25 noon. 2.15, 4 !.'5 and U.15 p. tn. Way PasseuKer Train leaves Philadelphia at T.'JO n. in., loniicctini; with similar traiu ou East Pennu. Utiilrond, rcturnltii; from Reading at tt.H'J p. in., stopping ut ull stations. Lcavn Pottsville at 0.00 a. in. nnd S.S0 p. tn. Herndon at 10.011 n. m., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.15 ii. in. j Ashland at 7.05 u. ni., nnd 13.4S uoou; Mauanoy City at 7.51 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. Tatnaciua at S.Ila n. in. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York.Hcndinjr, Hanlsbtirp,fco. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Busiiiie liannii Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Hurrisbuij;, nnd 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tn mont Pottsville Accommodation Traiu leaves Potts ville at 5.53 a. in., passes Reading at 7.25 a. m. arriving at Phihulelpbia at 9.50 u. in., returulug leaves Philadelphia ut 5.15 p.m., passing Read ing at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Pottsville nt 9.20 p.m. Poltstown Aceoiiimoiiation Train h aves Fotls town at 0.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth uud Green,) at 4.bU p. ui. Columbia Railioud Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. in. lor Epbrata, Litia, I.nneaster. Columbia, Ac. j returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 n. m. and a.25 p. in., nnd Colum bia at IS. 15 a. m. and li.15 p. m. Porklomrii Rail Road Trains leave Perklomcu Junctional 7.15, t'.OO a. m.,at S.oo and 5.45 . ni. P.c'.utnim:,leac .Sehwenksvii'e at C.:.l,H.OO a. tn., 1.05 and 4.!5 p. m. connecting with trains ou Reailini; Kail lioad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phoe liixvilie nt 0.10 a. m., 3.10 and 5.50 p. in'.; re turn in leave llyers nt 0.f!5 a. m., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Readini; Railroad. Colebruolidale Railroad Trains leave Poltstown at 0.10a. tn., l.'JJaiiil 0.25 and 7.15p. m., return ing lenve Mt. Pleasant al C.0J, H.M uud 11.23 n. m., nud ii.25 p. in., coiiueciinj with trains on Heading Railroad. Chester Valley .R iilroad Trains leave Bridge port at S.oO a. ni., 2.4'iand 5. ull . in. rcturniujr, leave DowniuL'ton at d.55a. m., 12.;l noon and 5.4'i p. m. connecting with similar tr.iius on Rtd ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York at 5.45 p. rn., Philadelphia at S.oo a. In. and D.15 p. in., (lha M.IU a. in. train ruunir.g only to Heading;) leave Pottsvilleat S.U0 a. m., leave Ii.irri.-burg, 2.45a. in., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentowu at 4.25, 9.15 p. m. ; leave Reading nt 7.15a. in. and 10.u5 p.m. for liarri-burg, at 4.ul n. m. lor New York, at 7.2Ja. in. for Alleulowu nnd at 9.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. in. lor Phila.lel'n. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnj Excursion '1 i. kcis, to ;.:id f.oiu uil points at re din ed rater. li.iir r lu-e clieckc 1 through i 1W Pouiiis Baj age aliowtJ euck Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, As-t. Supt. Eng. Mucb'ry. E!iil:idclih2u nu.l Vviv Sstiilroatl. WINTER TIME TAIJLE. On and nf'ter Monday, November 27 Trains ou the Philadelphia A Eiic Ruii run ar follows : WESTWARD. Hull Train leaves Philadelphia, ' ' Stmbtirv, " " nrr r.t Erie, Eric Express leaves Philadelphia, " ' " Suiibaiy, ' " an at I'.iie, Elmiia Mall leaves Philade'pMa, ' ' " Suubury, " " hit at Lock Huron, Accommodation leaves hunbury, " air at R'. iu.vo, 1S71, the Road will C.23 p m 1.00 a in 2.50 p rc 12. ltd p ru 6.50 p m 7.40 u m 7.50 a in I.:i5 p m 7.55 p m 0.15 a ni 10.40 a m EASTWARD. !-a'u Train leavts Erie. 11.25 a m " " i:u:iburv, 12.20 am " " nrr rt 1 Mbidelphla, 0.10 n ui Erie rxpress leaves Erie, 9.00 p m " Snt:!, w.20 a in " " urr ut Philadelphia, iS.l'.O p ui Elmira Mall leaves Lock Haven, 7.eo a in " ' Suubury, 11.00 a in " nrr ut Philadelphia, 5.50 p ni Accommodation, lvavis Renovn, 12.25 p m arr at Suaburv, 4.115 p in Mail Fast connects east and west nt Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and ut Corry and Irviticton .n!i Oil Crcu; and All-'gheny R." R. W. Mail West with west bound trains on I.. S. ii At. S. R. W. and at Cony and Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. 11. W. Cat! i.-sa ; asciigiT trains w i'.l be run east from Wiiliamsport on Erie Express, and west, t Wiiiiamsj ort on Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't Sorlhcru C'eutrul StuUwoy. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. o N and after Nov. 12, 1571, train will ma us follow : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Suubury at IS. 40 p. m.,uriivcs ut Niagara Falls at l.oO.a. in. liulla'.o Express leaves Sanbitry at 12. 3 a. nrrive at Wiiliamsport ut 2.25 u. tn., Eluilra al 6.o0 a. m., Cauandaigua S.15 a. m. Mail arrives ut Suubury at 4.30 p. ni., arrive at Wiiliamsport 0.3onud Klmiia 10.35 p. m. Fast Lini urrives at Suubury at 6.50 p. m., arrive at Wiiliamsport 8.15 p. nt. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Suubury at 1.47 a. in., arrive at llanis'jurg 3.45 a. in., Baltimore 7.10 a. iu. Mail leave Suubury at 11.06 a. m., arrlre at Hurrisburg 1.45 p. ru." Erie Express leaves Suubury at 9.25 a. m., ar rive ut Harruburg 11.20 a. ui., Baltimore 8.00 p. in. Erie Mail leave 6unbury at 13.50 a. m., arrive at liarrisburg 2.20 a. in. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. KASTW'AKD. Leave Suuburv at 4.40 p. ni., arrive at SUaui kin 6.50 p. in., Mt. Carmel 6.40 p. ui. Leave Suubury (Accommodation,) at 11.60 a. tn., anlvc at SuamoMu 1.00 p. in. WESTWARD. Leave Mt. Carmel at 7.Q0 a. us., ghausoktn 7.40 a. ni., arrive at Suubury 9.55 a. m. Leave shamokin ( Accommodation,) at t.iS p m., arrive at Suubury 4.00 p. ni. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. En. S. Yovno, Gen'l. bup't., Geu'l Pussen'r Ag't., ll.uil.-bur-, Fa. Baliuiore, Hi. MIOItTtST UOl Ti: K.tSTWAKO. lMUUIr, lluzlrlou A 'Wilkekbarre Kail Road, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. LEAVE EASTWAIII1. Suuburv, 6 20 a in Duuville, 7 02 " . Cuttaw' i, 7 2h " ! Ilazlctou, i 08 " LEAVE W ESTWARD N. York, 6 00 a m Eastou, tt 25 " Phil'a, 8 00 " llethlc'ui 10 05 " Bcthle'tu 12 10 p m Pbll'u, a 15 ' j Fusion, 12 35 ' N. York, 3 60 j Hazleton, 1 00 p iu Cnllaw'u, 2 40 " Danville, 3 20 " Suuburv, 3 &7 The afternoon train couneets at bunubuiy wiih the Philadelphia 1 Erie, 4 35 p. in., traiu going west, arriving ut Wiliininsport 6 30 and Lock H.ivcu 7 65 p. in., and with the Noitbein Cen tral 4 50 p. ni., moving south arriving at Hums burg 7 00 p. iu., und Baltimore 10 45 p. in., aud ulso with the Suubury & Lewislowu R. R. Comfortable und handsome coaches on this new route. J. HERVEY KASE, Snpkiiuleudeul
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers