.srynHuy. jaxuakt 20, w-2. " ' 1 1L- 11 1 ' 1 l- 1 ' I Railroad Tlae TM. W. fl-.H: W East. .P. . It. R. West. Buffalo Kx I'm U:)a ml ttk Mall, lf t:00 ft m Kris ' : " Aectsm. " 6:1S " aXmlraMall " tr-M ,r iNlagaraE. " 1:40 jm Niagara, Et.". 4t40pm;WmlrMH" 4:a " 8 r - KrleE. - " 6:50 ' ' "! WAtMfti DITSMON . 0. Iti ...';r.'j j t.T.lTl . AkHiva - iantMrr? at ; 11:50 a m! At Banbury ... B:M m : .-" , . ;i 4:40 pm : " .... 4iWj m . P. II. ft Vf. R. R. l I' d Leave Snfibury :B0 a. in. Arrive at .M p. m I .Kl8m.i ,; . f: ARBIVR At Supbiirr 8:3S a, m, " ".. 10:45 Awm. .I.R.tVR Suubnrv at fl:R0 a " 11:40n m Accident tnsnranee Tickets can be lmil of J. Shlpmnn, Ticket Agont at the Depot. torn l ffair.: Bewino Maciu!m.-M1ss Caroline Dallas Is the agcut Tor the mle of the best Sowing Machines In existence, :hti "The I nproved Singer," Orover Bnker,"' "Howe," and Domestic,; which are constantly on hand and cold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frnutz and Pope Knitting Machine. -Call and sec them. ' OQVre on Market street, cast of the rnllrond. " ' ' Thr books of N. Fcrrre Llghtuer havo been left with A. N. Brlce, Justice of the Peuce.for col lection. Parties Indebted, will please call and make settlement, and save costs. ' , ' J20-3t Dr. A. Clauk, hus been appointed Railroad ydiyslcian nt this place, by the N. C. R. R. Co., In place of Dr. F. L. Haupt, resigned. ' Ack!uwlkdomrxt. We are (ndebted to Hon. Jno. B. Packer, M. C, J. B. Newbaker and 1), Bright, members of the State l,egtslntiirc, for public favors. W. II. nxi s, a typo of Middlcbnrg, Pa., has been appointed Route ngent inn the Suubiiry and Lcwistown Railroad. Mr. Itaus Is nn excellent young man, and will make an efllclent and trust worthy agent for the government. The Interest of P. n. Moore in tbc Moore and Dlsslnger Lulldings, on the comer of Market and Third streets, is about being disposed of to Ira T. Clement. This property Is uow probably tbc most valuable In this place. Mr. Moore Intends . embarking hi ot hut baslness, which is his reason for disposing of this valuable property. Death or Cot,. IIf.intzki.mak. Col. M. T. Ilcintzclni.in, formerly of this place, died nt Port Trcvorlon, Snyder county, on the 13th Inst., of consumption, aged 41 years, 7 months and 23 days. Col II. was at one time editor of the Sny der County Trhune, and was a practical printer, lie served during the lute war us Colonel of the 208th P. V. I. with marked distinction and bra very. Vfr. refer onr readers to the Orphans' Court sale, in another column, of some valuable town property, and a hous'i and lot til Augusta town ship, together with a lot of household property, Jute the property of Duvid Gutslmll, deceased. A i.AROB Assignee sale of two lots of ground, "Whereon is erected a dwelling house, stables, Foundry and Machine Shop, together with a large amouut of Machinery, Cuttings, Ac, In the borough of Uuiontown, Dauphin county, Pa., will take place on Tuesday the UOth of February. For further particulars sec bills printed at 'this office. A Fink brick house Is offered for sale In a beau tiful part of the borough, ut a low price. f-c advertisement of Mr. M. Hah.ie lu another col li uin. Tim Boom. Wc understand that the work on the boom in the West Br.'i'ich, above Northum berland, is almost completed. The piers have been erected in a suij-.tanflul mnniier,nnd the bal ance of the work wi ' be finished in a few days, ready for the spring Hood. Suicide. Dr. Bristol.froTii California, and well known to soma of the citizens of this place, while going from Philadelphia to St. Clutr. on Monday last, cut hi. throat in the saloon ofoue of the cars attached to the train that left Phila delphia, at 3.;;o, p. in., near Siiocnmkcrvillc eta .tiou. lie died on the train. j T.i-f.ctios or Bank Diiikctoh. At an elec- tlou held at the First National Bank of Sunbury, held on Tuesday the 23d Inst., tha following board of Directors were chosen to serve the ensu ing year : J. B. Packer, James K. Davis, Jesse C. llorton, Win. II. Wnplcs, Simon Cameron, Wiu. I. Grecnough, John Huns, Win. M. Rockc fcller, Win. Cameron, A. B. Warlord, Alex. Jor dan, Geo. Smuller and G.-o. Scliuurc. Mu. J. 0. Thimhi.e, ha purchased the Groce ry (tore of Sol. Broclous, In Bright' building, nn Market street, and took iossesslon dnrlng the past week. Mr. Trimble is a thorough bmlues .man, and understands the wants of the people. Huvlng superior advantages lu procuring goods in the city, his assortment will not be excelled anywhere. kT LECTI'KES AT NollTl MHEKl.AND. I). II. Clurk will deliver a lecture next Sunday evening Jan. 28, at tho Vnitarlnn Church, n Northumberland. Subject, "Amurcmcnts," to be followed ut Inter vals during tbe wiutcr by lectures upou the fol lowing subject! "The Hearing of Children," "Education," "The l.abor Question, a look ut it from both bides," "The Woiuau Movement," "The Work of Life." it On Saturday last about 8" j o'clock, fire wus discovered in the stable In the rear of the Acade my buildlugs 011 Front street. An alarm was given, but before tbe Are department, which was very punctual, reached the place, the fire bad been extinguished. A bottle of kercoscne oil, and some other combustible matter, were foiiud eloso where the fire broke out, wblch goes to show the fire hud been thc work of an incendiary. It is a pity these rascals cunnot be discovered and uiiUe an example of. 8raiauT II1011 School- We regret to stale that Mr. Geo. O. Mllle.-, the excellent teacher of tbe High School at this place, wa compelled to resign on account of Ill-health. Mr. Miller wa successful teacher, and I highly esteemed wherever he Is known. We hope that a speedy resteratloii of his health will euuble blni to agaiu resume his occupation. Mr. Ellas Schnei der, who Is well known In this place as a teach er, and who was the principal of tht Sunbury Seiuloury a few years ago, and who rendered ge neral sutlsfactlou, has been appolutcd iu tbe pluee of Mr. Miller. Mr. Schneider's qualifica tions at a teacher are well l.nown throughout the sate, and we have nu doubt that our school will advance rapidly under his Instructions. Wa notice that there 1 an effort being made to establish a puhlle road across the hill known at Rhliiehurt's hill to Intersect with the Lime stone Valley road, to avoid the dauger of travel. ng alo-jg the narrow below this place. We tiave no doubt the jury oppoluted to view tht rout will at once agree lo recommend it. Tbe tS0plr Lower aud Upper Augusta towuships, nU tr greatly benefit led by such a road, partlcu-i-Vflr t one uow In ase i dangerou la eon tf t ol it c!ise proutuiiy to the railroad, fcrolj lunate in escaping this loathsome disease. Not a single case has occurred In; this place, notwith standing its general' spread throughout tb. State, according to Journalistic reports Bat the dis ease is evidently 'arproachfnjr ns, and wo ennnot reasonably expeel an escape. If .It once breaks ont we. may expect sevsre lime, tyilc the e. cesrj 'precautions are taken to check It. It has been suggested that the borough council take action "on (bit RtaUer t ! vcr effort In case It breaks out, to prevent ( the exUnsion of the disease. Toaccompllsh fins tlie" council Should procure suitable building at the Otis' skirt of the towiij 'and have R regularly Uttctf up at a hospital, where till 'cases' 'as thej nceur should be tnkcn.and given In chargo of careful hursos. Cuius this Is dona janch misery must result, and many d oaths occur through careless ness wliorc, In a well rcguiatcd. hospital', of the character we suggest, attended 'by persons fear less of the disease, many families amy be sated fitftm tlm lnntliftniiM iMuim.' Tlinra mra At lnnt one hundred yonng men now employed on the Aktans, Pox. Oar tow kas-iaw far railroad who aro boarding, and If the disease , vu , .... . v. .uU shonld braak out imost them, tbey wodld either , mod "Micr, and welt calculated for the beeompclled to learc or aid In spradlng tho ; P"cnt ,crlod. The selection of the reading disease by remalullig In the place. Tho lives of ! "'ler U ?f lhc choicest, and ilgUXjr credit these young men, who are without homes, are ; t,u 'j '.'J aa precious as thoro of our own citizens, and ? fc-aWT W Wcdiicsday eve, our council could n perform a mom humane , funug ,,, by thc niime of JrtM.pU Pott act, than to provide for them as well at our .! ,ueinptrd u, commit no outrage on a littl.girl iricnus, anu ,ie4gnuor. wnen sincacn uown oy -J. 1 IraovRRNN.Mrt.iriBKBl.A!.n.-Vino- tlced a few days ago that our neighbors of North umberland lrnve woke np from tliclr Rip Van Winkle sleep, and become greatly Imbued with the spirit of Improvement. In pausing over thc P. A E. R. B., we noticed a large number of new and handsome buildings erected on Quccu street daring the past year, besides a number scattered throughout the town. We are happy to note these Improvements, as it shows that the citizens of that town have not lost sight of their superior location for bnslnesi, nor of Its acknowledged beautiful situation. Amongst the buildings lately erected Is a flue hotel, on Market street, near the old bnnk'biiildliigs, by Mr. (Jen.' Burr, which is a pleasant resort, 11s Mr. Burrls an experienced landlord, and "knows how to keep a hotel." Be-- sides t he new buildings, a number of thc old ones ' arc being repaired. This enterprise on the jart of thc chlr.ens, will soon, brtuf other Improve menls to the place, as it has superior advunta ges to make It a manufacturing town. D. II. & W. R. R, Tim niuwwr'itni nn ' this road are now running regularly between this . . . place and Huzleton, where they connect with Hie trains, direct to New York ctty. The train leaves Stinburv nt 0.30 a. m..'nnd arrives ut 3.50 p. m. Passengers taking the 6.30 a. m. train, will arrive , In New York at t,50p.m. This train is hi charge of ' Dr. Jeffries, one of the most experienced conduc- i tors In the State, and all who will hare occasion I tobeou his tralu. will find him courteous and . obliging. Since the opening of this road, the trains have made excellent time, no accident bav- j lin? occurred, wbleh Is an cvlrlenpc that tlm r,i,,l is in good condition, and coudueted by careful ' bunds. We are Informed that the Pennsylvania Cen- trul R. It. Co., have leased this road for a term ' of 33 years, the lease to take effect on the 1st of March next. Arrangement are being made to iiioiu thoroughly equip the roudj and under the ' nea- asjBiugemcnt every effort will be made to lu- ' crease the buslutss and revenue. Parties going to New York will Uud this route not only the shortest und quickest, but the most pleasant of nuy other. The Organization of thc Brotlierhood of Loco- motive Engineers, we are pleased to say, is lu a flourishing coudiliou la thj flace. Having been In existence for several yenh, they arc con stantly increasing lu nnmliers.-' Their meetings lire held on Sundays, ns they arc unable to meet during the week for thc reason that most of thorn are engaged on the different roads during the week, day uud night. One of tho principal ob jects of tliis society Is to consult together as to thc best uiodo of saving the live of passengers, and tbe property of their employer. All must see the importance of the purpose of this association. There is uo class of men upon whom rests so great a responsibility, or to whom danger pre sents itself lu form so uppnlling; uud thc mect Ingof this class of men to consult upon a subject of such public Importance, cannot be too highly commended by u gratelul public. It is not only their own lives that lire endangered, but the lives of hundreds, whom they have In charge, depend upon their enre and cflirieiiey. By thus meeting together the more experience!, by consultation, cun tench those who have just assumed the re sponsible and duugerous position of a locomotive 1 engineer, and thus many disasters may be pre vented. We hoe to see this Division of the Bro- . tbcrhood flourish here us elsewhere ; uud that Its memlHTs may meet with proper encouragement throughout the country. The stockholders of tbe Mutual Saving Fund and Building Association, held an election for oflleors for the ensuing year, on Friday evening Inst, when the following persons were ' chosen 1 . r ' i Vice President Ira T. Clement. 1 Secretary J. Weiser Buchcr, Treasurer P. II. Moore. Solicitor A. N. Bricc. Directors Emanuel Wllvert, N. F. Marti, J. W. Burlier, Henry Clement, Jacob Fetter, Sam uel Fuust, Sur., Joliu Clurk, Jacob Shipoiuu, II. C. Diselnger, and A. N. Brie.' ' The election of President will take place on the organization of the Board of Directors. This As sociation has been in existence for four years. The following Is a synopsis of the Secretary's re port of last year: Suubury Mutual Saviug Futld A Building Asso ciation for the year 1871. Loans sold 83 Average Premium 52 10 Cush Paid on each Share 60 00 Premium 83 29 Vulue of each Share 83 211 Receipts for 1871 $15,127 00 Balanoe iu hands of Treas urer as per last report 834 60 Balance due Treasurer over-i paid 80 93 15,48-J 68 15,483 08 980 OA Disbursement Outstanding dues, interest, fiue aud iusurauce Premium for 1871 Average Premium pr Share pr annum 65 7 74 . Era and Eab IxriKisAKT. Dr. Up DeGratT has permanently located iu Suubury, to follow hi profession. The skillful operatloL perform ed by bim lu this pluee since bis residence here, bat given him a lure practice already. The Doctor 1 widely known a oue of the most suc cessful surgeons In this section of couutry, and more particularly to bis success lu operutlug up on the eyes. In a number ef case of blitdness, of years stuudlug, he has restored sight at once. The Doctor can always be fouud at hi office, un less professionally engaged, oh the seeoud floor of the Moore and Dlsslnger bulldfugs, next door to this office. Tbe GautU of last week, notice one of the Doctor's eases as follows 1 A Bkillki t. Operation. A gentleman of this place, who accompanied Dr. UpDeGraff, last Sun day, gives an account of a skillful operation per formed by the Doctor on Mrs. Mary Rothcrmel, of Little Mahanoy, for cataract. Mr. Rolber mel Is aa old lady of about 88 years of age, aud had been blind for some years. In a person of her age the success of such an operation is -always doubtful, but our Informant, who witness, ed the operallou, says that ."medlalety after the performance tha old lady was delighted that she AMuldtpe, CisiaiAii aji-Kwtor. weeks' Sellnsgrore 7mitbnt tbe.edltor of Ibat paper came nearly going through the operation of being cancelled. It appears, according to the editor's statement, "tfint he had ofjended CoT. Blmpsari, nad inectlnfrtWcoioaal Tit the Pnydoc County Bnok, ,1m tUaiptd to use the eiincoW ling banimer on the editor's uranium, but the Cashier protested, and saved our neighbor from demolition. ' We have often heard of pistols, bowlo knives and cowhides, but we havo nevor befoie heard of each tamgtrvm s butchcrle i instru ments used upon editors as a cancelling bamtnor ,vithmf iw iils.n .ilto! '. : Tun Awkuioan Rrahrr-W received aa fcn tlre new aeries of Readers from the publishing house of E. II. Bntlcr and Co., Philadelphia, call ed the New American Render. These book aro better calculated for schools than any, we have yet seen, and ore more particularly adapted to the school room, than any other now In uso. They are handsomely lllustrutad with original engravings, handsomely printed and strongly boood' "na old P" ",un orlt P"b8n- Bl)out ,,,5,,,. of Mr. JllIne, D. ! JJrawer, of thisplnco. Mr. Jl, arter obtaining a ' 6 description of the villain us the child . could give, fastened Lis suspicions upon Potter, uud on taking liim before thc child on Thursday morning she fully idcntttled htm ns the person. After acknowledging "the com" Mr. B., who is a ttou( athletic, mnn, having previously provided himself with n good cowhide, proceeded with his task and gave thc follow one of thc severest flog logs ever Inflicted upon nay human being lu this country, j .., ff , l- t. When lust seen Potter wus making tracks, somewhat hurriedly, lu tbc direction of North umberland county, and His to be hoped will nev er again make his appearance in these parts. Wc learn that Potter Is also suspected of hav ing previously attempted the same outrage upon the persons of two other children, of this pla;e, r ,,bout tLc tMme ne--V"'ir T.umhtmry. On Saturday morning the house of Wm. Ow en, on Rock street, occupied by Huli Ilamlltou, narrowly cscajted coiiflugrutlon by some miucr clothes, which had been plnced under the cook stove to dry, taking lire. Mr. Hamilton was - 1 1 ,.1 1 , awakened between Vi and 1 o'clock by the smoke entering his bed room, and upon going down stairs found the floor on Are. He Immed iately gave the alarm, mid with the aid of some neighbors who promptly responded, extinguished " Ore- A hole was burned lu tbc Uoor almost ,,lrKc T" ove ttirougb. T,,i' tl,c ,h!rd l!mo "ltl,,u R few ,VCtk tunt ort"n has been Ibreutened with a Ore, and It ! honld serve to arouse ourciilxens to duty. Wa- ( ,ur work" nnd B1 nreapparalus are what this ; town needs and must have. Cas( ai.tt. On Saturdnv afternoon a little son of .dam Castutter, of this place, agori about 1 years, rcU luto a bucket nt boiling water which was left standing upon the floor while bis mother went to the pump, and was so badly scalded that he died ou Snnday evening. ShatHokin JItraUI. Wiioi.ksaijc A huesth. It is our province U an nounce the arrest of six young men of our town, on lust Thursday, under the charge of being con nected with tho recent incendiarisms. Three f lhe jiarty aro also charged with breaking ,uto t,,e hoU8e of n ,,,ttn ,ne ""me of Bennett, J living on tho road leadlug to Port Penn., on last Wednesday uflernoon, uud robbing tlie same of ' money and Jewelry, aud with commuting otber acts of a tuUicious character. Tbe parties ar rested were Washington Giesc, Pierce Crawford, Jacob Rlckold, Hope Walton, Win. Mitchell uud 1 Isaluh Butler, w ho were nil committed to jail for 1 trial by justice Ranklu. We undorstuud that j ' there are still two or three other persons at large ' ' who are charged with being connected with one I ' or the other of the two-offences. ' Presuming that the trials will be prosecuted ! the present term, we prefer to express no opin- Ion at to their guilt or Innocence, further than to ) sny that the Commouwealtb hopes to be able to j ' couvlet most, if not nil, of those arrested. ' Since the above was put iu type we learn that ' . John Gclsu wa also arrested ou Satuiday after- I ' noon, nud committed to jail upon lhc charge ef being Implicated In the burning of the stable of f! ' Mathias Wei liver nud others, on the Mb day o ' November last. Money I.umituttjij. 1-1 ni.isiirii nt kecii est. At thc reipicst of a friend thc following well ' w riltcu negro song was handed to us for publica tion. Ii recommends Itself us a song of its kind, and as it Is one ot the first written in the negro . diulcct,nad has been followed by so many of a sini : liar character, wo give it room. It wus written at tho time of Lafayette's visit, by a boy 15 year of age, uownn old Quaker gentleman residing in Philadelphia. Shults was Governor of the State . nt that time, and Robert Wharton was Mayor of j Philadelphia. The Haytien revolution had just ! resulted iu the liberation of the colored race on I that island, aud a furore for cuilgatlon thllher : existed among our population of that class, hence j the song and parade of the colored expectants of j that time 1 Jlrnddcr let us leave Buckra laud for Huytee, liar we be received Grand as Lu Fayetl-cc. Make a Diichty show. Fine us e'er you will see, You be like Monroe, " '. Me Ilk Gubnor Shultx-ec. On dat equal sod Wo shall happy lib-ce ; . No more tote de hod, - No more clean.de prib-ee. No more Oyster ope, For dc white inuu goodie 1 No more 't retch de rope, No more saw'e wood-ce. No more carry bag, And w ld nail and tlck-ee j Nasty dirty rag, Out de gutter plrk-ce. Dar we find no mayor, Sharp and cross like Bobby, To fright our lubly fulr. And make us sigh aud sob-re. No moie barrow wheel, Which so mighty Jlrk us j No more 'bligi-d lo leal, Dcu be put In work h'us. Smoke de be' srgar, Fotcb from de Ilavunn-ee, While our daughters u'r, Play on da 1 iuu-ee. Dar to dance a jig, What while man call cotillion, In hall so mighty big, He hold a half a utiUiun. Dar our wives be grand, And lu diamonds shln-ee, While ebery colored muu Have belly full of wlue-ee. , Den, too, perhaps, your son-ee May rise to glorious splendour, And be Mfce Washlngton-ee, Tbe couutry' great defeuder. Vis hue Bills We beg to remind our frlead that we are prepared to prlut vendue bills lu the most attractive style, at short notice. As the season for these sales Is at hand, we solicit the orders of all who may have property to sell. Per sons living at a distance can seud us the particu lars by mail, ami we -will put tham in proper shape. -Uatf. laiAai-s-rentalninuin-tlte Post Oftlce at Snnlinry, Jnnnnry 84, 18TJ. J. B. Boyct, Ml? Rebcecii Brocbiis, Miss Jemi ma blomn Mrs Sussa HrtJiks, Jerry B. llorto;i, llss Nellie Buck 8, Conrad A Bradford, Thomas Kmswelles Sumiiol Ks. l'etrr Qettcr, Henry (l isp. Sr., Henry U. tirayblll, Mrs. D. M. (lass, Miss Jons Guss, Isaac Uousewortb, S. P. Reilly, SumiMili It. llnrthworth, Harrison Jenkins, Abra ham Coley, J. A. Kline, Julia F. KWer, jAke Kasmnn, Jucksen Leuir, Mia Sarah Leak, Dr. li IU Morris, Miss .Miuy A. Moyer, Houry L. Nlarllu, J.eoimnl Nmdig, tCuinne Nichol, Jane Nvidig, iiziitieth Ussinan, Mr. Thoma Ri-ed, Sirs. Cutharino Shrcuck, Mrs. Lilllc Wray, Wm. Zluimcxinau. . i ' " .. .., . (. . . . Jfmxi. smith, p. m. iotlistgM. Pofl-fcA among the bnys 'Tom and Jerry." - A KDMBRHof thc Collieries a t WUkesburre have resumed work. .... i . ' .. Ot n clergymen, like railroad bmkemen, are expected to do a great deal of "coupling this "" .." Tiir "handsomest" man lu towu can be seen on tlie platform of the depot on the arrival of each truln. . SwEEtusn Brandy lsankl to lie flavored with nuts. Tlmt Is not so bud us to have uunts flavor ed with brandy. - . . , IT Is said that the "nicest" prluter In the county, ea, be seen at tbc lUiiuKratic Vnntil ofnee hi Sunbury. SKU.i.rt i. housekeeper nse brewcri yenst to raise good bread. Their husbands sometimes! (Irlnk brewers" beer tunsise a breese. -j Tiik youth wbu 'tut- other night saluted the ; shutter, and I lies brushed his coat with n brick, j is suppobcd to have bceit somewhat inebriated. "He that giveth to the poor lemloth to the j Lord."' Person having anything to lend, there- I fore, will tinil this the very season in which to : praclleerhsflty.. . , i4u When our norly elects Treasurer, Mr. A. Cudwnllader, took eUirg uflils otllee, lie had to , reeulit or hathlhg 1 lite. Ring Imd drained the i Trrjuury-rt is empty. ' Wb met a drlnkist. yesterduy, on 3d street, ' whose proboscis would make nn excellent lump for n signal tower on a railway line. It shovel red, white and blue, by turut. The man who Is too poor lo take n newspaper ' has bought a doe;, shot gun mid a two dollar watch. He educates his children iu the street, ! and boards his chickens ou his neighbors. ', Ir yon arc a citizen of this county have bor rowed this Journal for town und country, and are now rcadiug It without. pa.Wmr for it repent, walk into our office, subscribe, and, sock stamps. 1 The females of one of the Indian tribes In or-! der to keep silouce, 111! their mouths with water. ' Wc know of some in till town who till their , mouths with tattle and tua, mid then talk straight on. ' I 1 I.F.AI' year! Ladles, now Is the lime you "long have sought." If bnsbfuluess has held bick avowals of love from nny suitor, trnjltion will ' tam-lton you In smoothing the way for a declara tion. ... j The young ladies declare that the bonnets for j th r:isou lire perfectly lovely! Their shape is ; something between nn old-fashioned fireman's . hat nud n cup, arc becoming to alino.t every style of face, uad cost the most abominable pri ces. I For Rknt.-. house uud lot lu Market Street. Possession given Immediately. For further par ticulars Inijuirc at tills ofiiee. Br strict attention to birsliics, Thos. G. Sott controls thc largest tailoring business In Sun bury. All his suits attract attention, and arc. com men ted upon ns the best fitting clothing worn. He keeps pxcelloiit goods nnd knows bow to mukc them up to please tho most fastidious. The splendid assortment ef nil kiuds of Hats nnd Caps nt S. Faust's More continue to attract attention, which are sold nt rcaeonuMc prices. Theiik aro more Boots nnd Shoes sold at the Excelsior store of W. II. Miller, Market Square, than any establishment in the county. The rea son Is, that Miller keeps the largest stock to select from, and always has the best quality. Anotiikh lot of new Furniture bus Just been received nt B. L. Romlcnhusli's Store, In the Ma sonic Buildings. Some of the very he-t that can be fouud in tbe cities, made up lu tbc most mod ern style. Furniture of all kinds, equal to a city store, arc kept in this establishment, nud sold ut the most reasonable prices. The holidays being over, it Is, nevertheless, true that Clement & Dissingcr are still selling their good nt lower prices than elsewhere. Every one will be convinced ef this fact by call lug at their new store, room lu Clement's build ing, on Market Square. 1 A Fact worth remembering, that Welmcr sells goods lower thuD tlie lowest. Ills stock of Dress Goods in Silks, Merinos, Empress cloth, Sattins, Plaids, tv.c., 1V.C., are ceinplete. Velvets und Velveteens 25 per cent lower tbuu former prices. Waterproofs of the latest styles und best make. Indies' Childrens' mid Gents' Furs. His assort ment of Shawls, embracing all the leading styles In the markets, which lie oilers ut extremely low prices. Cull and be convinced that Welmer's popular Cash Store is the place to secure bar gains. His stock of goods i uot to be surpassed by any in quantity, quality, or price. No trou ble to show goods. Having Just returned, from tbe Now York mar kets, he Is prepared tootler extru Inducements to cask) buyers. . ' !j f . Lots rort Sai.e. One tot (10 feet front 011 Chestnut street, Suubury, adjoining tlm residence of L. T. Rohrbncli,. Esq.,, nnd two vacant lot fronting Race street, iu Musser't addition. En quire of n. B. Masscr. .'. How to get money 1 the groat desire of all. A really good aud serviceable Sewing. Machine that will make money for you, or help yon to save it. Will be sent to your own. home on Trial of 'M duys, no matter where yon may lie, and you can puy for It in small monthly, lustailineuts, by writing to tbe American Machine Co., cor. Johu r.nd Nnssua Street, New York or yon can have a County Right free, as agiil, niid make money fast. We advise smart men to secure the busi ness, as nothing pays better than the agency for a good Sev. lug Machine. Write ut once. Special Noii cs. On Marriage. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils uud Abuses, which Interfere will. Marriage, and ruin, tlie hnppincse of thou sands, with sure incuus of relief for the Erring and Uiifortioiute, deceased uiid debilitated. Sen I Iu sealed letter euvcloKi, free of charge. Address, Howard Associuilou, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. The t'uiYMioua ofun luvtsliil. PUBLISHED a a warning aud for the benefit of yutuuj wu uih! utnera, who sutler from Nrrvoiu Debility, &c., supplylug lb means of self-cure. Written by oue who cured himself and scut free ou receiving a post-paid directed mveloiw. Address, NATHANIEL MAVs'AIR, May -Ai, 1871.-6in. Brooklyn, N. Y. TO THE MIFFEUIXU, The ReT, William JT. Norton, while residing lu lirasll as a udssinuary, discovered In that laud of medicines a remedy for CwKstsiiTiox, Scaori LA, Sokr Throat, Col ous, Colus, Asthma, and Nruvors Wimkness This rem edy has cured myself after 1.U other mediclues bad tailed. Wishing to benefit f-e tufferlng. t I will send the recipe for preparing aud 1 sing this remedy to all who desire It FKKK OF CHARGE. PleiuH) scud an euveloj, with your name and address on it. Address, Rev. WILLIAM U. NORTON, '' 076 Bkoaowat, Oct. 141971. lv." : New Yor Citv, P4 o5.JS3Sr S i . In this plane, na the lHlb last.j 4fHIN B. sou of Wm. II. and F. Louisa Millor, aired 1 ft mouth. In Vppcr Angnstn tnwi.shlp. on Mondav night lnrt, Mr. PETER OBKRDORF, aged about 0.1 years. On Wednesday, tbc Slth lust.. HKr.UntT WOODS, son of Charles W. and M, K. Nicker son, aged l! months nud four dttys. Nunbury JrMln A lreln;e Marlifl. COHttltTTKn WKKKI.V :T lltl.E (iRRINOKII. GiiAtN-!-Cboice White Wheat....; 1 fio ' Best Amber, Winter 1 50 ! Corn n ' Rye 1 00 ! Oats, (32 His.) 50 Bent A m her, Winter, per sack 3 00 " " " " barrel .8 W 1 Corn Meal, per cwt. 3 50 ' Pennsylvania Roll nr, Eons Pel lor.en SO ! Meats Dried Beef, per lb 2sfii SO : Smoked Mutton Hif-i 1 Lmrt per lb , ...20 Fish Salt White Fish, per lb .15 : " Trout ' n; Cod " s VEonTAni.ns Turnips, per bushel Vl ' Potatoes " ' 75 Onions " " 1 00 Beans, " quart lofH 18 Hominy, " " .1.13 Dmr.ti Fut its Dried" Apples, per lb 12f."f, " Peaches, 20fnil4 . m 'S s: -LOST. A LARGE POCKET BOOK, eontning a Pass Book nnd a Note of J. B. Weiser in favor of Joseph Richardson, for One hundred Dollars, i two I'hotoimiphs of the undersigned, aud other pupers of no vulue to any one but the owner. j Supposed to hnvu been, lost between Friling's ! s'ore, Market street, nnd -upper cnt of Fourth street. Thc finder will please leave II at Fry-, lin-j's store, nnd oblige, , JOSEPH RICHARDSON. 1 Suubury, Jan. 13, 1872.-31. A 1. K V T V It K TO YOUNG MUX. ' lust Published, In .1 Sealed Envelope. Price Gets. ; A Lecture ou the Xature, Trratt 1 ment nnd Radical Cure of Spcrmalorrinea, or Ueminui Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, s, x- Hal Debility, and Impedinjcnts to Marriaire gen- 1 Crully r-niiM, I'oftdiiinpllou, Kpllepsv, 1 uud Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, re sulting from Self-Abitsc, Ac llv ROBERT J. CULVKRVYELL, ii. D., Author "of tho "Green Book,"Cc. t Tho world-rrnowued a':l!ior, In this admirable . Lecture, clearly proves from his own exjicrience that thc awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without mollcriies, nn'l witlioul ilaiigerous surglcul o)icratio:is, bougies, Instruments, rings, or cordials, oiiithii; out a . mode of cure nt ouce certain and etl'eetnal by 1 which every Sufferer, no matter what his eondi. ' tlou may be, limy cure himself cheaply, priv.-tie- i lv nnd radlcnllv. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to nny address. In :i plain real- cd envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two ,' postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culvern-cllV '"Mar-, riagc Guide,'' price cents. Address the Pub lishers. CIIAS. ,T. C. KLINE .V CO.. 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box, I.5S0'. Jan. 30, 1873, TuiouTKtt-r itori t: i:antv aki. : 1 Dnuvillr, llnzletou A lVilkcsbiirrr Kail Kond. , WINTER ARRANGKMEN T . t.r.AVE r.ASTWAItl). Sunbirrv, ! 'Jo a 111 Danville, 7 (ri " ; Cattnw'a, 7 -.'s " i Huzleton, 'J OS " i.CAve wicsTWAitn X. York, ti 00 a in F.uston, II 35 " Phll'it. 8 IKI " Bellilc'm 10 0.) " lb thle'tu li 10 p 111 Phil'a, 15 Eiston, U 35 " N. York, 8 50 " Hazleton, 1 00 p m Cattnw'a, S 4H " Danville, '.', " Suubury, S 67 " ; 1 The afternoon train counoi-ts at Suniibury with ' ' tho Philadelphia & Erie, 4 S5 p. in., trainV"ing ' , west, arriving at Wllllumsport ti 'M mid Lock ! Haven 7 55 p. 111., and with the Northern Cen tral 4 50 p. 111., moving south arriving .it Harris- , burg 7 00 p. m., and Baltimore 10 45 p. m., und i also with the Sunbury & Lewlstown R. R. Comfortable and handsome coaches on this Hew route. . I J. HERVEY KASE, Superintendent. , i AGEXTN W ANTED, ; GREAT INDUCEMENTS! IlESTUIlTIVK OF I LIFE IN UTAH. ! i By a SISTER OF A HIGH PRIEST, one of his I victims, who has made her escupa after a resl- 1 deuce of fifteen years among them. Her alllda- , , vils to the Govcriimutit, crushing evidence against . , Brighnm Young and the Elders. Thc "Prophet" I ' in court. Trial and sentence of Hawkins. Start- 1 ling disclosures, plots, assussiuations nnd victims. 473 pages, fully Illustrated. I Circulars, Terms and full pnrtlcblars, scut free on application, address. . DUFF! ELD ASilMKAD. Publisher. Jania,'73. 711 Suasoiu Strwt, Philadelphia. V ICK'N ri.OK.lI4 Cil IDE fr l7i. The First Edition of Two Hundred Thousand copie Just published. It Is elegantly printed ou Uue tinted paper, in Two Colors, uud illustrated with over Three Hundred Engravings of Flowers and Vegetables, and. TWO COLORED PLATES. The most beautiful uud Instructive Catalogue and Floral Guide lu the world 113 pages, giving thorough directions for the culture ol Flowers und Vegetables, ornamenting grounds, umki-.tg walks, Sce. Forwurded to any who apply by mall, for Ten Cents, only oue-iiuurlur the cost. Address, JAMES VICK, Jan. 13, 1873. Rochclcr, N. Y. IB, G. PETERS' ggjSALE STABLES, Adjoining Harrisburg Stock Yards, Horses BoimM, tSold or EitapS. December 16, 1871. 3m. E. HodgKlns, Agt,f IIEALEK IX Hides, Tallow, Bones, Rags aud CRACKLINGS, " Muu bar-, Morth'U C'oautjr, Pa. CASH PAID ONALL PURCII ASE6. Sunbury, Due. 23, 1871.-ut. TO lKilHltuilca rcrsonn, To Dysptptics, , . , 1 To Huft'crfni fronl IJrrr Complaint, -To tlose LftVlngno Anprtttc,. . . - 1 - ' To tUoso .WifJiTJJrokcn jDowh U6nslh tons, J' ' ' ' To Nctvmn lVoplc, r To Children Wnstinfr Atrtty, oany with IVbilltittcd digestive Orprtus, Ot Hiiffcrinfi trifft nny f thr fnllmriuri S vi) 1(0111, whidi iiitlicute JJimnfrrctl Livrt Stomach, such as Con stipation, Inwiird ' ' Piles, Fullness or Blood to tbc llcail, Acid ity of thc Stomach, Nausea, HcHrtburn, Disgust fur Fund, Fullness or Weight iu the Stom ach, Soilr Kriii-t.it Ions, Sinking or Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stom ach, Swimming of tlie Head. Ilitr- rled und Difficult Breathing, I Inher ing nt tho Heart, Choking or Snfl'ocut Ing Sensations, When In ,11 Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots i.r Webs ticfiirc the Sight, Fever and Dull Piiiu In the Head, Dellrleii cy nf Perspiration, Yellowunss .of the Skin iinil Krrf, Pain in the Side, Back. Chert, Limbs, Ac, SuiIiIpii llu.lies of Ileal, Hurtling III tho Fleb Constant lu). Hgluiugs of Evil, ami (ireat De pression of Spirits. noolliinrt's Ci or 111 an Iiitlcrs. A" Bitters without Alcohol or Sjilrlts of nny kind. Is different from nil others. It Is composed if lhc pure Juices, or Vital PRiNriii.p. or Hoots. flminK nnd Bums', (or ns medlclnnlly termed Ins tructs,) the worthless or Inert jxirllons of the. In gredients not being used. Therefore iu one bot tle or this Hitters there Is contained as much me dical virtue ns will lie fund In several gallons of ordinary mixtures, l hc Roots, ,vc. used in this Hitters arc grown In Germany, thilr - H11I princi ples extracted Ii: Hint country by a selentlde Che mist, nnd forwarded -tn tbPTun'nufaetory In this city, where they nre coinMiunleil and bottled. Containing no splr.tuous lugredieiits, this Bitters I, free from the objections urged ngalnst all oth ers 1 no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their use; they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have nny but ti beneficial effect, - IIOOH.AXICN Kit II AX TOMC. Was coinpounilcd for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, mul is iutend-d for use lu cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in eo 1 ncetion with the tonic propc-rties of the Bitters. Knrh Ixtttleof thc Tonic contains one bottle or Hie Hitlers, combined w ith puree SANTA CRUZ RUM. nnd flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly ngreeable and pleasant to the palate, nnd containing the medicinal vir tues of I Ik- Bitters. The price of the Tonic is 1. 50 per Bottle, which many jiersons think too high. They imiht take into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to lie of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished ut a cheaper prire, hut is It not better to pay a little more und have a good article I A medicinal pr- paration shonld contain none but tlie hct ingre dients ; mid ihev who expect to ohtniu a cheap compound, mid be beuctitlcd by it will most cer tainly be cheated. IIo(laiirt (ioriiian miter, or IIOOFLAXD'S GERMAN TONIC, with IIOOF LAND'S l0llli, Hill fill. will cure ymi. They nre the Greatest BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, and will eradicate ilisca-es arising from impure Jt'und, Debility of the Disgitive Organs, or Diseased Liver, iu a shorter lime tluui nny other known remedies. tiii: wiioi.k si i'ukmi: contT or l'KXNVVI.VAXIA SL'Ii.VK KOIt TJ1KSE 11 KM UP IKS. Who ivot i.ii ask rou mc I 1 1 ; n 1 h 1 1 : 1 ami Sruo.Mir.u Tkstimonv! Hon. fir.oMor. W.- Wikiiiiv aiih, formerly Chief Justiecnr the Supreme Court of Pennsvlvaula, nt presimi Mnmiierol Congress from l'cmo-v!. vuiilu writes : " ' . Puii.Aiini.i'Uii, March H'.th, 1',7. I Had ''Hoolland's German Iiitlcrs" U a good tonic, Useful in discuses of the digestive organs, and of great benelit In cases of debility, and want of ucrvou nctlon in the svstem. Yours, truly, GEt. Wv W JODW A tM. lion. James Thihii'Son, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of l'cnn.-ytvnnia. 1'iiii.AHKi.i'iii.t, April SS, 17. I consider "1 loolland's German Ititt -rs" a val uable medicine In case, if itt uks ot luili.e:tion or Dyspepsia. I can evitify tliis from my expe lleliee of it. Youri, JAMES THOMPSON. lion. Gr.ouor. S11 tuswoon. Justice of tlie Su premc Court of Pennsylvania. J'nn lOKi.i'Mi a, June 1, IKiS. I have found iy cxicrieiiee that lloolhind's tierman Bitlers" Is very good tonic, relieving dysHptlc svmptoms almost ilireetlv. titOlil.E SHARSWOOD. Hon. Hii. 7". ll .nf.t, Muvorof the City of Buf falo, N. V. Mayor's Office, llnllalo, June '.'3, lSOO. I have used "Hootlaiid's (ierni.in Hitlers and Tonic" in my family during the past year, and ' can recommend them ns nu excellent Ionic, im- parting tone and vigor to the system. Their use ' lias been productive of ileeidedlv lieuetleial ef fects. WM.'F, ROGERS. Hon. Jamtt AT. U'wtl, Ex-Mayor of Williams- ' pint. Pa. 1 take great pleasure iu recommending "Hoof, land's Gentian Tunic" to any 0111 who 'may be nlllicted with DysNpsia.- 1 hail tlie DysH-psia so bail'y It was iitiiur.sibli- to keep any food on my stom icb, nnd 1 beeaine so weak as not to tic ' able lo walk half a mile. Two bottles ell'eeto.1 a perfect cure.. . JAMES M. WOOD. KKMEMUKU ; THAT ; IlOtn-LAXIVS CKUMAX IUTTKHS, ' )iil j HOOF LAND'S GKUMAN TOXIC, j Will Cure every fuse of j MARASMUS, , or Wasting tiwny of tho lloily, ' liKMKMUKH , . 1 IIOOFLAXD'S tiK KM AX JtKMEPlKsJ Arc thc medicines you require to purify the. Blood, excite thc torpid Liver to healthy action, 1 mid to enable you lo pus safely through uny , hardships or cpwurcv " i 1)1..RHFLANI)'.S ! PODOrilYLLlN, or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a ; Dose. The tno.-t Powerful, ytt Innocent Calhar- 1 lie known. . ' It is mil necessary l. tnke a Landfill of these Pills lo produce the defiled i-lfccl ; two of them . act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, f-'tomacb and lloweis of' nil iinpuritles. The 1 principal ingredient is Podopbyllin, or the Aleo- liolie Kvtrnet of Mandrake, which is by many . times mora powerful, ucting and searching than j the Mandrake itsell. Iti peculiar action U upon the l.lvcr, cleaiiliie it sHilily from nil obstrue. I lions, wiib nil ihu iiv.er of' Mercury, ycl free I from the Injurious P sults attached to the use of . Hint mineral. For nil diseases, i.i which the ue of ,1 ealbar- , tie is Indicated, these pills will give entile sutis faction iu.evety eae. Tltcy never fail. i lu cases of Liver Coin; lalnt, Dyk'ln ami ex- 1 Irtino cistlveness. Dr. llimtland's liermaii bit- ! ters nrTonle should boused iu coiniectiou Willi ' the Pills. Thc tonic effect or lhc Kilters or To-' nlc builds up the system. Tho bitters or Touic i fiurliles Hhi Mood, strcmrtliens the Nerves, rei;u- ' ate the Liver, uud give strength, eucriry uud ; vit'or. ' Keep yonr Bowels active with the Pills, and i tone up the system with Kilters or Tonic, und no disease can retain the hold, or even assail you. j Kceolloct that II 1 DR. HOOFLAND'b GER MAN Rcinrdic that are so universally used and 1 highly recommoudedj aud do not allow the ' Driiugiat to Induce you to take unvihiiitr else i that he may say is Just as irood, because ha make a larger profit an It. These Romediei will be sent b, Express ',0 nny locnlitv, upon applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFIC E, at the GER MAN MEDICINE STORE, U3t ARCH BT., PHILADELPHIA. CIIAS. Isl. EVAXS, rropriotor. Formerly C M. Jackson Co. These Reme dies are for bale by Druggists, Eton-keep rs, aud Msdieiaa Dealeis every hcie. lrf .jnriussots- 'tc.cf - --':- .: , oitniiXM' voi'tiv ::.t,r.t OF vuinable real cst-itojiiiJ.ise i!aru hX I, Oiairt House, iu, ll.'v Uuiotgb of Sunlnir O.N 8 ATU It DA V, tUt: ltXli i Y 0 f F kill It V A II Y , . rient, pursuant tonn unkrof I)n-Oi pbuix' Court of Northumberland Comity, nt wblch tlnia nnd p'.nce wili bo exposed tupuli.lc ff all that cer tain T R A C T O F LAND, situate In tint township of f hainokln, bonmb-d' oil thft norfb by !nd of Tlwis Smith ; on the rust by lands of Humphrey Wright mid livid Brnslou i on the smith by "hinds of Isaac Cham berlain ami Thomas Smiili) aud on thr wet by lands nl Sauniel l.'am4iell's e-tate, containing ONE HUNDRED AN' I) NINETY-TWO ACRES and Sixteen Purrbcs, Strict Measure, whereon are jff. erected Two Dwelling Houses, a Bunk J imVJj Barn. Wagon bhi-d, and other out-'::! j buildings, u superior well of wntei" I near the bulbllire mul tn lierer-falling Sprini's I of finest water upon the premises. Also, u large j fib Orchard of rbelre fruit. About one-third j -a of tlie tract Is of t he lies! rbrsnut and oak j TIMBER LAND, , nnd about twenty-five acres of the Illicit quality ol lix'iulnw land. Lute the estate of Alexander j Sober, deceased. 1 Sa'c lo coimncnrc nt I o'clock p.m. 0.1 said day, i One-third of rmrrhuse inrmi-y (ufti-r piiymetit of ' debts,) to remain hi premises, and per cent. I carbon tiroperty Im-Iiih strut k down, -theenndi-I lions of the sale will lie more pnriic'il.irl) made known 011 saiil liny, bv 1 a. J. rr?F.i:, Tmstc:- .T.innary H, ltM. tr Don't Read This I ! Good moriiiug, Mrs. A., where are jou bound for so early I Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, . on't you know Mr. Byerly bus bought out the Gnu-cry und Conlec 1 tionery Store of Hans A Weaver, 'and Is selling j nice fresh Groceries, Canned Fruit, und iu file, 1 everjthing lu tbe Grocery line, cbeajier than the cheapest, nud I have got lired paying high prices, , so 1 have made up my mind after tills to patron ize .Mr. Byerly. So good morning, Mis. C. I inu-t go. Mrs. C, to biT'clf. Well I am bound to flud ' nut for myself, mid will go to Byerly's new cheap ' cash Grocery, the nct time I want any : (arot-t-rlt-N, 'iireliii-riror Prime I will Just say to nil come nnd give me a trial, and satisfy yourselves that there is one cheap cash Grocery in Sunbury. ! Remember the place, No. 1 1, South Third St., ; in Clement Douse Building, Sunbiirv, Pu. S. BYERLY. Sunbury, Jan. ), ItiSi. I AUK.Vl'K WASTED 1 OK I'll ruses !' I.oiiiloit l.ii'e. By D. J. Kirwnn, thc well-known Jouriuillst. THE VERY LARGEST COMMISSIONS PAID. I This biKik I n beautiful octavo of 005 p.lge, embel1ibed with-JiK) engravings, and a finely ' executed map of London, dei-lgni-d and executed I expressly for this work by eminent nrlHts. It, j eontains :i lull, graphic mid truthful statement I of the Sights, Secrets and Sensaiioiis of the great 1 Metropolis oMhe world. ' Adilre.-s, DUFFIr.LD AsIIVEND, I'libllslicr, Jati1",'71. 711 Sausom Street, Philadelphia. ' -, , , , mi r t x -V Sv w III I I I 1 1 MOitE Ji4.EV can be made canvassing for the "Young People's Helper," a dollar magiixine for young foiks, than with nuy other , cnterpri-c lu the country. A magnificent Prang Chromo given ti every subscriber. Boys uud girls do ns well ns men und women. Send tor ! paitleiilars to F. G. RICH t CO., Publishers, ' Pont Deluv! . Portland, Me. Jan. i:t, isT-J.-U. K(oekIiolIerM MeeUug. ' "VlTICK Is hereby given, that an election for I utlleers of the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund , and Building Association, will be held pt their 'too:ii, on Friday evenlr.g, January I'.nh, 18?, to serie for the ensuing year. The Stockholders ) are requested to attend. I EM'L WILVERT, i Mtrrt : Prcs't. ; J. WEISER Bt l ilF.R, See'y. i Jan. 0, 1S73.-VI. HI.A4 KMIITI1 1Y.tXTEll.-A good Blacksmith or 1,11 iagesmlth will find constant etnplovincnt Kj nppiying'iit the Carriage Shop of J. S. SEASOLTZ. Suubury Dec. 10, 1S71. 0 EH IP3 CO ft o iH o r"i c j H .0 -3 H n O cc 1 1 1 w 0 H No A3 o H ' cd CO V w WATCHES, JEWELRY, Its North (seeoud Nt., Cor f lurrj, PHILADELPHIA. Au nssortiuenl of Watches, Jewelij, liver and Plated Ware aoustanlly oil baud. Repairing of Walcbbs uud Jewelry promptly atleuuVd t. Apiil 1, 1871-ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers