Till; KI-KLIX (OXNTITIITIOIV. Why South Carolina Xeetls Koltllern. THE KEBELLIGX" ltEOKGANIZED. Tlio southern tloiiioi-ntlic journals con stantly iiMtrlJilmt tlio so-culled Ktt-Kltix outrn;es in Smith C.iroliiin liitvu no politi cal chrirnclcr whatever. It linppctis Hint Colonel tan-Is Merrill, coinniiiiitling the Seventh United Slates cavalry nt Yorkvillo, South Carolina, tho olliivr upon whom tho government lias largely relieil for ii.f'irniu tion ns to the state of alVairs llirro recently iihtniueil the original constitution or ohh pation sijrneil hy th members of tho klan, nnd was able to trace it on nnquuationablu cridunco tlirinioli tho liutxls of various chiefs of tho order, directly to tho '(J rand Chief of the Seventy,' in whoso handwrit ing it is. One or two pa;es of it appeared to bo missing, but tho authenticity of tlio document Is bcjrotul question. OULMATION TAKKN HY TUB KlMiU'X. 'I (name), lie fore thu immaculate Judge of Heaven and Earth, and upon thj Holy Evangelists of Almighty li id, do, of my own tree will and aceord, subscribe to tho following sacredly binding obligations : 'First We aii) on tho side id' justice, humanity and constitutional liberty as be queathed to us in its purity by our fore fathers. '.Second We oppose and reject tho prin ciples of tho radical party. 'Third We pledge mutual aid to each other ia iekuos9, distress and pecuniary embarrassment. 'fourth Female, friends, widows and their households shall ever bo special ob jects of our regard and protection. Tiflh Any member divulging or caus ing to bo divulged any of the foregoing obligations shall meet tho fearful penally and traitor's doom, w hich is death, death, death. 'CONSTITUTION. ..'Aut. I. This organization shall be aht. li. Tho orii?tf ft.Vh .!''.!: cyclops and scribe, both of whom sh7iu . elected by u majority vote of the order, and to hold their olileo during good behavior. Aht. 111. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the V: to preside in the order, enforce 'a duo observance of tho constitution and by laws and nn exact compliance to tho rules and usages of the order ; to see that all tho members perform their respective duties ; appoint all committees betore tho order : inspect the arms and dress of each member on special occasions , to call meetings when necessary ; draw upon members for all sums needed to carry on the order. iSoc. "J. The 8. shall keep a record of the proceedings of tlio order; writo com munications ; notify other Klans when their assistance is needed ; give notice when liny member baa to sutler 'tho penalty for violating his oath ; see that all books, pa pers or other property belonging to his ullico are placed beyonJ Iho reach of any one but members of the order. He bhall perforin such other duties as may bo re quired of him by tlio C. 'Aut. IV., Sec. 1. No person thrill bo auitialed into this order under eighteen years 'Sec.'J. j?o vcrson of color utiall be ad mitted into this order. 'Sec. o.-.'o person shall be admitted in to the order who does not sustain a good moral character and who is any way inca pacitated to discharge the duties of a Kn Klux. 'Sec. 4 - The name or a person offered lur membership must ha proposed by tho committee nppoitucd by the chief verbally, statiugage, residence, and occupation, state if he was a soldier in r lis lale war, his rank whether in the Federal or Confederate ser vice, and his command. 'Aht. V. See. 1. Any member who Khali otl'end against the.o artieh s or thu by laws, shall be subject to bo lined and repri manded by the C, us two-thirds of tlio members present at any regular uni ting may Kl(Tiniiie. Sec. 'J. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any otlnico involving reprimand or criminal l'liuUhiiieiit. 'liY-LAWS, 'Art. 1. Sec. 1. This order shall meet at . 'See. -.Five nu tubers shall constitute a quorum, provided the C. or S. be pres ent. 'Sec. U. The C. shall haw powu- to ap point sue h members of the order to attend to the sick, the needy, and those distressed, and those suilering from radical misrule, as the case may require. See. 4. --.No 'person shall be appointed on a cominUtcc unless the person is present nt the lime of appointment. Members of committees neglcetiiej to report shall be I'ned 3il ce nts. 'Aht. 11. S'c. 1. Kwry 'member on be ing admilti d shall sun tlm i'inMitiiliiiis noil by-laws and pay the initiation fee. See. -. A bivihi r of tl e Klau wishing to h.tkunu a member uJ'.Uiisordcr shall pre sent "bis applieat'u u "wiili the proper pa pers of transfer troiu the order ot which he was a member formerly. Shall be admitted to the order only by a Ui.aiiiuious vol.-of the tin niheis i'n Miit, Al.T. ill. Sec. 1. The initiation fee bhall be . 'AHT. IV. Sec. 1. Each niMiiber who shall refuse or neglect to pay bis tin. tt r dues bhall be dealt with as Die Chief thinks proper. 'Sec. '2.- Sickness or absence lnun the country or being engaged in any important business shall bo a valid exeusu lur any reject of duly. 'Aht. V. See. I. Each number bhall provide binisi If with a pistol, Wu Mu ;un and si'iul iiisti'uiui -tils. 'See. When I'hal'ecn have ken pie ferivd against a lueiuber in proper in. huh r, I'Tllll) mutters ol ylii-VUliee liitnccll liluth- i r Klux tiro bi'ougiil li-hnc tlio nuhi, they ah'UI Ik' referred l Ml peei.il c illltiiiUi o ol lined or Uu le in. ml . 1 , !m i-! . il 1 1 examine the p.U Ui a Mill il. Iciiiiine the mailer III ipu btioti, reporting I In i r ilitisim to the uiiiiT. It the p li te iul li "led d. sire, t ivu- I llllila ul' tho liioiiibeia pitaitil Voting III t lVor ol the t poll, It a'li.l tin i.tnitil. "AUf. VI. See. I. -.It i the. duty or every iiieinbi r vth'i Im iii.lm.u thit llliolher II l t lol.tled Article II., Id prefer the I lintyia Uli4 bjs eily the oil, lite to the order. .iC J. Til'' ell. II 'e (of Violating Alliclo II. alia I be I K i 1 I it c .inuilll.'e ol inn or lllore III. lllU I , tt hit alilll, Us a '"ll it. pl.u In ithlv, biiinuioii the 1 41 tn and UHi r ilitlil til l Ill Uti I. 'Vi', II. Il the i .lililiill c il l u llnit the i liiiic'i mu iii nu. .1, lb it thu ni.'ii.'o i on liiul I .11 ml. nil hi il y W' Lib d hi i-.illi, Allli lb II, tin y bb.t.r . poll I ho .o t to the I'ldi t. IS e. I - ll ll.u l oniiinlti e ir;i. e lli.it ll.u i li.il ; alu If 't UI on. I, lli.il ih. nn luU I l li..l kUlll "I li'l.illu.j l.n oalli i.r Alllilu II , llt ll4d . 'poll t ' ll'4l ill.4t . lllU unit I mid l li.n i bintli l diimid. fve. .i. In il lli4i loiunilil. v It Hit lli.il 1 1 hi lIi.ii nl. n.l.iin. .1, mid llm U11411I lit Hit .l ' u ll.u Hi. lil ! I i:'i II I In 1, ol, tlx biU lidillj lb' 'it bluH l btUUUit.4 li li4tllt b) lul l III, . 'vi.lt 'll.u si n, llui.iwli the ( ' ito of tin) i l-'' I be b lm ! 4 Of !"' i t ail Iti-tbti b.' I' .ill 'U l"t' I 41 I 11 I" 11" liliitt l.i in. I I il . 'l S ol.l. W, luiit , . ' l,n li m t. ' 1 ! ' I tl' b. on 1.1 v 14.1 t '; 4 w-i' I I .l mo. J pi I Um4 lto.ll Art. VIII. See. 1. Any member who shall betray or divulito any of the matters of the order shall sutler death. 'Art. VII. Sec. 1. Tho following nhall bo tho rules of any order to nny matter herein not provided for ; shall bo managed in strict accordance with tho Ku-Klux rules. 'Sec. 2. "When ll.o Chief lakes his posi tion on tho right, the Scribe with the niom bers forming a lmlf-jcirclo around them, and at tho Bound of tho signal instrument there shall be porfotmd silence. 'Sec. 3. ISefura proceeding to "business the Scribe shall call tho roll and nolo tho absi allocs. 'Sec. 4. TJusinoM shall bo taken up In the following order : . '1. Heading tho minutes. '2. Excuse of members tit preceding meet ing. 'U. Keport of Committco or Candidates for membership. 'o. Collection of dues. Ml. Are anv of the order sick or suffer ing y '7. lleport of committees. '8. New business." A careful reading of this document re veals tho whole character of tho horrible organization which is founded en It- 1' important that this be distinctly known by the country, that tho histoiy of recent events in South Carolina may up properly understood. We, therefore, leave it to our readers asking them to weigh !t well, and to Ix'iu il in mind, when reading the fur ther annals of tho disturbed community. nBlttrlistiu.fn'ls. 'ir1 Merchant Tailoring. j. !ti. novriAN, la tlio Pout Olileo I jll.llug, opposite the Depot, (up Stalin,) SOJ1JUUY, l'ENX'A, Informs Ills friends nml tlio public generally, Unit li Inis Jit opiiii'J a large unci uirleil iis soitmiiit of CiOlltM, t'asixliiiercH, VrNthiRM, Ac, wlilt-li will bo in.olu up to orjer In the latest styles, mid warranted to 111. Ouiitleini'ii tn want of fasliimnitilc suits nro vltvd to can ml exninlne hi stuck. seU'iitifieally am, r,til.,ii!v cm ,.., ineasine. KL'N NO KISK. Wu fnrnlsli thu iitmve style of lniirove.t yoke nml sack slitrt with entirely now kIiiijh1 sIitvc, and mm ran toe a perfect lltllmr slilit. It Is thu best nie.lol of a shirt over oll'.'ioil t tlie trade. Tine and fatiev shirts made to erdor. .1. M. HdSTIAN. Jane !', lTl.-Cin ST- YOU WAF1T TO SEE the largc-l asMiitnii nt ut Iilliiiory G-oods ever bro'ieht totliK plaoo, go to nnlnn TjTonlnf fj II. klUleMUl, lUaiLG Ml KI KY, IA Where aro nrrnved In nil tliolrillllciont v"ietles Fall Milliaery C?ooil3 of every description Just Iwiitht from I'lilladel plila mid aro now opof The now Itooni J"st completed U tl.lod with nu endless varl.'y. A most 'iitiKiiilircul display of i;ood on exhibition, and sold nt the lowest pileos. kvi:y him) or aoi).s iisnallv kept la a Millineiy estalilisliniont can bo hud at lior store. The best In tlio riillldelplila tnarkots wore solicited. liivfino 11 c" bu convinced. MISS b. Sllissi tn. isualiury, Sopteinlu-r 171. Clock & Watch Repairer, r. vttUT, In Dcwart's block, throe doors west of tho Cen tral Hotel, Market Square, Pl'XHL'ItY, PA., Respectfully Informs tlio eltl ns of Simlmry nml vicinity, Hint ho h prepared to repair Clucks and Wntelies In nil liranelios, uho Hold and Mlvor Wni'ii of e.ll il.vei Iplions. ll.i vim.' Innl fori' years experience ia tho linl ness in this eoiintiy, lie flatters liiniseff t'liil lie can iiivo ironeral t;U 1-t.ie-. inn. All work jjnaranto.'d Custoni rospootfnlh bo lieite.l. .Inno 17, lSTI.-tf. .T!Ati:tt: siuir ai huki vol MlitY. til'O. llOlIlilJAClI eo SONS, Ku::l;ury, IViiu'ii, JNI'OliM tlio put. lie Unit llicv are preparoa In do nil kinds of I'.uq'INliS, ; vinix odded a iniv M.ioliino s-lmp In connoeiinn with llnir V'ntindi y. mii.I have supplied tlii m-clves witli N. w 1. alius, I'lanln r nn l lloiim Maelilnos, with tlio latet hnpii'Veim nts. Willi tlio aid of skillful nm l, aides, tliey are enabled te exeeiitenll orders of NKW WOltK f'lt nEPAIKlSH. that may be given theai, in u f;.ti. f.iiiory man ner. (ii'i.tesi to nvH a ij Wove. I'.'.ON U'1.1 MS.S for eharehes or rtlur balid laus, of all sizes. Uli.Us CAbTlNtis". Orainr-iontal Tvr-i Acacia t' .. li i.KAVK VAKIl I.dT.Si VERANDAHS, Vol! YAP.DS AT :t:sil)KM i:s, .vl, .tl'. The ri.nWiS, already eeleli..ited for llnir sil perioriiy. li.ivo I eeu slill farther Improved, ana will alVWlVS I"' kept o'l ll.l'i.l. Also. TllKb.-MlM; MAI HlNl'.S. S.inliniv, lav is; 1. jTlli: IXtJKKUlKNTS THAT niMI'USK KOSAOAI IS aro i'ilililieil on every pai k i.ji'.tliofo iLro it is H 'l it scen t p cp.iraliuii, couatnpiunlly i'ltVSK I IN'l l UKaClilCK IT .I'll a rerluiii tern lur Sen. lulu, Syplnhs in u!l its li.rmsi Itliiunu-Ii-iii, M. in lbs. u,i.4, l.iver I'.' ii- I'l.llhl I. Ill ull ll.M'lbis l." ll.o j lillJLlll. W-. V ... J.l.lrtJ llS'lll do mine (fuuil lliatt ti'll liultli' o' tho hi flip Ut' S4l4l4fllU. tut uu:)e:i;ijnu physicians ll iVL lui'd It.w.id.il i'. ll.i if plueln u Kir itm p ist lini v vi .its mid i cly l'l.l)ulMi It M 14 Itlui.lc AltCMliVtf and IU.shI 1'iii.livr. jl.il T. i' I I i. II, minimis 'I'll "I J II I, kin, I'll H. W r l.ll ' I'll k li. I'VSM I I V. lU.J N M' U.S. , i.l Si. le-U.ulb , h I'll J I M. I VII I It A. (..luwtu, I H I i n a a Ni'iii.t m, i.jMvinh, n r. UI:D ANUllNUOH'iM) HIT i jr-4 J II ill.M 11 4 u., t 4ll U..,f, I M.i. ' M slill ll, J.. k-.u. M h k IS III I I I II, I. .11.4, I'llW. II II M I I I...,, Ill.lu. I ll l , S 4 1" . I. wl"!..'IU, t. 41. 1. I. tl Al'l s.S, lluillt, (li.f I, ;l Ut. ally, t, I lt ) i. i.l i. ....it m ,. ..... I, iw iim i ..i I..... I .ii.- u. ., .1 I I... 4 I . ll. I .w,-,.l. !. tl "f u .. 4 14 H ll..u..i. ,. U.-M 4 I.. . -I , I lu U. aul, I.. I , 1. 1 U .. ..... ai.4 )v4 ill U W U...H, k. ..i.i.iii U i .n .-.,iu, l.aK K I t-ll- A-...., J4ftU'I' I ....., l I I). l 1.1-1 HWu,. ,. llilil I Ulblfl'lli . Is .1 . 4 I1...1....1 .4 ( ROSABALIS O D 11 I . U 4 I1m.mi 1 M ll bit I. I - li-s k.t ( isccllnncons. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, pmbADri.rmA, JEWEI.EIIN, SILVEHiSMITIIS Ann IMPOUTFRS, are now In recept of tholr FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, embracing a superb etock of 1M11IS llUOXZESl (LOCK SETS AND MANTF.I, OHNAMENT3 I VIENNA FANCY HOODS I l'AKIAN STATUAKY I Solid Silver V.'nrel tastefully arranged In enses lor WEDDING PRESENTS, nlso a splendid Assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTKO-rLATED WAUF.S. O.t. 11, 1ST I. .Tlnnhoodi Ilow I.OHt, llow Itesitorrd. ...;i. .. Just published, n new edition of Dr. i'tii.'-'i Ciilverwoll's Celebrated Essay on tho ii -' radical euro (without nudleliic) of Sporinntorrhiea, or Seniinal Weakness, Involun tary Hoinlnnl Losses, Iinpotency, Mental unit 1'livsleiil Ineapaelty, Iinpodhnents to Marrlnco, etc'j nlso, Consninptlon, Epilepsy, and Fits, Iu diioed hvscir-lndulKOiieoor soxiial rxtrnvnirance. I t'K i'rlee, In a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. Tho celebrated author, In this admirable essay, clearly dcinonstrntes from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, tbattliejalarinlni; eonse(iienee of solf-Hbiisc may bo radically cured without tlio ilamrcrous use hi" Internal medicine or tlio appli cation of tlio knife i pointing out a mode of euro nt onoo simple, o.'itain, and clfectual, by means of which every BUll'erer, no mutter what his con dition may bo, may euro himself cheaply, pii valelv, nml radically. J t?" This Lecture should bo In the hands of of every youth and every man In Iho land. Pent tinier cal,ln n plain envelope, to nny ad dress, postpaid oil receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Mnrrlago Ouldo," price 25 cents. Aihhciss the Publishers, CIIA8. J. C. KLINE A CO., V27 Bowery, New York, l'osl Olileo box -t,50. Oct. St. l71.-lv. u is t li E.4 vv.it Tii ax k i:itosi:s ii. OnncB hp the Bi xm iiv (i.vs Company, ' Octubcr !3i, 18il. To TiinCiTWi:.i- , invcstlj:ntlons do- inonsiiato that (ins ol lIlaiii K. -f I it v enu be sold at Su'.OO per KHU) enblu feet. The i'iiivu tors of Iho ssunbiiry (ias Company have deter mined to adept tli.it price and U Candles as tho standard of quality. Tills lixes the price of u 14 Candle burner ut one cent nn hoar, or one third less than Philadelphia iras. A Kerosene lamp elves a llht of seven to Ion candles only therefore, Kas at the above prlco Is much cheaper than kerosene, without cansld crimr cost ol chimney nnd liability to accident. Let all come forward n" la conic gass consum ers. Make voiir "i Plioations for service pipes nml llltlmrs "' neo, as the season lor Introduc ing Km", Is diiuvlni; to tl close. " 11 y Oitnuit ok Tim lku::n of DiiitX'TOits. TF.RMS. The contraetorsor the Works will Introduce pipes upon tho following terms. Service pipes ut .".'J eeu is per runnlui; foot, meusaiini; finui cent re of street. I'pon Market Square, twenty dollars for entire service. Interior littlnjrs nt 15 cents per running foot, In now bulldincH i 15 cents per riiiiniui; foot ovur plaster, mid "0 cents per rumiln loot under Honrs. Chandeliers, Pendant rud other flxi hits lur sale nt new York and Philadelphia prices. October 7, 1ST1. Moriir .-tl.tltltl,tl YARD. riHE underslv'ncd havlmf bought, tho cntho .1. stock of Disslneer iV; Taylor, v.ould Inform the publiu that ho is now ready to do all kinds of fW. MAHHI.E WOKK. i'PjTJi Has on hand, and makes to order nt llf i'l l' l" tillOKT NOTll i;. i I YfJ .Honniiiciils 4: Ileatl-Siouow, ?4l)()ft AND WINDOW StLES I Also.Cemetery Posts with li.ilvani"ed plpo and j all olher feiieie.' I'oner.illy u-eil on Comelei ies. Ji hn A.T a lor will coiitiauo hi tho einploynu nt, ' at the old s'anil on Market t..iinbury. mav-'i'W i;.Ti;.tii.mY. fi i of i'"t:n?ij SO DAYS iiS Tit! II,. .iroxTiis.v fAY.tj s: rs. fi'.rt s: r.K!i t no. Tut! Ami"1;ii"n Pitwino Maciiim: Co. have c.inelii 'e.f to oit.r their whole ttoek of Snjinivr and widely ki. own uiaehiuos, upon tho ubovo liniMralele'l terms, ta cvcrytio.lv. everywhere, v ho have, or can litid use for a J . ally ,'ood tfow Int: Machine, ' be I" r lliuu llu clioapo-I. every ime Is welcome to a liiimili Hoc trial lit their own home. Tlio iiesl, an I only true (iiaiautec of its .juatity, is a mi .rail's Iioj trial. 'I he ol.ji el . nivim; a free trial Is to show you ho',, I'm. ,e.ii' Maehino is. This Is the s;..ipK ,i and mo t crlatn way to convince ymi that our Machine l. j list what you wa"t. The S or. I of safety b la oi HHinth's trial. Nnnlie pai ls w ith ilie Miichillc ufter trial. All pay fur an 1 !. p il. iluy no uiaelii'ie until yua have found ll a c"d one, i a-y to learn, easy to innnairo, easy to win k, easy In keep in order, perfect 111 una hanlslii, perfect hi coiisli uetiun, sluiplc, reliable, and sallsfaetory. Any cmnpany who will refuse you this much cannot have a. good a Sewing Machine in. oars. liny only when yon Know the machine docs li.'t t. ke an liuiir to t ready to dn u luiuales Wink. liny only when you 11 ml a Machine that Is ready hi a uiiiiiilc tod any kind of woik nnd Is always ready, and levir out of order. A mouth ' trial answers nil ipn stlniis, solves till diiiibis, r.'enl-all iiilsiakes, and isihu icily safe way loel yum iiiuue)S worlli. Try it. YuU en ii nut lose. Write for oar Coull leiitlal Circulars uud lllus tl'al'd I'ainphht. lonl. lining lull pailieul.irs, whit'li we will "lid ion by r. turn of mall free, with Sample-, ol "sett liiir, li'.il you call Ju.Il;' lr ..hi s. i r. Aii I n ai-iiiLei', ili.,i e n 11 our k.hhI Mae hia, at a low pi Ii e, ii...u iitiaordlu u v favor a 1 1 1 1 l.i ins ul J. yiiienl, and upon tliiiroun luel il. Ii.ei't h -il.ite Ii. eau.-e you ale ll lie. 1 1 1 1 l wheilier Maiiln hen Int; Maehino nr nnl, nu Ik c.ill.e tun b.ivu one ul almllier kind. I I tt uu.i.1 one, ili'.-v alu ulvia) Uaelnl, and will luako III. en V of loll, 1. 1 ln lp lull to ate ll. And if loll h. ic all. .111. r,..t,i. Mill .Iium )uu lli.it the olio lull halo eolil.l bu iluploled. The colupaliy il.iku Iho vei y rlni-l' lii o "I I heir Haliie. tut llio iiu ru Haul tin uiiilif lul und Hklr.i.iilli.al) hewliiK Maehino. I ouulv liihl Liliiu lieu In k'mHl Sin. ul A l; ul .uilaei, male und leiuiile, M.iuii .l eti i wlieiu. I'll llu lor l'uiliciiliii, and ud.iei A Mr Ull AS M i IIISKlu., 1 1 1, J.il.il and Naui.il Mint. New "link. li. I. II, IhII.- I e.,r. FAltM FOR SALE. f I Ml K ui.l-r)KUr listk-i'ig 1st f iir tu ul I.tn.l 1 Ht .tt li t l .14 II tdll lv I.'mIV i'Ui.l- t.tii't 111 UU lulUl, ill Vol . u lltii LllU i iilt i lr .ilj MiMtut una ni it , iiiil'144. ii'if ibv w U'-lt- ol ti.ii ul I I't iiiiitf laim, l"g.tliif Mills) ( i l ul It luilihii I tnu. I Ij l.si(iiul u lv .iul-tiji u Iliu aii ulli it tf tti', uii' Ui a'l l -(' 1 ''M.tl j4il u l Ilii'tM. 1st il.K '4ll Hvf-U. il UttU 4fl t uih4 ! Uu J4 lii ltMou 141 b.U iliUll) 4'H1! U'ii U. lUovMiM Ulituy ift! faiUtri lu tLi ltui.y L-II l 141-4 W'Mtf (ft itVtl- m U4JtU4l) tf 4 it laMltltsij, Wli'l H.IHl.. x lulii tlfi.il iita i't gil U4 MlUiilU'il I" llU' kllUH 4 UlUiM ' ll 4 I '4 4 ! 04 it 41144 H dl lilt UUi bud blsUl I, It 14 'MUi' ! ' Ul tlM Usl' k ll III IU l liM. t,IU4 IV4U44U' l1 I' tl' 4Stl 41Ktlti Ul, Vt H I I UIIHIM 1.. Mill I, Jul) If, 'n. .9, 4 I , 1V4. I'sttttl. OtU, (III. Sl'tl Ul l'l! .-..( 114 1. I I. Kil, I I I'll, t..!. Oil, 44 I .'I'll.. 1 4 I ....... l J vu I J, ! Iv 11 i 4 ilkt-lt slui Siisffllttnfous. V PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS sfc NIIOEM Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN HILVEH, Nprtiro Street, Sanbnrj, I'enn'a, Ia constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprising! y low prices. Ills stock comprises tlio very best In market. Ills long cxpr Icnce In the business lias won for him a reputation for making llrst clnss work equal to nny city ninnufucturc. All work warranted. Ti:UJI.S-STnit'TIiY C ASH. The prices of repairing are nlso rcdiicod. JOHN WILVER. Snnbnry, March 4, 1871. .MIM.IXEKY GOODS OENKRALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, 1 1 ATS, FLOWERS. FRAMES, &c. Mourning anil Itrll-1 Huts and Bonnets. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crnpc. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c, &c. FANCY G00D9 AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. G0SS1.ER. South Fourth St., below the Rullrond, Surbury. Aprll yj, 1871. Vix-XUEs. TUACKARA,iuCK & CO., HUCCESSOHS TO MISKEY, MERRILL & T1IACKAKA, MANt'KACTl'ItEltS OK GAS FIXTURES, BROXZES, &c, &c, Cliauileller-, PcbUhiiI, llracltetn, Af'i Ar would respectfully Invito the attention of pur chasers tn our elegant assortment. WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL SALESROOMS, 719 t hemtiiut Street. MANUFACTORY. 402, 404,400 AND 403 RACK STREET. Ahl' 10. IST1. XEW .METlTTsflOP rilHE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl JL zens of Suubiiry and vlcluity, that they have opened 11 MEAT SHOP, in Down'l's liiilldliiir.oii the north side of Market I Siiuarc, two doors from tlio railroad, were they I will kei p n coiisuint supply of the best of Heel, I l'ork, Mutton, Ac, ut wliolcsale or retail, at the 1 lowest prices und of the first iiinlity . A wagon j will bo ran to supply customers every morning, ! (except Sundays.) The best of incut will found ' at their shop. Give as n call and satisfy your ; selves. REFFEW BOWER. j Oct. K.th isfio. tr. I I'KU'ES IlEDl't'ED At TUB I Hammotli Hoot & Shoe Store OP EM .MII.I.KR, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, 0110 do:i 1 East of the l'ost Otllce, j NORTHUMBERLAND, FENN'A. For Elnilrii Hoots, go to Ell Miller's Hoot nud Shoe Store. They lire sold, Best Cnlf nt I For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller's, only I 0'. to $11 per pair. j For Hoots, Shoos and Gaiters, at lowest possi ble prices, go to Kll Miller's, on Queen Street. I For ull kinds ol" Gum Boots nnd Shoes, cull nt j Ell Miller's. ' For Ladles' Gum Overshoes, see fine nssort- 1 incut ut Eli Millers. For ull kinds of Children's Shoes, go nnd ex amine Eli Miller's large assortment. ' For anything in the Boot and Shoe line, call and examine Kll Miller's stock before purchasing ' elsewhere It' you wish to get lirst-class, nt the ! lowed prices. Jau. 7, '71-Scp.3, "70.-ly. A GFIAT MEdTgAL DISCOVERY" Dr. WAXE.'3 C-UTORNIA YINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf Thousands , llcr.r ti'Mlmony 10 their WoiiUcr- ? 3" H I lurmtvo i.ikch. ARE THEY? x a 71 Oh TIIET AUK SOT A VILE 2 w G -3 FANCY DRINK. f! II....0 i.f 1'oiir It uui, M liUki j , 1'roui Stdrlls t::.d I:illlu I.lyliors Uoctoria.ilcea snilswi.it. I it-it M Iccsu Iliu tasto, cullcil 'I oiiltt,"" Ayp, t::- II ." " l.iniurert," e.. Hist lit a tko lipilir tn lt lirenLvrmts tr.il rulli, but nro s Irts liialicliic, Kiatto I'.oiu Hie Nulivs l.ouiii uud lU'rhstf California, Irco 1 1 1. Ill nil Aleulielle Mllliulnnls, ILcjrtlo tl J tilit A T lll.OOU I't Ull l-U nnd A Mi l'. bIHMI l'ltlN('ll'l.Sir.'iel l;muutur d till li;oMl..r if I.l. 1 ; UIH. l'jr.ll I off ll eli.oliol l.;i.;'.i' uLd ruli'iliii ll.s ll .i d li t liislilixcci,a.l.iii. .op.iisuu tun tu:.u tin-Hi lliturs sccurUluii IwCixo. tlui. uud ieutu:n lung uuwilt. tllO .:il.ii ,iBl4i IwuruMo cum, ruvldid tlio buues uri ncl deslmjid tjr luiui-ru! .uluu ur titlicr lueai-.s. u.J (lis Mtulirjt.MJiiu.Uil ti;u.ili:.ii iwini n( rucolr. I'r iHiluHiuiklurr end ( Lrul l.'ksuuia. i.bui uud t.uui. 1 sii iliii on I univr.iitiu, I.iIIuun, Ucsulllvul hu1 lultirwlllfiit fru-ttia IHmiiskuI lliullluad, l.lsrr, Hldu., Mud llluilaii', i. hi lliimia) tuis kiuvu b.u.1 suviu. lul. l ull likai-aara uiu caut.4 ly tliluitd lituuil, u.tk Uauiriy .rtiicJ ty 4viauii.l fl lie: 1'lui Mt Ulmua. l s' P li uu ,UitTIUN, llrad a'4iv, I u.u la iuj ti.oulili.ia, twui,1iijLtu.a ul Ilia tiia-l, ti.AiitiM, tuusr la uolaluiua ul Ilia t u.uu, I-.. I..'. I.u.g liuuik, U !ij4 AUaaaa, fajuiial!.. vi 1. 11. .l, ,.atoii4ii.aaiS ul tUa tiiua, fata In ll . 1. l i. 1 1 t..u ttiluvys, sad uuura4 ull( uaiutul i".l u... ale ll.a uui.nassul l.Hrual. 1u ) l .i . .1.1,1 lUa u-4k auaiil sua Ws 1 1 ! I tl au4 tuaila, ti,b I;a4.llauuaiiill 4 iuuj u m-i.t U4 llMiblw4ul all uuuwil a. u4 lii't -uu i a l.i. ai-4 isuf lu tua tsuwia . t UU -HIS iBK4altv.liauliu..l.lv.i..l I Isiw, lii.UI,feuvt, I ituulia. 1 ualulua. liulia. i as Ui... 1.1. , Suiiu, 1 1.14 li,a4, k.iu I yua. l"-iMa aiaa.lu'., ktufik, lauluialiuua ul Ilia tain, U'tsuvts Su4 ". k iui uuiai, ul auau ial uaa ul uuiuis a.s liui.l.y 4u 4 4, au4 suiiU4 uui ul lua iaU la Uu4l l.u ly l aa ul Ibtaa pi.Usta. lua tvllla la -.a itM4 uul 11 1, uv a.l Muu4ulvu4 wl lla. iuii,a uil. I i.um lua V it u4 blo. Uiaaia uv (u4 Its li- fcaiiUu. aui at.ua laiuaaa lv aalu u I -aba, l iau. Iu.ua t auiua i al 11 a u. a yua 14 14 uUlii 1. a4 slua.bli u t luatitut J M a hi M a ful, aui lual la.liua a HI Wil ) m aaua. t t I4u4 l'i.Ui fe.au I, u lua iiuuh aui I. u . a. Il. T4l'atau4 HUHNs, IwatuaUaVa ,uiu vl su lu.uy tuuuuaa, aia aataualty 4aiiv' at au4 i.uu.i-4 I i Ixll auv-iu.ua, ial ua.lly I ismui aau4 au.a t.ni.. u,4-4 lu l laay wv a,uiuij.u.u4a,, 1 . a au4 uasawa,. t. Malum. I .,.;.u( ., :i W-U4ll 4 tu., t'luauui au4 C.a 4(., aaa I iuu.uu, I ul 4 4l u4 44 I mh.h au., kaaj I hi. laTMilii M 4ti iUVtWIl4 4l a444. l. Ill'lll au4 I aila, fcuvulal aaa.Mli J V b.n.4 a Msis 4) Pa4.ui s. J ! Hx VJHAK Hi If- Ml Pi" jHamtfadurcrs. FU11N1TU11E STORE, In Masonic ITnll Buildings, Third Street, near'th ;Pot Offloc, suNniitv, 1 a.; B. Is. RAUDENBUSH now offers to the publlo ,XJR-sriTTrR,J selectod and made with great care, nnd with a view to i'lenso tne wants of bis numerous customers. His stock is new and of ttio latest styles. PATII.OU SUITS, FAKLOll AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Wnluut or Rosewood of the finest patterns made. SIDE HOAHDN, lu Ouk or Walnut, and Dining Room Furuiture of all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Window Shades and fixtures. Special ntto.niion Is paid to this department by W. 1'. Roberts who has hart a number of years experience In the city. Collins of every descrip tion nnd sixes, constantly kept on hand. Also, Fisk's Mctalie Burial Cases. Shrouds and Un dertakers' inntcrhtls of all kinds. -MT Personal attciidnuco to funerals. Remember, the Masonic Hall Buildings, 011 mint street, Bunburv, rn. R. L. RAUDENBUSH. Suiibury, July 15, 1871. I.U.M1IER ASI) PI.AMXtl MILI.N. Third Street, adjoining riilln. ft Erie R. R., two Buuurcs Worlli or the Central Hotel, 6UNBURY, PA. IllA T. CLEMENT, 1 S tircpared to furnish every description of lum X bcr required by tho demands of the public. Having uu tlio latest unproved inaclilncry lor inaiiulueturliig Limber, tic is now ready to UU or dors uf all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BAStl, ui.iMia .mul J.1)1XS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing ol every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIIUR ASHOHTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK nnd FINE. Also, Shingles, rickets, l.nthe, o. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipped by Railrond or otherwise. lit A 1. cK.lST. doclU-OSily KIOVi: a- TIM I'.ST A It 1. 1 f 1 1 M 1 : . T. MARKET STREET, 6UNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SICCESSOII TO SMITH A OCNT IIKIt. J nAV'INtl purchased the above well known es tuliliuliment, Mr. Krituse would respectful ly lutorui the public that liu now has 011 hand a large assort mom 01 'COOKING 8 T O V E S , Spoor's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving lop, C 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 , MiBqiiehaiina and others, which ore so arranged 11s to be used for Coal or Wood, and lire warranted to perform sittisfaetoi I- lv or no sale. lll'.A 1 l.KS ol all kinds put up to licat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'erctit kinds ut very low prices. Tluwurr of Every IscNerlptloii kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the host material, done nt short notice. REl'AIRINU attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil 111 d Lamps constantly 011 hand. Japan ware of a llx.nd.1. Store opposite Coalcy's hardware store. Hive me a call. A. MlALft apl24-ly LADIES' FANCY FURS. John Fareira, 7H AHt'll KTICI'.KT, Middle of the Block, bet wcoii Ttli and btlt Sts., Boutli Mile, IilImU'Ihlil, Importer, Maiiufactuier uud Dealer in all kinds mid quality or :FAisrcrT purp. For Ladles' and Children's Wear. Having Imported n very large and splendid ns soitniout of ull the dlileient kinds of Furs frmn llrst hands In Europe, 11 ml have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respect fully Invite Hie readers ol this paper to call and examine his large and very beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Lndloa' and Children. I nin delci mined to sell ut as low prices as nny other re-peotablo iiotiso In this city. All furs war ranted. No misrepresentation to ill'eet sales. JOHN FAREIKA, 718 Arch Street Philadelphia. , 1871. -S111. Oct. FOR SALE! J7 KJHTy acres of improved land in the best !i seellou of Soul In-ill Michigan, within live lulled ol the town ot "lhree Rivers," hi bt. Jo soph county, within two miles of tho Railroad Nation, good buildings, out houses, largo or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses and churchs within sight title ludisputiible, ten acres arc In wheat, Iliu roiiialmlor III clover noil A span of horses, eiiltie, hogs, grain and farming uiciialis, etc., wilt lie soiu witn tins properly. Price tt) per acre, M.UUO hi cusli, tho balance in tunc payments off.Miu. Atip:v to WM. A. M ASMER, Tliieo Rivers, Mich. or. II. B. M ASSEK, Suiibiny, Pa. biiiibury, Ma reii 11, !, i. 1 WU. Ml'llllAY. I. HLAVMAKEII, WM. II. 1I1.41K. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers hi MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllct) and Behool bUlliniciy, 1'rlutliiK, VrHtkluK isutl .Mstulllw PAPERS, rirt u ii m;n, Ac, Ar. Tlio L'elchiuteil Curry Kerosene lturnliu'OIl always on liuiul. II. nihil alio nielied it COAL YARD, uru prifurcd to supply ul short notice, mid at lbs luteal rules, Will, STDVK, I'll 1-STN I'T UU'l COAL lit all Mho may Imi ( laaacd lu glvs us a rail. Ol Uci li ft Ml our nlU.a Ko. U5 oulU llilid ., Hill l4 nuiiiHly alli.il. Mum.vv 4 10. So. .ima lb lid Hull, Muubuiy, Aug-. M, tail. kl Mi:oM uvt n, Mi, Al.nl'WI, ( IIHiiMim, riltUM. L. A II. T. I tto A u.( 4V Ml Mr-Maltlat), w I ir It, lullta Ilia allet.ll..ii of Ilia 'I lads In lli.lr libs, aiva a 'Huitut ul la aUila s-la, ul I bull liuiillialkiai, uiauulaituia au4 I is lallwa. Alan I'llui U (.4 h I tMH fUHU a ad -Utl'IH'M l'l' ItB. hkW Vtk.'Ucr inaKWIU. It. - li. T AhllHiHiV , tft kiu4aat, ha a, l (Ua U.luj-Wlia ituial, laiaoaiaat tab ,ai 11 aaas u l'fettlisgr-p-10 Hal! Ultv. I slai.a i, l -l, usctllattcons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL BTATEMENT FOR THE TEAR KNMNO JANUARY 1st. 1871. Number of Policies. 713. Amount of Property Insured, IM,81B,00 Amount of Premium Notos lu force, 134,213,00 CAHII ASSETS. Amount loaned at interest, $3000,00 Amount in Treasurer's hands, 11000,00 Amount due from Agents, 1800,09 Amount duo from other sources, 1726,00 Available Capital, 139,339,05 Innare your Cattle. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly To llable Company. Insure where your losses will hn nnlrl rir.itmitlv. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM- PANI. Hence, nnllka other Companies, you nre sure of being paid promptly for all losses, if Insured In this Comniiuv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nro less, and our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics.) by tlicit, ivc., ivc. u pay prompt ly. Jo red tape proceedings to outuiu your money In case ot loss. Nearly 3,000 tnld on Cows alone Mince Oricniilzntloii. Look nt tlio list of Losses paid ou Cows alone by mis uompniiy. M Hcnulngcr, Sunbury, Pa 133 I) llilgert, Northumberland nO (inorgo Eckert, " 40 o 11 uongc, 80 Charles Hnlick, Mt Carnicl 30 Ksubelis Bipplo, " 4U Catliarlne Wagner, Watsnntown 40 George Heir, Nnrttiiiniucrlnuu ml Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 8333 j w liassicr, " ou Minor Cttdy, Dcwnrt 00 Catharine Mart, Shnmokiu 40 Francis Hiiclicr, Suubury 0 Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh Joseph Deppcn, Mt Cnrmel Matthias Schollv, " 40 Francis McCurty, " M) Maria Kramer. Wntsontown 4.1 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt 40 J & R C yitigglc, Pine. Clinton co 40 R Itninngc, Shenandoah, SchiiglkiU co 40 J S Tluirp, Sbaniokln 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmcl 45 N A Londonslnger, llcrmlnii, 411 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Forty 40 G L Reagan, Shenandoah, Si lmy ! kill co 60 Jacob Shine, ' " 10 Jacob Stoltr., " " 40 I) II Bower, Hcrmlon, 30 Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossman, Sutibtiiy 40 V B Wallace, Northumberland 30 H 8 Oruhum, ' B0 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Wiuterstein, Wntsontown 40 (1 S Low, Lltno Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lewis Ostcrhaut, Laurel Itini, Luzerne co... 40 Mary J Iliac, Northumberland 40 B F Krobn, Smihtiry 40 Andrew Healy, (iirardsvillc, Sclinylklll co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt funnel 40, Martin I'elaney, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girurdsvillu 40, Dayman S Hay, Maliaii'ij- Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Biiiicbor, Berwick Ii7, J I) Focbl, Pottsvllle HO, I'rafttis Sober, Point twp 'JO, A Llpponcolt, Wutsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson'n.Sd loss pd last sum,40, I P Llppcucott, Wntsontown 40, R S Ainmermiiu, Snvdcrtown -0 Nathan llloss, Berwick, Colilinbla CO !37,' J C U Qtilgglc.Plnc Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W Huzza rd, Kupei'tColunibla co.,.40, John Foglciuan, Wntsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carnicl 40, Thomas Met!'., l'axlnos 80, R McCIosky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN. President. ! C. A. REIMENSNYUF.lt, Scc'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS 1 j Ex-Gor. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brtiucr, 1 Solomon Stroll, Win. Brindle, Solomnn Shipc, ' John A. Sblssler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. Duvld : Waldroti. ! March 11, 1871 ly. ) iVi 1 1. i.i x 1: It Y ." i FALL AND AvTxTEK STYLES. j HATS AND JOn"x7:TS, j liumoxs, Fi.owKUf, WUEATIIS, LACKS, ftc. Crapt Yelltt, C U ATE II ATS AND HON NETS, ! and cvcrvtblng ustuillv kept In a Millinery Storo. Call at M. L. GOSLEU'S Store, South Fourth Strc t, bel.'W the S. V. R. R., SI NIil UY, PA. 1 Nov. 4, '71. j A;r.TN .NTI.I I'OIt THE GREAT WORK OF THE SKAt'ON. RtUAcehovEL Or I'liusiCH ol' I.oikIoii Lite, By D. J. KIRWAN, the well-knonu Joiirmrist. Very I.ttrgi'Mt CoiiiiiiIhsIoiih I'nlil. This book Is n very fi'-.iut iful octavo of C05 pages, etnbi'llsbed with .'00 engravings, and a tinely executed map ol" Lotidoii, designed and executed expressly for this wink by eminent firlii-t. Il contain a lull, graphic, and truthful statement of the Siijhlt, .NVrivM, and ,Sniiiuiit of the great Metropolis of the world, which contains u population ul over a.ooo.ooo. History, Biography, Romance, and Adventure arc combined hi this' volume, 111.1l.l1nj it it work of Intense interest to till. Circulars, Tonus, ,ve., with full Information, lent tree uu upplioiitiiui to l'l i l l Kl. I) AMI M END, Publisher, 711 Siitii-oiil Si reel, I'liiliiilolphla. Oct. SI, Wl.-oin. J J ARDW ARE FOR ALL AT TUB HAUmVAKi: ST0WK OK J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Mut-lit'l Hirt't-l, Nuubur, I'w. It la useleas to ruunioriilo every kind of article lu his More, but tinning Hie leadhi ileitis 11 111 y b act duiiu the lul low lug 1 lion, Heel, leal, beilles, Me.'l)ul.l, In indalolica, Nulls of ull kinds and aisea, Vleea, Kavts, Piuiirs, belea, l h.ilua, A tea, III a,, and lu.11 Kellks, eii.ivi-i., iiks, Folks, Hpades, It., !.'., Il.ilelnls, I m p. lil. r uu I Hluekiiiillh llurliiK Mai hluea, t illar liiales, lii.ia lug Kniie., Mono kledLrS, I'l.i.l. l. I.' 'lluHll., Mu-.na' lUliiluera aud Tiowula, lUiid Dimier In II., and I. ,1,0 1.1.1 lu.n Hells fui . Iiu.d lluuae .111. 1 I 4111111a' I'lulu r Hills, C4M1 tilera' Belli Ii ti'lrll, piitulu luika for dn.t.'liia' p.ial., ' lsikllig tUsia, Isiiiu, I i , ' kiiiiea uud K'lika, p.Mins, luias, Uula .iud ll.naa klnxa uud Nails, lialMllli'la, AUjUla, t liila, l.dlilelUa, till Chillis, IllouUia, l.uiks ui all duai'l ipll.ilis, t olfi d altlls, j H'la allj Itlueia, ( Sll-aS Hulls u all k uda, I'alut end Wall UlUaUui, Itui k' j MU, lMrMl-t. Ja)iat, I I ye, K -I4A.I1, M a.l.li.g uk4, I 111 14 0' 41 I. Ml I U I'll ur li, : I'alll ul na ul aH kinds, ( l-DAU WAKK I and ulUi M'uuaVai' Waia uf all kin Is Sh4 tnjr iii.-c, Ha) fruit. I'mi. Putts, klul I'i.ka, l-iata. U1 IiUsm. Kiln. II. luall'il. Ui us, t ..i..u, ,itas, a4Jlasy au4 skaa lu.ll..,, Slua,'' ill.alln, I s.atatul I1L.M I wllaia. fw.at kulisa, ismuis, ia, -)!, atj s4 I'tswsivr, Sb4 Si-i taiM) ul MM am. la u lkln taull aa4 a4 we k.au4, al.i Wa i l4'ia a ut.,t, kaakKi), Au l, I. I Jtailroiibs. . LekwuM nnd Itloomabnrg Italia 1' roii it. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July 17 1871. SOUTHWARD. . Lif. A.M.P.M.A.M.'.P.M.PM ficranton, Bcllevue, Tnylorvlllc, Lackawanna, Plttston, West Plttston, Wyoming, Malthy, Kingston, A ( st. W. linrre j c'l-s Plymouth June., Plymouth, Nnntlcoke, lliinlock's, Shlckshlnnv, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Rltlge, Espy, Bloomnbtirg, Rupert, Catawlssa, Danville, Chulnsky, 6 45 fio 8 67 7 OS 7 14 1 45 10 05 0 60 S 56 4 00 05 13 2-3 80 8r 43 47 10 17 10 20 7 03 7 11 8 11 10 86 i 10 40 S 81 10 47 1 10 62 8 83 1 00 7 19 7 84 7 81 7 80 T 19 7 87 7 40 7 61 4 55 8 00' 8 05 8 SO 8 80 8 45 00 OS 7 50 8 00 8 07 8 22 3 40 8 08 8 87 8 84 8 HO I 8 4.'l I 8 fill I 8 67 9 07 0 14 9 19 U 20! 8 67 ! 9 81 I 9 M ! 0 611 l-nmcron, 10 OS 11 on 11 u, i,nrnvc.; iu au. 4 itj NORTHWARD. Leave. 1 A.M. ;P.M. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulnsky, Danville, Catawlssa, Rupert, Hloomsburg, Espy, Lline Ridge, Brlur Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shiokshlnny, Hunlock's, Nnntlcoko, Plvmnuth. Ply moii th June Kingston, iv. W.-llarre Maltbv. Wyonilng, We,l. ritlstou. 1 Plttston, Lncktiwanun, Taylorville, Bcllevue, Scrnnton, (arrive) T. BOUND, Sup'l. Aurllicru (rutritl Ituilnny. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Nov. 12, 1S71, trains will rim us follows : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express loaves Sunbury at 12.40 p. in., arrives at Niagara Falls at. 1.30 a. m. Btill'alo Express loaves Sunbury ut 12.3d a. m., arrive nt Willlaiuspoit at 2.25 a. in., Eiiuira ut 6.30 a. m., Canaiidaigita 8.15 it. in. Mall arrives at Siinbuiy at 4.3J p.m., arrive at Wllllnmsport ll.3il and Eiiuira 1D.;;5 p. tn. Fast Line arrives ut Suubury tit '...'Hi p. in., arrive at Wllliamspoit 8.15 p. nt. BOL'THWAlil). Buffalo Express loaves Sunbury at 1.17 n. in., arrive lit Hariisbiirj 3.15 a. m.. llaltimnie 7.20 a. m. Mall leaves Suubury nt 11.05 a. m., arrive at Harrisburg 1.45 p. m. Era Express leaves Suubury ut 9.25 a. m.. nr rlve at Harrisburg 1 1.20 a. m., liali'nnore 3.00 p. m. Erie Mail leave Eunbiiry at 12.30 u. in., nrrivo nt Harrisburg 2.20 a. m. B1IAMOUIN DIVISION. KASIWAUII. Lenve Sunbury nt 4.40 p. in., arrive ul Shamo kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Cnrmel 0.40 p. lit. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. in., arrive ut Shumoklii 1.C0 p. lit. Wf.PTW AUI). Leavo Mt. Cnrmel ut 7.00 a. m., Sh.miol.hi 7.40 a. in., arrive nt Sunbury 9.55 it. in. Leave Shatiiokin (Accommodation,) tit 2.15 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 4.U0 p. m. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fihkk. En. S. Yorso, Cien'l. Stip't., (ien'l Pa -sen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Balliuoro, Mil. UMtdii) Kuilruiiil. W INTER A R R A N ( I E M E N T. Mimili'i, Nov. l'Mli, 171. C1REAT TRUNK LINK from the North mil J Norlh-Wc.-t for Philadelphia, N. V., ll. a.l Ing, Pottsvllle, Tama.pia, Asliian I, Sham, kin, Lebanon, Allelitown, 1 ... -1 u i , l'l'lilala, l.iliz, Lancasti r, Columbia, A.e., .ve. Trains leave llariitbuig for New York, us fol lows: At 2.45, H. 10, a. ut. uud 2.00 p. in., con necting with similar Hums nn iho I'eniisyivauia Railroad, and arriving ut New York at iu.07 a. in., 3.42, and 9.45 p in. respectively, bleeping Cars accompany the 2.15 u. in., train without chance. Hot in ning : Leave New York at 0.00 a. in., 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 7.30, K.30 a. in. nnd 3.30 p. in. ; Mocptng Cars accom pany the 5.00 p. in. Ham trout New York with out change. Leave IhtrrUbtirg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta ma.iia, Mlncrsvillc, AMiIuud, Sliamokiu, Allelitown uud Philadelphia ut H. 10 a. m., 2.00 und 4.05 p. in., slopping at Lebanon and principal way atatious ; iliu 4.05 p. in., train connei tlng lor Philadelphia, IVttsville nnd Co lumbia only. For Pollsi ille, Schuylkill Haven nml Auburn, via SehinlUiil and cusitichauiia Railroad, leave llairi-lnny at 3. Id p. in. East Peiinsylvuiiia Railroad trains leavo Read ing for Allelitown, Knstuti nnd New York at l.3t, 10.40 a. ri., nud 4.t'5 p. in. Reiuruimr, Uavu New Yolk ut U.IKI a. tit . , 1 .'.3J noon and 5.00 p. in. uud AMfiil.'Uii at T.'.'U a. in. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 4 25 ami 8.35 p. in. Way Pussciigct 'I mill leaves I'liila.!. i;-hl.i nt 7.30 a. lit., connect in.; hiih similar t.ain on Ka-l I'i una. Railroad, reluming In. in Rr.uliiit; at G.'.u p. in., stopping at ull ttalions. Leave Pollavillu ul V.(M a. in. and 2.30 p. til. llerild'Ul ut IU.IhI a. lu,, MiumoMii at 5. 10 and 11.15 a. in. Ai.hl.iu. I i l 7.05 it. in., nnd 12.43 noon) Mahiinoy Clly al ". ..1 a. in. and l.'.n p. n. TuiUHiii:t ul h.35 a. m. end 2.10 p. ut. lor Philadelphia, New Vrk,Ri'iti!iug, ll.il'iialuig,.ke. 1.. ale pultsville III f-lt u V .k l! I and Sll (lie luuuia Railrond al 8,.'i a. in. lo, 1 1. 1 1 i-l.ia and 1 1 .46 a.m., for Pius limve nn I I u in.uit. It ii.ling Aieoiniil iiliilioi 'Ir.i.n ie.iun polls title at 5.40 il. III., p..--.. loading at I a. I.i. nriiviugut Philadilpliiaat lii.'.oa. in., tiiiiiiiiiig li .il, .- Philadelphia ,U 4 l i p. in., pa-xin: lir.nl a j ,il 7. ;i6 1'.iu . ul i n in ul I'.ul-Mil.' al '.i -'o p.m. poll. I. m n Aeeoiuiiioii.iti.iii li.iiu l. ai. s t'. itt, lowii ut 7.00 s. lu., lellliiiln- li.iii. I'liilad. Ipliii ul 415 p. in. ( iilllll bu lt.lil"i.ld 'I lain. I, ale Ki.id'l.a' Ut 7.20 il. in., uud U. 1 5 p. lu. I"i I) hi. .la, I. ill, I. ii lieu. ti I'. I oiiilnl'lu, A.', i ii I ill uiu:.' I.. ie I. au la. li rat .,'0 U. Ill, Ulid 3 I'. Ill , and I iillllll bl Ul .15 u. Ill and 3. 1 p. in (Vikloi... u II. iil ll".i I 1 1 on. li .iiv I'i i l.l. nn. u dun, I loll ill 7.25, UO.,4. in., al I ..ml and ,'i.J'i p. In II. tuiiilin;lli.iie l ban nk.t HI. al li I i.s In a. in., I J .'sl u, hiii an. I 4 45 p. In. i .a. 1. 1 in., Uu .inn,.,. 1 1 ..in on Rinding It-. 1 1 II ... I. I'likeilng Sulliy ll..i:i...,l li.iin. h.... pint.'. Ulttlilual W 10 il. Ul. , u i... and U ..V . l.i. , i. lUIUII'Ki li4u l) ul li. '. I 4. In , I.' til. oii, and 4 Jl I', lil-i ii'iuiiH In. a u.l!i lin...u ti.un. m. Ilia ling Itaillnad. j t olll.lia.kdalu lUllHkt I I i ll.i, 1.41. I'oil (.. a) al 9. U a. In., I I S and n .. i p. m. , u ii.i nn., an kll, 'l...4i.l 4l 1 15 aud 1 1 J i 4. i.i , u.. I : .1 ' Ul., ion uu Hug aUU slu...ii i4i...ii In ..li.ij lUIU.-d. t Ii, .1.1 Vail. It4illui. 1 1 ilea I. .ie Hi. -I,c. (.oil ul S.'iJO a. Hi., 4 U5..i. I 4 .o ui i. in. i.u.;, cat uiii.'l.'ii at ti . i i in , I ' -u i. ii ui.. tt.b p. Ul. lUUUullli till ..'.I-... I 114. . ' UU Itl4'l' IliU t,4lllu.ld. Illl Ul.d4)S I 4-4a S' V'lk4l5llp In, Pliilad.lpi.M at u- a. in- and a l l p. in , lH.i uu a lu. Hal.i iuuuii.J i.u.! I ' I. .. I. ., , I .... poll. ill. al SUUa.ui .'"- H n'.'1- -, ' m , aud a "V f w ' i ' UJ I' ll,, i 1.4. . Itliii. at 1 ii a in. "I ii I" ui ul lUllUa.a", at 4 - u.. I "I N '"k, aui l to a lu, aud I l ui l.i I i i I.. I i.tulukul., MiUa', .-i, I..-.I u Ittuiawu Ikkita, lo aud I.' m a. I i.'.U l I" au..4 lu. tl...-. il-ak-l tkiwaki l'' I'uda I'-, a. allavd aaik t'aa.l.J' ' ) I Until I t , aat. m4 A i ... kj-.u I al M Alfkl 4ft f Iks k.. -a.il. "' al M a" I'.'.'," t ! " 110 25 5 10 5 27 5 81 10 60 6 40 A OO II OS, 11 14' 6 121 I 8 17 I 0 24! 6 t!4 111 30' 0 41' !11 48 0 tH A.M. j i 6 55' ,13 OOj 7 00 7 HO 1 I 7 24 7 ir, pjf. . P. M. 7 31 : 8 on1 j 12 SCI 7 41' 8 15 P.M.: 5 10 I I 1 8 20 i 5 Ij .. .. 12 114! 7 51! 8 30! 8 S3 5 25 i I I I 1 1 tt 4ie a 4;ii it :,s 'IS 13 8 OO! 8 45 2 48 5 III I I 8 13 8 r.a; 2 54 5 47 !l2 52 8 K II 04 2 Ml 5 02 I 8 28 9 14: 8 07 III) 8 30. tl 25, 3 111 0 10 j 8 42 U 32 8 it; 0 17 1 14 K .IS (I Jll H it, ll ". DAVID t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers