1UE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 13 rUBLt3nKD ETERT SATtTtDAT BT EM'L WILVKRT, Proprietor, Mooro A Dlslngr'a Building, Market Square, At f 1.50 In AdTnr. ' II not pulil wllhln 6 Month 9. Subtcriptiont lakm fot iM (Attn tit ltnthn. Cothkctrd with this establishment U aa extcn slveXEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of filnln aud fancy t T equal tonny establishment n the Interior of the State, for which the patron age of the public Is respectfully solicited. roftssion.tl. -"t7"M. J. UOLVF.KTOK, Attorney a T Law, otllce, door No. 5, iind door, Iliiupt's Block, near Miller's Shoe Store, Sunbnry, Pa. Miirch 25th, 18.1. 1?. Sit. HOYMR, Attorney at Law. N'oa. a and S, Second Floor Indent's liultding, Stinhmy, Pii. Professional business attended to,ln Ih'econrls of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims viromptly collected. CoiiBiilta tinn can be bad In the Herman lnngunc-o. Mn rch Sot h, 171. It. JI'ICEniAII NWDEIt, Attorney nt Law, Punhury, l'a. All professional busi ness Intrusted to his care will receive prompt nt t on! ion in this and nd.tolnini; comities, .d un bo consulted both in F.nirlish and (Jermnn. Also, Ili-trict Attorney of Northumberland county. Ainr.0,lS7..-ly. JXO. A. XVII.KOV, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, NO. 144 FofRTU AVESIB, Ifolarv Public, Pittsburg, Fa. Jan. ir, 1S70.- -ly. JtJ. MAHK1.E A CO. Market Street, SL'NBl'RT, PA. Healers In Prills, Medicines, Paluts, Oils, Olnss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, PocKct Books, Dall ies, etc. SE. XVOI.VEUTOX. Attornev at Law. Market Square, SrNBVRY.VA. Profession nl business in this aud ailjoinlug counties prompt .v ntteii.le,! to. Dtt. A. It. SAVIIM.K. respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Sunbnry and vielnliy, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Kali-mount Hotel, where ho can be consulted at all hours w hen uot professionally vngag.-d. . apli-ly CI W. Kir.CalM.1t. Attorney at Law, north X side of Public S i'iarc, on!) door cost of 111" old Umk bull lin', SUXBl'KY, PA. Collec tions and al' professional business promptly at-l.-ndvl to in tins courts of Northumberland and ndio'ini.u: coat. tl s. scptl.VtlO C( .. i:5-.niI'.HNVIi:i. Attorney at J Law, SI NIU RY, PA. All buslnese en trusted to lib tare attended to promptly and with diiiirnee. npl-7-t7 T. WAV CLEMENT. Attorney at Law, ft Sl'NlH'KY, PA. Collections mid' all pro fessioral business promptly attended to. niehlil tiO r. J. lmrsrn. I., u. kam:. BTtCNElt A KASE. Att-rneV and Coun sellors tit Law, hl'XBL'llY, PA. Osiieo on Chestnut st reit, weird oft he N. C. mil V. ii E. Ka'!r-id lVpnt. in the bniMi.ig lately oteupled ly F. Lazarus. Esq. Culle.'i ions and all proless Iku.hI business pvouiptly alt.'ii led to in Noitliuin beiland and adjoining count ios. upl lil-ti; HU. MAKSr.W. Attornev lit Law, SCN . 1U UY, PA Collections attended to In Hi' counties of Northumberland, Villon, Snyder, Montour. Columbia and Lycoming. rplh' ii'. MM. M. liOCKEra.I.KIt. LIIIVUT. It Oil 11 II A 'II. -J XX EiEI'ELLEU A llOtlKKVClC. X Attorneys nt Law, SCNlll'RY, PA. t I' ll c? in ituir.t's new building, second Uuor. En tr.ie on Market S.juare. jaii4 lis AK. IJIIIt'E, Attornev at Law, Sunburv, Va. Oliiee in Mason, e Hall Mnll llng. Colleeiions of claim, writings, and all kinds of le;il b'l-ines attended to e.irel'ullv and with ilisp.iteli. II April 8, 18J1. ly. P5E. J. F. CASLO"V, OnVe and Et 'dd ice. Walnut Street, between Third and Fonith streets, s r n is v it y , p r. s x a . All fo. '.r.s of VSriues of the Eyes will be treat ed or op. rated upon. such as Strabismus. (Cro-s-l'v.) Cat ir.ici, (Itlindness.) mid all other ril-m-'k-cs relating to Surgeiy, us Talipes, (Club or H?el Feet,) I! lit-Lip, Excisiim of Tumors, Ac. Also I!. a e.ne of Epilepsy (ol- Falling Fits.) S'lnb'iry, May l.i, Wl. v, ..toy. AN I'll HAC.'ITK COAL 1 T7-AI.'.NTINE !3KT. Wholesalo an.l i IV tail li- akr in every variety of 1 AX TliRACiTK COAL, UPPER WHARF, j eUNI'.UUY, l'ENN'A. All kinds of (jra'.n tak-n In exchange for Coal, driers solicited :;!!.! tilled promptly. febis-;i. j W. . I1.'1 S. J. I'Al'KKK UliS. X-IT ft. lUIOAR.'i A CO.. j ANTHRACITE COL, SUN1U RY, PEXX'A. j Orrn s with 1U is, Fisu.r A Co., Orders left St S'U-n.iHz it llro's., ot'.lee Market j treet, will retivo prompt attention. Country u-tom rcspecilaoy solicilvj. j Feb. 4. IV. 1. If. OA HHAUKIXS. I fE arc selling Rims, ! kc. Iiabs. Springs, Lauvass, li.ilis, tin's, a . .ve., cij Lat;1 Stock :il i o.l1 x v-u. i SuntHirv, March SO, ISiV.I. CO.WA COALI COL!-41AXTBUiiS., t Shippers and Wholesale aud Retail Dealers ill WHITE AND RED Aill COAL, Sl NBl'UY, PA. (1 nil F-U WIUI1F. ; T Sole Agents, westward, at lh celebrate llen-y Clay Coal. J1"'11'.'"!., EXCtlANCE LIVl'.ItV. J. M. H VHTllOLOMKU', ritopitn: run. I'O'i'ItTH Sl'RrU.l', ABOVE MARKET, r;iaLiirj la. rilllE b est of rl ilng and driving horses aiways .1 on h-.i. I to serv. en tomers. Or tr- left at t!ie Central Ibitel, fur vehicles, will recdie i r nnpl att tilln;i. Nov. ii. ls',0. IU'Vl'lVCHV. (ii;oi;ii v. m. uk xx, In Niiij'.m.u'.s lU Uilhi'j, Mirktt it'ti'f, t-t m.ci.v. Pa., I ) iepiel to du .-II Hi. nls 'of work pelt lining t V lll:.-.lrT, lie I- eeps roil. I nil l oil liau.l irsoll itent i f V illi, aild oilier Dent ll ', ftooi wl.lchbe will bo iilile to sein l, . I "i- wan', ui Id. eil-touiris. ..ik win int.. I to e;lealil'.ifiloti,ur el.J v ref ... I 1. 'v be I Mout Ii Wa.h and Tool !l-P" dels a I i, in . I ii lei .A Ibe I I. ke I it' I I. iiiuneioiu petrous for , ; l.i,,,,.. . ii..,u veur. W ! I. e .S -Soiled ITIIWW-l ra il an. April -1. l,-L . . M.U t -H. V .. , ,. . 1 t.u.lie-.. wahhi.evieii.iw Kl.t'l It Ai.it in ,t... i. .p..iel l-i ...PI'-v Umtdc. 'ilUUe vniiv ni.sr -!.. tlll.irlOIKAS.il. 1'.. Move mi I Snl, coii-l-uill) uli '-' 1- i,ui" uV;.iu ""Vll';..vllWVl.,.uiu. t,uii,iy, J in. l - HAKKUYJ UM.I'.UV!! UVKKUVJI! 1 1 . V Villi III I V I'll I II. I 1- 1 1 N. Ill IIIIV I H I II. . .. . .ill II.. I ' "i . , , ... v.. .ll. unit, i . . . ...... .... 1 ll I ..... II lie i I '' tierl lU I. ...1.1. III. . I i. .1 tlio lleii 'i " , - . , 1 I ,k -o.W pnuvv s in, i l".".Via II K b- M a.- II If K Ttl. f .1 III, lHMI"'-i '- ' ' "l . . Loll- hi. I , I I 4 ,, ui, v i-i i - - - f ui in- ,e . .k H.!'-. VA. llmi-.-r-i'., 4-' Uibubt ' " - ' . II- MP ' '-. (. I 3 H EJ 1 JL-S ItalllIaoa In 1N40. Pit ICE 1 SO I' ADVANCE. j otcU aub j!r&taimtnt8. 7 A l'lEKKE MOIJUiK, Broad and ( best- Jt nut sts., Plillnileliihia. J. 1. Hl ITEK WOuTII, Proprietor. Terms per flay, tMtO. April 13. 1871. ly , TTXIOX HOTEI., TITOS. FOl'l.riSI, Sr., LJ Proprietor, tttmnioklu Ptreet, Trcvorton, Northumberland eoii!jJf, Pa. The tnblo Is mm- piled with the beet the market n thirds. Hood stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, 71 r. nvrni.Y. r.. u. doweii. ''IMOS IIOI'NIV LTKF.NS, DA I" PHI X COVNTT, PKXX'A., ' BYFX.LY & BOW TR, Proprietor. The table is supplied with the best the. market afford, (lond stabling and attentive ostlers. May CO, 1871. . 1 NATIONAL I.AGEU UHEK HAI.OON, ON TIIIKT) STIIUKT. NAIt TIIS DEI-OX, 8CXBVRT, PA. JOSEPH BACHFK Informs the cltlr.ens of Pun bnrv and the public Generally, that ho. bus opened a LAKR MUCK SALOON nt the above place. Tlio best of l.ntrcr Bi-er, and Malt Liquors will he kept. Also'Oystcrs, Ac., constantly sen e.t up to ouatomcra. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUCVSTlS V.L1, Proprietor, tieorgetown NuilbM County, Pa., nt the Stallm of the N. C. U. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Hood stabling and attentive ostlers. AM.E4JHENV HOCKS'.. Coi.. CI IAS. KLKCKN Kit, I'Joprietor, Nos. SIJ and 814 Market Stiwt, above eighth, PlllI.ADKLl'lll A. Terms, 'J per day.. He respectfully solicits your patronage. -17"ANHINt.TON IIOC.SE, C. XEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market "c Second Ptieets, opposite the Court HoiiFC, Sanbury, fa. JlayiS, .0. ir OTEL A KESTAI INT. THOMAS A. IIAI.L. Proprietor. Sunbun- St.. west SIIA.MOKIN, l'ENN'A. Meals served at all hours, at short notice. The best ofLIUois nttlielt.tr. The Table is sup. plied witli tlmbest and latest In the lnatVets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Palruuage snlieited. nl'JI.M EL'NItl'.rVTAl'U A NT. I.Ol IS II I'M M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SlIAMDKIN, l'ENN'A. Having just relltted the above Saloon for the iiccomodnilon of the public, is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best lefrcsliments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt tptovs. TYEKKK llOI KI'., Third Street, at the JA depot, Sl'NUl'lty, PA., W'm. Kitrsi:, pro pi it tor. Win in meals served up at all hours. Fish, Fowls and tiaiue. Fresh Oysters con stantly on bund and served In every style. The best of wines and liquors al the Bar. Wl-'iimilics will be supplied with oysters done up In any style, by leaving orders nt the liar. .-ov..V70-ly. J. V A L K 11 ' S Vt lNTEK AItIEN ANI HOTEL Aon. "SO, 72J, 7-M A T-'7 r.'tw St., PHILADELPHIA. av i n t k n o aTTd ex ii o t i: l, (os tub ct'iiorrxN ri.AN) Centrally located, connect lug with all the, City Paisengcr Railway Curs, from all the Depots lii tho City. ExrrUcttt Atconnmodnt Ions for Trn vclSrr.s. Grund Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Summer and Winter (iarden. t?' Orchestrion Cvtwcrt Krjry -'tt'nioon.j! fine i.Aiurs' iir.sTirn.vNT tiik iirsr or tti rilKSIIMKNTS HF.IIVr.ll. OlV.eo of J. Vtiler's Fountain Park Brewery, .inn 4. is"0.-ly. I. I V It fi T u i: I CliKISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposiu the Court House, Sl'N lU'RY, PA., Kepeit tally Invites the attention of Retailers and oih.-rs. that be has on hand, iiud will con ftantlv kerp till kinds of FOREION ANI KDMESI IC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Uraiulnsi Cogiii.tc, Clteiiy, (linger, Koelit He aud Olard. WUisUies: Pure Rye Cop;K"r-islllle 1, Mooii. (jabela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND CIX ! ".Vines: Champagne Wlae, Slnny, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Ch:mp:gno Cider, X. K. Rum, Blown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, k 1 ..It ..ii j I .,.l.v.J u l.It.1l -tl lltt f'.lllttll 111 the citv markets, which will be nuld at Whole fl,; llMj J very aitiele guaranteed as iviiiYscnlcd. Also, large lot ol ii..mijuii.d .,,,,1 liii'l Tl.FS. a wavs on li.tn.l. I-tf" tlrders jiroini tlj atlcuded lo, and public 1 patronage rcspcciltilly sn.ieiuj C NF.KK. Sunbnry, July 3, lstitf. ly. JAI'Oll bllll'MAN. Eire. LI IV nuil TIIOMI'SOS III lilt. Arciilonl AG2NCY OF i SIIIIMI AN A DI KU, ImAUKET STKKKT. SUN HUlt V, l'A. I COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ! N. American, Phlladlphia, Assets, I'J.TS; iliso l.uti.'l Kali rprise, I Mimhatliiu, New York, ' N. American I Lorlllard, " onkcis A N. York " i H inoMr, " , Inipiilal, Loudon, I I jeoiitlug, Mitnev, ' V t uukllti- Philadelphia, Home, Sew Yoik, M.irH'.iiil, ll.ulloid, Pbiiuiiil, " ; Tiaveicrs, K.inic'i. Ins. Co., Y"ik, N. ItillUli ,V M. tc.tiitliu Notilllli lee. New Yolk, j Col tt iell, No wleb.4 l.eliS.IIHl S '.',f.7ll 1,I'.V.,1 ill SVJ.I-Ml 7VI.1HHI R.ISUI.IhlJ 6, Mil, 01 111 J,s.'.-,?:il 4.MII..U.H L',54l.yll 1,il.'7,i'n , l,;..M,is.7 n.'u.iisi h,hi.'..'.'.'i '.-.:(, tint litW.Jol 7,ani,iM .'' i.lliii.Hl.l MUHI.il I lie, J. W. W.VMIlNliTON'S .ltM II llllll.lt MIOI. Hio old perm inei.t .bop of the town We ib-eliiiii I lie b-.-i'l, l--ii al the ajtne linio eoit-lder lliil lb" mi- av lunl. mnl1" e i.,.n.. bly .p.-W- u w il ieinl ii nun -tin LI -ii ut,-"Hit "i I l Inc aiiioimi of Vuuay M.I aiiibilloii Ju.l eniy v..ii. u.-i I b- ii.iu M.y b.t.lne. i In in,. 1-l.iei - lull lii 1 1 1. in.' lb, i. 1,1 i ,1 .-nl, ha" I ilood lb" "' "'" I'"- ull.r il i.v. ii, I l.i. hi .ill-1 MlaW, an ! api-Uid 1 1... .1. .1 11 III K, U I' Hill . I, uii-l - lllOU lll-l . ,.1,.., ..I li ne t-iuhi4. by lhuUiUbl l-"d id lll.il . Vi iill'.l I ' " " ' .iiivid in ally evely hu.ly In Hi" i.'Uo'iy I .i louiiieai pail.iii"! l ol.ll,-" lb" I "' ''.I b.l.lu pl.lie. uu.ioui.e. to "l !-l'--i '-Id 4lld uu lb-il ulc I- ill lo b ' ' ",,'g ' II, -,,i. 4,. I lliiw " "'"- L , ,, ..mo I. leu I '" U "U '"' I llll ' ull.l ..ii, vi m i4 i.4iy-o ""' U...U, lo .k '". b " ' "l K'" '"'I-M biAoi d" ". " l-'l'"'. ' . .1.. L. aillt aill.lic .Will, H ' l.lt-ul ..UI I4U- .l.'l- l-" VAo ..lk lo p v4..,, a-4 p'.4. l-i . ..... a u k- i ' -f '"' u" It,. 1.4.1. . l.0ll) L.H4.. ' 41 It 14 b 4 o. " "'"'d b- . 4 !l.,U. U ll Il4l I.. .... iu. u i a- 'U 4 1. 4f .UkUHi a.i " 11. I I, !. a al pu t ul it. a.A 'ijr. tlt SUMUKY, PA.. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL J-R. JOHNSTON,' Physician of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and cll'ectual remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OK IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kldnevs and Hlmblcr. li.volnn. try Dischargee, Imnoteney, (ieueral Dcblll ly, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low rspiriis. (.'onliisiiin of Iil.-nst, Palpitation of inc iienrt, timidity, Tremblln.'s, Diniiii oi nigni or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose m Skin, Affections of Liver, Lilurs, Stouiaeh or Bowels these terrible Disorder arising from lite Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to Hair Mciims inau inc song ot Syrens to lb,. Marlueri oi L tysses, iiitgiiimg tltelr inoet brilllan: hopes of anticipations, rendering laarr.ago, iVc.linpos- Pll'IVt IOUNO MEN especially, who have become the Wlms of Snll- lary icu, tnnt (lrcailltil and dcstrtioilvo habit which annually sweeps to an untlmelj grave thousands of voting men of the most c.v,ii..,i talents and brilliant Intellect, who mlirbt otn,., wise ItavB entranced listening Senates with the manners oi eloquence or waked to ectitacy the """S 'J' iuujt viui wiin mil conn. lel.ee. MAHltlAfiE. Married Persons or Yonn Men coitlemplatlng marrltige, aware of Physical Weakness. n,w of Procreative Power linpotcrcy'). Nervous Ex citublllty, Palpitation, Orgasle Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any otfier Dlsnuallllenllon, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. I. may rellulously eontlilo In his honor us a gentle man, and eolilldeutly rely uooti his skill us a Pliv. slclaii. OROANK? WEAKNESS. Impotenev, Lose of Power, liutuediately Cuisid mill full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Alleetlon which renders Life nilset aide and marrlagelinmsslble 1st lie penalty paid liy the victims ' of Improper Indulgences, Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being u ware of tlicdreiulliil eoiiscicuces that may ensue. Now, who that understands thesuhlcef. will pretend to deny that the tinner of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into iinproicr nanus man iy inc prudent I Besides Indue ileurlved the ileasuresor beultliv nils lil'lnir the most serious ami destructive :iyniitomn u ,,,( , body ami mum arise, i lie system in,.,,,,,,.,, dc rniiged, tho Physical and Mental Ftii.-ijona eakened, Loss ot t'rocrcutlve Power, Nervous I In liability, Dvspepsln, l'aljdtallon of tin- Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Dcblilty, a Wa ilnu of the Finnic, Cough, Consumption, Deecy mul Dentil. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined In health by unlearned pieln decs who keep tliein trilling month alter month, taking poisonous and Injurious co'iipntiudr., should nmdy Iniinedlatclv. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of tbu Royal College id Surgeon, l.on tion, tiraduitted from one of ti e most eminent Colleges In lite United Slab's, and the greater part of whose Ifo has been spent In the ho-pitals of Loudon, Prls, Philadelphia mid c!:'cwlicic, has I'llcctcil soma of the most usoinisliing cures that were ever known many tiou'ilert ., ,,,-. lug In tlto head and cars when asleep, ir,,,, nervousness, being alarmed tit siuhlea soana-. Iiashftilncss, with IVeiuent Idtislimg, attended mnict lines with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR No I'll E. Dr. J. addressee all those who have Injured themselves by lmproier liidtllgei.i n mid soilt try habits, whirl! ruin both body and mind, until ting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. '1'iitSR ate. Fotno of the sad an. I melancholy ell'ecls produced by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of tho Back and Limbs, P.tiinm the Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Lo-s of .!a cular Power, Palpitation of the I lean, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of iii;e-tiie Functions, (ieueral Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, &c. Mentally The fearful ctl'ects on lite mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forchodlngs, Aversion to Society, Scll-Dlstnist, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of Hie evils produced. Tnoi sAMiR of persons of i.ll tr.'es can now Judge what is the cause of their ill c'.in .ig health, lo-ing their vigor, becoming, weal;, pal', nervous and cumciatol, having a sinuiilar appearance about Iho eyes, rough and ryiiipiouni of consump tion. YOUNO MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a habit l'ic,n. ntly learned from evil companions, oral school, tli, cited of which are nightly fell, e.:t ii.n asleep, and if not cure I, renders iii.ini.'e. Imp slide, and destroys both mind tin I b.i.i), i c'itol apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, tli l.op iof hU country, lh darling of his p uviils, ii "i d be Miatclied from nil prospects an I i-i.-.,ui:c-i:-. o life, by the cousc'iucncu of iblallng f--o.ii I'.e path of nature and Indulging la a c.-it.i'.i seer,-', habit. Such piisonsMi st, before conl --inplal .ng MAIiltl.U.r., rellecl that a sound mind and body arc the ::i i.-t necct.sar.v leiptlsitcs to promote cn-iuUlal li.i pi- I ness. luileej wilhout these, the journey i!H'oali life becomes 11 weary pilgrimage 1 the ro-peel hourly darkens to llu View t lite mill t 1 -ecoiiies shadoned with despair und tilled with Un iiielau- eholy letl.H-tlou, that the luippmes o! aitelhel' beeomcs blighted Willi our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When tho misguided ami impiu-leiil votary of pleasure lluds that be has Imbibe I lite sc-ds of Ibis painful disease, It too often bapi us tb.it an Ill-timed seiisii of shame, or diet I i-t -lis. oii-ry, delets him from applying to lliosn a In, lioni education and respectability, can alone bel.l -ti : blui, delaying till t he const Itiitlontil syMiplo.us ol this lion i,' dl-cuse make lliclr uppear.ince, It us lilceral", sore 1 1 rout, dl-eased no e, no i.uel pubis In the head and limbs, ilbmie-s of si :ni, (buliicss, nodes on tbu sltiii bn.,.s an I aims, blotches on the le ad, lace unit evn iniu. pi urcssliig with li'khtlul rnpldliy, I'll nl l.e-l I It la llll Ol lllC lltoillll Ol lliu IH.liei, 1 I lie io i . 1 o in, sud the victim of this iiwful ui-c.-c In,,,-, u lionet oiijeei of i-ointiiiM-ruiloii, till death puis n period til bis il read I nl eiillei'lng, b xeu, ling him lo " that I'lidUeoveredl otinli) I nun vv hem ii, i traveller i. tuin.. ll In iiieliiucholy fuel thai tliuu.-ainli 1I V. victim, to this U'liible dUca.e, lUi'iiuii'i I illbe; Into Ihe hiiiiiU of IgiioMlit or iiii.kldtul i'HI. 'I KNUKIti. vvho. bv Hi" Um-of Hi il deadly I'ol- son, Mcteuty, .e., dc.lioy lliu I'liusliliiliou, and I 1 1.... L...... II... 1. 1. 1... 1 .1. V -.1.1. . I- iii.i,ii..i., , ... ,.!,, .! i, . - - - - - liionlll utter III, mill taking lin n in.vloii. or In- Jlll ioll. Compounds, Hint IIH.IC4 I o Ileitis lc.o, , l.i a I w.il ol 1. He Igor mid Il.tppUie ., In ,l- ... u Imv him ali ruined Health lo i h ov.-r III. U.....h( lllsappoiUllllelil. i.i .Ili U, llll li Ion-, III . Ji.IST"S pled -e. Iiilil elflo piciivu lb" vuo.l luvloUble be-i.ev, 4 ,1 I.,, in l.i. i vlcii.ive piaelii" nud "''"'' alt-i.i. ol lliu uieat llo.pll.il ul Huio4-, und Ho- lul In llil. loui.iiy, vt t lliitfluud, I ranee, l lil-.i I l b .i an. I i-Ui bcie, ! in.iblej U oil I ll.e iu-a ' lain, .stdy mi l ilbduil lean I) "a t'l.i w al l lor all d.i4 ul InipiudeiuK. K JtiUSlt'i. HirUi:. Mb T, . IKrl'Ulll K oliill T M.IIIVI 'MH, M. ll. la ll baud H-lo I!"l"il H-illlU'-"" .lie. I, 4 Ii 4 ,!.. 1 1" III 11.4 ISMIIKI. 4llH"l '"""I1 U4I.I" 411, 1 IIIIIIIlM f, l'V. bllrl lii.vli-l Ull'e.. p.l) ill mil t-.lilalliillH .I4inp bu U"d P ' I i n my buui.l 4m ." ' - - i ul .i.vi.vi..imai 4.'.'iibli'4 .)Uilo,.i. 'Ueia i. ... u.m f..ai. ts.iulii4 n I Miillbbu lu.1, u.l.l k.lvilll.lu II" l""' 4. PI,)... UU., l!,U.,.- llS4U l ll.H'4 l-4 Is-iall nl 4-1 who uloii44 .inly lull r'-'. lb it lr. J.'bu.i.iM 4o. im ' Ui ll I" 4 is-.uiiy to I""-" uu4i 4iuu4 " hi. M-..U. I ll.U ll,4t hi t.4lUlU W l.t'll.4. 4l4 (Si'UtMrMr W "III-- I'Uk-vl. iHl KU( II.04.4I..U KUI.4 t U-,. I ill1' I'h- U.,,. .4 ll. V.l, S IU a. u n I "I ..jl.1.1 a4lbt l4ltlU p-H I .. I by I". J.. 14.1-41, li.UtM.4 t Iba I. pi .a 1.1 .! 'I I'.a , ni kik i4l. l-a-.l., fc... ..I o. It 1.4 1 a l l -4li4 ! k4 a.'Sl"l '" U- I ' U.U-a ki M4 ln.y g...ll-i4 kl . Ii.ij.i l4 ..p.4-aiUIU , I a "'-I 44l4,l!- Iu iaa..la4- auik 4la4aa) tv4l, 4I4. r,i,i4ii it, in - ii ,V.'.l IM.Ai. r-a ., u-v SATURDAY MORNING. XOYFJIBKIl 11. 1871. MV II.U.HOIV. riT jonn u. wtiiTrinn. Beneath Hie tniwnllght and tho snoir Lies dead lu- latest year The winter winds uro wttlllng low Its dirges In my car, I grieve not wltlt tho moaning wlutl As ir a loss hsfcll , Before me, even n behind, llo.l Is, und nil is well I Ills light shines on me from above, Ills low vice sneaks within, Tito patience of immortal line Cut wearying mortal sin. Not mindless of the growing years Of cure and lews mid pain. My eyes me wet with thankful tears For blessings thai remain. If dim the gold of life has grown, I will not count It dross. Nor turn from treasuie still niy own To sigh for lack and loss, His years no clmi-fii from Nature lake i As wcct her voices call, As beautiful her mornings brcnk, As fair Iut .yc8 evenings . Lovo watches o'er my quid ways, Kind voice, F,penU ,,IV lu,( And lips that nd , i1(1-,d t pn,,0 Are slow, ut icu-i, to blame. Jlowsoniy ebb the tides of will I v 'l' ",1('1' I"1 or won, Hcncalh h,.v,. sun I How hr.shcl IIicm riiirlr I.ia The clamor of ,, ng?,m' How oi l, harsh voices ,t ,i,., ..u T-'low Into rhylhiulc su-.g. ' Mclblnks tho spirit's teinpir en-. Too soli In ibis still air. Somewhat the restful hcM rorig0s Or needed watch ami prayer.' The bai-'iue by leniis-t niu.ij- to-i-, May founder In the, eui'm. And he who braved the ,wlar fnvtt Faint by thy lles of b.ltu. ' Heoer than n'lflndiilgcit years The i.-it thing heart ol'jouth, Tli in pleasant songs In nlle cat The tumult of ll.u trtitli. Rest for Hie v. cary ban. Is Is iroo l, An I love for lieu its that Inc, lint lei the in i n ly liablMide Of iipi ig'nt souls be mine The Mind Unit blow from ne.iven reftosb, Dear Lord, the languid air ; And Id ll.e w -uljncss of the llesh Thy strength ol spirit sliare. And, IT the eye mu-t fall of light, The ear fotpct to hear, ,'Mo.e'lli.'e ii;.''il.U',l,.r.l'illl fl-',lt. Be near me In mine hours of need To sooth. Id cheer, or warn. And down lbe.-e slnt.es of sunset i::id As tip lite hiiin of L'om. Atlaitic fl.e Oef.-ciW ii:ti:;: of rue: xottui. I'lrrm ls il:i j!i'n ICxj' l?r.-or A tiaj-Jiii' IVi'ss'i'i j;(Iou i.'l' tin ltir nirs, The first news of a great disastejr is gen erally cxa-tgcrali'd, bin Iho first reports of the 1'i'Ci III lll-i-s in llie! ttiit tliwi .sli-rn i:il't of Ihe State f. II far short of the truth. When wo heard that IVshligo was binned, and sixty lives lost, everv one said that it must be exaggeration. They coital not under stand how, in a village, si many lives could be lost ; bill a recent visit to Ihe fields of tli solution and ilcath made us wonder how any were saved. I'l'iun Oconto, t evcuty. iiw miles north ot (I recti Hay, we went by teams through lite burnt district to the Suear Hush, lVshiigo and Mat iue'.le. 'Jim fin- catno close to Ui-onlo, the people havin-.; t-i work in toieal I Iv I i save Iho city, l'or lliu first eight 1 mil s north f Ih.i city ll.e counlrv was I liui-.b'tl over, i sli-oyiug imnieuso tuianli- lies of limber and aoino houses. Scarcely ; an uciY of ground i scaped uuburued. If l the own -is eotl'.il ctll '.ha pino which was bunicd si leuily a-, to kill it, and p;ei ii i iii.tiiitr,ie!iiivi into hi'iihcr Ibis year, Iho li"-s would nut bo K-) li-arl'til ; but it would be impossible In cat so much in one year. I'.lgl.t miles nurlli of Oeoni . the tornado began its terrible work ol di slruelimi. l''i'oni this point, to IVslitigo, u dislanee of twelve miles, tho timber was very heavy. lu-re the tornado began tho timber was nii'htU pit.e, i'.hI fui'lhei- on it consisted of oak, bench and maple, many trees running i.p eighty t-i't io ihe first limbs. It pro liable lh.it (he ti a tiud-i eal'tii-'l the lire along witli it with won. I'-niil rapitlity. l'or milo aft r niilti imt n trea of any size was I. i't sl.lll l.lig, only u s ippiing here and llteiv, le tul'ii,; to the hi. is!, willisiooil the stonn. The trees wore blown down, tbu roots, in many instance alter thctiviH had fallen, slilll.lllig tWt-Uo In lilleell leel high, Willi ill-. .1 . t e. MM lock and du t uuioiig them, were I. I . 1 ho 1 ground w.n. covered witli a di or ImrtK-.l , until it looked I'd. 'I lie lliul, I brush, lliu mall liiiib.of lluit I'lii, 1 1." bark, tin .' Vek - Wi le all bill llej. llsei-IIIH illlpo.- bililo dial a week ago il was it formt of i'Ver.-l'eeU ll'ees. lieievcr lii ro was a eulvert in the I'oad built of I.ijs nod covcivil Willi giotnitl, il wan bin in .1 ; u!o ihu lv in lie' cm Jnov road, leaving ti,e -r, mn, i ini:i,,w, in, n, I W4 no kin i t life, i 1 1 In t' iinilii.it of Vi g table. X,r und pal In, I;, vveio lying along Iho road tanned lo death. ' " 1 11! 1. 1 It lull. li"l lb 'v.-..iiu l tho lower Mu-tr Ii. .-il. , itli incut. 'J ho lo.id ihr.nigh tin, btlih in. .a e tsl and vvtst. Tin) laud I eli .Hi d tat W and i iilliv.ili d ub ml tluee o u i. i "I it in! " on at h elc ul lite i i.i'l. Ill ' lain) boll.. Were Malt, led ul. 'ii -t till J r.'t I I a a d..l nn" of nu'-' -. N1 4 ! Iiati.liii ii u' 4 I. nee In hli. 'i i.o i-l" vi j Hilda tte0 bill III OUT 111 if kMihhlo ', l'l) tiiiuip w.i bin oi I'l o , nu. I iii in my l lliu t III p. lived li-Id. ill.) ktuillp wilt) binned vutliily up. Imtiun h"ii in the. I-Hill, I Mil. IO I llll I' "ll ll 111 I" I II. J llll rial j Uu (lU : , . . u.,,,,, o IliUlne. W vi kilt ll lliu load i'lc, and . .. ...i .....,. i,... ,(.,, ..j . . .. .... in lb I I.ll I'UIIw va,:.'ii uiol )il led H kpillll. I' li vtnov."l Id iho V l '"ll W.I. I I',i. k!l ill ll l l dl "pH d III III. II pi'.pi ' pt.ll l, Willi IliU 11111)1114 oll,. llo III. I liu 1I14UI U"i t" Ival'lilbu 01,. at, 1 (-,l M l. kll' llbl'l out ll 1 W In lo tbu o k4i-l 4v'is v. oul-l 1.4 i Ui Ii, and at 1 1. a oil,-1 1 11. 1 i. 1 l.ii 1I14111 lay lliu ii of tlni III I of ll.u l"ll, .!". .Si.i( by alo 10 niy fii in Ii iiiau (ni l t d anu l),n-4-4 I Ion! , v illa, and lev 11,10 ol I Ii" Ii 'l v . 1 4 liilli.. mi l Ui lu .I Tliiiiuli llii ui. 1111 ut luni !ltltvf 4li I , ,l l ll.u tlatl lUlt Ml lw add. 4-1. 1 14 tin di.tmi toil no) U11.1 1 y an.i.iol. 'I Ut 1.11 diau iiil.i a link UUud ainad wuvnij "I tH i i Ui AME1IM wont into tlio at ream, but wuro found dead. Anno of tlio Inhabitants wt-ro burnml in tlioir houses : tlmy wcro found cattcrcd In tho Holds. Twi nti'-nlx bodies Xvtro found in (mo Ilolti. A Mr. Mny tvns fnund tltroo-qtirirtcrs of ft milo norlhwcKl (if his house, his wlfo niHittt the satno dislnttco nortli, nud his lit tlu hny, four years old, tho satno distnnco nortlienst. llio Newberry families, eon 'h'tiiiR of seventocn persons wcro nil lost. .iii-v iiieu in-nr t'lll.ll oi -p. I irv nivii.ii ft null nild llitvo fiirms. Old Mr. Newberry was not found. Churl Newhorrv rnii ft'jout hnlf ft luilennd fell, and his two boys, l'tiniiiiir; liand in hand, wcro found a lit t lit beyond their father, lying nid0 by side, while wil'o nml mother was found on tho road near n bridge. Klio forgetful of her own suucrmg, Uh d to save her babe. Her t'bnrt'ed hnnd wtis pressing n,c i,ad of her ehild upon tho ground, so that it might not nreatiK! :no lire. 'J'lio child's taeo was nil time wns injured. ()no of tho Newberrys was found dead in tho water tinder the bridge. Wurren Chuivh, probably to es cape a worse death, cut his throat with ti jack knil'o. Charles Lamp took his wile iind four children in a wngon w hen tlio lira begun ; the. horses became unniaiiagenlilii anil ran away ; the children were thrown out one by ono ; Mrs. I.amb was thrown out. Mr. Lamb was d mo-god Into H.o corner or it Held, and was the. only ono of that Intnily saved. Mrs. Caroline Kngland, expecting to bo conllnetl every hour, vndo lour and a half miles to lVshtigo, stood in the water livo hours, saved threo out of lour of her sister's ehildivn. nmlonvn l.i.- I. to n dati"htei tho il.iv nlti e I ti t n mi,). die. of .Sugar liti.sh, ti boy jumped into a barrel ol rain witter that 'stood near the, uouse, out seeing Lis lathwr und in-.: ," ft green turnip inileli, sturtoJ- " trieil to but gettin:; badlv W ot back and got into climb tlio fe'Yiu. The father und mother tll,! J'iMiriied. Tho boy was found there, two days alter, alive. ' Tho Davis family Hoii"hl.'rc!'ugo in ft well. The curbing burn ed, and tho whole family of six persons were lost. They were not found for throe days. Ono woman with a babe ten days old, and four other small children, displayed nioro bravery than many a nenoral on a bailie. Held 'Mm gathered her children around her mid picked the coals oil' her family as thev Iell. She was badlv burned, ami one ..i i i, :i.i 1...1 .t oil tin tin tin iv 'l II I , llllltieil lllir, r.i... . . ( eseapi d. Mr. Tanner, sun- n-law ot A. 11. Hart of Calutiiel county, tried to save his wil'o and two children ; when his wife fell dead, h' took a child under eaeli arm and started on tlio run. Ilia children died in hi arms, und llu-n he drew a Knife nud tried to tako his own life. Alter stabbing himself twice, and before ho could aeeomp lisli his design, a limb of ft tree knocked him insensible and thus his lilo was saveti. I'-'siiit.i- on In IVsltllgo we union uu; 4e porls pnblislietl 11,1,1 ,i,.,...o l,ut. : lainl itlca "I'ti-.d liiss. 'sot a'sliel; of timber was I. ft of tlio houses, and on the south side of the river the only evidence ie'.t Ihal there was otiet; a town there were tho posts of the garden ft-iiiYs, which wcro not burned tn close to tho ground but that wo could trace the "inline of the fence. ll was lepi'ited ihal one house was li ft uuburued. This hiitise? was not eomjileled only rough bonis inclosed il and yet it did imt escape wiihi.ul one side being burn ed black. It would be liesless to ntiempt ti ... e 11... .. I oescripttou. ou can tinagmo 11 beauiilui ,111111 llitiving iitnge, witli its immense . manufactories and busy life, now a waste 1 0r.--.1ud, tli ,'ortetl. The carcasses of fifty , horses lay in regular rows as they had i stood in their stalls, with sgntvcly a vi-stige , of the building remaining. The pet. pie had ; only ten minutes' warning of the hlii i ieano id' lire, and 11 1 lime to compivh'cud llu-y I stal led for ll.e river, but were overlaid :i by 1 the storui of lire tun! left in lie- middle of 'the ttretb;. One man carryiim Ior wiii-, , iipproacht-d the river, but the bl:-.sl drove hitn over sonic obstruction, ami filling, ho 1 was separated from her. He picked up a woman, suppoMii.; I.er to b-; bis wife, ear lied lur to the rivt r and saved her. It , proved to lie another man's wife, nnd lii.- ,11.11! was lost. One mail -v:is sieli of ty j plioid fever ; a young man Mopping with him look the tick man out back of tho ; liottso nud buried liiiu iu ll'.n Kind. He was sa veil, atitl is rapidly gaining Lis health. The half has 11, ,1 be, 11 told; '10 whole v i'l never be known, Tho less of life in ! creases 'every hour. On lii. lay last, t.ven 1 ly-six dead bodies Were found in the woods, laid Saturday Hiirty-siM. The woods and Ileitis are lit rally full of dead bodies, and many were bui-iiim; entirely up. We found s, nne lei Ih, a j n k knife and u slate pencil, ll must have been all ilia I remained of a pr.iiiiiMug boy. Truly iu this oa iho d ulvlii ss preceded the light. On Sunday night, IK t.,!vr .l.li, ju.-i alter tie- chureb.es Were 1 , sett, for ba'.f llll ll'ittr there leivlled ihe stilluiBM of death. The sun, ko a, tiled down so thickly that the 1l.11L.uss, like IlgVpti ill, C'tild be iell. The'l caillO livhl ousts of wind, and in ilm suuih was s 1 11 thlMUgli the siiiol,,- it 1 nl dai luu as I'.tinl glim iners ol lilil. 'I let 1 .u Ii 1 leinli, d, nnd the r i.ir of the appioit uing In.'iiiido and lhn shock of ll.i- Lit nil J II, e I 1'i'l.e the a a fill st:l Hess. one 1, mid 1. all.. i- the i.p- pi oaehiug d.ineir, vi In n in nine si a bei lie nl tie- ll d ic.iiisl m is upon liieiti. 'I he lire, in ii m iddeiiiiig r in.'e, eoi.ld out ki t p paeti with lite wind, and ti'ci s, u-id liotisea i und nn 11 vvcie bloc 11 d.iw 11 thai lb y might be inoie rapidly c iliailne d. Met, women an I 1 hildi'eii n,.'.e ll; . liu In rush l.i.e a;,ee iie tlii otigli iho il.in.i-, it ml t il ki par. ttcl Lull! I .1- ll otln r. Ill lllIN leltll.le lilolllelil nn 11 llioiijlil lln- liuil ,1 ' "' ' ,1 ...1. .1111111. 1 Ihi bun. 1. nod tiny Isoved ilu iti.-vclvi to oiler I heir laai prayer. More luiglit bale beella.lVtd if Una culivieliou li.l-l lint at i.ed lln 111. One mail galbcled Ins I in, ily int. 1 In at. in , and iikigiiedly vv.ilUiu in and li i in tint room, ii'vaitiu j tlm a .vltil 1 "0,1(11, in ea, und, if lln) U--level prophecy, had ibey led reaaai .r tills Is 1. I '.' A lit) Id' lllll.ll... lll. I l,f en an 1 in . 11 day til' l loll, und thick d u k. II,.., 11 ll.e lic'l loli.J kj'li ld llp"ll ll.e I lii.itllil.lllia. A bin lb Voiln lb is I no lln IU, U" I Ii. hlio I l. Ill II It. a 1 1 in bin mill; he land la aa lliu I'.lldi il 1 I I. I- II t b'lu Ilu Ul, nud Ik l.iii.l llieiu a il. aol.tte w lUl, I in .a , )i , and li'ithiiin ahull 1 ,i4 lln in. the Um .11.1111 e id I hi III I a lb" up) i.ll. line of lei a. a mil ."i aeiin 11, ko al.ali liny I nil. 'lliu lallU a'it: tpliLu Ul'iiu Until Ilu II li. ant, kl.-ill li-ti.l-le, and ll.u oii ; und lie "li k'l.ill Ihi duk, and tlm kl.ll al. nl a iil.-li iv lb, r 'iiniiu. 'I I,.; Is al il.il.l K'ltvl ll.u h a ill ill" Sig ir lioall aildl'l .1,1 4 I 4l vlll llUllll. I. till ll... i i.l ab ou I ily L.lii mv iv l-'Uii'l In nu lb Id. 'I I., y l.i I lUd Iu llo) Iu Id hop ing l l vti.ilHi, uii l llo ) MU llilo Ih" anial pi nil p...b!e. lunl I t li -ll in j ali lii-.lu lle II1411 UlMg laid. 14 .I'll'o ; iiiioiAii.(i, X I'uat t'lanindiutu 1 WUf aio hnxt , Wu'l'la likv Uibua I IWa um klu ala Ion I o( l, livl. Now Kcrlea, Vol. S, Xo. 84. ' Kcrl, Vol. !U,o. 01. A MOJMS OX TIIK Itl.M II. THF OftKAT.TOKEOF WYoMlNO HOW -TIIF. WAOS RICIlVED Mns. Jl'DOK MORHIS's IILS11ANI) A Will! COMMITTINC! II KH srousu. My last cavo in brief tho history of the passago of tho "Woniun's sullrag'o n-t in Hyoming. 1 will now g.'vu soma of tho practical workings of woman stitVrngo and woman .olllco holditur. Tim n taken untler tho provisions of this lair u-n tl-c. appointment by the .Secretary, as neling (iovemor, or Mrs. Ksthcr Morris, of South l'ass City, as n Jtistire of (ho IVitee. for eSwect water county. Mrs. Mortis niiulilbd "remilled tho usual fco of live" to the So ciTl.iry, nnd entered upon the duties of her otllee. Nothing unusual occurred for some days; everybody was salislled with the new Justice, and tho iie-v .lustieo with ev erybody. Ono day, however, the wino of bitterness was mined in tier cup of bliss, and notwithstabdiiiL' her womunlv n.i wifelv feeling, shn vu compr lled to drink ... oil m-uei II HI, Willi YlHB now iell lilt charge or tlio domestic department of tbu' firm, had previous to his retirement to the ' sweets Ol (tonus IC oec.-is imullu ..Li with her Honor ncainsl. her Hmmr'a "ibv , 1 lord and master," that tried to v -" : mantled u warnuit fr-.,fiut hko Cicsar Justii-o hesiti'f."i tho emergency, nnd of lhi3i(.,.OHsed into her lord's dominions, J i-l . .r .. .l-n.,n,l lu.foto i ami lier lol'lller master "'hhs1'1 " a social glass with his friends. Tnkito' fld" ' ., "'V'1 ,,n'1 ,, ",!,,,r inlluetict s of lovo vantage of this weakness, soma friT-nda ' "" "' !"'V .' "'n ,W(! "l,l,'"1 ,0 ' waited upon Mr. Morris onedav. and Imv- ! ?v,". ,ll:t K'''', i"e!ination ing made Mr. Morris drunk, lead him into ,V,IS l"m t',,ns;' "''l ' tho business, moro ft breaeli of the peace, then Im.lneduJu,,, ' V'"' Uh- I'.sqiiti-e's oli-eo and lodfed n coiniduint. i .. ...... ,i " s . iffu stale of matrimony, her fur trial. ,. . 'woman, liivolity is sueceetiett ny re tec- Mr. Morris's head was not sullitaenlly ,, . nd reason reigns where passion helil clear In comprehend ihe situation. IIo be-, j,,vioUhlv undisputed sway. Tlio care and gun to assert his sovereign rights in con-; nxjeVn s of lile press il.enis-.dves inorti tempt of coin l, until suddenly brought up jijUy ; i.v tend to weaken tho flVeetof by tlio ollieer in obetiienec to tho Court's . .. H;,oUine nnticipiilinu of unmingled fit order. .Seeing that things had changed jj,,-,,.. in (, umrriHgo stale, wliteh the somewhal, and that Oilieinrs oceupaiiu , had been nt last suspen.leil. lie nccan iocn- , postulale fust with iho ollieer. until I'.ir.nm ed by lliat functlonarv lhat. he had no ilis- : en-lion, hut Wus lifting under orders Irom t... (',.,,,t Wlio is Hie Contt (hie) ?" imiuirod Mr. Morris. On being; informed that the occii- ,t ..(' llo. tioooli was the .lutlge. Mr. M"i' pain, oi liiu m oe.li or. . --- , , is looked at tho Justice will-, a puzzled air, 1 s n leliin- hish. a.l in nn clVort to collect his s.Vi 11 eTeti thoughts and ejaeulat.-d, ' her h r- h iY-sho is -that's l-sther-my i ,. ic. I'iboevou're. tlritiik. of oh, don I i '-' J . . . . . .i...-., I H,t In r me (hie)," ami no starien n n". ..1 ...1 il... ...M-oiinr I'ne (.iintellllit ol l,i,ll lip 1110 .ii.-.....,. - ..- , j court." said Mrs. Mortis to the ollieer. "What have vou to say about it, ch f" in Vl't ""' -on'.ix, singgering nicnao-. ingiv toWaMi"ilaV dui'lge. ,iv I "Vou will f,nd I have nil to sa) . mlU!' , Ollieer lock l im up," replied iter ni-nT-.- Although badly mixed, Mr. Morris 1.. gan a parley : "Now look here, Mr. Offe-cr, don't you bo in a hurry. I didn't mean nnyl'oing wrong. 1 want to, just tall; with my wile a minute. Now. l-ls'thcr. what's tho use a liioitu , you jisi gu tinwii oni o tin ie, nun go heme and behave yourself. I'll tend to .. ,, . . .... . ... , ... .1. .... ...i ibis little 1 illlt'tillv itivs.cH. Now go right along, tho babv wants uursiu-.!. 1 nan 10 give it Mrs. W'inslow lo get it to (deep when I came down. He's hungry, for ho won't use. licit old hotll,-, atnl I mm t blame him either. The dis'iivs ain't wash etl, no th: bi lls mad.! neither. And what's m.iiv. 1 ain't goiu' to do il tiny more, now. Vou hear thul. Now. start along." Ily the time Mr. Mollis had delivered himself of this, his tone had changed as his feelings warmed from that of expostu lation lo that of command again, nml the ollieer forced lii 11) iiiio the rudely coimtrtiet ed lock-up iu tht! rear of In r Honor's court, and there Mr. Morris was left, to ivlUet up on the situation, ami guzo upon the divid- ing wall between himself and wife us the 1 dividing line between (nan's and woman" 1 lightii until i-this new dii t li-i.i'e oi. O.i tlio following morning Mr. Morris wan arraigned before her Honor, and iu lln most sober and bubd-led manner, and with , the deepest lillluiil.llion, pleaded guillV, asked iho pardon of iho court lor contempt, and a vv ailed his seiileue,! with hutni'ii tlioii and resignation. j AI'ut giving tho prisoner a ('audio li c-, lure, as amended by Ihe laws of Wyoming, : her Honor imposed ihe Usual line, and re-1 tpiired Iho pri.i'dicr to give bonds to keep Iht! peace, upon which tin-court gallantly ollercil to lei him go, ami Morris vanished. , as - WllllTlNii llniisKs. There lire persons who think that iho spirit and tempi r of it horse must bo J'l'nkcii In make bun valu.t- 1 ! ble. I'rof. Wagm r in Ilis win k on tho 'lid-, i ueatii'ti id horses,' says : 1 j "I would c iiti"ti tin, se w ho train or inn ! hon es, iig iiiist exciting Ihu ill til of Ihe animal. Many fiiidt Ihcy are doing liticly, laud are pi. aid of iheir sueei ss in l.nri- ti.tiiiin..!, by in, an of sevue vv hipping, or ' olln l'iv iso 'rousing or stimulating lhc pns 1 sions, an I then li'mil liteesMl.y, crusbiu-.: I Ihe viill, through which ihe nhisiunn' is I prompted. No uiisiakc tan bcgiiatcr ihau i Ibis ; and Ih'-n- i. n"lhiu.' that fully ex j hibiu Ilm ability, iudj.n. ul and si id of ll.e real le'i'M iuau n lie- can- and I u I display -id in wiuu.ir: instead id lepili.n tin: tie limi of the nnu I. Alih"ii-h it in i be in I cessaiy lo us -ll.e vvbips nn. line 1, il should alwa be api'be-l Ju lot ,i-lv, and ; i-uri. 'al 1 ' ' l" r"11'"' I'-'" ' klulia or 1 Hi ile lu Hid (.1 id, aim. ley, I " I he IvgiMHi.ito an I I't't'i-i-r U of lhn 1 M hip la call u'ated In 1 pi laic upon the . use 1 id I ir nhii'i-l 1 u'ii'i ly. Tb" a h 1 li 01 und betier ii.it it iv iiitiat Ih- it p.alid I iu tiain 1 ing a h"i'o a 4" 11 a la It in u a ihild. 1 A ii pt.'oi' i.ii'O in iy be mi icli il in' ilm gnu,! 1, 1' a 1 i.ll, bui. if ini'y i:,.i pi Ma, u iv e, i'n .1, 1 in- 1 bit I i if 1 111 in ! -viol Pi- jltl I' Ola, l Ii. I H V till J 1 1U1 I I'lc, III I lull , lie il. -li - luli d III the In nt i;t l.n lit ol a, it kltivc, 1 iiui.l-.'t "Ha lent,,, ,,,y i,t h.. In, nil Hi lit l-k id kp.'llliU l. Ul. I I. lie kl:...i II . lll.lllV h 'la. l l ll ll.ll il yi ll'lv I b.llM I' I I'l Ik, ap.ali il 1 y tv nig Iv til) ; d oil-1' 1 an I in -1 ll , m- ll.ll II .U llillde t Ii l -lla by b, lit; all it. W vyilh II lll.i niiiv I'V l ill, llll,; III I', a at.i.l. I b ile 1 1 I- 1 11 d I'l ll.i a- 111 .1.1 tuv 1 vie,. I ll,e il in t i t i'-a ;i In linn nl, and llo.- 1 1 l.il imt buy ! k.i-ny pio-lu.vd l y ul U4.;', h -! lliy Willi ll.u li 'ml Ion, uud lb, 's 1 1 4 hi ;l.'y loiv oi. I. injsi i ,11111.1. Many I'llu i 1.11 ii.i-:l l bu nt ,1, ' 11 ii. h Ulv by ll " lot on UL- .mini, II '.'.r aiitvv luni . .looil-l U. v. 1 Ui I. 11 aln I Ho y b.ii.i U.u ii ll d ly Ibu al.ip 01 01l.1i llii .in, Unlit l . llll. I d 'Hii by luldolij ' I p.illiiij ll.u I,, .d lol I"'!, i"i y ' '4 M pb , ni.Mi, 1.1 "iu 1I0114 of a hn li lit" am I04I I t I. l It. in. ,l,U I, Ilu mI.iii In .. I U ua.. a oh yi-Hl 4f , "i ll la I141 lo I d 1 III la. i,u (, ai l4 14UW Ilip4l4bi.l llil ir- a - . H'1141 flilllda l.al in 1 1, u. I 1 kj laaviut' 1 kj'v-.'l 4l ADVERTISING SCIIEDULE 10 Lines, orabont lOOJVords, make Sqnarr On. week . ,lj .w s.M1) S.0O.wT.S.15 0f' iwo weeks 1. AO. J.po 8.5o: e.oo s an i t AH ID A 1 'ihree a.OO 8.ft0i 4.5tr 8.lK)i 9.00 I8.0li:80.0t. u'?r! i'b S'?1 2'(W ,"-00 1.000 om'. 2'H T-'W:-W "Ob Ufi.00 8.00! .! T.50 8.0!M.00'18.W8T.60 J.X 7MUI 8.M! V.tH1 1 S.no yi no uwu, Four " Five ' Bin T j tno'e Tli tec " eit Nine ' tn Tear dl.fto 8.00: V.ftU 10 .(10 'JO.IMI left An tr Ift.lKll 0.0(1 1 1.00 .8.00 iO.OO'nft.CO.W.OO il.Ol)l).0ll.00l15.O0ra6.O(M.V(J0 75.00 it.oe,i'j.isv..ir.iio!io.oo;io.oo,ou.(jy! tiuu Woiiicu ut Tweutj-onc. When a young girl reaches tho ago of 1." or Hi years sho begins to think of tlio mys terious suhicct of mul ri delights of which her youthful imagination slmilows forth in tlio most captivating foi ins. It is nuido the topic or light and incidental discourso among her compan ions, nnd it is recurred to with Increasing interest every timo it is brought upon the tapis. Wht n Kho grows a li tlio older alio Ceases to smaller about llinll'ill-onv norl j thinks more, intently on the all-important n....', i. it, rogrof-aea nor Itiouiil by day, her dreams n nilit, mxl sho pictures to herself tho felicity or beflig wedded to tho youth for whom sho cherishes a scent but consuming llituie. she surveys hen-elfin a mirror, and, as it generally tells a flatter ing tale, sl,b turns from it with s plrnslti' conviction that her beauly wiil enable her lo conquer Iho heart of tho most obdurate, and that whoever else may die in a slnto of 'single blessedness' sho is destined to be come, t ro many years roll by, a Imppv 1- ,i , - . , ,mi "l0 f,f u ,0 20 Uo very ,vil!','!n '' ""''o lile. Jhiring (hat ... ..... "'" i-liniw o to nass several veats liebuo ho is caiiithi in the nicshcs of Hymen. Tlio jHi tlmi Hie ma.iorily of woman begin , i, lnol0 (,opglitt'iil when tin y havo ,uniw) t10 lli; f twmty. Tho gitltlinesa . . , .t... i .. ..I'll... ol tlio gill gives pince io nm noon. y ,,linii )ia, loriocil m its youuuui nay dreair.s. In short, lo use a common pnrase, Ut women alter twenty look before they imp.' To Maki: lii'TTr.ii '-Comi:." Mr. lh-ailwaithe, an Intelligent and observing farmer and gardener ol li'etlstone, Fayette conl v. reln letl a Utile circumstance that .- i ... ii ..i 1. .1 i,. recently occurred m Ins da rj Unit leil U, ,iu. discovery of a very anj.plo i'J gaiht-ring Hm seal'.tTt . particles d butter i ihe churn into a ball or lump, tit er tho luoeess ol churning nnu laiiuro oi an nu : i. 1 1 ... I oil i ., ather. nary c.t..ii m "ie- li's own III. L-Il. l'l 1 " 4 1 o- " " ... words: About four callous of cream, from tlio milk of four cows, ono ol wim i. miy fiish, wo poured into. ."-umn churn nnd tho 1 ibto- -' ciuini'.ng conlinued without . ... i'uiissi',11 for tin hour n-.id a half, pro ducing the usual quantity of butter, but in .-mall fcepaialo globules, which it was Anntl iinpnsilile, by any known process, lo h'-cr into a lump. Wile scooped out griiN. j orforatcil skini.ner all the butter with.. nj,, eotild gather, and committed pat'tiebs .,iik to Ihesivill barrel ; but pre- . . . . v nit- num-i ir. - -t yious to Ibis 4 ion . 11 pint of butler- titer liiitie I tti 1 1 K lo (irttiK, anil 11 1 ling la dropped iu a lump of siu'v.r and commenc ctl stii'iing lo dissolve il.when, to my as tonishment, nnd thai of those present, all the remaining particles of butter iu the measure at once gathered iuln a lump, nml tpiitt! us much in ipnititily us one ordinarily list s at a mi'.';!. "Acting upon this hint, my wife, at the .-. 111 1 : ii-.-iii.-i nn nt of the next churning, drop pi d ("in iiitnct s of brown sugar into llio churn, and in less Ihu'i thirty minutes 1, ni ter was pr nltici il wl.ii h 'gaihered' without llio least dilieiillv, and was not only a rich er llavor, but. more of it than had usualy been obtained from ihe sain.- ouantilv and ilesi tij li.ni ofereani. - ;i'"''..-ii He t."( O'l'l . A vot'Nti lady in Oil ('ily, IVnnsylva nia, vv!'iie wringing out 11 tlivs-i. ran a net . lie through He- palm of the hand, and died in liv - tnlnutcs. 1. o was th" liisl Jockey 'i- Adam, for he was the father id the race. itcu'.'co, I Vum ti' l.itit;' ti'iru'.t. I 1'ti 1 .Mo Ilii'.Pti::.- I'.nv and lav in ice water fornu hour. Choose the largtst ann sotindesl po tallies you t all pel for this dish. At the 1 nd i f an luui. pare, with a small knl if, round and round in olio contii tmis 1 tilling strip. 'I lu re is a!s 1 11:1 instrument for this put pose, which cnsti but a Iride, nud will iln tin- work diiily nnd expi.-di-' iiinisly. I laiiilie wit ii can-; fry- a li-vv ul at a lime, for b ar ol'enl iii-.'l.-iueut - in lard ot claiill. il dt ii,ings ; dram, and ariango lisatly upon a inr.-u ll il tlisli. Arri-i" ovKi.i'.rrK.- six !ai-;: pippins, one l.ibli spoi.iitiil btilii r, t lilt e i-gg t, live or hix t.'.blespnolilllls of stl.'.ar, Uiltnii-g In tide, oil'- le.siii!!iiftd I ..' IV .Iter. Slew Ilm apple VI hell you have puled It lid Oted Ilu in. as fir apples el v, Is at tiietii very i ll iiii, til v hli,' let , ad till ; the I'll let", all. Mr and in it in When el f.-etly e ,l, put ith I he 1 ; v. I ich aboil d !' whipped lil'llt, ye ka ..ml vvbilt hi fil. ill I . I'lll ill tlio yelVs li i nt . lie n lite roa.i water, lastly ll'w vv bitis, it'll p'"ir in' 'I' bahe-dish, ,.l. i, I.. ii In 1 It l. .lion, I uud butt. red. II il,.' ill a tuiiib tati-1, veil in. til ll is ih lieale I, linitvind. I.atvvanii n a lea .r leu, vv ah Iu tl, nn In, ad. ll la belli r f"r child n n nls" for Iln u' i ld, ta than t ako and I t i l l . I'm -I'l III 'III. IvI S I llll, ill i.. ("c in, ll i.ll, nit I i ll lln the 1 hli lo ll, vv lilell II -. d le t I e .-i I, inli r as I a r ".in ii.'. l ay lb. in in i'i a id w itii ,,r lull an b air. I'm tie in I.l .1 p'l 1, I'll iiem.lt ,,!. silu f, 1-nvi t l!a i.i, ai-1 b.nl a p. '.ui I nf k ill a I lit llil I 'nil a I l i pa. Coyer ll',- ly , Hie I l Ilu iii I.i ti Vi i y al-ny ly i In u ati a fa ui tin le ti", li the I 'M . a ill-' I' lob f. I b lVe Ii. d ll.i, I., I ( 'i Una pup -a, lint ruplll 1 I ..ii i- Ii eli' kli am.!. I". I I hi y Hi le ti ll ii. 1 ui.. I p. d a leu if. in. Only put limit nil III k aviii, iin.l 1 o. a l iy !nly. l H i y c '.,li 1 1 l ll V I 'lulu ll uud alniiik llil" till, .it ibli .ii . VU. li li ltd. I , ii'ld . 1 hop 1 . I mil i-t nl Ivvn, pti.iiy, iind 'l sl t -I . r v I ly ti .' nu, an I a i, u u I, t. In at 1 I o I oiin, aiii lu 1 ! 11 m nil nl Innk, lo aim h I111-' '-ill 4 lib , I di b- -lb a i--' nl 1 4 ' I ill apo I.l,, . id .Cm. Ii'll up l i - U i h I I 4 ,'., il .po a. I.tl 1. 1 butler. l 1 in ;.' il.. 1 ),i. 11 1.1 ii y iu a ib p liaauj dull ; p .4. 1I.4 i,l 11 i'ltl ll.uu l kne In lb. a, ii in u l 1 1 .. a 1., ie U4I' it 1 a.4 I a l b I l i I. d lei'i I. ll I U l I 1 vl-p 101I a li v bi'-.'ii In a 1 lb- la I li 1 , ho I ill 'p a bl I u at a loot inli U-.' 1 u;. niiM .nl iln a lol.' I b.il II ii'4 1 In .1 1 . n'y 4 I y 1 In , ly U I 'IV ll I I "I I'll I Ul at U,UJ H I I III j of ilia 4u, . I .hi ii p-'i ii. w apl t I lln ay w.ll lid vmlla, 4 lb '!".! d-i ll.i j ii u I 1, 1. if in,- IS IIIO10 SI SCI 11 III o kl M 4 tllMll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers