SSSSSSSSS1 tvl Lceder, Anne Tllalr, Lcvina Shriver, and Jacob Schoch. AVo wero dancing. I was playing the Uildlo dou't know how many were there tho house was full-John Eisenlmit was there and Lanky Jo. Wil liam Haas was Micro also, and Isaac Kako was thero. I did not hear any ran at tho door there were four men on tno floor dancing thcro were three or four playing, there wero sonio in who were not dancing or playing thcro wero moro than one. I '-Wrti playing when tho first shots were 11 red saw Schoch flro out of the door. Ho llred towards town. Don't know what Schoch said. Wo was excited. After tho last two shots Schoch went out into tho kitchen. William Hans told Schoch thero was a man shot. .Schoch then went away. Did not ' see him go away. We went out afterwards " and saw Matthew Kearney dead. Cross Ex. Tho men whom I saw at Schoch's wero thero during tho evening. Thcro were four men dancing and three playing this was while tho firing Waa go ing ou. There were somo others there too -I saw then). I stood at tho door leading from tho east to tho west room. I was sit ting when tho first threo shots were fired , wo were sitting on a bench on the sidu of the house towards Shamokin. When tho lirst shot was fired tho dancers wero be tween mo and Schoch Then 1 got up and went to tho middle door and s iw Schoch , Jlrc two more shots. We did not keep ou uanctng right after tho first shot we rush rd to tf 10 middle door. I stopped fiddling. Did not hear Schoch say anything don't know if M'.y ono else could have seen Schoch firing. Don't mind if Schoch was nugry did not see Schoch fake aim when lie fired. Our family and Sulioch's are on speaking terms. Anna lilair, sworn. 1 lived in Sliamo kin last October, ul Schoch's. 1 was in tho house tho night Matthew Kearney wasblmr. 1 heard a rap during tho even ing at the cast door. Schoch was in the house, lie went to tho south door. 1 saw him como in and lake a club oil' the bureau, which he called a "shelaly." ilo then went back to the south door. Ho camo back into the room where wo were danc ing, and he had not ilic club, lie asked for a revolver. I don't know whether he got one or not. 1 did not sue him havo one. lie then went back to the door. 1 then )icard filing. lie then went through to the east door, and opened il. He lircd twice out of that door. 1 heard Schoch nay as he passed through that lie would "shout. I heard three shots out of the lirst door, and two onto!' the second. I was at Schock's more than two hourc before the first shots were tired. I staid there till I was taken up to the Squire's olliec to tho inquest. I did not hear any other shots fired around or in tho house, that evening. When tlio shots were lired there weio a great many people there. There were 12 or? 4 r.ien there. 1 did not bear Schoch commence with any one. 1 did not see Schoch leave tlie house. lie and his wile and nie went up stairs together after wo heard Kearney was shot. 1 think Schoch bid his wife good-by. Ho did not say ho was going away. Do went down stairs. 1 don't know where, he went to afterwards. 1 don't mind whether his wife went down stairs. When the shots were lired I stood ileal" the middle. 1 saw Schoch at tho f.oulh door wlieu the lirst three shots wero lired. 1 did not see the sh ts. Tho door was partly open. I saw the flashes, and heard the reports. Cross Ex. I don't kuow how long 1 was at Schoch's. It was over a week. I went there fiom Sunkuiy. From tho flashes 1 saw I judge fired .towards town. After the first shot was lired the daneo slopped. Mrs. and me went then aud sat down on a lounge. 1 don't know where the musicians were when the nhots wero fired. Tho lirst three shots were fired pretty close together. The dance stopped after the first or second shots were fired. Wo were sitting down on the lounge when Schoch passed through the room from the south to the east door. Josiah Holshou was some where in thy room. Schoek was excited. 1 did not hear Schoch say anything. 1 heard the shooting at the east door. 1 did not see Schoch have a re volver. Schoch was at the house about three-quarters of an hour after the tiring. There wus light in the cast room. .Jesse Cable, sworn. 1 was at Shoch's last Octolx:r the night of the '31st. 1 was dancing. 1 did not hear any rap at the Vor. was there when ho went out of th- house, tho lirst time, lie came in, and went to the bureau anil got out a revolver. J did not see him have a club. 1 did not licar him say anything, lie went out into the kitchen. 1 saw him then go to the (oor. I heard tho report of three shots. 1 did not soo Schoch at tho timo of the lirin'. lie cam.! through the room whera wo were dancing, and went to tho cast t'cor. lie did not say anything that 1 heard. Schoch opened tho door. J did not sec the revolver. A ftcr Schoch lired the last two shots ho ranie Into the room, where we had liecn dai'ting while tho three shots wero lired. idid iiotsee any uno take tho revolver away from Svhoch. 1 did hear him ask for another revolver af ter he llred these blurts. 1 heard live shots altogether. J heard Schoch's wife say to him there was a man dead outside. Sehoeji replied that he did not care. He was go ing to bo boss about his own house. 1 heard 7-aac Hake tell lum nlso thai there 1 was a man outsnlo dead. 1 heard illiam 1 1. ins ti ll linn there was a man dead. JIo replied to him that ho did not care a d n. Ho was iroiti'jt to bo lmsi iilxuit iU own jiluco. I hoard .Schoch say iiulhin nbout jjoin nwny. Cross Ek.I did not hear SohneU say nothing befiiro he idiot. J. was daiudin; wliou ho shot tho IU t timo. 7l'Sdi".'h had bald anything lu a luud vuiou 1 could heard it. 1 lu did not say anything. I was not ubked to como hero ns a witness last Court for tho defendant. Whin tho first three shots were tired I wn dancing. IaivI lecder, (colored) sworn. 1 live in Shamokin. . I was ul SIum Ii's on that Ul"ht ot October Hint 1H7U. was iirt Kctit when tho shots were llred. J heaid llicin. Wiii. Haas, Josiah HoMioo, Anna lilair, JMio Cable and others Were there. I'run i:x.- On tho UUt or October last was ul Schoch's house . Mr. Hoover mid mo went to: Schoch's that evening, i saw Matilu w Kutiuey after ho was dead. so. nS. li.x li c lino out of tho Ito linked mu if saw a man run. told hint 1 did. I said to bint ; "hero lays it man that you shot." "lly Jooh !" "ho otiyht to be shot," was Schoch's reply. loss went to Vhocli's down thu ltailt'ottd fiom thotaloou, had been th ink ing two or three glauts of lager beer nt il mck' saloon. Wis went lol'.ilu. n' a toou, under M uiV lavcrti. licit I looser al I. .hIi' and I wnil back with a l lull una botiiu loyt t hiur. Igoiiui Moury's Hlld then went Utck Ntfuill 1I Sihot h's. when I g..l baik far) Wus lemiiiij over I lie thud body i.fKmrn.y. MuhIi tamo to thu d.jor. lie .ud. "Kako did )ou see that man run V" l.dd him I did, bill heio luld it man w ho would iu vei I uu. Mi m h aidd, "tly liosh, hu oiikLI to U ho. ' whin ll.. tomcitsalioii tiM,k plaeo, full h lit ll.o door mi l t sta, t,uiido. I went iii thu houw, and thin vl u h had tl'Uic 1 nt into tlui Luum mu 1 bnuitdU outs liyhl I i m II kctiiu y nasd'ftd ut it.,(, I bad uuii dunk this inoiuiu Ulrv I be ll tU I I Uij, Uilluu l iiluuiu, siiofii. - I htu iii Hhaniokiu. tain fuu smith. I know Jat.ubb.luMh. lupal.el itioluf M boUU. )M,,. ct.UMi was ol. M to by lU tUlLiiJrf ( 44 tlw ut.ktU.M4 su.laii. I ty , , i John Caldwell, Esq., (worn. I. remember the night Matthew Kearney wl hot when I (tot to the plnce it wna the first of November, 1870) I went up to Schoch's after 1 o'clock! found tho body near the corner of the house Ills feet lay about Are feet from the corner be win dead I in a wound on tho back part of trie bend It was a small hole above the lino of tho onrs I Issued two warrants for tho arrest of Jacob Schoch 1 gnvo thorn to Patrick Koarney I don't remember to havo tccn these warrants since. . Cross Ks. The warrants were not executed Schoch ramo to mu and gavo himself up on the morning of November 8, 1370 ho was ou my back porch 1 1 got up out of bed he said ho como to glvo himself up to the lnw 1 made out a com mitment and gave It to Joseph Dltuhflcld, then Constable ( ho took Henoch In chnrge. Jos. Ditchfleld, sworn I lived In Shamokln, October, 1870 I was constable 1 1 had a warrant In my possesion for Jacob Schoch I have it at homo yet tho warrant was handed to mo. on the mornlmr of Novumbcr 1, 1870 t I soarched for Schoch but did not find him I think there was only one warrant issued Schoch gave himself lip ( ScliotTi told me afterwards that tho reason he had not given himself up sooner was because he was afraid they would kill him he said Tho mas Dark panned by lilin in Hut search, but If It had bceu ma ho would havo given himself up to me. . . Cross r.x. H Is supposed Thomas Fir.rk is nn Irishman ! Schoch sai l linrk had passed him back of the cemetery, in his search. Thomas l'nrk, sworn. I livo In Shamokln I was b.iru in Centre county, Penii'ui 1 remember to havo seen Matthew Kearney after ho was 6hot I was a Constable at that time t I had a warrant In my hand for the arrest of Schoch t it was issued by John Caldwell, f.s. I searched for the prisoner ) I got the warrant the morning after the shooting I searched through Shamo kln, and in Mt. Carmel, and over at Roaring Creek s I looked around on tto mountain for him also ; I did not II ml hlrh t I looked backed of the cemetery I talked to Schoch after ho was iu the hands of Jos. Ditchfleld to be brought down here j he said he would have given himself up to me it' he had not been afraid I would shoot him ) lie told mo that I passed about nine feet from him. Cross Ex. Schoch did not say why he was afraid I would shod', hiin. My parents are Irish. David Trutt, sworn. 1 live in Union county) I know Schoch when I sec him ; the lust time I saw him was in jail ; Schoch was in Jail t he was iu the south-west room ) this was about tho month of December last; Ellas fMuidcl said to Schoui h : "d n you, you shot a man )" ho re plied, "yes, 1 did," "I would shoot uny man that would come into my vard." Cross Ex. Ellas Shadel mid William Trutt were by when this was said ; Win. Trutt, my brother, is now in the penitentiary Shadel is In the penitentiary also) I went there to tako pro visions to my brother Schoch was making fun of Shadel for having hobbles on, when Shadel suid to Schoch : "you killed a man j" I told this to Patrick Kearney. Edward Cary, re-called by defendant's conned for re-cross Ex. I was at thu inquest held upon the body of Kearney j I don't remember to have talked to any one j I did not say to Samuel Yost thai Kearney and me were determined to get into Schoch's home ; I did not say that to any body ) I hud not been drinking anything) 1 was not examined as a w itness. The testimony on the part of tho Common wealth here closed, and the defendant's defence was opened by W. M. Rockefeller, Esq., on Tues day afternoon. John H. Douiy, sworn. I havo known Jacob Schoch Biace ISjI! ) he lias been living in Shamo kln since that time Schoch is a stono mason ) he has worked for me j I never heard any intima tion heforo this occurrence that ho even ha', a quarrel with any body j ho has n family j it is about 800 feel from my house to Sehoeli's. Cross Ex. I suppose Schoch has lived in his present residence live or six years ( I havo seen much of him ; he lias done much work for mu ; I was never in his house ; I know that Jacob Schoch is a peaceable man t I never heard uny body say that he had a violent temper. James Gllgcr, sworn. 1 have known Jacob Schoch since 1V0 ; lie is n stone mason by trade) his repiilat ion as that of a quiet, peaceable man, is good t he lias worked for mo and lived uenr me) 1 never saw him, nor never heard of him quar reling with any one ) I was at tho inquest held on the body of Matthew Kearney j Edward Cary was there; he was cither drunk or very much excit ed ; I did not think he was sober ; he was exam ine, I as a witness. Cross Ex.--I have known Schoch since lS.TrJ ; I never heard uny talk particularly about his character. 1 have seen film under tho intluenco of liquor. I never knew him toqiiarrel. 1 think Cavy's answers before the. inquest faltered somo. Cary was cither drunk or very much excited. It was hard to get out of him w hat was tit to be put down. Kev. X. S. Buckingham, sworn. I reside in ShamuLiu; I am a Methodist clergyman, and re side Iu tho parsonage i the paruouago Is about 1)00 or U.r0 feet from Jacob Schoch's ) my houso Is on an elevation Irom Sch;ieli s ; there is a pub lic street and a new channel fortheereek between Sclioeh'sand mv house: thelleadiug railroad al so inns between ) 1 was at home on the night of October til, 1870 ; I was at home tho night it was reported to me next morning thero was a man killed at Schoch's j it was n dark night ) I heard that night somewhere between II aud 1'J o'clock, some boisterous and angry language, from whom I do not know : I heard some one say, "leave mv premises, or t will put a bull through you Shortly utter I heard a pistol or gun alvrt ; 1 then looked out und saw two flashes more, and heard the. reports Cross Ex. My home Is nearly south-east from Schoch's i I think our house is ." or 100 feet high er, than Schoch's I looked out of the window, ami could designate the outlines of Schoch's house; 1 thought the noiso I heard camo from the same voice which gave the orders touoaway; I could not see from what part of the house the t luil. i came ; I am positive the boisterous lan guage was hi one tone of voice ; there may have been others, but I did not hear them I heard other voices ; they were close together j 1 could not hear what they all said. Ki'iilicu Kagely, "sworn. I havo known Jacob Schoch for 1'.' or 15 years ) I think 1 have known him ever since he t ame to Shamokin i I never knew h'.m to be quarrelsome ; ho worked for ine; his reputation for quiet and uscl'uluess Is ood ; he is spoken well of. Crosa-I'.-. 1 don't know that anything has been bald iig.i!ul liiui ; 1 talked to others about Ms iH-acculile i.i..ii.t.lliiii i 1 have seen hlnl under the influence of liquor) I never knew him to 'luan-ei iviur.icl Yo-t, sworn. l have kuonn Jacob rViioch since ls.Vl 1 never luard anything but wliat he Mas a peaceable in. ill an a fiti'cu ( I was ; ii'io of the Jury nn the ln.iie.-t upon ll.o body of i M.illhew Kciincy; '.Cdward Cary was there; Carey sal. I, n Her we got to the ri pilie's ullUe, lie and Ke uacy ucro determined to go into Schm h' lii'Uri . 1 I'ruw-Ks, C.iry said at Caldwell's that they I were ib tci nil.ic 1 l.) get into tv-linch'si l.iu cvl ' it. nee ou the I'ei'lot Mas written down, j C:it!i:irlue K.ithliuin, kM.iru. I re.l le lu flui innkiii I Ihetiu an uiljoiiiiut; lot lo Hclioeli's ! li.nue ; 1 was ul Inline on Hie nl'lit II 1 said j Kc.oucy was killed i no one was lu tho house i Hi it nl;;lil but my lit. .1 lit r, and myself 1 heard i In t lire t tit at luiir and then two 1 I can 'I s.iv mIi, ic th y uere ; I am citaiu about Hits I I don'l Itii iti it Ii tl time II wits. Ci'iui r.. I v, .i. luil in Ht Inch's house I i nl. 1. 1 I (.it In b.-, mIh ii the tliuU wire died , ltiii-i of my biulhi-iv Mere In lbs house 1 got up alter 1 had In .-a In bed i I was sick 1 oi.i sura tic 'in sscie l uiir tlit'-l Hut, then Uu. j l':;lt l; itliliiuu, Mum. I was lu Mi.iin.iMii ul tin.' Hunt Iv.'.itucy M ia tilled i my sUltr M.t. ul t liiiini) ulk'lil I sit" and my IMit brothers Mere . lu our li..uu i I litai.l lio.aiiig Hull iiirhl ' lll.llllflll it Ml, I.IMl.'ll Hlld ) U'l'l.k k I I think llieio Mere six und my al.lii's i hiU"S J.ilua Seh.H li' llitu Mtlu lour liul. Und . Ilr-I, mill Hi. a Im.i, t nt Ks. I Uu Ii.ium I lt . lu waac!uA.J upi i I l Mil. II I III! alt.44 Mttt) Hi. J i I hiaiid i one un I uMtikti, aud llii u I b.tiitl lline lii.'iu I n. y hi. .Ultra stem lu lliw nutiii lilt Ittu I think III. II- Mtl fttlir Imla Hi.. I I Itu Ui t Until i luld I lii t out' lue nlglil u bipiwnij, IU..I Ibciu ltl a. unit HUM. I Im.iII, turtiiu. have kiuiwutkbot b v. tia, ui iit.tii) Umkitnau IU..I hla , l It I t'.un uli.l '(UU lui l la pHlly u.ttttj I , I it. i.i u.u li., ... uu I Im u.) ul sl.tlilii.M Knur It, V r lM4l,j I 41 .ta IU. ta M U. u I f.4 IUt.l l.l h. Uf l a I It ,.vu.t. u Ills tlui Itu 4l I'll I 1 1)1 Mill li.l.ait u. I 1 I Ma lulu) uM , I11I11.I li m ta lut.iaii alt-,! M Ma It, I m 1. 1, a Ut In l I.I lias bun 1 It a lu stalk I Uti ufi ttf 111,14.1.1,11,, 1 uaktai Itlui ,tiua I Uo .lw4 Ilka 4 luaal Uj Im4 Uktu I w luutU l.tiai. Jl,u I aldat.ll, li. tfs. Sus lu t. I lima U lit l)tui.l 1 blia in I'.iuaUl t ital fata '!, u4 HUSH lit 1 4 muf IU11.4 ialual atita) Iu4 ate au4 tttWiui. t t l llaats latl 1111.4 Uau I 4,4 lUaie t k 41. ta4 lu Im It I ' alt-mi t any 111.4 tat.4, M I 1 .1 I w tan. ! U uo 1 11. ILI It ai.. I a I I li.l i twlfiab't 1 t,Uli Uti4 u tl 4 i-..i .l 4ilf at.4 "i I' 14 si a It 4 tt 4t4 4tt. tt)'hii4ti.lt4uiy i.JMi.t, si 4 a k. l.t.11,,.1 .iu, i,. ,1. (, ,!.,, )L Ult'. I ' lt.u.W l JI..4 44, b4i4. ' I ia,i.a amitM, an t t bh'l house the nlgTit a man Was killed there. My Home Dcioro 1 went mere was nt ureen oner, Upper Mahandy. I Bin a farmer's daughter) went there on Saturday before this occnrrcnco was In the room at the bureau at tho time the shots were Bred. When be wont to tho bureau to get something out I was sitting beside it did not see ocnocn snoot) oon i Know wnore i was when tho second and third shots were tired. I was frightened ( Schoch told us to go away from the window as some of us might got shot. When 8choch went over to the door I followed him over and stood behind him. The doors were close to gether i Schoch stood In one and I stood in the other. The door was open only about a foot when Schoch flrod out i did not see him Are i was threo or four feet from him when he was at tho door. Schoch then camo across tho room and went to tho other door. Ilo stood nnder the door when the second shots woro fired , tho shots wore fired close together ) I don't think ho was cared) be said he would mako them run t he went to tho second door quick and fast ) I understood him to say ho would shoot and scare any s n of a b h who would como about his house, so as to make them run away ) he told them they had no busi ness about his houso that timo of night. Schoch said he shot to mnko them run awny t 8choch said It made him laugh to think they were so dumb as to suppose he would shoot them. Tho first they knew any oho was killed was when Hake came In. Kako came lu and Schoch said "Did yon sco them fellows running)" Rako then said: "Thcro Is ono shot that will not run auy more." Rako came in the east room whero wo had been danc ing. I was subprcnacd twice to bo hero. Cross Ex. -Kuke talked English t when I testi fied before the luqnest I could not tell half I knew, because they made mu talk in English i they threatened to put recln'jall If I did not tell what l knew in English, l can nmtersiiinu r.ngusn but cannot sjieak It. I hoard shooting before at this house ) was not much frightened when the tlrl shot was fired ) was moro frightened when the other shots were fired. I left tho windows because we feared somo shots might bo fired In there j I don't know whether any shots were llred outside I went up stairs after tho first tiring was over) whilo I was going up another f hot was fired, and another while 1 Was up i 1 looked out of thu window and then went down again i just ns I went down stairs I met Rake as he came in f rom out of iloois what i Had Heard Schoch say was before I went up stairs) I was not much frightened until Kuke said thero was a man killed ; I don't live at Schoch's ; I havo been 'tl.ere since this nll'alr '-took place A was there lui-t Monday a week ) i Has subptcnaed at home. Witlilngtoa Luke, sworn. Illveln Shamokln t as fur as I know, Schoch Is a quiet und peacea ble man ) I never heard of him being quarrel some. Cross Ex. I havo been acquainted with him Intimately. Ilo has not been a companion of mine. Joseph Bird, sworn. I have been acquainted with Jacob Schoch for a hunt time, from tho lime he c.imo to Shamokln ; 1 lived there when ho went there ) he worked lor me I have Seen much of him i l kuow hi.) character to be quiet nud 'peaceable ) 'tho neighbors epcik well of him. Cross Ex. I live now In Norlhuinlicrlanil ; 1 have sciii him frequently in Shamokln when I went up there, during the last six years) 1 was at Shamokln frequently during that time. The dclcneu hero elosed. 1 lie Common wealth recalled John Caldwell, Esq. I heard the test! moiiy of I.cvlna Shriver before the inquest ; she said she ran up stairs when the tiring commenc ed; I don't remember what she said about Schoch being at tho door; her testimony was written down by Mr. Oram ; she was questioned In Eng lish ) she said she would rather talk Iu (iennrn. Anna Blair, recalled. I don't know whore Lc vina Shriver went to alter the first shot was HrccL She went ont ul the room. I did not sea her again till after the thing wus nil quieted down ) I did not cc her until Isaac Rake came in. Cross Ex. I was in the east room when tho three lirst shots were lired ; I did nut see Lcvina Shriver ) 1 did not say yesterday that wo wero dancing when tho second and third shots wero lired saw her in tho east room when the lirst shot was llred ; did not sue her go out ; I kuow she was not in ; 1 knew nil thu women In the room ) Mrs. Schoch's oldest daughter. Mrs. IIol shoc and myself were iu, mid no ono else. Mrs. Schoch was on the floor dancing wlieu tho llrlng commenced. Miss Selirlvur might have been lu the next room. Tho case here closed and the attorneys went to the jury. $bteIlancous. Jig imt:ss UOOIH4. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, now open nt MISS KATE II LACK'S NTOHK, Market Square, Sl'NHURY, Penn'a., LADIES' DUESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings Embroideries, Notions, Ac. (cuts' Collars, Ncck-tles, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet floaps, Hair Brushes, Comlis, etc. An invitation is extended to all to call and Be en ro bargains. April JU, 1HT1. NEW MEAT SII01 rrillE undersigned respectfully Informs the citl .1. r.ena of Suubury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewart's huilding.on the north side of Market Square, two doors from thu railroad, were they w ill keep a constant supply of tho best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, iVc., nt w noicsule or retail, at the lowest prices und of the first quality . A wagon win he run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) Tho best of meat will found ut their shop. Give us n call and satisfy your selves. REEFEW & BOWER. Oct. 10th 18C9 tf. ISAAC U. HTAV Ft'KIC, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1 IS North Neroud Nt., Cora of (lurry, l'lllLADF.l.i'lUA. An nssortmeut of Watches, Jewelry, Silver und l'lated Ware ronstnutly ou baud. Kepalrmif of Watches mill Jewelry promptly ntteuiled to. April 1, l!)71-ly. in Jto.i:v it ALL Wall Taper mid Border, sold by 1110 a ll bu trimmed ready forute, WITHOUT KXTUA CIIAIUiE, 11 v tun YEOMAX'8 WALL l'AVEH Till MM EH, ki ''f ii .;M Itli h I haitbui'lulve rliihl lo uu iu uut aud llilnlty. feus iiiouey, t'ut nud laUtr, by bu!n uf h. t ItUI : lliall I MM, lwtltii lu ot,.a, Hittil.tittiry, Wall fapvr,, tf , ik.1'., A Htiuday IttkiMtl lit I I I. Ik a pttUllly. Hlaain Hmiiii44iim A I'ttM llvwl In u4U'a saiui), Ju4 itKailsa4 UUiik HI ll Ml il.otti lu uitUr. ftuit4u 11 (aiavu k I1.41I114 lltuir ei4t.i lui Ulujiuj m ut. fieri UK ihmiii .(lll. u4 Iiuim I at M. .ul, lit, .4 lil In i.u. UVAL4 Wl Attn rlitHil.l)wi Ka. -M IH MS, IIUAt KKI'K, l,0 li J'tNi, tie., Ac., Aw, Ury. uti anil mWvU4 Hmk ul Tutl4 uu kaUj. Att I bu. 4 tt4 u Uh4 ltuaui4l U4 414. ttlaltt UH tasatt. t ail all h. aU.K .liillthU' .4i aivi, i.u "I fvk t tiU4 f, Maiaa -M4i, mi, ra. Mutut'S 4M4i.. WU, Ittu. r IIKSRY T. IIELMIIOLIVN COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. . Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jnnndtce, Bilious Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Honducho, Costlvcncss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. Iffl These Pills nro the most delightfully pleasant purgative, snrscdlng caslor oil, salts, magne sia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and ennso neither nausea nor gripping pains. They are composed ofthelnMf ingredient. After a few flays' use of them, such an Invigoration of tho cirtlro sys tem takes plaeo as to appear miraculous to tho weak aha enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. Ilclmbold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from tho fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, hut pass throngh the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired effect. The Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per uox. IE HENRY T. HEI.MItOI.irS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND Fluid Exlritrt Karsapnrllla Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fliln. Svnhilis. Fever Sores. Ulcers. 8oro Eves. Soro Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronclritls, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings Irom tno, white Swellings, t umors, Cancer ous Alfcelions, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ing, Night Sweats, ltnsh, Tetter, Humors or nil kinds, Chronlo Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all discuses that have been established lu tho system lor year. Ii Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints, its hlood-purfying properties are greater than any other preparation of "Sa'rsupnrllla. It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from nn Impure state ol tho mood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of tho Hones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples onllio face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of thu skm. and benutll'yiug tho complexion. Price, tl.iO per llollle. ME HENRY T. flELMBOLD'S COSrKNTlUTtTi ... . Fi.rm extract incur, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured eVcry easo of Diabetes In which It has been given. Irritation of the neck of tho Blad der and iutlanintlon of the Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of tho prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of botli sexes, attended with the following symptoms t Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Ditllculty of breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Puin in tho Back, I let Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of tho Skin, Erup tion on the face, pnlld Countenance, Universal lassitude of tho Muscular system, etc. . .Used hy persons from tho ages of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-live to tllty-tlvo or In tho decline or change of life ; after confine ment or labor pains j bedwetting lu children. iielmbold's Extract Buchil h Dlnrcttc and Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from hablls Of dissipation, and excesses and im deuces in Life, Impurities of tho Blood, etc., superseding copalhii In atfcctatlous for which it Is used, und syphilitic affections in these dis eases used In connection with Ilclmbold's Rose WusL. LADIES. In many affectations liecullur to Ladies, the Extract Kuchu Is unequaled by any other reme dy ns In chlorosis or retention, irregularity, palnfulucss or suppression of customary evacua tions nlccruted or setiirns state of the Uterus, Lcncorrll'va, or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It is pro scribed extensively by the most eminent physl eluns und mldwivcs lor enfeebled und delicate constitutions, of both sexes and ull ages (attend ed Willi any ol the ubove diseases or symptoms.) II. T. IIELMBOLD'S EXTKACT BUCIIU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMl'RU- DENCES, 1IAU1TS OF DlsSll'ATlOX. ETC.. In nil their stuires, at llitle expense, little xr no h(in;o In diet, no inconvenience, aud im expo sure, it. causes a lreiucut ilesire, unit Klvct strength to I rluato, thereby removlnjf Obstruc tions, frevcutln und Luring Mrietures of the L'rethra.wMluyiut; 1'uln nud lutlamutioii, to fre quent lu this clas of dUeases, uud expelling all roisouous mailer. ThousaniU who have been the victims of In competent iK-rsons, nud who havo paid heavy Ices to be cured In u short time, have fouud thev have been deceived, und that the "1'oUou" has, by thu use of "iKiM erl til ustrinecuts," bceu dried up In the system, to break out in a more nggru vated form, and crhnps after Marriage. I' so llelnilMild's Euraet Uuehu for nil A (fee. tlons and Disease of the Ciliary Organs, wheth er existing in Mule or female, from whatever originating, and 110 matter how long slauding. Price, ouu dollar uud fifty cents per bottle. jL HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH riinnot be surpassed as a Face Wush, and will be found Iho only SHH ille remetly lu every itcclct of Cutiiueous Alleetioii. It X'dllY eriitllcute I'linplcs, S.l, Scorbulle Dry lies, Indurations of the Cutaumius Membrane, etc., dlsitels Red ness and Incipient luUamullun, lllvt K.tali, Moth I'utclies, Dryuiws of bealu or SUin, Frot liilt-s, uud ull iuriuf fur wbleti Hulvca or Olnl luenU are used 1 relures I ho slsiu lo a stale of I'urlly nud oltneaa, uud Insures eoiilliiued heallliy act inn to the tlnauo of its veaaela, 011 m hlch deM-iiiU the UKreealilu eleariuss aud viva ell y of complexion so much sought aud adiulreU. Hut however vulnublo as a remedy fur cxUilug tlvleels uf the aWill, 11. T. H.lI.lUoU's Hua W.l bus Iiiuk sualultied Its M-liivlpl claim lo unliouud d putrouuge, by puawutug quallllm which ren. tier it a Toilet Aiiii-mliia;) uf lbs niu.1 Buin-rU-live aud 1'uugeuLil tbaruetrr, cuiubiulug lu uu lit kjultl fiiriuuU Ibute pruiulneul rt4Ulllrs, Balo ly uud Kllltucy tint luvurUiblu auvuuiwiiliuuuls ul lu use as a I'rwi villus aud lUilicUir uf lbs lumplexliiu. Il la uu cvllt ul LulU.U fur dlMtatHS uf a Byplilllllu Natural, ulul as uu Injco. Htm lur di.i'uai uf Ilia I'rluary Oiguus, arUitiK litiiu ktiblls uf dtxlpulluti, u4 lu ruuuixilua Willi I list li.l rut't lUiiiu, Harsuparilla, audta laaba llrup fills, iu UtU dlwuMis as ncuiu. lueudtd, eaiiuut bt surpas4. flUe, ou dullui t-r utHiiu, ID Full uud nrltll dliwtllutts aeeuiuiiauy tit UlUi. Iliv. tl4tutluf Ills luuat rwuillalbls uud 11'IL.ibltt ibuia.lti Iuiulal,t4 ua u..liialiuu, SHU ktiu iln.n uf Iliuu.iii4a uf iu4 MiiaawMia, a4 U at4 ul JO, iJ ui.a.iluui itillUcaluu4 Kui. uuiutlaluiy U'lUi. uiaus u( MbUlisiai ln,U4 IU Itisjlawt suuiim) lu.lujiuaj am iut 1,4 f luus, I u,is)Utt.u, SUttiauiau, slu. I It putlw4.K bus Uim Ivatuu4 Ul lUvii publUatSKl Mt lUa itoMu Istptisi 4u litis Ittiut lk lu'l lual In utiu.1. lauk tMu44i4 1'iiiNHt.lluu., au4 4u kut a4 lu Im uiuuui yu b, mwIHWIm.. Ilvisri T, IUIMbt4'a tsastsiU r rsUsa la.lli.i4 lo 4b 444t. avsai ftwais wUi. lullltll, ll.UUIUluJ U Mi4 w luuf avals, i -id is lluS.uatla.l. AaltvM 4i4Ut. Itu u,l... uialuat, lu s. ..wn U ttss I. Il iuiU44, llU4iU4 4U4 I b.Hlt4. ..""7 '.M'4! U' t -l"l,s t'lMM s-4 lltllk-l Vt.t.k-.tW, Sa. but Hi.4S4,7 Wl f .-s,us lull. 4 ILiuiuaa W.4t -I h. ut a..uili 1 ml) Miul, i'biiayi. lilt, f. SH4I ul iLUuUUii.. A.L 1.J II.. 1. M li.ttul.44 sl 'I.I.. 4W.4IM.I " I St. I I, ISli wl.. It, IStlfc t,. PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS A MHOE8 , Manufactured to order at ' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WILVER, . . :. Npruce Street, Snnbnrjr, Penn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises the very best in market. Ills long exper ience In the bttlhus8has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMSSTRICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Bunbury, March 4, T371. HIILMXERY HOODS GENERALLY. NEW 8TYLE3 OF BONNETS. HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning and Bridal Hats stud Uonnetst. Full line of Mourning Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MI98 M. L.OS81.ER. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. April 2-J, 1871. NTER EOKCOPEN, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. K. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 691 Broadway, New York, Invito the attention of the Trade to their extcn sh e assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAHIOSCOFES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSlEMITE. E. A II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPOItTRRS AND M AM TACTL11EI18 Of Photographic Materials. March 4th, 1871. ly. POMFFRET MANOR CEMETERY COMPANY. , Thts company Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on nil eminence about oue-tourth of n mile east or Bunbury. The In crease of tho population of Sunbury, and conse qucnt advance lu the ratio of mortality, as well as the limited facilities for the interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested tho organization of tho above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the olllcc of J. A. Cake, l.s(., or Lloyd 1. Kohrbach. Price of lots from (5 to (15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROIIHBACII, Sec'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. r-UICEN REIl'CE AT TUB Mamiuotii Doot & Slios Store or ELI MILLER, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, ono lloo fcuBi oi tno rosi uuicc, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. For Etmira Roots, go to Ell Miller's Boot aud Slioe Storo, They nro sold, Best Calf nt For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller'c, only tv to fit per par.-. For Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, nt lowest possl blc prices, go to r.ll Miller s, on Oueeu Street For nil kinds of Gum Boots and Shoes, call at Eli Miller'. For Ladles' Gum Overshoes, sco tine assort ment nt ( Millers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoos, go ati ex amine Eli Miller's large assortment. For anything In tho Boot and Shoe line, call and exnmlno Ell Miller's Block before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to get llrst-cluss, at the lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Scp. 8, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS 4 Hundreds of Thousands j? if u Dear trutlmnity to their Woudcr fulCurftttve tifceli. .III ii TUKT AHK SOT A VILK FANCY DRINK ilvli.f I'uur Kuan, Whl.lser, 1 ruvl stplrlla aal llvluaa l.ltiuurs Oocunil, i IcuU i da il- ac4 .i .Itisso llts tuts, cs!I.MlM'luiiu-l" crs," lUalort.-a," e.. tutl Icstl IU t pltr ta U dritaltouut'M and lulu, but sis s Into Hitlicme, uisila trout the Nsllvs Uootsud Herbs uf titlirorms, Irt a from all Alcohttllu Kiluiulaius. TUcysm Ilia UllKAT Hl.Ot) II I't'ltlflillt nuil A I.IFli tilt I Ml fl;lM'll'I.KsiHr(ttt Itenuvslor si. 4 luvl;utHl r cf llu lt: u-in, cuit)ii ( ta ull ihjUouuls ptsiisr 0-.4 rutWrUts' lUs tlti tl lu s kamil y cuuutiutu, Xeuwraeu rutt luk lUtas l l.lerj ciia.ti:.L4; to C.rts 1-JH SltU rSUISlUHiDg SUVlll. IU0 will Us lUni fur lueursMuru'e,'ruvlili4 tits boue ant uut dirujrw( by mineral hiuu or Uwr at.sus, su4 l!tg sal cr.-iua sl. J bvyukatlts uolnl uf mpulr. t'ut luluauutularr uud t kluul I: k.uam. 1 1. us ausl Uvula Drsyeaalu, ur ludluruiluu. tlilluus, Uuaullluul uuu lulurutllii ul Kl lu Uluuasruul Ihv II Uuu, l.larr, ttltlu.i. uu4 UlutlUrr. lutau llllleia las. bets utiwl suoucas. Nl. buih ItHtata in sui4 If t lltul.4 ill natal. sktliui.uiall rwtlucwl tjr di'isutiuu,ul vl Ut Ularuilsa lruuu. Il"fc'l4 UU IklMCtnTION, l!t4 SIM, I Silt lu 111 4tHUtl)IB, luuak., 'IUjt.U ul 4I- l'Ut-1, ttusiut., kuMf s.fUalliits ul 4k kluauau, l4 ul. u Has kl.iuua, H.Uuua AtUa, l'uluttU4 cf Ike Uis'l. 1-Csuiutsilt.a u( tit L St.. iu la lb lifluu u Uut kulUaas, su4 kSSUI4 UliaMI uiautlltl SJ u.1. ut. Ut uuauflti.til la4-a. Ik-1 lustautulu IU kliuuvfc uul utuulsM lit. I SUI.Saf tt4 uustit. ftukk aullliMlulSMtUulk4 sSttacr lu sUsiuiug IL. Litu4 ul il uuututUn. au4 lauuwuus u 111. st.4 sujui tu iim tj ilr-ii fUklMKIM laaIS,tU.uuua.Talu..l4 Haaatui, aiuWkus. Si4, I uublr, I ualulM. IWU. I a ttuuskis. Itiua MuttM, I lata li4, kviu I ). ktai4 , lasU, Sa.rta, .u.,i.4u,t Ut. Situ, Utta-fis au4 ttlst IS ul tUslkUl, ul llttltltl USUmI Ul UUiUIS, St llaululty a sy utMlautl I. u sal ul UV. a) Utu 4u a akuss tuus k 4u us ul !W lnw. n. ii.a kuiaas lu StavS a. .1,1 (uutuaus Ik kau4 l-aaauuluus ul tut if tu!l a ui. taua uu tt.ata I )luat4 Wt.i )u (4 i s lauu.i HUM kWMUwJ lu uut Ut I taukM, ktuy tauus Ua "tua , akuuaa u . u. S t. s4 a uU.Wtuvu.4 au4 alt lu IM (aauu uuvsu. t a Uu at Is l"l, S-4 ltU UjaOtUu all! ti u ajli. hMykkutlwHt m u iu hauiik ul 4M atu.u sal lua4- n, V4r 4tt. niiua, Itukuviaaks S4a ul au U. Itiuuassili, sa tStaluaJla S.att- u stua 1-um.iuu. i 94 SI4 aVu.itu. il uaa.lutif Ik ulltsaW wua4 Sa awutu. utaua-4 lu luul ksar uaat k,u...i.utiu, r, . ) 4.Suktt, i.uaa.WI W k. lui 41 II 4 lu., lu .! u4 ( uU. u r u taaa., Si M ua-.t,ua uatu.1. a Im t4TMt4ll kl 41b l4ttllUll 4SW lua.lkk 11.41 at iLf! Saul Ik. U41Mala,k-. us saumiii, as iutuuif . u US' Itklaa ui ail ita4s, saMMiuotlif ! at UvwtS lu-tts.a,s t u sV WHAT ARE THEY? 1 JT a & t. 1 1 " a ill X7 J- iU 1 SM O D G H c tannfadnrtrs. FLORENCE SEWINU MACHINE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krauto's Tin aud Stove Store, i Market Street, Snnbnry, I a. The Florence Bewlnir Machine stands nnennnl led for beauty and durability ) being the best ramuy sewing Machine now otfored to the pub lic. . r THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It has -sclf-adlnstlnE tentlon In the Shuttle chnnges for the various Stitches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are the Wonder of all for hennt and finish, being alike On'both sides of tha fabric. It sews light ana neavy fabrics with eannl fn. clllty. The Worlc will feed either right or lea. Runs qnletly and rapidly. No ditllculty exper ienced In sewing across heavy seams. Us mo tions are all positive ) no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tho Ilemmer turns wide and narrow, hem and fell heautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will lkst a life timo. . .4 Every Fatally should Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the only Machlno In the world that Is ca pable of making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and exnmlno them, and the samples ot NQK CHARGE FOR SHOWING. IiiaiiB, rvnc imn, DIIIK1B, L UCKS, yulUB, Binds, Gathers. ivc without basting. T. tr rAj. n.. 1 1. rt..ti. ii mnses a gamer una sews it on a band at one operation perfectly. Each Machine Is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. (.very purchaser rully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept in order. Muchlne Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO..W. SMITH A BRO.. Aircnts. For North'd, Snyder, Union and Montour Couu's October is, 1870. MILLIE Kit Y A.n FANCY NTORE. MISS L. WEISEU, Market Street, one door west of tieurhart's con lectionery store, suNnuny, pa., Ilns opened her Spring and Bummer stock of Millinery and Fancy Uootlsj, HATS AND BONNETS. Tho latest styles of Dress Trlmmlni;s, French nud American Flowers, Laces. Ribbons. Back loops, Chli'nons, Collars, Cuffs, Jouvlu Gloves, and a largo variety of other articles. In connection with tho Millinery buslucss, she curries on tha DltESS MAKING AND FITTING, In fill fts branches. She is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott ot co. g I'uttcrus. Tho ladles of Sunbury nnd vicinity nro cor- illally luvitcd to call and examine, her splendid stock. May Ki, IS 71. 1871. 1871. FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and just fitted It up with Uio latest '.mproved Ma chinery, nro now prepared to till nil orilcrs lor nil kinds of 1111.1. TIMBER. PINE, HEM LOCK, OAK. &e. HOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SUING IKS, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SAfell, DOORS. MOULDINGS. 't 1IMIS, KIIITTEKN A Itlt.K KETS vX tho very lowest prices. A largo stock always OU hand. Bend lor prices. Amnio facilities for shipplne by Railroad or Canal, Hil I.I.Mi, HOW K.N .V KNURL. Sunbury, Pu., February 18th, 1871. Gin. I.L'mtEU AMD I'l.AXIXO MIL, I.N. Third Street, adjoining Phlln. A Erie R. R., two ccuares nonn oi ine ventral Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, 1 S prepared to furnish every description of lum JL tier required by the demands of the public. Huvinit ull the latest Improved machinery for nianul'iicturlnir Limber, L'cls now nady to fill or- aers ui ail Kiniia ol FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAltUB AS811HTMENT OF KILL IiUMUEIt. HEMLOCK und TINE. AUo, ShliiL'lcs, rickets, l.allie. tVc. Orders promptly tilled, and shlpiaml bv Rallroiid or oinerwise. ika T. Ci.fc.MtMT dcellMiSly NTOYK sV TIX F.STAltLISllMF.XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFltED KKAUSE, Projirittor. H'CCESSOIt TO SM1T1I UENTIIKK. J HAVING pitrehiiKetl the above well known rs, tabllsbmeiil, Mr. Kruusc would rcsitcctful ly inform thu public thai he uow hes on biiud a large assortment or COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anil-Dust, Regulator or Kcvolvlnt; lop, t ouililnatlon, busiiieliaiinu and others, a Inch are so arranged us to be used lor Coal or ood, aud are wurrautiil to iM'rform sutlsfnetori. ly or no sale. HEATERS of ull kinds put up In 1 .... ... . i . . . . II L' ITIl'.I lift 11 L'.J HlUt I'llV Ul llllMU lUllUICt lir,.1l.t DlllbO of dilferenl kluds ut very low prices1. Tluware r Kery ltM'rftlon kept c.iinttaiitly ou hand. KtHillnir and Stoutliij a un I lie net material, done nt slmii iiihIid. Itrt'AlKING nltcndeil .i uilh difputch. Coul Oil in d I .a in pit roii 'anlly nil hand. Jupnii uaru nl a 1 ..n,.. M.ire i,piuilu I. unity a baiilaie altile. Iillu U1U a lull. A. KUAtCb, apl'J4-ly . M Mil HY M A It II I. F YAltli. rllllK liiidcrhliieil huvlnir Itt.u-hi the entire 1 aim k uf Ibnalnsjcr .v. Tayhir, aould liiliirm the put. lie tlutl he I now ready In do ull kinds l"f .. llllll.Fi nuiiH. Ha ou hand, nud makes to order at Mlolt r Ntil lt . 4 llwilNloMf s). ; r.ri srn.a. DlMMl AND nviMKJW tiU.LS .M.ii.l . uu t. ry I'tiai ailh(ltiliuuis4'4 .lw sud ull mli. r lniiiiiK .cii. iully umM uu t t uit l. i us. J. ill ii A.lullnr ss III iiHiliiiuu In Hit. viiti h.i in. nl ul Hie ..Id aUli.l ttn U trki m..auij,ur. itiu)4 tt tiik ui.y muvt: Miniui r .1 rii i.T i'ist: iiiicir im ii. ituu; i iiu i'i.At ; ut; n it, ll.l.l MlV AlkD li Vt)MI (Uu UIUM.H kf mu ii PthK-tt AM (IliUHtUa A lit: WtUMUl UX liSK riHK. I T I lbs uui ruipUt ll.ui.i ili4t b ta a . t It. I .,ii ru b i, uud htw puiliu. u as I'WI" SlouMiurula 1'iti.litiia, ul ilitiltliiu als iltlu luu (Milui.iil. It U lb will) rtl,,l, II, alt I UUU tltw liltut lUs.tltl Mausiuu I.) ukuli luUI lllultiiuul lltj puUtl U ui'lalUl, lit Uatllutvlil k. H..I. U lu, ut il. i Iktluull) auituiil, uii llUs It l.U sVj lu Ii4 u tUv It.t tl,ll ul till HA.I lU Ik. Il" I luil. Il llb.iti.l fllal'Ut ll.ul.l I tut I U I'tl w a it fwtitl uud buU kut Ull, iMilj IvtlIK kl I u U4..U la lui ul) It'tal k'-Mta. Il I tlw uui it.l U.u llul f Still llltt.l Sllllua Su4 dutui-iug ytuU. fllt'Ut lltUl SUM Ik.tlaau laua, lau.) ui.atatta.ul .ka, su4 V4k Uut I.I.4.IIU4 Ik a.IS Ikal'lu ii kulu tMU. la .l S a) Uu a'nal wiii.4 fs.tliMats In 1.. II, ii, u. iot.4 uu I u utijifi uu4 luat lit lu .lfialt.u. 1'lltU tin., .u4 It I Ii-HI alkfikl, II. Uatwi, Illil tl. Ltmiltu, u'a Jus.. U, UHk II tlscfllaiteotts. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. . THIRD ANNUAl STATEMENT FOR TIIE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st. 1871. Number of Policies, 719. Amonnt of Property Insured, f 53,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, S4,13,00 CASH ARRETS. t Amoutit lontod at Interest, ' 19000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, 91000,00 Amount due from Agents, . . t.100,95 Amount due from other sources, ' T j 726,00 Available Capital, 139,230,95 Insure four Cattle. TN8URE with a responsible and perfectly r- jl name company insure where your losses will be irald rtromntlv. i be pa THIS 18 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM. PANY. r I Hence, unlike other Companies, yon are sure of being paid promptly for all losses, if Insured 1ft this Company. '- OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, and ottr Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting In cases of epidemics,) by theft, tfeo., Ac. We pay prompt ly. No red. tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of loss. Nearly 911,000 paid q Cow alone alnce OrKanlcattftn. . Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows alons by this Company. M Hennlnger, Bunbury, Pa f 33, D Hilirert. Northumberland 60. George Eckert, S B Dodce, .. . ...... ....sdj ....80, ....40, ....40, , ..-.(50, ' ia333w, ....00, .....40, ....80, Charles Bollck, Mt Carmel.. .BODCUS Bippio, " Catharine Vugner, Watsontown George Heir, Northumberland.... Jacob Snyder, Sunbury J W Bassler, " Minor Cady, Dcwnrt Catharine Malta, Shamokin Francis Bueher, Sunbury Samuel B Price. Unncr Lchlich.. BUt Joseph Deppcn, Mt Carmel 50, Matthias Seholly, " 40, Frnneis McCnrty, " 50, Marin Kramer, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt 40, J & R C Quisle, Pine, Clinton co 40, R Riimngc, Shenandoah, Schuglklll co 40, J 8 Tharp, Shamokln 40, Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Carmel 4b, N A Loudenslnger, iiernilon, 411, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Reagan, Shcnmidonh, Schuylkill co AO, Jacob Shine, ' " 40, Jacob Stoltz, " " 40, D II Bower, Hcrndon 30, Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John II Onsiiian, Sunbury 40, W B Wallace, Northumberland so, H 8 Grahnm, " 50, Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40, Philip W intcrsteln, Watsontown 40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Osterhnut, Laurel Uuu, Luzerne CO...40, Marv J 11 hie, Norlhumberlaud 40, B F Krohn, Suubury 40, Andrew Ilealy, Girardsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Cnrinel 40, Martin Delaney, Shennndoah city 14, Julia Dune, Ashland, Schuylkill co .....10, Anthony McLnuirhlin, Girardsvillc , Llaymnn S Hay, Mahnnoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauebcr, Berwick 7, D Fucht. Pottsvlllc ao, Eraftus Sober, Point ttvp -U, A Llppencott, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson n,.il loss pu lai-t sum,-!)), I 1 Llppencott, Watsontown 40; R 8 Ammermnn, Snydertown 'JO, Nathan Uloss, Berwick, Columbia eo '.'7, J A: C R QnUrglc.l'lnc Sta'n Clinton e 'Jd loss,40, Charles W Ilar.zanl, Rupert, Columbia CO...40, John Foglcmaii, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester. Mt Carmel . U, Thomns Metz, Puxinos '......10, R McClosky, Lock Haven LU, JLO.-s. A. JUKUA.n. rresldclit. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y. Sunbury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, lion. C. J. Brnner, fijloron Sriili, Win. Brindle, Soloman Sblpe; John A. Sh'.Mler, Dr. D. T. Kvebs, Dr. David ulilrou. Maivh 11, 1871. ly. FOR SALE ! IIGHTY acres of Improved land lu the heft li sect ion of Southern Michigan, within iVvi miles of the towu of "Threo Rivers," In St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Station, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses ami churchs within sight title indisputable, ten acres are In wheat, the remainder In clover sod A span of horses, cattle, ho.;t, grain and farming utensils, A:c., will bu sold with this property. Price 1 70 per acre, 3,000 in cash, the balance ill time payments of frail). Applv to WM. A. MASM'.it, Three Rivers, Mich, or, IT. B. MASS Ell, Sunbiirv, P.n Sunbury, March 11, 1871. AfANHOODi HOW LOST, HOW RESTOit llL El). Just published bv Dr. LEWIS. '.'.MI pages, Third Edition. THE MEDICAL COM PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on lim radical cure of Sierinatorrbiea, ur Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Iininlcucy, Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impediment. In Marriage, etc., und tho Venereal aud Syphilitic Maladies with plain uud clear directions for thu speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhiva, Gleets, Strictures, and all discuses of the skin, such us Seurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bolls, Blotch es nud Pimples ou the face and body. Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, Induced by self-iudul gencu or seetuul extra vugance. The celebrated uulhor In ibis admirable Trcn llro, clearly demonstrates, from a forty year's eui cestui practice, thai tlio alarming const iicncu of self-ubii.o may be radically cured t isiiuting out a mode of euro nt once simple, certain, uud effectual, by means of which every sull'crcr, no mutter what his condition may be, can bu dice tually cured, cheaply, privately, uud radically. t 7This book rhouhl tie In the bauds uf ever) youth, aud every limn In the laud. . Sent liuder seal, In 11 plain enveloie. Price, Ml cents. Atldrca, Dlt. LEWIS, No. 7 Ueueli .treet, New York. M'K I . U A X It M'.M M Fit " MILUXKKY AND FAN'CV IKMJDS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, In Dvwart's Building, Market S.iiare, Bl'NBL UY, PA , where will be found a new supply uf goods, fuu- slatlnt: uf Millinery nud litncy litMul., HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND I N TUI.MMF1). Auw, CIlll.DHEN'S HATS, fur girls uad boy. Kbiaers uf the luteal und haiidauuut.1 al l I. a. buab Ilil.lHtiia, plulu and ugiired. Li.lic'u itinera, I..UU I'uliil., l.lneil I ol.ira uud lulls lur Ijt.lit uud I lilldiiu, I riu'ht l iiillur. Nci Liu for 1 adits uud lit til's Ut. at .1 It . hllk .u k l.oopa, u supeiior uitit le. Glotis lui'luiiing Kid., aud La.Hc.' Huikaklu gluves. Iluii.lkeriiili'fs. All kind ul TriiiiiuiiiKS. Eiiibiul.biy I'ulluius. IliMltry lur l-a.lica, liuiii'. uud t Itlldivu. Ntal " nus uud pl.Ue Iriuiiuiuiis. HUMMING all.KS, ( bluUtuis, ,li) is ui.4 Varus, uud a genual Vuikly uf Nolloua. Tbuktul lur m1 pultun.!),'!', situ b,.a tbal lbs tiiiltjf ul Uif giui.1 mil uu ill a t . i.luiiijiitu ul lb. aunt . M.I ABM tl LAZ AULb A ll vu, s7l. Fttlula, UiU. r, A I'l l. I. ilut uf Oil l.,.n,.iii,' l iituta.) im, im, rub mi, ui. 1 1 ui.11, tiuv I'll l.'l i.i.llttu Slui klaikliui), uli.Ultia, ItUaa, alau) uu lauud, at iu plu ut UiM.M 4 t o To thu Commuully ut.taiKet HUhOK A I I UK "REQUI.ATOR," t Itul. I a. I al.f pUl.k-a.4 lt IbtllS V-4 ll uu4 atUIt ui Ut UlUlua.l ,u, ainfj, ' iiti.w. Itaiisi u4 fr ai", ul J. a. tu,'!', i4 ul i.'Ulluu. Ike l.tiaiutM ui Ma ut Mkt kia.lltiu, Mail t",l, ll iupt lua frlubl, Muaki iiiai, m hitMV, I'l. Wk.u lilUtH talukl aka4 lfcut UM fcla auk Ida, l.,Jji.jf ui lu tttuall), plu Uu.a r. I la.) IU. tuuikit kllb a tUtl tl .W ty al.t Ulu.4 Ulul.lku I'J d.l. I .lll .by tu.ak, sl ik.n Ikut auuai il.liu (.( ul.illa. 4 ! lull) akl t au.ii. lu IkJ UlfUkitaj vl f b ki.SilS k.ilw, Itaf k..t.ulituli.0 ull,m Is au.uala L M . I a. ul. . I, Jau li. Ill,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers