SUNBURY, JULY 29, 1871, Itnilroad Time Tables. N. C. R. W. East. Buffalo Ex I've 4:10 a m Erie " " 10:20 " F.kmlraMftll " 10:55 " Erie " " 1:10 " P. E. R. n. Wbrt. Erie Mnll, I've 8:10 n m Buffalo Ex. " 4:50 " ElmlrnMall " 4:30 p ra Erie Ex.. 8:45 " snAMOKin division k. c. n. w. LEAVB , ARRITB Bunbnry at 11:50 a m At Sunbury 0:55 am 4:40 pm ' 4:00 pm D. II. W. n. R. Leaye Sunbury 5:55 n. in., 4:!15 and 6:50 p. m. Arr. nt Sunbury 10:00 a m, OiiiO and 8:40 p in. focal f fairs. 5J Sewino Machines.-MIss Caroline Dnttus Is the agent for tho snle of tho throo best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i "The Improved Blngcr," "Grovcr & Baker" ami "Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold nt rea sonable prices. Call and sco them. Office, on Market street, cast of the railroad. Mosey. We are much In want of money, and must have It. The printing press, liko an en gine, must bo kept constantly oiled up, and greenbacks or a mixture of gold, silver and nickel nro the best ingredients to keep tho press going. We have a large amount charged on our books and would be obliged to our friends if they would Make prompt settlement, as wo nro not In clr cumstaueos to lay out of our money expended for stock aud wages to hands. Try and do this much for us you will reap tho benefit ns wo Intend lu a few months to remove Into quarters where we can give better satisfaction, aud make such improvements as will bo bcucllchl to every reader of tho A.mekican. Wo would also bo thankful if our friends throughout the county would give ns further encouragement lu our project by sending us now lists of subscribers In their neighborhoods. The more Interest taken In the circulation of tho Amekican, tho greater will bo tho benefit to each subscriber. IIoisr ron Sale. The valuable house and lot on tho South-West corucr of Fourth and l'ein Streets, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply nt this O.Tlce. Refiibsuino Boda, Water drawn from that ele gant Boda Fouutuiu at Dr. Moody's Drug Store. For Rest. Two rooms, suitablo for offices, adjoining, the Tost Olllec, near the Masonic Hall building, on Third Btreet, Bunbury, are offered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Cuas. Gaiungek. Broke an Arm. A little daughter of Mr. Benj. Wheeler, on Spruce street, broke her nrm by falling from a wairou on which she was plny ing. The practice of children hanging unto wagons on the streets Is much indulged lu. We hope this may be a warning to others. Person al.- A. G. B. C. F. C. A. F. M. C. 8. M. 8. S. P. Kew Cabinet Okoans. Several new styles of Cabinet Organs have been received at liio Music Store of II. B. Masscr. These organs aro from the host makers iu the country, and are warrant ed for five years. Organs of any other make will be furnished if desired, ut loner rates than traveling agents can Boll them. The first match game of baso ball for tho championship of Northumberland couuty,wiU bo played on the N. C. Railway Company's ground, ut the lower end of this borough, to-day (Satur day,) between the Star Club of Sunbury, and tho Union club of Wntsoutown, this county. There will bo three games played at different times, after which the championship will be announced. Those games will no doubt bo interesting. The peaches offered iu market thus fur are of nn Inferior quality, and range high iu price. Traveling Gamulers. Thcso gentry aru be coming not only numerous, but bold In their operations. Tho green horns arc, of course, al ways ready to be cheated. A candy lottery was recently opened in this place. Tho bait used to catch gudgeons in this establishment was ten cents worth of candy, in a box costins the buyer fifty eeuts. Some few persona would occasional ly get a dollir to bring on others. There are but few gambling concerns in which tho gambler fieeecs his victims more effectually than these petty gamblers. The authorities should look niter theso follows. Mr. W. M. Chase, ugent for Hoofland's Bit ters, gavo us a call ou la9t week, the effects of which will be seen by reference to our advertis ing columns. As we have Known Mr. C. f . Evans, tho proprietor of tho establishment, for a lung time as'a live man, and one whokuows the value of printers' ink, wo were not disappointed in Mr. t'raue as a live agent who understands the inter est of his employer. A House Killed. A horse belonging to Mr. Henry Fagely, of this place, was found dead on Sunday morning hist, lu a ditch which hud been dug to dralu the water off a lot belonging to Dr. Awl, adjoining J. B. Leaker's brlek yard. The orso had been put in the lot to graze, and is supposed to have been rolling mar tho ditch aud rolled Into it on Ills back. The ditch was about IS Inches in width and about Unco leet lu depth. Tho hoe, when found, was fairly wedged lu with his feet projecting upwards. Mr. Fugely paid one hundred uud ninety dolluri for the horse i few mouths ago. A Dlsuiition. We learn that uu employee of the 1. it E. P.. U., residing on Fourth street, this place, named Walter Bowers, hailing from Lau. caster, but lutler'y from liagerslouu, Mil., do .cried his fiinlly and elupiul with uuothcr wo rn. in from Kciiov.i. llu lift au ufteilloiiattl uud worthy tilu uud two interesting childreu lu dc iltulc condition. No c,iuc it ai.dgiieil for hi he bailor towards bU family, nor wan there uuy supi inn of uujlhlug of I lie kind previous to his departure, lid having ulvva) manll'islcd great ulleclioii fur his w lt'o uud clil' lnu. Ills laiuil) ure kindly looked after by iKighUirs. The I'.iy 1 .llialiil Mild lust Hv u villi u woman ut 'I ) rone, IIL.Ir county, l'a., uud it is supposed tiny U.iVe guuu, I. I'uiskm vii..s uy 4 t A handsome ebony . alio .ilu. J at 40I up by the lm min i of the lr, Is I j be piisrnud lu t. K. KuowU., l. puly t'ruilniiury, siunllum duiiug August court. The t-juii Wat nuuuUauM.l by M. 11, Lie, of Hulllsluil, uu.l 1 U'. lj i,u of WotkUiUU ship. 'I lit luml l of mill n'lld, uilUllciilly HHU I, of uiUoli shape, U 41 lutf upon It tup I lit) luseilplluu I ' VluiiiUr. of IU11 liir of Nw il.nuiUrUuU luuuiy, li tawuil K. kiuowlas, Kpuiy 1'iuiUiiuoUiy, kubbuijf." lu u. oil. ;i. j l ho ii4iuc ut In utciutM.i of lu Lai, its follow 1 J i: nullah tfii)diT, W, II. M. 014111, W. i, Welti, luii, J. ft. Uu. W. A. lxUr, J. A. take, W. U. 1'uJJ, W. llyuu, Ulhll II. Usi, t. U I'.. Uf, k. I. l u vulu, J. W. luiuly, Win. M. lUk..MUr, tisukllu Uu4, tt. U, tu)r, I. L. IUiUuU.,-, L. T, lil..tili. 'Uouwli b.lI.llt4 tl llu bluest tlwu) , (H.. I ).w!iski.4, Ub llu,sj K,ll. A .iim ul ttuikisiAiwblp, UMk tu lb tlust 4w UK u lk k, JMU.U4 vl. I lli.j), lt( lt4wl U ,lt vf lit Ul lkluJ,lwi.l( U k ktill Cm, 1 11. uj k I-, k U UmumM M kU V.vtMy (it Ik'M kiU.. f A Labor Uiuow Mektinq. R. F. Trevclllch, President of the National Labor Union, delivered an address In Fry's Hall, In this place, on Tues day evening list, according to previous an nouncement. The ball wis probably half filled by citizens drawn there through curiosity, and a few members, including somo of the Democratlo candidates, who, It appears are nil members of the Union. Among the most prominent, wo noticed Mr. Gallagher, candidate for Legislature, the senior editor of the Dcmocretla Guard, and J. C. Bllvius, who has abandoned manual labor and Is engaged In establishing Uulons In tho county. When the address was half concluded a delegation from Danville entered numbering some ten or fifteen persons, headed by their President, who has also cast aside tho hammer and anvil, and taken up a gold headed ttajf to point out to his followers tho road to success In the Labor Union cause, giving others a chanco to labor for him. Mr. Trevcllick's address was well studied and de livered, after repenting It several hundred times throughout the Uultcd States within several years past. Ills views nro highly tinctured with mo dern Democracy, and his whole argument was similar to that of tho Commune of Paris, viz t "A division of property ou Saturday night, feast and riot on tho Sabbath, and nothing left on Monday." In touching upon tho Important question of Interest to tho laboring classes, tho tariff, ho avoided giving nn explanation, considering It a topic, of little account. Ills ap parent hobby is to pass laws to compel capitalists to divide. To loan their money at 3 per cent., and dividing equally between tho poor, bringing both rich and poor on a level In monetary nffalrs. We concluded that it was an excellent Idea if it could be accomplished, but we fear that his gi gantic efforts will end iu smoke liko all the pre vious chimeras of that character. But so long ns he can find dupes enough to maintain him without laborlug, by fleecing tho working classes out of their earnings to pay him for preaching Instead of working, it will be all right enough so long as tho laboring classes do not discover the cloven foot which is kept couccaled from tho public eye. A Trip to Dasvii.le. Having occasion to visit Danville during the past week, we embraced tho opportunity of a rido over the D. II. Ss W. R. R. Seeing that our friend Dr. Jeffries, ad mitted by all who travel with him to be n tho rough railroader, polite and accommodating, having charge of tho traiu, wc felt ourselves safe, and proceeded to watch tho grand panoramic sccuery as wc glided over a smooth rail along the cast bank of the north branch of the Susquehan na. The car was pretty well filled with passcn gcrs,who appeared to be absorbed In the pictures que scenery along tho route. Tho river is Inter spersed with islands, and tho scenery of tho surrounding country Id delightful. Tho road is well laid and the track smooth, and Willi the splendidly furnished passenger coaches makes It ono of tho most pleasant routes to travel over along tho river. We were forcibly Impressed with tho march of improvement along Its line. Just outside tho Borough limits wo noticed that a handsome brick round bouse is being erected. A few hundred yards further north, a number of men were engaged lu building a siding to tho river where shipping wharfs are being erected for tho loading of boats. A number of new houses have been put up along tho line. At Riverside, opposite Danville, wo found that a largo number of dwellings have been erected this summer, principally of frame, and tho plaoo nl rcady makes quite a townlike nppcaraucc. Tho buildings, though somewhat scattered, arc erect ed with much taste, and the handsome yards, planted with shrubbery, gives them an air of com fort much desired by all lovers of improvement. Sheriff's Saixs. Tho following properties aro advertised to bo sold by the Sheriff, at tho Court House, lu Sunbury, ou Monday next, July Slst: llouso and lot In Hughe's addition to the bo rough of Mt. Curmol, as the property of William Becker. One aero of ground, with dwelling, store house, boat-shed, barn, &c., In Dclawaro town ship. Property of Jounthau P. Sbultz. Half of lot No. 164, In the borough of Sunbury. Property of Nicholas Weak and Jumcs Vandyke. Houso and lot on Chestnut street, In tho bo rough of Suubnry. Property of S. Hunter Bil lington. Two lots in the town of Trcvorton, with dwell ing and stable on the one, and shanty and Binokc-house on tho other. Property of Malhlas D. Bohner. One lot on Third street, iu the borough of Sun bury, with brlek house and store room and two frame dwellings thereon. Property of Henry Peters. SasliFuetory and five lots In tho borough of Wntsoutown. Property of Dixon & Co. Christian Martin's interest iu u house and lot lu Sunbury. llou.-o and lot lu tho borough of Mt. Carmel. Property of Charles Boliek. House and lot lu tho towu of Moutaudou. Pro perty of J. J. Kauch. Episcopal Church properly In tho borough of Slmmoklu. Lot and two-story frame building In Turbut tewushlp. Property of II. B. Pcifer. Eight lots and two houses in the borough of Shamokui. Property of Juo. J. Esher, aud J no. J. Eshor, Executor of Caroline Esher, dee'd. Three vacant lot In the borough of Mt. Car mel. Proporty of Dccaturc Herb. Three hundred acres of laud lu point twp. property of Theodore Burr uud Geo. W. West. Tub editor of tho Duuvlllo American having paid a short visit to this place, gives the follow ing flattering notice of soiuo of our business places lu hi last issuo 1 BuNiii rv. We had occasion to visit Bunbnry last week, ou busiuess, and were favorably im pressed with the thrift and enterprise exhibited by the Inhabitant. Our former townsman, N. F. Lightner, seems to be dolus an excellent bu siness and certainly descrvus the support he re ceive. The publisher of the (imttlt uud .lwri- run we fuuud ut their potts, fullhlully plying the quill. They are both Industrious uud worthy member of the fruterulty. The. value of these paper I sufficiently attested by the constantly diminishing majority of llu democracy of Nor thumberland county. Mr. Ilmis, of lh Central Hotel, Is UceltU'illy one or the. hist lulidluids ill this kecllou of Ih Mali), llu uuddstuud duel- ly how lo uiuke hi guest feci ut huliin. With labia ludeu with Iho Inosl ubsluiilUI edible eleau uud comlurluhla rmuis ami iiualed lu Hid riiiirv of business, uo vtumli-r hi hus Is u result. vc urn uuOVr obllKuliuu lo Mr. Uuiihum, uf Ibit C'entrul, for his (jeuerou Luspiuluy. tUfUMioN or 4 l'on Uiil. lUvcr uud Lleblg's Pwdr Mill, slluato sum o utllt tsl of llil bufuull, blow bp ubuut I) o'l lmk Uouday ulkbi last. Tu Diy IIuum, Villi, Olus lug b4 bumping UuitM. iiulro)c4, lu- Kclktf ili WuO ki'K uf puwjir. Tb Ji y huui lu 01 si bluvu up, kud, U U upixjstd, taught tie In iu) iuuf from a tUfwi In ih lu. lb lu 1 tslliuaUd al U,0uO, uu4 l pailWu Wily bvavy tm Uiuis. Kavcf kb4 LUbltf, fiuut IU (ei Ibal Uy Itu4 fcul rweully puubastd lb euuorik. Ibty r but illseouiasd, bow u4 Iulsu4 lo ubull4 ku4 be i4) in ojit. Ubik luumb Ikwls l.faU. W kit 4tavM4 14 kklit tkut Ibk HlU,frt, ku4 U Myvw., Ibtuitbvk euiiiiuu lui kUi4j tt4 Mi. tVltfUr. iUUi wi auikgt b l 111 Siutfc. Ibk kbw JMklvki4 ki Ikv llkblk bulu mu.pkU, 1,1,4 hisitt lbtf Iul4. tWil U lntuH$ t)IKg kit UU.. A bold and successful forgery was Imposed on the First National Bank of Miflltnbnrg, on Fri day, 14th Inst, A stranger, giving bis name as David Meneh, presented tho check of Samuel R. Tearlck, on Sellnsgrove Bank, to Amos Bcnfor, for 500. He stated to the Cashier, Mr. J. W. Bands, that ha had received tho check from Mr. Bcnfcr, by whom it was endorsod, and that bo resided above Mlffllnburg about three miles. Ho likewise endorsed the check land It was cashed. It was soon discovered to be a forgery, but rib trace of tho forger has yet been discovered. The Cashier was thrown off his guard by the familiar and responsible names used and tho fact that so largo a connoctlon of tho Meneh family reside In this locality. Recently a similar attempt was successfully practised npon the Union National Bank nt Lcwtsbtirg. Bunk officers should bo put on their guard against the scoundrels who teem to bo traveling on this new bold dodge. Mfftinburg Telegraph. Quick Work and Fresh Tea. Ou Tuesday morning, Messrs. Wutcrman & Beaver received direct from China via. Paclfio Mall Steamship to 8an Francisco, Pacific R. R. aud Empire Lino from Chicago, fifty chests of fresh and excellent teas, only forty-flvo days from the flowering laud. This Is an Instance of tho rapid progress we have mado 111 tho last few years in facilities for trans portation. Tho Puclllc R. R. is tho connecting liuk which has placed Clilua at our back door. Fortunately wo were obliged to drink Btala teas cured oue or two years previous and from which tho aroma had, lu a great measure escaped. Now the leaves arc gathered In May cured about tho first of Juno and placed for sale In the stores In July. Danville American. A Sad Rvmoii. Considerable excitement pre vailed for a time, lu this place, on Sunday last, caused by a report that a man had becu shot at Bachcr's Brewery during tho afternoon. After an Investigation it was discovered that quito a number of persons hud been pie iiicing nt tho brewery during tho day, und many of them hnd been "shot in tho neck," caused by Imbibing too much beer, who were considered invalids for the lime being. Tho parties who had repaired to tho undertakers to get a glimpso of the dead body, wero not only hoaxed, but they became slightly vexed. The Order of Red Mes. Tho Improved Order of Red Men Is reported to number about 12,000 members In this State, 3,000 having been paid dining tho last year. ?l!0,000 was paid out foi relief. The following officers wero elected nt the recent session of tho Great Council In Potts vlllc : G. 8., James A. Sloss, of Philadelphia G. S. 8., Johu Rebinan, of Pittsburg ; U. J. S., James W. Clymcr, of Philadelphia ( G. P., 8. F. Madeira, of Philadelphia ; G. C. or R., A. J. Baker, of Philadelphia j and G. K. of W., Lewis C. Pearcc, of Philadelphia. Snow in July. A gentleman from Sunbury Informs us that tho ears arriving at that place from Wililamsport 011 Saturday morning were thickly cucrusted with snow, which Is represent ed to have becu quite severe In its urea. A fall of snow iu July Is nn unusual phenomenon. JlarrtKOurg btate Journal. Tho gcutlcmnn referred to must have been in dulging too freely in ice cream or some beverage to cause gastritis, Inducing dreams of snows, ice bergs, itc., for no ono lu this vicinity has noticed tho imnstiul phenomenon. We nro indebted to P. W. Shcaffer Esq., min ing Engineer at Pottsvillc, for a copy of sliding Bcalo of tho progress of the Antlmcito Coal Trado of Pennsylvania. This scale gives tho number of tons shipped from the entire coal field from lS'iO to 18T0, together with tho time of opening tho different Railroads throughout the region. This scale Is invaluable to those interested in tho coal business. Ice Cold Soda Water, with a large collectiou of syrups to suit our patronage. The most pala table and refreshing drink for ladies aud gentle men, on a warm summer day or evening, ut Dr. Moody's Drug Storo Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. A louso man named Win. Batdorf shot a companion named Samuel Walker, through the hand on Saturday evening last, iu Lower Miltou. The shooting was accidental, we understand. Ji'fiDiiiiin. The Polite for M anslai'hutkr. When a man has becu dosed to death w ith mineral poi sons, we arc toid that his medical attendant has " lost a patient." It would bo rude to say " tho patient has been poisoned." Yet that would bo the truth, aud it is treasou to humanity to disguise It. Dyspeptics, nervous sufferers, debilitated and broken dow n invalids of every type, if you covet that inestimable blushing, imiysilal vnnm, resort without delay to Jloojland'u German Hitter or to IfooflaiuV Tonic, composed of the snme vegetable elements, with a stimulant superadded. These specifics from tho medicine chest of nature re storo tho strength, regulato tho secretions, purify the blood, invigorate the constitution, nnd clear tho brain. Principal Depot, Col Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold everywhere by Drug gists. l'llltor'n Table. Tup. Lady' Friend for August. A very at tractive number full of good, fresh storle that people liko lo nave tor summer reading, anil lri''lit with illustrations of all kinds. The steel plate, '"The Carrier Dove," seems to represent a fair Parisian lady lu the besieged city, receiving n message. There 1 the usual Colored Fashion Plate, and numerous wood cuts of ladies' dress und 1'uury-work. The music Is the Bridal Galop. An Illustrated story by Daisy Ventuor lead off tho literary department, und there is another by Mudgu Cur ml. Annie I.. Muzzey begins a line eriul, "Jeulousy ;" Eleanor ('. Donnelly has a pretty poem und w ith a variety of oilier Interest ing stories nnd poem make up a delightful num ber. The editorial department of this magazine Is lo soma reader their favorite portion. Price ti.W u year (which ulso Include u lurgo steel engraving). Four cople, fit. Five copies (and one Kralls), "The Lady' r'i'lenit'' uud tliu 'tialiinluy Evenlm; Post" (and oiu lagruving), ti. Published by Deacon .V Peterson, I'hilailel iililu. SiHilt cojiUt for mils by u.'l .Vi.. ihuUri, und by tin pidnitUert, price 't ill. By au udvi iiUeineiit In another column It will be Kin Unit the long promised volume, "Kill) Years in the Magic Circle or, Thu Autobio graphy of blgnor Bills," I ut last published. Tin r I prut), ilily no ix-rsoii belli r kiiovtu throughout te In lied btute Ihuu the cliwilul, kindheailcd uud ever pupulur author of I Ills uu !ob)iru.iy. lib) liauiii Hint lame us .Musician, NuLioiiiuucer and WuUilmiuisi, uro housi-hold propeiiy. blKUor Bill caiuu 10 Ibl louulry ueuily UT year ago, huvlui; prt vluusly sc u uiucii cxk lUucti ud buvluK had luuuy udvcniuris lu Hid way of hi profession lu Germany,, licliiml uud hiiilluuil. Ullii r und eouiilin hava had llicir prulessor nt Muglo. Nuslrml.imus, l ulluslru, Mil haul d oll, Dr. FuUslus uud An rlppa. But llusa maintained Ibal their skill eaiu fioiu superuuluiul sourcu, uud llii ir dais ulu-slid Ihtrm k toutiiiuulou unlavoialilu lo Ibeir iudivlduul nn 1 11. kluiiur Bill ki hlnisilt llimli4 within laws, uu4 lilt hi u.llnl li llml Ibclr W'.uili r Is ureslou4 byhldt . Imliy aluus. Wbnrcvcr fc has kuuc. b has lcu a (ttl Joy to Ibk uiilig k4 bappluns Is) Ibu ol4. 'b Uuok U eiuluruily ebri Itrl.lU; of lb uiau. li Is ilially ku4 plisul. kurb uiau b Mm lutit b uu4 kui' laueb, kud hi kulubtugrupby uul4 bin, uudur ilnuiai. c.s, plot utinikiM iiiau iiiuii.'iiuk. ' riuy S...l.. Il. U I ' 1. - tl .1.1., lu)ubl buL-k, il 1 lull ill kbeuiutk, kud ubuuud lu ku4 SI..1U. iskUU l lusb, kuuiuious u4 .uiur, II U bauUs-winly u4 ytusiwusly lllus laU4,ku4 lb pulllalt ol lb tuciiy klKliul blUt' Mil I l4l'Ual k k llki.Uk. Wk lultlUl'f WW lusu4 M u4 b"i li tUI b Ui.siil isa l. l lu IHi Us, ku4 lu lbuk iu4 of Ibu k4.ivluu, as UMtuuUily fMkU4.u4 Ibk ktuikk kl tbk MukiKllul fcbslk It ulilluiMUii It U kul4 WUl kf ub4llpilusi kb4 k tkl k Vkk jiulk, b.ki4 Iblbk It kv4ti4 ksak k sl Viik- Ill SV.UMN) siit, I'bllasUJt-Uk, i bf bkkklkl t 1x4 b WUJuj SMklM Business Notices. Insure with L. M. Yodcr agent, of 'VTllllnm sport, Wyoming Aetna, Pacific, Andes, and Alps, Insurance Companies. Just received, a number of popular fronts and French calfskins, at the Regulator. Onb Philadelphia paper says 1 "Oak Hall Is the largest Clothing n.iusoi" Ktiother says 1 "Ouk nail Is the cheapeet Clothing House " still an other snys 1 "Onk Hall Is the Most Reliable Clothing House," and so on. They are oil of them right, for the truth Is It Is tho largest, cheapest and best. There Is no lack of selling off boots and shoes at the Excelsior store of W. II. Miller, In the stono building on Market street. They nro not only sold at retail, but wc notice many mcrchnuls buying at wholesale, who savo the freight by doing so, and get a better nrtlclo besides. Tho wholesale business Is drawing quito a trade, bo cause his stock is constantly kept up nnd a bet tor selection can bo had tbau In many of the city establishments. 8,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received at Llght ncr's, cheap for cash. New Beans, Pens, Potatoes, Lettuce, Straw berries, Ac., nt Klrby's. Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk and Leather Storo consolidated with the Book Store. Cull one and all. New goods at low prices. To look Into tho Hat Storo of 8. Faust, one wold suppose thero was a supply of Hats nnd Cups for one generation to conic, but ns his cus tomers are coming from every direction they arc soon disposed of and a new supply put in their place. The Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant nud com fortable, at the Regulator. Gents' fine Fieuch Calf, Box-too Boots, stitch ed bottom, nt tho Regulator. All Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, nt tho Regulator. Shoemakers' materials for manufacturing, nt the Regulator. The 4'oufrs.sious ol'au Invalid TJL'BLISIIED as a warning and for tho benefit .1. of young men aud othcrt, who suffer from Nervous Debility, &e., supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself nnd sent free 011 receiving n post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYAIR, May 'JO, lSTl.-Om. Brooklyn, N. Y. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION. For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philan thropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and tho Follies of Age. In relation to Marriage and So cial Evils, with sanitary uid for the pul'itcc-i, Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. may7,'70-ly. At Bhnnmkln, on Wednesday morning last, IDA IRENE, daughter of the late James and Elizabeth Joucs, lately of this place, deceased. This is the lust link of a young family, con sisting of father, mother and daughter, who have passed away within the space of one year. Suubnry Cirnin V I'rotlucc .llurkct. CORRECTED WELsIY UY 1I1LE GCRINGEIt. Grain Choice White Wheat fl CO Best Amber, Winter 1 50 Corn B0 1 00 Oats, (S-J H)i.) no B 'st Ainbei, Winter, per suck 2 00 ' ' " barrel 8 )0 Corn Meal, )u r est., 'i N) I'euusylvuuia Roll '.' r.dos Per lo.en lti Meats Dried Beef, vr lb 'Jtjfu. -80 Smoked Mutton 100i PJ I.Alin per lb v Fisu Salt White Fish, per lb " Trout " Cod " Fresh Shad Veoetaules Turnips, jcr bushel Potatoes " " Onions " " , Beans, " quart Hominy, " " Dried Fin ns Dried Apples, per lb Peaches, " " Cherries, " " Blackberries ' Raspberries 0 15 ir 8 1 10 1 00 ..J5Cl'1 ...'Mit'.Wi ...lOCilio ta '-'0 Merchant Tailoring. J. M. HOSTI AX, in tho Post Office Building, opposite the Depot, (up stairs,) SUX15UHY, l'KXVA, Informs his frieuds and the public generally, that ho has just opened a lurgo uud varied as sortment of CIotliM, ('nMfcluirres, Vesting, dr., which will bo made up to order lu the latest styles, und warranted to lit. Gcutleinen in waul of fashionablo suits ure lu vited lo call and examine his stock. fell HITS scientifically and practically cut aud mado to measure. RUN NO RISK. Wc furni-h the above styles of Improved yoko and sack sbiit wilh enllicly new shape s.kevc, aud guarantee a perfect titling shirt. It is the L'st model ol a sluil ever ottered lo the trade. Flue and lam y shins made to order. J. M. BOSTIAN. Juno K, 1ST 1 .Gin. srn i x ts -m'EX l su i I,u rs Stock! Heller raHlUK'n! Just opened u large, flue uud substantial assort. nn ni i SriilXfJ DRESS fJOODS, Domostirs, AY hi to (iooil-t, runcy Ciooils, 1 ruuiiinijjs, Llotlis, (.'assimcivs, CAIU'KTS AND OIL CLOTHS. Housekeeping good III great vaikiy. FUF.SII GMK'K.KIFS, tjiieeiiure, Wil!ow-Wan,1 Glassware, Ac, Ac. A Due slock llfuily.Mttilo lolliluic, for Mcu uud Buys. Each line full uud coiuplela. t tf" fubilaiilUtl (iomlt a Buclulty. . J I'l-ii-vi lu kull ll 1 1 lurk, t mil muU k-j uur Murk. All kin It of toUlilry l'luduiM lukeU lu cx- t haiig lor goods. ailMMir JC IMRHIMiMt, ll.iupl's Iron llulldili, Waikel bllw t, feuubuiy. A pul "J, II.VKKilV! JIAKKUVI! ilAKtUlvTiT I.Eii.SAUll IHIVLUIII, Has) )us iwur4 k llrsl rlus U.tkrry on Kionl lint biar Ibu It i u mad J 4 si SuiiIiuiiiLk r laud, uud Is pivpaieil lu luiul.b lltu nil, us of Suilbuuil.i llauj u4 kuubuiy wlll tt II kinds ut III ml aud I aki s, tut U k uuott s uu ti, Milk. HUKtll, tbr-AU HtbH..u lb IIKAHTII, u4 full llu. ut I 4 a to, K Uuu, U -lls kU4 1 Wist. Lliva4 ui lki- 4-llu4 lu tustuUivi tiy UtulutUj. I .k. Ul Balls, failk, Wwldil., fall, ki , fvilliubi.4 a tbult MulUo. Sbll'lfk bak'l, kb4 kllu ulls4 I b Culls Ik kabbal) i4 v'4kl twtl Ivst, bs k - lu gltk klilstis4l tv bt suluwl kk bk.i U'iuio. Ii4i klk ls.4(ull ulk 114, HfUkitWl, I VI, 111 -kl Sfasefllatuoits. 7RILIXU AT 'PTlli' YYIliyTnmri nmnnn has just recolved nnd opened A MAMMOTH STOCK OP GOODS, w hich ho has SELECTED WITH (11! EAT CA BE nud offers to the Public ut the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Having established a reputation for low prices and PAIR DEALI3STG to all, will endeavor to maintain that position. COME ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST TRICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the lnrire amount of patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, 1 will endeavcr by furnishing the best goods nt the lowest prices to merit u continuance of the same. 11. Y. FRILING. April 15, 1871. i:v mi: at siioi. rf"MIE undersigned respectfully inforinstheclt! a .ens of Suuuury and vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, lu Dcwart's bulldinL'.oii the north side of Market Bquurv, two doors from tho railroad, w ere they will keep a constant supply of the best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, nt wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the tlrst quality . A wagon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found ut their shop. Give us a call aud salisl'v your selves. KEFFEW & BOWER. Oct. loth ISO'J. tf. .MiL,MKKVioons;i:.i:nAi.Ly. NEW STYLES OK UOXNETS, HATS, TLOWERS, l UAlILS, &c. Muurulug nud lirltlul lluli niitl lloiiut'lH. Full Hue of Monriilnt; Vill uu J Cr.ipc. MILLINERY IS THE M'ECIALTV. bush IUlitioiin, Oriiuiiii'iil, r..illur, Gloves, 1 l i liilki l i ll ii Is, .Vi'., tVe. KANCY liOOIl.S AM) NOTION'S. MISS M. I,. liOSM.I K. Soutli Fourlli 81., l.cluw I ho lliillioad, Suibliry. April I -vTl. sriiiNci and si MMi:i:. l.OI IIS Wit ASMUI Itl SI 1' KEN CI I AND DDMEVilC liOODS of fV-ry Krude. lut upein d ul Hie MERCHANT TAU.OK MIDI' or '1 1 1 OS. (j. .NO IT. Vucvcssor to J, O, link, V'ourlU buecl, bilour M.llkil, bl'NUl liY, I'K.NN'A. (iiiilU'iiit'il wlio drsliii liislilniialilo i-li'llilin; lliu l.i lit old. T. kill lull 111 Uu' illiovk I' ui. l n.iiiiliio Ilia will .. lull d sim, uud I'.i J llii ir suns iiimlo u lit lUe Uittsl si v In. l ull nn. lm loiiviund. 'Illiie. 1.. Mil l'. May ll, l:i. llkltiieur tsvuru llwirrtt-b. hvu .alt i' JunlilH 'iuintaliifi, iutilnil, NT ll I U K Is Uiivliy liluu I . it Kll. is IcU I ui.ul.iiv Lvu vi.iiil.J lu iLa uutlur- slui 4, iu lliu vsial o ii. n;u r-iiiiiu u, svlu., l.ili' ul Ji.iJuu ukolili, N'Uluaiiiliiilkiiil tuuu. l, l'4, dvi4.'d. All -tlsi'U 1111111111.4 10414 islala kl'v rtUi .Ud li luaku iiUiduli' ni) Ifctl.l, 11111I Ibiisu IU4 t Ulio. lu l'litul lUiui uuly sill urilin jsi mill mini. I'll II II I. t VI llill II, ICtVKUtol. Juidau Ioi. IiIji, Juuu III, ;. tl I klttl ul I llskkril Jkurk. I''ii. Nlollt K I Uu by tl Uui. lis I 1,,, i.l.,it L.. I. .. ..i.i,i,.ii,jL. ui. J. . . , , u . K4ukll..iMUi.l H.U Uik I II Jt u ii ISiiluull bl kabl'UI, li.IUai4llll4U4 iVUUlf 1'.. .1.. Alt I.ISll.1 lu.t.l.l.S I...U..L to uisk. WiMs41'l sistila ss4 lltM lion iUUw la HM IbsUt k of vlltvlMSSll. kvi 1. Hit vkr, tsisuiat skkkiy, it it, ua -k. BARGAINS ! -A.T La3 received unolhcr choice ossortmcnt of Spring axitl Summor Gcodc, nnd liaa now on hand, tho largest stock in his lino, ever offered for sale in this place. Ho is oflcring Bargains in Linen Clothing for Men and Boys. Bargains in fine Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working and Business Suits for MEIST and 330YS. Bargains in Straw, Felt, Wool, Linen, and Cassimere Hats, for Men and Boys. Bargains in Fancy and White Shirts and Gent's Summer Underwear. BARGAINS IX Gent's ScC.a cScC. Give him a call and see for yourselves, that the Empire Clothing Storo is the cheapest. LARGER ASSORTMENT, TSETTEU GOODS, AND LOAVEU PRICES THAN EVER. S. HERZFELDER. Third Ttreot, near tho Depot, SUNBURY, PA. ISAAC It. fvSTAlFFi:it, WATCHES, JEWELRY, lH Xorlh Second St., Cor. of lnrry, rillLADELPIIIA. An nssortmcnt of Watclics, Jewelry, Silver and IMutcd Ware coustnntly on Lund. nepaliiug of Watches aud Jewelry promptly attended to. April 1, 1871-ly. Dnkcryand Confectionery In the new building adjoining the Post Ollice, oiiposito the Uopot, N II X II IJ II V , I'ESI JI'A, Jubt opened a large assortment of all kinds CM F EOT BO FJ ARIES of every detcriinlon. FRESH BREAD & CAKE every morning. Families will bo supplied daily (Sundays exopeted) with all kinds 01 mtl-.AU, 1VV131, lilCH, 1L.1 BUNS, Ac., and ulso kept ou hand ami iiiaiiufuelurid out ol'the best brands of Flour. All kinds of Fancy Cakes cot surpassed by any city bakeries constant ly on hand and manufactured to order for bull!, Evcnlnu parties, Families uud others at the short est notice. All orders left at tho Store opposite the Depot, or at his linki'rv, 011 Spruce Ptrect between Front aud Second, wil inert with prompt attention. Thankful lor past patronai;e, 1 nope by strict attention to l.ii-liv.', aud furnishing the best, to continue the same. DAVID FRY. March ISth, 1S71. WM. Ml HlliV. 1. SI.AYVAKLll. VM. U. I1LACK- MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllec nnd School stationery. I'l'iutin, V. rttppln;; a is J Muuillu pApee.3, I'lintors' Cartl., l'ujn.-r Hags, &c, &.v. Tlio CcleLirtkil Con y, Kerosene It iirnlns Oil always on hand. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! llavUii; uli-o ojk'iied k COAL YATID wo lire now prepared lo supply the citizen of Suiibiiry uml vicinity v ii li Urn very lu-l ijualiiy ol toil, r.iivfully iirip.ueii lor laiiuiy ime, in iv.ionalile pilcis. F.iriiu rs uud ull oil. el will liud ll lo ilulr aJvai.tasc " Klvo u a c'lt" i:cig, KTOVK, uml 1 Alwu) 011 baud. Kill- r left Hi our ol'.Uc iu Room Io. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK, S ill Ir. piiiiiipllyulli ndid lo, houlh Tltlnl hlrifl, kuukur), I'm. MI UKAV CO. Apill I, ls;o-uiu. 1100 1 wit Niiot: him nni it. 111. jtt.-i.Mi iiK.Min:, MslWi.1 fc-iii', Ihu u diNir w. si uf ll.ii ralliua I, i u U..UU si.l, hi SUl UV, I' . Will Hlli' 11 t In Id I uiu uf H.a4s kud kli.Ms lu ull lis lnaui.Ui.,-1.4 kit kulk kkiiakud lo IHI It. luiiii'k dm ul sliorl liwlUk. kuuOui), Mj il, lil. uu. j. r.i m o. OlU-k ku4 H..l.'. in', W.liii.l Missl, Ulsuu 'I i.ud ud fuilU sin.!., , , t ;h 11 1 u , rmiK'ii AU fi.iuis 1.1 lls.4sc lt. f)i. kl.l Urn liskl. , ui i-ilod k(.ii,.Jik kiiiuwu, l ... t )i,l t il-ii-tl. I 1m.., ) ai.4 k.l iklnf J. smm.' la km.. ), k .ii.., 11 lull ue U.. I .', Il-1 I'll SH.Wk Ul 'I UIKMt, V.. k..w Ibk tsi 4 Kik i (u llii- IfU. vuskkift U. li, l"l BARGAINS THE Furnishing Goods, 5-J rUi4JJJiS-J. AT THE Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store OP ELI MILLER, In C. H. Smith's Room, Queen Street, one doo East of tha Vost Office, NORTHUMBERLiAXD, PENN'A. For Elmlra Uoots. fro to KM Miller's Boot and Shoe Store. They nro sold, Best Calf at $0. For French Culi' Boots, rro to Ell Miller's, only $3 to $11 per pair. , For Boots, Shoes nnd Gaiters, nt lowest possi ble prices, go to Eli Miller's, 011 yueeu Btreet. For nil kinds of Gum Boots and Shoes, call at Eli Miller's. For Ladies' Gum Overshoes, bco Cno nssort mcnt nt Eli Miliers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoes, go and ex amine. Ell Miller's larc;e nssortmcnt. For nuytliine in tho Boot nnd Shoo line, call nnd examine Eli Miller's stojk before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to get Drst-c'ass, at tho lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep. 3, '70.-ly. A nnre stock of Hosiery & Notions ntMooro S: Dissingcr's. ap-3. DiMMiolutiuu. "VTOTICF. Is hereby given, that tho partnership heretofore existing, of firm name of Weit lzel, liaskins it Co., iu Ihe Mercantile business iu the Borough of bunbury, bus been dissolved by mutual consent. The Book accounts, &c., nr left iu the hands of C. B. Weitzel, ut the old stand, who will settle up Did partuershlp ac counts. WEITZEL, GASKIN9 A CO. Tho Mercantile business of the nbovo firm will hereafter bo continued nt tho old utand, uuder the tirm name of C. B. WEITZEL . CO. May 13, lstl.-ilt. MANHOOD 1 HOW LOST, HOW liEteTOH F.D. Just published by Dr. 1.F.WI3. "J.'id luges. Third Edition. THF. MF-DiCAL COM l'ANIoX AND GU IDE To 111 U.TH, on Iho radical cure of Speriiiatori ho':itoi ticuiiuiil W'euk ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, iu.poteuey, Menial aud l'liysh al Incapacity, impculinenU 10 Marriage, etc.,'utid tlio Venereal nnd Syphllltio Maladies Willi jilaiii und clear directions for lli cure uf fecund iry Syiuplniu, lioiioi rlura, lilerls, Sirieliiies. and nil dlsearei. of the. skin, such 11s K'Urvy, berofulu, Lleeis, Hoils, mutch es and l'i 111 1 U i uu thii I ice ami l lv. Cuii-un 1 ; lion, Kpllepry, uiii l'.ls, iudneed by Belf-liul I1 genet' ur v.travagan e. '1 he 1 elebratul iu,:linr In I his a I viira' ! Trc i tise, iliaiiy ik im.i. straie , lioiu a Imty jur'i sneeesful pi act lee, I ha l lliu al.uiimi,- cuii-i uiu i., n of ni.'.l-abise nmy be ladle illy ei rej j pulutii,. out k inii.l. of cure nt 1.. i n 1 1 : n -U c "i.iiu, a, ,1 tllVelual, l y tiii'au of wl.Uh rvxry stuK rer, 1111 lualli r wl. .1 bis 'Oiiiiil.ii hi may l. , i'.iii lm i iKc luallv cured, cheaply, lv, and ra Hi-.illy. J j" This biiiili tin mi l lm in the bauds of every youth, und 1 verv mini in the laud. beul under uu!, in u j i tin nivi lnii". I'rlce, M ci'uu. Address, Dll. LLWl-:, No. 7 lleaih sinel, Ni vv York. I AIH i.ti:uati:i. run: at mevw itk tl AUT, li now olhrnl fur sal 11 by ihe nndi r-k'ned nt hi. DiiWiiy or Kislauruiil. This lin ear I wairaiilid nni ! contain uiiy un.l biiiiriill) 111 0 iiaid I" inaku It sir, u i', an. I vt hicb i I11J111 lulls, W.i 1 rallied pure, ll Is Hie lust uilivlo lm il, uu. .tie Use in 111111 ki t. hold Ul Wholesale kud r. ..111. A J . ' to Ju.l I'll DAI Hl li hunbury, May It, s7l. K. in tun. . u. uowtu MO IIOI M ." I VKKVH, HVl 1'HIS liUM V, I'UNS'A., UVI IiLV A, IK t It, I'i.., 11. t. r. 'I llH t..bll Is sll I'lll'.l Willi Ihu Ik. I 1 1.0 lll.ltkll .111. 1,1s. Ii.ssl slul.llnK Uli.1 ftlUlillVU o.l.i is. M.i an, I S I. Ml 111 VI UV. Sl'ltlNti hTY I.KI II A'IN, UtN'N'IT, ri.i)Vl.US, I'UA MLS, ITC. sl iuiuluj iu.4 11.141 11. .Is u4 Uuuil. Ksll r.llU IS, 'ti A 1 11119, I'i (1M fltk, lintk uu4 Tnuiiiiiii,; vt vry full llu of MtH'llMMi VHI1 AM C HAJ'U liwiwk.. k full iiwiluiii'l. liii.!Liu4i't li.i-v.., ll.U4..l,.., 4w. WII1ISI.UK Ik I Ilk, kill UI.IV. MIMi .. ks).M. MAIIKKI' I' Alli:, M'MU'UV, I'A i(l.l si, ISO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers