H. . JtASSEH, t.Kp;fcf.'Wfltt. ' Mltdrs. 'arrkJItifuV Ainrf. on i7t. - .--.vr 7 - r r. . t ..1. 1 ..r 1 1.. ruiiiwriJ. nwnr n to think It tintiectssiir to lwvp a'tbango t: h.kJitH V.. k.l..' ifl1iai tiAflltlkA tYlAV :k. paid off iweral thousand dollars of Uio Monty Imloblcdncs Jhstycnr, out of the f lUHUO 111 VUI ;uuiit-jr vmi.i.-, --- J :.cfi43,QOO taxes which they handled. : vrtio : Jhmiyrat, which is cvfcr ready to servo Wo "niKi ntimiliTiravo told its renders that if . i. . ' .t.i-l' il-v ' .l.t. ,i..i- i' Trie uonimiseiuiic-iij uau nunc uivh uijr iu,i" v i , ,-, ' . ,ni -el 411 no i. .-,.. it..,i i.o.tf inftf W March 1, 1871, was .. 04,754,413 09 . Uil 111 HIV KkAi-a VWIIUVIVUJ WMM IMt IH' 'large sums in the hands of collectors in or- der to favor tlioir w-ok-ction, tho , whole :' county debt might hnvts been paid off nnd "?it surplus' loft in the Treasury.'.' But in ''' ctend of diug so,,thc tax payers are naked '. tow-ck-ct these sqido hien, and to pny tho i Interest on- thh ftitiitf. money uoVr-ln !iho ' rtnnrjg of the ooHe'ctprs, to aid them in gct ' ', ting into office, i They claim that ft Reyub , Jican . Commissioner "would be without " power to accomplish any god." The peo ple of the county do not think sj. Every v poflj can Sec that, there .is something "rot ten in lenmark,." and they mean to place .latin there that will look nft?r' their inter est, and - expose the rottenness which Las v- txistcd for Boruijcars' past.. ' It would i be. ... nice afiiiir, no doubt,' if the Democrat t could shut up Jthq oyes.of t!ie.: taxpayers in this county, and have these same officers' Tc-clectcd from year i.oycar.( .That day has, however, gone by, -and tho laxptijcra have felt the heavy weight of taxes long enough, and they ftel it their--dirty 'to shake off the i shackles of taxationfor no one can imagine. 1 where-It would cud if a change is not sooh "jrnadQr which the Democrat appears to think , is unuccost-ary. '. - ' TliE apportionment hill aa passed by, tho. . legislature, altera Ion? struggle, will be ..found in another, column. - So far aa the i' Senatorial district- is concerned we'hayo nothing to complain of. Northumberland, . "t'n ion, Snyder and 1'orry", is certniulyan ..improvement-: on j the old' one, and the chances are decidedly in favor of its being represented by ' a ', Republican. ; Oil tho .other hand thq 'coupling of .Northumber land; county with Montonr, or in other words, giving into the hands of a few hun ,drod Di'iuocrnts of Montour, a small cpun ,ty, tho political coutrol of this county which has a largo excess, is an- outrage on the people, and what a more, it is nu invasion of their Constitutional as well as political 'rights',' .ThcCon&titution guara,n tueiill the old counties each at least one .member, and lmd they given Montour a member by 'itself by adding the excess of this county, we should not have complain ed, but to put us under , Uio control of a -county that is not itself entitled to a mem ber, is a wrong to which wo oughl nof to submit. Northumberland county, , in . a j year or twoi will bo decidedly Itepublicun, I and tkhouU bo represented 'jy a Eepublican i instead of a Democrat placed over us by j the Peuiomey of a ueigliborinj; small 1 county who.uot.oulv secure a member for ; thuiuselvt-s by using our excess of prpula- j iion, but dictate to us who shall, be our I representative. - - ' j TnK Democratic me in be rs of Congress ! lr1., ... ..I.U ..1 It. , ! wuvii nu iiuurvaswj which il.JJeuls ' that the Democratic party is to be led in vpposition to whatever ib proposed by its : Jiepublicau opponents ; that is, they are ! rolved not to agree with the truth when ft is inado manifest bv the llenublicini party tliat they will not endorse justko whc-u it ia put forth by the same party and that tbey will, Iu all tilings, with fac tienul fury nnd Uftrensouable hnguaga, rail Mid riot iu oppoMlion to tho efforts of the Itepublican leaders to secure order -and authority and prosperity of the laud. On this issuo tlit-y will bu heaten as surely a-1 ! the pailyiaigu coinen on. Vhr.o the. Jte - publican parly has not met tho full wish of the people, it hna done many things they would not have undone. Tho Fourteenth and F'ifteeiitU CoimlHutional ninetidmeuu w!) ttand at a part of tho CoiiHtitution, so lung asheir presence shall bu ncoi-ssary to jtuiimrilee the colored rate the right to liberty nnd the pursuit of happiuee. Nor is tho Ku-klux uimsuiK initsulf unpopular, The people have uo fear thut tho Pnident desire to usurp authority iu any State. F.ven Democrat do tint btllcvc it. The entire an i.iiwjf vfllwt bill in, the sujipi-ersion if KukluxiKin. The Ciult of the Iti-publi- i nn party lHth.t it hR4 not gone f'lreniiii .li. Hut, btrar.jsvly, th'w point is u A touehed in tlie lrni6ci.it!c uddn-i.. . i ii p., . t)ra ni ijhboi . 4 of the JnwJciMj, have on , . i. , ... nevvr.d ocittioui trmd U divert t ha alien- tiuu of tlui liipft r by roll rring Hu m to (hervtnivujjant exprnw knriVapliln (.'oun ly. Tht y uvoid kUitiug tluit Unit bin 'itmty'l tl'iuWo thu" iv.e, and has mro llian Uvblu llteiutpriM'uutiita of thlsvuuuly. liut uj'poniii this wiu not thu cam, aud both lha same, and -thu publio cineers of likUpl)iil eoiinly wurg k'jimii.lci inh' inoluy ut1 tilling thi-lr pocket, wuu'.J tl.ii pRket iu I hi i-ouuty le juktillublw iu t'oii j dm kttuui lbiu'4 betjuuiie limy did f ll l)uttiiin Munty Ha bud itki ihnt U a uiutwr for the unpiiyrrii there to look l1 r, ami Ihu oplo of tlui couuty will 1'iuk to their ou HlUiia, . Wbyui't rtl'fr tu IWrit ('uuniy Hbleli eM.t:i;ii 'lire time m ui.iti) itiliublitttil m XuithuiiihtiLiiil (Vuniy.aud ut thu IMtklilwCuf ihu t 'ollliltlautOII.'l tor llilll COUIl. ty, uuiouor (u ikwvrrl iiuudiiil iK-lUr U ll-u Noittiwiwbviluiid t.'ouiilv. 11 lliu Jku'i'i ixpUin il.Uli ilu Ik .aui.i4iio Uk4t ol tin uUbt) ifiUy CUM. n if Ul ull ttiUi Ik h;.m,Iiuj Im iu.iii. ( pn'ittc ailHiu t-i Ihi tuti-ti u of ihoe who pay f r it, U taiiu4 out of tiuiir p.l liai !;' Jl of l'ty p'cU'ltu.ij. Till Waliluatuii Lkwlltti vuTUtiitJjy uf Lul ialu4 U Mbl li'iilU iili'i),4uu Ct Iimu, thti lUiilUi-iMik Mit4t4iU i" t-U,..tn I l 'tiiiti lu l Ui-n'y if I ll. 'ihu- vuioiy ca llm l4'4Mli 1 1 Wit ltll ll' I l -I, I ( U i i"' tw iU)-U w.lbJ !ittiti tt-l-u'-li. )1 I U itutil. tiuiM4,.v vt Mii tit nij.i tj loir, but U'f tit ! i4 ! tl ki Mill l'.it lU'-f b' t Ivo llvii nro lneuii.'u i.' iiio iiiiu w. i uinvif M. C. for a statement of the net receipts and pxpcndjlurcs.of Uio f.'nitd Stales Gov. ernmcnl for two years from Match 1, 18G7, to March i, 1809, nnd the two years from March 1, 1800, to March 1, 1871, by which it is exhibited that tho amount gained 'by incrcafto of expenditures 1ms been as fol lows : From increase of receipts, S 84,904,049 74 rny Of ePc ndlturcg, 120,700;049 21 ToUl,1 .it""! ' 211,CtH,W8 95 Reduction . of public debt from March 1, 1807, to March 1, 1869, wa?20,441,980 00 llletllKi'ri from Mar. 1G9. ' 1., 1 - - Showing an increase in ro- , .. . '. ductlon of public debt of 178,312,427 09 During )ho two years from March 1, 18G0, U March 1, 1871, the amount of re duction in the public debt has been $204, 734,41i 09, most of which has bceu in the purchaso and cancellation of bonds bearing interest- in- coin, and In the payment of obligations-overdna and convertible into interest beat ing bonds or certificates. . Tho amouut of interest which will .horertf ter bo saved to the Government on the debt actually paid, is 4fll,0Jr,4tfi. annually, or 5901,435 09 monthly, mostly In gold, j ,Can a Democratic administration bo pointed out with -ii healthy a financial condition as the above ? While there Is a gradual decrease of taxes, it appears that there is a gradual increase of funds, and a corresponding decrease of principal and interest of tho National debt. Tiiat $94,000. The more the taxpayers examine tho' late Auditor's Report the more it strikes tbem as being extraordina-. ry extravagant, particularly the items of building bridges $4420 25 ; bridge repairs 812 11 1, commonwealth costs ?2,214 79 ; priHou expenses, $02o 51; publio buildings 8434 22 ; . fuol (V). $093 30 ; traveling ex ptnses 8244 55 ; mcrchandiso (?) $150 13 ; Commissioner's pay '$1,092 50; Sheriff's fees i 1,790 47 ; road and bridge viewers $456 00 ; road damages $2,494 09. This extravag'anco is causing considerable com motion in tho King just now. . Should an honest man of firmness be elected to the office of Commissioner, some revelations niitrbtbc made that would 'astonish the public. To avoid creating any excitement the King is anxious to continue their own inoa iu the offices, hcuue their organ, the lkmwrat, is unable to see why a change is necessary.- Tho taxpayers are also aux- ious to kuow why it is thut they are com pelted to pay the interest on tho largo amount of the county indebtedness, while favorite collectors are allowed to havj the use of j41,000 00, without paying interest. . TiiEKu-klux law is aftor.riblo affliction to tho Democracy, just as'ccpital punish ment Is n hardship to a murderer. If a man does not ivant to be hanged, lie must not imbue his hands in tho blood of his neighbor. If the people of tho South do not want to bo brought within the rigor of the Ku-klux law, all they have to do is to behave vthoinseWc4; iu an orderly aud n. lovcl mnnncr. llonoofc nu4 pcavcablu pvo- ple, law-abiding cit izens, are never disturb ed by the rigors of a law against burglars, assassins, and ruffians. Thejaw is only a terror to evil doers. , n . m CiiAXoisn Scnooi. UoiiKS. A bill is now before tho Seuato which provides that no change in books iu tho public schools, shall ho tuado for tho'space of thive years, throughout the State. This is aivexcelltnt law and we hope it may be passed at once. Those who have never taken tho trouble to Inform themselves on tho subject, caii scarcely appreciate the hrmkhip growing out of tho Bchool book business,. Tho con st.iut changes made in books, the huokstcr- ing spcculatiutis associated with their in- troduetion. and the nettv schenles ofinter- 1 csted parties to secure the supply of J schools, have all ruu thou- lengths, and ; sliould now bo promptly stojipod, as a mut- j tcr of common justice and ' relief to tho j poor man, who frequently finds tho sys- , tein of free cducjiti iti to be a hardship, lor ; tho rasou oftli books lio it forced to pur- ' cluuo or have his childree ejected from ; the place ofcducntioti. " j ; - ' lir.iKAU-:w"s Fimi Dill. The Slote ' Journal ot Wednesday hist, says : j "We hove read with care the flbh bill of i Mr. Hucknlcw, entitled "An oJt or tho ' ,protctiiu of salmon, blaok bass, mid other j food GhhcM newly introduced or to bo In- trxluced Into the rivr-ra lH-lanare and Susjiu lunnu, nnJ their tribttuUs ; for the prot.ftion na of closes itiiiiiht unluwiul l , , , , . , ; hunt uj and I .ih u, und to prevtut the ,. ,. ,. ., . , . ? . . , 1 , . . " luiiuvmiiiiii ui umtivm mm uvui j hi reams, and far other gerumiue purposes," how on tho Ulr oftho Itolic. 1 1 i nut t us tluit lhi hill has txi ti pre jiii id with inueu care, uud that niot if not all tho coiiiiugutit.il' lUI.W to oi Im have Ix-eti in.-t Iu it. It pail tltqnnte without a divUlvit, uud will, uo doubt, u it ouht to do, uuvtuiih tiil favur .at IIm lniutU if the IJuum! of id pri'bculklivcs. Tut: tV.v 'I'liot i i.k.--U appear tluit uftvraU tiw niii ilouiuU of truiut tibiliatUiu, u'Miiprouilni, basis, uuipire und all the r..t - it .kk u If the whole uuitU'r of he cojI trml,!t v.iutoctid in silioke ; tluit the MlullrllU lll Mliiull cuuld iiot bo tilt tl. J by ll r any uf thuui, how u I.kIiI.Uo l.ii-ri-et Km. It will. out tl.nii. it wt-ui h thouli, wig by one, tliv iilut m! U ojm.dau4 at toil, Mithowl uuil aiuiiy bi Uii, i4 that tii liming Milium, mh , Uxit ft-cJui U Dm llatul. lit tliut of polty kihi mid otii.u.tij UHiu y, iil gu u4ly iblui.l4Uil), Uui ju.l, Iu Hi. u bu I vmloa, Alt a kim pl gU4lOW4i t-l IHuUl Uuti llilllfi St in nU. I'huititxr (iNtar l-Uk4v4( I'riMiU- Utalluir i ii:ln III l'utl4ol SJUlft Wlu4l, i44 Hm4 ll(, 4,f M IV. 'j Ul U liVlM (4k '." ii i ll il r t- uf iI.j J !t iU " "'H, in ! MIW l-. IIIKMIIill, ut Vl ,, 4, w tl.i JutUliill. l. lti4 il4 4U4.I.II 49 4.4 l K.Uu-1. ( U iU. Itf UUtaVjl litll, .i in. i. . ii.. - . i i.. ..... ItESTn.USIT. FOR REBELSu-i prpi) to swcompUBii. Tlio main features of the Ku-klux LIU are s fblfowar Tluf" sceotid section 'pro vides that if two or more persons within any Btateor Territory of tho United Statoi si mil conatiiro tcxrother to overthrow t'lo Government of the . United States, or to levy war against ttrt united Mtatca, or to onpoao bv foros tho authorltr Of tho Gov crnmcnt of the United States, or by force or intimidation hinder or delay tne execu tion of any lnw of tho United State, or by force to seize, tako or possos any'propcHjf 1 of tho United Slate contrary to the an thorlty thereof, or .by force,iniinddatiou or threat to prevent any person iroru accept-, intr or holdtrta any ofllc', of trust, or place of confidence under the United States,, or to iulure him iu Ins Dcrsou or nrnnurtv on account of his lawful discharge of the duties ot ins oflioe, or to iniuro nts person winie engaged in. tho lawful disclmrgo of tho duties or his office, or to tu.iure his property . so as to molest, hinder, intcrfcro with or impede Jiim in the diachnrgc ot tils otilctai duty, ory force, intimidation Or threat to deter nny party or witness in any court of tho United State from nttending such court, or from testifying iu nny matter pending in such court, fully nnd truthfully, or to injure nny such party or Witness in ins person or properly on accouui . oi ins having so attended or testillcd or by force, intimidation or threat to influence tho ver dict, presentment or indictment of indict ment of any juror or grand juror in any court of the 'United States, or to injure such juror in his person or property on ac count of any verdict presentment orindict tnent lawfully assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or shall conspire together or go iu disguise upon the public highway or the premises of auother for the purpose either fiiroctly or indirectly, or depriving nny per son of the equal protection of the laws, or Of equal privileges or immunities under the laws, or for tho purposo of preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of nny State from giving or securing to all persons within such State tbe equal pro tection" Of the lrtws, or shall conspire togeth er for the purposo of iu any manner imped ing hitideriug, r obstroottug xn .defeating t hit due course of iustiee in nnv State or Territory, with intent to deny to auy citi zen of tho United States tho duq aud equal protection of the laws, - shall, bo punished by a line of not IoSb than $500 nor more than $5,000, or by imprisonment, with or with out haid labor, as tho court, may deter mine, for a period of not les-j than six mouths nor more than six ycara, as the court may determine, or by both such line aud im prisonment as the; court shall determine. Tho third section enacts that in all cases where insurrection, domestic violence, un lawful combination or conspiriacy . in any State shall so obstruct or hiuder the execu tion of the laws thereof and. of the United States as to deprive any portiou of the peo plo of such States of any of Xho rights, privileges or immunities, or protection named iu the constitulinu aud secured by this act, and tho constituted authorities of such State shall either bo unablo to pro tect, or shall, lroiu any cause, -tail in or refuse protection of tho peoplo in- such rights, such facts shall be deemed a , denial by such State of tho equal, protection of the laws to which liicy aru entitle,:! unCer tho Constitution of tlioUnitcd States; and in all such cases, - or whenever any such insurrection, violcucc, unlawful combina tion or conspiracy filial! oppose tho laws of the L nitcu states, it snail be lawlul loriiio President, aud it shall be his duty, to take such measures, by the employment of the militia of the laud and naval forces of -the United States, or of either, or by olhor means, as he may deem necessary for the suppression of such insurrection, domestic violence or combiuatious: aud any person who shall be arrested under the provisions of this nud tho preceding section, bliall be delivered to the marshal ef-tliu proper dk--trier, to be dealt with according to law. Section four provides that sneli combina tions shall be deemed a rebellion ngainst the Government of tho United StuteB. It shall be lawful fur the President of the United Slates, when iu his judgiuout the public safety shall lvquiro it, to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, to the cud that rebellion may be overthrown. The fifth section provides that jurors shall lake an oath that . they are not parties to suchcoinbin;itioug.Suction six provide that damages may be recoverable by widows or others against persona neglecting to give iitlnrmaiiou ol intended outrages, ill lirst aud last sections are not material to under standing the merits of the bill. ,( - We t-KATtH that the brenker of llclfetis tein's I.ykcns Valley Colliery Is finished and ready to ship coal. That this work has leen done -bo expeditiously nnd well, is due we unileratcnd to tho vigor and zeal of Messrs. lieese, Shipp, IJoughnor & Co., and all with whom they had contracts,' as follows: Messrs Jlillmyer, Xngle & Co., of Lcwidburch, through the actis'o agency Of their pnrtner, Mr. Hiuiotright at Sun- burv. who furuished autfio timber; 51 r. J. Tv I.amie, who supplied tho hewed timber; imu'i eawr, tne builder; Mr. joim Miipp of shnmokin, who niudo the machinery; Mr. Jalx-r. Spark of l'ottsvllle, 'who cou trihutod tho boilers ; Messrs. ljiubensteiu of Miuersvillu and lioyd of Tamanua, who ruriiiblii'tl the screens: Meisrs. Hoover X Co., ho pushed ahead tho mnson work In all kinds or weather; Mr. Jokepn nyers. who .haM-il the work for the siding, o that Mr. King, the rout motor, coultl tlrivc the work to It completion in a kliort time. We are Informed that the material and work at thi breaker I plain but substan tial. It capacity ! 100,000 tons per an num, wlili h can be, easily increased. Thu nlopo is abtiut 100 yards in.length, and tlie gangwny ha b en d liven eiut and wut ii number of yards. The vein is now driven also, abov water level, and with n larjjo breast will afriird gnugwnj , and thu uiAu the collieiy i-Hiible of tho largest proilue tion. The two vein optiied are (tin l.ykeiik' 'sl!i r, and tho coal Im all Its well known nuulilie, but it i outewhut hardt-r, prutluit: lis axhes. adhere In the burning, and iitm the body of the coal without filling apart, until all U foitauiu I'd. 'I'lie ili-iuiind for thU coal In 1' itern linirkets, fnoiiil.i wo are told, to bu quite lart-'e, Kvni thu first year. Mititt, ltei'so & Co., have apiminti-d Meksrs. lliile. HulkWy Co.. of i'lillail. V pliii sii l of Itostoii, their k iln nriit for thu kuUi of tho 1.141I, w ho will bo ready a soon u tr uivportalioii Is rtiiine I, to fill llli. - t.iutV Jlflllllllf, U lut l'utoiu44) kbad mid lutrriiig dklierli- report ll4t limy are I HVliMllia io-l tut-in H4 k.uui4 I lul g tu4 bc4ii for wuty yiars. About m ihi'iMi4iiii hjir.ls bl'uil explodi d ul an ml relim ry, at t U vi-Uii l, Dl.lo, lew ilu) jo, iHesiiiiii( a, ton I Uio kho k lo tin. utility, lulllniK efg kliukeli Mt a ililili 4,1 Iwu lu,l, Hlul line tit Urn iuiiUoilUlUl Mlllilty wrr klo-iktd to I imv, its Jmnl llliililo.iiii.lloe"t Wukh- llltlill 1.4 Sill. I, II 1 k llil, l-U lliV It I ill ul MllUiiivul of Ilia dolt uillrs IIiij Uiwu m U t-Ouliy nu4 l n.'l iiid in 4 mt U.1 piouiiw a U 4lt.ikt,iiy u Urflivo 4!ll U. lil'lH'Ul tftm kll I or i i-f lis cm ai:l y H lill'J motinl oj iWj 4-m,,lii-ii ul' i it . ; i.l.. ilM'l lillH1lt fltll.i l ! Ul U U U I Wl., I.Jlt.l ..rv 1 l.a W4 4I. !, .tll, Svtilt, kj V4t-i OISASTROIJS. COKriAGRA.T10M. NKAoLeV A COlj rtAINO M1LL3 AND 8An FACTORY TOTALLT DKSTIIOTKD BY riRK loss 420,000 so msnnjACE. About two P.--M.", yesterday, our com munity wa eUrllcdby the cry of lire, and the blowing of the alarm whlsHus of all tho mills and fiietorie along the river. Has tening t-tho scene, we discovered that tlie largo ash factory and planing mills 'of Neagloy St Co.' were on firo, and that tho flames had made such a rapid progress, completely enveloping the buildings, rtarttrf render the riOrxi ot savins lueiu uy exertion W any kind, utterly uscles. The gre-wfts ftightful and progressed with such rapidity that ia one short Twiur tho mills were burn-' d-to the ground. Several small dwellings adjoining were also consumed. . . A host of bravo men, by almost supcrhu mau exertions,' saved tho dwellings of Mat-' tor aud llatuaker. Aeagley &-Oo. saved considerable manufactured lumber and aoruo Valuable machinery ; but we were in formed by a member of thu firm that their loss would exceed f iO,000, and no fnsurcmrf . They were sending out about $1,000 worth cf material moulhiy, and were sailing into a very healthy financial condition. 1 The fire originated in front of the boiler. The fireman was not at bis post at tho time. When first discovered by Mr. Coo. Ncaglcy, itfhad only made a little progress in a pile of sash in front of the engine houso. Iu au instant almost, however, the flames were uncontrollable. The tools of a num ber of the bauds were also destroyed. At one time the great lumber yard aud mills ofX. C. Frcck&Co. were in imminent dan ger, 'but tho coolness of the Greek Brothers n nd those under their control fought the flames successfully and saved their property All that work and effort could do was done by our citizens to save everything move able. The destruction of these mills at this time is a great loss to the community. At least thirty hands, with families, urc thrown out of employment. Tho firm were over run witn work and were getting to be a power among us. The fact Of having no insurance 011 tho property makes 1110 Joss the more lamentable to the owners. Mil Icrsbury Jlcyister. The' ArroitTiosxEKT Hii.l.'TIic legislature has at last agreed on an appor tionment bill.' llasingtho calculations on some past elections, it is said, to give the Republicans one majority in the Senate and six in the House. The following is the bill. EKXAT0K3. 'Philadelphia. 4 Chester and Delaware. 1 Montgomery. 1 llucks and Northampton. 1 Berks. ' 1 Lancaster. 1 Schuylkill. ,. 1 Lehigh nnd Carbon. 1 Luzerne, Slotiroo nnd Pike. 2 Jth'aili'ord, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming. 3 Columbia, Lycoming, Montour aud Sullivan. 1 Cameron, MeKean, Potter & Tioca. 1 Snyder, Perry, Northumberland aud Union. 1 Clinton, Cambria, Clearfield and Elk. 1 Cumberland and Franklin. 1 Adams and York. 1 Bedford, Fulton, Blair and Somerset. 1 Centre, Juniata, Miltlin & Hunting don. 1 Allegheny. Indiana and W'tstmorelaud. 1 Fayette aud Given. 1 Beaver, Butler and Washington. , Clarlou, Armstrong, Jefferson and Forest. 1 Lawrence, Metcer and Venango. 1 Crawford. 1 trio and V arren. 1 Y El'IS ESEKTATI VE3. Philadelphia.- 18 A damn. '''.'. 1 rranklin. Armstrong. Ik-aver, Butler and Washington. K J k'd Cord nnd Fultou. 4 Berks. Blair. 1 Bradford aud W.yoniiu. 2 Bucks. 2 Cambria. 1 Potter and McKean. 1 Carbon and Monroe. 5 Allegheny. f Pittsburgh. 2 Chester. -2 Centre. 1 Clearfield. 1 Clarion and Forest. 1 Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivau. 2 Columbia. 1 Crawford. . y Cumberland. 4 Dauphin uud Ferry. 3 Del:iwu.ru. 1 Fvie. Vt Flk, Cameron and Jetlli sou. 1 Fayette. , 4 Huntingdon. 1 ludiiuiu. 1 Juniata and Miflliu. 1 Iineii!stiir. 3 Lnwreuce. 1 Ibanou. 1 Ubigh. 2 Luzerue. 4 Montgomery. 2 Mercer. 1 Northampton. 2 Northumberland and Montour. 2 Pike autl Wayue. Schuylkill. Snyder and Uliiou. Susquehanna aud Wyoming. Ting 14. Vciun.'o. Wurreu. Wchtiuorclaud. I York. I tint-1 1. I Soiiierett. Sflt Mil TfcA t't-ITl'HM IV 1IIK I'miku M.ut;. ticiuiul t'uiirou, Com lllianioitur of AKrirullurv, ivoitit Uio fill turu U fust Uh-ouiIii a li-ntum of iuiitr tiiiiftin l lie rtmlieiu mill WiHi rn stuu-, utiil tluit In II-w yc:u , tiiiiuuU tc.i wi ll Ui urouiilu tlitiko tH'i-tiuii to iiM-ct llm UtMita iiniiiiiiliiiii. Atlvicv ntiivuil at lliu sii'tt ol tlii plant In tlio t'uiii'.l Males. 'I Im Ufwirtiiiviii Im. at-ut out varn.u lloim of did country, ovt r forty lliuu kuinl iiluuta, mnrly U uf wl.kli Iii4i livi.U, Ullll II 10 Ui ;ullui ul U ll'lV (ll.lllbullll j m til, hit Ii twiuu from Uio i!aul r-un-il iu .' ulli l .ii.,liiia. Tit luiiit-r In U.tli (lie I clih kinl N I ii) Ikill n yiotu tut nlually rtsuiuiinj Mroik umlur tliJ Uni.. if tlio 4'iii4iiir, ttliii li ai'i'--ir j'l.t mi 1 1 .1'l.t-tllo, auil, iIium li i siiii .ui.J out miit an ij'4iviit btU lit'iil, tar v " UK'iu tliau rir lii.iuriiiif tli4illluWtl. 1 I il-Id UillU ollirl Willi t4llv ni..u. kti4 rnty (ii iJin tlnir j-hu In til Iliillt'S, ' ' "Uoim iluu," ttu.l uilMlni frili iij In kuoi4, say (ii.tt llto .,i,iiu liiiit tiuii I, 44 Utur Ui olwirnil ii ui-M dcluUu' I'i44-4lr) l'llitllll. l',.l,l. ; (U4 It'll 4 lai.U j...,lul t 4i, t.i (if Mm II, tlm iu. 4i'4V Miur ir 4 o, u uiiiu, II. w ,411. I iwili.lt urn, li4 tl.w m llitlll II ,.i4 4- lw J-lUt.44 ilf ItttU I-im sail Hill U ka i4-44uu,i.. i'l144 tl4l 4ti lltf tU ll.Ulllt 44 tL.i iiw )tu4 1 i4 I'm iMii.si4t 44$ 44n1UU4 ( tWf4'tl4. j UlSJ ll ItWi Uu 1st It t'.lii, it. ,! Wm tltf r Wo hava heard receutty of several seVev? cases of spinal disease cured by Johnson's Anodyen Liniment; one case of a man lofty- Bve years o4V who had- not- dona day'a work for four years. Tho back should first bo Washed, theft rubbed with ft c on rsc towel. Apply tho J.iniment cold, nnd rub In wclLwltU. tho hand. y. fj News line reached us of ,ir so-called re ligious riot at Oduksar In which tho Jew of tho city were the objects of attack and nit in; n a ieti iiutr us nvtil X HIlIIHllltl 1 U had hopfid tlialtanduni Civilization, added to the teachings of Christianity, had by this lime destroyed even tho-ge'rmS of SucrTTQneensware, Wlllotr.Wre,-Oiifwe, ., o. uaroarism its tins, which wns oue 01 tne darkest stains upoir tlio live of our fore father, and we know from experience that the poor victims who-survive the savage vengeance of those . Black Sea' bigots will receive the warmest sympathy of tho cn- lirtKtilhpil wnrlil. i 7 nAItUAIM! HAUUAIKBitt Messiis. LESIIEU &. MILLER,' In Scott's Bulldiug on QUEEN STREET, NORTHUMBERLAND, PllNN'A, ' x ' art w ofhrlaf r,'- ' .-; M A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRY, GOODS, ComnrlntDir nil the Burins nl Bummer Stvlrs of Ladles' Dress Goods, White Goods Ac, Clot tin, Jnnmer? nr.d tiaiitlemens' Goods generally whlrh will all be sola at great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of all kluds and of every description. (aceuswnret tHansirare and ffU- lrr-Wote. BOOTS AND SII013S for Men, Woinrn and Children. FLOC'R AND FEED of all kinds, Is constantly kept on liaud. ..Tu?y will aluo purebusa GKAX Ol' ALL KINDH, at th hlyhcet market price, and, ,1. exchange ,L''i. ; poods for Gvaln i Tbo public are Invitod td call and examine our cxtennlve asi-ortinent of Goods before purelmsini; elscs Uere and l-a "01110 convinced Hint Goods can be bought lower tiiun lewhere at our establish ment. LESUER.V MILLEIL Norlh'd, April S9, 1871. . , hvnisu axu si n.iiijt MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MIS3 F.LIZABETH LAZARt.S, Ia Dcwarl's Uuildiui;, Market Sqaare, SUNBIKI-Y, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, con. blsthig of Millinery and Fuuoy Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. - , , Albo, CIIII.DREN'a HATS, for girls aud bojs. Flowers of the latent and handsomest ftylrs. Suhh Ribbons, plula and tiureil. Lnilie'ii Sui niers, Lace CoUrs, X.liien t'lilurs ad Cutis for Ladies and Children, Crochet collarf . Necktie's for Lndies and Gent's liitett ttvlcs. Hilk 8;ick Loop?, a superior article. Gloves including Kids, and Liidiua' Buckskin glovus. Hiimlkt'.rehicl'rf. All kinda tit Triiuniinp.".' Emtiroldcry I'attrrii. . llotiery for Ididica, Gent's and Children. Not, Piijuo and pi'iuo triinuilngi. TRIMMING CILKS, Chltrnons, Zephyrs aud Tarns, uud a general varW'ty of Notions.. Thankful for putt patronage, i-hti hopes that the nualitv of her goods w ill inerit a rontimmnec of the situie. El.IZAHLTH LAZARUS. April U9, 1871. j---- ; - - SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, now open nt HIS KATE BLACK'S STOKE, Market Bqunrn, BUNUURY, ronu'n., LADIKS' DRES3 QOIW A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, Ac. Gents' Collar, Neck -tics, Ilatf-hore, Handker chief uud Gloves. lVrfumei-y, ToilotSonps, Hair lJrushea.Combs, etc. An invitation Is extended to all to call and se cure bnrpiin. April tin, 18 il. ii or x ;r va7xto1:"x t"o t'MviJ- .M.VHWOY TOtVMIIl. I'll. - V .- To Widow llc ckcrt's ettatc, " Andrew Diltv's iicc, 111,1. S7 04 41 IV.' V.II5 SO 11 Vi 10 t!5 22t 00 " 'I'.: utow licit z s nccoiint. " Intcni't on above to April 1st, 1S71, ado. u.nituiau aci-ouiii. " Interest on i.bove to April 1, 1ST I , " llaunnli IJinpiuiau's uccouut, ain't April 1,171, Isaac Uiibb'b account, " Exoneration ol Wui. Hcckert from tat, " " Geo. Loiik, " " Ileinrv Kciuble, " " Hunry Eu-.-l, ' " McuJ. Uroksioiis, " " Abrum Douey, " " John Meiner, " " Kpliruim ( ourad, " " Cueob Rotharmel, " " Casper Tschopn, " Riley Weaver, " Collectiou and Audiliii); Keen, 7 f.5 W, .00 .iS 10 10 1 37 84 8 6S 1 M M CR. Dy bal. of Iaaae-Lcuksr'a uccou:t from ISliP, " Tax lo be -eolleetrd by August in lladmau, 1ST1, " Ta to l.e rallettcd by Jacob Wit- liier, 1S71, fl03 87 400 13 475 67 fl.OT-'i t7 Ity baluuce, IWU 01 We, th. undersigned AuOhors, J.i ccrtily thut 111. above is correct. JACOB GERMAN', ) VM. 11. IIOKUNKR, 5 Audllois. JAOMi GRIMM, Ajiril CM. Is7i.-Stt: NII.LIKCRV. Sl'ClNU bTVI.Ksir.VIS, UOXSKTS, H.OWLUS, I UAMKS, ETC. Viuuruiui; u4 UriJal iluts au4 B anU. StMl RlUIVtXH, Kkatiikh Tlowkr, I .ict mill Triuiuiiu of every vttricly. fall ilu of .MOl'RXISG YfclUS AM) fllAI'E. Nolious, a fail woriiiunl. l.tniUiucu't lilovcs, llainlkTcliUfs, MULlNtttY U Tlitt 81'Hl I VL tr. Ml UN I.. 4. it, M AHKCT WU'AUK, Sl'.N UUUV, 1'A. Apitl j lJl. A I ANIlOiUli UiiW UT, IHlW ltKtlt 4 r'H.-Ju.l i-ul.ll.lu l l v hi. I.HiU. 4-.il i i, , liii4 riiiiun. lliK W tint L ium- 1-tSit'M AMI lit ilK III lltALtll. in Ilu 1 4 d it I eai ul (iiii4i,nilj,4, n DiiiiiIiuI VVt.W- , llll'luill4l IMIuUmI iuMIS, lHi4iUt , SI i,ll au4 I'Ii)IimI lixr I 4. by, iui4nutiili It M.iirMtfu, tiu,, i.4 tu V.uil i4 4Uioi XuUdks kllb j UU W4 tltil JtiMtlnut Iw U ; iui ul Vuti4ijr 4 m l,,iu,, li-u.i(ln4, Ii.m4, sliUSiiiH, u4 all im4 ul ll.s tklii, it: It .tllly, tkutullll, tla.1. kttll. Itlu4t4t. ia K I l'uul',i u la taut 41.4 U4. t u4iu I n. . 4ll r, 44i4 f'U, Iu4ti4 W al U4mI- jM' W4 !4l 4ll4(44Ua. I i lit Lll4 ulltuf Ut Ibl 4lilil4i.U 1 It. .4, kl4il 4'tt..Utl4U, llvt vl )V4I 4 t jlU, lk lit. .I41u.lt. mm.)4, 4f ll l"4 I I4 lt4ll it.. 4 tv.i.lll.4 t-i.4 4 fc. ul 4ui .4 i.. simt-t., 4W4v,u, m4 tlv-lui, k Ikwm 4 kt.k t,i t.ii, kw I...IUI oImI b. vM.4titwt4 k. I m, . U iiImk I.ii i iii4 !..(..) , iii.ui4, .1,4 t'--i-. ( Sf i Ul L. IW.VI4 l4 lb. 4ll.4 W 'H luxlk, k4 f t.lf 4MI4 111 11.4 Lul ! m.4-4 tiMl, 14 I-U 4"-vl-l. t'lk. W l-.t. A44is,4, D iMtk), I 44. kKl, Vvk, t t I .ar'fra Stock t Better FaclIUlM ! Just openctf k large, Ann Add itibttantlil annorl- 1 . J fnenl 01 1 , 'SPRINO DRESS GOdbS. Domdftiicw Wlilto1 Godds, Fancj- L. UootJav 1 nnrmlrigg, vJlotns, UasHi meres, HonscktiHf gndds tn frtntk VMtflyl . A fine stock of jubstarttiij Ir; Ready-!lla4t4l Clothing for Men aud Boyi. . Each line full and completo. "i'rUtn to ult the llni4H4. Call ana ee our siock.i , 1. Alt kind of country prodaee taken tn ex clianga for goods. : r . 1 4 f f r MOORF. A DI88INGEU, Hsapt's Iran Building, Market Street, Banbury. April 83, 187JL Splendid Anorlueut CIENT'M FUnMRniKG tlOObS ''' : Atn!! ". y . ' MERCIliNt TAILORIXO not'33, , Third St., Onk Doon Bklott Market ' '. . St., SOjbvbt, PA., .' . : ' : HI. ZlECiLiER, Proprietor. Every variety of FRENCH A ENOLISn OAMrMERES, CLOTHS,. VFTING3,:Ac. of (be, finest trrades, trabraciug eory quality and styles that the New York and Philadelphia Markets afford, which will be made np to order by tho bjrst of Korkmeo, warranted to fit and rendor uutirs (Ktinfucliou. .-..!-. 1 . I MENS FURtSIIING'.dOODS, embraelug everything of Gentlemen's wear, all new and of the intent styles. A Inrze stock has Just been opened, to which th chizmis are in vited to call nnd examine. .,:' It in !.. L ZIEdLER, Third Street, one door below Market. Square. Sunbury, '.April 83, 1S7L ' ' . : iillim:ry goods uf.ki:k.ll,y. ' ,. . new styles of, BONNETS, HATS, ' FLOWERS, " ..! tidtr .'FRAMES, &o. Man rp Ins and Itrltlal - . I Hal and Bonnet. ! Full Hue of Mourniag Veils and Crape. MILLINERY- IS. THE- H'liQIALTY, 8uU Itibbons,' Ornaments, Feathers, C Lf s UaudkercbujfK, Ac, .it:. : EANCY GOODS ANW NOTIONS. MISJ M. L. GOS91.ER. Uoiith Fourth St., fnivw the R.iilioud, Surburv April lSYt. Notice to Creditors. "VTOTlfE U Jicrvby gtveito all pertous lndebt cd to thc'tilulcriilgned, on Nut or Hook ac count, to pay up 011 or before the 0rit day of May nest If they desire to save costs, ns after 1 Mint date the accounts will be left in tlie hands of a Junlec for speedy collection. DAVID TRY. Bnnbnry, April 22, 1E71.-21. Mechanics Drawing School. 11 persons wlshinj; tn. trKrt lessons lnMc-' ekitnioal Iritwlus, please apply at once to j the unuersijjneil. All necessary lunrumcnts ana material furnished grails. Terms 8 for tweuty lesions, of one hour for each Ti'itson; payable in variably In advance. No deduction made for time lost hy sellouts. K A. ALEXANDER. Puutury, April C2,lS71.-2t. riiiludclphin A ltcnli:ig IIW14 Koatl j Company. : O fiirt 2C7 South lourth Strut. .I ' : , ; ruiLADl-.U-uia, April 15, 1S71." A special tnetliugof the Stockholders of the . Philadelphia & Heading Railrcud C'oiupauy will 1 be held at oiTV.-c of tho fai.l t'oimiatiy. In the city of Philadelphia, on the, KiijtitU day of May.lSTl, j t o'clock, V; M-. when and where the Joiut : nt;tet.'iueiit entered Intby the Board of Manairers J of tilt) I'liii.idclptihi 'ft ktMt Railroad Com- ; pany, and tho ljard of Directors of the Northern I Liberties A Pcnn Township Railroad Company, lor tne consoiiiluliou 01 I lie laid l oinpamcs, nnd thu inciter of the Northeru .ibertica A Teuu Town-hip Railroad Company, into tho riiiladel phia A: Reading Railroad Company will be submitted-to the Stockholders, and a'vote bv ballot in person or by proy, taken for tho adoption of rejection of the same. ... Vi Wi-JONEtey Secretary. Ajirilj; ISTlW... v it 1 I . lMiilmiclphiH V ltHdlnieauTcoM(i lompnny, , , . OJjUc 227 SmIL l uurtk ,Urtt. . Vninji..ru, Aptll i5, JfiZl. A special nicelin of the Stockholder of thi Philadt lphlH it Heading Kttiti-oad C'oiupauy w ill be held at Ihu olUt-e of said Company, in tlie cliv of l'I'ilitilclphia. on the Eighth day of May, W71, at 1'4 o'oliK-k, M., when' aud whei-o the joint iiKreemsnt entered Into by the Board. of Vatia-i ircis of the rhiliidelphht ft Readlm; Kailrnad Company und the Hoard of Directors of tlie Lo4.j. nun A Trcinont Railroad Company, fur thu cou. solidation of, tlie sitid t ulupa'-ii-s, uud Ihe merger of the l.vba 11.111 & Trrmout li.ilruad Coiupuuy Into tho I'hilitdc-lpltlu it lU-ilintr Ruiltioud Com pany, will be submitted to the said rttovkholdf rs and a vote by ballot in person or proxy, takeu for the adoption or flection of I ho sani. J. V. JIINIM, Sccrctarv. Ap-ll W.'im.t-. FOR 8 A LET"" I7'IGlIT acres of Improved land In Ilia best .4 aet-tiuii of boutbvrn Michigan, within five miles or the town :&nCOAL COAL!! COAL!!! si-ph county, tl rotation, K'xhI hnilOiiit-s. uutt ltn. l.trre or chard, toll, rich saudy loaiu, Ihmih-4 ami churfii within fciL-'lit lltln Indisputable, en acres ure la wheal, Ilia remainder iu eloter i,( A sun of horso., turtle, bo-s, umln and furnitu uleustls, tic, will bu sold witli lUw prowriy. Price 70 wr acre, U.Ouo in (uili, thu bulaiit lu tims pttvini nl of vk). Apply lit . YM. A. MAShtlt, Thiou Uivars, Mih. or, II. B. MAHHER, Kuubury, Pa. Haubury, Murth 11, Atliuiuiktrsitor'is NntVt-v. i t'uK n Altultm Wurif, il,.,. "VTOTIt E Is htroliy fc-lven, that Utt.-is of Ad i. uiiuiiwtiuu li4iiiu beeu giUiiU4 l the uudt'iaijjii4 tu the r'tltl. ul Alwul.i Ware, lain i( Hit. t.iiuit boiou.h, NiiiiuuiuIm rUud euuiity, 1'4., dattawd. AU pauuii Uidt-Uetl It) S4id kt4l i rt.iitlud lo Ui.ks luiiui-dUIr 1-4 luKUl autl IhuM hjvu.n eUiius to prtwiiil llut4 duly auliikuiwitlttl lor .uliictii.ni, tlAI Mil K. A4lllUl4l4-l4 4. lit. CkiMit-l Uui iukb, A pi it kilt is!, W h" ujk'4 Uj u..r new bu.) ! uiukv ftuiu j l l 10 J-H 4 I) IU III-l 0 Il4')lllt. tulll'41- HiuUis - lid nlim ti"U s-t-l III. Iv iiv'': I Ill 4f ruuntul, JtioilUbl wulk, kbuulj sddUk kl uu-'c- lifctiUtifc HINSUi Jl (41., 1'iiHiuud, l4Ulii. Apill It,, il.-ll.u. . Doots and Shoes 1 ItUV MNOIMIU, 1 Ui 4 4imI, .Uit U4kl Miwt, iaubuiy, P4 , is ii44i 4m k4kkUk44i. iiiittm A N I allot-;) f H Jl.tlll .Ult Kl Ul lIllKlb-l butlt. 411 bis t-4 k It .1 IU. n U'l. t.l- Il U 4f44. b(. lu ike Uit.4 ir s4)iu el iu kvu. -.u.t,. tviiu. il. IxL i4 kt-v . Ul.l 4 kt'V . ui.l,; ui.1 I'.k"1!- Ik 14.4 l . i4ii w4 i.u; lUe tkOtK s. it, .14.4 lue kU I k4u.k kk4 ik4.ki.,v 1 . 1... ... . . . ,-.. - ..-.tete ltu Mvi.ik Ak. . Ai ui in ' - - - 1 lUr ! 4 Mtlt. A tlW WlluMrMlMtlil fti.t't.lut mu k. t'4 4 4, it -ij:4 W ,l"" W criu;rj-;-ri (,l TTH K--,IJTJii VTlf AS rr r frfftH 1 :oirf :f ' rr ?9'i 7 . - 1.1 I. i 1. 1 pi r...- . ' 1 J. 1 , THE MAMMOTH STORX, '.'it -1 ii 1 1 i'i , .x lias just received sad opened : ' " ! :j .: ; - ' 1 . A MA.MMOTU STOCK OF rOOtS, which k ha C a .- SELECTED WITH GREAT CAR A and offers to lb Publla at th very LOWEST CASH PRICES. lluvtng (stablkthed afaputatlou for low prlcm aud .IFAIR 3D E -A. Ij 1 1ST O- to all, will endeavor to maintain that poaition. w . . , , . ,.- ; Lv.nl. v r. it ALu it LA.aiui.M 1111. 4 it LARGEST STOCK, BK3T ASSORTMENT & LOWEST PRICES IN THE COUNTRY. '..Thankful' for the larce amount of utronare, heretofore bestowed upon ine, I will eudeutcr by fai'iiisuiii the best good, at the lowest pnees to merit a couliniinuce of the snino. , II V. I'RIUNG. . April 15, l?7t. Wif. Ml'hfUT. 1. RI.ATMAKIU. WX. U. BI.AO'J. MURRAY & CO., t . -i licit Vile flralr in MACHINEflY AND BURNING OILS, Otflee and School fctatloncry, rrlntiuR, Wrappiuic aud .MaulIlM PAPERS, rrintors' Cards, laH;r Bags, &e., kc. Tht Culcbratftl Corrj', Kcroscue liurnini; Oil . always on band. Having also opened 14 COAL YAlvD o are uow prepared to supply the rlllron. of ktuiiliury and viciuHy wlih I be very b-l quality of Coul, carefully prepared for family um-, hi reiikomible prle... farmer and all otheit will Uud 11 to their udvaut.,k-o :i i;irc us a call. Will, STOVI', cm-rrxi:T nail ro, Ale on bal. Order Itifl kl our yllet iu Room No. 2, CLEMKNT HOUSE J1LOCK, U ill be piuuipily utituticU 40, Htsutl tlttrU klrrvt, fcuNtittri, I'm. ' Ml HItAV A (.O. AMtMstM. l Ij. 1 . Mist. II. III. tH. li.AIN' M OltN'AM KM' A I. AlS J I U, t llrrstslatt, !rll'd ( 44tui, 14. HOI kr', iku eui tiriiaiiiiumi I'uO -Him, Ui4ii(u .u4 Paper b4Hijiii( di.tw in Um j Uwl kui'4Ulik luuuuer, uud .1 44.U !.. I.. I i I.U4K. t'ldtl, Oikll.4 kuJ tlultill ) k.l IU J.4 ( Ainl IV , - Su UH IUV-t l U.ui:n4 14 US, o4t,l !-. HI lit lil-MI ui. l,iM I !.( III. J li, 1-1 kail ... 11 lu I 1,41,1111 . 1. I. h m I ill kl U.ikV. Ul. Il I lf,4. . -4 k4.U4ll2 "Vl.l-I lllllHU, Ui .l.. y4,444 luu,l.ii , S -iii.kik.t- i.-u4 iwiuiy, .... a w.k... .um4 a.i.. . j li- u,4 . i 1 i-e a. .4 Il 44 Ik. luilU. iUal 1, 1 1 1.. i . i 1. 1 le t ic .Mile. Ut4 !4l.u tep , Ak.u P. ti - .. UUi4Kkk4t if W.4 I-.J44' 44-4 (t-TUf, K4 ..!. I 4v4 -"t .Ij-l kl Ik l. l...4 li k Il l ll.lll -U I JtHK I tlit eti kl4, 4J4.kl tl4l TfKtK.IBra1 Tn A,-oifi!Tao-r'i.,,rf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers