Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 15, 1871, Image 1

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EM'L W1LVEHT, Proprietor,
MASstn's nrruuitoft, maiirkt sutMnit,
At 81.50 In Advance.
. II not pttlrt within 6 month $2.
Stibttriptiont taken for ImI titan rix Month.
Co-snrrnn with till estnhllshmvnt Is on cxtcn
.flwNKW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of
.rbiln nnd fancy type squill In nny establishment
in the Interior of the State, for nliichtbcpntron
IUC of the public Is respectfully solicited. .
Sll. HOl'EBfc Attorney nt Lnw. Nos.
S nnd 8, Second Floor Bright' Building,
Bnnbnty, 1. Professlonnl business Attended
to in theconrts of Northumberland nnd adjoining
courties. Claims nromptly collected. Consulta
tion con be hnd In the German language.
March 25th, 1871. lj.
JKRENIA1I NXYDF.R, Attorney nt
bw, Butibury, I'a. All professional busl
. ncss Intrusted to his enre will receive prompt at
tention In this nnd adjoining counties. Can bo
tnnsttltcd both In English and German. Also,
DituVt Attorney ef Northumberland-county.
No. 14 Fourth Avbnvb,
(fotary Public, Pittsburg. r.
Jan. 15, 1S70. ly, '
T. CJ. NARKLE A ;0, Market Street,
i dialers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints,- Oils,
Tllass, Varnishes, Liquors, .Tobacco, Cigars,
pocket Books, Dairies, &c, L
?S " t7wOI.YERTOX, Attorney at Ijiw.
Market Square, SUNBVRY.PA. l'nofcsslon
nl business in this aud adjoining couutles prompt
ly attended to. '
DIC. A. K. NAVIIMJJB, respenjtfully an
nonnces himself ns Physician, and Sur;con
to fno citizens of Hiuibiiry nnd vlclnlly, haviug lo
siitcd himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opiosite the Fnlrmount Hotel, where he can
be consulted nt all hours when not professionally
engagsd. . apl34-ly
si n zi KGI.KR. AttorncT nt Law. north
Xm side of Public Sons re, one door east of
the old Bank building, SUNBVUY, PA. Collec
tions and nil professional huslhvas nroinptlx at
tended to in the courts of Nortkuanbcrtandf and
adjoining counties. eptl5-0U
CA. RF.IHF.XMYDER, Attorney at
Ijiw, St'XUl'RY, PA..-vll business en
trusted to hin cars ali-vnuvd to piojnptly and with
diligence. upliiT-O
ISO. KAY OI.EMEXT. Attorney at bnwt
tj SUNBURY, PA. I'ollpttions and all pro
fessional business ri'oniptly uttended to,. mchjl-bo
o. I. nittNrin. I" H. KAS8.
BIll'TVEK A ISASE. Attornrvs ad Cvai
sollors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. OUlce on
hi'stnut st rc-t, west of tho N..C. and P. & E.
Railroad Depot, In the building lutely occupied
by F. Luzarus, Esq. Collections nnd all profess
ions! business promptly attended to in Northum
berland und adjoining counties. a pll(MIU
It. MAMEK, Attorney nt Law, SUN-
BUKY, PA.-t'olleetlons nttvriucl to In
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and l.ycoiniiur. upl 10-09
OCftEl'EM.KK A ItOIIHrn It'll,
Attornevs at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of-
tiee in Haupt's new buildlug, second floor, hn
tranee ou Market Square. Jan4-tW
VALENTINE 1HETZ, Whokvnlo and
. Retail denier in every variety of
All kinds nf Grain taken in exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited tirr! MM promptly. febl-71.
ltKTAn. rEAt.KK8 or
Orricc with Haas, Fahbi.y & Co.,
Orders left at SeashoUx A Bro's., office Market
Street, will receive prompt attention. Country
custom respectfully solicited.
Feb. 4, 1S71. tf.
WE are. selling Rims, Spikes, Hubs. Springs,
Canvass, Bolts, Cllpi., Ar'es. c., very
Large Stock nt CO.NiS. Y K CO.
Siiubui v, MareU SO, lHtM).
thinners and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Sole Agents, westward, nt the celebrated.
Henry Clay Coal. JaultMKi
J. Jr. UAUTirOLOMEW, ri:oi'uiKTOK.
Siiiibury I'm.
rUIHE bct of riding und driving horses ulwuys
I on hand to serve customers.
Orders left nt the Central Hotel, for Tchklcs.
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. 5. 1S70.
J,i Smpt)on't Jluililiiiy, Murkit tiyuurt,
SiNr.fKV, Pa.,
JP'-rparcd to do nil kinds of work pertaining
to Dentistry. He keeps eon.tantly on tutud
it lurgu assort uuut of Teeth, and other DeijUl
material, from which he will be ubla to solect,
iiid meet the wants of his customers.
All work warranted to ;ive satisfaction, or ele
lh money refundi'd.
The very Imsl Mouth Wash andTootk-Powder
ki K oil h ind.
His relVivuce are tho numerous patrons for
whom he his worked firtlilal twelve yours,
bunbiiry, April !M, 1S0H.
undersigned having funnertyd the Coal
.bushiest Willi his extensive r Lot. K .V l.KAl.-M
tr.iib-, Is prepared to supply f.iiulliL-ti with (he
ciiEAi ron CASH.
Kug, Store and Nut, cniislautly ou hand, tirulu
lukvu liiieliuire fort'ual.
Smitiiiny, Jan. 15, 1670. if.
J4 ON Ulllf M AM. tllOMI-wm UHMU.
l lrv, M(V aud Afrldrnt
COMl'ANI KbUrpiS Fh t N T V- (I.
N. Aiiierleau, I'hIUd.-lpl.U, AU, I.J.t V-l
Cuii-ipilx-, " " fti.iu
l iuli.iil.iu, Nu ToiW, " l,lM,oul
S. Am. rlr.m " "
l.miliui.1, " " I ,. I
t oi.ku. 4 N, Yuik " " u.l'Hi
, I. ..,.,.!, " " tso.owl
w..iil.). l .in.lwii. M .isi,iiu4
I ..c.ulug, klUIKV, " .4U.ll
i..,,t:i.' PliM..d I1I.U. "
II ,,l,...,'.J, " ,. l
I',,..,,!..' M l.liH,olU
-,. f u. t .... V... " fcw.lial
1 f. Vmk. " KtU I'M
:. Mi- u, .'.o( u, ' ,'
s. ..auu4 U-"l I If.', u 1,Ai,-i At fA k IU Ul nMlm1rl..p,
M.o4 4 l'i.tut,vi k 4
!.Miel s'
,lll. JH.'MW'I "1 l.'Ul'
I.V.I. U A I"-
T2ntn1ltiHcd In lHlO. (
ritlCE fil 50 IN ADVANCE. )
Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Trcvorton,
Norlhnmberland county, Pa. The table Is snpj
plied with the best tho market airords. Good
stabling nnd attentive ostlers. Jnn.21,'71
HOOVER IIOI'NE, Third Street, at the
depot, 8UNBV81f.PA'i Vm- Rri!,,b Tro
prletor. Wium m'jlft-cnM ftp nt all hours.
Fish, Fowla nnd Gnmo.i .koeiJi Oysters con
stnnlly on hnnd and served in every style. Tho
best of wines nnd liquors nt the Bar.
t-?Fnmlllc will bo supplied with oysters
done up lu any style, by leaving orders at tho
Bar. ' tNoT.S,'70-ly.
CHARLES ITZEI., pRormnTon. ' '
Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot.
HAS open n Restaurant nnd Entlng Honso,
for the nccominodntlon oftho public.
Wnnn menlt can be hnd all hours. Allktndeof
game, Hsh, c, servoAmot short notice. His
btti lmupplied withthebestliqrtorln market. SO
palm sjmrcd to please, und terms moderate.
Sunbury, September, 4th 186U. ly.
JOSEPn BACH-KUlnformsthe eltlwns of Snn
bnry nnd tluo public generally, that lie bus
opened, a LAGIjR BEER SALOON ntthe nlwve
place. Tlio-bjjst of Lnger Beer, and Malt Liquors
will be. kept. Also Oysters, &c, coustantly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
Cuujity, Paj at the Station of the N. C. R. W.
Choice wines nnd cigars nt tho bar.
The table Is supjuUxl wit h thu bcst.tlio market
aJlords. Good etabliilg and attentive ostlers.
A '
XJL Kl-EL'KNER, Pioprletor, Nos. bid nnd S14
Market Street, above eighth, PlULADr.Ll III A.
Terms, ti per day. He resictrully solicits jour
Proprietor, .Comer of Market Second
0ioalle tle Court
House, Sunbury,
THOMAS A. IIALlj, Proprietor,
Sunbury St., west SIIAXlOK;iN, VENN.' A.
Meals served at all hours, ut short notice. Tho
best of Liquors at the Bar; The Table U sup
plied with the best nud latest in tU,6 markets. At
tentive servants, Terms moderate. Patrunago
LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St.. SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the public, in now prepared to
serve '.lis frkends with the best, nn
tresu Luger Deer, Ale, rorter, anu 1111 oincr man
XJ E. B. BURNIIAM, Proprietor, Corner Ljieka-
wanna and Franklin Avenues, Seranton, l"n., o(v.
posite Delaware, ljickawanna n estcrn Iiepot.
Free curriages to couvey nesU to nnd from
Depot. Mar. 3Uj "u.-ry.
j! va leu s
A'o.730, 722, 724 Si 727 Vint tit.,
Centrnllv located, connecting with ull tho City
Passenger Railwav Cars, from ull the
DeftoU in thu City.
Excellent AccoHiTiiotlatlout Tor Tr
vt'llcrM. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts cvsry
evening In the Summer aud
Winter Garden.
Oixhestrion Connrt Eriry.AJ(crnnon.Jlfr
OBlce of J. Vuler's Fountain Pnrk Brewery.
June 4, 1870.-ly.
1 . . . 1 -
Second Street,- opposite th3 Court House, SUN
Reseet fully Invites the attention of Retailers
ami otkur, t-hat He has 011 baud, uud will con
stantly kwii all kinds of
Consisting of 1' Brandies: Coguiuc, Cherry,
Ginger, Kockelle and Otard.
V.'liitkiesi Pure Rye (.kvpiH-MlUtUlti, Sionn
guiiela, Apple aud Nectar.
Wlneo: Cliainjiagne Wine, Sherry, Port and
Claret. .
Crab Cider, CUirfupntfiu) t'lder, N. E. Rnin,
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
Aud all others Liquors hlch can be found In
the city markets, which will n sum ut noic
sale und R Hi(l. Kvoiy article, gunrantewl ns
represenl.Nl. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
und BOTTLES, ulwavs oil luiud.
S-tf Orders promptly at t elided o, and public
paltvuaue rcsiKcllully nuumieu
Sunbury, July 3, 1SI10. ly.
J. II. Coulcj , A Co,
T T AS received a new nssortiueui of nil kinds of
A 1 Hardware, Cuilcry, MevliaiihV Tools, r.,
of all desu-liciiuu. Also Wuirou Maker's Male-
rials, JluU, Kims, BHkes. Aiwi, an kmus 01
leather for Sluieiuuker's and Saddler's. Every-
tiiiin.' lu the llusuaru lineiau- be luuud whW-h
will le sold as lot' eau Ihj oougin 01 nuy oiuyr
MlublUUuutfl '.a U't emuiry. t U tteir
stock. "
Suubury, Dec. It, hgJ.
milE iindenkiciiMl Uvlim ereeted shop e
L Third street, ueurly iii.mi.lle the Central
Ihjtul, Is iJt'iirul to iitiiniilucture all klud of
BOOlsi AND blUJKtt III Ilia lalrt style. Ill
lot k Is of the verv bust uunlUy In tl Htarkel
llwvtntf ht the lurueM isiitkm uf bU nuuly lumls
slot k by Iks luM Mis, u ill kcronfUMT WNiIUm
bliUMUi seluleiy 1.1 uiauuiurturiHii.
Tli iHiblU) are luvitnl Ut rail suit eamlus kl
mlmk. muu ekUiud lUutr i-ul rtuiauu.
Terms rutMMuiUlit. K. isiUlua done as snun
,al-. ROSY DltoFrMICK.
kuubury, June II, 1TU,
lstllf llMMrl mm lll
Ft'UH.stW-S VlUl.l (luuliS, bBSMiiU-f,
ka just imxit r,ui4 at
Usikit Mrtwt, Mis iuui m4 ut t)4bii't
HttuU4l) Muss,
sl'NIllV, I'A.
1 k Utwl dib-s ut IH.M T'twiubitfs, flriuk
sad AuMilta tlunxi, l.s, UH'Imm, swb
tuHw, I I ulUls, I MS, 4ull)t Ul".,
uJ Ul hiU4 ul ilf snuU y
a Mwax-lksi sUs I Is Mliilu4 j IttslaoM, bs
mhiu um lb
itMh-v makimi ami nrriNu,
n n isti uc r.ui uiM
l.f ,MI41ult.
tkt Lilu, ut ul.n 4 tklxHI Sis M-
dUM lutit.4 t ,11 sul t4.U Wl l ui.4.4
,4 S
Physician of this celebrated Institution, ims
discovered the mmt certain, speedy, pleasant nnd
effectual remcdv In the world fur all
Wcnkness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures,
A (lections of Kidneys nnd Blndder,, Involun
tary ' Discharges, linpotency, General Ih'blll-
tv, Nervousness, Dysiicpty, Languor, Low
Spirits, Collision of Ideas, r. Palpitation of
the Heart, Thnldlty, Treiiibllngs, ..Dimness
01 Clglll or lllluillciH., jMsrupu. ,i 111a iiimu,
Throiit, Noso or Skin, AtrectlonsofLlvsr. Limits,
Stomach or Bowels' these terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
victims than the song nt Syrens to the Mariners
of Ulesses, blighting their iuoit brilliant hopes
of 'Anticipations, rendering marriage, e-c., 1114.0a.
csjcrlnlly, who have la'come the Vlnriina pt
tary Vice, that dreadful and rioiiruetlvo li.ililt
which annually swii-ps t, nn- untiirn y grave
thousunds cC X.""")t ulcn f n'O" exaltid
talents and Timlhiiil intellect, who niliht other
wise ha entranced listening Senates' with the
Lfeuncs of eloquence or waked to ecstaey tho
living lvc, 'may-isall with fHB-oontldence.
Married Persons or Yonng Men contctti4iitlng
marriage, uwurc of Physical Weakuiws, (Ijohm
of Procreatlve Power linpotencp, Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Oigunic Weakness, Nur
vous Debility, or uny other Disqualitientlon,
speedily relieved.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. J.
nuiy religiously con tide In his honor ns a gentle
man, and coulideiitly rely unon his skill as u Pb v
In;pptcncy, Iws of Po.tvuB, imiuedlately Cured,
and full Vigor Roetored.'
This Dlstri'sslng AlTectlon which renders Life
miserable and marriage ImjioBslble Is the inalty
paid by the victims of Improper Indulgences.
Young lHTsonsure too apt to -oiiini', (viieesses
from noCbelngnware of the dreadful ci'jhseipuices
that may ensue. Now, who that understands
thu subject will pretend to deny that the jmwer
of procreatlou is lost sooner by those falling into
Improper lmhit than by the prudent I Besides
being deprived hu pUaSuresof hejiKliy olfspriug,.
the most serious und destructive symptoms to both
body und mind arise! The system becomes de
ranged, tha Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous
Irritability, -Otvpenstu, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility,' n Wasting
of te Vruiuo, Cough, Cyiwuniption,. Decay and
Death. ,
Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous und Injurious compounds,
should apply immediately.
Member of the Royal College of Surgaons, I.011-
don, Graduated from one of tho most ciiiineiitj
College lu the Wuileit Mates, ami ine greater
part of wVvV9 Ifo luis liecn spent In the hospitals
of Lomion, l'r'is, Philadelphia und elsewhere,
has elliivled simie of the most astoiiishiug rurvs
that Wera ever known 1 many troubled with ring
ing In tho head nnd ears when nsleep, great
nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds,
fciiHhfuluess, with frei.-nt blushing, attended
sometimes wlthderaogoineutof mind, were cured
Dr. J. addresses nil those who have Injured
themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary
habits, which ruin both body und iiiintU nnUttiug
them for cither business, study, society or mar
riage. nre some of the snd and melancholy
effects produced by early habits tf joh, vl:
Weakness of tlit IMck und Limbs, Puiiis'lii the
Back and Head, Dlnluess of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy,
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of umcsllve
Functions, ueiicl Ueuiuty, tyuipioins 01 con
sumption, iVc.
MbstaiT The fearful elleets on the mind
arc iitucli to tic drwded Loss' of Slemory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, hvll
Forcbodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, are some ef thu
evils produced.
Tnoi'S AMis of jiersons of ull age can now
Judirc what Is the cugjieof Vber'dijiiuhi; health,
loslug llieir vigor, nccniaiug, wcjik, jnue, nervous
and emaciated, having a singular appearance
nliout tliu eyes, cough uud symptoms of consump
Who huvc Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged ill w lieu alone, a tyibil frequently
learned from evil eomjuiiiioiis,' or at school, thu
ctl'ects of wl,li-U arc, nightly fell, even wheu
asleep, und If noj curt:d, renders marriage Impos
sible, ami destroys uoui uiiuu una uouy, buoiiia
apply liimiediately. ,
What u pity Unit a young man, tho hope of his
country,, liju darling of his jmrents. should be
snatched from' tjll prospects nnd enjoyment of
lite, I.)' tlie eonseitieuce 01 Ucviuting irom me
luith of nature uud ludulglng In a i-eiluhi secret
habit. Such tersons mi st, U-fore contemplating
reflect that a sound mind uud body are the most
necessary requisite to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the journey trough
life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect
hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes
shadowed with drsiwlr and tilled with themelan-
t:uiy relleellon, that thu bsppluess of uiiolhur
bucuiues bllglited with ourowii.
When Ihs mli:uidcd and imprudent votary of
pleasure llmln I lit liu Iuim Unbilled the seed of
till painful disease, it too often happen that uu
lll-lliuvd seuse of shame, or dread of discovery,
deter hint from applying to IIiom) wins from
education nud respectability, cull alone befriend
him, delaying till the eoiistilutiuiuil yuitoiiM ul
this horriil dlseuse make their upearaiiee, suck
u uUi-ruled sore throul, diseustid nose, iioeliirul
pains lu the head sad limbs, dinuics of sight,
ikufue, node un thu shin hones and amis,
Molt-ho on tlie luuu, fmn ami exireuiuirs, pro
gressliig wltt fright ful rupidiiy, till at hut the
palate of (he lumilli or thu bout of the uuse full
In, and the vU-llni of Ibis awful diM-tiM) iK-conie
a horrid ol.Jeel of commiseration, till death put
a period to hi dreadful sullerliig,' by sending
him lo Unit Uiidleoere4Counlr) from w hence
110 traveller returns."
It Is u iiichuicltoly fact that thousands DIE
victims o till terrible dlsenw, throuuli fulling
Into, the hand of Ignorant iff UttckUlful PRE
I'ENtlERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol.
tare, Mureurr, A-e., di-.lroy lite rotiklltuttoti, aud
is'hf-lblu of curing, keep lb unhappy suuYrer
mouth, ftcr month Uplnf thelf oxUi or In
Furious toiiiound, uuJ luvtead of In-lng restored
to a renewal of Lite Vtaor and lUppiuc, lu do.
imlr leave hliu with n:ax4 Hvattk in stli over
Ids Kaliiuil disupiioiiauiwtt.'i'V .,
To such, llkurelurit, Dr. Jt.u. imm plodgi Lim.
sell lo preserve tha most luviulable buereev, aad
In 114 hi vilenslve praelles ami ubxtrvalluus m
tha Krral Huspllal uf fcuruoe, ami lb ltr,t In
Ibis rouulry, visi F.nKluud, rruuee, 1'bllitiMpltU
aud rlsehurv, U euubUMl la olk r Ike hmm4
lain, 4edy and sIlKt'tual reuiuly tu the WW Id
lor till UUeaMi i.l luipruiteiM'tt.
, DR. JOIINfelO.V,
mcr NO. T, M. fKtDk.HU K liTKJCKT,
Uai tihohs, M. Ik
Left bund slilii g.iliig from llulUiuurstm4. lk
dur from I h tui uv(, rU M lu uuwiv iwius
aud mi 111 U. ,
t?"Kti U.U' rwclifwl hmUim iu4akl aud
emiWlubijf MaiMU lu b MmhI um IImi ft ply, !'
Ni 1111111 ,1110114 UM g, su4 Mt4 4 pKftsm
ut idtlillauutvul ikwflbtuif ,)M plMU.
'J'tur at mi ttMuy I'allrr, IWnulug sh4
U u11.Um uipuk4it 4MUiug llH.uuie a
Pk)ULtiu, tuUlun ttilkaad luibbitf l lHk
uf ull bi MHluiiuuuit'y url WW Vkr i,i,
I U't l. J.IUUttuN 04KU1 14 Hi. . ! il -
u Ull tu IUum uua'iaAlul4 " bU lU.
iww imtl Bui 1 leaoullMl
W Un-loiM alaer.
batl I u uik..
KkiMittafcuicMT or l iu ritriMi.
1 km wMy ikuMMoO mi 4 t Ills fc44Ulufe.
HUt, ft IUf HI, M4 Ik kttWll.MM tut
lUl4 tlUl t'llkM )4IHKW.4 bf It.
)i4,iw4uU 4i..4 b k lt.Htti!lla ul Iks
tlU u4 kMM UllkW Wpl, S.4UM 4 kUl
-miv4 so u4 m Ulut tk atilky,
Ui4 lii Uu4i, , s -"l ul tba.4t4
u4 l.'laMMtUIIll), I tuUktuut nltv III
lk 1.1,4
sain I.l r ! II-VKDIIV 1 1 MID
lkti.i i. ti( I
, .ii a- . --i -The
wilder tlaio is xtst nud gonr,i , ' '
'. The time, fncnt dcntli, -..I
' And fhc enilcful earth ls,u,uict . . .
With the'somn wind's acinic hventh '
I In the hnlf shnded Woods, nnd oil ,
Tbo sunny bnnksfignin -.
The primrose buds nre n1rcnl!ig '
To the solt call of tho rnln) .
'.' And 'mid the rale palnvwilloW hloont .
' The bees' continuous hum,.
And tlie tlimsh's sung from the copse,
Sert tinit the Sprlnj; has Come.
Beautiful Spring I beneath licr smile, :
The sir grfiws warm and briuht,
And rivulets through cowslip-lields .
Run laughing to the light t ,
' In shndy meadows, day by dny, ,,
The delicate cnckoo-tlowers
. Ol"'n their silvery cup to catch
The mild descending showers 1
And deep within the budding hedge
His nest the goldfinch weaves,
Where the honeysuckle's winding sprays
Are set with tender leaves.
By cottage-doors Uie. butterfly,
The earliest of spring,
Above the golden crocus-beds ;
Ptayeth his trembling wing j
And by old ponds the daffodil .
Is bowing to the brcexc,
That stirs in grassy lanes the bough
Of clustering linrel trees (
And on thu lonely mountain-side.
By wood-paths mossed and gray, '
And' far up on the pasture-slopes,
Glcamelb the daisy's ray.
And uoy( U) tcadens spreadinjj far
Round antiquated halls, .
With broad clear moats reflecting back .
Smooth turf and terraced wolls,
The dark yews wear n fresher green,
And sueet ut early dawn
. The scent of hynciulhs Uout forth
O'er walk and dewy lawn
And cool winds, that nt even-time
Down the long alleys pass,
Lay tha blossoms of the almond-tree
In crowds upon thu grass.
Bright, blessed Spring! thy coming bid
A thousund thought arise',
Heautilul us the pearly light
Of thine own changing skies.
We pluck thy wild up-gftineiiig flowers.
And wander by thy streams,
And thy sunshine brings to us again
The joy of vanished dreams ;
For down the vista of patt years
Faint harp-like echoes ring,
Borne to our hearts upon thy brcntU,
0 luvtd eud lovely Spring!
Phil Urndley was a puppy nud a cox
comb. The time ling, enmo when I con 11' 1 9
it. thougli six )enrs ngo I should Imve
visitt'd with my indigniition the uuforlu
nnto Buggostcr of such an idea, for l'hil
15rndley was my first love.
A wotuati never likes to acknowledge
that the mnn who hns hnd the astuteness
to UiHcreen her ierfections is a fcnl : and
even after the acknowledgment hns been
mnde to herself, site don't like to own it to
olheis. or to have others think so. i!ut.
as I UuA'o.caUl, tho time hns come wheu I
admit i'liil 'jradleys puppyism, aud laugh
at it ns frcelv as anybody. r
Ah, well t it was a happy time for all
that, when I sat at my window, villi up
turned eyes, repeating verses to the hioou,
nnd thinking of haatbome l'hil. It was a
draam, though a plenaaut one, aud like a
dream it has vanished, leaving only a
vnguo memory behind.
1 can't pet up a sentiineut, or the shndow
of a sentiment, on tho subject new, nud if
I could, niy two noisy boys, nud hearty,
whole-soulud husband, would soon strangle
the sickly thing; but I Irunblu to think
what au escape I had.
How I laugh to myself, nnd congmtulnlo
tnvself, and hug myself for joy, when I
think of this I 1 cyeu fall into conceit of
myself, and admire nijsclf, when 1 consider
that it wits my own good sense thnt saved
me. Wonderful, incredible as it may seem,
the fuel is that 1, a girl in love, actually
listened to reason iiblcncd to niy mother's
warnings. I believe it is tho only case on
record, and likely to continue so. It was
tho exception that proves tho rule.
Hut ol course the statement of facts will
be necessary to obtain credence for bo ex-
traopUiwry nn assertion. .
My parents hnd been from the first op
posed to l'hil lirndley, nud hnd tried all
the useful means of opposition, with thu
usual happy results in the lover'B fityor.
What daughter ever thinks her parents
qualiticd lo judge ot such subjects.
One afternoon 1 had been enjoying a
stolon ramble with l'hil, when my good, or
evil fortuue brought us suddenly liico to
litoo with my u'Uu.;-.
I was covered with confusion, but my
mother, taking no uotice, passed quietly
011. Un my return home, however, she
scut for me to -ono lu her room.
1 expected a btortn, and was prepared
with the requisite nmoiiutof stubbornness,
sauciiRss nud sulks, but niy mother met
mo w ith a look just us culm uud pleasant
as usual, ana insU'iul id tha lecture 1 ex
pected, slui merely said, cheerfully :
'hit down, daughter, and help ine with
this piece td work 1 mu iu a hurry to get
Mulshed, and while we are woikiug I'll lull
you a story. "
As mother was a perfuct Kcheherenulo
for the uumbcr aud leugth of her storio, I
was in no way sui prised, though ninth de
lighted with the piopoW. 1 settled myself
comfortubly at I sir leot, and slut noau :
"Thu story 1 am goiug to ull you, my
dear, is one of rouiuiiou and love. Moth
lug verv remarkiilile, jHirlmpx, but what
you will lliiuk sliuiiiio is lliitt 1 myself am
the heroinu of l, uii4 U. U every word
I ti re niy nuHlier suiilud at me pLsiuiiiily
over Let ut Uetvs, uud uoddutl her IiciiJ,
HI utMeli u Lu miv. "1. Lou. IiiliI 111 v iliivo.
MWtll, my love," slui eouiiuuo.i, "when
I wa4 about )our ue, 1 mi, imUily
SrViv, a vvry 4X;iiy girt, tluiUU I sue
by your eye you tau'L buliuvn iu Aud
vet, I may tie Uud la suy, I wu Uater
lunkiui ilm tuy d.wUlir u at tlu mum
Hum) ul lile- but uo u. -'-Lef if Duly
1 was Koiuu Ui ruumrii, Clml 1 hud luy
lovvts llwii, as you liar uor. And whul
inukis lis ar.ilkl UKitu us yil slroiib'vr,
1 bad foriut! alUcliiiiwiit to m youiiji
IiimU uf ttbvlil toy parcpls 4in biovvd.
They Irpruavutsd film as au tiupty lii'uik.d
toneouiU, Iu uu way iskuUlsd lm uwku nui
Itapy, ituk 1 lauulitMl at llu'it tautuju,
a Uil Morliltlt'4 liu SUcll liklelly loaiplu
tould hU4y Ua-y kutw auylbiu abuui uU
lUis) luy uutUr uv lm a sly 1x4 vf
liiUlii-ui, aud fttul uu. , .
"I iMHitiuuvd, uf n-uisu, la rucUv fcud
lu,uuiitt.' Hit) alU'UUuiik ul mv uuig luvr.
.Luui 1 Uil wll Aaluula. till. sUl uli
(iullluU. Ski-iu,iwul Utl4 uUUU4'V, I
iiuisi 4 a MiiitU kut.y lulu a iluw aud 1
all ttuu-iii
"AuUkio ua, m liutb. li-bJui..
youth, nnd- besides Wing a Spaniard by
birth, wns nn olliccr in our nnvy two cir
cnmstaiicc?9' whieh invested him, in my ro
nvflulic eyes, with nlmost irresistible at
tractions. "There was ft vnst nniount of myslery.
love-making nnd romance going on, 11 ml
there is little doubt but thnt it would hnvc
ended, ere long, in a runnwny marriage,
but that fortunately my Spaniard wns sud
denly summoned lo Spain ou aomo urgent
family busitvks.
"I lcavo'our hurried parting to your
Imagination. I felt liko one lrom whom
the breath of life had been withdrawn after
Antnyio's departure.
"Though in a hurry of purling nothing
hnd been (-aid on the subject, und I hud
not even his address, the hoie of henritig
from him was the only thing Ut which I
looked forward with any interest. HoW I
loyged for my first letter, nivd tried to
fti'ncy nil the fond things it would contain,
lint I waitt d nnd longed in vain. There
came for nie no letter. Weeks, months
nay venrs went by, 1 nc-er received the
lirst fine.
"Qf conrsc, I began by suspecting my
tvtreuts of intercepting my lover's epistles.
What gifl who hnd received even a decent
novel-leading cfducnliou could liavo drawn
any other conclusion i But, Unfortunate
ly, on making such a charge to them, it
was so promptly and decidedly denied that,
knowing their uprightness, 1 could uo
longer suspect thcin.
"JSIovly the dreadful idea dawned upon
mo that Antonio was dead. 1 caused a
search to be nindo among old newspapers
of nnd subsequent to the date of Antonio's
departure, nnd nt last (liseoyercd a para
graph noticing tho death by drowning of ft
passenger, name unknown, ou board the
ship itf which he sailed.
"I had no longer doubled that my worst
fears were true, ati4 the conviction plunged
me into the most profound grief. 1 with
drew from society. 1 clad myself in the
deepest mourning. I rejected my father's
friendly counsels, niy mother's attempts nt
sympathy nud consolation.
"A Hew and solemn aspect wns given to
my already strong nlleclion. l)enth had
sanctioned my heart's first tender attach
ment, nud transformed it into something
pure nnd sacred.
"1 considered it a duty ns well as n sad
pleasure to mourn iu. hopeless lidelity for
thu loved and lost. 1 was emulous to inii those faithful women who consecrated
their lonely lives to tho memory of the be
loved dead. 1 was emulous to bo another
Jleloise to find in the quiet shades of the
cl.isiler the repose aud tranquility which
was till 1 bad to hope on earth.
"The idea obtained so strong a hold on
my imagination thnt nt last it became a
lixed resolve. In vain my poor parents
alas 1 bow luany griefs 1 cnused them
sought to dissuade me from this determina
tion. I persisted, and nt Inst, leaving
them almost heart-broken, 1 really entered
a couvcut, nnd assumed tho vows nnd white
vetl of a u.DvUxr.1' , . ,
"Mother 1" 1 exclaimed, were yon ever
really a nun llow strange 1"
"You did not think the old woman hnd
such a romantic story, did you V" she said,
laughing,' "with her Antonios and her
sentimentalities nud her uunneuea V' Well,
well, it seems strange to nic, too,.iio-.v ; but
yet, i assure you, it's nil true. Well, 1
will not weury you, my daughter, with an
account of my couvcut life enough, that
with some misgiviuLra 1 nersisted. 15 niv re
solve, and the time lor the assumption of
the bktcK.veil was near at band, when un
expectedly 1 received a visit from my pit'
rents, who themselves brought mu the
tidings that Antonio was alive aud well.
nnd returned to Atuertcn.
"Of course, 1 huelotied to release myself
lrom vows not yet irrevocably takeu, ana
returned to my lather's house.
"1 a wailed a visit lrom Antonio iu a
state nf mind impossible to describe, so
great were my excitement and ngitnliou
"What a crowd of emotions thronged
my heart wjien I at last heard that he was
come, that lie Vas awaiting mo in the
drawing-room Memory recalled tho image
or my youtniui lover, long mourned ns
dead. I thouirht of tho past our vouthful
love the dreadful suspense as to bis fate
the dreary watching for a letter the period
of our lonclv' utouruiui? mv renunciation
of life's joys for his sake. Was iny fidelity
nbout to meet iU well-earned reward, or
was it an a dream a romance r
"All theso thoughts, and many more,
hurried through luy mind iu 1 tried to
nerve myself for the interview.
"At last I opened tho drawing-room
door, nnd there stood before me the lover
of niy youthful lancy
"My first glance afforded mo tho instant
present rebel ordtsiKlltng all my agitation.
It seemed to Hush back upon tuu that, in
thu presence of the courtly little' gentleman
who wns advancing wiih many bows to
meet me, any display ot teeling would bo
quite out of place.
"licstorcd, us if by magic, to perfect
elf-possession, 1 replied to his bows by a
courtesy, aud waited to see what would
happen uct.
"Ad endless, pause ensued, durhrg which
I fctolu a critical glance nt Antonio
"J low dillcront ho wns from my ideal
mv hero 1 Could it bo that the handsome
link Utii who. link there foolishly suekiu
thu Ivory tup of his cane, was tlie same
iMitouio vviiouimy luucy had adornerl with
every nllnuutu ol manly iiertecuoti r
1 struggled nam witn my nrt involun
r . mm t - .
tary diNiippotuliiutut, however, and seeing
tlml llio awkward silence was likely to lust
forever Uilk-s 1 broke It. i said eetilly
' '1 imve inourued lor you as dead, Au-
touiu. Why did you not write V
" 'Write i" he cried, taking tha ton of
his cuuo from UU mouth with the look of a
person who had Jiut received au Idea
'Why upou my wo4, U nevtr occurred to
" W the until a (bol V ! asked my ivlf
iiiNitieuliy ; but Bbsud 1 niervly rematkctl
'it was what 1 hnd rtawm Lo ixinel.'
" A uluiilu ad mil l4 1 he fial w us a mused
he had uol thought of It, uud his tongue
U iiii by this liiue looM'iiiil. lie i.toxttiieil
volubly Li luforui lit thnt lie found mo
'deiuxwiiy iiniidsotiiu,' tlml 1 wouki com
isirti liivoiubly. 'imhi Ida liouvr, with cvr
Uiu iwukdi luilu., u-lui, li iiilliuaUd
tui kruiUly adiuued biut tshllu abroad
aud b hiiltoi Urf 'Wusl ohjet lluii, not llui
ks.L' to v. Kiumut uf uur luriuur rtiu
llous I Um) Has Uiucll obliged. IndovU. Ul liu)
(r tuy vutuiA'Mi'y, ami all It1! ri uf
Ihliill-lMi was, 'uu but b.f'i.'
Tlterl v dnuusLjJ Kh Ids i oiioL-ki siul
illlot-M, oJ I luy bbiuTbuiliiiji unit mdiiC
ustUMi at Um lu'AiWiii ton tt siiiu.iu. lm
us4 SUIIU.4 toWllllU IlllW'lf, I UsiuiJ, lu
uppiMi suK'f, uu tut lut. duim va
In, and lluii, ilslug, lul4 Itliu, lu
liUf U I IH. tlusi Im( V"bt.iui )f Lu lb hit h Um
U4 aUuou4 ImJ Ihs a wuiiumu im uu
lumuliwllu, but l.u.lf, slid Ibst I ulwu.
luUljf u4 liiwd all IUli.U U ,im kil
lu,: bi. b I lutm-l wiil- .i., 1 ' iv
vived. since they were founded oijl unre.-,li-tics.
"And so I conlempuduusly dismissed
the tlrcani uf my youth, which neither
renson, nor etNuanion, nor the supposed
denth of its object had lieen able to dispel ;
but which vanished like a worthless vapor
the moment I was able to substitute the
real fj.r tho ideal.
"Nor was this so strange as you may
think, my daughter.
"In the days of our cnily intercourse,
Antonio fclill retained the imalcst diffidence
of extreme youlh, nud it concealed Ihe real
emptiness nnd conceit of his character.
When vou consider, too. thnt mv own 1
youthfulness disqualified me from being a j
judgo of character, nnd that my head was
iuii 01 romauce, you win uoi wotiuer so 1
much that four years of nge und sorrow,
mat great nmiurer 01 1110 mind, snouid ena
blo nte t5 'see things In quite a ditleretit
light. . ...
"And now, my dear," ndded my mother,
in conclusion, "I havo told you my story
for a purpose, ns you have perhaps guess
ed, barely my tlenr, you draw the verv
.natural conclusion That there nre more
Antonios than one in the world, nnd thnt
sinco so clever n woman ns your mother
mndo in her youth so great it blunder, a
fooliik little chit liko you may possibly'do
likoivuo you understand. '
"Yes, mother," 1 said hastily, ns 1 jump
ed up and ran to tho window, being in
dread of the "terrible moral," which 1 im
ngined was to be pressed home. iot that
I had not been much impressed nnd intlu-
iuv,iii uj mumi,! o uuuii;ssiijii , a hum, mib j
one dK'8 hate lo have a moral pointed at j
one it' so personal. ; -.
"JJut mother,"! continued," won't you
tell me how you came to meet father, aud
ull that?"
I'crhasp so. some dav.''she said, smil
ing," nnd 1 inonise vou it makes a verv
pretty lovc"storyJ 'number two; but," she
ndded, coining up to 1110 nnd Inyitig her
uauu 011 my stiouiuer, wiuie tier eyes uiicu
with tenrs, "why shall not the lesson of
the past lo for daughter as well as mother?
1 shall Wt have snllered in vain. .-Jnirli-
ter, what say you? Can it not bi si'"'
Who could resist that loving, pleading
voice? 1 could not, but fairly moiled. 1
clasped my arms around that mother, nnd
promised wonderful things. That promise,
nm proii'.i a'ju happy to say, I kept, too,
or, oh misery, 1 might have been this day
l'hil Urauley's wretched wife
Thcv tell a story nbout a jrirl tin in lleth-
leheni, who wished to rid herself of n per
sistent lover, fclo, wheu he used to come
around in the evening, she would ask hitu ;
it lie wouldn't please help John to carry
tnc piano up stairs ; nnd he would take ou
his coat nnd work like a brigade of Irish
men until 41. was time to go home. Then
thn rif.vl. fivmiiiirr na am,, na In. clw
lyould say, wouldn't he pleaao help jolm
to curry that piano down stairs again oud I
at it he would go lilting nnd pulling uiu'.
bursting blood vessels, until llie Hour nra
ved for departure. This kind of thing con-
iiiuieu joi awiit a eciv, uneu uno ingot
ne got tno immo down ns jhv ns lite lust
lllllUlll, 1111U UIU UOLllOl 1C1I OO I1IT3- LUCi
Then he confided to the fiiilhful John hh
secret convicliou t'latlove's Young Dream 1
was fast assuming the character of a most
disgusting nnd oppressive nightmare,
leaving the piano there, he went down to
nbk his enslaver to sav finally and forever
just w Here site wanted the piano to be hxed
lie was surprised to find upon entering tho
parlor that another young man wns there
a young mnn with mild eyes and spectacles.
And there that young man laid been every
night, while he was oiovihg the fUvu.iluiv
around and cherishing visioni of bli-s 1 It
occupied exactly tour minutes, aud when
the combatants wero withdrawn, the pianist 1
rusiicd lrom the house, singing "Hewarc !
she's fooling thee !" while a mild eyed
young man decorated with spectacles might
nave ueeu seen lying 011 the sola, leeiing
one of his mild eyes to find how much it
wns swelled, nnd wondering if it uiways
hurt so much to have a blacttatid blue noso
thcBize of a linrlett pear. Philidtljiltitt
M.iruiaok. If a man now-a-days docs
not marry young, he is likely nut to marry
at all, bccausCj tho older lie grows, thu
moro widely diverge his ideas from those
of wanianhood, the greater violeticu. must
marriage do to his habits, and the less trac
table he becomes to the harness. It is just
possible, however, that thu antagonisms
which so larvly prevent marriage i.iay be
a wise order of Nature. If matrimony
were a priuir. se-pnin 01 ai
pleasure, and no repulsions existed to keep
. - i-
Ineftfltid women apart, everybody would
innrrv. and the result of this would be
nu ulaiuiing Incrensa of the population.
lkirwin, in his last work, enters into a cal
culation to show thn I a people of twenty
live millions, which should multiply ul a
rale of increase that would double the pop
uluttoa every iwonty-fivo years, would 111 a
little over six hundred years, becomo so
oumerous tbut the entire earth' surface
would only titlord a square yurd of ground
lor every lour jiersetis. it will not do, otivi
1. biy, lor ever iMK.y to muu n to ine 1 mar.
ihose wLolur auy wiuain libtiU'S
may congratulate tluiiihelves thai tluir
chaueo for happmess has U-eu 11 1 Wast even
k.r the Gnek philosopher Ull us 'hut,
sure to regret !t; und Talleyrand, taking
the utile? iew of the mutter, (H.ligialulatid
a bachuor us a lucky tillow, und a IVnedict
as a unpyy dog.
lu IH10 wo'.nade S1.000 to,u of pig iron; in
iHtill s madu uearlv ILUMl.tHiU tons, 'villi
our I
iHirpiairon is uiur tiien timw fourihs
ol lluit luada lu tnjtland. Iike tiuirlor j
ruu dutial lu IHM shipped 7,tsjU Urns itf
irou uiu but did uot, umkoa jkiuh4 of V''
liuu; lu Ihuu a era shlpi.d from tin.
ruKlou LU.I,iai luus of or and lw
W I'ltf iruu. Duiuitf thiruvn yeaia trie
iiliivi biutlutliou ui 8,UJU.UJ0 Ummi uf or.
aud 4tii.ui Ions ut yj Itrou. AUunj th
huaul thuNutUuru I'aelllu lUilruaa '
cyraliluifu,u Iroui uhb li au iron l'r''
iliwlu-u lully imjuuI lu IU abuu way Us .
Miw Al upuu IImi voiuliiall.ui ul Hull 1
turpi Imi.
Wky sltuuUI inui lumr slrp lu tl. cars?
'I Uu Uaiu luus uvtf lh slucpura,
WUt Uv juu tul at ItuUd ?
luuuHowtuii. Au4 uM liif aasluK villi sslotiUI.uw.ul
l u tk pluml lua lUbitatfi 1 U , kid llui
U( ; "VU.4I U"1 ul U.l tlUrttUui
Iwy unit HsU'l r"
Nw McrlPN, Vol. S, Xo.
I Olil Merlon, Vol. SI, o.
,000,Usji,.oio Hit u 11.0 .ro.l;jt of gold ; " ,' - ,,- . ..- ,f lo
A stiver lur liiatyeur. . In 1M rolled 1 . ' .,,.. . IVU olll., ' j .u.iu-Ujus. ar
' Hist tou or railitud Irou: lu lM. '.' ,..,',, ...i, ., ... i uu.,Hai la ui -led
OUO.DUOHIIS, of which IHm.OUO Mere 1 '''"'I'V u f. ? ,. ' ov""UXH ' '
1 lVii.vlvaula and lOO.Usj iu New York, i ' W"'Z1' J
10 IJnes, or tthoiil KM) Words, make a Kqnnre
1 8r !i Si' R H i' 4 ftt 'fwl i,ei;i rcl
One tfeek 1.00 V.WI 'J.fsf XOu S.otl 15.00
Two wueks l.fil) S.IK) 3.50 4.00 1 l.tsi IS. 00
Tinea ". S.fiO. 4.50 8.00 M.Oil IH.lRi'iKI.OO
Four ' 3.WI 4.50 fi.!0 ti.mllo.tHl IvtHr.-'.'.-y
Five " . ir, JUKI ti.ft'J 7.00 18.00 IT.tHi LTi. 00
blK " '.MM C.Tfi 7.50 8 tK IH.IKI lS.IKt'.'7.5iJ
Two inn's a.OT 7.8U U.MI KI iri.Oti-JO.WI Htl.lHI
Tbree" . H.Sil N.OU tl.fto lO.lHI JI).tKlr,.ll0 JO.l'C
fUKi: 9.0itll.0)iUAH.ii.lHlH5.oti;Hl.uti
Nine ' ti.UO 10.1)0 1:1.0(1 l.r).tHK!i. (HI Tf. ; (I
One Year IS.OU ri.oo l.Vno&I.Oo lo.WWJ.1 0 k.OO
: ' TT-"
clergyniiiti called ut one of our hospitals
one morning, and, ns was his custom, he
stood iu the doorway and prayed for the
poor suil'erers wilhin. Wheu he had finish
ed, he saW a Ibin Itnud aim in the far cor
ner waving nnd beckoning him to come
there. 80 he went along und found n poor
boy lying on a cot, very sick indeed. Uu
spoke to him very tenderly, and asked him
if lie was a CI11 isliau.
"No," said the lad, "I am not a Chris
tian." "Cnn vou read t lie Bible ?" 1
"So, 1 eau't read the ITible. Sobolv
ever leached nut to reml .
"k'nn yovt'fi'fay, my juior boy ?"
".Nobody over leaclicd mu lo pray,
said lie. Willi creat emotion.
1 will tench vou a ftraver," raid tho
mining;-, rind heepvaV-'lll1, lord's
"Now," said he, "I want you to suy
that nil over again." 80 the minister re
peated it over again. '
"Oh, dear." liu said, as ha Iny back with
a despairing sigh, "1 never can remember
all that." .
"I will teach yon a little prayer you can
remember," said the minister r '"Lord
have mercy upon me, a sitinc;' ; for Jesus
Christ's sake. ' " '
And then he went on to make the way of
salvation plain ns lie could to the mind of
the poor untaught boy, and he Wffiil 1i
lay holdof it with tlie eagerness of a drort'U
i'g nmii: . ....
lie said to thcclergymen ns he was nbou;
"Oh I I'd give five hundred million dol
kirs J.CI had them, if 1 could only read". ti;A
Mib'oV' c-v
Four days passed before the minister
could come again, nnd then the littlo l'.l
in tho cornier was vacant. Down in t.ib
room below lay nil that was left of the poor
soldier boy, wailing for his fellow-snldiets
tQ bear hitu to the grave. Young l!eajjfr
The Fin st Kiss "O, Woman But It'
(il'DK." The Hev. John Drown courted a.
lady upward of six years, and was sd WW
(J la rly 'modest and bashful that lie never
ventured to kiss her. One dny it occurred
to him that it would not be a bad thing U
do. So, it is recorded, he said : "Jane,
niy woman, we've been acquainted now
lor sis years, nu' an' I've never got a
kiss yet. D'ye think 1 may take - one, my
lass ?" The reply was wonderfully charp.r-
teristic ot tlie .eotisli maiden, ".lust n.-i
jpu liko John," said she, "ie Iccoiiin' anoi
vroper tvii't" "Sprely, Janet," said Jolm,
"we'll ask a blessiii." The blessing wus
asked and the kiss exchanged. 'O, woman I'
said the enraptured but still devout minis
ter, "O, woman but it was gde,..- We'll
now return thanks." And they did.
Common "Vo: General , tot'
Nebraska', a largV,'i'olly sort of fellow, wa
a sue'jc-islul cundidate for the legislature
of that Stafe. Alter the election he toolf a
trip lo Omaha, to have n good time, anu
receive the congratulations of his friends,
one of whom said to him : .
"Well, General, how did you rati dotvn
there V .
' t,".rvpliel the warrior. "1 did just
; eternally s'joon 'em
routed 'em, norsc,
fot,t nud draroons."
I'll aw til Villi, vote stmul ?"
'".Veil," replied the General, "it was
none of your darned minnmoto thiugs. ; k
only got oo niaio'-i;y j"
Haisino Cki.khy. l'hysieians tells us
that if one would cnt freely of the bleached
fool-stalks of celery, it woold not only yms
vent, but tunjly.citre''' nervousness ; that
onfevhb is subject to trembling limbs would
find suro relief in its use. This one. trutl)
should be sutlicient to encourage all of us"
to rise this hue plant. Hut, iu addition to
this, thcte is nothing more appetizing, or
better to eat with mast meals, especially
turkey, duck or chicken, llut many of uu
lire deterred from trying to rnieo it, think
ing it dillli'ult to do so ; many havo tried
it nud utterly tailed. True, it is moro
difficult to manage than many oilier things,
the greatest trouble being to get tho young
plants (Von,i sped, na. they are quite smnn
nil d requir'3 good enre iu sowing. I hnvc
always succeeded, and will here tell you
how to succeed every time you try, but you
must practice what 1 preach.
First, then, bo sure you get a paper of
fresh seed, say l.atulrellrs White biund. If
you have a hot bed (aud every ouu who has
a garden should have one or hi ore)' sow
I your seed m very shallow drills therein,
1 t.ix inches ftinrt. Sow tho seed ns thinly
1 m i.i.i.
as you can, ananiit very ricii, 11110 chip
lm,lU,.c or olher H.;h enrth.-over Ihe se,
, ft(d e dri,b h, with a McX
or other heavy smooth substance ; covef
with a sash uud eivo plenty of tepid watei.
t put on with a veiy line rose toyourspriuk
J ler. When tlw plants show themselves
1 (which will require quite a long time) wa.
j ut, not very cold, must lie added every'
I evening or two, aud tho plants aired gu
j every warm day. Wheu tliey are abou'.
' ihrve inches high lliiu them to about half
i nn inch npnrt. When tlu y are largo
enough, say five or six inches high, Irani-
plant Uk. in at eycMtiyj l;j Ueuehe? a n.t1.
j, a U(J wn wlM t,0 rich(Hll
, Wl t lu Uw u.tu.iu of the
, trolld8. hUluc tlt;m for a Wlit.k Bntivly,
wU, U)nn, ,v,k or boughs, uud put
plvUty of waU:f in thi tnjiies, Ihrv-e rt
lour Unas a week, but do not iiour the wa
I Ut directly on the pUtuls. About the lotls
i of October (not soouer) tie a siring looaoty
urotitid t-acii bunch, near the lop, and bank
I un thu plants with dirl, leaving only tln(
.....1 III... I. --.I IV.,.it
' " ' V" .
ffiVud "dirt uvu? . (Wo U.r
l"tHi u"l' ! u "7'rllr . ' . 7.
...(J luAIS ,4 iiousit tu Si Awn.--Taki,
luur loT4, un thu uuru floor aud, throw m
J, rit.,a foru rlKl4 . kia.l bin
alouu aui tay "oa," at Um sum tinw
.ltll(,wrl u slrap, which throws hliu on
ImwuI niaUa hnu kU.p suddenly.
., ,lU u m U1 wy kuowu to uuih whua,
,UoU u MXi .,ul Ml h- ,titiUi, nud
My ho; i,,,,, 114I W xiti
,u,., j lu hUui assuoii as thu strap tu
llt iihh. Thiiipul hnu lu liaims, sjiUi
lU ,UaiM iluwlwl uu lr Uw U4 ol
i'rjni4i) tu lioiss,11 aud drivs up ti thu
UMU. 1 1 Ml Miutueni iui, w wun ,
Uk Id luui and any slmi. Gi t in )ihii
auJ k'l 00 1 u!u I lallW tlu
tdilU, IU4 all Ui lnH' llli'ii lu "4 out,
tou swaili' bint lu Uuikisuiiwl, by
kU4UbiU bis ItMii a liuis Im uiuivs, llusl
Uu uul sti'd uul I U Ull Uiiil lu gu t
aud lu a fc. tiDMS lui' i'mii put iit m b"U
Utiuiir lulu lbs idins si uil Um .-m I sWi
no I ul Ins liatss
: ll.rf'll Hll.l Ml 1 llllllKM.'IVlIlir 141V IUII CIUI