",1 8UNBUBY, MAttCII 25, 1870. ItRllroad Time Table. EAST, WEST. ' MNcttx,l'H M D Rri MaII I've irsHam Rri 10!amKlmlm " tlipn Wail 11:1. p mi tela t ., Wipn EtlaMs.IL 106 ml . Emlrika) Train Wot arrives At 11 :00 A. nv, , ' ' YsHAJ10KU D1VI3IOW 1C. O R. W. Munburr at H:60a m At Sunbury Mn 1:40pm! 4:00 p m ttWTlluS, B.WL ITOH 1 WIHE-BARRE t. K. , .Cunfturv B A. M I J:SQ And 6t20 P. M. 4mm ml Smiwry 11: A. M., 6-00 And 11:05 P. M, DMWHf 10 A. M. :30 And 10 P. M. (tm AC C.-eW.-IMlJ A. M.. 4:40 and 1:U P. M. !!S!-HS! affairs. Ths OKOVER A BAKER nnd tha GINGER . SEWING MACHINES are acknowledged su i parlor to an; other bow manufactured. Mips1 ' O. Dnllus, Market street, tbla place, l tbe agent for ths al( of them la this and adjoining conn ties. Instructions In sewing given free of charge to all purchasers. A lot always on band. Call and examine them. N. F. Lightner'a Regulator. Boots, Bhoes, Trunks, Leather and Shoo Findings. We are Informed that petitions are in circula tion, and are being numerously slgued to have Second street opened to Caketown. Bberifp TIbllbii left on Thursday morning ! last for the Eastern Penitentiary with six prison ' ers, who were convicted during last week's court, and sentenced to that Institution. W were pleased to see on our streets Ellis Ilymnn, conductor of the train on tho P. it E. It. R., who was injured in tho wreck near Watson town, a few weeks ago. lie has almost recover ed from his Injuries sustained on that occasion. Tnn new Lumber Mill of Messrs. Fryling, Bowcn and Eugol Twill go into operation In about ft week, when from 60 to 75 hands win be em ployed constantly. The new machinery and flx- tnres of the latest Improved style Is being put up j by C. 8. Wyna, one of tho most practical wheel Wrights In this part of the State. When finished, this mill will have no superior In the State. The case of Jacob Schocb, who was arraigned for the murder of Mathew Kearney, in Shamo kin, vat called up last week, but was postponed until next term, ou account of informality In the proceedings. On examination It was found that the retiirg, summoning the Jury had beeu Issued without the seal of court. Latest Styles at Woitzel, Oiasins A Co's. ' Wb notice some of our streets are In a very delapidatcd condition, although largo sums of money are annually expended upon them, they j require repairlug every season. This shonld be j avoided, and we b.'iicvo if the proposition made ! by several Individual, of this place, for the Bo- f"r convenience and beauty is not surpassed by rough to give its credit for the loan of flftv thon- I ""J oth,r 111 th" CO!xl rcl'10"- Tlie Gentlemanly sanl dollars for ten year, provided thev Bj.j I"oprl'tor or the National Hot d, W. M. Weaver, v.nce the same amount, to erect a furnace, and ' Emi'' 1s a,so enBKed ' 'k'8 q'le an exten ' they then fill up our streets, would b a decided ' lc,,sive 'nprovenient. Tbe old wooden structure udvantae and would save hundreds of dollars ' abont beinK "t,xei to make room foi a four annually. The citizens should take the matter Into serious consideration and Instruct the Bo rongh Council in the matter. Boots and Shoes for tho community, at popu lar prices, at tbe Regulator. Tun Coi.RMis CiiiLDitcs are Comivo. This Juvenile troupe will give two of their entertaiu monU in this place, on Monday and Tuesday evenings, in tbe Opera House. Tbcir entertain ments will conslet of domestic dramas, comedies, farccj, burlesques, abounding with music, sing ing, dancing, baujo solos, duels, itc. Tbe ages of these children range between six and twelve years. They are tho yonngest and most talented children that have ever attempted dramatic per formances ou a public 6tage. They urc highly recommended both by the clergy and the press. NoiiTiirMnr.HLAND Countt Map. The publi cation of this valuable map will be delayed for a month or two on account of procuring the correct surveys of the new towns springing up in the coal region Gowen City nnd Ilelfenstein. The map will be Usuel about Muy or June. In the meanwhile, those who have not already become subscribers had better secure copies. All Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, at the Regulator. Mu. S. A. Ai.KXAxrtER, Master Mechanic of the N. C. R. W. shop, is giving lessons in drafting to young meu connected with the shops. Ho N thoroughly acquainted with the scientific an 1 th-oretle ns ws',1 as the. practical part of his business, and his lu-t ructions to t'iee young men will no doubt be very beneficial. Much good will result from the course pursued by Mr. Alexander 1 in having the young men around him to spend j their evenings iu learning that which is useful to ihcui. Instead or lounging aroun.t the corners of streets and in Restaurants. Tiik Shamokin Horse, nt the Shamokin Dam, iu this l)'roiu;h, has lately uiidrroue a goueral renovation, and everything about it looks fresh and enticing. Mr. Ch:n lei (iaringer, the proprie tor, has ill.-played bis usual good taste In fitting jit up, which for real comfort is not excelled any hvli.Tc. Tba scenery surrounding it is beaut! Jf.il, making It one nf the most pleasant places Flu thli section of country. We are happy to iearn ' that Mr. (iarlnger Is doing an excellent busluets, for there are few more deserving. His table and bar are constantly supplied with tbe very best, while hi good, Jovial Datum bus a tendency to tnake hU guests feel perfectly happy. Good Good At Low Prices, at Wclttel, Gas Wins & Co's. Ni'oktant Law 81 it. One of the most lm porta. .t U suits, fo far as the amount In con troversy Is concerned, that has ever been tried In till , county, was commenced In court 011 Monday lit brf.nu Jild.'o Wood, who presided ill place of Jn l' i Jot, 1.. 11 during his recent illness. It was an ui'liini of ejectment hy Win. I. timiiomh, -t , vj. The Fulton Cual Couipuuy, for about HU. -n hundred acre of eo Imid, with foal Im.ikiit., In. lues, and other valuable Improve in. iu, In Coal townahlp, this county, Tbe ell male ) villus nf lb proprrly, al pretul, I about cms in li I Ion of dollars. Tbe land was sold about & .-..r alum as lliiMaUd laud, by Hid Tmturer ut S iiiliiitnbvrlaad ruuuly, and was purchased by Mr. Iireiiii(h fur abuul I'joo, suuislklny co. r Ilia amount of 1'isae 1 ou Ilia preml- i.s, an I Wis UM, sl'..l.'.'4 by I ha pUll.litl, li.l.t ii,. . Mil kin lb' I lino iai4 law. llo. J. H. faeWrraul J. W. t'l.iuly, f.aq ,apirad s ci.a i.ol I. ir Mr. !. ti.iw ti, au l IU liuu. 0. V, V,b lr I aud FfMi.Wliu II. fioani, IjC , ui I' ,iU U ii-I.U, aud f. Wwtl.-iliiU, ?. , ut Itii I , I lis d'uu labia. - - a - II tm .k a, p..l, aa4 tUblar Suit lalU I t'i Uinlalof. - aa - ' lloa. J,usb. Hitas. Musi f k iUy ut '- Mlrt, Wasa , u I 'pilW"4nl bf lb iH 1 V ), Was t-la-: ! Slpl t it '-, iu'. ta, ait4 iv fiM tile UijMiMas Ml las -t.lt- Wi. at.afce kUtf i4 ! iuual labile l-iiM4. t i MAaf tva -4 WmihIM, s4 . 4i (lUiiy vvik4. He M14 a i.l aw-uavt Mtuf aVI l.tA I k4 t imUjs U. ! I mf-f, ta Ida f-IWf . fti Wl noticed about month since thev arrest of Wills McCormlck, who was charged with numer our robberies committed In this place during the past year, amounting to some tj 1,000 or IL'-JOO. A large amount of the plunder, consisting of m-rchandiu, Ac, was found In his possession A few week lnc the community was startled with tho fact that McCormlck had been released on giving ball In tbe sum of 1300. Of course,1 to one who had any knowledge of legal proceedings expected that McCormlck would appear Tua be was connected with a gang of confederates', who were able and 'willing to pay three times $500 If necessary, wns also apparent. When the case came before the Grand Jury, that body was Informed that Mr. McCormlck had forgotten his promise to be preeeut, and It would therefor be advisable to Ignore the bill, as no one appeared against hltn. The Jury, however, represented the facts to tho court, and Judge Wood sent for some of the absent victims, upon whose testi mony a true bill wa found against McCormlck. Of course, the counsel of McCormlck, as Well as the District Attorney, who has In charge the "peace nnd dignity of the Commonwealth," nnd all others connected with tho proceedings which" resulted In his release deeply regretted his strange and nnaccountnble conduct, In not appearing as he was bound to do according to law. But the victims and officers have accepted the situation of affairs with the utmost resignation, lamenting the instability ot all things human. In the mean time six others tvero tried nnd convicted for stealing cattle, und other ungent'.omauly practi ces, and were therefore conveyed t" the peniten tiary this week by Sheriff Heller. As thvy hud belonged to no outside organization, whose duty It Is to aid their.unfortunnte chums In the hour of danger aud affliction, tbey had no right to ex- 1 pect anything else. The statue of Justice Is sometimes represented as blind. As a true sym- j bol, it should be both lame and blind. Tnrnn Is nothing that attracts the attention of travelers mere thau the manner of location of towns and the mode of bulldiu?, "Ac were lorci- bly reminded of this fact a few days since on visiting the towa of 8hanjokln, where wc noticed some magnificent structures that have been erect ed on loiSrf which, d tevr years ago, coututned noth hie but rocks and rubbish. Several of these slruc ,ure3 re WOrthy of note, as tbey show thut more thau ordinary enterprising spirit is prevail- lug in that place. Among them wo notice one erected by Mr. May during tho last year which is almost completed and will bo occupied by the first of April. We did not ascertain Its dimen sions, but found It to contain three store rooms nnd a telegraph clilce In the basement story, quite a number of offices on the second floor, und two large halls on tho third floor. Thopo rooms are all well arranged for business purposes, com fortable and neat. The exterior of the building makes a very imposing appearance, being located on an elevated point, it attracts the attention of travelers over both tho railroads passing through that place. Another line dwelling house has been comple ted by R. Fagely, Esq., on Suubury street, which, story brick building. When lluibhed, It will be thi largest hotel in ho coul region. A number of smaller buildings are being erected in that towu which goes to prove that ShamoUtn is not to be retarded lu its improvements by the de pression of liuuncial cutters throughout tho country. Best Madder Prints at Weitze.l, Gaf-UIns & Co's. Can pip axes. During the pnst two weeks the Democratic ns Irauts for oQlco have been quite busy among our rural friends attending court. For Legislature, Jeremiah Snyder, the preseut District Attorney, appears to be a very prominent caudtdule. A. J. Gallagher, of Shamokin, is also a candidate, representing the Irirh portion of tho party. For Judge, Geo. W. Ziegler, Esq., und Geo. Hill, Esq., are candidates. For Associute Judge, J. J. Iluiinensnyder, Hon. W. L. Dewart 1 and Hon. Geo. C. Welkcr ure desirous of lllllug that bouoruble position. For Commissioner, M. E. Bucher cluims another term, while Ex-Sheriff, D. Bcckly, thinks there should be a cbange in that office. Thcte candidates are ull old politi cians, aud will leave nothing undone to convince the voters that tbey are entitled to the positions they auk for. Ji'ST received, number of popular fronts and Freuch culf sklus, at tho Regulator. Since tbe Democratic Guard has aeen proper to expose the actions of the Ring, and is desirous to bring about a reformation lu our rnuuty affairs, It has received the Ill-will of some of the county officials who buvo withdrawn all tbrir patronage from that eat.'.blUhment tor the purpose, we suppose, of compelling tho condue- j tors of that paper to let them alone. Thchcrilf, It appears, has become quite indignant ondj Imagining himself Lord and matter, he came" dowu upon Hut establishment with all the pomp j and vengeauce that the dignity of office could Inspire, and withdrew from it ull his patronage, ufter having received the support of that paper, which secured his election. This Ingratitude has not, however, had the doslred effect of quiet ing thut organ, aud its editor now speak right out und tell what wrongs have existed, aud ex poses the corruptions of tho Ring without fear or favor. Had the Democratic organs udopted this plan long ago, they would nl now be com pelled to twist so terribly to conceal the many sins that their leaders are guilty of, aud which will eventually rula their party. He Weitzel, Gasklus 0: Co's New Ehawls. How to Krcr 4 Situation. It is a sad tlnie Just now fur mauy who drpend upon tlnlr sala ries for tbe support of Ibemsvlves uud tut Ir fami lies. Ua mauy men are thrown out of employ inrnt because tho ttiuis art) sa dull their servi ces ai not needed lu lui or workshops. But sou uieu uud boys are alway retained. Do you know who ar the fortunule one I They arc I ho. who ar mt useful to thtlr employers thus who do Ihulr Work uul lbixuU)jUly, aud ar It luoal obliging and seouoiiilenl. Thoa yuuug lusa who watch tb tlui to lh very euiid their wulklug hour I up who IsSVD, Bo umltel what lb slats may b lu. ul prrelavly lb I11.U11I a bo rsleululs lb sitr suiouul tbey cau s!l,lil lU. ir wtk, and y l n4 gel r pro'cd Hlio la slab of I hair anipl ijer's giaxla, will alwuj ba 1 40 dr.t t l rvwlv itoiU thst lliuaa ai dull, and llwir Sfislec ar uj lnii r fcld. Whit- til )uur situation, Uy it do AS a fouuOallou ml I bat yoit will b "UUblul lu that iskitli U Isaat." fU'k Up lb .loua kails, bit of lIU, vUau ru 'f, aud put llt'Ui lu llulr plavv. He Kady lu lliiosj u u ud4 balf hour ui u buur' liuiti, uuu It will be aiKs'uiiuudaik.u, aud duu't !) U ma a a a Miatil ut II Mak yuur Soil tulU)Miusalil lu iui, u4 U Iwa itnuf tl IU btyvaii klbj kHlni L Ul pit Willi alia. Tat Urji I'' I Uiwi atua ul J. gtauia A j l u-, K lit swlMf v4 Maiktl a4 ( kllH .Uvl, I '-'"'I pmvbaa4 if alaaw. Uas a4 liaaftl, bu l kbuu Inllltit laMl.U. 1 1ts k (liu,as iu la a)alaklil lm I ka1, i4 eliluta) eaaikU4 lu Iks (bill urn k U, k li-aak aasSaj slaai wf rU all. kUM, O ku4a44l ta Ukt I s4.ki ks 4aw M VsW MwmI, U OrncKnsV 1::staLld. Oft Monday evening Inst, P. C. P-, 8. B. Boyer, acting as Grand. Patriarch, assisted by f. C P.Eml Wllvert, Patriarchs E. M. Buoner, Jas. V. Fnrraj Jacob Reno, A. Mantc and John Clark,' acting respec tively as Grand jfTIgh Pi lost, Grand Senior WnrJ den, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Inside. Srntl ncl and Grand Outside 3cpthfS 4rfsTffilld; the following officers of Fort Augusta Encampment,. ,No. 110, 1. O. of O. F., of Sunbury, to servo dur ing the ensnhlg terra t ' "! - I C. P; Jncob Shlpman. .' . .. ' It. P. J. M. Bartholomew, 8. W.uCitlvln Woodcock.. V' - ' Scrlbe.-rA. N. Brlce. ! ' Trcas. Vol. Dlctt. ' I. 8. BonJ. Lnndaw, ' ' ' ' O. 8. Andrew DlefTenderfer. ' ' Guide. E. M. Buchcr. ' 1st W. John A Bucher. 2d W. Wm. Mockert.' ' , Sd W. Henry Clement. 4th W.Jas. Farra. . Gds. of T. Jacob Rcnn and John Clark. 1. 1 ; ,'Wb refer our readers to tho advertisement In another column of A. Boudrou's greatest dis covery of the age. The article Advertised has been thoroughly tested and Is pronounced the best ever offered to the public. As will he socn, It Is warranted, which alune proves that It Is no humbug. Thousands of dollars have been real ized where known. Those who have used the liquid will not do without it. Being an article that stands Upon its own merits It Is destined to become useful In every family. Aleuts who Intro duce it bud 90 difficulty lu selling largo quanti ties. Tni second anniversary of Eastern Star Lodge, No. Jill, K. of P., waa celebrated lu their hall, In this place, on Wednesday evcuing lust. A Jargc number of ladies were In attendance nnd everything passed off in a most agreeable man ner. Addresses were delivered by flen. Jno. K. Clement and Rev. Hoiiinerlv. after which fcfrC!!nrncnt8 were served aud music discoursed by the Suubnry Orchestra nntil about I0f o'clock, when all parted for their homes. Cirsrr.AL Accident Insurance can be had nt the office of Jacob Bhipman, Market St., or nt the R. R. Depot, Sunbury, Pu., for any longth of time, from twenty-four hours, to one year, cov ering tho Insured against all kinds of accidents, whether it happens while traveling, on the street, In tho store, office, mill or work shop, or lu auy of tho lawful and usual avocations of life. The Good Templars rc-oreauized on Saturday evening last, with tbe following principle officers: W. C. T., A. X. Brice ; Chaplain, Rev. S, J. Mil liken j W, V. T., Emma dossier j Treasurer, Mrs. M. E. EUely; W. F. S., Adclla Gosslerj W. S., Emory Bruucr. Blown Orr. Seven of th.i eight bla-t furna ces, of this place, have blown out, partially In consequeuco of the scarcity of coal caused by the miners suspension, and partially in conse quence of needed repairs to the furnaces. The probabilities are that other manufacturing inter ests of our towu will be obliged to cease opera tion unless a speedy settlement Is made of the coal difficulty. Ehoujd the mo6t gloomy pros pects become facts, thousands of men will be thrown out of employment. Even against all Indication we shall hope for the best solution of tbe difficulty. Let the laboring men keep per fectly cool aud follow the dlreotlon of the best and wisest counsel. Do not bo led into hasty Injudicious conduct by unprincipled men who may appear to be your friends in order that tbey may se you for the accomplishment of their owu selllsh cud&.Danviile American. We rofcr our readers to the advertisement of the new mercantile Arm, composed of Weitzel, Gasklns & Co. They are nbout opening a large stock of spring goods which will not be surpass ed cither lu quality or beauty anywhere. For Dress Goods go to Weitzel, Gashlus dt Co's, TnK Farmers' nnd Horticulturists' Associa tion met March 4, 1871, at 8 o'clock, P. M., at the office of 8. Malick, Esq., E. Emerick, Chair Tho resignation cf Dr. Myers, Recording Sec retary was received and accepted. Tho Doctor is about to locate In Dauphin county. The thanks of the Association were tendered to the Secretary, for the ifficicut discharge of his duties from the inception of the organization to the preseut period. An electiou for Secrctnry was ordered at next meeting, April 1, at S P. M., at the office of 8. Malick, Esq. Several important questions were referred to the next meeting. Adjourned. J. R. CLARK, Scc'y, pro tern. Jottings). The best band to accompany a lady vocalist a husband. Small-pox Is recommended as a preventive of Interviewers. I.AKUK numbers of rails are passing down the river now, and many more it is said will follow. Wu would advise nil who have property to In sure, to get iusured with L. M. Voder, Insurance agent, otlUu uear the Court House, Suubury, Pa. The trains of cars arriving here going north ward, carry large uumbeia of returning raftsmen who have succeeded iu disposing of llu lr lumber. Skttlfmxnt day Is rapidly approaching, aud large sums of money will change bunds. Many of oar business men uru sending out gentle re minders, lu the shape of ulils, to those who have the honor of b.lag on their books. Tlis following are ths fanciful names bestowed upon the pr.ttier vuiietus of ladles' Spring bats 1 the 'Empire,' the Lome' gypsy, the 'Daisy,' tho 'Princess Louise,' tho 'Rose-bud' gypsy, the 'Hawthoine,' tbe 'Galrlsa,' a sailor hut, and the St. Leon. M l And lbs following local lu tb Hartiiburg Stule Journal 1 ll.irri.harg belles are famed for their beauty uud l.ilslliguuc. Their compeers are out Id he found. Il 1 very eildciil thai the local editor ha urir txwa to B.iulmiy. If b will laks the trouble to vi.lt this place, he will Und thai Buu buiy belles Will eaal llairubuig Utile lulo lb shade, lu slut of beauty or uUillijue. . uolie Dial tiovrruor Geary baa appoluted Brig. Ueu. C ('. MeCoriukk, of Mitloii, Major (itnrral nf the Elklh Divl.lou of lb Saltoual liualds of l'vuu)lVauU. (iue. MvCuruiIek Sal III uitiv servlc dmiUi( IU IsU rvlivlllou, aud raiidurd lal iilds imiKt g lit government. Ilia apiHii,.kiuii.l Is a ifeswisUif ou aud will klv iutial sallafai lluu. U l kotltxal Ulsly Ibal sow fight or Utt kaw buildings ai lu euursa ul aiwliou in Puidt'a Ad. diiiou. alsu iiuuikai iu Ibi boiuub aa4 in i wks's Addiltxu. U a'wr Ibal Ik dsproakiuu of UUr u4 w i. uVoe aul iiar4 iwpiov. Itwuls Buy lu IkU U. .llt kiibuul saM.il lit Uavalikf buul4 b ti I pailuoUi ilia U 'I4 lty bacuuiSBsuul kl 4. 'If tour llpa kuul4 s how) slips, lk IklOU wkaafS BrliU l I Bkuav "S aak -lit aik'uu Jus) SMk, 4u4 aw a ulw. i4 k..'' Mk4a,f f.tnu-0 a fc lit. w vai auilou M u tvuil-ul, u4 puaktbe) bin.ku'f Iv(ai4 tu4 ''' "' ' l'kliu ! AUum turn tx," sir., U., )a ! lu biui " I kakb )"S, ', I tvsjWltw kax4ak4." slsIU.t lUll4, U44kbl 'l In !! 4 kSlswe Editor's Tabic - - - . " "For EvrornntiT," Is the nnlnna tlt'n of a new Illustrated family paper, the first number of Which llc be lord us. It Is finely printed na tint paper, and the original and selected matter It ooatalns fnlly tarry mit the meaning nf hs name. Lovers of light rending, of the i,V;r nnd True Flaq style, arc kept in mind, hut. History, Travel, Agriculture, Humor nnd Burlesque, nre not for gotten. In short, a field is taken which has never before been to completely occupied. It Is to be Iwned monthlv, and sample copies will bo flit by tbe publisher ou receipt of Fifteen cent". The Subscription price l one dollar and n-bnlf per yenr, and tho publisher offers prizes on it fair, though novel plan, but of such magnitude that they would be looked upon with distrust, if they were not so reasonably explained nnd ntnongly 1 vouched for, by some of the largest nndf.not j responsible houses inMie country Aircnts are wanted In this vicinitv, bift to shield the public from Imposition any one applying must, give satisfactory reference, after which they will bo furnished with a certificate by the pub lisher, nnd a liberal commission allowed. The prizes nllercd being direct to subscribers, nnd not ;o Kcttqrs up ofcinbs, is usually I he case., will render It nn easy mutter to obtain a larire list ani-rftg our rending public. Address. Henrv 11. 3a'4e, Publisher, -BG Allen, street, Buffalo, N. Y. Tni! Lady's Fbibsd roit Amu., 18T1. A re markable number. 'The Norse Princess,' a steel plate, In Illmau's best style, Is worth a hundred commonplace expressionless subjects, however Uucly executed, and wc would rather have it than a roomful! of gaudy chromos. So superb a pic ture nt so trilling a price Is n thing to ba wonder ed nt. The Fashion Plate presents a Kronp of graceful ladies most styllidil"' nitired in fiesh Spring costume ; and an nbnnrlunt variety of illustrations show the lntet shape for basques, oversklrts, sashes, Ac. Tha music U the 'Vive la Coterie Galop.' Anil then, what a feast o, reading In the choice stories nnd poems ! 'Three Versions of the Same Story' 1 n sprightly little feminine sketch. 'One Woman's Experience' begins a story of uncommon excellence. 'Made maisellc Deligny' Is concluded satisfactorily, 'Tho rtenufojs of Ki lvlilere' Is continued, nnd 'The Wedding Gift,' 'Kathleen's Engagement' and 'Aunt Dorcas" keep up the hiuh reputation of tills magazine for attractive short stories. The Woik-Tuble Department contains some illustra tions and directions for making lace-stitche, which we should think would be acceptable to industrious ladies, ns will ulso the convenient patterns for every sort of garment promptly mp. plied on application. Price f "d.50 a year (which also includes a Inrgo steel engraving). Four copies, f (. Five copies (and one gratis). SS.0U. 'The Lady's Friend' and tho 'Saturday Evening Post' (aud ont engraving), 4. Published by Deacon A Peterson, Philadelphia. Single copic for ta!t by all Aeirs dealtrn, 5 ttntt. Correspondence. For tub Scnbcht AMituirAN. Among (onin very valuable document seut me v Samuel Wright. Esd.. of Columbia, a great grand-son of Capt. John Lowdon, th pro- ' prictor or .Norlhuiutieriiind, ami one 01 tnc u:vl settlers of Buffuloe Valley, I found the following ; letter, written by a celebrated lawyer of your, place, Charles Weitzel, Esq., which, beside Its historical importance, will Interest many of your I readers from tho fact that bis descendants are among you. It is written in the splendid chlro- . graphy "of the lawyers of tho olden time, when probably they had time to write well. Lawyers of the present day have not. I copy It without any uiterutlou of punctuation or otherwise 1 ; Sl-nult-T, COth April, 17TS. (Itntlnnm; The time Is nt band, when th spirit of Americans, that love liberty or cont'd u- ! tional principles, will be put to the trial. What j has been, by them iu their different roolves nvowed, must perhaps nt last b? put In execution. ! Tho lute uiui ming news Just received from Eng land (which we may depend upon) Informs, that the British l'urliaiiiunt ure determined by force to put in execution every of their Supreme E licts, as they stile them, together with their late op pressive nets, which wo have so long and with so little or no effect, hitherto complained of. We consider It absolutely necessary to have n general meeting of the county, In order to form some regu lar plan, In conjunction with onr countrymen, to give every opposition to impending tyranny and oppression, either by force or otherwise. The time of meeting we think will bebcat ou the first day of May next, at Var.dike'e. near Beaver Run lu Buffalo Valley. Wo do therefore earnestly request tbnt you will Immediately on receipt, hereof. In tho most expeditious manner, notify tho inhabitants of your township of the matter, and Insist on their attendance without fall there on that day. The place of meeting is such, where wc cannot expect much accomodation ; it will be therefore necessary that every man should provide for himself. We nre your h'ble nerv'ts signed by ordor oT the Cqmrnittee, Cas. Wkitzel. Directed to John Lowdon, Esq., and Samuel Maclay, In Buffuloe Valley. Vamliki's wns nt the splendid spring, V, mile casl of Ihe Hulfaloe X Roads, ou the h ickroad from Lewisbuig to Millllnhurg. Vandike s old log bouse still stands. Ii. J. RUhel lives 0:1 the premises. Respectfully Yours, Joun B. Linn. Lewisburg, Pa., March 17, 1S71. Gknts' flue Fieneh Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch ed bottom, at the Regulator. Business Soticc. i , i It Stands to nr-AS0N. People will po where they buy the best (roods for the least money, and In the clothing line tbey do thut at Wanainuker & Brawn's Oak Uall. It Is no wonder then that Oak Uall is the business place in I'hiladelpbla. Tun Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, gives registered pol c:es, a feature thut should not be overlooked. When you want iusursuce get Insured in the Metropolitan. , L. M. Yopbh, Agent. ! TitK Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant and com fortable, nt the Peculator. Pianos and Oiioams. The subscriber, aeut for the best Pianos and Or gnus In the world, will Cuurantee them for live years nnd sell the cheap er than any traveling ngeut can afford llieui. But first-class makers employ uo such stents. II. li. Masser. , Tub M'.isle stoie of II. B. Masser has been re. opeued, uud some one will bu constantly in at' tendance. New music, Violin sulnirs, Picture frames, Paintings, Chromos and Lithographs, will bu fuuiLhed ul tbe Very lowest prices. Pi anos, Organs and other musical lustruments, are not only wurruniad luquaUty.buttobe much cheaper than any said by Irrosponsiblf tra villus pe, liars. Iloimrs at Pt nttc Bai.b. Fifteen head of horses will we sold ut the United Stale llolel, ; in Milton, ou Ba turd ay .'.Mb Inst. Several pair j of these hniscs ara closely mated. A credit of j sixty days aill be given, or two xr cent, oil for 1 cash. J. II. WILSON. I Suokkakiiii' materials for m luufaciurln,', at tbe ltei:ulator. Look out for lb Fprlajt styles of Hoots and Shoo al tbe Kxeel.lor. W. II. Miller Is al ready preparing to laying In lb lai,el slock ever brought bare, t'au'l 'o amiss al bis Sioia to fcl lbs luteal style as well as lbs U-l mala rial, tvery kind of men's, womeu'k auj ehildrsu'k luuks ou baud. lliNiiMu Pun is ur paiUila X lUo,, Tuiuu biaisr, PuitAUkUfuu S u'eluta, V. m M111I1 V'J, l7l. I'. H. ll'kOf 'HI 'oj " ' t " " '!. " uaw 'tl, " " '0 iiv, in1.' Ill !U III. HI . III. Ill 1. Ilui. Ho', Hi", Ht I I'M, Ml I . .' IU, 114 III lilt, I..', lea ajo aid W-VI laMl IO llMl " I's. Id U's r 1. iw Yssi ivi i.i.i j li.lld . I III..A P..IU.. U U LI VI. li-U.l. . Itullal (V.IIIV U. It t'likm lltvllle l.jud lilaul St.-.Oa. a ' ir KWAhll IMfAM 4lllbAHM UllUh ICS tkikl ai4 I via ul k Liiu.a aa-i I aiiulubala. wi riiu.ii s wl I liimun I l.l..p. I.aa). mi II-. Ililul. ul Vwnlli, u4 Ik! & 1) U lUSi.. an altkaiau aej ki lis. In "IS. aula taiiUai all l-i It. .01 I. , aVi-l liva, lu .i Misi"a). Allnaa, lint tiiu AM4UII('X. vt r. rt,..k.i. r ' ; -? Kuntturj' (irulii V l'roiiuco Market.' ' CQT.ItlXTttU WfXKl.T HY III 1.1 A OBIUNOKB. GnAtH Choice While Whout. .. Hcst Amber, Winter..., .' Com Rvo Oats, (:! lbs.) Bet Amber, Winter, p tl B0 ..1 4D .... 80 ..1 00 45 ..3 00 ...8 Ml .:i 50 35 40 r '!.... ' barrel.. Corn M''iili per ewt., Bi'TTT.n New York... Pennsylvania ltoll... lf i "'".',." .VJ-SI! J . P" lb..... binoked Mutton....... Wat' Veulsou;.' 4ll(2;4S Laro per lb , 25 Fish Salt White Fish, per lb 15 " Trout " 15 Cud " 8 Fresh tbad Vcoktaiii.es Tnruips, per bushel 50 Potatoes " 1 00 Unions " " 1 00 . Beiins, q-inrt lr.pIH Ilomim-. " " : T.'ll ! Dnno Fnt'ns Diied Apples, par 'A l.lO 14 " Peaches, " 'Jorivn " Cherrh s. " lOCy :.5 " Illacklierrics 1J Raspbemea L'O timvr Avn.ns per barrel : 3 ris0 00 kiy j&t'brrtiscmCitt3. 7.-' v" 1871. IQ7T. FRYLIK&, BOWEH & EKGEL, J Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Slcara Saw 5c 'Flaming Kill, and Just tlttc 1 ft 'Kli the latest Improved Ma chinery, ure now prepared to till nil orders lor all kind" of Hi I.l. TIMP-KH. PINE, HEMLOCK. OAlv. .vo. Jit A Iti'S. RuL'lill AND SURFACED. S.DSKQ OT ALL KI?.DS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOOR1.NO, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND MIINiil.lNt; LATH. SASH, DOORS. Vori.Dl.Nli3. Ul.lX I, Ml I'TTI.KK A 1C ISACKETN at tho very lowest prices. A large stock always on hand. Sen ! for pries. Ampin facilities Cor shipping by Railroad or Canal, FKTLING. BOWEN & EN'lEL. Sunbury, Pa., February ISt'ti, ltsTl. Cm. Ftiruilure, M u Uresis, IVnthcrn, nml BEDDJN'G WAUEROOMS, 41 North Tenth St., Below Arch, Phllodt'.phlii. CHAMKEIv FUilNlTCP.::. Spting I:"ds, Feathers, Spring Cots, iFe-ther Beds, Spring Mattresses, ',l l-ters and Tiilows, Hair do. iC.fimterpancs, . Husk do. t'oiiifortablos, Straw do. ' Blankets, ifui.ts. CALL AND SEE THE sVovsn Wiro Mut tress, Tim best bed evr ollertd for eale. N. B. Our Intention Is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, 1111 1 orders will receive the same attention, and persons eau buy Just us cheap as it' present nt the store. March 4lh, 1S7L 3m. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Our The Largest Stock Custom the Finest Goods; Work is jThe Sf wf st Styles ; of the very aq inn tie si brst character. ItssL workman Easy rules for - .. A pnees, ficc., sent vuric. free to any part of JT ty. America, and good fits. IjLfP aataW Gents' Furnishing Goods, Wrappers & V I I I Sif .11.11 Boys "uor"vvear 0T a" & IB kinds for all 6ea- Wear at .Shirts a astonishing Specialty. ly low prices. OAK HALL, Sizth Si Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. .INcw Flour and Feed Store! It. W. TIU KSTONa Corner of Fo irth und Market h'tretl, tl'MU'RY, l'ENN'A, Has Just opened u Flour and Feci Store, when he will keep eoiulanlly 011 band, 11 :encial assortment of the hnst brands of FLOUR, rp.i:n of uveuv DEsciiir-nox, I'OTATors, BUTTER, LCKiS, and VKi'iKTAIiLFS of ull kinds, at Ihs very lowest market prices, bant ury, Feb. 11. HsJl.-lf. t'L-'lLia. Ho, OOU CUoaluut Btrout, I'LilttUolv-lnit. Kith.- Iaru"l liiennard lb. if PI T1 l WAKE iAp.HUK.ul, call ) ial altffftliwu lo lln.li Slia k 1.1 biLVtu platli) aooca, eouipil.iMS. lM.l.ba lUif aul iiua -( Hut M aia. wl blab SiaJ.a, a snl .uaupUU auila.4il of Ttuit. m. riiATXu ux wiiitk m, lii..b,a In 444 HI. an I vttt-ii.il al l.a.Jlu.lf low t-iuva. ai "' '' "I PUT tD SPOONS, FORKS, UUUS, iC, SIH , l lll u.Ja Iw lb. II 14.11 Sai aa, and iiat.b. 1 I I. siu.'s .'s 1 lu i.-u. .u ail., ("! wj. la Iau.aaw.i4 a Manual I ai.a. Ail 11W1 "4 w lb-ii "a avsitis at s,4 IMi.wa. sua iu H.m f iMOAIf, li Ull -If ia u, auk sui. . awtfsc"svw 'i.fto krlifiiwaiMrfs.' S u n bu r jyCattlo iTisurant Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT TOft THE Y EAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, lSTli Number of Policies, Amount of Property Tnsmre l, Amount of Premium Notes l-i force, ' CASH ASSETS. 713. f'3,PlS.(Kl tSljl'J.OO Amount loaned nt Interest, 12000,00 Amount In Treasurer's bands, (1000, no Amount due from Airents, 9300,95 Amount due from other sources, tivil,wi Avulluble laipilal, G9,i.oi),l)j Injure your Cattle. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS 13 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, you are sure of being paid prompt. y for till losses, If Insured lu this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. ' Being mutual, our expenses are loss, nnd our Charter Is Perp jtu il. Vi e pay losses by uil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting In eases of epidemic,) by theft, &c. Vc. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of los. Xcarly f3,000 paJtl on Cdtrn alone Htncc Orgaulzaf Ion. Look ut the list of Losses paid ou Cows alone by " this Company. M Hcnnimrcr, Sunbury, r.i ?n3,0d I) HHccrt, Northumberland no,i.!J (i"nr'.'u Eckcrt, " 40,00 B B IbHljr. . '" so.tx t;iiarles HoiicK, sit Carniel ao,00 hsubciis nipple, " Catharine Wanner, Wataontown (iconc Heir. Northumberland Jacili Snvder, Suubury J W Bassier, " Minor t.'ady, Dewart.. Catharine Mmiz, Shamokin Francis Bucher, Sunbury Samuel II Price, Upper Lehigh Joseph Deppen, Ml Carmel Matthias Sihol y, " Francis Mel.'arty, " M.iri.1 Kramer, Watsontown Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart J & It C yu'uirlo, Pine, Clinton co R Hamate, Shenaudoaii, bchtiglkill CO .. J S Tiinris Shamokin 1'liotiiHS Wurdiops, MtCiirmel N A LoudinsIaL'er, Herndon, Itachel Crumer, Fisher's Ferry (j L Reagan, Sheuandoah, Sehuvlklll co, Jacob Shine, " Jacob Stolt, " " If I Bower, H.rudon, i tleo li l.ahr. Georgetown bdiii II Ossmnn, Sunbury V P. Wallace, Northumberland 1 II S Graham. ' llclucca Knlilc, Georgetown Plii'ip Wintcrs'ein- Wntsontov u 40,00 40,00 Su,0l ull,3J , 60,00 60,00 40.00 SO.tK) Mi.OO 50,00 40.00 .Vl,00 45,00 40.10 40,00 .... 40.00 40.00 45.00 40,00 40. 03 50,00 40,00 40,00 M,00 4...00 40. 0J ......1.0.00 50,00 40,00 1 il'.lW (! S Low, Lime IP le, Columbia co , Lewis Odi ihaut. Lame! Run, Lu.erncco Mare .1 lliiie. Vort tinnilierland ao.ii;i I B F'Krobf!, Sii'ibarv 40,00 ! Andrew llealy, tiirardsvillc, Sjehu)lkiil co.. 4,ih.) Patrick Fi.rireson, Mt Carmel 4tl,llt Martin Delaney, Shenandoah city 14,00 John Dane, A-'lilaurl, Schuylkill co 10,01) Anthot y McLaiiirhliu, Cirardsville 40,'" Llaynia'u S Hay, Mnhanoy Plane 4 J,u0 R jiihnson, Haven Hun 40.UO Pavid Handier, Lerwick: 517.00 J D Kocht, Pottsville .,0J Ernstus Sober, Point twp 2'.,UU A Lippcticolt, Watsontown 4d,0i) Maria Kramer, Wiitson'n.lid losspd last siiin,40,00 J P Lippeiieott, Watsontown 40,00 U S Anunurmau, Snvdeitown 1M.0) Nathan l!!o-s, Berwick, Columbia Co. 21,00 JcSt'R Oni'.'srif.Fiiir Ma'u Clinton e :.'d loss,40,l) ) Charles W liazz.ird. Huper.; Coluiiihia co...40.0il John Foirleinau, Wrrtscuitown 40.ot) Patrick lle.-ter, Mt Carmel 40,00 Thomas Metz. Paxinns Wi.Uc) U MeCloskv, Lock Haven Li4,00 HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMEN&NYDER, Sec')', Suubury. DIRECTOKS 1 Ex-fiov. James Pollork, lion. C. J. Brnn.r, Solomon ttrcih, Wm. Brindle. Boloman Hhipt, John A. fchiasler, Dr. I). T. Krebs, Dr. David V aldron. March 11, 1ST1. ly. DrNMOllllluit. rpiIE partnership heretofore existinfr between i ti. Buyer and W. J. Wolverton, in the practice of la, has been this day, (March Uth, l'S.'i,) dissolved by mutual consi-rt. ft. B. BO Y ETC, W. J. WOLVERTON. Sunbury, March 11, 1C71. stw nasi. llycrly A Hon5;orIj'n I'.xc olsior Gnl lry lArt, TIkiril Mrcet, ssunbiiry, lu. MR. BTF.RLY has lately ud.lcd to his already well etablishe,l reputation, the services of .Mr. M. It. Hemperly whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, st.iuds unrivaled iu this part of the country, aud hereafter they w ill carry ou the photoiraphlc trade, p.t the old Hand under the firm name of Bycrly A Ileuiperly's Excelsior Gallery of Alt, nt whom et..binliuient the pub lic will be cheerlully accommodated throughout the whole iine of photography. For I'hotOLrrapbs of all styles nnd sizes ranir luir from the small Clem toihe life size, poilruil. Uo to Hyerly A llempeily. F r Hie beautiful porce lain plcluru which for sortui-sa of tlnih, an I durability cannot be ex celled, uo to liyuly A lleiupeily. For the Ri'iubraiidt plii'loiria h, now so popu lar In all 0111 lar'e eiliei., and showbiz the pecu liar ell', i t of li'!it an I hadc, and the luvorile of the 01 1 Ueruiaa A ; l ict Ueiiihruudt, go to Byerly A Hemperly. If you h'-V'i an old picture you want copied and eukuce I lo any sir..', and colored oil, water color, in I. a ink or vri.yoii, take il lo Beyerly A ikmp-1 :y. lt'jv.i want a frame of any size and at any price, or any sijle no to Byerly A Hemperly's, 11 11 1 take a look ut their luiniuiiau block ill thut Hue. For Albums trn 10 Byerly A Hemperly. Forsipiare Flames made t ) order Uo to Byerly A lli'im r'.y, in 1 boil, lor hi.i Hiliin in the pi.olo- graphic Mu,', ko to lly u lySi-ileinperly, aud you H ill tie suited, r ib. Z l-:l. I'UK I N ItKIIK I il AT T-IK blammoth Uoot & Shoe Store I IT r.i.i .1:1x1 tn. In C. B. biuilh's Ituoai, g.ieeu Mrrel, one duo K.nM of the Pil lillK-, Nt UTH U M U" II LA N I), l'ENN'A. Tor F.linlra Booti, -o 1.1 I. I Mnler'a I' h'I and bhoe t-U'le. 1 1i. y .11c s .id, Ui .H C.ill'ul i. Fur French t all liifts, to to L i Miller's, ouly f J in tl l p. 1 pan. Fur lb 11 4., Mna-a and tiiillera, nt loel jhhhI blM piiei'a, 11" ! M jlnler's, lu V"" u bin. I. For all kind, of Ouiu Boots aud thos, cull al H:l Mnli i 's. Fur I. idi.-.' flm.i iviih.ws, see tins astoit- nn . 1 .1 I 1 1i:i. 1 .. i .11 all kin I- 'l I h ldl' U'a r buea, ,11 uud .'K iiiiin.. 1.1 M . i ,, 1 '. i i 1 . ' a, ii 1 11..1 l . .. 1 u"Ui. i.' In In.' ti "'! I I tli'.' I. lie, fall and 1 kJlliliie Fit M .I I '. k lieP.lo pun l..i.lli e.-f In 1 ' !.... .1 pi J Hi. 7. If )wll hi i''. lo fc l Ui .1 c.ji, ul 111. '71 H. p. 3, ' p. 3, ill. -I FALL AM WINTKil MII I INLKV ladlis Iluuufl ua4 llisla, AU F.ui.iil sliuiamr OiMUis, uksiuAiti, bt )'nl b.ca 1 (Kind ul MlS I. VJ 1KUS bttJHk-', Uaik.l biia.1, on. iKir r-t if L.ai bail's aou- luiiuuii l.ua- K'MU'ltV, I Ik. lala.l al) ul linaa 1 ii.li.. fnath' Sb l 4lll.il. IU luH. I a' , 'IJ'l ..i... I bi,u..u. I'.i.lais, 1 s't. Jui) 0"., aU I lulfc. S.illi l i4l" aill- ua. lu iu..iiiii..u aua l !!"") b!as, U In a 1 II. kiu. li. 4. alba 1 1 iiisu iti-' I'Aiit.iui. 1.1 III I dull Ih.u Ik. UIL. tl.eair SI. I lill B' a,..i U..u. lu .l ai,a) l.M.s fcas suu4V4 , ifltii) ; Mbbcriistmfr.ta 1870. FAL'L AND WINTER 1SVV. ' MILLINEIir GOODS, Booth Fourth Street, below the Railroad, SUX15URY, , l'EXN'.'A. The present ng of endless fashions and Inn. mernble styles require the most dressv pi-rsfti X i b on the alert In order to "kwp- penee with , j times. ' 'il,e bsndsomclv nrrn'ed liulv. n ;o sunntera alonu the street with 11 prcltv ii'nd int. -i-fash.ioii hut upon her bend. Is Indeed tin nttinetir, object to look upon. MF, M, L, Goss hi 1 popular Milliner, on Fourth En-ret, below U e V. It. R., caters to please and satl-fv nil 1-r customers. In her store ore some ot the lutat modes lu mllllnerv extant, such ns KOXXETS, HATS, FBAME3, Sash Kibbons, puiamen'.s, Feathers, Flowrs. and numerous other apparel for (utiles' wear. Call nnd see them as thev finve Just beer lei 39.1870. M. L. GOSSLEIi. DobMiis JJJJM VECETAOLEKrUit A Color erjd Dressing that will not Bum tli a Hair or Iujure the Head. It makes Hair soft and Cno, restoring its natural color without dyeing, ly imparting a Lealtby and vigoroua growth. II 13 ALT3GCTEEK UNLIKE AM 0TE2, rstPAHSD OS-IT BI J. n. Cnsiss, 425 Norm Eiglitli St, PHilafla. Price 1.00, large bottles. 60LD EVERYWHERE. Nono genuine without my pignatnro, and I put my nama to no pooda that are not of surpassing 'eteellcnoo. N K W GOOUN or EVERY DCS C n I T T I O N IIEKRYAPETERS, Oa Third St.,one door below tbe Lutheran Church, SUNiiUnY, l'ENN'A. TCST opened n Inrpe assortment of DRY GOODS, su-h as Clothf, ( as -iincrc-s, Calicoes, Muslins ,Vc. which lire sold ibeapor than ever. Also, a va'lrty of Notious, Liidea'shirts, Draw- t ers. Hat nnd t aps. J.l i II lr llll.l..N li' NEIL'S tVC. GH0CElUE.-i ASH PRO VISIOXS of uil kinds, such us SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICLS, COAL Oil, Molasses, byrups. Mackerel. Lnrd.flenis, Nuts, Dried and canned Frniis, Trunas, Raisins, Cheoe. and Crackers, aud In fact cveryil-iu usually kept in the fl'r?cry l'tle Htiuir, FHi, C'oal Oil, Crockery-n nre, (JiieenswnrR, Glacs-wate, Willow-ware. Ac., Tae best FLOCK and MEAL in the Tobacco, Cigars, and and a variety of NOTIONS. ALSO :' All kinds of Canned Fruit, at He lowest prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. ITavlnjr etilartJ my Store room and filled It with the latest styles of new poo l... I wou-d so licit ihe palrouaire of the public and will endea vor to please all. Country Prolu:e taken It! ctohnnje fnrOmds. tori'" Call and exau.uie my Stock, aud eulisiy youiseives. IIEKRT PETERS. Bunbury, Nor. 13, 18C9. FALL AXD 'VVIXTEtt Sew Arrlvul or Goods, AT 3II;S KATE Bfi tCTt'J f5TOKE, Market Siptare, SUNBURY, Ponu'a., Just opened, a lnrse afsottnient of CHOICE DRESS GOODS, consisting of the latest style.-of plain aud plaid poods, iu all their varieties. Di-cnm Triitir-iliifri, r.msroclerlod. NOTIONS, Ac. A ofnhral ASsonTvrNT. or LADIES' WOOLEX GOODS, fionts' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs und Glove. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. An Invitation Is extended to oil to call and se cure liarirulnK. Suubury, Nov. 5, 1KT0. Th PRf'VIW Hvnt'l' n'sresihewi'nvs'ronr. and expels ill hy atipptyinr lbr ti!oul iui NTfAS"S CIV VlTlTIZISO AC1FNT It'.OS. Cnutinn. V stfe vnn t Penivis" Sirvp. Pajuiililots free. J. l. PIVSwoHK. Proprietor, So. .IS lrv St.. New --' Sold by Urua'ii'sLs geuerally. J .0. I ilAVE TAKEN M.ATI.U A C O., OSV. OF THE NEW YORK t3TOP.ES, Koutlt Truth Street, below Market. I'hllu.lclpliln, whre they have opened a Ur.st-class Merchant Talloriiiu L-liiblUboietil. Our Mock consbts of a fine assortnient of uud orn, na n are Mepured to iiiave up in the moat Fu-bloiijble tityles, ul fchoit N tnw Hid Mo.len.le Terms, fepeeittl BaiK aius t is Ut-utch f 'hlvct GcnU. J NO. L. bl. A I EH A CO. Formerly hiiu J. Al. Zeitfler. ne.Slth, lHTO.-om. NEW OKOCEUY STORIi OI'EKEDI ThllJ Mint, u.lt uor ! Jillicliou llolel, hl'MirUV, I'EXX'A. Au entire it stm-k nf uli kinlitf (Jioaerla, cuuipii.il.); cf Siiirs, Ccffts, Tias, Molasses. Frails, rub. Hams, hsillrr. I aud In fuel llll li'b' usually K' I lu a r.rcK-siy II oi'4 )n.l upam I lhe H".ls, lha publl- are 111 1 ii' d 1.1 iu it aul 1 .uuiuia lu Il is m da- In 11,1.,.. 11 ui ! .! 'b.- I -r ra.b, iu l uUal.. cm he lua U It SiaUlull-tJ b loiJ J u.iLu.lujJ ,!..(. .it. JAML VAtlYKC. Utl. t!J, l7d-4f. a.lMIU I tIIIOf SOW HtU. ka. M. A. K.UtK, IUI, con. iLvv"iii i cr.ruri:T la , PlllLlH Pin t. ImuwrUriswl iralsir riiiy. Ilia u d I.s "' . b.i.ia l'n- Tiuu na, l'-l tans-,. liv- au. t iub va- '"r';.''! ) I "-'u.i '., 1'aliwv.s, W ial u I Ik. !" r ii uni, It t aa 1 i. '!, Lu-i, Ju- l -, .ui.i, J.I, Hoi, aid l' ' .i'' I.. .ulua I"' !' .! lu tMl (..l.i. u.u . al tU .Si hi-.. I', 1 1., I ua "I l'. I ui.iu lau.U tt II Hi 1 11 li u.ii, fwa p7 lUMiai b I a s. iU ' IRON IN THE BLOOp. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers