jrieMlhmtl. From tbe Amei icaO Stock Journal. Inqnlrlcn nml Auftwern. ' SciiATi iiEa in Hohskh. "Vlint will euro it, V. X. Ans. To cure BcraUliea in lor W.8, wash Willi strong soap suds, llion with etrong copperas rvutvr. li'ifut twice a day until a cure i cfti'ilcd. SnotiLDKB Sprain. How cn.nitbecur cil, M. 1J. Ans. One of lliuruost important i K miMits in the treatment of shoulder sprain is rest. Time must be pivpri for tho in 1 tired parts to repair themselves, and this is best cllVctcd by diminishing their move ments as much as possible. A liorsc which la sprained, then, should neither be turned out to pasture nor exercised. When there is swelling of the (trained parts hot fomentations should bo applied for a couple of hours for several days iu succession, and afterwards the parts should he rubbed with some mildly stimulating liuimcut, such as soap liuitucut or camp horated spirit. rouxDKKED Houses. What will cure them. C. N. Aks. A certain cure for founder in a horse is to stand him iu water up to his belly. I have known it peacticed for fifty years ; and swathing tho lo"s in hot water, vinegar and suar of lead, are nil good to some extent ; but a founder must ho relieved suddenly, or tho horso will Fhow stiffness in his action and have deformed and callous tender hoofs. Waiter applied to the legs I do not eousitlcr a posi tive cure, the disease must bo attacked at tho root, by bleed ins; and purging ; a few drops of blood taken from below the fet locks will hasten his recovery. Kicking in the Staut.i:. What will prevent it, E. V. Ans. This is a bad trick, for it not only keeps them from their rest, but disturbs other horses. Yet it is no serious objection ; a collar shank log, buckled with a small Btrap in tho hollow of tho pastern, usually stops them ; if not, put on a strap and chain of twelvo or four teen inches long. This rarely fails. Sweeny in Horses. Is thcro any euro for it, I. S. A. Axs. Daily applications of port of tho following stimulating liniment, will probably prove of service : Take of soft soap, live ounces ; oil origanum, two ounces ; water of ammonia, four ounces soft water, two pints. Mix the soft soap, ammonia and oil of origanum together in a mortar,aud then add the water. Macerate for fourteen days, and pour off the clear liniment. It should bo applied to the part with friction. It must bo perseveriugly employed for a length of time, and is usu ally attended with a beneficial cllect. TArK Womr. Do hcrses havo tapo worms, if so, what will remove them. X. P. 1$. Ans. Horses are seldom infested with tape worms, but when a tapeworm is Easscd by any animal, tho parasito ehould o examined to sco whether the head is not passed the parasito will grow again. Iron filings arc sometimes given in case3 where tho tape worm is prcseut. Three ounces of iron filings, and sutllciont quan tity of treacle and liquorice root (powdered) may he made into six balls, one of which should bo given en oh -day and Lhen a dose of purgative medicine shov.ld bo given. Baulky Houses. What will cure them V. D. T. Ana To cure a baull y horse, take him from tho carriage and whirl hini rapidly round till ho is giddy. It requires two men to accomplish this, one" at tiie horse's tail. Don't let tho hoiso slep out, but hold him to the smallest possible circle. Oue doso will often cure him ; two doseo sro linal with tho word horse that ever re fused to stir. A BuuifiE or Blow on IIorsesJ Vhat tihall bo done, J. S. R. Ans. Apply hot water a lon time with wot cloths. Bcof hriuo is au exceclcut lotion for both Tprains and bruitics. A vnnrnr. ftmrnvT hnrans. claims that it will almost seta joiut or heal J ft iracturc. V ormwoou or tausey lotions are also good. SrAvix ix Horses. An?. Rest and counter-irritation nro the great essentials in tho treatment of fipaviu. Rest, by di minishing tho movement of the joint, re duces tho stress and concussion which it undergoes to a minimum. Tho couuterir ritation may bo applied in the form of a blister which should be limited to-thc inner surface of tho hock joint. Rcpoating the blister is advisable when much improve ment does not result from the Ih'6t one. ordinary cantharidiiio blister is clllcicnt in such cases. In bad casus, especially when thcro is reason to think that ulceration of the joint surfaces exist, the firing iron is ono of the best remedies that can be applied. Another modo of treatment is to pass a Rcton over tho spavin. This is a little more difficult than tho application of tho tiring iron, but it is sometimes very successful. Tho hock should bo blistered after tho re moval of tho soton. Uakdlixo IIog-j. A practical breeder gives the following advice, which in tho maiu we think sound, for those v. hoee herd is not too large, and who are engaged iu mixed husbandry: "To handle hor to 'lie best advautagu, a pasture is needed of mixed grasses, clover, blue grass and timo thy, and it is best if there is uo running witcr or stock ponds iu the lot. Hogs do better where there are no branches or stock ponds to swallow iu. In place thereof have good well-water pumped for them. Have troughs madu ami nail striiis across, o'ght inches apart, to keep the hogs lioni lyiiu' down in the water, and let these hogs be put on llooiu, to keep Ihuiu from dig'mg 'p wallowing iiou-s. ii any lecil given it i Miould bo soaked III swill barrels li.e twelve hours bet'oru leeding- uo longer - uuj led to thciu a. drink. ,: How to Get Hid or Uats and Mice; A gciitlenur. of large experience, nud full u h 'I'lenio ns most of ui., e.iys ho gets rid of r its by putting .i.s iu ilu ir hole and ruus. The poor w atches gel it on their feet, and over their fur, then they lit k it, Hud dou'l liku the table of it ; burn iheiu soiiiewhat, uud the nioio they see of it, the less they like it, ; so lin y clear out ulnirst as so u an tho upiiliculioii in made. To lci rid of mice, iho.une perm tin-s Uirtar t iuetiit mingglud with any favontu I.mhI ; hey Utke il nl.o sit k, and l.il.u Iheit kute. .1 ind'Mii A jfU-u ti k ii'.,f. tiedpf, g'f-. o( ilnur, Imu of ) ru, niiu ol biuur, unu t,( Mlilk. l.llu Ulld (duller lUltd l tilled l HI In bCilMed Ulld lll illl 1 It lei,liil ll jd.i. I i "ii s Hi rmirAhK ti:-i . ) na pint ' r MM-itl, iiug piul i, l.iutcl iiillk. ono i e ;, u li.t.pinful f( .kI,4. m'iHMnniU of ll itu, , u l l .imU, Uliie milk, uu. i.ii.v i, ,,r i , Uil. rilMO.K( f.l VK, Oue iplill.r ifi H ..nll.. 11 H ..l, HHL4 , ,t ,.,!. I lit.ik, l'U tl.u IU..W uii i (mil .,, if..,.l,,iu I j it II. ii k p iM. , l. u ij i.m f uf sn l.i.ui, ! rtl.iU) t14r.it tur in ll.Kt. .! Up-iilu! .. i a-.tr i I it a iy t i-vl ;... hjI.i I I uul .r ; , i iu. 4 ii.umu ImLu iu , tap, him ii iul.l t l. l iui M41.I. l Up. IVO MilbliM. 4 t UKIl.Al Ut I.N.. ,J,(. l14WI Ik-Ui,. f I, l, p.. 141.J 1. 1 tl'.u. UhU is I-.I.I.i I nil n l. lllll l. ol bi.U. I, . 1,, I ,.W 4 .1 ' k i i ..i .. l, i r, U ia, I' I I I'.K i t . . I . "4 u .. a.ii i ii. l4ll',(t U i tup if t i-ta.. mcmis. MAMMOTH CASH STORE, IN MARKET SQUARE. IS OPFERIHO BARGAINS VS. DllT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDARWARE,' QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Faints, OilsJ&c. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSORTMENT FRK8H FROM THE CITY. DRYOOODS. BLANKETS, OVERCOATING, CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND SILK. rOPLINS, ALPACAS, SHAWLS, with every kind of FoitEioN and Donnstic Dry Goods. Groceries of every kiud, Coffee, Teas, Bugar, Molasses, Fish, and everything la the Grocery Hue. Meat, HARDWARE of every inscription ond an endless variety of cutlery. CjUEEXSWARE ef every variety nnd fpiality. BOOTS AND SHOES of tho best manufactures in thu Country. WALL PAPER an crtra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every dis criptious. FRFPH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PaINTo and OILS of the beft (quality. All of n Inch will be sold nt the very LOWEST PRICES. As these poods havo been bought for rash, sper'ml inducements to purchasers nre oll'ercd. Cull aud examine the Immense Stock. II. V. FltlMXG. ouiibury Nov. 6th, 1870. DANIEL LTiSHER A. J. MILLER EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS Just opened at tho store of Messrs. LESIIEll & MILLER, In Scott's Building on QUEEN STREET, NOKT1IUMBEULAND, PENN'A, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ii:v goods, Comprising nil the Fall and Winter Styles of Ladies' Dies Good, Woolen Goods &ic, Cloths, tiisnitncrcs and Ccntlcinens' GiX)ds gvuunilly. which will till to sold at great bargains. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, of all kinds nud of every description. inrcMswarc, GIithnnro' nud Wit-low-AVare. ROOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women nud Children. FLOUR AND FEED of all Mud, Ii constantly kept on hand. They will also purchase GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, nt the highest market price, and will exuhnnge goods for Grain. Tho public ore Invited to call and examine our c::ten.-ive useortmeut of Goodd before purchasing I tlhewlii i'c, and become convlnecU that Goods e.m be bought lower than elsewhere at our establlsu- uvyit. LESIIER &. MILLER, ih'd, Sept. 17, lS70.-ly. No' A GKAND FALL OPENING OK NEW STOKE GOODS. A complete ui.sortnicut of good.1 arc now being opened at MOO II IS & DISSINT.EK'S sSTOUE, llaui t' Ruilding, Marktt Street, tUNHt'KV, PENN'A. CoiinUtlng of ( LOTUS ANDCASSI.MllltES, DRESS GOODS, Dry Goo.'n of every variety, Notions, LuiUe' rli.iuin, Gent's Furnishing GimhIh, ItOHtl)'9lMtle lolhluK, Woolen Hlahkrl', Ciq .H, Oil Cloths, FUKrill GROCERIES, jacetisM.ire, Wlliow-Ware, Glassware, At., A.C. I lour nml Feetl. (ail iiul set) tlnlr Veil seleeti'd sloek of the ii l I. ti .l l) lv, lir.li limn tho rasli'i ii cities. 1'iii us are loiv. 'I liey iiru dclorlulneJ to keep up Uu'U oi l linillii ol tji II k t!l IS AMI KtlAl.t l'OI IT. Ail V'.ii'U i'f eouiiliy nudue tttkeu In tx- rhah'c fur vrlf, MOORF A DISSIMir It. p.-i'i. ei, i '7i. I Ml I.I.I HI I.I.I u n Iflllri tuli-r. .l'ia haling '..iliu umm Ion of 1 lite BtihS'iiy M..UU on Vt.tlii.il lin t, ' uud liukln iruii-d lint v.n.ir, tiio uov 11 parvtl ' lj uiutiulu. uur tttl l.iaii.U ot ' l l.om AND i V.k.O. i Tli' V re' l fully luiil.i Did iliUrns i.f tl.U 1 1, li.il v li t ii' lb. in it lll.ll, v. I In 'I .. il. iu, U lll.ki U" I.. I 1)11.1111 V nil r.jil.il Iu Un) In (UK ' M iin. I In a u.ii t 1. 1, ui tii mv , I I Mi.. Wl.s. Wlu.it ri mi I r bum I, I!. 1 t Ik 1.1 r luill. 1 I I ail I ... M i" . t- 3 M j Up. I. u l. ..I I lolll, l I I Ml. '.'. ' l.. I I" , " t I i:.' .v t ..in, " t i: Ii I . .V ' . . I '.. (i, " ' N liilti si.vi. 4 60 I "...il, " t ml ' It -a, " I .... tn l.k. it t ''. si n .Hull) ..lii.Ul tn l. I " i ...t-it .it. k.u.u. kiti m x ma u. I 4b'.ui., J .urn I . l.'0 U isrelln I'ImI. Oil. k t , , ..( ,if IW.4..1 -I le. ii ti.i, il I. ..i 4 .. ii, t. 1,1,. ,p( V .il., 4 . . 4. vl . " . W4 t ' i rt I'll 4 i. i i ' r .. "ii i $tsnlla ancoits. THE SV'JVlUltY CATTLE IXKllN AXCE COMPANY. Omci 8. E. Cor. Mahki'st Bgexnii, Sukbcjit Fa. INSURE YOUR CATTLE I THE ONLY COMPANY THAT PATS PROMPTLY. rprtTS Company pnys (ill losses by all kkids of JL nccldcntw bv death, (cxccptlne In case of epidemics,) by theft, Ac, &c. They pny prompt IV. jmo tea tape proccouings io ootaiu your money In case of loss. J,ook nt the Hat or .Losses paid within sis months by this company i M. Hcnnlugcr, Sunbury, $33 83 D. import, Northumberland, 50 00 8. 11. Dodge, " 80 00 Gcoriro Eckcrt, " 40 00 Charles Bolic.h.Mt. Carmel. 80 00 KUBBtUS SrpplO, " 40 00 CnMinrlne Wuitnor, Wnlsonlown 40 00 Ueo. Melt, Northumberland 60 00 Jacob Snvder, Sunbury, 83 88 J. W. liasslcr, " 60 00 Minor Cady, Dcwnrt, CO 00 Catharine Martx, Slminokm, 40 00 Francis Kiichcr, Bunbnrv, 60 00 Samuel Price, Upper Leiiiijh, 60 00 Application can be made at tho home office or to the dlll'orcnt Local Arch's. C. J. 11RUNER, rrttident. C. A. Rrimtnssvpeii, Sec'y, Sunbury. Directors Solomon Btroh, Wm. Rrlndlc, C'h8. Martin Thoinns llaldy nud John A. ehiselcr. Decculbcr rith.--ly. Agricultural Implements, nOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Gardon Rakes, Lonir am' D Handle Spades, Sliov cIh, Manuro and liny Forks, Grass and Gralu Scythes, Grain Crndlc, Ciaillo Finecrs, (Truce, Hraist, Toiiirue and Lo:; Chains, Uriud-stoiics, Viinuinu Mill Selves )' all sizes and kiuds, a larfro assortment of Ked Walton Haines, for Plowing, Farm Bells. Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. II. CONLEY At CO. A VENT EMAN'N lVAKO-ROBE. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING HOC82, Tuiud St., One Doon Bklow Market St., SuNncnY, Pa,, J. M. ZIEGLER, PBoruJErou. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OF EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL KINDS, FINEST GRADES, ENDLESS VA RIETY. Embracing every quality and styles that tho New York and l'biliulelnhlfi Markets nll'ord, which will be mailenntooidei by the best ot work men, warranted to lit and render entire satlsfuc tiou. MEN'S FURNISIirNG GOODS. The lnr;c"t assortment hi town. Embracing ever ' i 'v; c ' Gciitlmno i s v.ear of the latest style'. . ; 1 ( and sec my siock. n'sotiic latest faahious, beioie purchasing elsewhere. J. M. ZIE(iLER, (euceesor to Thomas G. Notl,) Third Ft., one door below Market, Sunbury,Fa. Bunbury, Jan. 15, 1ST0. liKE.il AMI I AM Y CAKES. D WID FRY, 1 RESPECTFULLY Informs thncltUcnsof Sun V bury ii'id v't'iiity, that ho will bake to orticr 11 kind" o" CAKES FOR BALLS PARTIES. Ac. Familc? c c sn'iiat FHESII DKKAD, TwiM, Kulls. li.wi;, Tea Cun. k.-.. end nlso kein ti h.uul imu liiauMl'aciurcd ori oT the bust liuuei:iltt. All on'.e s left rt his Shop In Market Squnre, ono dour ost o ' i l1". Anna IVnter's Millinery !S:o.e, or :t his Cakcry on S i .'.co Street, between Front and Secoiiu street s. ill meet with prompt niU'ii' ion. lJM.LiJ ANi) EVENING PARTIEtJ supplied whli due.-, lee-Cream, S.c., at tho shortest noi ice. Ortie s arc respectfully eoliciied. DAVID FRY. tiunbury, Dec. 12, ISM. ACiAI.V AT THE OM I'i.At E. rilllE m") 'nr announce i o the c'iizens of JL f i ibi'i., 'n't. havii'j; e ',!" e.fe.edhii KliliAD sud CAKE ESTABLI?MENT, on the o'd ' .ee, i. '.ierc it wns rcec'iv destroyed b," l e. lie f r;:i 'i prrAircl to ennply tUeui with nil l.i. ICS c ' liicru and Cakut, such as liUOWN B". D Ml'.iv I! "' D U'.'F ') ilAKED on the HEARTH, and n fell 1'ne of FANCY CAKES Tea Buns, Rolls pin' Tvii j.s. A'so. all kinds c :' Coiifeetlou nries nt 1:' slio'i on Thl il siieti. Havl.it; eniployeu h tlot-ehes baker from the cily, he is prepared to J.ive. cenc.al s.'lislaclion in his line of busiucis, uud (teiircsnll to give him a trial. llread and Cukes Cjlivered to customers every niorniii''. ICE CREAM. An li e Cream bullion lias been o;encd In eoh nci'tiun with the above ln-.iueiS, anil ft Ladies' Silicon lilted un, where the best I f Cieatii will be served up every evening duriii'. the season. WM. II. HAAS. Sunbury, June 11. 1S70. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, von rimiFYixa tub iiioou. The reputation this ex cellent uitMliciuo enjoys, b. derived IVoin Its cures, many of which am truly uiurvcllous. In volume cases of Scrofulous dis ease, whero Um system stsemcd salurulcd -with corruption, .have boen imriS'd unl cured by it. Scroiiilous HflTeetluns unit disorders, w liii h were sir- Kravaltil by the senilu- ioi Ulllri conLHnilimLinn until they TTPTO pnlnnilly anliciing, havo been rsdieally t iired in su' hKreut iiuiiiIh.i's tit almost every sco tion of the i'oiiniry,ih:it the public scarcely uced to be iiilumic'l ol u virtues or uses. f Tutuluii4 iiiii.un is n of the most destructive enemies ui' our rare. Ollen, tins unseen un.l tinfelt ti ii.uit of the organism iiiuleniiiiius llioeonaiitiitlun, ami uivlteslliiiaiuekol'eiii'eeliliiigor filial difuiiv, without exrltluw: u siispiclun of its prtwueo. Again, il M ums lo breeil iuli-i tl.ui tliruiiKliout Die bo.ly,iiiu( lueii, un sutiiti I'avunililH ovNMiiiiit rttuiilly develop lino oue or Jllier uf its hideous forms, either ou tlio mirlitco or auioiiK Hie tiuila. u tin) Inner, tuber, ties may Iw mliUnly ili iiariletl in III Iuiiks or lirurt, or tumors lottiied In Ih liver, or it shows iu iu'.n nie by erupliou on tbe skin, or foul ulcur- mionH on mine part or wo Hotly. Hence Hie ores sionnl tiM- uf a lioule til Ibis Safmuimrilln is ml- Vl.ul.li', OK U HlH'lt III) Ht'tlVO yilllll.mSor lllat'SMl linpeur. 1Vi..iih allli. Iel w iih tl.o Ii.Iiom iiik aoin- i. lainls ftcncrullv Uuil liiinitiuiu ts lu r, anil, nt lonmll, euro, by tli u-tt or Ibis H.iHS AV.tUIL l. l: bl. AuthoHn't firr, Hu mr Krtiftmlmm, f i ller. Suit ltli urn, HmlJ Urntt, Jlinutrvrm, hvrm Ayrtf, bur hum, au.1 uilr eruuUwiis or tUlbltl I.IIUIS Ul Srit.nfHI lltaUtiatS. Al4U IO UtO fliuru ljli. -e.ll.'il fornix, us itmprftailt, i.rubl, Urnft Jtitruir, til, J.'i.iJriMW, Jirmrmf,ifa, sud lltti vui'iuus C vr.M uJixUutu, ttf'tuti utuacu lar suit ttt'1'V.'iia tfU'iuit. fij;ll or IrHrmil and Mrrmrial rssce am u red by u, UmiiikIi a lonu iniu Is reiuirwl lor Mil'ilui.ttf ll.tii ol.tUii,il iiiulu. lu.as by any uu Iti-uia. Hut Ioiik ciiliiiued uo t.i iliu ituslii'liiii M ill cura Ilie ulii.lulltt. irxrwrkoisor M Itlfrs, I trrim I Ir ruliuum, su.l mitt trtmrHtrm, art) rtMit IHi.iilv soou rtflietc.i Mini ttltniuilely ruml hv us imrnxiuK siul luviyoriiiii.tf . a.i i. Milium Uirm ii. iiis i.r t'S' U e ar louii.l in our Aliuaiiae, su ln-. Kritli. MkrHmutiBtH i.. I4ti, wlioa rtiM-il l.y secuu.ul.ilit.t.s of ekiisnttuus utsttt-rs lu Urn bloml, yielil t.uukly lo II, as al I lr t'vwiduiHt, iurpiiltitt, rwMfrallwMur tuflum muiiuH ol the i.ti r.at. ItantMiiir, w lna arutita, um Hi. ) oil. ii .1.., In, iii llio tin. Ulna tHlMua iu 11ms I.I.m.1, 'II.U Stva 1 1' t K 1 1 Li fa a steal ra ti "ivr ..tr Ilia atirull. uli.l ll" r .Ilka a)atas. IIiohi Uliu aia l.tiMMtaf and .llra. iaM.a,a tS. 4.1. airrfj.a. a.t.f tJUUl'Wl Mllh ArtNM 1 1 art aaai4.Ma ut rairat wr auy uf Hut aUtvituus t i.i...iuniui uf HwUm, Mill lui lu.uanlialat t.l.'l and ri.tmeuijj tiukUc w Us C4W4aUf UWV UKy UUb ra$r4HBi ur Uv. J. f. Atsll .,tll, Hays., ft iMlltai i i4al .ImmlyUntl I tt. Mil It UV Al l. ItUlUtiitTS KVtUiH tUataV MinL.tt, It.o It. U IM If Al il II H.S or II OUT . l MMUliM, lalkaail's JIu.Mii.j, Mukil ,...' uul.ui). VI i. u... I., i.i 1 1, i .-( iis,.a 4'i4 f -'-.a lii t'le lu w4al U. U.l u tU i I II.. I . it t biu, . . i T' jit I.. u 0 ...i ut 4l.v.i aoailtV. CllivIS lf Uiu..y t. .i , ik. 4. 1.4 IS, I '.K. oit imthi m. K - i. k' I. a., f-a liaU fci tli.aS, I ...... I. ii, I . , 4 . . . 4 . , 1. 1 1 S -I tl'S, l 4 U Shscclluttctras. EC KM AN A CO. A FULL LINK OF FAIX c WINTER GOODS at JOHN ECKilAN A CO'S. Groceries, the best nd cheapest In the market, at Ecktnau ifc Co'i. Oll-CloOi, Carpet nnd Cnrpet Chain at tho very lowest prices, at Eckman & Co'i. UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, ULUYJBS and NOTIONS Eckman & Oo's. of evory description, at Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe", at Eckman &'Co's. Stone-Ware, Wooa-Wora and Wlllow-Wnrc, at Eckman & Co s. Hardware, Nails, Salt, Fish, &c. at Eckman A Co's. -Country Froduce taken In exchange at Eckman x Co's. Don't forget the place, JOHN ECKMAN A CO., CORSER FOVRTH AND MARKET STREETS, SUNBURY, PENN'A. unbury, Dec. 8, 1870 FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOGDS. TVTI8S ELIZABETH LAZARUS announces to iVX the public that she has Just received, irt her store lu Dewart s lluUrtmp, a large supply or TIKE 1.ATE8T 8TYLE8 Of HATS, trimmed aud uutrlmmcd, and of Ml colors, la- claaingthe NEOPOLITAJf, the latest and most fashionable thing out In hU. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest styles. Siuli Ribbons, rlaln nnd Hctired. Ladle's Bpcuccrs, 1 ace Colars, Linen .'olrtrs and Cuffs lor I.ndlis nna cimuren, croenet collars. Neckties for iadles and Gent's latest styles Bilk S.'ck loops, a superior aftlrle. Cloves Ineltidiiut 'Kids, and Ladies' Bnckskiti gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of T.iuunmgs, Embroidery Patterns. Hosiery for Ladies, 'Cent's nntt Children. Nats, Piece aud pique trimmings. TRIMMING SILKS, Chignons, Zephyrs and Yams, and a general Variety of Notions. Thankful for past p.itronr-ga, she hopes that the I'Unlilv of her goods will merit n continuance of the same. EI IZALET1I LAZAKl'ti. FRUIT, FARM AM HDRSERIES, XOAV READY. Our new Descriptive nnd Illustrated Catnlnjpic, with i'rice IWt for the Spring of 1671, containing Bpleudidly colored 1'hromoM of the Martha (IVhite Coucord) 'Jrnpe, pronounced by J. Knox and othrrs the most valuable Rrne produced since the Introduc tion of the Concord ; aud the Jucunda ("Our Xo. 700") Strawberry, with descriptions of all the lending varieties of Sniull Fruits, new and old, with di rections ior plantiui;, growing, and handing them, n.iu bow wo make iioiu 1,000 to 2,000 per Acre with the Jucunda Stiawbe.iy. It Is veiy hand some it 'i valuab'o book, gotten up nt a lieavy expense end will to scut to all applicants eu clwingO cents. FLOWERS. Our Descriptive C.italoi'e of Roses, Rreen house and lleiidiii' Plants, S'i'nb?, Evergicens, etc., conlahilnj; tl eiiplicus ( mnny .are nnd bciimlful Plants, is elso redy, and will'uo sent to all nppl'cants fo ' 5 I'ents. It. CLMMINO CO., Successors to I. Knox, Fob.4,187I-lm. I'lttsburg, Pa. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKER'S Ci. LTFOKNI A VINEG-AE BITTEES Z 4 Hundreds of ThouRands ? 3 Bear trdtlmony to thetr Woudcr- o fulCumiivo kuecu. Hi WHAT ARE THEY? II. I3 3 a r TireV ABB NOT A TIL? FANCY DRINK. Uailaor I'oor ltaui, Wkiakri. l'roul ISplrlia and liviuao Uttawra dusturctl, splocd aiidswccv rni-J to vleasa llis tsstu, calleU''Tiilcs,''Aipetls. era," " lUatarart e., tl.st leud tint llriplir on to tlninkaniifas sud ruin, but are a traa M elicit. o, piada from the Kallva Ifoouaud Iterbaof Caliruruu, freo from all Alrahalle Mlauulaata. lbcrare Ilia CiltEAT IILUOU I'l UIFlU and A LIFE (ilVlMa rUINCirMCsroract litwuvalur aud lurtguratt.r of tho Hy.ltra, eurrylng off all h1uuous nuituir sud ruaturluii ilia blood lu a boaltlijr candlttou. ho persoa cau tako thosa Vltlsrs according to emo tion aud rautala long unwell. tlUO wiIIImi (Ivaafbraa IttruruLla eajw, prutul.-d V.o boBAS ar j uot Uoatroyad a uttaardA polaoa a eiaar uoaua, at-d lbs vital txuaiis waat4 Iwrtuul tL point of rtcalr. I-ar laaaaasnularr and C'kraala Bhaaaaita llaia aatt Haul, tlysat aala, r ludlaratlua, lllltaaa, llautliiral aud lulf railin-tit Fnrn Ulaaaat-a al lua lllaod, l.lvrr, K Id tic t a, aad llladiler, lliaaa lllllata tava bvau utoal auuctaa ful. Hulk Ulacaaaa srs cauaad j Vlllaltrd llload. Uiclt la nauarally (.coduavd bj dvraujfvutaul tifUio Ulut'ailia Urauaa. UVatl'tf a Ult INOIIiBHTION, lUad aclia. I'alu lu luu aboutdtira, lougtui, TtaLtua of tta i ua-4, Ituiluaaa, Hour truetaUous af Ika atuoiaca, I a.1 lal.. U Hm) ll.'Ula. Duu.ua Altacka, I'aloiuui t-f Uia Uvatl, lutaauiuatui t4 alt tatma, fsia la . SU.ua of Ika kldaajfa, aad t tuattovd v4hai ba;ull uibkutu, aia llu ollk,iria(aof laoaoala. tit. lut ujotala Ika St"ti.at:a aud Uiaalal Ika kus .l4livi sim! aoaala.aU.il rvudtrr llutta of iauaa,ualk4 tOtacjr la clasa.log ika blood of all iu. ajitua. and avufanlui baa lua a4 lo tba a kola a akat. kUltftkUN iltaK4sat,kfallo4a,Toabr.aalt lUataut, blotaaaa. ow, I'lu.) I.a, rauliilva. Holla. I t aak, Ilia Vtarau, avals lluul. Sola fjraa, Kala alaa. lul., aaaS., litavolotaMotol lua tain, llwuoas ai.d tia.aa wl Ika taw, ol u.wa aauia oi aaiaja, a lllats'lt J Skaa4aaila4oalwl tua tiuai la a tkoti I. at ; k Ika was of ikvaa lutiata. I aa kottla la Saaksaaaa aUI toattoaa lua laoat Ittsit daltias af tkalf eatati.a tafa.A taam la VUiala) kUa4 akasaatf ) 1-4 la Laaailfaa kalatlua lauoaak WW akia la I'Uai laa, Itaa-tt'-aa as awaai aUauaa tt a a-a oa Sua u ota.uoat.4 aad atoaaMi ta lua tttoa. tl.aaaa it abaaliisM4, a4 oai auatu4a aui tall t kaa kata aUa kkavd -i. au4 ifca k-aikk of tka iiAa atUK-ii-.a. flk. Ttfata-daaww tt uktMa, UistadlaaVa a, .4.0. of aa aaaj tktiaiain.i. aaa adatiiai. aVaat"r 4 1 aav4 t. lua t 4 I P4 Kt4 aatn.lsaai. laad sat.latif tua atavatai ataaad aaati kottla, auaV4 a toas aat. kv- aiatai..a4aaa, i-aa at.4 i nt i- wttkSH, roaiata. Itli D.MUvtM, fataaataa) aa4 ttaa AaaU. Salt t aaaaiwa, ( ak, 4 al aad NWkawH 4441, kaa Iota jrwH HI Aid. fVwktl Atf fUlAa .at r-a-l Vk.ab.aj kk,. 4 ktvvaa 4 id-aaaa' at 1 is II l . J SPV J VS 1 S 2 oil ipv:W Hi HI "1 : Stturafarfurtrs. 9IAC111MU SHOP AND IKU9I FOlTiDRT. GEO. ROnRBACH & 80N8, Manbiiry, rein, INFORM the public thnt they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Borinir Machines, with the latest Improvements. With tho aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, thnt may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grate to salt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, or all siies. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their sn periority, have been (till further Improved, and will always oe Kept on nana. Also, TnRESniNQ MACHINES. Snnbnry, June 18, 4870. CA1.ISET n.lKI.G AKD TJ XT ID E T -A- KIlTa B. Is. RAUDENBUSn, Masonic Hall Buildings, SUNBURY, PA. PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, Sofas nnd Lounges, Plain and Mafblo-Top Tables and Iturenus, Bprini; nnd Cune scnted Chairs of all grades. Rockltig Bad Kitrlirn 'lialr, Offlco Chairs, Dinlni; Tables, Sideboards and BiuKs, l-ooking i .lames nnd Looking Glass jilates of all sizes. Iledstends, Mattresses, Bolsters, Tlllows, Tow el Racks, Washstauds, Cradles, Cribs, Children's cnuiirg, WINDOW SHADES of every color and quality. Window Shade fir tares aud Tassels of nil kinds. UNDERTAKING. Coffins and Burial Caskets nlwnys 'kept on hand, or iniide to order nt the shortest notice. The underslirncd havhitrbecn for years enirair- ed In tho uudcrtakinir business iu 'the cttv of Pliiladeli'liia, is enabled -to give entire sntUfac tion to all who wish unyttimi; in this line. A splendid HEARSE has been purchased for funerals and personal attendance given by v. i'. nuutitia, Agent. Oct. 8, 1S70.-4m. FU11X1TUKE! FUItXITUKEl J A NEW NTOKU AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIAMDY Township, Northuniberlaiid County, Pa. WILLIAM XEOELY HAVING opened n new Furniture Store at the above place, v. ill constantly keep ou hand, a largo uud select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprihins; of Parlor nnd Cluinlber Suits, Conch es, Lounges Tallies, Bureans, Cnne-Seated Chairs of all grades, ICorkini; und Kitchen Chii'r.4, T.'uflistnnds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Vdttngc and Half Cottiifrc, l.iMikinji-dlasses, Window Shades, null in short., cverytblui; usually to be found In any v.ell-kcpt Furniture Store, ray be had aft this establishment. Hoping, by fair dcaliinr and strict attention to business, 'to mefll tho pirtronairo of the public. An Invitation is extended tt nil dcsiiinj; anything iu tho line of Furniture to call and examine ui V stock. I'litlertiikiii); dona In all Its branches. tdif Kcpulriuj doue ut short notice. .3 WM. NEGB1.V. Georgetown, June 11, '7i).-l.. iTi:Mlti:ir axi ii.Timxu jmili.. Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie U. R., two Sqnures North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IDA T. CLEMEKT, IS prepared to famish every description of lum ber required by the demands of .tho public. Having all the hi est Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to till or ders of all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, iDOOTIP, -SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AHUK ASSOKTMKNT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, lithe, ike. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1UA T. CLEMENT. declD-USMy NTOVK cV 'tIS KSTAUI.IKIUIEST. MARKET STREET, SUNBLRY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOU TO SMITH A OKNTnUH.J nAVING purchased tho above well known es tabllshiucut, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the public thnt he now has on hand a large assortment of C () O K I N O S TOVE8, PlH!er's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving T'p, Couibiimtiiiu, Susquehanna an, I tl tiers, w hieh are so mranged as to bo used for Coal or Wood, nnd nre w arranted topcrrorn. sutlhl'amiti l ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put np to lieat one or more moms. HEATING STOVES of dillereul kinds at very low prlrcu. Tinwatre of i:nry IM'kriplioii kept constantly on hand, touting nnd Spouting with the lu-st niatei'lal, d-me ul ali.nl nutiie. REPAIRING attoi.lied to with dipateli. Coal Oil and Lumps oniisiaiitly on Inind. Japan wine of uU kint.s. Store opposite Cunluv'a lunlware store. Give mo a call. A. KKAL'i'E. upr.'4-ly ui sunt v n It It I. K YAltls. TIIIE .udfralgnrd having bought the entiro JL slock of Di-.alm.'cr & Taylor, would iiili.rm the public that he is now ready to do all kinds of 9t (It It I.F. tlOIIK. ns ou huutl, aud makes to ordeY at MIOItT NUTICB. noanuirut t llraU-MIatH, or Kvrar stti.k. DOOR AND WIN DOW SILLS Alai, Vnielary Pnals with Gdlvuulse.l plpa ami all ul liar fiiitiiiK generally uaed un t enitl.rUa, Joliu A.Tu)lttr Will itniunuu in Iliu ruiployiiieiit,' at lha old al.trid un Murkat SI.,HtaibiKy. luay'J'Uti TIIK 0LY NTOYK YtlTllUIT A 'AI I.T IN TIIK taltt: AT llil.TI. MUltta rillliri.At K Ill-A it II, BIllll'S ni.L'kllNATKD DIAMOND flAH UL'KNCR. f w Ult II PAKU'U AND t lUVIUkltit AUt WAIlkltD BV ON K riKK. IT I the auly V Ua'plae II. iu r that hat a r fait lip ' if.l. r, aud lu fri.iu pl.ll'nif vl v- pllialoua, ur rllltlllllll K4 llllil I ItU It Ml I III. ut, ItUlbat.iity Kiuklaea lltitttr akUll.a .nti IiiuijimiuI M iKMSUta l alil.U fci.alu uliuiiiii.il Ua ptaar is ..laainxl, tba ai'til.u.i.l the M.nu U in, lotus tiUhituullj waiiiii'.l, and Ilia tn.r.a llo. Ilat4 ol lite gital kelltl cl tltw tatl In I lit lt4l oir. It la Iba iMily I'll.l'Ui. II. .lul ll.l la 4 IV r- f. Ika 1 1 I va4i f k id 144. bu. L4I, uulf IkUl.aa tlluit( titttfa Ul I aa 4.1 luail li. i.la, Il la Ilia iuly fii'l'U.a lUlai Willi lila.: lltiua- kkd at 't it. t'lt.ai i!a. Il at If. uuly I iia Ut IlktUI a .lit ILa J"'k baa, aliiu.; el'.tt-Wtit .au Ut aabaa, u4 Ottlt Vul atU.t.i4 lb. yiai. lit.! Im bata wul. In U.t 14 Is Ik. att-il tut,.!!..! lun.tu.M. fua lUi II. -J.l, l. i"t.al au4 la Ui j .J.a4 al.4 Itiatti. I.I I ' ila.l a. una 4 t , i t lour kinkir, H .inuita WJ. aS kaUI ( IU ft. (i ItU HUH, S.aLi,, I'aka'a. J,a lsa, lai.- If, MtSts M. Ukfi kk, i'J! k Itccommcndctt and Kndorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors I DTI. LAWRENCE'S Compound Fluid Extract ot K o s o o i Tna oubat HEALTH RESTORER I Mot a Secret Qunck Medicine Farmula Around the Bottle. PKErAUF.D SOLELT HT Dr. J. 3. LAWRENCE, Organic Cbetulst. KORKOO Strikes at tho Root of Disease by PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Restoring the Liver and Kidneys to a Healthy Action, and Invigorating the Nervous By stem. This U tb Secret of Its Wonderful Success la Curing Consumption In Its early stages, Scrofula, Sy philis, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic Khemnalistn, Neuralgia, Ncrvons Afl'cctlon, Eruptions of the Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Diseases of Kidney untl Bladder, and all Diseases caused by a bad state of the Blood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humor nnd Bad Taint, and restores tho entire system to a Wealthy conditiou. It Is beyond question tho FINEST TONIC IN TUE WOULD. Thousands have been changed by the nsdof .this Medicine from weak, sickly, sull'ering crea tures, to strong, healthy, uud happy men uud women. Invalids cannot hesitnte to give It a trial. No medicine has obtained such a great reputa tion as this Justly telebruted compound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divlues, "Editors, DruggistF, Merchants, A.C., see KOSKOO A IO NIAN AC for this year. rrleo One DoIIitr Ter Bottlo. roR SALE I1T The Principal Druge1ts iu the United States and British America. Dr. Lawkkck's Woman's Fhihnd Cures ull Diseases peculiar to Females. Nov. .(, 1870.-ly. u n. xv. jioouv, n. i.. (Suceeseor to W. A. Bcnuett,) DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Kqnaro, Sl'AHlHV, Va. Opened a fresh nud full assortment of mU'CiS AM) JHERICINKSi. unsurpassed In purity nnd freshness, and kept constantly on hand. My stock will always be found complete lu every article of merit lu Medi cine. Pbyslciaiis end Customers may rely upou promptness and alleuliuu to orders. Just re ceived .SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Fancy Articles! My eteck Is unusually large aad embraces everything that can be fouud on u Urst-class Toilet Table, Including American uud genuine French uud English PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutta Psreha Wooll and Horn Combs, Toilet Snaps, Hair Tooth, Null, Cloth and Pnhit Brushes, ic. PATENT MEDICINES. Embracing nil tho most popular Preparations o the day, ut manufacture! a' prlnvs. Pure Havana Segare and Chewing Tobaooo of llie Dest brands. l'nlntN, Otlst, .la, CilitHM, Patly, YurnUlieM, Ar. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Oinlmeuts, Cerates, nnd other prep.iralions are manufactured by my self,and from thu best lunlcrial he can procure iu Market. All my preparations ns I have nbove asserted, nre uiaiic from the be-l innter':til, und upon hoifor I assert, they are uf ollicial strength. For medical purposes, 1 keep ou baud the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I cau procure. A full assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. The utlcutioii of the ladies is called lo Ihe Ingredients to manufacture wax flowers. T'lTnrr purchuing tlUuuhrrv, call aud cotminco your own u lnd. After a miniler of years' experience In the practice of Meillrino, he ullV rs bis Professional aeiv.i .r to the eilizenn of Sunbury. Private cou sullati.ins cau be ha. I ti lw. ru the hours of Id nnd 1'J a. m., and 4 uud 5 p. in., nt his residence, In lliiglit's brick row, second door from the (aat, CheatiiUl street. XV M. W. MOODY. Sunbury, Feb. 19, 1K70. i.ohk4 : ni:u I ; m aciii xk. T HIS calebrntt'd Machine la now on exhibition uiil door to Krause's Tin uud Stove Store, Market Mrcet, Niuibnr) , Pa. The Flnrciiee St wing Maehiue stands unequal led for Ixniiily and durability t being the l.eal Family Sewing Machine now ulloivd lo the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It has self-ailjualingteiilli.il lu Iho Sliuttla chaiiges fur llie vurloua fctilelns mudu w bile Ihe machine Is In laotion. lis Stllehraare tba womler of all for Inauty and uuih,tH'iug alike ou I" all .1,1. 4 uf the fabric. Il seas light itinl heavy falnles with nptal fa cility. '1 1.0 work Hill feed either rlht or la ft. Runs quietly and rapidly. N'o dittleiilty ex.r luiiced In sewing acr.ias heavy seams, Its mo Itoiiai're till juailive ( no prtui:a or t-og wlteels lo get OUl Of Older. I ll" llelillller larua wide and narrow, hem uud fell taniiililully. Il la Ihorougbly practical aud kill lal a Ufa lltiitt. Ksrry t'autlljr nbfMtid Has One. Kvery Mm bine W irrunlcd to aut alunllstu all weilituu fur II. Il Utlliei.nl Machine In il.u oil. i li.tt Is cit. tbte ul making mora limit one slllt b autlliu-i-ng 4 lie rcturac ItxJ iti.'ikiu. I ull aud vaautlua tl um, auj Ilia a4ti.pU ol is. NO (MAItCK t'lllt SIKJUlNli. I I Ileitis. Fills, lul.la, lllul.ll, Tui kS, Quills, Ulu.la, tijlbeia, ike., WlllloUt b..ll.k'. It n.jk.a a Kulli. r au. avs II ou l and al lut oa-iulut4i pt ilt-t II), la.k kit. I.it.41 la lutuiaUi.l v It ti a uiiil4a sal uf l.aila, a III.. .lit rll. I I lt.!lk'r. t in) p.titl.uair ..M ik'liuil.i.1 and aluif U ti bit. taiilij auj kt 4 iu ui4. r. kin 1. 1 us Oil auti iluead kt'l't um k4u4 al all liutaa. 1,1 it. IV. kill IN A HKu , asmis, f.-l Suilk'J. k..i k l, t "lou a u4 ki.Mtloat I uuu'a. titiuUi l, 4?a " N A S I r. ' " I'UAci'ii t urmt IbU UtiUltlM , ft, i, Al Or4vr lliausfully rvw)i4 VruMityUy u4utkHL laaaaauUai H I -a. eell4 1st '( J I I 44(4 0 . a aaV KeadlnK Kallrtxtda WINTER ARRAN0EMBS1. Monday, Nm. 187a GREAT TRUNK LINE from the Hon arj North-Wett for Philndolphln, N. Y.,Rtavt Ing, 'Pottsvllle, Tamaqua, Asblnnd, RrutmnkVn, Lebanon, Allootown, Euston, KphrutA, Litis, Lancaster, Columbln, &c, ttc. Trains lonve Hnrrisburg for New Tork, aa fit lows i At 8.10, 8.10,10.60 n. in., and 2.60 p. connecting with similar Tmins on ths Pennsyrvunla Railroad, and rrriving at New York ut 10.10 a.m., 3.6o, Bl&O nnd 10.00 p ra, resiectlvely. Sleeping Cars accompany tus 8.10 a. m., trnln without clinuge. Returuiugt Jasave New York nt 0.00 a. tn.. 12.00noon nnd5.P0p.ru., Pliilndclpbia at 8.1ft a. in. and 3.80 p. m.i Slcvplng Cars nccompnny lng the 6.00 p. m. train from Now York without change. lHVe ilurrisburg fur Jtenrllng, Pottsvlllc, Ta- miiqua, Mmersvlllc, Ashlund, Sbamokin, Allentown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. 2.50 and 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations t tho 4.05 p. m., train connecting lor Philadelphia, Pottsvillo nnd Co- luinuia only, for Pottsville, Schuylkill Haveu and Auburn, Tin Seliuylkill nnd Susiuobanmt Railroad, leave Hnrrlsliurg nt 3.40 p. tn. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend lug for Allcutnwn, Euston and New York nt6.00. 10.30a. m., 12.45 Noon nud 4.45p. m. Returning, leave New York nt 0.00 a. in., 12.00 uoou and 5.00 p. m. nnd Ailcntono at T.20 a. iu. l'i.35 noon, 'i.b:, 4 20 and S.4j p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Peuna. Rallroud, returning from Heading at 0.20 p. m., stopping nt nil stations. Leave Pottsvillo at 11.00 a. Jm. nnd 8.10 p. m. Hcrndon at 10.15 n. in., Shitmokln nt 5.40 nmt 11.20 a. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., aud 1250 noon; Mnhauoy City at 7.61 n. in. nnd 1.35 p. :a Tatnaqua at 8.33 a. m. and 2.40 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, llurrieburg, Jcc. Leave Pottsvillo via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Ruilroud at 8.15 a. in. for Harrisburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove nud Trcmont. Heading Accommodation Train leaves Potts, vlllent 5.40 a. m., passes Reading nt 7.30 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia ut 10.20 a. in., returning leaves Pliihtdelphia at 4.45 p. in., passing Read hig ut 7.25 p.m. arriving at Pottsvillc at U.10 p.m. l'ottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 7.00 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia nt 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Tralus leave Reading nt 7.20 n. in., nnd 0.15 p. m. lor F.phruta, Litis, Xiancnster, t-oinmina. ivc. Perklomcn Kail Road Trains leave Perkiiimcn Junction at 7.45, 0.05a. m..nt 3.00 and 5.30 p. m. Returniug.leavc Schwenksville ut 7.00,8.20 a. ni., 13.50 uoou and 4.30 p. m. councctiiig with similar trains on Reading Kail Road. Colebrookdale Rallro jd Trains leave Pottstowu at 9.40 a. in., aud 0.20 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant nt 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., connectiug with similar trains on Kradiug Kailroud. mcater Vulliy Kailroail Trains leave bridge port ut 8.30 a. m., 2.05and 5.02 p. m. returning, leave Downmgtou nt 0.55 a. m., 12.45 noon and 6.15 p. tu. couuectiug w ith slmilur trains on Reud iug Ruilroud. On Suuoays : Leave New York nt 6.00 p. ra., Philadelphia ut 8.00 u. ui. and 3.15 p. in., (ihu 8.00 a. in. train ruunlujr ouly to Readme;) leave Pottsvillaal a.OOa. ui., leave" Jlurribburtr, 3.10 a. m., uud 4.05 p. in.; leave Allentowu nt 8.15 p. m. leave Reading nt 7.15 a. tu. and 10.05 p. ui. for IIurriakurB. ut 5.00 a. m. for New York, uud at 11.40 a. m. and 4.25 p. iu. for Plnliiilel'a. Commutation, Milur.ge, Season, bcliool nnd Eicuraiou Tickets, to aud from all points at ro duood rates. Baggage ehcekod through I 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Pussouger. G. A. NICOLI.8, Gccieia! Surwi iutunilent. PbilMdclpkia and Erie Iluilroud. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Moiidav, Nov. 21t. 1870, tho Trulnt ou lha Philadelphia ot Erie Kail Koad will ma as follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, 14 " arr at Erie, Erie Hi press leaves Philadephia, " " " Suuburv, " " an at Erie, Blralra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " Banbury, M arr at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. IsUli Trial u leates Erie, " " " Suuburv, " " arr at Philade'lphU, Erie Issprues leaves Erie, " ". Suntiiuy, " " arr al Philadelphia, Elniira Mjill leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbui-v, ' ' arr ut rbila.lelphl.i, Butfklo Uxpracs leuvea Williamsport, " " " Suuburv, " " arr ut Philadelphia, 9.40 p in 4.55 a m 7.40 p ui 12.20 a ra C.40 p in 7.40 a in il.30 a in i.V.'t p in 7.50 p m 9.00 a ut I2.0T. a m 6.50 a n 9.00 p m 10.20 a m 5.30 p in 8.15 a m 11.05 a m 5.K0 p in 12.35 a ni 2.35 a rr 9.-10 a m Express, Mall and Aecoramodutlon, cai t und cat. conueel at Cm? and all went bound trains, nnd Mail and A ecu lu oil " ion eal at Iivintteu With Oil Creek uud Alleghruv River Knilrnud. VVM.'A. BAL1HVIN, Geu'l Sup't. Lsckuwauus nud ItloomNburic Hull roatl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CF PAS8KNGER TRAINS. Monday, July l.llh, 1670. SOUTHWARD. Leave. Srraulon, Hello vui', Taylorville, LnrkaWHuna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Malibv, Kiugtiun, & I st. W.-harre c'rs i Pit mouth Juuf. Pit mouth, Naulieuki', tlunlock's, Shi.-ksbluny, Hick's Frny, Reach llatcn, Berwick, Willow Grave, lli 'uir Creek, I. hue Ridge, F-ry. HU)Olii.b'.ira', K u pert, Cilaviiiisa, Dauvllla, Cbulaaky, Cainrri.n, Noilk'd, (arrive.) 10 45 NORTHWARD. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 45 8 25 U 30 0 80 1 00 I 6 50 'J 25 5 35 1 OS 6 57 ! 9 13 6 43 1 15 i 7 Oi ' y '.1 6 63 1 27 7 14 3 5J 10 10 Hi 1 ;;5 .7 1 10 D 6 OS 1 45 7 8 7 4 00 10 .. ! f. 15 1 55 I io i ti 21 a oc 4 15' 10 4 : C 40 I 7 65 4 S4 10 6 i C 45 8 07 I 7 U0 ! 8 14' i I 7 07 8 20 4 65 i 7 5 8 43 T 40 8 50 6 15 T Ml' 8 67 6 2'J 1 8 00 V 02 ! I 9 05 I I W 15 ! 26 6 45 9 80, S 60 8 5 57 9 41 8 in ,10 0 8 23 ,10 18 i 10 28 C 66 Leave. 'A.M. P. VI ! Northuinbtrluud, 10 25 6 'e Citmerou, I S XT' CliuUaky, I 6 t. Duutlllr, ill 03 44 1'atuaiaa.t, 18 24 II Kuparl, 1 19 29 I K ll.ountaburi;, 'l 85 8 26 F.'I'V. ,11 40 8 o t.iius iti.ii.4-. 1 i m : lit lul I irri, i 60 A. M., Willusj Uiuia, , ' 8 65 j Herwiek, It PI III tia.tt a Hate, I'J e T Ok 6 9n link s Ftrry, ,14 4 . 9 6u kuiik.kii.ay, JJ T I 45 HuulMk's, 19 It 7 4 T P. w ' Naaiicke, I 115 f l t I.I I'ltitiuulk, I 1 l't ok 7 Vs II eo f. 6t I'ltitiwullt June., i T v II li h'Ts';;;!;:. tiui Mallta, I 7 STIl t IT U ...... i, I a I tt 1 i l l" I vi Kt.l rutataas. i 9 4ti In II t) ( 4 final, u, I 6. S 45 I t II tl I il lackaaauita, I J ,J " Sl 40 lat'.'.ll.ia, J j 9 04 S HI 14 0 t ' U.nlu. ' 1 In .i 1 1 1 1 4 -as hwautaw, (suits): I II k U . !!.' M tUt ID I. tUl Si, ..,. t t' II lu Ja)aa, A laaal.aa't fcaj VI S H I. . J 1 4)4 f Iks kaa. a- 1(J I I Ii to Maa.aa 4 Mael4,(e' b I ktaut'.rul 1'ira a) t Mta. (J k'al M a all itt. I fclwsa al l-u.r. .lal If k I 4 a I kl -t. Hall lat.i aaf lua ta 64 k I' W ui ti it y -54 kl'a la 4 ,i. ,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers