H. B. MASSeM, E. WlkVZRT. Editors. iTjTTOUKY, FEBItUAHY 18, 1871. THe Test Oath. Tho Icmocrat of last week, in order to keep up a spirit of oppositien, finds fault with tho vote of our memltcrr, lion. John ). Packer, in opposi tion to the repeal of the test or iron clad oath. Whenever the people of tho (Southern Htates are willing to conform to tho laws, itud givo sonic evidence of their willingness to lorgei me piim, unu utiinve uicuiscvea . of conBlructng iron bridges in this county, ns good citizens ami honorable, men, it will nl)(l wlrtllcr ll0 contractors who fur bo time to relieve them from restrictions, niB,ed tho iron bridges in Cumberland which the whole civilized world finds it; Comity nK llie 8.,ni0 wi,0 furnishcd them recessary to impose upon cut throats, 1 lcrCi thieves and other lawless persons. To cx- j Thc .icommj8sion 0rtTr0 dollars per Toot" empt unrepcntei.t rebels fr.mi all disabili- nrgtin)et was one well calculntcd to waken tics, would only encourage them to con- j up ,h(J filcuUie9 of tIle I1U)El dormant, and ".line in their lawless course. lmfJ bccl1) no tioul,., BUCWSsfully used in Whether through design or ignorance, ; olhf.r counlit,s bts;.1(;s Cumberland. The editors of democratic papers have impres-1 tMri,i onvs sed their -readers with thc belief that tho j .coplu of the South liave been deprived of the right of suflragc on account of the test-1 oath. The fact is there is no act of Con- grcss, nor has there been any act, that t M-events any pioprrly qualified person ' i . i, :-n... : , r n ,1 k.. ' from voting who is otherwise q urthlied by : the laws of the Slate in which he resides. The disabilities complained of, refer only , to the eligibility of persons holding olllce. ' If tho people in the South have not the same privilcdge in voting that we have, it id owing to restrictions imposed by thc laws of their own State. Tiiesidknt Guam' sent to the Senate a specinl message on Thursday of last week, accompanying it with recent correspon dence between the United Stales and Great ISiitaiu, touching matters at issue between tho two notions. The initiative was taken by the llritisli government in its proposal to submit tho difficulties urismg out of the : -Canadian fisheries to tho adjudication of a ! Harris, men who wero selected by that joiut commission. In this proposal there Sraml oM l'"ocratic party for their in was no allusion made to any other question, j ffi.WoTO Z fl?,K5,SBB neT but there wae an opening left fjr any pro- sary to build bridges over the Conndogui , position thc United Slates had to make : uet, near Hepburn's and Myers' mill. The 'touching course seized proposition under the title of the "Alabama Claims." ' .Ensrlaml at once assented to this, wi'h tho additional suggestion that all other claims on cither sulo arising out of the war should . te included, if presented at au early day named by tho commission. All bcitv ns- ..;.' i i. 1...IK no-ito- c.. Tr- i seiueutobj both parties, five High Com-. nnasioners by cach-su.o was agreed to be j appointed, and .England named its mem- , ipporited, and England named lis mem- , liers, as follows : Earl de Grev and Ilipon, I Prof. Montagu IVrnnrd, Sir Edward I , c." . ' ' Ihornton, Sir John A. Maedonald, Sir ( tiers, Prof. Thornton John Hose. other questions. This was of ' commissioners had at first promised tho on by us with the counter i r. -r.i.i i.... n .. , - i i.uu -vi iiia- , i inns uuuiuy, uut nicy unci- to include tho claims embraced ward i concluded, for mihutmitlal reasons. The President on the part of the United' 'J'he iron bridges wero accordingly cou States nominated Secretary Pish, Minister ' fU'"c',:d' umi Tl,,i,; contractor paid prompt c, , t i -v- , , lv. Messrs. Jacohv and Gracey then cni- Klicncb, Judge c.soti of tho Snprcmo ' ployed coimwl, and proposed to bring nn vuiiH, jiuu, j.. ii. jioar. mo recent At- tornoy-lteneral, and Senator Williams of 'Oregon. These noiuii!eeu were comlirmed by the t'enate without a division on Friday. : The High Commission will meet early in March. Lord Grey is already on his way to this country. j Tho appointments on both sides have 1 been made with an eye to special fitness, 'as will bo shown hereal'ler, protested Ours aw all men thoroughly cognizant of nprainst this arrangement, and made his our-legal rights in the questions at issue, objection before the audi tor, to the allow Anr,u, ;.i, i .. -.i .i . i. .i nuco of tins voucher in tho settlement ol lhe deeply imbued with thc sentiment of tho trc-nuwr" account. This was the origin country, yet men of eminent candor and ', of the trouble that lias kept tho happy considerateness, who will insist on nothing " family in hot water lor some time past, and which is not riht and equitable. The ! which, made thc developments which we people of the United S.aKs will find that , rninp to ljc iuycMm. their interests aro confided to sa !e hands, ted. the proprietors of the. i Vmocraclic club and tlicy will look lurwnid with confidence to tho progress and ultimate issue of a cmi troversy which was daily growing imiro iuU'icatc and ucfriendlv. i Thf. Condition oFl'iiANi K.-The A'-.wt American says the German prngramme in Praucc is definitely mapped in s"iue parti tulais. Tho Emperor will pioi.ably enter Tin is next Sundiy with every military ae .cotnpi.nituent of-victory, (i -iiitan tror.ps will line the avenues and occupy tho adja cent buildiii'js. A miliary review will he. held near the Tuileih's, and when the oc cupation has been marked ninrt distinctly' the Emperor Villi "(tuni U: Perhn. While iliu troops are at the capital the war indem nity, now spoketi of as four udlsurdn U to bo S 'eureJ. The milliard is a Fiviieh ti-rtu fijuivalent l 1 ,('i,i,Oihi.oi:;i, nuikiiig the UU'ttUut l,U0O,tni, !,(),,!) fnuieis- within easy 'l-hooiu.a ld-at'l.i,i'00,'AiO. The troops nf the liuu will hul l vther portions of lVuitec untill this line i-. j aid. Sdiuu of I'm origi nal iK-niand., will le iviu bed i'-oiu but the itmiexcl p.oiueis, Alsaeo mil l.i'ir.:;::o, i.re sp.il.i u i.fiu to be held beyond dlplo nney. A pfj!"!ig-i:i-!i ..f tic ani.Uiuv fir .usoilicr I'urliiiht io tin i:'.i...n d u pru buble. A iiilj lie.1 M:;;.i i iiro art in .11. 1 p'.alitiil g thus, lhe )';. n h i nil.ly coli yeued at IL.lil.au:, .Mi.diy , . ill, thlio bi.iidnd d. j iilii s j. niti cd.ii.ee. '!'!i j ilay Wllts'l.'lll ill i.-:u,'...lli..'.4 l, J iKIul.'. -it i.1 fcUU-d ll.ilt 1.1 .lll.tl,! l,;u i-..ilt.lUlliillt.d ihetclli.H i,f l 0 t M. I':iviv, cue ,,f ihu di pntii a, will, ;:U ul'.:l I'll i l.u 1. 1 th.it Ulili4 liny uiv pjuiuplly mcilecl I i ,n.tl lilie V ill U ueulim.il,. i d iii.il i i,eit', tii ally , ptVau Ukd. A 1'lsll II All. ',t.,- l'l.i!;u!il- j hi l p..!i, ii i. !'., i ., u . ' ; t, ui. hi num. I .Ii !m II. .in.-, uiu "t u,li) il.n ri," lii'iu 1'iitsl mg t,. 1 l( I,).,, at.i Ui,d mIi-Ii Hi l c.l.uy id p.n.li c:.i!y ii,i 1 iid '.y b iii ii j. !;.ir:i;il uui d . i i.j' UH.1.11SI..U..II , m,...;. ll'.lll llli ll.,l I V.t.,.1, .!. t,,.l t. NS'llUl k. 1.1 , III I,..,., t.e M....u lh.lt hi. V,.i I. , h ult I, 'J ,c ,u, t"! t- 'I. l' " l'1 t""! l h" bo Ii ,11. d. IM, , . !r. is mul in j u, . uii i l.iui, , Bl. r. vli I b r ,1'in l ui. i ! I. I n) i.( 1 i, I II ' ll e M i l I 4, 1... . I ,0 1 ul 1. u ... , . I . J I lot 1 1 lil t ol on l1,. , , . tl tl li, ,1, 1 I I.,, .. I. . 1. I ll s .1.1 II., Hoi, 1 I 1 1 l.u U..11 .. , 1 1! -1 . I li. 1. I 'I Ik l.i .1 I uui .I,; .I' 1 L it li il'.l. 1 I 111 il lell.l.llUlll.ll I 1 uo l .1. . . 1 '.1... I , i I . .1 ....... , lis,, I .i ij , . 1 ' t . .; 11 H I. l I" it I. I Ul I,. HI l.'.l ill 4 41 ll.k 1 ! AXD ItlUDOES. It nppcnrs tlmtNorthumbcrlnnd county does not stnnd filono in having its Ring w ho Jo somo queer financiering. A many of the taxpayers lrnvo been nnxious to find why such an enormous amount Is annua'ly expended for tho building of bridges in this eounly, and tho Commissioners being eo very favorablo to the construction of Iron Bridges, we copy tho following from tho Carlisle Ihrald, to nhow how Cumberland County rnannges her domestic affairs, and j the peculiar qualifications of some of tho Democracy to manage tho moucy affairs ol thepeople. Trobably it would bo well enough for ,h(J taspaycr, to inmilBnte tho matter Ilemoerut ie rim?M Icrlng. what the commissioxkio ake doino. At at U)e invrstie,aliou i9 ovor. The ftUclitor have adjusted the oecounts of thc county treasurer and made their report, which will bo found in another column. It will all'urd the general reader an idea of the llinilc,w, Vytrnn of tlle t.olII1,v pjvcrn. lm.nt ftml jt will bhuw the amount of money received and pe.id out, but it will hardly give any adequate conception of the trials and temptations to which they arc exposed, who have the management of our county affairs. This can only bo made known through the publication of the tes timony taken before the auditors. Through some ovei sight, this has not been furnished, and it will, therefore bo necessary to give tho facts developed ns they aro produced from tho memory of those who heard them. AVe will give a resume of thc matters de veloped as far as they have been reported to us, holding ourselves ready to make any corrections or supply any omissions as soon as tho specific facts arc at hand. lA't it bo known then, that duruis thc triumvirata of Messrs. Hale. Tlovd and to give it to the company which was to '""sh tho iron. When they came to this "i&A'Sho SiWpSnK of the woodwork considered the contracts theirs, and refused to give, them up. The commissioners, or one of them, entered iuto negotiations with the contractors, and of- fod loplvo tiiem ,vhi,t would amount to the jirolits of their contracts, if they would withdraw ; and in order to fix the papers withdraw ; and m order to fix the papers riSht t!ly w ould take the receipts for extra P?.v'ntJ mado for the building of the piei-s. '1 liu arrangement, however, didn't carry out, but the commissioners awarded the contracts to lhe iron bridge com.ua.nv aciion against the commissioners tor dam ages, on account of the unfulfilled contracts. In the meantime tho board chanucd. llhoads taking the place of Mr. Hale.whoso term had expired, in order to get rid of the suit, lihoads and Ployd signed orders on the treasurer of the county, for if 1,400 ! in favor of .lacoby and Gracey, in satisl'ac ; tion of their claims. Mr. Harris, who is a most conscientious imrl Kn":inions ofliccr. j room, ndinmu;g tlie prothonotary s otr.ee, anu incircierK,iic James Armstrong, wero called and sworn. There were counsel for : each of th? parties, and they asked all sorts I of inipertinrnt (juestioiiK. '.The Auditors ! not having tho experience and knowledge, corecruing tlio relevancy of tc-tituony that i had and enforced in a common pleas court, held a loose rein, and tho develop- in. tits iM eatne "i l. oant entirely." It was fccled, will tuuble thc S.huylkill n-gion to t-hown that the coiiiniisi(.iK is had a com-1 resutnc and continue work during the bal mission (ulut'.s lhe use iu being a commls- nnco of the season without reasonable fear Montr links you have commissions) of two j of serious interruption. We siucrelv bono d. ;ir.s per toot fur tlio iron bridges that were to be built over the crooked and ruir ing t'oiiod.iguitu t, which tho contractor was to pay tluiii as koou as ho received bis money. So wlun tho iron biidgo man drew bis funds from the treahUivr, he iKMiileii over to tlieimii'itile Mr. Armstronir. who was the tin itii iul agi nt of the concern, ; work on the l.'uh of tlie present month ou M.niewiifitover s;K. This Mr. Aruistn.ng : the tt.ri8 f U,o b.isi.i of 1 ).(, with a diu sa.VH he divided b. t ween iiimsi lf.tnd Messrs. I iu), 8,.a! thirl v-thrx-o per cent, up and lla e, 1 l,.yd and llanis, giving Hum sl'j.j , ,i..ii. Tho operators an- to pay the basis each, iiud ivtiunmg Hie balance. Mr. liar- 1 m- the fM.t munth uller the coal'giHg below 11s. w hen he was oxannn. d, wa tiski d as tl,rtc dollars, but not alter that." to tins matter, and said that Mr. Ann- strong hud handed him a mil ol'tioit s about j Xtnt t iii'MiiEiti.Axi) County I'o.u. thai tune, but l e n. vcr supposed there wr. 1 Tit AtiK. Thu conference ol mini rs and i" thing w g ,11 the limit, r, but thottl t ; , r:Jtor h( Id at I'uion Hull on this day a r. was in tin- n L'ulur couiw of business. 1 week ugo udjouriivd without iiroinilihin;; ili! tkJ:i't at the liimj even count th .. , unj thing. Th,y nut again on Moiidnv, tnoiu v, :,.- 11111, h van be en-ros-id, nnd bi. j lb. lllh.,nd litter u short session chiirae iiiind dislr.,e: d wilh t in odlcLtl 'Utties. , tni,4 by jjital Jurniotiy, udopuj lhe f.;l 1 1 n :is w hut c.ti.ie tH.i o,' a r-i.i.'le lnl.l-o , i0wi , : biiilibng It.u.sui 'ion, in the inveMiatioii id' 1 "Ainvemn,l i.o.i.. lu.iu,.,.u l'n.i.,-n:.l II t ill'jle it. in. but mi itnui.nsH lllV it is tll.lt 1 Vi-i v iti 111 i f ti e account bud not bnu put en 1 nail b. oii. th,. voucher. V Mr. John ll.inis bi Uiu iu u sti .1 mi in - b.niiuiiou in.1,1,, by Mr. Lhoa.U for bi iU ry, nnd s. uul i.lhif ,dll. ial liiis,h liie;iiio, u 11, y 1 n , I some rare iLvi-lopmcnis ul 1.10 iipi.i i;u.iii, i-N,-lulls. . ii....oi.....ii!i..iii...i viiopiu. luoroiu. i.ii iiiiseoii liii t in ., r 1, in culm: out in liny toiioiit.iiiiy. in - luliuitl 11 m l ii I'oni- 1 iiii-sioiu im w in, Kio 1 kid for us many d.i s us 1111 y run i.iiii im ii.,-, i n 1, n. c lul ulisii-, 1 sllolll.l III,)!. 11 IHU ll. lll.ect 1 nlt -iiiid-, ut 1 rolibiir-; il...- i .i.iiiti v tn .i.ury 111 ll.o sunie Ii itis:,. lion, uu i ti. lii illy nieicni in one ul' tin III, I ill. I. .ill. le, uii. I wolllil l.ur.lly U Is lii vi .1 011 unv i liu r Hutu tin if ou 11 1, u- llC'lll. 'I In I'e llp -Ul I'l Lo t.olnu lOUslil- : n '-!.: sli..W id lirliie on li e 1 und 4 u ( t.n.l I I tl.e b. Slid Ul pit s, 1,1, lull WH IlllUt .' il i- I I .1 lei) 1 ; ,,t,,l , 1. 4I.U O r 'Mill ill. i 11 of I'm I'libi, in I.. Vol id lir.usy in. I ,)..... 0, ,,4 n ,,ntri.;e, m l.u Ii only ll.ll. ! il I.. Uii I l.u s ii 11 t, uf Hie Id III I 1.1.1-...U. 1, a. u.,1 , .. , ., uieiv in, 1.1 11 1. 1 n.u k. .... 11,. ,.l 1.. 1. II ...1 .. . iimnj uui) hiwiij I ... ,. . .1011 l' null, 4,;, l-.iil.l ttll.lt I I . . 1.1 .. 1 . 1 . .1 . .r . 1 '" ' pi -nil 1.. 1 iiouui l.ul J 1.,. ii (iiuioiu ,.i 11,0 piiv.iiu si,I.i t o Hm , ,il. it Him . 1,1 1,4, k il.o .,,i I lit. i i.l. llU,..s.ilio, ,11 H.O UUVH. ol l .u l uiuty 1. ..i.l. ll i u .-l i lu.l.i , 'I t I'' il" Hi-' Hi. r it 4ro llolit ii., um mi- ii.i.t. I ... 1. 1. 1 Lo.... u, I ;, ve I. -IU M I ,it 1 iu . '. IU I ..111,1.1 uU Ul. ..'ouuhii.. l gnuj ILo lUi.il. 111 1 1 I n 4111 v 411 1 iiui 11 i.u,...l, r i t ul llu I U, mi.i 1. Hiiuitu ilk n.ii ( 1 'U..i.i j.ii.l vu all l'i.jl w I V le all i 111 II' TnE Jlfttir rsf Journal of last week speak ing of the improvements in the Coal Re gions, gives the following account of the Shamokin Pcglon in this County : Improvements Shamokin Peoion. Grabcr, Lcmpel & Co., propose Kinking a new slope nn tho flrnt basin in the Mam moth or . Vein, and will erect two engines of 40 horse power each. The diameter of tho pump will bo 10 inches. They also now nso one of Messrs. Griee & Jng,s Mino Locomotives in ouo of their collieries, of 12 horso power, to haul their coal from the breasts to tho foot of the slopes. . During the year 1870, the Slmmokin Coal Company have, at considerable expenee, sunk a slope on tho Twin Veins, (nt tho old Lancaster Colliery,) now leaned' to thorn from the Northern Central Pailroad .Com pany, and have nearly completed this fiue improvement. The slope has been sunk to sutlieieut depth to give one hundred and eighty yards of workable coal 'below the water level gangway, and a tunel drove at tho bottom of this slope to thc Toy Twin Vein, (No. 9,) a distance of nearly thirty yards. This opening just about completed, opens up a largo body of coal land, and upon that portion now under lease to this company, will yield nearly one and a half million tono. The hoisting machinery for this work was constructed by Col. boyer at the Port Carbon Iron Works. Tho pumps built and put in by Mr. Wm. Brown of Shamo kin, Pa. This slope with its connections is censidered one of thc best pieces of -work performed iu this region. ' " ' ' The Presidep t lias sent a special message to Congress, in relation to making the mis sion to Perlin a first class one, tho same ns that to London and Paris. Ho refers per tinently to the unification of Germany, the new imperial dynasty, and to the assimila tion of tho empire to our own federative system. He speaks mSi satisfaction at thc strides Germany has made iu her insti tutions and general enlightenment, and looks with .topcfuluess upon her future proepcrity nnd grandeur. This movement is likely to attract attention in Europe ; and while it may be remarked that there has not a great deal taken place in Prussia and Germany in tho way of political liber ahiess, the inferred hints of tho President iu that direction may not bo without their results. Legislations A bill has passed thc Senate allowing women who arc tax-payers, and over 21 years of age, to be elected und appointed schools directors. Another bill has been introduced re quiring all healthy children between the ages ofG and 11 years of ago to attend some schools 3 mouths iu cveey year, un der a penalty to tho parent of imprison ment and a fine of SI per day. Also another, providing for a retur n of tho old system of holding the city, borough, ward and township elections iu the spring of the year. A noiY of five hundred mounted horse men, who are supposed to hove been mem bers of a Ku-Kluk Jvlau, .recently broke open a jail in Columbia, South Cnrfina, and took ten negro prisoners confined on charges ofmurdor and arson, eight of whom thev instantly killed, llefore the davs of JKu-Klux similar outrages wercnot uufrequ-! cuny commuted in the toutn m the name of Lynch law ; and whatever they may be styled, they are indications of the preva lence of a spirit of barbarism exceedingly disgraceful to the community in which it is tolerated. Unhappily many sections of the South need not only reconstruction but civilization, ur.d it is vain to hope for the establishment of law and order until their savage instincts have been tamed. l'liil i7tfjj'a KaniiMj Tdujraph. A Meeting of Coal Opkk atoiis. Tho Miners' Journal of Monday last, says : "There was held this afternoon, nt thc rooms of tho Anthracite Hoard of Trade, in this city, one of the largest and most harmonious meetings of operators and others interested in the coal' trade that wo remember ever to havo known. Represen tatives wero present from all parts of thc ISchuylkill region, as well us a large delega tion t'roiu Philadelphia. "Tho meeting organised about two o'clock, nnd continued in session until seven, when it was adjourned to meet in New York city on Wednesday next. Although the proceedings were, by Resolu tion, directed to be kept private, we learn that a decided line of policy was determined upon, which, it is believed, whenfullv per- i thi3 anticipation may be more than realized, aua liiat tlio region may not be placed iu the unfortunate position of la:t year. "A telegram received tlri3 afternoon from Shamokiu etates that tho operators and workinginen of Norihumberland county, nt n n ilnr 1...1.1 ,., 1 i on. ralols Mini w-oi tiioMoi-n of Voilb'.i I .1 lis u l.aslM ti.l Inluil ill i.kiil liiiiito r nriwm il. y,.,,r HVl. " 1 Ji is mutually agweil towmk fir and ) tiy tho tbr. c dollar busi nf tSii wilh a h,;ii, allu of $ r (xtit up und ib-wu, with ihu iigrutiueniou Uu aii(.'th.i(iK r- I ut'is Hull 1 1 11- y will 4IV Ihu basin pri ill : C,M uii below tlino UvlUrt, but not tiller iluil." 'V iuiil us On 1 ul j i s. i uii (.'. i. I c Ci II i'iio..jii.,H (' l ulu John l V, J.niits T. II aim, Muik M 01. tu, Mu li.u I l'i pN r, Alulli W 1 k.li lliot;. I'l. ili r m mu A. Fulioii. I A. M. M. milium, l'. V. Kiliesliy. I .'lul'iil several cull ii lit li.ll. ll U. till IIIOtlllllL., Hll.l MU I I..UIHO I.) Mol.-U) tlttiii r.illnii in lliiniuiily I H I 4li il II 'llill. Ili M I'l It H III IKI III Hill I'l'i'lalliill ."Hue) ll.ll :ibo a Willi, H, Ml) Ii mil Unit Hi t lit 1 1 It Iii4.ii li 1U,U ' , . .e. . . ! l ,l ' .Volmo lit . I tl.'il. v , I Ilk. ob IH 111 ll.lllli.il IK I . . . . . I I Bji 4l S lIU pok. l ' 1 ul 41 I nidi l.ll. lo Uiu II. I Uiu .,11 11.. 111 , ii, .ttiiti u Au.liim in nun. in-u, i. II j .i ,..,, i -.1U ; l .ti l. W ui. II. fall, i - .', Juil.ulll, I III. t l.llik I , IL .1.., I, ,1 . l I , : 4( Jl(, Jiv,.l eui.U.., id Uu.n, In 11. J A . lUur i.llm.oi. Irni. J. 1 j li,n,i. rii.UJ. I.l.i4,.n. ilatiy AIU11, ,. ,,1,1,, l . J4I..S I.. iu.li,lu, i . , .11L41111.I..H. htu.it .r lliillliUil. kl 4ie ,4.1.1. 1 ui tiioiii 1 iii.ioiii. 1 1, 11 J. St . 1 1 i li, , 1 4u.L.:. t ol . I', to ,:...i, I ol I ,u.t , vl. II Ik II. 41I1, vi s tu iW.U , 1 111,4 I ok U A a vy, vl i iitl-iu Throuch cruelty and neclect on tho tart of the captain of the ship "Septuno," which has just a rrived at New York, from Liver- Eool, a number of the sailors have been so adly frozen that somo will looso their limos and others their lives. There Is no better remedy for cold feet than to slap the leg briskly just above tho knee after raising the foot. Tho increased circulation induces immcdiato relief. A MAN of Belmont, Wis., killed a lien tho other day and found S15 worth of gold in her gizzard. Five thousand sleighs arc made an nually in Maine, with prices ranging from 810 to $350. Maine builds more sleighs than any other State. Several persons in Titusvillo. Ta.. have been poisoned, none fatally, by drink ing water from a well in wtncii a small quantity of lead had fallen. A female ".Knights of Pythias" has just been started, tho hichest degree i cing knowu as "Supremo ravillion, PythianjSis- ternood." It is stated a contract lias been signed for the importation of a number of coolies to wovk iu a Schuylkill county colliery, and that tho first batch will nrivo about May 1. Tho Pino forests of Pennsylvania arc rapidly melting away. Por ten years past tho consumption of timber to supply tho numerous saw-mills at Williamspoit nhmo has been immense. Tho amount of logs railed out of the boom for the present sason will cut over 215,000,000 feet of boards. A iLAnoE VpTiTritE would -not contain the mass of testimony which has accumula ted in fiivor of JJr It'istar'a lialmtnof Wild Cherry as aal'o, ollleient and reliable reme dy in curing coughs colds and pulmonary disease. Many of thc cures aro truly wond erful. The Pennsylvania railroad company was chartered a ritiartsr of a century at;o. Mow it represents ti.,mJU,(.)(0, oiul owns between and 3.0U0 miles or railroad track. HosiiY, once thc rebel truerrilla in tlio Shenandoah valley, has applied for a char ter tor a national bank at arrentown, ir ginia. Tlio Iron Aic says that tho nail manu facturers of eastern Pennsylvania and Mew Jersey have formed an associaiiou for mu tual protection, and will hereafter fix their prices at tlio beginning of each mouth. Xumiikiis of Swiss emigrants are. colo nizing in Tenne.-sec. A vvery prosperous settlement of 8wiss in that Mate is one that dates fron less thru three- years hack, and now there lias been n iren arrival ot sev eral families, who have settled nearClarUs villc, and are going largely into tho manu facture! of cheese, with all the.' necessary implements for which they arc fully pro vided. Tmc Washington Chrouirlc says: The statements of prominent gentlemen from North Carolina vt ho came here to testily before the Congressional committee relative to Southern outrages disclose n most horri ble condition of a Hairs iu that State result ing frojn tho operations of those organized klaus ofassassitiH. One fact has been well established: that is, that nothing hut the strong.-u-ni of the (ienerul (ioverninent can put a stop to these outrages iu the South and afford protection to the lives and pro perty of thc loyal eitzeus there. y v- r 1371. 1871. MEfflG, BOWEH & EKGEL, Successors to the Sunbiiry Lumlier Co., 11AYIXU PURCHASED TI I T. L Rt;tt Steam Gr.w & Plnsii-i- and just llttc l it up with the later t ' .(roved Ma- cinnerv, are now preparen to nil :..i orders lor all kinds of lilLI.TlMHKR. FINK, HF.MI OCK, OAK. ,ve. HOAItiJis. RUI till AND s-URFACLD. SIDING Or ALL HEMLOCK. WHITE AN!) VI'.I.I.OW PINE FLOOK1 Ni, PHlNCiLKS. PLASTI'.P.INO AM) illlNl.l.I(i LATH. SA&lf, poiiKs. Mori.niyiis. UU.VUS, SHI 1 1 1. El A BKAt KI'.TM nt the very loTinst prices. A large stock u'.wavs ou hand. Send for prices. Ample fudlilics lor shipping by Railroad or Cuuul. FRYI.lN'fi, EOWKN A ENtil'.L. Kunhnry, Ta., Felirii.ov lHth, lsTl.iim. .M liJlt K'S .SALS'. 1 ' HAVIN'ti sold my farm on account nf my In liuiiiilly to give it my personal Htiention, uuingto u press of my olllci.il busimss, lam coinpviieit to sell my sl.K-k and l.omiiig tuiple niuiiU, which 1 wSI iH. rut Puldie sale, 011 tlie premises iu Lower Augu.-tii, on ThurHdity. urcli UiU, A. I). 171, at eleven o'eloek n. in. of tie. t day, to wit ; JlOItSMS. ONE CRAY M ARE, t. n years oi l, out of a thoroughbred Virginia horse 1,1, 1 C.uiadi.in mt.re. bhe Is a splendid travelleraud Moiksevervwheiu. ONE IIAV COLT, out of the name. Ouejeur old l ebiu.irv l"i, 1"I. ONE MillliKI. IIORK. ONE LAY MAKE. CATTLE. ON F. fi RADII ALI'I'.RNEY COW, i t Is fr 1 ten In tWrlVH pmiuils of better per iiiel,, r pee led lo be fli.l, ill .May by fllil blood Aldeinev bail. iwo ykhv coon common cows, cx- pceli'du bo tlivll ill A plil by lud blood AidelueV bail. of t.ll.VliE At.Hl'.KNI'Y llf.IFFR.el-hteen moiillis old, lApeelud to be fre.-h III Juno by full li'.orsl Alili-rurv hull. 'I'WO Hi.H EKi, one v.arold. Crade Alder- " oSF lU'l. I , (iltADR AI.IU KVI'.V, one year old. My toilr- uru lie in on. -Lull to lilti. u six tw ii'.lei ill... .d of Hie be-t Moik ill Hi. country. t:ii:i:i'. (Oi.e wi.h t 4 ? I it', i,, S'.'U'I.' I.lel wilh the (ii.iiMi iii 1 er . ul; ,hel .l'u' one. Illllldl, , 1111 I twi iil l UK' piui nit ulldlll l beep ,lTi r..i;d I. ul t.iiiu I ill. uiu ot .u.i l.u ll. I 10 1 r 1 w n u uie 11 .11 w r i I'll i iu iu ve 1 ( I'l M.il, ll, und line I ... .1 . u.i UMllltnled to be Hill , blood ( lu 'll r W ji . 1H I.1UV. A lul of llu liiiioitul Will I li (illSI'V ll.Uls. l..u.ui ol llli IIHt l'i ii . I It I I Ilk MVs i Alioa l.u lliui k hpuni li, in.. I 4 f. II... .1 4 llli I4U ,-l Iwe, U.uiit.l, ll.uilos, I i(ieuii, Ac. r AiiMi.sti i.iiM.!:Mr:. in. 'I'm.i I'Iijii , ,111.1 Ituriini , 1 I oiu t uilii..i.i, 4 lb. 1 hoi..- t ullli.it. 1. , 4 (Ail Iiui. 4 S i '01, eu.t l.,u, ll.. lil'. l, ( i.l.ii ( li.u, a lied I I.. . I, 4 I. 4 il l., lUke, 4 lll W ll. I Ml. I, . ll.. ( ik.., I. , I ill U I (III I , 4 III 4 1. 1. llli I 1. d.l , .tt I II.. , fc., I.,". i,.,,,' II..OI..I. AU-. 4 1.1 Ol i ., ,.oA., .-. ..iiiiu. . ,li.i. ,ns I ik I S,..,.Iiii.., I"iil H big , I i, S.e I ivi.li. I ., Hue I I i bu. III. I, 4 I ou I n 'li 4 out. I.iili' ' ",i,i l.o ..ut. i T..iii4 i, 4 lot ll "k s U.o.i , k... .U..I I'ou: iu H..I...... U.I' IS, 'llfNS.U UUI NBMII MIU." I i:l II I, 4 I i n, 1.. u 4 "Ul 1,1 in, 1. 1, II 1 1 .... I ll .1 I.l 1. 1. II I .11111.1 UU) I 1 . l 1 I 11 1 , li... ..1 I'l, 4 Ule 4 I !.,.. 1 .1 t, 1 I b.tilui.., I u.- ., I. II.. l.i, I. . i ... .... loll., .1 U I . i'W llhl, ,.. .i.,. il. i..i 1 I 1 t I I I'W II I ti.lli . ll U' l ul 1 . IXul if II.'. I 1. .... .. . . . ) 1 li, 1 ., . ltl mu. 1 ... ..1 , 1 . 1 11. .. 40 . .1 I i.l I I.. 0 I lu I tli.M Hkl) leu 1 I, .1 II 1 I '. r S ( ; 1 1 I'd 1.1 .' I 4. I, i I . I lilt... I l II illy. 1, U lb. It :kt I ' 1 Oi . 1.1 i. I ulelUei'i o 0 u..i. i-ntti, U(U. H II II U. 1 , ',.'. -I I Ilk I 'tl II i BALTIJlToicil""lJt;K ii on Fit a i,. J-yR. JOTINSTON '1'hyslclnn of thin celebrated Tnttltnllon, has dlscovored tho must ccrtidn, upoisly. plcnsunt and effectual rcnipdy In tlin World lor nil DISEAI3K8 OF JMritCDKNCK. WfuiKoeRB of Uio Kuck or f.tmb, Strletnrcs, Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun tary Tisctinrire, Impotency, (ivueral Dehtlt ty, Nervousness, liyspepsy, Lunmior, Low Rpiiits, t'oufulon of Menu, Palpitation of the licart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of 8ii?ht or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lunss, Bloniaeh or Howcls these terrible li.ordein arising from thc Solitary ilnbitsof Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal t their victims than the smitf ol Hyrcn to Mio Mill iners of Ulysses, hlijrhtlni! their mott brilliant hopes of utiticlputlouti, rendering marriage, iVc., Impos sible. IOUNOMEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which uiuiually sweeps to nn untimely prave thousands of youuir men of the inot" exalted talents and hr'llllaiit Intellect, who mluht other wise have entranced lileninir Senates 'with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstney the living lyre, may call with full conlidence. MAItttlAtiK. Married I'ersons or Youmr Men rnntemphitint; mnrrlai, nwavu of I'hysleal Weakness, (Loss of l'roereatlve Power liupntency), Nervous Ex citability, .Pnlpltnlinii,. Organic Weakness, Ner vous liability, or :4,,ry oilier Disiiuallllcatiun, speedily relieved. lie who places himself under the care of Or. J. may religiously couli.le in bis honor as a nentle inaii, nnd conli lently rely uoon his skill usn l'liv. siciau. OHGANIC WEAKNESS, Impntcncr, I.ws of I'ower, Immediately Cured ami full ior Kestore'l. I This DiptreKHluu; AltW-tiou which renders Life miserable and ma. llae Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims t,f improper indulgences. Vouiijj persons tire too apt to commit excesses from not beinc nw.ire el t'.ie dreadful cnnseiiences that mnv ca-ue. Now, who t'u;t understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power ol procrcathm Is lost sooner by tln?o le.llbii; into improper liaints than !' tlie prudent f Hemes lii-iii!' deprived the pleasures cf kc.iltlvy oll'sprinu'. the nio't serious and desti uetive symptom to both ' body und mind arise. U.he system beeomes dc- I ranired, the Physical mi l Mental Functions j Weakeiied,'Loss id' I'l'M-n iilive Power. Nervous I Irritability, l'vspei -i.i, I'.ilpiintiott of the. Heart, Indigestion, I'linsiitni ion il Debility, a Wasting of I in: Flume, Cuuyh, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. -Persons minid iu health by unlearned prcten diis who keep them trilling month after mouth, tuklntr poisonous nnd injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNiSTOrf. Member of the Royal College of Sura'ps, Lon don, tiradualcd from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whoso Ife has been .pent iu the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has etlected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever Jkiiovv n j many troubled with ring ing in t lie head nnd earn when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed ul sudden sounds. ba.slil'uluess, with fieimnt blushing, alien. led I koinetiuies itli ueiun.i nielli of mill I, w ere cured I imincdiiib'lv. I TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICB. j Dr. .1. n:iires.s all tho-e who have injured themselves by improper Indulgence u.i I solitary Imbits, wlii. li ruin I l '.i body and mind, unllltiii them for mlti'i Intsiuess, tt ady, soeiigy or luar riaL'f. Tiiesu arc sonic of tl.e sad and melancholy iMi'ets pioilueed by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Raid, und Limbs, Pains I'l llie Rack and Head. Dimness of Ifight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation nf tlie Ileal t. Dysjicpsy, Nervous Irritability, Deramrement of Die-tive V tiiiei ions, lienerai Debility, tytnpioms of Con sumption. 1V.C. M tNTH i.Y The fc:irf;:l effects oil the mi ad are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion i.f Ideas, Depression of Spirit , F.vil Forebodintrs, Aversion to t.)ei. '.y, .Iself-ilistl'U' t. Love uf.solRiule, 'i'i.uidiiy, A.:., ale suiuo of the evils product. .1. Tuoi'fiMi? of peison.v of all 10,'cs cm now jilibtu wlu l is the euuseof their ileeliuiug health, losii-i; their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous 1 . . I ..'ii'. 'i.u.l li ivimr .1 hi:irn!.ir t il u- O'.-ltii. al.ouL lii.i c:es. coll i: ll and sVUll 'LoUlS ol eullbllltll'- liOU. YOl'Nfi MEN j Who have injured theiiifelvcs by a cer'afn prac- tlee indulged ill wle n alel-e, H llalwl tl'l'.Ui IH.J learned i'imiii evil coiui.inciu. ornt seliool, the elleeti. of which me nilit.y b'it. even wlieu nvlecp, and if uol curi-.l, reinii is inui riage impos sible, and destroys boin mind and body, should apply luuui' lialeiy. W'linl 11 pily l hat a young man, the h.vpeof his I country, Ihu tturiiu; ol his parents, HUoiild tic j snatched fiom nil pr . peels und enjoyments ot life, by lhe con eioienee of de luting from the i 1 .".th of nature and bi'lulgin j In 11 certain secret habit, tucli jiersotis mist, beiJie cuiileiiiplutiug rtlleet that a found luinil and body nre the most necessary requisites to promote connubial hanpi-ne-s. li.deid v iiliout t lies,', the Journey through life becomes a weary tali;i iuiai;e i the prospeet houily darken i to tlie view; the mind I eeouies . 1. . .1 ' 1 .. :. 1. . 1 . .. : 1 .111 . 1 1 1. 1 .1.. .. clmly rcllcelion, Ih it the haipimjsj ..I 1. ....I li .1- becomes blighted with ourov.11. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the nii-c;iildi d and imprudent votary f pleasure tinds that be has Inibil.e I the seeds of . I I 1.1- ...lll.t III .Ii-...-.. it I. ... 1. 't. Ml ll 11.1 .!. . I II It Ul, '. iil-liini'd sens.: of shun. , 01 dr. rid vt' ui.eoeiy, I deters him from upplM..;; lo tlm-e who, f.01.1 j edite.illou and rc-pectubiiity, can uloiie b-driend him, deluiinv; till tiie eoii.-tii'.'.iioiiul syinplonis ol this hoii'id u.si'use lu.ikc lliiir it p .ea ranee, nii. ti as ulcerate! cure tiiroui, .li-eas.-.l nose, lnKliir.il pains iu tl.e heud and limbs, diuiness of siuhl, d'ufiicss, nodes on llie s'liit bones and anus, binlehes on llie hea I, I 1 e an I el reiuitles. pr. UiesMiu v. itli iiiel.iiid rapidity, till ut lust lhe file of tlie lliolllll or lhe bole s ol llie nine tall 11. d tl.e Victim of this uulel ,ti.-.ire bceoiiies a lion id o'j.et ol 1 oiniul-ef.ili.in, till dralh puts a period lo bis .In 1 Hi. I r 11 li, 1 h 1 bv t-e n I ; 1 1 1; bin, to "liiut Utiio".iil led Coal. 1: , i'l olil W hclll'C 110 i iu veil, r I'. ' urns." It U u 1 i-laii.-l. ly fact tlt.it th.iu-andi Dll! VI. 'Hills to t III- telnl'le dl-l'l-e, l!iriill!;ll f.lllilij; into tl.e bi, 11N uf 1l.'iioi.ii.i or iii'sl.'iului l'ill. 1KN1K;(, wli ., '.. in" Use of U1.1l deadly l'oi iiiii. .Mi reure, .Ve., delo the mr -I it III ion, uud I lueup.it. .c ol iuii.il, ! mm. lb, ull. r lui iill, keep the l.il.i,..; ll. 111.I. .pi v itiili rcr 1 uiiMoim or in- Jnrioiia eo ui... nails, and itirieu.l of h iuit retoi lo 4 r.m w.il ol Liu- 14.. r .111.1 li. I 1 .'i. ss, la des pair bun- I n. 1 w.lii 111 ind lle .llli lo sill nv. r in. ll invj iii- i 1-o 1.1 '11 1 .1 . I l......l .1 1.... II.- l....--...v I .... l.l... le.lf ... pii'l -li the .'..o t IllVi ,!..!,-. Is' eVrev, an ,, , . , . 1 1 ... ... . 1. th.' 1, out llu. u il'ut Mu. i l e, .111 I I'm ili -1 in Hi . iMiiiiirv, u 1.'. i.i .ul, I 1 11.ee, I lilladelphlii I H,l ,.,. K fil.,1 li I lo 0II1. lie m.1.1 eel- lain, pi idy unl ill elu.l luiudvu. tlis woild lor ail ilisnKi ol iiupi uli in e. Hit. J..IISMOV, OFFK K, Nib 7, -.'Hill. Hili K MltFFT, I llifini. hi;, M. 1). lu ll ll U. I si le l'..iiu' lio HI 11 i!l'iU"li .' I. 1 t, I, li 4 j i.,, ,r I ..IU tl.e .... i..r. I .111 Ui I 111 ob.i I V v' U.llliv Ulld tolil.l., I , ti'N.i liter i.i.lii'l iii,!.. po.tp ild mu! t'Olilullill. 4 klulup be I...! 111, llie I. ply. !'iT j Soil 4 ill III i llou;i .file ur e, Utl-I i lid 4 HJIllliU j of it'll iilUi l.u lit lU e ill' 11. III pi I ll US. I Ibim um so iu. in) 1'.. Hi, I'. Uibih' uii I Uui I llli i 1 1. 1 ' i ! -1 u.tl.'ll..l. (lie. ii. i :i ,i 1 'b li i..ii, 1 1 - I a. w i . li an I In. nn. 4 I tin r.lilll id all 4 Im Ui. I.l I oo.il 1 1 l.ill tt.t i k. If u4ll, ; ll.it In. Juki. .-u tin iu ll iiitt.-..tit .i u t- s i lull V Iii llio.e uii r.ui iu.. i k I n . i.,ii lllile It I U bl ! llU- D ll 111, ill 1.1 olll. I . I S ..1. lis!. II I S I' 'I l.u ll II. I le U ..in N I li.. nt, i n ..ii r .i, I .uui.t run " ..I Oi i ii Jellll .I'.ll , .11 .. I I.) I I It II. I.l ..S. . I tibli.t, ! I ,, . ., . , I .. , . ,. . Il , n.,.,,1 , , ., u I I ... I , .ii, I.. I .in , ,u,.l f,,,i ,. .1 I ! . I .i I '. lis I . I 1 . 1 1 .i. I I IL. i j...3l,,, 4.,,.,,,.,, I., u.u up.. .. i.i.i.ti.ol li.o I'l... Ul.d ll.ll, lue. i.i , ll u"i i'l 4 III. ll 1 "",- I'-' 1 " " " ""'' '"'' " ' " - u.,1 ,. , . i U.-i,, i4 .-Hi i.ut S ' .o..!.. H II.. a." ' I- I- IMtIS l'i. i I o l kl I'll 1 t I lit lb r.diuti 1 1, 1 1 1. M in; u u: v t i t ' II IMIU: till I A, Mu . I, u.i. 4. ..il 14 i . . ; 1 . .. 1 wl .4 I AS fill, ll I I h lull, I I'l I I M il IU! , H!HU tkM'l. ill kit. It ol In.. .4 I .. lit )-.. loi 1 1 si iir.MtY T. Ii Ki-.ii itoi.ir.H COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Component Parts Fluid Extraet Uhuhnrb nnd Fluid Extract Catawba (irapo Juice. For Liver Complaint, Jnrudlee, Bilious Affec tions, Hick or Nervous Headache, Costlvences, etc. l'urcly Vegetable, eontniiilnjr no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Prua. M These Tills are the moft dellslitfully pleasant purgative, supcrscdlnc castor oil, salts, manne sia, et. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They plve tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They arc composed of the flnent inaretlifnln. After n few davs' use of tliehi, Biieh nn InviKoration of the entire sys tem tnkes plnte ns to.appcar miraculous to the weak nnri enervated, whether arislnc; from im prudence or disease. II. T. llclirthold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba (Jrnpe Pill arc not sii','ar-coatcd, from the fact that e.ntrnr-coated fills do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not ii rod tice the desired effect. Tho Catawba (irapc. Mils, belnff pleasant In taste mid odor, do not necessitate tlielr being sugar-couted. Price lifly cents per box. HEX It Y T. IICLMROLIt'N UKIHI.Y CONCEVTUATF.l) ( OMPOL'SD I In ill lCxtrucl Sarsapiiritlu Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Rums, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Leii, Sore Mouiii, Sore Head, Dronehiii.:, Skin Diseases, Suit Khcuiu, Cankers, Uiuinilii;s from the F.ar, While Swellin'.'s, Tumors, Cancer ous AlVeetious, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Nitfht Sweats, llahh, Tetter, fluinors of nil kinds, Chronic Klieuiiintism, Dyspepsia, and nil discuses that jmvc been Cdlubiinlicd in the system ur years. Belni; prepare,! cvprcgsly for the. nbore Com- Jilainls. its iliw. t-parlylni; proptrties are trreiit llian any other preparation m' S ir.-aparilla. It gives the coinpli x'nm a clear nnd healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the. Hloo.l, removing all chronic constitutional diseases nrlsim; from an impure stale ol Hie blood, an 1 thcouly p-liuluc nnd ell'cctual known remedy for thc cure of pains nnd swelling of the Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat mid Lens, lilotchcs, Pimples on,! he Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of ihu skj'!, and beautifying the complcxi n. Price, f 1.."U per l.ottle. m HENRY T. IinLMEOLLT, cosi'UNTnvrr.K I'Ll il) KXTit.ir r KlCHtL', THE CHEAT DIURETIC, has cured every ease of Diubitcs In which it has been given. Irritation of the neck of the li'ud dcr nnd iiiilumatx-ri of tlie Kidneys, t ic ration nf the Kidneys nuil Pladder, retention of Uline, Diseases of tho pro-tr.ite Claud. t;lo:ie in (lie Uludder, Calculus, i ravel. Uriil.ilnt I),-o-ir, and M neons er MEKy Disi jiargi.s, ail for En feebled and D' licute Con.-l.tiitions of bit!, mwcs. I attended with tlie foUouini: kviu.oiiis 1 I'nlis positinn to exertion. Loss of Power.' Loss of Me I uiory, Dillleulty of ilreat iiiuy, W.-aU Nerves, I Trembling, ilorror of Disease, Vt akel'iilne-s, Dimness of Vision, Pain in llie il.ick, lb t Hands, Flushing or the Ho ly, Diynessol' llie. Skin, Krup I tion on I lie luce, palid Counleimuee, Universal I lassitude ol the Macular ny:tein. etc. j Used by persons from tlie a:r. s of eighteen to j twenty-five, and fr. nn thirty live to tilty-tive or i In the decline or change 01' llie: aflc.- eonline- lueiil or labor pains j bc.lwi tiiug in child.'uu. V. Ilelinhol.i's Extract I'ucha is Diuretic and Rloiid-puriQ,iiiLr. and cures all iliscasuii utisiui; from b-'bits of dissipation, nnd excesses and lin- douces ill f-if.'i iuipiirilirs of the ltlood, etc.. ' siipcrsedini; cop.'iihii h: n'tei talions lor wliich il 1 Is used, an t sypjiilitie atlectians in then- di I eases UmsI u; connection wan iictuiuoi.ru Iiosc : I N .Isl. LA Din?. ! Iu many affectutiuns pceullar to Ladles, tlie : Extract liuchn is une.piale I by any other n ins. ; dy as iu cliiorosis or retention, irregularly. I painfulncfs or stippresslno of e i-t-iua. v cva. ua- : tions, ulcernled or seliir.is state of the Uterus, ; iicorrlliL'.i or Wbit -s. sterility, and for all ; complaints Incident lo the sex, whether arioiug 1 Indiscretion ur lutblti of ,ll.-sipi.tion. It is pre"- scribe I exteitfivciy by tho nio-t. vmlnent pliy.-l- j clans and niidwivcs "tor enf.cblr.l unj! ("elieate constitutions, of both sew., anil n'l (atun !- ' cj wtiu any 01 llie annv" .Usui. es or svin tolas.) j TL T. TtF.t tr!OLD'8 KXTR T rtl'Clir (I'KFS DISEASES AKIislNH FROM IMI'itU- DKNCF.S, IIAill iS OF DisMlPA'l ION, Ell'., in all their stages, at lit He expense, little er no change in diet, no ineouvenience, und 110 expo sure. Il e:iiises a Ire. 11 lent desire, und "ives - ' - reiuonni: Ob.".i ue- I tin.is, Prei iling a 11 1 C11 nriu Mnetiires ol thc Urethra, Allaying Puin and Inthimntiun, so fre . pi. lit In this i-la-s i f discuses, tuid cxpelline; all l'oi-oiiuiis matter. 1 hotlsunds w ho hnve lieen the victim 4 of 1 1 coiupetenl pei'soiis, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured i'l a iiort li ne, k.u'e found tin v bae been deceived, and Cut toe Poi.ou" has. 1 by the use of punerful asiriiietits," been dried up in the system, to lucuk out in u inwrc tr.i vat. ,1 fni ui, and perhaps after Marri.ite. ' j Use Heliubold's K.xtmct llueh'.l lor ail Alice- j Holts and I'l-e ises of the Unlaiy Onrans, w helh- ' er existini: in Mule or female, tn.in wluileitr! original iu, an. I no inutler how luiiif slaiiliii",'. 1 riice, ouc do..ur uui li li v ivtiu per Luttiu. HENRY T. HEI.MD'H.D'S IMPP.OYE!) ROSE VA:;i canuol be siip.iSM'.l i. a Fun. W'.i.'u, and will he lo'.lltd llie ou'y spei Lie l.l.H.ly iu t lll'V Kpiele of I'lit.ineous Alb etiuii. Il sp.-ililiiy ci.ulie.ili". Piiii ie, Spol.-, beiiibullc Diyne.-s, iiiduiulinus of 111" Cut. ui..'. tils Meiiililiilie, etc., dispels Led-nr-s nnd lueipici.l liilliiinul ion, line-, L i Ii, M.llb l'.lli be. III) I. er. of M'.llp or M. ill, Flii-t Hit.'.-, and uii purpii.-es for hii li tulle ,u Oint iiiei l. an: ii-ed ; rt -tin. Hie -'.in to.. Main of ptiiitr and ol1ne-, and iiiuris roiililiued lie.il It)' ueli ill lo li e ll lie of In Vesl. tilt 4 bleli th pt-ii. Is lhe u'iei ul.lo r'c.iriies. and vii.t- I V'"? ' i '"" ''l """" "'I'' "'ii boMev. r i.iliui'.i ns 1, rtiiudv lor 1 " nil. si, Ii. m il.il.., I. ol tin- . kin, II. T. lleliiili.ilu'. U.'.e Mu-li has loii susluiiu I Ui i iiiiipit 1 1. 1. ui 1 o in it ma nd-t- l p.tlioii.tue. by pti-.iM-.iii4 'IU otlics wliii li ii u- ller It ll 'toil. I A) p. .nl.tije oi the III" -I Mlpt'llu- HM'iin l I nn ''ii.i tl el.ai-Ui 'tr, eou.l.iiilii! iu uu cti'tfukl 1 1'.id.t tl .! ; . mint. til ie.i.iilfs. Kii'e. I lilt I F llie. icy -1 lul il.t sl litl f mi en l .III II" l Ills ol ll u-e- .ii ii Pu s. i vm . u n id l'i lo -I . i ol I lie t .nn ) -1. k i It 1- uii i t.i-l. ili Li tion tor diNc nf 4 I I ili nil it Nitluie, utt i u uu lube lioil lor ill.i .. ol lits I lilt il , 1. 1 .il,,, in..:..; In. in b. il.il of .1:--i !' il ',.ii, ii i I lu iiii.i, ...ui li It I Im r ll i iel 11 e tin, Siii,iiii.: , ai.lt..' l.i I.. i I., ,-i Pi .., II, .lull .lis In. mil. I, e.iuuul l.c uip.iti. I, I . ii in in. Full 1,11 1 1.1. .1. . I u.i. 1.. HI I. 11 till. lj ,1.) 1:1 f II "1 III".! i s Ut I .! .. I 1. .1 H.O , !. ".I .Oil' I..I'. e ,1 ..le. 4 UU uui 1 li. ii.o 1 i I .In .1. ol Hi ... 4 till I't el' O . I ' 1 ' it 11 1. 1... i. . I II, I ll.l l I ... .1 I tl . 1 , il I. l.ilii I llu ' 1. one. I'Miieil It. I .. 1 . 1 .,.1 I. M. It.'. Ill u, t If. '11.4 U. I. 1 . i ll. I lu III. 11 I ul 1 I. I 111 1 t. . II. I mil .p. U- .1 .1.4 d i II. I. ii . I.i.i. ... SI. . I ,1.1 I .1 a ,1.. .., Ui. 1 l i be ... 1 1 I I.,. I.) 1 . il .' ,,, .. Ilrur) 'I'. Illuibil4 kcublu l'r" I'Mrttiluu. t.'l.tt 1,4 lu ut. 4 I In ... uiv- II I 11 ot il I t-l .lll.l.t I U ul I . tluil.l. lt. u. lit t. U 1. I.. 1; ; . 4Uii I U u -1 I 1'- I .... . II I I I . 1 it t u .1 I 1, .. 1. in It ll in 1 I I I !. I.' IL I Hi. lb U. l,l I" .1 i .1 , He.. I I ' I 1.. I I ' -l. II I I... IK..... 1.. .. .1 ll ul. u..., . ... 1 I II I H, i 1 .. 411. I'I 'I 1 ', I I .1. til ' SI.,, I. I. I I I I fc'l 14 .,. 1 Is. t I. . II semenfs. PALL ANlMnNTKli Kexr Arrival of ClootIi, AT MISfl KATE IMT.AtrWM NTOI!K, Market fqnnic, EL'NUL'UY, lV.nti'a., Just oiwned, n'lftiPT assortment ol choice dr;:s9 goods, consisting of the latest styles of plain nnd j.Uld goods, In nil lliclr varieties. Ores Trliuinltiprs, rtithroldcricsi, KOT10X9, &e. A ortir.RAI, ASSOKTMrjIT. of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. Gents' Collars, Nock-lie, llulf-hose, rtamtker- chiels und (ilovos. Purl'umery, Toilet Sonps, Ilntr Butshat.Comt.s, etc. An Invitation is x tended to nil to sail nnd se cure, bargains. , Sunbuiy, Nov. B, fSTO. UNION' PHOTOQli Aril GALLERY j s. 15. 11 !: tt r t 1: r. m s e n Offers great inducements to those who give lilm patronnnK Six pictures for $1.00 to nil who cull nn talM firing children to lilm hcfore;:olng elsewhcrll Urlng old 1 leturcs he will color & enlurge thcM Kvcrythlng In my line done its neat at can IS Itule is to give satisfaction t motto, to plcasK Cilt, r.-sewood undy alcJl frames m.ide toordelt Nelis everything ns cheap ns the cheapesT Try and yon will flud him oil you could' wis II Iteiubraudt, Porce.lean, nm! ovcry other style of jiicturll I!xiitulne specimen nnd you v- ill i.ot fail tottnl rSomclhlnir new which will not fa'.l'lo please nil-. Microscopic and other view s taken at Banbury, I7u Kverythini;, in fact, you colli I wish to ISeincinber! nnd bo sure of the plucti CORNER OF 4th AND MARKET STREETS, opposite J. II. Lucie's More, s u n n 1; 11 y, r k x x 'A. N. R. Negative taken previous to the fire, were saved, Irutu which dupliei.tes can 1 .- bad ul unv time. JOS. U. UKKliSTKESbElt. Smibury, Oct. Ell, l:7;. Minn Ansai l'aintcr, AGENT for the rale or P.. Uuttcrlck V Co'u PAPER PATTERNS of li AILMENTS, fu . Ladies, ! Roys, 1 and ; Little Children. j J.awtes DrcKH TriiauiinH. I Collars, Cloves, i Corsets, Fhirt Ee.jouif, 1 Enibi'oiilor'ies, Rtiillings, YciN. Full line of j Cent's Paper Collars und Cuffs, ' Ladic.i' ninl Cliii. lien's Il"sie', Stamped Work, i Zephyrs. Embroidery nnd MorMed lMlerns. i I-.'" blilehini; and Uruklinu' neat I v done., J I ANNA PAlNTLil," ; Hiiuhl's Bail lin, Shirk.. bireet, iitiiihury. Pa. June is, lsTo. 1S70. FALL AND WINTER I7l. MILLIKItKY GOODS, 1 South Fourth Si:." t, le-low the R.iilroatl, i The pr.'sent aire of endless fi-biott 5 and innu merable styles reiii!ie the nio-t dressy per-on In 1 l.e on the 11 lei t iu order to "keep p-".ice with the .times." Tlie handsomely arrayed lady, us M.c 1 saunters 11 Inn;: the .-1 ret t with a picl l.v and 1.0 1 si fashion h.il 111 o!i her head, is indeed ua iiltraeiiv.: obje"! t.. look upon, .iiii Si. I.. bn.-.-l.T, the. iip:i!ar Milliner, on F.milh f I rivt . b.iow tlie .. V. R. R., ci4'.ers to p'eas" and sa I l.v all In 1 en-toiner.-i. in her -tore are some of t lie latest. I modes :i mil'b.i rv e: iant. sue'.i as 1 .. ) x x ets, 1 1 ts. v 1 ; a M 1 :s, ' ? ih Riblenifl, Oneimei.t-. Feathers, Flowers, land numerous otler appii'id Im l-idh'-' wear. Cull and tee llu-ui as they have just h" 1. 1 : , ceived. M. L. HUi 'SLEit. 1 o-t. S3, isrn. mCU IN THE CLCCD. ii !5Sivksi--,-iV '-""'i. s : r-s.: - - i o 1 HI rii" The PBtinn.lf PVlti'l' nialfs tic wills s'rn'ir. Hid expels illicsu by siippljiti): th" bio. ! wltn NiTtTim'i Own Viti,izino Aixvr H'.CN. rtHfo(t. Tie suro vnu ret rernvlnti Kv-ip. l'auipltlel.s fre.'. J. P. tUNSMOill'.. IYipiM..url No. SH llev St.. New York. Sold by Druggists gem rally. 9C3 Chestnut Strcc', r.'iila'lc llavti'tf laru'-ly iuercisi .1 their l l.A'iill' .' U! lep..itUKiit, cull si'.'.i.il all iiuei; i- H,u:r st. 1, k i t EILVEK rLATUD COCK?, CD'.iiprislmr, l side He ir t:.-:u.l .in" !' I iu Wan , of hieli sr.'de-, a ic.-t eii.ipl. tk I.s-i'ttnir'il of P I. A T F. ! o N Will T I' M F. I A f. , i r. ii .ble iu ipi.iiiiy, und c .l. rc 1 ,.t c 1. v I'' lull liuu of PLATED SPOONS, TOT, C3, LADLES, I7ITI! TABL13 CUTirr.Y, lApiesr!)' luade for tin !ri. 'tail s ilt ., and fai i:i e I i:i single ,! . -ns or in con, pi. le t . 1-, j i t up ll..s,o,i.t it ti.l Walnut I i-e-.. Ail uuoil. old on llu ir oivii uu r'ts ;t ? pi'.. 'e.-, alia, bed iu piuin ti 4110 t I . cu li a.'.ie.u J.111.1 ny, 1 1, ItJl. v. KEY OHOCEltY STOHU OrluJ 'I i.i.d ! !u, I, lu l duo r t . J .1.' le.'. 1: M'NIU UY, I'KX.N'A. Ill Cliliie llew Hoik of ,il! I. ii. la cf Ll I'oinpi.ilii.; i f loirs.' T' 4. t. it. I'l till III 4, SilOllllflS, I I'll ' I.l I M 1 11. ,1 1 1 ten.. iu i e 111 I l.u I I'lel Whine; ll.illa. pi iu a (.1 !, tl"' j "1 ' ' III. ll !- Ii 'I .1 Hi. I .llli UII t I ..till 1 I' I' I III .1.11 t 111 .l nil; I., 1 1.1. 11., -ll. l.u I pii.,1,.... '.Mi, I.l J 'Ml 1 V s;n if. M mi: vt miti '1 till I. 1.1,. , 1.1 ri .i.v .1 1 f -1 1 1 1. ) inui 1 ,. Mi: AT v lli ii it 1'. bl .' .111 I', 1. i.e. Iii 1, 1 us 1 I ...II Ill' 11, . , ..I ui. ... , I .0. I . I II. ' 'I ', t ' l I I . ' I I.. I. I I I'l I s . .. i 1 I'.l. ..I pi i.. 1 1 1 1 .1 ..1 tit . I. hi 1 1 k 1 I 'M I i. 1 1 ili. '1 I -1 If 1 1 1 1 O.. into tit 1 in . 111 in 1 1. in 1 '. Hi ,1 .1! S. .,... sj A IS llli. 1 id I I ll I . . I 4II, 4 I t wt .11. I -- I "' .1 . i $ M ;H W S! it ? J W H M ?? 1 No. I I It I I 'I. !!, M .,. - wl 4. l.t t Ul ' II II Oil ll.; f It il I)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers