rBK P. K new m LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GrOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth. .Street, SUNBUUY, PENN'A. Invites the public to call and examine his elegant assortment of SPRINO AND SUMMER DRV GOODS, inch n TnMe Linens, Doiur-stips, Dnylies, Towel;, unit Dr.itiestics of every description at the very low ct price. OASSIMERHG. CLOTHS, &C-. Silks. I) win i ties, Liuvn. (iiiitfhim.-', Cahoot?. Ma-1iii5. Shout. iig. Ticking, Jenn., itnd n lull Ubsoilmontof ltton und Woolen good pcucrnlly. Hosiery, (Jlnvos, Hoop Skirts. Also llnrulkcrchlefi, iirushc?. Combs. llsilt and Cnrtt, Hoot nml lii v, J lis niirtmpi!t of .,,i'l v-jil not, be is sure tail to yilon :e tlie fancy ami suit the wants of tiny desirous of lun'h.'ishiji. lli. stuck of HARDWARE AM) QDEENSWARE, mid Cirocerie.i I. lnrgo in qtnmtity and choice in quiiliiy, cninprirtitix fri'niTilly everything needed hi the liunselinl.l either t-r ut-o ,,r ornament. llo nlwuys rcnily mid rrlnl to pro lit frit-rnl nr.d takes plotifturo iji showing tlu'ln his poods even though no suits lire nimlo. llo only n.'ks a call, unci is suro Hint tlio stock will compare favorably in prico anil iiuulity with the tho u i vt. JOSEPH LYi-TEU. f-'nnhury, June. 20, KM. voa 'ym ju: sM u i n ai.j.v educatj:ij for i:rsiN:ss lifk. at chittendek's Commercial ol lege, 037 Cbcsnut St., cor. f.f Till., PUIL AtlELPHIA Established 1S41. Incorporated 1855. The lougcat et'tlJtstii ami heat crgaiiixJ Commercial Culhjc in t,e City. Tho practical value uf Its course of instruction litis been tested by long experience. HUNDREDS OF VOUXO MEN Have found, in the knowledge gained hero, tho means ot protiluulu uioploymcnt, and or success in business. Each Studont is Instructed separately, find iu the most praeticfil manner. Hooks for tho various Pram lies of Trwlo aro opened, written nut. nnd olnsed in tho manner prac ticed iu our best inerenntilo houses. The different Dusiiiess Papers, such ns BILLS OF j:CIIANti K, PROMISOR Y NOYKS, CHECK ArCOlWTS-PALE.S, ACCol'NTS CI KllENT, letters. ix Voices, ... Aro made out us in uctuul business. E5:V2.V!iE3Bl Is fnit;ht by a superior penman in nidi n mnnner that an attentive student in a slo rt time p;nins a linpid, Free anil Elegant style of iiusiuess V riling. ORNAMENTAL WKITINU, Of aH kinds, is executed in the most Cuisbel moji- COMMEItCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including the best. and most rapid methods of com puting interest Exchange, Profit nnd Sales, Avera ging Accounts, Ac, ure couipiistd in tho Courso of instruction. BUSINESS PRACTICES, Purchases. Sales, Consignments, Shipments, Deal ings with Banks, Remittances. Ac., Ac. Also, Commercial Law, Phonography, Detecting Counterfeits, Ac Studcntsreceivcd nt any time, and instructed at eueh hours as may best suit their convenience. The largo number id business men now in nttend nti and the numerous applications received for its students to till vacant positions, fully ntle.-t the ap-pro'-intion in which tho institution is held by the Liisioess community. OPEN DAT AND EVENING. CATALOGU ES t EXT GRATIS. The Crittenden Con.mcrfial Ariilimet'c and Cu-stites.- Manual, for s ilo a: i'iu College. J Itmdsotuely bound. i uio. I'ricu, 1. jo. St;nt postpaid to liny S. II. CHITTENDEN i CO. July 2i, ISiIS. Out V bankers) co No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. EMERArENTS, PENNSYLVANIA fih OF THE EiO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Too National Lira l:tj"Avrn CniiriiiT is a Ct.iporKl:.. t,; oir . 1.0 l.v Oltll AH Coi.nreM.Hn prov.-d July with CASH CATIIAL, 1,000,000, JT"JLL TAID. I.ib"i nl terms nfftTiil to Ap-'itts aeil boticltors, wbo aie invtte:! to r.pr ly it t ottr otUci;. F ii 1 1 it -i l.c.ilar-t t tie ti it ft on iinp'teaMon at our nffle, loctti-.i li nut tec -o.l ilory of our lluiikibi; lloo n, to r. Cticutt 't aioi I'uiithletn, fully it-st.nM' s tlie atlVaor...-. tllste l oy tiii.Ct'uitisrtr.iii ,v he lui-a. :. X1(K A ft., .V... .v.k,' Tv,i,.r fit Applications fur Central ur.d Western Pennsylva nia to be ma lc to U.S. UL'SSELIt. ii !ackr". August la, laOS. ly. llarricburg, Pa. PU3SP3. TIM1E sab.-cribir. well known in tlii part of tho ! 1 eotnitry us a luiinufat'turer of Wootlen pum'S, j has now luined his attct'tion to putting iu too I CELEBRATED STONE TUMP, j wni.di f.,r durability, appear i:i?o, C'ltitinued fresh- ! n 'ss ot w iUr. nod prut'.-elitin nj;iiii)st freezing uro gte.itly superior to ti.u ordinaty wooden pump. Tliey have bueu used iu Sui.buty lor tho past two ye .r.-, rendering et tirc 6atisl'..i;ti..u. and can be scon I at tl.u re idences ol' Mcs rs. ( Las. J. limner, Lloyd ' K .l,il,.eh. James Riyd, Wui. I. Urceuough, and olinT gentle in iu Suiibury. Pike, $!.(, ptr toot. PETER WEAVER. l I'per August, Aujiat 1, InW ui E!-.Mlltttl III" I J'l-St'.lt,S. XTO'ilLE is hereby given that tho cu-paitnurehip L biiet.irore existing between J. Wei-er Bucher nod E. .Mr.-i r Bucher. Ua ling under the firm of -liucher Broiber.,"' in the tatiutr tiusii.css, was this il.iy (August 2lth. Isiiti.l dissolved by mutual cr.n t l t. 'Joe buni.Cssnill bcreutler bu eonduutrd by tint undesigned, at tlio ttltl stand, whero all persons indebted to tlio linn of Iiuoher Brutheia. are re ilil' sled to call ttilheut delav and ntake settlement, and saieoo.1. E.'MASSEll BUCHER. . ui.l ury, August It. loua tim. FLOUR & FEED STORE iivo.a'.sm.;: axj in: tail. riMIE sobs.., il..r rc.-peetfully in fori is the publio ... . , , keeps o .;,si.,i,ily n hand at his new ALLIUM E. near thu Sb,,,,,,, ki Valley Railroad Depot. ,,, ht.N lit I! V, I lour by ibo bancl and sacks ol p all kinds ut i ot i by (Jioton ll.n als.ve is all linuiiil ictan l kt own Mills, and will be sold at th bmost i a. Ii prices. .... J M. CADVt ALLADEll. Suiibury. April 1. JrioS W. FaiisosT." NLlJon ViI; V U 11 N I T V II E II ( o M S "SIC. PA?k!3ClT DOIT, laleof the firm of Parson A,D ivls.have opened wai rooms at No. 2.-S South id Mrcot, below Dock, , I'HIl.ADEI.PlllA, - r tby keep a full as.v,riiu(.ut of PARLOR CIIAMIU'.K, SITTING ROOM -in ut.M.'.u r.ttiui 1'LKNlTL'Ki:. ,Jr! itM eustomers, and all per.on. wishing to L-TuVcb";,;7:'wb::L'''d "B,n' ,h Purin al.r atUoat,.,o ,.j lo pafkiag. myfl jy. 5000 R,ET UAU8 .r 1A WOOKK t DlflSINQR, (IKn M..RKF.K 4Ii00.1, The OldeBt and roost noted Institution of the Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAVING removed to his new building on Third Street, between Market and the Depot, is now prepared to serve his customers bottor than ever. Having secured tho services of first class Barbers, SHAVIXtf AND 11A1R-DKESSIXU will be executed In the Intett style. The building having been eroded especially for the purpose of a First C'lnss Barber Saloon, nnd paving tilted it up in the latctt stvlo, bo unpen to receive n liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Confectionery bus been opened It tho sale of Ii'CfL'r-iui, 'iitutl'i, ':i!'n, Ifoer, and numerous other Temperance Drinks in common uo. Oranf'es, and other delicious fruits and eatables of huuic and foreign growth in rich prolusion and elcjrant Taricty. buubury, September 6, 1SC3. sil .MII KV Oil. llll.lt. THE subscrilicVs having jttt erected and put in oporattou a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, otTcrlho highest market prlco for FLAX SEED. Thev bnvo atlaehed to their establishutcnt a Chop ping Mill, and tanners nnd others wanting grain choMicd tor fceilitiK, cuu bo nccouimoduted at the I s.liortiit nniiee. A nin diine for chopping corn with i the cob is attached to the mill. . ' MORI! AX & MASSER. January 25. lSil1?. ly SlItI.iS TIM EH? 1-M5M. SriJlNtJ TRADE 18C3. M. L. LAZARUS, would call the nttontion of the public, nnd bcr customers generally, to bcr largo and new assort ment of ar'ancy !iril Einst!c ttry oIsi. Which coiifist of Poplins, Detains, Chenes, Allapao en. Crepe--. (Ircnadiiies, Iron Daregcs, Lawns, Gin gh.ims, Calicoes, Cliint7.cs. Ac, While t-iootl". Oanibrics. Sloj.. Oignndies, Yi.-tnria, riai.l Muslins Mnrsailli's,' I'iquo, Drillings. W ignis. Muslins, (bleached and unbleaclicd.) 'lablo I.iueu, Napkins, Towels, Taldo Covers, Bed Spreads. .(,. Gloves, Hosiery. Corcls. Hoop Skirts, Press Trim tilings, (iu variety.) I.aitifs and t.ents ltanlker ebiels, Ncek Ties,"uud notions in variety too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Suiibury. May 0, 13(13. MLKCTKIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TKI.KCiRAPlI COMPANVS tHTK'H, rVo. aa A. as .nss;ui Street, NEW YORK, Organiztd under spcoial charter fr-tin the State of New York. CAPITAL . . . SS.OOO.OOO DinncTOKi. Ho-r. AM)Ri:V 0. CI'RTIX, P!ii!ii,Vlphia. PA I I, S. POIUiKS, of RumcII A Co., China. I'liUD. UCTTi:iil li:i.l), of P. mtMeiSeH Co New York. I..C l.lVi:l:MtlI!K, Trcasuicr Michigan Central Railroad, It ist'tn. AI.KXAN Id'.lt HOLLAND, Timvirer Amcrcau Ex pre-s Coin;i:iiiy, New .'rk . II. tx. JAMI.f NIXON, Syra.-urr,N". V. O. II. P.M.MKK, Treasurer Westjra t'ui tU Telcfrai h Ciiini aay, Nt-w ".nli. ri.KTOIII'.U WKSTItAY, of Westrav, Gil.l.s tt IlartleilEllc, New Ymk. NICHOLA'? MIC KM', New York. OlUrcrw. A. G. Cl'KTIX. l'risit'.fiit. N. MIChl.E, Vice PresiJcul. GliOlitlK CONAXT, Pceteiiiry. GKOKiiE IM.I.IS (Cailiier .National Baal; Common wealth,) Ti. 'usurer, llo A. K. MeCS.t'Kr, Pliih.lfli.lna Sflieit-r. The Clittiest' tjttverninetit haciitc ('hrou-ili the lion AfStul liulliii'-t our) conee'l. .1 to llus io in,aii Hie jitivi liitettl' Coaiii-ftotii Hie iitf.il n-.t...iu of thS I'.liiiHie liy Hi.lttiiiiriiie rlertlic telt crtii'li euhle. we liMoone c. n-n- (int. llit-l til nilia III uiiu -t,i". ." r. it " .... j. .. liunurcJ miu-.i Cllltoit, Macoa, -lloiig-lvoi;, Swatow, Amoy, l-'oo-Chow, -Wau-Clui, Ningpo, Mani Clirail, Sliai-tlial, Total, , tt.'tweetl tlie f.-lbiwtnu; Jtailui viz Porcr.ATioN. l.(SIU.Ottt) ' (i t,IKH) 'J'lO.OIKI SWU.UHO Uotl.llllO 1 2iO,OUO 31SI.0IIU .100 000 l.oisl.lUll , - l.l.tlU.OOtl 5,'JIO.OlO a rt at. t'utiriti.iiis a unefclic f.;i-If, ln:siiit wlii' ll w nuve Hie i.i.iiicie intiMii il ct'iiiiiiefcc f liie KiiiMi'f, riniiittiiip r.'oia ihcuv poiitii, ttrLii;!i lUfaa.ila anU 11.1 in-it If uvvi i'llt: elide l-cnifj tin C.lUi'iiliy 'l 1-d rn l imit in.ul Inu-i4, :iml L'tul--leiiti-J ii ;.tny :!! Ii ui vu tliy i.iciiiiH t'l c lii:ilunii'.i1iMi, wliK'ti ii Hat iii::;;i;ttl Itit-n, evii; wiit re iIil- c iiiiiu.im.';tt fMtii i tlie tinmfiit, at tiiiatiieetf, itml id" M.ieinl lnc, t,Tiit'ly nt ('iiiua. ni 3 no jiottt.il Kystuiil, :hk1 her tnl niiMiid iitv ol e.tiuuiii-in'-iiM:i'j ()U(iiit.iti"ii iu hj- cuu ters:ii luml, nnd i' tea:u crsmi Muter. ine WesUru Wtiriil lui vh tint t'iiinn is 11 ver tire f. iuiitiy, in tlie mailt denityl; pii;ilitl ; imt lt v et ffii.i-o lltut hhe e.'iitaiiis 111 tre tliitit a limit ut ttu- huii.'.n nu-i-. Tue luteal ri-hirns in;i.le t) In r t,iit;.i1 i.uili--t'.u Tor inn iirpof:tf: lv the tucitl iniiui'rnti'S nvilfe liei iiH.lullil fit fit IH'MJKKII AM) ULKTI.K. M.1.I.I0M, nti l tliibiM iipue likely to if -ni-ii-r 1 tmti over 1 lie ueiual airiii'tii't;. Nea'ly all ol' lliv. w It.p a?f ovei tcit-ar t'l.l.iiut only eaiiunt do reatl mul ' nif, IKt vviI. i'M'ii ta jie.'i.inn, Uit iifr literature i i.s i-xtc.iii e un 1 iMt m I0u ro;tc. (. Jura id u l.uitl of .u'iirr.s itini trailer; ; anil tlie lait'-r are e.vit'lim'ly qiiit'k to uvit'l lli-,inselvei rvcry pio.it td iunlny 1 -r r h'ui ini: t--ily iiii iiiiiili"ii. Il 1 .'. "eivtil nil allioiiiiu tiitt U:e I ' .(: tint tie jrcat utk of t n teleiajili, ti 'UUil lltere traiim:tB m s: t1 ' lrv (.r if-li il.t.ie. Today pita', m.a.ljeri ut lUciste.i ri an- ownt-.Hiy CuiHtbe 111 Mel:aai, - a iJ iibed l-y tliem i-X''lu-iiveK lot (lie tiuiibniajait'.i of lai'y iniiMiif t-ncc. Il the teityiiijili we l'ji''f, e.'iii.eehiii; : . 1 1 tlnir yteut seaports, weic now in t-.:srarie, il i l-;.eved lii.il i! Imiiiiiefcs waiM p-iy tae I'oft willoii the firl tw yai 6 if its sac-ct-'ul .iLTati -li, fiiitl W"uM ulfiiilily im-retiM tti-reatler. o i-iitt-rprtisu e iiiin-'in: lUtlfab iii u (;re:.ter lfgtfe reaiiihf .a.iVe t- i-apititiits, mul t i t.ur whole puopie. It i of u ai n.-tt.iinl iiiip atimcu iMiuim.-rciully, .o!itieully, ui.il pv.iii. I ,i-aae:i! v. Jl'j? Tiiet-a'L (if tin IVuipaay I. is lieeu u:niu;i!:fieiliy i.reouiineiitli u 11 e ipitalibts ai.d liuioieiui lam, ut a (truir alj!a iiivrstuiciit liy ttiliinrnil nrtielm in the NVw York IJetud, Trihiiiie, World, Times, 1'oi.t, Kx press, iinlt pen dcMt, a nit in the l'liiladrlptou Norili Anif neon, I'riiiH, Ledger, liirpnrer, Ae, Itullctm uad Tele iraph. SiiiHL ul lb. 4 I'.-ntp'i to a liiiiitttl iitniilier, m ly lie ol.i:uiu-d at r.tl earh, (?U pay dil d'.wn, i3 011 tnc Ut of oveiiibr, Mild panlle 111 in iiuitly lastalinfiiis of g. '.-W caeli,eoiume.. .t.ig Ueeenilier 1, iJ-ti'r, on opplitatuui l 1 DUEXEL & CO., 3 A South TIiErd Kln-et, niiLAnm.riijA. Shares ran he obiained ia luiihury lv appheation to S. J. PAC'KKK, Hanker, wlio is authurized to receive sub script ions, and can give all uecetwary iidimattonon the suljret. Hepteiidier 1-3S 6111. NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON" 3?OTJT3sTrIi-5r. ui.u. itomtii it ii a. o., HX73SrBX7R-!xr, PA., INFORM the publio that they have established a MACHINE SIlKP, in cnunecilt.u with their FitL.NDRV. Theyhtie supplied themselves wiih New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of .killful uie eb des, they ure euubled to execute all orders of ev Work r ICi jikIi-Ihh, that may Letfivau them, in a satisfactorv manner. Having enlarged und rebuilt their Foundry, they are reajy to execute all kinds or CAST1NUS. I(ru t'tiBlliif-a, Xv. The PLOWS, already celebrated fur their superi ority, have been -Jill further improved, and will al ways be kept on hand. bunbury. June 14, IbrtS. WlltUl! eaa I get the but picture? Why at tye-rly'ai, of oeurs. Always go to Djorly a&d Judge fir jours.tf. 1 FRESn ARRIVAL 01? MILLINER jf GOODS r isroxioisrs, Misi ANNA PAINTBB, Market Square, two doori west of th Tost Oflhe SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends and tho publio, that she has just returned from the city, whero sho has spent soniotiine in making selections and purchases, and has just opened ft largo stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND K0TIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wi gnns Skirting LininR, llo:p .Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Crapo Trimmings, Hat Crapo, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A larga assortment of Ladies and Qantlaman s Hosiery. DOLLS of all siies, Alphabet Blocks, Ae. he flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, aud goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, May 80, 1863. W. A. BENNETT, DIIUGQIST AND CHEMIST, Mnrttrt Nqnare, SL'.Hl'BV, Pa. Jlasjust opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshnesa, and kept con siantly on hand. My stock will always ba found couiplote in every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness aud attention to orders. FANCX" ARTICLES! My stock is unusually lurgo and embraces every thing that can bo found on a first elnss Toilet Table, including American and genuine Trench and Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomados, Hair' Oil, Ivory, Uutta. Terehs, Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Ao. Patent Medicine. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Turo Havana SEtl AKS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. Pat 11 1, Oil, iilsir, 4luN, Pull 3-, Varnitslien, Ae. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations ato "manufactured by myself, and from tho best material 1 can procure in Market. Having bad quite a number of years' experience In tho Drvg and rrerrii'tion Cumnens, both iu Philadelphia nnd tho country, and nlso the advantaso of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tho Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above assorted, are inado from the best material, and upon honor I assert, tiioy are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very 'Vines, brandies and liquors, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convinee your own mind. ' W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, May 1M 8M. QUEENSWAIIE, STONE CHINA WARE, &c Market Street, 6 doors west of Fourth St., south kido, &LNBURY, PENN'A., 1 RESPECTFULLY informs thecitizensof Sunbury V nnd Merchants and dealers iu this and adjoin ing counties, that ho has just opened a large assort ment of 0.UEENSAVARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho country, which'will bo sold at WHOLESALE aud RETAIL. Dealers are invited to examine his stock before purchasing in tho city, as they can savo money by doiiiir so. Sunbury, May 16, 1SH8. 6m HEWROCERY ' STOKE, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north sido,UNLTRY, PA., r ESrECTITLLY inform their friends and the public, that they have opened a AND PROVISION STORE, and will bo happy to bavo them call and examine their sloek, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Uiocery line, such as Cofl'oc, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, l'otatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Caudles, Soda, Ac, and In fact everything in tho Uroccrvand Provision. Lino. FLOUR AND FEED, Qucenswsro. AVillow-ware, (Jlassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. B. FLRJ1AN t CO Sunbury, April 27, 1SB7. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE "Susquehanna Hotel," located on tho corner of Penn and Fourth Streets, in the Borough ol Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., is oflored at private sale, on reasonable terms. This well known Hotel bas lately bcea renovated, and is one of tho best stands in the place, with an excellent run of custom. For furlhor particulars apply to U. W ARBOJAST, Georgetown, Pa., or OEO. WAUENSELLER, Suubury, P. July 11, 1809. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT Ss BROTHER, Shipper .V Wholcwule &. Itctail Oealerat iu win ri: & iu:i ash coai, in evory yariety. Role Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lower WHiitr, Schbibt, Fa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1S66. SEEING IS BELIEVING At?Ot Arch Ntrert. PRICES! NEW GOODS Silver and Silvcr-I'lutcil Wares, NEW Hich Including every stylo and description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 7ul ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Lif Ke-platiugat short notice. loceuiber21, :t67 .aug27 Licm?rLiaiTiTi n. ievi:Ki.v, riMIE popular I'hotograpcr, haa fitted up, in the 1 old I'ost OUioa building, three doors west of the railroad, Market Square, ono of the very best Sky Lights to be found in the State, and is now prepared to take pictures of any kind, in all kinds of weather, early and late. Children taken almost instantly. Bung along the babios wo are now ready fur thcui. COME ONE ! COMIC ALL ! both great and small, see his sew rooms, and ex amine speeimons. rllAMha and FRAMING material constantly on band and made to order. Bring along your pictures and havo them framed cheaper than any ft here else. Como and see for yourselves, Anything in the picture line constantly on hand or ordered. Copying done in all its branches and colored as desired. Both out and Indoor views la kon at short notice and ou reasonable terms. Satisfaction guarrautued, as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved. Remember the place luk for B. BY Ell LY. Market Square. May 2a, 'ti.-ly. SUNBURY MARBLE ri"MIE undersigned having bought the X entire stock of Dissiuger A Taylor, would inform the publio that he is now ready lo do all kinds of warble work; bos on hand, ud makes to order at short notice, .llonnsnenlsi and Ilead-Wtouesi, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Uelvanised pipe and all other feocinaj f aoerally used ou Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will eoulinue iu the employment, at the old stood iu Market t-iiuuxe, Sunbury, Pa. May , M.-ly. M. DAUUHEItTY. ITUIK Saddlers, we have Buddie Trees, BltU, Buck lea, Uig Trees, Pad Trees. Hauee, all kinds and very thing pertaining te the business, for sale by t. u coxutr co. J30 Clseatnitt Street, Philadelphia. Are the best In Use, FOR THE FOLLOWIlfa REASONS: They sy more simple and durable, easier kept In order, make a strongor and more elastio stitch, a firmer and more beautiful seam than any othor They sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation, and though every fifth etitch Is cut tho,4eam will not rip. The Very iMfihcsit Pi-late, the Croaa of the Legion of Honor was conferred pn the repre sentative of the UHOVttlt A I1AKF.K at tho Exposition L'nivcrsolleo, Paris, 1867; thus attesting their great suporiority ever all other sew ing machines. OR0VER & BAKER'S HEW BTTLES n ii i: t t 1. 1: si a c ii m e s For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improve ments. The attention is requosted of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new stylos, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Misa CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 1867. ly NEW MARBLE STORE. NO. 902, Chesnut Street, JAS. E- CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, Have been appointed SPECIAL A(JENT3 in this city fur the sale of the G0RI1 AM MF(1. COMPANY'S Fine Electro-Plated Ware. We guarantee these goods to be decidedly supe rior to anything in the market, excelling in design, finish and quality. A large assortment will be maintained, and sold nt the manufacturers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark rj Eleotroriate jyjl&M Stamped on tbo base of each article. J.E.C ALDWELL & o. t09 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, July li, 13(38. mli7,ly. A LARGE supply of Vall Piiix-r itml Ilordcr. just received and for sale cheap, at the Mammoth Store of April 4, IStH. II. Y.FRIL1XG. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, H'utrlunnlirr unil Jew. eler. &Z&&tZ 3STO. 1-43 NORTH 2d ST., COR. OF QUARRY. PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Walshes, Jewelry, Silver and Platco Waie constantly on hand, tVKt'liainiig of Wateties und Jewelry promptly at teniltU to Nnv. 3o, 1-67 I y. jF you have a picture you want framed, go to Ity j ' and got it done cheaper than any where else iu town, lio bus mouldings of all kinds constunt y rn hand. JOHN P. HAAsT Dealer in all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MlUVl.t. WllAlir?, StNBLKV, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Anthracite Coal from the Sbauiokiu Coal Region at cheap rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spectfully solicited. JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury, July 18, 1863. liii'oic I'.vvi' .o'i'ici: TIIIIE uudersigtictl having succeeded to the busi X ness of I. DIMES A CO., takes this method of informing Brick-Layers, Builders, and all others in terested, in aud about Suubuiy. that he is prepared to till all orders, for building and paving Briuk, of a superior quality, and at as low rates as can be had elsewhere. I am also tho Agent in the Counties of Northuin- orlund, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR EN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that n be used on buildings. We covered several build gs with it, during the lust seusou with entire satis otion. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at the Office of Mr. Win. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post Ollice, w ill receive prompt attention. Sunbury, March 14, 1GS8. FANCY DRY (iOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPRIXQ AND BUMMER SEASONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors East of the old Bank building, SUNBURY, Penn a., HAS just opened a fresh assortment of the most fashionable Fancy Dress Uoodi from the largest establishments in Philadelphia. DtLAlNKS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC-S. jioi itnu uouns Cloths, Saeques Flannels, Flannels, Shootings, Mus litis, Ladies aud Childrens' HATS, Feathers. Ribbons, II rest ss '1'riiiiiiiiiiH, EnibroIderieM, Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts. Heal Black Lace Shawls, and Ladies' Goods of every description. Bun Umbrellas and Fnrosola. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Halt-hoso, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes. Combs, eto. KATE BLACK. IIOOl'M A.M M11UEK. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. Q. THACIIEU, Munufaoturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Iluotai, Mioest und Halters), ricosanu' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY. PA. Ladies Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all description made to order on the shortest notice and most reus souable terms. Having the beet workmen employed. we can uasure the publio that, if tbey will give us a oall, they will be satisfied of the above facta. Kb' PAIRING neatly dune with dispatch. If your oorua do hurt your feet, Just eall aud leave your measure, And we will mike your Shoes or Boots, That you will eall a treasure. v Mareh 28, 'in. iy. REMEMBER llyerly'a now Picture Gallery tree doero weet ef the railroad, Market Square L'lsiidresia'a Csajrltansu Wl would eall the attention of Uiom wanting Child e Carriage, to our new aud large aseurt saeat eoniBrtaing new and beautiful style. J. 1. C0KXr A . Great Atlraclion, at the NEW TIN-AV ARE, Vhcet Iron and Store 9tor of SMITH & OEl-THEH, Where they keep eonstnntry on hand end manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARS of all descriptions. They would enpocially call the o.ttentien of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to hare all their best stoves made to ordor, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and wcU selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook 'toves, via : Combination data Itnrncr. Cook. Uovernor Penn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Etovo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great varloty em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beanty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they arc represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.uinpM, Shades, Chisuuies, and all articles) usually kept In an establishment of this kind. They aro also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in tho best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hon ting, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Ilaiifth'si Itarr Hone Super-Phosphate." Romomher the place. .Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 2i, 1S60. 31. C. UEAItllAUT'M Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, Market Ntreet, Sniilftii-y, In. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, dec., CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for sale nt tne above establishment atwhulcsule and retnil, nt reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionnrics to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco. Segars, Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of w hiah are ofiorcd wholesale and retail. Ltf itemcmljer the name and place. M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright Jt Son's store Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1863. tf THE GREAT -4 U K MCA X COM BIX A TI0X lliitton Hole OvcrMeaniiiitf SUVTUG 3S1CSI17E. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Pioofof its Great Merit. The increase in the demand for this valuable ma chine bas been TEN FOLD during the lost seven months of its first year befure the public. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed in tho history of sewing-machines, and we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely tho Best l AHIItV .MACHINE IN THE WORLD, An.l Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is really two machines combinod in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttle or Loek-stitcb, and the 4)ver soauiiug and Button-bole stitch, with equal facility aud perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as, Houiuiing, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding aud tjuillitig, Gathering and sewing on, (doue at the same lime,) aud in addition, Cverseams, Embroiders on the edge aud makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, lo give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had on applica. tion at tho Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at tho rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. Yv R. Mkxdemiall, Treasurer. April 25, IHfiS. lycjan. 24, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I 1ST STJISrBXJR-Y is on 3d street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, nt BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PII0T0GKAPH GALLERY, tint Lately Eituhllhed, with all the modern Improvements) of the Art ! frMIE subscriber, having built the room expressly L lor tho purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to tho business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or oity. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Paotographs in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. Ho is also prepared to take new site, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds ot pieturos copied ana magnified te. any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India Ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door Work, such as Landscape views of Morrainents, Machinery, County Seats, ia., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The public are respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to fumilios and clubs. . BERGSTRESSER. Fuubury, July 15, CONRAD MEYER, Invrntor and Manufacturer of the CEI.EIUU TEU IU OX FllA ME 1'IAXOS, W'areroomt, Xo. 722 Arch St., Phila , nAS received the Prite Medal of tho World's Great Exhibition, London, England. The high est 1'rir.os awarded when and wherever exhibited. IuSTABLlZiIlED 1623 Oct. 3, 'oS.-Sin Water aaid I'ire Proof SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned respectfully informs builders in this and adjoiniug counties thut be is prepared to put on tilate Roofs in a superior manner, lie turn, ishestheculebrated Lebigh county Slate, which is the be.t in the aarket. lio warrants his work to be durable and tire aud water proof, lie iuvites the in. spectionof the publio to the w ork be has done in -Sun. bnryon Haunt s, Greenough's and Haas' buildiuirs, and on others at various places. His price are a low as those of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, Sunbury, P. O., or call at his resldonoe In Upper Augusta twp. January II, 188. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATION EBY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pons, Pencils, a fine aseorluent of Paper, Ink, A-e. oraaleby ANNA PAINTER. NEW CAIUUAGE OUGY MANTJPACTORY. riMIE subscriber respectfully informe tbe oiliseus X of Sunbury and vioinity. that he bu opened shop in &o!. Blreh Blaeksinitiuhop-rJuildiog 00 Chestnut street, Buulmry, Pa., where he keeps con stantly on hand, and suanufaeturee to order, 4-sarriaK-si,llug:B) s. Hsslkj ai, Ac, of Ue latart style and f the beet material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, Ae., done at lb aherteat notiue. Peraonain want of Ine Buggleeand Carriages, are reuueeted to eail before pnrehaalsc elsewhere. a. O. ROUeii. I luhnry, Jnly 1I.1M8 -ly 1 BALTIMORE l LOOK HOSPITAL. gSTAJJLlBHKD AS A REFUGE TR0M QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN HE OBTAINED. DR, JOHNSON hn diwovprcd th mort Cortnin,SpectJy and only KtTecttml Remedy in lh World foraH Fii vnte Diaenteii Wenknen uf Ihe Back or Limli, triclnrr, A (Tee lion- f tlie Kirincyiaud Bladder, Involuntary Pla chargea, lmnotecy General Debility, NeTTOiraiieaa, Uya nenay. Languor, Iiw Spifita, Confnaionof liiVma, Pttlpi Union f tlie Heart, Timidity, Trembling. Unnaeaa of Slant or Oiddineea, Ducaae of the Head, Thnmt, Nnae or akin, ArtVcliona ol the Liver, Lunpa, Stomach or Ho wela theae Terrible Piaoideiairiaii.t; fiom IheSolitaryHabita of Youth thoae aetret and aolitaiy practice more fatal to Iheir vlctlma than the tong of Syrena In the Matiiiereof Ulyaaea, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or anticipiUiuiia. rendering marriage, Ae.f impotaible. Yonng; HI en Etpeciallr, who have become the vietimaof Solitary Viee, that dreadful and deatructiva habit which annually sweene to an untimely grave Ihouanmle of Young Men of the moat eialted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with thethuu dets of eloquence or waked tu ecsUity the living .lyre, imy call with full confidence. j IVIarriiiffe Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, being awn re of physical weakness, organic debility, de foimitiea, Ac., speedily cured. lie who plnces himself under the care of Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely apon his skill as a Physician. Organic lVeakuest Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This pistiesing A (Tec t ion which renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible is the penalty rnid by I he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being awnre of the dread ful consequences tliat may ensue. Now, who thut under stands the subject will pretend to deny that tlie power of piocreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper hubits than by the prudcnla? Besides deing deprived the pleuaures of healthy f'fTBnring.tlie most senousand distinc tive ayinptoms to .totti body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Puncrions Weakened, Iose of Procrealive Power, Nervous lrriMbili tv, Uyipei niii, PulpiUitiou of the Heart, Indigestion, Con siitution.il Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, O.Hr, 3io. 7 Soulli IVedorU-lc HI reel Left band aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the comer. Fail not to observe name und number. Letters must be paid and contain a stomp. The DoetorTa Diplomas hnig in his office. A Cure Uorraitlfd In Two Day. No Mercury or Nauseou$ Drug lr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greutrr pwt of whose the bus leeu spent in (be hospitals uf l,onilon, Puns, Philadelphia and else where, hits effected some of the most astonishing cures that weio ever known ; many troubled with imging in the head and ears when Hulet-p. greut nervousness, being alarm ed ut sudden s-'unds, bu.lilulnees, with fiequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Tuke 1'urtlY'uliir 'o Dr. J. addresses all those who hnve iujured theiiisetves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, whleh ruin boili Udy and mind, unfitting them for either businevs, tuuiy, society or nuirriuge. TiiRSE are some of the snd and mrlnncholy etTcts pro-d-jr-nl tiy early habits oi youth, viz: Weakness ul tliclfack and Limbs, Piins in 'he Ueud, Dimness ol Sight, L"Mof Museuliar I'.iwei, l'ulpitu' on of tlie Heart, Dysprpsy, Nervous Irnb-bility. Derunaemeut of the Digestive Func tions, tieiierul Dei.ility, Syinptiima ol Coittiinptiou, tic. Mkntali.t The fearf ul effwis on the unnd are much to brdreaded lrHfl of Memory, Confusion ol ldes, Ue- ; pressiou of Spirit i, Lvil-l-'oiebiHlings. Avernoii MSc:ety, Scit'-DiitruHt, Love ot Solitude, Timidity, Vc. ure sonic of tiie evils produced. ! THoi'tA.NDs of peiS'ins of oil Hr-s cuu now jude what is the cuusa of then declining health, Lming ibeir vigor, i becoming weak, pule, netvoiisnnd cnncitiied, hnviup n 1 singular appearance about the eyes, dug h aud symptums I of consumption. . Young: Jllfn Who have injured themselven by a crrtnin prnctire Indul- ed in when uloue, u balil fininently learn rd from evil I CMtipuuions, or at Sflimil, tits ellects ol which ate nichtiy ' felt, even when asleep, and if not cured rendi-rs mlni;o impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply I iminediiitely. W.ial a pity that a young mm, the h pe rf h;s country, ! the darling of his parents, should be snaiehed from all pros pects and enjoyments of hie, by lUo conKequcice of ileviu ting from the puth of naturaand indulfinig iu a certnm secret habit. Such persons Mir, before cuiileuipluting .11 a rr ia rflret that n sound mind und ItoUy iiru the most nereury requisilrsti promote connubml huppiMCSit. Indeed without tlmsc, the journey through life becomes u weary pilgrim age; the prospect houily rlnrkvns to the view; the mind hrruirirs shadowed with dcMinir and hlled with the melan choly rv fleet um thut the happiness of another becon.es ' blig'iled with our own lifsane or Imprudence. I When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleusjre 1 finds tlmt he bus imbibed the sen is uf Ibis puiufnl disease, ! it too often happens tlmt an ill-tnnrd afnse of shame, or dread uf discovery, deters him from upplviug to those who, j loin education and respertubility, can alone beiiiem) In in. dt laviiig till the tMiintiiiiouul sunpt ms of tins homd disease Hnke their Hppeurnnce, such ns ulcrrated sole throat, tlistciut d none, imcUiral pains iu the lo ud nnd liuil'S,. dimuesof sight, deufuesa, nodes on the shin bones ond aims, blotches on the head, faeeand extiemitas, piogrrss- , lug with mental tiipidiiy, till at lat the p.ii.itc ul the i mouth or tlm Umes of the imse fall in. and the victim if thisuwful dieehe becomes a horrid sibjeet of cntnmisera ti -ii, till death puts a period to his tlteuilml sudering, by sending hun o "Hut Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns. M It is a melancholy tact that thousands fall victims l ihis terrible tlitriiHt, i-wmg to the unskiHi'iilnrss -f tifM uut pietrmlrrs, who, hy the nse of Ihit -Deadly Pois-m, Mrr cui),'1 ruin the cunl:tutu n aud inuke the residua wl lifa miserable. Trust nt your livea, or bealih, to the care cf the many 1'nlearned aud Woithleas I'reiniders. detitutu1f knowl edge, uiiineor ehirueter, who copy Ur Jnhiotcu'a adver. tisenientR, or styletliffmse Ives iu the newspapeis, rfgulmly Ivlaratetl I'.tysicians, inenpahle of Cuiing, they keep you trifling mouth after in nth taking their filthy and (toisonns compounds, nr as long us the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with luined health to sh over your gmlhig disHp)miutmeut. ir. Johnston is the only iMivfician alverliaing. His credent lai or tliplomas always hmn in his office. His rem idles or trentinent aru unknown t all others, p re m red from a life pent in the great hospitals of Koro,., the first in this country and a more extensive '-private Practice1' than any other Ph)si?iau in the world. Iittlortaemeiil ol I lie 1'itnh. The many thousands eureilat this institution yrni after year, and the numerous important Surgieul Operations perlorined by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many othur papers, hntu-es of which hnve appeared apoin and again before the public, besides his stpmiint us a gentleman of rbararter nd rs sponsibiltty, is a sutficieiit guarantee to the afflii-ted. S Kiu IHMeuweM lpt1ily 'ur1. Persnns writing should lie particular in directing tutir etters to his Institution, in the following muuner, lohii 31. )Iin.oii, .11. t. Of the B.ihimoie Lock Hospital, baltimvre, Md. Nov. 3 i'rt"7 I y. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rpiIK undersigned, proprietor of Wcincr A Friek's X. Lino, give notices to merchants aud snippers that tbe Depot is still at 81 1 Market street, Pbila dclphia, and nil Goods directed to Suubury, Dnnvillo aud Lewisuurff, Hnd all interwodiate sttaions alocf the railroad, will be promptly dolivcml. Lj? Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia tri-wcekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W.BROWN, Proprietor, Lew iburr, J. II. BUOWN, Agent, fcunbury, Pa. December 7, 18ti7. H. Conley Co., .Mnrkrt Nlr-ot. I-Uittl of'lhc ttnilroad, BUNBURY, PENN'A.. JJEALLHS IN i oiti:io a. AMi:iti A, Hardware & Cutlery. riHE attcution of Murhauics. Farmers, UuiMer, 1 aud liuvers eenvrallv is invited to tuo fact that we are uow uflVrin a better sttleetcd HseDrtnient cf HAHIlW AKK, CLTLEHY. AC, tlian ever wus offered iu tliis marked at prioea muoh below tboi-e heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, euilirncinn a general ajsurtiueut of tuuls and niate riuls u.ted by CAKl'KXTKRS, BLACKSMITHS, CAHKIAliK AND WAUONM AKEKS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a Inrye stock of Iron, Steel, Kails, spikes, .Hope, Chains, Urindstouos, Mill and X Cut an. Au., Ait. fcunbury, March Sft, 1S8T. ii. .11. Iti:i., lnlit, WH1 remote hisOQioeto J. M. Simpson ' Building, 2nd story, Market Square, SUNBURY, 3? -A. 7HERE he will le prepared to do all kinds of 1 I work perlatumg 10 Dentistry. 111 keep Constantly ou hand a large ai.ortui.nt of Teeth, and othor Dental material, from which he will be able to seleet, aud meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, ur else the money refunded. Tlie very best Mouth Wash and T -oth-Powderi kept on hand. ilis references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked fur the lait twelve years. Suubury, Mareh 21, IKO IRON A large assortment of tbe beet manure, lured , , Bars, JJoop. Band, Round and 8uare Iron, Nail rUds, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nailj, Anvils, ' Bellows, Vices, Hammers, Bledgea, ff -CQNUT A COB CARPENTERS WILL 8nd in euf establishment a superior stock, of Planes, Saws, Augera, liatehete, Hammer, t ile Chie.U.A..,...r.r1.byjHieoNi(iT4co nortHe-m Cral nallWBt SUMMKR TIMH BOHBDULlT OW and arter Ma 11th lfota . , 6UNBLRlr,M'flo1r.!88, traI" leave . A. M., Pail, fo, Wllliainsno'l J).,,- , B offal o via J-'rl. u J : Klmira, an4 'wfc LEAVE SOUTHWARD 10 18 A M n..i JgtDn ?? hi'-Jelphia . ""' f a, n n' ' l"rt SUnd"y'') fur ?n"l U.n,, ' ii Pu' nlPn.enrAB P: Haltlmorg, u. I.nbUM anna A Uloom.br(tt; UJ OXaml.rt.. f ir!?'. ... Tralri, will run T u:.U"7 r"sunOT Leave . BOLTlhVAUD A.M. A.M. P U. 8.42 7 4 " Berantnn, " Kingston, " Kuport. " Hanvllle, Arr. Korth'd., Leave North 'd., r. m. 3 Sg HIS 8 44 23 10 oe 4 45 40 t.bi 9 20 8.30 M 10 Hi NORTHWARD. 9.25 7.02 7 Jil A. M. " I'anvilie, " Kuperi, " Kingston, Arr. at bcranion, P. M 6.011 8 40 10.00 TOO 1.60 V bi 11.10 8 00 9 47 H. A. i'ONDA.Pttp't Kingston, May IJ, IS68. Keadintr Kaili-oatl. SUM.MEH ARItAN'GlSMENT. MONDAY. AUGUST 3, 188S. v Zth''VT Phil""Ph- Nw York, Read ing, l'otteville, Tarpaqua, Ashland, i-hamokin, Lebn- &ti":At' Ac U' E''hrSla'Li"'. Tniins leave Uurrithurg f,jr Now-Vnrk ni fnt e2'4?' 5 25 and 8 10 A- M. Md7a ho noon nnd 2.05 and 8.S5 P. M, connecting with siS Train, on the l'cnnsvlvania Railroad, and arriving iv'tvV iAL, l0 ?ftI"l 11.45 A. M. and 3.50, 2.50 A. M and 9.35 P. M. trains without ohtfne5 Leave liarritihnrv fx t.-.. n. ... iwuiig, jrini?viiie, Jams otia, Mtnersvillo, Ashland, t-hamokio, Pine Grove, and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and princin.il way sta tons ; the 4.10 p m. making connexions for Ph.Indelph.a aud Ce umbia only, i'or Pottsville' behuvlkillllnvennnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Buuehanna Railroads leave HarrUburg at 3.30 p nt Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 .. ,n 2 no Jin? .nni , "d 8 'I?, P- haelphi hi 8.15 ?h. (.' Sn 3" P Jm;;n?l8eCin car "compunying the V 00 a. m. and ii (in mH u nn out change. j. irnin. wuu- way Fasnenger Train leavos Philadelphia at 7 SO a, m.. eonnfefliintf mltU ain.;i. ... ' Railroad returning tKolT mZZ ping at .11 Sluliong . Pottavillo ou anudPg a i. ? P : homokin 5.25. m. nnd 11.20 a m -Aahland tit T.tlila m 19 au . : " laraaqua at 8.30 a.m. and 2.15 and 8.45 p. m. lUilrond at 7.10 a. in for Hurrisburg, and II SO a.m. fi..r Pino Umveand Tremonc. lUnding Accoinniodatiun Train loaves Reading at P M returning from Philadelphia at 6 il toin'il'S Aco,,niIUO'Ja''' Train : Losv.s Potts, lit" 30 P.' M roturutng leaves Philadolphtn Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eading at 7.09 fer.JCo.ubi.;,AJe, -M- KphU LM L Perkiomen Hail Road Trains leave Perkiomoa Juuc.cn a: 8.00 A. M. and 6.09 P. M. Return" Leavebk.ppaok.it 8.10 A. M..ai.d 1.25 P. M.,con. necting with similar trains on Reading Kail Road. On Sundays : Leave Now York at 8 00 p m.. Phila- delph.ab.U0 A.M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.00. m. train runuing only te Reading, Pmtavillo 8 00 a m.. larrwbuig. 5 2o m, and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.162 55 and 7.15 a. in, fur II.,rrib..rg "1 7fu l ?! P for New York, i.li p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Miloage, Seaaon, School and Bi pein't.n ' redUCd "lM te "od f " ilagsgc ehecked through 1 100 Pounds Bregage allowvd each Passenger. b 6 O. A. NICOLLR, . HeneraJ HuperinUndent- fMlu.leliiM., jLe JSullrosstl. BUMMER TI V ETABLiT" Through and direst route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, llurruburg, Williamspnrt, to the North west and the Oreat Oil Region ol Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPI.VU CARS on M Niht Trains. On and after Monday. Sept. 14(1,, &ni. the Triiios on the Philadelphia A Jrie Rail Road will run as follows : WesTWAan. Mad Train Laves Philadelphia, " rtunbury, " " arr. at lirte. Erie Faprese leaves rKiladelphia '' " " .Sut,bury " ' arr at Krie Eluiira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Hunbury ' " arrive at Lock Haven, 10.40 p m M a ni 9.25 pin 11.30 a ru 8 St) p m 9 60 a in 8 00 a ua 4 .16 p oi 7.45 p m Mail Train leaves Erie 10 6a a ta " " " Sunbury, j.no m " " arr. at Philadelphia, 7 00 am r.rle ttxpreiis leaves Erie 7.35 pm ' " Sunburv in na " . " rr. at Philadelphia, 60 p m Mail aiid ExDr.. nitt.. ..til. n:i r.... u 1 TmfotUiP'7" ltailroad' AUCiAOB CHECKED ALFRED L. TTLER, Ooneral Superinten,ie.i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In every variety of ANTHRACITE CO A I, Upper Wharf. BUNBUHY, renn'n. r?0rdersaollaitfir1 ntl aiu.i ,;.u , . d - ... tut., n uu uiwuuiuni Ul upeU'h. hunbury, May 12, I860. y BSeUHJaBSMSHKNs, Are especially invited te eall and examine our stn-k J J)l.,LcU;ll'S -UARDWARE, coinprismg Nails and Spikos of all varieties. Butts .;" Strap and T Hinge,. Locks and Latches. Bolts. Pins' Wring Irowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer s Bievrt, Ac , de., for sale by . J H. CONLEY A CO. UNION HOTEL- 111.44. ITZi;i aroprlVir. In Cake's Addititn to SVNBritY, near the Pent. a. Railroad Company's Shops. t,..MAN,?NTJANDTIUNSIENTBAMERa, Kept who will find amnio accommodations. Otvid cooks and waiters, boarder, ean enjoy the nuUt com forts of home with fare equal to the best howls. JJis Liquors are of tbo choice kind!. Sunbury, June S. 1807 BKEAD & PANCY'CAKES. 3D-A."VIX FRY RESPECTFULLY Informs the citisens cf Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake to ordor all kinds of 4'uUrsl'or llulU, I'ar I !-., A.C. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rutks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept ou hand Dianatuoturod out of tho best materials. All orders left at his Shop in -Market Square, one door east of Miss Auna Painter s Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between Frunt aud Second streets, will meet with prompt attention. PICNIC PARTIES supplied with Cakos, loo Cream, Ae., at the shortest notioe. Orders are respectfully solicited. t ... DAVID FRY. Suubury, May 2, 1S08. Coachinakers, w E are selling Rims. SiK.kes, Hubs, Bprlnh-s, Canvas., Boll. Cliiw. Axles. Se . vorv low lArxm oioen as OONLEY A CO. Sunbury, March 10, 17. AKrit'ulturul lsupletueBlsi, HOE S Qrain Rakes. Steel and Iron Harden Kakes, Long and D Handle Spades, hovels, Manure and Hay Forks, tirasa and Urain Scythes, lirain L'r.dlee, Cradle Finger., Truce, Breast.' Tongue and Log Chains, Urind-sionee, Fanning Mill Soivesof all elses and kinds, a large aiwurlmuut of Red Wagon Ilamee, for Plowing, Farm Bolls, Cultivator Tooth, for sale hy J,r. CONLEY A C STONE WARE. TIIK beet and cheapest aMortaient of Stone W are In the Stale. Just received and lor sale cheap at the Mammoth Caah Store of II. T. FBILINO Pnlsala, ila, Ac. A full stock of Oils eomnrislnst Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubriealiug Oil for Enginea and Machinery, Vnrniahes. Glaw, alwava on baud, at low pries at CO LEV CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers