LATEST ARRlVAt CF NEW r nr if ins. V -- Joseph Eyster Curacr of Market ana I'ounu 'SUNDUHY, PENN'A. invito, Iho publio to fall and exnrolno his elegant affirlmontof M'itTSU AND SUMMER DRY (10ODH, .uMins Table Llncnf, Pomcsti.-. Poylir.s, Towel, ",l I),raotisofOTorydscr1i.lluii lit tho Very low est p.MCO. CASSIMER JO CLOTHS, &C J-'iHt.i. Delaine. Lnwiw. llinghniiu. CalicuM, Mir In, looting. Ticking, n 1 auonuivutoC Outtuu mid Wool goods genir-illy. llo-ii.ry. 0!oves, lioi p Uirt.f. Aiso UnmViccrchii.1V, .m-u-iies. (.nimii. 3-s mill I'.-ip. T.?ro; mill t'VT'" His nssm-lmciit of gomls will not. ho is snro fall I" plcn:e ilif fancy nnd mil tho warns of any desirom i.f liurnhiising. Jlie sloolc of 1 hardware ax:j grKi-.NvAni . ... 1 1- in nnnilitv .Hill iMlO'i-O 111 iiiuiliiy, ei'tniirhin- generally everything no, tl,.' Ii..'ii.--fln.l.'l cither lor mb or ornament. cjud in filer.. 's ,j even Iln i Ujvj rpn.lir nii'l I'lnil " see " and takes pleaWo iii showing thrill li;'tf' .1 i. ,n.i,, II- on v n.Jlc n oitll. nn-1 r:r. ,w",l,,,K.k will favorably in . .1... .,1. ..,',, -si. price ana quumy u j'0'SE,.H KVSXKll Funlmry. J 1111020, 1PM. fhrrMTOl I'm- r.l.'t'INKSS UiV'K. - - - - AT CRITTENBKN'S Commercial ol lege, 0:;r CLesnut St., cor. of 7th., P1IILADK riiiA IMaUi.-hcd ISf 1. Incornori'.l'.'il K; illl'l I c-st. ''.: lvii(t Comhit "mm, :l (', :c i.i Tlio i.r:i"tioaI viilue of its course of oti on has l,ccii k-ul by long experience. m :i)ia:us ok young mkx Have founil, in tho knnwlodgo pained hero, means of l'l'iiiciibl'.' employment, nml of suceo t!io j in biii.u. Each .student is Instruekd scr-eratoly, asd in tho uio.'l 1 radical manner. U-oks for Iho "various' Brunches of Trade arc npciu'il, written out, and cli-scd in tho manner prac ticed in our best mercantile h'."j.-o.s. Thu dilicrcut 'la.'ine.-s Pflpers, stieh rs .'JJM.S OK ICfCIIAMiK, i'l!O.MSi)i:.V NOTKS. CHECK ACCl It N A I.i A C L'U I ' .NTS C II i l : K N T, I.KTTKl'S. I?;Vi.lCtS, .to.. Ait liiiuie cut as itl iietual hu-inoss. l le.i'.ght by n superior pcnKcn in aiudi a lnr.iv.n.r tloit Ptlenlivc ?tt,lont in u tliut'l. titno ir si u ; ;i lii'l'i'l. Free and Elcg.uit styj of llci'iai Writing. 1 'i'.XA JI.ENTA L "ATJUXO , 1 'fail kiaJ?. i.v c.'ccutoil ',n tho loost finished 1j1r.11- to.r. co-v t.e.'Ia;. calculatim::; Ii.oludim tl.obrt and ro: 1 r:i'M moth'-d ; of.' ron -j, A vera Collide of 1 .itcn st I"xeh,uu':. I'mlii-n;id Soli A ''UPtioli.'" uuir.3, ivcatt) eoiiipiira in the TiUSIXESS PUACTICR.. ''lire" nn?e. Sales, Consignments hliipmcr.ts, Oenl J3? .with Uank.i, Ucniitlaiices, Ac, .ve. ' 1V0, Coininereial Law, l'huiio-r.'phy, Dcteclm C' untovfcitii, .to. ptitdcnls received nt any time, and iu.-tnioted at Eu'.'h hours i juay best suit their convenient. Tho 1 ir '0 iium'l.'er of business nun m.w in r.'.tc.vl anco. nndlim numcrou' npiilieatior.s received lor ,t students 10 (111 vacant p-irons. fully mle,t Iho np proeii.lion in which tho h-litutioti is held by tho iiikiiics-- ci'Uiniuuity dl'EX DAY ASD EVEXTNO . CATALOGUES i'EXT UK MM. Til" Orittenden Commcreial Ai itlnnctio and Pu kim .s .vlanual. fur sale at. the Collcse. llnivhuiiiely -oui'l I - mo. J'riec, Sd.ii). i-cnt post paid to any 1 Idic- S. 11. CIIIITLXHEX & CO. July 25, 1S.13.. -fini CONBAD MKYEJI, J.ivculor and Munn'urtitrer nf ii- act. !:;!, li '()! A re. ! ; wax Fit ; . ..!.i, y.,. 7-2-3 ArvU ''- , .ivfil tho Prize jMeliil ,1 the V. M s I i;.-.hibilioii. Lutidon, Lnglat d. I In- In :;!i-a-.vurded when and wher-vor i-xhibiu J l.lflllil) ls2.'i. Oct. .'!, '! -::i.i vi 0 X 0 O It A P H A L L U il 5 l'OOKS A3;n STATIOS luSX'sC, !,irj:i.i Time U,i .k3 Prawiin lius-hs t..:d i.tte?. ',:s. il . i:ii 'l:s, lllink liooks. l no. mil ium ; ''.u tdaiies, l'ockci Honks. Ink S.un-if, I'enj, Pir.cil:-. a lino iui-..r'.:i:enl ..f I' 11 or. Ink. .Ve. fr alo by A X.N A PAt.N flCH. 9J -1 f "HE subscriber, well l.nov.n in this part of (ho . country as a i'f.i ui'a.:tuivr of Wooden pump;, bo - l'v.v turned hi- ait, ntion to putting in tho :.-.i.i-:;;;;,-ai:p sT-.f pi'.MP, li f r .'or:ibilit7. npo.-ju'.u'.i-o. .r.linue.l freih- i., -; f , .'ir, and 1 r.'.ti :': ion t ;:i;i:'.i free?.ir .'r,-niy .-opeiior to tl, j . r-lii. u y ...i.tden pun.p arc I i,. y Itavo neon usi i 10 Sm.bury fjr tho j t I wo r i,t the r ii lering entire sati-i';;.:t ion. mid cut be seen -i . nces of .M -rs. CI. as. .1. liruner, Llovd li. Jiimes I'.oytl, V.'ni. i. Greeuouh, and i.iio 1 en in Suubury. ltoltrtia. ..lo. r iji iYke id.U!J per loot. VVYER weayeu Wiis. :iiu l'i per A ciisli, An I 1 NEW CARillAftE 6: HUGliY I.IANUFACTOK'T. rV.i: subii riber rospeclfully iiil'.o'ini tho cill.eiis .k. t .Juut.iiry and vicinity, ibid ho has op.-ncd a lii'.p in hlrtib's Plaekeuinhshop-liiiildiiig on t.'lo .-r.iut i-.iot, Sunbury, i'a , where ho keeps eon-.-!:,i.:!y on hand, and iuaiti!t''te!iui to order. 4'.srri;i;i', Ittsifry, KwiUyw, of the latest tyle arul of Ilia boat material. Kepnirit'. of Wogons, Carri-itfo. , done at llo sh'.rte-t. uoiice. Per-. .1. sin wan! of lino Eaprgiea end C. irr'nos, uro 1 e.' iu;; -.l to cji'.I before puiotiUtilig elscv.hero. 11. C. UOLSll. Kunlury. July 1U lS Wu. Fa': v i; ii X El.S:j r 1, 0 II IT 11 E 11 U O M t3 xi Jl i ,-.' I K f li.iet.l 'tho firm of Far.-, n AD.ivis. have opened ware-r.-iu.i -it No. 228 South 21 street, below Po.:'.;, PHILADELPHIA, Wutr-j they keep a lull usioruuent of PAKI.o::. C1I.3IREK, SlTTINtJ ROOM nml DINING ilOO.YI rURNITURE. TlriroM customers, and nil porsoi.s wi lling to I urcli.i.-e. .ire inv ited to call nnd exuiuino their iiui;!. ,o piirciia eisewhoro Pj.i ti.-iib.r aitcuiion T il l to packing. mvrt ly. e.-ii y.jltil ji,M ol" rarliii i-i.fif p. yo'flCi; ish'.-ioly given that (ho eo-partncr;!iip IS h reii fore exi.-ling between I. Wci-er Buehcr ml I'. i-n l'.u. In-r, truiirg nnditr tbe firm ot brolbers," in (bo (una. ri usiness, was this day t.i:iti-,t 21ih, bsti.S.l dissolved by uioiual c.m .', 1.1. 'in-! buMiuss will l.t-reatter bo eonde.eted by 1: 0 intd. iciue-l, Ht the old stand, wtiero all pi..ui.j iiaiuoU l tu tho iinu ot ituclier Jiteuicrs 1, 'If. led ta call without di lay ami 1.1.11:0 an, rc- Tlleaioul, .0. 1 r..vo co t. K. AiASiUi. BU "Cllliit. 6u:.iory, Au;ud J, litis. liui I ' ' 1: i urrr.ui. fjlilU anl.,". t:l I lal i.i A'.iniit'.s: i;. 1 ol. in I .'' ibcr rc.-i eci!'i'.'ly irf ::i3 the public . eps oon-.tiriily in h i d at iti new j ). i ..:.i' tiit, n, i.;,, ..11.. y L. din, ad : lil'RY, K.-.ur l. jUrrcl midsaiks ' ,a 1 i hi 1. 1. of Feci by the t- a nbi. u is all uiaenfactiired at hit o.n Mills. mil vidi Lo ko'.d at the' cv.-h t.rie, J M. CAD WALL ADER. Sui.t.ury, April 1, lr'lW CAUPEN TElTb" WILL fiv.d in our tsti.b'ihinoiit a superior i'ndt, of i'Lawt, ,j,nv, Augors, lUtotwu. Uauuuurs, i C:u4cis, do. , i.c.,ltfi' sule by J. U. COXLLY A CO aTCI3WniH. J nl.bijii and thmpcsi luHtrf. T St ono Waru in il..-....ilt, ju-t ,WU;.'(;A :ui4 tot-asdu at, tl.o ... J - "It a'U .Tiorfi 1,1 It J. TV. Stevenson. A. N. rStiKK. ATTBACTI 03ST AT IIAUTT'S NEW IRON FRONT t STEVENSON & MICE, HAVE opened tip a new nnd dofirablo ntnck of (lomlf in Jlaiipi'i. New Uuilding, oomi.ting in part of n t-plenilid vaiiety of STATION E11Y, B1L LU-WAHh, GOLD rr.Nd, SPECTACLES. NOTIONS, Olas-Wnrt., Cutlery, I'ictmcP, Looking CIiibsck, to., Ac, Ac. Call and examine our stock. Our aim mil be to pkaso and satisfy all "J-'KgoN & PKICi:. Sunhnry, April 13, IS'.W . b:i iiu uv uit- will. Till.' .nticrihoMliavinB just croetod and fut In rperalion a Will fr ivamtilacturo ot LINSEED OIL, r,!f,r Hie hkhe.'t market price for V LAX FEED. Thcv h'ife nllarlicd In Iheir Mtulilirhiiicnt n Cliop , Vjiii ,,,,,1 farmers nod others wniilins Rram ;.i,', i'pej (i'r fccditiR. cn J-o ucpninrnodM'ed at Iho c,..rtt )i..Heo. A uia'diino for chopjin; eovn Willi Ji'.rjnvy 2'i. IS. ly v.E'SSIAU TMAtiS-: I'MM. SPKINU TRADE 1SC3. K. 1. r,A2ARUS, would call tho attention of tho public, nnd her Oligomers gtneriilly, to her lar;;o and now usiort ment of B';;npy and E)ijucsI3' Si y 't'.t. Which pnifi- t of ror.Hns. Pi lairs, Clionw, Allapne en.J, Crepes, (ireioolino, Iron l'.Jirej;e, Lawn?, (iiii-h:m., Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac., Cambrics. Floy?. Orprirdics. N iobwin. Plaid Mwsliiu iM'iw.illis." Piijue, lii illiu)-". Wis,"in.. W'.ifiint-. (bleai'lo'd and'aebed ) 'J utile Linen, N:id(ii:'. Towels, Talilo Covert, JJeil Sprejols, .'.o. Gbn-es, IIoiery, Cor. ets. Hoop bhirtf. l'ii-o.?Trim-r.,;jl. (in variety.) Ladies and Cents Handker chiefs. cok Tios.'nni notions in variety ton numer ous to 1110.0 1 inn. I'. l.A..ilL i?. Siiuhurv, May 0. U-'W. ELEOTJUC TELEGRAPH Itt CHINA. Till' .'AST l'DIA TICLKO! ufi'ici;, VI'II Cd.MIMN Y'S "j A. ;is;;ti f (:! I, e v 0 u 1: Orrnoul s.c-iril l.rotcr Vol it. U...11 111" t;Mtc of N"v CAPITAL 10,000,000 :CTiR I! i'r: rt (.1 K'l'IN I iii ': , . r lit., .'.1. 11, :t ,t Co f F. I I'lnua l.-i tii i 1:1. t). ir-; New Ymk. ISAAC :-.i::n Ccninl r,t.;:o A I. 1 ; .it: III'! i. w Y.. i iue(ie:oi Fx v. .I AM . II. l'Ai Tel,' I . I . I ' ' ! I ' N'CiT a o. ci. 1. 'i s. Mii'ii.i v i.noitiii'. i:i i.s. (.;: K'-K I.I.I .votiii.) Fi.nn,. r Hon. A. i. .Mt i' Tl. Ao- 1, liain.Ki! a: I .Mj.lJ.:., S'.vatv, Ani'.y, I'o.J-l'l. : Wau-lJoi, N 'llrl' "t (.lie: r:h-'j'Mii,i, T t,.!, T . ! Jtli.l all t vc a t a ea'ii c'a .' ,.,.nr. i . : f.-e.'j t. ,'1 lui.l. ,-li n, j.a -alio .liltiiilld tii l!ie (..ivcii y la t'aih'. now o! f. i t, ttnd iiy : !. III. ha. I 'a' at I, a. lis Uy e. alia . la en- crs 'ii v. a Tae Vm Itnowrf tlr.t Chin" is; ;t. very hr.c llic ili-tiil t!itD vlv i-fntil! -I ; tml It V ft l fitli.'.t t.-il .-itrt iituiiit. in w iUuw n lliini i '1 1 lie Inmviti r;tr. I Ht'st rfhlin:.' li-" u'.v I') lit-r Ci-ntKi :; tili.oi i;i,'!j fur iii ' i'ii lHiyf !'V l !,(- iii I'.i.-T.iti-H ni t!vc iifi pipul.ili u i- wl.K 111 .UUi: Ai) I UIUITI.K MII.LIDN'S. ninHl.if-is ni'in; IKclv t' I;j i tltitn over llic net Jul lip irt'i'iru. . i 'i nil ii t t'ltl, tint niily Cl.l i''il i!" i a iu-.-i'-.iii, liiii Ikt liiiT;.tu'-ii le.i t r. nail; Ml'-ll- i:ul tile 1 1 is r....i Cliiiiit is fill IV trn. lull r art; t x't c-l y (;iiirK I pi. ,r. ..-! :'.; olisciwti mi tii.' ulibii al'-iit'. r it. ".nii? "; I. .1.-1 ! 11, M.l .l:hiii.i;t Hi:.' I. ii' t'.uii'f US'? 1, !.'l 8 in l.tu li ! t ti an. cm an I tiy Hum rxi Iti- tiwni l !' (JtlilKht lliXUitlCil. illl't lf tao iii-nsii.isjaoii i 1 i-arlv aile'lije.tee. II tne c ,:, ... 1, . a- yi. u-iOV'IIS. v l..'t:i I fit l.iai OS liana. CHs la-' wo t-ji. s ol IT d site hit a.loy iiu r. a.-o liu ii- il'i r. its!l Us in a '!' "Ii i tti-:rt-c te'ei.u W.lo , V.0,,11, ce alul .No e rename s I' a !i we i.i.'iv.i-., e in. 'v la , .a tail'---, it t.r. tie- . i vt witliin I'V-iat i a, an, I wont ivrpile i-'-liaai-i -it; .pitalo I 1 . - air i. lu ee-nl.'. It atiolial i'.ji ee e natiieieially politically, i ii.t ev -a-'i-I iealle.t' I ,1 t'"l'Mi-stot-u ol Has Conlaany I as li.-eu ani:it. 1 , 0111 iifil- I t 1 e i a:i!ilM anil tait-niesft tuen. a a nil - lav- tnn at liv e.lio.i ial a.ticii s la toe . tl III--ill l,T,al..n,i . Wovl.l, Tillies, f-.M, i:j;.re". Ii 'ei t. anil in lite Phi'a l.-ii.iii:t .Noitil A ini-rie"ii, Hv .' Volli 1'rt ss, l.-oL-i-f. ln'.tir, r. A"e, H illilot :.r..l T.-i.-ei"n--i. ,--iatli- ol -., s (:.-llliai.y lo I la. '..f t lal 1-viy l e o'-l lilt, it at s-.'al a-Jl, i. 1 1' .at . !' m "A n, oil lilt, l.l 1 1' N-. iiiO.-r, mid tf-Vi .a;.l.l- in 11 until'-" iitsuliiieiits of .',0 e n il, eoinmen ina leceailjei I, I-ti.-, on Ui.l. cation lo DEE2BL c CO., ttC Smith l ltri w Sir 4', Mi ir vc 1:1 I -? f-t'isi u ) in kunl ury lv n; i,lir:ii t-n 10 S, . '( liril,, W'm if.ii:ilii.vlik:c.i t it'rt-ivc 8li!- r.'ipi i 'it?, ti : 1 t (Mil nvc iH fM).s.!ry i.iU'i ni;il.m vi the U'jeot. 1-.-C Ul..l IT II!. I -0- lli'l. s'PTl' l li m:m) myj nut. u'2-t cm A: no.k, t JXFOHM tl.e pnl lit llni1. liny have established a MA('1I(.E SHOP, in eoimiali-n with llieir Flil.NlUK They have mpp!icd themselves with New l.nlht-. Planing and Boring Machines, with the l..i..-t iini, rovemtuts. With the aid of skillful me chanics, ihey aru cuublodto exueuto nil orders of ."Virw Vo-.-U or KrptUriii;;', (bat may bo given t Vt f , i , in a aati.-factory lnnnner. Having onlargi 1 nml rubuill their Foundry, they aro ready to o.vecuii, all kinds uf CASTINGS. Ii-u.-. Cakiiuu, t: Tho PLOWS, already eelebratud for their tuipori oriiy, havobein still further improved, and will ul- j wnvs bo kept i n liuiid. I Sunbury, Juno 1-1, IHoS. j rilkUK can I yetth.i bi-t mature t Why at V Jlyt-i-ly-o. l ..o..:.--: AUiayi-no to livcvly md ludje 'H vou.'Jwli FRESH ARRIVAL OF MILLINER 5T GOODS 3D ISrOTlOTSTS, MiiSJ ANNA FAINTER, jMnrkot Bqr, two doori west of the Poet Office SUNBUIIY, l'EUN'A, RK5rECTFtJl.LY Informi hr frlenili nd th nubile, that she hit just relumed from th ity, where she tint spent Home time In making telMtiona nnd purohao, and bin just openod a lnrg tok ot WI1LINKRY OOOD8 AND NOTIONS, Hlbbona, Laeo, Press-Linings, Crinoline and Wl gans tiklrting I.inintf, Hoop .Skirts, Pngle Trlm loinps, Crape Trimuiings, IlntCrnpo, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zcphyra. A large nssortment of Ladle) and Gentlemen's Htjsiery. DOLLS ornll (iitcs, Alphabet Plocks, Ao. M10 flatten herself in being nblo to make a display that will givo entire satisfaction to visitors, and E001I3 will be exhibited w ith plonimre. e .. . f un luJt'J tunrury, jiaj inuo. W. a. jYennett, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, 1I:ii-K-( Wqunro, filliSSJIIK V, ln. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, nnd kept con Bluntly on hand. My stock will always bo found complete in every article of merit in Mcdicino. Physician nnd Customers may rely upon prompt ness and nttcntion to orders. r.ANOIT ARTICLES ! My stock is unusually largo and embraces every thing that can bo found on n first class Toilot Table, including American and genuine 1'rcnch nnd Eng lish PEI1FUM E It Y , Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Outta Torclia Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hnir Tooth, Kail, Cloth nnd Paint Prushcs, Ao. I'll I -nl .flcdiciciOM. Embracing nil tho most popular Propnrntioui of tho day, nt manufacturers' prices. l'uro Havana SEO AUS and CHE WINU TOBACCO of tho best PraniU. I'uiril, Oils., piIJis!, Putt), Tai,iailioK, &v. All mv Tinotures. iSvruns, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations 1110 mnnufaetured by myself, and from tho best material I can procure in Market. Having bad quite a numbor of yearn' expericnoo in tho Drug 'and Freer ijt ion BimineM, both in Philadelphia nnd Iho country, nnd nlro tho ndvantugo of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PHESCIUPTIO.NS that tho Physicians and public may favor mo with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, aro mndo from tho best mnterial, and upon honor I assort, they aro of ollieial strength. for medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, Hint T can nrocuro. Pel'oio purchasing olsowhero, call and coi.rinco your o-vn linml. W. A. BI'NXETT. Sunbnry, May Id, IMi. 1 (iUEENS-VAUE, STONE CHINA VAItE, &.C Market Street, 6 doors west of fourth St., south sido, SL'XDURY, PENX'A., ESPECTKULLY informs tho citizens of Sunbury It and Merchants nnd dealers in this and iidjuin inL' counties, that hohas just opened a largo ascurl- VitKEXSWAUE AND STONE CHINA WAKE 01 every variety, from tho host manufactories in tho country, which will bo sold at WHOLESALE uud 1.KTA1L. ,. , , , Donlur.s oro invited to oxniuino his stock ber.iro purchasing in the city, ao they can suve money by doing so. Sunbury, 'May 16, 13(13. 8m HEW GROCERY STORE, W. S. FTOMAIT r. CO-, M u kot Strcot, Six doors East of Third street, north side, StNEUUY, PA., T E.'-'PECTFtLLY inform tlicir fiienJs und tho public, tbat Uicy navo openta a, AND PROVISION STORE, and will bo happy to hovo them call and exaniino thoir stuck, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in tho Uroccry lino, such nj Coftji', Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Csnncd und Dried f ruits, Petins. Iliiminy, Cheese, Lraelici'J, Jlacon, Ham. Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac, and In ftul everything in tho Ciocervand Provision. Lino. Fl.OVU AND FEED, Quecnpwnre, Willow-ware, til.iM.ware. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil .'' Call and sec before purchasing elsewhere. in U L'i-,i i i v r. wi ': Fuubury, April 27, ISI',7. 'Si HOTEL FOR SALE. ' '' : fJVIL' "SiiS'iuohanna Hotel," located on tho oomcr ...a '' o j j f peIm nnd Fuurtii Slrcels, in tho Porougb of r.a.oon i f;uui,,, Vi Noi thumberland county, Pu., is oUered 1 .'''1,0'JO fl, j ri'. uto salo, on reasonable terms. This well ', .0 .0 j l.jan.n llotel has lately been renovated, and is ono j, ,,, ni i ho best stands in Iho place, with an excellent , , ,, ru.i of custom. For further particulars apply to ' ' , tl. W AKliO.I AST, tieorgctowu, Pa., ! or (J l.o. WAli EXaELl.EH, Suubury, Pa. ";,Xo,im, July II, 1S0H.- iCOAL! COAL!! COAL!!! :.' "a; ''', ;. j OVYTXTT St. BROTHER, a... iiv . s!u5;jorts A WliolHnIo A. lC-tuil rt'iiicrm iu in every variety. Solo Agonts, westward, of tho Celobruttd Henry Clay CoaJ. Lowr.n Wiiahi", Suxm r.Y, Pa. Siu.bury, Jan. 13, IStiti- SEEING 13 BELIEVING At 7Ut Arris !i!i''-. NEW PRICES ! NEW GOODS Uica Silver ami Silvcr-riatcJ Wares, tv f Ineludiug every stylo and J description, uiado expressly ,4 f V't i" i for the Winter trade, which Viv - m for neatness and durability J-iiilrf ii .V flRnnnl l.a ii,ri,n.l ... V . Jj O- - t i JOUJI BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Fstabll-hiuoiit, 7ol AHCJI STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ( illc-plating ut short notice. December 21, is-t7 -aug27 IJCHT! LIGHTrLIGUT ! milE l'hotogrnncr, has fitted up, in the J o Id Post Ollico buildine, three doors west of the railroad, Market Square, one of the very best Sky Lights to he found in the State, anil is now prepared to take pictures of any kind, in all kinds of weather, early end late. Children taken utmost instantly. Bring along tho babies we nro now ready for them. COME ONE I COME ALL I both grcnt and small, see his new rooms, and ex amine specimens. FRAMES nnd FRAMING material constantlyon hand und made to order. Bring along yuiir pictures and hnvo them framed cheaper than any t hero else. Cnine nnd see lor yourselves, Anything in the picture lino constantly on hand or ordered Copying dono in all its brunches and oolored as desired. Both out and indoor views tnkon nt short notioe and on rousonablu terms. Satisfaction guarranteed, as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved. P.omciiiber tho plaoo ask for ri. BYER LY. Markot Square. May 'oS.-ly. aSllNBURY MARBLE ..Sh.l I 1 h.'.fyftX rpHE undersigned having bought the !.J""I X entire stock of Dissinger A Taylor, M a-.ii Inform the publio tbat he Is now ready to do all kinds of marble work ; has on band, and makes to order at short notioe, .tloniiiiM'iitu and Ileud-Slonr, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW BILLS. Also, Ceuietory Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used or. Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in the employment, at the old stand in Market Square. Sunbury, Pa. May 9, 'ol ly.J W . M. DACGUERTY. ' CALL and see iuumi beautiful Bird Cugo at the j new Uurtlware store of I II rnxtEY A Ctj 7ao Clicslnnt Slroct, tlillalclphln. Are the lost in Uso, TOK THE F0LL0WIN3 KEASONS: They aro moro simplo and durable, oaslcr kept in order, make a stronger and more elaatio stitch, firmer nnd moro beautiful seam than any other They sow all fabrics from two common spools, re- quiro no ro-windlng of thread, fasten both ends of tho sonm by their own operation, nnd though ovory fifth stitch is cut tho spn will not rip. 'l'lie Very fSlgUvnt l'rizo, Hie t'l-osm of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on tho rente scntnliva of tho 'KOVF.R Jk. ItAUKIt at tho Exposition Univcrsollee, Paris, 1867 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. OKOVEIl A BAKER'S NEW RTYLBI f ii i; x 'r . v. ni v iii.ii:ti For Manufacturing, Combino the most modorn and essential improve mcnts. The nttontion Is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Coots nnd Shoes, Carriago Trimming, Clothing nnd all others roquiring tho uso of tho most effeclivo LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these now styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over nil others. FOU SALE BY Mins CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Strcot, SL'NBLKY, PEXN'A., Nov. 23, 1S07. ly T 0 RR lG T 0 N FhODBK I s" H A. "ViT 13 O 1ST E SUrER-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANX'RTS FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within tho past year greatly increased and improved our facilities for grinding Pones and man ufacturing, wo are prepared to furnish to tho furm ers uf Pennsylvania a superior article of MiiU'i'-alioiluitC'. Our mnuufacturo has boon thoroughly tested tho past season by practical incn of our iiuuiedinto neighborhood nnd elsowhoro. nnd in every caso tho result lias boon entirely satisfactory. Our proccssof pulvoiiiing, whereby it is prepar ed for and OCA K K AX TE ED TO PASS THROtC.II ANY DRILL, obviates an ibjection which attaches to many fer tilizers, nnu secures to tao larincr a saving oi uiucn vnlunble time. SOLD AT TI1K MAKCFACTOKY, EAST MARKET STREET, u:bh ISV, nnd by our Agents throughout tho country, in Bag? of 200 lbs..oach, at S5S per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to nil points nccessable by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TORUIXliTON & UODUKINS. Also Agents for Soynionr, Morgan & Allen's Self Raking Reaper ami Mower (Tho Now Yorker) aud Pratt A Smedloy's Hay aud Urain lluko. Send for Circular. February 15, '(IS. ly ALAlKiE supply of Will! tPiipcr tiutl liumior, just received and for sale cheap, at tho Mammoth Store of II, Y.FRILl.NO. April 4, 1UM ISAAC K. STAUFFER, VaKcIsinaUor aud .Bom -oler. I.'Oi'.Tir '.M ST., COR. OF QUARRY, l'HILAUKLPIIIA. An nisoitmcnt nf Wal -lies, Jewelry, Silver aud 1'l.iteo War, eniiRiiinily on liaatl, l-Keitairing of Wutches nnd Jewelry promptly at lentteU to. Nov. ail,,7 I y. IF you hnvo a picture you want framed, go to liyorly'n and get it dono cheaper than any where olso in (own. Ho bus mouldings of all kinds constant y rn hand. JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer in nil kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply nil kinds of Anthracite Coal from tho Shimiokiu Coal Region at cheap rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spectfully solicited. JOHXr P. HAAS. Sunbury, July IS, 1868. a.Ml'OIM'A.Vr 0'1I'IJ. rPIIE undorsigucd having succeeded to the busi 1 nous of T. Jll.MES A CD., takes this method of informing Brick-Layers, Builders, and all others in terested, in ami about Suubury. that he is prepared to fill all orders, for building and pnving Brick, of a superior quality, and nt as low rutcs ns can bo had elsewhere. I am also tho Agent in the Counties of Northum-i-rlaud, Union, Snvdcr and Montour, for WAR EN VS IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF OOF. This is tho cheapest and best Roof that an ho used on buildings. We covered several build ngs with it, during the Just season with outiro satis faction. Orders left at tho Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or nt the Office of Mr. Win. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Suubury Post Ollico, will reoeive prompt attention. TOWNSEND HIMES. Sunbury, March 1-1, 1B6S. FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable fur the SPRING AND HUMMER SEASONS. 3VTIS3 KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors East of the old Bank l . : , i : i-i-v l-i, v ti : iuuuiUK, o L. n o u xv Jl , jrvuu a-, TTA9 iust opened a frceh assortment of the most jLX fashionable Fancy Dress Good bom tho largest esianiisnments in 1'niiadeipnia. DaLAIXhS, ALAPACAS, POrLINS, CAUC.S. iHOCIIMU UOOOM. Cloths, Pacquet Flannels, Flannehi, 6beetings, Mut liua, Ladies and Children' HATS, leathers, Ribhons, liCHii Xrlmmlnsa, Cinbroideries, Lace Veils, CorseU, Uandkerchie fs, Gloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' iliptlo Skirt, Real Black Laoe Bbawk, and Ladiai' Good of every desoriptioa. Bua Umbrella and Faroaol. Gent' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hoso, ilandker- ohiefs and U love. -Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushee, Comb, ets K ATE BLACK. IIOOXS AU KIIOCX. j. a SYLVI3, WITH II. G. THACHEH, jManufacturer of FRBNCII AND AMERICAN CAL? llootai, Slioei aud tiallttra, PleasanU' Building, Market iuare, SUNBURY, PA. i Ladiae' Boots. Shoe and Uaitareof all deseription made to order en the shortest notioe aud moaVrea sooable term. Having the beat workmen employed we can assure the publio that, if they will give us a eall, they will be salKUed ol in above lucu. lit PAIRING neatly done with diipatoh. If your oorns do hurt your foot, Just eall and leave your measure, And we will make your Shoos or Boots, That you will eall a treasare. Marcs, 2H, 'fo y. - - , T KM EMU bill Ilvt'l-lT, sew Picture Uallerv I V three iloota wet of the ruilroad, Market ri-iuuro Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Nlicct Iron nnd Htove Btoro of OMITS & GE1TTHEE., SUNBURY, Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IKON-WARE of all descriptions They would especially call the attention of par ohasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. ' The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves tnnde to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine thoirlargo and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis : Combination Clan ltnrner. Cook. Uorrrnor I'cun-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES," and the well known Antldust Cook Stove oalled Sl'EAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. -Parlor and office Stoves in groat variety em bracing all the best manufactures and moat fashion able douigns, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability end eneb'stove warranted to perforin what they aro represented. Also, Tho celebrated Bal imoro Firo Place Stove, for boating first, second and third storios by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho eolebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Nlianle), CliimnicH, nnd all nrllclesi usually kept in . an establishment of tbis kind They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanliko manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Snouting, Rnngo and Furnnco Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana cncnpiy exooutoa. Also : "lluiitt'li'ci ICair Hone Wupor-l'liow phatc. ' Remombor tho rdaeo. Sumulo and Sales Room nearly oppneito Conly s Ilardwaro Store, Market street, butweon Third and Fourth street. Building dark painted. August 25, IS66. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. Ul'iliY & CO., In Wcimer's Building, Water Street, near King et. NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., 1 NF0RM their friends nnd tho public generally J. that they have a large nssortment of Groceries jf rovisions, &o., all lresli ana oi tne oest quality, con sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spicos. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheeso and Crackers, and in fnct everything usually kept in tho Grocery lino. They would also call attention to their large and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Orocn Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which arc constantly kept on linml. Also, nil kinds ol vegetables, to., o. Gic them n call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, lni',7. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION KSutloii I Solo Ovci'BCUiuing: Its Wonderful Popularity Coiiolufivo Proof of Great Merit. it Tho incrcaso in tho demand for this valuablo ma cbino has bocn TEN FOLD during Iho last seven months of its lirst year before the public This grand nnd surprising success is unprecedent ed in tho history of eewing-innchiues, and we feel lully warranted in claiming tnal IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best FA.Ull.Y .nACISIM! IN THE WORLD, AnJ Intrinticalli the Cim tst. It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simplo nnd beautiful mechanical arrangomont,) ina k itiif both tho Shuttleor Lock-stiteh, aud tbo Over- sunming and Button-bolo stitch, with equal facility und perlection, it executes in mo very oesi mnnnur every variety of sewing, such ns, Humming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering nnd sowing on, (done at the same tiino.) ami in addition, Oversunuis, Embroiders on tho odgo and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in nil fabrics. Every Machino is warranted by tho Company, or its Ageuts, to give entiro satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars nnd samples of work dono on this Machine, can bo baa on applica tion nt tho Salesrooms ot THIS AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Elovcnth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms uf tne Company gratuitously loan purcuasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. V. 15. Mf.kdhniiai.l, Treasurer. April 25, 1KGS. lycjan. 25, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, HIST STJ1TBXJ.- is on 3d street, opposito tbo MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Hut Lalcly i:Nlnblit.lsrd, Mills uSI tlio Klodoru Improvriiioiilsi 4i tlio Art ! rpj IE subscriber, having built tho room expressly 1 fur the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is oonfident of Ins abiliiy to assuro nis patrons mm tne wora pro duced bbnll bo second to none in country or eity. No work allowed to leave tbe nailery unless en tiroly satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all Kinds ul weainer, but wouiu prciur a clear any lor small children. He is also preparod to take new sico, or eabinet card Photographs. All kinds ot pictures oopicu ana magnuiea to any required site nnd oolored beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to nil kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views ol nlonuuiouts,. Machinery, County beats, ic, a lurire lot of l'hotoKraph frames constantly on hand. Til., , .nl.l ii, .pn rnHn.t,lA,ll v invitArl 'ft cmII ftnd IDfl our specimens and oureoinplote arrkngoment for making Photographs, special torms to families aud olubs. . JAEKUSIRESSbU. Sunbury. July IS, .11. C. UHAKIIAKT'M Confectionry, Toys and FliXJIT STOEE. ."vlai lit t Wreel, Hiinbiiry, Iu. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, Jtc, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reawn able price. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionariet to keep up a full assortment which are (old at low rates. Tobacco, Segai-8, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, an4 a variety of other article, all of wbiuh are oflore wholesale and retail. UrjHeinember the name and plaoe..r-i M. C. GEARHAR'f, Market street, 3 door west uf. Y. Bright Son's store. Sunbury, Sept, HL 1303. tf YVatrr aud I'Iro I'roof SJL,TE ROOFS THE undersigned rcapeotfully infurma liuilJert In tbii and adjoining eouulioa tbt be U prepared pat on ib'lato Kooih In a superior manner. lie furn iho thcculcbrutod l,v'hiu;h county Hlate, which U the best in the market, lie warrants bta work to be durable and fire and water proof, lie invito Iho in. spection of tbo publio to tbe work he haadone in Sun bnryon llauptTi, Ureenougb't and ilau' buildinga, and on others at various plaoos. Ilia prioea are aa tow as those of any other flitter. Addroas. P. 8. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or eall at hli residence In Upper Augusta twp. January 1), ly I.10R Saddlers, w bay Saddle Tree. UitU, Back lo, Gig Tree, Pad Tree. Wanes, all kind and every thing pertaining to the businc, for sal by J. U. CONLEY CO. 5000 th Store of MOOBE DIIMaR, Market trvt, Banbury May la BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHEIIB A CURE VAN SB OBTAINED. DK. JOHNSON hn rfimnvimttliP most Ccrtaln.Ppefdy and only Kflctiial Kemexty in the World for all Pri vate UiMsaiei, WcHknew of tli Bark or Liniba, trictura, Affeetioni M the KKlueymnd HlmUIcr, Involiintnry Die ehnrM, Impouney, Ueueral Debility. NervoumeBB. Dys pepiv, fRor, UtwHpiiiu Conluiionof Mm. Palpi tntmn ef the Heart. T.mi.lity, Tmnhlingit, Dimaesa of ttiglit or Gitldine, DmraM of the Henri, Throat, Nope or u n, Anecunna oi me i.iver. Lun, momnoh of Dowels ""r v . J7JWe u,BO'd""'"iR from theSoliUry IIM.iti of Yoath those aerret ami frhtry pmcticen m-re filial t " i nyrea lo the Mntioenof UlyMca.biightnig Ihcirmost brillmnthuireaor aiitk-ipuiioiis rendering mnrringe, c., tinpoatiible. Toiiiik: Hlcn Kipecinlly. who have bemie the victimiinf Aolltary Viee Unit dreailful and destructive hubit which aintaiiUy sweeps in an uniiniciy grove uiuuwimn oi nung Men f ta most exnltttt talents ami brilliant Intellect, who misrht othvrwise have entranced listening ftennten with tbe thii ti de? of eloquence or watted lu ecmaty tlte living lyre, inny cull with full confidence. Irlfii-rlnirOa 1 Marrie4 Persons, or Young Men contemplating marrtaffe. being aware of phyvienl weakness, organic debility, tie lortmties, flte., speeany rureo. IJe who plnces himself under th care of Dr. J. may irmv reliffiouslv con lido in his honor as a Rcntkmuu. and Confidently rely upon his skill as a Physiomn. Organic IVonUncis litimediiitcly Cured, nnd Full Vitjor Restored. This Dittesmg AirwtMMi whicib. renders Life misera ble and mnrringe imixmsihle is the pennity piitl by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young persons ore too apt to commit excenses iroin not neing aware oi tne arena ful consequences that muy ensue. Now. who that Under stands tbe subject will pretend to deny that the power uf ptocrcanon is mst sonimr ny iiioro tuning into improper habits than by the pruitenis? Besiden deing deprived tbe pleasures of healthy o(TKiiring,the most scriousand denttac tive svmntoms to Iwitli ihhIv and mind nre. The svstern becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Ijossoi I'rucrentivo I'ower, Nervous Irnfnbili ty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Indigestion, Con- siilutional Debility, a lasting ot the frame, Cougli Consumption, Deciiy and Duith, OIHce, INo. 7 Noullt I n dorlt l. Mlrovt Left bond side going from Baltimore street, a few doors frm the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letteis must be paid nnd contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his ofiice. A Vitro lViu-ian(cil Iu Two IayM Wo Mercury or Nauseous Drttpi. 11. loIlllHtOIl, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, (Irad UKte from one of the most eminent Colleges in the I tiited HtHtee, and the greater part of whose lile has Iwen spent in tne nospituis oi loiuoji, 1'aris, rniriueipnia and else where, hut effected suinn uf tlio most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with uttpitig in the head and ears when oBleep. great nervnusnefs. being alurni ud at sudden 8'iunds, b:isbliilne.s!i, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of iniud, weie cured immediately. '1'nlfio lnrliculnr rMoiIce. Dr. J. addresses jII th"se who have injured themselves by improper iudueuco and solitary habits, which rum both body nnd mind, unfitting than lor either business, study, society or marriage. Tiikbk are some of tbe sad and nichiucholy effects pro duced by curly Imbitsol ytaith. viz: We;ikue8ol the Hack and Lliubs, Fains in the Head, Dimness of Wight, Loss of Muscular Power, Polpitutiun of tbe Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, Ueucrai Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. Mentally The feurful effects on tbe mind aremuch to bedreuded Loss or Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, l-lvil-Foreb liirs, Aver won to Society, .elf-Distrust, Love ol Solitude, Timidity, Jtc. are some of the evils produced. Thousand of persons of all ages now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming wenk, pale, nervous and ennciated, hnving a singular uppeniumje nWut Uie eyeu, couh und syinplums of consumpLimi. Who have injured the niuel vest iiyu certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, u uabit liciucntly learned from evil c mipuuioiiK, or nl sehool, the etlects of whivh are nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cured renders immiuge im(yisiMe, uud destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Wiiitt a pity that a voung man, the hope of his country, ! the diirhng ot ti if pareids, h(iulil tie siiaiclied troin nil pros pects and enjoyments of lile, by the consequence nf devia ting from the putli of iiaturnund indulging iu a certain sec rut hubit. uch pemons must, before contemplating r' Uecl llmt u eouud mind and body ure the most necessary requisites to promote cmnubml h;ippinesa. Indeed wit In tat tliene, the journey throngh life becomes n weary pily rim age; the pi up peel hourly darkens totkeview; the nnud becomes siutdowert with Uespuir am! til kit with tne mclHii choly rvtlection that the happiness of another bccouiss . blighled wilb our own !as4a:tH4 ol linprinlciicc. j When the miseuided and imnriiHeiit votary of ulens.tro 1 finds that he has imbibed the seeds of tbis painful disease, it tno often happenx Unit nil ill-tuned aenstf of shame, vt dred nf discovery, deters him from applving t Iborte who, , rom education und n perruhilily, rim alone befriend him, delaying till the coiutitutiouul sjinptouts of this hornd diiense Hiako their appearance, such us ulcrruit-d 8te throat, diseased nose, noetural pains in tho h nd and liuibr. dimness of s:glit, HenfnesH, nodes on the shin bones ainJ itiiiis, blotclies on the bend, face and extifinitit , pioiens- lug with li mhuul lapidity, till at Iuk the pulate i Unj in'iulh or the liones of tlte note fall iu. and tin viciim uf lliisawfiil dicasa becnes a horrid object of eoininibr tin, till Heath pjts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending linn to "that U ndiscovered Country from wiieuca no traveller rutarus." It ie a melancholy fact lb tt IhousunHfi fall victim t this terrible disease, owing tolhf unhkiMfiilnrss of ignoiunt preicuricis, who, by the use oft hut 'Duadly Poison, Mci fury," rum the ivuHlitutiou nud make tha residua of life iniseruble. Trust not your lives, or beuith, to the core of the many Fiilrarned uud Vorthh'.'s IVefenders. destitute of knowl edge, imtm: or ehurueter, who ropy Dr Johnston's arlvT-tis.-ments, or slyletlieiuiielvrs in the newspapers. reul;ti ly lOdacuteil IViyKicinus, incapable of Curing, they keep you Milling inoiiih after month taking their filthy and pomrinus compound, or us Irn.sjr nMhe smullvtii. ft can beohtaiutd, and in rb-siir. leave you with ruined health to siyli ovsr your galling timappniiitinent. Dr. Johnuton is the only Physician advertming. Mi credcntiai or diplouiuA al ways hung iu his olfice. His remidiesor treatment are unknown to nil others, prepared from a liferpcnt in thagreut hospitals of ''arope, the first iu this country und n m-re extensive ''Private Pructiee" limn any other Physician in the woild. Knloi-M'isieiit of I ho lriwM. Tlie many thouwmds cured at tJiis iustiiution year after year, nml the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnfton, witnessed bv the reporters r,( the "Sun,'' ''Clipper,1 oud many othifr papers, notices of which have appeared again and upon before the public, betides his stunline ss i gentleman of character and re sensibility, is a sufficient gu iruntee to the nlhieted. Persons writing vhould he prticulnr in directing their ettors to his Institution, in the following niaimcr, Soli at !tf. .Boltitivtoii, 11. I. Of the Raltiiume Lock Hospital, liultinvre, Md. Nov. 30, -rtr l y. JJotice to Merchants end Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Woisor t Frick's Lino, givo notices to merchants and shippers that tho Depot is still ut 811 Market stroet, Phila dolphin, and nil Goods directed to Suubury, Danvillo and J.ewnjburg, an.l nil Intoruieiiiate stations along tho rr.ilroad, will bo promptly delivered. Cars leave Rl I Market stroot, Philadelphia, tri-weekly Tuesdays. Thursdays ard Suturdays. J. W. 11ROWN, Proprietor, Lewiibuif, J. H. UUOWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Doecmber7, H67. !. H. Conley Co., .Mas'kcltSlrcot,i:nitt ol'l he ICnilroad, SUNBURY, FENN'A.. DEALERS IN e oi:i:i.. Ac ,aSii:iti'A., Hardware & Cutlery. T VIE attvution ef Mechanics, Farmer. Builder, aud Buvcm aouerallv is invited to tbe fact that we aie now offering a better seleoted assortment of 11 A RUN Art!., i kfcK V. . iHJ., than ever was ollercd in this marked at prices lmiuh bolow tboio heretofore duuiai d J by dual cm. Our stock comprises all articles in this liue of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rial use 1 by CARPENTERS. BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, J01NER.S, AC, iO-, togothor with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikcs.'Rope, Chains, Urindstouos, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ao., Ao. Sunbury, March 301 1807. h it. iu: :rncr"wvsa- ir ti. 91. Ill'.W, I-llllHt, Will remove his Office to J. M. Siuipson'a Building, 2nd story, Market Square, STJig-BTJIiY, I'A. WHERE ho will bo prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will koep constantly on hand a large aiaortnieut of Teeth, and other Dental material, liotu which he will be able to select, and moot tho want of his customer. All work warranted to givo satisfaction, or else tbe money refunded. The very beat Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on baud. His reference are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked fur tbe lust twelve years. Sunbury, Mureh 21, ibtii. rr.ON. A large assortment of th beat mamifaa- liar."" Hoop, Band, Round and luare Iron, Wl Rod. Ct Steel, Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoe., "le, Anvils, Bellow. Vieos, Hammers, Sledge., RP and File., 0N1ET t co'8 " SHOEMAKERS. 1 UK best qualities of Sole Leather, Freneh Calf skins, Morriooo., Lining., Last., Nai s P., K,eftow ""J'lrLlTY rrrthrft Central sttaUfray 6UMMUR TIMfl BCHEDUtB, 6UNCUKY, n follows i LKAVK NORTHWARD, 8.00 A. M.t Daily for Wtlliamsport. Dally (eiaept Sundays,) for Klmirti, Oanandaigua, ivwiiomur, nuuuioe, Niagara iJiillu, Aoohester, Buntiension llridgo and the Oanrulni. 4.16 P. M., Daily (except Sunday,) forGlmlra. and JJuflalo via Krie Hailway from Eluiira. 6.00 I. M., Daily (crxoopt undayfl,) fur Williama port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and Fbiladelphin. 10.13 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Wtwhingtmv 6.45 F. M., Daily (oxoopt Sundityw,) for HarrUburg. J. N. DuBahry, Ed. 8. Yopng, tien l. bup't., Uen'l Paasen'r Ag't , Hnrrigburg, Pa. Haltimoro, IA4. liUckaM nnnn At JUlooinabarH: Kail -fond ON and after Mnnd. M.l l,h lofifl t.,.n. ave mi, tuu ma iiiu.wi ; 60VTI1WARD A.M. A. M P. M. 6 42 7 4 P. M. I a,, S 0 8 45 28 ll.ti Bsrantnn, Kingston, Hupert, Danville, jN'ortli'd., t 48 li 20 8 30 40 t.t 10 86 NORTHWARD. 8 25 7.02 7 3(1 A.M. Arr Leave North'd 4 44 24 t 00 8.40 " Danville, " Rupert, " Klng.ton, Arr. at her an ton, P. if. 1.50 10.00 TOO 11.10 BOO 65 8 4 H. A. FONDA, Hup't. Kingston, May 19, 1888. ieallnK Itullroitd. SUMMER AHRANQEMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Read' ing, Pottsrille, Tamaqaa, Ashland, Hhamokin, Leba anon, Allontown, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Lanoaster, Columbia, Ao., 4o. Trains leave ilarrisburg for New-York, as fol lows: At 2.60, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M. and 12.20 nooa. nnd 2.05 and 9.35 P. M, eonneoting with similar Trains on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 6.00 10.00 and 11.45 A. M. and 3.50, 8.65, 9.50 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.50 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without ohango. Leave llnrrinburg for Rootling, Pntuiville, Tama qua, Mincrsviilo, Ashland, bhamnkin, Pine drove, Allontown nnd Philadelphia at fl. 10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Jr'or Pottsvillo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave linrrisburg at 3 30 p. rn. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12 00 Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at a. m. nnd 3.30 p. B.; Sleeping oars accompanying the 9.00 a. m. and 6 00 and 8.00 p. m. trains with out change Way Pansengor Train loavos Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., eonucoting with similar train on Kant Penna. Railroad, returniug from Reading at S.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 7.00 and 8 45 a. m. aud 2.45 p. m; Shamokin 6.26 a. m. and 11.20 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. m., 12.43 noon and 1.65 p. m ; Tamaqua at 3.30 a.m. and 2.15 and 8.45 p. sn. Leave Pottuville via. Schuylkill and Suqueharna Railroad nt 7.10 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. tii. fur Pine Uroveand Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading et 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadolnbiu at 6.61 P M. Pottstown Accommodation Train : Leaves Potis town at 8 45 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Heading at 7 00 A. it., and 8.15 P. II. for Ephrata, J.itu, Lanoas ter, Columbia. &o. Perkiomon Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomeo Junction at 9.00 A.M. and 8.0V P. M. Returning ; Leave Skippjick at 8.10 A. M.. and 1.25 P. M., con necting willi similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundnys : Leavo New York at 8 00 p m., Phila delphia 8. U0 A. M., and 3.15 P M, the 8.00 a.m. train running only teReading, Pottsville 8 00 an., Harrisburg. 6 25 am, and 4.10 and 9-')6 p m. and Remliug ut 1.102.56 and 7.15 a. m, fur Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. m. and 1 1.48 p in. for Now l'ork, 1.2 p ni. for Philadelphia.. I Commutation, Mileage, Season, Bohool and Ex ourtton TiekeU, at redueed rates to and from all polnta. Rsggngo checkod throngh t 100 Pounds Brggage B'luwuu oiioji l a&eenger. O. A. NIC0LL8, Qeneral Supurintunrteut' lhllalclplia Ai. IVie Kalli-oiitl. BUMMERTIM TABLE- Through and direet route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williaruaport, to the North went nnd the Ureat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS on all Night Train. On and after Monday. Sept. Uth. 1883, the Train on the Philadelphia A Krie Rail Road will ran a follows I WaSTWABD. Matt Train lenvos Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Brie. Erie Eaprees leaves lliiladelphia. 10.40 p m. 6 Bi a m 9.25 p m 11 :t0 a bi 8.30 p m 9 60 a m 8.00 a m 4.16pm T 45 pm 10.60am 12 00 ra T 00 a a 7.35 p ra 10.03 am 6.00 pm Sunburj " " nrr at Krie Eluiira Mail leaves Philadelphia, u Sunbury " " arrive at Lock llarea, EASTWiBO. Mail Train leaves Erio " " " fiunbnry, arr. at Philadelphia, Erio Express leaves Erie . Sanbury " " arr. at Philadelphia, Mail and Express connect with fill Crook and Allegheny River Railroad. BAOUAUK CHECKED IHROUiili. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oeneral Superintend cut WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf. SUNBUBT. Perm. l"tT Orders solloitod and filled with proaoptness aai doipatoh. Sunbury, May 12, 1868 y Are especially invited te eMI and examino onr stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, oomiirisirir Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts. Screws. Strap und T Hinges, Locks and Larcbea. Bolts. Plas tering trowels, jJnck 'trowels, Plsstorer Sieves, Ao., Ao., for sale by J. II. CONLEY A 00. UNION HOTEL- CHAN. HZi:i I'ropritior. In Cake' Additicn to SUNBURY, near th Peaa'a. Railroad Company' Shop. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations, liooa cooks and wallers, boarders ean enjoy the quiet oca forts of home with fare equal to the beat hotels. hit Liquors aro of the oholeeet kinds'. Buabury, Juno 8, (S67. BREAD & FANCY CAliES. DAVID FI-T RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of tun bury and vicinity, that he will bako to order all kinds of Cu .-. fos Hall), 1'artlOM, Ac. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ao., and also kept on hand luannfactured out of tho best materials. All orders left at his Shop in Market Square, ono door east of Miss Anna Painter' Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between Rout and Second streets, will meet with prompt attention. VICNIti PARTIES supplied with CaUe;, Ico Crcaiu, Ac, at the bhorteat netiee. Orders aro respectfully eulieited. DAVID i'i'.Y Sunbury, May 2, 1863. HOOK lUNDERV. JOHN HERMAN' North Mill stroet, DANVILLE, I'A., 1-propared to Biud Book., Papers, MagauneJ SMiuic, Ac , in any style that may be desitvd, a1 cheaper rates than ean be done ia the cities. All Orders left at tfats Omoe, will rocelve prompt aUeutiua. oct. 19, '87 Coachmakers, WE are selling Rims, Bpokes, dlube, Springs, Canvas, JtolL, Clljw, Axles, ie., very low Large btook at CONLEY 00. Suubury, March 10, 1S6T. , A(riculuril Iniplesaieaitis. HOE'S Urain Kakea, Sieel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Maaure aud Huy Fork, Urasa and Urain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Finger, Traoe, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Vanning Mill B"e 01 all si ios and kinds. large assortment of Red llamee, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Culiiyator Jeetu, for sale by J- H- CONLEY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers