NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh GroceriesI On Third St., on door below the Lutheron Churh, BUNBURY, PENK'A. HBNBY PETER8, Ha Just opened a lurge assortment of DRY QOODtf, sucb as Calicoes. Delaines, Mucins, to., to- OROCERIB Q riiOTISIONS or all kinds, tuch ns EUUAR3, COFFEES, TEAS, JS'rtCES, COAL OIL MolnMcs, Fjrups, Mackerel, LnrJ, llnms, Nuts Pried and Cnnneil Fruits, FriineB, Jt nif,ini". Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. Hums, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockery-wnre, Quccnswar Ulnas-wnro, vt illow-ware, 0. The boH FLOUR and MEAL In the Mnrkct Tobacoo, Cipirs, and r variety of NOTIONS. Alto : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produce tnken In exchange for Goods. lf Call and exnmino my 5tock, and satisfy jour elV09' JIKNRY PETERS. Sunbury, April 25. 1867. ..... 3 T II K (IHEAT PlilZ K KipoHilitiA l'niirrrllc, JVir, ISC7. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIAS HOWE, J k. Award"l over EigMy-two Competitors, The lli$ilitit IVessiiitm, The Only Cross of the Legim of Honor aud GOLD MEDAL given to Ameiiiian .Sewing M.uhines. per Impo rinl Decree, published in the 'Mmiitcur L'liiversiir' (Olfieinl Journal of the French Empire), Tuesday, id July, 1.S67, in these words : ) Fftbricnnto de Machines n cou Ei ias Howe, J it. I drc exposnnt. Manufaeturer l dewing Mn ) chines. Exhibitor. "Tli doiililo first honor irf another p f tr the great superiority of the HOWE SEWlXU MA CHINE overall others.'' Sll'.l.F.V A STOOPS, No. 2.1 South LUht Street. Philadelphia, Agents lr Pennsylvania, Xcw Jersey, Delaware ard Western Virginia. February 22, 1 StiS. :iiu FKES1I AIUUVAI, OV MILLINER Y GOODS 3STOTI' HSTS, Miss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office SUNBUI1Y, PENN'A. REfTECTFl'U.Y niftim ber friends and tho i puhlie. that she has just returned from tho city, where she has ,-pent sometime in making selection and pur-rinses, unit ons tust opcncl a litrgo stock ot MILLINERY UOOL'S AM) XOTri'N.-, Ribbon.-, Lnues, Dress-Lining. Crinoline and Wi (rain Skirting Lining, iio-p .skins, llugle Trim mings. CrMj.e Trimmings, H'tt Crapo, Clohk lluttuu?, Corset. Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladic9 and (Icntlemcn s Hosiery. POLLS of all siies. Alphabet Ploe.ks. .ve. Sho flutters herself in being ablo to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, uud goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, May UO, 1SC3. r. II. MOOUE. I). C. DlSiiNGEII. cw l'irm! Xew f"tor! rw Koom!1 and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! UUKAT REDUCTION IX PRICES! JivoKi: a JMssi.xj i:i:, Have juat opened a carefully selected stock of NEW HOODS, in Muiit Iron I'ront, MAiix et sit.j-.ct, suxuuky, pexva Conktin,r of DRY tiOODS. NOTIONS. GROCERIES. QUEENS WAKE. tiLASSWAKE. and a full line of GENTLEJIEN S FUKNI5EIIJG GOODS AD I.iMlifN' w om!n. Calicoes, Muslins. Flannels, Tablu Linens Toweling, Cheeks, TieKing. ('n"imcres, e.-tings, Varns. Skirts, Neek Ties, Cul's, Collars litindkercbiefs, llosj, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. Wo invito special attention to the ijuiilily of our Slock of o:e c:i:ii:s aae kii'i:s, RlO and .IWA COFFEE, TEAS, SLUAI'.S, MOLASSES. SVKI PS, SOAP, SALT, tlU, VINEtiAK. Ao., Ac. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, ulwnyb on Land. W o fool confide:. t Hint cash buyers w ill lind it to their advantage, to give us a will, ami customers generully mo invited to call and examine our goods uud get posted on our pri.'es. li.v strict attention tu the wants of our cujtonurs and lair dealing we bope to merit a full share of tbu public patronage. COrXTKY l'linill PP ,.r all LinJ. lul,n in change for goods, fur which the highest price will be paid MOORE A DISSIXGER. Kunbury. April 11, '8s. TATHOxXIZC THE BEST. Having th'w laret cupilul, uiost experienced buy ers, and i'XL-i..-ivc trade of any ecuueru iu tho Dollar tulo buiue-i, uo ul a hi;. i .v n:i: s. tisf. ivn ox in evnry instance, and idso the best selection ot Uoods ever olierud at O.Ni: ItOI.I.AtS sVi !l. No other concern hu any show wherever our 1g-!,U are selling. Our inotiu, ' Prompt and Kelia oie. ilale aud lemulo agents waiitei in city and Country. do,b,r Ueu ; -., rorWi-wT ZtZZli (worth 5u per cent, uioretban tU.wui l,n,0,h f'-noeru.) uceerdlng to s'uu of tluli Send us a trial uioo. or ii iiol ,i , ,,,,, ,., i-,.r x-Xu V 7TIJur illu "houl luut bo classed wiih New 1 ork dollar jewelry sales ur bogus ''Tea Com panics," a It u nothing id lliu sort. LAhT.MAN t KENDALL. t'j Hanover Sti'.o.r lt...,i,n .!ay 2.1, 1, Cul. '1 U ' ' ii I ii r ii I 1 ui i I em n ( n, 1 1 ,K'S (irji,n Kk r?teel and Iron Harden Rakes, f ,, "l',.'"',d " """die Spailes, hovel, Mauure V iip1';'',''""" lt"J tc.vthes, Drain ,,1" Criutl inpm. Traee, Breast, Tongue aud I-og Chan.. . tirtud-Houc, Fanning Mill beive. of H ., ;ri r u'vi.e l-n-'easM.itmeut o! Ued Wagon for ku - h l luhU,!.i" Cultivator Teeth, lorju.oby J- j COXLtV k CO. SUNilUKV BTEAM ISA W MILL "iu.iaii isi:t(ji, TTiMi:i!,',,i'r'!1-r,'J "t"1 1t'"'er in Wind! of TIMBLlt, Ll.VULK, L.'.Tll, V.KLlSd A (SHIN- Klmds, Bracken, Mouldings, 4o. CT,"aR4?!oto"tttn,lU,,i'IluttJ'susci:IlV'I't' I'ufu.,, oiuTlt7 A full lt(Wk i.i I II, : : . .. Oil, t uh Oil ..i i 7. v.. ! . l.,u"?a V"' Lo' N ru". always on hid "l low are particularly requested to try our popular club I ''Bwuflly' ll Wind. !' DKY AND FANCY I ' i PATTEHXS, OT ION Cl.d l ll, CAMi.Us. MLYEli Pl.ATLD UOODS WATCll' I . 'i 1''s",llj1"111''1 ) A patent pen fountain I SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN TOICE9! Buy the MOST GCODS, of the For the LEAST MONEY. SMALL PK0F1TS AND "QUICK CASH SALES ! ii. v. ritii.i.Au, at the MAMMOTH STORE, AUKKETSyt'AKE, SUNBURY, rEXN'A., Has just received and opened tho m:sr Mi:i.r.CTi:i and FINEST ASSOKTMEXT, of DI1Y GOODS L TOWN. French 51erinos, Prints, Muslins, tiiughuuts, Cutsimeres, Ac. Delaines and Aruiurcs. .Doiucslio Cottons, Rrown and Bleached. NOTIONS of nll.kinds. Hosiery, Olovcs,'5Icn' and Ladies Vndcrgariuent WHITS GOODS. A full assortment of TRI5I5UNUS. Ruildors will find my Stock of lluriln uri', Itiint, (His, Insi, Xc, Complete. Drugs and 5Iudicincs, Willuiv and Cudarware, (Jucci.sware, (jia.-sware, Ciotkcry, S;.ll UOOIS AND SHOES- HATS ASD CAl'S, and in fact everything usually kept iu a lur'e Store Cull and be convinced that the CHEAPEST I'LACETO ISVV ALL VOl'R OOOL-S is at The 3Iuinnioth Store. or SI.Te-. FRILINQ, Term Cusfa, SO days, , w my Goods are bought fur Cub aud 6old Cheap . for the HEAL? MU.Ntlf . 1 give the trad the ad ' vantage of all reduutiou as l'aat as they are made by Ha eturera. U Y. fKILISU, Eusbwy, AprU IB, 1891. TUB GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION ltutton Hole 0creamlnsjf AID SETI1TO- jMEACHIITE. IU Wonderful Porl "rJt51J0,u"lT Proofof ,U The Inorease In the demand for thil talnable ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of lu flrst year before the public This grand and surprising luceess u nnpreoedent ed In the history of sewing-machines, and w feel fully warranted in olaitntng that IT HAS NO EO.UAL, Being Absolutely the Best fa.mii.v MAiiini: IX "THE WORLD, Anl Intrintically the Cheaent. It is really two machines combined in one, (by simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttleor Lock-stitch, and the Over selling and Mutton-bole stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety nf sewing, such as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Uatherinff and sowing on. (done at the same lime.l and iu addition, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge- ami makes beautitul Kutton ana eyelet-boles la all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by tho Company, or its Agonts, to givo entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on tins macniue, can do Had on applies tion at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYERSEAMINQ AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at tho rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, FrcsiJcut. W. B. Mkndknhai.i., Treasurer. April 25, lSSsi. lyojan. 25, FLOUiT&lWTORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. riIHE subscriber respectfully informs the public L that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAUEIIOl'SE. near th Shamokin Vailoy Railroad Depot, in Sl'XUl'RY. Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Slills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, April 1, 1868 THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS The component piurt of tlilf reraarlcabls preparation were flrst discovered, cotupouudud and distributed, Some twnty yearn ago, by Dr. Chiopsui, the cele bratod Egyptian I'liysiciun. Thousands of his utter ing country ini D were restored to health, ai well as great numbers tif the inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and of thecountrics bordering upon the Southern coukt -or tite Mediterranean be a. I Imlfii, the farao of the soon spread over Kuroe, and was adopted by the principal 1'hyHicians In charge of the hospitals of the old world, In which it is still used with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of kpt placed the nana of Da. Cheupsvs upon the " Kull ot Nobles," and pre scnttd tu him a Medal bearing the following inscrip tion: "Da CiiEoi'BUa, tho 1'ubllc Benefactor." This Hitlers is now offered to the public of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upun a fair trial. tJ act as a fpeciUo for the cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrhccn, Cholera JHorbuA, Fever nml Ague, YtUow Kever Ithruinntlam, Typhoid Fever, Dyanrpala, Colic, ltronchllis, ( onauiniition, Vlotu Imcy, DUcairs of the K.ldncya, Nervous Debility and Female Complaint. Rtmnrkabls cures of the above diseases have been effect! by Un ue, asnumerouscertiflcatcs, many front regular phyifinn, fully attest; and It is destined to miporscdo any preparation extant. At an agreeable Tuuic. and nn 1NVIG0RATIVO BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Turn THl ZING A III HITTERS HAS SMCIj A3 T ELL A3 BODY, A!n AS A rUEVENTIVE OP IUR EASE, UA3 NO 8UFERI0R. A FPW WOTtna TO LADIES. The use of the ZIN'liAKI BITTEKS will Kve to you that soft, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully intended that you should have for ft is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating the piKtneiitary clls of the dermis, and imparting health and life tliroughout the entire system, it espcially ftives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re mwvinp at! roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; aud wh:it is even IkUlt than this, it cures every Secietof female irregularities nnd disease. iTiucipal Depot, Harriwhurg, Pa. BAHTER & HAUSE, Bole ruormicToue. For sale by W. A. BLSXETT, Druggist, Suubury Veun.ylvunia. Auut :t, ISiJ. i ii io ic r a - r or i ci;. rpilK underpinned hnrinfr succeeded to the bust J nc.-8 of I. II l. 1 ICS A CO., tukus this method of infurinin lirick-Layurs, lluilders, and all others in-tere-itud, in and about Huubuiy. that ho is prepared to till all orders, for building aud paviug Briuk, of a superior quality, uud at as low rates as can be had cluvhero. 1 am nlso tho Agent in tho Counties of Northum berland. I'nion. hnyder and Montour, for WAR RKN'kS IMi'UOVLl) FIRE and WATER PROOF ROOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that can be uod on buildings. We covered several build ings with it, during the lust season with entire satis fuclion. Ordor left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or el the OBice of Air. Wm. Reagan'a Saw Mill uud Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post Office, will receive prompt addition. TOWNSEXD HIMES. Sunbury, Murch 14, IMS. '1'. N. N It A O X, Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Will reiuove his Jewelry Store to Miller's Stone Building, corner ol .11 and Market square, OX FEBRUARY 1st, lotig, where Le will be happy to receive bis old customers and the publio in general. Tbaukful for past favors, he solicits a eoutiuuauoe of the same, and he is de termined to sell as low as the lowest, and for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods in the market. A largo asMirtujcnt of Watcbi'M, ( Iu-k, Jewelry and Mirer lVns-s't constantly on bund, consisting of all kinds of Amori can Watches, such as the Howard, Apploton, Tracy & Company, Ti-emont, "Wulthum, P. B. IJartlet, Wm. iil lory, Homo tin J a tine assortment of bwiaa Watches All kinds of 8 Day nnd 30 Hour Clocks 1 Silver tea setts, card and cake baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of bpoons, Kuives and Forks Particular attention paid to tho repair ing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry aud Alusio Boxes. All work warranted. Fib. B, lHiS, KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and see the well selected Stock of CLOTUS, CAS8IMEKES, OVERCOATINGS, VEbTINOS.Ao Just reeeived at cWDEH IS, SMSCE'S 5IEKCLI AN' I' TA1LOUINO EttTABLISil MENT, Fourth Street, below Ey iter's Store, SUNBURY AVIiNTEIt CLOTHING of the most approved styles U mad up to order a reasonable ruiui. lie hu also a One assortment of Casilmere Shirts, Drawers, UodwsbirU. Oter hauls. Blouses, Neck ties, CulLon au4 Woolen llosa, tiuspeuders, liaud karehusfa, Ulovcs, and a general variety of UENTLKMEN'B FUUNIdUINO U0008, Oie him a vail, union you will Bud to be to your advantage. Bunbury, Oet. 19, 1MT. I Water and Fire Proof SLATE ROOFS. TUB undersigned respectfully Informs builders in this and adjoining eountiet that he is prepared to Rut on Slate Hoofs In a superior manner, lie furn. hes the oelebratod Lehigh oounty Slate, whioh is the best in the urarket. lie warrants his work to be durable and Are and water proof. lie invites the in. spection ol the public to the work he hasdone in Sun bnryon Haopt'i, Ureenough'i and Haas' buildings, and on others at various places. Ilia prices are as low as those of any other slater. Address, D. 8. SMITH, Sunbury, P.O., orcall at his rosidnncein Upper Augusta twp. j January 11, IB68. ly THE GREAT CENTRE OP ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposite the MAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, tut Lately l?itnililicl, tvltli all tlic modern Isiiprovcmentsi ol' the Art t T1IK subscriber, having built the room expressly l'hotnirraphing, and having devoted many years to the business, Is confident of his ability to assure nis pairui.o um f1" duccd shall be second to nono in oouniry or city, v., .nrw -H..W...I to leave the eiillurv unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ol weainor, oui wuum proior m j small children. , He is also prepared to take new sno, or eabinot card Photographs. .... All kinds ot pictures copiea ana magninea to any required size and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. Wo pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The publio are respectfully invited to call and see our speoimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to iumilies and clubs. . BERUSTRE8S1SK. Sunbury, July 15, SI. V. tiHAHIIAIM'M Confectionry, Toys and raXJIT STORE, illorket Ntroet, Sunbury, Iu. CONFECTIONERY OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above J establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confoetionariet to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Sogars, Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are ofluied wholesale and retail. L"Rouiombor the name and plaee.r1T"1 M. C. OEARHART, Mnrkct street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Uriglit A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 8o3. tf 930 CbeMtmit Klrei-t, IMiIladclplilu, Aro the best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOW IN 3 REASONS : They are more simplo and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful ream than any other They sew ull fabrics from two common spools, re quire no ro-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tho scam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the scam will not rip. The Very lli;U't I'Hze, Hie ('roan of the Legion of Honor was conferred on tho repre sentative of the .icovi:i: v TJ Hi) ut the Exposition Untversclleo, Paris, 1Ko7 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sow ing uiuchiucf. UltOVER t BAKER'S MEW KTVLC8 S II i; TT i: m a c ii i . i: For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improve tncnts. Tho attention is requested of Tuilors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and ull others requiring the use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, Tothcso now styles, hich possess unmistukablo ad vantages over nil others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALITJ8, Market Street, SUNBURY, PKNN'A., Nov. 23, 1867. ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Wutchiiitiker uud Jew eler, xo. 14a NOHTH 2d ST., COH. OF QUARRY, PillLADfXI'HIA. An assortment of Waithea, Jewelry, Silver and PUteo Wine I'oitsliiiilly oil UHlltl, IT'Kt'iuiruig of Watches aud Jewelry promptly at tended to Nov. 30, 1S07 I y. Coachmakers I'17i are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, T T tanvass, Uults, t-lips, Axles, to very low Large Stock at COXLEY A CO. Sunbury, Mnrch 30, lb67. TORRINGTON & HODOKINS. R A. "W 33 OJJM E SUrElt-niOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CR0IS. Having within the past year greatly inoreased aud improved our facilities tor grinding Bouesaud man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm er of l'euusylvania a superior article of Nu-i'.lLioiiate. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past Beason by prauticul men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every case the result bas buen entirely satisfactory. Our processor pulverizing, whereby it b) prepar ed fur aud GUARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates an objection which attaches to many fer tilisers, and socures tu the farmer a saving of much valuable time. BOLD AT THE M AN VF ACTOR Y, EAST MAHKET STREET, UU Ill ItV, !..., and by our Ageuta throughout tbo country, in Bags of 200 lbs. each, at $i6 per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all point accessible by rail or oanal, on reoeipt of order. TORRINGTON HODOKINS. Also Asrents for 6ey mour, Morgan t Atlen'f Self Rakiug Keeper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt A Siuediey'a 11 ay aud Grain Rake. Send fur Circular. February 14, '68 ly ALAttOE supply of Wall per stsl ttortler, jual received and for sale aheap, at Ui - Mammoth Store ef H. y.wwNa. ArrU t , 18. Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet iron nnu store wore or SMITH & GEXTTEEK, Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially eall the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber! have made arrangements to bar all their best stoves made to order, and thoso who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on tho following triod Brands of Cook Stoves, via : Combination Oaa llurncr. Cook. Uovtrnor IV-nsa Cook. WABASH AND IEONSIDE3. and the well known Antldust Cook Stove called DrAAA fl AflllUUST. Also. Parlor and office Stovos in great variety em braclni all the best mnnufaaturca unit mnt fi.l,mn ablo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining oheannnm. dura hi iitv and each stove warranted to perform what they are ruiirvBviiim. Also, ine eoionrated Ualilmore Fire Place Stove, ior ncaiuig urn., aeconu ana inira siories Dy ucgisters Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eolebrated MORNING GLORY. ConlOll, Coal Oil Lumps, Blindest, Clilmnlcs, nnd nil urt (-!- usually kept In an establishment of this kind Tbey are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Ranire and Furnace Work, Oas Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly ana eneapiy executed. Also : "IlauglVa Knw Hone Siiper-I'lio pltntc." Romember tho nlace. nmnla and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'a Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building aura putnica. August 25, 1868. FH0T0 GRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. flocks, Hymn Books Blink Books, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fin assortment of Paper. Ink. 4c. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. SEEING IS BELIEVING At rot ArvH street. NEW PRICES! NEW OOODS Rich Silver and Silver-riated Wares Including evory stylo and description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot bo surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing ntnbli.hment. in Artuii SlHrJr.1, PHILADELPHIA. "(r"Re.plntingat short notice Decomber21, :sU7 .aug27 FURE LAGER BEER! ' ioicti:k ai ai.i:, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEFH BACHEPm RESPECTFULLY informs the publio generally that he is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, POHTEK AND ALfc, n large or small quantities. His facilities for inak ng Beer cannot be excelled, nnd is pronounced supe rior to any other ottered in Central Pennsylvania. It bus also been recommended by physicians as a healthy drink fur invalids. Hotels, Rcslauruuts and private families supplied at short notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, I8f7. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. Ul WDl .V CO., Iu Weimer's Building, Wator Street, near King St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their frieuds uud the publio generally that they huve a largo assortment of Groceries Provisions, 4c, all fresh and of the best quality, con aisting of Teas, Coffees. Sugars, aud Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, aud Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. They would also call attention to their largo and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Ten, Hauis, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on band. Also, all kinds of Vegetables, Ac, Ac. Give them a call and sue for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, 1 807. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIO GUANO. TIIC, ,.,-- . . , IIE a i tention of Farmers and other consumers of Fertilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their speoiul notice. Its use for severul years in Maryland. Virginia and other Southern States, ft all crops, has given it a standard cnaraoter tor ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruviau tluano, with permanent qualities not found in that article. 250 lbs. of this tiuano aro found more thnn equal to 300 lbs. of the best SuporphoMphate. It ripens tbe wheat crop from five to seven days earlier than the phosphates, which faet alono gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal diseount to dealers. For sale by JOHN S. REESK A CO., Uoneral Agents for Paeitio Uuano Co., 38 South Delaware Ave., Philad'a., And 71 South Street Ualtimore. Maroh23, 1808. 6m . 4'liiltli-fiiM C'urriiiKS'M. WE would eall the attention of those wanting a Child 's Carriage, to our new and large assort lueut comprising new and beautiful style. J. 11. CON LEY 4 CO IF you have a picture you want framed, go to llyrrl.v'N and get it done cheaper than any where else in Uiwn. lie has mouldings of all kinds constantly on band. i. H. Conley Co., .Market Kli-t'4't, lUiHt ul'lhc Itallruud, SUNBURY, FEISTIM'A. DEALEHS IN l-4lti:iU Jit A.lllCKltM.'V, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, lluildor, and liuyers generally is invited to the fact that we aie now offering a bolter selected assortment ei HARDWARE, CUXLEHY. It'., than ever was oOured in this marked at prices much below Ihose heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprise, all artioles in this line of business, embracing a general aworlmeot of tools and mute rials used by CAKPLNTEHS, BLACKSMITHS, CA1UUAUK AND WAUONM AKEKS, JOINEK.S, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Hope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, 4c, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, 1867. ii. M. ItF.W, lkrnlUt, Will remove hlsOffioeto J. M. SimpMn'i Building, 2nd story, Market Square, 8UNBU K.-5T. PA. ITUEKE he will be prepared to do all kinds of W work pertaining tu Dentistry. nui aeen constantly on hand a largo assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which be will bo able to elect, and meet the want of bis customers. All work warranted to giv salisnwiiua, or ls tn money refuuded. , , Tbe very beat Mouth Wash nd Toolb-Powder kept on hand. , . Uis referenoes are the numerous patrons for whom be has worked fur th. laat twelve year. Bunbary, March 21 , !. IRON A largo HsorUueat of the beet manufac tured Han, lioop. Band, Round and Equar Iron, Nail Kods, CaM eUal. iluiier Bt.el, Drl)l Steel, lion Hboe. lion Nail, Anvil., B.llowi, Vioee, llaiiiaart, Bldsw, Rasp aa4 FU, at r CONLBY C0'8 ill. IIOOPPlKIKTS. ' 8. WM. T. HOrKIN'8 "OWN MAKB" OR KVP.VSTONR SKIRTS." are tho best and Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Sklrta in tho market. Trail Skirte, ii springs, $1.00 ; 80 springs, ft. 20 i and 40 springs, 1.46. Plain Skirt inpn, u springs, ou ceuva ( v ipi'st r" t 30 iprings, $1.16 ; and 36 iprings, I.25 Warrant, d In rerT reppeot. 'UnrUWN Make" of "UNION fiKlBiB." en Tftpo Trftiln, from 20 to 60 pr.ngt, 91.30 to $2.60. tl 1 a: rn An a. a ! t QK n l mm, cm j.Hs, stu ui ou B)riiK, iruiu w wb w anfl ThtMHklrta am Kattnr Lhnn thrtfin lold h othor efltablishineati u first olaM goodi, aoi at mucb inwtr nriftns. Our OWN Make" of CHAMPION BKIHTS." are In every waj tu pert or to ell other Hoop Skirt before tne pnmio, anaooij oar io d examiaea or worn to ooDvinoe eTerr one of the fact. Mnnufao tured of the beat lineo-dnishod Knghsb 8toel6'pringfl verv guDcrior tapes, and the style ot tne motaho fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, ana are iiiruiur, iuur cinsiiu, whi near longer, give more pal isf action, and are roally obenper iKin 1l nihAria Kvnrv lad v should trv thorn. Thev are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining state at very moderate prices. If you want the Dest, ana ior "iiupain s vuainpion Skirt." If vou do not find them, sol the merchnnt with whom you deal to order them for you. or come or Sena direct lO OS. jnercunow win unu utir uu- ferent srados of Skirts exactly what tbey need, and we especially invite thom to call and cxiimtne our exteuaive nssortmont. or send for Wbolei!ale Price To behad at Ilotail at Manufactory, end of the Retail Trade gunurully, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be aaarciueia. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, 628 Arch St, Uetweun 0th and 7tb Si., Pbilarlclphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. February 29, 1888. lOmos. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. TAK. JOHNSON hits (lisci'Vervdthemrwt Certniii,9peedy 1S and only i-.tlucittni Kernem- in tne world f r a vate DiBioht', Wcuktieci nf ihe Hark or l.imhi, StricMurri, Atrectiims l uie Kidims and Hlaitder. Ittvolinitnrv L)i chuTKes, linpotcuny, Grntrnl Debility, Ner voHsnrtH, L)y peimv. IjUHiiuor. Lw Quints, CooiuiiuiMif Idrut, I'alm- tiitiou nf tlie Heart, Timiuiiy, TrfMiihliiiifS, Omiihh of Sifiht or ittJtiineAi, Uiffnie oi me tiriia, I tinnit, ie r skin. AfTtclini oi ihe Liver, l.una, Stomach or Hfweg t (! Terrible DmoidtM arisiiiK fmm tlieShtiir UabtLs of Youth thoKe it'crut ana fniiuity pructircd more tuMI ii their victim llmu tlm one; o Syrem to the Alatiiiervol Ulyitseii. blighting their mmt lirilliant hopes oi anticipations, rendering marriage, rc-, uiiposiiuie. Youn;c .Hon F.necitly, who have tn-octtnr i lie virtimiof Solitary Vice, that dreudtul and destructive liatnt which auuunlly gwevpa to mi untimely grave tiiousaiuia oi ) oimg Mvn ut the m"t exalird tnlent niiri brilliant inti-ilfft, who mi((ht otherwise hnv entiaiicetl liRtentng eiiaten with Hie thtm leia or eloquence or waked to costal y the living lyre, itia can wiimuii connnence. .llni-i-la(-e Married Persnnn or Youiitr. Men crntletnplntitm marnnge, lieuig aware of phytiral weak new, organic debility, do toMiiiticA, iVc, speedily curcfl. lie who place mm-!! under tn care ot Dr. J. may may religiously confide in his honor an n gentleman, end c iihdeiiily rely upon his kill as a Plisician, Organic Uniliitcpnt linmediatrly Cured, and Full Vigor Kestorctl. This Di'tiCKMing AtlW'tion winch renders Life niiiera Itieiind marriage iinixriisilile is the ptMialty psid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young peisoni are too apt to commit eicesses t'roui not being aware of the dread lul consequences that may ensue Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny tliut the power of pioerea'iun is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudentsf Ifesides Uemg deprived lh pleasures of litiilthy llpriug.lhe nnst seriousand desti ac tive symptom to both body and imnd aime. Tin system becomes Deranged, the I'hysieal and Mental I'uiictnms Wcikenwl, lossof Vrocreative I'owe), Nervous Irrit ibili- ty, Dyspi pfia, Palpitatii f the Heart, Indigestion, Con- siitmional Debility, u Wasting of the Flume, Cuuh, Cimaiimption, Decay and Dtalh, 4I1U4S o. 7 Souili l-Vedorirk iii-vt Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few Horn a 'ioni the coiner. Fail nt to observe name and mi tuber. Letteis must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Uiplomaa hang iu his otfire, A 4'ur Wurrunletl In Two Iny 2fo Mercury or yauneuiti Drug. !!. fllIIHf ois, Member of the Royal College of burgeons, Loudon, (Jrnd uate from t'licof the inot eminent Colleges in the I uiled States, and 1 tie greater jvtrl !' whose lile has leeii spent in the hospitals of lontlon, Pans, I'hilade Iphia aud else where, has elfectcd some of the most asiinushiug cures that weie ever known ; many troubled with imging in (tie head uitd ears when asleep, great uervousnena. bring a la i in ed at sudden sounds bashiulness, with fiequeut blushutg. utleii'leii sometimes Willi der-iugeineiit of mind, weie cured immediutely. lalit' lm-iCHlai Aolici-. Dr. J uddresJiea all those who hve injured tlu-intelves by improper induigen -e and solitary halms, whieh ruin both tfdyand imiut, uulitling ttieui Iur cither basinets, study, s-relet y or marruie Tmk-e are some ol the Mid and melancholy eflVcts pio. ducrd by eai ly hulutsid youth viz: Weakiu-mol the Huek and Isimbs, I'.iins ut ihe Head, Diinuesa o ight, .( Muscular l"Wei, Palpitation of the Heart. D SjH-psy, NervouN Irniabdity, Derangement of the Digestive Fuue lions, lieueral Dt bdity, Syuiptms of CiiuinpWut Ate. Mentally The fearful effects on the niiitd are much to be dreaded Ijomm oi Memory, Conl usioti ot bleas, De prcKxiou of Spirits, F.viM'oiebotliugs, Aversion Lo Nscieiy. Self-Disiruvt. Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. arc some oi the evils praluced. Tiiouaandh of pers nts of all aues can now jitde what is the cause of then declining healih, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pate, neivousand enaciatcd, having u singular uppeaiuuce uboul the eyes, vougu and syiiiptoms of consuiiiptnm. Yoini"; 31 4ii Who have injured themselves bye certain practice Indulg ed in when ulone, a habit fieiuemlj learned Iroin evil coinpaiiions, or at school, the etfects of which aie mithlly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders mairiiige imHsvible, uud destroys both mind and body, should apply imiiifdiatf ly. V.i;tl a pity that a vimg man, the hope of his country, the d.irtmg ot his parents, f hould be snatched Ironi all pros peels aud enjoyiuenisof life, by the consequence of devia iintf ir.iu me iMiin oi nature anu in tC(Jul haUl Suu) , bel larrsii"e rifled that a sound ini.iil and lu ar, ting Irom the path of nature and indulging in a certain uetore conleinplutiiig kv tire the most nrceunry rc(itiiilt'Ktti iroinite Ciiunuitiut ImppineM. ludeeti willhMit iUvuv. (lie j'turitry llirnuh hie U-cmei weary iiljjiim Hk'ej the prospect huil diirkcua ti the view; Hie inuid leoouieii tiiiiluwed Willi dearutir and filled witli the inelun rhty re dei-1 ion Hint tho liuppiucaa of anuther bcuuiiica blig'itetl with our own IHiii. oT Imprudoiietr, When the uiif;uidtHJ nnd unpruUcut Vlary nf pleeaura fiuda ttiMt he h;t uubitted the aeetia of thia painful disruae, it t'Kt ofieu huppena that uu ill-tuned aenau of altwine, ur dnuid of diW'tvery. dt'lera Inin frmu ttpplvmy tu thoae wtm, fiotn education hi id rraievtuUililVt 'a" alone hefiienU him, deluving till the constitutiouiil iiiptoiua f tlua bun id diaeiiae Huike their appeHrnnre. am-h na ulcr rated re throut, diaeuaed uoae, nciuiul pttiua in the hmd and limlta. diifiuevaol' a:plit, deufiifss, niKiea on the atuii bonra and aiiiii, blotchra on (he hetid, fiifcand extieinitn a, pi'frreaa iii with frmlitful tapidiiy, lid at ktt the pnbite ol the mouth or Ihe bone of the ine lull in, und itieviuiimof thia awful d'at-uau becomea a horrid objeet of rotiiitiiaera tH'ii, till deaih pi ill a period to hia dreutlful puirtrinjr, by aenditi htm to "that IJndiKcvered Country from whenre no iruvtller letmna." It ia a nietniii'tioly fnct Ihut llmuannda full victiiui to thia terrible ill raws, owni to the uiukiUhilneM of ignorant pretendera, who. by the uie of Out Deadly Poiii, Mer rury," rum the comtitutiuii aud make the i endue oi life miserable. N I ranker Trust not your live, or heotih, to the cure c( the many Unleuriied and Woilhleae Pretendera. destitute of knowl edge, name or charwter, who copy Dr Johuaton'a adver ti a, me nt a, or atylcthemeeivea, in the newanapeia, regularly Educated I'iiyairmiia, iiirawble 04 Curing, they keep you trirling month after month Uiking their filthy nnd poianuua oompounda, or aa long aa the amulleat fee nut be obtained, and 111 despair, leave you with mined health lo aigh over yttur girding dianppoiiitinetit. lr. Johitatou ia ihe only physician advertising. Hia credential or diplomas always han in his office. (Its reimdiea or treatment ara link no ws to all others, preparcHl from a life spent in the great hospitals of Kurope, the first m this etMintry and a mora extensive "I'rivaie Pructice" than any other Physician in the world. l.M.4i-riiieiil 4l III I'rtSiM. The many thousands cured nt thia institution year after year, and the numerous important Hurgical Operations prrloriueil by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of tlm 'Hun. " "Clipper," and mauv other papers, i.ot ires of wlnrh have appeared aain and again before the public, besides his slaiiiiinf as a (tenlkinau tf character and re Bponaibility, is a sufficient guar ante to the afflicted. Teraoita writing shnu'd he purticutar in direcluif their eticrs lo bit luatituliou, in the following munnei, I oh 11 1. JoIiuhIou, ! ! Of the Baltimore 1kU Hoauital, blum're, Md. Nov. 3, 1S67 I y. SELLERS & F0LWELL, WHOLESALE AND FRl'ITKRERS. No. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ("Orders promptly attended to. ' Votico to Merchants and Shipper. rrillB undeniKued, proprietor of WeUer t Friok' X Line, dire notioe to merobanl and sbippen that tb Uepot is .till at ell Market .treat, Pbila deiphia, and all Uoods directed toBuubury, Dauirill and Lewiaburii, and all intarinediau sWlions along the railroad, will be promptly delifered. ( c Can leave 81 1 Market street, Pbiladelpbia. tri.weeklT Tueeilaya, Thursdays and Saturday.. J. W. BROWN, Proprietor, Lowisbur, J. 11. BUOWN, Agent, Kunbury, P. OeeamberT, 1667. ... r..,.11. t.lil maul! and examin our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, ompriwg Nail and KnikM of rif,I' u"'"?',.!?,"" Strap and T flm.o., Lock, and Lateh., Bolt.. Pie, tenng Trowels, Brisk Trowel, Plaaiorar 8i, r,U,fMltb ,.h C0NLE?CO. IMOliMlelpiaa Sc Krle Railroad. BUMMER TIMlTTABLBr" Through and direot route between VhtladelDhia Balttmore, Unrriaburff, Williamsport, to the North west and the Or eat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Mey Uth. lRftfl, the Trains ' .the Philadelphia ft krie Rail Road .m l - follows: w- Wbstwiro. Malt Tratn leaTea Philadelphia. 11.15 pm. ft 06 a m 8 60 p m 12 00 nMm ft . 40 p tn 10 05 a m 8 00 a m 4 15pm 7.46 p m ounoury, arr. at Erie. Erie Express leares Philadelphia. min bury arr at Krie Btmira Mail leares Philadelphia, " pun Dory 41 arrive at Look lis ran, KA8TWABD. Mail Train loaves Erie 11.00 am " " Punbury, 12 00 m 11 err. at Philadelphia. 7in.n Erie Express loaves Erie 7 40 p m f unbury t dfl a m " " arr. at Philadelphia, 6.00 pm Mail and fcxpreas oonneot with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. BAGGAGE CUECKLO ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. oriIi4 ru On ira I Itiiiltviiy. SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. OIK?. ,,th 186af irlQ wil- lve SLNBLUi, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, fl.00 A, M., Daily for Williamsport. Daily (except Sundeys,) for Elmira, CauandaiKun, .... Suspension Bridne Rod tbe OhihuIhs. .1S M., Daily (.xoept Suudays,) for Elmira, ond xt .""""'o'Kriu Railway from tlmira. 6. M P. M., Daily (ecpt Bundajs,) for Williauis- LEAVE 80UT11WARD. 12.03 A. 11., Dailv (except Mondny.) fr Hnltimore, w .h,DK,ol, nl Philadelphia. I o V?,11' fur Ull"'"nd Wn-hinglnn. 7. U0 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Harriaburg J.N IlcBAi.Br, Ed. S. Voino, Uen l. bupt., Ocn 1 Passen r Ag't , llsrnsburg, Po. Ualtimore, iid. IC-imUiik Itailroutl. SUMMEK AUKANGKMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1809. GRA.nRU?K,VNr trom lhe N'rt i , P Z 1) eSi.fl'r Phllill'hi, New York, Utin. ng, Pottsville TaiualUa, AshlanJ, Lebanon, Allen Uj wo, Lug tun j Epbrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia SO., nO ' Truins leave Harrisburg for Xcw-Vork. as ri. low, : At 2.50, 5 24 and B.I0 A. M. and 12 2 n, and 2.0a and V. M, c:neoting with .iS.7l "r Iram, on tho Pennsylvania Ka.lroafl, nnd arr " J -oM -S "!WB,, A.'M. and alt m ,f,l,t;er.'.ng C"r" ocouipanvins tho 2.50 A. M and 9 .10 P. AI. lrniu, without chanKe. Leave llamsburg for Heading, l'otlsville, I,llna. qua, M.ncrsvillo, Ashland, Pino drove. A lem,, ailelplnaatb lU A. M. and 2.U5 and 4 10 stopping ut Lebanon and principal wav the 4.10 II tn tnnlr.n.. .: , 3 P. M., stations Ukit...i 1. 1.- i v . . tuuucunons inr rhilndolphia and Co urn I, ... l-. ... I Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuvlkill n ...l ou.lUunanna Kailroad, leave Ilarrisburg at 3.30 p. , ...u .,j i,oavei.uw lorkat .U0a. m., 12(10 Noon and 5 00 and 8.1)0 D. m. .Sl.nin.. I'nmtmnvinn It.-, u nil .. r ' . 11' ------."ftw. l.kl - - ft .... ..-.. ,.,.. ,., ,MH)n amr n. lalUHQuaatH Mil m a...i i n. .- v i ., " im o l.i p. hi . Leave l'ottsvillefor llarri.-hur vin s..i.....ib;ii MifHueliaiina Kailroadat 7 !0 a. iu. and 11.3.1 7 "UM!lln?IAo!,,'''nio'lalion Train leaves Heading nt P. SI ruturuln8 from Philadelphia at town l7 cc,0,n,n"JatiVn Train : Leaves Pott. a" 4 "iS P M ' roturuin8 'oaves Philadelphia Columbia Railroad i Trains leave Reading at 7.08 t'h1 furt"t -"ixSLa00a, Perkioiuen Kail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Leave hkippack ut A. M..aud 1.25 P. M.,cou- neciingwiih similar trains oh Heading Kail Koad. On Sundays : Leave .New York al b UU p m.. Phila delj.hiah.0UA.AI., and P M. tl. J Z. tram running only PotUvill. 8 UU a m., Hamburg 5.25 a m. and 4.10 and D-i5 p m. and Heading at 2 55 and 7.15 a. m, ior llaVrisburg. and7Uba ni. and 11.40 pm. for Sow York, 4.25 p in. for Philadelphia . ' Commuuitiun, .Mileage, Season, School and Ex point's 9U' ut rctiuu"l to and from all Jlaggage cheeked through: 100 Pounds Brggnge allowed eaoh Passenger. 0. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent- I.uiUuh uu ii Ai ItlouniBburi; Kail .... , . . rend. ON and after Monday, May 4lh, 1808, Pasaengor Trains will run as follows : Leuve BUL'linVARP. A..M. A.M. P.M. P. M 6 40 8 30 3:40 55 9.W 7 A3 6. US 10 oo 10 ui NORTHWARD. 6 2i 4.45 7.U2 4 2'j 7.:m A.M. P.M. Alio " Scriintoti, " Kingston, " Rupert, ' liauvillo, Arr. North d., Leave Nurlh'd., " Danville, " Rupert, " Kiupiton, Arr. at borauton, lll.WI 7.00 1.50 b.4(l 11.10 K.Ofl V.55 9 47 H. A. FONDA. Sup't. Kingston, May 19, lSiiS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in evory variety ot ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf. SUNBURY, Penn'n. t3r0rdoresolioited and filled with promptness and despatch. Eunbury, May 12, lSAil y UNION IIOTKL III AS. 11X1:1., lrorIrlor. In Cake's Additimto BVXBURY, near the Pcnn'a. Railroad Couipauy's Shops. PERMANENT AS D TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations, lioud cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com forts of home with tare equal lo the best hotels. His Liquors are of the choicest kiLds. Sunbury, June 8, lbrf7. NEW GROCERY STORE, V". S. FTJR1C.1T & CO , Market Street, Six door East of Third street, north lde,SUNIiCRY, PA , RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and the publio, that they bavo opened a OSTJEJ-W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and exumina their stock, which lias just been opened, umbrae ing everything iu the Urociry line, such a. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syru, Spices, Canned aud Drio4 Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Finn, Salt, Potatoes, etc, together with Soaps, ' Caudles, Soda. Ao-, and in fact everything iu U10 liroceryand Provision. Line. FLOVR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. S FIRMAN A CO Suubury, April 87. I8H7. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! OKANT Sc BROTHbK, Shiirii X Mliult-aalc A. Ht-lull ltl.ll !'! lu wiiiri: x iti:i ash coal. In every variety. Sole Agent, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Low 1 a Wcaar, Bvkbuby, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 1J, ISftg. booFbinderv. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DAN VILLK, PA., 18 prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magasine Musie, Ao., iu auy style Inat may be desired, at cheaper rale, than can be doue in th cities. All Order left at tbi Office, will receive prompt attention; oct,it,'o7 FIR Baddlen, w. have Saddle Tree., Bills. Buck le., Uig Trees, Vad Trees, Uane, all kind and very tiling partaiuing to the busiurs. fur tale by J. H CONLEY A CO. SUOEMAK tus. . BS beet qualitie of Sole Leather, Frenob Calf sHtu Morroocos, Liuiugs, Last., Nails, Pec. Tool, of all kind, Md rrery tbiugused by tb trad, Ibraal low by J H OONLTY CO in. ay rnssenger irain loaves Philadelphia at 7 So a. m., returning from Heading at o.Jo p. m. 8l,',p. nd 2.45 p. ni: hlmuiukm ... ....i no... in :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers