NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries! On Third (St., one door below the Luthoraa Churob, PNBUIIY, TENN'A. KEXiTafcVK- PEIEBO. iHas just opened large assortment of I'RY GOODS, suoh ss Caliooes. Dolaines, Muslins, c, G BOCBBIE b iind TOO VISIONS nf all kinds, such as . .. .na rnvvv.v.a. TEAS. SPICKS, COAL OIL r..i Miickorol, Lard. Hams, N"t Pried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, '. and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. Hains. Fish. Coal Oil, Crorkcry-waro, (Juccwware Glass-ware, Willow-waro, AO. The beet FLOUR and MEAL In the Market Tobacco. Ciffftit, and a variety of MOTIONS. Ah!o All kind, of Ounnoi fruit, at the lowest prices. . Country Produce taken in exchange for Quoin. IS? Call and examine my Stock, and satisfy your rUn HENRY rt'TI'.KS. unbury, April 25, lBf7 1). C. U18KINOE11. P. 11. MOORE. rew Hrmlnew fiorei.w and on ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS I GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES ! nooni; a isainuH. Havo just opened a cnrHiilly rclcctod stock of 1 1 NEW GOOD;!, in IIutipt'M New Iron Front, MARKET STKJ2KT, SUNBURY, PENN'A Consisting of Y COOPS, NOTION?. OROCERlEi', QUEENS WAKE, fl LASS WARE, and a full lino of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOES f .iuIoom Ircwn Jools, I alieoo.-, Jlii'Iins. Flannels, Table Linens Toweling. Checks, Ticking. Counterpart, Owimores, Vcstings, nrns. Skii tc, Neck Tic;, Culls, Collar" Hainlkcrc'hiof?, Ilofo, Oil Cluth, Carpets, AYood and Willow-Ware. ve imito fpecial attention to the quality of our Stock of muoitusikn ai miicf.s, lilO Mid JAVA COFFEE, TEAS. SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, E1S1I, VINEGAR, 4c., Ac. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand. V.'e feel oor.fident that cash buyers will find it to tjeir advantage to give us a cull, and custoinors conerally arc invited to cull aud examine our goods kuJ got posted on our prices. fly strict attention to the wants of our customors and lair dealing we hope to merit M full share of tho public patronage COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex-' change i,r goods, lor which tho highest prico will be paid MOORE 5 mSSINGEK. Sunhury. April II, 'AS NUJMtlJIil Oil. Jlil.Ii. 1 HE Hibscribcra having just erected and put in i ; oation a Mill for tho manufacture of LINSEED OIL, olliT tbo highest market price fjr FLAX SEED. Tluvy have attached to their o'taMishmont a Chop i .ing Mill, aad farmers and other wanting grain i hopped for feeding, can be accommodated at tho (hm-tcst notice. A machine for chopping corn with the cob is attucbed to tho mill. MORGAN A MASSER. January 25, 1808. ly T0HF.INGTON & IIODGKINS. SLTEIt-rilOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE PGR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within tlio past year prcatlj incroa'od and improved our liicilitiu tur grunting isonoannu man ufacturing, wo aro prepared to furnith to tho farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of Kupcr-UMiOKpIiHte. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tostod tho pint tcnn by practical men of our iniincdialo neighborhood und cleewherc, and in every case tho re.-ult hue boon entirely tntisfaotnry. Our proccsiof pulverizing, whereby it is prcpar- d for und t.UARRANTEED TO PAb? THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates an objoetion which attaches to many fer tilizers, and secures to the former a saving of much vahiablo time. BOLD AT THE SIA5UVACT0HY, EAST MAltKET STREET, Sl.MHItV, 1A., stid by our Agents throughout the country, in Lags of 200 lba each, at $j3 per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY lo all points accessible by rail or canal, on rccoipt of order. TORRINGTON A IIODGKINS.- Also AgenLs for Pcymour, Mornn A Allon s Self 1'Luing ticaprr I'r.a Slower 1 1 no wew ioraer;uu Pnilt A Bmediey'd Hay and Grain Rake. f-end f-.r (Circular. February l i, :6S. ly f fHIU uiuii ri;rti''d having mci-ceded lo tho busi- , 1. ne(.s of T. DIMES i CO., takes thi method of mtonning Brick Lay ors. Builders, nnd all others in- trrcsted. in and about fcjiinLuiy, that ho is prcpnred i to fill all orders, f'.r building aud paving Urick, of a i : uperior quality, and at aa low rate as can ho hud olrcwbcre. 1 am hIso the A'enl ;n the Counties of Northum- toilaud, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAlt. . KKN'S IMPROVED KIKE and WATER PROOF ROOF. This is (ho cheapest and best Roof that ran bo used ou buildings. We covered several build injs with it, during tlio luat season with outiro satis- I l'.i'-Hf'n t Orders left at the Urick J rd, in Cake's Ad'lition to Sunbiiry. or .t tbo Office of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Snw Mill and Lumber Yard, or Rt Suubury Post (ifice. will roccivo rruuipt otlentiini. TOWNSEND HI.MES Fuubury, March M. 1PC3. i. yi. MiXX, IkentUt, W'U remove hi OSioo to .1. M. Fimp-in's Building, ind story, .Market Square, . G-oiTBTj-rt-sr, TirilER K he will be prcparod to do all kinds of Y work pertaining to Dentistry. Will koep rniiMantly en hand a large nsForttnrut of Teeth, and i tber Denial material, from which ho will bo able to n'lect, and in'.et the wants of his customers. All work warrautod to give salu-laclion, or also the ni'iney refunded. The very best Mouth Wa.-h mid Tooth Powders k' pi on hand. His references aro the numerous patrons fr whom he has work, d f tho Inr-t twelve years. r-unbury, M'ircli -I, lsoS. To Farmers! THE TACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QUANO. r pi!K titttntion of Farmers and olbcr consuiuirs of I renilisers i., invited to this tiuauo, worthy of ii,. ir special notion, lit, umj for several years in Al ir. ' :ud. irginia and other Southern States, for i1!.!.- bad given it a alundard character for ex . , llei:.-e oi equ-illi I by any other. It poasesscs all il.e iiuii r i c.-s id l'viuvinu Huano, with permanent qo dinn not found in that aitiulo X-'iO lb.. of tins i.timii are f'.und more than equal to lbs. of tliu r.upi pi.i'.-phaio. It ripens tho wheat orop fiosii Ijvo to seven duys tailitr than the pbosphului, which ttrt alone gives it iuculculublo iidtuutagti. Liberal discouut to dealers. I ot aale by J0JJ y ,u I;sr; 4 c0 tiCLrral Aguuts for Pucilic (iuauo Co , boulb Delaware Ave , Philsd'a., And 71 rxmtb t'lreot Lullimore. Mar. h CS, lbH rim fcJIIOEM AKIiHS. Hil hit I oualiti" f Pole Lratht r, Fieuch Call' a.r.F MorriK-co". Linings, l.a-ts, Nil. Pegs, To. I ft all kin. ', and every tliingaed bv the trade, tor sale low by J- CON LEY A I AKCJ. nii-plv "I Vitll I'Jipe-r Ilui tit '. j'-t tc ciK-l But l"r tate nap, tTIIE 'GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Kill toil Hole OTfwniiilnR SEVT1TG XffACHXITE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Groat Unit. The Inoreaso in the demand for (hit valuable ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of 1U nrst year before the public. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed iu tho history of sowing-maohlncs, and we feel fully warranted In olaiming that IT II A 8 NO EQUAL, 'Being Absolutely the Best J'AIHII.V IflAFIIINi: IN THE W ORLD, AnJ, Intrlntically the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined In ono, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangomont,) ma king both the Shuttleor Lock-stitch, and tho Over seaming and Button-bole stitch, with cqdfMUJ and perfection, It executes in the very ,bt manner every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming, lo ng, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding antT Quilting. Gathering aud sewing on, (done at tho same lime,) and in addition, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge nnd makes beautiful Jlutton and Eyelet holes in all Every Machine Is warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, lo give entire satisfaction. Circular?, with full particulars and samples of work dono on Ibis. Machine, can bo had on applica tion at tho Salesrooms of TUB ATvIERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYEItSEAMING AND BE WIN O MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms of tho Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGHNTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. W. H. MioNHKNiiAi.r,, Treasurer. April 25, ISM. lycjan. 25. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpiIE subscriber respcci-fully informs tbo publio 1 that he constantly on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, near the Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNfiURY, Elour by tho barrel nnd saoks of all kinds of Feed by the ten Tho above is nil mannfactured at his own Mills, and will bo suld at the lowest ensh prices. J M. CADW ALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, !c'(S REMOVAL I W 11 A ?i Watchmaker & Jewel r, MARKET SQUARE, S U N B U K Y , PA., Will remove hia Jewelry Storo to Minor s Stono Building, corner of ad and Market Square, ON FEBRUARY 1st, lSf.3, where he will be happy to roccivo his old customers aud the public in general. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a oontiuuanco of tho souio, and ho is de termined to soil as low as tho lowest, nnd for quality, not to be surpassed by any goods in the mnrkct. A largo assortment of VI'ateHeH, t:loeUs, Jewelry siaul Silver Ware, constantly on hand, consisting of all kinds of Ameri can Watches, such as tho Howard, Appleton, , Trney & Company, Tremont, Wnlthnm, V. b. Bnrtlot, Wm. 1U lery, Home aud a fine RSBOilmont of Swiss ntches All kind' of 8 Day nnd 30 Hour Clocks ! Silver lea setts, card and cako baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Celerystnnds, syrup and drink ing cups, nnd a full assortment of Spoons, Knives and Forks. Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Wutches, Clocks, Jewelry and All work warranted. Feb. B, 1W5S. t-i v: w j-v- THE G H E A T Expo?! tiuii. I 'n iccrsdle THE HOWE SEVING PRIZE r,,rh, 18G7. MACHINE CO ELIAS HOWE, Jn. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors; '1 lie Elipliewt Premium, The (inly Crots of tho Legicn of Hoiv and GOLD MEDAL given to Amkiui as JSeyvino Mai ntNES, per IiDpe rial DeiTcc. lmblisliod in the "Moniteur Univcrsnl' ((iffioial .louiuulof tho French Empire), Tuesday, 2d July, litiT, iu these word, 1 Fabiicunlodn Machines a con- Ei.iAa Hown, J it. die exi osant Manufacturer of Sowing Ma- J chines, Exhibitor. This dmiblo first honor is another prof f of tho crrat fupcrioritv of the HOWE BEWINU MA CHINE overall other. ' SIHI.EY A STOOPS. No 2:-i .S.itith Light fcrtreet, Philadelphia, Agents for Pennsylvania, New Jersry. Delunaro tud Western 'irginiu. February 22, lxGS.- Sm GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .!. .i. I .IV & ., In Wciuur's Building, Water Slrctt, King st , NO 11TH UMBER LAND, PA., INFORM their friends and tho public gcncn.lly j that they have a largo a.-sort merit of tiroceries Provi.-ions, Ac. nil licsh and ot the best quality, con- t sistini; of Teas, Cullees, s-u'ats, and Jriites. ! I Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese. and Crackers, and in tact everything usually kept in tho (Imecry line. Tlicv would also call attention to their large nnd Lciip'lotof Uood FAMILY FLOUR, Ureeu Ten, Hams, bhouldors, Ao., which lire constantly kept ou hand. Also, all hinds of Vegetable, Ac., Ao t.ivo them a call and sou for vourself. Northumberland, r-ept. 2S, 1MG7. STOHUWAXIE. 1 HE best and obeapost assortment of Mono aro in theStato, just received and lor sale cheap at tho Mammoth Cash .Store of II. Y. FRILIN'i! ISAAC K. STAUiTER, Wtttflimaltcr unci Jew eler, KOItTII 2d KT , COIt. OF' QUAHHV, l'llll.AlilXllll.V. An .ninrtmcul nf Wai diea, Jewelry, Silver aw) Ptdeo Ware c'lihlaiilly on li.tnd, l l!e ainiiij of Wutches and Jewelry promptly at tendrU t' Nov. ao, 1071 V. I.10R Saddlers, wu have Saddle Trees, Litis. Puck ' los. Uig Trees, Pad Tiees, Ilancs, all kinds and cv cry thing I'ertaining to the business, for sale by ' 3 11. CO.'LEYA Ca Cliilcli-en'M rrl:p . rU would call the attention of thoso wauling a Child's Carr aire, to our new ana iurge as,ri- uieut comprising new and beautiful stylo. J. U. CON LEY A CO. BUNBUny tiTEAM BAW MILL. WI1.M1M ItlMUAli, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of TIMBER, LUMPER, LATH, FA LINO 4 SHIN GLES. Abo, Flooring, 1-helving, Siding, Tooia, Fa;b, Blinds, Urackuts, Mouldings, to. Coiner Rwe Street and River RoaJ, BUN BURY, Ta April 1, loj. ("COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all Winds 0 j Fi"ne Ware at le. s than Factory prices at Har- :biir.T, raviui 1 ka;' of m&Pfr&IS&slf W hic.ikipa aui ueir.u.. av II Y IR1LJNU 9SO ChcBtnut Street, lbllalelphln, Are the best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They aro moro simplo and durallo, easier kept ln order, make a. stronger and more elastic autcn, a firmer nnd moro beautiful soara than any other Thoy sow all fabrics from two common Ipooll, re quire no ro-winding of thread, fasten 'both ends df the scam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. 'Flic Very lligiient Prize, tlie Crossj of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho UKOVF.Et & tt.lKKEt at tho Exposition Univnrsolleo, Paris, 18S7 ; thus nttcsting their great superiority over all ether tew ing machines. G ROVER & BAKER'S NEW STYLES II 1 For Manufacturing, Combine the most nioJorn and essential improve meiits. Tho attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and oil othors requiring the use of tbo most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new stylet', which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Mina CAROLINE DAI.IU8, Market Stroet, SUN BURY, PENN'A., Nov. 2.i, 1807. ly TUB CHEAT HGARI BITTERS The component parts of this remarkable prcparalloa were lirj.1 discovered, compounded and 41'tributcd, eoroe twenty years ago, by lr. Cnrorsus, tho cele brated Kgyptiau Physician. Thousands of his suffer ing countrymen wore reiitorcd tohealth, as well as great numbers of the Inhabitants of Nubia wid AbyisiniS, and of thecountilctaordcrinR upon the Southern coast -oi me Aiouitcrrancan sea. Indeed, the fame of tho ZUVGAIU IIITTKIIS soon spread ever Europe, and was adopted by the principal Fhyslctans In charge of the hospitals of the old world, in which it is still used with preemi nent success. The Yiccray of Egypt placed the name of rsn. Ciieopsus upon the 14 Itoll of boldes," and pre sented to him ii Medal bearing tho following inscrip tion: " ia Ciiiopsva, the Public Benefactor." This Bitters is now offered to tho publio of America with the full assurance that it will be found, upon k fair trial, to act as a specific fox tho cure of Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrltecn, Cholera Morbus Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, ltheumntlam, Typholtl Fever, Dyapepala, Colic, Itronchills, Consumption, Flatu lency, Disease or tho Itldneya, Nervoua Debility, and Female Complaint. Retnarkablo cures of the above diseases have been effected by its use, asnumerouscertificatcs, many from regular physicians, folly attest; and it is destined to supersede any preparation extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and an l.NVIGOrtATINO BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tnrs th ZIXCAKI niTTETlS HAS SCL A3 WELL AS DODY, AMD AS A PREVENTIVE op PIS BASE. . HAS NO SL'l'ERIOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the ZINfiARl BITTERS will Rive to you that soft, semt transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully lntentlcd tint you should have for it is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparting health and lita throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beaut; to the complexion so much to bo desire re moving all roughness, hlotchcs, freckles, pimplcs,ond that yellow, sickly look se common In our day; and what is even lietter than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Priucipnl pepot, Uairisburg, Pa. EAHTER & HAUSE, Bole PnorniETon. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Bunbury eiiiisylvania. August 3, UiG7. on.N iiaas, Jit. C. H. WOLVEBTOM. COAL! COAL! COAL! rpilE subscribers respeotfully infurm thocituens of L Sunbury und vicinity, that thoy have opened a CO AI ttARD at J. Haas A Co's Lower Wharf, Kiiiibury, In. where they aro prcparod to supply all kinds of Sha inckin Coal, at ohcap rates. Families and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully solicited. HAAS & WOLVERTON, Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1869. VA'r isis: roit i;vr.!t.Yi$oiv. A Superb Stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches all Warranted to Run, and thoroughly Regulated, at tho luw price of $10 cacb, and satisfaction Guaranteed 100 Sold Gold Hunting Watohcs, $250 to $1000 100 Magic Cased Uold Watches 2a0 to 100 Ladies' Watches, ennuielcd, 100 to 1100 Gold H'ing Chronometer Watches 250 to 2iM) (told Hunting English Levers 200 to ::00 Uold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 600 (.old Hunting Aiucrioau Watches 100 to 600 M0 800 250 2d0 250 150 250 250 75 100 50 51 0 i-ilvcr Hunting Lovers JD0 Silver Hunting Duplexes 600 Gold Lndies' Watches 1000 Gold Hunting Lepines IDoO Miscellaneous Silver Watches 2500 Hunting Silver Watohcs 61101I Assorted Watches, all kinds 60 to 75 to 61) to 60 to Oil to 2J to 10 to 75 The ubovo stock will be disposed of on the popu lar ono price plan, giving evory patron a Sue Uold or Solid bihtr Wutch for $10 without regard to valuo ! Witiuur, B110. A Co., 161 Broadway, New York, wish to immediately dispose of the above magnifi cent stock. Cortificutos, naming the articles, are placed iu sealed envelopes, and well mixod. Hold ers aro entitled to the artiolos named in their certi ficate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth il.UDO or ono worthless. Tbo return of any of our cortiueales entitles you to the artiolos named thcruou, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, nnd a no article value at lea than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at once be teen that Ihia is no lottery, but a straight forward logiti niato transaction, which may ba participated, in even by the most fastidious. A (ingle ecriilioale will be sent by mail, post paid upon reoeipt of 25 cents, five for $1, eleven lor $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty-six aud more valuable premium for $10; one hundred and mostsuperi, watches for $15. The agents or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, authorised by the Government, and open to the most careful scru tiny. Watches sent by Express, with bill for collec tion on delivery to I h at no d uaa tkf aotioa aan possibly occur. Try us. Address WRIGHT, BROTHER A CO., Importers, 101 Broadway, New York. MarcheSl. liifid. Sm CARPENTERS. WILL Rod in our establishment superior stock. ofPiuuos, Saws, Augers, Hutcbels, Hauiinors, Files Chisels, 0 , Ao , for aiio uy J.n.CONLEYCO TIHD CAULK, 11 different kinds. If you waul Jl good and cheap Bud Csges, goto :ON LEY A COti BOOTS AND SHOES. ; MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, RL'STtECTFULLT Inrormi bll IHend and en. tomera, that be has lust opened a shop for tin manufacture Of 00X3 BUOES, on 8prut ttrrtt, between Bsrendttrctt and Centrt Alley, Bummry. where all kinds at work In hi Hoe win be made-rtp In the latest style and in the best workmanlike man ner. ... Having first elaas Hoc on hand, no flntleri'lilrrmdlf that he will be able to suit the tastes of tho most fas tidious. The publi are Invited to call. JOHN WTLVER. Banbury, June 15, 1867. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. laon 8d street, opposite the MASONIO nALt., at BERGSTEEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, tut Lntcly KotablUhed, wltli All tle .tloUorn jtmprovemcnts of tltc Art i THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that toe work pro duced shall be seoond to none in country or eity. No work allowed to loave the gallery nnles m tirelv satisfactory. Having: the best sky light in the countv. ho is nronnred to make Photocrauhs in all kinds of weather, but would prefor a clear day for mall children. 11 e is also prepared to take new ilio, or cabinet card rhotograpus. All kinds ot pictures comeu ana mazniuoa to any required siio and colored beautilully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attontlon to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscapo views of Monuments, Alacbinery, bounty Beats, 4o., a large lot of Photograph frame constantly on hand. The public are respectfully invited to cull and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making 1'ootograpm, special terms to lamtlios nna clubs. . BERQSTRESSER. Bunbury, July 15, .11. C UILIRBIARX'H Confectionry Toys and FiXJIT STORE niarUet Street, SwJibwry, I'o. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS "OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, nONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above VBIIIUIISUUICUV ainuuiusiuv anw rstau, ,v tcaeuu obtepTiccs. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionaries te keep up a lull assortment wuicn are sola at low rates. Tobacco, Sogars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whiab, are offered wnolesaln and retail. ItRemember the name nnd plaoo.rT ' M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west ofE. Y. Bright A Son's store. Pnnbury, Sept. 19. 1803. tf Yt'uter nnd I'lt-c l'rool SLATE ROOFS. THE undersigned respectfully informs builders in this and adjoining counties that ha is prepared to put on Slate Roofs in a superior manner. Ho fam ishes tho colcbratod Lchigli oounty Slate, which Is the best in the market. He warrants his work bo be durable and fire and water proof. He invites the in spectionof the publio to the work hehosdono in Sun. bnry on Haunt's. Urccnough's and Haas' buildings. nnd on others at various pluces. His prices are as low as thoso of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or call at his rcsidonco inJTpper Augusta twp. January 11,1803, ly Hii:i:K"!i von x tin aim: wm I 'el by liuii drcilHol" Con grega t ton tor 1'Iiureli or Communion (urpowes. ALSO, FOR LADIES PERSONS. EXCELLENT AND WEAKLY UJV-E 1V1RDS, NE W JERSE Y. Sfia:EK' lOIt'I' UIMPK W'WE, 1'OUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated nntive Winn is made from tho juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluable Ionic .V Strengthening Properties Are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being the pure Juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Spcor ' own personal supervision, its puri'y and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gonerous qualities, and the weak est "invalid may use it to advantage. It is psrticu ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that aflliot the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Female use SPEER'S PORT GRAPH WINE. Wonklv nprsnns find a benefit bv its nso. SPEER'S WIN:S in hospitals are preferred to otner wines. tySold by nil Druggists ana Grocers. A. SPEER'S VINEYARD, New Jersey. Oflioe, 213 BROADWAY, New York. Tho trade supplied by Juhnson, Ilolloway k Cow den, and Fronch, Richards A Co., in Philadelphia. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 20. ly. J. H. Conley Co., Market Htrcet, T.nmt ofllie Itallroad, STJ3MJ3TJK,"3r, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'OKEIU.-V As AMEItICA!, Hardware & Cutlery. milE attention of Mechanics. Farmers. Builder, I and Buyers generally is Invited to the fact that we are now ofloring a bettor selected assortment of aauinaiiis, 1; u X. than over was offered in this marked at prloes much below those heretofore demanded bv dealers. Our stock comprises all articles In this line of business, emoraoing a general assortment ox toots ana mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AO., AO., togothcr with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails Spikcs.;Rope, Chains, Uriudstoncs, Mill and X Cat Daws, sc., ao. Bunbury, March 30, 1B67. Notice to Merchants and ShiivDers. rTYHE undersigned, proprietor of Weisor A Frick's X Line, give notices to merchant and shipper that tho Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila dclphia, and all Goods dirootod to Sunbury, Danville and Lewlsburg, and all intermediate stations along ine railroad, will ne promptly deliverer!. LV Car leave 811 Market stroet. Philadelphia. irl-woeKiy Tuesday., 'inursdays ana Batnraays. J . w. utuivv , Proprietor, l,ewlsDurg, J. H. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1867. Agricultural Implements), HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Maaura aud Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Soythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fineers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Scire of all sixes and kinds, a large assortment ot Ked Wagon Hames, for Plowing, I'arm Balls, Cultivator Teetb, for sale toy J. ji- a uu. Mount Carmel Hotel MT. CARMEL, Northumberland Co., Fa., TU03. BURKET, PuorRiETon. This large comn-odious Hotel is located nesr the depots of toe Sbamokin Valley and the Quakake A Mew tork Itaitroaiis. irainsarrlve ana aopartaaiiy ibi bouse la locatod in toe centra oi tne uoai n gioa and affords the best afccmraodations to travol. as 1 permsueat customers r i Great Attraction :: NEW TIN WARE, 8hc iron MtllTlovs tor-of SMITH &, OElTTnEH, StJMBTJR"Sr, PA., Where they keenaonstantly ea hnd and manufac ture to ardor at abort eotioe. TIN AND SnEET IROK-W ARE of all doscripttorn. Thtf wonltt espeetally onll the attention of pur ehnars to their large and well selected stock ef COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrannemsnBi tnliAva, all their best wtovea made -to .order, and those who nuum uv m gooa aiov wouitl ao well to go and examine their large aad woll eolected stock. First. Thoy defy competition on tb followinj tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vi : Combination Uan llurner, Coolc. jJovcrnor rcnnCok. WABASH AND IHOJrsnl3S. and the well known Anttdust Cook Btovo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Rtnve, In vr.l v.r!nt ornoiu); u.i mo oeai mimuiacture and most raahion able design, nnsurpassod for bcautv of finish simnli. orty of arrangomontsoomblnlng cheapness, durability wm oiwu biuvo nuriuuieri ro pcxiorm wnat tnov are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Btove, for heating first, seoond and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the colebratod M0RNINQ QLORY. Coal Oil, Conl Oil Lamps, Shade, Cisimniea, nnd nil nrtlcle usually kept in an establishment of 'fh! Ttlnd They are also prepared to furnish b'late and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Pooling, Spouting, Range nna Furnace Work. Oas Fittinz. ia. Itenairlnir nnatlv .j . ' Mil. V,.Cl,iy MKUIUU. Also : 'llniigh'si Ilntv Hone Sitpcr-lMio. plinte." Remember the tilace. Snmnla and Pule. Ttnnrw nearly opposito Oonlv' Hardware Store. Market strcot, between Third and Fourth streets. Building aura painiea. Ang03t20, ltSR. JAW. II. C'ALIMVKLl, Sc CO., JEWELEH S , Xo. 002 CbcHtnut Street rillLADELPIIIA, ruitzaciiirer ami Importer Of every description of First . Glass Goods belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmith. Have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street, affording amplo room and convenient accessories, giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, aud hotter moans for their examination. With extensivo and favorable arrangements in this Country and in Europe wo are in a position te offer at moderate FIXED prices. Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods Bilvor Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visi tins' the citv aro oordiallv invited to xamino our New Store. Alnrch 7, 18C3. ly. e a. QT O GRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS A5TD STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Druwins Rooks and Slates. flocks, Hymn Books, Bi.tnU Books, Memorandum Bonkj, Diaries, Pockot Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a Cue assortment of Paper, Ink, Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL s K2 M BBNJ. BOHNEB. Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most rcspousiblo Nurseries in this and other States, first class TREES of nil kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHNER, Pnxlnos, North'd. Co. ITf N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne most responsible F'ire Insurance and Uorso Detective Companies in the State. Juno H, 1KB7. y SEEING IS BELIEVING At 701 Arcli Street. NEW PRICES I NEW GOODS Riflt Silver arid Silver-Plated Wares. cs Including every style and desoripllon, made expressly for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholosaloand Rotail Manufacturing Establishment, 70.1 AUI'II t; T n L"n ltdii .1.1-1 i.irr. " " Bxucax, ruiLtnvuni ilia. t3?"Re-platingat short notice. December 21, 1867 .aug27 PORE LAGER BEER I l'OHTiiu Ann ai.i:, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH BACEEH. I ESPECTFULLY informs the publio generally V that he is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER, TORTER AND ALL, n targe or small Quantities. His facilities for mak. ng Beer cannot be exoelled, and Is pronounced supe- : .. .u tr . ti . r , - no. miuijr uiiierouarou in uonirai roniiayivama. It has also been rcoommended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. Bunbury. Bept 21, 1887. AUCirsWETFOUNDIlI ! J. VOr.TiGMAN, Proprietor. Ai-eli Kt., between 3d and tlh, closo to luo I'ubllc Mcliool Ilousie, SUNBURY PENN'A. TUG proprietor of this establishment reipeetfully informs the nubile that be bas commenced the man ufacture of Cooking and Heating STOVES! which be will sell at lower prices then they can be obtained elsewhere. MILL Gearing. Stoves, and the largest class of Castings made promptly to order. Also, Window Weights, Frames and Orate for Cel lar Windows, Aa. . nut Iron t hlinnev Tops, WATER TROUGHS A DOOR STEPS A liberal prioe paid for old eastings. THB CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW. Im. proved, is manufactured at tbisestablishinont. Also, Stove Grates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety of small eastings. jsunoury, uot. , 1807. Ar especially invited to eall and examine our stock of JJUILDEK'S HARDWARE. eoniDrisimr Nails and Snike of all varieties. Butts. Screws. Strap and X Ilingos, Locks and Latches, Bulls, Plas tering -srowels, iinck 1 rowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ao., te., for sale by J. H. CONLEY ft CO. THE following persons ar entitled to receive aa increase of Bounty under the Act of Congress passed July 1866, to equalise Bounties 1st All soldiers who enlisted after t'ae 19th day of April, 1801, for 1 years, aud served their time of enlistment and save been honorably discharged, and have received or ar entitled to reeeive a Bounty of 100, ar entitled n additional Bounty ef SJIOO. 2d All such soldier who enlisted for I years, and have been honorably discharged oa aoeount of wounds reeelved la the 1m f out, art uUtled to a additional Bounty of MOO. 3d The Widow. Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers who died in the serviee of wounds or diseas, are entitled to an additional Bounty of R lOO. Byapplieatioato 8. P. WOLVERTON, Esq., of puMsuav, reunsyiraula, woo 1 aa utnonied Claiia Agent, all sueb claims can be speedily collected . cunbury. August 4, 1W If if ess. noop Mtm-rn. 9. fc nt. T. H0PXJJT8 "OWN MAKE" - . 'BTWrSTOlftS TSKIRTS.' re the best and Cheafwi Lew Frletal Howp ffklrt in the market. Trail Skirt, gi intings, $1.00 ' i M springs, $l.20; anil 40 springs, Plain Skirt S tapes, 20 springs, 80 eonU: t springs, P5entJ 80 springs, gl.15 j and 8 sprlnjp, $1.1 Warrant- "0"OWN Make" of 'TJNIOIT SsURTS,'' Ble n Tape trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.60. ioS' B5l Tapes, 20 to 60 spring., from vl'Cents te ?. 09- .5,0;?8kl,U better than thttse Sold By ow prices DU " olsssgood, and at muoh "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS," are In every Wwy-snperlor to all ethet Hoop Skirts before the pnblio, and only have to ba examined or worn toWBvinoe i evory one of the faot. M.nufae tared of tbebestltnen-Bnlshei English Steel Spring very superior tapes, and the style of ihe metaifo fastenings and lnannerdfsecaring them idrpass for durability and exeollenoe any other Skirt in this uuniiur, iuu ni u iniDior. mora a mm a will longer, give more satlstoctlon, and ar. really cheaper than nil others. Every ladv should trv thm. Th. are being sold extensively by Merchsmu throughout this and the adioining state at verv mndnrata If you want the best, ask for "Uopkin's Champion Skirt." If TOU do not find them. POt th mororTunl Kith whom you deal to ordci them for you, or como or aena airooi to tis. xueronants mil 'find our dif foront gradei tf Skirt! exactly what thoy need, and we especially Invito them to oall and examino our extensive assortment, or lond -for Wholesale Prioe List. To be had at Rotail at Manufactory, and of tho Retail Trad generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addrewd. MAN U FACTORY and SALESROOM, 23 Arch St. Between 6th and -7th Hi., Philndelphia. WM.T. HOPKINS. February 29,863. 10 mos. BALTIMU LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. T1TR ONLY PLACE WUERB A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. Dft. JOHNSON hag discovered the most Cerlain,Spee1y and only KlTcctual Kemetly in the World for all Pri vate liieaiei, W'enkneM of the Hack or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Ii ladder, Involuntary Ll c Marges, Impotency, General Debility, Ncrvonsiit-sa, Dys pepty, Jjincuor, Low Spirits, CiMtfusiunof Ideas, Palpi tation tif ins Heart, TimiUiiy, Tremblings, Dimness of 6ight or uiauineBs, uisraac oi tne Head, rtirtint, ZNiise ur skin, Affectt'ms ot the Liver, Luns, Stomnch or Bowels these Terrible Dinordeis arising fioin the Sotitnry Habits of Youth those secret and solum y practices more fatal to their victims thnn the song of Syrens to the Matiners of Ulysses, blihtin their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac. impossible. Young Men Kspceially, who have become tire Victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadiul and destructive habit which anrrtintly s'ecps to an untimely rrav ihousunda of Young Men of the most exulted talents end brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun deis of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full conGdrnce. Married Persons or Young Mcu contemplating man mge, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de formities. Ac., speedily cored. lie who places fcimnetf under the are of Dr. 3. may may religiously Contiile in his honor os a gentlemaiij and -c.difidfiiily rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic M onknch Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This DistieMing Aflection which renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by t he victims of improper indulgences. Young peisons are too apt to commit excesses from not being awure of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of ptocrcaiion is lost sooner by those fulling into improper li Kbits than by the prudents? Besides deing deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most sertousund destcac tive symptoms to both body and mind aiinH. The system becomes Deranged, (he Phyaicitl and Mental Punctmns Weakened, Ijossnf Propi'eative Power, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dj opepsiti, Ptilpitulion of the Heart, Indigestion, Con stitutional Debility, a Wnvtiiig of the Kiume, Cough, Consumption, liw.ty and Death, Oi2ii-c, rSo. outls fi Veil trick Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a fewdtmis rom tne corner, i-nii not toooserve name ami numiier. Letteis must be paid nnd contuiuastamp. The Doctor! Diplomas bung in his oihce. A Cure Waii anted In Two Iayi No Mercury or NauBcoui Dmys. Er FolmMoii, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the moMt eminent Colleges in the I Muted States, nnd the greater purt of whose life tins hern spent in the hospitals of I-ondon, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the mmt astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing luthf nean ana ears wnen nsieepj great nervonPTiers, being alarm ed at sudden sounds, busliltilncKs, wilh fiequetit blushing. I attended sometimes with denngeinent of mind, were cured ! iintncdiutely. a i Take lurllcu!ar ."oli e. I Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence nu! slitary hubits, wliieh rum j Ixtth body and mind, unfitting them Cur either business, study, society or mar ring e. 'i'itKsare some of the sad ami melancholy effects pro duced by em ly habits ol youth, viz: Weakness ot the Dark 1 and Limbs, Pains in the Hend, Dimness of Sight, Lobs of Muscular Power, PHlmtution of the Heart Dyspcpsy, Nervous IrriUtbility, Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, Ucncral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mentally Tlie fuurful effects nn the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memurr. Confusion of Ideos. De- prcssion of Spirits, fc'vil-Fmebting, Avtrbioit to Society, Sell'-Distrutit, lxive of Solitude, Timidity, AC. ure suine u( the evils produced. Tuoi'SANns of perstttis of all ages can now judge what is the caue of their declining health, losing their vigor, heuoming weak, pale, nervous aud ejiacinied, having a singular appearuuee ubjut the eyes, ough aud symptoms of consumption. Voun;x Hon Who have injured themselves by a Certain practice Indulg ed In when alone, u Inbit fietjuenlly lennrd frm evil compriiiionM, or at sehool, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured rendera ttKuriago impossible, and destroys both mind aud body, should apply Immediately. V.iHt pity that o vounff man, the hope of his country, the darling of bii parents, should be snatched from all pros pects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of devia ting from the path of nature and indulging iu a certain secret habit. Such persons wiur, boi'oie contemplating larria&c, reflect that a sound mind and Ik My are the most ner?essnry requisiteato pronhtteconnubml happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through Itfe becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled wilh the melan choly reflection tluit the happiness ol" uuother becomes blighted with our own sOirit-ahe or Iinprudciico, When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-limed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, fioio education and respectability, can alone befriend bun, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this honld disease make their appeamnce, such at ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nttuial pains in the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones ana aims, blotches on the head, face aud exttetnitka, piogress iugwith frightful tapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or tho bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisera tion, till death puts a period to his dreudful tutTering, by ending him to 'Uhat Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unbkillfulness nf ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that ' Deadly Poison, Mer cury," ruin the constitution aud make the residue of life miserable, S trangrera Trust not your lives, or health, to the care cf the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Johnston's adver tisements, or style themselves, in the newspapcrs,aregulaily Educated Poysicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poison tis Compounds, oi as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with mined health to sigh over your gailiug disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only physician advertising. II is credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His remidiesor treatment are unknown to allot he v, prepared from a life spent In thegreat hospitals of Europe, the first in this country and a mora extensive ''Private Practice" than any other Physician in the world. Indorsieinciit of luo l'ro The nuuy thousands cure-) at this institution year after year, and tho numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of theSuti," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standi ntr as a g not tenia n of character and re sponsi unity, ta a suuiuient guaramee to iue emiciea. Mtiu IHsteusjesi Speedily Cnrccl. Persons writing should bepurticular in directing their tiers to his Institution, in the following manner, John Ifl, Johns, ton. Iff. 1 Of the Baltlmoie Lock Hospital, Baltimore. Md. Nov.30,lt(I7-ly. Lime I Lime I. Lime I rIE new Lime Kilns or H. B. Masser, at Sellns Urove Statioo, are now completed and la sue eessful operation, produoing lime of the very best quality. These kilns are built with all the modern conveniences and Improvements, and have a capaci ty of produoing 400 bushel per day. Excellent roads have been made to the kilns, not interfered with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds ean be loaded in a few minute from the aohute, without handling. Having opened a large body of the best limestone, at the mouth of the kiln, they ar enabled te sell lime at the low rata of II eents per bushel. Tb kiln ere iu eharge of eosa potent per sona, who will alwaya be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply te II. II. M tuner, Bunbury, or to Chaa. DunUbergerr or Chas. J. Conrad, at In kilns. Deoeaber ), 1867. SELLERS & F0LWELL, TVUOLESALB AXV i ttUITLREKH, No. 161 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Orders promptly attended to. BUMMER TIM 3 TAB LB. . Through and direoi route between rhllsJelphta, Baltimore, llfirrisbure, WnitflmjrpoTt, to the Nortiv west and the Hreet Oil Hcglcn of Pennsylvania. ELETJANT BtEEPINfl OARS ea aU Klght TralnJ. On link after Monany. Mlar l'lth. 186. the Traltre tn the Philadelphia 4 Erie Rail Rosd will run as fbllowi : Wbstwahb. Jrall bTrathletfVfchilelphia, 11.1$ pm. cununry. o 05 aft at Erie. RMnm Erie Cxprosi leaves Philadelphia. U 0u noon ountrary 0.40 p ta arr at Bfle lo OA sn Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8 CO tb punonrr e.i&pm arrive at Look Havea, 7.45 p m Mall Train leaves rlo 11 00am 12 00 m 710 am 7 40pm 9 68 am 6.00 pa " Punbury, "err. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " Bunbury ... " 5 r""1 tIiOUiTh RMlroaJ- BAQ0A8K CHECKED AtFRKD L. TYLKR, -eoooral Hnperiotcndent. hum uAuruee oonuBot Northern Central ItnUwar. BUMMER TIME 80IIEDCLE. LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6.00 A. M., Daily for Wllllamsport. Daily (sxoont Sundays,) for Elmira, Conandaljru, Roohoster, BaDaloe, Niagara Falls, .ten at T?u,Pensi" Bridge and the Unrjadas. 4.1S P. M., DMly (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and i Ti vr TP?.ffal Ti Erl8 Ea'lw V troa Klmtra. e.40 P. M., Duily (except Sundays,) for Williams, port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A 10.02 A M.", Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore. w "fl"ngton and Philadelphia. M., Dai It for Bsllimnra an,l W.kl- 7.00 P. M., Daily (exocpt Sundays,) for Harrisburg. to. b. yor'ne, Gen'l. Btrp't., Ocn l rsMon'rAg t.. Ilarrisburg, Ta. Baltimore, Md . LatkawuDna & llloomabur ICaTl v, . rood. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Pasjonecr Train will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. I.earo Pcranton, 6.50 10.00 ' Kingston, 6.55 11.20 " Rupert, 8 20 " Danville. 9.54 P. JI. r 10 8.20 P.M. 4.40 6 00 8 17 8.50 10.15 Arr. Korth'd., 10 35 KORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 " DanTille, 7.40 " Rupert, 8.15 A. M. " Kingston, 10.50 8.30 Arr. at Soranton, 1J.00 9.S5 Trains learine Kineslon at R Sit A 5.M 6.00 6.36 9.0& P. M. 2.50 4.00 10.1$ M. for Scroti- ton, conneot with Train arriving nt New Vnrfc .i n on . rassjen(M.rai lulling Train South from Scranton at ? X . VIB Northumbcrlnnd, reach Harrisbnra; I2, ?. F; M.- Baltimore 5.30 P. M., Washington 10.- 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. . T , H. A. F0NDA,up't. Kingston, Jan. 19. 1887. Itoadlng: ItaJIroud. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20, 1S0S. GREAT TRUNK L1NF from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lobnnon, Allen town, Boston, EphraU, Litis, Lancaftcr, Columbia. o., 4o. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol. lows: At 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10 A.M. and 12.20 noon, nnd 2.05 and 9 35 P. M, oonnectlnjr with similar Trains on the Penniylvahla Railroad, and arriving nt New York at 5.0 10.00 and 11.50 A. M. and 3.60 1 ;2 1 w P M- 6locP'nS Cars accompanying tho 2.60 A. M end 9.35 P. AI. uains without changS. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsvllle. T am a qua, Minersvillo, Ashland. Tine Grove, Alleiitown j-.d Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P . M., stopping nt Lebanon and principal Way ',,,!on'; '.uo 410 P Di- making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Por Pottsville. tcnuylkill Unvcn and Auburn, via Schuylkill and . Sujquohanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 p. m Returning : Leave New York nt 9. 00 a. m , 12. U0 Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 p. in. Sleeping Cars ac- coinpanying tho 9.00 a. m. and 5 00 aud 8.00 p. m. trains without ohango. I Way Pussenger Train leaves Philadolphiaat 7 30 a. ui., returning from Reading at 8.30 p. in. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsvllle at8 46 a. in and I 2 45 p. m; Ashlnnd C. CO a.m. ami 12.-19 and 2 00 , p.m.; Tauisquaat 8.30 a.m. and 1 00 and 8 45 p. ai j Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg via Bchuylklll ar.i Susquehanna Railroad at 7 !0 a. in. and 12 00 noon. I Koniliug Acoommodtttiou Train loaves Roading at , J,-,0jjA- M returning from I'hiladeljhia at 5.15 ! Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eading at 7 00 A. M., and6.1iP. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Laneas- V , VWIU1UU1II, UU, Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrkiomcn Jnnclicn at 8.00 A. M. and 5 55 P. M Returning Leave Skippack at 6.45 A. M..and 1.15 P. M eon noting With oilnilur trulus oa Reading Rail Road On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and e.15 P M. the 8.00 a.m. train runuiii' only to Rending, Pottsville 8 00 a m . Harrisburg, 6.25 am, nnd 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.10 2 65 and 7.15 a. m, for Uarrbbur", nnd T.Oli a m. and 11.40 p m. for Now York, 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia.. ' Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced ratis to and from all puints. Bnggago ohecked through : 100 rounds BfjiBaze allowed each Pawenger. O. A. NICOLLS, QonorHl Supcrinteudont- .-?l Wl f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In every variety cf ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf. BUWBUHV, Penn'a. Lt'Ordorssallaitnr) nnl fillo.l iii, ...,..i.. j dcatch. I " "-j'.u- m bunbury, May 12, 1866 y UNION HOTEL- CUA8. ITZEI Prourlelop. In Cake's Additicn to SUNBURY, noar the Pena . Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRAKSTPVT Dniiinrnn Kept Who will find amnla R,'f.omn,n,)nii.,. n , cooks and waiters, boarders ean enjoy the quiet eom if- . r eqnni to tne nest hotels. uiquurs are oi inectioiooat kinds. Sunbury, June 8, 1807. NEW GROCERY STORE, VT. S. PTOwMAlT & CO-, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., T ESPECTFULLY inform their fricDdg and the Xi publio, that they have opened a XnT-EAT qeooery AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which ha just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, suoh as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spioes, Canned and Dried rruiu, jiesns. siominy, ineese, Uraeker. iiacon, Ham, Fith, Salt, Potatoes, eto., together with Soaps, Caudle. Soda. ta.. and in foot everything in tho Grooeryand rrovuion. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, WUlow-wsre, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ao. Cull and see before purchasing elsewhere. v .... W. B. FURMAN & CO Sunbury, April 27, 1867. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! KliipXcr Si Wholesale A. IKetull aiealrrtt lu M HITIi St ItEU ASH COAL, In every varlvty. 8ole Agenti, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. ' Lowaa Wsr, Soxivar, T. Bunbury, Jan. IS, JcW. BOOK BINDERY JOHN HERMAN, Norlii Mill street, DAN V ILLE, PA., IB prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magatlne Mtuio, Aa.. In any styl that may be desired, at cheaper rate than ean be done in the eities. All Orders left at this Offiee, will reeeive prompt attention. pot. 19, '07 Coachmakers WE ar selling Rims, ftpokei, Hubs, Spring, Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, -, very low Large Olock at CONLEY m Suebury, March SO, lb6 'he M luinith ' :t'i ' t Air-' 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers