3J.WIL ' N. 8, Publishers. KtJSItlJItY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNK 13, 1868. J..L-1 J Eocal , Affairs. . Posters, handbills, circulars, bill and letter heads, csrds, envelope!, and all kinds of job printing, exe cuted at this offioo with neatness and dispatch. Qo. Conrad, Esq., haa oommonoed digging the foundation for his new hotel. Bask Dividend. The Milton National and First National Banks, of Milton, have each declared a semi-annual dividend of five per cent. Tni rain; season is not yet over, and Itrea in par. Ion and sitting-rooms, whioh were atarted cine months since, oannot yet be dispensed with. BBMOvm. The Soldier's Orphans Pchool at Orangeville, Columbia county, has been removed by Col. Geo. F. MoFnrland, Superintendent. The children wore taken away by that officer on last Baturdny week. n t I '! s Tns Life of Gen. Grant, written by Edward Hew. land, and Issued by Messrs. by J. B. Burr A Co, is b work that for Its descriptive style and fullness of information, will be a popular and Important contri bution to the litorature of the country. THr barn of Mr. Jonathan Miller, near Kerry! burg, Danpbtn county, was struak by lightning on Saturday cvonlng last, and entirely consumed by fire. Tho building was provided with lightning rods. Larqi Trout. Tho Middlebarg PoH says, that that the largest trout caught In that neighborhood in twenty years, was taken a few days ago, in a ne' set by Vi'm. Ifouti, in Middlooreek. . It weighed over two pounds. Co-Operatioh. A number of the workingmcn f Danville, are about organizing Co-Operatlve Butcher Shop. An institution of the kind should by ail means be started in Sunbury. It oannot help bat be profitable, and at the same time lower the prieo of meat. The fifteenth annual session of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Pennsylvania, mot in Williams. port, on Wednesday last. Mr. A. N. Brioe, of Uie Lodge of Good Templars of this plnoe, represented our Lodge on the occasion. Rn-OnoANiiRD. Tho Union League, of this plaoe, was ro-orgnnized ou Wednesday evening of last week, in the room of the Grand Army of the Republic. They will meet regularly every Wednesday evening. It is earnestly hoped that every borough and town ship in tho county will speedily organize a Longue. Capt. I. B. Davi and wifo,Wm. Hoinen, Esq.i and wife, D. IT. Drlcsbach, Esq., and Simon Came ron, Esq., loft Milton, on Wednesday of last week. for a trip through Missouri and Kansas. It is tho intention of the gentlemen named to prospect in thoee States with a viow to future settlement there, New Machine Pnop, Ac We call 'attention to tho advertisement of Geo. Rohrbaob A Son, who have established, in conncotion with their Foundry reoently rebuilt, a Machine Shop, with new first class Machinery and excellent machinists. Tuoy will pay particular attention to repairing all kinds of Machinery, and continue tho manufacture of thoir celebrated plows. ' Rainbow. On Saturday last, about 7 o'clock, P M., we witnessed this phenomena of nature in its grandest and most gorgeous stylo. The bow formed a eomplete areh in tho heavens. , The reflection formed a second bow with the colors invertod, and the dark spaae botween formed a beautiful broad bond spanning the entire eastern heavens. m m m The fruit crop, on the whole, this year, is another failure. The peach crop is hardly thought of. The trees are mostly dead and the living bear no fruit. Chorries are almost an entire failure, although the crop is an average oco in some localities. The same may be aaid of apples. In the west the apple orop is skid to be very good. Small garden fruits are doing well. The strawberries look well and promise a largo yield. Graduated. Wo are pleased to sco that A. A. f-hisslor, F-sg., of this plaoe, now one of tho principal .clerks iu the Treasury Department, at Washington, was one of the recent graduates of 1868, In the Law DepartmoDt of Columbia College, aOYsshiugteo. Mr. Skisslor graduated from .this office, some eighj years einee, and worked for some time at his trade iu Washington, ilia industry and talents, hare been progressive and wo are pleasod to learn that he passed a number ono examination. '. E. L. Du Barry, Esq., formerly assistant super ' ctondant of the Northern Central Railway Company, on the 1st Inst., assumed the duties of superintend ent of the Susquehanna Division, on the above road vice Hugh Pitcairn, Esq, resigned. Tho jurisdic tion of this oftloer extend from Uarrisburg to Sun bury, tho terminus of the Northern -t'ejitrid proper. Mr. Du Barry if a young man, of exsellent business qualifications, and will make a capital officer. Still they Comb. The Cicada, or seventeen year loousta, we are told, are appearing in great cumbers in this and the adjoining eonatics. They eo me out of the ground, mostly near' old trocs, and appear intent on becoming better acquainted with our farmers before they tako their departure. A Kunaway Accident. On Tuesday last, the wifeof John Bingnman, Esq., of Georgetown, and her two children were driving to Uniontowp, about eight miles distant, when near the.latter pWe,.ohe tide of the shaft Decease detached, tho horse faking fright, k ran on, throw in 3 Airs.. Bingaman and tbe 'children All not of Abe wagon. ' Mrs. J3's clothing becomUg .entangled, was dragged some distance over a rough jroad, and terribly bruised and but'. The oldest child, .woo is about nine years oloVhad. his arm broken, and was considerably bruised... The youngest child About three months old, h44t leg broken near the body. They were cpnyeyed, to .Hickory Corners, wbero their wounds were drersed by r. W. W ' Jtobbins, of that plaoe. Although it was thought at .first that Mrs. B. and her bo.be could cot survive, ,we are happy to state that they are in a fair way of recovery. -, , 7 Accinsaj. un JUouday oi last weak, young man earned Foe, residing near Selin's-Grove Station, fell from a freight train on tbe Northern Centra Rail" road, hear tbe station, and a foot badly crushed by the wheel of one of thenars. Drs. D. V. Wagenseller and C. W, Baekus, of Selin's-Srove, amputated the Got at the ankle. The anfortucato young nian, while lying on the track, after tbeaaoMent, narrow Jy escaped being run oyer by another, freight train' beforo he was? discovered ' ...' New roa Pjc-Nics. David Fry, Ssq., has com plated hit arrangement for the summer campaign. Hit variety of delloaclot for the 4U of July and pkt nic parties dnrlng the aeason; br scarcely equalled any whore. Jlr. Fry It, determined, that, these in teuding to enjoy thesoaalve during the hot summer months, shall aotbe in want of any luxuries, such at ice-creams, fanoy cakes, all kinds of fruits, A., equal to any fiu-abbed In the cities, lle is now ready to fill all jprdert from . thit and neighboring towns: at shor, noticed ' v Thi Parade ok the 4th or Jolt. The Odd- Fellows parade on the 4th of July next, at this piaee. promises to ne one or yie .largusi unt-ouu m mm yet come off in this partOf ,lb Slaj-e. ,Th,e jnvita; 'lions taut out by tbe eommittee ftf .arrangement! composed of member! f tba!ffcrant L6d here. are, beici: favorably rc3i.opSe.d to bj.tht Lodgps as4 Xeompweuti f this and nebWiwg oountiet, all of whom eapeot tie tam-out la full numbert. Put Grand Bire 3. BJNjooliPB,..gi,J,bildelphlal' Bad other prontfutnt T0l'r, wU tttrV addresses on tbeoocasioa.' Several Jwnris efmoaishave also been ogagd. The ebrs'fnittae are feusylnaking arrange, mtutt to make It not enly pleasant, (4 vititdrf, but also creditable to tbe order ' i Two IIcNoaap Dollar Commo to You ! A number of subscribers to the Riverside Institute in this place, have been notified that id the award of premiums of the grand distribution of April 30. they have drawn a premium of Two- h'ohdrkd dollar! ne more, no less, and that as soon as "ten dollars" is forwarded, betog an assessment of five- per oent,, the money will be fortheoralng. . Now, with all these flattering promises, who could fall tending on the tea dollan , and receive in return one hundred and ninety, or Its equivalent in wild oat oil ttoek ? And then the notification says, "to tare yetr trouble In writing back and asking what the award U, it will suffice in tolling you that you will bo highly pleated with the present." What stronger inducement can there be than that? We noed only say that toveral kind friends who have reoeived these papers all for two hundred dollars, too have earlea apon us to anhounoe their good luck, and at we oannot keep "a good thing" seoret, we have to tell our readers, and enly wish we could get a few hundred by re mitting tons wouldn't we do it? Just ooroe and look at our pooket book,-and yon will coed no fur ther answer. ' We learn that Messrs. Itoad A Co., who Issued the notices of the drawings of the Riverside lottery, have been arrested ou oomplainl of Mr. Gross, of Carbon county, who thought such a prize was worth going after individually, and so went on t New York. From hoadquartors he was sent to Philadel phia, and kept for several days on quite an animated traveliug tour at his own expense. The Middlecrebk Railroad. The Lewirlown Gazette, says, "since tho arrangement hetweon the Middltoreek 11. It., and the Shade Mountain Iron. Company for finishing the railroad from Selihsgrove U Boaver Furnace this fall, another similar arrange ment has been consummated by whioh the road is to be ootnpleted from Northumberland to Sellnsgrovt, a distance of seven miles, so that 19 miles will be in running order before tho close of the year. John McFarland, Esq., of Northumberland, will famish bonds for the delivery of tho necessary cumber of rails for the last mentioned eontraot. The addition al work It not to Interfere with the grading going on between Lewistown and Beaver Furnace." Grapes. The late severe winters have demon strated that most of the present varieties of grapes must be abandoned, and that none but the most hardy should be planted. With us, some of the old, and what we considered comparatively hardy vines, havo been killed partially and entire, such at the Catawba, Crevelling and Diana. The Catawba has had its day. The most roliable end hardy, at well as one of the very best grapes, is the Concord, and is beyond all question the grape for this country. The Delaware, though small and of slow growth, Is our finest flavored grape, and with us has proved hardy. Important Arrangement. An arrangement of niuoh importance to the coal, iron and lumber inter, est of this State, has been consummated between the several canal lines on the Susquehanna river and it8 branches, embracing the Wyoming canal, the West Branch and Susquehanna, the Pennsylvania, and tbe Susquehanna and Tide Water oanals. They re spectively bind themselves to operate their canals aa one line on all through tonnage, to pro-rata all through tolls, and to enlarge all of their oanals by the spring of 1871 to six feet depth of water. It is estimatod by the parties interested that tbe above arrangement will effect a reduction of one-half on the vast tonnage of anthracite and bituminous ooal, lumber, andiron. Clintm Rrpubliean. Cocnty Tkuperencb: Comvbstion. A Mass Meeting of all tbe male and female friends of Tem perance from ehurchea, schools and Temperance sooieties in Northumberland county, will be held in Sunbury, on Tuesday, June 23d, at 10 o'clock A. M. The Secretary will address the Convention in tho morning, and explain the object and plans of the State Union. In tbe afternoon a business meeting will be hold and the County Union will be recon structed. In the evening a pubtio meeting will be held, to be addressed by the Seoretary and uthers. Watsoktown. Tho Mittonian, says, that the people of Wataontewn are anxious to have a eubinct establishment and a machine shop, foundry, ic, established in their borough. There is uo doubt but that institutions of the kind would prove remunera tive at that place. The location is a good one. Tho borough is growing rapidly, and there is a eplcndid farming community turrouding it. m-mm ' Ton Mechanics' Lien. It is announced by Gov. Geary that hewill approve.on tbe first of August next, the bill passed at the last session of our Legis lature extending the mechanics' lien law, to repairs. and providing for the speedy trial of oertain easos where liens have been filed. All persons interested may govern themselves accordingly. It will be satisfactory to the discharged soldiers of tbe volunteer army, and to tho widows, heirt and ehildron of deceased soldiers, to learn that the long deferred bounty elaimt are now being adjusted with a rapidity that will toon exhaust the crowded filce of application. About two-thirds of these are tattled by the Paymaster-General, and the remainder by the Second Auditor. Tbe Northumberland County National Bank, of Shamokin, is making preparations to put up a bank ing house and residence, on tbe eorner of Sunbury and Washington streets, in that place. The build ing will be 28 feet front by 72 feet deep, containing two atoriea. of 11 and 101 feet in tbe clear, a metal lie roof, vault, Ae. It will be a neat,- substantial edifice, similar in style to the Lumberman t Bask at M'illiamsport. The eontraot has been awarded to Mr. Daniel Yost, who'is to complete it by January 1st, 1869. Grand Enterta inmbnts. Some of the ladios and gentlemen connected with the Lodgo of I. O. of G. T , in this place, gave two grand entertainments in the Maaouio Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday evening last, for the benefit ef their Lodge. They were well patronUed on both occasions. Their per. tonaianee t aonsisted of Tableaux, Dramas and Cha' radea. under the management of J. W. Johns, Esq. The performers were all of Uiit place, who did ad' mlrably oa their first appearance upon the stage. Some of the characters would have givou credit ta more experienced amateurs. ' A. D. C. N. The Democratic organs of this place notify the members of this order to meet on the 22d test. These caballstie letters, It ts said, signify "4 Uemocratio jCkate Negdetaript." ., BUSINESS NOTICES. lJol Prl.ntlnfr. Having reeeived large supply ef NW JOB lTl'Er of various new styles, Postort, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, iiotcer Heads. BillUoads. Labels. Ac. can be printed in the latest and lost stylos, and on short noljoe. Urdera-by mall promptly attended to. Vjwr hat been a large ttoek of Soot and Shoes reeeived at, the Excelsior Boot A Bhoe store, of tbe very latest style, which ean only be bought at Mil- Jar'. Excelsior eaoea are now being sold cheaper ithan ever. He ha alo added to his stukf shoes a large assortment of Trunks and Traveling Bags the finest ever brought to Sunbury, whioh will be told .cheap for cash. Call and see to Ratify yourselves. in The boaj tiful new Summer Hate just reoeived by Faust,; fheathloaable, Ratter, la Market Square, art tbe admiration of U who have teen them. Faust hat tbe largest atook.outtidt.of the elUes, aad be it oelehrated for hit low price. - He is prepared to furnish, a,t Uie lowest rates, anything in hit line of butinest. .,' . . m 11 i m ii Coa' Cosgb Baxsam.TJi great popular Reme dy for Copghs, Colds, Oronp, Whooping; Ceugh, and Consumptipn. BptbsUetr-rdiBary A tj., else wan moth family kottles-ur sal iy all dsuggisU and tlealfrt In medletneev So family eheuld e ever .night without jt m tbeheusa. . , . Strug Favorites. Miller' hoot and aboet, fbr iadtet an4 entemen, are nqrivalled thi (eatao, their reooreW tuperlerity In tiyla and manufae- turt plaelpi them fir in adranoe of all tlmilar effort. When you VaQt a really ttylilb and beotnln beot er shoe, call at the LittlMor .Boot ana cnoe cioie Mark fcauar ' ' "It was Paul," remarks a ootemporary, "who aid that Cleanliness IT next ta godliness." We think1 it tbe equal duty of Jttery aan t be appropri ately attired. "Neat but not gaudy," aayi Shakt peare. What we say it, that whether you leek It ready-made of oustom-made, you git good clothing at the Continental -Clothing Bazaar. Every taste can be -Wilted at Ihtt establishment, and at prions to disarm oompetltioriT . Mart a man asoribes bis entire sttceest In life to a proper linpres-ion, made at the proper time, upon the proper person. . Any one who attires himself at J. 0. Book's Tailoring establishment, on Fourth St., knows this for himself. In a suit of the pretty sum mer goods at Beck's evn a sloven oan make htmaelf gnlnly, and without startling bit pocket-book. 11.71- Cob's Dyspepsia Curb Will Immediately re lieve and permanently oure the most aggravated ease of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomaoh and Bow els. Physloians, clergymen and all who use it, join In unbounded praise of its great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere.' Pr ioe 1 .00. . K Lift III; It V M4KKF.TK. Corrected Weekly for the "Anerioan.,, Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do perewt. Rye Flour, . .. per bbl. do perowt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Oorn, new, ' do OaU, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per tound de do unpared do T, I -J A ' -. . . .1 tU 00 7 00 10 00 a 00 il 60 1 60 1 la 8.') 1 75 a;. 20 is 3 00 i: an ib Si 25 20 14 IS 18 60 Dried Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bu Butter, per pound, ?. Cheese, Lard, , Hams, Shoulders, ' Beef, hind quarter, " front " , Mutton, Cblokent, ' per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Shamokln Coal Trade. SbamokiN, June 8. 1B68. Tout. Cti't. Sent for week ending June 6, Per last Koport, 13.435 05 160,293 03 182,733 08 185,231 14 2.498 0B To tame time last year, Decrease, Special Noticea. 4Juil to .Tlarrliioro. Younz Men's Guide to Happy Marriage nnd Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane viows of benovolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abates Incident to Youth and Early 'Manhood, sent In sealed lotter envelopes, free of chare,. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. June 13, B. ly. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who had Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, oured himself with a medioine unknown to the profession, when his case appeared hopeless. He is the only physioian who nas used it in me own person, or wno uas any knowledge of its virtues ; and be can ascribe the de gree of health be now enjoys to nothing bat the use ot nis ntiaicine; and nothing nut uuer aespair ami entire extinction of all bope of reoovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those suffer ing with any disease of the Lungs be proff ers a treat ment he oonfidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.60 per bottle or $8 a bait dozen, sent by express. . Suud for a circular or call on Jjn. E. JJoVI.STON ilACKlO.N, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. May 30,188 ly. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with tbe utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oeul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the roost reliable sourcos In city and country can be teen at his office Tho Medical faculty are invited to acoomiany their pationta, as he bos no secrets In his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pain. No obarge for examination. nov.30-rly. QNE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' old established o.m: imc m i: CLOTHING HOUSE, OOl Market Ntreet, Ono door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the Ono Price Sys;eni, and we believe we are the only Clothing House iu the oily that strictly adheres to this prinoiple. Wo have earned a repu tation whioh wo ure proud of, for good tuste in seiuct tcood stylos and substantial material, tuul not less important, for having all our i;oods i:THA WVIA, 9IAII2. We employ tho bast talont, for Cutters, nnd our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes ean be suited. The prices are the very lowest, at any one by a moment's thought most tee, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the two plan upon whioh to do business, nnd many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by ks oping in mind JONE8' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth. I. J1.41ZIv, pialc-Hiiiun, ; April 4, 1863. ly ii.SOft.OOO (Stfttoniei's in Four Yram, PATRONIZE THE BEST. Havinff tho largest capital, most ezperiehced buy ers, and extensive Wado of any euaceru in the Dollar bale business, we . ... - OUARRANTKK SATISFACTION in every instance, and also tho host saloctionot Goods ever ottered at O.eli DUIXAK H.ICII. No other cenoorn has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, ''Prompt and Relia ble." Mule and fomule agents wanted in city and o,unny. Xlio Indies are particularly requested to try our popular elub system of selling ail kinds of DRY ASD FANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CASTORS. SILVER PLA'i'KD UOODB WATCH ES, Ao. (Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and a check describing an article to bo sold lor a dollar, 40 etsu 29 fof 2; 40 for M ; tr; L00 for10; tent by mail, rree present to getter up, (worth M per cent, more than those sent by any other concern,) according to slie of club Send us X trial club, or if Cot do not tail te send fbr R oh-cnlar. 1 N. B. Our sale should not be classed with"Ntw Tork doUarewelry talus or liogus "Tea Couipacies, 1 as u is uoiuiuic UI iue uri. EASTMAN A KENDALL. $5 Dauovor Street, Boston, Moss. Alay 23, C8. em. , Audttortl, Report of tlsc Jloanly 'axid of HuwJi 't'owvltiu, Kprth'd Cunty, Iinae Ull. colleetor of tha additional Bounty Tax, assessed and levied under speuial Act of the Legislature, approved tn llth dayol April, A. U lboft. , DR. Tomont of Duplicate, $1,116 70 ca. . .. C. Boyd, $978 tX 15 3U . , 64 08 88 0d By receipt of Troa., J " Exonerations, " Cuinmission, Receipt, e I. U. Torreoeo, Jeslah Reed, J. 0. Boyd and Charles Kate, CoaamUWe to procure lUoruit. .J. C. Boyd, Treasurer. ' ' "" . '-.. DR. t " To amount received of Collector, Hile, - fl ,020 31 Cash - P. Hanghaweut, 70 If . Or do en Joph Hummer, 13 27 lr103 77 I Due on settlement of April J, '67, 'I84T 41 Interest on Peter Baldy't Note, 160 89 Wkioi out Bovnty Taxation- treasurer"lCoin.-in t09$ 3j Expentei of Cowftivttee, IT 00 6 00 ' 81 00 ,-, . - w , i . fl,10S 17-1,103 TT J. B. Bassett, ) I - '" " c"c: R 4, . J .May 3, 1868.-3t. AudUets. LIGHT I LIGHT I LIGHT l ft. UVEIII.Y, THE Tiopular Photograper, Has Cited up, In the old Pont Office building, three door west of the railroad, Market Sqaare, ene ef the very beet Sky Light to be foaad ia tbe State, and is now prepared to take picture ef any kind, in ail klndt of weather, early and late. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along the babies wo ate now ready for tbein. COMB ONE ! COME ALL ! both great nnd small, see his new rooms, and ex amine specimens. FRAMES and FRAMING material constantly on hand and made to order. Bring along yur pictures and hare them framed oheapor than anywhere else. Coma and see for yourselves, Anything In the picture line constantly on hand or ordered. Copying done in all its branohet and colored at desired. Doth out and indoor view taken at short notioe and on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guarranteed, as our motto it ta please. All negatives oarofully preserved. Remember the plaoe ask for S. BYKU LY, Market Bquaro. JrtayJVea-ly " JACOB 8HIPMAN, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, SUNBUttV, FENN'A. REPRESENTS. : Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co., New York Mutual Life, Girard Life of Phil'a. A Hart ford Conn. GcnornJjAocidont. , ' All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ao. . , . Miscellaneous Books, a good tssort ment. All the now books received as soon as published, ar-d for tale at Publishers' prices. ' BIBLES, Prayer Boobs and nymn Books, in every stylo of binding. Catbolie Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various style. DICTION ARIKBof all sires. M Q W 3 tt Pr N W o a w w Juveniles and Toy Books, a large assortment. Illnnlc ItookH d Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and. Hole rapors. . - , . . , COPYING BOOKS, Inkstand, Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and Counting IIouso Stationery generally. PHOTOGRAPH and dear. ALBUM3 cheap o w M ta W H n m a Gold Pens and Holders. Pooket Books and Bill Wllets. Pioture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American French. Ao. Drawing Paper, all sizes, Bristol Board, Ao. j Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ao. i : Baokgamuioq Boards, Uanius, Choss-1 men, Ae. Toys a largo and complete assortment l)ase-iaus ana uais. f iwimg ituuj and Tackle. Porfuuie. Bruhoinian and Parisian! Mamies, ao. Gold Pens re-pointed. Lamps, Shades, Globes, Chimneys Ac. Wall Paner and Border, all kinds. Window Curtains, Paner Gilt and Oilod. Musio and Musical Instruments. ITAll kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. aii rue UHiivana n ecsiv I auurs nuu woimiu" A irent for tha "American Oriran." Also for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and "National Steam Navigation Company Sunbury, JUny It), loha. . SPRING TRADE 1808. M. 1,, IjAZARUS, would oall tbe attention of the public, and her oustomcrs generally, to her large and now assort ment ot Fancy ana Domottie Ury jiood. Which consist of Ponlins. DelainB. Chcnes, Allapac cas, Crapes, Urenadines, iron unreges, i.awns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Cbinttce, At., IV bite UonrxlH. Cambrics, Stoys, Organdies, Victoria, Plaid Muslins Alarsailies, rique, 1'ruiiogs. n igans, xuusnna, (bleached and unbleached.) Table Linon, Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Bed Spreads, Ao. Gloves. Hosiarv. L'unuits. Hood Skirts. Dress Trim mines, (in vanetv.) Ijauies anu uenis iiiuunir- ohiefs, Neok Ties, and notions in variety too nuiner ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury, May 0, 1808, , ' JJ IF you have a picture you want framed, go t( ' llyt-rl v'm and get it done cheaper than any. where else in town. Hu bus mouldings of all kiudi constantly on hand. ' ' 1 iVAI.I, ' PAPKKS. )APERHANGINGS'. AH IMMENSE STOCK OP WALL PAPERS, KKW AND ELEGANT BTVLES FOIt l'AHI.ORS, HALLS, ETC., WIKILESALK AND nF.TAIt, HOWELL A BOURKE'S, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, lbiludeliliia. March ?8,-'68, 3m. - IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blistor Steel, Prill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horso Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vioos, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and FiUu, at CO i.' LEY A 00 8 AV. A. J5ENNETT, ; PRUGGIST AXD CHEMIST, Mlarket Kqunrr, Hil .HUICr, ln. Has just opened afresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines! unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con. stand t on hand. My stock will always be found coniplote in every article of merit in Medicine ' Phvsioians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! My stock it unusually large and embraces every thing that ean be fourid on a first elaas Toilet Table, ineiding American end genujue French and Eug- ' . PERFUMERY, PomaieSfc Hair Oil,., lvoty, 'Gutta ; Tcrcha, Wood J- and Horn Comb, .Toilet Soaps, Hair. Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Bruthos, ia. ' -T ' JPalead Jtledirlnot; Embracing all the most popular Preparations of tbe day, at manufacturers' prioes. Pur Havana 5EGARS and COEWIIM TOBACCO, . . -.0f jne DOTj Brands. - Iaint, Oiltt, Ulitr, ' WIkmh,. Pully, ' TurnlMhH, Ac ' ' All my TincUuuH, Syrups, Ointment, Cerates, and other preparation a) smuvilaoUued by myself, and from the beet material I etui prooure in Market. Having bad quite a number ef y.aart' experienoe in tno ; . Drug and Preeription Btnrinet, both iff Philadelphia oftd the oountry, and alto the advantage or tne to;iege or armaey, i reel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Phvsioians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations at 1 have above assorted, are made troni tne uesi material, ana upon norior I assert, they are of offioial streneth. For jw.o4iun.al j urosesj 1 koop on hand the very WINES, BRAKiHEB AND LIQJL'OUS, that I can nroeura. 1 1 Before purchasing elsewhere, eall and oojtvuic your owa wind. .. W. A. BENNETT, fcunhury, May IB, 1868. .. ; ta.eMttortj AsKlee, - Estate of Catherine Broolons, dseeased. NOTICE i hereby given that lottarj .testamentary haviug been granted to the wnjersianed, on the estate of Catharine Broeious, late of htwu JJWoy townBbJp, Northumberland eounty, Pa., doeeased. All person knowing themselves indebted to aaid estate are requesiea to WU.B iinmeutas jpaymeai, and those having elUus to pretant thwa .duly au thenticated for settlement. ANDREW Din T, Sxeeutor. UrMahuwy,Mayt,a8 t TF you vast picture, of any kind, gf yoarself or Jl irientt, go xo s erijr JMV juaraet tiquare, near tne rauruaq. : HJKKJJ aapl get tit beat picture? Why at llverli's. oi ooitue. Always go to nyerly anii judge for yourself. T EMEMBER BTfrlj'tJ new- Pioture Gallery, J y three doors westei toeraiiroea.naraeinquaie IfANCY CAKES RESPECTFULLY .Informs the citir.ens of Sun bury and Vioiutty, that be will bake to or dor all kinds of 4'nU-is 0r Hullo, I'nrttrw, Ac. Families irotuppllcd with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Hunt, An., and also kopt on hand manafnctnrrd out of the best materials. All orders loft at his Shoo in Market Square, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinory Store, or at hit Bakery on Spruoe Stroot, between Front and Bccond streets, will niootwitn prompt ntieniion. PICNIC PARTIES tunolled with Cakes, Ioe- Creain, Ac, nt tho shortest notice Orders are respectfully solicited.) DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May J, 1888. SUNBURY MAKBLE THE undersigned having bought tho icntiro slook of Dlssincer A Taylor, would inform the public that ho is now ready to do all kinds of rparblu work ; bason hand, and makes to order at short notice, WoiiiimcntH and IIoikI-SIoiich, of every style to suit pnrebesB'. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Ccmctcrv Posts with Galvanised nino and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will coulinue in the employment, ai tho old stand in Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. May 2, 'tis. ly.J W. M. DAUOIIERTY. THOMAS G. ITbTT.""' MEHCHANT TAILOR, MARKET SyUAllE, SVSBURY, PA., JJAS just received a large and well-tulectcd stuck STRING AND SUMMER GOODS ' consisting of tho finest CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES AND VESTINC.S ever brought to Sunbnry, and which he promises to sell cheaper than the oheupest. Having the services of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good tit in every instanceinferior to qno outside of the eitios. Everything from my establishment will be guar anteed as represented. THOMAS G. NOTT. Sunbury, MnyOlh, IPOfl.-tr "SPRING FASHIONS IN Miss LOUISA BHI3SLER, THE popular Millinery, south sido of Mnikot Square, Sunbury. is desirous of culling tbe attention of the public and trado to her unique and handsome assortment ot MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCDS. just opened. On hand and mnde to order, aro (he latest and most superb styles of Ilrlrial, 31 im I iif;' ninl Irr-OMM Hon. 1K'. ;iul Ifiitsi. Also, asplcndid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowors, Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collars, Ao. Gontleuieu's Hoods, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Neek-tic. Brushes and gfiods for tho toilet. Also, a Una assortment of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A call is only required to be convinced. ' N. B. Spocial alttntion Is directed to a fine lot of Ladies' Dress Cars nnd Uond Dresses, t ' , , LOUISA SH1SSLER. APi!L1ft1gw- . ' " - itooTM " a.i mn;s. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH IT. G. THACHER, Msnufiicturcr of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CAI.F HootN, Xliorsi nnd init-if4, , Pleasants' Building, Mnrket Square, SUNBURY, PA. ,' , Ladies' Boots, Shoe? and Gaiters of all description'1 made to order op the shortest notice and most rea" eonahle tonne. Having the best workmen employed, we oan assure the publio that, if they will give us a call, they will he satisfied of the above facts. RE PAIRING neatly done with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feet, Just call and leave your inoasuro, And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will oall a treasure. March m, '88 ly, ' sunbtjjty 8t-eam saw mill. iTIIi.m.iiui:aga., . Manufacturer and Doaler in all klndt of TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALING &2SIIIX- .... QLES. ' Also, Flooring, Shelving, Siding, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Moulding, .to. Corner Raco Street and River Road, SUXBUR Y, Pa. April 4, 1808. - i J. W. Stevenbon. - ' A. X. Brice. , ATTRACTION AT IIAUPT'S NEW IRON FRONT'.! STEVENSON &; BUICE, HAVE opened up a now and dosirablo stock of Goods in Haupt.'s Nuw Buildinir, consistini; iu part of a splendid variety of Americuii YVntfliOH, UOLIJ WATCHES, BOOKS, CLOCKS, jkwelry; eTATIuUEHY , ' SILVER-WAUK, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Ware, Cutkry, ' pictures, Looking-Classes, &c, &&, fcc. ' Call and examine our stock. Our aim will bo to pleaso and satisfy all who call. Sunbury, April 1.9, 186S 3m SPRING , AND SUMMER Millinery G oods, ?tl. I.. Jo!Isr, bcgl leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbnry and vicinity, that she ha just opened a largo uud vuriod stock of MIL LINK KY GOODS, Tho latest New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broi lerin, Edgings, Laoes, Woolen Caps, Haudker chiofs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of FanoyWotions, Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Perfume ries, fibaps, Lilly Whito, Enamel of America, Sta tionery, o., &o. .Call and examine for yourselves. Ko trouble to show goods Sunbury, April ll 1888. FARM .FOR RENT ! FARM, oontainiug about 70 acres cleared land, witn dwelling, &o.,suuato in Shamokin town Mortbumharland county, is offered for rent ou sbj, J reasonable terms. For furtbor particulars, apply at the Merchant Tuilor Shop, of J. 0. Reck, on fourth street, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, April 11,1663. M :isi H oil- TDC aubscribcrc having ju.4 erected acd put In operative a Mill for the luunuAwturo of LINSEED OIL, offer tbe highest market price furFLAXSKED. 'JMiey have attached to tbeir establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers nnd others wanting gram chopped for feeding, ean be accommodated at tho shortest notice. A machine for ohopping corn w ith tne eon is attached te tne mm. MORGAN &MASSER. January 25, 18o8.-ly BEEVES' AMBROSIA IMPROVED! It it an elegant Dressing for the Hair. Jl oauset tho Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps Ulo ealp Clean and Healthy. It Invlgoratos the Root of tbe Hair. Itforoe the Hair and Board to grow lusuriautly. jt Immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair frcun .Changing Color from Age. It restore Grey Hair to It Original Color. It brings out Hair.ou heads that have been bald for yean. It jt composed entirely of simple nd purely vegeta ble substance. It bat received over U thousand volaetary tosti mouialtofltt aicelleac., many of whioh are from physiuiau in high sUuoUiig. ft b told in half-poend bottle (the lauie blown in the glut), by Druggists and Dealers in Funcy Good everywhere, at One Dollar per Boole. Wholosale by Denial Barnes A Co. F C. Wells A Co ; Si'hicfiV tin A Co , New Vrk. March 21, 186e-m SPRING OPENING, GREAT FALL IN PRICH1! Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BEST GVU-X.itT For the LEAST MONEY, SMALL PROFITS AND SALES ! QUICK CASH ii. v. niitno, at the MAM0TH STORE, Market qcauk, bunbcuy, rr.NN'A., Has just received and opened tho I5i:ST filJI. l:CTiqp and riXE.ST ASSORTMENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merinos, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Cujsiuicrcs, 4o. Delaines nnd Armurcs. Pomcstia Cottons, trown and Ijleacaed. NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, Gloves, Men's and Ladies Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A full BSsortiuent of TRIMMINGS. Builders will find my Stock of Hard w lire, I'aintM, Olia, 4.I:ihh, kc, Complete. Drugs and Mridioiues, Willow and CHanvta-n, s Quccntware, Glassware, Crockery, Call BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AM) CA13, and in fact everything usually kept in a large Store Call and be convinced that the CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR fjOODS it at The Mammoth Store. SI. "if. FHILINO, T ertnsi Cah,-30 days, as my floods are bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for the READY MONEY. 1 give tho trade the ad vantage of sit reductions aa fast as they are niade by MauuhiCturors. h. Y.rniMNo, yunbiuy, April IS, lRrt. sioo nnwini? For a medicine tint will cure CtUOlt? INFLUENZA, TICKLINO in llw THROAT, ... WHOOI'INO t'(JIXlt, ot rehtv -COfSUMPTiVli OOI.OI13, as quirk as UOE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVIIR ONE MILLION DOTTI.h.9 hav 'been sold anil uol a single instance of ils failure is. k nitwn. We hnve, in nur puflBessi'iii, any q.ianlityof Cei tificQieo, eoine of theinfriiui . . .. KM I.N K.N T PHYSICIANS who hsve ud it, in iucir piunuce, ami aivetf it the pro- iiiiiviiuc I'vrrevcijr ntnrr eom"Oiu. I f DOKS) NOT tiftV VP A COUGH, but I.OOUKN It'. lo enal.lathe patient to erjivfiuiate freely. Two or lliroe iloa s. Will Invarutih caa Ticslih im tna Tanost ! A hilf tintdpliKi nftp,, ciin.irlv cured the most Stub born CoukIi, sad jrm. th mpiau is so suieanil siietdy in its iwratioii, it prrfwaly liurntku, Imins purely voyetnlili Il is very agreuuhle ui tti two, and may be ndtnllinleitd to children ut any nao. In cases of CKOltp we will nrante a cure, if taken i" uasun, NO FAMILY HHOUI.D HP. WITIIOI T IT! It is within Ihe reach of all, it being the cheapest end I "it medicine extant. C. Q. CLARK A CO., Proprietors. WEW IIAVK.N, CONN. April IS, 1SW. if a O E ' s DYSPEPSIA CUP.E. THIS GREAT RKMEDV I'OIl ALk D1SF.AUE8 u the BT O M A O II O is the discovery nf the inventor of Cue's valuable CitjRh Unlsuin, while experimeiitma for hisown health, flenicd Crump iu the Blomni h for him which had liefoi yielded to mithiitfr hot rhlnrofonn. l:lia Bluiost daily testimony from vnrinus parts of the country enennrne tis to Ijrlir.ve thlre is no disttisi: csusi-d by a dtsoruered slnmaeh it will not speedily euro Physicinna endorse niU Vce it I M-inistor Rive tentimorfy of its efilcnoy. And from all directions we receive tidings of cures per- formed. DYSPEPSIA! It is sure to cure. HEARTBURN ! One dote will ours. SICK-HEADACHE ! Il has cured in hundreds nf casi HEADACHE AND DlZZINE! It (tups ill thirty minutes iCIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It conects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It slops immrdiaic!)' DISTRF.S3 AFTER EATING : One dose will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few d.isos. DAD BREATH ! Will he changed with half a bolll. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESf). Its U.NrBECEDffjTEP SUCCESS is owing to ths fact that It Curos ly AHiStiii4 TVatitre TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM t Nearly evory dealer ill the United Stales soils it nt ONE DOI.LAll TER BOTTLE'. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, COSJ. April 18, lSftK. ly. r. n. moore. r, c. DissjsoEn. Sow 1'lrm J Sow W tore I Xcyr Itoom! and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! ORpAT REDUCTION IS PRICES! JIOOKK USSIMER, Ilayo just opened a carefully selected stook of HEW U(XDS, in Hmipt'i Sew Iron Front, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PEXK'A Consisting of DRY OOOD9, MOTIONS, GROCERIES, (JUEENt? WARE, GLASSWARE. nnd a full lino of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND I. utiles BrcHi food!t, Cnlicnes, Mutdins, Flnnncls, Talilo Linens Toweling. Checks, Tiukinc;, Counterpanes, Cussimeres, Vesting;, Yarns, (skirts, Nock Xief, Culls, Collars Handkerchief?, lluie, Oil Cloth, Curpets, Wood aud Willow-Ware. Wo invito spocial attention ta tho quality of our .Stock of r.atocE:mi:s asi svii :i:s, RIO and JAVA COFFUE, TEAS, KUOARS, JUDLASSES, SYRL' PS, SOAP, SALT, i ISH, VINKUAR, Ac, &o. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand Wo feel conlidcnt that cash buyers will find it to their advantage to give us a call, and customers generally are invited to oall and examino our good and get posted on pur prices. By strict ajteutiwn to tiio wauls of our customer and fnir dealing wo hope to merit a full share of tho public patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex change for goods, lor which tho highest prioe will bo paid. MOORE & DISSINGER. Funbury, April 11, '63. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and sec th9 well eclected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING.?, Ac Just received at .i MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, rourtli street, below Eystor 8 Store, 6UNBLKY WINTER CLOTHING of tho most approved stj los is made up to order . reasonable ratos. He bus also a fine assortment of Caiuioie Fhirt.", Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties. Cofton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, U loves, and a general variety of OENJ'LEJJEN'S FURNIBU1N( UOODS, Givo him a eall, which you will find te be to your advantage. Sunbury,. Got. 19, 1667. N 1 W D R Y GO 0DS AND Fresh Groceries! On Third 8t., one door below the Lutheran Church, SUNBURY, PENN'A. HEJNTR-5T PETERS, Has just opened a l'uge assorUaeut of DRY GOODS, such as Calicoes. Delaiacs, Muslims, Ac. Ao. and PROVISIONS of all kinds, tuoh as SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL 01 1 Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuti Dried and Cauqed Fi uits, Phonos, Jttaisins, Checsu, aud Crackets, aud in fact evorythiug usually kept in the tlrooery line. Hums, Fish. Coal Oil,' Crockery-ware, tiuoentwarn Ula-wa,re, Willow-ware, Ao. The best TLOUR and MEAL in the Market. Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowoa prices. Country FroUuoe taken ,n cicbange for floods. tJrCall and cxauiiue niy touk, and, satisfy your elvos. n.ERY PETERS. Sunbury, April 85, 1867. ' COUNTRY DEALKRi supplied with all kinds of Stoue Ware at lest than r'aotory prioes at Har risburg, laving paokace, breakage nnd freight, at the Muuitnutli bluro ot li. Y. FltlLi.SU. A LARGE supply of Wall lUtor nnd Llurilci-, juil rooeivod aud i"i' tale cheap, at the Mammoth Stert of . ' II V 1IUUN'. April 1. ISrW.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers