N. B. EKOtB, J ?ublihori. ; SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1868. Eocat Affairs:; A tABOE srroc of Wall Paper, Border end Car tabu, very oheap, at Lightner A Zotgler's Book Store. Taa place to buy Books, Stationery, kt-r Is at the old itand ef Lightner A Zelgler.- J. II. Eiioiti baa just received eomfl very nlee plain good! for ladies' dresses. Also some Tery handsome cloth forladlee' saoktng, at reduced prion!. Tea Couimo Fourth. Our Lutheran friends of this plaoe Intend giving a dinner on the approach ing fourth of July, the proceeds to be mod in pay log off the debt of their parsonage. Miss M. L. LAf.Anos has just opened her spring lnok of Millinorr. Dram Goods. Notions, Ac. She lias splendid assortment, and will sell at Tery low prices. See advertisement. At the recent session of the Northumberland Pres. bytery,at Mtney, Hon. Alexander Jordan, of 8un bury, was appointed one of the Commissioners to the General Assembly meeting at Albany, . i., to be Leld on Thursday, 21st lost. Fei Bills. We have printed a large number of Justloes' and Censtabtes' Fee Bills, which we sell at ten cents per oopy. They contain the feet al lowed by the act of Legislature passed In March last. We are now prepared to supply all who wish them. Donatio. Rev. Mr. Vandlne and lady were the recipients of a donation, on Thursday of last week, In the shape of a handsome new carpet for their residence on Arch street. Tho present was given by members of the reverend gentleman's con gregation. The New STone. Messrs. Moore A Dissinger, of the Iron front, in Haupt's building, have been do ing a large business since they opened their store. They have a fine stock of goods, sell at tho Tory lowest figures for oash, and as a consequence have a good run of custom. Sal or Real Estate. A. J. Strch, auctioneer, on Saturday last sold the property of David Ilauck, deceased, In Lower Augusta township, consisting of a tract of land of sixty acres, with improvements, to the widow of deceased, for (2,900. Charles Haas is executor of the estate. Parsoxaob. The members of the Reformed Church in Upper Augusta township intend building a parsonage this season. The contract for the erec tion of tho building will be awarded at tho arbitra tion room, in the Court House, on Saturday, 23d Inst., at two o'clock, P. M. Nbw Partnership. Our young friend, Joe Zoigler, lias lately entered into partnership with N. F. Lightner, in the Book and Stationery bnsinoss, in Pleasants' building, Market Square. The estab lishment is dojng a good business. Success to the now firm. Their advertisement will appear next week. Ocr friend, Dr. Bennett, has just returned from Philadelphia, and has brought with him a largo and fine assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Canes, Ac. We are pleased to note his return, for when any thing in his line of burinoss is needed he can be de pended upon. Ho is well skilled in Pharmacy, and is au honest business man. Wb cull attention to tbe advertisement of Mr. T. Q. Kott, Morchant Tailor, who has lately taken charge of tho establishment next door to Slayma kcr's clothing bazaar. Ho has all the latest styles of goods, and is well prepared to suit nil who wish to adorn themselves with neatly-fitting and woll made garments. Give him a call. Financial Atcaihs of the Borouoii. In the proceedings of the Borough Council, published in another column, will bo found tho Borough Audi tors' report for ISO", which gives the nmount of in dobtcdnens at $9,127 99. Wo nro plcnsod to state that tho debt is being stendily reduced, under the good innni.geuient ef our officers. They deserve tbe thanks of our cititens for the interest taken in tho prosperity of the Borough, and we may reasonably rxpect, hoforo long, tho cancelling of the entire debt, if wc arc fortunate enough to secure the ser vices of good and faithful officers in the future. Killeo. We regret to stato tbat Esq. McGregor, of Northumberland, was killed at Lewisburg sta tion, on tbo pliiltt. t Erie Railroad, on Wednesday night last, by being run over by a freight train. He got on the 6.35 train, at this place, on Wednesday evening, intending to go to Northumberland, but was carried post that plane to Lewisburg. Both of bis leg; were out oil', and ho lived but a short time after the accident, llu was about 60 years of ago, and was an old resident of Northumberland. St. Mattmsw's Cnrr.rn. At a roccnt meeting of the Vestry of Bt. Matthew's (Episcopal) Church, the following persons wero elected Var lens : Rector's Warden, Wm. I. Grcenough ; Vestry's Warden, Oeo. W. Smith. The following gentlemen wore elected doUv-utes to thu Diocean Convention, to be held iu Philudclphia, on Tuesday, 12th inst : Wm. I. Grcenough, Geo. W. Smith and N.Ferree Lightner. RonnriiT is RvsiiTowxsnip. Ou Tuesday night, 28th ult., Mr. Frank Van Osten, a farmer, living in Rush township, this county, was robbed by bis hired man, named Bennct Gateman, of three watches, a fine black dress coat, two puirs of kid gloves, a pair of fine boots, and a small amount of money. The scamp bad been at work for Mr. V. about two woeks and arose early on Wodnesday morning and de camped with bis plunder. Lf.itcke. Major A. R. Calhoun, ("Are," of tho Tress,) will deliver a leoture lu tho Masonio Hall ou Thursday evening, 14th inst., under the anspices of Post 105, Grand Army of the Republic, of this place. Subject "The New West." The lecture will be descriptive of the route of tbe Kansas Pacific Railroad, recently surveyed, the Major having ac companied the surveying expedition through to San Francisco. He Is a brilliant speaker, and our citi tens may anticipate a very iutoresting lecture. BnmnT's New BriLDisa . During the past week the old frame house on tho north-east corner of Market Squaro waa torn down, preparatory to tho erection of a bandsume new building. The itruo tore will be 22 feet fronting ou Market street and 65 foot on the Square, running back to the Central Hotel property, and will be three stories in height. Wo understand that all tho rooms have already been rented. Mr. Bright hoi removed his drug store, temporarily, to Miss C. Daliui' building. Hon. Alexander Jordan. A complimentary supper waa given to Hon. Alcxandor Jordan, at the City Hotel, Williumsport, on Wednesday evening of last week, by tbe Lycoming County Bar. Address ea were dolivered by Gen. Fleming, Judge Jordan, Hon. 8. C. Wingard, II. C. Parsons, Esq., Hon. James (Jumble, Judge Benlley, and G. W. Young man, Esq. Tbe withdrawal of Judge Jordan from the Courts of Lycoming county, in oonsequenoo of the creation of a new district, waa tho occasion for this mark of respect, and everything connected with it paused off in a pleasant and agreeable manner. . TJnuuhmeo. In pursuance of an order issued aorr.e lime ago, the employee! of tbe Northern Cen tral Railroad Company made their first appearance in uniform oo Friday of lant week. It has been deemed expedient to designate) and prescribe inch peculiar uniform or external apparel, to be worn by otrmors, agents and employees engaged In or about pawenger nations, or on or about passenger trains, at shall plainly ditlnguuh to all travelers all luch persons, and that imch nniform or aprarol shall plainly ludical or dUtinguisb Ibe position or rack "f tbe ussier in tbe employment of the company- CocxctL Pftocif niitQi. Coonoll met onluesds evening last, ktTo'olook, it being the slated slight of meeting. Chief Bargeia BBentH U taeehalf. Members present Messrt. Bourne, Cadwetledef, Cooper, V.arkle, Beck, Dunham, Dleuenderfer, Gs) flnger.Reqn and Diets, . , . . Mlnnte ef laat tneMlpg read Bid approved . Tho auditing committee submitted their report for 1887, wbloa wal as follow! t ' ' To the Burgesses ani Councilman of tht Si rough of Sunbury ! The undersigned auditors, appointed to audit the aocounts of the Borough, re spectfully report that we nave audited the account of George Bright, Treasurer of the Borough, for the year 18tt7, and find as follows ! GEORGE BRIGHT, TREASURER ', DR. - - ' 1867, March 25 To oash of Oeo. Weleer, . uolieoior, iuu uu "u n ii ii 634 CO ii -ii ii 2739 70 ii " " 800 00 Ii i ii 3,273 SB ii ii ii 2.810 93 i .i ;.i 300 00 i i ii it 2,t03 6T i ii ii ii 81 60 ii J DIemer, Colleotor, 60 00 " cash of Donnel'i es tate, 30 00 " cash of C. P. Mar tin, ferry rent, 77 75 oash of Donnel'i es tate, SO 00 " oash of J. DIemer, Colleotor, 73 00 " cash of E. I. Bright, Ch'fBur.,cir li'e, 184 00 11 coupons from K. V, Bright, 260 0 " April 11 " July. 8. " Sept. SO. " Deo. 21. 1B69, Feb. 17. 21. ' March 5. ii i, i, 1887, May 1ft. July 19. "' Sept. 12. Not. 18. it i SO. 18S3, Feb. 17. ii ii ii 113,017 41 32 09 Due Treasurer, Bright, (13,(150 10 (12,228 B9 CR. By Borough orders paid, " Poor ' " Percentage on (13,382 40, at 2 per ct. , 1,153 67 267 04 $l:,650 10 Gxonoc Wbiskr, Collector of Poor, Borough, Road and Bounty Taxes for 18CC t DR. To amount of Duplicate of 1880, ( 1 2, 178 89 CR. 1868, Oat. 13. By cash paid Benj. Hun dricks, Treasurer, $1,070 79 K05 60 H 60 1.4.10 68 762 42 90H 87 1.000 00 1,001) 00 m oo ' Dec. 22 . 1867, Jan. 14. " " ' Feb. 9. ' " " ii t ii i ii ii ii " March 8. " " " " it ii ii ii ii ii ii 11 " 25. " ossh paid Geo. Bright, Treasurer. 490 91 100 00 (184 01 2.33.1 01 820 67 645 77 225 27 " April 13. " " " " " July 8. " " " " Exonerations, Percentage on (10,915 43, at S peret., Amount overpaid on Duplicate of '65, (12.507 09 By balance overpaid, Duplicate of 1SCS, (30 20 INDCDTEDXE8S OF THE BOnoCGrt BOSPS. Name. John B. Packer, Wo, I. Orcenough. John 11. l'aoker, Win. I. Orcenough, Philip Huff, E. P. Kobach, Peter II. Coble, A. Ii. Bo.vcr, Joseph Myers, P. F. Zimmerman, Borough ordors unpaid, Poor " " Now bonds issued, Amount. (1150 00 850 00 837 00 8C7 00 100 00 300 00 200 00 ll'O 00 200 00 2no 00 (1134 00 728 76 293 38 1.027 14 8,600 00 fl.1,761 l 800 00 Greenough's est., judgment, suppose !, $14,561 14 Liens entered for paremonta laid, fl.74J 39 Duo from collector of ISB7, 1,665 73 I. T. Clement, 3 years' ferry rent, 430 00 Due from S. B Buyer, ns per his statement, 8j(i 00 Due from Sol. Suladol, late colleotor, 692 13- 5.133 15 J9.127 99 Total amount of Indebtedness, Respectfully submitted, Jon G. Waiikle J. M. Caowallahe Auditor J. Wr.ISKH Bl'CIIKR Suubury, May 6th, 1868. On motion the report of auditors was adopted. On motion an order was granted to Geo. Bright, late Treasurer, for $32 69, balance due him on set tlement. The following bills were presented and orders granted : Musser, Wilvcrt A Engle, for advertising, &a. $50 "9 A. A. A J. Youneman, " ' 31 00 Geo. Harrison, fur services as High Constable, 6 OS Samuel Clement, Street Com'r. and others, for work done on streets and river bank, amounting in all to 2t7 21 James Haywood and others, for work done oil river bank, during tho late freshet, 42 50 James Beard, for administering oaths of offi cers. Ac, 11 25 Schastiun Loughner, Street Commissioner, and others, amounting in all to 25 30 Bill of A. N. Brioe presented for $7 50. On mo tion an order granted for $3 00. On motion an order was grunted to Philip Huff for $0 00, interest due on bond isrucd In favor of Elizabeth Meltlor. Ou motion, the finance committee were iusiructci to push tbe claim against Ira T. Clement for settle ment of ferry rent. On motion, Resolved, That the collector bo in structed to notify all parties whose taxes of 18C7 are not paid by Juno 1st, that the same will be collected by levy, and that acopy of this resolution, with seal of Borough attached, be given to the collector. On motion, Resolved, That the Council accept proposition of Uco. Bright, to exenvate his cellar, for the earth. On motion, Resolved, That the oommitteo on pavements be intruded to proceed immediately with the laying of the same, after giving thirty days' notice. On motion, Rtsoticd, That the Chief Burgess in. struot the Street Commissioners to make all soocs sary repairs on streets and bridges. Mr. Markle proposed to furnish brickbats and dirt, to be thrown en the east end of Market street, provided Council pay for hauling of the same. On motion, proposition was accepted. On motion the resignation of George Harrison, as High Constable, was accepted Tbe blank bonds in the bands of the late Chief Buigess were destroyed by Council On motion, adjourned. Arrest. On Monday last a pedler, named Jas, Quinn, was arrested at Northumberland, and taken before Esquire Little, of that place, charged, with peddling without a license. Tbe arrest was made by John B. Hawley. The Squire discharged tbe prisoner, on condition that be would pay or satisfy Hawley. Quinn paid Hawley twenty-fivo dollars, which was demanded of him, and afterwards eatue to Sunbury and made Information against nawley for fraudulently obtaining the money. A warrant was issued by Esquire Beard, and Hawley waa duly arrested by Constable Pursel. Hawley bad a bear, lug before the Squire, and was bound over In the sum of $400 fur his appearance at next Court. The ' pedler, who ii soldier, bad In hi! possession a 11 cense granted by tbe oourt la Philadelphia to sell good! anywhere in the State. JJw Haii-eoau Tho Miltoniaa ssys : Wo understand that tbe Catawissa K. R. Co. bare con eluded to extend tbeir road from this place to Wll liamsport, on this side of tbe river, passing through MoEwensville and near Turbutvilie, thus tapping tbat rich agricultural reglou la tho upper end of the oounty. This appears to us to be a good move. Tbe singlo section of road betwuen this plaoe and Wil liamsport is now oompelled to do duty for tbree railroads tho P. E-i Catawissa and Northern Central -11 of them doing a hsavy freight business .A h.vtnir a fair amount ot passenger traffic. The aanseaueneo is that the road is continually block aded with trains ; overy switch and side traok is in us and much detention is caused thereby. Wo trust therefore for tho good of all tho roads, as well r mi friends in the upper end, tho new road will t pushed through as rapidly as posslblo. Tor Oak Law Tho following supplomeot to an act for ib J Aettor-proWratlotil Dfptme and In. McUtIouj birds, approved April SI, 1868, was passed by tbe last Legislature : . t BiOtio 1." He it enacted ly tii tat' end JTonstof kfprt sentctufs f tht Vommonvtaltk of Ptmnstilvunia in Otneral Assembly met, and tl is hereby enacted ey tht authority of tht oamt, That tho time for shooting partridges shall com Bienoe on the SOih day of Ootober and end on tho loth day of Deoember In each year, , . SEC. 2, The penalty provided by the 2J seetloh of the act, to which this Is a supplement, be and tbe same is hereby Inoreased to (25, and the penalty provided by tbe 1st section of the said act be and is hereby increased to the sum of (25,; and the reme dies provided by said law for oollooting said penal tins, shall be and aro horeby made applicable to the law ' hereby amended, and all laws and parte of laws inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. - - The BaiiKRorf Law, Ann Who Mat TAeti AovANtaoe or It. The first of June is the time allowed to those desiring to take advantage of the Bankrupt Law. For tbe benefit of those who do not fully understand the law, we publish the following abstract ! . . Who may take advantage of this law ? Any person, or firm, who owes debts to the amonnt of three hundred dollars or upward, whether they be Individual or partnership debts, or both, and It makes no difTorenen what is the character of the In dehtodneas, whether it be by bill, note, acoount, judgment, as principal, or surety, or otherwise, V hat does the law demand of the applicant t Tbat he shod surrender his property, except such as Is hereinafter mentioned, to his oreditors, for a pro rata distribution among them. What dnes tho law permit the applionnt to keep? First. Household and kiiohen furniture and ne cessaries to the amonnt of five hundred dollars. Second The uniform, arms and equipment of any person who Is. or has been, a soldier in the mi litia or the servioe of the United States. Third. If the applicant Is the head of a family, his homestead, to the value of five hundred dollars. If he has no homestead, then in lieu thereof money or other personal property, to the value of three hundred dollars. If the applicant has only so much property as la above enumerated, of course he has nothing to give un to his creditors. The result of the benefit of taking this law U a discharge from all indebtedness. In coses where there is no contest, it requires from sixty to ninety duys to procure this discharge. Tnx annual convention of the Protestant Epirco pal Church, for the diocese of Pennsylvania, will meet in Philadelphia on Tuesday next, 12tbinst. Probably the most important question which will engage the attention of that body will be the di vision of the diocese. Tbe churches in tbe interior are almost unanimously In favor of such a division ai will throw the city of Philadelphia and theonun ties of Buoks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware into one diocese, and leave the remaining countiee to form tbo new or middle diocese. This Is op posed by the committee appointed ot the last con vention. The Nbw Coitit Hams at Danville. Tbo Danville American says that immediately after the adjournment of May oourt, the old Court Houso, in that place, will be torn down, preparatory to the erection of tbe new Court House, which has been so unanimously demanded by tho people of that county, and their representatives of tbo Grand Jury. The new building will be on the same lot, and will bo about 05 feet front, by 120 feet deep. Removal. The Photograph Gallery of Samuel Byorly has been removed to the building lately occupied by Dr. Ronn, three doors west of the Continental Clothing Store. The Dental profession throughout this section of country, represented by the Susquehanna Dental Association, will bold its next session at Scranton on Wednesday, the 15th of July. BU3INESS NOTICES. J"'Job Iriuliug-. Having roooived a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best style, and on ehort notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. . i liir. Toe handsome suite made by J. 1'. Shaeffcr, Mer chant Tailor, are attracting considerable attention. Sbaeffer is a first-class tailor and thoroughly under stands his business. His reputation fur making well-fitting garments, together with bis extremely low prices, have secured for his establishment a good run of custom. Every oue should call and see his new stocK of goods, for spring and summer. Tnn reason why so many people from all parts of town, and from all parts of tho oountry, pass other places where boots and shoes aro kept, and go to Miller's Excelsior Storo, ia Mnikot Square, is sus ceptible of explanation be keeps a full assortment, the peoplo oan get what they wunt, and cheaper than eltewherc. Satisfactory reasons, certainly. "A TniNa of boauty is a joy forever," is a saying os old as it is true, and it applies exactly to the beautiful new Spring Hats just received by Faust, the fashionable Hatter, Market Square. Judging from the rapidity and extent of bis sales, our citi zens appreciate tho cheapness at which bis goods ore diiposed of. BrEnLT, the Photographer, in Simpson's build ing, Market Square, has some of tho most beautiful specimens of the art, taken at bis gallery, to be found anywhere in the country, and our cititens can "secure tbeir shadows" as correctly, in as good style and as cheaply as in any of the cities. By- orly's gallery is a popular institution. i - i..:- ii Bcr when and where you ran buy cheaply. If you have need of new clothing, and wish to get a good article, go to the Continental Clothing Iiaiaar. Market Square. It is tbe pluoe to get the full value of your money. The spring goods are open to in spection and cannot be surpassed. Go and see them. il ii V i Did Yon Sk ? Did you see tho fine assortment of oloths, oaesimeres and Testings at Beck I Mer chant Tailoring ostnblivbment, ou Fourth street? He has a fine variety to suit his customers, and goods are made up at short notice, in the very best manner, at prices astonishingly low. Call and ex amine his goods. The style and price cannot fail to pleue. " i Coil's Couob Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Ceugh, and Consumption. Both sues ordinary 4 oz., also mam moth family bottles fur sale by all druggists and dealers in medicine!. No family should be over night without it in the house. -ii:' Cob's Dyspepsia Ccbe Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, und all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. j'bYsicians, clergymen ana an wno use u, join In unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists every wnere. moeti.uv. ICY MAKKFrtl. Correoted Weekly for the "Araerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do de do perowt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, ltye, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaehes, pared per pound do do un pared do $15 00 7 0 10 0Q 6 00 S V0 1 60 1 20 bO 1 75 35 20 16 3 00 45 20 25 20 24 IB 14 13 18 eo Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. liuiter, per pound, per dosea, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Eggs. Cheese, Lard, Hams. - Shoulders, lieef, bind quarter, front ' Mutton, Cbiokens, Nbamokln 'onlTrndf. ' Sbahokh, May 4, 188a. Tons. CVl. Bent for week ending May 2, ' 8.834 19 Per last Report, 111104 121,72 00 To same time last year, 1 32,440 07 Decrease, ' 10.H4 OT . DeAffNKB, f!tlDNR9 and CATARftn treated with the utmost success by J. Isaac!, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (iormevlf ef LeydesV'ltollandrf No., 805 Aroh Street, Philadelphia - Testimonials fro the most reliable sources In city and oountry oaa be len at hi! office. Tbe Medical faoulty are invited to accompany their patient, a he haa ao eeareta in blspraotU. ARTIFICIAL KTK3 inserted with out pain. NO charge fur examination. nov.30-ly. 'I'o Consinmp(lien. The Ret. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire It, the prescription with the directions fbr making and using the simple remo ily bwwhlch be was cured of a lung afleotion and that dread disease Consumption. 11 is only object Is to benefit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, any may prove a blessing. Please address - REV. KDWARD A. WILSON, my 18-'71y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. V. 0 NK PRICK CLOTIUNl. TfiMrc OLD ESTABLISHED oK IItl:K CLOTHING HOUSE, 04 Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in tho city that striotly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we arc proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not less important, for having all our goods, i:tiia n iii.1, .tiAin We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable end plain so that all tastes oan be suited. The prices are tbe Tery lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must see, or otherwise we could not moot the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, wo must put our prices down to tbo advantages we promise The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 Market fttrce'., l'hiladelpbia, Not on tho Corner, but one door above Sixth. 12. 49, itl llZI"., Nulcfiman. April 4, 1808. ly GERMAN ERA SITE SOAP Is manufactured from. PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF 'EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Orocers. Iay18, W7.-ly. I'rroi-n or Vontls. A gentleman who suffered fur yoats from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send frco to all who ncod it, the recipe und directions for making the simple remedv by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, In perfeot confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, my 18 -67. ly 42 Cedar Mtrcet, N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPUING FASHIONS IN Miss LOUISA 8HI3SLEB, THE popular Millinery, south side of Market Square, Sunbury, is desirous of culling the attention of tbe public and trade to bcr unique and hondsomo nssurtmeut of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCD9. just opened. On hand and made to order, are tho latest and most superb styles of ltridal, Mourning- iml OroHw Hon iirlo and IJnli. Alio, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Flowers. Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collaia, Ac. Gentlemen's Goods, such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Neck-ties, Brushes und goods for the toilet. Also, a fine assortment of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A call is only required to be convinced. N. B. Special attention is directed to a fine lot of Ladies' Dress Caps and Hesd Dresses. LOL'LVA SH1SSLER. April !, J868. J. W. Btistkkhok. A. N. PmcE. ATTRACTION AT II AUPT'8 XliW IRON FRONT!! STEVENSON & BIUCE, HAVE opened up a now and desirable stock of Goods in llaupt s New Building, consisting in part of a splendid variety of American Wist t-lit-N, GOLD WATCHES, BOOKS. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER-WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES. NOTIONS, Glass-Ware, Cutlery, Picture, Looking GlitFscs, &c &c, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to i please and satisfy all who cull. ! K1EVEXSOX A BRICE. Sunbury, April IB, 1868. 3m IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WrNtcrii lMtri4t of I'onimj Ivanin, IN BANKRUPTCY'. At Scxnrnr, March 27lh, 1863. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Reuben Fugely, of the Borough of Shamokin, in the county of Northum berland, and State ol Pennsylvania, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by tbe District Court of said Dittriot. LLOYD T. UOUUBACH, April 18, 18t',8 3tj Assignee. P. II. MOOHB. D. C. niSSKSOEH. i"ew Firm ! ,cw Ntore! ."tw Room! and au ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! nOOlli; Ac I I H M I N j! 12 It Have just oponed a carefully selected stock of NEW UOOHS, in Ilaispt'si iwv Iron Front, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PEN'N'A Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WAKE, ULASStt ARE, and a full lino of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND I.iitlie' IsreNM floods, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, iicaing, couuterpai.es, cuasimeres, Vesting, Yarns, Skirts, Neck Ties, Cutis, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. We invite special attention to the quality of our MOCK Ol UHOCEttlEN A.I SIMCr.S, RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, 4o., Ac Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand We feel eoufideut tbat cash buyers will find It to their advantage to sive us a call, and oustomers generally are invited to ctM and examine our goods and get posted on our prices. Uy strict attention to the wants of our oustomers and fair dealing we hope to merit a full share ot the public patronage. COUNTHY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex obanite for foods, for which the highest price will be paid. MOORE A DISSINGER Sunbury, April 11, '08. 1IOOTM AXt MIOES. J. C. 8YLVIS, WITH II. G. T1IAC3ER, Manufaoturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Itootis, Shoe and sQaltersi, rieasants' Building, Market Sqnare, . SUNBURY, PA. ' Ladles' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all descriptions made to order on tbe shortest notice and most rea sonable terms. Hav in tbe best workmen employed weeaa assure tho public tbat, if tbey will give us I call, tbey will be satisfied of tbe above facts. RE PAIRING neatly done with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feet, Just call and leave yonr measure,' And we will make your 6boes or Poo's, Tbat you will rail a treasure. March !, ly k.o- I HI .. . LATEST RVTC.KS Or SPRING' AND ; SUMMER Mil liiiery Goods, Nim 31, I.. fiol-r, begs leave to an bounce to the Ladlcsnf SuBHiry and vicinity, that the bar Just opened a large end varied stock or ' millixerV ooona, ' The latest New York and Philadelphia stylos or LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broiderlea, Edgings, Luces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Uloves, Hosieries, end all kinds of Fancy Notions, Stamped Muslins, Corsots, Perfume. rios, .Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of Amurica, .Sta tionery, Ao., Ac. Call and examine for yoursolTos. No trouble to show goods Buubury, April 11 1808. 18G8. SPRING OPENING. J8G8.I i:vi:f. a. i.,tii:M rOURTII AND ARCH STREETS, PHTLADEL A. NEW SPRING SILKS. NEW HTV1E 811 AWLS. NOVELTIES IN HKEM GOODS. STEEL ANIi l'KAUl, POPLINS. E. i L. nlwnys keep tho . BEST BLACK SILKS. N. B. Net Cash Buyers will find it to their in toret to oall, as Bargains from Auction aro dailv received. mar 21 --fit. i THE GREAT A AWllICAy COMUrS'A TIOS It ii II on El oil- Orrt-Ni-nintny; A 511 3EWI1TG Is-EASHIITE. ! Its Wonderful Popularity Conolusivo Proof of its Great .Merit. i The Inorease in the demand for tin? vnlntblo ma- ! chine has been TEN Fi'LIi iturin thu lust seven I mouths of its first year before the public. ' This grand and snrpri-ing sucresn is unpreeedenl- I ad in the history of sewing-machines, and we lift ' fully warranted in claiming that , IT n A S X O E O. 17 A I. , 1 Being Absolutely the Best ! IMTJ1I.V .11,1 1 BUI IN THE WOULD, An J IittrintiiatUy the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined in one. (I,y a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement.) ma- King nolo mo cnumoor i.uck-piucu, tutu uie vver- i seaming and Button-bole stitch, with equal facility I and perfection, It exeoutes in the very best manner I every variety of sewing, such as. Hemming. Foiling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, I Gathering and tewing on, (dene at tho same limo,) ; and in addition, Ovi rseams, Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all i fabrics. Every MaeMno is warrauted by the Company, or i its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of ; work done un this Machine, cuu be had on applica tion at tbe Salesrooms of THE AXftERICAH BUTTON HOLE, OVEUSEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on tho Machine at tho rooms of ; the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON. President. ; W. H. Mi'NDF.NitAi.r,, Treasurer. ! April 25, 1868. lycju. 25. ; Auditor .olit-s. "VyOTICEii hereby given that the undersigned ,1 Auditor, appoiuted by thu Orphans' Court of i Northumberland county, to make distribution of tho balance remaining in tho hands of P. It. Masser. one j of the Executor's of Henry Masser, .deceased, will attend to tbo duties of bis laid appointment, and : meet the parties interested, on the 9lh day of May I next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., at the omoo ot lloyer Wolverton, Sunbury, Pa. 8. B. BOYER, Auditor. Sunlmry, April 11, 1SC8. .. IMPOKlAiT SU'I'ICK. " fT(HE iindersieaed having suocccded to the busi- 1 nessof t. 111MF.S A CO., takes this method of informing Uriek-I. avers. Iluihlera. aud all others in terested, in and aho'ut rnmbuty. that he is prepare,! to fill all orders, for building mid paving liriclc. of a superior quality, and at as low rate us can bn hud elsewnere. , I am alo the Agent iu ti. J Cnr.'.t-j t f V--" n: berland. I'nion. Snvder and M, nt nr. for WAK. HEN'S IMPltOVE'D FIltE anil WATER PKOOI" ; HOOF. This is tho oheupcHt and beat Roof that 1 can bo ued on buildings. Wo covered soveral build- j iniN will, il. Hnrine ftia tart season with entire snti.s. I funtion. ' Orders left at tho Itriek Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at tbe Office of Mr. Wm. lloagan a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Pont Office, will receive prompt attention. TOWNbLXD H1MES. Sunbury, March 14, JSCS. Uxoculorst' Colics1. Kflato of JAMES CAMl'JU'.LL, iecetisod. NOTICE is hereby given lhat lottors fCHtatnentii ry having been granted to tho undersigned, on the estate of James Campbell, late of Upper Auguf ta township, Northumberland county, Pa., deeened. Alt persons indebted to said entutu, are reourgted to make immediate payment, and tlio.-a having olaims to preseut them duly nu'hetitio'-tril for nettle mem. KOHK1U CAM PliKLL, Ex'r. Upper Augusta twp., iliirnh 21, ItitiS. t MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS! 218 ARCH STREET, abovo 2d .St.. Philadelphia. rlAHK subscriber is now prepared to oiler to his X customers and the Trade generally a large and well selected stock of Straw und Millinery Goods, PATTERN BONNETS, lowers, Ribbons, Bonnet Frames, Ac, to. N. B. All orders will receive careful and prompt attention. WM. KRLSEN, 18 Arch Street. Philadelphia. March 11, lti68 2m AilioinlMrulor'M .ti'o. i ESTATE OF WILLIAM R. JONES, DEC'!1. j Notice Isberebv niven that letters of admintetra- i lion have been granted to tbo undersigned, on the estate or VUlliara It. Jones, late ol Lower Augusta ' township, Northumberland county, Pa. All porsons indebted to said estate tiro requested to muko iuimn- diate payment, and those having claiina to present them, duly autnentieatea. tor settlement. rt.ir.it ii. t. iiu.u. Administrator. Sunbury, April lriL LloS.-f.t. FARM FOlt RENT ! A FARM, containing about 70 acres cleared land, wilh dwelling, Ac, titunto iu fchauiokin towu- ship, Northumberland county, is offered for runt on reasonable terms. For furtnur particular, apply a! the Merchant Tailor Shop, of J. O. Rock, on Fourth street, Sunbury, Pa. bunbury, April II, tS'iM. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and seo the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS. VESTI.NVi.S Just reoeived at Ae MERCHANT TAILORING KSTABLISil- MKNT, Fourth Street, below Ly.'tcr's Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved styles is made up to order a reasonable rates. He has also a fine assortment of Casvimere Shirts, Drawers, Undoraliirtii, Overhanls, Blouses, Neek ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspender, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIINU GOODS, Give him oall, which you will find te be to your advantage. Sunbury, Oct. 18,1867. HI .MiniY Oil- MII.U THE subscribers having just erooted and put in operation a Mill for tbe manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market price for FLAX SEED. They have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grain ohopped for feeding, oan be accommodated at the shortest notioe. A manhine fur chopping oorn with the eob is attached to the mill. MORGAN A MASSER. January ?5, 1868. ly IV RJ CAGES, 11 different kindn. If you want rod and cheap Bird Cages, fit" t.n.N LEY Co s SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IK HUtES! Buy the MOST GOODS, of tho BEST QTJYYTITr I'm tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND fiALTrt I H, v. l uii.nti, JiAMHOTH 8 TO RE, Market .s-.T-apk. r-L'N T.t'H Y, IT.N'.VA. nasjn 't recnivod and opened tl.o I1ENT SEI.i:(.'Ti:t and FINEST AS30W1.Mr.NT. -,f I DRY GOODS IN TOWN. Pieueh Merino. Prints, Muiihi', Ginghams, Camimrres. die Lelaini-a and Arir.ures Ivmcs;.. CvtuL4. 1-Tn i u ni.u i iaoi.i i ' j NOTIONS ef all kinds I j i Hosiery, Glover, Men's aul Ladles Undergarment WHITE! GOODS. A full arsortment of TRIMMINGS j Builders will Bud my Stock of Elitrdtr nro, I t'nlntsi. Oils, OIuhh, Ac, Complete. Prugs and Me li'incs, W'illow and Cedsrwsre. Quce&3are, Glassware. Crockery, Salt BOOTS AM) SHOES HATH ANI) CATH, and in fact everything usually kcj t in a lar 6 Plorc Call and be convinced that tho CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUT ALL YOUR (JOOPS is at The Mammoth S t o r e. ef X."5f. 1-rilino. Terms) Ch, SO dnysj, as my Goods aro bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for the READY MONEY. 1 give the trade tho ad vantage of all reductions as fust as they are made by Manuiactuccrs. H Y TFILIN uteiiry, April l?,-lKe4 . Pot a medicaid IhM ill cure INFLUENZA, .. TICKUNG uMhe THROAT , WUOOPIKQ COVOH. or telie! CONSUMPTIVE OOUOtM, si quirk as COE'B COUGH B A I 6 A II ' OVUH ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been s ild and not a smirle Inst.mC" nf its Uiluis n known We have, in oiir po.'cssion, any quS:rtll of Cer tificates, Some nf them from , RMIMX.VT MIYHICM ! who have used it in their pinetii ", end j-ivcn it tl rr eminence over every other compound. IT POl;f NOT DHV I f A CUGH, lot I.etW.NH IT, s as to enable tbt p-iticnt to -aj.ect'i:ie (nt'y Ti cr jhree doses. WllL lxVAItAIlLI f'ltK Timll.Vd IN TUB Tll9l ' A lia'f Isit, le has ni'.-n eonipletely eared the most Stub born Ouucli, and yt. tVunhlt l i sure and spfedjr ill lt operation, il ia pctectly harmless, t.ein purely i-ei;eiel. Il is very agrecnt.K't'i the taste and may he administered to children ,if any e. In eases of CHOIM' we will cniraiitrc a mru, If tnf'en in season, NO FAMILY snOCT.T) PP. WITtlOt T IT1 j It is within the landi hi all, it bring llu: cheapest ami j niedieine extant. V. O. CLARK k CO., Proprietors, ! .NEW UAVKN, CONN, t April l, M iy ' ' C O X ' 3 quick cAsnjDYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS UREAT ft KM POT FO!l ALL DiSE.tHrfW the I 3T O M A O II H I it the discovery l the inventoi of Coe's vnluillt C uch I Polfiim, while experimeiHii'S? for hisuwn liealili. Itcured I Cramp in the fti mnch for him whieli had before yielded to nothing hut chlor ifortn. I The almost daPy tctimonv from vnrlous parts of Ihn eountrr rncmare us t" HHicve there ia no disease csl j liy a d.sorderiHl stKmai-h it will not apeeilily cure Physicians endorse and Use It! Minlnters sjivo tMtlinony of its fllcaoy. ( Ani fmm all dirftions e receive tiding of cures per j formed. DYSPEPSIA: It n sure U Cure HEAPtTBt'IlN One duf e wilt cute. HICK-HFAIMCIIE! It has cured in hundreds if cnn HEADACHE ANI) IHZZtNEff ' It ttopa fn thirty ni-iutc tCIDITV OF TIl'i: STOMACH ! It corrects at once Itwr. OF Tlin FOOD' Il stops immediately P-ISTRV.PS A FTEtl EATING: One d'-se will rtinove CUOM'.RA MOHDCS' Rapidly yien to a lew dolM UAD BUEATH ' Will lie changed with hslf at-ottle IT IB PERFECTLY HAEMLEDH Its LNrr.KCKDKNTr.tl PFCCEP9 is owing to the fu, t Unit I It L'urm by A'Istiitcr Snliiro j TO P.F..ASSF.RT HER SWAY IN TITE SYSTEM ' I Neatly every dealer in the f'nitcd Htales sells it st ONE PILLAR TEIl DOTTLE. C O. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. NUW HAVES, COK.N. April 19, 1S3 ly. i G. M. i:il, Hernial, I Will remove his Office to . I. M. Simpson's Baililog. I 2n 1 story, Market Square, , STJHBURY, PA. j AITHERE bo will bo prepared fo do ell kinds of i work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keen constantly on hand a lnrie assortment nr Tooth, and other Dental material, from which be will be able to snlect, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted '.o give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash ani Tooth-Powders kept on hand. lli. rfernnep! nro tho numerous patrons for whom be has worked for tho lost twelve years. ; r'unhnry, .Mareb 21, IHB3. ' REMOVAL 1 iT!i7 ri e I A V o S , ; Watchmaker & Jeweler, j MARKET SQUARE, SUNBUltl", PA , Will reniovo his .fewelry Storo to Miller's Stone Ruilding, corner of 3.1 und Market Square, ON FEBRUARY lt, IS53, where he will be happy to receive hi oil customers and the public in general. Thankful for part favors, he soliciua continuance of tbe same, and ho Is de termined to aell as low nil thu lowest, and for quality, not to bo surpassed by auy goods in the market A large assortment of tlnicIii'M, Clocks, Jewelry und (Silver Wnre, coniontly on bund, consisting of all kindsof Ameri can Watches, sueh as tho Howard, Apploton, Trucv ft Comrauv, Trnnionl., Wnltlmm, V. B. liartle', Wm. Ill lory, Iloraa and a line nssorlniont. of tjwirs Watches All kiutUof 8 Buy ami 30 Hour C!ock3 ! Silver tea setts, curd and cake bakets, brcakfacl and dinner castor", Celery stands, ryrup and drink ing cups, and a full assortment of Spoons. Knives and Forks. Particular utteution paid to the repair ing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Musio Locs All work wurnmu d. 1'eb H, lbiiij. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J.. A. 4JI .-MV At CO., In Weimcr'l Building, Water Street, roar King st , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., I N FORM their friends and the public generally 1 that thev have a hirgo H.-'iiorttnont of Groceries Provision., A-i?.,n!l frefch and of the he!-! quality, con Hinting of Tc.v, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Pried and Canned Fruits, Prune?, RaUIus. Chcy and Crackcro. anil in fact everything usually kept in tho Grocery lino. Thev would also cull attention to their large and cheap lot nf Good FAMILY' FLOUR, Green Tea. Hums, Shoulders, Ac, which are cousiautly kept cr, bund Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac Give them a uall and see fur yourself'. Northumberland, Sept. 1S'". TOErTS CrT 0 N& HOD Q xfllTs. n yv w bone iSUPER-niOsrilATE OF LIME, I : A STANDARD MANURE l'OU ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPi' i Having within the past year" greatly Increased and improve.! our laoilitiue tor erir.uiug cones anu man ufacturing, we are prepaid lo furnish to tho farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of WsiMrIhotpliatc. Our roimufucturo has been thoroughly tested the pa,i scanon by practical men of our immediate neighborhood aud ehowbre, aud in every case tbe rcoull has been entirely tatmlactory. Our procts of pulverising, whereby it is prepar ed for aud I GUARRANTEED TO PASS T1IROUGIT ANT DRILL, I obviates an objection which attaches tc many fer I tilirers, and secures to tho farmer a saving ol uiuch valuable time. SOLD AT T11K MASCFACIORY, j EAST MARKET 8TBE EI, j SOIU ICT, PA., I and oy our Agents thronghoui tbe country, in Fsge i - Oil n tl ...,1, , a&u T r t,,nn , i . vi uw m w.u, , ,uo I'i.i luu vk UIV H'b ALsO RUIPPED PltOMrTLY to all poiuts aoceseablo by rail or canal on iroeipt of order. TORRINQTON A UODGKINS. Also Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Fell Raking Reaper and Mower (Tho New Yorkerl and Pratt A Smcdley's Hay aud Grain ltako Send for Circular. February 15, 'oa ly SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W CAKE'S Additn to tbo llnroug'a X nnury, lor rale on roesonahlo terms Apply to Dr. R II AWL an I. i MUL rkoiom. I Sunburv Pa Or P W r.HrArEP,r-i.rl!r Te j Nov 24 ln of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers