IUE VEEY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 FALL & WINTER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBUKY, PENN'A. Invites the public; to call and examine hie elegant aesrvrtmr-ntf.f FALL AND WINTER 000 D8, w hioh be will sell at greatly reduced prices. Hit ttoik oonsists !n pert of CA.SSI MEBEG. CLOTHS. tC , Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, CbIioock, Muslins, .-'heeling. Tickings, Jenns, and a full assortment of Coitua nud Woolen goods gonarallv. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Alro Handkarehicli, , Brnsho. Comlis. Untie nnd 'Bs, Hoot nnd Mine, His assortment of goods will m.t. he is sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wauls of any desirous uf purchasing, hie stuck of HARDWARE AND Ql'EENSWARK, ind Groceries ta lurge in quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household ether for use or ornsmrnt. Ho alwavs read; end gld to see his friends and lakes pleasure in lowing thcoi Me good' .even j though no wiles are made. He only asks a call, and is euro that the stock will compare favorably Id price end quality with theoh'a,rI, EYSTER ."'uubury. Nov. Ill, 18A7. . iOU IN THE PRICES OF loUO Fall & Winter Goods! 51. I. H,siaiirif, havir.g just return ad from Philadelphia v ith a superior stock of Fall and Winter Goods for tlio trade of lMi7 and 'Oil, which (be is able to sell at very reduced prices, would refpeotl'u'ly call the attention of her custo tiers and the pubii" gcueraliy. to the superior qual ity ot Iht Roods, an 1 tha lo prices at which they lire held, fcbc has all kinds of DBE88 GOODS, inclu.liti? Poplins, Merinos, Do Lnins, Calicoes, 4c, a!! in tho lowest prices. Pxfrn quality Muslins at extra low prices. Dril ling. Canton Flannels. UBjraorfli t?Kirn. onnwis. jioous. Gloves of all descriptions. Including a Tory stipe- rior quulily of Ladies' Cloth (1 loves. HOSIE1JV. I Ribbons and Trimmings of all varieties, Laces, ut imped goods. Zephyrs and Yarns, Towling in great variety. ii fi,is' end Ladies' Handkerchief, Sonrfs, Muff Tassels and .lultone. Pomades. Extraots, and a lur;e variety ot'notinrsand fancy articles. Call and see tbcin before going elsewhere. .M. L. LAZARCS. Sun'.ury. Nov 2, 1S67. J.1S. K. .I,IVI EIX. A CO., JBWELEH8, o. SOS Chestnut Htreet PHILADELPHIA, judiitif'utturcrt Mil Ii.)irier Of every description of First Class Gsois belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. Uave removed to their -NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansoni Street, aftording amplo room and convenint accessories. giving opportunity for a proper display of goods, and Letier moans for their cxauuuv.iuu. H ith cx" ',;:i t uad favorable arrangements in t),L Country and iu Europe, we are in a poeuioa to offer at oioduratu FJ.LD prices Wntehe. Duimonda, Bronze & Marbld Oouiis tii.re Vures, Jewelry, Porcelaina, P;mol Cooda, Musical jioxss, iud every description ot FANCY ARTICLES Strangers i-iUng tbo city a.c ocidially invited to ! examine our New Store. J!areh 7,1. ly. j MEWlQMCERY! On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Ch; rch. S 1 -' 1j l'R, P K N 'A. Has just opened a tSTi-sift. ci t" ac; jscssv AND Provision Store and i; selling low for CA3II. His St. ck is complete, consisting iu part rf f'l'GAP.S, COFFEES, TEAS, .SPICES, COAL OIL iloliimi, Syiupd, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Null Dried end Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins. Cheese, U'l Crackers, ur.., in tact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino Tbe best FLOLR and MEAL in tho Markc1 Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Constantly on hand Shell and Can Ki.udi will le fumisheil to priv.tto lauiilic in large or small quantities. Also: All kindj of Canned Fruit, at tbo lowest rriccs. Co j:. try Prouuoe taken In exchange for fioodi. ' all u:; 1 ixamine my Stock, and tsatUty your elv"i. HENRY rElfiR.. .' iint ury, Ioc 11, ISC". s T ORE, ! W. A. JJENNET, JUarhet aquarf, St'.Mll It V, I'll. HAVINU recently purchased tbe Drug fJtore formeily einoucted by K. A Ki-her. I beg leuve to itil'irm the citiaeus of Sunbury and vi ciriity, taut I have entirely replomshod my stock J32 JH. At FANCY Ara.T3CLB3! 1 f'leh Uf. Cr-UiV. Pruslies. Pntket-Hl'Oks. Soaps, Per fiiiuety, lla.i-iiil, fciiivcs, barum, Coal-Oil Liuij, l'.imeoo und Cigars, f'uiulK, O.!, Cilut', Glai, Pally,! Vii uls.li-K, l"ait-nl UII ln , Ac. J Ad iny Tiujiures, yn.ps, Oii.tiuetits, Cerates, aid i ' i-'ber prc;iaruiit, an: luauufacturod by myself, and t f''"u the L.jot UiiiUirial 1 ean procure In Markot. j iiiiinij had i.ie a nun-her of years' txpoxienua in Jruij and Pretrij tion liuainem. - -j j-rcrnj non jximnen, Phi!adolt,hia and the oouutry, and aho IU w-ionugc ol lb Coilore of Pbarmaev, I feel com puttiii iu COMPOUND ALL P i.ul- ci'M n.'l'lnvij ttjt the l hytioiwisaiid publio muy favor me with. n.i my preia.-auoLa c 1 have aooie tiiscrted, am muta from the boat material, and upon honor I kert. tUv ure ef oticinal strength, bast"' ti'at"llFrpoe,,I k6t r. ,,0 hand tU very WINE3. R.VD!L3 AND LIQUORS, IS-' I can pu.,;ure. vr T l"u "i-cntore, call and convince A. BENNEIT. Sunbury, Nov IB Mi SUOMAKDRS. E M!l,"1,U".of 8014 L"'-ir, Pr.ncb Calf Jsbaas, ja. COAL ! C II WOLTEUIOH. COAL! COAL! r.Lr'-y U-altU of ' --""'7. o Uiey tuvecpeueil . goal Tif Ann aomptlT Ji-Stii"', -1 other. . , vmoi. Uajry cuatou. rcjosclfuUy illCltod 4 OLVERToy 11. NEW GROCEEY STORE, vr. s. ftoiait & CO., Market Street, PI doors Eaat of Third street, north side, SUM11KT, PA., RKSPJiCTFULLY Inform their friendt and the public, that they hare opened a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to hare them call and examine their stock, nhieh has just boon opened, embrac ing everything in the Urocery line, sueb aa Coffee. Tea. Sugar, Fyrups, Bpirne, Csnned and Dried Fruits, Brans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, itacon, Ilam, Fifb. Salt, Potatoes, eta , together with Soaps, Caudlee, Soda. Ao , and In fact ererything in the Orooeryand Provision. t'LOT'B AND FEED. Quaenswara, Willow-ware, Glassware. Conl (HI Lamps, Coal Oil o. Call and see befer. V"ffi$lfi$fi CO Punbury, April r, 1S7. FKESll ARRIVAL OF FANCY DKY (iOOI)S. KATE BLACK, Market Square, two loor Eist of the old Bank " building. yl NlUKY.Penti a.. oprne l a tresn sui pty o. .... .n,... n;. Fail and U'inier tloods. selected by herself . : u,nI.U.I.nirla in l'lill fashionable "'I. i.t .., II..... r..nt. Mn.tnna Pluin aid Plnid Poplins, Mourning Goods. Cloths. Sa-que ; Flannels, Ladies and Childrens' Hat. Feathers, I Ribbons, l'ress Trimmings, Embroideries, Laoe , Veils and hsndkerehiefs, gloves, hosb-ry, llalmoral ekirts.lirenkfKSt and HlmkH Sba Is Winter Suequce and Ladies' gools of every description. ; (Jeiits' Collars, Xeck-ties,' Hull hose, llaudker- cbieft and Gloves. Pertnniery. 1 oilel Snaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, oto J-iiopJiins' Eliptio hkirts. KATK RLACK Punhury, Nov. 2. 18B7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 809 BnoAi.war, New Yokk. I'or E-'uintliets and Manufacturers, Tbeso World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at ibo W oild's Fair ill i London, and six first premiums at the Now York State Fair of IMd.and arc celebrated fur doing tho j beat work, Ueing a much smaller needle for tbe Mime thread than any otlur machine, and by the inlroduc- . tion of tie must approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. ' These machines are made at our new and spaoious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn , nnder the immediate supervision of the President of tho Company. Elias ; lioWE, Jr., tho original inventor of the ewing Ma- . chine. I They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Scaiastrossps, 'Dress Makers, Taylors, , Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirts. Cloaks. Man- j tillas. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Con-en, Boots. Shoes, I Harness, bad lies. Linen Goods. Cmbrellos, Parasols. etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool- j en nnd cotton goods with silk, Cotton or linen thread, f They will swiin. quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, : bind, nnd pt-rl'oriu eveiy species of sewing, making a ' ! beautiiul and perfect stitch, alike on btlh sidos of the articles sewed. I i 'fliti iititch invented by Mr. IIHVL'. and made on I 0 is Machine, is the nnsst popular and all bewring I Machines ore subject to the principle invented by 1 : bun. I CrND FOR CIRCULAR TV Hi-,vB AfncLins Coripuny. i W3 TJro.idway. Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 8, 1867. THE GREAT t Sil BlfTMS The component parts of this remarkable preparation Kerefiist diacovurid, cooipoundrj und C'.sliibuled, kwmi twenty ycAra ajco, by Ur. CilKufst'S, tiie c- lc trit'.'.l typliun PbyiCMn. TtioUBi.ds of l,lf setter tl:t '"ui.lo lat-u weie rellorcd lo bealll.,aj Weil at great Dumi- rl tf Ilia tnltb.Utuls of ll'l,t and AUysnuua, and of tbecoui.tricborJtiiiiiK upen llie houtln.iuci.oat -I liie iitutlcrralteau bi-aV. I:i lent, tlie fame ef ttie UlT'lElta .nun tpic-td ever KuiejMC, and was Md.pti'd by Uio l'inclpal l'bi!icians In charge of the hospilals of the old wu.ld. in nl.ich It .4 Mill uru with rtrvtmi. rsa..j- J n.nt s.ics -jj T.ie VitH.fov t,r iiirypt piactd the name of La. Cneopscj nnou tlie ' lloli oi Xoblcs,'' nnd pro. sauted lo l.iui a tibial bcar.nir ttie foHuwina Inscrlp. tiou: ' Uu CHtor-st'S, the Public B.nvtactor." This Ilitl -rs Is now otTciLd to tho public of America with the fill a-sAurunct thai it. will be found, upon a tk:r trial, lo act as apcciiic for luu cure of (')iolersu tlyienlrry. niarrhora, Chotrrav Pambllk, t'enro:l,l Acur, Itllow Ftvrr, Itlieumntlsut, Tltoia tevrr, Uysprpsia, Colic, llroiichlila, I ouaimipUou, l'lalu Jrnev, l)i,eair of the Kliliuys, Kcrviiu UebiUiy. oml I cmuie Cutniilaiuta. nirroarliahlo rules of the above di-ense, have been eSf-ctsd by its u., asiiumarauseertldcsKa, many t orn rciruiar physicians, fully attest; and It in destined In sun-rarit any pieparauou eaUml. As an axrccable Tjuio, and an INVICCRATINO BEVr.nACE, it ni NO U.iUAL Tune THS ZI.vga i;i in riT;n HAS Sot'I. iSlULL A5U0DV IB AS A PREVENTIVE or D18RASB; HAS NO SIPERIO A TWf Vt-onns TO LADIES. The me ef the ZIXiiAKI lllTTKliti will Kivo lo you that soft, semi transparent coniph'xion wl.ic'i the (iod of nature (de signing woman te be Hie loveliest of I Is a oiks) fully tmrtided thai you shuuld have for it Is nature's own powder and paint combined By purifvinir tbe blood, a'.lmulaiiiiK the ptttmcnury cells of the dermis, and Impariins: health and life throuirtioui the enitia system, it ep xially slvej ll.at kniootli clearness and beauty to the ccmiplexina st much u t.e desln-a n. moving all rojghnes. bltclu-s, freckles, piinplcs.aDd that yellow, sickly look su common in our day; aiid what is even httr than tl.it. ii euros every sjstciesot It-male Irregularities and ditcasa Prmcipid Depot, llairikhurg, Ta. HAHTER & HATJSE. 60LK PuorUlBTOKS. Por talc hy W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbsry Pennsylvania -Auguat S. 13o7 IT n HT I 11 I fl T T) V i, Jlj ll I, U 1 J!l IV I, fltlil! sutscrihers begs leave to announce to the X cit.tens ol Sunbury and iu vioinily, that they have opened a GROCERY, Jifi Axirn ! oj J. 11. EiigU'i Mors, in Murlct Sijuare, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly ou Lund ths choicest varieties of j F L O U R & FEED, I wai ? et . . rri . O.... at I C? 1'U.h, CoJco, Teas, Sugar, Muluuies, Cheese, Salt 5pices of all disoriptiou, Aoaps ot every vartoty Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, St'gars. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caued Poaohes aud Toma toes, Pickols, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisius, Lemon, io., of beat pual ity, and in fact every style of articles kept in a v. ell stocked Grocery . AIm Cider Vinegar. All kinds ol eouutry produco tukeu la exchange. The patrooaga of the public is re puotfully sulieiUtd. UC.01'.UJS 3t VXAXIV CO. JSunbury, Nor ll,18i M"aKir-rsnisix:nAB Are aspeeially irvitad to call and sxaxaiae onr stock OI J3Lll.D.L.b.'a lliltllWARB Nails and fcj.ikos ail varieaies. omnruing . us oiuaes ail varieties, xtutts. boreaa. bu.p and 'filmg,, LotlkliaiLahta! iioltl PlIIl .-..UK Aroweis, ariea 1 rowels, PlakUieri citevea. c . c , rr sale hy 'A. mm m Hi;rifs iiit o it Ann wwUi l'd by liwndrelrConsrfoUi for Church or CumiaiI EXCLLLKNI JOR LADiF.8 AND WlAKtY PERSONS. VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. HPr.t'.WS r (.(s,lU HPT, FOUR YEARS OLD. This ius'lv celebrated native Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, rnisod in this country. Its invaluable 'Ionic A: Wtrcnjtf hf nlnji Properties I Are unsurpassed ty nriy other native wine. Being i the pure jmee of the grape, produced under iur, Spcer'e own personal supervision, its purity and gcnuiueue."s tire guarnntecd. Tho youngest child may partake ot its gcnerousqunlitics.anci tno wean et inviilid may ue it to advantage. Itispartiou ly benefii'ial tn'the aged and debilitated, and suited to tbe various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A W1XE TO HE RELIED ON. Invalids use S PEER'S POUT (1KAPE WINK. Female use SPELK'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Weakly persons find a benefit by its use. SPEEK & WINES in hospitals aro preferred to Other wines. I Soi l by all Pruirisls anil Grocers. A. Sl'EEH'S VINEYARD. New Jersey. Office, 24:t BROADWAY, New York. The trade supplied by Johnson, Ilollnwsy A Cow den, and French, Richards it Co., in Philadelphia. For tnU by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. Oct. 2. ly. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ac I Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All tbe now books received us soon as published, ttLd fur sale at. 3 M O a CD td O o O a Publishers pi ices BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, in every slylu ot biuuing. Caiholio Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles DICTIONARIES of all siiea. Juveniles und Toy Books, a large aedoituuit tiliisiU HookH d Blank' Forme of uil kinds. I Fooltcap, Legal Cap, Letter and' Note Pupers COPYINlr BOOKS, Inkstands j Pen Backs, Files. Paper. Cutters and Couutiug iiouoo Slatiouvry guueraily PHOTOGRAPH aud dear. ALBUMS cheap Gold Pens nnd Holders. Pocket Hooks und Bill Wallett. Picture Flumes. StereoMopus and Views, American. w w 3 M to W 01 a a a d , French. Ac. Drawing Paper, all sizes, Bristol! Board, Ac. i Diaries, Memorandum Books. Xo.l Backgammon Boards, Humes, Chesa- men, ia. 1 Toys a large and complete assortment ' Da-e-B.-lu una Bats. InbiU Ludd i aud Tackle. i Perluuies, Erohtmian and Parisian . Marbles, ia. ! Gold Pens re-pointed. Lumps, Sh idea, Globes, Chimneys, ' , Wall Paper and Border, all kinds ; Window Curtains, Paucr Ulil and Oiled. Music and Musical Instruments. i t'AU Isindii of Books and Btatione y not on haii proiuitly ordered. All the D uly nnd Weekly Papers '.ud Miigaiines. Aeol for tho "American Orau.'1 A. so lur -'La Uose's Hair Itcstoihtivo," Enamel of America, and "National Meiini Navigation Coiapai.y." j ISuubury, May lb. lbo7. i 1UCI1 STUEIiT FOUNDRY! 1 .1. YH (tlA, Iroj.ii-lor. : Ai- Ii Nt.,lti-t w ,-s'ri S1 itnti illi, clone Iu tlie I'til.lio S-Iiol House, ! PCMN'A. 1 THE proprietor of this establishment rospeclfully ' informs the public that h" has cummonccd tbe man ' ufauture of Cooking and Heating ! 37C72S! : which he will sell at lower piicesthun they can be ' obtained eUeis here. j MILL Gearing, Stoves, and tbe largest class of j Catlings made promptly to order. ' ADo. Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Cel lar l lU'loWS, AO. '-t Iron riilmni'v Tim. WATER TROUGHS A IXMiR STEPS A liberal nriee paid fur old cas a-t. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved is manufactured at thiscstablishmout. Also, ST.ve (Ir itiwuf all kinds, Kettles, and every variety of small castings. Sunbury, Oct. !i, IS'". a'.k.taci.v NEuna jiacsii.mi'.s Mrs. B Alt All BIMPSOM, Walnut Street, SI'NBI- RY, PA. Havingbeen appointed Agent by tbe Singer Manu facturing Company, for the sale of Singer's New Fuu.il) aewir.g Machines, informs tho publio that they can be had at her residence. These Maoiiinesare simple, couipaot, durable and huuutitul. Capable of purtoiuiin a range and a variety ot work never before utte uptod upon a sin gle Muchioo using either silk, twikl. linen or eot tou 1 hrea 1, and sewing witu equal lacili y tha very finest and coarsest material., and ani thing between the two extremes in the most beautiful and substan tial manner. These Machines will be sold at reasonable rate. Cail and cX-itnimi for you'solves. Mrs. SARAH SIMPSON, Agont. October 2u, lai)7. BEEIKQ IS BELIEVING At ?Ol Arch Mlrcct. SEW PKICES! NEW GOODS liich Silver anil Silver-Plated Wares, A Including every style and iLg' deacription, nia lo expressly XJJL? i fur tl", Winter trade, which XitTis . f"r neatness aud durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing E.tabluhinout Till ARCH bIKLtr, PHILADELPHIA. I V Re-plating at short notice Docembej21, 1887 aug27 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS APTn STATIONERY, Monthly Tims Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books Blink Books, Memorandum Bji'u Diaries, Pocke; Bonks, Ink Stands, Pens, pei-dls. a fins adwrtuient of Paper, Ink, Ac. For sale ty ANNA PAINTER. PURE LAGER BEER! l01XTi:i( AM ALU, from the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH SACHEIl, RESPECTFULLY informs lbs publio generally that he is prepared ta lurDudi LAGER BEER, rOUTU.A0 ALE. large or Small quantities II is futilities for mak ng Bear cannot bs eseolled, and is pruiwuneed supe rior to any other offered iu Central Pennsylvania. it has also been reoommuudwi by pbyuuiaos at kealtby drink for invalids. Howls, KasUuiatiK aid private families supplied at tbort notice runbury.pp SI. Ibf - OTOMS. Market UMt, djolnnB Oertrt' ConfeotioBery DIOrv, DUllilvni , Km TBF nndenrlgned respectfully Informs the oltiient of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened MiW fr'llOK STOKE, for the sal aa well as for tha manufacture of the finest and beat quality of Ladles' Shoe, vis : ttlorolild, Morrocoo, i'air-altjji and Iasittn8r nltcr, Ac. Children'sShoeeof all kind, lluttook liantlraly new ana wen seieoiea. lie also manufactures Ano French and other Calf skin BooU and Hhoos for Gentlemen. Orders for ladiea and gentlemen'! oustom work will be promptly attended to and got up ia the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, oonstantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. 3. H. JEFFRIES. Sonbury, April 20, 1867. TUB GREAT CENTRE OP ATTRACTION, 1 1ST STJ-LXTBTTiR.-'Srr li on 3d street, opposite the MAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, It ut I-alcly Utstaltlinlicd, Ml Hi nil lUe ITlodcrn Improvemcutu f tlie Art t THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is oonfidont of hia ability to assure bis patrons that the work pro duced shall bo second to nono in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tbe best sky light In the county, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ol wcathor, but would prefer a clear day lor mall children. Ho is also prepared to take now eiic, or cabinet card PhotorupUs. All kinds of pictures copied and mainifi.-d In any required size and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscapo views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The public are rcspect'ully invited to call and see our specimens and our complete arrangement fur making Photographs, special terms to tuinilics and clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doon west of tho Post Offico, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of 4'itkcsjfor Ilnlln. l'artl'si, A. v. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls. Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on haul manufactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had lurgo expenenoe I bope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patrounge. DAVID FRY. Sunbury. Dec 9, 18C4 f7vTlan d"w i x Ttn MILLINERY GOODS Al ID NOTI aSTS, Miss ANNA PAIWTEI1, Market Square, two doorB west of the Post OQke SUSB U R Y , P E N N ' A. I RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the V public, that she has just returned from the city, where sho has spoilt sometime in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a largo stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons. Lace. Dress-Linings. Crinoline and V, i gons Skirling Lining, Ho:p Skirls, Bugle Trim mings, Crapo Trimmings, Hat Crupo, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. A largo aMortmont of Ladles and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A .STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks. Ac fihe Hatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will bo exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1SB7. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN" WILVBR,' RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and cus. timers, that lie has just opened a stop for the manufacture of BOOTS 2 SHOES, on Sjjruce tti tit, littreen Second ttrtit and t'antre Alhy, Suhliury. wh'ro nil kinds uf work in his line will be msdo up in tho latest -oyiu and in tho bust workmanlike man ner. Having first class stock on hand he flatters himself that Le will be able to suit the tastes of the most fas tidious. Tho public are invited to call. JOHN WILVIR. Sor.bury, June Is, 1S17. 'I. 4'. .:.V5it3Aifl''fS Confectionery Toy and .IitrlAt't St re-el, Konbnry, fa. COSFEOTIOSEUY OF All KINDS, TO IB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the r.bovc establishment utwholesalo and retail, at reason able prices. lie is manufacturing all kinds of ConfeMionsries W keep up a full ussortmont which are sold at low rut os. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, ana a variety of other articlvt, "all of whijh ars oSeiod wholcil and retail. itemumbvr the name and place. M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doon west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. JSuubury. 8ept. 19. 1R63. tf U hut and 1'it-c i'l oul' SLATE ROOFS. THE undertigued rcspwlfully informs builders in this und adjoining counties that he is prepared to put on Sluto Roots in a superior manner. He furn. ishes the celebrated Lehigh county Shire, which is the best in the n aikel. lie warrants his work to he durublo and tiro and water proof. Ileiuvites tl-.e in. spcctiouol the public to the work he hasdono in .Suu bnryon llaupt s, Greeuough's and iluus' buildings, und on others at various places. His prices are as low as those of any ether clulcr. Address, D. S. SMITH. Sunbury. P. 0., orcull at his residence in Upper Augusta twp. January 11, Ibod. ly UNION nOTEL 411 AN. I J'ZI'I,, Proprietor. In Cake's Additim to SUNBURY', near the Penn'a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample aooommodatioos. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet cum forts of borne with fore equal to the best hotels. t-ujuors are oi ine cuomest aluus. fcunbury, June 8, 18t57. THE GREAT A MEM CA X COMBIXA TIOX lltillou Hole Ovt'i-acaiuiui;' S3SVI1TG- 1CAGHI1TE. Is Warranted to execute in the bett manner every variety or Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Braiding, Gathering, Quilting, Overseam ing, Embroidering on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Uulcs iu ait fa brics. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Being absolutely the Best FAMILY MAI II OK IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the cheapest, fur it is two Ma chines oombiuod iu one by a simple and beaulitu mechanical arrangement. Circulars with lull particulars snd samples of work dous oa this Machius, can be bad ou application ut ths sales-rooms of the Company, is. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts., Pbiludel'a. Instructions giseu ou the Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THIS MACHINE Illrectore) I J. L. FEN I M ORE, President. WILLIAM P. JEN ICS, Prtttiidt'ut Uut k Mountain Coal Company, BENJAMIN BULLOCK, Wool MercliRut, So. 40 South Frout 8t. II. II. REED, of George. W. Kretj & Co., Wholesale Clothing, No. 423 Market Street A. HART, JOUN T. TAITT, GEO. J. RICHARDSON, Philadelphia. W. B. MESDENUALL, Of Cuatesvilla, Chester Cocoty, Pa. F. PAXSOS, of F. Puieon & Co., Notioua, No 501 Market Ktrott. Jocuarv IS, lbAf It Great Attraclion, at ths - - NEW TIN-WARE, Hhoct Iron sasad fr ot OMITS & GElTTEEPe, Where tbey keep eonetantly an band and manufse- surtj to oraer ai anort noiioe. TIN AND 6HEET IRON-WARE ef all description!. They would especially eall tha attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock ef COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves mad te order, and those who would bar a good stove weald do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on tha following triod Brands of Cook Stoves, vil : Combination Cnn Burner, Cook UoTernor I'cnn Cook. WADA8H AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidurt Cook Stove called 6 PEAK'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In great variety em bracing all the best manufactures und most fashion ablo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish siinnll- I eity of arrangements combining oheepness, durability ; and caob stove warranted to perform what tbey ars represented. Also. The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Coul Oil Lumps, Miadetj, Chliniilcsi. nnd till urllclrs usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared lofurnisb Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: Iliu;ii Kavr Hone Sapcr-IMion. piuite." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'a Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark- painted. August 2d. loM. ITiSVtT LAGS?. BEEP. hk n k: ms B..7Br9 IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CHAS. ITZEL RESPECTFULLY informs his friendt and the publio generally, that he has oommenoed the manufacture, and ia now ready to furnish LAGER BEER AND ALE, of a su perlor quality. Having procured tha services of a first class brewer, be is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with as ar tide that ia palatable, pure and healthy. Orders are respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS. ITZEL. Kunburv, November IB, 187. FARMERS. & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. M1HK subscribers rospectfully inform tho oitizent .1 of Northumberland county, that tbey are now prepared lo lurnish LIME of a snperior quality to Farmers and Builders. Also, LIME-sTONci from tne celebrated Liino-Stone Quurrics of Lower Maho- nov township, at short notice and at reasonable ratos. The above will be delivered to auv Railroad sta tion uloug tbo line of the different railroads when ordered. . There Kilns are located at tha Shainokin Vll. Railroad, near Sunbury, where orders will bo j promptly nuea. urders aro rctpeotftilly Solicited. Address, J. B. LENKER & BRO ., August 3, 1867. Sunbury, Pa. IRON. A large assortment of tho best manufac tured Bars. Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Sticl, Blister Steel. Drill Steel, Horse Shoos, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, llummers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at J0.LEY A C0J3 JIlolcEFiililT & OliNAAlENTAL Vss BENJ. BOHNEH, Dealer in l'ruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the uio,a responsible Nurseries in this and other stales, tn.t class TREES of all kinds. Also, rdirubbery, Vines and Plants. Gulden Seeds of nil kinds. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. B01IXER, Paxiuos, North'd. Co. t N. B. Insurances taken in several of tno mo.-t responsible Fire lusuraiioe and Horse Dutcclu e Couipiuics in the Statu June 8, I87. y FL0UR& FEED STORE WHOLESALE IXU RETAIL. THE srtbse-ibor respectfully informs the publie that lie kees constantly on band at hia new WAREHOUSE, near Ui Shainokin Valley Kailrc' Defot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tha barrel audsocki of all kinds of Feed by the-ton The ubovs is all manufactured at his own Mills, aud will he sold at tbe lowest onsh prides. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury. April 1, Irk"" J. H. Conley Co., "! .ui-UcI Mlrcct, l'.nst ol I lie ICniiroud tiUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN E'oiticK.. j A.ur.nic.k.'v, Hardware & Cutlery. rpiiE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Buyers generally is invited lo the fact (hat we utenow i. tiering a better seleuted assortment of' HARDW ARE, CUTLERY. AC, 1 t linn over was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dualers. Our stock comprises all artiolea in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools aud mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, 40., together with a large stock of Iron, Stsel, Nails. Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill aud X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Sunbury, March 30, 1887. SUiNliURY FOUNDIb. -i:o. itoiiiuiAcii & Ko, ARE duw carry in on butineM at Lhla old MUb lirjhmunt with rune wed vigor. ClwuIk of tvrj littnoriLiUou, promptly furuiiUcd to uriior. Xho Mtvei niflnufaoturcJ at this Foundry Uav acQuiruti the bihest reputation. Pariiuular aUentioo paid to MILL CASTINGS Kami li- itiouJd not forget that tha PLOW 5 made at tha bun bury Foundry oara ncrer been equalled. Agriculiural inipleiucnU repaired at short notice. t-uittll cnjitiuga. iuoluding Cooking uteiwila, of tbe most improved aud uiotft uvctul patlorua. Xhe buAiuuw will be eondueiod on an enlarged -cale. old uu.toa.ern will beacoomiuodated M Vual and new one are rvpotfully olicRed buubury, May I2t Uotice to Merobants and Skipper. rilllB uisdentgned. proprietor of WaUer A Frick'i X Liue, give uoliocs to merobanta and ahippert tbat th sUi-pot Utiill at oil Market atreet,' fliila dulphia, and all Uoodadirtwled loSuubury, Danville and Lewinbur.j, und all tnturiuediaie eUtioni along tliuruilruaJ, will be promptly delivered. LV Car. Jenve hit Market Wroot, Philadelphia tri-wcekly 'J'ueedaya, Thurduy and 6iurdy. J. W. ilKOWN, Propriutor, Lewihburg, J. II. UKOWN, Agent, bun bury, fa. December T. Iett7. ; Childrrn'a) 4'urrlu WE Would eall the attention of tbote wanting a Child's Carri tgo, to our new and large aiwurtw nieiit com p ruing new and beautiful style. l. U. COS LEY CO AgHmlinral lutplemvuf m9 HOE'S Oralu Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and A Handle tipadus, bhovU, Manure aud 11 ay Forks, tiraas and Grain Scythes, Urain Cradlw, Cradle Vingera, Traen, Breast, Tongue and Log Chain, tj rind-atones, Fanning Mill bwive o. all sisosand kiuds. a large assortiuent of Red Wagon Uainos, for IMowutg. Fan iiulU, Cultivator Toeib. for saia by . jj. CONLEY 4 CO. Mount Carxnel Hotel UT. CABMEIa, tfprUiuinhnrWAd Co Ptv. TUOS. iiURKKT, IWMttTOiL This Urce comu edlou Hotel to located esr Uie depot of the Hhaaokin Valley nnd the Quaksks New York Railroads. Trains arrive and depart daily. This bouse Is located In the oentxe of tbe Coal Ke gion and alfords thsbacouu.jdU9&l to travelers and rf sxusur.it cuttoiaers .ay XsOCK HOSPITAL. (3TABUBHED AS A RKFUUI FROM QVAOK IRT. THS ONLY PLACE WHERE A CITRB VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered tbe mott Certain ,9pey end only fr.sVtlual Hetnerty in the Worst for.H fo wl. DieMsea, Wnkiwia of the Hack or Limbs, StricMm, Aneetame .4 me Ikiancyeaim DMtnwT, limsmiwry Lr.w etvsigee, ImtaHeissy, Ueneral Alebilil,, Net vmmiese, uye pepsv, lei.RUor, l-nw Hpiiiis, Csinlusnm of Ideas. Palpi union of the Heart, Timidity, TreiuMiiiga, Dinmeaa uf fight or Giddiness, Disnne ol the Hand, Thrort, Nta or ekin, AITeclloiis in the Liver, Langs, isiomseh or Bowels .ihM T.rribi. Dwuideisarisina ftoin iher,litarv Habite ef Y -oili lb e eeerei end e hu. y praeticea rnirt ftl to ! tneir vkMima than the eais; sf f)rem t. tint MatiMreof U Ivaeea. b.iahiini thru nv i brilliniil httpea of aitikipaUona, rendering waniago, e., tiiipoMible. Vonstff .lien Kspeciallv. wtv hsve tteiymic1 the victims of Solitary Vice, thai drufidful nnd deitruutive hahtt which amiaiilly iwrtps U en untiinely imvi thuwuida if Voong Men of the m tri extittHi taWiits and brilliant iulellrff, wh miiht of herwiee hnvp etitiaitred listening Senates with tlie tliun deie of eioquriicr r wnked to ecitaiy the living lyre, uiay rail with full eimfidfiice. altnrrinic Married Persons or Y.-om Men conle mplatine marntp. behifr swhiv f physifal wrekuess, organio debility, do for initio, Ac, ipetniily cured. Ue wli plnfe hmuelf under th cars of Dr. J. may mav rehgiituily cmthilA in his hi"T fceutiemau, and a n&drmiy rely opti his skill as a Phsicau Organic WoaLkuvusi linmedintelv Cured, and Full Vig'tf Hestorvd. Th'B litteMing AtTtt'ti'tn w-itrh reitrters Lif- miaera bit and inarriagR nn-iihle is the penalty pud by t he victim uf iinrprr iiidtilgences- Young petanns are to apttu cm nut pxi'fsta irmti imt being aware of the drrd ful c-'nscqiiKiicta ihut miy eniut? Now, who that Outief Stands the ujf Will pr fiend tit deny that the power of iMtNTea ion ia hul Htiier by tlmie fa'ling into improper lahita than by the prurient? Hrsidri iteotg deprived the plprnmreiirf Imiltliy t'flpnnp.tlm rwtt srTiouaaMd deatrae live mpt'm to ixitli body and inniU ane. Th ayttem lmrnfl lJtrniiBel, the Ihyiif-at and vtental Pn net ions Veiktneri, IsomoT 1'foc.entive Power, Nrrvnua Irnt ilnii ty. Uyspfpo'H, PHlpitation of the Ilt-ort, ImliKt-itimi, Con siitutioiml Drbtlny. a VVtiitmg of the Fiainc, Cuugh, Coniumpiioii, Decay and Otnth, Oilier, o. 7 Nouili rredorlck Street Left h'lnd side going fr m Itaitiinore streft, a fewdoori riotn tin corner. Fail not totbcrve name and number. Isettets muat be paid nnd contain a stamp. The Doctor's Uiptmaa ha..g iu Ins office. A t ui't; X ui-raiited In Two Dayau So Mercury or Xautcout Drugs, Or. Botiutouv Member of the RiihI College of Surgeons, Londm, Grd uate from one of the most eminent Collrts in the I mtod Matea, and the greater part ol wboee liia has lieeu silent fn the hoapitn'i of Ltiudon, I'aria, Fhiladclphia and elae where, hna rrJccred ionif ol the inont nit iiiMhing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the brad and oirs when aiieep. nrf-at nerv- 'UsueM. bring alarru ed at luddeii sound! tvithiuliieH, with fieqiieut liiuihitiff, attemled mctirues wilbder.iiigeinaiit uf mind, wet a cured ininudtatrly. XxiUc Pai-ilcnlur Police Dr. J. sddieMfS all tli"ie who hive injured theinsclvus by improper indu:geii -a and solitary huutti, whit-h ruin both id) and uitud, unhmng tiiciu lor citliar bu.ca, Study, a'Cicly or uiurnnge. 'I nst-B ure s 'ine ol Iheiad and melancholy efftx-ts pro-duct-ii l.y eutly hdt'KKil youih vix: Weakucutiol Uu-back and leiiiiha, P'tma iu the Head, UnntirM of S gtit Loaa of MiiKiiUr P Wfi, PalpitHlnm t ttie Heart, Dypepayt Nervui Irritability, teiansetnentof lite UtfHUve Puuc tioita, linteral Ululity, yuiptrus of C 'UamiiplU'ii, 4o. Mk-NTaLly The tturlul ejfwu on the mind are much to b -'dfe-ided 1'S o Memory, Coutusum f Idrn, Dc prrsiiou of Spirits, Kvd-KofelhH,iiigst AVt -rsioit tot4ieiy, t4eUUsiriit, Lsove ol Solitude, Timidity, fce. are atnue of the evils prilut eJ. 'l'H-'t;s?ititi of persons of all ajfes ean rvw lodge what is ttie cause of then declining lieu Ith, l.siini their Vigor, hetjt.iuiiig wtak, pule, net vous and riiHt imel, liavmg a siugaliir appeaiuuoe about Uie eyes, c--ugh and symplums id onisumputm. You it" Hlon Who h:ue injured tlieniseive bya cerUiin prnctire intidlf ed m w lien ul 'tie, a ti.tlin lie Ufiitl Ic.nned Innii evil e-'iTiputitoiitt. or at ifh h1, the etlects of which ate inlitiy felt, even when aslct-p, uml H n t cured renders murrtuga Hiijx Mihir. and dtstrojs both nundand body, sbnuid app.y iiri'iirttniirly. Wj it a pity that a v miif man, ttie hope of his country, the dariintf - f hn p.irentK, h mhi be snatehed from a. I pns peets a. id enjoyments of ne. by the consequence of devia ting from the path of iwttir-nnd tni'litjfnig in a certuia aecrvt habit. Such pert nt Mur, before contemplating Z11airiu;-e rCrct that a sound umid and body are the most necessary requisttesto pr-nn tec uinu'iml hiinpinCHs. Indued wnhont thette the j uimry ihrxuh life t'cc met a weaty pilgrim ne, the pitttjiirt h"uil dttrkens to the view, lite mind becomes ttuidwed with tlenptur and filled with the melan choly reiWiion thut the happiiKas uf auuthe.r beeoiuca blighted with our nwn isirea4i ot linpriuK'nro. When the Hsisguided aud nnprudrnt votary of pleasure f.uitaj tlii'l be has mibiliol the seeds of this painful disease, it loo Mfirii huppens thnt an ill-timed seitfe tif shiime, of drti 1 ol tb.'C vtry, deieis im from applying t thse who, fioin educallou and n apectabdity, ran alone befneiid him, delaying till the ctntiluH - ual awnpt"ins of this homd diktMS: mke Uioir appcarHiirc. sueh aa ulcerated re thritttt, ilueased uo, rtural tuins in the mad aud hint. dMunoiraof s ght, deafness, in ilea on the thiu bones and ntn.K. hi-artirt thr head, tneaiiiid estiemiti a, pi- giess iinr with ffiitlittul tapimiy. Nil at laH the piUte of ih in-'uthr the b ueB of the ii' ce full iu, anil the victim of thitawfnl dmHtu tireonies a hoi i id object of roimniseia tt -li, till tie ith p'l't a ffTiKJ t hit ditiU'lful eutlfring, by aeuduitr him t ' 'thiit Undiecvered Country frun whence no irnvel'cr retntns " It ip a meli'tch 'ly fiict that thousands full victims in this teini'lti itur.mti. owing to the uut-Ki'lfnliu ss ( igitorant pictendiTs, who, by the use of th.t Denlly Poison, .Mer riifv,"roin the consiuutn u and make the residue of life miserable. Mraa tip-rs Truut not y ur !ive, or he.drh. to the care r.f the many Unleiuti'-d nu! Wrrh!ess t'rrtt niiers. definite of knWr edite, nsiu- oi t li trui ter, wh.ic ipv Dr Johnston's adver tis'inent, or t letlinnselvet in the timvepripeis. reieulaily l-tnc4tttd ryciciHMt, nu'fiimUe, s if rurtug, they keep you trifl'i'g tri mth after m 'nih i:iktnff their filthy t,d puaomis c-mpMiii(l, oi hs (sing as Hie smallest fft ran ! otiianuHl, and m daoair, leivr .u with tumeil bedtb l sigh over Ji'Ut c iibt'f dirippoiiiim-nt Dr. J ihhHtori ii the o.dy Ptvsicin advertising. II if ereiifiitiui r iiipl.iiii.is nl vas haK in his otTicv. . rem 'dies or treMtmeiir nre nukn 'a t all others, prepic! '"'ttm a hfpent in tlieffrenthnspiralaof Kurpe, the first in this cttuntrv and a tn .re ext'ttsiv ''Private Practice" than any other Pfiytifmii iu thewnld. Intloi-MfllKItt Of tllO I'l-CMfl. The manr thousands cured nt this institution vent sfter year, aii'1 the mtinenais imimttnut Siiivieal Onefntimis I perl rrtnint by Dr. J.hnton. w ttm-twed bv lha reporters f I the 8 in," "flipper ainl munv o'lor papers, i.ntieos of ' wh eh htre appnued afam and again laM'ore l he public, ' beside" hs s'aiutins as a genMemm of chttrneterand la- 1 sponstniitiy, is a eumVieiit guarantee to the amicted. K!a B.-.c;iskM Sprrttily Ciir4tl( Pereins wi itmg h tu'd be pnrtienltir in directing their eticrt to his Institution, in tbe ioilown g u -an iter, John .ta. .ItliiiKu. .1. ! Of the tljliimoie Urk iltst ltal, baltimore, Md. Nov. 30. 11.71 y. LEWIS & CO.'S ILLUSTRATED tEOMHI.V I'AJIII.V JOl'UXAIs, FOR THE MILLION ! TliousHnds of families in the oity and country, have long felt the waul of an Illustrated Journal at a reasouubla price, and equal to any on this oouliuent. To tbis end, we have engaged good artists. Tbe literary department will be one of the features of the paper, and we shall publish from time to time, ori ginal Tales, Sketches, Ac, by the leading itritersof the country. THIS IS NO LOTTERY. But we offer as an inducement to those who sub scribe, and will bslp to push forward to a successful issue, a obeap aud valuable Illustrated Family Journal, and give a lurgt Hxvtkrr of prrmtumt. Subscribers will nut have to wait to know if they have a premium. There will be 2.316 premiums distributed to lbs subscribers. Ths paper will be well worth the dollar, tor the year. A book bos been prepared for subscribers with number Irom I lo IU0, 01)0, and the premiums are equally distributed through the one hundred Ibousaud numbers. If there should be one thousand names received on the same day and date, the letters will be opened regularly as tbey come to band, and marked oo lha book in regular rotalion as opened, so that there will be a fair distribution of tbe premiums. Ws shall publish the names of the persons that are eutltled to the premiums, ia tbe Nw Yoaa Mokthlv illci VUAt.d. and in the oity aud country papers. Tbe following Premiums will be distributed : It Cash Premiums of fH'O each, i,000 " " lot) " 1,000 10 " " 100 " 1.UV0 21) 60 1,1)00 40 " " 25 " 1,000 BO ' " 10 " 800 60 Gold Watches, (Am'n Watch Co. I $60 each, I 600 60 Wiloox A Gibba' Sewing Machines, 60 ' 1.000 ill Howe's Sowing Machines, 00 S 000 2000 Premiums ot (I each, i000 TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 copy, one year, with one lubserlptiot), $1.00 eopies, ' five " s 09 20 " u twenty 20.40 Persons gettlug up olube will bs sntltlsd to pre. aiiuas, as above. Address LEWIS Co., 41 Heroer St., N. T Bus S3V1. W rite tbo address plain, giving township, soanty and 'tata. Mouey by dratt. Post ot&ue order, regis tered letter, or express, may bs sent at our risk. Send lu ots. lur specimen copy aoalainiug all Beoessary ixUuraiatioa. REFERENCES. Levi Stockwsll, Treasurer of the Howa Sewing Machine Co., OUW Broadway, New Xork. Edward P. Hatch, Secretary of tbs Wilsoi A Gibus' Mewing Machius Co too Uroadway, N. t. Feb. Is, loo JACOB 8HIPMAU-. riBB AND LIFE INBUHAMCH AOIST, SUNBUUV; PENN'A. irxtBIIMTft Farmer Mutual Fir Insurance Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual ProteetioB Co., New Yotk Mutual Lite, Girard Life of Phil 'a. Hart ford Ooon General Aeoid,ut IVorthom Central Rnllway. WINTER TIMS 80HEDULE. o1 N and sfter November 14ih, 18C7, trains wlH leave Buniutii,as ioiiows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, i.M A. If., Daily for Wllllamsport. Daily (except Bandays.) for Klmira, Qauandalgua, tloohester, Bnffaloe, Niagara Falls, Suspension Drldge and the Cansdas. 4.16 P. M., Daily (ezoept Sundays,) for Elru.ra, aud Bunaio via Erie Railway from Elimra. 6. 16 P.M., Daily (.exoept Sundays,) for Williams, port. LEAVE BOUTOWARD. 1.00 A. M ., Daily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, w armngiro ana rniiaaeipnia 6 4S A. M , Daily fur Baltimore and Washington 10.36 A. M., Iiaily (exoept Sundays.) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. J. N. DdBakbt, Ed. H. Yoiiao, Oen'l. Sup't., Gen I Passen'r Ag't , Harrislmrg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. lMlMlclhl4S, V l;rle lUslliouU. "WINTER TIME "t.BLE". Tbrosgh and direct route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Vt llliomsport, and the Great OU Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARSon all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nor. 2ith. 1Srt7. tho Train, on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Rued wilt ruu as follows : Westward. Hail Train leaves Philadelphia, h 4. Suubury, 11 arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 44 " Sunbury " arr at Erie Elm Ira Mail loaves Philadelphia, 6unbury " 44 arrive at Look Haven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie ' Sunbury, " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erio " " 4- Sunbury ' arr. at Philadelphia, Elm Ira Mail leaves Look 11 aven, " " Sonbury. " " arr. at Philadelphia. 1115 pra 6.60 a in B 00 p m 12 00 i.oou 6 36 p in 9 46 a m 8 Oil a m 4 tipui 7.45 p in 10 25 am 1.65 a m 8 o j a in 4 25 p ut 6 40 a in 1 00 p m 7.10 a m 10 ti am S. In p in Mafl and Express connect with all trains on Wnr- ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil adelphia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irviuoton ut 6.40a in, and Oil Citr at 0.60 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 85 p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway tnako close connections at Oil City with train, for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. .BAGGAGE CHECKa,l THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. Lackaminna At llloiiielisrf attsil ronl. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1667, Fauenger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. Leave Scranton, 6 60 10 00 7 10 4 40 " Kingston, S 66 11.20 8 20 6 no ' Rupert, tl 20 S 17 Danville, 0 64 8.50 Arr. North'd., 10 AS 10.15 NORTH WAtlD. Leave North'd., 7 UU 5 20 11 Danville, 7.40 6 no " Rupert, H 15 A. M. P. M. 6 .15 Kingston. 10 60 H 30 2 SO ( 5 Arr at Scranton. U.OO 9 ib 4.U0 111 15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8 :;tl A M. for Seriu I ton,oonnect with Train arrivingat New York st5.0. Passengers taking Truiu South fn in Scrnionat 6 50 A. M. via Northumberland, reach II irrishurg 12 30 P. M , riultimore 5.30 P. M., Wasl.iiis.ti.ii 10. OOP. M. via Rupert reach Pbilndelrl.tu at 7.00 p. m 11. A- r'JiM a.up l. Kingston, Jan 19. !So7. Itciiillitu ICtiiti-ou.l. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 25tL, 1SC7. CREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and T North-West for Pbiladolphiu, New York, liend- ' ing, Potlsville, Tamaqua, Athlnnu. Lebanon. Allen i town, Easton, Ephrala, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, , Ac, Aa. ' I Trains leave HorrUburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 3.00, 6 25 and 8. 10 A. M. and 2.05 and 35 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn I sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.10 10. 15' and 11 60 A. M. and 3.40, 9 30 P. M. Sleep. . Ing Cars accompanying tbo 3.00 A. M. and U 35 P. Al. Trains, without ohange. Leave Harrisburg lor Reading, Pcttsville, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove. Allemown ; and Philadelphia at b. 10 A.M. and 2.06 a..d 4.10 ; P. M., stopping at Lebanon and primipMl way I stations ; the 4.10 p m. making conueciioi s fur I Philadelphia and Columbia only . For Puttrville, Schuylkill llo ven ana Auburn, via .cluvisiii unu Susquehanna Railroad, leave llnrrisl.urg at 4 in p. in. Returning Leave New York ni U OU a. m., 12 "D Noon and 5 00 and 8.00 p. in.; I'liiliu'.olj liia et S 16 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way P.-isscnger Train lenvcs Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at ft. 30 p. m stopping at all Sialions ; Pottsville at 8 46 a. m. and 2 45 p. m; Ashlaud H ill) a.m. and 12 I'J and 2 00 p.m.; 'lainaqua at b.So a.m. aud l.t0 and 8 46 p. to. Leave Pottsville for narrishurg via Schuylkill end Susxiuehanna Railroad at 7 !t a. m. and 12. I'll noon. Kutiding Accommodation Train leaves Reading ut 7.3(1 A. il. returning from Philudelpnia ut 4.0U P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 7 0( A. M . and 6. lu P.M. lor tpbr.ua, Litis. Lancas ter, Columbia, Ao. On Sundays: Leave New York t 8 00 p in.. Phila delphia b.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. the is.ni. a m. train running only toReuling. Potlsville but am., HorrUburg, 5 25 am. and 4.10 and 9-35 p m. and Reading at 1.00 and 7.15 a. in, foi lli.rrt.-i.ur,:. und 7.00 a. m. and 11.10 p m lor New York, 4 25 p in. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, Season. School and Ex ouraion Tickets, at reduced rales to and flow all points. Baggage checked throngb : 100 Pounds Bigae allowed eacn raseenger. G. A. NIC01.1.S. General Superintendent- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, in every variety ol ANTHRAC1TK 0 A Upper Wharf, 8TJNBTJ.HY, Ponn'a. tOrdurssalloited and filled Hu promptness and dosnaioh. Sunbury, May 13, 18n8. y COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! QKANT Sc BROTHhK, Mlilppcra &. Vlil-ule Ac ilt-iull It'tilt-rat in WHIT: At (i:i A Sail 4 in every variety. Role Agents, westward, ot the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lowia Wharf Scsni ar. Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, IrtOO BOOK MMOY. JOHN HGRrviAN, North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared lo Bind Hook., Papers, Magasines Music, Ao , iu any style m.t may be denrou, at cheaper rales than can be done iu Ibe elites. All Orders left at this Office, will receive prompt attention. oo'- ' '. ululn, Oil, Ac. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Conl Oil, Fish Oil. aud Lubricating U.I for Englues aud Machinery, VarnuUio, Gloss, always uu naud. al low pnoesat CONLEY CO'S I70R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees. Bills. Buck ' lea, Gig Trees, Pad Tiees, Uanus, all kiuds and every thing pertaining to tbe biuu.es. tor ,e by J. H. CON LEY A CO. meXTSrJilsa' 'B'sV.''. fl'AflE followiug persons are entitled to receive on X Increase uf Bounty under ihe Aot ot Cuagreas passed July 1666, lo equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 10th day of April, 1001, lor I years, and served their lime ot enlistment and bate beau bouurably discharged, and have reouived or are entitled u receive a Uouoiy of $100. are entitled an additional Bounty of slwU. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 yean, sud have been honorably discharged uu ooooaut of wounds reeeived in the line of dulyrre culuied to aa additional Bounty of ailOO. Sd The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers wbo died in lbs service ol wounds or diseais, are entitled to aa additional Uouni) sttttO. sty application to S. P. WOLYEhTON. Em., of Buascar, Pennsylvania, wbo is an authorised Claim Agent, all snob claims eau be speedily collected. Sunbury, August 4, lots. if Coachmakers WE ar BoUing Rim.. t'us. Hubs, Springs, Caavesa. Bolts. Clips, Axle, Ac, very low Large Stock at CONLEY CO. ffunoury, March SO, loftT. CARPENTERS. WILLtnd la eur esubliabment a superior skj efPloncc, Saws, Augers, llolch.u, Hammers, tU Calasls, A,.,,,oi.br -y ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers