""""HTBrMABSBB," Editor ft Proprietor-. SATURDAY, A PHIL 25, 1808. JRUPUULICAn Ml'ATU TICKET, AUDI tOH UENERAL, Don. JOHN X. HAHTBANFT, OF MONTO0MKRY COfSTT. SURVEYOR GENERAL, - Col. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBMA CODSTT. v fjTho new National tax law passed by Congress, and wbich went iuto effect on the 1st of April, relieves small tnanufaoturers tif tlio runnufttcturcs' tax heretofore impos ed, except the manufacturers of distilled spirits, tobacco, wines, gas and coal oil. All othor manufacturers arc exempt, whose lnisincss Joes not ainounlto $5,000. Those who mafacluro over the amount of $5,000, pay 2 pet cent, on the excess, and mako quarterly return. Tho special tax, or licenso duty, the income tax tho stamp tax, and the tax ou gross receipts, are still retain ed. . m- kJ7"Tni MoriTtiAOK Law. One of the most important laws ever placed on tho sta tute books of the State is that which relieves all mortgages, Judgments and "recognizances owing on articles of ngrccment on the sale of real estate from taxation. Wc print the act as it now appears on thu tiles of tho Se cretary of the Commonwealth : ZJe it enacted, etc., That all mortgages, judgment and recognizances owing upon articles of agreement for tho sale of real estate, made and executed after the passage of this act, shall be exempted from nil taxa tion, and that from and after the first clay of December next, no taxes of any descrip tion shall bo assessed or collected on or from mortgages, judgments, recognizances or moneys owing upon articles of agreement for the salo of real estate, whether made and executed before or after the passage of this act: rroculal, That nothing in this act shall be constructed to apply to mortgages, judg ments or articles of agreement, given by corporations. E-ifTnE Bovth-Cahomsa Election. The following is a special dispatch to the Philadelphia Vo,'bho;ving that thoRepub. licans have carried South-Carolina, at the election held laBt work, by a heavy majori ty, since estimated at from 20,000 to 25,000 : "Tho election in South-Carolina has re sulted in a great Republican victory. We have elected the Governor, tho State Legis lature, and members of Congress. The tri umph of Union and freedom is complete. South-Carolina, tho first to iuculcutu tho heresy of nullification in 1834, the first to secede from the Union, nud the first to fire on the flag of our country in 1SG1, is the first to return to her allegiance ; for al though Arkansas has elected her Sonators, there is some content over the general re sults. "Rut the Palmetto Stato stands now where she never stood before. Under the control of a narrow-minded aristocracy craving for royally, bound to slavery by pocket and prejudice, her whole eystcru antagonized with republican institutions, sho was always a malcontent, instead of a wisoly co-opera-tivc'couusellor. Rut with a freo constitu tion, with a Governor, a Legislature, and a delegation iu Congress devoted to the new order of things, she now appears a thorough ly reformed eistcr. Let ns hope that her in fluence for good in the future will be equal to her disposition for evil iu thcpast." A Good Law. Tho Legislature of New York has passed a law authorizing regular ly appointed railroad conductors to mako arrests. They will thus lc clothed with the power of special policemen and be enabled to make, turbulent follows who travel with them behave tlicni&ulvcs with greater pro. priuty than they now frequently do. In case el resistance to their authority they will have tho right to call upon passengers for assistance. There should bo a similar law in every State, and ouo also to prohibit con ductors from expelling passengers from the cars who cannot pay their fare for satisfac tory reasons,' except at a station. Terrible Itnilroail Accident. A terrible railroad accident occurred of the New York and Erie Railroad ou Wed nesday morniug of last week. Tho follow ing particulars wo tako from a New York duspatch : New Yoiik, April 15. Tho following particulars of the terriblo railroad accident on the Erio road havo been received from passengers ou the train, who havo arrived in this city. The train to which the accident occurred lift Buffalo twenty minutes past two o'clock yesterday afternoon, in charge of couductor Judd and Charles Douglass, superintendent of the division, and consisted of the engine, tender, three Bleeping, two first class and one second-class, two baggage and one pos tal car. The train proceeded on timo, mak ing tho usual stoppages until cvoning, when the passenger in the sleopiug cars retired for the night. About three o'clock this morning, Messrs. Ames and Horton, of the General Pott-office in this city, who were iu charge of the postal car, saw the bell-rope straighten out aud break in two, when Mr. Judd immediately remarked to one of the officers that be had lost bis rear car. They ran to tho platform of tho car, when the tour rear curs were seen rolling down a pre cipice from 75 to 100 feet high. . The scene of the accident occurred 13 miles beyoud Port Jervw,-ou the Delaware tiivittion road. Tho sides of. the prccipicu uro formed of jigged ruck, and in thu decent the curs were broken to pieces. At the bottom is a culvert through which flows a struma emp tying into thu Delaware. Tho disaster was caused by a broken rail, which throw tho rear cur immediately in front, and the whole wcro precipitated clown the embankment. Conductor Judd and Di vision Supoiinteudcut Douglass wore slight ly injured. The curs in going over tho cmbnukuieut turned suvcral times before the bottom was reached, aud were nearly demoliahed. Tho bletping car was entirely cousuiucd by tire. Tho passengers immediately began to rescue the wounded and remove thu bodies f the killed, ilauy of the latter could not bu reuognized. Several peroous were burn ed to dtutu aud six othurj wero killed by enruiog in contact with tho jagged rocks. The wouuded persons were p'laced iu the train and brought to Port Jcrvis, which place was reached at 0 o'clock this morning, wben several surgeons ware immediately summoned and every thing was dono to al leviate the sufferings of the injured. Tho bodies of the killed wciclcft ou the ground. Arkansas hasr.ratiuod the Anti-8lavery amendment elected two U. 8. Senators ttJ Vi!68 RopreseuUUve to CongreM, aU -tupu'jhoaiu, aud is U tuaily back into the Union it aatiunoh. Republican Biate. Her ' P8fewwe arsj , already at Washington tad will U a JroHted at once. Vtl John. the 'Qraai Obeuuotlonnf out o. tbo y, the tta of July lUfiodthc iwuUmn : i! j ail reulnrr.d lnrEAUHMIINT. Washington, April 17. The rumor of discord in tho Board of Manager, and of threats that tome of them would withdraw from the management of the impeachment case, which occasioned great excitement last tight, wcro dissipated this morning by tho nppearauce of all the members at the bar of tho Senate when the court organized. It is probable that the rumor wa started for the purpose of suggesting such a course to some of the Manager, but I have the best authority to-night for saying that tho best reeling exist between mem, uu mm. mi; continuo to bo unanimous in their support of tho line of prosecution originally adopt ed. ' It is useless to conceal tho fact that they l.... f..lf rlUnnnninted at SomO of tho rul- inzs of the Chief Justice, a well as some of the decision OI luc oeuam, um iu.-j tii mntinue to the end of tho trial their presis- tent and consistent objections to the careless testimony offered by the defense, although they aro convinced that such objections are oftontimcs in vain, oven before they aro ut tered. It is also useless to claim that the decisions of the Senate have any particular significance beyond an exhibition of a desire to placo on tho record of tho trial nil tho cvidenco that may be offered by either side, which can reasonably be presented as applicable to the case. In doing this the Sennto disregards tho rules of evidence which obtain iu ordinary courts, and sustain the argument advanced by tho chairman of the Board ot Managers J ucigo umguani that it is a "Jaw unto itself." The requittal testimony to impeach tho re. Doris of President Johuson's Cleveland and St. Louis "circle" speeches were complete failures, and wcro so regarded Ly protiatiiy every pcrson'who heard them. Gen. Butler had so thoroughly established their correct ness, ns set forth jn tho articles of impeach' ment, that he really strengthened his case bv cross-cxnmmincr their witnesses. "The fact that Senator 8umncr consistently vote against tho Managers when they ob ject to any evidence not connected with the ofhcial acts ot the accused, will surely tie ac cepted as an indication that the President is indebted to his political enemies for the leniency extended in hearing his defonse. Tho debates which are consequent upon theso objections now occupy tho greater portion of each day's session, nnd to-day was not an exception to this rule. Tho counsel asked Secretary Welles a question in regard to a Cabin et meeting held on tho 21st of February, after Thomas had been appointed ad interim, Generul Butler appealed to the Senate to reject such matter, on tho ground that, if any man se lected confidants or conspirators in com mitting a crime, he could not bring in tuose co-conppirators to help screen him from fu ture punishment, aud that President John son was then paving his way for the defi ance of law, which he could not lawfully or legitimately resist when wonted. Tho appeal for its admission was very weak, and Mr. Wilson rising to reply and protest, tho Senate concluded to adjourn over until to marrow, when Mr. Wilson will bo first in order. The chances aro against its admission, although no one cau foretell what the Senate will do. Washisoton, April 18, 18G8. It became apparent that no opportunity would likely be given for more than two of the Managers Messrs. Bingham nnd Boutwcll to deliv er epeechas on the final argument, and it is probable that Messrs. Loguu, Thad. Stevens, and Williams will get iu their speeches on the questions relative to the admissibility of evidence. None of theso speeches can occupy more than oue hour, except the Sen alo will extend the time, which will hardly bo done, though iu the caso of Manager Wilson it may. THE MEMEEIIli ON TUB CABINET wpre all in the Senate this morning waiting to be called ns witnesses. I bey nil sat up- ; on the Democratic side of thu Chamber, and j seemed to take considerable interest in the j proceedings. At 13 o'clock nnd 85 mintitC9, Senator! Howard demanded the yens and nays on the question, afier the Chief Justico had do- ! cided it admissible. i WHAT THE DEFKNKE WI811 TO PROVE. The defence offer to prove that at n meet iog nf the Cabinet, the President submitted tho Tenure nf Office bill, and thnt the ad viou of the Cabinet was that tho bill should bo returned to Congress with his objections; and tho duty of preparing a veto of the message was cutrtiated to Secretaries Soward and Stanton, and also to prove what took place afterwards the ruorosmou h li.uk out. Tho vote stood -yeas 20, nays 20. So the proposition was ruled out. Till: ritKSlDE.NT's CUUStlX Wot 0N:fcT Ell After tho announcement of the vote there wag a long pause in tho proceedings, tho President's counsel being considerably dis concerted ut the result, nnd hardly know ing what course to pursue. The evidence just ruled out waj considered quite impor tant for the defense, and tho failure to get it in renders the estimouy of tho venerable Secretary of the Navy of little value or im portance. Tho Chief Justice asked if the counsel for tho President were ready to go on, to which Mr. Evarts replied, rather curtly, we. are waiting for order to bo restored. THE CIHSoEi. KOll "A. J." MAKE AXOTUEK - r.FHOHT. lie then proceeded to ask Bocrctary Welles whether from the time the Tenure of Office bill was before the Cabinet until the veto was sent in the ense of Mr. Stanton as coming under its provisions, was discussed. Mr. Butler We object. Let the learned counsel reduce his proposition to writing. About ten minutes was consumed iu put ting the proposition in writing. Tho proposition of the defense just sub-1 mittcd is as follows : j We offer to prove that at tho Cabinet meeting, alter the Tomire-of-ofhce bill was sent to the President the case of Mr. Stan ton as coming under it was frequently dis oiiRSsod while Mr. Stanton was present. The quostton was aitrucd by Mr. Evarts I mid Manager Butler, after which the Chiof Justice said ho preferred to submit the ques tion to the Senate. Senator Drake demuud ed the yea and nays. THE QUESTION 19 NOT ADMITTED. The vote resulted yeas 23 nays 20 ; so it was not admitted. EXAMINATION OF BECnCTAUT WELLES 11E BCMEll. Mr. Evarts proceed with the examination of Secretary Welles: Q. Did tbo object of this bill frequently come up in Cabinet for discussion, and its bcariogs as affecting tho public Service, and did Mr. Stanton take part r ANOTHER OBJECTION RAISED. Mr. Butler objected. Mr. Evarts reduced Lit proposition to writing, and it was again argued by Messrs. Butlor and Evarts, after which it was submitted to the Seuate. The yeas aud nays being demanded, resulted a follows : IT IS SUSTAINED, yeas 19, nays 80 ; so the evidence was not admitted, and tho Manager were again vic torious. A RECEB. 7 "J ' After Ibe vcte was announced, the Senate took feces for fifteen minutes. Before the- rote was taken. Senator Hen. deron asked if the counsel intended, by tui-question, to 'develop evidcuee that should n coneidcred in mitigation, if tbo offense ia to be. weighod. when, they come to consider his sentence. Mr Butler sdid - that they wire too fast with such evidences of good previous char acter, etc., and intended to secure a light sentence. This oould only be brought in after conviction, but if the counsel desired to put It now ni ft mitigation the; wonld not object, as that would be a confession of fuilt, which would shorten the trial. Laughter on the floor and in the gallerlo. Mr. Ji vans n o nave no desire to do so. : ; STiii AuoTiitn objection bbitained. Immediately after tho recess they propos ed another question to the witness as to what took place in the Cabinet, relative to wing force in getting Mr. Stanton out of tho War office. After some discussion the yeas and nays were demanded and resulted yeas, IS ; nays, SO. SECIICTART WKM.E8 GIVEN VP. After this vote was announced the defence abandoned the witness, and Mr. Butler com menced the cross examination. Witness testified that Lorenzo Thomas had acted as a member of the Cabinet tinco his appointment by the President. TI1E POSTMASTER GENERAL ON TUB STAND. Postmaster General Randall testified that he suspended Foster Blodgett, postmaster in tho Stato of Georgia, on the representa tion that ho was under nn indictment on a charge of peijury. The perjury alleged against Mr. Blodgett consisted in swearing that ho had been a Union man during the war, and did not render aid to tho rebels during the same, upon assuming tho duties ol his olnee. Mr. Butler, in bis cross exam ination, discovered enough, however, that Mr. Blodgett had bucn persecuted by the rebels, and tho charge was merely made for the purpose of displacing him from office, aud that Randall was a willing tool to re move him without giving Mr. Blodgett the least notice of his intention. The removal was also made during the session of Con gress, nnd the Seuato was never notified of tho same. THE CASE CONCLU11ED. Mr. Evarts rose and said Mr. Chief Jus tice and Senators, the counsel for the Presi dent nre now.ablo to state that the evidence on his part is closed, ns they understand their duty in the case. The conduct of tho proofs, however, lias been mainly entrusted to Mr. Stanbery, both on the part of the counsel and fur some personal reasons in reference to his previous knowledge of the controversy and of tho mutters to be put in evidence, from his official familiarity with tho question. Mr. Stanbery's heolth, -we aro sorry to say, is still such ns to have precluded anything like a serious conference with him since ho was taken ill. We sub mit, therefore, to tho Senate, that in such consideration it is possible some other proof may bo needed to lie offered, but we do not at present expect thnt U will be so. Senator Johnson asked the Managers whether they had any proof to offer. Mr. Butler was understood to say they had none to oiler until tho defense was through. Mr. Evurts We suppose ourselves to be through. I have only to state that in the absence of Mr. Staubcry sonio further evi dence may need to bo offered which we do not at ull expect. The court, therefore, nt twenty minutes to four o'clock, adjourned until Monday nt eleven o'clock a. m., and tho Senate imme diately afiewards adjourned until thu samo hour. jonNsoN PiscounAOED. The friends of tho President and his buck crs nre very much discouraged by the unex pected turn nf affairs, and at tho sudden conclusion of the same, and the opiniou is freely expressed that tho President's coun sel have made somewhat of a mistake. THE CASE TO HE OVEIt II V THEFIItsT OF MAY. The success in keeping out any cvidenco showing tho motives of tho President in tho base of Mr. Stanton is considered a big point gained, nnd tho friends of the im peachers uro delighted at too prospects. By the 1st of May it is now expected the whole affair will be over. TltE CHEAT rAnnONEll AFTER A PARDON. The whisky ring, who are the most active frieuda of tho President in this city, have started the rumor to night that, though the Senate may find the Presedcnt guilty, they will not inilict tho full penalty of removal and disqualification. MSTINGUTBHED VISITORS AT THE CAPITOL. On the floor of the Senate to-day wero Governors Geary, ol Pennsylvania ; Fair child, of Wisconsin ; Fletcher, of Missouri, and Marshall, of Minnesota. Tho general opinion prevails, among all w ell inforniod gentlemen, that it is next to an impossibility for tho President to escape conviction. Washington, April 21, 18G8. Tho incle ment weather caused a diminished atten dance at tho impeachment trial to day. Lieutenant-General Sherman, who, according to newspaper report, was half wuy to Fort Laramie, was again present to-duy, having beeu notified that lie might bo required to appear again ns a witness. The spectators found the proceedings rnthcr uninteresting, the evidence put or offered being merely supplementary, and then tho session came to un abrupt close by an adjournment until Wednesday, no little disappointment was expressed by tho ticket holders, who had gone to much trouble to secure them. It seems probable that Mr. Boutwell's speech may occupy oil of Wednesday and some portion of Thursday. Generul Logan made un ineffectual attempt to get in a copy of his argument, which be stated was already in print. - It is probable, however, that the Sennto may around the rule before tho next sitting of tho Court so as to allow the admis sion of arguments, printed or otherwise, by all tho Managers and all the President's counsel. Tbo Senate went iuto executive session immediately after the adjournment es a Court to day, and discussed the advisability of proceeding with legislative business. After a long discussion on tho subject, they decided to postpone all business until nftur the impeachment trial, as their minds wero entirely occupied with that subject, and it required all their timo and attention. The ense of Mr. Larowell as United States Sur veyor of California canic up, however, and he was rejected for that position. The best judge of the situation in Wash ington have come to the conclusion to night that there can be no doubt a to tho result of Iinieachment. Some have stated that Seuutor Grimes, Fowler, and Van Winkle would bo ainouog those who wonld be in thu majority, but it is not generally con ceded that upon the articles in reference to brcukiug tho law, swiugiog round the circle expedition, there will bo a stout party vote. A prominent New Yorker offered a wager to-night that Rovurdy Johnsou would vols for conviction on questions of law. The case will go into court cm Monday next. Very possibly a decisiou will bo rendered on tho day following. Mr. Wade has not iu any way anticipated hi course, if ho should become President. JJe ha uude no statement whetovor ou tho subject, and, ha declared that bo will listen to no conversa tion ano receive no suggestisns until after the vote is cast, Should bo be called to the Chair of the Chief Magistrate, he will then merely appoint bis Cabinet, and mako no other chuugo until after the Chicago Convention. Mr Boutwell will begin his speech on Wednesday morning, which will not probably last tnoro than ono day. Should Mr. Rtanbery bo unable tp atload, Mr. Tvarts on Fridy. Mr. Evarts may tako two day. He will be followed bv Mr. Bingham, who will certainly require more than ono day. The Court will open its ses sion at tho conclusion of Mr. Bingham's argument, when they will consider tbo rer- diet. On Friday last the Associated Press agent in this city caused to bo telegraphed over the country that tho committee of the Honato to whom was referred Mr. Cameron's re solution to Investigate tho lata defalcation of forty thousand dollars in the office of Col. John W.' Fornoy, Hcorotary f the Sen ate, had held several meetings and would exculpate Forney. This is incorrect. The committee has had no meeting since the resolution passed, and will aot report until after impeachment is settled. Secretary Stanton does not remain at the War Department all night now, but goes to his home as usual. Private dispatches received by Governor Hahn in this city, from New Orleens to night, state that the Republicans voted solid for the regular State ticket. In twenty-one polls in the city, tho majority for the Con stitution is 033, which renders it probable thnt the Republicans have carried tho city too. There is no doubt whatever as to tho result in the State. CONVICTION CONSIDERED CERTAIN. There is no doubt now expressed by any one, whose opinion is worth 'respecting, of the conviction of Mr. Johnson, and the peaceful inauguration of Mr. Wade. WHAT SECRETARY M'CCLLOCH TniNKfl. "Do you think he would make any resist ance when convicted ?" said a member of Congress to Secretary M'Culloch, last Satur day, while the latter was waiting in tho Senato to be put on tho stand. "How can he?" replied Mr. M'Culloch. "Who will obey any orders from him ?'' This is tho whole, statement in a nut shell. Andrew Johnson convicted is without friends or ser vants even in Washington. ArorsTA, April 20. Tho election is pro gressing without collisions. Tho negroes, with tew exceptions voted too Radical tick et. They marched iu squads from tho country to tho polla with banners flying, and yelling for Bullock, the candidate for Governor. Atlanta, April 20. The election is pro gressing quietly, and there is much enthusi asm anion? both parties. A larao negro i vote was polled to day, nnd Bullock is , ahead. Gordon's friends aro not generally voting. It is said that at Marietta 180 uo" ; groes formed in lino and voted for Gordon. ; The weather is bad. j Coi.FMBt'9, .April 20. The flection is pro ceeding quietly. The total vote to day was ; 701 of which 207 were white and 407 ; blacks. The Democvatics claim to be jubi I lant, and say that many of the negroes have voted the Democratic ticket. lion. II. I". H nde 'I'hreiilencd. Washington, April 20. Hon. Benjamin F. Wade received the following anonymous letter this morning. post marked Winchester, Kentucky, April 17. I copy, rtrbatim ft lit eratim : Pen. W'nde, IT-n. to c-Mtd) : This communication is to notify you that you aro marked and teatchfd by " the K. K. K., & that should yon and your infa mous associates succeed In your fanatical & hellish design of j'uhting yourself as so called President on un unwiliinir people v actual force, that , jour toe will be, before ob month, mat i "it.e low lamented a. 0maha from tho Black Hills on Thursday, L. Wi iiy not heed this warning but 0B(J wa9 t0 eBVe fl,r Lt.avuorth on I n go your course, and your fate is sealed by i Tho r aro Ulut the jufliang f a bullet by 8 h. K. K. K. lye are . on your , PoW(ler 'rivcr country refuse to treat track that never sleep, and this will be your ,vitb lho Commissioner until every white portion. J had. Stevens is doomed. Gen- U)3n ,cavC9 the ais,)uted torritorv. Mean eral Grant is watched also. ou think ,..i,;i ,i, .i. ;m i.... ,,..!,,; Vnll!..!! r ... cm.v... ,1ihm .n ..An.. m ! airuitinti tou thrrc prand conitpiratcrtt. As for Hutler, tbo K. K. K. of New Orleans will take him in charge ut the proper time, ami Ids portion will alio be a luillct. An inrlignunt pcoplo will no longer bear what .' von demons in human shape arc preparing : lor tlieni. Go on, nnd yntt will see whether ' the 8 S. K. K. K. will lie. lie warned in j time. I By order of the Grand Commander of the i K. K. K. W. C. C. K., April 14, 1869. 8 S. K. K. K. The Prothonotary on Saturday last, enter ed judgment in the suit of Mopes Tajlor and Samuel Sloan, trustees vs. The New York and Schuylkill Coal Company, for one million sixty'cight thousand nine hun dred and ninety-three dollars and thirty three cents ($1,OC9,S03 33.". It is the lar gest judgment ever entered in the Court of Common Picas, of Schuylkill county, and one of the largest, pcrhhps,. ever entered in the State of Pennsylvania. This judgment is secured by a mortgage which covers over 19,0(10 acres of the most valuable coal land in this region. Miners Journal. iiitittTriKs. The eugar crop of Louisiana is large and promises well. Chicago hicago ia said to be the distributing nt for S0.000 American postoffices. poi Thirty thousand people marched in tho funeral procession of D'Arey McGee. Paris has a population of nearly two mil lion nucl there wore 7U0 suicides in too city last year, 457 of whom were unmarried The Mormons arc goiup; to cultivate cot- ,.,, aio,,;, , taken with a fresh raw egg, or now too, wool, Has and silk. 1'licy want to be milk, daily, has been found to be an excellent rem perfectly independent of foreign markets, J edy. has the reputation of rendering a perfect A man in Maryland died of chicken cliolu ra last week. Tlmt is the chicken died of that disease and then the man ate the chick en aud died too. Tweuty-seven million pounds of gan pow der were consumed by tbo Government du ring tho late rebellion. Quito enough to blast the whole country. Mr. Dickens has read for the last time in America ; unlo&s lie thinks sometime ugain, that ho cuu make another couple of hundred thousand Uullars of the Yankees. With one exception, all the candidates on the Democratic ticket in South Carolina were in the rebel army as officers. Without doubt they represent well their constituency. Democracy in Illinois formally resolves, through Its) 6tatt Convention, that legal tenders arc lawful money. Time was, aud not long ago, when they styled tbo euuie paper ' Linkin rags I" General Thomas L. Kane, of the famous Pennsylvania Bucktails, who has ucver recovered from the severe wounds lie re ceived while fighting rebels, is now ia New York, undergoing medical treatnicut. , AU doubts of tho safety of Dr. Living stone,, the Aftican explorer, arc now dis pelled, bir Kudcrick Murchisen . haviug received a Utter from tho diolinguibUed traveler, which came by the way of Zauibur. Dr. Livingston write that he in in good health, that his journey of etplorution bat been successful, aud that ho will soon re turn tu Eugland. Every Kupublicaa paper ia Alabama, with ou single aaooption that of the JVV tiotliet at Mobile have ths naajes of Gen. U. 6. Grant, of Illinois,, for President, and Hod. Kicuard BuaUed, of Alabama, for Vice Piasideut, flyiug at their matt beads. 1 Dyspepsia anhSchofgla are two hydra beaded monsters from , which pearly all ttv ills that flesh is heir to originate. Tor dya pepsia, tie Permian Eyrup, a protected aulutkip q' tbo proioiUlo of iron, is a long-, tried and well-cstabliHbed remedy t and for scrofula irj all iU manifold forms 2. . An dtit' ljdin vmtur is a specific. . If those af flicted wilt try these remedies they will tbsokus for calling their attention to tbem A. T. Stewart, of New York pays his law yer a regular salary of 25,Ouo a, year to take entire charge of bis legal business. The fortunate lawyer thua. engaged it ths Well known Judge Wilton. ' The peach crop In New Jorsy is hurt by ' the frosts.,.. -.. The amount of grain in store at Chicago, Milwaukee and Toledo on the first of April amounted to upwards of 6,003,923 bushels. How may you keep eggs fiom spoiling t By eating them when they're fresb. It is metre than likely tho late severe cold weather ha seriously damaged the pros pects of the fruit crop. A match is about to be made between Lucy Stone and Anna Dickinson, for the championship as to who is tho best teotd. The Masons and Odd Fellows of Wash ington are contributing to the Lincoln Mon ument to be erected in that city. The Rev. Stephen II. Tyng.jr., denies that he has defied the authority of the church, but says that he shall appeal to tho General Episcopal Convention. Six weeks ago the Democratic papers were very abusivo of General Grant, because ho had t.o opinion ; now that ho expresses the opinion that impeachment is justice to Andrew Johnsou, the same journals rcdoublo the energy of their abuse. Brick Poincroy's advertisement for a Con federate flag to hang in his sanctum does not meet with universal favor among his Southern friends. The Petersburg Inde snubs him in the following fashion : "We doubt tho propriety of sending the flag to n man who didn't go to it. Wa haven't much respect for this after the-battle fer vor." There are seven million Jews in the world, onc-hulfof whom livo in Europe. Hon. John Bell, of Tcnncsce, is still alive, and resides ou the Cumberland river. The streets in Detroit were recently flooded, because of the obstruction of the sowers by cast-off hoop skirts. A lady in New York, aged 25, now en joys the privilege of a fourth busbaud, hav ing been three times divorced since she was 18. A man was arrested last week in Cincin nati, ou a charge ol having slaughtered sev eral diseased cattle, for tho purpose of con verting them into bologna sausages. The London Spectator says of our General Sheridan: "Anyone who looks narrowly into the fact will discern in the foresight, decision, seed, audacity, resolution, and wise caution of Philip Sheridan something Napoleonic. Had he been born in France ninety years ago, he would have become a marshal and a duke." A Fifth Avenue lady has jnst received a medallion carpet for which the paid $11,- DUO at the fans inhibition. A Large Volume would not contain the mass of testimony which has accumulated in favor of Wut-ar't ISaltam of Wild Vherry as a safe, efficient and reliable remedy in curing coughs, colds, and pulmonary dis ease. Muny of the cures arc truly wonder ful. Quecnstown is thronged with young peo ple waiting for a chance to emigrate to America. Unless more steamers arc put on tho various lines, all those who arc thus waiting cannot be brought over this year. Latest advices concerning lodisn affairs , ,tat' that General Sheridun returned to 1 . ... a driven away or killed Ex-Govcruor James Pollock, President of j tho Board of Trustees of Lufuyette, has been j ; elected I'rcsidi-ut of the "Suciely for the; ! Prevention of Cruelty to Auimula," in Phil- 1 J adelphia. j 1 Pea advertisement of Spoor's Wines in nnother j ' column. They nre pore juico wines and the im-t : reliable fur sickneu superior fur commuuion pur ' po5cs. Wear your learning, like your wutch, in a pri ' vate pocket, and don't pull it out to show that you , have one ; but if you are asked wbul o'clock it in, i tell it. 8o if you are aihed what the greatest tonio ! in the world is, you eau with confidence say, the Zingari Bitters. It is recommended by some of tbo most eminent men in this country, rj well as in I Europe ' Us Nature an antidote for acquired diseases? The Plantation Uitteks, prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York, have no doubt bonefitud and oured i more persons of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Sour Sto j macb, LoSBof Appetite, Kinking Weakness, General ' Debility, and Mental Despondency, than uny othor articlo in existence. They aro composed of the ' purest roots and bcrbs, carefully prepared, to be i taken ns s tonio and gentle stimulant. They or : adapted to any age or condition of lite, and aro ex tensively pepular with mothers and persona of e ! dentury habits. Maoxoua "Water Is a delightful toilet article cupwior to Cologne and at half the price. ComscmI'Tiow. Notwithstanding the many arti cles advertised to cure Consumption, we do not bo- heve, when seated too long, it oan be cured j nut persons were npoaed to be suffering under that fatal disease. who have become perfectly well and robust from the use of Spoor's Port Grape Wine. Muny titnus people for years waste and at last die from diseases ot the kidneva or elands, when thev were aunnnxed ' to nuve ana wero treatea tor uonsumption. A long- continued aflectioo of Ibe kidneys, however, may ; vujv iu, vwueuuiiuuu.-iueci irac J itnej. inia wine certutnly contains valuable properties; lot our physicians and invalids try it. To bo had of druggists. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED S0LU1EKS. Teachers, Energetic. Men and Wo' men, for the ' l.ii'u or uk. i;. n. car .vr. By Hon. Hevry C. Deuixo, Chairman of the Mili. tury Committee in Congress. The only work of ibe kind issued under the sanction and by tbo author ity of a en Grant himself. It is OlHciul, and is the most intensely interesting biography ever published in America. The author is one of the moat bril liant writers in ths country. Agents will find thia the soiling work of the season. Terms, the must liberal. Te secure choleo of territory, apply sooa to , I'AKMElkK A CC. ' Publishers, 722 Saueoni St., Philadelphia, Ts. April 2j, 1W68 Steow " Fresh Groceries I On Third fct.'r one door bolow ths Lutheraa Church, BUNBURY, PENN'A. HENRY PETERS, Has just opened at his r eisrxisr: bcmlv AND Provision Store all kinds of . . SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, PICS, COAL OIL Slolauos, Syrups, Mackerel, La.rd, llama, Nut Dried aud Canned Visit, Prunes, Ravins, Cheese, aud Crackers, ana ia foot everything usually kept in the Grocery lino ' The best FLOUR and MEAL In ths Market , Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also ; All kinds f Canned. Fruit, at 4hs lowest price. . ;. i Cosoiry Prodaa takan ia aobaaga for Goods. i LJrCall aod examine my taok, sod satisfy your Ires. : . .. . -.' ' . BKKRY PfclSRS. : ', Ssnbury, April 25, 167. . . . . ., WINDOW Olatvand iiailding IUrdwsrs, st thvf ktwaat Cash Prtoea at - - i Te Mast4 tots of b v Fitrtrxi l American . voxbwa tiox ; i I Mutton tlol OrfrMamlnff I ' i aud - ' OEWIITG- MiLCEXlTE. Iu Wonderful Popularity Oonoloshr Proof of IU ttroat Merit. Ths Inoreus in th. demand for this valnabU ma chine bu been TEN FOLD during the lul seven months of iu Ant year before the publio. This irrsod and surprising ineeesi U nnprecedetit d In the history of eewing-meoblnes, and we feel fully warrenied Id olaiaiing that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely tho Beit FA.mi.r MACHINE IN TUB WOIlLD, , t Ani Intrintieatty th Cheajctt. It it really two naehines oombioed la one, (by a simple and beautiful mecbanloel arrangomont,) ma king both the Shuttle or Loek-atitoh, and the Over seaming and Button-hole atitoh, with equal faoility and perfeotion, It executes in the vory beat manner ever; variety aCsewing, such Ml. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Btilcbing, Braiding and Quilting, (lathering end sewing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, Orel-name, Kmbrolderson the edge and makes beautiful Button aud Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine la warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work dono on this Machine, can be had on applica tion at the Salesrooms of THU AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., B. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, . Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purobaeera. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. V. B. Mkndf.niiali., Treasurer. April 26, 1B68. lyojan. ii, LATEST STTI,EH OF SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, HIimh 31. I.. ioHHlr, begs leave to an nounce to the Lad ics of Hunburv and vicinity, that she baa just opened a large and varied stock of MILLINERY a O O D S . Tho latort New York and Philadelphia style of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broi'd cries. Edgings, Laeos, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, U loves. Hosieries, and all kinds of Pane; Notions, Uumped MusIids, Corsets, Perfume ries, .Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, Sta tionery, Ac, Ao. Call and examine for yoursolvos. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 11 1808. AD.Ml.MSTRATOR'H MALI) or VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. fpiIE undersigned administrator of tho estate of J N iu K. Juuci, lute ol t uber a c erry , ueoeaaea, wul expose to publio sale, on toe premises, toe per sonal property of the aforesaid decedent, on TLK.i 1AY the 2aih day of APKIL, 1U6H, .as follows to wit : ONE FRESH MILCH COW, One Heifer, two fihoats, a lot Poultry, one-half acre Grain iu the Ground. Also. Household and Kitchen Furniture, consist ing of one Seoretary, one Bureau, two Bods and Bedding, one corner Cupboard, breakfast and dining Tables, washstnnds, sewing stand?, chairs, one eight day olock, one settee, one oook stove with cooking utensils, one conl stove, oarpet, a lot of dishes and tinware, hnms, lard, tubs, barrels, tools such as au gurs, chisels, square, hoes, and a vutlety of other articles too numerous to mention. bale to commence ut S o'clock A. M., of said day wben tho conditions will be made known by 1'i.TtR H. SNTDKll, Administrator, Ae. A. J. Smun. Auctioneer. April IS, 158. it SPUING FASHIONS IN MILLINERY. Miss LOUISA 8HI33LER, THE popular Millinery, south aide of Market ftjuare, bunbury, is desirous of calling the attention ol the publio aud trade to her onlque and handsomo assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOCD3, just opened. On hand and made to order, are the luteal aud uioit tuporb styles of Ili-idnl, .Botii-ning mid lrttt lton net and Unix. Ali-o, a splendid assortment of Trimming, Artificial Plovers, ISonnct Frames, Veils, Collars, Ac. Uentlxuien's Uoods. such as Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Ncck-tius. lirurheannd goods for the toilet. Also, a lino a&iortuient of Perfumery, and all goods usually kept in a well furnidhed establishment. A oall is only required to be convinced. N. B.fpeoial attention is directed to a fine lot of Ladies' Dress Caps and Head Dreesos. LOUISA SH1SSLER. April 18, 188(5. J. W. Stevenson. A. N. Bkick. ATTRACTION AX "Al'PT'S NEW IRON FItONTM STEVENSON & BRICK, T I AVE opened up a new and desirable stock of It uoousin iiaapis sew Building, consisting in part of a splendid variety uf Auici'iiun WuU'IiOrt, OOLD WATCHES, 1JOOK3. CLOCKS, JEWELRY; STATIONERY, SILVERWARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Gluss-Waro, Cutlery, Pictures, Looking Glasses, tic, &a, i&c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim will be to please and satiety all who call . 81EVEX30! A UltlCE. Kuobury, April 19, 1868 Sni IS T11E DISII1ICT COURT OF TUB UNITED STATES FOR TUB Western Iiti-ict or Puiauitylvusiia, IN BANKRUPTCT. Ar Sckddrv, March 27th, 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis ap pointment as assignee of Keubun i'agoly, of the Borough of fchauiokin. in the oountv of Northnui- i norland, end State of Pennsylvania, within said I'ii- trict; who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his ow n petition, by the District Court of said liwtriot. j LLOYD T. ROU KBAC11, April 18, 18S8 3t Assignes. P. H. MOOIIC. D. C. D1S6IKOEIL Jew Finn t .Sew Store t Iiev Itoont! and an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OP GOODS! QAEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES' Jioouii w uinsiui;h, Have just opened a carefully selects I stook of NEW (JO0US, iu Ilaupt') Now Iron sVi-ont, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENN'A. ConsieUng of PRY (1001)3, NOTION8, tIROCERIKS, QUEENS I WARE, U LASS WAKE, and a lull lius uf GENTLEMEN'8 FURNISHING GOODS Cutllca ISreaia Goods, Calicoes, Muslins, Flanusls, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, Tiosing, Counterpanes, Uassimeres, Veetings, urns, bkirte, Neck Ties, - Cutis, Collars Handkerchiefs, lloae, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood aod Willow-Ware. W invite spsciul attenHoe to ths quality of our Citotla of i CailOCCRlKM A.I SPICKS, KIO and JAVA . COFFKI, TEAS, 8(IUAR3i MOLASciKel, BYKUr'c, SOAP, 8ALT, ; klMi, VUNEliAR, Ac, Ao. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always m head. We feel soufident that eaah buyers will tnd it to their advantage to give as a oall. and customers generally are invited to eall sod examine our goods aud get posted on our prioos. . By strict attention to the wants of our customers and fair dealing we hope to smtm a full share of ths nublio patronage. -, i COWNTRV PRODUCE of all kinds taken ra x change for goods, tor which the highest pttc will V;,.. v - MOORE A PISEIXQER. Bunbory, April II, Ad. - - i WILon- in our establishment a superiors of PIsms, Augers, sialehsts, Hammers, lock; FU Chisels, t , to , for sjulebv H. CON LEY A CO S100,HEWAUD - Pot a aMdiein that will ewe ' CCUGH8, ... INFLUCNZA, . . TICKUNO in the THROAT, .. WIIOOPINO COUGH, CONSUMPTIVE OG1IGHB. or relieve aa quick as (joe's cocan balsami OVKR ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been sokl and not a single Instance of Its failure is known. We hnve, In out poiseasiun, any quantity of Cer. tiBcates, soma of them from ' BMINENT PHYSICIANS who have need It in their practice, and given it the pre eminence over every other compound. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, so aa to enable tht patient to expectorate freely. Two or three) dotes. Will Invixiabit Ccaa Ticslino id the Thoi ! A half boLlehas often completely cured the mist Stub born (Jouffb, end yet. thoupb. it is en aura and erectly in its operation, it is perfectly tiurmlt, britia purely vrtMaM? It is very agreeable to the taste, end may be administeted tochiktren of any aire. In cases of CROUP we will guarantee a care, if takes iii aeai'tn. NO FAMILY SHOULD DE WITHOl T IT! It is within the reach of all, it being the cheapest and brs-. medicine extant. C. O. CLARK A CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. April 19, 1KS3. ly . a o e s DYSPEPSIA CURE: THIS OREAT REM ED l" FOK ALL DISEASES nt the ST O M A O H 8 ia the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Cine.' Balsam, while experimenting; for hisown health, ltcurty Cramp ui the Stomach for him which had before yielJt to nothing bat chloroform. The almost daily teMimony from various parts of th. country enoourage us to believe there ia no disease cause by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. Physicians endorse and Use it ! Ministers give testimony of its effloaoy. And from all directions we receive tidings of enrw '" formed. DYSPEPSIA I It is sure tu-curc HEARTBURN ! One doss will core. SICK-HEADACHE ! It has cured in hundreds of rosea. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS ! It slope in thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE 8TOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD ! It stops immediate ly. DISTRESS AFTER EATING! One dose will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few dose. BAD BREATH I Will be changed with half a bottle. IT 18 PEKTEOTLY HAEMLEK Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to ' fact that It Cares by Awnlmlufj Astlnre TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYST1. Neatly every dealer in the United States sells it ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C O. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW IIAVEN, COKS. April 18, 1SC8, ly. AslnalnlMrntor'a Roller. ESTATE OF WILLIAM R. JONES, DEC'D Notice is hereby given thnt letters of odtninU tion have been granted to the undersigned, ob estate of William R. Jones, lato of Lower Au township. Northumberland county. Pa. All per indebted to said estate are requested to mako iu dtate payment, and those having claims to pre them, duly authenticated, for settlement. I'KTiltll SSYDKR Adaiiniitn.u Punbury, April 18th 1863. Ot. FARM FOR RENT! A FARM, oontnintnp; atout 70 acrns cleared with dwelling, Ac, situate iu Shauiokiu t ship, Northumberland county, is offorod for re reasonable terms. For further particulars, n' the Merohant Tailor Shop, of J O. Beck, on t' street, banbury, I'a. Sunbury, April 11, 1843. lMfct of. Applicant for Xavt-rn censes tor .VI uy Session, Sip tJouit, l&ON l Charles Culp. Mt. Carmel borough, old sttin. 8. L. Rergstreaser, bunbury j. j. nnirtir..!? i tir.ti, t r 1868. SPRING OPENING. IS EI RE A. I. A "fH".I.f FOURTH AND ARCH STRliETS, PUILA1' NEW BPRINO SILKS. : EW STYLE SUAWLS. NOVELTIES IN ilKUsS t)OflD.- STEEL AND TEAKL FOPLI.VS. E. A L. always keep tho BEST BLACK SILKS. N. B. Not Cues Buyers will lind it tu t' tvroal to call, as Bargains from jiuoiion r.r received. mar - BUNBURY STEAM SAW Mil t ie.i,i.i.'i ui:a; Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds o TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALINU i OLES. Also, Flooring, Shelving, Siding, Dccro Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings. Ac. Corner Raco6treetund liiverltoud, SUN' III I April i, 1843. Auditor') Aotiir. NOTICE is hereby given that tho unJ Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' C -Northumberland oounty, to mako distriliuti' balanoe remaining in the hands uf 1', 11. Alu of the Executor 's of iienry Musor, deceit.' attend to the duties of bis said appoint u: meet the parties interested, on the Dili dnv next, at S o'clock, A M., at the office ol' Wolverton, Sunbury, Pa. 8. B.BOYER. Ai Sunbury, April 11, 1858. UOOK AUDMS IVA.Vri ton TBE NEW BOOK, 'Men of Our I'liuV or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegit volume, riohly illustrated with 19 beaut Engravings, and a portrait of tbo auihur. M MARRIBT BEECIIER STOWE Agents say it is tbo best and sett the .;.v any boot that tftr loid . cVme arc t ikiii derspaf week. It wil outeel I " Un rle Tom' Ws employ no general agents, but pay i x missioa. Old omenta will appreciate t Send for oiroulars giving full particulars llABTroHD Pub'o Co., Hartford, Ct. April It, ltSoS. U. HOOTS A. siioi: J. C. 8YLVIS, WITH II. G. Til Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CA Iloots, Mhorat and dais. Pleasants' RuilJiug, Murkot enjuar ' SUNBURY, TA. Ladies' Bootn.Sboesasd Gaiters of sll d made to order on the shortest notice sul tonoblo terms. Having the beat workmen we can assure the publio tbst, if they wil call, they will be satisfied of the akuve ft PAIR1MJ tvatjy done with di-patch If your corns do burt your feet, Just oall and leave your measure .' And we will make your Shot-set li. That you will oall a treasure. I March io, S-i.-ly. COUNTRY DEALERS supplied with : Stone Ware at less than laotory pri, riaburg, saving package, breakage and the Mouimuth Store, of 11. Y. Ft , AOENT3 WANT: roa i w;eitof cur Or the Lives and Deeds of Uenorali, Orators snd Political Leaders now on tl Aoticn, Including tirant, Sherman. C.lit fctauton, Sheridan, Yates, t'urtio, Iruiut tWkingbsm, Wilson, Oreely, W ado, Wail.Dio, Hamlio, Fseaendeu, Howard, With over forty Lifo-iike Portraits ol J Bold only- by Agent. -. Oreat tnduconi (uroiresirars. . ZfcliiLLR, MoCrRDY 9,4 ' k "i - .. Pbilade April t, ISSS -t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers