N. B. BtWtsLB, ( PubllBUara. , VJ SATUBDAt,' MAnCtT 81, 1888. jlocal affairs. T robbtM MM Mrd. Bv ade rherr pearanoe In tbti seetlr,.and everything now Indl oatesan aarly spring. ' ' ' ' -' 1 , v ,' r . ' CooT ok. p n Wednesday last. Several Irfl oase war tried, which win ba found In Th proceedings published In another column. ' ' i ii i m mm ' - Wa ara requested io itata that thara will ba no preaching io tha Presbyteriai Church to-morrow, (Sunday,) owing to tha absence of tbeastor.,, Xyri and Lrdei.l prate dialing In good Good at feir prices. This if a Dry Goods Home or long Handing, and has acquired an enviable reputation, Read advertisement in this issue. , . ? PiaiT Of Ar-an..A tha time ia near at band whan a large number of f ertoni wilt change their place of resldoMe, wa will thank any ot our tub orlbert who intend removing to inform us of tba faot, in order that wa may sake tba correction on amr mail book. Tai flood, which attained iU highest point on Wednesday morning, bat, mora or less, inundated almoft every town on the 6usqaebanna. .' Rumors were rife on Wednesday that one ipau of tha Mifton bridge bad been oarried off, but wo are pleased to learn that tha bridge, though ia great danger, has ot aeon seriously damaged. ' Tai Shamokin Furnace tu Mown ont, reoently, for repairs, after a run of eight months. It will be put in blast again in a few days. . Between 3 and 4 'clock en tba morning of the Tth inat., the gag nndcr tha boilers exploded, catting Sra to tha roof of the building. Xbe Furnaoc employeea, with tha aid of few residents of tha vloioity, subdued tba flames, but not in time to save tha roof. Maw Broni. Messrs. Moore A I)isstager hava leased tba large and hand soma storeroom in Haupt's sew Iron front building, on Mnrkirtttreet, and will open, about the first of April, a large stock of lry Goods, Groceries, &o. The now store, when in full operation, will be one of the finest and best in Sun bury. Meesrs. Moore A Hissinger are energetic business men, woll known ia this place and vicinity, and will, do donbt, do a large business.' 1 " Taa Groves & Baker Sewixo Machines are generally considered tho most simply constructed machines in use", and as any kind of sewing can ba dona with them they are preferable to any other. Miss Carolina Dalius, the agent atwhis plaoe, is put ting up a number of these machines, and also gives instructions bow to work them, which is another ad vantage to those who purchase of her. Miss Da lius is thoroughly ootnpetent, and we take pleasure in recommending her to those who wish to purchase a machine and engage the services of an experienced (nstrnotress. Appointment or a New President Joooe. Benjamin S. Bently, Esq., of Williamsport, was ap pointed by Gov. Geary, on Tuesday last, President Judge of the new Judicial distriot composed of Ly coming county. Tba appointment of -Mr. Bcntly will give general satisfaction, being a gentleman welt qualified for the position. It was rnmorod at one time that Jndga Maynard would be appointed, but wa bear that lie was not a candidate for the offioa. New Counterfeit. A dangerous counterfeit Ave dollar National Bank bill is believed to ba in extensive circulation. The bills ara well executed the "Landing of Columbus,' on the back, is partic ularly so. The shading nf the figures on tho face of the bills Is heavy although fine.' The principal point of difference between the genuine aad the counterfoil is this : In tho counterfeit the "T" in the sentence "This note is secured, etc.," at the bead of the bill, covers the ni" in "United Stales," while in the genuine it comes over the upper left comer. By this difference the counterfeit can ba asily detected. Com nuKHNlM T tbflawre-l eoraprtaee all tha ry wise tried by tha Caurraiaaw w last Usua a to Ullujee Ms adjwaramant oa Wadnee. day t ...-. .' - ' " kk JohB 1Wall . Xxaeators and Devisees of tha last will and testament of John Wallio, deceased.- Terdict was entered in favor of tha defendant." ' Peter Oonscf ve- George Delp Jury withdrawn and Judgment confessed for certain sum. J Christina Srelner, eedoreer of John Ream, . Jacob Dressier. Terdiot La favor of plaintiff for MM. " i - . v 1 .! -. . ' Com. VI. Oao. W. Lehman Surety ortha Peaca. Vim. Kennyaoo, pronoator. - Defendant was abargad with having absconded from tba service nf bis mas ter. Tba Court, en hearing,, discharged tba aaid apprentice, George W.' Lehman, of and from bis apprenticeship, and of and from all and every the articles, covenants and agreements In the indenture of apprenticeship contained, and directed tha master to pay the coats tr bis own Witness!, and tba Jasit oo's aad Constable's costs and record costs ; Geo. W. Lehman to pay bis own witness costs. Wm. Young vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, lessee of Pbila. S Erie Railroad Co. Aotion of assumpsit fur recovery of damages for loss of flour, Ac. Verdict In fa vor of plaintiff for $1,178 3R. Marlon Piper, by bor next friend Ferdinand Pi. per, vs. K. 8. Trego. Aotion of ejectment. Jury sworn and discharged.) ' . John F. Albright, Administrator of T. D. Al bright, vs. Edward D. Snyder. Vordiot in favor of plaintiff for $71 48. . John Hook el vs. Henry W.' Adams. Aolton of assntnpaii for tba recovery of pay for oar tain wina plants which tha plaintiff claimed to have Sold to tha defendant. Verdict in favor of defendant. ' Phvsical Wondv.rs. When it Was found, on Tuesday, that it waa mora than probable that the watar would overflow the river bank,' below the Shamokin Valley Railroad, the culvert at Second street, and the crossing under the road at Contre alley, were closed to prevent the water coming up any further. This very proper and harmless act aroused the indignation of some individuals below the road, who contended tt would dam up the water to their Injury, and not only threatened, but actually ro-opened, during the night, tlreso passages fur the water to Inundate their neighbor! above. It is hard to believe that this ungrnoious and unneighborly, not to ray criminal and indictabrB act, was the result of solfuhnesa or maliguity, yet it is difficult to under, deratand how any intelligent mind could apprehend any damage, or sec anything wrong in a measure that could injure no one, and yot greatly benefit others. Jlataueb, wa learn ia really tba ease. These Individuals have, evidently, never read Sydney Smith's graphic account of the old lady who vainly endeavored to sweep buck, with a broom, the waves of the ocean that broke in on her residence, or If they did, failed to perceive tba irony of the witty writer. Now, since these astute individuals have made the grand experiment, will they inform us what they have gained by the result? The water rose evcu with the top of the railroad, with the fluicos open Could it have been any worse had they been closed ? Or did they think the little water emptied into the space above the railroad would sensibly diminish the body and force of the mighty volume of water in the river? If not, what did they expeot? Tbey certainly did not expoct that, with the sluices closed, tha waves would come in, pile themsolvec upon each other like reguiar courses of solid masonry, and suddenly ooma down tba ohimnoys, while if these sluices wero left open they would gently prawl through and disappear. Have thoso philoso phers ever ceon or heard that tba filling of tba chambers of the lock below the dam sensibly re duced the depth of the water ia the basin above ? If tbey did, there might be soma slight excuse, tba chamber above the railroad bears about the same relation to the river as that of the lock to the water in the dam. Wa have no doubt that a drop of water added to a bucket, already full, will raise it some, and that drop our philosophers discovered iu the space above the railroad. Enxairr Sales or Real Estate. On Saturday, th Inst., Sheriff Beekley aotd three lota of ground, situated in the borough of Shamokin, property of Jeremiah P. Fincbor, to George Fullmer, of Bun- bury, for $2,050. The Sheriff also aiade the following sales on Tues day, 10th Inst. : . - A bakery, in Northumberland, property of Wut Ihias Suiuck. Bold to Chainborlin & Co. for $700. Pieoe of land in Lewis township, containing seven acres, property of James F. Keiaerer. Sold to Bavidge and Baup for $3(0. i Lot of ground in tha borough of Mt. Carmet, pro perty of Daniel Rohrty. Bold te 8. A. Bergstri and David heUor for $23. OUR NoRTnLMBBRI.AND Neiohboks ano the MionLECREEK Kailroad. The Lewistown Ga 'ttt, of Wednesday last, says : The citizens of Nor thumberland have at last fully awakened te the importance of the Middlecreek Railroad, and at a meeting lost week, got up on the spur of the mo cnt. about $12,000 were subscribed aad a contract entered into by John McFarland, on the part of the citiiens, to grade the road from Northumberland to the Shamokin dam, which embraoaa tha bluffs, at VI .36 per cubic yard for solid rook ; (0 vi. for loose rock ; 34 eta. ior earth excavation ; $3. Hi for cul vert uaaonry and retaining wall ; and ti per perch for second close bridge masonry work to be com menced to-day. This aotion will grade three miles f the road by new subscriptions. . Bodt Recovered. On Saturday morning last the body of a woman named Susan Gibbony was found floating in tbe Susquehanna, near Lyon's ho tel, on tbe Snyder county side of the river. It will ba remembered that she mysteriously disappeared from Lewiaburg some time in January last, a notice of which appeared in tha American at tbe time, and from tbe fact of soma of her clothing havlug been found on tbe river bank at that place, on tha day she waa missed, it was generally supposed that he committed suicide by drowning bersolf. When found her face was severely cut and bruised, wbloh waa probably caused by the floating ice, and her body was ia a nude oonditloa. An inquest was held by tbe Coroner of Snyder county, but we did not leara tha verdiot rendered by tha jury. Tbe unfortunate wasnaa always bora a good character in Lawisborg, where aba resided, tier body was taken to that place for interment. The Lioonses granted at the March term of Court, ia this county, are as follows : taverns. Suubury M. L. Fisher, Charles Garinger, Amos Miller, Christiun NefT, JocobSbeeut, Mary Uryuiire, Charles Itiel, Nicholas Weak, E. '. Urumbeller lienry Haas and J. M. Bartholomew, (liq, store). Northumberland T. J. StHUim, Julia Johnson, James Van Dyke, Joseph Vankirk, Wm. M. Nesbit, and Ueo. Kckort. Milton Edmund Troxel, John M. Huff, Cyrus lirown, (Uq. store), ilonry van.&llun, ana u. n Sticker. Turbutville J. M. Fry and D. II. Drietbaoh. MoUwensville U.J. Reader. Shamokin J U. Conrad, Charles W. Snvder, Juhh Curtis, l'atriek Curnn, J. B. Douty, Robert Ntoholson, Jacob" Mowry, Wm. R. Ruth, W.Tcromee and Wm. M. Wearer. Mt. Carmcl Borough A. Lerch, Thomas Welsh David I). Davis, Torrcnce Quiuu, Augustus Zimmer man, tred. r ubriuu, J il. Houghton ana iu. fciurr Trevorton Thomas Foulds, jr., Thomas Foulds, sr.. (Iiauor store.) and II. B. Weaver. Deluwaro Wm. Cooner, (Samuel btablneoker and jJatcman a tiecKoi. Lewis James B. Brass. Chillisquaque Ww. Meyers and Chad. Hartman . l'uiut John Pearson. Lower Mahunoy Franklin Byorly, Augustus Walil, Johu V. tiuasbolts, A.. Uoluermel and A. b Alaltis. Jackson Joel Bittcrman, John Albert, Ellas Sny dir. J. Ualen Smith and Nathan LoudeusUaer. Jordan Klias bbatter, Wm. bbortol, Jacob Straub aad Aitron A. Coble. Zero Kent. Knoura and John Weaver. Cnmeron Peter Weikel and C. B. Boyer. Upper Ma honoy Daniel Herb and John H.Gelst x.utie manonay . u. uuaer. Wanbioiclon U. C. Fisher. Shamokin twp.Juoab Leisenring, Wm. Farrow Thorn ns Nesbit and Peter S Ycaizer. Mt. Carmol two. Wm. Harvey, Peter MoDonald Francis AlcCurty, Thomas Gibbons and Barnard Cannon. , . .,. Locuat Oajv Hugh Tya. bektacrantb. Sunbury Pater tSmeltter, Geo. A. Recser, Barton L. Hall, Fred. Shrank, Win. Hoover aad John Corns. Shamokin Borough Henry Simmons, . lienry Booh, Philip Dcitruan, Wm. C. Both, and A. II. Uergtresser. Euaiuokia twp Wm. Barrows, and J. S. Wagner. Northumberland D. Marshall A Son, Forsyth A Morgan and Wm. Probst. Milton Wm. II. Houth, Jaoob Critter, Jacob Clyiuer and Wm. A. Fisher. Ml. Curmel Burough Jaincs KsUy and Michael Graham. Cost J MoMannus. Locust Gap James Burk. Tarbutvilla Milton froxei. Chillisquaque A. Hookenburg A E. Hnminel. Lower Augusta Henry Gottschall. ftaaaf nets or Ma PatU. Sata lUasasAJs. Tha Erie Dinptieh, of tj secant date, published aa abstract, aft pfstorf oTXhif roadi, W orawotloa aad geographical peculiarities, aonneotiaaa and re soureca ft basiaesa) Aa.,,-fiwnilrhlckM taf yt ha followlnyj wnich M of local Interest i v 4 k .'I ' The PhUsaVpbia Sriaa Bailra4 formerly called taa8aaury aV Eri Railroad, wawoactt with th Nrtrtbarn-'Central at tb north itfle nf Marltet streot. In (ba borough W Btinkury, ihtnca auction ing along the centre of Deer street, northwardly, to the borough limits. Immediately aor th of the town, upon a traot of land containing forty.two acres, ara situated tha shops of the Eifltcrn Division, which consist of an angina or "reand-bottse," with atolls for twenty-two -engines, maabia shop covering 18,105 square feet of ground, a smithibop, 7,838 square feett with all tha necessary angina and boiler rooms, ofloa buildings, tarn-tabioa, traverse tables, etc., tbe Whole being under tbe charge of Thomas J. Hamer, general foreman. ' At thll plaos th oom pany have laid over fouctoen thousand feet of siding to facilitate the transfer of freight td 'hhi front the Northern Central and Eba'mokln Valley and tolbi yille Railroads. ' " : "A short distance north or the shops the road crosses the south channel of tha north branch of tha Susquehanna river by a aew and substantial How truss bridge 966 feet long, built during tba Snmmer f 1866, under the immediate superintendence of W. H. Brown, then principal assistant engineer, at a cost to tha cwmbany of nearly $56,000. From the north and af this brldg the road traverses tha 6ha tnokin Island to the north channel of th sum river, which is -crossed by another brldg of the Howe trass pattern, 1,071 feet In length, to tha town ot Northumberland. ' Here tbe company have just completed new passenger and freight depots, at cost of nearly1 sixteen thousand dollars. At this point oonneotion is made by the Laokawanna A Blooanrburg Kailroad with tba Wyoming Coal fields, and all the principal towns on the north branch of the Susquehanna river. "From Northumberland the Philadelphia A fartc Railroad commonces the aseent of the west branch and Ua tributaries, which it follows by easy grades for more than 150 miles. BetWoon Northumberland and Money the road passes through a wall cultiva ted country, crossing the Chilisqnaqua crock by a covered bridee of one span, near which Is an exten aiva seat mill belonging to i)odg vo., or derrey City; theiute to'Lawiabarg station, distant nine miles from 6unbury, aroand which a considerable Village has sprung up, and from which point a branch railroad is now being built to the boroagh Of Lewis- burg, on tha opposite side of. the river, in Union county. "Catawrssa Junction, 12 miles from Sunbury, is tha intersection of tho Catawiasa Railroad, thence passing Milton, 121 miles from Sunbury, Watson- town, 16 8-l(Jths miles io the northwest corner of Northumberland oounty. At a distance of 22 miles north from Sunbury the road craves the west branch river and the west branch canal by a new Howe trnss bridge of eight spana and 1,250 fect in length thence continuing along the west side of tbe river, passing tbe stations of Montgomery, Muucy, Loyal sock aud Montoursville to a poiut bolow Williams- port, distant 3V wilos from Sunbury, where it re- crosscs to the north aide by a Howe truss bridge of 1,324 fect in length thence passing through this thriving young oity to near the west end, where the WilliomsDort A Elmira Railroad branches off to Klmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Ao. From Wil liamsport the road runs nlong the north side of th river, orossing Lycoming ereek by a bridge 220 feet long, passing Newbury to Linden, where it reorotsee to the south side by a covered bridge 1,276 feet in length, thence passing Susquehanna, Jersey enora, Pino and Wayne stations to tha Bald Eagle Creek which is crossed by a bridge 4V2 feet In length thence to Lock Haven, connecting with tha Bald Eagle Valloy Division of tho Pennsylvania Rail road. At Lock Haven ara situated repair sliopa for making small running repairs to ecgiues and cars A small force only is employed hero at present. From Lock Haven the road continues along tbe south bank of the Susquehanna to Queen's Run dam where it crossos to the north side by a burr bridge 975 feet in length; thence continuing along tbe north side, passing Farrandsville, Wbetham, and several other places of minor Importance, crossing Young Woman's Creek by a bridge of a single spaa of 110 feet in length, passing North Point station formerly called Youngwomanstown, to Renovo "Tbe following ara the elevations of tbo most in) portant points on tbe road, above tide wator in the Schuylkill river at Market Street Bridge, Philadel phiathe elevation being considered at tbe top of tha rait at tha different points : Sunbury, Nortbuiaberlaud, Williuwsport, Look Haven, Renovo, Keating, Emporium, Weal Creek, Bummit, '.Ridgeway, Kane, Sheffield, 1 Ireviuton,' . : Corry, Le liceuf,, Jacksons, End of P. A E. U. R. at foot of State Street, Erie, Water in Lake Erie, "Tbe ascent of the road, from Eunbnry to Nor thuinberlaod, dUtonoe 2 miles, ia 12 feet." ji i v it?j;i DEATHS- Tn PhftmnVIn tnwnahlri. on Monday, the 9th Inst., JOHN EVERETT, Esq., aged 7l years, i months and 17 days. Correotad Weakly for tha "Amarioan Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, da 1 do ! da ' dp per ewt. t ie x iuur . do Wheat, prime red, new, Rye, Corn, new, Oete, Potatoes, Jrie roaches, pared . do do unpared Dried Anclea. : per bbl. por ont. , per bushel, do do do do per jocund . do Dried Cherries, natond,) per ba. Butter, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, ' Beef, hind qaarter, front ' Mutton, Cbiokeas, per pound, per doaun,, per pound, do do . do do do do per pair $11 66 6 (it) 10 60 6 00 '2 45 1 5 1 12 70 1 to 40 35 15 3 00 40 SO 25 IS 20 18 14 ; H 18 60 . . . fUeaassokln "onl 'I'rul-. Sraokin, March 10, 1868. , Ton. Clot. Sent for week ending March II, ' 8.314 00 Pet Inst Report, ... . 7,82d 17 To same time last year, Decrease. ' 66.140 17 67,254 0J, 1,11.1 03 Special Notices. . To 'nassiptive(. Tha Rav. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it. the prescription with tbe directions for making and using the simple reme dv bv which he was oured of a luna aileotion and thai dread aisease Lonsumption. ins oniy oujeei is to beneut tbe alllicted, and be hopes every suiterer will try tbis prescription, oa it will cost Ihotn uotmng, any may prove a blowing. Please address ItHV. tUlVAHU A. t J 1.M Jit. my 18-'67.1y Williamsburg. Kings Co., N. Y o 427 feet. 43U " 6t' " 145 ." 654 ' 702 1.015 ' 1,677 1.366 2,u0rf " 1,325 1,158 ' 1,420 " 1,210 " 1,219 " 575 " 405 " NE PRICE CLOTHINO. ' ' OLD ESTABLISHED . - oisu sVki;k , CLOTHING HOUSE, OOa Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For mafiv veart this Establisbmont ha done biui neas on the One Price Sys.em,aud we believe we aro the only Clothing House in tbo city that strictly adberea to this principle, we nave earned a repu tation which wo are uruud of, for icood taste in soluot good stylos and substantial materials, aud not less important, for having ail our (foousi i:itk4 iii:m. .tI A 1 I We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable nnd ijsjin so that all tastes can be suited.. Tho prices uio tho very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought roust see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, tor as no ded ucttocs tiro cv er maue, we must put our priuos down to tho advantages wo promise. The pooplo may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PUICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 601 Market Strreot, Philudelphiu, Not on the Corner, but cue door above iixth. March 231867. ly Krrorti of Yosifli. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects nf youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, Send free to all who need it, tho reoipo and directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing tn profit by the advertiser's experience, oan do so by addrossing, io perfoct eonndence, JOHN B. OUD1-.N. my ltT-67-ly 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. Deafness, Blindness and CATAnnn treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D.. Ocul ist and Aurlst, (formerly of Lcyden, Holland.) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can bt seen at bis office. Tbe Medical faculty aro invited to accompany their patients, as he hus no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted with out puin. No charge for examination, nov 30-ly. GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Oroccrs. ,;v;lewis & co:s tv . .. i -ILLUSTRATED . .... ,1IO.HXlllV l AIIILV JOPHAIi. a, FOR. TUB MILLION! Thoosands of families in the city and country., have long felt she want of an lllustrnucd Joarnal at a reasonable price, and equal to any on this continent. To this end, we havo engaged good artists. Tbe litorary department will te one of the features of the paper, and wa shall publish from time to time, ori ginal Tales; r-ketehes, Ac, by the leading writers of tbe country. - . inm ic nu wiimi, Ritfc , nflHp ha iin Indiieemnnt to those who sub scribe, and will help to push forward to a suoccssf ul ssue. a cbeaa and valuable illtisiraiea r ninny Journal, and give n farft wmr of jirrminmt. Subscribeta will not have to wait to know if they have a premium. Thoro will be 2,315 premiums distributed to the snbwriborJ. The paper will be ell worth tho dollar. !r tho year. A book has beon prepared for subauribcrs with number from 1 to 100,- 000, and the premiums ara finally distributed through tha one hundred thousand numbers. II there should be one thousand names received on the same day and date, the IbMots will be opened regularly as thoy coma to band, nnd marked on tho book In rejrulnr rctktion as opened, so that there will be a fair distribution of tha premiums. We shall publi-b the names of tho persons that are ontitled to ine premiums, In tbe flaw xoK monthlv illus TRATtn, and In the city and country papers. ine loiiowing Fremiti ids will be aujtriouiea : 10 Cash Premiums of $5r0 each, $5,000 5 ' 200 1,000 10 " --'. 100 " 1.000 20 ' ' 60 . 1.000 40 " " 25 " 1.000 80 " 10 800 60 Hold Watches, ( Am'n Watch Co.) $50 each, 2 500 00 wilco uihog Mowing Machines, no " K.utio 50 Howe's Pewinir Machine 60 " 3.000 2W0 Premiums of Jl each, 2,000 TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 cepv. ono vear, with one subscription, $1.00 5 conies. " " nvo " . 5.00 Pefsoin cotttng up clubs will be entitled to pre- miti it, as above. Address LEWIS A Co., 41 BlercerBt., N. Y., Box 3301 . Writ th adrlrcs plain, giving township, cennty and tato. Money by ttrair, run otnee oraer. regis tcfed letter, or cxtircss. may be sent at our risk. Send 10 els. tor specimen oopy containing on necessary information. REFERENCES. Lovi Ptockwell. Treasurer of the-nowo Sewing Machino Co., 6'Jfl Broadway, Now York. Edw.ird T. Hutch, Secretary or tho Wiloox A Gibbs' Fewinit Moohino Co., 503 Broadway, N. Y. Feb. 15. 1KC8. EAUGH'S Wo announce to farmers and dealers in Fer tiliicrt, that the following prices have been adopted or tho proscnt spring sctwon B A I'd ITS RAW BONE pnOSPHATB. Price, $:6 por 2,000 lbs. ItAUOU S CH1CAC0 BONE FERTILIZER Price, $46 per 2,000 lbs. BAUGH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE. This woll known popular trade-mark will be found upon every package of the nbnve manures. t not ttcna thin :olaiis or ym w ill certainly ftntl mt -where you Biiy the MOST GOODS, f the BEST GiTT-A.IjIT-52. For tba LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES! QCICK CASU It. T. FltaXtflCl, at the MAMMOTH STORE, MARKET SQUARE, ersBcnT, penk'a., Hoi jost received and opened the DE9T SELECTED w,l FINEST ASSORTMENT, of Tai Latb Floob. The waria weather of last oak, with tha fain above acting upon tha great body of (now, caused the Susqncbanna to rise ra pidly oa Sunday and Monday last. Oa Monday th river was nearly bank full, ana ine waier sun aoatiaued to rise at the rata of 14 inobes per hour. On Tuesday, all day and daring the night, tbe water was kept from running aver by raisins; slight earth works, but after midnight tba wind raised and blew strongly front tba weal, and tba small force left abaadoned tba task, and th wator eomeaeaced rub Ding over about S A M- oa Wednesday morning, and, of course, Inundated the luw grounds between tae railroad and Walnat street, and soma of .the lot an Chestnut street, above th road, wbloh asight have baeo avoided by closing tb culverts tn in oorB Ulla wtt4r( it was aot used. Another used It i in.. i i. ik.t numhar of oar aitiMut I on ainht rowed yellow flint corn which he found to foao. 1 " " . , be larger and more prollflo than formerly the ears ha thai cellars ATM with waur, ana in some i4-t,ir ,,.. r.,.k. aasa faaoe awaftbrawB, a mattar that eauld readily orop tDOWn( j to 14 rows per ear tbu land wu ia have beea avoided by expending tew bondrad s Dlgh state of cultivation and bad sever givea such dollar, h, adding e rath- raUIn, tb. a-baak. , rT for ' u Me, fcf ment from Cbestnut Wreei aown. . we "" 1Dr farmer who will call upoa th manufacturers of . i .1... ...m mlktmM.m Mill I . . r. I, ni IssfOBWill act lo, aoa ui n jjaagn naw was rnoepuaAo. ... i..-.l.-.i. a.aaMaai la hioh 1 .7!!1 Z "irTh. w.t wu about two and a Taa riantng Mil) of Bly, W.ga Co., at Wale balf fcea lower than oa March 17tb, 1M. Xaa FUUa. A Era Maofcw vtowB mw three feet above watar.'anJ It Korlbern CanlraJ Ehii, mth low rrl oi" o hcrongh, war aava ral frst blgh " - ' Taa School Martkr Abroad. Tbe editor of tbe Harrishurg Telrgrmpk baa been handed the follow, tag sale bill, round la Jordan townehip, Northnmber. land county, one of the dlstriota refusing to accept the benefits of tba eoinaion school law for some time, but which wa understand baa lately accepted its provisions. At that time we bava ao donbt tha school muter wu absent from that section. Wa give the bill verbatim, omitting tbe names Pcilio Bale tha following ardiclu will ba Bold at the House of i , in Jordan lownsbip ror County On !) 2 im.v af nutmh mmrl I At ' i ' ) Uoras z vuis a saltca cows -am onng Cattelsl wagena 1 Cairich a wiutmill Slaighe Harrows Btous a ojicking Stovee Uors Uarn'ub tha Bale Couieae ort 10 Oolook in aarddav when Terms of Bale and tiood attontonce and a Libaeral Crettit will be (liven oy mea A i-ABnaa writing to Baccr A Rom, says ba used their Raw Bona Phosphate last spring, and fonnd tt to ba all its friends claimed fur it used it on corn potatoes, strawberries, and tha various kinds of vege tables, with tb meat aatisfaatory rasalta. Another one says, owing to the excessive wet weatter his corn did not mature properly, but he Is satisfied where ba applied tba Phosphate there km 0 per cant mora sontowaj iklt ,maI' M destroyed try fire oa Xhaaday Right, Ith tnat. Tba loss is estimated $10,O, an which, thara l an lnsnrsjiea of $4,00 It Is luppeaed to bava beaa the work of aa isoea t diary The high estimation in which BAron'S Boce Ma nures havo been held, during fourteen years past, wo Shall fully sustain iu the future. Uavinffftow tbe entire control of the great resources of tho city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding matcriul, viz : Bonos, Dried Flesh, Blood, ac, we havo, in connection with our works in Phil adelphia, tho largest facilities for furnishing these inunuro, nt the above low prices. BAL'UII A SONS, Philadelphia. NOIIT-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Chloag) JOHN RALSTON CO., UcnT Ag'ts, New York. (JEOllUK KIKKE A CO., " Button. GEORUE DTdDALE, Wholesale Ag't, Baltimore. For all information respecting tbo above Manures, address either of the abovo houses. DRY GOODS IN TOWN. French Merlooa, Prints, Muslins, BUSINESS NCVTlCEa. rpjob lrl si tins' .Having received a large supply of NEW JOBTITE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, -can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to.. CoaaOaa! Coxa All! and aoa the great stock of Wall Paper and Borders, also Window Fhabbs, just received, at greatly reduced rates, at LIUUTNER'8 BOOK STORE, Pleasants' building, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. 4t Wartbd. Active young raeq to act as agents in this county, for the sale of tbe Rustic Window Shade, article used in every family, hotel, school bouse and church, and yielding a handsome profit to any one engaged in selling them. , . Apply to, or addrcaa tbe manufacturers, LOl'DERBACK, JEFFERSON 4 CO., , 22nd and Wood Street, Philadelphia-. . Dklavi are as unwise a tbey ara dangerous. When your old clothes wear out do not delay, bat go and purohaso new ones. Make it a point to get a good article something that will wear, and boy where you can get tbe cheapest. Tbis can be dune at J. O. Beck's Merchant Tailoring establishment, on Fourth street. May 18, 1807. ly. CONJUGAL LOVE, axd thk RArrtsrss or trie marriage. Essay for Young Men. on the Errors, Abuses and Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers and creato impediments to Marriage, with rare means of relief. Seut in sealed letters envelopes free of charge. Ad dress. Dr. J. SKILLIN HOLtiHTON, Howard As. auoiation, Philadelphia, Ta. k,.5u?,- Informal ion. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or besrdle tnco, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, loaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained wither I charge by addressing TIIOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, may 18. 'T. 823 Broadway. New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lime! Lime I Lime! THE new Lime Kilns of II . B. Massor. at Selms Orova Station, are now completed and in sue- cessful operation, producing lime oi iu very quality. These kilns are built with all tbo modern conveniences and improvements, and have a capaci ty of produoing 400 bushels per day. Excellent roads have boon made to the kilns, not intcrtcrcd with by the railroad, where wagon or sleds oan be loaded In a fw minutes from tha aebutes, without handling. Having opened largo body of the beat limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to sell lima at the low rate of 1 1 cents per bushel. Tbe kilus are in charge of competent per sons, who will always be propared to supply cus tomers. Apply to Al. IS. Aiasser, punuury, tir ,u Cbu. Dunkleberger, or Chu. J. Conrad, at the kilns December 14, 180.. "JOURNAL OF THE FARM," A New Monthly Agricultural l'npor, published by BAiailA SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design is to present a full rangeof Agriculture and Horticultural intelligence ; articles upou the Fraoiiea! find Scientific relatiousof the subject ; find itsgeuernl aim is to inculcute a popular systom of high immuring. Tho claims of BAVOH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged In an horn st and open way, but not nrped to the exclusion of any other valuable msnurial aid to the farmer which tbo markets or homo resources afford. All farmers will find It. we think, fully worth all It costs, in the practical sneiestions It presents, and I tbe L'ciiernl reader will meet a share of solid euter taiiuuent. Price. 50 cents per year. Address, BALUH A SONS. Philadelphia. Dlnghtr&s, NOTIONS of aU.klnde. CasslmerM, Am. Hosiery, Gloves.'Meo's sad Ladles Undergarment " ' "tBsfOAtU ; AMERICAN, COMIHXATTON w tutton ilole Uvemaminj . t -, f ARD . V Is Warranted to exeoute In the bt manner every variety of Hewing, Hemming. Felling. Cording, TieHcing, Brotdlng, Oathoring. .yailting, Oversoam. ing, Embroidering; on the twiga, and iu addition makos beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all Ut- ones. IT HAS HO EQUAL. . ' Being absolutely the Beet "a.iii,v MArm.nii INTilE WORLTi, And Intrinsically the cheapest, fur it la two Me chines combined in one by a simple and keaullfu roochauioal arraogoinpnt. Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on tbis Machine, oan be bad ao application at the salos-rooms of the Company, S. W. Cor. Kleventk and Chestnut Sta., Phlladora. Instructions given on tbe Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AOENT3 WANTED TO SELL MIS MACHINE. DlriM'tora t J. L. FEN'IMOKK, President. WILLIAM P. JEN blS, President Buck Mountain Coul Company. BENJAMIN Bl'LLOCK, Wool Merchant, No. 40 Soutli Front St. IT. n. HEED, orOeorfro W. Hood & Co., Wbnleoale Clothing, No. 423 Market Street A. HART, JOHN T. TAUT, GEO. i. RICHARDSON. Philadelphia. W. R. MENDENHALL, Of Coatcsvillc, Chester County, Pi. F. PAXSON, of F. Pnxson ft Co.. Notions, No. C04 Market Street. January 25, IKot. ly GROCElHES Provision, and Flour & Feed Slore. J. A. Ul.liDV Ac CO., , Ia Weimer's Building, Water Street, near King st. , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and the publio generally that thoy havo a lurga assortment of Uroceries Provisions. Ac, all lran and oi tue nost quality, con sisting of Teas, ColTeos, Su,c"ra, and pioe. Dried nnd Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, nnd in fact everything usually kept in tho Urocery line. Thev would also call attention to their larea and cheap lot of Wood FAMILY F LOU II, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kopt oa hsnd. Also, all kinds of Vegetables, Ao., Ao. Give them a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 24, 1SG7. SELLERS & FOLWELL, WHOLESALE AND FRU1TERER3, No. 181 North Third Street, Philadelphia. tOrders promptly attended to. Wok bindery. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Bind Books, Tapers, Mogaiinee Music, Ac . in any stvle that may he dosired, at cheaper rates than can be done in the oities. All Orders lef t at this Oilise, will receive prompt attention. oot.l,'67 fil Mtl ItV Oil, .1111,1,. THE subscribers baving just oreoted and put Is operation a Mill for tbe manufacture of LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market price for FLAX SEED. Tbey have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grain chopped for feeding, can be accouimodated at tbe shortest notice. A machine fer chopping coru with the cob is attached to the mill. MORGAN MAbSER. January 26, ISoS ly KEEP WELTSRESim Call and sec Iha well selected ftock of CLOTnS, CA.-SIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTINQiS, 4 Justroaoived at V mm T6'TrSr?'T1 ESTABLISH- Sold bv SMITH A OENTHER, Sunbury. Jan. 25, 1898. aug'67-ly WHITE GOODS. A fuU assortment of TRIMMINGS Bnilders will Gad my Stock of Hardware, Iulnt., Oil., sUlaaa, dec, Couplet' Drugs and Medlolaea, Willow and Oedarware, Queenswar, Glaasware, i( Wbv Is a lover pepping tbe question like a tailor running a hot goose over a auit of clothes ? Because be ia pressing a suit. It cannot ba doubted that Slaymaker, of tbe Continental Clothing Basaar, al though a married man, "presses mora suits" than all the young man ia Sunbury eombjaed. But tbey ara tbe elegantly fitting garments made at the Con tinental, and all his awUMaer aeon to like his style of "pressing." , .. A Truth. After all the rare and costly gift that may pass from one t another, as keepsakes, there is nothing snore appropriate aad lasting tbaa a life-like photograph of the remembared one. Nothing will ao vividly raaall that one, io after years, aad nothing like tbis will grow la value, as ywars pass awsy. Thus Impressed, go at ones to Byevly't Photograph Qallary, la Simpson' building, Market Equate Any aisa or styla that may bo desired aaa be kad at his gallery. 4 'Wa ara new in th last Winter month. Spring aad shad will b here almost ''before yon know tt, Tb wiater bat baan old aad healthful, fall of spar kle aad oiygea. We have kad snow ta abundance, living livery men "tots" of business aad sur crops aad meadow a covering that will doahla their pra- daeUvaaeas aaxt aasama. With the advent of tha warm ecesoa wa may expect ta witness a great rush for Faust's aew fashionable Haul, at his nor i tarktm'ra - ' V! J THE GREAT P R I Z K t Expotilion UnitertelU, J'avi, 1807. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIA3 HOW E, Jr. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, ' The Illgtie.i Premluasa, Tha Only Cross of the Legion of Honor aud JitO . hcKtiint Nlreet, IMiilaUelphla, Are the best in Use, FOR THE F0LL0VIN3 REASONS i Thy arc more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and mora elastic stitch, a I firmer and mora beautiful seem than any other i They ew all fabrics from two common spools, re j quiro uo rewinding of thread, fasten both ends of I the senra by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. ! The Very llishewl lrlse, tlaeOoa ' or the Legion of Honor wu conferred on the repra S tentative af tbe ! uitOVI-.K Ac initr.it 7 Crockery, Salt U00TS AND SHOES- HAT 9 AND GAPS, QOLD MEDAL alvaatoAaRRiraa l-awiwa Macaiaaa, per Impe. rial Deere, published ia tha "Montlaur Uaivenal" lUmclal Journal of lha French Empire), Tuesday, Id i uly, 1UA7, ia these words t ) Fabrleante la Machines a aoa EUlH0Wi,Ji. ( dra eEposant. 4 t , I Maaufaoturer or bawing Ma ' ' ) obinea, Exhibitor. "Thll double first bono is another proof of lha mt superiority of tha UOWJS SEWlNti MA CHINE over all others.1' . rmiicr a ciuvic, " ' Wa. M fifrmth Eiaht Street, Philadelphia AfonUfbr Pennsylvania, ffew Jeraej, Delaware an. "Western Virrinie. febroary II, ISrVJ -am at the Exposition Universallco, Paris, 1867 i thus attesting their grout superiority over all other sew ing machines. UUOVER BAKER'S EW ITVLN fi It U TT Ii 15 MACIIli r. H For Manufacturing, Combine th most modern and eesential improve ments. . Tbe attention Is reqoestad of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, . .... v ai. ..r k Clothing M.(t all otiwri requiring w v LOCK STITCH MACHINES. To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. t . FOR BALE BY Miaa OABOLINB DALITJ8. Merketfwreat, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, Urn.. ly , Children'. Carriage. , TZ would call tb attention ot mass, warning a idi VV Child s Carriage, to our new and large asaort- ! r: "d !T5cl!NiEY a co. and iu mot everything usually kept iu a iarga store Call and be convinced that lha CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ALL YOUR (iOODd is at Tho Mammoth Store 3IEHC1IANT TAILORING . MEST, fourth Street, below Evstor's Storo, SUNBURY AVINTER CLOTHING of the nnt approved style is made up to order a reasonable rates. He has also a fine asortment of Ca.Jsimcre Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Rlouses, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolen lloso, Suspendors, Hand kerchief, (ilnves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ClOODS, Give him a call, which you will find to be to your advantage. Sunbury.Oct. lSJSoT. job n.iis, jn. o. a wotveuroK. COAL! COAL! COAL! rpiIE suWribers respeettully inform thecititecs of X Sunbury aud viciuity, that tbey have opened a CO AIj YARD at J. Haas ft Co's Lower Wharf. Sim luiry, l'lV. where tbey are propared to supply all kinds of Sha mokin Coal, at cheap rates. Families and others promptly supplied. Couutry custom respectfully solicited. HAAS A WOLVERTON, Snnhury, Jan. 1, I -JOH . STORE. AV. A. JJKNNET, lurket fqsiare, St ."Itl.'It1 , I a. HAVINtl recently purchased th Prng Store formorlv conducted by R. A. FIhcr, I bog leave to inform the citiieur of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I bavo entirely replenished my stock of IS BB. TEL7 X. BsS FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs. Ilrusbes. Pockct-Iiooks. 8eaps, Par turnery, Hair-Oil, Knives, iicissora, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigurs, 1uIbh, Ollxi. (Jlue, I'miy, arnlhe., l'nteut Jlt-sllclne, As-. AH mv Tinctures. Svrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aio muuutuclured by myself, and from tne tost material I con procure iu mmxaw,. llaviug hadqulto a uuuibor uf years' experience ia ha . Drui nnd Prteriytion Busmen, both in Philadelphia and tha eonntry, and also the advantage of the t'nlleee of Pharmacy, I feal eom peumt to COMl'OUNIl ALL PRESCRIPTION. that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as 1 havo above asserted, arc made iroiu the best material, and upon honor I assert, thoy are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I koup on band the very best WIXES, DIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purehasinx ele litre, call and convince your own mina. of Sot. xr ruruiisic. Terms) Ca.b,-aOeJj ., oa my Oooda are bought for Cash aud Sold Cheap or the READY MONEY. , Haiuryovl 8, 1 865 . W. A. BENNETT iMialmry. Oct lMr H Y fRILlN'l. BOUNTY FOB SOLDIERS. IrjAVK made arraniremenu in Washington City, for tbe prompt aollecuon of Bounty under the late Act of Congress. I have also received tha pro per blanks to prepare the claims. Soldiers entitled to this Bonnty should apply immediately, as it is as timated that it wUl require three years to adjust all the claims. ... s All soldiers who enlisted frr three years and who have not received more than luo) bonnly are entitled to tbe benefits of this Act, as well as soldiers wha have enlisted for three years and discharged after a service oi two years, by reauon of wounds received, dueswe auatraoted in line of duty, or re-enllstinout. LLOYD t. ROHRBAtU Sunbury, August 18, lt66. 'SHOEMAKER?. TBI! best qualities of Sola Leather, freixibrv.f 1 skins, llnrrocros, Lininrs. Irfuw. Nails. Pen, I Tools of all kinds, and avary thmguaod bv lha trade, I fnr sale low by J. H. fiNLRI W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers