Cfjc Sunburp American. B.WIIiVBRT.I- ... . K. B, ENQLB, ( PWUhoM. 1suin;nT, pa. -- , , ' ' SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1868. 1 iLocal Affairs. . CorBy muimm la itityite a Monday luL Th trial list will b round la this bra. Da. J. 8. Anavu ha rsmoved -hi oUe -to Mi resldeoee, ia Bright' fbw, oa Walnut itrtet. Be his card. BoaovOa TBBAeBBB.At tha meeting of tih Borough Counoll, oa Tuesday night last, Mr. B. M. Bucher was eleoted Borough Treasurer. Mr.Buoher mill ak a good ofleor. Ducoktihbio. Tho Pott OBooat Union Corner, la this county, hit been discontinued, on account of ao on being willing to kp It. Mail matter for that neighborhood ti now lent to Klysburg. Taa Cooscit, pRocBBbisas, together with the report of oar lute Chief Burgees, B. T. Bright, Eq. giving a statement of the flnanolal eondilion of the h Borough, was received too Ut for Insertion thil week. They will appear la oar neat issue. Taa Board of Director and aharebolden of tb 'Sunbury Mutaal Building and Loan Association will "meet in the storeroom of Ira T. Clement, on Monday evening, M th. By order of the President. J. W. Bocbbb, Secretary. DaHTHTRT. By reforeno to our adrertieing ol "nmn our reader will obserr that new Dental Toome bar been opened Jn Pleasants' building,. Market Square, In thii plae. Dr. Creteinger oome well reeommended both for ability and rcteg'-ity, and w beapeak for him a'lhilr tff the patronage of the public Scxibbt BotLnma Aiiociatiom. At regular meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Bavlng Fund and Building Association, bald on Friday evening, 28th nit., the fourth eale of ehare lock place. They brought the following prioei : 1st, $43 ; 3d, fSS; id, fcJfJ ; 4th, $90 j Mb, $89 ; oih, $91 ; 7th, $2 ; 8th, 199 j 9th, 90; Mth,'85. The par value of hare at preaent U $5.31. New Stobb A Larss SrocfaT. A. M. Meizell, who U a praotioal Watohmaker, haa just opened in Simpaon'l building, Market Square, the beat itoek of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware to be found between Harrhrourg and Williamsport. By long ciperienee in repairing ho will do work in the best manner, ftsd charge .moderate. Oive him a sail and tee hia fine assortment. Taa Odd Pillows of this place dedicated their -new Hall, In Haupt'i building, on Tuesday night of last week, with the usual impressive oeremoniea of the order.' Oo Saturday, 221 nit , the Ball of fh Augnita Lodge I. 0. of 0. F., was dedioated In the Stone Church, in Lower Angusta township. It was largely attended by member of the order. Accidirt on raa Piiila. A Ems Railroad. On Tuesday nigbt last one of the loeomotiv on the express train, east, broke a tank axle near Milton. The baggage and express ear were thrown off the track, Taut no person was injured, and the train arrived at bunbury at 10 o'olook next morning. The aiding nt Milton were blockaded with ear belonging to the Catawissn road, otherwise the train would not have been detained that long. I. 0. or 0. P. At a meeting of Fort Angusta En campment, on Monday night last, the follower & trs were eleoted for tb ensuing term : C. P., Levi Seasbolt. II. P., Solomon Stroh. S. W., Henry Clement. J. W., C. P. Seaskoltx. Scribe, Enianuol Wilvert. Treasurer, Valentine Diets. IIotil Sals. The old Lee Hotel, at Northum berland, bo been bought by Wm. M. Neebit, of l'oxinos, for $5,000, who will take pessetsion of it in '.he spring. The llotel in this plo, at the crossing of tb N. C. and Shumokin Valley Railroad, has been bought from Julius Arbiter by Ueorge Conrad and Dr. Jos. Eyster, for $5,700. It is a good stand, and if properly kept will do a good business. Gaxettt. Sao Accident. On Friday morning of last week young man named John Brown, of Northumber land, was run over by a freight train on the Lacka wanna A Bloomsburg Bailroad, at Danville, break ing both legs, and otherwise injuring him so severely hat he died shortly afterward, llis remain were Interred at Lewisburg on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Brown was emplo'yod a brakesman on the road. the family of Che unfortunate young man formerly osided In Sunbury. Tub Isdepehdekt." The list number of this lew Democratic paper was issued In rhi plae on he 27tb alt., by Mr. John J. Auten, late one of the ublishers of tbe Sentinel, the material of Which -as sold to tbe Democrat, some time since. It is a 1 column sheet, and published at $1.50 per annum it understand that ft start with a fair subscription tt, and will also rteeiv i bar or the oounty rinting from tb Democratic ot&c holder. W Ish friend Antes ('aoceM, pecuniarily, In hi new iterprise. Bi'ROLAaia. Several burglaries war committed tiiisplaoe on Saturday nigbt last. The store of essrs. Dreisbaeh Bra., In the Maaonio Ilall, was tcred, and about $50 in money and a small quan- y of groceries taken. the dwolliog of Solomon Stroh was entered the no night, and about $8 or $10 In silver stolen. Mr. Valentine Diets' residenoe, on Walnut street, s also entered, but the burglars did not take y. ng of value. Our eitiiens eannot be too careful properly fastening their doors and window at ;ht. . rial List. Tb following la the trial list for March term of Court, which commence on nday next, fib Inst. Tb first twelve oaaee are trial on Wednesday of the first week, and the re nins thirty-three for the second week : dam K. Fahnestoek vs Sol. B. Boyer, et al. oter llaooelinan va. Robert B. McCoy, jbn Walise va. Executors of John W a lite, dee'd. llogcndoebler v. W. L. Antrim, et al. jbo WeUer vs. Harriet Marr, at al. eter Uanser vs. George Del p. enry Rnup v. J. O. W. Herring, 'illiam Voung ti. Tb Penna. K. B. Co. bristian Ureiner, endorsee, vs. Daniel Dressier, oung and Brother v. P. Uanselmaa Co. Same va hunt. lines H. Young r. Wm. H. Moor, arion Piper v. B. B Trgo. hn Riegel et al y. Wm. M. Waver, Bherilf. oatban Hoover and Joba Yarneil va. The Sus quehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Co. nathaB Hoover vs. lam. nntban Hoover and Wm. Starr V. lam. H. Foresman vs. Joseph Long, hn Louck v. William H. Douty. aepb Uarney v. David Lomiaon. try Billinan r. 8. L. Bergstreaser. ter liumel vs. Herman Bergestook. hn A. Sproager v. Fred Dipner. ir Billman v. B. L. Berjrttretser. n Albright. Adm'r, B. D. Bnydr. omas Hussei vs. Peter Lilly, til and Berger vs. Was. B. Kenmerer. ta Wagner v. Peter Wagner, et al. irge W. Arbogas v. B. M. Bubb. ry . tlalaey v. Catharin Bower. Ubeaote Co. . Joseph Baoher. oka A Newberry T. Tb LaekawanaaR. B. Co. am "Reynold va. Joba W. MoCorauak. a Heckel T. Dr. H. W.Adann- - V W. Smith vi. Tb Mlltoa NaUonal Bank. ' S Melxel r. Th Atlaau and Urea Wm- Uilroad Co. .' , . - n Riem v. Dabiel Draailer. Miller r. John Foy and M. Bryrnlr. ert W. Kernl t al . Th Northern Celitfal rB? w'Ums . Tbomu Baamgardnar. o Kiuney v. Adam Wagner. ' County of NorlbutuborUad a. th Boroojh 'ustos Springmaa r. Wat. Otta, at al. , M f. Poyder vl. Lewi Bush- . lb ktfH inter v Baiah Maehatnet Ptuftatotaol or aa Kar'tficioa TTnre BtifiV taa OoaarTTaa.ftrrRiant to notle th Nortbum berland Ceuntr Union miblloan-8tandirr Com snltte met at tb Central Hotel, la Budbory, oa Monday, Marth ftl. Nearly till tbe dUuloU were ropresented. At 1 o'oiook, P. M., the meeting wa ailed W order, by the Chairman, Mr. B-WUvert, and oa motion R. M. Friok, Esq , was appointed eoretary. , , ..... . Attdr 1dm preliminary hutliresl telng tAns&e- td, it wu, oa motion, Kuetvtd, That the ehalr ap point a eobTmiUe of fir to draft resolutions, whereupon lb following leraon were appointed, Ti t D. 3. Lewis, D. W. Bampse), Bamaei John, . C. Uanna and Abraham Blasser. After retiring for a short Um th committee re ported tb following resolutions, whloh were adopted : Wdeiiias. Andrew Johnson, the aeeidental Pre' Ident of th United States, has aialn attemnted to tnak himself Dlotator, and by violating a law of Congree in hi endeavor to remove the lion. . M. Btambn. BkCretarv of War. without th advie and consent of th Senate, I guilty of a 'high trim and uiMU caipaiiur. Ann W-HrtttA.1, Congres has arrevled bis guilty progress by a prooes of Impeachment for laid in fringement oi tb4aW j Therefor ReetlveH. 1'hat Vf hear 111 v endorse Congress in the course pursued in bringing Andrew Johnson to trial lor nis illegal attempt to remove non. a. ai. Stanton, and for other infringement of th law and violation of tb Constitution. Reeetved, That we Would org upon tbe United State Senate prompt and fearleas action in the trial of this great oriminal, a we believe bins guilty of tne eriine wita wotoa tie is ooargea. Resolved, That in the present erisi w hav another lllustra'irn of Hon. B. M. Stanton's devo tion to th maintenance of tb law, and bis deter mination to prevent rebels from destroyrnw one eean try, and that w are largely indebted to biuvror th firmness by which rebel supremacy has been prevent ed. Resolved, That we believe Hon. E. M. Stanton to be tbe legitimate Secretary of War, and that he cannot be removed from that position without the adviee and consent of the United State Senate. Resolved, That we have full confidence totten. D. B Urant ; that there is every reason to believe that hi wisdom as a statesman equals hi valor as a soldier; and that be is ready to aid in checking any attempts that ma be made by rebels or their sympathisers to destroy this government. iieioixed, that tbe conndonce at tne American people in Ucn U. S. Grant points biin out aa the proper person tu be placed at tbe head of the Gov. eminent, and that bis nomination for President will be bailed with iov bv every true lover or ma eouutry throughout the length aoj breadth of our land. ItcsoivtJ, xnat tne patriotto ana maniy notion oi Gov. Ueary, in assuring Congress of the hearty sup port of Pennsylvania, shows him to be the "right man in the rk'bt place." and convices us more than ever that the honor and interests of the Old Key- atone are safe in his keeping Kesolved, nut uen. V. a. urani ana Jonn r. Oeary areourohoice fur President and Vioe Presi dent in the approaching campaign, and that we request our Representative and Senatorial Delegate to the Stat Convention to uae their influenoe for the advancement of this object. Resolved, That Auditor General llartranft, and Surveyor Ueneral Campbell, have boon faithful and true men to th trusts repot ea in '.ttem by ne loyal masse of Pennsylvania, and that we hope they will again be placed in nomination fcr thoso rcspeotiv office. On motion. Resolved. That R. M. Frick, A. R. Fisk and U. W. Wae;oueller be appointed con feree for the purpose of appointing a doiegate to tbe Actional Vtmveotten lrdia tuts Congressional Distrlot. Resolved. That tbe above proceedings be request ed to be published in the Republican papera of tbe county, Harrisburg Telegraph, State truard and rpuaaeipnia frets. North ERlt Central RailroaC. On Saturday, 29th ult., there was a goneral meeting of the stock holder of th Northern Central Railroad, in Balti more. After th meeting wo organised and tha reading of the minute of proceedings of tho previ ous annual meeting, th report of the President, J. D. Cameron, E;q., wA read, aocepted and or dered to be printed. W oopy tb following ex tracts from th report : The earnlnzsof this railway main line for the year ending Deoeinber SI, 1807, were': From Freights, $1,795,312 29 51,277 H 73,144 00 25.450 61 1.10,840 50 " Passengers, 11 Expre, " United States Malls, " Sundry Sources, Totol, Earnings of Wrigbtsrille Branefa, Sbaiookin Division, Eluiira " " Chemung " " Canandaigua " Showing gross reoeipt to be Tha operating expenses were $:,e:8,os4 oi 31,227 92 20.452 OS S&,14tf 43 127,5.37 35 180,416 72 $3,090,883 It 2,478,739 45 Net revenue, Whioh ha been applied to th pay ment of Intoreat on Funded Debt, Dividends to Stockholders, Tax on Capital Stock and Dividends, Rent of Leased Roods, Appropriations to Sinking Fund, $1,212,153 71 $143,863 04 336,475 00 85,239 35 295,143 28 53,000 00 Total Payments, $1,193,720 67 Th track bos been maintained In good condition ; additions have been made to the capacity of the road by increasing tbe aidings ; there has been ereo ted a freight depot at Selinsgrove ; a freight and passenger station has also been built at Liverpool ; we have expended $13,752 95 in completing the Dauphin bridge, and extensive trestles have been erected at Sunbury for the transfer of cool from car on tbe.thaai6kin trench to return car for th El- mira Division. We intend to transport th coal going north in box ear (whioh would otherwise be hauled back empty) ao far as they will meet the demand. This will enable us to transport tbe coal at a less ofet than heretofore, and must be largoly advaSt&gfcoui to us in th future of this growing trade. Our business has grown so rapidly within a short pace of time, and so much expenditure ha been necessary to perfect the track, extend sidings, and furnish equipment, that we have delayed a far a wa could the building of shop for tb repair of en gine and car. Additional shops have now become an urgent necessity, and we propose to erect suita ble buildings for that purpose at Sunbury. During this year we bave added to th equipment even locomotives, two passenger ears, twunty-nin gondolas, thirty-four Hue cars and three hundred and seventy-seven coal oars, at a cost of $265,134 41, and we have already contracted ts have delivered in the early part of this year ten locomotives, one huudred slock ears, and live hundred coal oars. The Increase of the coal trade for tbe past year over that of the preoeding yoar has been large. Tb ooal transported in 1867 amounted to 453,919 tons, against 303,189 ton in 1866 an increase of 150,730 ton Of this inorease 49,166 tons were carried to Baltimore and 101,564 tons to local sta tions. Tbe remaining inerease of tonnage, amount ing to 147,641 tone, has been mainly from points on tbe line of tb Elmira and Canandaigua Division and from point on the lake. We hav been making every effort ta lntreasethe tonnage-, and hav done so, by reducing tb rales of freight tu the lowest point consistent with your In terests. If thii policy meets with your approval, w shall continue It. feeling assured it is th best possible policy to pursue to euhanoe th value of your properly. It Is wiih pleasure that we refer to the fidelity and seal with which th offioers and employee of th Company hav performed their various duties. W are indebted U) the Ueneral Superintendent, J. N. DuBorry : the Master of Maohinery. C. M. Lewis, and J. De Haven, Road Master, for th able manner in which they nave managed their depart ments ; and to their skill and industry at to be at tributed, to a great extent, the successful result of the operations of the road during the past year. By order of the Board. J. D. Caherow, President. On motion, the meeting proceeded to tbe election of twelve Director for tb ensuing year. Of the tl ,41 1 shares entitled, there were Voted 52,000, the following trentlemen being almost Unanimously eleo ted : J. D. Cameron and William Colder, of Har risburg ; Amos E. Kapp, of Northumberland ; Henry Welsb, of York ; John A. Wright, of Lewistown ; George Small, Benj. F. Neweomer and Samuel M. Bhoeiuaker, of Baltimore : Edward C. Biddle, John M. Kennedy, Jaoob P. Jones and Wistar Morris, of Philadelphia. Th mcetinc then adjourned. Subsequently the newly eleoted Direotors met and unanimously re-elected J. D. Cameron, Baa a Prtiidant, and Roberts. Hollins, Esq., as Secre tary. Thomas A. Boott, Esq., of Philadelphia, wa ehosen as D tree tor, ta the plane or Mr. uameroa, leoted President. Co-OrATto. W oopy th following letter, giving an aocount of th suooensful working of tb Co-operative Association of Bunbury, from th Phil adelphla Welcome Workman, of a recant date. It wa wrlttea by Mr. B. F. Crook, if this place, who I Secretary of tha Association, sd will be found of iatareat to ear eitisen t Mm Kniroa ! Thlnklnr It in I u I Interest th readers of the Welcome Workman to bear what w hav been doing la tb eo -operative business in, this little town of 4,000 inhabitants, I send yoa a report of oar doing for Ut las (is mourns, euumg nw ... 4th 1HAH. V eommenoad basiaeat la a small way. and aa a (mall capital, consisting of $300, on th loth or Juno, lbof, with that peat nniy f th working rlit Ttm. to nonlend axaitutt, and tbe 1 opposition and talk s" few of our would be isfiaee- Uai men, who ibool J bar been enlisted In ear furor to cdvanee h interest of Ui worktnrftnko, and som of whom gv a thre week to wind p Other, mors liberal, gav a sis weeks, and oa three tneotbs. Let those who mad there remarks ask the small est child In th street If there la such an Institution as the Consumers' Cooperative Association ; or pro bably ibey hav Men Ihe1as;etign in Market street, and nearly all admitted It would be a good thing, mwlilul 4fe Mm 1 -t I It. .!.. I" " ' . "i. .v itm unwoq sign. luui, w- j sighted seortefs, never, perhaps, thinking Ibatevery 1 one Decerning a memoer naa an Interest ana priae In teeing and helping the enterprise to work well. To use their tnrn expressions, they would wait and see hoW the filing worked before entering into It : bat perfae'ps they see H now in the reduced price of Hour, which we at once put down In price two dol lar per barrel, and as we bave been selling it at a trifle above eoct ever line, w have been able to compete with all the grocers In town, and bave kept pri"e itpwn lower than any were able to contend with. "Ltv and let lire," is our motto; our first duty ia to live, and our second la to help all other to live. Our first quarter wa eonduoted on a capital of $225; number of member at end of quarter wa 43; oar total sale amounted to $2,261 80, on which there wa declared a dividend of four per cent, to member on aooount or their Individual purchase at thaslor. On an average capital of $500. and with a mem bership at tbe end of the quarter of 64, the sales of the second quarter amounted to $3,425 64, which, after paying insurano taxes, and Interest on shares, there was a dividend to member of 4 peroent. ; so you see wa hav turned our eapital over six times in the last three months, which take considerable financiering, as w deal on strictly qaah principles, never giving or receiving credit. ?r ebares aro placed at five dollars, limited to on hundred share Eer member, interest at Ibe rate of five per cent., to e increased to seven per cent, from January 1st, 1868 Out 'prospeots are flattering, considering the dull time which prevail. Our reputation stands A No. 1 with all ; and in lime w hope to make tbe Co-opnrativa Association of Suntrary a blessing to Very hotbe and k credit to it founders. AcciSe.vt la? Rrsa TowitsBtp. The Danville Amercai says that on Friday, list nit., John Oar net, of Hush township, this county, met with a terri ble aooident, by ochning in contact with a circular saw, In rapid motion. One of his leg was nearly sawed Off. Dr. R. B. Bimington, of Danville, was summoned as soon as potsibl, but when he arrived he found th patieat almost insensible, pulseless and nearly exhausted by the los of blood. He amputa ted th leg. Mr. Garnet is improving, and at last aooouuts was doing well. Pastoral ArpoismEST. Th 'East Ponnsylva- nil, Conforenc of th United Urolliren In Christ, at its annual session at Allentown, last month, ap pointed Rev. W. B. Ever to the Shamokin Mission for lb eneuing year. This Mission is included in th Harrisburg District, of which Rev. E. Light is Presiding Elder. BUSINESS MCTIGE&. C7Job ITintina-. Havinir received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPfi, of various new styles, Praters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter I loads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, oan be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. Jiee, Particular. A young couple of this place, who have resolved to beooino one, recently tried to fix on tb day. He insisted on walling until J. F. ShaefTer got up hia spring goods, in order to get a real stylish suit. She soutended that all kinds of elegant material could be had there at any tim. Sbe Ts Tight, andtfronld have added, It is mad up to order, promptly, neatly and cheaply ; but she didn't like to. . A Tbith After all the rare and costly gifts that may pass from on to another, na keepsakes, there is nothing more appropriate and lasting than a lifo-lik photograph of tho remembered one Nothing will so ividly recall that one, in after years, and nothing liko this will grow in value, as years pass sway. Thus iinptcej, go at once to Byerly'a Photograph Oallery, in Simpson's building, Market Square. Any sito or style that may be desired can be had at his gallery. Wa are now in the lost winter month. Spring and shad will be here almost "before you know it." Tbe winter bos been cold and healthful, full of spar kle and oxygen. We have had snow In abundance, giving livery men ulote" of business) and our crops and meadows a covering that will double their pro ductiveness next summer. With the advent of the warm season we may expect to witness a great ruth for Faust's new fashionable Hats, at hi (tor in Market Sqcfc). A Goos Time Comsa. The cheering business prospects for the coming summer do not argu th general prostration of business that al&rmieK would foreshadow upon tho publio mind. The law of trade, in our opinion, will do much to regulate the condition of the country, and with a determined spirit of industry much of th gloom that obsoure the brightness of tbe future in the mind of tb tWId will b prevented. And with bop for th good time coming, we ad? Us all to economise by purchasing their Boot and Bhoe at Miller' Ex oolsior Store, in Mnr ket Square. The Season. This is the time to get oheap do tting, and at the Continental Clothing Baiaar, In Market Square, is the place to find It. Slaymaker makes to order any selection from his large and ele gant stock of goods, at short notice, and in th best manner. Call in, ses his assortment, and learn his prioes. II ms A Proverb. Th influenoe on men's appear ance, made by tbe tailor, ho long since gone into a proverb; and those who get their clothes at J. 0. Beck', on Fourth street, are living witnesses of the truth it contain. At Beck's all kinds of men' and boys' clothing are mad In splendid style, cheap, elegant and warranted to fit. MARKIAOEB. In the German Reformed Church, in this plaoe, oo Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. W. C. Cro mer, Mr. ti. Wbisbh Bucubb to Miss Jasb Cleuext, all of Sunbury. At tbe residence of tbe brids'afither, in Sunbury, March 6th, by Rev. G. W. Uemperiey, Mr. Clihtun D. Rouriacu to Miss Sabab A. Excel. On the 27th of February, at the residence of tbe brid e'a Rev.Irvin U.Torrenea, Lloyo T. Lahbersos to Miss Harriet E. Aeobbsom, all of Rush township, Northumberland oounty. DEATH. Near Reed Station, on th 20th nit., SOLOMON FRANKLIN, infant son of Joseph and Amelia Held, aged 3 months and 10 days. In Irish Valley, on the 26th ult., SAMUEL CAMPBELL, sged 65 years, 2 month and 24 day. In Elvabara. on th 29th ult.. DANIEL GAR NER, lulant son of Daniel and Busa Knoebel, aged 4 months and 4 day. On theeveninrof Feb 15th. near Berwick, Co lumbiaCV.Pa., WARREN FRAZER, aged 1 years, snd on the morning of March 8d, CHARLES PEIRCY, aged 2 years and 2 week, twin ion of th Rev. A. H. and Lydia Short. In birth and life they were united, In death and eternity they are not asperated. HII.tUlKl MAIIkETn. Cot-rooted Weekly for th "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do d do perewt. Rye Flour, - per bbl. do per ewt. Wheat, prime red, sew, . per bushel, Ry, do Corn, new, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaobes, pared per hound do do unpared do Dried Apples. do $11 00 6 00 10 0t 00 140 1 85 i ia 64 1 w tl It 1 00 40 80 Dried Cherries, (anstooed,) pkr ba. Butter, per pound, per doaea, per pound, do do do dd do do par pair Egg. Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutten, Chickens, n to 18 14 13 18 60 Hbtvnaokl Coal Trad. - Bbabobib, March 8, 186$. Tone. C'sst Bent for week ending Ish. 29, T.fil II Per last Report, . 44,644 08 (1,661 00 To tarn Um last yf. 48,626 08. - lacrosse, .& ! Dns.rnB. JlLiHnicRR abd OataRRR treated with tb utmost sneoeni by i. Isaacs, M. D . Ocul ist and Aurist, (ferinerly of Lcyden, Holland.) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from th most reliable aonree in city and country ean be seen at hil office. Tb Medical fsoulty are invited to accompany their patients, an be ha no seoret in hh) practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted with out pain. - No charge for examination. pov-SO-ly. .' , , CONJUGAL, LOVE, -abp Tn'BVArriaii o versa MA'aniA'aa. Essay for Young Men. on th Errors,. Abupes knS Diseases which destroy tbe Manly Powere and ermie Impediments to Marriage, with sure means of reljof. Bent in sealed letter envelopes free of oharge. Ad dress, Dr. J. 8KILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard As. soeiatlon, Philadelphia, Pa. fbbltm. t'OLU.ITi: V t'O.'S GERMAN ERASIVK SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all O racers. May Hj, 1867. ly. Information. Information, guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bnlJ head or beardless lace, also a recipe for th removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc, on the skin, leaving the same, soft, clear, and beautilui,ean be obtained without cnargo by addressing TUO.9. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, may 18, '67 . 823 Itreadway, New York. o NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' old established o.m: iui;i: CLOTHING HOUSE, OOi Market Mtreel, One door 'above Sixth, PbitiJclpMa. For many year this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.etn, and we believe wo are tb only Clothing House in the cily that striotly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, fur good taste in select- ?;ood styles and substantial materials, and not leas aiporlKet, for having all our goods, JKXTltA WVAA. JUUt We employ th best talent, for Cuttert, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionublo and plain so that ell tastes oan be suited. Tbe prices ar the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the compotiticn of our neighbors, for aa nodeductions are ever made, we must put our price down to th advantage we promise. Tbe people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be' saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind Roues' one price clothing house, 604 Market ftrrect, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door aWve Sixth. March 23, 1807. ly AYER'S CHEKEY FEGTOHAIi J jail,, fllU,llVU LU lUOUli the urgent need of a safe and reliable euro for dis eases of the throut and lungs. A trial of many '-'years haa established the tact that It Is more uli.-a-cious in pulmouury uHco tions than any other rem edy. Its efficacy has now beeomo so icncrally known that It Is jmtly regarded in many countries as a medicine of indieocnsnble necessity. In Great Britain, France ana Germany, wbero medical sci ence has reechod its highest perfection, it is pro scribed in doniestio practice, and constantly used in the armies, in hospitals and other cibiio institu tions, where it is regarded by tho attondin physi cians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy t hut can be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can be found where well known enscs of diseased lungs, which bed battled the efforts of tbe most skillful and experienced doctors, have been permanently cured by it. Those results are the most convincing proofs of tbe superior curative properties of this prepara tion; and to them tbe authors point with. peculiar satisfaction. Whilo it is most powerful aguinst con firmed deceases, it is extremely gentle ni a medicine in infancy and youth, being quilo hnrinlcss to even theyoungnsl, when administer?) jui'.iulouily. Tms hcuith-roiitorcr n"eorat lMins eVen more by prevention than cure. If taken in season it heais all irritations of the thront and lungs, whether uri sing from Cnlch or Cocghs. or from otSer oauros, and thus prevents that long train of painful and incurable diseases which woild arise from tho neglect of them. Hence no family should be without it. Influents, Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, In cipient Consumption, and. other affections of tho breathing organs, give way before this pre-eminent combinations of modionl virtues. Prepared by DU. J. C. AVER A CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in med icine everywhere. Feb. 15. -8t. A DDK KM TO TUB NERVOUS AND ORBILITA tcd, whose sutferiiia-s bave been protracted I'toiu hid den causes, and whoso caws require prompt Meatineiil to render existence desirable. If you uie surfcriug or luivc suffered from involuntary diteliures, wliut etlect dues ic produce upou your geneiul heuhn i Do you leel weak, debilitated, easily tiled ! Dots a I. lite turn exeitnui pro duce palpitation of the heart ? Does your liver, or urinary urgiins, or your kidneys, frequently gel out of order f Is your urine sometimes tiiiek, milky, or Horky, or is it ropy on settling ? or does a thick scum rise to the tp Or is a sediment ut the bottom ut ter it haa etood awhile f Do you have spells of short breathing or tl) siefSiu ? Are yoiit bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting or lushes of litood U the head i Jayour memory liritailed i la your mind constantly dwelling upon tins subject I lluyou feel dull, listless, moping, tired of compuny, nl' lii'e ? Do you wish to be leVl alone, to get awuy frin everybody ! Doos any little thing make you stnrt or jump? la your sleep broken oi restless? Is the lustre of your eyes as hrilliunt ? The bloom on your cheek as bright t Do you enjoy your self in oeiety aa well I Do you pursue your business with the aaine ene!gy ? Do you feel as much contitteuce in your self ? Are yorr Spirits d:ll And fl.igeiiig. given to fits of melancholy ? If so, Jo not lay it to your liVer or dyspepsia. Have you rustless nights? Vonr back weak, your knees enk,lnd have but filtle appetite, and you aunbule ill is to dyspepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, aelf abuse, venereal diseases liadly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable oi producing a weak ness of the generative organa The oraua of generation, when in perl set health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, ebeigctic, persevering, suc cessful bu&iiiess-inen are always these whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such meu complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpita lion of the heurt Thev are never afraid ttiev cannot auc- ceedin business; they don't become sad and diteotlragrd ; lliey are always polite and pleasant ill the company of la dies, and look you and ihsm light in the face none of yoar aowncasl kaika or any other meanness amiut mem. I oo not meau those who keep theorgana inflamed by running to excess. Theao will not oiily rui.i llieir constitutions but aian thoae they do business Willi oi for. How many men from badly.eured diseases, from tbe etlccia of self-abuse and exoesaee, have iHoughi about that aiate of weukneaa in ttnwe .organs thut iius reduced Ihe Seueral system so much aa lo induce utmost every other isease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, Spinal arTeetmtis.sui.Mde, and almost every other form nf dlsense which tiUfpHiiuy is heir lo, and the renl cause of uie trouble scarcely ever sus pected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs rroaire the use of adiuretie HELitlUULD'SFLt lDEXTIIACT Bt.'OHU is the great Diuretic, and ia a certain cure for dlaeasea of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of Ihe Uri nary Urgaus, whether exist nig, in Male or Female, from whatever cause ongiualing and no mailer of how long lining. If no treatment ia sulanilted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our ilesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the helli and happiness, and that of Hoaterily, depends upon prompt use of e reliulle remedy. Helioookl's Jtxtraci uuenu,. estannsnea upwnru oi is aira, preparedby H. T. HKl.MHOt.D, Druggist, 314 Broadway, New York, and lot South loth Street, Phianlelplna. fV Pairs ! ti per Untie, or bottles for 8 50. drli .'ere'J to any sddress. Bold by 411 Druggtlis everywhere. March. IM07 r . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REMOVAL 1 Watchmaker & Jeweler, MARKET SQUARE, 8 U N B U K V , P A., Will remove his Jewelry Store to MUler'i Stone Building, corner of 3d and uorBet square, ON FEBRUARY let, 186a, where he will be happy to receive his old Customers and the public ia general, i nanaiui lor pass lavors, k. aniiniia m. anntinusauM of the aaoie, and be is de termined to sell as low aa the lowest, and for quality, not to ha siireaased BV any aooas tn w maraes. t lars-e assortment of Wsalciaeai. rltjcUsi, JfcWtlr-y ahd 611 yer Ware, Bohstantiy on hand, consisting of all kinds of Amerl .aa Watches, such as the Howard. Appletoti, Tracy 4 Company, TrJmonl. V. B. iJartlet, Win. kil- iVry , Uolae and a line assurtxaent of Swiss W a tehee All kind of 8 Day toil 80 Hour Clock 1 SUva tea setts, card and eaka baskets, breakfast and dinner castors, Celery stands, syrup and drink ing eups, and full assortment of Spoons, Knives ana Fork. Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry tjd Musto icirs All work wirraateej. , Feb. 8. If mm Wmm netrltr'a 1oiIcm . I NOTICE I hereby given to all legatee, creditor, and other persons tntsrseted in the following estate, .that tbe Administrators, Executor an Guardians nf the wilhin named, have Sled their aooount with tb Register df Northumberland eoun ty, snd that laid socoum will n presented to Ihe Orphan's' Court, for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday the lOth'dsy of JUroh 'next, kt 10 o'olook A. M : 1. Th accmlfil of ft. D. Moorcr, "Guardian of Ed ward Calvin, William Ellis, Daniel Elinor, and Etnma Elisabeth Alaohauier, minor, filed Decem ber 16th, 1867. 2. lb aooodnt of Snmtiel Broeioua, executor of jaoob BroslouMeo'd.. filed December 23, 1867. . 8. The account of Adnm Zsrtmsn and Abraham Zartman, exeouturs of William Zurtman, deo'd ., tiled December 2lth. 18!7. 4. The account nf Adam Lenker. administrator of Charles Kersletter, deo'd., Bled December 27th, 13B7. 6. Tbn account of John Ptlegor, and A In in Kpler, executors of John Pflegor, deo d.rfiled Jununry.Otli, lo6S, 6. The account or William Savidge, guardian of Charles Kemerer, minor, filed January (T, ldU8. 7. Tbe ncoounl nf George Dimm, guardian of Al fred and Georgo Ilufer, minor children, filed Janua ry 10, 1863. 8. Tho account of Thomas C. Dimm, administrator or Ilaben Harer, doe'd . filed January lutb, 18U8. 9. Ihe account or John Moyers, administrator of Anna Maria Meyers, dee d., filed Feb. 1st. Ie68. 10. ihe noonunt or l'hilip 11. Fullmer, administra tor or Siimucl C. I'ollmcr.dco'tl., tiled Keb. lst.lmW. 11. Ihe account or Daniel Koitx, guardian of the minor children of William llothormel, dee d., filed Feb. 8l, 1S68. 12. The final mtint ofSjlohnn Yotinp;, adminis trator of Elitnbcth Hummel, dee d., filed Tab. Jth, 1308. 1-1. The account of William Elliott, fnardian of Einanunl ejbiley, minor, filed Feb. 6tli, 1 rturt. 14. The imnnnt of Samuel Derr. gnardirm of Andrew I. Karctmer, minor, filed Feb. bth, leH. 15. The account of Abrnbain Shipman, adininis trator or Elmor Lytic, doo'd., filed Deo. 8th, 1808 3. LKIfrENRINO, Register. Suntiry, February 10th, 18ti8. 1. 1st ol' Aiilicit'ulH tut- i'uvcrti L.U ci-iso lr 'liircls McHNion, A. I, 1WOM t I Jiiines Keiley, JW t. Carrnel borough, old ststid Dhii'I A. Manuel, tpper iMut.aiiuy, 9 lltiliy Hans, pun'uiy boroU)ih. 4 George Kckerf, iSorlli'd borough, 11 6 Win. Alycis, Chillis(pmiue, tl Ttios. Nesbit, Psxinos, bhamnkln tp., " 7 Jacob beisehring, Heat Gap, " H 'I'hos. Fnulds. jr.,crbe lownsliip, " V John Albert, Juekxil township, " 10 John Weever, .eihe Uiwuslup, 11 Aaron T. Cobie. Jotdan t-.wnhip, I T. J. uiinin, NonhueitMiland borough, " 13 Jacib felruuh, Jordau lowualtip, ' U Win. Farrow, ftbaniokui lownsliip, 11 1.5 Win. Kiigteiean, renbury boiough, new stand Jd Julian Jouiisihi, NunhM buroueh, old sund. 17 A S. Mauls, Lower Mahanoy t'wp., " IS David D Davis, Mt Cariuel borough, " 19 J. M. Ilouiihloii. " 20 I. G. Sucker, Miltonborongh, " VI C- U. Bover, Cumeron township, ' OT Kims ShaTer. J.irdail Hwilshtp, M John M. Huff, Milton borough, VI Wm. M. Netbit, Nnrth'd borough, Road's old st snd 95 J. P. Bensholtx, Lower Ma'noy, Uiuiiic'a " B'J Franklin Hyeriy, ' old stand. 47 Chas Garnnfier, Snnhury Imrough, " 88 Jacoli Wheels " new stand. 99 Auquitita 'ald, Iwer Mahanoy, old stand. &l Joseph Vaukirk, Nortli'd borough, 31 Charles Itzel, bunbury tKirough, 04 Baiuelt Cannon, Mt. Carinel iwp , new stind. :1 l'eter Weikel, Cumeron township, old stand. 34 John II. Conrad, Shainokin borough, 14 31 Nicholas Wenk, bunbury borough, 3t II C. Fis-her, Washington township, 37 Christian NefT, tunhuiy borough, 35 John 3. Wnguer, chainokin township, 3il Joseph Tennnes, borough, 40 Jas Vandyke, North'd borough, 41 Wm. Conner, Delawnre township, " 4 J Francis MeCaity, Ml. Carmel township, " 43 Peter .McDonald, " 44 Benj Knouse, ZMle township, 11 4- Cyrus Brown, Milton boro., (hq. stole), 14 40 Ciias. llarinikti, Moiitiindon, (l 47 II. J. Bender, Mc:.weiisville, IS Jacob llHleiistliger,J:if-ks-ihtownship, " 4il John MeMauus. i.'oal township, new stand S'l A. Hotliurmel, G town, I. Ma'noy, old slsnd. fit Joel Hitleriuun. Jai-koil township, u 5J Aug Ziintnermaii, Alt. Carmel bofocgh, A:) Dunel Herb. Cpier Mubsuoy, ' 61 T. Koulds, (ir , y.cil.e ip., (Iiq. store), ' 05 Iv T Drunilieliel, GunLury bontuh, ' M C. II. ltaker, Little Mnhuooy towusnin, " fi7 Kdiuund 'IVo.xil. triltoi, iK.tongh, 11 .IS John Cmiis. Shamokin borough 11 SB lliiph T,e, locust Unp, " Wj MHry Brymire, sinhury l-orough, new stand. f t J. Galeu s-mith, Jjekaon towi.A.ip, ' ffj Amos Miller. Sunbury loiou,th, " fi: 'I'lios. liiblfMis, Mt. C'H'mel tow-nship, 14 01 Henry Van Klten, Mt'ton boroiieh, Reed's stand. i5 'i'hos Welsh, Mt. Curmel boroorh, old stand. 6't Wm. .lurvey, lK-ust Gup, " (7 Jnuob Moweiy, Sliuni.ikin b nougii, " 61 Win. M. Weavei, 14 " 00 Itohert Nicholson, Shamokin borough, old stand. 70 II. li. Weaver, Zerbe luwnahip, 44 ' t tv in. Kot'i, S!.4ia-k'!l llasl, " 7 Hutnuel bialiliitckei, Dcliwure twp., 14 73 D. 11 Dreislinch, Turhutville borough, 14 74 C W. Utieker, Milton lioiough, -4 'ii John M. Fry, TurhMville, 44 7b John feurwai, I'oint township, 44 77 Peter Yeager, Shamokm township, 44 78 Datesinun.V Ile-kel. Dehwure twp , 44 71) John H Grist, tinner Mnhiin iv twn . 41 bl) J. M. Bartholomew, Sunbury, (Iiq stole,) new aland. rl rritlerick hahriou, .lit. curmel noro., M C. W. Snyder, Shumokin borough, okl siand. 8:1 J. M. Snupsoit, Sunbury, new siand. r4 Marlin I.. Klthei, funbury, old stand 85 Abrahnm l.ercb, Mt. C'armel, old stand. 86 James 11. Draw, Lewis township, 44 .1 J. RKIMF.N.NYiKR, Proth'y l'Ut oi' Applicants tlbr Reblaiirant''UMca lor biurets Usctibiou, ImOni I t.lim Snyder, Herndoii, old suind. S Fmsyth At Moiiiuii, Nottli'd txroueh, 44 3 George A. lteeer, bunbury borough, 41 4 John Citrus, 14 Win. V. Holh, Miltoa b irnuiih, 44 II Jas. Kelley, Mt Curmel borough, 44 7 VI in. Ilurinws. Ethiirnokiii uorouctl, H Wm. .lNvcr, Senlmry birough, U John McMsuiis. Coul lowushin. new stand . old stand. Ill lleniy GoIikIiuII, liwe( Aususutownship, I r leu j-nrenk, buiil'ury oorougn, I Jacob Clymer, Miltoii borough, " 13 Win A Fuhei. " " 14 Jncoli Critzei, 44 " 15 Muiilda I'yers, Sunbury lK)Mugh, new stand. Id A H. Brrgstresser, Njainokiu horoui;h, ' 17 Wm. C. Roth, 44 " 18 l'eter Smellier, Sun'mrv boroueh, old stand. Vi K F.Gokt, MeBwenaville borough, 14 no li s. Clark. " new etmid. 81 Hut ton I., ilall, Sunbury borough, old stand. tl Jus. Buck, lioust unp, new auiiiu. 43 Wm. Brobat, North'd borotirh, 14 94 M. Graham. Beaver Dale, Ml. Cartnc! tp., 14 -i Milton 1 pixel, TilHiulville Imrougii, old aland. tfu John S. Wagner, llmmoKill iwp., new ribiiu- '11 Join, .UeMuiuut. ual townshlD. 44 8 Philip Dieimmi, Blininokiu bomngh, old stand. 19 Dnn'l Mnrthall Son, North'd boiough, ,4 30 Henry Jlarh. Shamokin borough, " 31 Henry Simmons. 44 new stand. 3-J A . rlacjveiiUeor . Co , Munlaudon, 44 S3 J. i . jvetsteltcr, cu'iiisquau;ue, - J. J.!r i iir.n, rroin 'y THE GREAT PRIZE! Expotition Unicemlh, rarit, 1807. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE CO ELIAS HOWE, J. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, 'I lse Illffhesit Pmuiuni, Tbe Only Cros of th Legion of Honor knd glvhntoAstkhioSB 6xWixo Mseaiax, per Imp. rial Dsorea. bublished in tbe "Moniteur Universal' (Official Journal of tbe French fcuipire), luesday id July, let)7, in these words : 1 Fabriaant. de Machine a sou L' . 1 tl w 1. I rfM avivuinl. Manufacturer uf bewtng Ma. 1 chinea. Exhibitor. 4lThis double first honor is another proof of th. great superiority of tbe UOWK bEVYtau A I' II I Nil Atr.ll nlk.r. tilBLEY A BTUOFS, Va. 2.1 Sonth Kiirht Btraet. Philadelphia Agents for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and western Virainla. February 22, Idea. 3m . ' MAI. I'M AVALUABLK TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE and full lot, situate on the South-east corner ol Four lb. and Hanover streets in tbe Borough or .Nor thumberland, formerly oooupied by Jno. A. Taylor, now oy wm. uurnstue. Fur full particulars. Inquire of . W. A. BENNETT. ' Druggist, iunbury P Feb IS, 1868 -St LEWIS & CO.'S ILLUSTRATED o.t-rm,v l Aiiiu joi: ivv.n FOH T11K MILLION I Thousands of families In th city and country hare long f.It th. want of so IllustraW JrnJi aTI Trthi:b.ndprw:' h."1 10 y jo mis end, we hsve engagod irood artists Tl,. literary department will b. on. of ihi f,& of ,n! paper, and w shall publish from tim. "o tae , ginal Tales, hk.Uh, A., b, tb. Lading wHterTof the country. " THIS 19 NO LOTTERY. Cut we offer as an induoement to those who sub scribe, and will help to push forward to a successful issue, a cheap and valuable Illustrated Family Journal, and give a (urge number vf premium. Subscribers will not hava to whiI In know tr bave a premium. There will be 3,316 premiums uistrtuuiea to tne eutworirers. ibe paper will be well worth the dollar, lor Iheyear. A'book ho been ... 1 i. . ... 1 i : t u K t i , ,,. J "I . ail MlwillUUIlVllUIIUUIUVIRKUlU I W IVU, 000, and tha premiums are equally distributed 1 1. U 1 1. I. .. J I 1 . iuiuufu iuq uuv uuuuini iuuumiiu uuutoei?. If there should be one thousand names received on !. ....... J.. . J .... I..l..u iHI . I .on win. uaj o unto, mo ivtmr ti ill va opviieu regularly as they com. tu band, and marked on Ihe hook In nuilirrnl.llnn nnun.l n ik.l ,l,. be a fair distribution of tbe premiums. W. shall publish the names of the persons that are 'entitled to the premiums, in tb. Nsw York Monthly illus ikatsd, and In the city and oountry paper. . The following Premiums will b. distributed : 111 Cash Premiums of $500 each, $5,000 6 4 4 44 2 0 0 44 l.OOil 10 4 4 44 1 0 0 44 1.000 20 SO 44 1,1100 4 0 44 4 4 2 5 44 1,00 0 HO 44 44 10 ' BOO fiO Gold Watches, (Am'n Watch Co.) $40 eaeh, M0 60 Wilcox A Gibbs Sewing Machines, 00 44 S.000 60 Howe's Sewing Maohinor, 60 " 8,000 2000 Premiums ol $i each, 2,000 TEKM3 TO Sl BSCRtBEUS. 1 Copy, one year, with one subscription, $1 .00 5 copies, -4 44 five 44 00 20 14 44 44 ttventy 14 20 tiO Persons getting up clubs will be entitled to pre miurr.s. as above. Address LEWIS & Co., 41 Mercer St., N. T., Box V et0 ",,,l'0,,i pbrfn. giving toWmhlp, oounty " j i'ut0, Money bT dratt. Poet office order, regis tered lottor. or express, may be sont at our risk. Send 10 cts. for specimen copy containing all necessary information. ltEFERENCES. Levi Stockwell, Treasurer of the IIV Sowing Machine Co., 69 Broadway, New York. nwTT' V' 1,",nn Secretary of the Wilcox A Gibbs .ewin;r Machine Co., 4o8 Broadway, N. Y. Feb. lb. 18(58. BAUGII'S COTHIHICUI, I A1 Hi;s I rBWe announce to fnrmers and dealers In Fer tilisers, that the following prices bav bucn adopted or the present spring season : BAUOH'S RAW BONK PHOSPHATE. Price, ?56 per 2,000 lbs. . TiAt'GH'S CDICAC0 BONE FERTILISER Price, $46 per 2,000 lbs. BAUOn'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANTRE. This well known potular trade-mark will be found opon very pacUageot th above mantrre. The Ligh estimation in which Hacob's Bono Ma nures bave been hold, during fourteen years past, wa shall fullysuftain in the future. Having now tho entire control of tl.cegrcat rcscuc!S of the city of Chicago, for fumbhing Ammonia and Phosphate yiolding matcriul, vii : Bones, Dried Flesh, Blood, to., we have, iu conucction with our works in Phil adelphia, Uie 1 argent facilities for furnishing these manure, at the above low pricoe. BAl'0 11 1 SONS, Philadelphia. NOHT-WESTEl'N FERTILIZING CO., Chicago JOHN RALSTON A CO., Gen l Ag'ts, New York. QEOKUE KIKKJS A CO., Boou. OEORliE LTUDALE, Wholesale Ag tTBultimore. For all information respecting the above Manures, address either of the above bausos. "JOURNAL OF THE FARM," A New Mo'alhiy Agricultural Paper, published by BAUGII A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Its design is to nrosent a ftill rahceof Airicultnra and Horticultural intelligence; articles upon the Practical and Scientific relutiousof the subject ; and its general aim is to inculcate a popular b' ftcui of liih manuring. The cluiuis of BAt'OU'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, are urged in an boned and open war, but not urged to the exclusion of any other valuable manurial aid to the farmer which the markets or homo resource afford. All farmer will (lnd It. wo think, fully wortt all iv vvitn, iii iuv I'riic'.iciii eupgesitoiis it present?, suu tbe general reader will meet a share of solid enter tainment. Price, 50 cents per year. Address, BAl'UH A SONS, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH AGENTHER, Suubury. Jan. 25, 1868. aug'67-ly ISO Cbrslnul Street, l'kiladclpiiin, Are the best in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : they ar. more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a firmer and more beau.lful seam than any other They sew all fabrics from two ooiniuon spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tb seam by their own operation, and though every fifth ititch Is cut th seam ill not rip. Tlio Very lllglsesii Prize, Ilse Croats of the Legion of Honor was conferred on th repre sentative of tbe .icvr.ic St. ii.iii:u MAH3HIES at tb Exposition I'nivsrsellee, Paris, 1857 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machine. G ROVER A BAKER'S in srvLt 8 11 If TX iii; MACHINES For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improve ments. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boot and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all other requiring tbe use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages oyer all other. FOR BALE BY Mia CAROLINE DALITJS. Market 8traet, SUNBURY, PENN'A , Noy. 23, lt)0T.-ly Children' Currlssjee. w E would call the attention of those wanting a Child Carriage, 10 our new ana large assort. 1 Biest comprising new and beautiful stvle. I J If. Ofib1.ur cn .. TUB ORRAT A.M2RIOAN VOJfBiy.A TION Hatlon note Oy-rcatuliB; OEVI1TG ICAdHIlTZ. Ii wsrrsnted to execute In th bnt manner every vartlw nf Havlni, lrAril.... n J t . . TacHing, Braiding, Uathering, Quilting, Ovorseau- Imm 1.'... L.i.l.-I - . 1 i 1 . . jo"wi oiun 11115 va uie ro$e. ann in S'l'lllion innke beautiful Button and I'.yelet Hole in all fa brics, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Being absolutely th Best IN TUB WORLD, And Intrinsloll, the cheapest, for It Is two Ma chines eouibtned lu one by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangclnent. Circulars with full particular and sample of work done on this Machine, eon be had on application at the salns.ronms ot the Company, r - m E,vl4,n Chestnut Si., Philadol'a. InsfrBctlOTistlven on tha Machine gratuitously to all purcharers. ' A0ENT3 WANTED TO gfcLL THIS MACHIND. Ilr'itoi'aj 1 J. L. FENlSrOHE, President. WILLIAM P. JENKS, I'rcRiili'tit Puck Motintaia Coal Company DEN.IAMIN BULLOCK, Wool Merchant, No. 40 South front Sr. IT TT f?FKn nfr,f,r,.i. c r. WlmtesHle Clolliine.No. 423 Market Strt-et. A. IIAKT, JOHN T. TAtTT, GEO. J. KICTIAltDSON, PliilaJeliiliia. 7. B, MKNOENHALjt, . fit' Diiatnavilln. Cliffltitr r!iinntv. Pa F. TAXSON. of F. Puxson & Co.. .. .Not mis, I,o. 504 Market Street January S5, l?(fl8. ly GRDCEIUEST Provision, and Floui4 & Feed Store. J. A. tiVMtV &. CO., Iu Weimor'i BuTlding, Water Rtroet, near King t.', NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM thefx friomls and the publio generally that thcyTiavea large assortment of Orooerio Provisions. Acall fresh and of the bestanalitv. don. sisting of Teas, Cclfees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept io tho tirocery line. Tbcy would also dill attention to their larre and cheap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Ureon Tea, nnirs, Btiouiaorr. so., wnicn are constantly Kept on hand. Alm, all Kinds of Vegotablcs, Ao., it. Uivethetn a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, feept. 2S, 18C7. NEW GROCERY! On Third t., ono door bolow the Lutheran Churoh, SUNBURY, PENN'A. HENRY PETERS, Ha just opened a rjKa tcmaozjKJZMmtrmr AND Provision Store and is tolling low for CASH. His Stock is complete, counting in part of BUOAKS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Molassts, Syrups, Mackerel, 'Lard, Hams, Nut Dried and Canned Fruits. Prunes, Raisins, Chen and Crackers, and in fact everything usually Kept in tho flrocery lino Tho bt FLOUR aud MEAL in tho Mark.1 . Tobacco. Cipin, and a rnrloty of NOTIONS. Constantly on hand ib'hell and Can bT'3'TEC'BI33 nC 9'9 which will bo furnished to private families in largs or small quantities. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. , Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Ut"Ch!I and examine my .Stock, and satisfy your "6ltee HENRY TETER3. Sunbury, Doc 14, 18b7. KEEI' WELL-DRESSED. Coll and se th well selected Stock of CL0TH3, CASSIMERE3, OVERCbATINGS, VESTINOS, 4 Just received at &mm iSo Brno's MERCHANT TAILOIIINO ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Streot, below EytUer' Storo, SL'NBt'Rt WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved styles Is made up to order a reasonable rates. lie has also a One assortment of Casslmor Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, mouses, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, ti loves, and a goneral variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING UOODS, Give 10 ra a call, which you will find U be to you advantage. Sunbury, Oct. lit. 1867. J0H5 BAAS, JB. C. 11. W0LVBUT0B COAL! COAL! COAL! THE subscribers respeutfully inform the citizens of Suubury and vicinity, that they buve opened a CO All YARD at J. Ilaas A Co 's Lower Wharf, siunbury,Pu, where they are prepared to supply all kinds of Sha mokin Coal, at cheap rates. Families and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully solicited. . , HAAS A WOLVERTON, Sunbury, Jan. 13, 16f,d. Lime! Lime I Lime I THE new Lime Kilns of 11 R. Master, at Melius Grovs Station, ar now completed and in suc cessful operation, priducing lime of th very bent quality. These kilns are built with all the modern conveniences and improvements, aud hav. a capaci ty of producing 400 bushels per day. Excellent roads have beeu made to tbeilns, not interfered with by tbe railroad, where waguo or sleds oan be loaded in a few minutes from the (chutes, without handling. Having openod a large body of the best limestone, at the mouth of the kilns, they are enabled to sell lima at the low rate of 11 eents per bushel. The kilns are ip ebarg. of competent per sons, who will always be prepared to supply cus tomers. Apply to 11. B. Muassr, Sunbury, or td Chat. Dupkleberger, or Cha. J. Conrad, at the kiln. December 14, lbrtT. Nl K ' OIL MUX THE sultsoribcre having just erected and put Ui operation a 31111 tor tb. inanulaciur. 01 LINSEED OIL, oiler th. highest market price for FLAX SEED. . Thev hav attached to their cstubl-bmout a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wautiug grain chopped- fur feeding, can be accommodated at th shortest nolle. A uiachiu for chopping corn with tb cob is attached to tb mill. MORGAN A MASSER. January 83. jgWly BOOT .4I SIIOK NTOIIl! THE subscriber offers to tell hi Boot and Shoe Store, located on Marks street, Sunbury. a few doors east of Haunt s now building, including a large stock of Boots, and Ladies and Children's Shoes. Gaiters, Ao: Tha room will also be routed to any persoa purchasing the stock. If desired. Here Is presented an opportunity for doing a nrst-olas Bool snd bhoe business, lbs establuliiuent is oner ed lor sals because the owner has gone into other business in the West. J. H JEFFRI-d. Sundry, January 4, 169. BQVTI FOR SOLDIERS. I HAVE made arrangements In Washington City, for the prompt collection of iioouty under the late Aot of Congres. I hav also reoeived the pro per blanks to prepare tbe claims. Soldier snuUed to this Bounty should spply immediately, as it is es timated that It will require throe yean to adjust alt the claims. All soldiers who enlisted for three years and wbei have not received more (ban tlou bouuty ar entitled to tbe benefits of this Act, as well as soldiers who have enlisted fur thre year and discharged after service of two years, by reason of wounds receiv4, due, oontraoted in line of duty, or re-enlbtmont LLOYD T ROHRBACU. Svnburj. August 1"), 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers