lilOlCE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL 55 9 3 a TIE 1ST J. EOHNBR, eater In Fruit mid Ornamental Trees, will torn W from th nul TeepMi'ihle Mnrccrlm la tins and other Mister-. 6rst nlsw TIIKES of all kinds. Also, Rbrubbery, Vinesand Plant. Harden Seeds of nil kinds. Order m rerpectfiinj solleitod. Address , BENT. IIOtiNER, Pnxino, North'd. Co. y TH. B. -IpvnrancM ttikon In several of tno most ro.pmisible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies In lbs State. June 8, 13BT. y FLOUinTFEED STORE WHOLESALE JLYD RETAIL. TI1B nbmrihor respectfully Informs the public that be keeps constantly on blind at hli ner WAREHOUSE. MU tha Khamnbin Vnllr. U;ir,l Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sucks oi au until oi treed by the ton Tha above is all inannfaotured at hit own Milla, ana will Do sold at ue lowest easb prioes. J M. CADW ALLADER. Bunonrr. April 1, W J. H. Conley Co., Market MttMet,F.nMol the? ICnilroad 8UNBTJRY, PEJSTN'A.. l'EALERS IN I'ORMU.I A, AJli:HIC.tS, Hardware & Cutlery. rpflE attention of Mechanic., Farmers. Builder, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that wo ate now offering; a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY'. AC, than over was offered in this marked nt prices much below those heretofore demanded hy dealers. Our stock comprisea all articles in this line of husincs. embracing a general assortment of Uiols and inato riuls used by CAR PF.NTKRS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAdON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC., 4C, together with a large stock of Iron. Steel, Nails, Spikes. Illope, Chains, Urindstoiies, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March SO. HW7. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. THE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Prick' Line, give notices to merchants and shipper that the Depot is still at HI I Market street, Philn delphia. and nil dooddirectcd to Sunbury. Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stutions along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. '.V Cars leave HI I Market streot. Philadelphia, tri-weekly Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays. J. W.BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. II. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1307. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. i;0. ltIIICII44 II & so, ARE now carrying on business at this old cstub lishmcnt with renewed vigor. Castings uf every description, j.:oniptIy furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILT. CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWA iuado at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repuircd at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged ccnlo. Old customers will hcucconiuiodutcd as usual, and now ones are respectfully solicited. Suubury, May 12, iribr EV I' A I.I- Millinery Goods, Mists .11. L.. 4ol'l begs leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that the has just opened a largo and varied stock uf MILLIXEliY GOODS, of all the latest Fall and Winter styles, to which she invites attention of her patrons, and the ladiea gene rally, conliilont of her ability to plonse. A good assortment of BONNETS A HATS, Huts for features bright and jolly, lints tor faces melancholy. Hats for figures, broud and burly, Hats for straight bair, and tor curly. Hats of silk, cloth, felt nod beaver, lints that almost wear forever, Mats that always look ao neat, Are bought at Miss i easier ' on Fourth street. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em broideries, Edgings, Laces. Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, liloves. Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets. Perfume ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, .Sta tionery, Ac, Ac. Call' and examine for yourselves. No trouble to ehow goods Sunbury, Nov. 2. 1S07. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS Miss ANNA FAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office SL'SBUHY, P K N N ' A. RESPECTFU LLY informs her friends and tho public, that she h i" ju-t returned from the city, where she has spent some time in making suloctions cud purchases, and has just opened a largo stock uf MILLINERY UOODS AND NOTIONS, IUbbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi g.ius Skirtiug Lining. llop Skirts, L'uglo Trim mings. Crape Trimmings, Hat Crupe, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladies and Cer.tlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS 4 .STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphabet Blocks, Ac. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will bo exhibited w ith pleasure. Sunbury. Nov. 2, IHR7. 1X27" LAGE?. 3ESPa JHK BK JB33 mW USZ MB. W9 IN SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND CO. CH A.S. ITZEL 1" ESl'E CTFl'LLY informs hia friends and the XV public generally, that he has commenced manufacture, and is now ready to furnish r IP.Ptl v-imi-tj AVIV T v -.- a., O ALI., j of n superior quality. Having procured the services fa liret class brewer, be is enabled to supply Land lords. Restaurants and private families with an ar tide thul is palatable, pure and healthy. Order, aro respectfully solicited which will re ceive prompt attention. CHAS ITZEL. Sunbury, November 16. IS'-'. FHES1I ARRIVAL" OK " FANCY DRY (iOOI)S. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors Eist of tho old Bank building, fcl NDl'KY, Peon'., HAS opened a tresb supply of the latest styles of Fall and W inter Uoods. selected by herself Iiuiu tho lnost faebionabla uslublUbuicnl in l'hila dnlphia. Cheap DeLaiues. Alpacas. French Merino., Plain and Pluid Poplins, Mourning IJoud. Cloths. S aequo Flannels, Ladies und Childrens' Hats, Feathers, Kibbous, Dress Trimndngs. Embroideries, Lace Veils and handkerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, Balmoral skirls, lireakfiuitnlui lilunket Shawls. SV inter Jacques and Ladies' goods of every description. (i-ni Collars, Neck-ties, Hall-hose, Haudker chiefs and Gloves. I'ertuiuery, Toilet Snnia. Hair Brushes, Combs, eto. l3-Hopkins' Eliptio Skirts. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Nov. 2. HAT. . JoOi IN IHfci i'RICEb OF lOUO Fall & Winter Goods! IIhm II. I IHssairuH, having ju.t return-cltn-m Philadelphia with a uterior of fall tul Winter iioodt fur the trade of Irt7 and 't8, whifh the i aide to e)l nt very reduoed price, would rwpiifully call the attetniou of her cuto. uivrf mid the public geuernlly, to the tunerior uuul- K ut her (ti.a. ami ihe h.w prict at which ihvy iv uviu, run uum an kiiui 01 DRESS GOODS, including Poplini, Meriuoi, Vt hula, Calicow, io. aJI at the lowest priue. f lira quality Munlinj at extra low price. J)ri lings. Canton FlanbeU. lialtnoraltikirtf, Shawlt, Iioodt. OlnveiofaM dortoriiioni. Including a very cope nor quality of LadiwClotb Ulovea. II08IEUT, Ribbon, and Trimminga of all Tarietiea, Laoea, taind goods, Zephyr, aud Varna, Towling in great rarietr u.uu' and T . .1 ! u ' II.. 1 u . r lawetsand Uuttuna. Pomades, ExtracU. and Urge vartotyofnotionaand faucy artiolaa. Call and m tb.m before Eoioi elaewhare. . M L LA2 LAZAKlc). BALTI w JrCii LOCK HOSPITAL. EHTAULiollliO AS A KfcF ftffc FilOM AOK til If. THE QaVLY rLAUii WUUHIi A CURB CAN iili VUTAiftLD. DR. JOHNPON hi in diiativcredthtimwt Oerloin.Sppedy aihlihily htf.'ftuu) Keiurtly in ihe World (oral. I'n vaie liMaef9, Wrnku i.t itir Muck or liinhn, Mtifump, AtTtttuMie t. the Kiiliieysand Hliiiliter. Iuvluntury Liit ctiurars, ImiKitency, lip. i em I Ucbiltiy, Nervouftitfu, lye pepiiv, IjingUMi, Laiv Spirits, Conlusioii nf Idtva, I'alpH union nt the llrart. Tunulity, I'rftnhlKics, IHipmm of Hiirtit or Okt'luiftHi, )iiffUM ol the Htl, Thrl Nu or kin. AiTTtHiiM nt the Liver, Luiiki, Htoifuit h T Howell tht-ee Terntae IivndeiariHiK hum tlieMiilitary Habita of Youth tiic jweret and liuty practioe inure fatal lu thir vk'tinm than i he eong nt sretit t the Mnlineri of I'lyMftliRhtina their mt brillinnt hnprsui antitipuliunt, rctideiing uuirringe, Yc.. uiintasil)ie. Vouii .lien Epremllf. who have IWoroe the vlctiminf ftnllrary Vine, thai drirniifiil nnd deitrurtive hfibit whirh nniiiinlly iwmn t en untimely crave thouwtiicta if Young Men of the moet exultrd taleitta attd linlhent inlelleut, who miiht othrrwier have eittmiteed tittening 8iniitpa with the thun der of eloquence or wnked to ecataty the living lyre, may call with full oonfidfnee. .Tlat-rl.iR' Married PerSftm or Voune AIl-ii roiitrnii'lnlinr mrimgt hem atvrr of pliyeicul wtHknesi. oiganie debility, le futnutifR, Vr., ,rtilily cornl. He wlii pliicei hini.ilf under tlm cm re uf )r. J. may may religiously coiilitln in hit honor rut a acnlletimu, and c iibdenily rely iip'ii hia nkill n a IMiyviciau. 4rfvanic M riihnrNM Imnieilintely Cured, and Full Vicor Reatonil. ihis DiitieHii.g Allrfi'n which render l.ifo mifera blMiid inarruige unpotxihle'-i the penally pud by I he victim of improper iiidnltfriicrit. Vouns peitonaare tio Hpf to cointntl ext rnfH from not beiiiKHwioe ot the dread ful CMiajetjueiicfi that limy enmie. Now, who that under luttdt the iuSjet'1 will pritenil to deny llnil the power nf pith-reauoti ib lost tomiei by thone fu'linjt into nnpripf:r hulnta Ihaii hy the pnident ', lit-ida denier depnvrd (Iih plraurr of healthy oilipriiit,tliL- m it t-riiU0HiHl dentiac tie nipt"in lo ii iili tt tly and miml hv. The trfn iHDint-s I'fiinsed, the ll.jnirnl tintl lentiil funcllniiS Weakened. f Proc-.enlive I'nwer, ervnne Irril biii ty. Lvaptpiiu, ralpttaliou of the Heart. lnlifiiiun. Con titutionid Lrhility. a Wniitini; of the Frume, Cough, Contumplioii, Decay and Dtalh, flics .o. 7 Nou ill I'immIci-IcK SI root l.eft hand ude guiniT fpim Ila1liin re street, a fewd-xtis roin tliecotner. Fail not toul.nurve name and number. Letters mutt be paid and centum a slump. The i"C tor's UiploiiiMB ha..(t in hie (iTjCC. A 4iir Wurran1'i Iu l vo Dujh. So Mercury or aumnts Drug$. Ir. iflolnitoti, Member of the Koynl COb-jicf uraeoni, lmlon, Grad uate from ttiif "t the must eminent Colleijttt in ihr I nited Matee. and the greater art o whose lite has Iteun spent in the h 'spitnis 1 Jrfiid..i, 1'ans, I'hilud.-lphia and else where, has ehVeted so in.- ol the in tt astonivhin cures (h H were evrr known ; iimuv loubled with iiiign.K in the head and ears when asleep, ureal iiervousnei. bein n iv ru ed at sudden e nnid Ivulitnlnrts, with finpifnt buishma'. attended eonietimes withderiugeiucnt of mind, weir cured immediately, Till o B2iilliiliir oli o. Pr. J. addresses all th'se who have injured themtelvea hy improper induigen-'e and htary habits, which ruin both bod and mmd, unfitting tlitui for either bufi iiet?, study, society or marriage. Thkk are some ol the sad and melancholy riTfcts pro- duced hy early halntetd y.nith vi-e: Weakiifwaoi tin hack anil Liintis. I'ams m the Heud, Dimnr-ss ni r iitit, L Muscular I wei, I'ttlpitatmii of the .It-art. 0p-pv, iNervus lrritatnlii , Ueiaifiiieirt o the Uiaestive K unc tions, General Ot-tnlity, yuipt. ins o liiuinpli"ii Ac. Mbntai.i y Tilt: I'eaitui t-llecOon the mind are much to tfdrcitted l.s o Alftti try, Conldntnii ot Idenk. lc prestnon of spirits, KviI Fon h Klmgn. A v ri"ii to S cieiy. Selt-IMsiruM. I. fe of nolitude, I'lmality, c. are s-ntie of the evils produced. TnocsAMiii nf persona of all nea can now judiic wlmt is the cause of then declintnv health, tosintr their vte-T. becoming Wt-ak, pale, iieivoUNand enaciatel. havihi a aitisalar appejitaace ubut the ever, cniigh and fyinu-ms ot coniumpltoji. Vomij llni Who hove injured tlieiimelves by a certain pructice iutlulg ed in when alone, a frerMientU le.nned from evil CMiipanions. or at sch-ml. the etlWts ol which ate nmhtly fell, even when asleep, and il 11 t cured tenders marriage imtiiftiliir. und destroys both mind and body, shouid apply immediately. XV. nt a pny thul a vmiif moi. the h-tpe of h: ci-untry, the darlinit t hu parents, tiionM anatchrd I nun nil pro. peels ami eiMoyiueuts of lire, by the consequence nf devia ting from the path of nntnreand indulging m a certaiu secret habit. Such persona Mi-si, beinrc couteniplaung .11 ari'iut fleet that o sound mind utn Ix-dy are the most ncceNuiry retmisiteato pr.nit .tecoiitttrn i! ha;ipinctis. Indeeil without theao ihe journey through life bee .men r vviary pilmn aite; the pmspect hourly ihirKens lo i he view ; I he mind becomes shallowed with despair and tilied with the melan-ch-.y rcDccinai that the happiness of another becomes hii'iud with imji own IlNtuMC ol Impriidoitof . When the mitisuided and imprudent v tarv of pleasure finds that he baa imbibed ine seeds ot Hn puiiiful diKeuse, it too often happens that an illumed sense nf shame, 01 dread of disc ivery. deters tiinifrom applhg t f ht- w b , fiom educatiMii und n-spectatiility, ran ii)-ne befttei-d htm, deluving nil the coiiBiituli' nal svmpt ins "t" tins h-.rtid disease make ihcir uppearance. su-h as ulcerated s"te throHt.diseaued nnne, u "cluial pains iu the In ad and limbs, dnniiefsnf s:ghl, deufm ss, u. des on the nhm Uaiva und nuns, blotches on the head, face ami xiieuiiiu a, piogrris. i tig with fnehtful lapidiiy. till nt I mt the pahte ot ihe mouth or the hones of the none f:1!I tn. and the victim of llnsnwfnl d iscate becomes il tea till object (f coirimiser;i tion, till death puta a period to hia dieadful Fuff.-ring, by seiiduitr. him t "that I. ndiacov ercd C'ouuiry ffoiu whence ins mivencr letuiua " It is n melancholy fuel that !tious:nids full riciiins to this terrible ibteane, owing to tin- inismMiulnees ignomut pieleuders, who, by the use ol Hut ' )emly Poison. Mei cuiy," turn the coiiktituiiou und make the ichidue oi jife miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the inmiv Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl e.ijre, or character, who copy Dr JoluiM 'ii's miver tlsriuentti, or style themselves in t!i- uewpapeis. rejrnbily tilucaled Faysictaus, incapable of Cnmitf, they keep you UiAing month after in aith takuai their blthy ninl poiR,inni compotinds, or ax lone an the smallest fee can he obtained, and in despair, leave you with turned health tn sigh over your gailinv disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician ulverti!i.i. lliscredentiai or diplomas always hanu iu ln&ofiice His remidiea or treatment are unknown to nil others, prepared from n life spent in the ureal hospitals of Kuiope. the tirht in this country and n more extensive "Private Practice" than any other I'liys cian in the world llllOI'H4kllieil Ut' I !. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witneed bv the reporters of the "Sun." ''Clipper," and ma nv other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again liefore the put .lie, besides his standi nc as a gentleman of chantcter and re sponsibility, ta a sufficient guarantee to the atlbcted. 1 Kill IHHt'UftC Nj44'lil 4'lll''ll. PffMii wiiti'ie: si ou'd he p.irticti1ar in directing their elicr t Ins lualituiiou, in the following maimer, lolin .11. lohuioii, II. O. Of the Hnllimote Uajk lloapitul. halttm re, Md. Nov. 3ti. l-07l y. ;4k I uiicj I'.ii-a ! AT JOHN FAKEIRA S Old EstHblifhed V I R l .mil', :-.rv. No "IS ARCH Vtreet. 7th, PHIL'A. Have now in Store of own Importation and .Manutni'ture ono of tlm Isrgest und most bcauti- fleetions ot FANCY FURS, dies' and Chil- iren's Wear in the City. ---2LU- Also, a line usirtment of (Jeut's Fur U loves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would tluretore soli. it a cull from uiy friends of Northumberland count) und vi cinity. Remember the Name, Number and Street ' JOHN FARE I It A, Xo. "18 ARCH St., ab. 7th, south sidu, I'liilad'a, Ls I have no partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. , Sept. 2, 1S7. 4mw tit. IIOOI' !W1IM S. H-iH. NEW SPRINU STYLES, - Oi rOw.n Mke After more than Five Years experience and ex perimenting iu the manufacture ol Strictly First Quality Hoop .Skills, wo oiler our justly celebrated goods to merchuiita and the public iu foil coclidenee of their superiority over all others in tbo Aio.-r.cnn market, und they are so ucknow ledged by all who wear or deat in Ibeiu, as they give more salirtuction than any other Skirt, and recoumieud lliemselves iu every respect. Dealers in Hoop skirls, should make a noteof tbis fact. Every luiiy w bo ha not given thorn a trial should do o without funhor delay. Our assortment umbraces every style, length and .lie for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also, Skirls made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkin s Own Make," and be Dot de ceived. .Vcetbut the letter ' II ' ia woueu on Ihe Tape, between Each Hoop, and that they are slump ed -V. T. Hi I PK INS Mauulaeture. ItiH Ar.-hSl., Philadelphia," upon each tube. No others are genuine. Also, oonstnntly on hand a full line nf 'good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. ll'n.leile and J't'nil. At tbe Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory aud Emporium, No. 623 Aivb street. Philadelphia. W.M I. HOPKINS. March M, 18(57. lfluiar CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLI NESS." A FACT which ia demonstrated at 01'NNISON Xi. COS., I'irat Cits KbaTiaiK Ilalr (,'ulllntf uaad HhitaaipooaaluK ItooiiiH. Two firatlaaa BARBERS In attendance. Particular aiuntion to cutting Ladies and Children 'a bair. slviuaeall at lb. K U.u .ma nvi'B? tha j Poat OrSoe. . Suubury. August 3, IK87 tf SSbe-apSw for La TORRINIIGTON ft HOSOKNS SAW BONE SUrER-PIIOSPHATE OP LIME, TlUt GREAT Nortfiamtserlaavd County i FERTILIZER. The beat tnanura for all klnda or grain mannfao lured. Moroaotive, nioro durable, tbaqaa; otbor. It docs not exhaust tbo aoil, bui on tba contrary la a permanent improver. OVER 600 FAKMKK3 in the County applied it to their Spring Crops, tbo results were that it exceeded their most sanguine expeota Mens. It was tested with tho best Phosphate. In the country but came out'victorioai. Farmers, no It fur your wheat and rye. Put up in Ilaga of 200 lbs. oa.h and .old at $57 per 2UO0 pounds, at tbo Manufactory, liat Murkct Hit reel, Runbury, lnM or at any of our agenta in DanTillo, Williamiport, Lewisburg, Muncy .Station, Milton. Dewart, l'otta grnve, Uluomaburg. Selins'-Urore, Trerorton, or any uf tho prinoipal towns in the adjoining counties. Whore we hare no ngenta appointed, farmers can send their orders by mail and rely on their receiving immediate attention. Wo have tbe advantage of Railroad and Canal transportation in all dirmMiona. and purchasers need apprehend no delay in tilliug orders. 3. E TORRINQTON, LI). IIODUKIJiS. Siinhnrv. Aug. 17, 1867. BOOTSVNl) SHOEST MAXCFACTVKED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, RKSPKCTFULLY informs his friend, and cus tomcrs. Hint he has just opened a shop for tbe manufacture of HOOTS i SHOES, on fyruce ttrcet, letireen Second ttrcct and Centre Alley, Sunhury. whrro all kinds of work In hia line will be made up in the latest atyle and in the beat workmanlike man ner. llnving first class stock on hand he flatters himaelf that he will be able tn suit the tastes brthe most fas tidious. Ibe publio are invited to call. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury. June !, 1HH7. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. We take pleasure in announcing to Dealers tn Fertilizers, nnd the Agricultural public, that we have within the past yenr increased our facilities for the mnnufucturo of our Raw Ilono Phosphate, to an extent unequulled by any other House in the United Statosor Europe. These fticilities not only include f J the enliirgemenl of our old established works in Philadvlpliia. known as the Delia will' Kiver Aurl. ulliiral 4'lss'aaait'iil V -!, but hImi the purrhase of extensive and well atocked worka at ChicHgo, III., with all the necessary machinery, cars. Ac, to conduct the business. This establish. UH-nt hIoiio bus produced, annually, over 60ri0 tons of dried iionca and Meat, nnd ia capable of being largely increnscd. We desire, by the closest super vision, to conduct these two concerns so tliHt our cus tomers will derive a practical benefit from their con solidation, in obtaining a MAX IKE which shall nmintnin a standard and uniform quality, and at the lowest possible price. BAt'OII A SONS. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGH'S 3R,A."W BONE S L P K H I' II O 8 V II A T E OF L I M E. BAUOH &c bons Sole Manufacturers & Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. S, A. IV Farmers are refrommended to purchuae of the dealer It-eitled in ihrir nei;;lilMiriiood. In f eetmn. where no den ier is yet estublislied, ihe t'bosphatu nmy be pna-ureJ direct ly ironi tlie uuiieisixued. A I'riued Cifcular Mill be sent ti, utl wliu u,.).!-, U.VUGII & SON'S, Office .Vo. 20 S-. Ikhtirare Avenve, 1'Illl.ADKl.l'lllA. BAl'GH I3KOTHER3 & CO, General Wltoletale AgcnU, No. 181 Pearl Si., earner ol Cedar. KEW YORK. GEOHOE DUGOALK, Wholesale Agent fur Maryland i Virginia, No. 10S Smitb'a Wharf, ' BALTIMORE, MD. IV Wo ore prepared to Supply our Patent Sec tioual Mill to all Manufacturer for grinding Bonca, liuuuo aud all otbur bard substancea. Sold by SMITH A OENTUER, Sunbury. Aug. 3, 1S07. ly FARMERS & BUILDERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE. rilHE subscribers respectfully inform the ciliiens X of Northumberland county, that they are now prepared to turuirh LIME uf a superior quality to Farmers and Builders. Also, LIME-STONE from tne celebrated Lime-Stone Quarries of Lower Maho nov township, at .hurt notice and at reasonable rates. The above will be delivered to any Railroad sta tion along ihe hue of the diflereut railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tho Shamokin Valley Ituilroad. near Suubury, where orders will be promptly filled. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address, J.B. LENKER t BUG , Augusts, 1M57. Sunbury, Pa. SARSAPKILlMlliiRAL WATEe! POSTER AND ALE. rpiIE subscribers having located a bottling estab X lii'bment iu Cake's Addition, in tbe Borough of Sunbury, respectfully inform the oitiions oflbis and adjoining counties that tbey are prepared to furn ish Lnndlurds, Restaurent Keepers and private fami lies with tbe best brands of Sarsaparilla, Mineral Wa ter. Ale uud Porter, bottled in tbe best manner. Their drinks uru procured from tbe best establishment in the ouuntiy, which enables them to furnish a better urticle ibau can be had elsewhere, which will be de livered at the lowest rates. The citizens of Sunbury aud vicinity will find It to their interest to patruuUe home industry, and assist in making this a permanent enterprise, and at the same time save labor uud money. Orders aro respectfully solicited, wbicb will receive prompt atteution. Address, PROBST t R0TK, August 17, 1S.17 Cm Suubury.Pa inn: ai UAii:it niooi7 HOOFING ! m UI.VES 4 CO., are the AjrenU in the Counties I . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARRfc.VS Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. This is the cheapest and beat Roof thai oan be put on a building, lias been used in the oity ot Philadelphia, since 1861. where it baa aunenednH almost every other kind of Roof. It ia recommend ed by the builders, and ia used on all of the finest buildings in that eity. Partie contemplating build ing, will du well to examine into tbe merits of this aud all other kinds of Hoofs, atd give tho best the preference. Tbe Fountain Unlet, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with this Roof, aud parties desiriug to do so, may call there and examine it. For further information addresa Box H, Sunbury Post opice, or call at tbe Brick Yard of T. UIMES CO. Suubury, Itt, 1S67. 3i Blacks mithinff. JOHN IBVIN, SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. RESPECTFULLY Inform, tbe cltiiena of Sun bury and vicinity, that be has erected, a Black smith Shop near tba Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot where he ia prepared lo do Blaoksmitbinc in all lis brandies, at tbe shortest notice. Having bad many years' experience ic the busineaa, be flatter bimauir tbat be can render aatufacUoo to ail who may give him a call. .Suubury, August 17. 187. SHOEMAKERS. TJIEkeatqualiUci of Sol. Leather , Fraoofc Calf akin, Morreoco, Lining, Lasts, Nails, Peg. Tools of all kinds, and avary thing uaed by &a trade foraaUlowb J. H. CONLBT A 00 LIMBER! -LUMBER! The fuller 4'uiitily tintl Nsitsbsisj l.iutilM'r 4 omiMitiy . Now fully established at the bUNBl'KI 8TEAM SAWCllLL'3, I rt aeepaaed to lo order -WHITE mat, UBULJCK AN 3 tt any ! and all length, .full aosoraen t of IDH-X" LUMBER alwaya kept on band. Pannel, Flooring, 6ldlng and finishing boarda of all kind. MOULDING, SA6n, DOOnS, BDd 6IIUTTEUS. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shared, White Pine, and Hemlock. I'luiateriaaft' I Jills ami I'l.liai. Planing, Kipping and Turning, will be done to order at short notice. This Company design furnishing everything in tlieir line at such rates i hat Lumber Yards, Buildors and all pnrties using Lumber will find it to their intorest to buy at this establishment. . ORDERS J are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at- ' tended to by addressing, I WM. REAUEN, Sup't. Sunbury. June 15, IBdH. KsaV Jal Vft: aa 1TZDW SHOE 3TCP.S. Market Street, adjoining Uenrhnrt a Confectionery Store, SLNBI KY, Pa. rpUF underaigned respectfully iu lor ins the oltiirM JL of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the nilo as well as for thu manufacture ol tbe finest an J best quality ot Ladies' . Shoe, via: i jilovcKI1, Slorroct-o, ( nirkiii nsid I.nKtiUC t. II 1 14' I'M. Children's Shoes of all kinda. His stock isentir-ly I Dew and well selected. He also manufactures One French nnd other Calf akin Hoot and Shoes lor Ueiitlemen. Orders for Indies and gentlemen a custom work will be promptly attended to and got up in the etyleby skillul mechanics 1 Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and ! .'or sale to the trade , J.U.JEFFRIES, t SunbnrjvApril 20, 1807. X"Jim' oa mw m. heet Iron and Slove (ZETTLEMUVEl;cVlK0J (Successor to BEN J. ZETTI.E.MOYER.) j Market Street, near Engcl's Store, SUNBURY PA. j HAVINli taken charge of the old stand ao long ' patronised by the people of Sunbury and vi- ! entity, beg leave to announce to the old friends mid the publio generally, that Ihey will supply them with tbo most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of tho best Brands which arc unsurpassed for beauty of fini.-h. simplicity of arrangement, combiuing cticnpnces mid durability and each stove warranted to peilortn what they are represented. foal Oil, Coal Oil I.hiiin, I,iiiii-i-ii, Shades, Cbimneya, and all articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all site. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tbe latest improved styles. Ho is alo prepared to do all kinda uf Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furmicu Work. Repairing, cheaply nnd neatlv executed. GEO. ZETTLEM0VER A BR0. June v, isoT. y THE OREAT C E N T R E 0 F ATTRACTION, IT SUKTBURV , is on 3d streot. opposite tbo MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PH0T0GKAPH GALLERY. Hut i:.tullilil, Milis :11 the Metltra lm.rovi-iiiviil of tlie Art ! rpiIE subscriber, having built the room exprcfily J. for the purposo of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident uf hi. ability to assure bis patrons tbat the work pro- auceu suaii do seconu m none in country or city. No work allowed to lunre the gallery unless en- i tirely satii-fuctury. lim ing the best sky light in the county, bo is prepared to uinke Piioiogruphs in all ' kinds ol weather, but would prefer a clear day lor ! small children. He is also prepared to tuko new site, or cubinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required aire and colored beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pny special attention to all kinds of out door work, such us Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats. Ac , a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on baud The public are respectfully invited to cull and seo our specimens ami our complelo arrangements for making Photographs, speoiul terms to luniilici and clubs. BEROSTRESSEH. Sunbury, July 15, $100 REWARD Pur a medicine tliut will cure CCLGIIS, INFLUENZA. TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COUCH, or relieve CONSUMPTIVE DOUGH, aa quick aa COE'8 COUGH balsam: OVKR ONE MILLION noTTI.U.S have been sold and iml u .ingle iiistaoee ot its failure is known. We have, in our posessi'titany rjuuiilrty ol' Tei tifieatea, anne of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have uaed it in iheir practice, and given il the pre eminence overevety other comiouiid. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, ao aa to enable the paiieiil to expeclotate freely. Two or lliree dieea. Will Hvaxuvlt Ct ax Tichlinu tti ura Thbo.i ! A h-ilf hut Je hua ol'leu coni(iletely cured the ni'sttnh. born Cruc.ii. and yel. Ihougli it Is so sure Mitii siretty ill lis oper.tioii, H is perfectly harmless, liemg purely veaetiihle ll is very HKreiahle lo the taste, and may be uJoiiio.teied lochildreu ol any age. Iu cases of CROUP we will euaruniee a cure, if token, in season. NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOI T IT! Il ia within the reach ot all, ll being ihe cheapeat aud be mediciHe extant. C. G. CLARK A CO , Proprietor, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February M, IS7. ly C 0BV'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS GREAT RE.MED ' FO ALL DISEASES of the ST O XC A. o n s ia the discovery of ihe inveutol of Coe-e valuable Couah Ualuill, while elneriineolihg lor biaown health. It cured Crump iu the Stomach l.,r hi in which had belore yielded ui nothing but chloroform. Tlie almost daily testimony from valines parte of the country enciuitage us to believe there i. nudiieuu caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cute. Physician endorse and Use it 1 Ministers give testimony of its efficacy. And from all directions we receive tidings ol cares per. formed. DYSPEPSIA! HEARTBURN ! ll ia aare to cure. On dose will care. SICK HEADACHE! It ha cured in hundred of ease. HEADACHE AND piZZINESS! ll stop iu thirty minute. iCIDITY OF THK STOMACH ! It correct at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It nnna immediaiely, DISTRESS AFTER EATING I One do ill remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yielda to s few dose. BAD BREATH! Will be chanted with half a bottle. IT 18 PERFECTLY- HARMLESS lie UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS i owing Xo th fact that It ('ureal by Aaliln(r alare TO RP,ASERT UEH SWAY IN THE SVeTEM Nearly every dealer ia the Uuited (Hates sell it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. 0. CLARK ft CO., Proprietors, KEW HAVEN, CONK. February 23, 1M7.-Iy. Clalldrett'at Carriage). WE would anil tbe attention of tboa wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large aaaurt. neat roanprisiog new aad aaauufal atyle. 1 U CONXEY CO TTTB OBBAT Th component part, of this reroarkabla preparation r first discovered, compounded and- eusirlbutfd, Were . bnidl iirvitin Phv.ioWn. Theusano el kt euOer- ing eeanlrymea were raslond to health, a. wall as great Daaaber of the iBhabltanU of Wubla and Abyssinia, nd of the countries bordering upen Ihe Sou them coast 101 trie Neaiicrranean oca. Indeed, the (am of trie ZINUAIU II ITT KHtl mom apread over Europe, and area adopted by tha principal Physician ia charge of the hospital of the old world, In which It la atill ased with nraemU Bent success. The Vioeroy of fcgypt pl.ctd tlie nan of a. Catoreva upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pr. ented lo him a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: ' Da. OaaoraOa, the Public Banetaator." Till Bitiers la now offered to tha public of America with the full assurance that It will be found, npon t fair trial, to act aa a apeclnc for the cure of Cholera, Dyaentery, IMarrhera, Cholera Morbus, Kever aati Ague, fellow Fever, Hhrsuuntlsm, Typhoid Keyer, Dyepepelau Colls. Bronchltle, ConaumpUon, FUta. lenry, Dtaeaae of tha Kidney, Nervou DcbilMv, and Female ComplalnU. Remarkable cures of the above discasea have been eflectrd by Its use, esnnmerouscertlflcates, many from rtxular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined t supersede any preparation extant Aa aa agreeable Tonic, and an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT IIAI NO EQUAL. Titr. ya ZINOAItl BITTERS 1 1. til SOU I. AS W ELL AS BODY, lis Aa PREVENTIVE 0 DISEASE, HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FEW WORTiS TO LADIES. Th use of the ZIN'OAItl BITTERS will give to you that left, ssral transpnrcnt complexion which the God of nature (rie aigning woman to be tlie loveliest of bis works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's owq powder and paint combined. By purifying tha blood, atimuluting tlie pigmentary cella of the dermis, and imparting health and life throughout the cntira system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and beauty to the complexion ao much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common In our day; and what is even better than this. It curss every species of female irrcgulaiities and disease Principal Ik-pot, llarrihurg. Pa. RAHTER & HAUSE, 8ole PnnpitiETOU. For s-ile hy W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbnry 1 oiinsvivillilil. August H, 1S67. N E W CROC E 11 Y. 1T11K sultseribers beg. leave to announce to Ibe citirens of Sunbury and its vicinity, Unit the) have opened a Tira d'Hirs treat of J. II. Engli's Ston, iii Market Square, where they ore prepared to furnish ecry variety of groceries, uud will kcop aioustautly on hund the dioicest varieties of F LOUR & F E K D, Fih, Cofftif. Tcibi, aSunr. .MuhiOMe". Choose. Suit Spiet'! i.t all Ui.Hcriptuiii, Vu;ip vv:ry rariuly ('iiiiille. iSinokiuir unci Clivwinjr Inl.noe.t. Sfiriri. Ilnni. .httultit-rs. lim-uii. Uudt-r. jiu I Y.;. Mm l'r it'll finite ol' nil kiliiiii, Cuttvil 1'tinohrK nnt Toiihi 1i;f, I'ickels, Kotcliup. I'rp.rr .jiuco. It n i 1 i Lcinuim. Ac, nf bi-ct qunlity, ninl in t'nct vvcry of articles kept in n well stock-! lintcery.' Asm Ctiler Vinenr. All kinds ot country prmlucc lakvu in vxnl.Hni. Tlie puiiunrtu ol the publio U ro spfctt'ully solicitetl. OEOKUK . liEAUD A CO. tSuhbury, Not. II. laiVj. . BREAD & FANCY CAKES. D-AVIID FRY Two doors west of the Post Office. SUNBURY. IV RESPECTFULLY informs tho ciliiens of .uii. bury and vicinity, thttt he will b.-ike lo order all kind, uf 'a lira for Itallta, larll-. A-. Ftimilies ire supplied with FRESH l!REAI)Til Rolls, lim-ks. Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hund uianiifiictiired out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Havini; hud lare expcr.ence 1 hope to ive general satisfaction lo all who umv fnvor nift with their patronage. lMVIIi Fli Y. Sunbury. lcc 9, 185. yi . V c. i: a it ii ici-'N Confectionery, Toy and ZFZR.TTIT STORE itlnt-K-t Slre-rl, aiuiibury, CONKFXTIONKKY OK AI I if I XDS, . TOYS OK EVEHY DLSCMl'TIO FHl'IT, &., fee, "10NSTANTI.Y on hand ami for sale at tha above j estalilishmont atwholcsnle und r o'ail . ut reason able pi ices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confi'iMioiiarie to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Segars. Stationery, Nuisof all kinds ana a variety of other articles, ull of whi.ih art oCeicti wholesale and retail.' Remembor the name and place A') .M. C. HEARIIART, Market struet, .1 doors west uf E. Y. llriubt A Son's storu. Sunbury. Sept. 19. lrt.L if ja iia & iJiiiiiTFA i 8 T Q R E . ylai l.t l S.iiiii-4-, SI lt IC V, . II AVINtl recently purchased the I'rug .Store formerly conducted, by H. A Fisher. I beir leave to inform the eitisena of ,Suiihm v and vi. cinity, tbat I have eutirely rvplunished my stock ol M JslC tXJ- 9 F ANCItT ARTICLES! such as Combs. Brushes. Pocket-Books. Soups, Per funiery, Hair-Oil, Knives, A'cissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tubacco and Cigars, luliil, OH, 4. 1 US-, CaluaiSi, I'tlllJ, Vuruiailieai, fulfill vleliiueH, A v. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointirfent. Cerates, and other preparation aiu manufactured by myself, and from tbe best material I can procure in Market. Having hud quite a number uf yuan' cxperienc in Ibe Dmg and Precrijtiun Mw, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also Ihe advantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to CO.MPOUNH ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Pbysioiaus and public may ful or me with. All my preparations aa 1 have above asserted, are made trout the best material, and upon honor 1 assert, tbey are of officinal strength. For medicinal purpose, I keep on band th very best ' YVINE9. BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bsfore purchasing elsewhere, call and eonvinoe your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. banbury. Nov IS, 1IS5. LIME! LIME! fur lit e i- s uud liulldcra! Skasholtz A BaoTuxa are now prepared to de nvei , at Ibe lowest market price, tba very bc.i quality VwHIBOa for LAND and BUILDING purpose. Their limeis burned uf Ibe celebrated 'TUCKV1IOE LIMESTONE." Their lime kilo are located at the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, utar th steam saw will, in th Lo. rough of Sunbury. Plaster. Maaons, Bricklayers and Farmers are In vit.d to call and give us a trial. SEASHOMZ BROTIIEK. Aug. , 186T. PHOTOOE APH ALBUMS, BOOKS AND BTATIOKSBYi Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slate. Books, Urm Books, Blaak Book, Memoreaduai Books, Diaries, Peokat Boeae. Ink laads, Pen. Pencil, An earn-Up cat of Paper. Ink, For 1.1a by A5VA PAIKTI NEW GROCERY STORE, 7A 3. PUP.XvCAlT & CO., Market Htreet, Six door East of Third street, north id, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inform their friend, and tha public, thai they hav opened a JSTJW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to hay them enll and examine their atuck, which ha just been opened, embrac ing everything in tbe Grocery line, aucb as Cofleo, Toa, Sugar , Syrups, Spices, Canoed and Dried Fruit, Beam. Hominy, Choose, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, eto., together with Hoaps, Candle, Soda. Ac, and in fact everything in th Uroceryand Provision. Lino. FLOt'R AND FEED, Queen.wnre, Willow. ware, Ularawaro, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and See before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FURMAN i CO Sunbury, April 27, 18S7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 BKo.tnwAy, Kaw YonK. For 1'niitllU-H uiid .vliinul'u'lurersi, Those World-Renowned Sewinj; Machines, were awarded the highest premium ut the World s Fair in London, and six first premiums at Ihe New York 'tate Fairof IStiti. nnd urn rrlobl-iilpil I'.ir doim tlm boat work, using a much smaller needle for the nunc j Mail Traiu thread than any other luiichiiie, and by the introduc tion of tho most approved machinery, we are now able to suliltlv tho vorv hear nmehinos in tht. m.rlil I Thcso nuiihines are ton Je nt our new and spinus Factory at Briilgetiort, Conn , under the iiniiwdmte I supervision ol ihe President oftbe Compniiy. I How k, Jr., the original invuntor of the Sewing M. chine. j They aro adapted lo all kinds of Family Sowing and louse of Seiitntresea, lircss Makers. Tuylms, ! Manufacturers of Shirl. Collur". Skirts. t'loaks.'Man- , tillas, Clothini;, Hats, Clips. Corsets. Roots. Shoes, j Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasol. I etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen ttirend. ! They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind , mi l perform every species of sewing, innkintz a beautiful und perfect stitch, alike on bull sides of the nrtirles scned. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWL', and rnrnle on this Machine, is the most popular nnd all iewi!ij.' Machines aro .ubjuct to thr principle invented by liitu. si:ni FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. n'.'D Broadway, for. Fourth St.. N. Y. April 0, lntiT. .ii i Tii i vi kii-:it. Mta. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter s Fancy (tin, Is Store buil ling, Market Souare. : dwi west of the Post I'mce, SIN BURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs tcr friends and the public that she bus natn opened a siiop. in Market street. Sunbury. where fbo is to make to order Ladies' Dresses, iu an entire new style. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also Ueulleuieu. shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury. Jan. Ia. ISO". ly firoaf Aflronlinn I vsus, ntu auiiuiij at the NEW TIN-WAIIE, Mlit-s-t li-nn siiitl Slove Slurs' ol' S1CITH & GE1TTHE?.. 1 W here they keep constantly on hand and tntilitt.''a- lure .o oriier at sniirt notice. TIN AN I) SHEET I R"N-WAKE of ull descriptions. Ihey would especially call thu ntlention of pur chasers to their larye and a ell selected slock ol COOK AND PARLOR 3T0VS. The sut.wribcrs have made urrangciuents tn have nil Ih'-ij stoves liitnin to order, and Ib-u ii, uuve a g.Kid stove nnull do well to :o nnd examine their largo and well selected stock. Xird They doty competition ou tbe folloivii.g Irica grands uf Cuok .s'iovc, vis: 'oiiililii.-lIn taiiM Etui-fK't-, 4'ooK. jiu i-i-iior tliii-t'ooli. WABABb. AN 3 IHONSIDES. and the well known a. '"dust Cook Slote culled SPEAR'S ANTIDLST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In trttt variety eui brucing ull the best manufacture and o1 laj-hion-able ilesigns, unsurpuraed for beauty nf finbji mpli city ot nriaiigeiiients combining cheapness, diirau.'''tv und each stovo nurrauted lo perforui what tbey au reprcsen'ed, ' Also. The celebrate ! Baltiioore Fire Place Stov lor beating lirst. second ai d ihiid siotiesby Ite -i-icrs Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also. I li o celebrated Mtl:M.VU tLOJ!". t'utilOll, 'al i siutalt-i., Iiiiiiiiii-K, mid nil n- !-! usually k'-nt in an ni ..( n,: Ihey urcnlwi prepared loluruih Slate and do slaling in the bct workmanlike mm, nor. llj . ... j .... ,, j , . iri.a ' W X A JK".'11"' f '"' Range and Furnace Work, Oas Fittiug Ac. Repairing neatly .iw'i cueaoiy execute.l. - Ais.,: "Ilaiiyhs SI a iv Hons Snps-r-I'lio-.. Ilttt4." IlMiieniber tho place. Sample an I Sales RiKim nearly oprsiMte Conlv's llardwaru St..r.. lri,.t street, beiween Third and Fourth streets. Liiil lii g dai K painted. August 25, liti. fcUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN .1. W. CAKE'S Addition to thu Hoioutu of ftuubury, for Sale on reasonable lorms Apply tu Jir. R. II. AWL and. S'JL. BROSIOUS. Or P. W. SHEAFER, Pottsville, j.a6unbl"r'1 ''' Nov. 24. IstiG I Are wpMially Invited to call and examine our stock V -, , " Ant, comprising Nails and (-pike, of all varieties. Butts. Screws, Mrap and T Hinges. Locks and Latches. Bulls. Plas tering Trowels Brick Trowel., Plasterer'a Sieves, Ac, Ac, lor sale by ' ... J. H. CONLEY t CO. Coachmakers, are sollinir Riius.'Snoko. Ii,,t, WE Canvass, Bolu, Clips, Axle., Ac, very luw Large Mock at CONLEY A CO. Suubury, March 30, lhH7. 1LJ."J,"- HI '-We nHE following persons are entitled to receiie an L increase of Bounty under the Act uf Cuugre passed July i860, lo wualiie Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after Ihe 19th day of April, I Ml, (or 3 years, and served their time ol enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled o receive a Bounty uf $100. are entitled an additional Bounty of t)IOO. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 yeais, aud have been honorably discharged ou account of wounds received in the line of duty, or entitled to an additional Bounty of s I OO. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of such Soldiers who died in ibe service of wounds or disease, ere entitled Ui an additional Bounty of alutl. By application tu S p. W0LYERT0N. Esq , of Pt aaritv, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Ageut. all such claim, can be speedily Collected. Sunbury, August 4, loud. tf Aitrisullurul lsuilsusail, ' I I OE S Oraiu Rakea. Staol and Iron ()...H.lM II Long and D Handle Spade, Shovels. Manure and Hay Forks. Uruas snd Oraiu Scythes. Oram I v raj ics, vrauio ringers. Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, ti rind-stones. Fanning Mill Selves of an vses ami aiuds. a largcaasurtuient ol Ked Wagon iiainee, for Plowing, Fatui Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. i. CONLEY A CO. IRON. A large saaurunect or the best sasnufao lured Bars, Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iroa, Mail Rod., Cast 8m1, Bluuar 8tl, Drill btc). Jiutw baoes, Horse Nail, Anvils, Bellows. Vi, . lUasutes. Sledge, ' Rasp see Fli, at CCVIXT COt lhlladoll.a A KHe WINTER TIME TABl5 Through and direct route betwn t.ui, .' . Baltimore. Harriabur-g, w!llf.m"w?t indl? ' Oil Region of Pennsyliania. ' Dd 0r ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all msht Tralnt. On and after Monday, Nor. J5th. IRflT the Tr.ln. . the Philmlulpbi. A7t,i. Rail Road wiH Tan on follow. Westward. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. " " " Sunbart r " " art at Erie Eltniro Mail leaves Philadelphia, Sunbury " " arrive at Lock Haven, .. Eastwabo. Mail Train leaves Erie ' ' u Suubury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie " " 'Snnhttry ' " arr. at Philadelphia, Llinira Mail leaves Lock Havea, ' ' " Sunbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia. 11.15 pip. 6 60 a m t .00 pm 12 00 noon 6. .15 p m B 46 a ra 8 00 a m 4.15pm 7.45 p m 10 25am 1.55 a m 8 .55 a m 4.25 p tn 4 40 am 1.00 pm 7.10 a tu 10 25 am 6.10 p iu Mail nnd Express connect with all train, on Wr. ten A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil, adelphia at 12 00 M. arrive at Irvincton at 6.40 a m, and Oil City at 0.50 a in. Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 .15 p m. All traina on Warren Frnnklin Railway mnko close conneclion. at Oil City with trains for Frnnk lin and Petroleum Centre. BAUUAUE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRRI) L. TYLER. General .Superintendent. Aoi-i!m'i-ii iVittrnl ICiilMvny. WINTER TIME SCHEDULE. Through and Direct Route to and from Washington; Buliimore, Erie. Eltuirn, Buffalo, Rucbostor, and Ningiira Falls. FOUR TRAINS DAILY from nnd three to Wash- i inaton und I! illiniore. and THREE TRAINS DAI LY to tno North nnd loin nnd West Hrnncli Stisque lisiinn. und Northern and Western Pcniisylvaniu nnd New Y'ork. ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 1th, 1V,7, the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. leaves Baltimore " Harrisburg, W illiamsport, 8 20 a ui 1.20 p m G.55 p m 1 1 oj p ui IJ.Itl p in 4.20 a in 12 20 a ui .40 p ru 12.10 p iu 4.20 p til K.25 p m I' li a in 7.00 p n -I. 1 . II IB M.IOn m K l .'i a ui 6.20 u ui h.Oj a m arr at r.1 intra unn," leaves liallimorc Harrisburg, r.tmira. arr. Cununtlttigun, j Fust Lino, leaves Baltimore, j " HiiiTisburg, j arr. Williauisport, Eric I Night Aeroin. leaves Hnltimnre. j Harrisburg. ' W'illiam-port, I err nt Eric, j Y'ork ami Ilntria leaves Y'ork bur Accotti. j arr. Harrisloir; S O L T II W A h ll . i .Mail tram, Ionics Elinirii 4.55aui ' illiamsport, S.Ju a in I Harrishurg, I 10 p in j sir. ut Balliuioro. 6.10 p m . Buffalo Express leavea Ciiiinn-ltiijriin, 4.00 p m Elmira, 7.55 p li I " Williniui'poi't, 11.45 p ui j ' Harrisliurg. 1: 5 ui arr. at Bultiinor,-. S 15 a tn Fast Line leaves Williniusport, X 50 p ui Harri.-uur, S.15 a ui urr at Baltimore. 1 1 .So p tu j Y'ork and Harris- i ?cuvcs llarrisbnr ; 15 p in burg Accuin. j an. Y'urk, 6.50 p in j Mail! rain north arid fnitb.' Fast Line north, an 1 I York and Harrisburg Accommodation north und south run daily except Sunday. I Buflalo Express north and Fast Lino south, run i tluily ; and ISullalo Express south runs daily except .uonua t. .iin Accouiuo'iiitiou norm arrive daily except S.ilurilay. , For further information apply nt tbo Ticket OCico iu the Pennsylvania Railroad Ih-pot. 1. N. Hi BARRY (Ion. Suid. I - - - - l.m-KuM uiiiiu V ICIooiiialiui St ail road. I 'N end rfter Jan. 1st, 1807, Pas'cngcr Trr.iuj i H-ill run as follows : I SOUTHWARn. A M. A M. r ' LeKe Seranton. 5.50 10 00 I I, iiigston, r, 55 1 1 .20 I Rupert. y 2(1 lianiillc. i'.M i Arr North'd.. lo Kj j NORTH WARD. ! Leme North'd., 7.00 ' I'untillu, 7.10 ' M. 7 III S.2n P. M. 4 111 6 0f S 17 K.5II 10.15 5 20 ti oO P. M. ii '.' . i" J H5 I. no In.lo y. f.-r Scr.-iii- ; Rop.-rt. s 15 A. M. j KiiigMon. 10.50 n.;;o Arr. at Seriiiiton. 12.00 D..':.'i J rains leaving Kingston nt S,:;(i,t ton. connect with Irani arriving at Nen Y'ork at 5.2l. Pavengers taking Jniin South fr,.tn Serf nti n nt 5 50 A..M. i in Noiiiiuinbi ilaiiij. ri-m-h llurri-burg 12 ".0 P. M.. I;nhiiii,.re 5 ,'!o P. M.. Wii!iin 'ion lo 00 P. M. via Rup-.-rt reach Philadelplr. m :.i-ii j lu. 11. A. tO.M'A.up't. .l.-tn 13. 1.-..7. King ! ktriE.lin;; ltai!i-oal. W I N x til A R 11 A N f. E X K S X . Kovembor 25th, 1S07. G1 REAT TRUNK LINE from the North nnd If .Wtli-We.t for Philadelphia. New Yuik, Read ing. PottJvillo. 'J'aiiin.iua. Ashland. Lubauon. Allen 1 t it. Elision. E hruta. l.iiix. Lain.ii.-tcr. folutobiu, Ac.. Ac. . I Triiitu I- live lfarii-bur for New-Y'ork in f.. , I'm.' At ." 5 :'i .md s.,) A. M. und 2.1s.) .-ml j iio P. conrie.-iii.g will, eiruibr Trains ,. ;l,e Pcnn : svlvatij t ilailroad. and arriving ut New York at 5 ill . 10.15 iirnl ,.' -0 A., il. and :! 4u. u :u p. M. Sl. ct j ing Lurs iic.-omr'iving the J.UO A. M. and i.:'.5 I. j'l. ; '1 rains, without chit. "c. Leave Ilarrisl.urg foi Jli'ading, Pollsi il'.e. TWn I iui. Minersville. Ashland. .pin tirove. Alleiitonu ; aud Philadolpliia ut 10 A. A.', an i 2 i 5 and 4 ll- P. M , stopping nt Lebanon and principal way .station.; the 4.10 p ui. uinking counectii us for 1 Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Puitsvillo. : -I v,.itifliiii. rr Jou...ijie, ' .N-huj Ikiil Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and U'nuch:inna Railroad, lenie Harrisburg at'3.55 p. in. Returning- Leave New York ut 0.00 a in. 12 00 ; Noon an 1 5 CO aud p. ui.; Philai'.clphia nt s 15. a. ui. and ;! an p. iu. W ay Passenger Train leaves i Philadelphia al7.u a. ui.. relurniu from Reading , nt fi..!0 p. lu. stopping at all Stutions ; Pottsville at S 45 u. in. and 2.45 p. m; Ashland H.uil a.m. and 12 -; 111 and 2 00 p.m.; luuuHjua nt S.."0 u ui. und 1 H0 ; and 9 45 p. u. , Leave Putuville for Harrisburg via Schuilkitl nr.d SuM-juehaima Railroad at 7 ill a. ui. and lL'.no noon I Rending Accommodation Traiu leans Reading at i I,-"1!.. A- returning from PhiludelpLia ut 4.0i Columbia Railroad Trains lcavo heading at 7 ft i A. M . and .1j P. M. tor Lphrata, Litii. Lancar. I tcr. Columbia. Ac. I On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00 p in., pkila. delphia 00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. tho .On a. m. j train running only to Healing. Pottsville Mini a m., , Hamburg. 5 25 am. and 4.10 and p m. and Reading at 1.00 nnd 7.15 . in, for Hurri.-burg. and 7. 00 a. nt. and 11.40 p ui. for New York, 4 25 p ui. ! fur Philadelphia . I Commutation, Mileage. Season, School ad Fx cursion lickets, at reduced rates to uud from ull 1 points. I Haggag checked through: 100 Pounds Ergjago auuwea caca Piujscogcr. I O. A. NICOLLS, I (icncral Superintenduut- BRICK! BIUCK! BKICkl Its Ihe C'liUfuai or Sunhury und titlnlly. flIIE undersigned havo bought Ihe Brick-Yard i in ""I'fonmeiits, formerly Iciued and wrkel by A. L. Stevens, and have made additional im provements, and are now prepared to make contract to manufacture and deliver BRICK iu lai e quan tities, lor building and uther purposes. By the mauulaeture of a good article, and prompt atteution to business, we hope tu receive a share of public patronage. Orders left at iho Brica-Yard. or Box 14, Suubury Po.t Orhce, wiii be promptly attended lo. , . T. UIMES i CO. Sunbury, May H, 17 3m luiMlai, OiU, At', A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. snd Lubricating Oil lor Engine an Muchtuery, Varuu-bea, Gluts, ulwavs uu baud, at low l"'""t to.NLEYdfoS 1-VJR Saddler., we have Saddle Trees. Bitis. Bu--k ; les. Uig Trees, Pad Trei. Haues, all kinds and very thing portaiumg tw Ibe businewi. lor sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. UKMKMBKU TIIKDKAD. TESSRS. D. C. Dissiuirer and John A. Taylor. 11 wuuld reepecilully onaouuee to the eitisena uf Suubury, and surrounding cuuntry, tbat having formed a uo-partuennip, tbey are uow prepared tu furnish ornamented ana plaiu (Jruvesitossfai, '1'osssbasV .Mossssnsrsitsi of th best Italian and Amerisau marble, at price tbat eanuut fail to give entire aalulauliun, and rs (ueulMlly sulioit tbe public patronage. DlsJjNUEK TAYLOR. Banbury, llarek SI, looo ly . . BIRD CAOES, 11 different kind. If you wsat . good aad cheap Bud Cot, go te t'OMJET I if-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers