Commercial College, 13? Chestnut Street, (Cottier of floventh,) fiilLA delpiha. Sitabhthod urn. Incorporated 1315 Toans Men I'rnc? li'iilly atttlucatetl fr lltittintii, Th facilities ui ib.t nonunion bava been largely increased, nnd it now ban advantage for imparting kasincss Knowledge whicn are unequalled. Ibe pruotloal value of ill wcll-lriud course of in- -true! ion ia attested by hundreds in all department, ef business. Many young man owe bit success in life t the qualinoutiuns gained hero. The instruction thrunnhout is thorough, practical. and just what i daily used iu our bunt business houses. The instruction inoludea Book-Keeping in all it Branches, Punmamhlp, (Plain and Ornamental,! Commercial) Cal culation, Business Papers and Cor respondoiioo, ('ntnuieroial Law, Detect ing Counterfeits, Etc Students instructed separately and received a anytime. Diplouiitsuwardcd on graduation. Mran gum assisted in procuring suitable boarding places liuard uinv be obtained lor ulmut ift per week. Cata logue mailed fun. CRITTENDEN'S BOOKKEEPIXfl, Counting House, price $i 50. High School, price $1 CO. Common School Edition K7 ou. Judge Sharswnod Lectures btlure the Student! ou Commercial Law, price f I 00. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND JJUtUMESS MANUAL. Containing now mill rapid methods of calculation ns actually used by business men. Forms of Business Paper accompanied by ex, lnnatioua of their naturo and use, useful Commercial Tables, and much valuable imforuiation on business subjects. Price I 25. The tale of 1h if Book baa been rapid that it is already in iu second edition. Any of the above books sent postage paid on re ceipt ui' the plioo. S. II. CRITTENDEN CO. June B. ISrl". I'nn Atrii ult urnl liiiloiii-iil, HOE'S Grain Rrkcs, Stool and Iron Garden K ikos. Long and D Handle Spnd'-s, Shovels. Manure and llay Forks, tlrue and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles. Cradle Finzms, Trace, Breast," Toniroe and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill tfoivesif all s:ies and kinds a large assortment ol tied Wagon Jlauies. tor flowing, rurni u i'. lultivnlor ieetb, or aal.) by -I tt CJ y'LEV A CO. TlJi: AM WA'iliii I'MUOi' ROOFING ! rp DIMES A CO.. are the Agents In the Counties X . "f Northuiiihc. land, Miyder and Montour, M W 1 it HEN S Impinved Fire and Water-Proof Hoof, lh is is the clu npest and beet Roof that oan be put or, a building. Has been used in the city oi Phil lo'.pbia, since 1861 , where it has superseded aluios every other k ml of Hoof. It is recommend ed by the builders, ur d it used ou all of the fluent I uildios in tlmt city. Parlies contemplating build ing, will do well to i xamine into the merits of thia Mid all oiher kinds ol Roofs, Ld give the beat the j reference. The Fountnin Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in R few days, be covered will this Roof, and parties desiring to do so, uviy call tl.i re and exuiuine it. For t un her information addrcta Box 11, Sunbury Post 0. lice, or cull at the illicit Yard of T. DIMES A CO. Sunbury. 13. 1S67- Urn "" Coachmakers, X7E are selling Rims, Ppokcs, lluhj, Springs, V Canvans, Uolta, Clips, Axlcu, 4c., very U;w i Large Stock at CON LEY CO. Sunbury, March 3d, 1ST.' c ALL and see those beau'.iful llird Cuges at the j new Hardware store ot J. II. CONLEY A CO. FIRST NATIONAL H. Q. THAOHEB, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE," SLNBUKY, P A New Goods, "New Styles, New Price Tholargest Stock of Toots r.d Shoes in tliU 3!oil'e TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Sstehel. llaml-Bags, Valifcs, fto. An elegant asortincnt of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Cuba's, Ac. ts. COME AND SEK, COME AXD SEE. lMrnsum) tuililiii, .V 1 It K K T H Q L' A 11 Ey April 6. 1867 n.- M. J.' a 4ViV A. U B. MiZ9 Sheet Iron and Stove fSrET&JD SSC BIZ 9 G- ZETTLEMOYKHiV B-iO., (Succe r to fiLNJ. ZETTLEMOYfcR.) Market Street, near Engcl's Store, SUNBURY, PA. HAV1NU taken chargo of the old stand so long patronised by the people of hunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and the publio generally, thtt they will auppiy tbeui with tUe most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFH.'E and PARLOR STOYLS of the best Brands which are unsurpasiicd for beauty of finish, ainit'licity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and enob stove wan noted to perform what they are represented. Coal Oil, foul Oi! I.nnips I.tiuK-rii. Shuil". Chimnoys. and all articles usually kept iu an establishment of this kind. COPPER, liltASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sizes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest Improved j Itylos. i He is also prepared to do all kinda ofSpouing and : Hoofing. Kan(:e and Furnace Work. i Keiiairir.g, cheuiilv and neatly exeftited. GEO. ZEiTLEMOYLR & BRO. ! June f, 1817 y ! Blacksmith ing' JOHN ikvin, i SUNHUHY. PENNSYLVANIA, RF.PPECTFl'I.LY informs the citiiens of Sun bury and vi.-iiiity, that he has ereclod a Black smith ihop near the Shauinkin Valley Bailroad fiepot. where ho i jrepnred to do Blaek-niilhing in all its hninchos. at the thortest notice. Ilavini; had m'iny years' cx erieuce in the business, he flatters himself that ho can render satisfaction to ull who may give bim a call. .Sunbury, August 17. 1S87. lCYrI)RTM IiXIfcifc3 KATE BIjACK, lliirket street, four dour west r fWui. II. Miller ' Loot and Shoe store, HLMil HY, Pa. T" ESI'ECTFt'LLY infoi msher friendsin Sunbury J V and vicinity, that she has just opened her M'HIXG Sl'MMEH UJih'S.i (JOODS, of every description. l'aitiouullv IrTNsj '1 riiumiiisi. Head Ireses, Gloves, Hosiery, KuihroiderioS, Laco t'olliirs, Bleaehe 1 and unbleached Muslins. Sheetings, JJntling, Alapajas, roplins, Lrape and l,aco veils. Iutlit- SEsiIm, I'hililrf n Hals uud .Um, of every variety. Mine, riemirust's lluir Curlers. Hair Coil aud Curls, Gloves, Stockings. Collars. Corset. Ac. GmuT Collar, Xeuktio, bull Hose, Handker ehiefs and Suspeuder. Bradley's uew Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Spring SKIRTS ) HOPKIX3 EUiptio Skirt. Perluinery, 'J'oilot Soup, Hair Brurhes, Comhs, Toys, and a gcuerul tarietyof XOTTOX.S. . , KATE BLACK. bunbury, April 27, I8B7. CHOICE FUU1T k ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOHNEK, Dealer In Fruit and OmamenUI Trees, will furn. . Isb from the most responsible Nurseries in this .ad cw Uk v j . w " atna. Al., Shrubbery, luo. aud PlauU. Garden Seeds of oil Orders are respectfully coHoited. A,1'" BEXJ.BOnXER, Psxuios, KortU'd. Co. rPN. B Inanranoe taken In several ef tn mo.1 rwpjnsibl Fire luaraneeaad liorae latetive tompanioi in the Sii. Jun e 16T .y MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DB1.I8BACU BHOTHER8, RESPKCTF VD1 Y Inform their Irleodi and ens tomere, that they have removed their btcrelnio Ibe touth end room ol the Maaonio Duildlng.on Ibird street, oipiKile Ibe Depot, hunbury, where they will be happy twailpon Ihtru. Their large amortujcnt of Groceries. Provisions, AC, are ttl freeh and of the beat qaality, aeosistlcg ot Teaa, Cofieea, Sugart, end bpicca. Dried and Canned Fruils, 'Prunes, II aisira, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept tn the Uroccry line Thev would also eall attention to their large and ehenp lot of Uood Family Plour, Ureen Tea. Hams, Shoulders, 4c, which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegetablea, every Tuesday and Fridiiv evenines. Hive them a call and lee for j-ourautvea. i Sunbury, April 2", lb67. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK ! 'I'o 1m CillzciiM oi Nunbui ) tm-.l ! Tlclltit-. rpilK undersigned hnvo bought the Brick-Yar'J X and inipiovemcnls, fouucrl.v leased nnd worked : by A. U blvreus. mid have made addiliunnl im- privemcnts, and am now prepnred to tuukc c intra t. to manufacture and deliver BIUCK in large qjai titles, fiir building and other purposes. Hy the iiianuf'ioinre of a gooil article, and prompt ; attention to business, we hope lo receive a share of public patronage. Orders loft at the lirick-Viinl. ; or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will he promptly I attended to. I T. IUMF.S A CO. i Sunbury, May lHlbW. 3iii i LUMBER ! LUMBER ! The rn'olfrr' I'onnly nutl Mnnlaury l.u in lx-r oni pint v. Now fully established at tho El'NBURY STE.M SAW MILLS, are prepared tn saw to order WIIITE PINK, HEMLOCK AN'D OAK, of any site and all lengths. Afull a.'sortuient of always kept on hand. Panncl, Flooring. Siding mid Iinlsliing donrcia ot all Kinds. MOULDINO, SASH, DOCKS, and SIIU1TF.HS. ; SHINGLES, j Sawed and Shaved, White Pino, and IUmlook. I'liiMlcrliij l.mla nnd I'alittK 1 Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done tn order j at short notice. Thia Compmiy design furidshing I every tiling in their line nt such rates that Lumber I Yards. Builders ar,4 all parties using Lumber will I find it to their interest to at this establishment. OHDKES I are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at- i teiided to by addressing, j VM. KEAliEN', Sup't. I Suiilmry, June 15, lfiiJR. 1TEV SHOE STOPaE- Market Street, adjoining (lenrhnrt's Coufrsiiunvry Store, Sl.'SBL"UY, l'a. riMIF undersicned respectfully iufoitns the citinn J of SnnHurv and vicinitv, that hu has opened a MiV if-'llOJS islOKE. lor tho snlo ns well as for the manufacture of the finest an 1 best quality of l.iolics' bboes, vii : ldIo I'-Efcitl. 13rrM''0, ! nlllin tlllil ' fu'iniic m rmuct ami Ivimliml. im well na in my own pni'' I nltr.1. . ' tK'f, over .tt'ii ytyii. iiml 1 tuvr )' t 't''i' f Hie lira .SI Nil 21. XiliOI ht I iii'iinuv Initute lutiiiiili; ve nu tfttMii.tinttli it then Children! Shocc of till kin'ls. JJis e'ock is etittrcly t-tlic.iey iiom ail 'tver the iniriht-ni und wfiiu new and well scli-cted. j '.u'. were litey ii'it m ihfir liniuif i rivnte Over JlH',- He also niAUufaeturvii fine French and other Culf- I iw l 'ti le Imve iiet-u lil ilie piist ywr. mid I h e uw l.iu Hoots ami Shoes for Gentlemen. ; trilrt ' "'V tw lvt h-.i htri.efittrd. I ... , r,. i . j:m j , rtlu,inm a.A.i i i ii well h Wiii t i lint n r eiueilv a ' p"tmi l rt'iiitiv! alum- will be promptly nttonrtcl to and got up in the bibt stvlebv skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on bund and for sale to the trade. .1. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 195". FIRST PREMIUM v Of a Kllver Bledi.l Vj. WAB AWilSCD lo &f BARRETT'S HAIR RtSTORATIVE Bvthe N. H. ais'e Alfilturtl Sncieir. t iu t'tir twltlru m ullUl., .Mt 20, Jifed- BAltUliTT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative nntnm Qrav llalrto lit nutura, colnr. Po- nutvw Ue p. -wlii ot tin! lli ir, t iiiuci ine rof.ti tn tlicir tu ipiinl m (runic m tluu. hnuli- sBv Cute IJniMlriirt ihI lliun-r. l'rri-.l lluir v nut. It n nutwiior urca-tna; li contain, tin iiijuri. i.i iiipit u i'ini aliu ia inc iiiii.i Miiiii:ir nutl i ru ble mit u inr-;U.iioiii iue iMjriu ana V SuuUli BUUUI. J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, MANCHESTER, M. H. Sold by'W. A. BLNKTT, Sunbury, Pa., Druggist generally. April d, 1S57 bra and J. W. STIiVI.'VSO., WATCHMAKER A JEWLLLK Market Square, near the House, Court i srxm'RY. Xorlhuinberlond County, Pa. HL' bae just opeuud au aosorluicnt of Cold aVA and plain Piiu ut Watches. CLOi KS I for Railroads, L'unks niid llwellings. Fine r-'S- Gold Kings, Finger Kings, Bracelets. Mioia- i iura Chios, Medallion', Lockets. Pencils. V. Srcctaoles. Silver Tnhlo. Dessert. Tea Salt and Mu.-tard Spoons, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Xnpkin Kings, Fruit and Butter Knives. Shields, Combs, j Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters. Pitchers. Butler ' Dishes, Fruit Di.-bea, Uiko Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, j Ac be. He invites tho ciliicns of Sunbury and vicinity to ; call at the above pluce, nhere ho will be happy to j wait upon thcin. I L Particular attention paid to REPAIRIXG. April 13, 1SU7. J. H. Conley & Co., Ilin-licl Strvot. I'uNt dl'llie Ktiili'oiKl fcU3Xr:BTJIi-Z PENN"A. DEALERS IX i ici:i- & .tn::ui. Hardware & Cutlery. flIIE attention of Mechanics. Farmers. Builder. 1 and Buyers guuerully is invited lo the fact that wo ateuow oiieriug a better selected assorimeut of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC. than over was uttered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by du. tiers. Unr slock comprises all articles in this lit. e of l.iisi io--. etnbruciiig u general assortment of tools and mate rials used bv CARPENTERS, Ii L A C K SMITHS, CARRIAGE AXD WAGII.N M.V 6, JOINKRN, AC, AO., together vith a large stock of Iron, Slcel, Xuils. Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mil) aud X Cut Saws. 'Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, ls67. Fashionable Dress AXD Millinery Good s, Ju.l opening at the Millinery 'iore of j . Miss M. L. GJS:iLE. Fourth Stieet. two doors below the Railroad, West iju, SUXBURV, PA. fuch us IB D SI II 3 U 3 a 'JI A 3J 3 a Lresa-Tiiiutuings,, Gloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Floaors, Collars, Handker chiefs, ic, c, which have been carefully selected. Mia M. L tiuasler ba just opened a large assort niant of ilillinery Goods. Ladius should not fail lo f;o and see the latest styles a it will pay Lo not delay a visiting b or store. Call aud examine for yoursslvs. No trouble to show good Sunbury, April 30, 1867. BAKERY. BAKERY. C. ffllJftuiIOYPe Afteut, Manufacturer of CAXDIES, BUS AD, CAKES. PIES, AC. Front St ., II door east of the P. A E. K. K. Depot, AoitTiii;iiii:iti..i, i.. Cuatomar will bo served daily. Order aolioited KotthaBbsrlaad, Jus t, J86T sL The eOTirwmnl parts f thia remaraaMa preparation vera fii sl discovareil, oomuoumleil and dtsti ibaud, aome twenty yeava ao, by Dr. Ciiaovaua, Uie ejle brated Kgypliua PliysicUo. Thousands of hia auffr Ids oountrymen were restored to health, a well as freal numbers of Hie Inhabitants el Nubia and Abyssinia, and ol Uieoouuules bordering upon the Souther a tout oi sue HcaiMrraneaa ova Inrlccd, the fame of the Z1NGAIU UlTTERfl 0"D spread over Kurope, and was adopted by the principal Physicians la chat-Re of the hospitals of the old world, tn which it u still uiul with preemi nent success. The Viceroy of Kgypt placed the Bane ol sa. Cikopius npnn the " Roll of Nobles," and pre arntcd to hire a Uedal bearing the following Inscrip tion: " i)a Vaaorsua, the Public Dent factor." Thia Bitters is now offered is the public of America with the full assurance that it will be fouud, upuB a fair trial, to act as a specific for the cure of C'hnlern, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Fever and Ague, lellow Fever, Rlienmntlam, Typhoid Ksvir, Dyspepsia, folic, lronlillie, C'onauinptloii, Vlatu lenry, Ulaenaea or the Kldueya, Ncrroua) jjeblltty, and Female CoinplulnU. Remnrkahlo cures of the above diseases have beeo efTfCti-d by its use, asnumerouscerliftcnles, many from regular physicians, 'ullv attest; and it is destined to s'ipT9d9 any pitp:ivati'n extant. As an agreeable Tonic, and INVIGCRATINO BEVERAGE, IT HAS NO KQUAL. Tana ra ZlgiQAKI niTTKRS has soin, AS HEM, AS BODY, AND AS A PREVENTIVE OF DISEASE, IU3 NO SUl'lilUOIt. A Vf.V? Wonns TO I.AIiTES. Tlie use of the 21 NO AM HITTERS will give lo yon tl at soft, semi transparent companion which ti e God of nature (de aliening woman to he the loveliest of Ida works) fully inu-niltd that vo,i should have for it is nature's own powder and paint combine!!. By purifying the blood, stimiihiiing the pigmrnt r y cells of the dermis, nrl Imn-tcliiof lu-nltli and llf throne1 out the entire aysti m. It ep clnKy glvea Hint smo-it i clearness and beauty to the complexion so mueS to le desired re moving all ro igbness. blotches, freckles, plmvlcs, and that yellow, sicklv lo'ik tn cmni n in our day; and what is even h-tt-r tbnn t'lli, it cures eveiy species of fvmile irregularities altl diseasa l'nuc.pul Depot, Hiirr.-'inrg, Ta. JlAHTER&nAUSE, Soi.i; ruorniKTORt For smIc l.y W. ABENXEIT, OruggUt, buubuiy. Penney' v.;iii't. Aug'uU .'I, 18o7. TUT. UKKA 1 FKM I,K It l-.MF.DIK4 FOll IRRK UI IsAKMlK! I live teittsl lit t-ie WiiM ut my vvi ,itaoe, over ten -..f, uiul i ii i tu fiUtf Uttviv. lii.ii n. tiit..y hut yet Keen lifvel -jieil (ty uiiilicul r.Sfauli, th.u acn m mWf rfnily. i..niii ftv , it ml IiiiimiIcM' , iu ciiwi'vof It'in.ilr nrrtulMnly, n ti h i inif. im--lu:iiie. In ni rrttjitt r:iM-t, it nevtr tailn, wln.f lit mi .ii. w'ik luve htii lm it.(Jfici, ure u.Ucbt vJ I" it l' r ilic Ihn n OktieHlth U ilii) . Ali'i. , di;ii it i vnvrtTul ii nit piinvi'. t ht-v Bie pri fet'tly ; linrmli'KM, iml ntiiy ti - oti-tt ut till ttikei, fXt-'fLit v hen HfC ' cim!1 hti iikIiIlii iu 'Itutlirifli 'Hi T.... !. v.. Iii, ,ri.i.i iiiwli misi ttli it-fil lit- cit....ftit nlit. siruftt'iim, iiihv he Mrtl f r h t;nt 1'iif.i -m, but trust Hint where Hie U ntie m thu mcil, leu niuy fall ml i the hundi nt really uetHly eMllr reis. I'o nil wli'i fcutn-f Irnin Hny irrrpn'nritv ; painful, diffi- CUit.fXC''8lVr, .iliciHlVP or "tiSM'H'tfd MrilKliUiithill, l.u- cirriic, ur ihf rtMiu ol' iliS"tiiirs thit t'lHluw, I wtil'l tay, r.iy ii h .ttie m Or Lyon' t-'rench iVn -ii i.- tl I r p Itema u il-ii't preiinriiti -ii, tiwr Heli'Ni i inote Jiictanil p si tivt- tti;iit u'tv oiliS'U pnwdnij. MxtU'Utt ilirextiiriis, lieai iiu iiiv fiictiiiiiiif, ftecDinpiinv fnrti u 'liir. TUfV uny bt"lii-iiuril .if nenrly i-.-fiy itruppitit in the ei'tiH'rv, or bv iiieliminir ih pi ice tfit'. U 0IAKK V CO . -w Hsv-ii,'Ct., Ocucrui Aent for the I'utted Stain ai.d i ai wi-d. Ml. J()ll I l.YD.V. I'nci ict'tf I'liyhU'iiin, Price, SI 50 per Ti t'li , r"A iiuven, C mil. 1 'Mu:iry 'Jj, IStiT. ly POL AWD'S Magic Bilious Powders, Ills I'ltKI' It II l' is ttir 'hscoV IV l illi'ld fol ic It.iotist rtiuTrii oi.i u man rieu.iy Titt-ii tlir.niKhout n-. i.'.Ercl lo leuve no t.t-ioe to save ejv ol' t'ie ll.'V in il'sl. vvii, N l,i I VCO !l) fl: '. I New Ki'iMu'up'l I'te i ..1 1 1 1 1 III 'UVil 'ill-. Hi. " MtijJH I'dWdfTI 111? iii 'ik-ni li:ncs. It is the gr3at live1 and bilious remedy: which com .!etr!!v tlirtwn in tr thmle nil uihrr diprovencji lu meiitfint ; inn. it Hiltirila linti nuii-n pfulififJitinn tlmt thi;y ivefive ll) uiiU'iiin u nij r'li iiu u i f ull who have trtilfil them The M igio Itilinnt I'nwilert orr Q lOfUivo'nro I'or Uvr iiilaint ! in its m -t ugruvurJ furin, aud on hii mediate crrector ofull uiiaKoi h -i ai:M : Kx vil. ui C.r IIKAUACUE, t'l .H'l.KS, III.OTCHES. A SAM.OW KIN. OflOWSiNK: IHZZINESS. ilKAU rjit'K.N, I'Al.riTATlU.N, A!t.t n nri'tt wniult-ii'ul CURK .t 1MIEVENTIVE OP FEVER & AGUE! (HYitJvi.-e ill: whttnis tf utitnl with tliisfejiTu! maln it, in ;ilw:i)s Lcfp the Putt'ikr m ha ul rtudy fur itiiint: dn'te iis llere.iftj a few jnivirtititr iwilii'iiturn : Int. The) nic tlie On: a I iec.uo im ull liitinui AfTcC- tliinai. lid 'I'hny are die only kn-iwii rrnHi'y ih;it will care Ijivrr ' nip unit. a t. Tin') Hfu the only kit wii retntrdy tli;it will cure Cotiit;ipMitoM 4th. Tit HowdtTN nre a i nmlt it ihir riperatimi tlinl IMir- jtHI'ltHB Will IU? Hll IhHl tll UlUj ifliy Ol lh uring itiftn will rt-gtiiit! I eii-ut a vara. 5111. Thv hiu mnil tiutl j tn ii. t yet the ni"t trflVc Ul:it iMl'l II til' luil'WM. (it ii Mi. j, mi; t'n ' l.t v 't iii uf brfet inliciitt extant. hb t hty I'iin I ii i ii it I ; iii.i.1 uuii) -u;tiiftlie globe fur lilt- 'U ccii.ti. '.'irrul irrt, i-Hifctiiil if frii("nifii, !itfrnittti)ii, 4cc.,ent tn ii. i iiH' ' nf ti. W ' til irtn -if i iinrn. SOI,i li V Al.U P;lt ijul. I'S, nr hy mail on applica li 'H t-u , C. O CI.AKK CO, liKMtH L 0L-NT, Nc Huvrii, Cuitll. Pensions increased. Tl.c lute Act of Coi gre.-s (jive, u iditioiial pay to ti e'iij J'co!iioiis,vu : To iliosn ho lu.vo lost th rilit of both eye. or i.otti i,:tniis, or toiullv iti.-aiiiod so uc to re.uire con ftfini attei.'iaiice, Iho tnin of $2j 00 per mouth. i'J Jo win) Lave ! .st bmh fuuu tr are totally disnbied iu ibe i inc so u toreiiuiio constant attend- I an tne mm ot uu I Xd. To those u ho liavo ht ono hand or one foot, or areni disabled as to rnndi r theui unuble toper j form maiiuiil labor lo 00 per uionth, and other i ctes iu proportion. The .uUoiiber in duly prepared for the iminediato J piocurcmeut ol theft claims, i S. li. DOVER. Att'y at Law. I Snul.iiry, June 111, l4d. ' I HE GREAT CEXTKE OF ATTRACTION', is ou :id street, opposite Ihe MASONIC HALL, at BERGSIBEESSER'S NEW PHOTUfiKAPII GALLERY, Hut I.nllj l.kliilili.lifil, wltU all list) -lluilvi'U liupruTt'iut-aila. ol' I lie Art ! rptlE subscriber, having I u i It ihe room expressly 1 lor Ihe puriiuse of I'huto.-riitihiiiL', and having devoted many year o lh business, is confident of bia ability to assure his palrou. that the work pro dueed shall be second to none iu otmniry or eity. No work allowed to leave the ffullerv unlesfl en- ; tirely aaii.f.iotin-v. Having the best sky light in Ihe i couiity. be i prepared In make Pnoiograph in all I kinds ol weather, but would prefer a day fur uwiil cmi.iren. . ' He i also prepared to take new site, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of piclurea copied and magnified to any required vise end colored beautifully in Oil or Vt au r uoli-s ur Delia ink. M e p',.v rpeutal attention to ..II k.nds ol hi u 'tr work, such .s Landscape view. ! iloi uu.. ui. Monhii.eay, County Seal, Ac, a laroe lot of Pr.n.oareuli fruiiie cunlnnllv oo baud The public are ratoi ci'Vlly n viud to cull and se our specimen, hi..) our u.nlet arrangemenu for making Puoiumph. puial aim. to tumilie aud olub. J B. BEEGSTBKflSER. Fmabury, July li, lb 7 I i TEE VEEY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fcsarth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invitee the txiblle to call and examine hi elegant assortment of SUMMER GOODS, which he will nil at greatly reduced prices. Bia stock eunaista Iu part of CASSIMERES. CLOTHS. SlC Rilka. Delaines, Lawns, Oinghams, Calicoes, Muatina. .Sheeting, Tickings, Jcnns, and a full assortment ol Cottou and Woolen good generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop BkirU. Abo Uandkrohlft, Brushes, Combs. llntM oad Caps, Hoot) nnd Miora, His assortment of eoods will not, he la sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous of purchasing, liisstucaoi , HARDWARE AND QUEENS WAKK, and Groceries Is large in quantity and eholce In quality, comprising generally everything needed id i 1, household either for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to see nia menus and takes pleasure iu showing them his goods even though no sales are made. He only nsks a call, and is aure that the etoek will compare favorably in price and auality with the cheapest. Sunbury, April 13, 1367. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 099 BiioAi'WAT, Nkw York. I'or I'limilicM uud .tlanructtircrii, S' i UM 11 BJ 1 m Thee World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest preiniuin at the World 's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York Male Fair of IStltS, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for Ihe same thread thau any other machine, and by the inlroduc tionof the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Foctory ol Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of tho Company. Eu a a lluwa, Jr., lb original iuventor of the dewing Ma chine. . They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, nndtousu of ben Dress Mukere. Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirta. Collars, Skirts, Clonks. Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps. Corse . Boots, Shoes, Harness. Saddles. Linen Uood. Umbrellas, Parasols, etc They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en nnd cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seaiu. quilt, Rather, hem. fell. cord, bruid, bind, and perform every kpecies of sewing, making a beuuliiul and perfect stitch, alike on bclb (idea of the articles sewed. The Stiicb invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Muchino, is tho most populur und all Rawing Machine are subject to the principle inveuted by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. f.9'J Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 6, lnriT. Mrs. A. TWEED, In Ml Ann Pnitiler'B Fancy GorMs Storo huiMing, Murkct aSqunre. 3 doors we;it ol the Post Office, Kl'NHlKY. pa. RK3PKCTFULLV Infurmn her friend and the puMio tli tit ?h has atiiii opeued ho, ?n Markot atrert. Punhury, where fhe is prepared to make to order LKdics' Dref-sen. in nn entire now givlo. Ladies' Cl i-.k, Ac Alu Gutitltiiucu't eliirtM. Orderi respectfully noitoited. Sunbury. Jan. ltf,' 1807. I y T RON. A Urge asaorluicut of the beat manufne. I tuied- Lars. Hoop. Hand, Kound and Iron. Nail Hod. Cast Steel, Bo,uar lusier Steel, Drill iS'eel, Horse Shoe, Horse Nails, Anvils, llellows. Vices, iluuiiuers, Sledges, Kastis and File, at COX LEY A CO S. BOOTS. SHOES AND TRUNKS I ii. Ci. riJA iii:u, stccESSon to W . W . APSLEY. IK addition to our large slock, already on hand, we are now receiviuza full aurrly ol Siirinir and Summer goods for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of K. K. Dugs, Gents' tine leather Satchels. W wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget ihe place. Pleasant' Building, Mar. ket .Square, buubury, Pa. XOIICE Boot aud Sheea neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they .hall be fixed fur nothing. II. 0. THACUEK. Bunbury. April 8. ISO. tf. I ii I x, OIIm, Ac. A full stock of Oila comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. aud Lubricating Oil fur Engine an Machinery, Varnishes, GUua, alwava on hand, at low prices at CONLEY CO'S I.1UK Saddler, we have Saddle Tree. Bins, Buck . les, Gig Trees, Pad Trees. Danes, all kinds and every thing peiuiuiug to the business, for sale by J. II. COX LEY A CO. SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time, Labor, Money Makes WASIIINd A PASTIME AXD MONDAY A FESTIVAL. ;suld Everywhere. TR V IT. Addresj all orders to the Manufacturers 7.IEGLER A SMITH, Chemists end Wholesale Druggista, 13? .oi-lls 'I'liiru aiirrl, fliil'u. Novcuibor 24, 18M ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK3 STATION Efllf, Monthly Tiino Books Drawing Booka and Slatea. Borkt, Ili'mn Hooks Bunk Books, Memorandum E:jkl Dl.irie?. Pucka. Books. Ink Stands. Pens, Per ( :1s. a fine odgonmeul of Paper. Ink. Ac For sale by AXN'A PAINTER. bUNBUKY BUILLO LOTS 1 X J. W. CAKE'S Additioo tn tho Bo:ough of X cuubury, or euia oo reesonauie terms. Apply to Dr. R. II. AWL and, SOL. BltOSIOUS, bunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SHEAFER.PolUville, Pa. Nov. 21, Ibtili STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 35 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Ureen, ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. milE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known X to ttie traveling public. Tb location is espe cially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is In close proximity to the business part uf the city is ou the highway of Southern and Western travel ana acijaoem ia an tne principal iluilroud and Steamboat depots. The STEVENS HOUSE ho liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guesn It ia well furnished, and possesses every modem improvement for the com- iort and entertainment of its inmate. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided wiih gas and water the attendance u prompt and rerpeotful and the table is generously provided wit), every dulioaoy of the season at moderate rate. GEO K. CHASE A CO., Prop'tr. May 25, 1867.-om ..... Art wpeaially invited lo call and examine our (took of BUILDER ti HARDWARE, comprising Nail and (-i.ikes of all variolic. Butts. Serew, Strap and T Hinge.. Looks and Lalsheo. Bull. Plas tering Trowels. Brick IroweU, plasterer Sieve, Ao., 4o., for s.le by J. H. CONLEY A CO. ' 11IKI CAGS3, II different kind. If you want XJ cood and cheap Bird Cage, go to . tvOMLKr CO'g BREAKFAST SHAWLS, Cjt aal at tho Fancy Sioreif AKNA PAINTER. f F fou eant rood Tin. Ware, r M SMITH A J J IER i VvwSbof di i. Pblladclpkln A Krla KalU-onul. bdmmkrT ti u i tTb lb- Thrnegb and dlreei root between rhlVaVe1pbU, Baltimore, uamatrarg, wriuii (Ml Region of Penney ivant. B-iltlmor. Harrisborr. Wnilaovporl, and the Ureal ELBOART eLEBPINa CAfcfl on all Might Train. On and after Monday, April Wth. Train n the Philadelphia A Sri Rail Hoed will ran a on the follow irtirwA. Mall Train learea Philadelphia, ' " " Hunbary, " " Brie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.00 p at. i 4i a m 4.08 p as 12 00 uoon 4.85 p m 9 6 a m Piintiary " err at Krle Elinlra Mail leave Philadelphia, 8.09 a m 4.16pm 7.46 p m 10. 30 p m 6 66 a ta 11.60 am. rnnnury " arrive at Lock listen. Buffalo Expreea leave Baliiuiore " " " isiinbury, 11 11 arrive at Look ilaven, Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.26am 11.63 am 7.00 a m 6.00 p in 8 10 a m 1.00 p ro 7.16 a m 10.26 am 6.40 p m 1.60 p m 6.20 am 12.60 am ! Bunbury, " arr. at thilodeltibla. Erie Express leave Erie ' " ' Hunbury arr. at I'liilale1rhla. Kluiira Mail leave Lock ilaven, " Punhurv, " arr. at PhilBiielphia. Lock Ilaven Aca. leaves Lock Haven. " ' Sunbury, 11 arr. at Philadelphia Mail and Expreaa connect with all trains on War ren A Iranklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil ailelphi at 12 00 M. arrive at Irviueton at 6. 40 a tn, and Oil City at 9 60 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4 36 p in. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make olo.e connections at Oil City w ith trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CUECKEU THKUttfli. ALFRED L. TYLER, Ueuaral Superintendent. A II A It It I V A i. P SPUING AND SUMMER AT THE 6TOHU Off J H ENGEL, Corner of Fourth and .Market .treeU, SUNBl'RY. JUST received from Xow V irk and Philadelphia a large auppiy of hPKI.NU AXD HUMMER GOODS, which be will full at amall profile, for cash or country pruduce. Ilia Dry floods department i full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, aud White Goods at all prices. Fancy Hacking fur Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corett and Hoop Skirts. O A. PI F E T S , Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth. Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Hrown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. QKOCERIB S, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Hice. Crackora, Spice, Salt Fut, Cheese, Ac. Queeimware, Glassware, splendid Rcttsof Teaware, at low price. BOOTH A SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Hat and Caps, Oil, Paint, Gla, Tutty, School j Books. Paper, Slates, Ac. H A R D W ARE. j Baovcla, Forks, Xails, Locks, Hinges and Strews. A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all pricos. All persons detiiing to get good good will please give him a call. J. 11. KXGEL. Sunbury, April 20, 1S6". "si7 It IN Gl i n d " su m m k MILL1NEY AND FANCY GOODS, Just opening at tl.c Store of Mma LOUISA BHI3SLER. South side or Market Square, Kl NItCHY, Pa. "JI1ISS f?!IIS.LEH has just returned from the 1J cities with n choice and fashionable selection of B0XXETS, HATS, SIIAKKttS. SUXDOWX.?, I RISTOIll, COMET, AC, ' of the latest styles and patterns, to which ihe invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Misses und Children Hat of differert varietie. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiery. Gloves, Fans Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers. Hibt.uns. Ilel ; Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid. Ladies' Neck Tie i Dress Combs. Head Dresses. FANCY GOODS Laces. : Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, and i all goods found iu a lady's furnishing .''tore. Also, received an exoellent assortment ol Perfu- i tnery, Toilet goapt. Tooth and Hair Brushes, with a dill -rent variety of collars (paper and linen,) and Xeck-Tic8, Half-Hose. Suspenders, 4e., for Gentle men. A good assortment of Stationery. i Thankful for past favors sh hones bv a further desire to please the public, the continuanoe of their patronage. LOUISA SII1SSLER. April 13, 1S67. NEW GROCERY STORE, V. S. P"J?elAlT & CO , Market Street, Six doors Eant of Third street, nor' h aide, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friend and lh public, that ttioy have opened a JXTE'W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have theui call aud examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing every, ding in the Grocery line, such as Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Spices, Cnnned and Dried Fruits, Deans. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Hum, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, etc., together with Soups, Candles, Soda. Ac, and in fact everything in the Giocevyand Provision. L,ine. FLOT R AXD FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coul Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Cull and se before purchasing elsi where. - W. b FURMAN X CO Sunbury, April 27, 1S67. MILLINERY GOODS -A.i ID 2STOTI JSTS. Mian ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two door west of the Post OEce S U N B U H Y , I'ENN' A. RESPECTFULLY informs har friend and the publio, that she has just returned from the city, where she baa spent some time in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTION'S, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and Wi gans Skirting Lining. lUnp Skirts, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. &ophyr. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphabet Blocks, c. She flutters herself in being able to make a display that will give emir satislaoti .n to visitors, aud goods w ill be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, May , 1067. SPRING TRAl)lTlSl)7r M. Ii. LAZARUS, WOULD respectfully call tb attention of the public to bvr new assorliueul of SPPJ1TG In Dress Goods, Lawns, Delaines. Alapacas, Mohaira, Au. Whit Goods, Cambrics, Swh Nainsook, Jaconet, India-Twills, Brilliant, and a variety of Garribaldi Muslim, New Style. Ores Trimming; la (fretst variety. Edgings, U loves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirt. Towels, Napkin Ladies and Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Lace and Ureenadine Veils. and a great variety of Notions too numerous to men tion. KID GLOVES of th very beat quality. M.L.LAZARUS. Bunbury, May 4, 1887. Bi CORD TCTOX5EED3. PERSONS having unrecorded Dead ar remind ad that they must be recorded, according to th Act of Assembly which require that "All deed nd conveyance, for real estate In thia Commonwealth, shall be recorded in th office for neoomtng ueeds in tne County where the lauds li icithtu nix mantis after the execution of .uob deed and eouveyoooe: and averv aueh deed and convey ance not recorded a aforesaid, shall ba judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any aurjMqueot , umiumv-w. hu. a ..iv.Hif vuoMuvraiioo uuiea eucn deed b reoorded before th recording of lh dead or oouveyanoa undr which (uobubuuuot nucha. ar or morui shall Uim." atriot aAUotiwa to lha sbrra, , . w .iiwi mo whu su hum bt uius M.nh 13, IWT. Great Attraction, at tb ' NEW TIN-WARE, Hifaxt Iron and Btore Store SMITH &. GE1TTEEH, BTJlsTBXJPnr, TJ. Where they keep aooatanft oo ha&d and jaacafM ture to order at abort Mtie. TIN ASD SHEET IR0K-W ARE of all daacrlpUoni. Tbey would aapeelally aall tho atleatWn of puf chasers to their larg and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hat mode arrangement to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who would have a good etov would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. Firat. Tbey defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Swve, vi : Combination tjtno Ilurner, Cook. Uoveruor rerun Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Btov called UPEAR't) ANTIDUST. AIo. Parlor and office Stovealn great yarlety em bracing all the beat manufactures and must fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perioral wnai tney are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for beating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAX HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING OLORT. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.ninp, Mindc, CItiiuulrat, Hiitl nil urtli-lrit usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Alao, to do Tin Hooting, Spouting. Raugo and Furnace Work, Oo Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Bangh'i Kuw lionet iiieiI)io phute." Remember the place. rr ple and Sales Hoooi nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store Markut street, between Third and Fourth street! Building dark painted August . mi. Xa more liald JS'o mart Qrny l.vckt ! it r . 1. 1: o s ELECTRIC HAIR REN EWER. ia pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation for the Hair. It ia a ro-itive cure fur baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out. and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hu and luxuriance It operate on the secretion and fills tha ghnds with new I itu and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few appliciutus, to its ysutbful abundance, vitality and color. It make the hair soft, glosry, fragrant, plcssnnt to the touch and easy to arrange Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it has no equal. The sale are enormous and it i ia a universal UVurito with oil and young of both bold by Druggists throughout the United State. Address all orders is 2IEULEK A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, 137 ortls Third IMttl'it. November 24, tetP. ly. .oi-ili-rii I'oiKintl ISuilwny. FOUR TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltiirore and Washington citv THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from too Xorth and Weal Brain.b Ctusquehanna, and I.'urlhern aud Western Pennsylvania and New York. OX and alter MOXDAV. MARCH 11th, 1S07, the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as fullows : NORTH WARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore " Uariisburg. arr at Williaeisport, Bnfialo Cxpres leaves Baltiiuord Ifarrisburg, 41 Kluiira, rr. Canand. iua, Fast Line, leave Baltimore. llarrisburg, " Elmiru. arr. Cannndaigua, Erie Exprrs leaves Baltimore, ' llurrishurg, arr at Erie, York and Harris. I leaves York, burg Accom. ) nrr. Harrisbur; 8 .10 a tn 1.20 p in II 21 p oi 10 It) p in 2 ." a m 1 1 '! i a m J CO n ni 12 10 p m iu pm 1 16 a m 4 HO iu 7 2n p m I OS a m 7 0(1 a ui 7.10 a iu U. 10 am S w I.' I It W A It li Mail Train, leaves Williainspoi t, " Harrisburg, orr. at Baltimore, leaves Canauduigua, " Elmira, ' Hurrisbtirg, arr at Baltimore. leaves CautiuJaigua 8 10 m 1 3j p in C im p in 2 HO p w S.30 p c 2 .Ml u m 7 00 a ii. Ill 'JO p m I Ui a in 8 .20 a m 1 .00 p ui 6 .Ui p in Buffalo Expre.-u Fast Line 11 f-lmira. " rtibiir.r;. arr at Baltimore. York aul Harris- I leaves Harrisburg, bur.: Accom. 1 arr. York 6.35 p in Mail Train and Harrisburg Accommodation North and South will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira Express North daily, aud South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express outh will run daily except Sunday. Fast Line Xorth arrives dally except Sun.liys Elmira Express Xorih loaves daily, and Erie Ex press Xorth leave daily except huturduv For further information at the fit. ket Offico iu the Pennsylvania Rnilrund D.'poL. IX. PcHARRV Gon. Supt. ItriMline Itnilroud. SUMMER ARRANGE M EXT. April 8th, 1807. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York; Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua. AiLluud. Lebanon, Allen town, Eaatou, Kphrala. Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains !cve Harrirbarg fir Xcw-York, as fol Inns : At .1.00. 8.10 and .:-)& A. M. nr.d 2.10 and 9 .00 P. M, connecting wiih similar Trains ci the Penn sylvania Kuilu id, and arm ing at New York at b UU and Id. 1J A. M. und 4 ttl, i 2fi and lo 25 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 3.00 A. M. and 9.00 r. At. iriuus, wunout ehange. Leave Harrisburg for Reeding, Poil6ville, Tau.a- qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Alli niown and rniladeipnia at b.IU A.M. and Hit and 4.10 P. M , stopping at Lebanon anil principal way stations; the 4.10 p m. making connections fur Philadelphia and Columbia only. For PmiKville. Schuylkill H.tven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, Uavo Harrisburg at'i i0 p. in. Returning - Leave Xew York at 9 oo a. in., 12 i0 Noon and a 00 and g.i'O p. ui.; Pbilarlulphiu at 8 15 a. iu. undil.oO p. ui. Way Pusseuncr Train leaves idelphiaai;.30 a. ui., returning from Reading at 6. ,10 p. m stopping at all Station ; Puttsville at .4j a. m. aud t li p. at.; Ashland A.oO and 11.30 a. ui. and I 05 p.m.; Tamaqua at V 45 a.m. and 100 and b 65 p. in. Leave Potlsvill. for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and usquehanna Railroad at 7 00 a. ui. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Ruadiog at 7.30 A. il. returning from Philadelphia at 5 00 r. in. Columbia Railroad Train leave P.eodine at 7.00 A. M , and 6 1j P. M. fur Ephrata, Lilit, Lancas ter. Columbia, Ac On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia 0.00 A. M., and 3 15 P M. the K.Od . m. train running only lo Keeling, Potlaville 800-e ui , Harrisburg, V.35 a m, and Reading at 1.20 and 7.20 a. ui, for Harrisburg, and 1 1 22 a. lu. far New York, and 4. 25 p in. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rate to aud from all point. , BKgg checked through ; 80 Tound Brggage al lowed each Passenger. 0. A. XICOLLS, General Superintendent Reading, Pa., April 8, lb67. Lackunuunu A Itlouiur.bui -j. Icail road. ?, u4 J,n- Ut' m7' P"ni5r Train, will run a follows : . ' SOUTHWARD. A.M. A M. p. m. r. m. 7 10 4 40 20 ton 8 17 8 SO '0.1 , 20 Leave Seranton, . " Kingston, " Rupert, 44 Danville. VaO 9 20 10 00 11 20 54 10 35 Arr. North'd., KlVHTll WiBn Leav North'd., - 7 vs " Danville, 7.40 Rupert, 16 A.M. " Kingston, 10 50 8.30 Arr. at Horanton, 12.00 9 1:5 Train leaving Kinmlun at I.HI A S i0 35 9 ui P. M. 150 4 00 10 15 M. fior Soran- ton, connect wiih Train arriving at New Yolk. 1 5. 20 Pasenger taking Train South Ircuj Sort man at I AO A. M. via Nurthumberland. reach ILirriaburg II 30 P. Id , Baltimore 30 P. M., Waahingtnn 10.. 00 P. M. vi Rupert reaob Philadelphia at 7.00 n. w 11. A. FONDA. up't. Klogstoa, Ja. 19, 187. w'hlltlrraa'a) 4,'urriiif.t-a. I TI7E would eall th attention of those wanting a , i sweat aMpriMnx w wad hoautiful tvl. ww iBi m ittnin. to our new ana i assort. J H laVlIY OO NE.W. GROCERY. THK wrerlrier bg leave to announce lo Iho oiticen or Sunbury and it vloinity, that Ibey har opened new aiiocFimr, 7VnWr irxwt of J. IT. Htiyle'l Store, 'm Mitrlet Sguart. where tfvej are prepared to furnish every variety of jrrooerie, and will keep ooDOtaDtly on hand t oboioeat varietlet of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molaasea, CIicoho, Salt Spice of all discriptiou, ffjaps of overy variety Candle. Smoking and Chewing tolmwo, Sogers. nam, nouiuer. naeon, iiuner. mi r.g-n". aiso Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes, Piakela, Ketchup, Peppor .Villi e. IliiiKins, Lemons, Ac, of beat quality, and in fitot every stylo of article kept tn a well slocks I Grocery. Also Cider vinegar. All kind ot cor . ry t rn ince taken in exohange. The patronage ol the public is re ipectfully solicited. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1"65 BREADlo FANCY CAKlS. Two door west of the Pen Office, 3V XII CRY, 1) ESPECTEULLY Inform tli citlens of Suii i, bury and vicinity, that ho will bake to order all kinds of Cults- lor Hall. I'lit-tii'. Ai'. Families in supplied with FRESH HUE All, Twist Holla, Ru.ka, Ten buns, Ac. and also kept on hr'i manafauiured out of the best material. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had Urge exper.nuce I nope to givo general aatiafuotion to all who tuav favor ire with rheir patronage. DAVID FRY, Sunbury, Dec. V, lbfio. It. V. tJCAKIIAiST'M Confectionery, Toy and FPIXJTT STORS .Miirkvt Stftrt, Wniiburj, l'a. CONFKCTIONEHY OP All VIXDS, TOYS OF KVEKY DliSCHIl' IION FKL'IT, Ac, &r (lOXTAXTLY on hand and for sale at the j cstahlishtneiit at wholesale and retail, nt reaBu able pri:cs. Ho is manufacturing all kinds of Coiiteelionaries tg keop up a lull assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Sugars. Stationery. Xuts f all kinds and a variety of other articles, all of whijh ar ofleied wholeia! and retail. Itf 'Ivomembcr tlic name and place. M C. GEAR II ART. Market street, .1 doors wt "fK, Y Hrigtit A oi,'t tore. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 18(13. tf DOB l&l'&il&l STORE. fVi':i! II AVINfl r''"''.!'!' per formerly eoiKi n-t" I i :hn.i'r', ihf T' r l . A r :c leave lo intoim i:;o r cinitv, that I 1 ivn ; H3 E N such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Book', Soaps, Per tommy. Hair-Oil. Knives. .ScUsurs, Coul-Oii Lamp?, Tobacco uud Cigars. H'uiittM, HHm, Clue, altiN, S'utty, V-ii-iiilx-H. U'iXs-ul .t!li-iai-M, Ae. Alliny Tinctures. Syrups. Ointments. Curates, and other prepiriitimis ai maiiufiiotiired bv mvxclf. ui'A from the beat material I can procure in Mai ket . lLintig had qui'.o a number uf years' experience iu loo i l"th iu Phila lelphi.i and the country, and also tLT advantage of the College nf Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may invor uie with. All oiy preparations as I liavu above asserted. are made from the b. t ma: "rial, and upon honor I ass.-rt, thoyaiv of olii.iim.l sirengih. For uiediciuiil purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES. HttANDIKS AND LlUOHS, that I can procure. I'.etuiv puichoring elsenherv. cuil and cnnruie your own mind tV. A. BENNETT f n:...ury. IS. Isli.'i. aSlMitliV Fi)UMmTV iio-aT cnrrvtng on Mi-iiH'Mti nt l hi.- oll rslnh- X Willi renewed vi v, ith rt'iifw eJ ii;tr . vli ionj uii, j-romi.t) rurnitlii'?T Ciisiin. ol to order. '1 he M ves in;. i'tiir.. pu:: i pan: . 0 'i I I it il.i? Ki'iiiulrT i iv atninr. I'm.' Ear.,. lit tjie . A ; . the . vh ll:.. .Hi.,. 'on . i .MILL CASTINGS l.nt lllc PLilW.- mudn ve never br n equ.iile.l. I- 1 Tt si .1' notl.-H .noi..lli; ntollMls. ol" tf.rt t. . ... i I'el us. . i.'j oi. nr. eul trcd rs i i.-u.-:i:i(, .i. uu aolu II. O it !. l.jii . . . 1, , T:.i. ! .. i,. ,i,i; cale. nld vus'f meis ... ccoiiiu.odated usual, and new ones uto respcci.uiiy solicited. ounoury, ,i.U-. i,st,o FLOUR & FEED STORE WJIOLKHALE XD UK 'I AIL. r"piin auhscribir rospec. fully informs the publio J. tin.t he keeps constantlv nn hand at bis i.of WARKllOI.SK. near th Shamo.;iu Vollev liailr..:." Depot, ill Sl'NBl ilY. Flour bv the ban ef an I s,icks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is till manufactured at his own Mills, ud vii'.i be kuid at the 1iv?.i! .;.cts. .1 M. CADWAI LADFR Sunbn.y. April I. 4.tisd !! I'ur lol!i.'i: j t j i I niTIFRH. are y..ii , j.r,s-ed iih ai.xirty S.r your litile c.n.s? .'.v sliin.oirs' and henna IT'-ken hv llle.r dies Lit v.hi ..k in l!,c morning unrolie- ..-.i nr. ..,,;,, l.uo.i , c sn. io euieut onie al.oti.eoi' Di . Lvi. n-' i ..ji.ii . Jin.i.t:v and vol will lii, vc Ik. more wenij. hour, ot walchin; and anxiety. t. iiStM ivi tM' ici:vii:tk-k bar stood tne test ol years. Tl.ousands ofnuvses and uiulhcrt he ir witness that it never tails In give relief if uiod in season. Ii ia a uiiid. jet sure and .pee ly cure for Cnlie. Cramps and Windy Pains, and is iu valuable for alt complaints incident to 'teething. Sold by thiouglioul ihe United a.atoi Address ull J.durs to Z1KU1.ER h SMITH. Sole Pproprietors. id .en ia a iitrtl rwirvel. Issil u V.....n.k... A .U,' .... T November 24, pSHo ly MF. following persons are entitle I to revive ' . increate of lli:i,iv nndrr the A,. nt r.m, passed July lhrlii, to oil u 'i lire ISnuntie.. " 1st All soldiers who enli-ied after t;,e Ifttb day of April, lfol. lor ,. years, ami serve,! lloor iii,i'o( euli-tinci't i, u. I have b- en I.,,, have recoi , nl or nn- oi. 'ill.-1 V dn-harl, Hinl .ivo a U ot ntv of .ilt'l. f(. ' ye' ami 01. aoi nt of $100. are eu'.itU'J an ad litl iiil )1 21 All such foMiers ' e-i t.. nav t,n . ui.o. 1 Ml hon ,f: My . . ha, . e.i . ... :i... , j of ..,.1 at u c. . i.iell to " 1 ' ... lil-li en. . i t m - it so d! I. I u. nil i pit.,, ui it.,.,-.: . l - ei.t -v ..p''.on tr. s P. U'ulVEKTh.V. l-.-i f SuMntio, I'miii.v v ii'i.i ui ii, ,i, .unri,.r.til CU'u. A-l.:. : . h c,u:!l, .: .1. '.:.0ldii. woiio.".'d sunbury u,;usl 4. tf CQA A A AGENTS WAXlEl)-$loo,iio-Mal 0U.vv and '"n. ile. 10 inn. .luce our M -W PA 1 r.. I , I'A K SHUTTLE St W I Xtl M ACIl INK. It 1. a liipied or I'.uilly u,e an I Tailoring It mnkes a stitch alike on both si lis t'.i.o only TWENTY DULL A txtraordmary in luceiuci.t 10 A'-'Dt. Fur full particulars, address DUAl'iN'T WII.SOX. am AltCH Mreet,Phi!alel)hia. July 13. 1S07.-3U1 KEMEMBiJl I HE DEAD. MES.-RS. D. C. Diasinger and John A. Taylor, would ruspveiluUy announce tn the oilixens ol bui bury, and .uiiuundiug vouuiry. that having biuud oo-pa:, ihoy are Uu prepared to I furuish ornamented ajid pluiu i l.ratelN , l oiub. A .!ouiiiis-nta of tha best Italluu and American marble, at prices that cannot fail tn give entire satisfaction, sod apooifully aoliml th public ratrouaee. ! DISh'lXGtrVtlAYLOn. Sunbury, March'SMtitW - ly. "VliTli MvrtJa pkmtin a iheFory Mere of aa talMIh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers