CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 37 Chestnut Streot, (Corner of Boronth,) PHILA DELPHI A. Established 1844. incorporated 1855 Young- Men lrncticall- Educated for Huialne. Th facilities of tbia Inatitntion hare been largely Increased, and it now ha advantages fur Imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. The praotical value of ita wcU-iried course of in struction ia altealed by hundred in all departments of business. Many a young man owes bia auocossln life to the qualifioatluna gained here. The Instruction throughout ia thornugh, practical, and just what ia daily used in our beat business houses. The instruction inelodea Book-Keeping In all Ita Branches, Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental.) Commercial) Cal culations, Buainesa Papers and Cor respondence, Coiuineroial Law, Detecting Counterfoil, to. fitudenta Instructed senaratolv and rpeclved at any time. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Stran" Sera assisted in procuring suitable boarding places loard may be obtained tor about $5 per week. Cata logues mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPINii, Counting House, price $2 60. High School, price 91 60. Common .School Edition 871 cts. Judgo Sharswood Lectures be fur o the Students on Commercial Law, price $1 BO. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation aa actually used by business men. Forma of Business Paper a aooompanicd by explanations of their naturo and use, useful Commercial Tallies, and much valuable imformation on business subjects. Price $1 25. The tale of this Book has been rupid that it is already in ita aocond edition. Any of the above books sent postage paid on re ceipt of the price. S. II. CRITTENDEN 4 CO. June 8. 18(ST. din MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DREISBAOH BROTHERS, RESPECTFULLY inform their iriends and cus tomers, that they have removed their Store into Hie south end room of the'Mnsonio Building, on Third treot, opposite the Depot, Suubury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. Their large assortment of Groceries, Provisions, AC, are all fresh and of the beat quality, consisting ot Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Bpiccs. Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes,- Raisins, Cheeso, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Urocery line. They would also eall attention to their targe and cheap'lotof Oood Family Hour, Green Tea, Hams, .Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and Friday evenings. Hive them a eall and sec for yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, 1807. bIHCK! BRICK! BRICK! 'I' llsc CHIeenn or fanialnary and vicinity-. THE undersigned have bought the Brick-Yard and improvements, formerly loosed and worke by A. B. Stevens, and have made additional im provements, and arc now prepared to mnke contrac to manufacture and deliver BRICK in largo qunn titics. tor building and other purposes. By the manufacture ot a good article, anu nrouipi n..i,n,n in mum. we none to receive a snare oi public patronage. Orders tell at tno uricK-iaru, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Othoo, will be promptly attended to. Sunbury, May Id, 1807 3m CHOICE FllUIT & ORNAMENTAL e m m u "19 yeara established in N. T. City," "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons,'1 .. "Not dangerons to the Human Family." "Rata come out of their holes to die." "COSTAR'8" RAtTrOACH, Ac, EXTERM'S Is a paste used for Rata, Miee, Roaches, Block and Red Ants, Ae , Ac. "C09TAR'9 BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash oard tn deatroy, and also as a preventive for Hed-Bugs, Ac. "COS-TARU ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS . la for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleaa, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. W I I ! Rmrisi ' ! ! of all worthless Imitations. nTftee that "Cost as's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. CT Addreee, HENRY R. COSTA R, 184 Broadway, N. Y And all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. Sold by FRILINO SON, Suubury, Pa. I TBS VEEY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPUING AND v SUMMER KJ-. A A. l v .-.- Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, , BUNBURT, PENN'Ai Invlleathe publio to oall and examine his elegant assortment ot B IT M M R It 000D8,' ' whloh be will sell at greatly reduced price. Ilia (took oonsista in part of CaA. SSI ER xl o- flT.OTHff. &lC , cm. n.i.t.. mnhma. Calicoes. Muslins, Shoeilnir. Tickings. Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goode generally. Phlladf-lphtn dk Krle Biillrtnrl. CUMMER TIM. TABLB. A gr icii Iih nil I m i loiiieis t n, HOE'S Grain Rakos. Steel and Iron Harden Kukea, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels. Manure nnd Hay Forks, (Irass and llrain Scythes, Urain Cradles. Cradle Fineers, Trace. Breast, Tongue nnd Log Chains, (Jrind-stoncs, Fanning Mill Selves of all sites and kinds, a large assortment ot ilcd Vi ngnn llames, for Plowing, Farm Bolls, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. jr.. CON LEY A CO. T-iisi; am WATun rnioor ' HOOFING-! THIMES A CO., are the Agcnta In tho Counties . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire nnd Water-Proof Roof. I his is the cheapest aud best Moot that can bo put on a building. Has been used in the city ot Philadelphia, since 1851, whore it Las superseded almost every other kind of Hoof. It is recommend ed bv the builders, and is used on all of tho finest buildings inthat city. Partiea contemplating build ing, will do well to examine into tho merits of thia and all other kinds of Roofs, acd give the best tho preference. The Fountain Hotel, or Sunbury, will, in a few days, be oovercd with this Roof, and parties desiring to do so. may cull there and exauiino it. For further information address Box 14, Sunbury Tost Offieo, or call at the Brick Yard of T. I1I.MES A CO. Sunbury, 18, 1867. ,1m Coachmakers, "IT7E are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, W Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low a Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1HS7, ' "ALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at the J new Hardware store ot J. H. CONLEY CO. 1 BBNJ. BOHNER, TWlnr In Fruit and Ornamental Trcea, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries tn this and nl her States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbcrv. Vines und Plants. Uurdon Seeds of all kinds. Ordors aro respectfully solicited. Address BKN.I. BOHNER, Paxinoa, Norlh'd. Co. N. B Insurances taken in several of tne mo.-t responsible, Fire Insurance and Horse Betectivo I Companies in tho State. JunoS, 1867. y 2 - a Hosier. Olovea. Hood Bkirt. Also Handkerchiefs, Bruehes. Combs. InS. aad ranis. JJootsj ond Chow, ui. ..iniiiii f vnnda will not, tie ta sure tan to please the fancy and suit the wants of any deairous oi puronasing. mi awe m HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Oroeerioa la large in quantity and choice in Quality, comprising generally everything needed in A.. u.....i,i.i nihor fur use or ornament. He la always ready and glad to see his friends and tnket plewure in roow jj uum e-vn ...... ia sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality the -rPH KYSIEU. Sunbury, April 13, 1867. 1TEW SHOE STOE.E. Markot Street, adjoining Uenrhnrt'a Confectionery Btoro, tst'Kut hi, ra. rpHF undersigned respectfully Informs the citiicn I of Sunburv and vicinity, that bo has opened a KEW .SHOE STORE, for tho sale as well as for tho manufaoturo of tho finest an! best quality ot i.adios Shoes, vis : UlovoKirt, Morrorco, l'nll-kltt nnd Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely new and woll selected. He also manufactures lino French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoes for Uenllemon. Orders for ladies and irentlemen's custom work will he promptly attended to and got up in the best style by sKiilut mecnauics 'Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand ond fur salo to the trade. J. 11. Jtn iuts. Sunbury, April 20, 18R7. COT .A. ' S CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Pail.ful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid ami III conditioned Soles; Ulcus, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affections, Rini'Worm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Ac ; Chap ped Hniida, Lipa, Ac Bitea of Spideia, Insects, Animals, Ac, Ac fV Boxes, Sifts., 50 cts , and SI aizes. Sold by all Drnfrisls everywhere. And by HENRY R. COSTA R, Depot 481 Broad wo v. New York. ' Sold by FRILINO t SON, Sunbury, Pa. xtn0 FIRST PREMIUM ' Of a Silver Medul WAS AWABPRD TO FIRST NATIONAL SIT H. O. THACHEE, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Price The largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in this Marke TRUNKS OF EVEHY GRADE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Iland-Bags, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Caba's, Ac, Ac. COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE. BNi-nMitiM'A itiiiltllaif, M A II K E T 8 Q U A Ii E, April 6. 1807 W BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE T Br the N. H. Bute Ajrleultlirnl iu fair holden in Nnhua, &c;, iaou. HAKItETT'8 Vegetable Hair Restorative Rfkinret Gray Tlatrto notural color. Pro- Z mote to tlu-ir origiuitl orirni'ic action, fcraili- -V. Kami. Went. Nurth uiid W J, R. BARRETT c CO., Proprietors, MANOIESTEn, N. R. Sold by W. A. BENETT, Sunbury, Fa. Druggist generally. April n, lotif. oiu COSTAR'S l Nl VERBAL , CC?.1T SOLTE1TT. For Corns, Bunions, Wnrts, Ac RT Boxes. 2S cts . 50 cts , and sizes. Sold hv all nruetristsevelvwhefe. AiullivllKMlY It. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway Mew oik. Sold by FRILINO SO.N, Sunbury, ra. tor" Tkrmgh and direct rout ketweea iitnaifelDhla, Bolttnioie, iinmtourg, vr uiiamspon, a. we ur.aa Oil Region of Panpiy lvanla. t KLKOANT BLEKPIHO CARS ea all Right Trains. On and after Monday, April K)th. 106.7, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run aa follow WnrnrAftfe. ' Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " sunbury, . Erie. . ' Erie Enpreae leaves Philadelphia. eunnury ' arr at Erie ' Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, eunoury 11 arrive at Lock Haven, Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore -, " eunnury, " arrlva at Lock Haven, ' . " Eastward. ' Mall Train leaves Erie " Sunbury, ' " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Expreas leaves Erie " rjnnnury arr. at Philadelphia, ' Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, " sunbury, arr. at Philadelphia, Lock Haven Aoo. leaves Lock Haven. " ounnnry, - ' arr. at Philadelphia Mail and Express connect with all trains on War ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving ThiL adelphia at 12.00 M. arrive atlrvineton at 6.40 a m, and Oil City at 50 m. ' Leaving Philadelphia at i.w r. m., arrive ar uti rn ili iinm. i . . . c , : T, : , . At I trains on n arren a. stsiikiiu ivouwn unm close connectiona at Oil City with trains for Frank, lin and Petroleum Centre. BAUdAUK CHECKED TilROUUil. 'i . .. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. 7.00 p n. 2 44 am 4.08 pm il.OOnnnn 8.84 p m 45am 8.00 am 4.16pm 7.44 pm 10.30 p m 6.6S a m 11.60 am. 10.25m ; 11.53 am T OO a m . . 6.00 p in . S.10 a m , 1 .00 p m T.I5am 10.25 am .4I1 p m 1.50 p m A. 20 am 12.50 a m a rn n w AitniTAi. r SPRING AND SUMMER THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, , S9t Bhoaowat, Nw YoaJto 'or raitUlioM stud lonsallwssrrn, um or.,. I'rcvt'nii lluir lollii p out In a Stiiuiior Uressing. ll con tain 4 no injunnua "" " raj and ii iJic moil popuiarnnu icti- f a DIB Bruiu iiircuiioui has .aii, Vi tM, JNorui aii a OUUUl. and J. w. WATCHMAKER A JEWELEK, Market Square, noar the Court House ..RaVaa 1VWa.AB.A:9 Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZETTLEM0YER&B.H0., (riucoeseor to UJSiJ. ttllitMUl til.) Market Street, near Engcl's Store, SUXBURT. PA. HAVINU taken charge of the old stand so long patronized by the pe' ide of Sunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announce to tho old friends and the publio generally, that they will supply them with the most improved varieties of STOVES, COOK, OFFICE ond PAP.LOU STOVES of tho best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perfurin what tney are representee. Coal Oil, CoulOil I.nnipH, I.:iiiI-i'un, Shades, Chimneys, and all urtielcs usually kept in an establishment of this kind. COl'PEH, BilASSund IKOS KETTLES, of all sizes. FKUXT JARS and CANS of the latest improved styles. He is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Itoouug. iiasge und furnace n urK. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. UEO. ZETTLEM01ER A BRO. June 8, 18fiT y USE J. DE WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR! This wonderful preparation is certain death to RATS miuk, HUAiaiKH, Ht:t J1UHS, A N IS, AlOSIjUI- ivu, riar.o, and insects in tiardens. May be obtained by our Agent, VT. A. BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 6UNBLRY, PA. June 8 l,Bd7. 3mp REMEMREU THE DEAD. Tl TESSRS. I). C. L-iasinger and John A. Taylor, -LIJ- BUXBURY. Northumberland County, Pa. HE has just opened an assortment of Hold rTi n:i I Plain Patent Watches. CLOCKS Y-.;. for Il.iilrouds, Banks and Dwellings, Uno'T" tl jl.l llinj, Finger Kings, BraeeleUi. Minia- ff tui'j Coes, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Tuinildcs, Spectuclos, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard Spoons, eugnr bpoons, Lups, AapKin Kings, fruit and isuttcr n Dives, Miichis, iouios, Diamond Pointed Pens, (asters, Pitehurs. Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Botkots, Syrup Pitchers, Ac Ac He invites tho citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where be will be happy to Wait upon them. I'nrticulnr attention paid to Kt-rAiiti.u. April 13, IKB7. J. H. Conley & Co., JIurkt't Si--el , KsimI ol'llio Itiiilroud suisrBTjR"5r, feint isr'y.. DEALERS IN 1'oki:ic.'3i i .ii:kic.ii. Hardware & Cutlery. ri1H2 attention of Mechanics, Fanners, liuildor, I and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that wu are now offering a bettor selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises nil articles in this line of business, embrucing a general assortment of tools aud mate rials used bv CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAOON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, tngcthor with a ltirge stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Ropo, L'buins, (jrindstoues, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Sunbury, March 30, 1807. Fashionable Dress rRlMMINGSl AND illinery Goods, Just opening at tho Millinory Store of Miss H. L. GTJSSLER, Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West side, M.MtLIlt, fA. fiuch as COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET k ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Cied to !oftpn and Beauty the Pkiu, remove Frecklra Pimplea. Eruptions, Ac. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others, ry Dottles, 91. Sold hy all l)iu;uisl. everywhere. And hy HENRY R. COSTAR, Pepot 494 Broadway, New York. Sold by FRIUNO A SON.Sunuuiy, Pa. Those World-Renowned Sewing Machines,' were awarded the highest premium at tho Wnrrdl Fair in London, nnd six flrst premiums at tha Now York Stato Fairof l(i(l. and are oelebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle tiff tho same thread than any other machine, nnd by the introduc tion of tho most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in tho world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President or the Company, Emas How k, Jr., the original inventor of the t-'ewing Ma chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas. Clothine-. Hats. Cnna. Corseie, Boots. Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen tioods. Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goodswith silk, oolton or linen thread. Thov will seam, auilt.uatbur. hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every kpeeies of sewing, muking a buautilul and perfect stitch, alike on bcth sides of the articloe sewed. Tho Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on thia Maohine, is the most popular and all Sowing Machines are subject to the principle invented by biui. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. Ml) Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. AprilO, 1867. .11A.M I A MA It I : It. Mr. A. TWEED, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Store building, JMurket bquare, 3 doors west ot trio fust umce, RESPECTFULLY jnforms Lor friends and the publio that she has again opened a shop, in Market street, Sunbury, where tho is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dreasea, in an entire new tyle, Ladies' Cloaks, Ac Also Uentleineu s shirts. orders rcspeottuiiy sonoiieu. Suubury, Jan. It), isoy. ty TRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Burs, Hoop. Band, Round nnd Squaro Iron, Nail Rods, Lust Steel, Blister Stoel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nuils, Anvils, Hollows. ices, JIaimuors, Sledges, Rasps aud Files, at 1 . AT THE ST0HE OF J. H EN GEL , Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY TUST reoelved from Now Y'ork and Philadelphia, a lariro of SPRINU AND SUMMER GOODS, which be will sell at small profits, for cash or country produce. ' Ills Dry Ooods department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DKESS UOODH, and White Hoods at all prices. . Fancy Sacking tor .Ladies, anu aneuanu n ooi Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety . Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts.' , O A. H P E.T s, Wova Floor Cloths, Btair Carpota Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth aud Fixtures for Windows. GrKOGEnlES, Jugnr, Coffee, Molasses, Rice. Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ac . ' Qaeensware,UIassware, splendid Scttsof Tcawure, at low prices. BOOTS ft BHOE8 IN GREAT VABIETY. Hats and Cups, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slates, Ac. H A R D W A 11 E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws, A Largo assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will picnse glYU U1U1 B Villi. Great Attraction, " at the NEW TIN -WARE, Bht Iron ad More More oi OMITS & GE1TTHEE, "rVTiere they keep constantly sn hand and manufaf ture to ordar at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call tha attention of pnt ohaaera to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. ' The subscribers hare made arrangements to have all their best stoves mad to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried uranaa oi vook oioves, via : . Combination Oats Ilutnrr, t'ooki Uovernor Prnn-Cook, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and tho well known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In great variety em bracing all the best naaufaetnres and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what tuey are represented. Also, 'ita oelebrated ltaltlraore Fire flace Move, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Otnl Oil I.nmp, Nlindca, Clitiiinlrs), nnd All isrtU'lrn - usually kept In an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnifh Slate and do slating in uie oest wnrKmanliXe manner. Also, tn do Tin Roofinr. Snoutintf, Rantfu and Furnace Work, (laa Fitting, Ac Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "Ilnii&li'is Haw Hone Wutcr-Iliosw lliiit." . . Remember the Place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Storo. Market street, botween Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 25, IHCft. BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS ! ii. J. TiiA'iii:it, SUCCESSOR TO W . W . A P S L E Y . N addition to pur large stock, already on hand, we are now receiving a full' supply of Spring and Summer goods for Ladiea, Gentlemen, Misses aud Childreu s wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. R. Bags, Gents' fine leather Satchels. We with it distinctly understood that we intend selling our mds at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don t forget the puce, j'lcasant s uuiiding, juar- et Square, Sunbury, Pa. NO'ilCE Boots and Shaes neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they shall bo fixed for nothing. 11. U. 111AV11C.11. Sunbury, April 1. 1867. tf. 008TAR'S PECTORAL COUCH REMEDY ! For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Infl leuza, A.ttnnu, Conauinp'.iou, Hron cbiul AHeclions, and oil Diseases of Hie TUrout and Lungs, llottlee, S5 eta., iSO eta , and ! aizea. Hililtivall Druecisla evervwheie. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 481 Broadway, New Yol. Sold by FRILINO A BON, Suubury, Pa. Sunbury, aud surrounding country, that having TV IT Vl R t ll i 9 )H d to ' MA formed a oo-partuernhip, liity are now pripured I iuruiu urnauieuieu anu piuiu 4jjruvealoiiHt 'l'nlai A loniniirnlai of the host Italian and American marble, at prices mat cannot tail io give entire saiidiacuun, and re spectfully solicit tha pul.lio nalronago. DISSINIJEK A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 81. 1 Aid. ly. FANCY DRY (200DS STOKE MISS KATD BLACK, llarket street, four dwira west ofU'm. II. Miller's Bootund Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa ESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Sunbury It ana vicinity, mat sue Das just opened ner SPUIXG SUMMER DUESS GOODS, of every description. '(ikliiouulile Irrvna Ti Iuuiiiiiiea Head Drnssas, Ulovos, Hosiery, Embroideries, Lane Collars, Blenched und unbleached MusliiM.lbheotings, Drilling, Alapuetis, Poplins, Ciape and Laoe Veils. sUtIleM, llulK, ( lilldtfu' Ilutaj and ups, of every variety. Mini. Demorest's Hair Curlers, lluir Coilt and Curls, tJ loves, Stockings. Collars, Corset', Ae. Gents' Collars, Necklius, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or deuble HOPKINS EUiptio Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combt, soys, ana a general vartmy ot jiui loss. KATE BLACK. buaoury, AprU Z7, IHBT. SHOFfAKERST THE heat qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf skins, jiorroocui, LiuiBgs, Lull, Vails, Pegi Tools of all kinds, and every thing used by the trade. f .reals low by J H. COS LEV CO Dress-Trimmings, Head-Dreases, Gloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which have been carefully selected. Miss M. L. (i ussier baa just opened a lurge assort ment of Millinery Uooda. Ladiea should not fail to gu and see the lutest stylus as it will pay to not delay m viMiiug ncrsiore. tall and examine for yourselves. No trouble to I show goods hunt.ury, April Zfl, imj. STEVENS HOUSED 21, 23, 25 & 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN i'LAN. mUE STEVENS HOUSE iswelland widely known X to the traveling public The looation is apo oiully suitul.e to merchants and business men ; it ia in close proximity io me Duaineas part or the city is on the highway of Southern aud Western travel aud adjacent to all tha principal Railroad and teambont depots. The Si JS YENS JIOLSE has liberal accommoda tion for over iWO guesta it is well furnished, and lossessos every modern improvement for the oom ort and entortainuient of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water the altondanoe Is prompt aud respectful and the table is generously provided with every dulicacy of the season at moderate rates. utu. k. ciiAbis t-o., rrop us. May 25, lo7. Out BUSIU--tlKB.9 Are especially invited to eall and examine our stock of Bl'lLDEH'B HARD WAKE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap aud T Iliugea, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering iroweis, tinea 1 rowels, rtaaterer'i Moves, e , it , tor sate ny J. Jl CONLEY A CO. CELEBRATED BISHOP FILLS. A Ctl VER8AL DINNER PILL, For Nervoua and 8ick Headache, Coetiveneaa, liiditeetion, Dy.pepaia. Billiousueaa, Ciaistinalion, Diuirliea, Colics, Cliilla, Fevera, aud geuenl dcfaugeiuent uf the Digeaiir, Ormnia. Hoxea, t5 da., AO eta., and t sixes. Hold liv all Druaa-i.ts evervwhere. And by H NRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, New v oca. . Sold by FRUJNG A SON, Suubary, Pa. BOLD BY FKILINO & SON, Sunbury, Ta, Jun. 23, lS7-8n Sunbury. April 20, 1867. J. H. EXCEL. I'uintrt, OIIm, A.O. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Coa Oil, Fish Oil. aud Lubricating Oil fur Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, alwaya on hand, at low prices at i.w.Lt,l l,ua tUK Middlers, we nave buddie iruus, uuis, liuoa les, Uia Trees, Pad Trees, lluncs, all kinds aud every thing pertaining to the business, fur sale by d. 11. LU-Mlil a. tu, SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Just opening at the Store of Miss LOUISA 8HI3SLER, South side of Markot Square, SUNBURY, Pa. MISS SHIS.SLER has just returned from the cities with a choice and fashionable selection of BONNETS, HATS, SHAKERS. SUNDOWNS, RISTOR1, COMET, AC, of the latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Missus and Children Hats of different varieties. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiory, Gloves, Fans1 Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Ribnons, Bel Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Nock Ties Dress Combs. Head Dresses, FANCY GOODS, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing f tore. . Also, received an excellent assortment ot Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair Brushes, with a different variety of collars (paper and linen,) and Neck-Ties, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac, for Gentle men. A good assortment ol Stationery. Thankful for paat favors she hopes by a further desire to please the public, tho conlinuuuce of their patronngo. LOUISA SH1SSLER. April 1.1, 1867. NEW GROCERY STORE, V. S. FTJE.MA1T & CO., Markot Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., T) ESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and the XV public, that thoy have opened a ISTE"W" GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, enibrao ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spiuos, Canned and Dried xruits, Uean8. iiuuitny, uneeso, crackers, Bacon, Ham, FUh, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soups, Candles, Soda, Ac, and In fact everything in the Grocery and Provision Line. I LOT H AND FEED, Qucenswaro, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac Cull and soe before purchasing elsewhere. W. S FURMAN A CO Suubury, April 27, 18t7. No more Hull Heads No more liray Utli .' i it. i. i:o . m ELECTRIC HAIR REN EWER, is prononnocd by all who have used it tho very best J reparation for the Jlair. It is a positive oure for laldness, eradicates Dandruff nnd 'tumors, stops the Hair from fHlling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue and luxurianco It opcrntoa on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always he brought back hy a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. ' It mnkes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and enay to arrango. Dry, wiry nnd intractable locks become moist, pliant and disponed i to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress- I ing it bus no equal. The sales are enormous and it ii a uuoorHu miuriiu aim um sua yuung oi DOlll sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Address all orders in ZIEGLER A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, IU .orlls Third Kl., IMiil'n. November 24, 18(ift. ly. Iorlla-rii " ii trill Etuilmij. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to ond from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to nnd from the North and West Br inch Susquehanna, and Northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. ON and alter MONDAY, MARCH ltth, lSrt7. the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore " Hnrrisburg, arr at Willinnisnort. Buffalo Express leaves Uultimore llarrigburg, " Elmira. arr. Cununduicun. Fast Line, lenves Baltimore, Hnrrisburg, " Elmira, arr. Cantimlnigua, Erie Express leaves Baltimore, " nurrisourg, arr at Eric. ork and Harris. I leaves Y'ork, burg Acoom. j arr. Hurrisburg; Dtlt I 11 " A 11 V fi t G'liO CI If Y. alllE . (ttlmrrlber beg leave to annouat dk the citirens of Banbury and iff vicinity, that tbey have opened a . ,i -n , . i . m - new anocEnv, Tieodoort mett qf tngl'$ fifor, in Market 8qitare, wnel'e'tkBy aM tifMtard to frirrifsTi every-variety t fTooerlet, Itid Win ktMp (dnsUBtljT en "band the choicest vailetie of - Jr. ti FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teaa. Pugar,' Motaases, Cheese, Sal. Ppicee ef all discflptlon, Soaps of every rarioty Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobeceo, Segara. Hams. Shoulders. Baoon, Butter, and Egg. . Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Fetches and Toma toes. Pickela, Ketchup, . Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and lb fact every style . of articles kept In e well Blocked Grocery. Also viaer inegar. Alt Kinds ot eouniry produce ins on in exchange, ihe patronage of tne publio is re spectful! solicited. UEOKUE b. UfcAKD UO. Sunbury, Nov. ll, 1865. BREAlir& FANCY CAKES. Two doore west of-th Pwt Offlce, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the citirens of Sun bury aud vicinity, that he will bake to order U kind of . ., ...' i ii -I- vi-JuU-ftior Hull., lnrtl. At. Families ire siippliod with FKESli BREAD, Twist Rolls. Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac., and also kept on hand mnnafnd urcd nut of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt nttentinh. Having bad large experience ' I hope to give" general satisfaction to all who mny favor me witr? their patronage. i .DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dec 8, lBfli, .,-..' .11. Y.,KARlMtt1''r Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Inrket Slrtfl, nnlnrj-,- In.- CONKECTIONKHY Of. All JNDS,. TOYS OF EVERY Dt$CKlPTIO:;' FRUIT, &c, &cn ., , CONSTANTLY on hand nnd for snlo al the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason, able price. . ' 1 He is manufacturing all kinds of ConfVatlonkrieS l keep up a lull assortment which aro sold at low rates. . . . .'; Tobacco, Scgarsu?tattoncry, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other article, all of whiah era oflctcd wholesale and retail. jf Remember the name and plane .JT M. C. GEAR1IART. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sub's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 13. tf Sim & oil mi STORE. Mail Train, Buffalo Express Fast Line SILVER'S WASH POWDER OAVES Time. Lubor, Money. Makes WASHING O A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. old Everywhere. TRY IT. Addreiu all orders to the Manufacturers . ZIEGLER A SMITH, Chemist and Wholeaale Druggists, 13? .! lis '1'hit'tl tilt-vela ft'bil'u. November 21, ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS -BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book Drawing Books and Slate. Books, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae. For aal by ANNA PAINTER MOON & LAMPIIEAR, 3 and 4 I'ullou .llurket NEW YORK, WHOLESALE DEALERS A BHIPPEB3 of all kiuds of FRE3H -F I S Jci . All orders punctually attented to, , . February 23, 1807. flm. ...... SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS "IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition tn the Boiough of X buubury, lor Sale on reasonable terms. , , Apply to ir. it. 11. A L. ana, SOL. BROSIOUS, 6unbury. Pa. Or P. W SHEAFER, Potlaville, Pa. nor. xt, iHot) CJieJaT'afWe fllllE following person are entitled to receive an J iuerease of Bounty under the Aot of Congress iiasaea July iboo, io eiuaus iiounnes. 1st All soldier who enlisted after the 19th day of Anril. 1861, lor S years, and served their time of euliataient and nave been honorably discharged, and bav received or are entitled to reoeivo a lluunty of V1UU, are entitled an additional JJounty or IflUU 2d All such soldier who enlisted for 8 years, and have been honorably discharged on aooouut of wound received in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional jiuumy oi uu. Id The Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of such soldiers who died iu the servioe of wounds or disease, are eutiuea to an aaaiuonai uouuiy ot Q 1UU. By application to B. P. WOLVERTON, Esq., of Suaauar, Pennsylvania, who is an autboriied Claim Agent, all tuck claim can be speedily eolleoted. buubury, August 4, lttod. tf - - pu.ho for nali:. TTANDSOM8, fine-toned, new, and price low XX inquire ai iiiia unn. BREAKFAST BHAWLS, (or sale al the Pane C i . . a AV'.TA fittuTen ' MILLINERY GOODS -A.JNJ JD 3STOTI 2STS. Miss ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. T) ESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the I V publio, that she ha just returned from the city where she has spent some time in making selections aud purchases, and ha just opened a large stock oi MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wl guns Skirting Lining, Ilonp Skirts, Bugle Trim miugs, urape irimmings, iiat crape, Cloak uutlons, Corsets, Zephyr. i A larce assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONARY. DOLLS of all sixes. Alphabet Blocks, Ac She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, aud goods win ne exmoitea wun pleasure. ounuury, nay , inoi. SPRING TRA.DE 1807. M. L. LAZARUS, "IITOULD respectfully call the attenUun of tha T publio to Her new assortment of SPRIITG G00D3. In Drea Good, Lawns, Delaines, Alapacas, Mohairs, (ii. n nit uooas, cambrics, dwua Nainsook, Jaconet, India-Twills, Brilliants, and a variety of Uarribaldi Muslins, New Style. lresja Xrliuiulns Iu ureal variety Flgings, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, CorseU, Hoop Skirls. Towels, Napkins. Ladies and Gent's Linen uanuaurcbiets, farasols, Laoe and Greenady Veils, a great Tarieiy ui xoiiuua too numereusto men' lion. . . i . KID GLOVES or tbe very best quality. M. L. LAZARUS. Suubury, May 4, 1867. Sttlam 1.2U p ui ft. 25 p in 10.11) p m 2.0.i a m 11.35 a in a tiu p m 12.11) p m 4 .11) p in 1 . 1 5 a in 4 . no a m 7.2H p in 2 (15 a m 7.00 a iu 7.10 a m 8.10 a ui AW A. JJENNET, llnrkot Ni"rc, l.Mll IIV, Ha Vino recently purchased tho Drug Store formerly condoctH by R. A Fihcr. 1 beg leave tn Inform the eitisens of ."'nnhiirv and vi cinity, thnt I have entirely replenished my stock of ' IB E& tX7 ?Sa FANCY ARTICLX3S ! 8.40 a ru l. Hi p ni 6.00 p ni leaves Willinmsport, llarrisourg, arr. at Baltimore, leaves Cunnndaiguu, - Eliuiia, " Hnrriaburg, arr. at llnltiiuore, leaves Canandaigua, " Elmira, " Harrisburg, rr at Baltimore. Y'ork and Harris- leaves llarriitburg, tiurg Accom. I arr. l orK Mail Train and Harrisburg Accouiuindation North and South will run duily, except Sunday. Elmira Express North daily, and South duily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except Sunday. turn Line Aortn arrives daily excent Sundnvs. Elmira Express North leaves daily, and Erie Ex press North leaves daily except Saturday. I or tiirinerintoriuntioa aunly at the iicketomoe in the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. i. i. ui'UAKltx lien. 6upt. ICt'iitliiiX Kuilroust. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. April 8th, 1807. "I REAT TRUNK LINE from the North and JC North-West for Philadelphia, New York. Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon. Allen town, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Luucaster, Columbia, ac, ae. 1 rains leave Hnrrisbura' for New-York, aa fol. lows : At 3.(10. 8.10 and A. M. and 2.10 and B.00 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tho Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4.40, 5.20 and 10 25 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 3.00 A.M. and 8.00 r. ai. irnins, wnnuut cnange. Leave Hnrrisburg for Reading. Pottsville. Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown anu rnuiideipnia at B.tu A.M. aud Z.!0 and 4.10 r. Al., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.10 p ui. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia onlv. For Pottsvillu. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Ruilroad, leave Harrisburg ut3.20 p. iu. neiurning Leave new lora at v.titi a. iu., 12.00 Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 8.30 p. iu. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.M0 a. in., returning from Reading at 8.30 p. m. stopping at all Stations ; Pottsville at o 40 a. ni. and Z.4o p. ui : Ashland 0.00 and 11.30 a. and 1.05 p.m.: at t. 45 a.m. aud 1.00 and 8 55 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburir via SchnvlVilt and Susquehanna Railroad at T 00 a. m. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 r. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Keadinir at 7.00 A. M., aud 6 Io P.M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ae. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p ni., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 a.m. train runniug only to Reading, Pottsville 8 00 a ni , iiarrtsburg, v. 35 a m, and Heading at 1.20 and 7 SU a. m, for Uarriaburg, and 1 1.22 a. m. fur Nsw York, and 4.25 p in. for Philadelphia" . Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tioket, al reduced rate to and from all point. ' ' Baggage checked through : 80 Pound Baggage al lowed each Passenger. G. A. NIC0LL8, General Superintendent Reading, Pa., April 8, 1807. such as Combs, flrn.hes, Pockel-Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Conl Oil Lump", Tobacco nnd Cigars, la ill !. Oil-, iilnc, tiliins, In 1 1 VnrnUliesi, I'ntcnt .tlrilii-iiwH. Ae. All my Tinclnre?. ."yruiis. Ointments. Cerates, nnd other pre jmriit Ions nic manufactured by myself, aud iroin ino ncji mmrnm 1 can procure 111 llarket. Having bad quite a number of year' expurirnve in the )rii timl I'rerrijitloi) limiiaxs, both in Philadelphia and the country, nnd ;!: the ndvuntnge of the College of l'hiirmm:v 1 fel eom pctent to COM POIND ALL Pit Est', R 1 1'i'li'X.- that the Physicians and public may favia' me m it If All my preparations as I have nfcofc as-K-rted. aro made from the best material, nnd upon honor 1 assert, they arc of oihcinnl strength. For medicinal purpose:, I keep on h.iud t!iC ery best WIXK3, I5HANDIF.S AND I.UiL'OUS. that I can procure, llefore purchasing elsewhere, mil and 2 011 p iu I vourowQiuiua. V" ' " I ....1 v.... ,o W. A. BENNETT. L'.so a m ' NEW MAEBLE YARD ! 9.20 a m 1 .00 p m 5.05 p ni .13 p m 'l'liii-tl Klrs-rt. orli ml" lis- l-il, Sl.NIHUY, l'KNN'A., VM. HUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Toiiih-stones, and Ornamental and Plain Work in Marble promptly executed at tbe lowest prices. The tubscribcr having had experience in ihe best establishments of Philadelphia, feels coi.tidcut of being able to turn out the best stvlos of work. A. U. Kt-jH. Agent. April 20, ISti7. 4a:0. ISOIIIIHAI'Il &. !0, ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment wiih renewed vigor. Cuj'tins of every description, promptly furnished to order. Tbe Stoves manufactured nt this Foundry have acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid tn MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the PLOWA ma in lit the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at .hurl nolicu. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, uf the most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will be accommodated usual, and new ones aro respectfully solicited. Suubury, May 12, 18U0 FLOUR & FEED STORK WHOLESALE 1-VZ 11ETA1L. ritME sulmcriber respectfully informs the publio 1 that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near th Shuinukiu Valley Railroad Depot, in SUN1IUH Y, Flour by tbe barrel and sacks uf all kiuds of Feed by thetou The above ia nil manufactured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Suubury, AprU 1, le' Leave Scranton, " Kingston, " Ruport, Danville, n Nurth'd., RECORD 70TO DEEDS PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind ed that they must be recorded, according to the Aot of Assembly whioh requires that "All deeUs and conveyances for real estate In thi Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the land lie khVAim motitAi after the execution of suuh deed and conveyance; and every such deed and convey ance not recorded a aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent Surchaaar fur a valuable eoaaideratiou unleaa such eeda be recorded before the recording of tbe deed r conveyance under whicbauohsubeoqueut purchas er or mortgage shall claim." Those having old Deeds will pio&t by raying sir tut attentat)) to the above March U 187 Latkatt anou & llloiuburr; (tall rend. - ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Pasjeuger Train will run a follows : SOUTHWARD. 1 A.M. A A. P. M. P. M. 5.50 10 DC 7 10 4.40 6.5a 11.20 . 8 20. t oo V 20 8 17 064 ' 8.50 10 35 10.15 NORTHWARD. L'ave North 'd., T OO JO Danville, 7.40 (K) Rupert, 8 15 A. ii. P. M. 34 Kingston, . 10.50 L.30 50 9.05 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 Vi5 Train leaving Kinnton at 1 .71 A ton. connect with Train arrivini.tiZK'.' York at 5.20. Pajseugore taking Train SoutL .rom Sorsntnn at 5 50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12 SO P. M., BalOuioi 6.30 P. M , Washington 10. 00 P. M. vi Rupert reach Philadelphia al 7.00 p. m. 11. A.'t.' Kingston, Jan. 19, 1887. " " C'hUdrejai'at Ceirrleisfes. - WE woald eall the attention of those wanting a Child' Carriage to our new and large assort ment ooweviaiag new nasi beautiful style. r J U CN LEY A CO 4 00 10 .15 'A for Scran- 12. IIMI Malll'I S. . NEW SPRING STYLES, "Our Ow.v JUk. " embraciug every New aud Desiratle site, stylo and Shape uf Piuiu and Trail llp kirls, 2, 2 l-i.'Jt. 3 3-4. 3, 3 1-4, 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 Yds., round every l...rh and aiaa Waist : in averv resneet First Duali ty and especially alapled Ui meat lb wants ot First Class and most tuniouauie iruue. Ot'R Uwa haki." or Hoop Skirts, aro lighter, more elastic, more durable, and Really Chcap.r than any other make uf cither Single or Double Spring Skirt iu the American Market. They are W arrant ed in everv respect, and wherever introduced give uuiversal Mliataction. They are now being exten sively Sold by Retailors, aud every Lady should try them. As for "Hopkiu's Own Make," and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MANUFAC TURES.. 028 ARCH Street, PHILAD A." others are Ucnuiuu. A Catalogue containing Style, Site and Retail Prices, sent tu any address. A Uni form at.d Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Or ders by mail or otherwise, promptly aud carefully hlled- Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory aud . . , , fitttuaroouis, ' " No. 624 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS wad to order, real tered aud repaired. TERMS, NET CASH. . . ONE PRICK ONLY ,WM.,T. HOPKINS. March 23, lSn7.-10.uiw Ueod new fur Mothers! MOTHERS, are you oppseaaed with anxiety Tor your little one?. Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their ciie awake ia the morning unrofreshed and apprebeuaive t It so, pro cure at once a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy and you will baveeomure weury hours of watching, and anxiety. u. i.iio.fw e"i:vr KHMKOV has stuu i tbe teat of jeasa. Thousand ef nurau and mutbera bear witON that it never laila to give relief if ased in season. It is a mild, yet sure aud speedy ear kit Culie, Craaups and Windy Pains, aud is iu valuable fur all oeeuplainl incident to Teething. Svld by Druggiai turougbouA the Vuited State. Addrees ell orders to Z1EOLER SMITH, Sole Pproprietors 13r or4h -I'lklrd dilrrrl. IM.II'. November Jl, ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers