.MASONIC HALL BUILDING;- DRE1I8BACH BROTHERS, RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends tod ens tomers. Hint they have removed Ibair Store lol he south end room of the'Masonie Building, on Third street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. , Their large assorttnont of 't , ",,"'' GroceriesProvisions, AC, are all fresh and or the but quality, consisting of Teaa, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Pried and Canned Fruit, 'Prunes, Rnisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and In fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. They would aim call attention to their large and rheap lot of Hood Family Flour, Oroon Tea, llama, Shoulders, Ae., which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, evory Tuesday aud Friday evenings. , live them aeall and see for yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, 1887. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To tbe Citizen) of fisanbury nnd . vicinity. flMiE undersigned have bought the Prick-Yard L and improvements, formerly lowed end worked ty A. B. Stevens, and have made additional Im provements, and are now prepared to make oontrau lo manufacture and deliver BlllCK in largo quan titles, for building and other purposes. By the manufacture of a good artiole, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a share of public patronage. Onion loft at the Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post OUico, will bo promptly attended to. . T. DIMES CO. Sunhury, May8, lKn7.--flni . CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL 9 St S & Q BEN J". BOHNBB, Dealer in Fruit and Ornnmcntol Trees, will furn ish from tho most respniisiblo Nurseries In this and other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Orden are respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHXER, X'axinos, Nortn'd. Co. y N. B. Tnmrnnoos taken In several of tne moat responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Dotcotive Companios in the State. June 8, 1M0T. y i mm am mm STOE.E. ij.ttW.tii Market Street, adjoining (Jenrliart's Confeotiooery Storo, SUNBURY, Pa. fPHF undersigned respectfully informs the citiiens J. of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a NEW 6'1I0E STOKE, for tho sale as well as for the manufacture of the Hueet and best quality or bauies' Shoes, viz : i lor oli i1 , I orroico, Calf t-kln nnd I.nittinu Waiters, Ar, Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock Is entirely new and woll selected. Ho also manufactures fino French nnd othor Calf- kin Boots and Shoes for Uontlomcn. Orders for ladies and eontlomen's custom work will be promptly attended to aud got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for sale to tho trade. . J. II. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1S67. FIRST PREMIUM Of a Silver Medal WAS AWASnSD TO ftjr BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE T Br th N. It. BUM ARTtfilltuTiiI orlelT. IU fair hoMeo In Nuhua, Sept., ItHXi. IIABUKTT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Rfrtorui Oroy Hair to Its nn'ural color. Prt- mntu In th.'ir nricliinl orraulc OCtioil. catea Janarun ana inimeni, rrevcou nti 4 Hair tatting ouc Iaainrrior itnmmg. , and la liHinon popuMranu 'iu ADIC anicic inrounoui lav ILasl, weal, nortn sua w Doutli. J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, MANCHESTER, It. H. Sold by W. A. BESETT, Sunbury, Ta., Druggist generally. April 6, ltt7 6 in and J. W. ATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Mnrket Pnuars. near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. HE has mat opened an assortment 01 imia and Plain Patent Watohes. CLOCKS tor Railroads. Bauks and Dwelling, lino ' Gold Hincs. Finirer Rings, Hre.olet, Aluua- tnra Cains. Medallions. Lm'keui. Pencils, Thimbles, Spectaoles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea bull and Mustard (Spoons, bugnr Biioons, vupa, nupmu Rinrs. Kruit anil Hotter Knives. Shields, Combs. Dminond l'ointed Pons, Ciwtcrs, Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Biekots, Syrup Pitchers, An.. Aa. He invito the oitixons of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where be will be happy to wait upon them, t-Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. A 1 u-U 1 3, ISft7. T. H. Conley & Co., 91nrk-l Slrs-ft, i:at wi'tlse Itailroad SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'OltUIU.X Si ASIEIllC'AK, Hardware & Cutlery. milE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, 1 and Buyers zenerallv is invited to the faot that we are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC. ihun ever was offered in this marked at prices much below thoao heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock cumprUes all articles iu this line ol kusinoHS, embriicing a general asuortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAUE AND WAGONMAKEHS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock ef Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ao., Ac. Sunbury, JMarch 30, llsil ""Fashionable Dress T B I M M I N GS1 AND Millinery Goods, Justopcning at the Millinery Store of Miss M. Ia. QUSSLER. fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, Wedl side, SUNBURY, PA. Such as m t rt n r. na n ia n x U U II U 3 J U ) Ul U J U ) Dreee-Trimmings, Head-Drosses, Gloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs; Ac, Ae., been enrefullv aelooted. M imt M 1.. Uuislcr has just opened s large assort- meul of Millinery Goods. Ladios should not fail to , go and see the latest styles as it will pay to not delay in viilintf her storo. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April to, IW. STEVENS HOUSE, 81. 23, 25 ft 37 Broadway, N. .Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN "LAN f IMIK STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known I 10 the travelinz public The location is espe cially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to tho business pnrt of the eity 1. on mo uifrnway 01 bwwoiumiu -aud ailiueeut to all the 1 principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. . Th KT1.VRN8 HOUSE has liberal socommoda- ' tioa s-t over 800 gnesU it is well furnished, and aua,aaiies evarv modern improvement for the ooni- fort and eiitertninnient of ils innuitos The rooms are spacious and wijll v entilated previded with gas and water tbe attendance is prompt and respoctful -snd the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season at moderate rales. GEO. k. CHAsE A CO., Prop trs Slay 3!, ibot. em SUOEMA.KEUS. a I THE bust qualities of Sole Leather, Frapqb ikius, lorroecot, Linings, lus,. nans, 1 rega Tools of all kiuds, and every thing used by the trade, I-i sate low r.y J js. wjubi c vv ve "Only infallible remrrlie known." "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Hnman Family." "Rats eoineout of their holes to die.". 'COSTAM" RAT, ROACH, Ac., EXTKRM'S Is a paste used for Rats, Mice, Roaches, Block and Red Ants, Ae , Ac. 'COSTAR'S" BKD-BUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash nsed to destroy, and ntiva for Bed-BuirB. Ae. ' ''COSTAR'S ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Inseetson rtants, Fowls, Animsie, no. ... . '.m i t f )) w.iltilMMi Imitation.- ' rrrr Hint "OoTs'e" name is mi encn bos, nnuio, ana T : . i Flssk, before you buy. r Address, HtwRT n. , 4fM BrnadvayvN. Y. And ell Druniriat and Retailers everywhere. Sold by FIllLI.Nti A SON, Buubury, ra.. O O T -A. ' S CELKBRATKD BUCKTHORN SALVE Fur Cuts, Burnt, Bruiioi, Wttundi, Bnils, Cnnceni, Urnken Hreneu, brViro Niplci, bleeding, Bund and Painful I'llf; Pcrofulmu, Piitrn, and III conditioned &ote: Ulceri, Glandular 8wellini?i, Ertiptinna, Cutaneous AlTcctinni, Kinrworm. lien, uunii, uuiiioiii. ChilbninB, Ac; t.nap ptxl ilmul, Isipa, Jkc.j Bitca of Spider a, IniecU, Animal, AC, AC. rVlloxea, 2.)t-tt., 50 eta., nnd 91 sizea. kl bv all Oruesista even-where. And hv HENRY R. COgTAR. Denot 481 Broadway. by FRIUNO V SON, 8unbury, Ta. COSTAR'S. UNIVERSAL CCPaT SOLTE1TT. ' For Coins, Bunions, Warts, Ac. 17" Boxes, tKcts , 60 cts , and 81 sixes. SM(t hv all Priicsiaistveivwheie. AndhvHKNRV R, COSTAIl, Depot 481 Broadway, Wrw ors. Sold hy FRU.INti A ON, Suiibury, Te. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OK BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BF.Al'TIKVINO THE COMPLEXION.. Used to fii'ten Rnd Beauty the rkin, remove Freckles Pimples, Erupttnna, ftc. idKsnrc now using it in prcterenca to all others. lyH.Hiles, !. Sild hy nil l!iDjcFts everywhere. And hv IIKNKV K. COSI'AK, Depot 4H Broadway, New York. a -i Sold hy KR1IJN0 A SON, Sunhuiy, Pa. COSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH REiyiEDY J For C'oiiKha, Colds, llnerseiieas, S.e Throat, Croup Vhxtioir Couirh, Influetiza. Aathina. Conaumn'Jon, Hron. etoml Alteetiona, and all 1iaeeae.ol the Throuland Lungs. Bottles, 'ii rts., 50 els , and SI sues. Soldhvull Druauial. evervwhera. Andhy HENRf R. COSTAR, Depot 4SI Brcwdway Newiuik. tiolil by t tilUlNU 4 bUM,6ootuiy, l a. CELEBRATED BISHOP FILLS. , . A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, , For Nervuus and 8ick Headache, CoaliTeiieas, Indigestion, Dyanepaia, BilliiMiaueas, Constipation, Dirtiihca, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general derangement of Ike Digealiv, Oisana. Boxes, VSela , .10 eta., and St sizes. MI by all Imiecjata everywhere Andbv HtNKY R. COSTA R. Denot 464 Broadway. NewYmk. Hold by r HIUNO A BON, Buubury, Pa. SOLD BY FRILING & SON, k . , Sunbury; P. Calf J Jons 22, U7 -in City." the Very latest arrival n " ., . - - - "V SPRING AND .SUMMfiB Joseph-Eyslerr Corner of Market and Fourth Street, : : SUNBURY, PBNN'A. Invite, the publto to eall anil eiamioe nis eicgan. assortment of . SUMMER oouuu, k..ni sail a srreetly redueed prices. IIli twik OOImIsU in Ptt Of CLOTHS. &.0 , siika Dnlalnea. Lawns. Glnt-hami, Calieoee, Muslins, Shoetina, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, urusnos, vomos, IlntH and Cap), Hoot nnd Shoe, Bis assortment of goods will Dot, he Is rare fall to please the fancy nnd suit the wants of any desirous ot purcnasing. nis sioci 01 HARDWARE AND QUEEN8WARE, and Groceries is larite In quantity and ohoice In quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to see ms menus and takes ploasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are made. lie only asks a call , and la sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. 5unbury, April 13, 1867. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 090 llnoADWAY, Nsw York. I'or rami lies ana fflanulactnrern, These M'orld-Renownod Sewing Machines, wore awarded the highest premium at the World s rair in London, and six first premiums at the New York Mate Fair of 186B, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller noemo ior me tame thread than any other machino, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply tho vory best machines in tne wrld. These machines are made at our now and spacious Faotory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Klias liowa, jr., tne original inventor oi me onmug ma- chine. Thev are ailanted to all kinds of Family Bowing, and to uso of Seamstresses, Press Makers, Taylors, M anufnoturors of Shirts. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Cape, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen tioods, uuiorenas, rarasois, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, Dina, ana periorm every speeiea ui auwuig, iuRiiig beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sewod. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular nnd all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. 69 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. A pril o, lt. OTICK XO Jt'AR.UKRS. T0RRINOTON & H0DGKINS MANUFACTURERS OF RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Hunbnry, Pa. Ai' the scascn is at hanu, we offer to the farmers our Super-Phosphate, whioh as a fertilizer for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, Ac, cannot be excelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not excepting anv ) It does not act as a simple stimulant for ono crop only, but is lasting in its effects, which can be proved by the farmers ot Chester ana adjoining counties of this State. Also of the ad jacent counties of Delaware and Maryland, who have used our manufacture lor uie last a years. We ask a trial this spring, confident that tnose who purohane, will continue to patronise. Jfor Wheat 3l)U lbs. per acre drilled or sown oroau- oast. For Corn 1.r0 to 200 lbs. per acre dropped in hill, at plunting. For Oats 150 lbs. per acre sown broadcast. tor rot to cs sen ius. per acre soatierea in row. This quantity on Gra'sslands, wTl produce an in per acre as a ton aresscr. irass lands, will produc urciuio in first crop of 1 to 1 1 tons per acre.. GIVE IT A TRIAL. We know that tbe result will be satisfactory. Sold in Barrols and Bags, at $57 per 2000 lbs., at our new Manufactory, East Market Wlrttt. Also shipped to all points on the Phil's. A Erie, Northern Central, Lackawana A Bloonisburg and Shamokin Valley Railroads. 4. U. TUKKlNUTUn, ED. UODGKIGS. Sunbury, March 18, 187. REMEMBER THE DEAD. H t EPSR8. D. C. Dissingor and John A. Taylor, JA J would respectfully announce to the eitiions of buubury, and surrounding country, that having formed a co-par toorf hip, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain (ararestonrs, Xombis V lonnmeutaj of the best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, aud re spectfully rolioit tbe publio patronage. DISSINGEU A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31 , 1866 ly . TRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop, Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steol, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers. Sledges, Rasps and Files, at tvs liib i as i;u s. Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, eoniprising Nails and Spikes ef all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Looks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, so., Co., ior sale oy m ra -vT -raw e M j. u. vuntiEi st uu. 1'alntsj, Ollat, Ac. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Cos Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Maohinery, Varnishes, tslass, always on hand, at low prices at CONLEY A CD'S I.OR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bitts, Buck les, Uig Trees, Pad Trees. Uanes, all kinds and every thing pertaining to ths business, for sale by . J. 11. CONLEY A CO. CARPENTERS. WILL led In our eatabliabaaent e superior stock of Planes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, files, Chisels, Ae., Ac, for sals by ' ' 1 . HJ30NLEY A CO. PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY", Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books and Slates. Botks, Hymn Books. Blank Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Boeks, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, toe assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. ' MANTUA MAKER, 1 Mrs. A. TWEED. In Miss Anns Painter's fancy Uoods Store building, Market Square, t doors wast ol the Pest Office, SUNBURY. PA.. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio that she La again opened a shop, ia Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies1 Dresses, io en entire new style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also Oeotlassen's shirt Orders respectfully solicited . Sunbury, Jaa 19, lsoT.-ly FklladclpnlA Sl Erie Railroad; SUMMER TIMB TABLE. Through and dlrcot route between Pkiladeltihia, Baltimore, uarriwtrrg, mmamspoTt, and the Ureal Oil Region of Pennsylvania. i , , , ELEGANT BLERPINO CARS on all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Anrll 29th. 1887. the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as loiiows : WfSTWAHD. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, . 7.00 p m. . eunbnr. 1 " . Erie. 4.08 p m Erie Express (eaves Philadelphia. 1 J 00 noon " " " Runbnrv .88 p in arratKrla 9 a m Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 am " . " Punbury -14pm " " arrive at Look Haven, 1-4 P m BnmJo ExnrMS leaves BalUmora 10.80 P m Bunbnrv, 6.o& a m " arrive at Lock Haven, 11.60 am Eaitwiud. Mail Train leaves Erie lO. JSam " Rnnhorv. 11.03 am " arr. at Philadelphia, 7.00 a m Erie Express leaves Erie ?p,,l "Bunonry w.v--ii erv. at Philadelnhla. 1.00 pm Elmira Mail leaves Look Haven, 7.l a m " Sanbury, 10.25 am II arr. at Philadelohia. 6. 40 P m Lock Haven Aoo. leaves Look Haven. 1.50 pm ii gunburv. & 20 a m arr. at Philadelphia 12.60 a m Mall and Express connect with all trains on War ren A Franklin Rftllwav. Passengers leaving Phil- adelphla at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 0.40 a ra nit nil (!itv at 0.60 am. Leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 P. M., arrive at Oil All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAGUAQE CHECKED THROUUU. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. A NKIV AHlllVAIi Ol' SPRING AND SUMMER . AT THE STORE OF J. H ENGEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY TI1ST renelvcd from New York and Philadelphia, J a large supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at small profits, for cash or oountry produce. His Dry Goods department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and White Goods at all prloes. Fanoy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirut. C -A. IR. HP E T S , Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpola Floor Oil Clotlia, nil widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixturos for Windows. GBOCEBIE S, Sugar. Cofloc, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fiah. Cheese. Ae. Quecnsware, Glassware, splendid Setts of Teaware, at low prioes. BOOTS ft SHOES IN GREAT VAHIETY Hats and Cam. Oil. Paint. Glass. Putty, School Books, Paper, Slates, Ac HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Serewa, A Largo assortment of WALLPAPER aud Bor dar. ai. all nriees. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give Dim a can. J. n. ENOEL. Sunbury, April 20, 1867. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AD FANCY GOODS, Just opening at the Store of Miss LOUISA 8HISSLEB. South side of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. HflSS SniSSLEK has just returned from the 1VX oities with a choice and fashionable selection of a BONNETS. HATS, SHAKERS, SUNDOWNS RIST0R1, COMET, AC, of the latest styles and patterns, to whioh she invites tbe attention 01 laay purenasers. aiso, Misses and Children Hats of different varieties. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans Parasols, lluirle TrimminaTS. Flowers. Ribbons, Bui Ribbons. Velvet Ribbons. Braid. Ladies' Neck Ties Dress Combs. Head Dresses. FANCY GOODS. Laces. Uandkerobiols, Lace Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, ana all goods found in a lady 's furnishing ctore. Also, received an excellent assortment 01 renu morv. Toilot Soans. Tooth and Hair Brushes, with a diflerent variety of collars (papor and linen,) and Neck-Ties, UalMloso, buspcn.ters, ae., or uenuo men. A good assortment of Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further desire to please the publio, the oontinuance of their patronago. LOUISA SH1SSLER. April 13, 1807. NEW GROCERY STORE, v". s. futlmait &, cc, Market Stroet, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the publio, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. and will be happy to have them eall and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans, llominy, uneese, uracxers, Biioon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ao., and in fact everything in the Grocery and Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal fit Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. 8 FURMAN A CO Sunbury, April 17, 1887. MILLINERY GOODS -A.jsrr notions. Miss ANNA. FAINTEB. Market Square, twe doors west of tbe Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends and the oublie. that she has just returned from the oity, wbere she has spent some time in making selections and purchases, and has just opened a large stock oi MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, T ! 1 '. V u Huh VinlitM r in.il In a ,!.! Wi ir arts Skirtum Lining:. Hoop Skirt, Bugle Trim niings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladies and Oentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sixes, Alphabet mocks, Ae. She Batters herself In being able to make a display that will give entire aatisfaotion to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, May 4, 1867, - SPRING TRADE 1S67. M. Ia. LAZABUS. 1T70ULD respectfully eall the attention of the Yf public to her new assortment of 3PB.I1TG GOODS, In Dress Goods, Lawns, Delaines, Ala psoas, Mohairs, Ao. White Uoods, Cambrics, Awus .Nainsook Jaconet, India-Twills, Brilliants, and a variety or uarnnaiai Muslins, New Style. lre Trimming; In great variety, Edgings, tiloves, Hosiory, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirt. Towels. Nankins. Ladies and Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Laos and Ureanadlne Veils, and a great variety of Motions too numerous w men. lion. KID GLOVES or the very best quality. M. L. LAZARUS Eunbury, May 4, 186T. BOOTS, 8H0ES AND TRUHK8! II. ?. TIIAC'IIKlt, aocccssoBio W. W. AP8LEY. T N addition to our larre stock, alread v oa hand, we I are now reoeivinca full supply of Spring Summer goods fat Ladies, Gentlemen, Mines Children s wear. . Aiwa good assortment or Trnnsi. A urge lot itdUtinolIy understood that we Intend selling ear K, 1. DaUCS, UWU BUS SVMUW inwhwi, " . wm goods at small pronts, exeiuaiveiy iur aae oaa. Don't forget the piece. Pleaaant's Baildmg, Mar ket&'euare. bunburv, Pa. NOTICE Boot and Sheas n sally repaired short notice. If any boaghtef as should rip rip ahaJI ha nzad bar netnuis:. - H Q THACBER Itunbury, Afril . IB67.-tf. ' M'i I'lItU S i Great Attraction; ' at the - -Li LJ " a . .!'- mVV-' -!' NEW 11 W " VV A li !! Mhcet Iron sand Store ntoro , SMITH GE1TTEEB., STJISTBtr-V. PA., Where they keep constantly on hani and macufM ture to order at short notiee. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They weald especially eall the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of . . COOK AND PAEL0R STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to ordor, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their Urge and well selected stock. First.- They defy competition on the following tried Brands ef Cook Stoves, via : Combination jiasj Bnrner, Jook. , UoTernor Pens Cook.. : WA.BA8H AND IBONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called BPEAR'8 ANTIDUST. . Also. Parlor and offloe Stoves In great variety em bracing an tne nest manufactures and most rasnion. able designs, onsurpassea lor Deauty or nnisn stmpn eity of arrangement combining oheapneas, durability and eaon stove warranted to periorm what they are represented. Also, ins eeieoratod Baltimore nre rinee stove, for beating nrst, seoona ana uura stones oy Kegiswrs Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eelcbrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, NliUMlrsj, Chlmniesf, and nil nrtlclesj usuallT kept in an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, lias Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Iluuftli'si Raw Bono Supcrl'lion phnle." Remember the claee. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Storo, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted -August 26, I860. ,. MOON & LAMPIIEAR, No. t nnd 4 Fulton Mnrket NEW YORK, WHOLESALE DEALERS o BHIPPERS of all kinds of FEES ii IT I S IKL . AU ordors punctually attcnted to. February 23, 1887. m. Ko more Bald Headi! . Ko more Gray Lotlt? int. m:o8 ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, is pronouneod by all who have used It the very best B reparation for the Hair. It Is s positive cure for aldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling ont, and speedily restores Uray tiocu totnoir original Due jna luxuriance It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Tbin, dead, fndod or grav hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, ploasnnt to tbe touoh and eajy to arrange. Dry, wiry and inuraotable looks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. At a Hair Dress ing it has no equal. The sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. , Sold by Druggists throughout tbe Unitod States. Address all ordors to ZIEULER A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, 1ST North Third St., Phik'u. November 21, 1888. ly. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS GREAT REMEDY FOIl ALL DISEASES of the ST OMACH8 is the discovery of the inventor of (Joe's valuable Cough Balaam, while experimenting for bisown health. Houred Cramp in the Stomach for hun which had before yiekted to nothing but chloroform. The almost daily testimony from various parts of the country enenuiage u. to believe there t. no diaruae caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. Physicians endorse and Use it ! Ministers give testimony of ira efficacy. And from all directions we receive tidings of cures per formed. DYSPEPSIA! It is sure to cure. HEARTBURN! One dose will cure. SICK-HEADACHE! It has cured in buudretls of cases. HEADACHE AND DI.Z1NK9S! It stops iii thirty minutes. ICIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It stops iniraediaiely. DISTRESS AFTER EA'l'INQ : One dose will remove. , CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few doses. BAD BREATH '. Will be cluingeil with half a bottle. IT 1 8 PERFECTLY HARMLESS Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owins to ths act uiai . .. . . ,t It Cures by Anfelaif ing- TV nisi re TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM Nearly every dealer in the United States sells it s ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C 0. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONK. February 23, 1867. ly. S100 REWARD F01 a medicine that will cure - - -- CCU0H9, ... ..:: . INFLUENZA, TICKUNO in tb THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH. or relieve - CONSUMPTIVE OOUGH8. '. as quick as.: ' e .1 . ; ',' COE'S COUGH BALSAMI OVtR ONE MILLION BOTTLES - : have bees sold and not a strurle tastancs ( it failure knows. We have, us our posscsaioa, euy quantity of Cer Uocaies, some 01 mem irora EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their practice, and given it 'the pre eminence over every oiscv eompouna. - IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, bet LOOSENS IT, so aa to enable tke pat). at 10 expectorate freely. - Two or inree aoses. Will Isvaiubli Cdsi Ticxliko in ths Tusoar ! A kalf bouaa has ofteu eomnlstctv cured the mnet Stub born Coagh, end yet, thouch 11 at so sure and speedy in a operelion, it ia perfeotlv laanulees, beiag punly vegetable It is very agreeauie 10 vue lasMj ana uuiy ue eumiuisicreu 10 cnuureii 01 any age. Iu seat of CROUP we will guarautee a cure, if (akea m season, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WlTHOf,T IT I It as within Ike reach of all, it being tbe cheapest and be mcutciue esuu, .1. . C. 0. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, ': NEW HAVEN, CONN. February 23, 1J7. Ijf RaCORD 70TO PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind ed that they must bs recorded, aooording to the Aot qf Assembly which requires that . "Ail aeeus ana conveyances ior real estate m mi Commonwealth, shall be reoorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie vtrAtft nx moutht after the execution of such deeds and eonveyanoe; and every snch deed and convey anee not reoorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID againat any subsequent Surohaaer (or a valuable oenaideratioa unless such ends be reoorded before the recording- of the deed or eonveyauoe under which suoh subsequent purchas er or mortgage snui claim. I t? 'ibose having old Veeui will prom oy paving striol aUention to the above. ... March 13, 1867., 1 .... .7 . .; . ' and I Of 1 UEIDICI III Oil nrtlimPlI audi Oils I fill O 1 AO tl XJ If U ijlX .1 CtAVES Time Laber, Money. Hakes WASHING 01 if A pASTIMU AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. tSold Kvervwhere. TRY IT. Address all orders to the Mauufsctarers : ZIEOLER 6AUTH, , .tt Chemists and Wholesale Drugsfists.' 1 ' lr Nertli TIsliHl tstrccl, Pfall'aw at tbeyl November 31, 18M. ly JF yea 'ant good Tin-Were, go ENUER'i New Shop. SMITH dr BREAD & 1 FANCY C AtiES, Twe or west of the Peat OuToe, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs tbe eitiseni of Sun eery and vicinity, that he will bake to order all klndf Of 1 Cnkcf for Italia. Iiartte, Ac Families rs supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Roll, Husks, Tea Bans, As., and also kept on hand manafaotared out of tbe best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Havlnsr had lane exDerienoe I hope to give Sonera! satisfaction to all wbe may favor wie with eir patronage. DAVID FRY. Hunenry, Dee. , iao. Confectionery, Toy and FIVCTIT STORE Market Btroot, Sanbury, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KIND8, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c., CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at tne above Vy esublishment atwbolesaie and retsui, at reason able prioes. IT. Is mannfaclurlnir all kinds of Confoetionartet to keep np a lull assortment wnien are aoia u low rates. . . Tohanen. fUxrors. StAtionorv. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other artiolos, all of whioh are offered wbolosaln and retail. I 'Remember the name and biaee.ri M. O. GEARIlAKTjka Market street. S doors westef E. Y. Bright M l store. Sunbury, Bcpt. 19. 16B3. tf . TOWN LOTS f N the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in X high and oentrai looauons, FOB BALE, on such easv terms as will enable persons, with limited amount of available money, to purobase Domes, rersons, naving Mineral or Timber l.nnds, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well as those desiring to purchase or rent, are invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, ana eisewnere. anora nnusul aavantagei. conveyancing oorrectiy ana neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Genthcr 's Stove Store, Sunbury, Pa. Puneury, Dee. 8, IH00, tf. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Musio Store in BELIN'8 GROVE, buy one of Haises Brother's New Scale Piano Fortes. and Every Instrument Is Warrantod for five vears. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the eelebratcd PELOUBET'S MELODEONS. CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others ui sen oueaper wan we areseuiuK. We also keen all kinds of Musical Merchandise snd receive all the latest musio as soon aa published. A liberal discount to teachers 01 schools ana eomi. nines LtySccond hand instruments taken in exchange for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrovo, Snyder Co., Pa., July 28, 1866. ly NEW MARBLE YARD! Third sitreet, !orlls of the Depot, SUNBURY, PENN'A., WM. BUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Tomb-stones, and Ornamental and Plain Work in Marble promntly executed at tbe lowest prioes. The subscriber having had experience in tbe best establishments of Philadelphia, feels confident of being able toturn out the best styles of work. A. Ji. HUSU, Agent April 20, 1807. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGH'S RAW BOISTE SlTEKPHpSPlI ATE OF LIME. MARK BATJQH Ob SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, . , PHILADELPHIA, U. 6. A. . For Wlicat, Rye, Barley, Corn, OaU, Po tntoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Tur- Dips, Hops, U anion .Vegetables, ana ever; Crop and Plant. ' ' , Especially recommended to the growers of TRAWBERRJES, RASPBERRIES, BLACKBER RIES, AND ALL SMALL FRUITS. More tliun 13 veara' of revular use noon all deaeriplion oTCropsgrnwa (n the Mhldle and Uoulhera tttates, has (iveu a high degree of sopulanty to this MANUHE, wuice pwces iu application uuw, enureiy ucyuuu a hi experunent. BAUGHS'S RAW BONE . Nuper.Ilplmte of Jnie, i. itu. - - Hiihatitnte for Peruvian tiuano and Stable Manure and is ottered to the Agriculluriat of Uie Northern aiil Eastern Suites aaa fertiliser that will cheanlv restore to the Soil, those essentials which nave been drained from It by eoosuuil cropping aud tight maim fl" is ver prompt io it action is lasting in effect to a degree unatuined by any commercial saanuia in the market and ia an-onleri at a muck lee cost thsa bousbt Subh la- nra, or Peruvian Uaaiw. Tbe Labor involved in M uss is far less than Ikat of applying stahut wauiure, while there Is no risk fmaa the intrualueliuo of noxioua weeds. aVKaraiefsare raeouiinended to aoruhase of we dealer located m their neighborhood, la seetinn wnre no earn Iu is yet sataUiahed, tb I'koaplune may be procured direet ly from the uiulorajguod. A Priced Circular will be sent to all who apply. ' Our NF.W PAMPHLET. "How to Maintain th Fer tility of American Farms. " 1 page, giving full informa tion in regard In tk has of manure Ae , will be furnished grali ou application. . -BAUGII & SONS, Ofllce JVo. 90 8: Delaware- Avenue, .! "PHILADELPHIA. ' BAUGH BROTILER3 & CO, General WUoletale Agent, . Ne. 181 Pearl StM eornsi ol Cedar. ; ' " ' ' 1 NEW YORK. - - GEORGE DUGDAI.E, WkoUtale Agenifor Maryland & Yirgiui, v. No. 104 Bmlth a Wbarf, - BALTIMORE, MD. ' ' I ' : " . n , .1 : 8oiby' '-. v .... .:. SMITH AQENTUER, -aabary. July 8, ltioo.-ly . .' SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Borough Sunbury, far Sale en reasonable Ursa. .1 Apply te Dr. R. H. AWL and, " ' - SOL. BROSIOUS. - . Sunkory, Pa. Or P. W. 6HE APER, Pettsville, Pa. . e. 24, 18e -r ' - . . A BREAKFAST SHAWLS, tore cf for sale at Ike Faney AN ma rai.iiin tf'E'W uG R'O'C 'E R Y. TBI tabseribers begs leave to mmeenct to Um ettitens of Banbary and iia vleuiity, that tby have epesed a Ttc door tcett of, J. II. EnuU't , 8 tort, in Ifarlet Bqvart, - - where they era rJinrfd to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand tij oholoeet varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Ban Spices of all discretion, Soaps of every variety uandtes, omoamg anov unewms; tooaooo, sogers. Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, end Kggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piokels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoa, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and In fnet every style of articles kept In e well stocked Qrooery. Also cider v inegar. All kinds or country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the publie is re spectfully sollolted. utwunuBi n. siitnu aw, Sunbury, Nov. 11, 186J. STORE t W. A. BENNET; market Square, SVIUUnY, ra. HAVING recently purchased the Drug Store formerly conducted by R. A. Fisher, I beg leave to inform the oltliens of Sunbury and vt einity, that I have entirely replenished my stosH of . -. FANCY ARTICLES i such as Combs, Brushes, Poeket-Books, Soaps, Pel fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps Tobacco and Cigars, Paints, Ollsj, Glue, 4SIaM, Intty, Vnrnlstheai, Patent Itlecllclnesi, Ac All my Tinetures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, anc other preparations are manufactured by myself, anc from tbe best material I oan proonre in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experienee ii tne . Drug and Prt'.riptwn Buttness, both in Philadelphia and the oountry, and also th advantage ot tne college ot fharmacy, 1 feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and pnblio may favor me witfx All my preparations as 1 have above asserted, a, made from tne best material, and npon honor '. assert, they are of officinal strength. . For medioinal purposes, l keep on band the ver; best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I oan procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, eall and con vino your own mind. W. A. UfiaAJUT. Sunbury, Nov 18, 1885. SUNBURY FOUNDRY. QUO. ROHRBAUI fc SO.H, ARE now carrying on business at this eld estab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnisliei to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry hav acquired the highest reputation. rarucuiar attention paid to mill UAsnisua. Farmers should aot fonret that the PLOWS mad at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled Agricultural implements repaireu at snort notici Small eastings, including CookinK utensils, of th most improved and most useful patterns. ine nusinen will be eonduoted on an enlarge scale. Old customers will be accommodated as.uaus and new onee are respeotfully solicited. ouuDury, may 12, 1000 FLOUR & FEED ST0R1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the publ that he keeps constantly on hand at his ne WAREHOUSE, near the Shamokin Valley Railron Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sac) of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all mannfaetured at his own Mill and will be sold at tbe lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Eunbury, April 1, !8f' 9H. HOOP HKIK'l'K. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Oun Own Maks." embracing every New and Desirable site, style ar .S'bape of Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts, 2, 2 1-4, 2 2 3-4, 3, 3 1-4, 3 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 Yds., round evei length and site Waist ; in every respect First Qua ty and especially adapted to moet the wants of Fii Class and most fashionable Trade. "OusOvs sail," of Hoop Skirts, are lighte more' elastic, more durable, and Reallv Cheaper thi any other make of either Single or Double Sprii Skirt in the American Market. They are VV'arrai ed in every respect, and wherever introduced gi universal sntistactiou. they are now being exte sively Sold by Retailers, and every Lady should t ineiu. As for "Hopkins Own Make," and see that ea Skirt is Stamped "W. T. UOPKIN S MAM FA TURER. 28 ARCH Street, PIHLAD'A. "') oth.r&sre Genuine A Catalogue containing Sty : Site and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Ui form and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. 1 . dera by mail or otberwire, promptly and cnreful filled Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory ai Salesrooms, No. 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS made to order, Mattered and repaired TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONL WM. T.HOFKIXa. March 13, 1867 .-10mw VliEM JAKKII'K - 'L.'Emall de laria," THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEB ATED LADII This secret of beantifvtnir tbe ikinJiniuir knn' only to Messrs. Jared A Kane, they jCXorably sti mat u ainers trom ail other preparaMupi. it gn to tbe most harsh and freckled skin hS the tent and color of polished ivory, removing all discolo tions, whether appearing as freckles, tan, morphc moth or blaekworm speokl, and is especially n eessful in suiootiiing out the marks left by the ami poi. xne agents or "Li'CMA iti de rAKIo mostooi rntly submit to tbe publio the earnest endor ments of such distinguished ladies as Signora RISTOKI, oi aaiertLiuiTA vestvalia, Miss M AUG IE MITCHELL. Mrs. D. P. BOWERS,- - LUCILLE WESTERN, Madame PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER. LUCY RUSHTON, JSUtAliE DB MAKUUEKITTES, Miss A. PERI and many others whose high standing in tbe prof sion give the stamp of trulhfuluets to their inte' gem ana genuine approval. iui uaauunu sjuuuie rveeomays: "I And that the "Email" nroduoes all thebrillii ey of rouge and lily-white, with the great and p liar advantage of total barmlessness. It really ai to the softness sod beauty of the skin." xne magninoeut vestvalia says : "I have suffered to much from the various wl lotions, Ao., which my theatrical profession obli me to ase, that I consider it a perfect benetoctioi And a preparation which gives the aeeessary whi sa to ine Kin,ana leave we skin cool and tmool Miss Maggie Mitohjil says : "I have tried the akin beautlSer. 'L'Einail Paris," and found that rt instantly impart a natu bloom and freshness to the complexion." Jared s Email de Paris" is used a a delic beautifier of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or t Koora, by the most refined snd scrupulous lad. producing all the beautifying effect of rouges lily-white, witnoet their vulgar glare or injury ue sain. Sold by all first-class Druggists, Perfumers s Ladles' Hair Dressers. L. Isabeau, 822 Broadway' Domas Barnes A andF. C. Walls A Co., New York; and ug Jeuia, 111 South Tenth Itreot, and Johnson, Ho' way A Cowdea, Philadelphia, Agent. ' ... i JABED A RENE, Ueneral Ageats slid Iiuportors, New York Jan. 2A, Idol in. . tiood new lbr Jtlotlaern t MOTHERS, are yon oppressed with anilely your little ones 1 Are your slumbers I heart broken by their erles ' Do you awake In aaoruing anrefraaned and apprehensive ? If an. f sere at onse a buttle of Dr. Leon' Infant Reui and yoa will have no more weary hours of watch and anxiety. ltll. I.KOKIi INl-MiVr RtK.Hi:il has stood the test efyeen. Thousand of nurse I mother, hear wiutees that it aewur fails to give re! if ased in season. It is a mild, yet sure and spet euro for Colic, Cramps end Windy Pains, and is valuable for all eosaplsial incident to leeUuuc. Sold by Drugguu throughout the Unite bui Addre-al. Sol Pproprietors ' 1ST Nrh Third Street. blla NersaberJi.-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers