1 Et)t : Sunburg American. H. B. MA8S1EB, Editor A Proprietor. " 7"' ' sYjniiR, pa. . SATURDAY, JULY BO, 1807. UNION STATE TICKET. . FOB BDPREMB JUDGE, , IIOX. IIORT W. WILLIAMS, . Of Allegheny Covnty. !Jew Fact la the Narrnlt Cnsie Ae tempt te llrlbe ft Wltaea. 1 The Mnntpelier Freeman make tha fol lowing atateinent in regard to an attempt made by Surratt' couuael to bribe a witness for the prosecution to swear falsely : ' Mr. Ilobart, one of tbe conductors on the Vermont Central llailroad, was a witness in this trial, called by tbe prosecution, and identified Burratt as tbe person who passed north from. Burlington to St. Albans, in April, 1803, after tbe assassination. This identification, in connection with other tes timony of the prosecution was. important, and bore heavily against 8urratt. After Mr. Ilobart bad returned to Vermont be was summoned to Washington again as a witness for the defense. When he saw Mr. Bradley, Surratt's counsel, tbe lawyer with much palaver informed him that $1,500 was no account' to the defense if they could prove that it was not Surratt who passed over tbe road from Burlington to St. Albans, as Mr. Ilobart had formerly testified. Mr. Bradley thoughtfully volunteered to aid Mr. Hobart's recollection, not only by this little item of f 1,800, but by informing bim that tbe individual who did pass over tbe pad was a gentleman then in Bnltimoret who would be in Washington on the follow ing morning, when Mr. ilobart could see liim and "identify" bim, and be prepared to correct bis former testimony accordingly. Mr. Ilobart informed Mr. Bradley that there was not money enough in Washington to hire bim to "identify" anybody, and that be had no doubt of the correctness of bis for tner testimony. The next morning, how ever, a gentleman accosted Mr. Ilobart in Willard'a Hotel, and proceeded to inform him that be was the gentleman who passed over toe road ; Dut lie Had learned his lesson so poorly that lie made several rnistakea in dates and other particulars. Mr. Ilobart gave this person distinctly to understand that be remembered Surratt and didn't re member bim ; and Mr. Brddlcy shortly after ward informed Mr. ilobart that the defense shouldn't use bim aa a witness. THE BECONSTBTJCTION BILL. The following is the reconstruction bill, as finally passed and sent to tbe President! Section 1. That it is hereby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act oi tne a day ot aiarcn, istjy, enti tied "an act to provide for the more ellicient government of tbe rebel States,'' and the act supplementary thereto, passed the twen ty-third ot March, 1807, that the govern mcntt then existing in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas, were not legal State governments, and that thereafter said governments, if continued, were to be con tinued subject in all respects to tbe military commanders of the respective districts, ana to the paramount authority of Congress. Sec. 2. That tho commander of any dis trict nnmcd in said act shall have power. subject to the disapproval of the General of the army of the United States, and to have effect till disapproved, whenever, in the opinion of such commander, the proper ad i linistration of said act Bhall require it, to suspend or remove from office, or from the pertormance ot official duties, and the excr cise official powers, any officer or person Holding ot or exercising, or proteasing to ex ercise, any civil or militnry office or duty in aucb district, under any power, election, ap pointment, or authority derived from, or granted by, or claimed under, any so-called State, or tho government thereof, or any municipal or other division thereof, and upon such suspension or removal such com mander, subject to the disapproval of the General, aa atoresaid, shall have power to provide from time to time for the perform ance of the said duties of auch officer or person so suspended or removed by the do tail of some competent officer or soldiers of the army, or by the appointment of some other person to perform tbe same, and to fill vacancies occasioned by death, resignation, or otherwise. 8bc. S. That tbe General of the army of the United States shall be invested with all the powers of suspension, removal, appoint ment and detail granted in tbe preceding section to district commanders. Sec. 4. That the acts of tbe officers of the army already done, in removing in said dis tricts persons exercising tbe functions of civil officers, and appointing others in their stead are hereby confirmed; provided that any person heretofore or bereatter appoint ed by any district commander to exercise the functions of any civil office, may be re moved either by the military officer in com mand of tbe district, or by the General of the army; Ad it shall be the duty ot such commauder to remove from office as afore said all persons who are disloyal to tbe Government of the United States, or who use their official influence in any manner to hinder, delay, prevent, or obstruct the due and proper administration of this act and tbe acts to which this it supplementary. 8 EC 5. That the boards ot registration provided for in the act entitled "An act sup plementary to an act entitled An act to pro vide for tho more efficient government of the rebel States," passed March 2, 1867; "and to facilitate restoration," passed March 23, 1867, shall have power, and il shall be their duty, before allowing the registration of any person, to ascertain, upon such fact or Information as they can obtain, whether sucn person is entitled to be registered un der said act, and the oath required by said act shall not be conclusive on auch oues- tlon ; and no person shall be registered un less sucn ooara snail decide that be is en titlod thereto ; and auch board shall also have power to examine under oath, to be administered by any member of such board, any one touching tbe qualification of anv person claiming registration; but iu every vase of refusal by the board to register an applicant, and, in every cose of striking his name from the list aa hereinafter provided, tne board shall make a note or memoran dum, which aball be returned with the re gibtrntion list to the commanding general of tbe district, setting forth the ground ol sncb refusal or aucb striking from the list I 7to tided, That no person shall be disqualified as member of any board of registration by reason oi race or color. .' Sec. 0. That the true intent and meaning of the oath presented in said supplementary act is (among other things) that no person wbo has been a member ot tbe Legislature of any State, or who bas held any executive or judicial office in any tttttto, whether be Las taken an oath to support tbe Constitu tion of tho United Statr or not, or whether lie was holding such office at the commence went of the rebellion, or bad held it before, and wbo bas afterwards engaged in insur rection or rebellion against the United Htates, or given aid or comfort to the ene mies thereof, ia entitled to be registered or to vote; and tbe words "executive or judi cial" office in any State, In said oath men tioned, shall be construed to include all civil - offices created by law for the administration of any funeral law or a State, or for tba ad ministration of justice. Bbo. 7. And be it further enacted. That tbe time for completing the original registration provided tor anr act may, in tbe discretion of the commander of any district, ba extend ed to the first (day of October, 1(167 ; and the board of registration shall have power, and it shall be their duty, commencing four teen day prior to any election under taid act, and upon reasonable- public notice of the time and place thereof, to revise for a period of five days the registration list, and upon being satisfied that any person not en titled thereto has been registered, to strike the name of auch person) from the list, and sucn person shall not be allowed to vote. And auch board shall also, during the same period, add to such registry tbe names of all persopa who at that time, possess the qualifications required by said act, wboAave not been already registered, and no person shall at any time be entitled to be register ed or to ote by reason of any executive pardon or amnesty, lor any act or thing, which, without such pardon or amnesty, would disqualify him from registration or voting. . Sec. 8. That all members of said boards of registration, and all persons hereafter elected or appointed to office in taid mili tary districts under any so-called . State or municipal authority, or by detail or appoint ment of tho district commander, shall be required to take and subscriber to the oath of office prescribed by law for tbe officers of tba United States. - Sec. 9. That no district commander, or member of tbe board of registration, or any officer or appointee acting under them, shall be bound in hia action by any opinion of any civil officer of tbe United btates. Sec. 10. That section four of said last named act ahall be construed to authorize tbe commanding general named therein, whenever ho shall deem it needful, to re move any member of a board of registration, and to appoint another in hie stead, and to fill any vacancy in such board. Sec. 11. That all tbe provisions of this act, and of tbe acts to which this is supple mentary, aball be construed liberally, to tho end that all tho intents thereof may bo fully and perfectly carried out. The l'eathof JHaxIralllnn-iBterot Ing lactolla, V. Galveston; July 15. We have the fol lowing additional particulars of tbe cxecu- wuu ui uinxiiuiiiuii : When leaving tbe convent Maximilian ex claimed, "What beautiful, clear heavens ; It is auch as I desired for the hour of death" All three were dressed with scrupulous care. The officer in charge of tho firing party begged Maximilian's forgiveness, saying he disapproved the act, but ho was a soldier and must obey orders.' Maximilian replied, "Child, a soldier must always comply with his orders. I thank you with all my heart for your kind sentiment, but exact that you comply with the orders given you." Maximilian gave Miramon the centre as a post ot Honor. Mcjia's wife ran distractedly through the streets just before the execution, carrying a new born babe. Juarez refused to deliver Maximilian's body, and says it is a subject of treaty. Great antipathy exists towards Americans because they asked Maximilian a life. Princess Salm Hal in devised the escape of tbe emperor, but was betrayed by the offi cer in whom she confided, wbo took a bribe Of 135,000 worth of diamonds. She was ordered to leave Qucretaro with all her at. tendants. A fight will probably take place between Cortinas and Bcriozabal who are old ene mies. Both are recruiting. The cause of tbe dispute is tbe Governorship of Tamauli pas. Cortinas has been ordered to occupy tho Rio Grande with 15,000 men as an army of observation. Tbe United States Govern ment is bated because of iu interference about Maximilian. The National 'ringedy Tlie Con spiracy to Kill Abraham I .In coin. Washington, July 17. The agreement alleged to have been entered into by Booth and bis confederates on April 14, which was handed by Booth to Matthews, the ac tor, and subsequently destroyed by the latter, and a copy of which tbe counsel for defense in the Surratt case desired yesterday to offer in evidence, but was ruled out to day by the court, was; according to copy made by Matthews, Bigned by liootu, 1'ayne, Atzerodt and Harold, in the order named, and set forth that an agreement was entered into between them and some others on that day (April 14th), and that the conspiracy to abduct tbe President having failed and been abandoned, and Richmond having fallen, tho parties that day determined to kill that night. In the original letter, as banded to Mat thews, tho last three words were italicized. Fearful Kxnlottlon. at aLanraater. Lancaster, Pa., July 13. A fatal acci dent occurred at this place this morning, about 6 o'clock, caused by tbe explosion of one or tne boners of the i ulton cotton mm, on .North Duke street. Tbe accident took place before the operatives had assembled, or tne loss of lite, terrible as it is, would nave been much greater. The explosion carried a portion of the boiler, weighing three tons, for a distance of more than a square, rebounding twice from tbe ground in its passage. The boiler and engine house is a perfect wreck, though macn ot tne machinery cau ua saved. 1 be second boiler was driven through a thick partition wall into the mill. Home ot the dwellings in tbe vicinity were damaged by the flying masses of brick and iron, but none very seriously. The worst of tbe affair, however, is the loss of life. Tbe engineer, David Hantsb, was found dead in a corner of the house. The body of an operative named Valentine Myers was subsequently taken out of tbe ruins crushed and mangled, buperintend ent Plumber was mortally wounded. Nine are reported dead, and several male and fe male operatives were scalded by the escap ing steam. Tbe cause of tbe misfortune ia involved in doubt the corner's jury being now occu pied in tbe investigation. . xue scene or tbe casualty uaa been visited by a great number of citizens, and immense crowds surrounded tbe ruins for hours after the accident The loss to the property is uuaersioou to be covered by insurance. Scales at the Pabis Exposition. Le Moniteur Uuioenel, the official journal of the French empire, says : "Among tbe expositions of tbe American section wuicn attract tne greatest interest, it ia necessary to specially mention tba col lection of weighing instruments exhibited uy tne nouse oi Fairbanks & Co., of 8t Jobnsbury, Vt, which has, for a long time, sustained a great reputation in thia branch of manufactures. This collection embraces tbe most complete assortment of balances, from a single gramma to thirty thousand kilogrammes capacity. Tbe same house manufacture scales capable of weighing bve hundred thousand kilogrammes. Tbeta weighing instruments, universally used in America, are adapted to all tbe different sva. teuis of aweighW and measursin use in every country. This exposition deserves to be recommended to all our mechanics and far mera, and to everybody interested in per feet weighing instruments," A dispatch by Ocean Telegraph announces the fact that these celebrated Scales talcs the First Premiums (two medsls) at tba Parit Exposition, and are mentioned in the award as the Standard Staltt. BREVITIES. Cowt craze on the burnWdistrict pt Char leston, 8. 0. V r , Tbera are ninety-six old maiae in town In Connecticut. ,' ' ' i . Paris spends twice as much money for wine as it does for bread, t ' j A. Yankee is trolim to furnish Jeddo and Yokohama with gas-light. Under the new reform mil, a seat in rar- liament will cost about 125,000. A woman with well developed pair of black whiskers 'visited Goshen, Ind., the other day. The burnt district in Vicksburg is being rebuilt, and fine iron front stores are going up in other parts of the city. . ; Tbe Prince of Wales is rated severely for winning 70,000 on Hermit. General Tom Thumb has acquired a slight moustache since be went abroad. The Marquis of Hastings is reported to have won 100,000 in a London "hell" Henry Ward Beecher denies that he takes a glass of ale the first thing in the morning. Commodore Nutt and Minnie Warren are to be married. The bridal outfit is prepar ing. . . , . Mile. Nunez, a girl of eleven, wore 1160,- 000 worth of diamonds at the late children's ball in Paris. ' New Orleans drinks three thousand kegs of lager daily. An Indian gentleman has just married his sixth wile. A Memphis dwarf is 81 inches high and weigba 65 pounds. ... An Indian sorId receives no bouctv in Colorado unless it has tbe ears on. It is said the Indians in the west are busy collecting their poll tax. They take it out in hnir. A Texan Sam Patch is amusing Houston by jumping into the bayou from a bight of 8J feet. The Illinois) girl who lately lost her speech, save whispering, bas bad forty offers of mar riage. Tbe Chicago penitentiary is so full that seventy had to be turned out to make room for new comers. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of dia monds decorated a lady at a recent wedding party at Pittsficld. Wibtar's Bamiam of Wild CiiLnhv, is "a combination and a form indeed," for healing and curing diseases of tbe throat, lungs, . and chest. It cures a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and al laying irritation ; thus remocing the cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the disease behind. Ex-Governor Johnson, of Georgia, has written a letter advising the Georgians not to accept the terms of the Military Recon struction act. - President Johnson on Tuesday, appointed Mr. Frank Cowan, a son of ex-Senator Edgar Cowan, to be his Secretary for signing laud warrants. A freshet in the Colorado river has, des troyed Arizona City ; only two buildings remain uninjured. The Overland Mail Com pany's quarters were also totally wrecked by the inundation. ; The Queen of Spain's daughter is said to be tbe homliest girl in turope. Fifty sheep were killed by lightning ut rittsneid, Slavs., last liiursday.a week. Ostriches are. to be "acclimatized" in Australia. They can be bought in Africa tor f s.ou apiece. A man with one leg, and that drawn up so that be walks mostly with his hands, and said to be worth (10,000, is begging in the streets ot Cleveland. General Shcridau is reported to have brought on an "engagement" with a Louis lana iady who owns a line plantation on tiayou lecne. A Professor of a Theological Seminary in Chicago, iu lecturing, dwelt strongly on the study of "Macbeth" as a means of acquiring a proper knowledge of human nature. A down East clergyman says the skunk is domestic animal and may be very easily trained, lie will doubtless enjoy a mono poly of tbe training business. The United States colonists in Brazil arc suffering the greatest destitution, and bitter ly regret their emigration. The Japaneese Commissioners, now at Washington, have purchased 30,000 volumes ol school books lor tbe iustruction ot tbe Japanese. A man swam three quarters of a mile in three quarters of an hour near Providence, at the same time drawing a boat with six men in it. A woman in Pittsburgh, a day or two ago, gave birth to a child in one of their street cars. It is suggested if a boy, he be cauea uscar ; it a girl Car o -line. Three singular beings covered w ith hair. but having human voices, have been found roving, wildly in Missouri, and a St. Louis paper suggests that they belong to a new race. Tbe Hereditary Prince Maximiliau of Tour and Taxia bas just died at Carlsbad. Ilia wito, a sister to the Empress of Austria, bad given birth to a child only a few days belore. In Ballston, N. Y they bored a 600 feet well for oil, but struck a medicinal spring of great virtues instead. They accepted the situation, aud bave opened a doctor's shop at tue piace. Johnson is represented as "highly indig nant" at Attorney General Stanbery for having divulged tbe fact that Jerrv Black wrote the veto of tbe Military Reconstruc tion bin. There is a probability of the West Branch canal being enlarged sufficiently to permit the free running ot steamers. Unn ot auch steamers recently arrived at Willinmsport. The colored people throughout the State of Pennsylvania are making extensive ar rangements to celebrate the First of August, the anniversary or the West India Euianci pation. . i . The last descendant of the Swiss Reformer Zwiogli Kev. Henry Zwingli has Just dieu iu uittikon, near Wiutertour. Tbe great tabernacle of the Sainta at Salt Lake City is now finished. It is two hun dred and fifty feet wide, and furnishes com fortable sitting room for ten thousand per sons. . In Portland, Me., tbe liquor business is a tiling i'i tne past. a;i tne ora resorts on Pore sireetare closed.- One of them bas put up np-t! lie fullowintr placard "Bar taken oat ; prayer uniting at four o'clock." DAI- inlir.r, .l U, nlk A North Coroiina paper atatct that emi nent physician are of the opinion that the recent raina have ao aaturated the ground that typhoid, chdlura and oialarioui disease may ue appieueodtid, ' A few dava atro a trcattuman residing in New York celebrated Tiia "golden weddiug," hia eldest daughter' "ailver wedding," and at tue aame time the wedding ot Lit young- eat daughter. Such a triple celebration ia remarkable. Some burglar broke into a Loose In De troit and nUed tlia rooms of all tba t aluabloa. Tb lady and her daughter were in bed, awoke at tbe ooias and held a conversation witn tbe burglar, one of the robbers. lie even got a glaaa of water fur the iady aa ahe waa ui irom fear. After nuishing hia work ha aat down in the room, amuked a cigar, , , ' r 1 Ctlatted lome time With tba VOUnctat of tha i.j: i . i . .e lJ . . aoica, sou loan departed by tba window! throuBh which ha hiri nti,rflA Th. i. i aer Ukao waa coaaidarabla. , Juares refuses to deliver the body of Max- imillian, saying that it la a subject for treaty. Thirty thousand New Yorkers visited Ho- boken on Sunday to procure their whiskje. Mejia'a wife Is said to have run distracted ly through the streets of Querretoro. on the eve of her husband's execution, carrying in tier arms ner new born babe. .- Great destitution exists in soma oarts of Ireland. Reports from tho County Mayo and the adjoining districts, say that tbe Buf fering is becoming extreme. An American citizen, named Silveria, has been arrested in Paris, at the instance of the Portuguese Government, and sent to Lisbon. The United States Minister has demanded his release and return to Paris, in a Portu guese man-of-war. i ! f . : ; i 1 i Lena Miller has been convicted of murder in Clearfield county, and sentenced to be bung. It is said that a Polish chemist has suc ceeded In manufacturing A liauid. one drop of which will produce intoxication. This must bo the "drop too much" of which men tion is made so frequently. The cow that swallowed tbe watch out in Indiana was killed and the watch recover ed. , . Maine bas given a majority of over 13,000 votes for a more stringent liquor law, out of a total vote of nearly 89,000. Generals Grant, Meade, Can by and other military notables were at West Poiut.consid ering the expediency of adopting Upton's system ot intantry tactics. A correspondent speaking of the violent death of tbe Austrian Archduke Maximilian, remarks that many of his relatives appear to have suffered grevious blows of fortune. The Princess Charlotte, wife of Leopold, died in child-birth. His daughter married tliti Duke of Orleans, who was killed by a full from a cab. Their children were eipell ed from the th roue of France. The Princess Carlotta is crazed. Marie Antoinette was executed. Marie Louise was expelled from France, An Arcbdutchess was lately burned to death. "TViTn Fooa Metallic Qualifications a man may be pretty sure of earthly luoeraa. Theae are gold in hit pocket, silver in hU tongue, brass in bis face, and iron in his heart." But fur a tools ppe tiier, and at a gentle tirotilant, there ia reliable vir tue in PLANTATION BITTERS. No article has ever been so popular or done half ao much good. Lot alt wbo bave not already tried this great t to rn achte, at once test it quality. We uudersttnd tbt tbe Druigia't and Omcrrs of thia taction are telling Tt quantities, and that toaroely a family It unout it. Maskolia Water A delightful toilet article auperior to Cologne and at ball tbe pnoe. MFVV A FiVli'RTTQVTM FVTQ iNJjYY JLy hill lOrjM Ml 1 O. S25 REWARD! OTOLEN from the aubsc-rlbor on Wednwdav nleht. iO July 17, 1307, a HUNTINO CASE GOLD WA1CI1 witb heavy milled edge. Uold UreaitUbmn in linka, with small tlold Padlook for a charm. The watch is numbered 22j3, K. Howard & Co., Boston, maker. Also six five dollar billa and six one dollar bills in money. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of tbe thief and tbo recovery of the watch and money. Sunbury, July 20. 1867. ' T) Y virtue of a certain writ of Venditioni Exponas, X) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of riorthumberland connty, and to me directed, will be expoeed to publio sale at the Coal Breaker of the deiendnnts, upon me premises nereinatiorueroribed, on saiukdax. tne 3d day or auuust, a.jj 1887, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described proporty, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Zerheand Little ."uahanoy townships, KtortbumDur laud county, Pa., bounded at follows, to wit: Be. ginning ata fallen pine, the northeast cornerof land surveyed to l'bilip Dunkelberger, thence north 1 degree 52 minutes east, 348. it perches to stones ; theuoe north 6i degrees east, 17.8 perches to a sniull cbusuut : thence north 3'l.fi perohos to a post and stones: thence north 85 degrees west, 18.4 perches to a wnue pine : inence norm no degrees , uuuutes west, 18.7 perches to an a.ih ; thuLoe north 43 degrees went, 10J porches to a white oak; thence north 23 degrees west, 514 perches to a hemlock; thence north 17 degrees west, 64.8 perches to a white pine sapling; thenoe north 11 degrees and 7 minutes west. 13.2 perches to stones; inence south 71 degrees and 4o minutes west, 13 percbes to a sweet-birch thence north 77 degrees 7 minutes west, U8. 3 perches to stones ; uenoe uortu V degrees 13 minutet west, alt percnea to a wbtte oak ; ttience by land survey ed to John nankin, south ot) degrees 30 minutes west, 84.6 percbes to stones : tbenoe bv land tur veyed to Jacob Wagner, south 33 degrees 37 minutes west, 1H7.4 percbes toacuevnut oak, tbenoo north 89 degroos 7 minutes we.it, 83.8 perches to a post and stones ; thence north 2 degrees east, 32 perohos to a taiien niaea oak, now post and stones ; thence north MM etairraam ' mimifa. wnut I IH h naMhaa In lueuce soutb lu degrees east, luo.it perobes to a chet- nut ; thence north 8V degrees west, 77.9 perches to stones; thenoe soutb 32 degrees 25 minutes east. 198.9 percbes to a post; thence south 2 degrees 10 minutes west, 171 perehostoa post: thenoe bv land surveyed to tvuiiam llamiitoo and railip Uuokel nerger, toutn e degrees au minutes east, 04o.a nor ohes to a fallen pjue, tbe place of beginning, con taining 2.084 acres and 62 perches, more or lest. Also All that eertain other piece or 'parcel of land, situate ia Zerbe township aforesaid, called the fclisue Ueiger tract, adjoining lands surveyed to John Nicholas Bailoy, John Cowden and William Uray, containing 1 10 acres, more or I Alto All that certmn other tract, or piece of land, situate in tne township atoresaid, surveyed in purtu anec ot a warrant granted to William Moult, atliuin. ing land surveyed to William Uray, John Cowden, Gottlieb Leffler, Pbilip Dunkelbhrger and Jeremiah Jackson, containing 417 sores. Also All ihut eertain body and panel of land. situate iu Zerbe township aforesaid, bounded and described at tollows, to wit: Beginning at stones the nortnwest oorneroriand surveyed to Win. Cook thence north 1 degree 62 minutet eaet, 190 6 perches to stone; tbenoe north 6a degree east, 47.8 perches to a small chestnut; thence north 33.6 perchea to a post ana stones ; tbenoe nana oa degrees west, 18.4 perches to a white pine ; tbenoe north 66 degrees 30 minutes west, 16.7 perobes to an ash ; thence north 43 degree wost, 16 perches to a white oak ; thence norm a degrees west, si. perches to a hemlock tbenoe north 17 decrees west. s4 8 nexchea to a white pine sapling; thence north 11 degrees 7 minutet west, to. i perches to stones ; thenoe norm 70 decreet 37 minute east, 186.8 perches to stones ; thenoe north ou uegrees i minutet east, ili.l perches to a pott ; tnenoe toutn 14 degrees 10 minutet east, per che to a dead maple; tbeooe south 23 degree! east, 1C3.7 perchet to a post ; tbenca south 14 degreet wen to o percne to a post ana stones ; thence north 12 degreet 15 minutet west, 141 perchet to a dead maple ; thenoe north 80 degree west, loU perobes to a post ; thence south 12 degree 16 minute east. 165.il perches to stones ; tbenoe south 88 degree IS minutes east, 112.7 perches to a pott; thence south i degree oi minutes west, ut.a percnea to a cost : thence south I degree 62 minutes wost, 120.2 perches to a post ; tnenoe uy lanu oi ueo. jiaraieuer norm 85 degrees 52 uiiuutet west, 109 perchet to a pine thence south lo degree west, 117.2 perches to a lal len whitc-oak ; thenoe Eorth 1 degree 62 minutet east. Til.S perobes to a post; tnenco north 88 de gree 15 minutes west, 312.8 perchet to the place of beginning, oontamiug 1180 acre and 05 perchet, mere or less. Also All that ctrtain Railroad of th Trtvorton Coal Company, extending from th town of Trevor ton to Port TrevorUm, in th oounty of Snyder, in eluding th right of way, branches, basins, depots, stations and ail imnrovementa of avers kind and description connected with tb taid llailroad. in- . . nF . 1011 "ru,Bt with ta appurtenance also au 1 all and singular thteornorate ruihts. rurivi. legos aad franchises of tb taid th Trtvorton Coal vompany. ' Alto All that pies or panel of land situate In the township aforesaid, bounded by Twelfth street in Uia town of Trevorton. tb Trevorton Railroad, other land of said defendants, and land surveyed to l'etar acirj,ovuiaiuuiH: au aores. more or less. Also All that niece or naxoel of land altnaia In the township aforesaid, bounded by Coal street in in town 01 trevorton on th north, other lands of ueieuuauu ana 1 ana surveyed in tbe namauf i Ler letry. oataininc ? aero, tuora or lew. boned, Ulten in exeoutioa and to beiold a th property 01 in irevorton Ooal I'ompany. v. BtunLKY, Bbarlir. SharilTl Offio, Bunbury Jul; SO, lttoT EXCELSIOR COAL COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby gives to all partis, or persons Interested, that th '-Directors of tb Kxralsior (Joal Company, (the charter of said Company having bn diaeolvl., filed their iMooant rtk'ttaW 1 "J m r - - viui uu nj a, 1A6T, and that unless aus is shown ta th eontrarv. I n. . k - , ). u . . . , , ,t nniut ni, sua u TOUmw" ..WT J " V"""- ? 1 Bonbuiy, Jul ia. iwi.4i . - Aadltor'a Mtatemeat of tfte Roaaity I Accoant of MwerHIakaasy Tw'p, WE, th ajadavstgaerl, kavtag afsfclty audited Uia Roant Aiwnant of th BuDetvlaoft ( Low er Mehoaoy toWMblp, Horthamberland cetnty, ts follow! ; i ., t v ISAAC BOBB,Saprvlfor and Boeaty Tax Colltetar, DR. 1 ToUsdaplltatttflBM. i,tU hi . ' - OR.-- 'w- in By euh paid on Bonds and tnUrsft By uh paid Isaas Lsoksr, supervisor, By bukttanding bills, 91986 K TV0 00 ITS S8 101 u r i oo tsj oxoDeriuos . By oollaoUons , :t Total 93,179 49 ISAAC LEHKER.Snperri and Boonly Tax Col" lmtnr. DR. To tax dnplioats of ISM, 93,978 46 To tub from I. Bobb. T90 00 To cub from Franois Maikly, 1!0 00 I To eaah from Abraham Lonktr, 0 00 '. ' total )r '.' f ' r By euh paid on Bonds, By BxpaoMi, ' By exonerations, By amonnt paid la Solintgrovo Bank, By oolleotioB, 94,98 4 91,771 65 U 93 9i 64 1231 11 1 00 t4,27 64 Amount due from Itaao Looker,' Amount daa from Ieaae Bobb, 9A71 91 1,066 07 91,727 99 We, the nndertljrntd Auditors, do hereby certify mat ue aoove naiemem u eorreot. ADAM LENKER, JACOB OARMAN, JACOB B. LENKJCR, Lower Mahoaoy twp., July 6, 1867. Auditors. WANTS! . m. 8. SITANNON. practloivl Watchmaker and Jew. I eler. Market Square, But bore, Pa., wants a boy from 16 to 16 yeart of age to 'earn the trade. None but thnae of good moral eharfctr need apply. Raf- erenott required. July 13th, 1866. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I3ST STTTBTJIw'5r, it on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLEEY, lint Irately Ratabllahed, -wltlt mil the Modern lmprOTemealt of the Art I THE rabaeriber, having built the room esprenty for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many yeart to tne bualneet, It oonDdent Ol I bit ability to assure hit patrona that the work pro duced anau oe aecona to none in country or oity. ro work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best iky light in the county, he ta prepared to make Photographs in all kind a of weather, but would prefer a clear day lor email children. He ia also prepared to take new aie, or oabinet card Photographs. All Klnda of ploturet oopied and magnified to I nv required lite and oolored beautifully in OU or Witer Solon or India Ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, tuoh at Landscape views oi Monuments, Machinery, county Keats, o., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The publio are respectfully invited to call and act I our specimen! and our complete arrangements- for making Photographs, special terms to families and oiuus. J. B. BERGSIBESSER. Bunbury, July IS, 1887. PURE LAGER BEER! From th Cold Spring Brewery, 8UNBCRY, PA. JOSEPH E AC EE PL . T3 ESPECTFrLLT informs th publio generally, XV mat o is prepared to lurntsn LAGER BEER in large or small quantities. Hia facilities for mak" ing Beer cannot be excelled, and it pronounced tun rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. it nas also been recommended by physicians as a I l . I J - l r i iu- uoniLuy unuK tur luvaiiua. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at snon notice. Banbury, July 13, 1867. OA AA AGENTS WANTED $100,00 Male iU.UW and letnalo, to introduce our KfcW PATENT. STAR fell UTILE SEWING MACHINE. It is adapted for family dm and Tailoring. It makes stitch altk on both sides. Frtoe only TWENTY DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducements to Agents. f or lull particular!, address i-i w a" fwrwwt a nrrv nnw 830 ARCH Street, Philadelphia July IS, 1867. 3m Rcg-Ufer'a Notice. -VTOTICB it hereby given to all legatee, creditors 1 1 and other person! interested in tb rollowina? estates, that the Administrators, Executors and Uuar dianajaf the within named, have Sled tbair accounts with the Register of Northumberland oounty, and that said aooount win do presented to ue orpbant' Court for confirmation and allowanoe, on Tuesday, August iu, 1001, at iu a. m. 1 ins account 01 jonn u. Hnoaea, sruaraian 01 s. w.u. Bird, a ruiuoi child of Ziua Bird, dee'd., filed February 88, IHD7. a The account or Tobias B. A Esther M. Wiest. admin- istrntors of Samuel M. Wiest, deceased, filed March 0, 1B87. a The accnaat or Joaeoh Dunkelberaer. administrator ol T-...-l l L ll... . A I XI nL 1 4 The acoount of 1. C. Rhodes, ruardian of kmehne Bird, a maior of Ziba Bird, dee'd., filed March . 6 The account of William W ilaon, admimsuator of Buaan K. ueuwei, oec a., niea April 9, iao7. 6 Theaecdunl of Jaooh Seller, executor of Joha Jacob Beilei, dee'O., nicu April. lb7. 7 The account of beo. B. Kiehl, administrator of Ml. chael Krehl, aee'd., filed Aprils. I6e?. a rne account 01 juen uuuxettiager, fuaraian or wil harn, Jackson and Joshua Kliue, filed April 16, 1087. tt The account of Mahlon Boughuer, executor of John uougnner, oeeeasea , bmmi April uu, lt7. lu The acoount of bhaa Bush, guardian of Mary Fetter, nieu April au, tcer. II The arcouut of Charles Moore, guardian of Geo. F Olierdnrf, filed May 1, lr7 III Tlie aocouut ol Uavid Hauck, Caweaaen, guardian of ,vu:a pnyder, aettled ny uiiariea Haas, executor ol old David Hauck. dee'd.. Sled May 4. lt7. 13 The aooount 01 fcJiaa H. Hauler, adatlulatrator of ben. u . Haupi, deeeaaed, nied ntav I, le7. 14 The aocouut of Beniamin Geaihart. auardian of Ceo. Gearlrart Derr, aettled bv Was. O Johnson, administrator ol said ueujaiaui uaainan, see'., Bird May e, 1007. lo The account of Beniamin Urerhart, dee'd., arte guar dian of G. W. Goarlart, aettled hy Wm. C. Jobnaon, ad. ministrator of taid Berqaauu Uearhart, dee'd, filed May a. lb7. 10 The nnai aocount or Anranam rry, acminutrator of l.yais Fiy, aeoeaaed, IU May 13, re7. 17 The final account of F. B. Qowea, admiiiiatrator Cum Testamenu Aunexo of Hugh Bellas, deceased, filed may ia, icor. IS The brat aeeoanl of James Park, executor of Joha Park, deceased, filed May 87. 1667. IB The aeeeunl of J. W. and A. E. Gaurter. executors 01 Jacob uauger, deceaaed, Bird May 7, lHn7. V- ,U,.IWIMIW M MM. nilWIIWU, U.I UI WO William, Lewis, Andrew, Denial A Lydia Denkelberaer minor ekiklrea of Daniel Dunkelberger, deeeawd, filed MavW. le7. 91 The acoount of Catharine Michael, administratrix of Jacob Michael, deeeaaed, lied May 30. IB87. IN The final account of James R. Wagner, one nc the adininistratoss of John M. Wagner, dee'd, filed May 31, W7. va I he acoount 01 uemge Keaaier, auiniulattalor ot Peter Kessler. deceaaed, filed June , 1N67. at The accouul of Petal Feraing, aununiatralol of Eaaui ael Ziininerman. deceaaed. filed June 6. lert7. SS The account of Geo. Hill, guardian o Isabella Thomp nn. filed Jane 19, IB67. at The account of Basiuel Oarnhart, admimatiatoi of I Geo. Anderaon, deceased, filed June II, lb7. 17 The account of V. w. Brown at tuiae Bmith,adima letraioraof retar Bsaiia, Dec's., uk jan at, 1B07. fiS The final acoount of Jaahua Willei, exeouloc of Ni cholas Willel. deceaaed. filed June M. IK7. M The , ,a aceoaut uf Joahaa Wlllet, admiaiatrator of I Raehel W(Uet,dec'd, filed June at, ltr7. McWiUuims, executors of David' McWlluams. daccased'. 31 Ta aocouut of Daniel Holahne, guardian of Cha. Holahiw, miaor of Benevul Uolahoe, dee'd., tied Jaae ao, inir. an The laalaeeoant of P. H. Moon and O. J. Obeeoorf, annuuistrators of Geo. Obcrdotf, deceased, lied J iwr. 33 Tb final aaeoual of Joaepfe Priestley, sxscatur of Mary Aaiea,aocesea, bim juiy 1, leer. 34 The final aoeouut ol Wm. H. Moore, acting adminia- tralor of Richard Wolverton. deeaaaed. lied JulV I. ltr7 as Tae aeeouiit of Elijah Hill, ailraiaUHrator uf Gaorgt !?,"!,"''",l.l",:, jo sa aooount 01 laaae ttaipoen, Auanajatruov Wm. B. Can, deceaaed, aied July J, IM07. real ratateof Bertram Gatbraita. dee'd.. filed Jahr S, lt7. aa Tae aeeoanl of v s. ttiajuan. gaaraata of suiaakat Beekley, filed July , 11367. The aaeoual of S. P. Gaetoa, Aaroa Gaatoa and An- draw Nye, exeeetouof WUuasa falheraoa, deceaaad, (kd I jury a. iser. 40 The aeon leas awirr ana anal aeeorsot af Aasoa T. BaiacL aaecaUK of Jacob Wcaajy. daeeaead, filed July t, 1W37. 41 Tb eeon of Wax. T. Porsythe, tdauaMtratot of Joseph rouat, deeaaaed, filed July i lc7. VYSZTSET. VSl'. r a ,a -t a'raft-r ftitntTraa. aitanaaaralof I Oasoer St. Cant, daeaaaed. filed Juhrf. 1K7. l . i m . . n ' . . - sueaoooant oi nacuai saevarty, xuirv I wiiuan aleoartT, aMMd, aiad July a , 1H8T. ft nam , (autja ajTHiT , &OOI. . A. i. Cl'ktMIMiiS. keariater. WHITBEY 8b CO'8 CONSOLIDATED SHOWS r.i c n a o&tz ia c i Th Lurfest Exhibition In tlu WOrld I WMk a Mode! ant CetephM 3VI E 3V -A. O- E Tt I E And a ConaoUoaUoa of Ibe laadlaa Tal.M ambne4 la Oin O U 0 3DO. Pnxmla aim Rate and Caiteea Aainala, IntamMea taptllM and a mora vanao aaa novai r. finaanee uaa In aay aonaarn la AaMrtia. A ZOOLOGICAL, - SPECIMENS ! Hmeeaajaallmeertaa AJBoBf a Statane trt THE BABY ELEPHANT, "XiXIiIjXXt7Tf" - Aa VnwainaS Calf. Fiift Afneaa Klaphaat em tap. taraS, Yoanfi nmat and SaMllaat arat i OolT IS lonUM oM. Stance SI) liMkas klfh, and waifh Sou aaaaaa, im tae wnaaatral Paifenalnt TralaaS Maaaui, - LP HI3NT 33," A Colossal Asiatic. d fiTTHE BABY ELEPHANTS Pvtrif too vraall to Irtrol on wAt will met m bowti l niM, u vui ww porrorfnoti u itM Niog m mm aUJUbitioa frof. ronnPAuan, Tbe Daring Animal Ceaeueror, will at eaah Ixhtkltloa, aator ta Den, nnutnini uuns, iiutu, imr. AJtu Aiiu rnmr,Hi ana lire a uruiuie Parfcrmana with theae Flare and Sevti Monsters Tba free Display of WILD AHIKAL8 and the FEEDING OF THE WILD BEA8T8 Will b ttvtn In eoalumtioa with the CONTINUED , AND VARIED ENTERTAINMENTS. Th Dana will contain a Macnlflcant Zebra ; a Towering Ostrich, White Plumed, Seven Feet High Three African Lion (Six Mentha t Id) Klttana. lineal ana Dreuiesi anecimens iu rdt Menagerie Sacred Oow and Ualf( Long Lip. ped Hlndooatan Hears, only Amman oi tne una known to exist) The Erebne or Jet Black Lion ) a Dominique Alpaccat the "snip or tne uet art' a Dronariarv ot Sahara t Black. African Asiatic 1.10ns ana x.ionessea 1 nanirat it 11 Senegal and South American Leopards ek. OrlulT and Cinnamon Bears 1 Htrlped and Spotted Hyenas) Elk) Fallow and Spotted Deer Oaahroer Goats Wolves ) Panthers foxes) Ooons) Inebneumona) Uongonrs Bea Tars) moot I ui vit tints) i-raine isoga, c-, with a FULL ATI ART OF BIRDS, and all th kaown variety of Apss, Baboons aaa Monkeys THE CIRCUS TROUPE! Consists of FOHTY PRINCIPAL ARTISTES, amoaf WooraareBIX ei Att LAUirn. mora man nave aver eaeneotHsdin ona ESltEalHlAN IIIOW. M'lle Carlotta Whitbt-y, La Petite oaine, M'Ho Marirurctta lie Movne, Mile Elvira, - miss tieiiiicre mayianti, and M'mo (Jleiueue Fabrler. Two Cvoocl Olownaj. Pete Couklln & Cbas. Morgan. John Conklln, Tba Athlete and 1'annea Ball Manlpalatar. ' J. HeruandfK, Champtoa Bart Bash Kidar. Geo. Derlons, Omar Vellil. I.aRowe, Ptlves ter, O. Hauler, K. Haalon, I'ierrt, Jena, Korl.. ford, Dunbar, Modi. Prrrille, W. Uichafdsoa, Master Charles aad Mr. 11. Whltbey, And others, ruraiihint all that Is Naval, Asteundlna and landare in toe aqueawsu an. A GRAND PROCESSION Will b mad opoa the Eatree lata Town vry DAY AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M., Consisting of THE MASSIVE TEMPLE OF MU8IC, Drawn by Sixteen Arabian Horses, containing BRrTNER'S PHILADELPHIA. COR NET BAND. TWENTY SUPEHH DUNB, Elegantly painted and ornurui nted. THE TEAM OF ELEPHANTS, An Immense stock of Trained Blooded Circus Horses And a T.0HO LIUE OP WAGONS. CAES, &o. Tk whol forming aPUBiat; Y attAUt, woria a day's journey wwltae.. - ' All th Menageriee aad Uiroasea under one Tat for Ou biagi rrtt-a i auwiwiviu. Two Ierforiufincoa Afternoon & Ewalngt 9 V ;7 1-8 o'clk. Poor a open on hotir prartoua. flaata for all who eoaie V.Wnty of Boom, ADMISSION. -. 50 CENTS Children, undtr 10 years, 25Cenu iTHlR 11 AUljlOTH SHOW WILL EXHIBIT - ATTWWTQmrrtn airnnniv im.vaa of 1 v, w t va -" SUNBTjilY, MONDAY, S3, DANVILLE, TUESDAY, .-' 83 oil as I . i COHB A1U SKUTIIIi AiAKUIVtT 1 " n-ar-r-mrw n- ,w Aadllon Notice. -VJOTICl Is fcaroby gitsii, that tat andonrifraod 1 Auditor appointed by tba Orphan' Court of MorlbwnbarlaD Coanty, te .distribute tb balaae la tho baodi of H. B. HaaMr, Km., one of tho Kxo eaton of Uonry U iwr, dooaaMd aa par aooArma. uoa oline Auditor roport on nu aeooont to and eaongat those legally entitled thereto, will attend to the dutieaof bis Mid appointment, at bis oflloe in tbe Boroagh of Banbury, oo Baturday the 20th day t July. A. D. 1807, at which time and place all ineaa IDiennea cap a win 11 mey tea proper. . ,WM. M. EOOKKf BLLKR, Auditor. Banbury, June 2V, 1867. BY virtus of eertain write of Vrn. Ksnoms and Alias Ven. Kspnnaa, leaned out at the Cuuil ot Common Pleas of Northumberland enmity, aiit tome drrceted, will be exaiwed in pahlie aale at the Urarl Hoeaa, in Die Borough of Suiibarv, on MONDAY, August 5Ui IS67, at if o'cwca r. at., in uni'Twing property, 10 wu 1 A eertain lot a ifoend.aituat hi the town of Trevurtnu. Zeibe township, NofthumlieilaiHt euenty, Pa., InranHed and desrrihwlai follows: On the west by Jacob Omler) on the south I7 Treviirton Town Lots: on the east by A. Heire and Jemr R. 1 Ana, and on the north bv ri ma- worth Reed aouuining two and one-half aerea, more or a, wnerenn are retea two-etury mg nooee, etc, Seised, taken into execution Bad Iu be anld aa lb pro perty of Theodore Oailer. ALSO The following tract f land, tituel in Point ownabln NoitrntmberlarHl eoentv. anioinm land of Joseph Vankirk on the northwest f on the south-east by mod 01 Jesse miner, and on the south by rami ot tract of land berbirging to George B. Heira, containing almnt amy acre, mnr 01 less, whereon are elected a twn-itury Ing bouse, a tenant houas, wagon shed and ather otithuilrf ints. Soiled, taken into execution and to be ald at the pro perty of Wm. Donaldson. ALSO .A cerun rtouee and lot, situate in Lower Au gusta township, Northumberland Co , Pa., bounded on the north by Mrs. Daniel B. For : on (he east by George B. Conrad and another lot of said C. A. Conrad; on the ooth by Mrs. Foy, and on the wret hy Mrs Arnib Raker, containing ahont one-barf cirBnf lead, whereon la erected a tanr-story wick dwelling bouse anA store-room attached. ALSO A vacant huiaiing sa,nunte 111 trre same town hip, eounty and State aforesaid, bowndedon the rvmh ay George B Conrad and Mrs. Foy on the earn by Oeorgn B. Conrad and another lt of ground of said C. A. Con rad ) on the south by Mrs Daniel B Foy and au ithar, the weat hy the above described lot, eontaliinif one-fourth oC n icre, more or less. ALSO Another art of ground, situate in the aame town ship, hounded on the north by Geu. B.Conrad; on the east by fieorge n. t.nnrac ana rimers ; on inevmin 117 ine Church Lot of the Lutheran and Oermsn Reformed) Church, and on the west hy Mr. Daniel Foy, eoniainine; ahont two acrea of land, whareon ia a good young orchard.. Seized, taken into execution and to DC and tae-pro perty of C. A. Conrad. ' ...kite, nrir i." v o 1. ... : ir SherirTt Office, Sunbury, June 98, IW7. NEW GROCERY Market Street, three door eavt of tba Railroad north tid, SUNBURY, PA. WHOLESALE A RETAIL AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS 1 Their Stock It complete, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobacoo, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, llutni, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Olaw, Lampi, Ac, sto. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. tjfCall and examine our Stock, and satisfy your selves. Sunbury, June 29, 1867. J. YOUNGMAN'S FOUNDRY! Arch Wt.,lH'lwfea 3t and 11 h, -Iono to the Public School lloust', SUNBUR.1T PSNN'A. MILL Gearing, Stoves, and the largest clan of Castings made promptly to order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Grates for Cel lar Windows, Ao. fast Iron Chimney Top. WATER TROUGHS A DOORSTEPS. A liberal price paid for old casting'. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, Im- proved, is manufactured at this estabHEhmont. Alro, Stove Orates of all kinds, Kettles, and every variety : nmii castings. bunbury, July B, 1807. ly 8. S. WlBCB, JoUX Rl'.NILX 9 ARCU bTRKKT, between Third and Fourth Street HIIII.AUICI.HIIIA. WEUElt A RUKKLE. Propriotora. Jan M, 18fi7. Iv THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Ara near conatruoting a Railroad from OMAHA, NEBRASKA, westward towards the Pacific Ocean, ruuking wijh its ounnectionl an unbroken lino ACROSS T H.E CONTINENT, Tho C'uiiifauy now offer a limited amount of their FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS having thirty years lo run, and bearing annual in terest, payable on tbe first days of January aud July, in the City of New York, at the rate of BIX FEB CENT. IN GOLD, AT ."Marty trait oat she Dollar. Tbia road was vouipleted from Ouiuba Sui miles west ou the 1st of January, ItMiZ, and is fully equip ped, and trains are regularly running over it. Iho Company bai now on band tutfioient iron, lies, etc:, to nuiib the remaining portion to the eastern base of toe flocky .Mountuici, zi mile, wmcn uuudur con tract to be dune September 1st ol this year, and it is expected that the entire road will be in runuing or der irom Omuba to its western connection wun the Central PaoiUo, now being rapidly built eastward from Sacramento, Cal., during 1870. MEANS OF THE COMPANY. Estimatinz the distance to be built bv th Union Pacific to be 1.&0& mile, tba United iS'tate Uovern- inent issues iu Six per cent. Tbirty-year Bonds H tbe Company as the road is finished at the averar rate of about $28,260 per mile, amounting to $44,2us, 000. The Company it also permitted to iue its owr First Mortgage Bonds to au equal amount, and at Ibi lame time, which by special Act of Conzreat an made a First Mortcaire on the entire line, the bond: of tba United btates being subordinate to them. tne Movcrnment makes a donauunol 12,suu acre: of land to the mile, amounting to i0. 033. doll acres estimated to be worth sUO.OOO.UOO, mnkuig the totu resources, exclusive of Ibe capital, $1 1 ri,4 1 ti.ouo ; bu tne run value oitneiandacannot now be realised. Tbaaathorited Capital block of tbe Cuuipany i one hundred million dollars of which fire million: bave already been paid in, and of which it is no supposed that more than twenty-five niilliuui at mot will bo required. Tbe oost of th road is estimated by Competent en giueari to be about on hundred million dollars, ei elusive of equipment. rROJsPliCTS FOR BUSINESS. Tha railroad connection between Omaha and tb East it now complete, and the earnings of the liuiu PaciSo on tbe section! already huishrd for the fin two weeks in May were 113.000. These aectinni earnings as tb road progresses a ill much miwe tba pay the interest on the Company's bonds, and th through business over the only line of railroad bt tweeu tb Aijantio and l'aoifio must be immeuae. Value natd Necttrily of tbe llonilt, Tba Company respectfully submit, that tbe ahov tatemeut of fact fully demonstrates lb security their Bunds, and aa additional proof tbey would su f;eat that tbe Bondl now oflered are leas than teu im iou dollars on 617 mile of raad.oo which over twei ty million dollar have already been expended : on 13d mile of this road tbe cart are now running and tbe remaiuing 187 miles are nearly eomplcitx At tba preseut rat of premium on gold tho bonds pa an annual interest on tbe preseut cost of !Jlne lr Oat., and it it believed that on th completion of the roai lilt th Government Bonds, tbey will go above pa I hi Company inteud to sell but a limited amount i th present low rate, aud retain tbe right to advuu the price at their option, rjubsoripliou will be received lu New York by tl CoxvmxKTAL NaTioxAL Baxk, No. T Nassau St Ciaaa, Douaa A Co., Baaaaaa, No. 61 Wall St Joaa J. Cnco A Son, Biat, No. S3 V .'I St and by BANKS AND BANKEKS generally thro4: out th United btatet, trf whom inapt and desori! tiv pampbUu may be obtained. They will also I sent by mail from tb Company' Oflloe, No 20 Na sau Btreet, New York, oa application. Subscribe will select their owa Agenl m whom tbev hsve ooi adenc. who alone will b retpouiihlfi to them fur U aaff 4UyrT uf tb bond. JOHN J. CISCO, ' Treaaurer. v sV IfOPX, :: Jaa.Jl lleT.-Jnt . . . naeury, ai J ia, inev . mow m tiii! uniti.n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers