Bftr"Sunbut8: American; H. B. MASSE! R, Editor ft Proprietor. MlllMIY.rA. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. V. nT"PBi. 8nniDAif. Tht gallant' tifii Xi ; er, Gen. Sheridan, Who 'comranncU the De-fi':- Jiartitierit at New Orleftbs, lias removed the .. .. rebel Gwroof well from office and ap : .. pointed Thomas J. Durant in hie place.' The " Governor attempted to .Interfere; with l'is t. administration of affairs, by procuring or ders from Washington to suspend bis opera ' tions.' . Whereupon the General at once ,re" ' y moves the Governor, and gives reasons trl the Secretary of War for so doing. He -- charges him not Only with disloyalty and '.' dishonesty, but declares him a cowrfrdly vil Iiin and' as sinnous as a snake. "Gen. Sbcrl "'dan litis earned a worldwide reputation as , , , an officer, , lie is the right man in the right I . place. - And yet we find editors in the North, pandering to the Very scum of party, base .'' chough to stigmatize him as a mere pigmy , when compared to their ' favorite rebel generals. ' " ' J' ' ; ', ' ' t3F Judge Kelley made a speech at Oreensboro, N. C, and after lie had finished, Mr. J. R. McLean, a member of the Con federate Congress, publicly thanked him, . declaring that what be had said would pro ; mote reconstruction. Vet Mr. Kelley made ' no unmanly concessions. , 37 A large railway company of tho East has adopted a new system in wages In order to do away with vexatious strikes. The laborers employed are paid the price of a barrel of flour per week as the most just and satisfactory mode of measuring the value of labor. . ! ' ,-.- . , Mr. 8umncr. has written out and pub lished in pamphlet from his argument made by him in the Senate in favor of the ratification of the Russian treaty; . Tho rea sons ho assigns for the acquisition have been epitomised thus:'-. i "' "1. The possession of Russian America . will be a good thing tor the l'ucitic coast, and will help us in Becuring the trade of the East. 2. .We have always had a passion . for extending our domain. 3. Our bnying this land will contribute to the spread ol . Republican institutions.. 4. It will bother '. the Biitish. , 5. It will please the Russians." He proposes to name tlie territory Alaska, ' ; New Cousteufeit. Dangerous counter feit notes on' the Third National Bank of Philadelphia are in circulation. r O) ' ritO.U -tVAHlIt'liCi'l'O.'V. I'he Impeacliuieut Question. Washd-oton,' June 3. A clear majority of the Judiciary Committee is known to la vor an adjournment until December, because they do not deem a July session of Congress either advisable or necessary, and tliis ins 'Jority includes one member who believes an impeachment can be sustained before the II on so. The matter will be definitely deci ded this afternoon. The seven Republican t members of the committee, Although strong vln their cenBureof the President, are divided on the impeachment question. The charges of complicity in the assassination have not ; been sustained. It is, however, shows that the President has been criminally negligent in not sufficiently aiding the efforts to bring , the conspirators in the great plot to justice . and punishment. . , Siuce the hanging of Mrs. Surratt and her , associates, it cannot bo shown that; the Pre sident has made an effort towards uaravel- j' ing the mystejy of the iufumnus crime that culminated ou the 14th of April, 1805.- ..While the evidence docs not reveal any di rect evidence that .Mr. Johnson ever received any bribes for pardons, it shows ail astonish ing amount of corruption iu every rank of the crowd of those who apparently have favor in tueir control. Messrs. Boutwell, Lawrence and Williams are.of the opinion that articles of impeach ment should be presented, and it is believed . that air. lunulas inclines to this conclusion 1 Here is much excitement to-day on ac count of the election, but no disturbances , have occurred up to this hour. Orders have been received to place the ' rebel ram Stonewall in readiness for sea. She is delivered, and tho Government has grant ed Commander Brown the necessary leave of absence. The Japanese government wilt pay him a handsome price for taking her to Japan. One month will be required to put her in cood order.' The Government advices from New Orleans show that the Government is fully becured in its uccount with the Firm National Dank , of that city, aud that private depositors will get a large snare o their money. Washington, June 3 8 r. m. The muni cipal election in this city is going on quietly, , The tickets fur the colored voters were dis tributed at the colored churches yesterday Gen. Schotield arrival hereto-day, and is in consultation with General Grant. 0t, Well. lyowlejiniiia, RcmoTed by Ueneral Kherldnn. General Sheridan issued an order on Tues day the 8d Inst,, removing Governor Wells, of Louisiana, from office, and appointing Thomas J. Durant In his stead. Borne time ago the General I deposed two rival boards of Levee Commissioners,' one of which had been appointed. by Governor -Welja. and the other by a secession Legislature. The Gov. thereupon obtained from the President and Secretary of War an order requiring Geu. Sheridan to Withhold the execution.-of !! order regarding1 'commissioners.' This order was as follows : Waii Department, ' i I ' WAiBtNpToN, Jupe 8, 1807. I ifajar General P. II. Sheridan, Kelt OrUant: Application having beou made to the Pre l United States, bv the Governor of Louisiana, and others, for revocation of your order removing the Board of Levee Commissioners, and that the State anthori iip hft iinnnitted to oroceed in the execution of the State laws, the President directs that all further proceedings be suspended until further instructions. , You will please report the facts in relation to Your order, with the reasons for giving it. . . 4 Edwin M. Stanton, "; " ?"' "'!'' . .Secretary .of War. On the strength cf this interference with the workings of , the reconstruction law, General Sheridan immediately issued the following order:, . His Excellency the Governor of Louisiana, J. Madison Wells, having made himself an impediment to the faithful execution of the act of Congress of March 2, 1807, by directly and indirectly impeding the Ueneral in com mand in the faithlul execution of the law, ib hereby removed from tho oflice ol Governor ol Louisiana, and Mr. Thomas J. Dutant ap pointed thereto. Mr. Durant will be obeyed and respected accordingly. liy command of SI a). Gen. P. II. Sheridan UrcoHGE L. Mood, Assistant Adjutant General. General Sheridan, in reply to the Secretary of War, gives his reasons for removing' the Levee Commissioners. He says the Louisia na Legislature last winter passed an act containing the old Levee Board In office, so that 14,000,000 appropriated might be dis burscd by a board of rebellious antecedents, and adds:,, ,, , ... ; Alter toe adjournment the Governor ap poiuted a board of bis own, in violation i this act, and made the acknowledgment to Ueneral Qbendan that his object was to (lis burse the money in the interest ot his own party by securing for it votes at "the time of election.- I lie old board refused to turn over its papers to the new board, and ni pealed to Ueneral Sheridan to sustain it, which he would not 'do, as the question would then have . gone to the courts and have taken a year to decide. The State wa then overflowed and poor people eufl'eringv To abate this trouble and afford immediate relief, which the honest disbursement of four millions would give, an order dissolving Dotll boards was issued. . Of Governor Wells the General says : ' I say now unequivocally that' Governor Wells is a political trickster and a disunion 1st.',; I have seen him myself, when I first enmo to this command, turn out all the Union men who supported the Government, and'put in their stead rebel soldiers, some of whom had not doffed the gray uniform.- I have seen him again, during the July riot ot laiiO, skulk away where I could not find In m a guard, instead of coming out as a manly representative of the State and join ing those who were dewroua of preserving the peace. I have watched him since, and his conduct has been as sinuous as the mark left in the dust hv the movement of a snake. I say again that be is dishonest, and dishou csty is more than must be expected of me. General Sheridan also issued orders ou the 8d inst., removing the Street Commissioner, and appointing William Baker in his place. The cause of tho removal ia neglect of duty aud the uucleanly condition of the city. AFFAlttS AT Til C SOUTH." Tue I'roni St.. l.oults. - Upper Mis- I.ndiaks Quiet on he SOCTtl. Impeachment. - Washington, June 3, 1867, The House Judiciary Committee to-day closed the impeachment investigation, which they commenced under an order of the House and in pursuance of charges made by Representative Ashley, of Ohio, in January last. After taking noarly two thousand pages of printed evideuce, during a session covering five months, the committee pro ceeded to vote on the report it should make t.i the House. The result was as follows, on the question, "Does the evidence warrant the committee in reporting articles of impeachment?" The affirmative vote were, Messrs. Boutwell, Thomas, Lawrence and Williams. The negatives were, Messrs. Wiltton, Chairman, . noodbridue, Churchill, i-ldrulne and Mar shall. So the committee decided not to re port in favor of impeachment A resolution of censure wag then presen ted, to the effect, that the evidence produced before the Committee, of the official and - other acts of President Johnson, demonstra- - ttd that hewn unworthy of the confidence and rttpeci of the American ptople. This was agreed to by ycut 7, nays 2, as follows: ,1 Yeas Messrs. Wilson (Chairman. Chur . chill, Boutwell, Thomas, Woodhridge, Wil liams aud Lawrence all Republicans. , , Nays, Meters. Eldridga and Marshall ootu democrats, The committee agreed to make the above St. Lovis, June 1. The Dahotah of May 18th, published in Dakotah Territory, siivs that not a single depredation hns beeu com mitted by the Indians on the uj.pir Missouri. bince tlie opening U navigation, several small parties have come down the river in open boats irom as nigu up as f ort tnion without molestation, and small detachments of troops have passed from Port to Fort undisturbed. Gen. Mauley passed up the river with a detachment of troops about two weeks since. His headquarters will bo at Port Sully. r ort Keno will be guarded by four com panies under Lieut. Colonel Otis. Biaior Kusu win command at ort uandall and Colonel Knox at Port Dakotah. Two posts are to be established in Dakotah. one on the Big Cheyenne and the other between that river and f ort Uierliold. There are n w three regiments on the Upper Missouri, which it properly distributed are sufficient to keep the Indians in complete subjection. 1 he steamer Aora A. Mouutain was snag ged and suok near Desoto. . Nothing was saved, The passeqgera took the steamer Silver Luke just, behind and went ou. New Dhlkans, May 81. To-night I re ceived a conformation of the news of the fall of Queretaro and of the advices sent relating thereto, together with official correspondence Irom Vera (Jruz. The intelligence from Vera Cruz says : The surreuder of the Imperialists was heard all along the lines. The city ot Mexico has certainly capitu lated. General O'Hara was shot there for correspondence with the Liberals. Vera Crua will aoon surrender. Before the surrender of .Maximilian, Juar ez sent to Vera Cruz, Puebla and the city of Mexico,-dispatcnes similar to that sent to Gen. Berriozabel, at :Matamoras. These state that all the Imperialists, their ammuni tion and supplies, were cuptured on the 15lh inst. Maximilian and all officers above the rank of Lieutenant are reported to havo been shot at 7 o clock on the evening of the loth, bv officers who escaped and arrived at Brown ville on the 87th Irom Quecetaro. Private letters received at Matamorai state that Juarez baa ordered Escobedo to execute Maximillian and his generals i and the otnciai paper at ban Luis rotoat alter narrating tue particulars of the tall ot Uuer- retaro states that the Secretary of War lor- warded orders to Lscotiedo on the Ex-Gov. Brown, of Georsia. has again ad dressed a large assemblage of people in his State, counselling them to accept the terma of the Military Reconstruction bill. . There is a report tnat tue ioui-mouiucu Governor Jenkins will be removed by Gen. Pope and Gov. Brown appointed in his piBce. We rear that tue report is ioo guuu m true. . , , . The crops throughout Georgia are sain 10 promise abundantly. .... ..a, ii;,.h-,.,.,H V. on F rid IV. most of tlio stores were cled ift tnciBrj'di" the rebel dead, and the graves in Hollywood anti other cemeteries weie decorated by the wo men, ten thousand persons being present. Op the same day, (which was a good remin der of rebel wickedness,) Gen.' ' Schotield reviewed the troops in Richmond. . Virginia. General Schofleld, commanding in Virgi nia, lias directed the appointment of military commissioners in sub-districts, giving them the command of the police, sheriffs and con stables, and clothing them with the powers ot magistrates, lor the purpose ot giving ample protection to nil persons in their rights of person and property in cases where tue civil authorities may tail. Ucn. IJrcwn, of tho ftecdmens Uurcau, Richmond, Vn., has issued a circular direct ing the officers in view of the hostility which miiv exist to frecdmen voting to see that every freedman is instructed in his right's and that be is registered and votes. . , ' Kentucky, General Breckinridge- announces that lie intends to return to Kentucky. Like Aaron Burr, after his sojourn in Europe, he will resume the practice of law. Like Aaron Burr, he will live to learn that he is an ob ject of contempt and detestation to all loyal men. there is no one among the list ot rebel leaders, who mole deserves the legacy of und ing infamy, than John U. Ureckin ridge. Ijontitiann. The registration in Louisiana so far as it has progressed indicates an overwhelming maturity ot Republican voters. Keturus received here of the lists made up in the country parishes in the immediate vicinity ol JNew Orleans, and including the whole the Second Congressional District of the State, which embrace!" the southern hulf o that city, show that up to the 20th tilt, onlv 4,000 whites had registered against 14,000 blanks. Ex-Governor Hahn has been excluded from the register of voters in Louisiuna, on the ground that he gave aid and Comfort to the rcbt-llinn. 1 his is a heavy dig fur Hahn, who wished to pass bimselt off as an origi nal Union man. He tried hard to do tins wiicn New Orleans fell into our hands, and many believed him ; bnt his claims have all along been sturdily opposed and now we see where he stood. Two negroes were appointed on the police force nt New Orleans last week. Gen. Sheridan telegraphs to.nrmy head quarters that the largest political meeting and procession that ever occurred in New Orleans took place under the auspices of the Republican Party, on the evening of May 29, and passed off without the slightest dis order. - It was mostly composed of colored Citizens. Tcibn. During the recent visit of Gen. Sheridan to Galveston, Texas, he became so convinced of the disloyalty of the police force of that city that he removed every man, from the chief to the lowest subordinate, and ordered the military authorities to act in their stead. AliiKiiini. Gcorgo W. Eagle, the man who offered a reward for the assassination of Prubident Liucoln during the war, wus arrested on the charge of ciuuplicity in the assassination a few days since, but discharged on producing a pardon from President Johnson. The Republican movement in the South ern States has reached tho State of Missis sippi, in which the campaign was opened on the 30th of May. ... Alabama. . We have now the full reports of Gen. Pope and of Col. Shepherd concerning the riot in Mobile. Gen. Pope declares that the Rebel Mayor took no steps to prevent disturbances which everybody expected. aud that the Chief ot Police was cither in sympathy with the rioters or unlit for his olhce. He removed them for "criminal mis conduct," and emphatically affirms that an other riot will cot occur while their micees- sor hold ottice. col. Shepherd, who was presort at the meeting, says that Judge Kellev's speech was dignified and patriotic, and fully acquits him ot provoking distur bance. i rno.n the n.ii.. " WAR COMMENCED DBKERTKHRTBa STEAM En MINER SAFE ARMS FOR TUE TERRI TORY. ..." . ' St. Louis, June 4. Western dispatches say that the mail coach on the 8moky Hill route was urea into near uig rim her, a tew days ago, and again near Russel'a Station. The former station was attacked three days in succession. Generals Smith and CuBter are at Fort Hay with 1.000 cavalry. Thirty-five men. with their horses and equipments, have deserted within tho past three Week. .. , 1 , ... : . 4 A regiment of colored infantry was en route to Fort Hays. An Omaha dispatch says that 200 Pawnee scouts had an encounter with about an equal number of Sinux near the end of the Pacific Railroad a few days since. Three of the Sioux were killed. Ueneral Sherman, after accompanying the ex unionists to Fort Mcfherson, win loin General Augur in the field. General Augur, it is understood, will have sufficient cavalry to give protection to the railroad route and all the the working parties. Tho steamer Miner, which was reported captured bv the Indians, and the crew and passengers massacred, some tune since, was met helow Fort ltis r May 10 ad well. The steamer Manilla, loaded with one hundred stand of arms and a large quantity of ammunition, for the use of Dakota Ter ritory, was at Galveston. BENATOIt WADE'i EXCCR9ION PARTY FINK . 1 ' 1 -.r Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZmLEMOYUU&imO., (Baoocstor to BKNJ. ZKTTLEMOYER.f Mrkt Street, near Engel's Stors, 8CNBCRY, PAJ HAVINU taken eharg of the old tnnd to lonf natronlied bv the people of Bunburr and vi cinity, beg leave toannounoe to the old friends and the publio generally, that they will supply them with the moet improved varietlM of - - - , STOVES, C06K.0PP10E awl PARLOR STOVKSof tlie beet Brands which are nnsurpeeied for beauty of flniih, simplicity of arrangement, combining oheeiineM and durability and eech Move warranted to perform what Iknv .r. rnnrmiAnted . -v 1 o i . - Coal Oil, t'oal Oil I.mnpn, I.aat-rrae, Shade, Chimneys, and nil articlea usually kept in an Ktablirhmentof this kind. COFPEH, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sU. ' . ' - ' f FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latett Improvod tying. lie is aim prepared to do all kinds of Spooling and Roofing. Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply nnrt neally executed. ' GEO ZETTLEMOYER BRO. " Juae 8, 1807. y NOTlcrTOumiLlESJI TUB Venders of Foreign and Donesti Merokaa' haodlee within the County of Northumberland, win taollo thai Bl7 arewed and "ted by the Appraiser ot Mwabaoti STaxee tor the year, 1B67, saillaweni i U F ' Mrc4ntil4 ApprUm$nt for 18G7, h i''Fpffy, fiq., JfertMntiUApprauer. , j L I ( : BaelneA. Clue. Ami. - ' -Inn VTmiBir - ' Coal, H IT " 1 ! Btore, - it- 1 Henry Thorn ae, UeorgeUermao ft Co Roibersiet V Mourer, Hothermelet Mourer, Flour, WEATHER. Normt Platte (300 miles from Omaha), June 3. Senator Wnde and party arrived here to-niht. To-morrow they will visit one of the United State fortsin the vicinity, iu company with Lieutenant General 8Ler man. The weather is delightful. They are en joying themselves immensely. Being sup plied with good rules, they kept up a con tinual tire all day, at antelope and other game that were fouud along the track. The tails are laid over forty miles west of this place, hut owing to the high wuter of the Platte river, travelers and the stages still leave here tor Denver. INDIAN MASSACRE PANIC ON THE PLAINS Omaita, June 4. The Indians made a raid twenty miles west of Jutthurg yesterday, and took twenty-five head ol Mock from parties on J. II. Lacy's portion of the Uuion l'acihc railroad grading. Rumors are afloat to-day of a terrible mas sacre of a coach load of passengers on Sun day morning, between Julesburg and June tion. The most trustworthy report is that received by the military authorities iu this city, from which it seems that the conch was attacked near faimew Station, which was lately burned. Two drivers were above the coach; one was killed near Kilboutn and the other was seriously injured, but es caped. The couch left Denver on tho '28th tilt. Three horses were taken, and a general rummaging of the Coach took place. Gens. Sherman and Augur have arrived at the scene of these outrages. A general panic exists along the plains. CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 Chestnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA DELPHIA. Eftabliehcd 1814. Incorporated 1865. Voting .Vl-u I'rui'llcutly ICtlucntcd lor Uuiitcaa. The facilities of tliis Institution havo been largely inorensed, and it now has advantages for imparling business knowlodgo which are unequnllod. i he pmciical vulue of ill wcll-lncd oauree of in struction is attested by hundreds in all departments of business. Many a youug ninn owi hii suocvssin life to the qualibcetiom gwined here. TtiVinrtruQtion llnoubuut is thorough, practical, anil just what is uaily used in our best business houses. The instruction Includes Book-Kcuping in all it Branches, Penmanship, (l'luin ud Ornnmental.) Comuieroial) Cal culations, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Cowtnoruiul ' Law, Detecting Counterfeits, Eto. Students irotruoted separately and received at anv time. Dinluniasawanlou on irrnuuiuiun. siran- curs agisted in tirocuring suitable boarding places. Loard luav be obtained lor aboulo per woek. Cata logues mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING, Counting House, price $2 60. High School, price il it). Common School Edition Mi i out. Judgo bhurswood's Lectures before the StudenU on CotiiiuerciHl Law. Drico l tit). lhb CKlTThNDEN CO.MMEUCIAL ARITH METIC AND BliblNEiid MANUAL. Containing new and rapid uiolhuds of calculation as actually uned by business men. Forms of Business l'upir s accompanied by explanations of tbeir nature and uo. unci u I Cummeruial la Dies, ana uiucn vniuuuio information on business subiects. I'ricoil 25. The sale of this Book has been rapid that it is ulrendy in lis second edition. Any of tho above book! tent post ago paid on re ceipt of the price. B. u. .itiiir.iLf.M i.tu. , June 8. 1807 0m TUE GREAT RADICAL NEWSPAPER, FORNEY'S PRESS. C. lit Kramer,-1 f ' I I 8tore , J), i. PJumiaer; , ttlllnefr William Z. Raker, Store, Thomas Foulds. Jr. " H. B. Weaver. 1 Billiard Table, - J. B. Newbaker. Druggist, Joseph Kline, f r j Xtnner,. Elisabeth Kaiter, m Milliner, ' Israel Mahamer, Mer. Tailor, William frits, - - Flour, Thomas Foulds, Sr. Powder, Honry J. Rem),' v '- Floor' Oeorge Tummes, '! i t f ' ' fi x.ittkjB( juahukot, Pntnuel B. Dunklobergcr.'' Mill, '"' Thos. Foulds, 8n., ' ' Powder, Joseph Reltiy - : 'i utote, ' Joseph Raker, .j i . i Cornelius DnnUleberger, - ' - : '' '" Daniel B. Rein. Btom, ' ' Henry H. Donuelf, Mill, Ualen Smith- '.TArvant Tnvwifltp.' PeibertAiloka,1 if4 W") ; Michael LaUba, . . . ' Coal. William w lest. ' ' ' otore, T i u I - : 1 - T- Xressler t Urother, , ... Store, Lulu cuyucr, viuwi, Deppin k Brother ,- ' ' Store, William H.Lamb, .T LL Coal, r Isaao Albert, Lumber, Daniel Uolshoe, Mill J . sbof etc Hons .,, -y JOBPA.1 lOWMUtr., . . Enterline & Teager, ' ' 1 ' .Vlers, John Weist, Mill, Daniel Kehres A Bon, fitore Peter Kohler A Son, Tanner II. W.Strawbridge, Lewca Manoxor. 14 14 14 14 14 00 eo oo. t oo 00 00 00 f 00 80 00 r oo m f 'ft 00 Hi fiT 00 14 7 00 - 14 T 00 ,14 TOO I '-14 T 00 14 ' . " 7 00 14 ittr RTaT. PfWleiP Henry Wanek jaeoe matniae .J. Rhodes IbtUWtltoWe, 7. V. HoHWlll ' ! Joa. Jsnnima ". hiaabsr Cornelias Smith i . R. ManbeH 8on rope 14 t oo .' Ktr wri t It J CV.'T -f '!'..'.'' 09 l T '' ' 14 ' "t 00 ,. . .,. 14 . , 1 00 M TO CuTLfsTJAUd iWirsnTP. Frf&'nac1enbufrf.f;i..etore.!.lil . 15 00 Fry) 4k J lax-ken burg coal -i -Fry & Heinly . hu.i".ritor w Beer iresrf 1 tore'' P. Duhkie & Bott " t' jp, w n.i.. .J a Reichard, Smith & Co. " Samuol MoNinch tanner John Fry & Co store i win 14' HP' 1 h . t 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 13 00 7 00 7 00 .7 00 14 .Tannery H -J 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 ' T 00 7 U0 7 00 7 00 13 -14 -12 14 . 14 11 14 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 15 0i 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 'it. Samuel Lebo, Tanner Aaron Mattis store, Joseph Spolts A Soo luill William Spolts, Henry Bingamaa tanner Francis Morkley stcre Andrew Ditty Backus A Elite " P. S. Bickul A Brother John Bingamau tanner John Binguuian coal Johu Bingamao lumbor Peter Winner, mill Christian Mcscner, tinner AVisitinoTOM Townsnip. - Ellas Hetrich, tanner C. F. Fisher, mill William Kehrea store Henry C. Fisher '' foundry Conrad A Fettorolf, mill . Rouiberger A Wsiie tanner . Jauub KaufTman mill. - I'rria Maboxoy. . 1 Jacob Kauifman, A. Ueisi A i'on, Solomon Entcrline I'.xK'nwi vc l'lre nt lf Iroloiim On. Ire Iaikn T5,000. Petroi.eim Ckkthe, Pa., June 2. About half past one this morning a tiro broke out iu a building known as the Taylor House, spreading rapidly on both sides of Wash ington street, destroying thirty-nine build- ngs, mostly stores and building houses. Ao accurate estimate con now be marie. but the loss will not fall short $75,000. The lire is supposed to be the work of an incen- inry. liy crcat exertions the American Hotel and two adjoining buildings were saved. A heavy rain is now falling which will much damage goods removed from the ourmng ouudings. From Mouth Aiuerlra. Itio Janeiro, May 0, via London, June 1. The mediution of the United State has been declined by the Brazilian Government, and renewed preparations are making to prosecute tue war to tue euu. ueneral Lrquiza, it ia reported, has re volted against the allies, taking with him 10,000 men. There has beeu no further lighting. The cholera is raging in the allied camp. The revolt in the Argeutine pro vinces is reported to be ended. 15th to facta public, and then adjourned to the 26tb ilioot Maximillian and his generals. ei June, woen they will proceed to consider the question of a republican government in 1 Twelve thousand acres of roses are nlanted r . .f I i i.:. i. . r . . i . . . b i .... ... "... . aijinu, wuicuwaa reierreu w inera jor at Adnanople, lor. tne purpose ot UlBtillation - m . .iiaiiuu rcpiii b uj tlio f iuusu. . - 1 jor Oil. L-..S:.,","" .Tl?r,S.,!,ir ' Sensible men in Kentucky wboWc nccted with the third the host of the trne Union linrtr tli wanl r-A. . t. r i I Uieil. - inat n-o.rriino ti, m;i;i... I A bund of Indians, on the 2to Ult., at ... v I iirvofl m bii.bII irt rtl intitKiri rrn&Hinir UI'lll. ID k I r ( r 1 1 1 1 . Il ia . I . u I. A r 1. I, ' I wa bw.h.w w " - - p. ,U.. UV .... - W-.. -D... XT TI j. tor more cttioers to awitt him ia the enforce-1 ,rou' n"u"K lu w wi.. a., meut of 4tia ItecooktructiOn act. The work Bra r'" taetn oacn to i oij, .utauiiuK, -ot pteparing tha registration alona hat been I The legal rata of interest ia to bo iocreai- .rgrw....,.;V i --.:,-. . !. r. to ,evn t csnt rn Connecticut 4' earty this morning from Richmond, and has b "".lousf cont . had a conversa.fon with . General Grant, !" S.' .. luring most of the day, on qustiona arising V7,imt . The bankrupt Congressman, Mr. Culver, of Culver, Peou & Co., has sold a number of life insurance policies effected on his own life for $75,000. . " Ueneral Santa Anna is living at the house of Mr. iS'aphygi, at Few Brighton, til a ten l-.lunii, and is only awaiting the rtsult ol certaiu business affairs to return to tit. Tho mas. The gushing Abbott's recent letter from the Tuilleries in even more ridiculed in France than America. A note to the editor of the Paris Steele suggests that J. S. A. be exhibited at the Exposition as the "learned ass." The richest member of the Connecticut Senate is an Irian mau, whose property is valued at $3,500,000, and whose daily in come is $1,000. llcmade his money from an oil farm in Pennsylvania, which he purchas ed for $3,000. : In Londonderry, N. 1L, reside Flora Stewart, a Degress, once a slave of the grand father of Samuel Wilson Simpson, now eighty years of age, whose mother at bis birtu was nursed by t lora. one is reputea to be one hundred and twenty year of age. Her memory embrace the incident ot a century. , ... . s . '.. ..; There are living near Blanchester, Ohio, two brother named Ezra and A oner Cart il wallader. who were bora Ihe same day, boto mustered into the seme cowpaoy Company , 1 . th O. V. I. the tame day; both wound d at tb battle of Chickamauga the same day, both made applications for pensions tb am day, and both received the same amouat olpeosioa the same day. - iiKi:virn:. James Gordon Bennett returns an income of 110,0G7. Senator Sumner is about to build a SO,- 000 house in Washington. Laura Keene wears $i!0,000 worth of dia monds in one of her -plays. The famous American chess-player, Mor- phey, ia expected to take part in the coming Chest Congress, at Paris. General Fremont has purchased the late residence of General Webb, on the Hudson, and has improved it greatly. . As a consequence of the eight hour move ment, several of the prominent manufactur ing establishments of Illiuois have removed iuto Indiana. Owing to the labor troubles in Chieuuo hundreds of workiugmcu have quit the city and found homes elsewhere. It is now announced that Jobu II. Surratt will not be brought to trial lor the assassin nlion of President Lincoln, but will be in dieted for conspiracy or tor treason. In this event his earlv and unconditional release may be looked for. Foil AM. THOSE DlSTUEKSINO AND Ap fmotino Maladies. Which originate in Scrofula or an enfeebled or vitiated state of the blood, nothing can equal the tonic and purifjing effect of Dr. Antlers' Iodine Water, a pure solution of lodiue dissolved in pure wuter vithout a totcent. Coal is lower to day in price, as paid for in currency, thau it has been for six years in New York city. It is selling lor four dollars per ton. There is a hat manufacturing establish ment in New York which is capable of turn ing out 12,000 hats per day. It employs 1,500 operatives, and the sales amount to $11,000,00 annually. Fi.ouh continues to decline in the princi pal markets. In Chicago, on Tuesday, it took a "hoist downward'' lift j cents a barrel, mid that which a lew daya before told so freely ut $14, was slow at $13. Wheat has declined more than a quarter of a dollar a bushel in one week, and forty-five cents from the highest ngure during the late advance. There ia a good time coaiing ; wait a little longer beiure you buy. Oen. Logan, M. C. from Illinois, is to can vass the South in favor the Republican principles. Gi-n. Grant's income over and above that received from the Government is $4,800. Some years ago he was engaged in a tan yard at about $80 per month. The last tan yard ir. which he worked, however, paid better man tue erst. Wm. II. Bell, a prominent businessman of Harrisburg, Pa., who was married on Thursday, was taken ill and died oo Sun day. PuBOiTiva Pills have become a settled neoeral- ty with the American people. Indeed, oathartio always have been and always must be used, in some lor ni, ny an mankind, la ibis euuutry the piiulur form of administration has been growing In favor since pills wore first made of Aloes and Rhubarb, rolled into a ball, lbeir high position in the publio confidence has finally been secured and fastened into permanency by Aran's CaraaaTic Pills, die moat skillful combination of medicine for the dueases they are intendwf to euro, that science ean devise or art produce. Those who need pills no lunger hesitate what pills to take if tbey oao get Ayer's Pills. noeeuug (va j frees. . NO COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS! GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN THE C0UST11Y. THE PRESS. A first-clous Double sheet Eight-pngo paper, con. taiuining Forty-eight columns. PubliKhed Eveiv Morning, Southwest corner of Seventh and Cheanut Streets, Philadelphia. TERMS. DAILY PUESS, $3.00 per annum. $4.1)0 lor six months, f 2 0U for three months. TRIWEEKLY TRESS, ft 00 per annum. ii.OO for six months. $1.00 for three months. THE SUNDAY PRESS. $2 AO per annum (1.00 lor six months. THE WELKLY PRESS. The most valuable Weekly Newspaper in the World. It contains items of interest to every one. READ TUE TERMS. One Copy - $2 00 per annum. Five Copies V 00 " Ten Copies - - 17 50 " Twenty Conies - - - 33 00 " To the getiur up of a Club of Tax or more Copies an extra copy will be given. All orders should be addressed to John w. forney, Editor aud Proprietor, S. W. cor. Sovouta and Cbosnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. June 8, 1867. ft Auditor's! Ii'orl. Auditor's Report of the Bounty Fund of Lower Augusta I'uwntiiip for the yeur laOS. Wm. Al slick, ireaeurer ol tne Uouuty und. DR. TocaFh received from J. B. Bartholomew. tor the year lt03, XiM 01 To eiwti rec d. tnnii Daniel Bloom, Colleo- tor lor the 1 ear 1S04, 347 13 To cash reu'd. lioiu Isaao Martt, Collec tor for the yean Isoj o, 4,261 H Total 1,18 33 CR. By cash paid on Bonds for money advanced to nay recruita, with interest. By services lor School Directors, Ac, By peroentago on $l,tHil 63, uy uaiance due oy ireaaurer, Isaac Murti, Collector for the year 1866, To amount of duplicate CR. Bv amount paid to Wm. Mallick. Treat. By exoneration on Duplicate, By percentage on 4,loK 54 at II cts. By balance duo oo duplicate, $4,746 71 57 9i 24 01 IV 6U $4,b4s 33 DR. ta,B95 20 $4,159 54 620 02 72 07 1,042 V7 ti,m 20 $101 03 $102 52 Ieaae Marts, collector DR. To balance due on Duplicate for lu5, Daniel Bloom, Collector DR. To balance due on duplioate for lso4, We the undersigned Auditors, met at the bouse of D. B. Foy, to settle the Bounty Fund Account of Lower Augusta lowneutp. Alter examining the aoeounu aud vouchers, we find the iiidebleduess of the same, to be $35 29. Hue our bauds this first day of June, 1867. 6U1.UWU.H B. C-.MDfclV,) AN1AS. WVNN, Auditors JOEL, VOUDV. J If the balanoe due U paid forthwith, the aopount Will be squared. dune a, iooi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL m '.?&8.'8Qv s BEN J. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the isuet responsible Nurseries in ibis and Shrubbery, Vine and Plants. Uarden Seeds of sii Kiaaa. Orders art respectfully solicited. Address BKNJ. BOHNER. Paxinoa, North'd. Co. - " B. Insurances taken In several of tot moet responsible Fire lusuraaoe and Horse DeteoUve vooipauiea in toe dim. . , - June 8, 1367. y "Union uotei... CMAH. 1TZEL, Proprietor. Ia Cake's Additii te SUNBURY, near the Penn'a. .1 Uailroad Company's Shop, t PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find asuple adeoDmpdationa. Uood eooks and waiters, bo ai Jars cko enjoy the quiet oom- rur ia ui ouuie wuu litre equal to toe Deev boleia. ' His Liquors are of tbe choicest kinds . . Banbury, June 8. 188T. W. J. WOLVERTON, ATTOK.i:i'ATI.AtV, Market Street, $ doors west of Dr. Eyster's 6tore 8UNBUR Y, PENN'A. All professional business in this and adjoiniag oeun wot promptly aiieuueu to. euuuury, november 17, 1366. ly J. SB WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR This wonderful preparation is oertain death to RATS Will., KUAVUfcS, BKL 1SUUS, ASB, MOSUU1 yoa, x'ijie.o, eua ioaecuj in uaraeiu. May be obtained by our Agent, W . A. BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail DruggUt, EUNBURf , PA June 8, 1867. Juip Mrs. A. TWEED. Ia Mis Anna Painter t Fauoy Uooda Store building weraei ouiurt, o aoors weal Ol llie rOM Voice, BINBLRV, PA. T ES?ECTFULLY informs her friends and the IVj publio that she baa attain orxoed a shoo. Market street, Buabury, where she it prepared make to order Ladies' Driaiis. ia am entire a style, Ladies' Cloaks, Aa. Also Gentlemen'i sbirta- urders retpeotiuiiy solicited. Buabury, Jaa 1, lW ly ' ' i' -.'.--' i , . ;- t .. mill store tanner atora mill' ACUCSTA. mill acob llaas Browera, Vrraa John S. flaas A H. Y. Haat . A It. K. Campbell ' Joseph Bacher, brewery, Lower Aoocsti. John .Snyder A Son mill It aim & tlruiber store Siarltel A Lyile Heeler brother , -, " , Abraham Sbipinaa ' ' mill Jacob Fagely . - ' usech neltiel - Duniel Zartmao , tanner William DewlU . will oUn K. KaufTman store Moses Reiti " Hiram Miller ' Ebaiiokix Towxinir. Withinzton A Kline tanner ' John Hull, store case Uonsert , - .mill eurize W. Starticl store Hull A Peosyl tanner airol & una ' store A Bermresser - " .- Robins A ilollky " t iioadauie! urooery ToaUworth A Cbideeter, tauner 11. Leiaeurina A Brother -mill Nusbit A Bubo store tin Fither mill Catharine li Vastlne milliner oaviih VVolverloa tanner Reed A Shipmua mill Wm. S. Auimeruaa store , Teat A Brother ' ; - tanner .'. W.ftauH Uoorge lloffnet " rarnswortb " Reuben Kline " Simon Reed ' bol.Moxii " Coal Tow.un, Sweuk A lhnian , Brewery II. A C. 1). Hammer store Wra. M. Hiekie Co., Rosu Towasair. nseph F,ix ( mill aiuca A(. Bird ' Mottkt CaiiMtx Bjaoi'aR 11. Silatinau store ?eat Mcirty J faivin, Jr. " Jacob Keiacr, Mount Caxmil Towaaair. Aaron Bafrell A Co. store fu.nuel A Uerijitreswr ' v illiaui 11, Lrea " , b. BICIU, , " ilavid lleiaer ' 11 Beimevilie Fegely ' tinner wai. tieriuiii suae llonahoe A Venaora . t4 cnuiiee Bjtich , euoe stoie II. ifrnellee store T llunnan . Rhiajde - "' " , " L. Mama I'oisr Towaiair. Thomas Johnson mill Cbaiies Uauat " Enwauol Hiraab , James beott : ' . - store 8HAHOIIN Boaouea. Rudolph V Bower Ueofaa bUlpe YeaKer Mary Vanxaiil K. A. Clara Daniel vV aaver Joseph Wolf lUniy L. Mrouae Heyei Bnaber - Zunoieruiaa William 11. stutsnei tibetl U. l-aum Wm. Krirely fc Co Neabit A .Millar H. A. Shreiler K. H Hnisslsi Mover it 1'cckart , V autlne r ecely P F.Bouiariiaoaiil " Bixiih A Ccjvr M.Emra linurf J. P Kisenhart - MaykUrotaer store ' ' Hainsou Ueiuy Jihn Builmer coal ' Temiilin 4 Co akoeetora Jueei'k S&ern, agent flour Deuarl 3. MiUer shoe store Win. C. Kuth frocery j Samae! Mooie ' '' fuiuilure saoe store' J Uerger k Bon ' Klixabeik Vary ' milliner l.ydia Banner 8 H Caapmaa Wm. P. WithiOfto J. Duisleherget .... W iu 11. Maiabcll Sober h Oilger J W. Young Gemge HeitxmM Hellia Beiart A. V. Ktme D. Reed " J. b. Conrad D. 8. GUgei J. Catarli Ate , Reutiau KUiie (our W D. Wilson Wm II. Bickla Fied'k Dipnei 1 semael tiroes 1 - ' Noaiumaxtuiao Boaoswa. I store lumber grocery 4' . - ! nulUner;, II n n 13 14 13 11 i 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 - 14 13 14 13 14 13 U 13 14 . 14 11 11 14 14 14 11 14 11 14 ' 14 It 14 14 14 13 11 ' 11 14 14 10 11 10 10 II II It 14 lu It 14 10 It It 14 I'J 14 14 14 , 14 14 Henry ttaup Nathan Shell Wm. Bavidgo Henry Hart man Lawrence Carman George A. Wyknff TyreuiaD & Havidge Anderson Dinniua Klini Miller ;, Henry 8.- Fabcr ,- , tor ia 14 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 McEwKNBvn.LK Donocoit. Aruiatroog & Ellic V',',, 12 A Guffy . ". . ( grocery' 14. J. D. Watson , grain., , 13 8. M. Wftitk store ' 12 Mary Catlicart , .milliner. - 14. r.. . " Delawark Towk'ship. " 'Watwntoirn. Goodman Jt Brother 10 oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 00 T Oo 7 00 io ou iu oo 10 00 7 00 10 00 ;o oo ' 10 00 7 00 7 tol 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ,- 7 oo , 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 (ore , grain , Everit Brother & Co. tstoro llaclitnun & Vustiuo ..." Gosli & Holepcter " Harrison Houscl, coal . Frndericlt Plocli flour .T. Y. Ellis A Brother ' J?. II. Knight .. Dncart. ' Goodman k Brother store crain John McFarland crain John II. Wagonhurst, tinner. Hiirah K. Kyo- ' milliner Sarah Ilacentuch'r" grocery . J. A. Weidcnhammcr coal grain coal mill coal lumber 7 00 7 oo 7 00 8 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Otf 7 00 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 1 '7 00 7 00 7 OO 7 Oil 10 on 7 00 io oo 7 00 10 00 10 no 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 lb 00 7 00. . 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7-00 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 10 IS DO ' 13 00 7 00 7 LO 20 UO I s ou . -Ji ou . vo ou 13 00 13 Wl 7 Of 7 on 20 uu 7 OU 7 UU au ou . 7 UU 7 OU 7 UU ' 111 Ml 7 00 1 00 1 w 7 UO r 7 00 Thomns D. Barr . D. Dateuian & Co. Ltttuha itWitnicr 1'uter D. Shaffer H. C. McKce John Stitzlo L. A. Eckurt Fry & Gufly . Lrwis TowKbitirv John McFarland mill ' Miltoh Bonocon. John R. Bright -John E. GchrtngJ ' Wm. Seaman Frederick Wolf Samuel iJlair Samuel Mc. Mali an Samuel McMahan O. W. Overpeck . Trticke miller it Fausnaut Jacob 'Crsitzer Heber ifc Brutlivr J. S. Klopp Isaac Burmati Tlmmas Swank Thomas Swank . I. Stout Jonathan Youut Henry' Huth Joseph Angstndt F. Stine Micliael Yonnt T. S. Steward Gfiirjre Evani. J. F. Oaiu'ier Pciper i Montgomery Umc Sticker Fxnac Brown S. L. Fiuney & Brother Wm Hfineu & bon store 10 10 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 11 14 14 13 tl 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 00 7 00 10 00 1 00 7 00 , 7 00 10 00 7 00 , 7 00 , 7 00 13 SO 7 00 10 00 :a 50 7 0 20 00 20 00 10 00 grain lumber U io no 14 ' - 7 UU H ' ; 7 110 t 14 ",7 OU siuie u . it rv ' f ' 13 lu UU u"'.Mt- '- 14 7 UO "'V. v'S,' ."" ' J' - .'- Ae eo 'lryZJ.''xl ou autre 1 , aboe store milliner More 14, 11 13 II 14 14 14 ' 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 12 10 tinner rune ebwe - state . Store u , grocery itiiiaM J AJ Row J. A Gaudy J D. Marsh Wm T Forsyth 1 Weimer A eHerrwk C W Muegrove Pmeylk 4 Morgan M A. Rockefeller V. M. umk ' ft. Joknaua - 1 L. Heckl ., . , . .- , M. J. Hansylmaa R.R. MeCef Jamee 0eU Tbomae Teuheaaa D. . MoOravjor Joaepk Wanck t. at. Brantigaas ' C. McCeUiaut John McPettaa) j T illllr. i Uf i i 14 It 7 13 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 111 14 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ' 14 13 13 la I, 14 14 14 13 U 14 13 14 14 II 14 II 14 14 14 II 14 14 14 14 13 l 14 14 14 14 14 14 44 I 14 7 UU 4U UU IU UO 7 UI 7 UU 7 UU 13 0U 7 10 7 00 7 OU 7 UU 10 UU T ou T uo 7 uu 7 uu, , 7 ou , 7 OU 7 to 7 00 7 0U 7 uu 7 00 7 UO 10 00 IU U0 W Ml U UO 7 00 Ton 7 UU 7 00 10 00 T no 7 00 10 UU . 7 00 ' 7 OS 13 UO 7 00 " 10 00 7 00 14 40 7 UO 15 UO f 00 7 80 ".. 7 OO 7 00 10 Ml IS UI f au 7 OU 1 oo 7 UU ' T 00 r oo i TOO : 11 M - T 0U M an H Wm II i-ien Son, our tailor 14 E. A J. E. Miller 14 L. Huff " - 13 L. O. Sticker, 3 billiard tables, T. L. Frvtnire & Co 11 Schreyer, Koush & Co 10 Thomas S. Staddcn 14 A. Cadwalnder 12 (;. O. Meixel & Co 13 Henry Wilhelm 14 V. G. Marah 14 Cyrus Brown 11 C. V. Hull" 13 Wiliiumiiom Marsh 14 J. H. McConuick 14 Tiiomiw Artlt-y 14 B. K. Iliigft 11 Hull & Davis grain 12 Hull ii Davis coal 14 liliown it Cliaping 14 J. H. Bright. 14 Bogle & Davis 14 JiiM'pll Caldwell 14 I). Krauacr 14 Isaac K. Shaffer 14 M. E. Egbert 14 Alfred Krause lumber 14 Wm. F. Naglo store 13 Wm. F. Naglo coal 14 Wm. F. Nagle grain 14 bcshXHT Bonocon. John W. Fryling & Son, store Samuel Faust W. A. Bennet ' ' J. W. Steveson N. F. Liglitncr " - H. Q. Timelier Miilip Clark T. S. Shannon J. S. Marsh Anna Painter Levi llt'Cht J. M. Jeffries J. II. Connelly & Co Lyon & Brother Solomon Weaver . Joseph Eister J.H. EnKle Uriah Folk G. E. Bs?ard Jost pli Kessler lienj. Zettleraoyer Smith & Genthvr W. 8. Furraan & Co. Hureh & Browiv -George Bright Bright & Brother Wm. II, Wilier Mary Lazarue C. J. Black SoasholU &i Brother , L. Bbisalor ' David Fry 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 15 00 .7 00 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 10 00 700 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 12 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 12 50 20 UO 7 00 7 Oft 13 50 00 Oil 15 0( 20 00. 7 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 15 0O 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 (10 12 50 14 14 14 13 13 13 14 13 14 12 14 12 10 14 12 13 14 14 14 13 13 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 12 IB 12 14 13 14 14 14 14 13 8 14 14 14 00 00 00 00 00 01) 00 00 7 00 10 (10 7 00 7 Ot) 25 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 12 50 20 00 7 00 12 60 10 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 U0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 0o 7 00 10 00 80 00 7 00 ' 7 00 7 00 Nicholas Wenck, 2 billiard tables T. F. Garioger & Brother - Drielch & Brother 1 J. M. Cadwallader Bucher Brother! J. II. Arurtfc Brother J.-V. Brunner Jacob O. Week John E. Suiick J. Shaffer , , Val. Dietz, v coal James Boyd , . , .coal Grant & Brother,! frowtler Miituia fccbinucfr, , etore T I. f3uaa)f.r , An appeal will be held t the Cc-nimls-ioner'e Office ia Bunbury. on Tuesday the 25th day c-t Jono, 18117. between the lioure of 10 A. M. arid 4 P. M., when and where those Intereaied. may attend, if they lea '''McbB YORDY, Mtrtantile Appraiter. June 8, 1807. ' . , Notice. AOKKEABLE to la Aet of Aawmbly, lie above Lioeuaea nasi be paid oo or before the tret dav efj all Beat, to save eosts. m ' " . ARNSWORTU, Treasurer., . PutWery Je a, IMf. i . i. ii. i s ; i; . 1 1 , . I ' i ,i i t ! ;::. ' ,'' 1 ' it . ' i ! r- l - 1 . tea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers