fje Sunftutg American.' eXTUitDlV;! march a, i807. ' A ttEQTJEBT TO' 8UBB0BIBER8. ' Subscribers to the AaiRlci are particularly r ejuesled not to allow their indebtedness to overran tn year. All subscription! iHmU be paid to ad vance ; bat andnr Be eoniMerattol should the year pass around with the subscription unpaid. A strlot attention to this wtil save us an Immense amount of trouble and a Very heavy loss, ' .-..... SUcal ,ftffaitg . ty To EvBscaiBcns. As many of our subscri bers will chsnge their places of reeidenoe between this nd the first of April, we will thank them for notifying us of the ehange, stating Ibeir former ad dress and present resldenoo, la order to make the oorroetien on our books. 7 New Postmaster. The President has ap pointed J. Dresalor postmaster at Uerndon, Nor thumberland county, vioe A. Deffin, remoTed. 'ITIm Aunivirsart. Friday last, 22d nit., was the anniversary of the birthday of Qoorge Wash lugton, the father of his country. There was no Celebration ot the day in this place. 17 To HUilDiri. The School Directors of this ..piece advertise, in another column, for proposals to reot two more school houses, to be located in the Northwest and Softtheast districts of the Borough. - fj?" Ehtxrtaik vxnt An entertainment will be given in the Seven Points Church, Lower Augusta, on Tuesday, Haroh 12, 186T, by Heed's School, the proceeds to be appropriated to the Church. Admit tance, 15 cents. ' ESTTm First National Bask, of Sunbury, was moved into the now backing house, on Front streot, on Monday last We think we oan safely ay that in point of security, architectural beauty and finish, it is second to none in the State, and far superior to any building 'of the kind outside of Phil adelphia. Additional Bovhtt. L. H. Kaso, Esq., of this plaoe, is receiving checks in payment of the $100 additional bounty allowed by the aot of July 2dth. 1866. As a largo number of our brave boys are interested in these claims, this announcement will, no doubt, be gratifying. We learn that Mr. Kase has been very tuooessful in collecting soldiers' claims. ' ' Middle Creek Railroad. Joseph Alexan der, Esq., of Lewistown, one of the Directors of tho Middle Creek Knilroad, will address the oitixens of Sunbury and vicinity, in tho Court House, this (Fri day) evening, on the subjeot of making this place the terminus of the road. Every person interested in the future prosperity of Sunbury should attend. tjf New Trial Granted. In theease of Books vs. The Pennsylvania Knilroad, in which a Snyder county jury awarded Books $13,000 damages for personal injury sustained by him in an aocident on the road, the Company bos bocn granted a new trial. This is oue of the Juniata county lawsuits that has ' fur some time engaged the courts of Sndydcr county. , 137 Accident in Snyder County. Lewis Au . rand, while working in a stone quarry in Middle creek township, Snyder county, recently, met with an accident that resulted in his death in a short lime. . In attempting to escape from tho reach of a blast, hisout struck a loose rock, and the unfortunate man was burled down a steep precipice, the stone fulling on him, crushing his leg, and reudorinz amputation necessary, lie died soon after the operation was performed. CjT" Accident to ex-Sheriff Reader. We re gret to lesrn from the Gazette, of Saturday last, thut ' en Tuesday morning of last week an accident hap pened to ex-Sheriff llenry Reader, atMcEwengvillc, from which bis friends apprehend fatal remits. The old gentleman, who is about 75 years of age, while attempting tq climb a fenoe, broke down the top rail by his weight, and fell upon the rail beneath, injur ing the lower part of the abdomen. Internal inflam mation ensued, causing intense pain. Dr. Ilunter, cf Watsontown, who attended him, was fearful that the old gentleman could not survive the injury. ty The following persons were elected officers of Milton borough, at the recent election : Chief Bur gess, Robert Dutesujaq ; Assistant Burgess, W. A. Fisher ; Justice of the .Peaco, J. B. Reed ; Town Council, Oscar Hurtranft, Samuel McMabn and John Peterman ; School. Directors, John Porter and R. F. Ktsler; Assessor, John Miller; Assistant Assessors, Dr Thomas R. Hull and W. P. Wheeland ; Over seers of the Poor. Wm. Strine, Sr., and Jno. B. Sny der; .Constable, .J.. P. Summers ; lligh Constable, William K oliler; Judge of Elections, A. C. Logan; Inspectors, Ferdinand Piper and Jos. Caldwell. AproiNTMET.-Qur young. friend, Mr. Cbas. II. Faust, of this plaoe, has been appointed a speoial representative of the U. S. College of Business and Finance, at Now Haven, Conn. This college is said to possess superior advantages for a. thorough busi ' ness education. The course ot instruction and busi . ness training embrace both theory and practice, and Is believed to present undisputed advantages over any other system ever in u?e. Circulars, and all ne" eessory information concerning this institution oan be obtained by applying to Mr. Faust. ' tJT Tub Lats Ekow Storm On Thursday of Jest weok, during the violent snow storm, the mail train South on the Northern Central Railroad, which arrives here at 10.35 A. M., was considerably do- . layed on its way to Baltimore, on account of the depth of the snow. After leaving Hanover Junction, (about 45 miles from Baltimore,) the engineer of No. 80 a superior first-class engine of the Patterson, New Jersey, build determined on trying the mettle of his craft, and succeeded in reaching Calvert Sta tion on time, making up 43 minutes and stopping at 22 stations. Capt. Ourtner, the oonduetor, who re sides in Sunbury, Is aa experienced railroader, and understands bis business thoroughly. The engineer, Mr. George Cockloy, also a resident of this place, is considered one of the safest and most reliable engine-drivers on the road. - t3TG0RED bt A Bull. Oa Wednesday eve ning last, a Durham bull, while being driven through Masket street, and when near the residence of Dr Markle, made a furious attack upon a young lady ' named Miss Sarah Sbipe, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ships, aged about 16 years. 6he was seriously in jured, being severely gored, ber teeth knocked out, and finally toejing ber over afence into a field. The animal became perfeotly frantlo, and attacked those who oame to tbe assistance of the girl, but was shot aud killed by Dr. Markle. The bull was a fine Pur, ham, ax4 was intended for thajslaughtar house, . . . , E3" Sufeb-Pbosfhat or Limb, Messrs. Tor rington and Hodgkins, of this place, have contracted ' with Mr. Charles Wilder, parpen ter and builder, for the erection of a mill for tho manufacture of tbe celebrated super-phosphala of lime. The inlU will be located east of the Borough lino, near tbe engine house of the Shsmokin Valley Railroad. The work of building will bo pusbed rapidly, as It is the In tention of tbe firm to offer to farmers and others, la this section, a superior article of phosphate for spring use, at a reduoed prioe. This is oosidered the standard American fertiliser, and at it if wed to some extent in this vicinity, it will be an advantage to agriculturists to procure it of them. We are pleased to see the enterprise exhibited la the estate lisbnieni of this breech of nisnafeiture, at this plaoe- ' ud bo etlielr efforts will be suoctwful, ... EST CoKTlcrioE of A Comb Tbief. At the see ica of the Montoar county court, Judge Jordan, pre siding, held at Danville list week, Job Clark, alias John Whipple, wm tried, and found guilty of stealing a horse,- buggy and barneel from J. W. Foreman, of Cooper township, Montour county, about IB deaths ago. Clark was arrested about six months age on this charge, and confined In the Jail at Danville, bet managed to make bis escape before he could be brought to trial, , Aftef his escape the Horse Thief Detecting and Iseuranoe Company, of that plaoe, al though the horse of Mr. Foreman was not insared by them, liberally offered a reward of $10 for the re arrest of Clark. He was soon after arrested and taken book to jail, where, under the auspiees of the oompany, he was strlotly guarded to ae to prevent another escape. He was coavieted and sentenced to Imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary or a term of six years and six months, jU Is to be hoped that the punishment to be lnfiioted oa the prisoner Willi to some extent, eheck the depredations of the horse thieves lc this seotion Of Our State. "; i u i , . . For the Sunbury American. Northumberland. Washington's birthday was celebrated Id Northumberland by a dinner, parade and address, on the part of the Odd Fellows, and by a Festival on the part of the ladles of the New School Presbyterian Church, the latter providing the din ner for the former. ' Throe lodges were fully, and some others par tially represented. The address was a defence of Odd Fellowship as a mutual benefit association, and not as a charitable institution, the latter characteris tic being expressly disclaimed. It had the rare merit of being brief. A bymn, appropriate to the oooasion, was finely sung by the ohoir of tho New School Presbyterian Church. . It is only Just to say that for careful praotice and good singing, this choir excels any other in the town. In the Ladies' Festival a pair of Ivory gavels were voted to the Willismsport lodge of Odd Fellows. On Friday evening, and on Monday evening, the festival was disturbed and the whole community disgraced by riotous conduct on the part of intoxi cated men. Northumberland needs very much a temperance reform, and it is devoutly to be hoped that the example recently set by members of Con gross in forming a total abttinenc Society will not be lost upon her citiiens. Tho purpose of the Festival was the raising of funds for the erection of a parsonage. We are glad to learn that, pecuniarily, this Festi val was a success ; but we are sorry thnt any funds for so good a purpose should be obtained by the es tablishing of lotteries, a practice clearly illegal and immoral. ' ' - - . - - - Accident on tbb Lackawanna A Blooms euro Railroad. On last Sunday morning a coal train ran off the track at Catawlssa. Some damage was done to the cars. Tho oaboose was overturned, and though anumbcr of men were in it, none were seriously injured. Or" Bold Robdert in Schuylkill Cocntv The Robber niter the Office of a Colliery on Pay Day and Carry Off Forty-five llitndreit Dollar. We copy tbo following account of a daring robbo ry, near Mnbanoy City, Schuylkill county, on tbe Iflth ult., from tbo Pottsville Mintn' Journal, of Saturday last : The must daring robbery that ever took place In Schuylkill county, was perpetrated on Saturday last by ten men, at the oSiceof the Boston Run Colliery, Althouse &. Focht, about three miles from Muhanoy City. Saturday was pay day at the Colliery, and on the previous day Mr. George I). Althouse bad arrived from Philadelphia with $tt,U50 to pay the miners. On Friday evening this money was put in envelopes, us is the custom, by Mr. Benjamin Focht. During tbe night an attempt was made to enter the house where this money was kept, but lights having been kept burning, the men who made tbe attempt desisted after opening some shutters. About U o'clock on Saturday morning Mr. Focht took the money to the office and commenced paying. Shortly after Mr. Althouse and Mr. Jacob bocht, (Mr. 13. Foeht's father,) went to the office, where they sut talking, and when a man came in paying him. They had paid twonty-one men, and there was no ono in the office except Mr. Althouse, Mr. Focht and bis son, when Mr. JucobFocbt, who was looking out of a window, suddenly exclaimed, '-There come lour men." He had hardly uttered the exclama tion before they entered the offioe. One of tbe men asked for work. He was informed that there wus nono to give. The men then made a movement to enter inside a railing which separated the entrance from the interior of the office. Tbe moment they made this movement Mr. B. Focht, suspecting that their object was robbery, sprang over the railing for the purpose of going out to give an alurm and to get bis revolver, which was at his residence near the office. In rushing out be was seized by the throat by one of the robbers. Mr. Focht, however, broke away from the man, ran out aud cried for assistance. A shot was fired at him from bohiud, which ouino ulose to bis head. At the same time a man sprang intronlot hiiu. and presenting a revolver tola mr. room mat u ne gave any lurtner alarm, ne woum put a ball through bim. The two men then took Liiu about ten steps to the middle of tbe road, de livering bim into the hands of a confederate, at tbe same limo with their revolvers keeping oil' unarmed men wbo were coming to bis assistance. The man took Mr. Focht down the road about two hundred yards. A woman wbo saw tbeooourreucesoreamed, and one of the robbers fired three shots at her with out bitting ber. Tbe man who bad Mr. Focht in charge robbed bim of a gold watch and chaiu valued at J-'uO, and tben compelled him to jump into a creek and lie down, tiring a shot at him, whioh, however, passed over him. Shortly alter the other robbers, nine in number, came down the road and passed on. Mr. Focht then rose, went to tbe bouse, saddled a horse, end went to Shenandoah City, where a hundred armed men were soon got together, to go in pursuit ot the robbers. While what we have narrated was going on out sids, a desperate fight took place in the office bo tween Mr. Althouse and Mr. Jaoob Foebt aud two of the rubbers. Mr. Althouse bad succeeded in getting his man into a corner, where he choked him until he was black in the face. A eomrado, bow ever, came to tbe robber's assistance und strikiug Mr. Althouse a severe blow on the boad with the butt of his revolver, knocked him to the floor sense less. Mr. Focht also bad his assailant by tho throat with one hand, while with tbe other be bela the barrel of the robber's revolver, from which four shots were tired while in that position, without inju ring Mr. F. After Mr. Althouse fell tbe robbers succeeded in getting the inoDey which was in one hundred ana twemy-nve envelopes, ana aecampea hastily, dropping sixteen of the envelopes in making their btsty exit. The amount taken was $4,500. During tbe fight shots were fired and several balls passed through Mr. Althouse's clothing. He was slightly wounded in the hip by a ball. Mr. Focbt was wounaea onine neaa ny being ynocxeu against a stove. Neither were dangerously hurt, and their wounds were soon after dressed by a surgeon. An alarm was given at tbe colliery by one of tbe em ployees by sounding a steam whistle. Tbe employ ees gathered quickly and pursued tho robbers, but they scattered and ruuuing into the woods which are thick there, were soon loat to sight. - Tbe offioe where this affair happened is about two hundred aud fifty yards from tbe colliery. The rob bery took place about 11 o'clock, aud the entire transaction only occupied ten minutes. In escaping the robbers ran in the direction of Shenandoah City. Mr. Focht thinks tbe men were Irishmen and Cor nishmen, and that they are an organised band under the leadership of a superior scoundrel wbo probably graduated in crime in one of tbe oities. The exe cution was, evidently, too bold and successful for greenhorns in tbe business. Editor'- Table. Tbb Atlantic Montblt, for March, has been received. It is universally acknowledged one of the best American magazines published, and undoubt edly its circulation is as great, if not greater, than any periodical published in this country . The fol lowing are the contents of the Msroh number : "The Guardian Angel," in. , "uui on novel , uiaciai Phenomena in Maine, II. ; "The River," a poem ; "George Bedillioo, Knight," (continued) ; Mr. Hard back on txte Derivation of Man from the Monkey ; -Katharine Murne," V. ; ''All Here;" Chicago; "Labor." a poem : "My Friend Bingham;" "Una Marble by Dubois," a poem ; A Glimpse of Genoa ; Rags; The True Problem Reviews and Literary Notices, Ae. Published by lloknor ileitis, Bos ton, Moss. f Tbb Lady's Fbiixd. Tbe Msroh number of this excellent lady's magasinc is on our table. "Tbe Truant's Return," is a beautiful steel engraving.- Tben we have- the usual alegant and refined Steel Fashion Plats, and a number of pattern for Epring Dresses, Promenade Toilettes. Caps, eVe. Aa engra ving of a ootod Frenob Aquarium in Paris shows the large style ia which they do some things In tbe Old World. Tbe Music this mouth is "TUlie's Passed Awav." Ike literary matter is made up of tbe nntinuationa of the novelets of "Orville Cuilexe. bv Mrs. Henry Wood, and "How A Woman Had oy ssre. xieur nwui m - "wimm Her Way," by Elisabeth Preeoott, both of wbioh Innrusi ateadilv in interest and attractiveness with shorter articles, such as "Travelling with Half a Million," "Doctor Dalhousie," "A Bull-Fight at Madrid," (Illustrated,) "Aunt Julias visit." and Editorials, Receipts, feablona, sVo. PabUshed by Deaeoa Ptaareea, 1 Walnut et., rnllsdeJptua, .,.. Btrsimstj NOTICES. -ETMvb PrlsstlBg;. Hsvlng received a large supply of NSW JOB TtPB, Of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac., can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to, , , . , .11 ' isiOiai SLOrrr, slushy walking Is now the order of the day and it is very essential to health to keep the feet dry and warm. There are more deaths eansed by cold, damp feet, than perhaps most people are aware of. Guard against all risks of the kind by always wearing good boots or shoes from Wm, U. Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market St., where a large assortment is kept on hand. ' ' A rroar is told of a young man in a neighboring town who was crossed In love, ' and attempted sui cide, recently, by taking a dose of yeast powder. He immediately rose above bis troubles, and came to Sunbury, where he pnreheeed a handsome suit of clothing at J. F. Shaefler a merchsnt tailoring es tablishment,' oorner of Third and Market streets, and left for parts unknown. aii,n Photographs. If yon would possess yourself of a faithful and life-like portraiture of a friend and who baa not a friend? if you would secure tbe shadow ere the substance fades, go at once to Byer ly's Photograph Gallery, In Simpson's building, Market street, Sunbury, and procure one before it is too late . Inquisitive. An old fellow, of the ultra inquisi tive order, asked a little rirl on board a train, who was sitting by her mother, as to her name, dejtlna tion, cto. After learning that she was going to Philadelphia, he asked, "What motive is taking you thither, my dear?" "I beliove tbey call it a loco motive, sir," wss the innocont reply. Some may wonder what motive it is that takes so many peo pie to Jacob 0. Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury. We answer, tbe motive to buy cheap and fashionable suits of clothing. . "Meet me by moonlight alone," sang the happy Charles, as he wends his way homoward at tbe witch ing hour of 12, night, after tendering tbe conpli ments of the evening to the future Mrs. Charles. Charles' request is instantly complied with. A burly ruffian springs from his concealment, turns tbe minstrel upside down and seoures a lock of hair, a tooth-pick, 0 osnts and a dead latoh key by the operntion. Charles vocalizes no more In the streets at nicht. lie is no longer partial to "that air," we suspect. He had belter Guilt it out on a new line, by singing the praises of tho splendid ready-made clotbing at mo uontinontul mowing uazaar, Mar ket street. ' " WnAT are yon sitting that child on that quarto dictionary for?" said Mrs. D., as the pater arranged his little boy at tho breakfast table. "I am," rc plied he, "fixing the basis of a sound English educa tion.'' "Yes," said she, "but you are beginning at the wrong end." The right way to commenoe your education is to buy your boots and shoes at Harry Tbacher's, in the old Boulton stand, Market street. - Axons the patents rcoently istuod by the Patent Commissioner at Washington, is one for "dressing grindstones." We know of an excellent plan for dressing the commissioners, and that is to send their orders and measurement to John E. Sniiok, mer chant tailor, on Fourth street. Persons may think by this notice that we "have an axe to grind," our selves. ' , Hi?" To Claim Agents. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com-missioned Officers," under the late Act of Congress, equalizing bounties, have been printed and are now for sale at the American offioe. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, "which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Ordors from a dis anoc will receive prompt attention. - Lira Insurance. What greater obligation oan there exist than for a burband or parent to make provision for the comfortable support of a wife or children who are dependent upon his earnings for subsistence, that provision to take effect at the very time tbey may most need such assistance, nuinely, ut the period of bis deutb '! We will suppose a man, thirty years of ago, whose income enablos bim to support bis family in comfort, but is so limited as not to allow him to save more than $23.60 a year. It would be a long time before thut sum, laid up yearly, would accumulate to any thing like a moderate support for his family at his death ; and should he die prematurely, bo must leave them in want ; by adopting tbe prudent oourse of insuring bis life, and paying that sum yearly to the office, be secures, from ihu moment ot the first payment, $1000 to bis fnniily whenever be dies. In the same proportion smaller or larger sums may be secured ; a man, aged thirty, may, for $1.72 a year, insure $300; or for $118 a year, be may insure $5000. Jacob Shipm am, i'Vrs and Lift Ittturaure Agent, Sunbury, Pa. DEATHS. On Monday morning last, JENNIE, daughter of Dr. D. W. aud Elisabuth Shindel, aged 1 year and 0 niontbs. K1I.U( KV HUHUETN. Correoted Weekly for tho "American.' Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl, do . per cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, , do Corn, new do Oats, do . Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Apples. do $16 00 8 00 10 00 6 60 X 80 1 15 85 60 1 00 40 HO 15 J 00 35 25 lined Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu Bu'tor, per pound, per dozen, per pound, do do' do do do do . . per pair fcggs, . Cheese, Laid, Hams, fehoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, 25 20 25 15 14 13 18 eo Ktsasnokln Conl Trade. Sdavoum, Feb. 23, 1867. Ton. Cwt. Sent for week ending Feb. 23d, Per last report, 6,083 04 38,410 10 44,093 14 48,000 10 3,901) 18 Te same time last year, Deorease, Special Nottcts. Pilar. James Q. Clark, the vocalist and compo ser, says ; "I bave used Blades' Euphooial Lubnea tore with admirable effect, and would recommend them in preference to any "Troche," "Wafer," or "Lozenge," now before tbe American people, not only for their immediate healing and strengthening effect upon the vocal organs, but also because they produced no irritation of the stomach " For sale by all Druggists. ' '.. Fait ! In this age f luxurious living. late suppers, and rich food, it Is surprising that the stomach performs its funotions as well as It does. Cob' Dvsfsfsia 1 Cubb will be found a valuable assistant to tbe stossacb ; when loaded with late suppers, rioh food, or any indulgenoa or excess, it will instantly relieve that feeling of heaviness after eating. - ' illlOIXXA. - The Rev. Gao. Broaai of Brooklyn. New York .wfc i tha Bible Riaminer. bv ess of anoUwv for publishing a medioal certificate in huj Msgsziue, of the cure ol Disomy son, oi ooroiuia, -axier uiasoiu' l. annum! inevitable." 'We aublish this elatai "uient, aot for pay, but in gratitude to God who has "thus answered prayer, and ia justice to Dr- Anders "beiasi aatisied that there is virtue ia the Iodine "Water treatment, which the readers of this Maga. "sine will thank its Editor for bringing to their tw "lioe." . Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' Iodine Water is for sals by i. P. DINSMOHB, Proprietor, 36 Pey 8, , JJ- Y all Druggists, , , m u .., . " T CHestsiStlTJ.- The advertiser, having been restored to bealth In a lew- weeks by a ves simple remedy, ator iatlog suffered for several years with a severs Idtig affection and thai' dreed disease, ConsurripMon Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of Cure.. , . ' ' , " . '' '' , To all, wbo desire i, he will send a eopy of the prescription ased (free of chars,), with the dlrod lions for preparing and asing tho same, which they wilt find a suae Curb for Consumption, Astbmai Bronobitis, Covens, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tbe only object of the advertises in sending the prescription Is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be in valuablo, and he hopes every sufferer will try bis somedy, aa it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by return nail, please address ' : Rev. EDWARD WILSON, ' ' TPtllUmahnroti. Rlnmi Co I New York! ' January 13, 1868 ly. 1 y A toe no Lady returning loher country homo after a sojourn of a few montbsln the City, was hard ly recognised by ber friends. In p'.ace of a ooarse rustic, flushed face, she had a son ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon In quiry as to tbe cause of so groat a ohnngo,sbe plain ly told them that she ured the Cii-vilNttf nss Mia I ni. and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentle man oan improve their personal appearance an hun dred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Mature herself is simple, yot uusurpassed iu its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleaning and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuticle It draws tmm it all iu impuri ties, kindly healing the same, and leaving the sur face as Nature intendod it should bo, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Prioe $1, sent by Mail or Kxpress, on receipt of an order by W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, . ' No. 3 Wost Fayette St., Syraouso, N. Y. The only Amorican Agents for tbe sale of tbe same. February 16, laor. ly . PERUVIAN SYKUP: A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF TUK PROTOXIDE OF IKON, supplies the Blood with its LIFE ELE MENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life to tbe whole system. If the thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia, Debility, Female Weakno,Ao , would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not Only astonish thomsolvos but would please all their friends ; for Instead of feeling cross, "all gone" and miserablo, tbey would be cheerful, vigorous and ac tive. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A . FRIEND AS FOLLOWS : '"I have tried the Peruvian Syrup,' and tho result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new man ot me, infused into my system now vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and dcbiiitalod, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than any timuduriug tbe lust fivo years." . Thousands bave been cbangod by tbo use of this remedy from weuk, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong healthy, and happy men and women ; and in valids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown Iu tho glass. A 32 page Pumplilct will be sent free. J. P.DIXS.MORE, Proprietor, '" No. 38 Doy St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. Caracc'st Oleltralcd !islv t AiiESnvnr, Mass., Oct. 13th; 1S63. ' Mr. Grace Dear Sir: Having been afflicted grievously for several weeks' with a severe abscess upon my side, I used several remedies for its eradi cation without receiving any relief, until 1 appliod your salve, which oflco ed a speody and permanent cure. I therefore fool happy to certify my confidence in its virtues. Yours with respent. JAMES BEAN. 1 certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. 11. S. Dkaroohn, M. D. SETH W. FOWLE A WS, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, nt 25 cents a box. . March 2, 1807. Ira Ktheiu-k'K Sca-wc-vsl Totilc. This medicine, Invented by Dr. J. H. ScnENCK, of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, the first process of digestion. By cleansing lbs stomach with Schcnck's Maudrake Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it, will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by 6'clienvk's Pul monic Syrup unless tbe stomach and liver is made bcalthy aud tbe appetite restored; hence the 'Ionic and Pills are required in nearly every case of con sumption. A half dozen bottles ot the bh.AWhl.U TONIC and three or four boxes of tbe MANDRAKE PILLiS will cure any ordinary oase of dyspepsia. . Dr. Schenck makes professional visitf iu New York, Boston, and at his principul Office in Philadelphia, every week. See daily papors of eneb plaoe, or bis pamphlet on consumption, fur bis days for visitation. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as be now is, in perfect bealth, are on tbe Government stamp. bold by all Druggists and Dealers, price $l.t0 per bottle, or $7.50 the half dozen. All lei tors fur advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck' Principul Office, No. 16 North 6tb Street, Philadelphia. Pa. - General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes A Co., N.Y.; S.S.Hanco, Bnllimore, Md.; John D.Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, Chicaeo. 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mn. Oct. 20, lSbft. lstw.ea. mo. 1 jr. . . Wonderful but True. Madamb Rkminqton, the world-returned Aetrolo- gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, doliueales the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, knuwp us the Psycbo motrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life like picture of tbe future husband or wife of the applicant, wltn date ot marriage, occu atmn, lead ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and nair, and euclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, together with dosired information. IjbT Address in conudonoe. Madame Ukrtbi db Rbmibgton, P. O. Box TJ7, West Trey, N. Y. Free to liver body. A Lsrge 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised rospeoted, and tba forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address, and receive a copy! post-paid, by re turn mail. Address P.O. Drawer, 21, Troy.N. Y. IxrmrtJial Jnstitutc" FOR SPEOIAL OABES, fto. 1I UoEtU Rttrcct ;ew York. Full Information, with tbe highest testimonials i also a Book on Special Diseases, iu a sealed envelope sent free. l"ie sure and send fur them, aud you will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are generally impostors, with references uo stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, aud direct to DU. LAWRENCE, No. 14 Bond street, Now York. - - - Nov. 17, Strange, butt True. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can bear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of charge,) by addressiug the under signed. Those having foars of being humbugged will oblige by not netioing this card. All others will please address their obedient sorvant, THOU. P. CHAPMAN, , , 831 Broadway, New York. JanBarylJ, 1888. ly"' s!- - Tbe C'onfssisi.ous uud Uperlextce Of AE IIViUD. Published for the benefit and as a oaution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the aame time the tueana of self-cure. By oue svho nas cured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addreesed envelope, single copies, tree .of charge may be had of the au thor. ' NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. Y. January 17, 1866 ly, . , . ITCIII ITCIII ITCIII . SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! , WHJEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cau- tho Itch Isa 4ts Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Prioe 6s) cents. For sale by tbe drwegists. - By send ing 60 cents to WEKlia i POri'Ht, bole Ageuu, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part cf the United btaue. . r Ji X3'06-y ,: lisaow Thy katissy us- -v - Maaamb K. V. Tbobrtob, the great English Ax trologlst, Clairvoyant and Psyohometrioian, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, hss now located herself at Hudson, N. T. - Madame Thornton fmeeeses each wonderful powers, ol second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of el thor sex. While in a state of tranee, she deiineatee the very features of tbe person you are to marry, and by the nid of aa Instrument of intense power, known as the Psyohomolrope, guarrantces to produce a lifo like picture of the future husband or wife of tho npnlloaot, together with date of marriage, position In life, leading traits of charactor, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousand ot testimonials osn assert. ShewilTsond, wben desired, a certified certiflonte, or written guarantee, that tbe picture is what it purr ports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hnir, and stating place of birth, ago, disposition and com plexion, and enclosing fitly cents and stamped en velope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madamb E. F. Thornton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. fob 16- 07.1y. Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for yoars from Norvous Debility, Premature Dooay, and the effects of youth ful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send froe to nil who need It, the recipe and directions for making the simplo remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wlthing to profit by tho ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. 00 DEN. No. 13, Chambers St., New York. January 13, I860. ly A Cough A Cold or Sore Throat, Reqi-irks immediate attention, AND should be checked. If ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of tbe I.iinK, A Permanent Throat DiseiiKe, or Cou tjuinptiou IS OFTEN TUB RESULT. n n o xv yi II is o .x;iiia li 1' it c II n H DAV1NQ A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO TI1E PARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthmn, Catarrh, Conoump tive and Throat Biseasos, Troches are used with always good success. SINGERS AND TVELIC SPEAKERS will find Trorie useful in clearing the voico wben taken before Singing or Spanking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of tho vocal organs. The Troche are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had tostimnnials from eminent men throughout the country. Boins; nn article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new locali ties in vorious parts of the w orld, nr.d the Troche are universally pronounced better than other ar ticles. OriTAiNonly "Bnows's RnoNcntAL Tnornns," and do not tuke any of tho Worthless Imitations that may be offered .Sold Everywhere. November 24, 18C6. 6m iew""advertisements. SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtue of certain writs of Ven. Exponas Levari Facvi. and Alias Levari Facias, issued out of the court of Common Picas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale, at the Court IIousp. in tho Borough of Sunlmry. & Mon day, March 11, 1807, nt 1 o'clock" P. 51., the following property, to wit : All that certain building, lornted on two lots or pieces of ground in the Borough of Mount Carmel, county nl Northumberland, Pennsylvania, and mnrkc-d and designated in the genera; plan of nid Hnrotitrli, ns lots numbered live and sixfoandti), in block ro. thirty nino (30), and the lots or pieces of ground und curtilage nppurtcnt to said building. Said building ia erected on the east hide of Market street and between Third and Fourth streets on said lots, and is u two story frame dwelling house with one story stouc basement, fronting on suit! Market street thirty feet. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Ken.pirnin Thomas anil Maltha hid wile, owners or reputed owners. ALSO All those two certain mcsstingrs anil tracts of land, situated and bounded as follow, viz: On one and one-half acre of land with the buildings thereunto belonging, situated in Jackson township, Northumber land county, Pa., containing ono nnd nnc hulf acres of land, more or less, bounded on tho north, cast uud west by lands of llenry Ptil'er, and south by Unit Hun, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, barn, tan house, twenty-three vats, and a bark mill. Also, another lot of land, con taining one and one-half acre, more or less, with the building, &o., thereunto belonging, situated in Lower Muhanoy township, Nor thumberland county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On tho north by Hull Hun; south by land of Henry Peifi-r; east by land of Abraham Klock, nnd on the west said lot run to a point, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, shoe shop or summer house nnd a barn. Seized, tuktn into execution, nnd to be gold us the property of Daniel Seal. ALSO All those two certain messuages and tracts of land situated and bounded as follows, viz : On one and onu-hnlf acres oi laud, with buildings thereunto belonging, situated in Jackson township, Northumber land county, I'd., containing one and one halt acres of land, more or less, bounded on the north, east und west, by landa of Henry Peifer, and on tho south by Bull Hun, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwell ing house, barn, tan house, twenty-three vats and nnd a bark mill. Also, another lot of land containing one-half acrj, more or less, with the buildings, ice, thereunto belonging, situate In Lower Muhanoy town ship, Northumbeiland county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit Bounded on tho north by Bull Hun ; south by land of llenry Peifer; east by land of Abraham Klock, and on the west said lota run to a point, whereon is erected a two-story frume dwelling house, shoe shop, or summer house and a barn. Seized, taken into execution, nnd to be sold as the property of Daniel Seal. ALSO A lot of laud, situate in Lewis township, Northumberland county, Pa., bountled and described as follows to wit : North by lauds of Elizabeth Lllis ; east by the same ; west by lands of David Koons; south by D. Smith's, containing seven acres, more or less, whereon is erected a small log house, log stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of James F. K emery. AL.SU All tliat certuiu lot ol ground, situate ia the Borough ot Northumberland, bounded and described us follows, viz: Ou the soutii-eust by Water street ; on the south west by Derk street; oa the aorth-west by an Alley, and on the north-east by lot now or lately buioogiug to James O. DieOen bacher, whereon are erected a small frame shop and a barn, and numbered iu the gene rat plan of said Borough at number sixty nine 69), containing sixty feet front and two hundred and forty feet in depth. Also, all those four certain lots of ground, situate in the Borough of Northumberland, being enntigious ami numbered ia the general plan of said Borough, at numbers sixty-live, sixty-six, sixty-seven and sixty-eiubt, bound ed together, aouth-evetteruly by King street ; south easteruly by Fourth street ; north east by an Alley, and north-west by an Alley, each thereof containing sixty feet front, and two hundred and forty feet in depth. Seized, taken into execution, anil to Le told as the property of Peter llanselman. ALSO The Sunbury Canal and Water Power, situaU in and adjoining the Borough of Sunbury, iu tbe county of Northumber land and State of Pennsylvania, with the appurtenances together with the corporate vlfttits. anrl fr:inrhira nt the said romiianv. I" Seized, taken Into execution, end to be told at tho property of the Suuburj Canal and Water Power Cc-rapac. oiioyA certain lot pr piece pj ground, situate in Vera Cruz, Lower Mahanoy towu hip, Northumberland county, P, bounded and described ae followed, vji: On the north by an Alley ; on tho south by Main, street ; on the east by lot of John A. Snyder, and on the west by lot of Jacob Grimm, containing in width CO feet, in depth 214 feet, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling houee, small shop, Ac. Seized, taken into execution, and to be told as the property of Samuel B. High and Jucob Snyder, lately trading under the firm name of High & Snyder. ALSO One lot of ground,' situate in Wnlsontown, Northumberland county, num ber one hundred and twenty-two, bounded on tho north by lot number twenty-three, adjoining Cook, Bly & Co.; on tho south by J. P. It vin, fronting on Canal street 05 fee:, and in depth 140 feet to an Alley. Seized, laken into execution, and to bo sold as tho property of William Hood. DANIEL BEC1CLEY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Cffice, Sunbury, Feb. 15th, 18G7. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DU. JolNVIM.E'3 Kt.lXin you can be cured permanently, ami at a Inning cost. The utl.iiiisiiiiin surcess winch hue attended this invalu able nirdii iiiu Inr I'liyaieal and Nervous Weakness, (June rul Uelnhiy and 1'rontrutiun. Loss ol Muscular Eueigy, Imnmeni-y, or uny of the consequences of youthful li.ilis creiioii, renders it Hie innal valuable preparation ever dis covered It will remove all nerves alTVctions, rlepiessinn, excite ment, meiiprcity to study or business, loss nf memory, confusion, thoughts nf wir-drslruclinn, frurs of insnnitv, Ac. It will resiore the a:toetile. renew ilm limllh ,.rn,. ii.. oi .i " r, . -" . . ... ,,'u, in.inrniu one onuiess, VJ. tine bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinarv cnef-s. ' AI.SO, DR. JOlNVII.t.K'S fiPKClFIC PIMA for the speedy anil pel mniietit cure of Uuiiiurhfn, Ulcel, L're thral Discharges, tiravel, ftrictuie, and all BnVclliiiis of the Kidneys and UluJder. Cures edentetl in fnuii ime to five days They are prepared from vegeuihle extracts that ore hnrmless on the etstem, and never nausiale the stom ach or impregnate the breath No chmige ofdiet is ueci's Siiry .vhile usirnr them, unr d ies their n.jtinn iu any manner interfere with business pursuits l'riee. SM per lix. Kilhei of the above mentioned articles will be sent to any-address, elnsely sealed, and pnst.pnul, by liuiil or ex press, on receipt of price. Aildreta ail outers to UKKGKH, SI1UTTS . Co.. Chemists, No. S5 (liver Street, Troy, N. Y. February 10, lt-67. ly ' " Reparator Capilli, Throw away your false frizus, your switches, ypur wig-- Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig; Come aged, eome youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. Itoiariitor ('uiilli. For restoring hair upon bold heads (from whatever causa it may have lulieu out) and fmemg e growth of hair upon the luce, it tms no e,jaiil. It will force the beard to grow upon the sin'Milhest luce in from five to eight weeks, or hail upon Iwlil heads iu Irnm two to three inonlhs. A lew igunruiil pruclilloiiers have asserted llmt Ihere'is nothing irnt will force or hasten the growth of the huir or beard. 'I heir assertions are false, us Ihoutunds of living witnes sesiuiun their own expeneuee) can bear witness, liut many will iuy. how aie we to distinguish the genuine fnuii the spurious It ceruiinly iadnricull, as nine. tenths of llie different Preparations udeeriised fur the huir and heard are entirely worthless, and ynu may have 'already tlnown away Inrge amounts in Ihcir purchase. To sue It we would say, tr y the lieparutof Cappilli ; it will cost you nothing unless it lull)' comes opto our representations. If your Druggist does not keep it, send us oue dollar aud we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will l.-u returned ynu ou application, provi ding entire ssilisijctiou is not given. Address, W. I,. C1.AKK CO., Chemists, 3 West Fsyetle Street, Si raci ss, N. V. Februaiy IS, 1607. ly BEAUTV1 AUBURN, GOI.DKN, FLAXKN A. SILKEN CURLS PRODUCKD by the use of Prof. DEBREUX' FR1 LK CHKVtUX. One application walianted to curl the most straight and stublmru hail of either sex into wuvy linnets, or heavy massive cuils. iiua been used by the Itishiiiuubles of Pans and Irfiuiion, with the most grulil'yiug results. Does no injury to Hie hair. Price by mini, sealed and post-paid, ?l Descriptive CireuUns mailed free. Address IlKUGIUl, PIITTTS CO., Che mists, No. M Rivei Bt , Troy, M. V., Sole Agents for the United States. February 16, lfco7 ly ASTP-CLCGY. THE WOULD ASTONISHED AT THU WONDKHXUL HEVELATIONS MADB BY TUK GREAT A5TKOI.OGIST, .llmluutv II. A. 5i:it5CICiO. Plie reveals secrets no mortal ever knew- Site restores tti laippniesa those who. troin doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, Itais ol relations eia! ii lends, loss ul money, dee , have bveoine ttesMtiideut. Shu brings together those long separated, gives iiiloinirition correruing absent friends oi lovers, restores lost or stolen properly. tells you the busi ness yoaare best qrialrlied to pursue and in wbnt you will be most successful, t-uuses speedy niainages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the .tame, likeness audfliiiiacterislii's of the person. She reads your very thouglna, and by her almost supernatural pttweis unveils the dark aim hidden mysteiies of the future. From the sluts we see in the firmament the imiletic stars that over come or pred'iiniuute in the conftguitttinu from the aspects and posi'iona of lb pluueu ami the fixed stars in the heavens at the tiipe of blrlh, she ticduccs the lulure destiny of mail. Kail not lo consult llie greatest Aslrolo gist on t'uiih. t costs you but a mile, and you may never ugtiin have aofavoruhle mi opportunity. Consultation fee, Willi likeness and all denied information, 1 I'm ties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with etualsHfely and aaliftluclion to themselves, as if in peisou. A full und ex illicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered ana likem-ss aiolosed, sent by mail on receipt of pnue above mentioned. Theatric-test seeiesy will be maintained, anil all eorrespondenoe returned or desltoved. Re ereiu-es of the. highest order furmhed those desiring them. Write plainly the day f li:e month and yeai in which vou were burn, enclosing a small lock of hnir. Address, M aha me H, A. HEIIRIGO, P O. Dsauib 2 3, IK1 halo, V Y. Februaiv 10, IS6T ly o II. L. LAZARUS. K tf FALL TRADE, I860 ! FALL TRADE, 1888! ! j-i f BS. I,. LtZ.tLi jn '8 "ItTOVLD respectfully cnll tbe attention of g g V tbe ijublic to her LARUE aud NEW P jS AssortTMEST or g ancy ana jJomeBtio jry uooas b u Itresisj Uooilo, g P 01 all kinds uud styles in groat Variety. f POPLINct AKD MERINOS, 'g' O Black, Ureen, Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, ic, m O til i ... i . r. K xii Aii-ivoot niuus, Asoiaiut, ttllVJUUW, Ac, we bave an assoruicut. S The best Elcck Allpaocris, all-wool Delains.T. A l'oulina. o, White Goods. fl Cambric. Buries. Nainsook ana Jaconet Mus- Q lius, l'luiity, Uird-Lye Linen and Towling, o a Berlin and American Zephyrs, . Shot land a '2 Wool, Casbuiero Varus, Ac. " ISuliiioi-ultfklr-tn, ? oi (iura Clotli, Dress Trimmins, Hosiery. 3 fililoves, Hoop-Skirls, Corsetta, Ribbons, and" e) Woolen Goods. t, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS i, COATS. Kcdiiloves, of tbebest quality, aud a great B vnrietyof goods too numerous to mention, all 5' . of wbicb arill be sold at tbe very lowest fur 3 ea.h. M. L. LAZARUS. g Sunbury Oct. If, 1365. NEW HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. rpHE subscriber having opened In BL'NCURY, X l's , a new large, and well assorted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLKEV, COACH WARE BADDLEKY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, Ac, laid in at lowest New York and Eastern prioee wbicb they will be pleased to sell for Casta at tbe lowest Eastern prioee. Intending to do business iu the honest principles of small profits and quick sale for Cash. i. H. CON LEY CO. Sunbury, June IS, 18(16. BENJAMIN BA1INEJI, DEALER IN 'Visit, and Orsinsnttnital Trcea, eibs-ssbberj-, Vissea, sVr, fTWE subscriber respectfully announeoa to the citi l sens of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that he is prepared to furnish all varieties of fruit, and ornamental trees, ribrubberry, Vines, ic, of the very best quality, wbiob be will warrant to be lusalthy and sigorous, Irnui the most responsible nur. series in the eountry. All trees, Ac, ordered during the winter, will be delivered at tbe nearest railroad statione free ot cbergee. In the epring of 1807. i The celebrated gHERHY WINE PLANT, cost excellent variety, is ottered for sale by bim. Purchasers will Bud it to their advantage to patro nise bim, aa be has had a great deal of experience in the business, and sells on the most reasonable terms. . , Address BENJAMIN BAHSER. raxiuos P 0.. Northumberland County, Ta Jsnuerj 5, IMT.' Sat. wh-i hrive deslrnyed it by sensual exeesa or evil practices. Young Men. lie humbuj-gctl no inure liy "tjuaek Doe. tms'' and ignurant prnctitinnrrs, liut send without iMny rr the tc.lixir, anil he ul once restored to health und huppi lien. A l'cifM't Cure is Ui-uriiim-nl i ..ri. ...... myisiH 0UAJKQ 8OT3TITXri BAIJGXX'S ' " 33,A.-W BONE SUP E H P 0 S P n A T E OF L 1 31 C. flnnE MARK BATJQH cte SONS, Sole Mnnufaoturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. A. . For Wheat, Rye, Barley, Corn, pnts, Pi tntoee, Tohacco, Duck wheat, Sorp!mm, Tur nips, Hops, Ourdcn yt-gotalilfja, ar,d fvery Crop uad-Plunt. ' Especially recommendetl to the growers of 8T R A XV It K R R I K S, ' RASl'HKKRIK, UI.ACKHLIt f. I KS, AND ALL SMALL f RI'1T3. More than 13 years of reti)ar use upon sll description of Crops grown iu the Mindle and Soul hem' States, hss given a high drtSree of popularity to this MAM HK, which places its application uow, entirely beyond a nera experiment. BAUGHS'9. RAW BONK Nnici-lliosiliatc ol l.ltiie, Is eminently a suceess ass Substitute for Peruvian Oitano and Stuble Manuie and is ottered, to the Agriculturist of the Noriheni an I 1-Iusleiii Suites us a fertilizer that will cheaply restore to the Soil, those essentials which have been diuincd ftoin a by constant cfopptpg pud light manu ring. I f is very prompt in us actionals lasting In effect to a degree unaltninetl by any eomineicial munute u the market and is all Tiled ot a much less eosl than Itougltl Sljibln Ma nure, or Peruvian Gutiitii The lthor involved lit its esa is fur less thnp that of applying stable manure, whi.e Itivie is no risk from the introduction of noxious weeds. tV Kurmets are recommended lo puicltase of the denier located m their neighborhood. 1 11 ietlons where no dea ler is vet established, the I'hosphalr limy lie procured direct ly from the umltrtsigiied. A t'liced Circular Wli be sent to all who npplv. Our NKW I'AMPHLF.T, "Howto Mnirdalp tbe Fsr tihty of American Farms." 90 pages, giving full informa tion in regard to the use of ninnure Jcti , wiil oe furnished gratis on application. If AUG 11 & SQN3, 6jl4 yo. SO 3. Ddtiwart Atfnut, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGH BROTHEUS & CO, General Wholesale Agents, No. 181 Pearl St., oorner ol Codar NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG PALE, Whoh'saU Agent for Maryland (6 r"fr'vte, No. 105 Smith's "iVharf, BALTIMORE. MD. Sold by SMITH i GENT1IEH, Sunbury. July 28, 1806. ly BOOKS, STATIONERY and VAKIBTIES, Alwars on hand a Urge and complete stock of ALBUMS, Juvcuile, Blank. School, IK tun ant Prayer BOOKS. .ote, letter, I.vnl nsicl Cnp Pupcr (J OLD PENS AND HOLDERS. Pens, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Pictures, Piotnr Frames, Musical Instruments, Strings, Musio, Laropj Shades, Globes, tc. Soaps, Chauis. Sleds, Canes, (James, Brushes, Port loonaiea, and Fancy Artioles of all kinds. YVnll Paper, Hordes- nsid Window M'sndct, Agent for ' La Jt cue's Hair Restorative, and '-Enamel of America." Drafts on Europe and Tickets for Steam Vessels QUICK SALES AND SMALL PKOFITS-tL motto at LIG11TN ER'S Book Store and News Depot. Feb. 2, 1867. Market Square. Sunbury, Pa. BOOTS. SHOES AND TRUNKS ! II. U. TIIACUER, Sl'CCXSSOBTO W . W . A P S L E Y . I N addition to our large stock, already on hand, w I are now receiving a full of Call aud Wii ter goods for Ladies, Uentleuien, Misses and Chi dren s ear. Also a good assortment of Irunks. A lartre lot R. It. liar's, Uents' bno leather Satchels. We wi it distinctly understood that we intend selling o goods at t-inull profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget the place. Apsley's old stand, in t't well-knonu bouse of Mrs. Boulton, Market stroo Sunbury. l'a. NOTICE Boots and Shoes neatlv repaired i short notice. If any bought of us should rip the shall be fixed fur notbiog. 11. U. 111ACULH. Eunburjr, Pco. 8, I860. tf, Writ ol'I'orrls'ss .Itlui-tnucut. J. B. Manser, ) vs. No. 29, Maroh Term, 167. Joseph S. Silver, jr. J NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, BS. , . . To rax SHCRirr or said Cockt I.. S. rGRHETING ! We couHpurid 7nui that you attach Josepb S. S rer, jr., late of your County by all and singular. 1 goods and chatties, moneys, right, credit and effoc landa and tenements of the defendants, in the ban and jiosuuiun of any person er persons wbatsoevt tbe saino may bo, so that he be and appear befo our Court uf Common Picas, to be boldco at Snnbul in and jor said County, on the second Moudtiy March next, there to auswer J. B. Masser, in a pi ot debt in one hundred and eleven dollars and sis cents. ' And also that you summon any person or perst' whatsoever, in whose bands or possession said goo chatties, Ac, may be, and also summon said pert or any said persons, or other persons whatsoever. Garnishees, that they be ana appear before ooi on the second Monday of March next to answer 1 shall be objected against and abide the Judgment tbe Court thereiu, and bave you tben Ibeir Ibis wi . . WITNES the Hon. Aiaxiup rifty cents Joroax, resident Judge of our s. Revenue I Court at Sunbury, this 18lh da) Stamp. January, A. D. 18b7. JO'IN J. REIMENSNYPER, ProtVy Prothonotary s Odioe,. ) Sunbury, Jan. 26, 18ti7 ) 6w SIA.VlX'Je. XIlKEn lira. A, TWEED, Market street, S doors East of tbe New Bank B ing, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY" informs ber friends and public that she has again opened a shop, Market street, Sunbury, where she is preparer, make to order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire I style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ae. Also Gentlemen 'e sbi Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. IV, lbiil. ly TOWN LOTS IN the Borough nf Bunbqry, desirably situated bigb and oentral locations, FOR SALE, en suoh easy terms as will ensble persons, wit limited amount of available money, to pure! homes. I'm sous baying Slissr ral or 'I'lruUrr I-sid, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sal lease, as well as thee desiring to purchase or r are invited to consult tbe subscrioer. His von: tioa with reliable tirnis in New York, Philadulj and elsewhere, afford anusul advantages. Conveyancing correctly and neatly executed JNO. KAV CLEMENT, Attorury at La Third door west uf Smith A Gent ber s luvc b, Sunbury, Pa Sunburv. Deo. ft, 1806. tf. fit UK STOCK and FIXTURES of an eeteblit X Confeouonery, with aa Oyatur departiniut, good run of custom. Apply sooa to JNO I MIM.LR. Jus.lMSHi. Sui,bi,rv,l'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers