JJ. WILVBBT,- ... . SATUHDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1800. HP- Tni tBAixi war delayed several tltnei, th past week, by elides la tha narrow, below Mill place. tyCaoLana. We regret to learn that Mr. V. Doeblor, proprietor of th 0. a Hotel at Williams port, died suddenly of cholera, on Wednesday eve ning laat, having been token ill In the forenoon of the same day Mr. 0. and Mr. Long, from Look Haven, who alto died of cholera laet week at that plaoe, had but reeeutly returned together from a visit to New York. t3r Ad vcrtiscd LaTTaBi.Tue Post Office De partment at Washington has instructed the different Poet Mastere In the United Btatei not to advertise the lift of letters remaining nnaalled for in all offioei of the seoond close, consequently the 1UU from the Poet Office at Banbury will not be advertised here after. Manuscript Hit will be posted In the office for the Inspection of the public EST Two Valuadli Fiit mi fob Sam. Our old friend, Ellda John, Esq., having purohased property in the West, offers for sale two valuable farms, one containing 110 aoroi and the other 90, ittnatod In .Shamokin township, this county. These farms are well improved, and besides the dwelling houses, have a'.l the necessary outbuildings. Persons wishing to -purchase good farms, and near the coal region, will do well to call and see the property. See advertise mcnt In another column. jyArr-LEs. The crop of apples were seldom evermore abundant in this place, than the present season, though in some localities, distant from the river, they are said to be scarce. We saw, some days since, in the yard of Mr. Sol. Jirociout, of this place eighteen barrels of very superior apples, among them the maidens' blush, bella-fleur, doctor apple, and other fine varieties. Mr. Brooious gathered from the f or 8 trees, planted by himself, in his small lot, over one hundred bushels of very choice fruit, and realises as much clear money as some small farmers, and with little or no labor. B0SIN"EB8 NOTICES. " Maw MiLLinanr Goods. Xn ladles will plea ok that Miss M. L. Grassier hat jus received and opened a fine assortment of Fall and 'Winter Milli nery Croodi, at he store, on Fourth (treat, ft few doom below the Shamokla Valley Railroad, tt Is not neooasar to enumerate. Every one should call art and snake felootlon from her excel lest va riety. Tub Caeiiaa.. A timid gentleman meeting a doctor, in Sunbury, the other day, the following colloquy took plaoe ; "Doctor, what shall I take for th cholera?" "'Tho cholera? Have you got the cholera?" No." " Well, lo-ts the cholera first." We would much rather tako a pair of those splendid Boots or Shoes which Harry Thacher has for salo at his Store, in Market street, Sunbury. U has th largest stock ever offered for sal In Northumberland oounty, . . , t .,,, , j . . nmiMi . Taa Latb Elbctio.ii. It was thought and hoped that th election would quiet th politicians and give ut some peace. But they are like old Boreas, who, not content with giving as the equinoctial," has, as the brokers say, "resumed operations," and eommonoed blowing again for nothing, for all We can see. If any blowing it wanted just now, It Is about the splendid Fall and Winter Suits soiling at tit Continental Clothing Bazaar, corner of Third and Markot, Sunbury. W would further add that tho Continental has Just been supplied with the groatcst stock of Fall and Winter Clothing that has ever Uoen brought to this place. A Mistakb in A Babbbr's Siiop. A langhablo mistake occurred In a Baltimore barber's shop, re cently. Two gentlemen hung up their ooats and sut down to be shaved at about the same time. One of them, for whom the operation was conipluted first, arose, and by mistake donned the otlier one's coat, in tne pocaeioi wuien was a wauei Domain tug nvv Off he walkod. but a policeman soon overlook him When the charge aguiD.it him was explained he became greatly alarmed about tho safety of his own coat, in the pocket of which was the sum of 5,000. Explanations followed, ooats were exchanged, and each found his money safe. It is unnecessary to add that twith nf thum vulunbla coats were manufactured at the oolebrated tailoring establishment of Mr. J noob 0. Buck, Fourth street, Sunbury. tjr Pavbmbsts. A large amount of paving has already been done in this plaoe under the late ordi nance, but there it yet much more to be made to com plete th work. Some of the stone paving is well laid, others indifferent. Properly, the stone should he squared, but this is objected to on account of ex pense. But so stone should bo put down without being dressed to a strait edge, so as to make close joints. At the prosont high prise of stone, no small pieces should be counted in, to fill out irregular shapes. t3 Narrow Escapb. The Shamokin Herald, of last week, says that on Monday, 8th inst., a son of Daniel Yost attempted to pass in front of a train of empty cars that were being pushed up the Big Mountain railroad to the different collieries, when lie was knockod down. Fortunately, he fell between .the rails, and at the direoiion of the brakesman lay perfectly quiet while the moving ears passed over him. The engineer was notified and stopped the . locomotive before it reached him, or he would hare been crushed to death by the dust pan. lie escaped with but a few slight bruisos. This instance affords another warning to those who rush carelessly in front -of moving trains. Ep- An Extraordixart Case. Our neighbor of the Gazette basboen informed of an extraordina ry oase of a living animal inside of a human being lately developed in Lower Augusta township., Adam Bowe, of that township, had, for some twelve or .fifteen years, been in bad health, being troubled with internal pains and a general prostration of his physical condition. Having a suspicion that be had a living croat ure in bis stomach, ho adopted a reino. dy that was reoouiinoiiJcd to him the ashes of tha .Catawba grupe vine taken with wiue and eventu . ally evacuated a dead blucksnnke measuring about a foot and a half in length. Since this reptile passed from him, which ooeurrod several mouths ago, Mr. Aowe hat rapidly regained his health. CLOTntxa ; Clotuiko ! Clotuixo ! At Low Prioes ! At Low Prices ! At Low Prices! f3 Union Jollification at Lewisburu. Our Lewisburg friends hud a jollification at that placo on Tuesday nigbt last, over the result of the late elections. A large number of houses were brilliantly illuminated, and the strcots were crowded with peo ple. An invitntion having been extended to the Union citizens of this pluoe to participate, about one hundred and filly persons were present from Sun bury. Tho steamer ''Ira T. Clement" was engaged for the occasion. The boat left here about 8 o'clock and returned about midnight. It was a most de lightful moonlight excursion, and all seemed to nj'oy It. In addition to the illumination of build ings there was a torch-light parade through the dif ferent streets of the town. Congratulatory speeches were made by Prof. Loomis, of the University, and . our esteemed Congressional representative, Hon. Geo. F. Miller. lSBXRirr'g Sales Sheriff Weaver adverti ses tho following properties, whloh he will sell at the Court House, in this place, on Monday, the 8th , of November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. : Tract of land in Chilisquaque township, containing .about three aores, with a two-story frume dwelling bouse, Ac To be sold as the property of Sarah Hunt. Lot of ground in Hie borough of Northumberland, No. 174, situate on the oorner of Quea aad Duke streets. Property of Philip Phillips. Traot of land, in Upper Augusta township, contain ing 45 acres, 30 acres of which are cleared, with a frame dwelling house, log barn, Ac Property of Joseph Fasold. Lot of ground in Trevorton, containing two and a half acres, on wbioh is erected a two-story log house. Property of Tbeoboid Ouiler. Jjgn Court. The following is the Trial List for aa adjourned Court, to be held on the last Monday of October, and alto for the regular November term. The first twenty causes arc for trial at the adjourned Court, and the balance for the second week of the Jf ovember session : ,1 Commonwealth for us vs. James Vandyke. Daniel P. Caul, adin'r, vs. Ann Divers et al. William L. Dewart vs. Jacob 11. Master. 4 John Hater lor ate vs. J. E. Mueaob, ex'r. b Charles Beck vs. Samuel Uaringor. 6 Philip Ktjetotter vs. Daniel Z. Kaker. 7 Jonathan Hower vs. Jotiah Heed etal. V John A. Dodge etal vs. Jucoby Wartman. V Robert M. Vumminga vs. John Wittejnoyer. IK Same vs. Win. A. Forsnian. 11 Charles Hoy vs. Daniel W. Smith. 12 Beneville Sbafer vs. David Eabbach. 13 Wm. U. Bobbins et al vs. John S. Snyder. 14 Wm. Shults et al vs. Jonathan P. Shults. 15 Casper bchall et al vs. John K. Erdman. 19 John Duukelberger vs. Andrew M. Eastwiok. 17 tlias Stepp vs. bainuel Kotberuel. 18 bam vs. Adum Leoker. Jtf William Lane vs. freeman Thomas. 20 Win. MoCleery vs. Seta T. McCormick. '21 John 11. Fortinan vs. George 0. McK.ee. Si William Aunktt vt. William Allan. 23 Auguttus bchnell vs. Freeman Tbomae. 24 John Haas et al vs. Locust Gap Imp. Co. 25 Margaret Youot vs. Jaoob Miller. 26 Beck Forrester vs. John W. tlastlv. 27 MoCleery, Buckle Co. vs. William Uaupt. 28 Cornelius Smith vs. Patrick Heady. 2V James Brass vs. Amos T. Beieel. 30 Philip Koefer vs. Miobael Uain. 31 William L. Dewart vs. Jacob B. Master. 32 John B. Doutj et al vs. Joseph Bird. ha John K.nn vi. David Starrioa. U Chariot P. Uelfeusteia vs. ffh Bleak Diasascd and Iron Coal Company. Si Joseph K. Irwin vs. Adam Frymb-. .36 John WeiMl vs. Harriet, aduVr, et al. 21 Sam V. bam XA William Woideuhaiomu vs. Wm.Kuls. it Itieuard t'urnmau v. Miobael Urabam. 40 Joba Everett .vs. Casper akthall at al. 41 llachael MoCarty vs. Ucorge W. Grier et al. 42 Pbiueot M Harbor -vs. Cyras Brown. 43 II. Ayres et al v. Samuel John. 44 W. L- Lane vs. Freeman Thomas. - 15 Tb.tK.nJjr Well v. Isu ,FrB 24 Per Cent. Saved ! 25 Per Cent. Saved ! 25 Per Cent. Saved ! Call and See, early ! Call and See, early ! Call and See, early ! Save your Money, and buy of Save your Money, and buy of Save your Money, and buy of S. Kronbnbbro, 8. Kronbubkro, S. Kronbmbbbu. 1 mu in ryTo Claim Agists. Blanks for the colleo tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn missioned Officers," under the late Aot of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for salo at the America office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks cretared in the DeDartments at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis tancc will receive prompt attention, An Illinois chap, in describing a gale of wind says : "A white dog, while attempting to weather the gale, was caught with his mouth open and turned completely inside out." We advise our readers not to be turned from their course by wind or weather. but keep their mouths olosed and steer direct for JohnE. Suiiok's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, and examice hit fnll goods. A man in Nashville, reeeutly, had twenty dollars. and ha and his wife quarrelled all one night about tbo possession of it. The next morning they went befuro the police court for creating a disturbance, and the fine inflicted used up nil the money. How much better it would have been had tbey stopped quarrelling and invested the amount in dis pute in some of the elegant boots and shoes at Wm. H. Millur's Excelsior Bool and Shoe Store, Market struct. PiiOTOGnArur. We would call the attention of our ciliiens to the Photograph Gallery recently fitted up by Mr, S, Byerly, in Simpson's building, Market street. Mr, B, is propared te furnish Pho tographs and Anibrotypcs, in all styles and sites. We would advise all who desire to hare a good picture to pay Mr. Byerly a visit. Lira Insurance. "I have sufficient already, and do not need it," is very ol ten the objection made to life insurance. But thousnnds of ethers have thought similarly, and yat, dying, have left their families in want. Experience has proved that the stability of fortune is aa unoevtalo as the duration of life. A Policy of Insurance will secure your wife and family against the results of either in your particular inttunee. Jacob Siiipman, Firt and Life Imurav.ee Agent, Sunbury, Pa. HchenV Seaweed Tonic. This medicine, Invented by Dr. J. H. ScaaNcIC, of Philadelphia, It Intended to dissolve th food and make it Into ohym, th first proceat of digestion.- By cleansing th stomaek with Bohonok'a Mandrake Pills, th tonic coon rettoroe th appetite, and food that oould not be oaten before using it, will b easily digested. Consumption cannot b cured by Schenok's Pul monic Syrup Bales th storaaoh aad liver tt made healthy and th appetite restored; heno the Tonic and Pills art required in nearly every oase of eon sumption. A half doten bottles of the SEAWEED TONIO and three or feur boxes of the MANDHAH.J. PILLS will cur any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits In Now York, Boston, and at his prinolpal Office in Philadelphia, everv week, eoe datlv nanertot eaen Place, or nu pamphlet on consumption, for his days tor visitation. Plooaa observe, when Burchasina. that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and tne other as he now is, in perfect beaitb, are on tne uovernment stamp. Sold by alt Druggists and Dealort, price $1.(0 per bottle, or $7.60 the half doten. All let ters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Bchenok's Principal Office, Ho. 15 North 6th Street, fhiladelpnta, ra. General Wholesale Agents: Deinaa Barnes A Co., N. Y. ; S. 8. Uance, Baltimore, Md. I John D. Parko, Cineinnati, Ohio) Walker Taylor, Chicago, 111.; Collins Bros., St, Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, 1 Son. 1st w , ea, mo. 1 yr. mill lieu: rrcii t SCRATCH!. 6CRAT0H ! SCRATCH! WUEATON'S OINTMENT Will Curo lite Itch In 48 Honrs. Also curet SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 oentt. For tale by the druggitts. By send ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTEH, Sole Agont 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, fre of postage, to any part of the United States. V , " j 23 'OO-J The ConlcBHlotan una Hxpcrlcncc or an invalid. Published fur the benefit and as a oaution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, l'remoturo Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same timo the means of self-cure. By one who nas oured himself aftor undergoing considerable quack cry. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be had of the au- llinr NATHANIEL MAYEA1H, lisq,, lirookl-n, Kings Co, N. X. January 27, 1866 ly. Ueal'urss, IIliuln-N nud Ctitarrh, Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Auritt. (formerlv of Lerdcn, Holland,) No. D1V nno street, rniiaueipnia. inumonwn from tho most reliable sources in the City and Coun try can be seen at hit office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, at be bat no te- erett in bit praotice. Artificial eyes, lnsorica wuu out pain. No charge made for examination. eepi, 2V, woo. ly Xo CoiiHitanptivs'is. The advertiser, having been rostorcd to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of sure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direo tions for preparing- and using the same, which thoy will find a suna Curb for Consumption, Asthma, Eitosciimg, Couobs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object ol the advertises in sending the prescription is to bonefit the afflicted and spread information which he oonceives to bo in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, frbe, by return mail, please address Rev. EDWARD WILBON, Williamsburgb, Kings Co , New York January 13, 1866 ly, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS STOP & LOOK AT THIS! CAl'lTAsU IOO,OOQ. Impos-tasti to nil Ovtucra of ajve Brook, ; TUB GREAT ASTERN DETECTIVE nORSE Imuran lOompany, chartered Maroh II, '66, by th Stat f Pranaylvanla, Insures, HOUSES, MULES AND CATTLE, agaiust loss by theft, death by fir, aooident or disease. Office-: 108 South fourth Street. Philul.. Pa President : Col Charlee Frailey ; Vive President, 1) L. Etterly: Secretary, Dr. B. Becker; Uenoral Agent, P. Haffa. Keferenoe. by permission, to the following gentle, men.' Hon. Simon Cameron, Harritburg, Pa.; Burd Patterson, Esq., PottavtlU, Pa ', Gon, Joseph LStloh. ter, Hardware Merchant, Resrifog, Pa; Dr John Uloninger. President Lebanon Bank ; L Whitney, Banker, PottevlUo. Our rates are lower than any other Insurance Com pany, while they insure against one risk, we insure against all risks. Agents wanted In every county in the State, Assistant General Agent, Sunbury, Pa. AurustlS, 1866. Sm O fSMPtl(a MACIHNES. ft O Full? f1erM?avKterf'tsn1tarv tlvea. (II , J I Pr from tJO 10 txa pXjiUi. For uruii, Iinw- I , UJ (reus OWaUrsasrUSrSavwIlk Maap, tnnar 1 Q j PAPirOTHEB8rtCJ Arent, w .jtV. Cfcaatnut at., Phll.,n. JF , XV 111 ! StT.totO. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court o Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lio sale, et tbo Court House, In the Borough of Sun' bury, on Monday tho 22d day of UnUiber, A. D. IH0A1 at 10 o'olook A. M., of laid day, all that certain mes suage tenement, HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, sltuato In the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland oounty, ironting on Broadway, now Front street, and tirmnrind and described as follows to wit : Bounded on the west by Broadway, now fcWnt street, on the North by lot No. tU, on tne cast oy a twenty root Alley, and on the South by lot number 62, ownod by the hoire of Henry Mutter, deceased, and being lot numbered in the general plan of said Borough as lot number fil'ty-one (l), XxW Ml foot t? Width on Frontstroet, and in depth 231 feet, wbnroon are erec ted a Two-Story Frame Dwelling House, paintod wnite, a good basement, suitnnio lor an oyster aim bating Saloon, a Kitchen, a two story bacR Dunning, a good Stublo, Smoke-bous and other outbuildings. aiso a good well oi water and pump at the door. Late the property of Philip Brymiro, deceased. Sale to eommenoa at ill o'elonk A. M ni1 said itav. wnon tne terms and conditions of sal will be made Known Dy WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Executor of the last Will nnd Testament . of Philip Brymlie, dco'd. BvordT of the Court. J. A.J. CUMMINGS, ClTt O. C Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1968, Sept. 8, 1866. 2ma EQUALIZATION OP BOUNTIES. r,. ir. KAGE, Attorney nt Law, Munhtirjr, Pn. I S dulv authorised and Licensed bv the Govern I in out to oolleot all Military Claims against tho United States. Bounty money due soldiers under the late hqualitation Aetof Congress, and all mill' tary claims against the State, due soldiers of 13)2, for Pensions and Uratuitv. Claims due soldiers the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps from enlistment to tne date ot muster, promptly collooted. Sunbury, August 4, 1866. . WM. MENCKK & BROTHER, As. 804 ARCH Streit, PHILADELPHIA Whelesalo and Retail Dealers In BERLIN" ZEPHYRS, T71MBR0IDERIES. Fin Knit Goods, etc., person Hi ally seleoted in Europe. Domestic Zephyrs, Uermantown Wools, Cashmere Yarns, etc., lutest styles in Ladies Dress and Cloak THXMX4CX1TGS. Buttons. Drop Fringes, Laces, Shawl Bordors, ic tt lute MnbroldcreU lianas, etc. The goods being carefully seleoted. our Wholesal Department offers croat inducements to the trade. SofteniberS, 18fi6. 3mw C23. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS "CTDX OPEIHD. KN(EBEL & ROBBINS. RBSrECTFULLY inform theeititonsof .Sunbury and vicinity, that they have Just oponed a lareu stock of 73 628. HOOP SKIIIT3 HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE. new Fall hlylciti Are In everv re?noct First Clas, and tmWi, a complete assortment tor Ladies. Misses and child ren, of the Newest styles, overy Length and S'uos of ,T UISI. OUR SKI11TS. wherevor known, nro more univer sally popular than any others before the public Tuey retain tncir tnape ocucr, are uguicr, more clastic, more durable, and realy Cheaper, than any othor Hoop Skirl In tlio market. Tim spring! and lixstcntngs erowariantou portect. jvvery i,auy snouia Try Them ! They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout tho Country, and at Whole sale & Retail, at Manufactory and Sales Room. No. 623 AUC1I Stroot, below 7th., Philadelphia. Ask for MOI'KIN'S "own make," buy no other! CAUTION, Nono genuine unless stainpod on each Fid Pad "Hopkin's Houn Skirt Manufactory, No. 628 Arch street, Philadelphia." Also, Constantly on hand full lino of Now York made Skirts, nt vory low rricos. Terms Net Onsli. Ono Price Only. Sept. 1, ltiQC 1m In the storo room lately oocupied by Weaver A Fa gely, opposite th Old Court House. REMEMBER, that those Qoocls have just been fiurehased at reduced, prices, and are told according y, comprising of '. . i iDivsr GOODS of every style and variety, tuch at CLOTHS, CASSIMERKS, VESTIXUS, AO. Dress Ooods, Prints, Muslins Domestic Ugods, Ntitioos, Ac., o. GROCERIES, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR MOLASSES, &C. IloiisicUccpInK Goods). The attention of tho publio is respectfully invited to the advantages offered at tbis establishment. THE HIGHEST PRICES PA1TJ FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ' Call ncd ex.ansin for yourselves. A. J. KNu.l.tL, 11. P. ROBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, l&Ot. NEW HARDWARE IRON STORE. T'U' ,l,,5S,;,'ih,!r having opened in Sl'NlilT.Y. J Pa., anew largo, and well assorted stoi k of all kinds of H ARIIVV A RE. CUTLERY, COACH WARE SADDLERY, SHOE KIXDINUS, IRON, NAILS, c, laid in nt lowest New York and Eastern prices which they will bo pleased to sell for Cash at tho lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in the honest principles of small profits and quick sale for Ca.'.i. J. K. OOSLEY 1 CO. .Sunbury. June 13, 1600. 'iil ! ':! ! ! f.'nlt ! ! ! t0,00 wanted in e.TchnnRO for all BOOKS! BOOKS!! fpH E tubsoribor begs leave to null the attention M L his oustoinors, and the Community In genorat, to' the fnct that he bos now rocoived his soooud lot ol itfiew goohs, ' , ; -1 consisting, in part, of a complete line of ' PAPER AND. ENVELOPES, Blank, Ruhool and Juvcrllo Books, Fancy TutVt foaps. Perfumes, Ploturo Fromci, Lara and Willcm Hauging Hiukets, Bird Csjus, 'tliitirt ntitl MIhikI sTJIsiKfiC. Fine Vbsck, Handsome Glove Jewelry and Work - Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Peathor Dust Brushes, Balls, Dat, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions,-, lnrt;e stook of WALL-PAPER AND P.OBliEl', Wlndow-lHinds, Paper Shades, Coal " Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ac. Thankful for pott patronago, and hope, by strict attention to business, to continue the sauic. X. F. LIUHTXEU. JJUTibtiry, June 9. 1S8J. Manufacturci't lind WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE.VLKit.-J t SILVER V?jSV and SILVER PLATED ' U i O U S , ?OI Ai'cli Wtt-i'ct, UMiilnjIelptiirt. Those ill want of Silver or Silver Tinted Ware will find it much to their advantage by visiting our Storn before making tiitir purchaies. Our long oxperi ci.ee in the niiinutiictuio of the above kind cf gx1 ermUcs us to defy coinputit'.on. Vi'e keep -10 goo.ls Lut thoo vh!h arc of toe Firit Class, nil of c.ur oivn make, ami il bo sold nt reditc ed prices. July 7th, 1S.C5 - lye H AXDandNtnnd Ulncs at Liuhtnkh's. WO I JANUARY ! I IIOO'l'S, NHOKi, A.U XIH .It. n . a. t n a c n e u i SVITESSOU TO "W . W. A. P8LK Y . MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA A large lot of Roots nnd Shoes just received . A hue lot of TRUNKS en band. A gono ral assortment of (J cut's Travelling Satchels, R R. Bags, Valises, &o., Ac, ic, i&o. COME AND S Erji; I At the well-known house of Mrs. Boulton, Market I Street, between Third and Fourth ftreets. Sunbury, Sept. 29, 1866. DEATHS. In Cincinnati, Ohio, on Wednesday, the 10th inst., of cholera, after two days' illness, Mrs. CUARLOT TA THOMAS, wife ot Capt. W.Thomas, aged 43 years. IkU.Mtl It' MAKKUTN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wieat Flour, extra family, par barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel , Bye, do Corn, da Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per found do do unpared do Dried Apples, do JJriea unerrles, (unstonea,) per oa. 16 06 7 66 16 00 6 60 2 SO Butter, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beof, iiii.il quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per pound, per doten, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Kharnoltln Coal Trade, fn Anoxia, Oct. 13, 1880. Tunn. Cwt Sent for week ending Oot. 13. 7,346 61 Per last report, 39,b6t 0 T same time last year, Increase, 47.112 10 340,027 08 100,686 02 Special Notktf. Patented May 20, 1NOO. This Is an article for washing without rubbing, except in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered fur a like purposo, will xot pot tiiie ci.othks, but will leave them much wiiitkr than ordinary meth ods, without the usual wear and tpar. It removes grease spots as if by inag'c, nnd snftons the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordlpary eases entiroly remove it This powder is prepared in accordance with chemi cal science, nnd upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use tor more than a year, and has proved itself an univer sal fuvorito wherever it has boen used. Among the ad vantages claimed are the following, vit : It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods, It saves most of the labor of rubbing, nnd wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it Is unsurpassed. With one quarter the time and labor usually re quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any other mode No water required ex cept to moisten the powder. Directons with each packago And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. The oost of washing for a family of five or Bix per sons will not exceed tiihsk cents. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the intrinsio excel lence of this article, they ooufidontly proclaim it as being adaptod to meet a demnnd vbvuh hns long existej, and has bcrclture lemUced uusupplied. MAX l' CACTI' RED BV llOtVD? fc KXIi:Vl'.S, tttJW llroaslwny, HohIobi. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF FAMILY DYE COLORS. For salo by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. October 13, 1808. 3mp. THE following persons nro entitled to receive an increnso of Bounty under tho Act of Congress passed July 1303, to equalize Bounties. 1st All soldiers, who enlisted nfter tho 10th day of April, lWl,ior 3 years, and servud thuir time of enlistment nnd have been houornbly discharged, and have received or are entitled to recoivo a Bounty of $100, nro entitled nn additional Bounty of sjllOO. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 years, and have been honorably discharged on account of woumls received in the lino of duty, nro entitled to nn additional Bounty of 8IOO. 3d Tho Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers who died in tho servico of wounds or disousc, are entitled to nn additional Bounty of tftlOO. By application to S. P. WOLYERTON, Esq., of Srsnunv, Pennsylvania, who is an authorized Claim Agent, all such claims can bo spocdily collected. Sunbury, August 4, lSut). tt SUHBUItY CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. Instructora. Rev. S. S. MiLi.tn, Hkv. W. C. CnKMp.B, Mr. Jon.x J. I!riii;nn, Miss ,S', E. Pov. tns, Miss Jessib A. Fletcher. Every facility nflbrded for a thorough training; in the English, Mathematical and Classical Branches. Music, Drawing and Buok-kccping, extra. 2nd Quarter of Summer Session opens Monday, September 3d. 18(56. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. ,Siinbu,-y, Sept. 1, ISSii. " E00TS, SHOES AND TRUNKS 1 EI. 'I'lIACllUEt, Vi;CCE3SOU TO W . V.' . A P S L E Y . IX addition to our large stuck, nlrcadv on hand, wo nro now receiving a full supply of fnll and Win- Hardware. Irons, Nails, Ac. Store of J H, Sunbury, Juno 13, lSOii. kinds ol at the now Hardware CON LEY A CO. II7 von want a good Luu-ncfs for your frienl-,, go to . Hi l'.ULA o Uullery in timusuii s r.uildiug. SHOE Finding.?, iolo Leather nnd ail goods bo lciiL'icg to shoe uiu',:ers hiiiues fnr slo bv J. H. COXLEY & CO. GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE. V IS UAAMlir.S'.IeVS SASH S T 0 P V E H AND LOCK. j Simplicity, Durability. Convenience, Ccnifort and j Security, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports cither sash 1 at any point. J It can be applied to any window in n few minutes, i It docs not interfere in'taking out a sash. I It is not affected by any jarring action, and pre vents the rattling of sash. ! It is self-acting in all its work, and uiakos it iin j possible to forget to lock the window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving the window unlocked. ' It nuts by gravity has no spriug niid can nee; j get out of order. ! li clues not wear out, um win ta.-a wimo inc house stands i Windows that havo only one sn-h moveable, may j bs changed, so as to nioyu both, at u irilling cxpenju. Mtojtcv nnd fl.otU, Oije E)olltir I ,'gillloeo. It must coine into general uso fcr its radical ad vantages, as a Soli-Acting, Burglar-Proof Look and Ventilator. For Railway Cats. Steamboats, etc., it is perfect, and, in fact, the thing long nought. It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and everybody can have. The demand must bo unliini. tod. Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders, and men looking for business, nro invited to call op tho sub scriber and examine it. JACOB WILVER, Jr., July 21, 1S66. Cm Sunbury, Pa. 1- ATHOS10 J sale by S liuir I'.ottunilivc, the bejt in use, lor LI'.illTXEH. solo Agent for Puubiiry. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE I s i: i1 k ivi' no tj i; ji A t of l i m a; ADEMN Great Attraction, SUFKHU IIOLIDAV PKESKNTS I ter goods for Ladies, Uentlen.en, Misses and vim drcn s wear. Also n good assortment of Trunks. A largo lot of R. R. Bags, Dents' lino leather Satchels. Wo wish it distinctly understood that we intend soiling our goods nt small profits, exclusively lor the cash. Don't forirut tho place. Apslcv's old stand, In the well-known houso of Mrs. JJoulton, Market street, i bunourv, l a. NOTICE Biots Rnd Shoes neatly repaired at short notice. It' any bought of lis should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. II. it. THACHEIt. Bunhury, Sept. 29, 161. i;viei; v B,A.isi.i,, F () U U T II and ARCH Streets, PHILADELPHIA, j Have now completed their Improvement and arc ottering on tho Best of Terms ' at tha NEW TIN-WARE, Klicvt Iron and Stove Ktorc of SMITH & GEXTTEEH, Where they keep eanstantly oa hac4 and manufac ture to order at abort notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would uneoiallv call the attention of nur- cbatcrt to tboir large and well teleoted ttock of C005 AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have mad arrangements to have all their best stoves mad to order, and Iluue who would have a good stove would do well to no aud examine their largo and well selected stock. Fint. They defy competition on the followlnz tried Brandt of Cook Stoves, vit : Coiiibiuullon C)um llnrner. Cook. Governor IVnn-Cook. WABASH ANfc IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove eallod SPEAR'S ANTIDL'ST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great varietv em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Ajso, ine celebrated uaitimore nro rtace btove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNIXQ GLORY. foul Oil, Coal Oil !.ttiup, feliadca, i'liltuniesi, aud all article) usually kept in an establishment of this klud. iney are alto prepared to furnish blate and do slating In the best workmanlike manner. Alto, to do Tin ltoofinir. Snoutinc. Rancre and Furnace Work, Gut FittiuK. A. Repairiuir ueatlr and cheaply executed. Alto: "Hnujtb'tj Ilatv Hone Sur-Ilos- pltute." Remember the place. Sauiblo ami Sales Room nearly opposite Coply's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth strsets. Building dark painted. August a, laps. WiMehe! Wo;sc: Wotclicst 1)1. TKAY V CO., Importers and Wbolosale Dculers in Gold and Silver Watches f all Descriptions, 34 Liberty Street, IV V BEG to inform the publio that they have just re ceived the most elegant, perfect, and accurate Watch ever introduoed In this market. The EX CELSIOR, a beautiful, extra ruble jewelled, heavily 18 Carat Gold Plated on Silver, mugnirlceutly en graved, finely and richly Enameled Hunting-Cases, Patent Lever, genuine Damaskcnnet Hands, tho roughly regulated by tuoobservatoiy, and warranted to be the A flu Lltra lime-Koeper. A suporb and most reliable Wateh, Gent's or Lady's size, will be sent free to any address on receipt of $2$, or, if preferred, will be sent, o. o. d,, on receipt of $6 as part payment, The wtitefa .will be sent by Express, or mail regis tered, so thut there it almost a certainty of reaching their destination ; but should the Express Co. or Post Oflioe fiil in their duty, we will send another watch immediately. Orders for Any Kindt of Watchet Promptly and Vaithfully Fulfilled. (--Liberal Terms to the Trade. AGENTS. We want Agents in every town and eouuty in the Country, and to those aoting at such liberal indueementt will be offered. Ploasa send monoy by Express, (Post Cfitco or Bank Dxaits,) to E TREY A CO., Si Liberty Slreot, N. Y. October 13, 1866. 6ma. oring i Full Stock of FALL DRY GOODS. Fine Stock of SHAWLS, Pine Stock of SILKS, Fine stock of DRESS OOODrl, l ine Stock of WOOLLENS. l'ino Stock of STAPLE GOODS, Fine Stock of FANCY GOODS, cto. New and desirublo Uoods daily received, and Sold at S;nall advance Wholetale '. ScpteiulK'rJy, JSlWJ Otw ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic snlo, on the premises, nn SATURDAY, 111" 27TH DAY OK OCTOBER, A. D. JtliUi, tho following desuribel real sto-o, to wit. AU that cor tain UA, of ground situate in the borouu-h of Sunbury. bounded 0- follows, vis: or, (lie North by Blackberry or Chesnut street, on tho West by Centre alley, on tbo Sutilb by an alloy on which tho Shamokin Val ley Railroad is located, and on tho East by lot num bered two hundred and thirty-one, and suid lot he in if numbered two hundred and thirtv-two. in said borough, containing sixty foot in width and two hundred ami thirty tool in lengtn, on wuicn is erected a i'U O-STOliy i'Ka.ui: bu i:a.i.t-t:,j nor, ki:. with Kitchen attached, .raoko-Houfc, Well of water all the necessary outbuildings. i.utn tno property oi rreuoricK L,ararus, acccasoa. Sale to eoininenco at 10 o'clock, A. M.,of said day, when the terms and conditions will bo made known by JARED C. IRWIN, . U. .VIAS9r.il, Adniinistraluis. I'll OlO i. i: A lBI 1 4 '. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers ot' Photographic Materials, Wl oleslle anil Iteluil, SO UllUAUWA V, New York. In atldiunn tonnr niniii husinessof Pliotocpioti ie Mute riuls we are leadqi!aricrs for the foHowing, vii. j STEREOSCt)PK3 ft STERESCOIMC VIICWS Of Ameriennand Foreign Cities au Landscapes, Groups Statiiarv, etc. StKREOSCOl'IC VIEWS OF TIIE WAR, ! Fr-irn ilegiilive.s n.aile ill the various campaigns ano forming a c'Mlplele I'hotojrapliic history of the great con- lest. ! 6TERF.O$COPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, j Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Sterens'-opie. j Our Catalogue will be sent to any ailuiest on receipt ot i -tamn. 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS We manufacture more luruely than any otlier house, ahoul 2IKI mi H ties, from 80 cents to few each. Our Al Immi having the repuiution of bci ig suierior in beauty and ilurnhiltly to any others. j Cabd PnorooBAnie ov Gkmibals, Statkjmsk, Actors, tixc, Etc. i j Our Catalocuo emhraeei ovei Five Thousand (lifferent ; subjeets, iiicluthng reiinsluetioul ol Ills most ceUhrated n. .....a , a 1.. IMft.liillS Bent Oil r,ia,nm,, . .. hie,-, ...W..M,, ., o reeeipl of stump. ' PhotoKinpherd nud omers oruerins somls C. O. D., will 1 piej.a reinu'il per cent of the amount with tiieir onler. r?" Ttu prices ami quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. July 91, lr.B6.-Pm I NEW MUSIC STXIEB. Call at our Now Musio Store In SEXiUST'S GUtOVE, aud buy ono of Haisss BnoTnEn'a Now i'cnlo After mc ro Uif,n tivolyo years of constant use, this highly cunccntraWd manure has attained a wide spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR. PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in it operation, nnd of great du rability. It does not exhaust tho soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove tho high popular valuo of this manure, and establish the fact of its ' being relied upon by a wide circle cf ugricullurists i to supply all wants in the direction of manured f"f ! every crop. Sole Manufacturers & Proprietors, OHieo, No. 20 South Delaware Avunu. PHILADELPHIA. BA.UG1I UROT1IEIIS & CO, General Vfholuale Agent; Vo. lrU Pearl St., ooruer ol Cedar. NEW YORK. 1800. lhHa1eIiItIa cV 1HC. I'.rlc RuIIfouU. Tb subtle essence of the Queen Flower of the Tropics is concentrated in Pbalon't "Night-Bloom log Cerent," a perfume so delicious, permanent aud refreshing, that in all the varieties of .floral scents there is nothing that can vie with tt Sold every where. RaroBMS, bct hot A RaroBaiTioa In France, Spalu, Italy and Portugal, where alcoholic liquors are as roaarkabls for purity as cheapness, the peo ple are healthy and temperate, limply bccAUte wine Is their principal beverage Webava a native wine la many respects superior to an imported from Europe ' XT refer to tha SamLurg wiue, prepared from the Bambarg grape hy Mr. A. Bpecr. Messrs. Chilton aV Co., the eminent cbeulsti of New York, and hundreds of respectable pbysioiaot throughout the country, apeak in high terms of its aicdicinal j pretties. W A. BiiiTTks It i LADIES' FANCY PUKSj AT JOHN FAREIRA 8 Old Eetabltsbed FUR Manufactory, So. lit ARCH Street, above Tth, PHIL'A. Have now In Store of my own Importation and Alannfantur one, nf lh largest and most beauti. sjal selections or I FANCY FURS, ."for Ladies' and Chil- urvu vt Mr iu iue viiy. Alto, a Sue assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I. am .enabled to dispose or my goods at very rea sonable prioes, and I would therefore solieit a call from niy friends of Northumberland county and Vieusity. Kemeusbcr the Kama, Number and Street ! JOII FAIUCIUA Ne. MS ARCH St., above Ttb, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Ootofcerfl.IoX, 4mw. .- :-. r rpilIS great line traversos the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to tbo city of Erie on Lako Erie. It hat been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Cumpany. Titne of Passenger Trains at Sunbury. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 11.40 p. ra. Erie Express Train, 6. 56 a m. Eluiira Mail Train, U.J5 aw. Leave Weatartuid. Erie Mail Train, 4. SO a in. Erie Express Train, 6.45 p m. Eluiira Mail Train, 4 45 p. tu. Passenger careruu throucb oa the Erie Mail and Express Truiui without chango both way: between rnuaaeipMa ana trie. ,etv York Conneclfoxs, Leave Kew York at S 00 a m, arrive at Erie 9.80 a. m. Leave Erie at 4 45 p. in., arriro at New York 4.10 p. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all NLrkt Trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. 80th and Market St., Philadelphia. And for Freight husinessof the Company's Agents S. B. Kingslou, Jr., Cor. 13th end Market St. Philadelphia. i. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Drown, Agent N. C. R. R., Brrllioiore. U. H. Houston, Uenl Freight Agt. Pbilada. )I. W. OwiKNia, Uen'l Ticket Ag't., Pbilada. A. L. TYLER. 0e'l Manager, Willlaiusport. uoiooer la, 1000. ALL goods bought for Cub and sqld at lowest prioes far cash at the Hvdware Store of J. H. CONLET CO, . Sunbury, June 18, 1866. TINE" Myrtle PcmatuB, at a;nte Adiulstlatrotor'si Notice. XTOTICE is hereby civen. that letters of ad minis tralion having keen granted to the undersigned. oa uio esiaia oi 4 aeoo t, ttonroaan, lata of the bo rough of Sunbury, NorriiuickarlaBd eounty.deeeated. All persona knowing thaaualve tndubied sure re quested to make immediate aaysnant, and those hav iug claims to preacut laeta duly autdtaoUoaisJ for aetuesneat. LLOYD T. E&HRBACH, AdministraLir. Sunbury, cteber 13, 186. Piano Fortes. a.--i-L:' ' -:; .- -viiSij'' ! CiOUGE DUmDAI.K, i Wholesale Ajftnt for Maryland & Virginia, i No. M5 Smith's M'barf, j BALTIMORE, Ml) By order of the Court, '. A. J. CLMMINGS, Cl kO. Sunbury, Oct.ober 6., li?06. Sept. 1, 1666. 2ma .with f .oi isa Naai.si.i:st, CUliuery Cioodsi uurt rrMi '1'riiu GLOVES, PAKASOLS, &c, &c, , South ido of Market Square. SUNBURY, Pcnn'a. Hns iust returned from tha cities with a ehoice i Si-I- s)? cr SytfO lb. C .!.. Every Instrument is Warre.nted for five years. We ; also kcop comtnntlv on hand a good stock ot the ; eelehrated PEl.Ol'BET'S MELOUEOXS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and cballougo others to sell cheaper than we are selling. Wealso keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise, j ,, publishe.l. the 1.3th edition of our new ptn- and receive all the latest music as soon as published, j jJet, ' How to Maintain tho Fertility uf Aiuurinan tf. liberul discount to teachers of Schools and fcomi- ; Farms aud Plantations," furnished tVco uponappli- neriu I cation to us or our Ageuts. I'jrSecond hand instruments taken in escUnge j BAUOH A SONS, mrec.ly turned and repaired cnd for ! v Lclawar. Avenue, PhUadelphi, Circular. SALEM A BllOTHEtt. Selinsgrove. Snyder Co., Pa., July 2fi, 1806 ly j S.M1TI1 AGENTHEIt. .Sunburv. July 25, ly BOUNTY FOR SOLDIERS. j III WE made arrangeineuts in Watbiugton City, j for the prompt collection of Bounty under the ! i.i. a..i .,f i'.,Lrrns. I have also received the pro- ; per blanks to propore the claims. Soldiers entitled to this Bounty should apply immediately, at it is es timated thut it will require thrco years to adjust all tho claims. All soldiers who enlisted for three years nnd who have not rocoived more than $100 bounty are untitled tv tho benefits uf Ibis Aot, us well as soldiers v. bo havo enlisted for throe years and disoboiged ufusr a teleotion of seasonable goods to w)iioh the attention i ,,i .HO vears. by reavn of wounds rocei4 of the Ladiea is respoottully solicited. i ai8oaae coutracttd iu line of duty, or rc.enlistiuent Mri.i.ixv-iiviiooos AND DRESS TRIMMINGS ; LLOYD T. ltOUHHACH With Head-Dresset, Olovos, Hosiery, Ribbont, has bun carefully seleoted and will give satisfaction. Miss Sbisslor bos bad an experience in the busi ness that enables her to telnet goods with nn eyo to tbo tle and wishes of her customers, and she bogs a continuance of favors in the future which the takes Lleasure in acknowledging during tho post year, adies will flud a choice stock vf every tbin; iu her line of business. Sunbury, April 14, 1804. CALL and toe tboe beautiful Bird Cages at the new Hardware store uf J.H. C0NYCO NEW SPUING GOODS!! Now orEN, A FULL STOCK OF NEW E3 P It I N f OOODS Consisting of ltret iloods, In great variety, tuch aa Delainot, Challles, Ginghams, trapes, Lawns, Brilliants, Ac. Hoop SkjrU, Fine White Goods, '"JrY Trtmmingt, Lacas and Embroideries, VEI IS of all descriptions, tl loves. Hosiery, Corsets, Zephyrs, Patent Hair Crimpers, Neck-Tics, and Notions of ill kinds usually kept in a Fanny Store. Lock wood's Paper Collars and Cult. stamping aud machine stitching dune to order. MARY L. LAZARUS, - Two doors west of Wai. U Mtlltr fciici. Attire tunbury, April Sit, 1 a Sunbury, August 1, l06. To Officers of -the V. S. Volunteer Army ! " lis it r)MCte,l lu the Semite mid lhitse of llrp resentutnes of the United States of America t Connies assembled. That section tour of au Act entitled "An Aot making appropriations lor the sup. port of tho Army for the year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six," be to construed . to untitle to the three mouths' pay proper, pro ided for therein, all oncers of volunteers below the rauk ol Brigadier General who wore in service on tne Jra day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-nv. and .,.wi,.,i,inM irnri urasentcd and aooentea, or 'who wero mustered out at their own request, er otherwise honorawy uisenargea irom ine s"vy after tho ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and Mivtv-fiie. 60. 4 '.'And b it further enacted. That all officers of volunteers now iu commission, below the ! rank of Brigadier General, who shall continue in the ! military ter vice to the olose of the war, stall be en titled to receive, upon being .mustered out of service, thre months' pay proper." Approved Miu-ob 1, 1S65. The tuhscribcr directs Uao ai-:nCon of omoert to the ubove Aot of Congreaa, at i,hame time soliui I ting the collection of thuir olaimt. He hat the blanks tu that puipa., and will give collections ; under this Aot hit prompt attention. I LLOYD T. KOHRBACH, ! Aitoruoy al Lw ; Cankury. pt. Ilk l?fl Tin: i:i: r ti.ii: ov I-I TJ A. Itf M I B E H V - Just Published, ill a Mealed Envelope. Price 6 cents. A Lecture ou (ho Nature, Treatment, nud Radical Curo of iSeniiual Weakness, or Sperinntorrbucu, in duced by Solf-.ibuie ; intoluntary Emissions, Jmpu teucy, Nftryout liebllity, and luipedimoulsto Alur riage generally ; Consuujptioii, Epilcpv, nnd Fits , iient.il and Physical tneupaeity, iu. By HO 11 . J. Cl'LVKKWELL, M. D., Author of tbo "tlrccu Book," Ac. Tho worhl-reoowned author, in this ndmirablo Lecture, clearly proves troni b own expcrieieoi that tho awful conequenoes of 'olf-Abus may bo eUectually removed nilliQet medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations,' bougies, instrumooi. rings, or oordials. pointing out a mode of cure at one certain aud effectual, by which every sufferer, ,i, matter what his condition may he, moy cure Lii,..eli' cheaply, privately, and radically. This 1 ecturo will prove a boon to Thousands and Thocsw;dj. Sent under teal, in a plain envelope, tJ any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Also. Dr. CUL EltWELL'S "Man-lago Guido, ' price 25 cents. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ollicu box 4,i35. Septomber 2V, lodij ly libXAULISlIED IN 1810. l'littcy Ity riuK i:tullialntt.'Ut. Ji W. JONES, No. 412 North Front Mea-t, , above Cullowhiil, Pbilmlelphia, d.Vct r'ilks, Woolen and Fancy (ioodt of every 4Vc'ription. Their superior ttyle of dyeing Ladies aud lieuttcmeu't Guruieuts is widely kuowu. Ciupo and Mniim Shawls dyed the most bi iliiunt or plain colors. I'rut.e and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new Alx, Uonllemou't Apparel, Curtains, Ac, uleaned or re dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned or dyed to look likuu Cul and Jiouit at our work before soing elsewhere J. A W. JONLS fcepl. 15, ISM -im
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers