Ctjc imbur American rrr H. B. JENOLB, f Publiheu, gtJNIiURY, 1A. SATURDAY, JULY 81, 1888. JLocal Affairs. . CP Job IrlBtlir.-nT,nt ' " large supply of NEW JOB TYPB, of Tarlous Hew tyle, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, BIU Heads, Labels, A ., oan be printed In the late and best stylo, and on ihort nolioc. Ordera by nail promptly attended to. tF Warm Wtm. Th weather hu been not only warm, bat hot and oppressive. On Satur day the thermometor ttood at 1001 ; on Sunday, at 100 ; on Monday, 99 ; on Tuesday, 99 J ; and on Wednesday, at 90. So many consecutive days of exoesslvoly hot weather hai seldom been experl-1 enced. On Wednesday evening we were visited by a fall of rain, which has somewhat cooled the at motphore, rendering it more pleasant and agreeable. iy Lost. On Saturday last, In Markot street, p a fine linen bandkorohiof, with the initials C. V. H. marked in red, on the eornor. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. Rov. J. F. Porter, of the M. K. Church, for merly of hamokin, died at Hatelton, I.uiorne county, on the 1 1th inst. Mr. Porter was a popular nd worthy minister of the (lospel. ty Festival at Sh amok i!t. The fahnd fes tival held at Shamokin by the ladies of the Re. formed Church, closed on Wednesday night, the 1 tth Inst. Throughout It was well patronised, the gross receipts amounting to f 1500. ty Pic-Nic The Sunday School of the Presby terian Church, of this place, held a pio-nio on Bird's Island, on Thursday last. The party, which was giuite a large one, was oonveyed to and from the island by the steam ferry boat. ty Another Fire i.i WiLLiAxsponT. We learn that the large flouring mtll of Brown t Co., in Wil- lie.mjport, together with a large amount of grain, was entirely destroyed by fire on Friday Inst. The loss is estimated at $30,000, which is partially covered by insurance. jy Claiic Agents. Our readers should he cau tious how they trust claim agents, for ponsions and bounty, with whom they have no acquaintance. Lawyers and agents at home are always to be pre ferred. Congress has passed no late law allowing pensions or bounty. The State grants a pension only where the applicant swears that he is oppressed with poverty ty Deatb by Drowning. On Tuesday evening last, about 6 o'clock, a little boy, son of Alex. Rny. was drowned in tbo river at this placo, below (Srant A Bro-'s wharf. It appears that the little fellow was wading in the water, and it is supposed fell, nnd was drowned. The water whero the accident oc curred is very shallow, not being over two feet in depth. iy Street Railway. Our Northumberland neighbors are urging the propriety of building a passcngor street-railway between this place und Northumberland, a distance of two milos, including the bridges. The project, we think, is feasible, nnd might perhaps be made to pay. It would certainly be a great oonvonionce. iy Another Martyr. Scrgoant Win. F. Cox, oged 22 yoars, sou of D. C. Cox, of Lcwisburg, died on the 11th inst., from disease contracted in the prison pens of the South, lie had buen a member of the 112th heavy artillery, was captured in the "Wilderncsj oampaign, and suffered imprisonment nf the most horrid description for nioro than a J car, from the effeots of which he lingered in constant misery, resulting ultiinutely in death. ty SAsn STorrER and Lock. We refer our readers to the advertisement of J. AVilvcr, Jr , who has secured the right for this county to manufacture Van Oaosbeek's celebrated sash stopper and lock. We have examined several windows where they have been put up, and have found thorn as ropresentod. Wo wonld advise persons who contemplate building to examine the article. Cy Base Ball. The L'uterprise Bate Ball Club, of Bultimore, has aooepted an invitation to play a game with the Susquehanna club, of this place. Wo learn that the gauio will bo played to-day, (Sat urday,) in the afternoon, commencing at 8 o'clock, on the grounds of tbo Keystone club, above town, near the Augusta Hotel. The Baltimore club is a first-class one, and, of course, our boysdu not expect to beat them, their objeot in playing being merely to obtain instruction and amusement. Should the weather be favorable the game will, no doubt, attract i great many spectators. iy Serious Accident in Muncy. On Fnduy tut, as Mr. Alfred Hnrp was handling a revolver at lis father's residence, on Water stroet, Muncy, the licco was accidentally discharged, the bull passing h rough the fleshy part of the leg, abovo the kuee, of is mother, and inflicting a severe though not danger us wound. Too much caution oannot be observed i handling fire-arms. This is the second accident of le kind that has occurred in that Borough within a iw woeks, and should serve as a warning to others. ty Pavements. We trust oar ailitens who are wut laying down new pavements, will not be per aded Into the use of any other material than brick stone. Tar, or concrete pavement, may be tole ted where it is difficult to procure other material, jt in this place neither economy or good tasto )uld dictate the use of a material so unsightly aud ten offensive as tar or concrete. In appearance it neither clean or comfortable, and, with its woodon rbing, look like a temporary affair, which detracts tber than adds to the appearance of a neat dwell- house. For more than 20 years efforts have boon ide to introduce these pavements in Philadelphia, t without sueocsi. It is used before the Ledger Uding, eorner of Third and Cheanut streets, in that y, but it is patched and repaired, we are informed, ry few months. y-TBE Storm or Saturday. A destructive -m passed over this place and vicinity on Saturday jrnoon last. In this place tho damage was not troat, several trees and fenoes being blown down, lake's addition a frame building, which is in rse of erection by Mr. Joseph Bother, to be con ted with his brewery, was partly moved from its Delation. Grain which had been cut and stacked elds was scattered in every direction, t Northumberland a number of trees were up ed, limbs of trees broken, and fences blown down, t of the roof of the new school Presbyterian iron was carried off and foil on the roof of an iningbuilding, which was considerably damaged, loam that the storm, which extended as far as adelphia, was very destructive in Its charactor. JPMilton Affair. A child, a sonofBenja Klinefolter, was drowned oa Frldoy evening while bathing in the canal opposite the gas i. i (.33 morning passenger train going South the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, will here- stop for passenger at Milton. To make sure aviiig the train (top, however, passenger must -in the agent. e stated lately thai Mr. Charles J. Wright, a loman from New York, bad purohuea tbe Milton leniy. Mr. Wright intends sooa to erect a ling for the accommodation of pupils from ad. As soon a the boarding department i plet and tie auiubar f sUidunl will warrant, try drill will b mad a part of th regular eisof . Mr. W. bss bad oonsidorablo experience .Hilary affair, having bean a Lieut. Colonel of toers during th let war. PBOciermrds ' of t&s tnriow' am FI7BI.ICA.lt OOTJWTT OOWVENTIOIT. The Convention srt the oU Court House, In Sunbury, oa Monday, tho 16th inst., pursuant to a call of tho Chalraaa Of the Bunding Committee. On motion, SAMUEL SHANNON, of TurWville, was ohosen President ; Taos. II. Watts, of Point, and 1. R. Clark, of Lower Augusta, Vie Presi dents; E. WUvert, of Sunbury, and William H. Muenoh, Esq., of Shamokin twp., Secretaries. On motion, the list of delegates was read, as fol 'ow: Tnrbut Aaron Reeber, Lewis 8. P. U anion , Wm. Steiner. Turbutville A. T. Beisol. Samuel Shannon Delaware J. L. Watson. Uoo. Burns and W. C. Hnrtranft. McKwensvllIe Wm. Hood, James R. Housel. Milton T. R. Hull, R. M. Frlok. Chllisquaque A. Beisel, Robert Reed. Point W. H. Leighow, Thomas II. Watta. Northumberland O. B. Smith, Donj. Heokert. Uppor Augusta Jacob Seasholts, Win Reed. Lower Augusta Isaac Martx. E. Emerioh and J. R. Clark. Shamokin twp. W. II. Muench, J. Nesbit and Sol. Marti. Jackson R. D. Bower. Wm. It. Lamb. Lower Mahanoy Dr. W. W. Robbint. J. Dockey, and A. Yeager. Upper Mahanoy Wm. Rossler, John Sminky. Little Muhanoy II. II. Dornsoif. D. Rothermel. , Washington John Schroder, Jeremiah Adam. Cameron Chas. B. Hover, John Dorr. Zerbe Wm. Denpln, E. C. Hanna. Coal Wm. Rhodes, Samuel Tiloy. Shamokin Borough F. .5 liana, W. Lako. j Mt. Carmel Tp. K. T. John, Jas. Richardson. Mt. t'arniel Borough J. Keiser, Fred. Fahrion. Sunbury Samuel Slchley, E. Wilvert and James Beard. In the McEwensvllle dlstriot two soil of dele gates appeared. On motion, a ooniinittee was ap- Jointed on credentials, who reported Wm. Hood and am os R. llousol as entitled to seats in tho Conven tion. On motion, a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sonse of the Con vention, vis : E. Wilvert, R. M. Frick, S. P. Uaston, IV. II. Muonch and Dr. W. W. Robbius. On motion, the Convention adjourned until half past one o'clock, P. M. afternoon session. The Convention was called to order by the Presi dent at half-past 1 o'clock. The Convention proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for Congross. Mr. E. Wilvert offered the following which was unanimously agreed to : Resolved, That we unanimously and cheerfully recommend, ior tho nomination to Congress, in this District, Joun B. Packer, Esq., of Suubury, with the privilege of selecting disown Conferees, believ ing that be will make a faithful and true represen tative of tho peoplo, and we solioit most earnestly the co-oporation of our sister counties in securing his nomination and election. On motion, the Convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for Sheriff, as follows : 1st bal. 2d bol. 3d bal. S. II. Rothermel, received 23 votes, 23 votes 26 votes. A. T. Uisol, " 15 ' 19 " 21 ' Chas. Uchringer, 11 23 " 8 ' 3 " Mr. Rothermel having received a majority of the votes cast, was on motion, unanimooly declared the nominee for .Sheriff. On motion, the Convention proceeded to nominate a cundidute for Prothonotary, vis : Charles J. Brunor, received 25 votes. Lloyd T. Rohrbach, " 23 ' Mr. Bruncr having roceived a majority of the vote8 cast was declared the nominoe for Prothonotary. On motion it was Howl veil. That we make no further nomination for County offices. John L. Watson, A. T. Bisel and John Youngman, Esqrs , woro then chosen as Senatorial Conferees. The coiuinittoo on resolutions then reported tho following through their chuirinau, which were adapted unanimously : Resolved. That we heartily endorse and ro-affirin tho resolutions adopted by the Union State Conven tion, on the 7th of March lasj. Resolved, Thut ou tho important political question of the hour, the Uuion men of Northumberland County firmly maintain the principles tbut prompted resistance to seeessinn and armed treason ; for which more thnn 300.IIU0 bravo men laid down their lives; and which must be upheld if we wish to preserve Republican institutions on tho continent, and do justice to the heroic sacrifices made by the loyal people of the I'nitod States to subdue armed resis tance by ungrateful sons to the authority of the government. Resolved, That we heartily endorse the action of Congress on the question of reconstruction, and while we congratulate it on the firm and dignified position it has preserved, coming in conflict as it has with tho Executive of the nation in this matter, we believe thut the plan upon which tho Union members have united, is just, eqnitablo and necessary, and that upon that basis harmonious relations between all sections of the country oan be re-established. Resuvrd, That we oorrlially endorse the nomina tion of Msj. Hen. Jons W. Ueary, for Governor, and pledge our united efforts to secure his election. His gallantry as a soldier, and his ability as an ad ministrative officor, eminently fit him for tho high Cosition to which we foul confident he will be elected y an overwhelming majority. Resolved, That we owe a debt to the defenders of our flag that we cunnot repay. Tbo fallen heroes who ottered up their lives that their country might live, shall bo held in honored remembrance, and tbo living shall bo recipients of our lasting gratitude. Resolved, That in the crisis of public aflairs, full of grateful recollections of his marvellous and memo rable services on the field of battle, we turn to tbo ox auiplo of unfaltering and uucomproinising loyalty of Liieui. uen. u rant witn a continence not tue less significant and unshaken, because nt no period of our great struggle has bis proud name been associated with a doubtful patriotism, or used for sinister pur poses by the enemies of our oommon country. Resolved, That tho interests of the people demand such a rate of duties to be imposed on imported muuufautures nt will afford ample protection, and lend stimulus to capital and labor at borne in the development of tho unequalled resources of the country, as applicable to tbo various agricultural, mechanical, mining and manufacturing departments of domostio industry. Resolved, That to the Union organization the peo ple of the State are indebted for tho fact that the debt of Pennsylvania has been reduced, and the real estate of the Commonwealth relieved from taxation for State purposes. , The following resolution was then offered aud pas sed : Resolved, That we approve of the course pursued by tbo Hon. Geo. F. Miller, in Congress, for the faithful manner in which he discharged his duties as Representative. On motion. Resolved, That a standing committee of one from each election distriot be appointed, aud that the delegates from their respective districts fur nish the names. The following were then named as the Standing Commiltoe for the ensuing year : Turbut, Aaron Reeber ; Lewis, Samuel Culdwoll ; Turbutville, A. Denius ; Delaware, W.U. Fellmer; McEwensville, Jos. Rothermel ; Milton, R. M. Frick; Chilisquaque, Samuel McXiuch ; Point, W. H. Leig how ; Northumberland, Reuben Johnson ; Upper Augusta, H Campbell ; Lower Augusta, Jubn Ster ner; Shamokin tp., Benj. Bohner; Jackson, R. D. Bower; Lower Mahanoy, Dr. W. W. Robbins; Little Mahanoy, H. II. Dornsife ; Upper Mahanoy, li. W. Uoruberger; Jordan, Moses Troutman ; Washington, Jeremiah Adam; Cameron, C. B. Boyer; Zerbe, E. 0. Hanna; Coal, Wm. Rhodes ; Sbamokin bor., A.R. Fiske; Mt. Carmel tp., John Klinger; Mt. Carmel borough, David Lewis ; Rush, Lorenio Met ier ; Sunbury, Em'l. Wilvert. On motion, Resolved, That Mr. E. Wilvort be eonliuued as Chairman of the Standing Committee for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. C. B. Smith, It was Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are tendered to Mr. E. WUvert. for the able manner in which he discharged the duties as chairman of the Standing Committee during the last year. On motion, Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Masouio Fralcruity for the us of their Hull. On motion, adjourned. Signedby the Officers. J BUBINEB8 NOTICES. ITlsr THE " Enamel tf America," purely vegetable and harmless for th complexion. For sal, wholesale and retail, by Liqhtkcr, Market Square. 17 Tub Scat or W a a. All are now anxiously looking for th latost newt from tho seat of war in Germany. The eonfliot has commenced in earnest, and it is hard to toll where it will and. But if a man looks all around for th eheapost and best ready mad clothing, it h an easy matter to tell where his search will end of course, at th Continental Clo thing Baxaar, corner of Markot and Third streets. cses fjf " 'Tis not alone my Inky Cloak, good Mo ther ; but my entire Suit that renders m a Ur ac tive," as Hamlet would hav said bad be procured bis Summer Suit at th cheap and fashionable tailor ing establishment of Mr. J. E- Smick, oa tth street, below Market. tr-TtfE tadtos of New York bar Introduced " eruto(iea' Invisible afflUra worn for the purpose of keeping their shoulder well up. The lop of the crutch fit under the arm, whilst the piece or stool which forms the body of the oruvoh Is Irmly fixed In a onreniont reeeptaol located in a certain portion of a lady's attire, which we will suppose that a new kind of 'stay' law forbids mentioning. Gentlemen who buy the elegantly fitting ooat made by Mr. Jacob O. Beck, 4th street, botween Market and Cheanut, bar no us whatever for this new Inven tion, for Book's ooata "keep well up to the shoulders" without the aid of the Invisible "orutoh." ty Mrs. Lueretia Mott, the celebrated Quaker preaoheress, in a recent Sunday lecture, said the time was fast apprteohlng tot women to ajk higher recognition of tholr powers in all the various rela tions of life. She thought there ought to be more qualify in the marriage relation ; that women ought not to bo required to promise to obey." If the stong-mlndod old lady ever visits this place she will, no doubt, demand a higher recognition of the supe rior qualities of the boots and shoe disposed of at Wm. II. Miller's Excelsior Boot end Shoo Store, Market street. MARRIAGES. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. E.N. Ligbtner, Mr. Chahleh Watson, of the cifv of Philndoluhia. and Miss Kirs 9; daughter of Edward II. Baldy, Esq., of Danville, ra. In Milton, on Thursday evening, 19th Inst., at tho resideneo of the bride's parents, by tbe Rev. J. W. Langley, Mr. II. II. Dikpkendaui u, of Suubury, to Miss Annie Swenk, of Milton. Baltimoro and Cumberland county papers please oopy. DEATHS. In tin Place, on Tuosdav. 17th inst.. ALEXAN DER D son of Alexander and Matilda Ray, aged 2 years, 6 months and 25 days. In Shamokin, on (he 13th inst., Mrs. 8ALLIE, wife of John H.Dowces, Esq., aged 20 years, 7 months, and 17 days. Tho deceased was an exemplary and most estimable lady, whose excellent qualities endeared her to many friends, llor funeral, on Sunday last, was largely attended by friends from this place, by spe cial train. On Sunday evening, the loth inst., JANE B. PACKER, daughter of S. J. aud R. B. Packer, oeed 37 years. The doccascd was tho oldest daughtor of the lato Samuel J. Pucker, Esq., nnd sister of J. B. and S. J. Packer, Esqrs., of this place. She was a ludy of moro than ordinary intelligence and acquirements, and was highly esteemed by all who kuew her for excellence of character. But that fell destroyer of so many of tho best and fairest of tho land had long since marked her as a victim of his insidious but un erring powor. She bore her afflictions with calmness and christian resignation, and her passago from earth to eternity was so gentle that none wero oonscious of tho moment when tho vital spark had fled. In Peoria, Illinois, on the 7th ult , Mrs SARAH il. B. SMITH, aged "three-score years and ten." The following obituary notice of Mrs. Smith, widow of the late Rev. Wm. R. Smith, many years pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in this plucc, will bo road with in tor oat by her numerous friends in this neighborhood : Mrs. Smith was born near Northumberland, Pa., April 9, 1791), the eldest daughter of John und He becca Boyd. The names of her father, Captain Boyd, and of her maternal grandfather, Colonel Bull, hold an honored placo in Revolutionary mem ory. At au early age she became a follower of Christ, and on the luth of October, 1822, slio was married to the Rev. William R. Smith, then recently ordained and installed pastor of the united cougre gatious of Northumberland and Suubury. Useful and beloved, she continued to reside bore until the oloso of 1S31. After a rosidonco of about two years in Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned to Pennsylva nia. Mr. Smith supplied various churches within tho bounds of his Presbytery, Hud ill 1637 became stated supply, us lu 1K4.1 ho became pastor of his original charges, in which relation he continued wilh great usefulness until he was removed by death in 1U19. In 1854, Airs. Smith, following her son, re moved with her family to Peoria, Illinois, aud uni ting with tbe Second Presbyterian church, continued in that connection until her doath. Such ure tbo brief outlines of a most beautiful life. "Nono know her but to love her. ' Her character was transpa rent ; she was tbo child of tho ligLt aud of day ; and this transferred itself to all she said aud did. The power of Diviue graeu was mumfest in giving com pleteness to nor charactor. Her qualities, subordi- uatod all to Christ, grew each like tho other, and combined in beautiful symmetry. Uusanetitied truits seldom protruded. If she never soured as high as some, she never experienced as sorious depressions. She was uniformly the culm, earnest, uudovialing follower of the Lord. For more than a quarter uf a century she sanctified and "domed the married stato by her walk of faith aud labour of love. During a Eoriod nearly as long, she meekly bore woman's eaviest woe, which makes wife, nidow. And us mother, sister, friend, sbe has exhibited the same fruits of faith, showing her life to havo been bid with Christ in Uod to huvo been pervaded through aud through by religious principle, and to have been actuated, first of all, by those motives which are drawn from a regard to Uod s will, as the soul's su preme law. and his lufinite Self as its chief joy Sho was a person of great sagacity of mind. Her long experience us a pastor's wife tuugbt her valua ble lessons. In tbe new lite to which her removal West iulroduced her, her continuous influence iu society, in church, in schemes of benevolence, and circlcsof prayer, has been most blessed. An atmos phere of holiness surrounded her ; the ligbtol wisdom shoue in her face ; and hor character, united to her years, fitted her to sit as an interpretress of the book of Providence to troubled souls, aud to all un cxoin- f dor of tbe graces of the religion of Jesus, not the east of which, as St Jumessuys, is '-the meekness of wisdom." Mrs. Smith was a woman of great faith, and therefore eminent fur prayer. Her owu house, week after week, was a scene of application, where kindred spirits mot around u common mercy seal She was a coustant attendunt at tbe daily pruyer-meeting, and as uniformly in bur place in the sanctuary of worship. The practical fruits of such a piety must have been grout ; copsequeully we find tbe woman of three score years aud ten side by sido with those of more youthful vigor and tire, in every work and labor of love. Her venerated form was cror seen entering tbe place of sickness and the house of mourning. We beheld her, almost to her very death-bed, wending her way to neglected quar ters of tne city, and breaking to famishing souls the bread of life ; and in the sterner times of tbe past five years, animated by an interest unusual to one of her years in the tremendous struggle of our nation for iu life, she was constant iu her labors for the soldier, whom she honored and loved, in tho en joymont of a serene old age she was suddenly sirieken down by apoplexy. She did not leave a dying tes timony of her faith in the Saviour. Was it necessa ry '. Anything added to such a life would be gilt added to gold. She died as Uod would have her die, and the unearthly beauty of that now vanished face told us of tbe spotless holiness of the disembo died spirit which, as from a childlike slumber, awoko to glory and to the presenee of the Redeemer. Her remains were followed to their last resting place, in our beautiful cemetery, by a lurge eoueourse uf friends, and at sunset on Saturday evening the very day and hour when her husband was committed to bis grave beneath the shadow of tho sanotuary where he had so long preached Christ, we laid her down to rest till the resurrection. W. E. M. Presbyterian, 30A ult. Kir.tiiritY JiAitmrrw. Correoted Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel $14 00 7 60 do do do do nor ewt. lly Flour, per bbl. do pur ewt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unparod do Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (uustoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, Eggs, per dosen, Cheese, per pound, Lard, do Hams, do Sbouldors, do Beef, hind quarter, do " front " do 10 00 5 50 2 50 1 00 B0 60 2 00 4U .10 20 3 60 S5 22 26 26 25 20 16 16 Shsunoklsi Coal Trade. Sbahokibi, July Itf, 18A6. Tons. C'u Bent for week andinc Julv U. ll.vttn II Per last report, 266,016 11 277,012 10 1H2.8I9 10 To lametim last year, Increase, 01,1U3 00 imperial Notict0. 13 BrxuLV's Picturb ar acknowledged to be th best mad outsid of th larg eitioa. . Notwith standing this, bi prices art a low a elsewhsr Gallery in Simpson's building, Market street. SAMnttBG ton IIcAtvrn. We bave now a pura and excellent native Tlntngo, Bpeer'a Samburg Port wino, made from the Portugal grape by Mr. A. 6peor, of New Jersey. It is eaid to be tho moat rollablo wlue In the market and guaranteed to be exclusively prepared from tho Bamburg grape, without admixture of sugar or alcohol. Fhyslclnns prescribe it at superior to Port la debility, languor, and in cases of prostration of strength. It is also au excellent restorative for indigestion. Numerous letters have been written by lawyers, lecturers, and disting uished divines speaking in high terms of approbation of the healthy and invigorating properties of Speor's Samburg Port wine. W. A. Bennett has procured some, four years old, direct from the vineyard. Ohtaimng Monet indkb Fai.sk Puk tesces Vending trumpery imitations of Lubiu's extracts 03 genuine. The game is about played out, however, for the universal popularity of Pltalon's "Night-Blooming Cercus" has literally taken tho wind out of tho sales of the tricksters who pretend to sell articles that cannot now be imported except at a dead loss. Sold every whore. aMic Culili'MKioiifS mid I'.xporI'iic OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Norvous Debility, Premature Doouy of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same timo tho means of self-cure, lly one who nas cured himself arter undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addrcssod envelopo, single copies, Iroo of ohargo may be had of tho au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co. N. Y. January 27, ISfifl 1y. MTU ! IT II I 1 1 'll ! SCRATCH SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will 'iii ( th It-li in 1 Hours.. Also cures SALT 1IHF.UM, ULCERS. CHIL" IILAIN.S, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 50 cents. For salo hy the druggists. Hv send" ing III) oents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents. 170 Washington street. Boston, it will lie forwarded by mail, free of poslago, to any part of the United States. jo 23 'C5-y "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollnrs from Fifty Cents. Cull und ex uniinc an invention urjcutly needed by every body. Or a sumplo sent l'reo by mail for 50 cents thut retails easily for bv H. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Clmthiim Suture, N Y. Sept. 10, 1865. ly. YVhinkcrN !"ri7iMUi"M ! ! Dr. L. O. MoNTE7.' Cnrrotia. the greatest stimu lator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fail , sample fur trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address, Rkkves A Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. jc30 3m i.oti: a.i 3i.v'itni.w. Ladies and gen'.lcmen, if you wish to marry, ad dress the undersigned, who will seud you, without money and without price, vnluublo information that will enable you to lunrry happily and speedily, ir respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will cost you nothing, and If you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly con. fidentiul. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT Urccnpoinl, Kings Co., New York. Juno U, 1S00. ilm To Consisisiipl Svvm. The advertiser, huviug been restored to health iu a few weeks by n very simple remedy, after having f offered for several years wilh a severe lung affection und thul dread Uisc:ise, Consumption is anxious to make kuown to his fellow sufferers the means of euro. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of tho prescription used (free of charge), with the direo lions for preparing and using the suuic, which they will find a sirk t'l' he for Consi'iiition, Astuiia, BnoNCUUiH, Coi ghs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tho only object of the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit tho afflicted and spread information which hu conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every suiTcror will try bi, remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, rnr.K, by return mail, please address KKV. KIMVAKD WII.SUN, Willmmsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13. lHliil ly. ADVERTISEMENTS. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMMOTH STORE of Jt. w . i'i:ii.j. v n', Market Square, near the New Court House JL'.T OPENED a large und now assortment or OEXTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cassimcres, Cottonadus, Liuen Punting, to LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Silk, Dolaiues, Alapacas, English and Scotch Giugbaius. CUaliies, Lawns, Ai mures, Brilliants, White (iouds, Caliuoes, Muslius, and every othor article belouiug to the above branch of busiucos. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL C'ZOTJJS, Glassware, Quconswaro, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery. Ii-ii, OUn, IniniM, t'oiil Oil und I.nii. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fino Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spioes, Ac, Groceries. Tobacco, Segars and nuff, togethei wilh a large variety of miscellaneous goods at price that cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W. FRILIXtl A SON. Sunbury, June 2, 1HGS. s HOE Findings, Sole Leather and all goods be longing to shoe makers business for sale by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. A. LECTURE TO YOL'NU MEN. Just Published, iu a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radica' Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semiual Weakness, Invol' untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Norvousuess, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. By KollEKT i. CULVER WELL, M D., Author of the 'liroeu Book," Ac The world-renowned author, In this admirablo Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience that the awful oonsequenees of .Self. Abuse may be eBectually removed without uiediuuie, and without dangerous surgioal operations, bougies, instruments, rinirs, or cordials, poiutioE out a mod of cure at ouce certain and elteotual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis eonditiou may be, may eure himself eheaply, privately, and radically. Tbi Lecture will prove a boon to Thousand and Thousand. Sent uuder seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six oeuls, or two postage s lamps, oy auureasing. CliAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New Vurk, Post OfUo box t,68o, March 17, lbott ly 8ARATOOA TRUNKS at W. W. Apsley's. 1 AAA Carriage Makor Wanted to buy Felloes, 1UUU Spokes, Hubs, Axlos, Springs, Bands, Bolt ana everything pertaining to tne Business ai uia Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of ,f. si. oiALi a tu. CHILDREN'S Carriage of th newest and most fashionable styles at the Cheap Hardware store of J- H. CONLEX A CO. ftot!c to Creditors). ALL permits Indobted to th late firm of Rohrbaoh A Cooper, en note, book aeoountor otherwise, are hereby notified to make Immediate payment If they wish to rav costs, as they will be plaoed In the bauds of an offloer for collection. i. C. ROHRBACH, T. o. ooortK. Sunbury, June 18, 1686. k V ..J . f lKR FUMES. An . for the A Holidays, at LIUHTNER'S. . 1 fill A Customers wanted to buy Hardware, Ac, -LUUU at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of J. CONLEX A CO. gunlmry, June 16, 1883 ,000 lbs. assorted Charcoal Iron at ot eta tat w rtAltl t'l' A. rW lb. J. U. CONLEY A CO. Bunbury, Juno 16, 1866. BOOKS! BOOKS 1! THt,u,-U,b.'.0r'b" be loavetocall the attention of .1, fT.T' nd the oowmunity In general, to tho fact that he ha. now received his second lot of GOODS, consisting, In part, of a Complete line of PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Blank, Sohool and Juvenile Books, Faney Toltct Soaps, Perfumes, Picture Frames, Lava and Willow Hanging Baskote, Bird Cages, llnuil and Ntnnd Ulnsses, Fine Vases, Handsome Olov Jewelry and Work Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Fenther Dust Brushes, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a largo stock of WALL-FA PER AND BORDER, Window-minds, Paper Sbados, Coal Oil Lamis and Fixtures, Ac. Thankful for post patronage, aud hope, hy strict attention to business, to continue the same. N. F. LlliHTNER. Sunbury, June 9. 1HGC. NEW GROCERY! CALL AT F URMAX'S OLD STAND. WHOLESALE A RETAIL , S B taZJsC3B33 -0.t5.3tV AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS! Their Slock is complete, consisting in part of SUGARS. COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobaoco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Suit, Hours, .Shoulders, Cheoso, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ac. Country Produce takon in exchange for Goods, fir Call and cxaminoour i'tock, and satisfy your selves. .Sunbury, May 12, 1800. "BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sale ut tho Fancy Store if ANNA PAINTER. AumfiilMf rutor'ts otM'P. I NOTICE is hereby givon that letters of adminis" tratinn, with tho will annexed, have boon granted to the undersigned on the estate of Frederick Laza rus, late of tbe Borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., deceased. AU persous indebted to said estate are requested to mnko immediate pay ment and those has ing claims to present tbeui duly authenticated lor settlement. JAP.ED C. IRWIN, J. B. MASSEH. Sunbury, June 18, '68. Ct Administrators. aiu jis i-:ii:i:s j.vii..v. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, orS TERS, AC. THE rates on Fresh Fish, Oysters in tho Shell, and Truck of all kiuds, to places in this Division, is here tbe rutu is 7 j cents porlutl lbs or over, has been reduced 2i cunts per 1110 lbs. At places wbcru the rate is between 50 and 76 cents per 100 lbs, the rate will bo SO crnts per 100 lbs. Barrels of truck weighing less than 1U0 lbs will he charged as 100 lbs iu weight. Fresh Fish will require to bo packed in tight bar rels or boxes. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Drafts, Ao N. FERREE LIGI1TXER, A;reut .Sunbury. Juno 10, 1808. New Spring Styles ! Jilwaj A lMIXTKK, Two doors West of the Post Office, SUNBTJRV TENNA.. 1 RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of tho Ai public to her lurga and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which she has lust received and opened. Her stock embrucos FANCY DUUSS GOODS, Embroideries, Ciuny Lace, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dress Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ac A fine assort incut of ladies' nnd gents- Hosiery, Gloves. Fans, Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbons, llelt lliiibons, Velvet nibtmns, liraid. Laities -Neckties, Fancy Dross Combs, Head Dresses, Ac Irviu's Patent Hair Crimpers, Hnir Coils, Corsets, and a large assortment of other articles, too nume rous to mention I have aUo pust received a fine lot of Perfumery, Toilet Suups. i'ooth and Hair Brushes, Ac. ANNA PAINTER. Sunhury. April 2n. 1866. C1ARPEXTER.S, Saddlers, Blacksmiths, Carringo J Makers, Shoemakers, Merchants, Miners, Far mers and tbo citizens gcuerally. i.ook to your interest and buy at the new Hard. ware .Store of J. 11. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury ,jline 10, 1868. VLL goods bouirht for Cash and sold at lowest prices tor cash at tbu Hardware Store of J. 11. CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, June 10, 1SC8. NEW HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. THE subscriber having opened in SUNBURYj Pa., anew largo, and well assorted stock of al' kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACH WARE SADDLERY, MlOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, 4c, laid mat lowest .v lork and Eastern prices which thev will be pleased to soli for Cash at the lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in tbe honest principles of small profits and quick S:ile for Cash. J. 11. IU.M.I.1 S, IU. Sunbury, June 18, 1886. A TE would invite tho attention of Carpenters to V our laree und well selected assortment of Tuules, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs, mines, baws, iron and bleel equure, and Iu laut every thing wanted tooomplete a full outfit, at the Hardware store of J. 11. CONLEY A CO. ""Willi fuin-l- and BorderTn greot variety now styles just received at the Mammoth Store of J. W. 1 RILING A M)N. Sunbury, Oct. 14. 1865. mvlriliWloijisir NOW OPEN, A FULL STOCK OF 1ST E W 6PHIN O GOODS Consisting of Ik ! 4ol, in great variety, such as Delaines, Challios, Ginghams, Crapes, Lawns, Brilliauts, Ao. Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, in variety. Dress Trimmings. Lacosand Embroideries. VEILS of all descriptions, Gloves. Hosiery, Cornets. Zephyrs. Patent Hair Crimpers, Neck-Ties, aud Notions of ull kinds usually kept in a Fancy Store. Lockwood's Paper Collars and Cutis. Stamping and machine stitebing done to order. 4 MARY L. LAZARUS, Two doors west of Wm. 11. Miller s Shoe .Store. Sunbury, April 28, 1806. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, Sunbury, Penn'a. GW. UAUPT, Esq., having taking out license, . under the United States excise Laws, as Real Estate Agent, offer for sal the following property, to wit : Sixty f0) good building lots and five (5) dwelling houses, in the borough of Sunbury. A farm in Upper Augusta township, containing 100 acres, more or lea. A small farm containing 30 acres, more or leas, about one mil from Paxiuus, Shamokin township. A sumll farm containing 62 acres, more or leu, in Irish Valley, Shumokin township. There ar good buildings on those three farms. Sunbury, March 10, loco. if JFyou ant good Tin-War, go to fcMIlll A GENT SER'S New Shop. " it 4- THE VEEY LATEST ARRIVAL!! Spring1 & Summer Goods! JOSEPH EYSTEK, Sucoettciuor to John floicen.) Corner of Markot and Fawn Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invito the nubile to call and examine his elegant assortment of SUXtllttEXl GOOOS! which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. His stock oonslsts !n part of CA3SIMEBE 3 CLOTHS &C Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Caliooes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirt. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. IlutM nnd OipM, HooIn nnd Nlioosi, His assortment of goods will not, he Is are sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any do, sirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND Ql'EENSWARE, and Groceries is largo in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in tho household either fur uso or ornament. Ho is always roady nnd glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are mado. lie only asks a call, anil Is sure that the stwk will compare favorably iu price and quulity with the oheapit. , JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunburyj April 21 , 1S0C. NEW GOODS!! J II EN GEL H AS just returned from New York and Philadel phia, and is now receiving a iNow Mock ot Spring; & Summer Goods, at a great reduction in prices. 'nll'iu'nN Uri'r. Fine Black Cloth nt $1.00 that u.od to sell at $H 1)0. Cassiineres, Satinctt, Cashmoretts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottouade aud Linen Panting, at reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Goods. Silk, Wool Delaines, Mohair. Silk Stripe. Paul De Chain, Alpnoca, Pnplctt, English and Scotch Ginghams, Challios, Deiaiucs, Lawn, Culico und Muslius, very cheap. White Goods. Linen Dress Goods. Linen Skirting. White Toilet Quilts, Brilliant. Swiss Stripe Swiss Cambric, Jao conett, Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts, Ao. Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Sacking, and other flannel at low prices. Whito Shetland Wool, Shawls, Bnliuo.-ul Skirts, Ao Skirting and the latest stylo of Hoop Skirts, vory handsome and cheap. Yankee Kotions in Great Variety Hosiery, Gloves, Pockol undkerchiofs, Suspeu 2crs, Neckties, Paper Collars, Uiubicllt.s, a good assortment of Spectacles, Couts, Spool Cotton, fancy Buttons, Trimming., Ac CurpeU, Floor und Table Oil Cloths, brown aud green Oil Cloths for windows, Gilt Shades, Fixtures for Window Blinds. Hats, Caps nnd Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails, Forks, Shovels, Spwics, iron-tooth Gurdcn Rukes. GROCERIES, SALT FISH. Uueeusware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty. School Books, and n uew supply uf WALLPA PER, will be sold very cheap. All persons desirousof getting good goods at low prices, fur cash or country produce, will please givo mo u call. J. II. ENGKL. Sunbury, 'April 7th, ISSC. NEW OP EN ING Oi 4'lulhliiir, ji;niM B'ni-iiislsiiifi; 4aootI, UtoolH V MlOCK. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the public of Sunbury, and vicinity, that he has opened bis CLOTHING STORE, with a well selected stock of ii;.r'M i i uMiiixj ;;s. 1 will soli nt ntonishing low prices. 1 have uNo still ou hand a largo stock of Boots 6 Shoes, for Ladies, Gents and Children's wear, which 1 am selling oil', as I intend to give up that brunch ef busi Il ess. It will be to tho advantage to Casu BuYiiitsto givo me a call. S. KRONENBERG. S. Guoks' old stand, Market Square. Sunbury. April 7, IS00. , WILLIAM V!- APSLEY'S 1Vlio!culo Boot, Shoe and Trunk WAREHOUSE, Ml .Mil KY, IM. WM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW STOKE in the well-known houso of Mrs. Boul ton. iu Market street, and offers to the citizens of Suubury and neighboring towns, BOOTS A SHOES of the bust quality and workmanship. Ho having made arrangements with first-class manufacturers to supydy tbe best quality of goods. Iu tho Wholesale Department he calls tbo atten tion of Country Storekeepers to his fino stock, which will he sold at the lowest ubolesale prices, thus ena bling Retail Dealers to sine expen.-e of visiting the cities to replenish their stock. In tho Rolail Department can bo found BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac, which, iu pdee, at these times, nre without a pnrallel. Tbe stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in stylo nnd workiuanhip thau is usually found in eountrv tou nt, embracing gems uf Buliuoruls. splendid Congress Gutters, aud fnuoy siloes of every kit. J. W. W. A. also calls uitention to his inre stock of Men's wear, of latest styles, that will l:t any foot with ease aud comfort. 'ii- Out'! Come Sunbury, March 10th. Is66 mum i.oi im s2aiMi.c:i:, .Millinery oil anil li-c Trim. mlngM, Heart li-i-so, GLOVES, PAliASOLS, &c, Ac, South slda of Market Square Pl'XBl'RV, l'ciiu'a Has just roturned lrom fho cities with h choice selection of seasonable gttods to which the attention of the Ladies is respectfully solicited. MILLINERVGOOOS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS With Head-Drcssus, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, has been carefully selected and will give satisfaction. Miss Sbissler bus had au experience in tho busi ness that enables hor to scleot goods with nil eye to tiie tasto aud wishes of her customers, nnd shebes a ooutinuauceof favors iu thu future which she takes Lleasure in acknowledging during tbu past year, allies will And a choice stock uf every thing iu her line uf business. Suubury, April 11, lftuo. FANCY DKY GOODS STOKE MISS KATE BLACK, lluikcl Htroet, four door west of Win. li. Miller ' Buotaud feline itore, feU.NUl'KY, Fa. I) ESPECTFULLY iuforiiiahcr friemlain Sunbury j and vicinity, that hIio hm just opened bur SPHINQ AND BUMMEIt COOD3, ui Notions and Fancy Dry Good, Hor Ux)k eoiitiU of AlMVuul Dt-luuies. ChniiilirH, Uingbami. Embroideries. Lnce Collara, Fun.. HATS, Muslins, Drillings, UurilmUi Muslins, bird-Eye Linenn, Linen Lawns Crape and Lace Veil-, &c. Mice. Dciuoreat'e iiuir Curler, Hair CuiU uud Curls, Glove, Stocking. Collar, Curetn, A u. Genu' Collar, Nojktie, half Ho, Handker chief and Suspender. Bradley ' new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double fepringfeUlRTS ) Perfumery, Toilet feiiapt, Hair Ilrulie, CuiuU, Toy, and a K?nd variety of NOTIONS. GAt'FFElUNU done biiud&uiiiclv and at short notice. KATE BLACK. BunburjLApri! 2fi, 18rt6. EESTATJEANT & S0ABDINO HOUSE 111. lrirIror. In Cake i Additun to fetKBLRY, near tbe Penn'a. Railroad Company' fehopf. IAGEK BEKU, Purtar and Ale of the very bet J brand, oaocllent German Wine, tJchweUwr Uitee, Tripe, Au., alwaytoo hand. PERMANENT AK TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will nnd ample accomodation. Good eooki and waiter, boarder oan the quiot ouiu. forte of home with fare equal to the beet hotel, feuabury, May Xt, Ifroe. LaDtE8'0U)VKKIDBOO-n,el w W. W Aptl ey nod 14 AND ISII0E8, FOR MEN, WO.h!m AND CHILDREN, ai W. W. AjWe ii ot mm & siiDii STORE. G. S. SANDERS RESPECTFULLY informs the citisensoi Hul.bury and vicinity that he has lakou the room In Pleasant Building, in Market Square, two do.ii cast of tho Express OfBco, for the purpose ef carrying on the Hoot mid ho Business, in all its va rious branches, would respectfully inform llieoitiscns of this vicinity, that he baa purobasod an culiro new stock of Goods which he intends to dispose of at tho very lowest prices. His stock comprise (loot's Fine Pegged and Stitched Boots, Men's Walking Boots and Boy's Boots. Ladies' Fancy Buckle Gaiter ! I And Fine Shoes, Misses' Gaiters, Balmoral aud Children's Shoes of every description. lata nnd Caps. He has also in bis rmploy superior worktnon, and la prepared to do the Finest of Customer Work Gent's Fin Dress Boots, Ladies' Gaiters A Child ren Shoes. LVALL WORE WARRANTED! Call and ex amine my stock, even if you do not wish to buy. I am determined to sell at the most liberal rates. GEO. S. SA.NDLKS. 5unbury, TlfarchO, 1866. IICK.U'N M.V'Xim a.Kt' lMI,iw, FOR I.IVF.R COMPLAINT." A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL our bowels aio costive, THY Til EM. you have worm, TRY Til KM. you i brent h 11 tail, TRY THEM. f )'mi fuel drowsy, TUY Til KM. If ym ure low Bjiiiiled, . TRY Til KM. If you Ituwa tick lieatlnche, TRY Til KM. If yu Imve iTiken a drop too much, Take a fi ll dose. They only ctxt 23 cent a box, TRY THEM. HIub Mn!,niid id her preparation of Metcur)-, nelunliy produce more niHWiug and death than llie l.ftenHt w.'iaii tliey prolt-M 10 cuie And yet this currotivc miiieiula i denounced by the atlouathia dictorti, in pftkciilieil by them almost universally in Liver Complaint, Couiui:iplioii 01 Lungs, Vc. TH 13 MANDRAKE PILLS are cimpfwx'd entirety of root and herka, obinintd .n tbe great stoiehouae of Nature, and llieit salutary t-ffet-U will appear as aoou o the medicine is btnupht to the trst of a lair expeinneut. SCIiK.NCK'ti MANl'KAKK PILLS do not produce ay mi u sea or icknensof the ittoumch , but when given lor Dyspfpsm, it in it v be proper Lit ue them iu connection with iSCHKNCK'S 8KAWKKD TONIC. By this judicious treatint-m the digestive facul ties are speedily restored to their full Vigor, and the Wotst cuaes ol iudigeslion may be cured. When we leflecltiiat the liver is the largest intermit organ of the oody, thut to it ih aumtm-d the inipniuiii duty of filtering the blod aud preparing the bile, tl.Jt it i subject to mimy disorders, unci lhal when it is diseased or Inactive the whole bodv sutlers sympathetically, it is not suiprising thit n medicine whieh rnn restoie tin? healthy opcrntious of the Liver shouM produce wonderful cliHiiges in the genf ml hnnllh. and ef1e-r cures which nmy appear to be almost mtnicolntis. Ileudaehe of long cn. tiiiuaure. severe pums iu the side, breimt and shout'dcr. aching of the limbs, u feeling of generjl weakness and tt'ietcliemtcfla, and other alarming and difttreuiug m; t"Hi, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of thj liver, nre spcfdily lemoved by the use of fcCHLNCR S MANDIIAKK PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or ur emotions, and th. t fndescribiihte feeling of oprescion, mental anxiety, lan guor, li'thnrcy, and dcprckiuou of spirits which unlit a man for the mnnngemeiii of business and the enjovment of life, are nil relieved jv thi uueof SCIiE.NCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS. Dn JkririNCK. DctirSit ; I tJtkepieaiuriii sending you a certiuiaile in addition to iiimiy you have already re ceived from Hutlering humanity. 1 can scarcely find Ihii guage sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratih na tion of th wonderful cum:b ymir MAN lllKK 11LL3 and SKAWKKD TUNIC have edccled in the entile cure of one of the most stuhhoru canes of the auction of the liver. For three yrarg 1 snflcied beyond description ; nil my friends, as well asinBir, came to the conclusion that my tune in this life wus short. Such was the terrible condition to whi?h 1 was reduced that life to me bad be come a burthen ; my whole system was in a state of in tlaimnntion ; 1 could u-t eat, I could not sleep; my wholu body w:is lilled wilh pain; Bweiliug Would nrite in my wrists ami ankles, rendering; them totally useless Ou seve ral occasions I vu allocked with a ruuli of blot d to tho head, winch would fell ine to the ground, uud J would be curried uwoy for deud. 1 applied to sever id eminent physicians of our city, who udnimistered all the medicines that they thought would reach my case, but of no avail. Due of them nid he could do no mote for nie, atul ad vised me, as a Jit si resort, to dunk cod liver ml. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to take it. Accident put your adveitisenient ia my linuds, 1 culled on Vim; you examined meand told me the tmluie of my di lease. You then ordered me the lMl and Tonic with an obneiv once of diet, plcdniiig vour woid Hint in one week 1 would find niyp-Jr ruoiliei imui. I followed youradvkv, and, as yon predielul, au uetouitliiui: cure was rfLcWd 1 continued your Puis and Tonic iW some tuiw, ui.J now thank Got for his g HKbiefe, and your valuable tufdifi.ie, I Din ouce more restored to peifect health. I ihum earnestly recommend those who me suffering fiotii d!t-c tiou of the liver to eive your Pilhj and T-mio u fu.r ir.u., and a riir will be efleeted J have sent many pis iir to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow cilisens nviy require will bo freely given hy ti e subscriber, nt his lesideiiee. No. g'2 Federal street, be tweeu 6th Street and Pnssvunk road. CH A RI.KS JOHNSON. Sh ., Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer Dr. SCNKNCH will be pnfe?sioually ut his ptincipul otfiYe, No. I) North Sixth sit eel, corner of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, every Haturdnv. from a. in until 4 p. m ; No. 33 Bond street; New York, every TucFduy, fmin 7 to 3 j No. 39 Summer street, Boston. Mtms , eviry Wednesday, from 0 to 3, aud pvi7 other Friday at W6 Baltimore street. Baltimore, Mil. Ml udvtce free, but for a thotouph examination of the lu-igs with his Kcspi rometer the c tin rue ia three dollars Hi ice ol the Pulmonic tfyrup and Seaweed T"iir, each I,5U per bottle, or 7,Su per huf dozen. Majidiuke Pill. 2.5 cents per box. For sale by nil UfitKisU nnd Dealers. m Mutch UI, IHXJ. ly. SIIOKS OF KVKK V INSCRIPTION, at ?Vj AP'1)' f FLOUR "&FEED STORE. W HOLESALE AXD RETAIL. rpilE subscriber respectfully inform! the publio 1 I 'in t li keeps constantly un band at his new W.UIKUOl SK, near th Sluiuiokin Valley Kailroad I'opot. in fiCNlilJKY, Flour by tho barrel audsacki of all kinds of Feci by the ton . The aoove is all unainfautuied at Ills own Mills, and will be sold at the lowost oh rriees. J M CADWALLADFU. Sunbury, April I, !s.id. Support Home Industry! II t a f llTery Eccrlpllun: A IT LI. ASSOUTJIENT Jist openku by SAMUEL FAUST, Two door wct of llcunett's Drug Store, Market i. SUNBURY, 12NmA.. C1AI.L nnd examine llie Inrse aorfment of the ) Intust Xew York and l'liiludolphia styles of Silk. Cassiuiero, Petto l)erby. Wire Brinj, Soft Fur, Straw and Hoy 's JlnU whkh for beauty and du rability ounnut bo excelled. Heinir a raottual liat ter. be natters hiuielf that bis cttH.-k ha boeu seluol ed with more caro tbuu any ner bufure brought to this plaue. Ho alo manufactures to order all kinds of sufk Fur Hals, all of which will bo sold at wholesale und retail, al reaconuble rated. lyring doho at short nullco and at the lowest rates Suuburv. May 12. lKfVtl. LAUIKS' LASTING UAI'l liUS tot l.7i. m ' V. V. Aiwlfv's. "SUNBURY F0UXDKV. UVA. EtOI3ItlSA4 II A. IU., AUK now carrying ou business at this old c.-Ut lii-hmeiil with renewed vi'or. Cattiugii of eery diweriptioo, juvtuptly furnished to order. Tho Stoves manufactured at this Fouudry Lave acquired the highest reputation I'Krtieular attention paid to .MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forgot thut the PLOW'S made ut the Suubury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small eastings, iueludinf CmkiuK uteu.il, of thu moot iuiproved and u ost useful patlerus. The busiuuss will b uonduoted on au en!urged -culo. Uld customers will be accommodated s usual, and new oues are rw)wctfully solicited. Suubury, May U.SiW;-- iiak or ii:ior. aHE undersigned respectfully informs his friction and the publio that he has ckauged his i.laeo of loading Freight iu l'hiladolphil from Freed, Ward . Freed, Ku. bll Market Street, to A. 3D. AOKESON iCoinuihuiou Merehaut, dealer iu Flour, Urain, Seeds, ie.) .o. lOIS Market Nt., Ptilladt'lpliiti, where all freight will be loaded on ear of tho un dersigned, for l'auphiu, Suubury, Sbamukiu, and all iuterveniug points. All freight will be carried as low as on any other line. Orders to carry freight respeotfully ao'lioitcd, which will receive prompt attention. J. B. WEISKK. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 18od.-Uoi. IAHMLKS call aud look at tli sleek of Orax and ' Drain Scythe, Manure, Hay aud Straw Folks, drain Cradles, Cradle Fiugera, Trace, Lug, Filih, Tongue and Halter Chain; Scythe Stones, Uriud stonea and tztnre, and o.crylhing to niek harvest tag pleasant and (greoable at tbe new Haidnuiu store of J. 11 (.' LLV i CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers