J5.WIVBT.I.,.. W. b. HftlOLB, ( Fubllshere. hii;iiv, ia. SATURDAY, JUNE IB, 1306. PRIMARY iXHOriO.t. The Republican CuionVVoU're of North ombcrland County wo rcqnetcd to meet In tlio different Bumftgns eml Towopliip, on Satdrdat, (lie 14th of Jt'LT, next, lo elect Dt-lrgetea to . a County Convention which will ruret In SunVurj, on Monday-, Jul; 16th, 1800, to nominate candidates for the Counlj oflkea, to be elected in October nest. EM'L. "VVtLVEnT, ... Chairman qf Standing , Commit!. Bcnuuht, June 7th, 180U. ?-REt.ioiots Nonce Rejoice, 0 young men, in thy youth; and lot thy Iieort cheer, Id the-days of thy youth, Mil walk in tho ways of thine heart, and In tho eight of thino cyott but know thou, that for all othese thingt Uod trill bring thee Into Judgement." .Ecotosiattcs, 11 : V. , The Young Jlon's Inltei Prayer Mooting it buM every Sabbath evening at 6J o'clock, in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church, In this place. -Lavino or A Corskr Ston. The come stone of the New Erangclical Church, at the Seven -Point, in I,ower Augusta township, will be laid on Sunday, 24lh inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. ' "At the oommunion lervioe hold in the German Reformed Church at Mifflicbnrg, on Trinity Sundny otbirly pin-sons were roccived into the church twenty-two by confirmation, end eight by certificate. Tho pastor, He v. C. A Rittenbouse, was enisled in the services by Revs. E. KeitTer and Daniel Feete. tV Thb Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company' of Munoy, lost about $8000 by the reecnt fro at Willlamsport. OTeniakj.. We understand about thirty of the Fenians, of Shanjukin, roturned on Thursday morn ing. 13?-Tbe Berks now chge one per cent, on all notes of Slate Bunks taken on deposit, and firo per eeut on all such notes out of the State. t3?-TiiK Markets. Last week butter win still Vept up to 15 cents but yielded at tho close to 33 This week it has como down to 25 cents, whioh is still five cents higher than llnrrisburg and Lancaster pricos. Meats are also gradually declining, though still 20 per cent higher than IlarrUburg prices. 13? Bad Bov.i. There are some boys iu this town who dewve a placo in tho Penitentiary. The Bo rough authorities und the district attoruoy thould take them iu hand, i-'omc of those boys created a disturbance at the Ladies Festival. on tt'cdntrdny evening, and when a gojitleirjaq interfered, at tho request of the Indies, he was severely 8.1 ruck over the face with a cane by some of the rowdies. It is lime to have these lawless tramps arrested and imprison ed, and a police officer should be appointed for that puiposo. , ty-FAin AND FESTIVAL AT Sn AMOKIN. The ladies of St.' John's Reformed Church, at SLav',;'ri. mttnd holding u fair and festival in the basement of their new building, commencing cn Tuesday, July 3d, and will continue it during Are lemalnder of tho week. They will g'.vo a dinner cn iLc 4th. A mutch game, for a ball, between the Id cud 31 ulue of Iho SiisqucLauiia Hbpo Ball Club, v, ill ci-tiie ofl'ou their ground at 2 o'clock on Monday j:"st, June IS. A lare number of Ladies and lien. iUuku are . pected to tvitncsg tho giuue. IZt" BuRiiftiii ArPAir.s. We cull atteoiiou to tc j rocicuinirs ( f t'vnncil in acother column. These prececal,.-- n-liite to -radii!,;, paving, guttering the Uriels, i j , n.atters cf tit.-.l importance to every tax payer ai '! citizen, ai.d ulii.-h, when eomyieled. will add greatly to the couif. rt of our citizens us well ts to the ippcararjcc of t'.o town. Aiuongthw proceed- ill ul.-a be foi:nl the alio report of F.C. Aru:i, on l"e sulject of constructing an cm. ba; ku-.eut on tha river front. jr Ccxcr.itr A company ot young men of th:s p!uc, amateur minstrels avl c'juceriiats. propose giv.-un iLtcrtuiLScnt at tho old Court House, f u iLe evenings ef tho 2r:d at.1 Zi of July, nejt As ttcoljie: in:i.o5t laudable cue, for the bentft of the r...di jr-' ii u.uuient I'ui.J, wo lo,e they v i,l be prof i -rl..- eii:ouiaged by our citizens. Tho ir. Ji vi lur.li eiii;;v irg I M troupe are all young Ben o e!-nr.Tc-er r.rd in -ical r.lility, anl have or, pre. Vitus tco -1-r.a i,ivcn couecrts which were Li-lily at : rc:iatJ. t''rEAMi)OAT Fxct'RsioN. A company Of ycung ladies and gemlemen of this place, number- ' jug some twenty-five couples, enjoyed an excursion on the river on Tuesday evening last, the steamer "Irs, T. Clemout" bavin; born chartered for the viecasion. Musie, dancing, refreshments, 4c, were ' tho order of the e cuing. The boat proceeded up the West Branch as far as Winficld, and returned about 1! ucloek, P.M. The party all seemed de lighted with the txciirslon. The commiltco having the matter in cbargo, deserve credit for tbe superior sirrangemciitsou theoocasion. lUoRse Diiowstli. On Saturday last one Of the horses attached to the street sprinkler.' owned by -Vr. Peter FmelUer, was dinwncd ia tbe river, a short distance below Market etreot. It seems that while engaged In tilling the tank of the sprinkler at the river the horses beouuio unmanageable, and baeked into li,c stream. Tbe other horsJ wu, with diCiculty, rescued', by cutting tim loose from the wagon. The accident did not luterfero with the street sprinkling, as another uuiuiul was procured immediately. DtSTBCCTtO.t of Ecuoot, PlIOrEBTT . The ctool ill lee tori of this borough have been annoyed by malicious boys, breaking teats, Ac, in Ibo public 4chcul bouse, lately, and on Wednesday evening sum 'aoned the parties interested to appear blefore the toard. A resciluUuu was passed in--lructing (be Seo. cetary to bring immediate suit against any parties ho sy hereafter injure any school property of this Woughas tie directors aredetcru.ined loputaslopt t. Any one who tut j be found guilty of repealing Ik Oct no's hereafter will, no doubt, Sod it a more serious af fair iLan tiey Imagined. hIIorsk tiroLCSt 11 Mjuo!. -On Monday Sight, 4'h inst., a fine bay burse was stolen from the stabloof Mr. Jam us Finney il Milton. Mr. Finney oflcrs a reward of $1 Oil fur the apprehension of the tVief and the recovery of the horse, or $50 fur either the arrest of the thief or tbe reiuro of Ihe bone. Tbe Miltuuian leoommends that a vlgilauoe com. Ill it tec be organized iu that vioinity for the summary punlsbuieut 01 lue outlaws, who, judging from their mode of opcrutiuus, sre doubtless living in their Uj U.1QM.. Tbat paper al.-o Itntee that thieves of a lr.wer guide than those who steal horses ere plj h:g tbehr havocaiion with energy in our n.idst. Even magi.. trill es und conservators of lbs public order are called onto contribute their quota to the support of Ike pro fession, us is witnessed ia 'be ease ot our Cheif Bur- gess. Charles Hoy, Esq., whose clothes line wss lightened of some 30 dollars' worUi of clothing en Mouduy nighi of but week. . u 3 GtPtrs. A band of Itrullicg gsys arrived in this place oa Batuiday last. They numbered .Vw.,,1 - rfo.n r.rina. men. wainen and children t .e. .1 1 . tnim andalllhepaiaphenalt. iu.ll, stt-brf in . . 1 ,Ki. iii noi. W lra takt t u" J v I I 1 - , umiiiii iu tl are encamred below tcn. WUlebere tbe jBan'i aotual 0 reputed owner or otsiwrs. as ala tba ooeu- .or. .n.ed iu euUUng bea., and tbi Fo- one,. ! mlT t "i", "! pied their Ut Ly pddUB -4etl mi tailing tuJi6. y Jjy Ou N Attoaaa -Tha Bueqaatitawa Bate Ball Club, of Ibis plaoe, did not go to -arrls burg on lajt-6turdej a they intended, to play tha melon gamo-wlth the Tyrolean Club of that place. The latter elubhavlng tolegrapbed on Friday evening 1 1. l ).. vnra AiuntiAlInd Ia lwttnn ill A mnl nn t ecoouiilU several,, their number. not being all. J w iw uivtu vm ,u tjuuiv iiu , Very probably take plooe at an early flay. The Susguehaissae aoknowMge the receipt of tho ball" fioUTyrlceewbich wfuitb have been the prise awarded to the victorious olub, Lad tba game taken pleot. f. - .- -j The first and aeooai "nine" af tha Sssquohan na olub played game On last Saturday, on Uiei, grounds, below town. Tba former woro their now uniforms, and presented a fine appearance. The following Is the sccrs ; riait Mine. f.ELD KIKK. O. R. O. R. Itiunbrlght, p, Scilur, 0. ' Weaver, 1 b. Sarvls, Kb. Lright, 3 b. bLotsarl, a. a. MoCeuilatid, 1. Krone, r. f. 1 Hotter, o. f. 4 T i T T ' 0 10 1 9 ttrleglibaom, p." MoUoiikey,i o, lirviu, lb.,. Illalr, 2 b. Torrington,Sb. Pool, . Pettongtll, I. f, M oger, r. f . Heard, o. f. tjmith, r. s. a 13 69 ll! 32 6ih. '. 23 CD . b-32 INNINGS. . 1st. 21. 3d. 17 3.7 (1,4 4th. 5ih. , 10 , . fi First Nine, Fluid .Nine, Ijf PnocaiDiNos or tbh Bonouan CouaciL. Counoit met on Tuesday evening, ith Inst.,' at 8 o'clock, It being the regular stated night of moot ing. Chief Buiges, BmouT, in the chair. Minutes of last stated mcotlng. May 1st, and of .an adjourned meeting bold Way 22d, read and ap proved. " ' The commiltoe on river bank submitted the fol. lowing report, which waa read and approved, as follows: " ' To the Chief Burgess. Eurgcescs and Common Coun cil of tho Borough uf bunbury : The undersigned Committee on River Bunk re?pnct l'ully beg leave to report -Tbat iu pursuance of a resolution passed by this Council, we engaged thcservUes of F. C Anns.'Kwi , a civil engineer, tJ make a aurvoy and eiliuiuto of the cost of constructing an embankmcut along the river so as to secure the town from damage by high Iresbots, and we hereto annex a etnloraeat mndo by tho sail F. O. Arms, llsq , in relation thereto. Your committoo have acted with the view of adding as little additional debt on our Borough as pirctiiblu, but at the same time conriJerin" the vint itnportniico of securing the town from inundation, and thus in vning portions to invest their money in substantial improvements. It will bo obsen cd th-it, according to the edtimatc mndo by Mr. Arc?, the whole wotk of constructing tho bank hic,h enough to keep out eveu so high u freshet us vUited o in tho spring of ISoj, will be i't.tMU. This sum includes tuu gaps washed immediately above the Borough iiue, uLd which, if left as it if, would cxose the town to inun dation eve hy auoidiuary iuahct, anil would occa eicn porhnps uiore damago thvu tivico the copt of rai-ing the bank. ThecMiinalu Is for constructing said bank from mid gap, above the Borough line, dowu to iSpruee (late KMcibeny) street. Your committee first intended to recommend the widening of the bank, below the ruilroud, to n suffi cient width to ullow driving upon it, !tit owing to tbe liizh price of lr.b ir, Ac., and tho high luxes already imposed unor, our citizens, wo hnvu directed the oaUmatu to be inado so ad lo construct suid em bankment six feet wide on the top, uod to asul:i:ii nt height to slim I a fnhet as great as tho last. We therefore recommend that the Council at onco authorize Mr. Anns to let laid work at the lowest price he oaii get it done for, uot tu exceed his tsli niato us aforesaid, and rccuiuuiend tin t l.o tie em pl'yej to superintend the eouslruuuon t ilic saiuo. W'ilh tha work thus completed, we would in all probability never again be alarmed at the found ot the biiatiuan's horn ut li.e dead hour of midnight, warning our peoplo that the watir is coming into town. We would also recnmuiend that the river bank bo cleaned up, and all logs and board piles removed. We ere sorry to report tbat a metubt-r of this Council conttuues to set a bad example. We cannot expect Hie citizens at large to obey our or lin inces as long as we tolerate the connexion of nuisance? by one of our number. V e uiuxt show no favor. If one man can make a board yaid on the river bank, why not all ? .We would re-pectfully recommend ci'heVih entire clearing up "t the bank, or else the le. siiu of the whole lor board yaids or other business j urpo.-cs. Wo also recommend ihiit an ordinance be passed imposing a penally eu ail persons wilfully or ii"-Ii-g n:Iy injuring any of tho trees lately planted and growing on Iherivtsr b nk. CtiAS. J. EUCXtlR, J. 11. F.XOLL, W.M. M. HOt-KEFELLLn. J. M. iiASHA.N, Committee. ybrt?icrn Cn.trttl Uni'trny Cvmpniiy, E.voi.iKrniNO Dkcartmunt. CEce of the Principal As-islant Ln'inoer, I Su.MitKV, Pa., May 1 j, lseo. j To Wm. M. li.ickefeller. Esq., aud Cjpt. Ctius. J Bruner. CoDin.ittee on River Hank : Geiit't-mni The f -lioivin c-timate cf Iho coW.f cons'ructir an enhnkir,M.t alort; il:! river bank, lo the height of the Hood lit March, 16'j'j. u ro peetfully fubiuiii"d : ' . To fill the gaps North cf the Borough limits, 5100 CO Between Soitli line of the iittuuga and Miami, kin Railroad, 2,40 I'J Between hhamukin Railroad and Spruce lor Llderberry) street, 6i(l 00 Aircuntirg to Add twr CuUUcgencies, 1,11)0 Of 51. SOU 00 Very Respectfully, F. C. ARMS, Civil Engineer. On motion of Mr. 3reenou?h, Rrsolct l. Tbat a tax of four mi Is on the dollur bo levied, assumed and Collected for poor purposos ; that a lux of one cent ou Ibe tlullur nn lentil, usse.'sea nlei uouecieu 10 r road purposes; ibat a tux of two cents on the dollar be levied, assessed and collected for bounty purpo ses, and a per capita tax of five dollars be levied and collected from all persons liable to said tax, all for the year 1SC0. Ou motion of Ira T. Clement, Resolved, That an crdur bo granted to C. F. Miller for SIS. 30, the amouut of his bill, presented utlast meeting. An ordinanoo wss read and passed by Council changing tbe names or streets within the borough limits, as follows ; Am Ohwnaxci to change the names of tba streets iu tbe Borough of Sunbury. WHERE as, it is deemed expedient to change the names of the several streets iu said borouh, there fore b il ordained by the Burgesses. Assistant Bur gesses and Common Council of the Borough of Sunbury, in towa oouneil assembled, and il is hereby eneotf i by tbe authority of the same Thai the names of the several Streets in said Bo rough of Sunbury shall be altered and changed in the maimer following, to wit ; Tbat the street front ing on the river, now called Broadway, shall here of er be called Front street J tbe street now called R'ver street shall hereafter be eallel Second street ; the street cow culled Deer street shall hereafter bs culled Ihird street; the etreot nuw o'lllcd Fawn street shull bereefv be onlled Fourth street ; lbs street now nulled fhoxt sireot shull hereafter be sailed Filth street ; the street tow called Eldei berry street shall hereafter be called Spruoaatreel ; tbe street now curled V ijortleberry street snail liureaiier be oullud Walnut street ; Ihe struct now onlled Poke boir.y street thai 1 horeHftcr be colled Perm streel ; ihe street now oalled Blackberry street shull here after be cailed CLcsnut street : ibe sircet now called Market or Sham ok m street shall hereafter be oalled Market street, the Mr cot now called Dewberry street ahull hereafter bs onlled Arch street; the street cow oalled Cranberry street tball hereafter be Called Race street : the street recently opened on ibe south bank of tbe canal shall be culled Vine sireet ; and the street running east and west, in Hendricks addition, Khali be oalled Pine street .An ordinance was also read and pa4 by Council 1 in regard to tbe grading, curbing, paring and gut tering of the tide or loot walks of tbe Borough of Sunbury, an follows ; . An ObI'Ixasci to direot and rreuirs the grading, curbing, puvira and gul erim: tl the side or foot I talks of I lie Borough ot Sunbury. Pennsylvania 1 WuratiAs, by au Aoi of tbe (Jensral Aasmb'y of ,, ..,.,. i,u ,.r I.....l....i- 1 11.. secoud dav of March. Anno LuminL una thousuLd 1 einht hundred aud hay.mnu, entitled -'A furtbur supi,ieu.iLi to su Aoi to erect the 1 townof fcuuhury, u (u voiuiit 01 AorioumDoriaJoa. 11110 a norouun. it was tcici'd, thai the Burgesses, Aw.tanl BuraJs- SOS and Couimun Council In town An, .nnil nfiittttil . shall have full power and auihorily to require aud .1 - I:?. ... . 1 -" RiDiing. luiotug. ptvuig auiiguuorn g 01 tna a le or foot, walks by the owner er owners of fou or ground respeoiivaly, frojiuoa on any oflbe pub. ho strew, w Vighwvy. of ais) Borough in eoord. ante wlih sueb reKulattunt as luay be tueseuted by the said loPLCoui.ml .1 ...... ,1 . ... ... 1.. a "1 f -' ' V MUlf IU VP WIIUV ..l.ure of lbs oner or owners ibereof wlibm the time prescribed by ur linauee, and to oulloei, rtis eoat I of tbe woik and material, with iw.ni. ..1. vatiOt thereon, from said or.or er iwmm a nUt,,,. m-J K&SSJlS th.' s.i.M, i.kor ud wianwiaia. tk. T.L te" j tiirty days after such woi k tball have eeea aaithed. I Zbe lewn Couotul shall bars auiburlty te ragulaus tha roads, etreets, lanes, alley, aeurft.eommon sew " era, pnblio squares, oomniou gro.incls, foot-walks, I pavements, gutters, eulrerls and the Ucigai ul grades, widths, slopes, nrd forma Urnm-or mid llioy tint! hare other needful Jurisdiction orer the same, and therefore for the purpose of regulating tho graning, enming. ptvina; iuiu pui'mu mi me amu 1, t Ki or highways of suiJ. Uorougn, lo wn : iirninieay now Frontstreot, on the aatorn side thereof fioin i.ldcr- fcerry row Ppruoe street to Cranberry now Race Ireet. Illver now Seootid a'reet, on boili ides 1 thereof fioT Biaol bcTrT, now Cbenuit street to C'i nii berry now Race street. Doer now Tliii d ilrcet. on tho wostern side thereof fioei Kldoibcrry now Hpruco tret,to fllackberry n'btr Cboanul alreet. and I ruin lilaokbcrry now Clnnut street on both sides of the street to Cranberry now Usee street. Fawu how Fourth street from Flderbcrry bow Spruco slreot, on both side thoreot lo tbe Canal or .Vine street. Dew berry now Arch street, on both -sides thereof fiom Broadway now Front street to Fawn now Fourth sircet on both sides thereof from Bread wn.y now Filth etreot to Short now Fifth street. blaukberry now Cheenut street on both tides thereof from Broad way now Front s a-eet to Fawn now Fouiib slrout. Pokebciry street from tho Northern Central Railroad to Fawn now Fourth street on the south side. Flder bcrry now (Spruce street, commencing at Broadway now Front street to Fawn now Fourth street, on the north side and also on the south ida. thereof lioni Broadway now Front street, to Deor now Third street by authority of tho said Act i f Assembly aud in pur suance Ihoieof. Bert untamed by the Burgesses, As islunl Iltirgessaml Common Council ol tbe lltiiuugh of Suiibuiy, in the county of Norlliumbcrlaiid, in Town Council Assembled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Ihe same, Tliat it is hereby re quired and diroctciWhat I he side or foul walks , f the above mentioned and named streets or highways shall be graded, curbed, paved and guttered by Ihe owner or owners ol lots nf ground respectively front ing on said slreets of highwajs of said Borough in conformity with tbe regulations, levels and slopes now or hereafter to bo cstiiblh-hcd, surveyed and staked oil by tho Borough regulators, and all such grading, curbinp;, paving and gutlcrinjrls hereby re quired and directed to bo done and Completed by the owner or owaern of the Iota repetitively, lrom ingou any of Ihe said streets above meutiored. on or before the first duy of August, Anno Duuiini, oiht teen hundred and sixty-six. That thesuiu paving and curbing eha',1 be laid In a good aud workmanlike manner of good and substan tial stones or brick under the superintendence of the Borough Regulators. That any pavements or curb ing now Intel, wlih, or which may hereafter be laid with any clher mutiriul (exeep' what is known as patent cement paving) on suid strools, shall be taken upend laid as Ihe proper grade, with proper mate rials. Thatnny pavements already laid on the above or below Iho proper grado as established byt the Bo. rough regulators shall bo taken up mi l re-laid at the proper grade if required by too said Borough regula tors under their dn cJlions, " That the width ol the pavement shall bellieS'Mue us here oforo oslali'i 1. ed by Borough Ordinances'.- Aud U en tho lailurc of any owner or onuers of 11:1 pits of ground re spect ely f:o:itin;; ou uuy of llio said s.i cc'.s i:b ,ve mentioned to cause ihe jiaUing. eni oini. paving and gutlurinjr of ihe side or foul walu-ol'ilie said streets, to be made lis aforesaid, within the time prescribed by this ordinance, that then tho Chief Burgess is hereby an I homed, direoled and empoworcd lo cause said pavements, sldo or loot walk", grading end curbing to be made and done in accordance wiih the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, nnd under the directions nnd Control of the Borouiih Reguliitoia. Aud Iho Chief Burgesses is directed and required to collect the cost of the work and ma terial required, with tweuty pcrcentura advance thereon from the owner or owners, iu the inanr.nr di rected by the provisions of the Act of Assembly in bucheiiij made and provided. And tho Street Com missioners ore heruby directed and required to as sist the Chief Burgess in the performance of his du ties under this oriiuuncc if he shall require thcin to lo do. Proposals for filling up the road at Shniuokiu dam were received, as follows : Win. K'reighbaum, 40 ets. per yard. Win. Clark, ; Si J. tSuvHr;c, " " sj i ' Cn motion, rn order was granted toGaorgo Oyster. j for $o0, for work done at Grave Y'urd On motion, an old or was granted lo John Boncn. Street Cnrr.uiissionor. for ?l!0d, to pay hau Is working on rja.ls. 11 On motion of Mr. Blight. Reared, That tho borough regulators bo instructed to survey an 1 stake off all the streets and alleys upon which are erected any fences, jiosts, outbuildings, or any o'h jr obstruc tion, into any of said streets ami alleys, whi'-h ore taken and occupied beyond the right to which the owners of said lots are entitled, and report to the next regular stated meeting of Council. On motion, an order was granted to Ceo. Weiser, collector, lor $1.60, tho amouut of lux refunded to John i'i.her, by direction of lir. Buyer, former Chief Burnetii. Mr. llenlrlcks presented a bill of $7 fir putting in posts and v.ork done at the Gruve-Yurd. On motiou an o;d-r was grauLcd for tho siimo. Ou n.olion, adj'urLcd. Jacob Siiii man, Clerk. BUSINESS NOTICES. " Ekwino Maciunis. Several vulunblo Lock stitch Sewing Machines, new stylcj, for sale. Enquire at this offioo. I 1 tm XW THE CONTINENTAL CI.OTIIINO 11AZAAK, COUKEK OK MAIIKET AND TIIII.D STULETS, SL'NBUr.Y. WILL SLLL r.EADVMADE CLOTHING AT TEN I'ER CENT. LESS TilAN TII'ST COST. XTj- Nrw Inox and IlAiinwAnn Stopr We di. ro;t a'.t-ntioii to Iho advertisement of J. II. Con'y 4 Co., in unother column, who Lave j.ist upend a largo asfortmcntof Ilur lwaro in Welker's Budding, Market etreot. Everything in tbe Iron and Hard ware linooan beprooured at this establishment. ii.SI" ., l3rTnB cnterpiizing proprietor of the Conti- Sikktai. Clotiiino Bazaab contemplates changing his line of business, and in order to reduce his stock of Ready-Mudo Clothiag, will sell goods at ten per cent, leal IIuih fint eon ! Purchasers will do well to cull and examino for themselves. Don't forg, 1 tbe place 8. W. corner of Market and TLud streets, Sunbury, Pa. t"Tua Fksian War The all-absorbing topic of interest at the present timo seems to be the move uicntt of Ihe invaders of Canada. The final result of this daring enterprise on tho part of the Irish population of America is not only looked lor by the Fenian Brotherhood with great interest, but by iho American people generally. No one at the present time seems to bs able to understand what the object of the recent inr Psion was, and therefore we are forotd to wait ftr Ihe development of Ihe Feuian plan. But, how different Ibe objeotof Mr. John E. Eiuieki wbose tailoring establishment it on Fourth street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Ho bat no desire to deceive, nor to keep from tbo eyes of the public tbe knowledge that he it dully receiving largo sup. plies of cheap and fashionable goods, direct from this cities, and rupidly converts it into those fusMouuble suits fur which his establishment is celebrated, lio tulls them at exceedingly low pi ices. jr" Natciic asd Act. Mature bos within itself numerous artful curiosities, and only can the iina-l nittiuu and opticul tulun Ooui prebend iLe beauty she displays by frequenting the gurden, hold and glove and perceiving iu reality iho wonder of bur wuiks Next Ui nature it the Photographic art, wLich dis plays a power uf effect upon the mind and tight nut uperior tu nature.- Yet at Bycrly's Photograph Uul st-ry, in iwpu't building, Mket street, piutuiet are uojo ahiuk bur uiaik4rswibl DctUi tbe persout from whom they are taken at to leave them Oonauiout of lo totfur labor perfumed. ' ' , , tiBrsistssyoTici. Soldiert who are entitle" to Pensioni will find it lo their advtnUgeto examine 'the card of 8. B. Boyer, in tngtber eolunin. Jir, Boyer is alto prepared loeolleot graluiliesof $10 and I cnuUiesof f 10 due to the soldiersof 1812. or thuif ' 1 .. , . , ,, , . , , , ',llow,' wh,eh Mw nMni 10 lrTai tan or cue Wokld. At the last meet, lug uf tbe Aoadciiy of defenses, M. Dulaunay proved I that tbe earth's niolioa it grisdually tltokeuiug, snd , that tbe days are thereby insensibly lengthening to tba extent of a second ia IttfiOO years ! At tubj rata. In eight thousand six bundred and forty mid 1 lions of year tbe earth will sloe altogether, if it does 1 not otherwise before tbat period. ' We Bad thus tbat 1 11,. ,.ri.l u Iwiunii Ln iwmt in mm id sumo time de Bel-o. and m.l.tio. both Jpe.nl ta tha .i direotion that is to Mr. Jaoob O. , Book's - - j ' Uilortag etUtblisbinenti -ost Four lb street, bMweea ! Msrket d Ch-. wh lb. lt ef W, ganaecta are made an ) t lateet od a U taastnitwe laws. U-Mvrn rw Littt.. The nvrrlod are longer lri.d than th ,inglo , ,n j boTe n, those who ob. servos sol, or and Industrious conduct. Tall men live longer tlinu short ones. Woinin linvo more eluncc of life previous lo Uie age of Ofly years than nun. but fewer oiler. Xlie numbet of marriages is n proporliou of 7ito)00. Muniagua are uioiofie qnoul, after tho , iquim xea thai, is, durin.; . ttio snutilha of June and lpeoniber. . There U u. .liii'... , .. . ,.,., .:,... r o, l!.,u ,n i m.. ' ' . . ., . . . . at Wm. II. Miller's lUsoelsior Bjot & 6'huo 'lor0 Market street, Suiibuiy, usbolli "lvug".and ',i101.i" artlules Ir. that lino sold at his eslnbtisliment are warranto! to outlive any sold in Ibis vicinity Miller keopa a well Soleutcd siouk for nion, women and children. . ' lf luiiKssa Ei:irKMENr.--Oiir cliizci.; will he thrown into great excitement by iho nows lh.it S" Kronenbcrg sells hit Clothing, Loots an I Shoes, n lj per cent, under oust. If u Is determined l y nil means to secure eustotu. Let evo-ylody come and examine, st (?, KhOSKNBKRO' Two doors aoovo Geo. Bright' lrug Store. B.-W- . . . - . ...... ".- ' '" " IIAPBIAaES. At fuiibiirv, ')''!, on Iho 12 h in. t ., at the residence cf James L'nvd. Esq , by th Rev. E.lw. 1). Yeomnii, 1). B .of Rochester, S. '.. Wii.i.iah Fl.t.Elir C. lusn, id HarrUburg. P.I., nn 1 Fii ncks, dinigliler of the Into Rev. John W. Yeoniaus, I). 1)., of Iian villo, Pa. s8:. Bntv.n.t tcui:r. Corrected Weekly lor the "Amorioan." y, per barrel, $15 0.1 pur ewt. 7 ill per bbl. 10 00 per owt. 6 OH . per bu-hol, 3 lit) do 1 00 do Kj do tii do 2 li per pound 4i: do jsn lio 2il ,) per bu. 3 Gil per pound, 2 ' per d ,en, H per p-mntl, 25 I do 2.) ! do . 2 5 j do 2D do 111 do 'Ul do Hi dj 20 .1,1 12a 14 I per pair 7j i do do do do Eye Flour, do Wheat, prime ted Rye, Corn, i Ostt. Poiatoes, Dried Peaches, pared . ; do do uupured Dried Annies. Dried Cucirics, (unstoued,) 1) utter, J-gg. . Cuoeso, Lard, Jl nis. M'ouldcis, : Beef, hind quarter, trout ' Mutton, Pork, Veil. Chi, 'kens, S"(i::iiioUiit t'o:il Trade. SnA.vuKiN, June 11, 'I'uH'. CVf. Sent for week ending Jure 0, Per last report, ' 74U Ii,, 19:731! m 2nS..'i'.i 00 12o.786 00 70.71)3 00 To sums time last year, Increase, ",S:;e a V.'om.i ffiiK A V. (IM.-.V, 111 llllllkl'T coiiimp, )tckin4 iSiiinluiii: of.iiioj'i'-ir Siefi's It is) nti tu'ir,iiuli!e; nrtu-lt.', tiserl in t!io lio.-ji-tills ttnd y l!iu lit-st chiss fumilitm in i'ulis, Lor.,lun Hiid Xctv Ytdl;, in pretVrrnce tu uhl I'irt Wine. It 13 wortli n tri'il, lis it 'vi I rcnt fciil:j4i.t;t;i:. 1 ur sum y . A, Lcn- ne'.t. "DON'T HE FOOLISH.' Y1111 t-.n iiukc Sis DiiUure frotii Kilty IVnts. (l:,t iir.i! ex iiinitii un in veil t iv.n tirt'lit'iV nt'O'loil Iiy rvci'v Imtly. Ol' it suui)'.t; tent ll 1 c 1 1 V liiutl fur o(J (nts tli.it rctuiis easily fur sH. liv li. I.. Yt'OU (Vl'T. 17(1 ( liu'.lmin Srtuiro. N i'. Sept. lo, lt-65. ly. Lttdi'-s ui.d gen'lemen, if ynu wish to uiurry, ad- dress Iho undersigned, whj will send you, w'uhout money and, without prior, valuable iuformalioii that will enable you to u.nrry happily and speedily, ir respective of age, wer.lth, or beauty. This informa tion will cuMyou nothing, and if ou wi.-h to marry, 1 will thuerlully assist you. All letters strictly coi.. lideiiiial. 'J lie tlie-.ii tl iiiioruiatioii teut l-y te'.uiu mail, iiii.l no luwiul a'-kel. A.flrts t-AIIAU 11. LAMBEIIT (Ireenpoiiit, King; Co., New York. June 9, ISCo. am rjtli t'onfes-slosm S'.XtTiftic"c ! JL UP AS I.WAI.111. j Published for tbrliouvflt an 1 as a caution to ynmvj men and others, who sutler fioni Nervous I'cbility. j Prciuniuru Dec i of M inho,d, Ac, mpplj ing at 11. 0 , same liiu o tlic nn iins tif setf-t'iir,. By one w ho nns cured biuiself a Vr undergoing cr.jisi, lei able quack- cry. ity t riclosing a ust-pi.td wl. Ire-He, I envelope,' single copies, lieo of charge m..y be tr.il of the au thor. A T 1 1 A N 1 11 L M A Y F A I U , Esq., Brooklyn, Kings ' CSX. . Jam.iry 27, 150. ly. 1 'lo 41WlthllllllliV-M. The advertiser, having been restored lo health in a few weeks by a very simplo remedy, after having suffered for several years wiih a severe long affection, j and ths dread ilhvnst, (','iisumpion 'e anxious to make kuown to his fellow nuti'ercrs the means of cure. To all who desiro it, bo will send a copy of the prescription used (tree of char, e), with the tlireo lions for preparing and using tho sumo, w hich they will find a sraa Ci'HB for Cunsi'mi'Tiox, Asthma. IIiiom inns, Collins, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tho only object of the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit the ntllioied and spread information which be conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try bit remedy, at it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, ri;EK, by return mail, please address liEV. f-UlVAlif tUt.IIO.1, Williamsburgh, Kings Co , Mow York. January 1:1. l,i lv. . I'!liK', IllitKlCK'Kst It 111 4'lt I itt-rli. Treated with the u'most fuoooss by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculi.-i and Aurist, (foiinorly of Lejden, Holland.) . 10. ale fine street, fuiliulolpniu. Aesiiiiiomalt from ihe most re.iable sources iu lite Cii) ,u,d Ci un- j try oan be seen ut his oUiee The medical f.., ully urn iuvited tu Sjooompany thoir patients, as ho has no so- ; cre'a in his pructico. Arlitieiul Eyes, inserted tilu- oul pain. o cuiirge made lor examination. July 22. lotij. ly NEW GROCERY" . . CALL AT FIT.MAN'S OLD STAND. WUOLESAL-i RETAIL Xr ncLexjs ec:: ta iae."3r AND Provision Store ' " FOR CHEAP COOD3 ! .Their Biook it of-mpli'te, oomlsting in psrt of SCG ARS, COFs-ES. TEAS, SPItll.3, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Food. Fudi, Salt, .1- UtAut. titouldurt, Cbeote, Fruit, i': , 1 .. ' Glass, Lampt, io , 4o. , ,t Country Prod nee Ukeq in exebtngt for Goods. 1 f-0U and examine our Stock, and satisfy jour ovt. - . . I ' unhury. May lit, intw. . . . JOHN VJJIjVSK, J300X Sb STrlOE MANUFACTURER, One door Zatt of Friling's 6iora, Market 6o,ue ft D N B 1 ft T PENH A. Ts ESPECTFOLIiY Informs the oitiiens of Sunbury l't. .i.lnlK. thai ho is nrenared to maaufoo tualTwd-- ail kinds of BOOTS BHOS, at tbe tbor-M notioa and in tba beet workmtnlike manner, ul ibe bsM atalarial and at tbe lowest Oaadi prises. Be hone t receive e full eUatre of ywonse. Pwbvy,Juaejfci9. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends ami tbe pm.llo linn he bm ol.angud his pla.io uf loading It, Igl, i in l'l,iladel,l,i,i fium Froed. Wuid & l'reed, tiu. till Maiket Sneet, lo A.. J-3. AOKEHON (Commission M ci uluuit, dealer in Flour Orain, Soods, A 13.) ro. iai. .Tliir-Kct M., tliil;i4lc!l!n, where all froight 'will be loaded on ears of the mi deriiigiied, for l)au Lin.riuiibury, tshuniohii,, aud all intervening poiuut., . , , All liuiglit will be can led as low as on nay other lino. Oidurs to carry In igbt i uspeslfully olicileJ, which will rocuive piompt uiteutiou. J.ll. WElbER. Bnnlmry, Jin. 13. Ho6. 3m. V;iLLIAMw7 ArSLEY'S VIlOl!NilU' Boot, Shoe and Trunk a u i: ii o u s e , HI .Mil ItV, .. WM.it..At,SJ,KV J"'1 opened a NEW fcTOHh in the well-known hoo-e of. Mrs. Bout- ion. in jiiiiiMui iin-ri, niiu oners to il,e citix l.s oft Sniibury an 1 nethUiring towns, HUOH A hiloi 1 of tho best quality and workmanship. Iln bavin I mndo arrai-r emniits with first-class manuiujtui eis to suj ldy ihe best ijnnliiy of go-d . In tho Wholesalu licpiiilment he calls tho cll j ,. I lion of Co'.mtit ctlur'kacpcrs to his fine sloe It. nbi,:, will be sold nt the lowest wholesale prices. IJ,us en t bling lloluil Dealers to suve cxpu.ru uf visiting t,,e cities lo replenish their stock. e, ,' ..-'.'Vl.0 W.'.T! 1r!,n.u0 eiavi.Ct anv.ao, v aaiMrf, w., whwu, iu fiot-i, at niese limes, are wunout a psruiiei. ihesioclioi Lames Wt-nr is superior tu style aud workmanship tl.nu is u.-uallv found in eountiv towi embraeirg gems of Balmoral, splendid Congress (Jailers, and fancy shoos of every kl"d. . W. A. also e ill; attention to his larsestock of Men's wear, nf latest styles, that will til any foot vtiili case aud comfort. 'anc 4ii ! I'ornc All! FunVury, .'larch IQih. lSiVi. LADlKs' LASflSy O.MTLliS for F '.7, at W. V. Apl. a. I.ASIKtV CLOVli III- HOOTS, ut V. W Antti'r. COO IS AND SIIGhS, CIII-URlvi, at I u:; il;N. Wti.VKN MO Vt. W. A :;--.. CI ,VNT SlIEIIMAN ! The two heroos bclore their teut planning a bntlic tiriint sim kin;r. A beamim! steel ri'gniviiig by Wm. Sarlnin. Aients wanted overywiiore. Siuiplo ser t I'V mail fur 00 cuiila. Airenls make LO per ceut. Adiiress.' - BAItliJ.MJ.N A C'., lnyii 2in (ill CheJiiut St., Phila. .-isiM)8i'i':B s. t.uxTi'i ii;. FISHING TACKLEI John Kin;i:, 'Notlh tiist Corner f-'econd A Walnut Streets., PHILADELPHIA. TUHT in leceiiit f a fine se'.ce'el stock of ehe.i;) end fuiiey Fi.SUl.VtJ TACKLE, or all descrip tion, suitable for the rivers and brooks of this Slat', to w hich tve invite llio attention of all storekeepers. March 17 IStift. 3m H-NHY UAKiEa, 5', AEIC'EJ S t fCi.IilV riIIAlJKLlJIilA. WATCHED, Fine Uold Ji.WLLIir. fc' did SILVER WARE, and .tup-rior SILVER ri.ATED WAKE, at Re- M't I II PlllCKS ! Muruh 21, lajJ. "m . IT E Vv ""GOODS!! f. AJ: i.4 W -- 4 T I Af- just rc'ur time 1 from New York nnd Philndcl- 1 J .itiiia, aul ia now reeotviug Kw stock of piing & tuimrisr Goods, at u rc.it rediict'on In prices, (jlciKkomcii Ye:ir, I ine Illaek Cloth a' $1.00 that used to sell ut $5 00. Ciissimeres,, j-atinelt, Cisliineretts. Kentucky Jeans, Coilenudc aud Linen Panting, ut reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Qooda Silk. Wool Delaine. Mohair. Silk Stripe, Paul lie ('bain, Alpitvu, Poi.l, It. English nn i Fcoteh (i it'.glii'uis, Ciiailiea, Duiaioee, Lawn, Cahuv ar,d Muslins, very uheap. "Whito Goods. Linen iires ficds. Linen Sairt'iig. White Toilet (',iili9, Lri'li mis Sw iss .S.'npe. awiss Cambric, Ji,e- eontlt. lrLh Linen, Shin Fronts. .'. 0. La lie.' Citah an 1 Flannel Sacking, nnd other f.'intiel nt low prices. White Shetland Woe,!, tiluiw l. Biiliiio.-al Skins, Ao "Skirting and ih lalctl style of Jioop sjliirla, Very handsome and eh'-ap. Yankoo Kotions in Cicat Variety Hosiery. (Hove, Pocket iiandkerchiefs, Susen ders, Netktit'H. Paper Ctdliirs liiubndlr.s, a itnoi assortment 01 Spectacle, Coals, Spuot Cottt n, lancy Buttons. Trittitniiij. Ac. Carpels, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, brown an! grciT, tu tjioin lor window", uiit M.ures, rixiures 1 f,,r Window Liinds. i Hals. Cups and Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails, Folks, fcitiovcls, Spades, irou-looth tlurdcii Rjik-.s. ; GROCERIES, SALT F.s77? , Cuccnsworc, Glassvarc. loots anl Shoes, Paiuts, Oilt, Glass and Putty. School Books, and a new supply ot WALL TA PEit, will bo sold very cildap. All persons desirous ol g -tiiiig good goods ut low prices, for cash or country produce, will pp ne i;ivo me a cull. J. II. KMC-EL. Suiihur. 'April 7th, lHf.n. n 1: w 0 v 1: N I N (J r 4 lolhluu, .ssnt'si i'sarsiiiiUIuK uuttsi. Heels V Slifc. rilHE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to J. the public uf buifbury, aud vioiimy, laal ho bu opened his CLOTHING STORE, wltu a well selected stock of gie:.i"!. si.KBstssiC; coows. 1 will sell l astonishing low priuia. 1 huvo also still uu hai.i a laigo s.ock of Boots Shoes, for Lndi-s. Gents and Children's wear, whb-h 1 am aclling t.2, as 1 iuttni to give up that branch uf busi II will bo to the advantage to Cash Bevcits to rive mil a Cull. h '; 6. KROXENBEIKl. H. Uiioss' old stand, Maiaot .V jiiurc. Funbiiry, Apiil 1, 11 i. tCiitilitxxi: littw l.it Ui'snua il, Jiet publislied ArEsv,1: uriuit'eiSuiipoit Homo Industry! wim.l'h Ckli biia (without uiediuioe t leillllts . lno t.litai v Menial ai.d I'hvsicul I neiipaciiy, In (a liiiut'i'is j Mm iuge, ele.; lilwt. Consuinptioii. Ep la i y, and Fr iuducu I by sell-iudulgelien or sexual ex'l avi.,;i.l.oe. I Price, ill sealed envelope-, only il eenU. lii ' celebi ued au 'oor in this aduiir.iuie esny clearlv ilfiiionsii ales, ft uu a Ibiily years' sucet.iul praeiieo, llntt the alarming rouseipit nee ol sell atu.-o may be radically cured wiitmut the danjeiout u e ot Inleriuil metlieiuoor the uppliciiiou 01 the knife pointing out a mode of erne at ones simple, certain, i.ntl etleoiual. by means of akieb every sulleier, 10 1., a'ler h,tt hiicoii.liiit ii may be, may cure hllustil cheaply, priviitttly, and ratltcul y y 1 Ills lieclliro sllliuol uu in tnv nu,i. vt v. VMtili and every 1111111 in ihe Und. dnit. under mal, m a plain enven i o. 10 in.j mi- dress, post-paid, on receipt id six eeuts, or to pesl I tidmpB. Address Ihe puulisbeis. ' .1. e. it 1. 1 u v. -'. , 127 C iwerv, New t)!K, IW Oaiuo box March 17, lioo.-y SUMIUIiV TOUNURY. iilA. llOltUM lt ll .V ,, A RE now esrr.vu.g ut bu.lneas at ibis old tslab XV l..u...v -."-'".-- ... tastings 01 every uueoi tfii, yo-j.. ...v. ibebrnvee manufactured at this Foundry have aoquirod tbe hiithesl reputation. i'ariloul r all out ion paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should uot forget that the PLOWd made at Ibe Sunbury Foundry have never boeii cquaiud. Agricultural impielii. nis repaired at short notice- 6all oattingt, iuoludiug Cooking utensils, of tbe Stoat improved and most useful patterus. Tbe business will be eondueied ou an enlarged teale. Old customers will bessMHimmodaUd -Jl usual, and new ones are reapeeifully tulioiled. bunbury, May 13. louO. CENtRAL ASSOUTMENT R. H LADIES' FINE LEATHER -TCHV.Vpik-'a. Buunary. Xssek l. Ie. AUL,US2tvrTRV w.w.,sltye p l A K I ; m-rt X V. S, BEAD WnAt DR. BCIILTTCK IS DOINO. R.J. II.SCtlKNCK, ... i all wl, r mTh'. "au'T. 1 0" lo you, ami i0 ii i i B . . ' 'ea Known na I "V ' , . V .i i VjU'"l"Hryui lot IIk-iii km,,, wni srew Dmii.nis i nave n atta, truiji jour Pul inoiiic .-vl up aoo r-CRWoe.l lonu in to ai.i.i I ,,. tiiua. By the tdusing of liod it hittmied iu tbup la-'i l't. Relief tk, I wiH Bow make my slai, uivl.t i you. as lollowstvV.'Ont aighiee.ii uhjuiIis ago I nan atliickcd with a severe jou;:li, and it Kiiitle.i un u,y loii'-s I uoiil l not retain anvtlnn ? 1 ain. ,,, ,ui. len d with e cuius; .fur era ei i uit;li a-senti. 1 was ' very miieli reduced. Tho whiles of my eyn v.;,e I vm. v yellow; likewise niv skin: mv ni l ,i'.i' nil i,. : an I unable to digest whai 1 onl eat; bowlsaWollcn, in i;;iilar and e , stive. I Wat very low spirited, ai d had such viHehl !i"lls ol coii;'l,b,g ui,u.i 1 lat-i down at niirlit and when 1 aroM, i.i tiie mciumg tna,. thi-v would. last one or ivu hours. 1 tb' u would bu nearly ixbuustel, and was eulirv ly una'ilu to lie ,11 my lel'l side. I c .nnot de-cribo my wretched stifl'i nog as I ttoul l wt-h todo. l-.v, ly organ In try holy was di-f.s-"i or ,l,-ran,. I Hu.-ii Was my situation at this time, and 1 wa conf nrd to in v lied trojii the li st of I'l bru'try. J s.i'J, tot ai.do lo sit np. ll.il tht! bi of niejieil aiteii l..n o tba whole ol' llio lime. My e ,u.o wa- o wry La I tnal it r M.-k'd mo very touch. X at tli.s lime i i- ! a largo qual.'lty ot thick. e.,oW, olieli-iv., niliur, s -in 'tin,,. s w l til l-iood. and it was gel, .i..l:y ,u,oJi tiiod by nau.-eu ami a tun ed Mid t in :U eoouu t..,.4ue. Ai lio, (iiuHof coupling sj p.idiy 1 v-"u!d liavo ?iialo, t hooting p il.-s III lay lefl. sule and l.c.i l. liil'.t stveaH,nnd si:ci,essull tlnough my wh.luche. l; bad lniieh intt-ii I ieter. paiu in iny buck ana under Uiv !.oal,l.-r blad-.s u.id in tuu smulioi myba K.m.t i". limes e sevvru Ilia: it l!J tl mo into ',.;. . ,M it, v i.S.--ieiii ivu loo in l-i ,lo Ithers I hud libers 1 had. ami ll,.- !st of if .'lii. but tlli v could ,lo nothing r,,riiic, and ut that tiuio 1 was nothing but "kin Dint tj.iuos X lh u win in Iho wosiei n pa: t of M.ssouii. Jo .j in. u la-,ttve leu there li r Hie fcist, mid in Au-gu-'t In-', r. e vume to Nuv. Yoi lc uu l 1 wuj to re luei-d Unit 1 j ,,y Wll, H l.illo wiih my hu.-b.IMl'i help. Al'sor I bad Icon hue a .-1. ,;! tlno 11:0 suit water leezc ina-iu n.e . much better f l a tiiuu aud 1 1, on I ,.aj fl.i i i to ..alia ,1 v-n.ai. :.,r .; i. V.o I. 1 i , r.. 1 o OU 111- il-'-ei- but id' no -ivi -ill:.' Iui. ll. J'leys .1 . .1 . 1 1 1.1.1 ' Inc. n,y loo- too i n ;: ll 1 i. but lit ! I: lime 1 ,'as on lov I.i. uot eblo to di u.uu!, of auyiiuo ',. In o n 'jr ltiqt 1 0reiv v.-.l e. i.l.a the t'i.; -i.ui; -ni .i,.rSA. :i set iu and ia..l. l .ioe'.i. ei!.l weeks. V e 1,,. I t. . i . nil nr:l eveiy vs t.'i it I c.t:M grajp r.t i:k, 11 e '. peisen finny ,,iso-A.!ts-eeiisainpuon und liver ceu.- ! p!-t:t bill of ., i,vi,;l. I 1 11 January, 1 I was brought down a'rair 011 ! Iny bed. r.r.d-was no'. cpr.!ted 10 nve tiie ri.ht out. i My husband rt. yt.l ct my side, uiid oi-Uer ii lends, j and iliey ail give mi1 up ,0 'lie. AE il.ts time etery onewhosaw medid ).t tl.ink I toM i e.ui::y 1 bed a living woman. J t.u tirst mht t wn aua.Le I wiih j,Mms, und was iJerangou moai oi luo l,.e. 1 A L.iesJ, Mrs'. Ilarria. eauie la .-ci u.e ilie inst oi loo week, and bro'.ight tl. -on 'ay Ai- i-..r..- i.i it ! w;s ;.;i account of ft git at euro pt 1 io.'oii d hy Vt. I to.'l. .'lick. M, ii read it to 'me. aud i. w is so much 1.1. v my ov.ii ilis a.u llial I i.-i.cj u y Laibii. '. to ro 1 rd ieci hl;u f 1 inc. Alt1': nu.o Ihn.i Aiva ti ) nil hop. . 01 ever g"t!i.;g well H"n'.n. uu-i made my ; pr e with CoJ, to bu rttady -.vneu lie called l..r j inc. On the r7tli of Jar.onry. 18C3. n-.y UuA.ui.l called on It. elienok. 'Ai Bo.rl sir, d. is.w York, una j Etafed lo hi'ii lev c:..-.., v. ith a rtonvrt ir him to c.11 , and see in . , (tiiieh lie dull ai d xatuit..-1 r..o wail . too rc'I'iroUlelor. Vl;el. he w a. ' '. ) e .' I JisKi , 1:i:ii il li'Cool.i euienia? liisruKe v, i, . : "1 .'.it I noi i, il, jot'i Ilium's u.'e i'.istu.ed. a;.d th tubes 'ire iil'i'eirj on b.ttl s: 1 :S. ' A te.iued lo 11.i1. k i:;.r.i w.ra luni: o.iu,i ,11 .-olal I et no I i i'eei a c.lr'1 it' t'.ic itt-.rihea eoo'.d 'oesto:o!. ii-j 1 1 s ml iu or ler to do tuis. .u 'Voul-l have in j. ,v .' 1..:,- : j drake Pills i.i auvtil ihes at .iii,to tinTin i.,o I n.e-bi I I.... .'.ll'. U...I tll'T, Mill. l.-iiil. ':uls. .o le ;.il I t" ..lieek i. wLieil Le -li 1. but theC'il.il.it C ' J.'- , ; I l.igl.t SWVa'S. Hid J.l.lli.e '. I..id pl.'.slrule l II,.- sj tl,.,. ! 1,0 . is uliul'i l..v Vi.isl "0 .vr wer. :! ll in": trafd ever I . lally. u,i-l nc s cine I to tl.u. e..u! I l:v lo nel'e!. .11 -.a l'ulm jnie Svl uu line 1: I 1 J 1 tliy eysi.l'lll to Ci.L-e expotd' r.tl.oll. 11. e enou.tli it ft tor me to i . !o.'. lie fere I.,, s 1 me to i,y , til'.' I' ,1 1 Ul, 'DI : 't'l up a.i.1 ."reiitic- i Tei..c ul o. co. savioi it w uld ii" me ut, hj.m, 11 iidid mono k, .. '1 he Ii'.-t week it sooiii'"I t, j,.-. e u.e strciiiti. so ; t Ii u I on Sun. lay nl'te.r I sat up in bed and uL, uo.u'.y for a sick woniur.j bui tie uext week 1 loi all h'.j 0 , cud wished my inulutui uot lo feivo uie any i.iore uie.licine. "But lite (lri.,r had warned him ot Hits, and lieu (be Ine iieino w i elta ring nvt Ihe S'sit;:-. il made them foi l totnetthat rcstims. and lo peise vcri.; mil be insisted 011 iny taking if, und I new fetil ihe benefit ol it. lt alter eichi days I began togain Hreivth. 11ml, wiih ll.o exeepiiuu of a co.d thai put inc back toiue, 1 Lave been riiHui.g strength o bo Iv. my cough is 'g .ing away. ;ui ail my uins r.ro gone; no soreness ot tlie body, 11 y liv.eisaie rogul.tr 11: d 111 v Liciiili is sweet, and I thank tied mat 1 inn no'v goin ; uboul, and sew and read us wdl us 1 over e uld. 1 buve ti.kcn eixletu botibs ol llio iiiei!i;''ie, eight of cieh. I now have a ,-t:A u, po lite and r,M well at nlgnt : my e ugh tlocs not trouble rre in getting up or Ivini down. I would I hot.. soy to line ulil'.c.ti 'iu iiisuinptior. ur i-yei j cum) mint, lioit Dr acbeiick i ::o f.uu.lug. lea eau 1 civ on v.hiit he t-i Delay nou il is dnr:r- ousto i..uo with 111 -so diie.ses. 1 you would bo curt ,1, go alio.ee, and any ui.-uing 10 tun iii facts 11- herein flatvd can tall ut n.y Us..ueO, 117 West Houston street,' New Yorl; o.ty. MA It If 1 . r Alt LOW. Wc, the nudersiened. ie-iier.:sid' Not lork, are . acp.iiii.iel with Jus ti.rlow, --ud I berilve- mem to bo true. Wo uli j alio-, that tat u-cl Dr SehencU's Pulmori 3 Sviup and Seawee i Tcr.ic, and bate 1-e.lM'U to bellet'e lhat to this lne'.l:..ue sue owtsl.ir jireservatiuii fioin A preuiatuio grave, ri. FARL'JW. Ii7 IVui U-u.toa at. LC'SL.NE l'."!.'KK'dtL.o7Oruenwuhst. Mrs. Ell iENL L MJEl'-lllLL, D10 lireeumcn St. AtiaiVi'A I NLEltlllLL, 73 Orctu nni.it tl. A. UAU1U-, 117 We't Houston St. E.MiLY ili.ON Ek. 117 West iiuuston tt. J L. COLE. :i:l lottuge pl.ee. M A. LEIG!l'n. 4a3 I rriwnr. M.s. BENJAMIN" CLa'i P. 10 Auiit.T az. I inn tte-ll Hcouuiiited ti'.h Mis-.''.try rai'iow, ami wiih bcrL.. J, -dr. I!. Furlow, Ih 'y haviUkf tor a few months pisi. attended at n,y cLureU, autl I auiiooiiiinee illai any staicuieul which ihcy might make might be relied on as true. J'HIir DOM L1M1, D. D., Pastor of Bedford bt. liaput Church, N. 1 . De. Sohenc will ho pruferfioually at his prinoiple office No. 1 j iorlh Sixth street, corner ol Commerce. Phila .lelidiia, every Saturday, fr'-iu 0 A. il. uulil 4 1'. M., Nn. :.J Bond slreot. New Yo.k, every lues day, from 0 to .1; No 3t! Sumner sireet. P-s'. jh, Mass., evrry Wftlnesdnv, from ll lo j. aud every n'lier I'ml iy at lost Baltimore street, BaUimore, jid. All advice free, but for a jhorough ex '.iuina.ion 01 the luns wnb the Uet-nioxuter, the ch-rgo is thioo doll.us. , , , . Price of the Pulmonic ?vrup er.l Seaweed Tome, each l 40 per bottle, or 7 .',0 pur hf d jKn. ilau dinl.o I'll!.-, It eel 's per box. For s de by all Dru-gisrs und Dealers. December 2, lSiJ5 1 y. m ivi-kt 11 iinnr itflt V V LUU it Ov J" VtlAJ ViJ, VrtK'l.XSALZ .l.Vi XHTML. nXXV se.l suioer n .pcc'ul'y ii.furua "the public I tl.at he keel s oofs' i-.i.l ,' . Ii-.:. I at i. s new AUHIP't'.-l:. n, -n t i-' il.-.iiH kin uil.y 1 i.ilioad Depoi, in M. Ni.l'RY, i'l-ur by the barrel 11U saens of all kinds 01 i- oeil bv thettin 'Uie iiL'..w is ail uuoi f oli.red at I n ctva J.:le;, au l will bo sold ut i ' c -A, I ' - - .1 M. CAli.l ALL.Ti R. Sunbti'V. A'iil I. ',., it, . A 1 I'LL AsiOr.'l ilENT J.sr opcnlb ly ' AUJAt.li l,AJti., Two doors wrt ol B-.". uett t Drug Smre. .Market St. ALL and ex iunr.e the Wro imi 1 m.ent of the New ik mil lh. in ieii,:.. ...Ios. Ol s i.- Cuss tiiiou vim I'eii.v, uno n: uu. 15.. 11 r or, ' S law nn I Jtov'S 11 i s wLKh n r beauty and du- r'lbilil calil.ol l-j ex jelled. I'.eiig a lril.-'ic'tl llal ' t.o-, ho' datters Inn., 'f ihal bis stock has bwn aelect. ed tti'.h 11. me cue than uuy eer bto.o LiojgLl lo 1 litis 1.!.. JV also uiun.ftcti.res lo order all kni-ls of Ji ll ' Fur U.i:-. all of aliiuli will be sold "I v. iii.lfs.de an I '. if' at It"!-, "liable rales. Dveiiig uoioj a, lmri notice ail J a, tbe .uvctl rates. bul.biil.k'. -day li. 1'"1- i." .of u..i..i Tin. Ware. 1:0 10 eMll'il 1 aid good Tin. Ware, go 10 ill NT iHi'ot New boon. nr 3 Im.-i unli .D'll I5ltvl, f. -u.i 217 Vru.ijK uu, Vumtr F,wUUm Slfi NEW YoliK. n-itir a.i nl House the itust cuiot. homelike , . .... .. .. - ..... .. . I i.nd plou.ui iiuiei 111 tuo ituv oilers suncrior ' liuue.... ....... I,.,,.,,,,,,. .,,,1 ketitun ii dticeii.tiils i" 'ne vi.iniii .- ew York lor bu.iuc , r ,,ieiuuru. n - -",7-r. In a LOO l Wil-T' rt'ii u--stt -- or .urvod ui their owu rooms. Tbe charges are mo deruie, ihe looms aud aueuuaiioe of tho to si order 1 ,1. .....l nil Lhe modern oouvenien,tes afiael-et ba,ihs, and all m j prorotot. Xov 4.1Hf.J a. .. I. . .. n 1 liaiil Itil liflllll. --,- 11-:U 11411! "ant CJ3-. -'' mom everywhere to sell our i ,.D S:C Sewiua Machines. Three new kisds. - - . . . si-. " .,n.... T-.l Warranted 80 years. vpf .rc : r ii:... ThaoLr Aboveni'try 01 lurao oo i- -- --- hini!d In Halted t'ee It less than fid, , , .u ... ...,1. ii.n,l h ilowe. W heeler A UJ- son, Urover Baker, biuger A Co , and Bocbc.del. All oebe sbeaptoaohtnes are faiiViogeuients and Ir. Miles or usar are liable 10 rw Sue. and imprito. -,rt Circulars free Addrasu, or ol upon bJ aw Ulork, BiddoWrd, Maine, oe Cbloago, IU. dee- & sot siiiD STORIl T" I'.SPFfTFLBl.T Infom , il.u oilir.' sof K.mbury J 1; ami vininiiy limt liu lira taven tno loom 1'leasai t's liuil puif. i I I'.ng. in Alarkot .Situur-s. two doois CBMl.t lb 'l-,x,i ,.lll''ii, for the ptu ios ft eii . j Ir.g il I lie Sls,,t nou- l'r,,,-: . i of t is I'.ell oi ' 1 . :: ul !'.... t". I. 'Jo ii .. in -ll tlsv,.- w., I 1 i ,- O' etl i,iy , ,1111 lie c i'.r.S . ..r. I.e has puvcbiiaod an f ,l:r-i,ttv tl.;ei, l.u ioti'tiil Ii, Jsi,.,kn i.l ILL ll.u very low et jM ie. s. His s j,k comprises Oent's Viae 1'egeed an ft.llened lletits, Men s V, Vik.ii B-jota and Boy 1 1 ou..i. , l adies' t unny Hueble (I at ert,! 1 And liu" TLo'S. se Uilitors. buion-j . .,! I I. ,1.1 Jl ... evety dusoilpiion. Kittn mail Cip. its has also in his employ Sapiit..r wojttr.e!. and Is proparel to do the lino t ? Cuitouicr Wo. k Uei.i' Fine Drer.s Boots, Ladies' Ouiurs & I'liild rtn s c.oes. Uj- ALL WORK WA11T! VT!f ! Ca'l "and e- uiu.i.i- 1. y -o.el;, cv:n ii you 00 r.pl ni.h to bv. "l eiu uelerliiinej lo sell al .ho nr -' l;,e,al r..l. l.i.O. b. rl.Uli. i I'..7. Sunbuiy, MmvIi "'J. I'lil. VSKURY CLAI0A"lT:iirr. a day a:;d Bo.'.p.r ::;o fc-ou I ee... ..:t..so i,Aiiti.s a-,t Y'.'ijmj ws:;. bL'NIJi'HY. I'loVA. Tnnt. -v. 'rt. P.r.v. S..H Miti.KK. A. ?! . . , Rlv. w. C.Cniaiit!,.M. J I":",ra'-Mi.-s o. . "oivKiis. Ailaut T..i;Lcr. TiJ til 15 fir:' flunvie" of tim n'uvo lns,i;-,.i;.,n V..TI I. open MO.:.AY, APR Iff. K:h, IS-,.'., ut 6 A. M lur further psi ticutirs, a; p'y to or od' H-e PRINCIPALS. .Sunbury, M.i.-eb ID, tMVi. Ilia b a r. a Air; 3 in fi?:B chovizuiS. RO(;Ki-iiLL&T.viLo:,T, Ei'.ow;; Exowi-; cr.oTJTxa tiO'lnr-i :b C. l T:.L"; l-'il.i.LT, riiirADbvurA. :- i ' r: -obi out un 1 !!oy s!.k "i 2s ee, e-, "OCH. a, tl.e !'" ,ur n,vv i-io 'k c '. eerrii 1 over fi, 1 asinoi,uliu i.e a.i 0 .r i 1 - ar I'Tlii'it:' n ':o.l ":o ; f...- (1 : 'l'"ua io' Into lire. 0 -.nir' L.ely-MdJo I'it'tiiiug ij Iho !: i'.,e I-..'. ;. T ' !'' fTOCK, 'e ul; eve: vi.o.i v . .Nt ro. CL".; r. Our v ewly 'i t vl ; linns tho l..r; : :..s" i t'tv i' h irict f.vO'i! iL i I 6, CiV.l ill i ploinp.ly, iu lio Ll :i a m in nr. uiii.t ri e.-.B tliU Ft ihioufcbia tct lit. 0. , i n y to I'T at UiociatJ i .lie plltes. . 1,0 V.V CLO'Ji.IIiM. In iLIj do; 1. : h.st 10 juiou at . '.rtu.ent P' 1 ll. j cit , .it ao. 1 1 ei;:o. : rlvaTTeJ Ord-.rs :uo lo'.v ix'l 1.: : itJ J. or R BAD Y- MA D S CLOTHING i: pi.'iLA'jnT.prrfiv. Bru'Au 2 it Oli... (;' A;.'.. Zi. 'tM.-C S';-c 3. Will di more f,,, any o'.hcr 1 liy ; I' , r:FLPri! 1 y W Vii.v r.-.rd, 1 -r ce 1; at a p Iv-p Cost, tlftn Mao.ii.iefiilel cv. e by Z.L'sLLR 'e 1 if, V,"' No. L. ' inuuiy : N.'iti. i.i-.b.is .5:, :ai m nil. waittfi fr-r : ....:. A ll.ll-V.l. ir .'.v if Y, :.' Ft 1 ? t ' r r : 11 4i11'sll0 m a u " c x r Deer Jti-eot, opj.osilo tha Ctr.u.U Lute, v v. z n v , pen;; -a. I XF0RMh ru n ;.-a'i'i :: "ui lie trit having "nt lie thit hsvin leiimve i I t i i.e ; - ; .':.r,:l,u..-ni, OIi-l t.teU.IJg line of I'-... :.e.-. i.-: i- " . '.IC.l to iti.X u ..etnro extn.i.tt more extew ' ' , and iuTftwaii .0 coil oua his large aisi., .;:ier.: t f ' Sadies, r-rness, JlU.s, Wiiij.j, Cinn-an sr."! r.--ncy F';'-y 3' .t. Blanket.', Buil t)' t "1 Ka-iv it )-e 3, r.v.-se Corel. .1.5.h-!V..s. SM!, Huruosi asd Coacb Ir.mmiugs tor inaoufactui eis. LIVERY! mv;::;V!' livl'p.Y!!! Iii connection wl h the t.'.ovo he has also a Ltvo.y Stable, good and sal'- 11'.. 3 -s. Pu.--'"S. i.i Convey aucs, which ari hiie.i at r:u-o: .tolo ia.es. AUCTIO.NEEIt! lie is also a Licensed .' - .1 .i.e.-r, and will atUr.4 to all busines entrusted lo I.i.' j. Sunburf aroh S, 1S6 :.:. -"vn! k) i Usl Alia I'nllro-gd Strp-t, :. c TSf.rliCt, XAn TUL CENTRA t. ftoTCL, SL'NBL'K Y, r.V. RrsPECTFULLY invites his friendj ai.T 'L publia Krnerr.Ry, to call aud ex ".mine lar : kMurtuptt oi l . b-f'iro purc:i...o e'.oew'.-.r j. Hit Kfocl cm tsfsi of klr...rdit, V. JlintVfVt Uo'ilntitl , kuu ii.-e tltLiis, iiIor.on(Tnl-' ii n.iti suuriti'i: oi'tlsw eisa: ly. S isii, 'io.r, J K i !-'.e k'" I tamers, Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to cail, us bit stuck is fjeuuine, and will tenivr gtcoral satlsi'tiiiiioo. Sunbury, Febriurry Slbfi. l:iV05i?r" OHlft'it. D'EPINTEIL 1 ETANS, Civil- E.vcixttns aud r-iTEsiT SoLiCiioaa. No. 4W4 at street, 'bilr.clolj.i.ia. Fatenlt soiioitej a.ir.e.n:i on nginer:r ng and i.. vl.es, Me-cs ni--i Machi..c-.y of I k.i is mule and ssiutuily attended to. f- . .-.al niuJe and swutuily nttendeil to. hi i-: I to lie 1. ion iriven 10 le'eote't cases antl ir.l"Ttoi enc I A'l beo.io oopies of a.l uoouments lieai i'ateu; v;'- ucr ; r"-iii. in . L saveyouiijivrj urniru an. a anii''r.iveliing exper, i.s toere is no actual t.e.d fir pers.ir..-.i inter vie sr with us. All l-ntiuets w'lU these 'ikices can beaarnctcdiu wriilrg. For fur tLcr Inforn u i'l. ilireet ij above, with sta.up enc'.Mid, for Circv.iar with refereneea. eoiu.iry 3, )-t lj. UEAi; LSTATE AGCNC. Orrit.-, AlAiitCL SIl'.ET, Sunbury, Fenn'n. GW. IIAUPT. 1. . bavl'i tr.kintf out li-tirtn, '. under the Lulled S.ulet ercirf La.is, as Real Ls.ate Agct, oSers fur sale the Ij.iotiing jroptrly, to v, i l : oU-y VC05 good buiMing lots er.I 2rc (, uire'.l.ng houses', iii Iho b-rougti ef auubary. A la. in i.i L F-rcr A3s'.a lok.ihip, contains lnu acres, n. -re or less. Asmnll I ina ctunair.ini; ."0 acres, taore cr I ss, abtit one u :lt' fuiu I'svloo.'. ShareU.c tet'ESl.;?. A small hcrm containing ii acres, n.ore er leu. in Iri-h Tallt; . -l. tuiokin lt.wtss.ip. Suere arc good buildings oii ihite n.iee lai ris. buubury, .lawa 10, lioti. if. i'ui-e I,l!cr?r T".":"If .. Toe Wiiiie.t. iho mwl djral'.o ond tho mcst eoe Wl-.ol.sti!.' P-ng. raint a a fca.ers. No. lo7 N.vth HiiRD iirect, I'bilcdc: luu. January S7, Itj.Mly. Washington House. SAliUb-I. B-NYUHH. oi'PoetTC TfF. sr.r cockt uoiet, SLXECRi. PA IlIfTS iK,pular and comfortable JJotol hot b n'tVlipiu .uperior order lor the .oeo..da. tion at SUange-, Ir.velleit, and lue public , goner -iuy Xso el-it ill be spared by the Ptoj.ier to make it afavo.iie resorl tnd a ,,oa.ant bomo for "-v itusst Hi- labia. Lis bar. snd tbe long -nerie.it of the proprietor, warrant him in enu.. in a liberal share of pui-liu patroDage. Eiteusive siables, and every dtwuab'.e oouve-ni"".e- . 1 Suubury, April 7, isto ly 8AUAT00A TRl'N'KSst W W. ApeT'a. T)r"'isr'lltssiisi i-efully eompounued of the i -K-sl DKIwUS at riiiVTii fit hi VnitiHiotb fciore or i , .. r ,. , 1 r . s t o V. aikitt.kj m cv.-t Boi-burr. Mut "3. l&ii. SlOEa Of KVr-KV DEiiCHiPf.ON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers