HI)C UllbUri) &lltft'if(111 ! H. B. M.AB3EK, Bclltor ft Proprietor. 11. W1LVEKT, Publisher. - ATUIi)AY, ' rajltf Ali V ' 10, lstio. of line I'iiIoii liK-tvutlvc ! Ill l( (oo. A meeting of the t'nlon K.vccntivo C'oii) mittto ol'Noitluimlierliiiiil. County, will lie held in the Union Lenyuo Jin!!,, in the Bo joufih of Sunlmry, nt 1 o'clock 1 SI., on Tin Hsn.w the 22d day of Ki'nnr'utY, next, l'niietiiiil atteiKlnnee 13" requested us business of iinptirtnnrc will lie trnnsnrteil, KM'L. Wir.VKIt'l', ChiiiYimin. ' Sttiiltiri, ,itniHtri 211, 1SG0. CmmiTti:k t Tuilnt, Anion Itnln r : Lcwii, I,. Vllnye Tml.iitvi!le, A. T. Ilisel : McKwfiigvillr. (i. AV. Dixon Delnwnrc, .1. i Weeks, Milton, It. M. l'riok ; Point, T. II. Wntls ; N'nttlitini herlund, I). M. Uimilioiini : Upper .iiirii.tn. Siuniicl Olierdoif ; Lower Auf,niffl,'Il. llffl ner: 15iis.li, ;. Knse; Shnmokin hnronh, 1 5s. limn: Coul, Jo. Wenninger; Mt. 'nr mel lioroiih, .Ion; Iloo'-er: Cameron. Sol. Dun kleherer; Y.vri ll.V. Jlnnim; Jack mm Dtiniel Seal ; Lower jlnhoiinv, Anvon Seiler; .lorrliui, Moses Trontinnn ; Wnvhin;toti. A 11 drew Uncher; Upper Mnhniioy, 1 ;m'l lleim: Little Mnhonoy, jC. DiinklebeiyiT j Miumo kin, Jneoli l Mtu-nrli ; Ml. C'tiimcl twp., Jus. Atlntns. ftoral affairs. ii s'rllina Winter liiK licut:il IhuHMr, iuiibury. iU at eo.-t, at llie Cn-li. l-X' '' I'l'bli-h 11 price list if the nuiAirls in New York, which may be interesting to J-ciluccrs mid enii-uiiirrs. U-'Thc Ki.viero JIousc in Leuiburg has been j Mid to J. 51. A C. 1". llrss, of l.cttisbtirg and .1. V. ! Jordan, of 'irinia. for twenty thousand dollar-:. i y The boroTili vt rollsville doeu not nnd has J. DIM) iu the treasury. 11, dollar Ui' The lullovwng pcrsoiii were elected dircclois of the l-'irst National Jhmk of .'eliii-'ne. 011 'I'ues tlay of last week : tieorjju Sclinurc, II. X. liackus, W. F. Wat-cn-seller. W. 1". J.'ckberl, l. C. Kyer, liauicl fury, lieu. L". 51o)er. 5t. 1!. lloluinii uiid.'. I!. Yoiiiick. - m m - - ijf- It A itimiss tiMiiinil must nith the lunly ; there are lcore 1ilo..voins in the vallt-y lhiiu fii Ihe Iiills. llnth liigh mid loir procure their clo'.hii!)! Iroui J. V.. Smick. opposite AVeavcr's tlolcl, us it is. conceded dial lie k. cps the best at the low esl prices. ii KseATKli. Sainucl l.enhnrt and Ml. Lock i- I who were eonlined in the j til at this pinee. inftdii their escape on Saturday lust by scaling Ihe wall ol the jail yard by menu of it poker tin! to tie- el it of a lope. One ot them v. liilo engaged in a fracas at (ieorgc'own, on Tcisday. was arrc.-ud by Co.1uUe Scib-r, mid brought ui tojail. but tiie Coiistiihlc was i.ot r.warc that the Sheriff had ollercd a reward for he same prisoner until Ihe latter pointed lu the nd el liseir:el.t and said t- the C .l;s table, am the I'el b-n.'1 Lei hart is well kiriwn here, r- a paper laiigei . tin. I v.e in lion on a ih.ign of l.ir:.n y. j he t-lhi r wu- eol.liucd on u cherge of l.-i e h . l'-,-- Tim iiuulict.' for jpiiiii, iiu t.-sioii Mitt hln.ol i f vi y thing ehe me r.ilel n.t ilult . 'i'lii-i c if .1 rnlual lieelii.e in nil the eilk.-i. vust tnl ,vtt v.l.h'h um?l cntiituu until all i-ro!iu't fraeh their l otnuil rtiu. tiitiuii. lho.e wht. K'-IJ b:uk, expcelin hih. r jitk'W, will tin I thelti'-elvetf ;rK-ly itiislnlien. .M;.ny tirticlcs arc ikv sellin,,; -j per tent higher liei t. th:in in Iheeitif.-. 11 ml perhujis i-0 jer ctiit. Iii;;h r tin 11 ill' v will be il 11 lew hiol.th hei.ee. 1 5- 'flie ofliircs ill tho new cuuit It. or e will l Ci.-lal Hto.l 11. a low I1I0I1.11-. V. iit.Tl 1 1.- K .; T. lie -notary. Continissioiiers, Ac., will huie an oppor tei.it; if jutting thing iu order. In Ihe i.ieuii iiiiis-.it is but just to say, that the, manner in whi.-h the ihcolliec of llegisltr ami Jtccorder if iLiseoimty i- kept, under tho circumstance, is veiy coditaUe to its -r:.scnt in-uiiibent. 5lr. Cniiiiiiin,'-. tin gone l i a good drill f Iromde i airanging ,he j.-ti ers and 1 . . .1 p: 1 1 1 . .1 :.. 1 .. uei-iaai-his ill u:t: o-.i.-.-e. i-imi oas.io-.-viiit.iiii i.ir .. ; i---; hi- accounts in su.-li a manner as to give entire r.iti.-f.ictioii to all whti have occii-ion to lraii-ae: lot. riiuss ill his ollica lJ' It ll.sT II I1.1VT AT NollTllt'.llil.ni.lMI .Mr. John Dccti. ir., formerly of Dniivill. . bin Inkcii the Pestaurani in thel.. & Ii. It. It. Depot building a ! Ni-ithun.bcrhrttf.niid has refitted the i-siabli linient. His many fiittdinnd llie traveling eomimuiity wii. bo giii-l lo It am of this, as he is well 1-fr.c.n to j-.,s-m-;.- tiie tbiliiy to c iter I.ir the i:iiict- ui.-iii. j"A CAHIi. 'i !i: undcrs'gned v.. -ni l la!:.: this oc.'iisioii to in. i cr llu ir sir.ceic Ihanl;' ai. I giatt.ul e -Uriiu Sidgnn-id-lo I'M those who so kit. ily luliit.--1 ni l lo them dm ing 11 cir iteent illmis nt Siiidmry. a ud particiilai ly llie "Musoidc I ratcn.ity who so geiseroisly coiiti -iiutt-J ml iu tin ir joinr lo Iheir 0 111 foil and rapid reivuory, and may a kind 1'ir.ii ilcnce give h.-t, 1 lhat n-wi-rd due tho-e v.horlioir H1-I1 L i nt! nt-.-.- .11: ! v. 'inpiithy lo slr.-iiigcrJ. 5'lrs. A .Mr. C. I.. LiMi. I'iiv-l-amton. Jan. .".U. ISii'l. . N. Y. ,Vhole.-.:ila -k-M o:' L'uunlr I'roducc loll Tin: Vki:k imh.mi Feb. 1, l-e'ii. 'Il l fi ll.o.vii g nrj Ihc ciiiicnt ralea of crticlt hi (,-o.id c'liliiioii. i.s .-.ill ly eel. in, i-i, a; huu-cs. r( Yiboles ile. Sinppcis receii c a t-i Jtl -or cent. b-s.. lUductc-.I t'.r e ii.'.iiii.-j'eui-, be.-Me fr.-i,,lil ard other I. HANS UN I'lM. De.-.n. neir pe i. A uieil piiinc. i..-r l.nsti : 1 i:is. new htdiity. nr l.u-h j-rinio . .ii'u S Lean.-, nt-iv marrow, prtiou ti.'- lteniis. inlerior, Deal.. Lima, prime- IVns, Caimdiitn ptr bu-h. PeltS, Soutlieril bli.cl.til.l Jul bu:ll 7jii 1 1(1 una 1 1.1 1 .-a 1 1 iti.-i 1 r.i iTi.n. The butter market ii ijnilo 1111 t ilK.,1 week, an I iricc.i vary 10 ditlerenl bicalities. e:u-li pi-i.-ii getting nh.-il be win, but yielding scl eral tents j er Jti in most -a..es t'it!',ci- 1I11111 ni.ss u sale, iiiatc, flikui. I.ii" j-cr lb. . .".Ta-'hi tialf iii-kiu tubs, Slate lino icle liikiiis, nuidiuui jier Hi r'ciin-i Ivuuia lub.i and pails Middle and Southern "hio bolls, in wrapper j.vr In bolls, not wrapped, i :ii:i:si:, J.nglisb dairy, Conn, prime, per lb Lnglisb dairy. Conn late iiir.ku l-ii.glish doiiTi Ohio, i'ilioapl.lc. per lb inr.ge touiity Stiin Milk, Je.r lu 'Jon 11.011 skiin .Milk, j.er lb., 1:1:1s. 'Cut Jcify and Pci.a yliu. Yv!i j'er el Male, ijfil niarki , xVctorn, p -r d is. ;o..iev ler Limed 1' gss per doe t.gg t.'ala J.er biiatl g ui I :.-.a til ;';'.a:;.i L'liiSl ;tti..:t.l V.'i Urn Jill. :.;,i.:r, I . ... 1 7 II. ili .,, U --! ,'0.1.7 l;a:'.S 4. 1.1 ill , mi it ANU .MT.- niui.i.. Dried rea-.hes are abundant, cuiuinjj in freely Iroui Ihe South, 11ml mil "lowly. Thu receipts -f foreign fruit, peci.-illy i Oi inges and prune, ire so Inre that it i,tleet tho ' .lie ot domestic sort. A few prime Apple, have been sold at Lijo. We quote : -Apple, ueiv idiecd I p.-r lo. Mali; new Stuto Ual3; ull u.ill. UlacU- I b uriis, per lb. MUa.'U ; Cherries, it1ed jn-r lb 4a1t.itJ- 1 Clurriei pus iu er lb. s'lild; Jliekury lls i,r ' bu.-h. ii Wa:i M liluck WulMiiVi pi.buliiuui,i, j bulleiaula, per bu.-U, in.nij ; 'e.icii -s, 111 ieeled ! whole) jut lb I2uj 1 Unn'led (halve. A iiutr l.. ! 1st; pewlcl, 23,i !ll. i'ennufs jier bu-b J 7 ju.'l uu Piiin., ;!J i.'!0 ; Ku.-'iWri j.ti Il 1ju1; Wboiilo- binii j.er II). 1 l'tiLUii ami 111. milts -Ajipl'4. not .idling; ' quite 11. null, uifii. lo tho abuudu 10141 ol Orungo. ! juit now. Cr uibrrriu. arc unchanged fen banil I ory tinu Jersey bun i as bringing. f 17. Apples, com- ' 11.011 per bU. 5uu$l (1(1; good, i'jM uu Crau- 1 Leiries, Clll.l per bol II UUii!.', C0JUU.0L i UU.ltl (Hi. 1 M bat. Beef and .J'or aru l.ul (bang as nell. 1 Most of Ihe We-di'Tu 3re4ll boy. are sold iu lots al K'le. V c quote : lieef side, per lb. VH . Decf. fore quarli-r er lb -;il2 D. cl hind quarter J Jul 7 enl, 1 urci.sea ill. oil uo 'lll t "k. We.-tern Ourea 4- I urk, Uno u I Jcry Care i.-cs I.'. i ll.l ''Ia' J15 -"""ivnKit Coi-jitt iirmoval question. (lie two lulls in the legislature, Intended to jo-event ,tiio removal of (lie ont iff Justice from Middlcbnrg ,to Sollnsgrove. One qf wliicYlfai to repeal tlic not of removal, and the oilier to submit It to ml a of tlio Jicojde. lloth bills were defeated lp committee, an I received a ncgntito.Yttltaiaendnlioa.:. The .S'olins grovo Timm man who veorod around and look n jmsition against the iutorc.it of hi own tqwn, a few week niiicc, lias thus licen lnoed In rather nn awk- j ward jiositlon. Like an in between iwo stack or liny, il Is more, Mian probable, (hut he will Into to fodder on thistle nt lact. tj'Thc numerous lanlcs. puli-agcs commiitel in llin mir.liur region of Rcliiiyliill, hay coin'rHloil tliccilisons t npi'ly to tho Legislature for a law aiilhuriiing a Detective jtollce tome. LMk.FI". 1 Wis. Tt is agntn ic-scVled that Jeff. l)n ia i t be tried shortly by a military commission. i-i,''"To TnosK I.ndkktho.- Our pntrniis till know tlnit our expense? nrc now twice ni tnucli as l'onnrrly. In our business we must pny tho cash for nil wo coiii-tunc. Wo therefore nsk tho favor of our patrons to re mit us the amount d'.to 111, though it tuny bo sum!!. Th? In-jje nmount of small bills out standiiij,' when brought t vgcthel', will a nn iii'.portunt itetu mid grently uid Us in our business. nEwTdveutjsoiknts. LOTS FOR SALK In ttie ESoi'oiili of Mnottiir'. flUi undei -ine I olTcrs in piiviitc-alu ilualc between I'iiwni tker utrei ts below Whurllo berry. For term". Ac, cnll on I'AVIIl Cl.l'.MDNT. 5uiil cry. Jan. t?7. ltt'V 'tin. I'lT.LIC SALE of .1li!l nnd I'tim lraM'ri, J S'Tl.'ATF.on lYjn:i Creek, juljoliilns J.'e'T T rlin, ; . I'liioii I'oiinly, l'i'., coiilii'urni;; uVoiit t . .jiB'M:S':. 'i'nt.eVn.ti,,:iliivofFAl!M l.M. iml embracing ! one of til 1. lii:sr CF WATi:i! l-OWKliS, including botli si l"s of the creek. The iiiiorovcoieuls arc ' tluee dm lliiiirs. tvo stables, two mill buildings, nn- I l ie orchard und one half of Ihednm built, with I licict mid tail race complete 'I'his property being j ilia pulilif place -'iirn.ui.de. 1 by a lliieklv settled I and ri.-h I'm niing country, is will situated for any kind of bii-il.css requiring a stmng wnter power. I Sale to commence nt II o'clock. 'I'u-sil:iy . iiir-li (Ills. at Iba Public ll.mse'ol SA.Ml'LL I! A I ,M New Pcilin, In ion County, Pa.. : when thetirins (whhh will be easy) will be inndu Inonn bv Ihe subs. -ril.ei s. .lU'.YF.I'.S A ;IXl:llAI5T. New llerliir. FJi. :;. t sr.-; . , .,"iittis.Si-i;.l;i-!. c;5-c. T 1 1 U'F. i- Irrol.v g . "l that lellei-s of iidiiitnis. j j. lii'U"i. h ,i"i!iti'er ffi'-anled to Ihe '.ur.scrihi'r. on ih'j est-to of Mary M. CP ir. late ol Lower Ail-ri.-ts lown-hip. Xorihiii.J.erl.i.'.d Count-. Pa., du- 1 eea.id. . iiorsous ki.owini.- theuiseU i indented ! line rcito-ted to make iiiiiiii-.ii.it e piuii nt. and j those Inning elniii'S. to n.-i-nl then: duly auilicnli. . ce.lc I loi -etil-.-n.i :.i." j JOHN SXYDFK. Adiiiinistrator. Lowiji- Aiigo'ta twp., Jan. 1M. Isilii. rMUVL! COAL!! ('OAIJ!!: aiiAiTT & ErtcrriER, Eri'iilt-i-M 111 I tiiri.: Ac t:i:E st oai in i-irery nro-ly. nest .turd, of Die Ce! i;-..e A-f iii l"ay Coal. L-bralel Henri t 1 ie,i i.li 11 .IT. Si M l IIV. P.l. Sn.l.urv. Jim JfSWUTHW WATKR. Ihe f 1u'ii-liini rc-'ilt.- illicit litt' ntleihletl this irv';lunMe tiietlioiiie itioves it to be the nu-st j ertVet remedy over ili.-tv.verril. So l:in!iii;it Vsin envry nii oilefHte hle'l ft' the itii'n.lhiSj 11 ml almosl mi rnt'iihu.J i liime whiOh il 4iee! ton.- lo tin lU-bilittited Mi l ilir. tt tTl sy-li"'. In t.ict i: ii:unls nnrivulleil n r-iii -.I v 11' thi;, pt ruiMiient cure of I 'inh-tc.-'. i ii.pu.tr U'-y.jJ..-uf U t-.Mihir Kin r . I'hy.-ieal l'rns tiri'inM. li'.V;''f;tItin. nn-iv!i'iiliu!i or ltn,'iii!iii''iiee i I.Tf.i: .. I.e. .,,,11., , ,i. Kliiddcri'iiul Kidney's. Disci- ofihe Pi-os;niieiilaud. t sSuit-in the liidder, Calculii. liravil. or llriL-kiiust I Desiit. and all tliseascs or u'.hv'.ious ot tii lll.-nlder 1 and hiilueys. and Diopsicul .v' elliug.s existing iu '. M-ii, Woiuon, or Ciiiblrcu. I i'oi- l!itsi I)i--lio jx--i:!iiii- t'f. f:i:tli-s. Const ii nl ion l:i-i- in il Jim rrcign il :iii-4ii . Tt-cse ti leguliititt.-s arc lb hiisc of I'letjueiitly re el, iiing i.-i a-e. an i tinoiigh neleet Ihe needs of ' li-ore grave and duiig'-rou- maladit s nrt the result; . aid n.s iiit:i:ih i.ftor month passes iiitiioutau r.f,. irt l.eing nii-ile to assist l.li-III the tPo'iculty bi-eonics .-hroni -. Ihe paii. nl gra luallv lose her nppelil. Ihe i Low-els e.r i.stipatcd. night siveat eoine on. and iitnsi:t.ij-tinit fiiielly cii.i. her career, j F.-l s.tlc bv all J'i ugg.:'s. 'i-i.-e l. ' ' Vi' It iiit Lliti, .V CO. Proj rieto-s. oit se -. .ii.a-:.f. O.io ml .Ae:it-. No. ','' CliiV ,ti-i-.-t. New Vml.. I't-biuary :t, s';'.:i tiii-.o. 1 'T!i1l'R1 a. I.W W Wn r- -7- vs"i 4. y Vj Jr J.jwiO I Jl.liSM.XS Iim nig mire ci rded Deeds are remitaled I I. H at the -11. list be ice.-rd-d. i,cc -i ding to the Act i.f A cinldy nhi 'li e iiiii s lb-it All tlce Is and coir, cyar.-.-es for real 1 late in this C.iuiineiiv.f tilth, sl.iill t.i. record, 1 in Iheifiiee for ltecording 1'lced- in the County where the IhmIs lie wititiit ,i.r ittntlh afur Ihe execution of such deeds and eoiiveyanee ; ninI every such in ed and convey. n:ce i-'-t rct'orded a aforisaid, shall be judged ; i-'IIAl lit I.LNT AND V"l D ngaiu t iinysub-eqiient purchaser for a valui-ble consideration, uideSfi- mch d"ed ; be ecord"d Itefore tin; recording of thedced or i conveyance under which such subsequent J urchtwr cr mortgage shall claim.'' '. Augu-I ISiij AUBOTYPE AKD I'lIOTOOEAPII Our J. lion-en's' St. 'r , c'nier .Market JL lnvn Sis. ' Q( , 111 i-itiLV, itifoiuis his friends nud the public k.'. gc : best sil l rally, that he is li;r.ing- lVrlrniti in the mil Lium.rr nt his 0 .i 5 1 1 ry in the aboie I jilaec. I AMIlIloi'VPFS AMI PilOToiillAPlIS, ; are taken in every style id the Art. that cannot Le ; iirpnscil in ihv Slate, llai ing tr rrnl year , expo I rieiicc. heiiillgiie sat i-fact ion or no charge. Cojiies will be taken fro'u nil stilus of Pictures. liive hi 111 a call. Itemembcr, mer Jio.veu . ."uue. Sunbury, June 17, I-10 ?. ICriKfiiiAJ t!5ailru;il. WINTER AF-HAWOEMENT. JKov i;7ih,J19a5. UKAT Tltl'.VK LINK from the North mm ': V t .Noilh-West for l'biludelj hiu. New V uk. Head- in.-'. Pott-: ille, I.chiinoni Allciitown, Kaston, Ac. I Trains leii.o llarrisburg for Xeiv-Voik, nj fob " ! atid t'.Ui A. 51. and 1.45 and li.i ll P. 51., arriving at New ork at a. -10 and In tin A. 51. ami ;t. til unit 0. ;.j P. 51, ooiinectinit with similar lruinj.011 loi- j-ehiisyii-iima liailruad ; sleeping I ars uiiianyiiig Ihc 3 lij and V.Ui A. 51. 'J i it i tt s. with- iiit eliungu. Leave for Heading, TulLiiUc. Tainanua. Minora- ville, Ashland. Piuc tirove, Allcuintt-n and p, iladcl. pin i at 7 .Jo A. .1. an, 1 1. -la and Unu P. 51 stoppiug at Lebanon and iniueinul stations ; the 0 on n m Train making no close connection fur Fnttst ill. uor Pliiladi Iphia. For Poitsville, Schuylkill ilav ti and Auburn, lia 'chiiylkill and SiiMjuehiiuua Uuil rotul. Icniu llarri.sbiirg at 4.011 p. in. lietuining: Leai o New York at 9 HO a. iu., 12.01) N, , on Hi S. on p. in.; Philui'.elphiii at 8 (ill a. m. and ;i ;t:i p. in. Pott.-iille at S.:in ni. and 2 4 j 11 m.; A.-lilainl II.HU und 11. 4i a. no and 1.15 p. ui ; fuuia Hoa nl ;..'j a in. ami I 40 p. in. Leave l'ktill for Itarrisbiirg l ia Schuylkill anil .Sii.-.nehi:(o.a.Uailruail al fi 4." a. in. ltciitlii.g ALCouiino'lalion Train leaves Heading at 8 i A. 51. returning from Phib.dclpb:a ut 4.30 !. M. - - . l.oluiiibiit Pailr.i i.l Train:' leave I'.e.idii,g at (l.lfl a. .u. aim ll lj iv M Coluuibiti, Ae. lor F pi. lata. I.itiz, 1. unco. lor (in Suntlays: Leave Xew Yolk at R 1" 51, PLils delpbiit a.U I 51. PoUsvillefi.i'll A. 51., Tainaijuart A 51. liarri.-burg 7. Ili A 5! and ltua.Uug ttk 1 A. M for ilurruburg, and 10.42 a lu. li.r Sets Yrk. Coiumutation, Mileage, Heaon, and' Flxnumion Tickets, at reduoed rate, in and from all point. Jtiigg.igt chucked thrtiugb : Ml 1'uuud. ltfiai;u al lowi'l ta.li l'n.ener. (1. A MCOI LS, (ioiienu Sujieriuteuiienl I'oe. j). I kyj. 0 0 NjS TITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A fi'-'Mtlve and upeeiflc remedy fur nil dwoasra orl friiiutiiig troni an Iiiipiiro Slutm i.f 1I10 lMeod, and lor (ill ihrruuitary) Uteaafu irnnmiiinf a trqui iai'eui tJ e'ui lild. 8CHOFUt.A 1 fTUt'M A, ti LA vIt'l..lt SWLLLINUi?, l l.t'Hlt ATl.iN. UIXU LVIL. LllVSIl'DL.S SALT ItllKt'M. Tills tniut (liewdiliiry and aeriuircd.) tilling lifti with untold 'misery, in by all usual medical remedies Incurable. . . RHEUMATISM. Tt there is nny disenso in which tho Cun'lltutinn Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism ami its kindred nflcclinns. Tho most littenso pains nro nlnioct instantly nlleviated enormous swellings ara reduced, ('uses, chronic nr vncnrioiH, ol twenty or thirty ycirs ftnudiug liava been enrol. I . JiKHVorSXKStt. ervoii I.'bility, rihnttered Verves, I ft. Vitus' lianee. Locs of Power, I , t'onfusion of Tlioughts. )pileiy, . Thonsnnits who have fnlTcrcd (or years will bless i Ihc d iy on which they rend these line. Particular ' ly to woiik. siill'criiit women will thi nie lieiiio .rove Jin iuestiuinblc lilessing directing their footsteps to : n.'t'po rhicu fulfills morethiiu in promises. -! .. MEltl'l'KIAL ltfKAKKN. ! .Salivation, liotlin of llmies, ' ; Jtrid Vomplcxloni Aches in iloiifs,1. i Feot'iigof Weariness. Je;irusi'n of f'di'iu. j l'ons!itiilion Life Syrup pur;.. tlieMlfin entirely i from all the e il elici ts of Mercury, "rcinoviri; the I Had llrcath. eurinc the Veak Joints and l'hetiuiatic i Pains which tho use of Calomel is suie to in mi net?. ' It hardens spongy (turns and secures the Jeeth u.i ' ns firinlv as ever. CONSTITUTION Lin: PY15U1'. lii;ulii."ilc. root and branch, nil .Fiuptivc iiieii5es, of the -kill like, ULCK15S, l'i.Ml'Li:.?, ULOTC1IKS, and alt oilier difficulties of tlrs kind, which so much disiire the outward appearand of Lot li males flint females, often iiinktn tliein a iltsusting olject to tlo-msclves mid Iheir triciols. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYULT Cuie nl Swelling of the ti lands. ...I liitiier of Ihe Face, Neck, or Fem-ilo Jlrc-ist, i '. should be taken as soon as ihe swelling is detect.- !, ilius preventing their breaking, nud pro liming iron . blesouie discharging sores, i. hich ill.-ligiu-e in many j of Ihe younger portion of the comuitii'y, from six . to twenty year, of age. Young children arc very ! suliject to di-e!nirgcs from the cars, which depends upon a .serofaiojis eous'.itutioi). 'l'lieso cases roou i recover by taking a fen- doses of the Life ."'yrup. All Kt'i'nfulr ins 'pr."ii! ufl't-rin? Troin 'nonil 1 It'uity. J-ywi'riwi nn I I'r'ry of ill"' limit., nli.loriicn. niitl in tlic K'iniitc. Itrupst. v ft" (hi murk's iiiil niuil, pMivrnlly itctouiii!itiii;tl wiiU 1 nft:i itiatiiOi mxl I " lr iititjn of tho rtLTii. nn pLViiunu'iillv iMirvl ly ('mi ttiluli'ni Life Syrup. The tlij-vyst' known (Joitru i nr iwvll l i-k. tho Svrup will ri-movc vu- tin-ly. The rtnirly flmithl Ik titken IVir otm? tinu. Ihe li.-.i:i-'o extTetliiily elnunio nnJ stuhbom. anl will not he rrmoved w iil.nut extrn i-tlort I'mnors of Ihe Ov:iriej. Ttiiirs uf the Ui eiit. aiitl fwcllini; fif other irl.unU uf thelm lv. v ill he c:ni - plfti lv reiliift-d without i e.-oi lini' to the kh:l, or lipileplie fit, synipntheiie or organic diseu c" of Ihe nriiit, nr p;i j.ujii mn. (license.- nt the valve1-. -pin iluein u rii;iri;r r' 'itit- uoiiml. ilrpsy uf the in-nrl cu.'e 1111U nit the niVceii'tifS of thit iiiipiirtnnt . rui! (pi istms wnlVcriii fru'm nny (mute piiin in thi Tei-jn if ihi-he.'iHK will be rreutly r.lievel by Cuttitu tion I. He Svrup: . Jnik-ijuwiT Hinl J-lie:ile Von itntinii. fufV.'n'i from liiii'-po.ition t Uvertitm. I'ui.i in the Ltiek I.h..-1 i'1'..Mi'in'iy, Fiirehiwliir.:. Hrrtir ut t'itlumitv. i'earof (.'ienyc. 1'iiinn t. Vision. Jry. Hut hik! K.tr-niitit Wi.iit nf er-p, ilc-nV. sii' s.-.. 1'ale 1 1 fXM"l L'tiiiiteiimNMii; 1 l.:iUi'te of tlw .Mn-vn. I tr ry.-tein. n!l riju;re lhi r.M -M' hs (,-"i-itut Xti l.ita rj rtip. R I. F O T F 0 1! A I. I. F O U 51 S OF ULCEKATIYE DISEASE; Kit her .f the No-v. Tbro;it. Tohjriit'. Sjdno, Korel.ua I, orSealp, mi remedy h'us everpiovcd I'm efjiml. Moth fn'ihea njn.n the f.'ina'.e fiiee depenlin upon tin iliin?fed aetioii of the liver me very ui. ple.isiint to the Voun;; wife and mother. A lu bo(. tleti nt i'mfiliditiou Jjite Syrup, w ill eorret 4h m eretinii and r. im.ve the .ii-pnait whi-.U i-; ilireeily und.'r the i-kin. In tiie di.-east' of Ihe Liver, rii in. i u.o to Lhti jailor, 1 iiiHf!. Iutlieti"ii. Vt'i'iik Stomiiuh r air uleerated or eMie'i-roii.- emdilion ot that uriim. lie eompm.ied with burning or oih' r yjipJi'i-ait fyin tni. will be Mb-ved !y tlrj v-e VI Cuii-tihul'mn Life Srri'i.. tj' As n t-neriil lilood I'luii'vin Aent th.: Lite Svrup ftn.vN iui; i idled by any prepiualioii ia the U'oi M. THERICH AND POOR i are liable to thef.-ime dicn-i!. Nature and Snin"e Ii-ij madu the Constitution Life Svrup for the ''o i lit of all. PUKE BLOOD I rodiicts healihy m- nud vvotiu-n ; nud if tin c oi i-Hlulioii U i.eb'e'e j in youth. dtea-e tti tl early U .a;h ii -eriilt . I'l b.e. cl pet bt.tlle ; oiu- li. If dozen for ?7. WJVE- H. GREGC3-, T.. fc'-ll.i: PUormi.TiiK. .p,y, Vol'.K. MOIKiAX A ALI.F.X. ' iiole.-iilc Druggists. AgUls No. 4o Cliir-st... New o. l . OLo. C OooiiWiN A CO.. I!,. stun. J. II. ItLI-.D. A CO., Chicago. Ft l.LLK, FIN'CII i I'I 1.1, Kl!. Chicago. COLLINS ilKuTIII-.P.S. St. Louis. ! J. D. 5'AKK. ;neiiiniti. . . I ,loil.-o, HOLI.OWAV A CO.. Pl.ibn' Inhln II A It lis, WAltll A CO.. New Orleans. li.VllNliS. HI-.N'ltV A CO.. .Montreal. Canada. 110STI-.TTl.lt .-Ml 1 il A 1 'KAN, Sail Franc i-cn, C'nl. i'ehniary II. l.-v.i. fim K'ci-t- ialii-rly Yt hile I,-ai. Preft rred by nil pra;lieal Painters ' Try il ! and j on will have uo other. .Manufactured only by .i LO Ll.lt A SMITH. AVhilesale Drug. Paint X- tilacs Dealer. No. l.'if North '1I11KD Street, Philadcljihiu. Jaumii'v L'7. IMi'i Iv. .!5V MlilK T l'rS8 I 'ti- 0'eat.OV(titi"ii of the Ago In Jli.tol' SK'IUTS. J. V.'. 1 '1 ADl.liY'S New Patent DI PLFX iiLLU-. TIC ( r double) SPUIXli SKIlli". This invention e.nei-ts of Duplex (or two) Fflipti-. Pure ltefuied Steel Springs, iucniuusly braided tight ly and firmly together, edgo to edc. making thti Umghcsi, ino-i llcxible, elustio and tTuralilo Spring ever used. Tbcy seldom bend or break, like the sin gle Springs, aa 1 ton.-'i 'quviitly nre-irrie their jierfect aifd IT. ii i I it nl shape in., re than twica iu lung as any .iugic .prfng skill lliat ever ha or ran be made. 1 he uoii lei fol flexibility and great cniutort and liieiisuru to any ladv wealing tltu JJutdex Jiltii-tie I Mit will n- experienceii jiarlicularly in all crowded Avemblie, Operas, ('arriagts, Htii road Cars, Chuicli Pens, Ann Chiiiis, l',.r Piemenade and liouse l.ire.-s, a Ihe Skirt eiui ho folded nlicu iu n.o lo occupy u small plm-c a eiLiily and coiitcuicully ai tt Silk or i ."Uslin I'ress. a in ly nai u g ciijtj cii inc j'lcniur. coil-lol l ami I gr'.-at C'liiveuii le-o of iveiiring the implex F.lliptio tlicl Spui'i Sk'u l for a sVglo day w ill never afi.-r-v.mdsw'illi- gly li.(iviiMili their use. iVr Cliil dre'n. Misses and Ye'u'ij; I.adie. limy ure suj-erior to ull other. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply twisUd three! I ami will wear tivico a' (Vug as lite .iiigle yarn cortr I iog whieli i used on all Single ftccilnop Skins. I The three bottom lodsou ever) M.irl ui'e alui Doublu , yteel. und tuico or double coCtred to j.revviit tho IcoveiiuK Iroui wearing oil the red. when drugging ' down .lairs, stouo flops, etc., etc., whieli tiu-y aru ' cou.-iuiuly snl'j ct to when iu i.ie. I Ail are iii .de of tho new and ilcgi.ul Cord - lTape. ' und arc ihe be.t nualilv iu every part, giving to r)- carer iho uii.1 placet ul and pvrteet shape H'.-si'i'a, a. ut in v ti"iiie..uunaniy uie iiguiest, uiusi uesiruuiv, ' eon.forialilv and economical Skirt ever uiado. ! WliSTS.liUADiJiY C'AlttY. I'ltOPHU-.TOltS if the fiiieiiliun, and"Snlo Manufactures, DJ Cbaiu ! beis, and ill i SI lieu le tiro is, New Y'ork. ' Fur sale iu all liist-ela.-. si. urn in this City, and throughout the I niled btatu and Canada. Hut una de Cuba, .Mem o, fcoullt America, aud the U Kit 1 Intlitn. v' Inquire lor the Dupb Lllipuo (or double) I Fpnug bkirt. N kvik, January t', Lsflil 2uio. . ,. - tup; - V E 11 IT Y 1 A N SYRtTP - is a vnoTi:cTi:i bolvtiox of tiik IVolotlde ol Iron, n new discovery In medleina which UTIUKE3 AT TUB ROOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood villi its 1 it!, eiil 'ciei li, Oil I. IKK KI.KMlT-rlKOJ!.' This! tho secret of the wonderful mccc: s of this remedy in citrinif llyspr'psln. Liver Coniplainl. Uropsy. Chronic 1inr rhic'i. lloils, Xcrvoii Affections. Chills and Fe vers. Humor. Los of Coiisliliitionul Vior, liiseasct of Ihe Khlneys nnd llla lder, Femalo Coniplainl, and all diseases nrij;iiiiitiiijr in n 11 A D STAT 11 OF T II K 11 L 0 o 1) or accompanied by tiKtiit.irv or a l ow m ate or THE KV.1TKM. Ilcin free fn in Alcohol In any form, its encri fing efleels nrc not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing stiikxi.tii.vio.iM iii J nkw i. ikk into all pm tsof the systcin. nud buil l ing an I HON CONSTI1 1.TJD.V. Dyspepsia and bkeility. l'rom Mr Yillryith'r Alcltlirtrnit SCOTT. J) . I) lit Kil.iM, Cannda Last, March 2-1. 1S1.". "I nni nn inveterate Dyspeptic of more tlinn 2-i yc-nrs .standing. '' ''I have been so wonderfully Ik in fl'!.' ! In tho three short weeks din iug wiii h I have used the l'cruvian Synip, that . I can i"a:ccly persuade myself of (lie renlily. l'eoplo nlio luive known ine nr astonished at the change. 1 am widely known, ami can but iveominemi to olhors that which lias done so much for me " . . Otic of, tb'i most 1)U t.in;'iiisiiod Jut!Li in e'.v Knghiud U'l'tos'. I u ''.-ijin! .w .... (tdliitt'!: ' I ha e tried the I-1:151" I'lAX SVUl'P. mid th.' result fully Fiislains your prediction. It hn made a new mnn vf me: uituseil into my -ysti ni new vior ai d nery ; I am to longer tremur.ijs and dcl ilita ted. as when you last saw me. but slronj v. heartier, mid with larger capacity for labor, nuolol i:iM physical, than nt any time during tho I;.-: ne years." Ait K'ninntt l)i i-i it? nf Ihxliin. rot: 'I have been using the PLKfVIAX lit" P f." some time past; it gives- me nlw i t. ion, iiicias.,, or t. i-i it i is . KI.AMTI iv oi mi .stt.r..." J liousan.ls have been changed t!;o use of this remedy ; from wi-'ah. sieklv ; ei-eatures, to ;rong hcalihi, and liaioo,- -ncn and women and invalids cannot rcii.- i.ildy hcsitaU to give it a trial. A panijdiMtd pages, contniniiig eerlili-ntct of eitn amj rcco.niiieuilalioi. from tome of the must eminent physician, clergymen, ii-id others, will bo se'it free t-ieiiv address. t.v S.-e Ih.i! mcli b ,t:b! has V V.V.V X I A X I .'- i I i f Ijlow ii in the gla.s. l-'or s ile by J. I". DIXSMoP.i:. Prorri"!. r :ttl Dcy Street, New 1 oik. ami iir ai.i. imrncisTs. ' SCROFULA. ! All Mr.li.-n1 Meimrer tha W1HNKh the Jl.vt 1 Itemr-ly fur Scrofula ami nil kiii-lrc'l (iiM! ifi ever tlie tvereil. The itiilijulty ha.- been tonhtain it Pure S(ilu(ioif it. Dr. K. AKrEIlS' IOEINK'WATER. Tn Vure Snlulhm nf Luline. Without n vrnt ! I C'niitaiiiii! h full irffMii to r n h mi pee nf watr, A V 10ft In.vei-fnl 'if:iliir .s nt Mt 1 l!s..rutivp. It ha eured and .' ill cure St. IlOV'l' JA in all its inuni fold lorm.-'. 1 - 1?-1.!MU K . , it nil ll )i Viwii iit'l Willi iislnnii'hir. ?:'cp.;.' i.i r;fie nf liheuiunliMii, Jy.pep:n. Coiinmpl ion, T'eineli1 t?oinpl.iiiitii lienrt. I.iver, nnl Kidney lir'.fw" i. Ac. t:ircn!i!rs will he.-ent freu to uuy um -Jen-r'n their l'ri eSfl.'-OiibMttle.oi C. fr ?. Oi lr,.,;ilv.l by I'i . II. AMj:i:', PhyMolan miu ,'lw iniit. l'orsnlebv J. V. MNSM'Uli:. ::i1ey Street. Xew Vuik. And bv nil Itrtiiritst. "Wistars Balsam or WILD C II TI SX f . l:a been used fur nearly HALF A Cli.NTl'UV. with the most aionbhing success in curing Ctiuglis. C -Id, lloaj-sene.-s. Sore Throat Jntneu;.n. 'hooping Cough, (ooiip. Liver Complaint. Dri chiii--, liiftieulty of Pi call. ing. t'l nri and every nlb-ction oi' 'l'fi- '1'Sitt-osi I, !.:ssif, :iil ( coNsr.vi-riov, ivhivll rsT- ie.' "11" Iliorc lictims slum other disease, an.', wlo.-h bailie ihe si ill of Ihe Phy-i -ians to a greater e.vtent than any uih'T malady. 1 ft-.n vii.i.os to this i!i:-.ii:ni ! when all other j-rove iiietlV elual. AS A 5! !i DIC INF, reji'ul ill r :licf, s-,.ii;ii:ig in i treet, safe in I o.iva ti.itt.it is in surpassed ! and is el. tilled n et its, and 1 r.-et-iiis tl e general eoliti lelicx tJ Ihe Mil. lie. M.V.M!UU5 T' V. H'ili. M'. D., of lleriuaM. N. V., writi' ns follows: I ' Wi t u s ll !am of Wil 1 ("Lorry gives ui.li rrs.'.l ' ':!i!-l,ic!:on. Its.-ems to cure a CoiilHi by hi , -eiiing . and clem-siiig the liiii -s. and u!!.'ijag ilrilat 1011, thus ' ri'ieoving the caiise. iit.-ad of drying up the cou-.-h and leal ing li e eau-e behind. I cnoler the Ji.d- .-am as 11s any. ll r.nt tl.o l.c.-t Couh nu ll ith which I am ne'jiiaiule.l.'' stiomc j Vrorn Hon. Judge SP15 lCKP,,r.rCaio,j..liaiie. N V. ! ticuilenien. This ',, to eciti:'y that myself im.-l ' f..t-.,';:y ha v.; used Dr. Wi.-lai lin'lsniu ol Wild "'lieiy. for si-vci.il y.-ais. and that I lake great Icsn'c :u ' re 1. 1. .ii. 1 tiding it in prc.'crci.eo t'- a:i;'t!. ig of t! : I kind !..r the ) urpost.-J ur it hi. h it is intended, lu , casesuf As huia phl'iisi-', or atVcetitu.s of the "I hro-.t, 1 1 lull s never met (ii;ii cnyth'lig cpi il to it j Very resiec:fiil!v. i '. DAY lb .hlVLAIvlin. ii.e Itev. JAColl SiiC15LI.il, or llan i.er. Pa . 1 WW kr, iwn and much ro.-pei.ti (5 iiuionM!:c I'cip-an J ..pul. ili. in in this co entry nial-es the fdlowing I tiitcmeut f.ii the Icnetii of tuc ntllieted.. I iiei.rSiis; llaving rca'ied in my fai.ii'.v taut hi!:e'it.s from the u.-c of your valuable p I tii ll Wbtnr' lialsam of X'i' Ciicirv it iin,or- 'CJihVa a Mi rdJ Suae ! lun j.lensure to recommend it lo the jaiUu 1 cijdit veara ugo one ot inv daughters seeim d to 1 a decline, and little hope.. .,f her reeovery 111 re t'l.ier : taincd. 1 then prucurcd a bot'le of your ex.-el!ciiL Laisaui. and b f-.fc she Iml taken the whole of the 1 e. ni'.-nt-of il-.e bottle there was a great itnprovenu nt ;1n her licalih. 1 bin e, in n y indii i-lu d ease n:a-l" ' fve-pient use iif- your valuable medicine, and have , alwtiis been bi'u lilicj l-v it. JAcoii s;:ca 1.1:1;. PltlCIi (i.MiDoI.LAlt A It'iTTI li. For sale bv J. P. MNMIOUi:. M DevFtrc.-f, New Yo-k. Fi.'I II W FOWi.li A SoX, Pr. pie lit. .IS-. lo-AtoU. And bv nil Dnf. I H!;A( i'.'.-i C'l'I.KllH.YTl'i) 5?A1.YH Cure Cuts, Il.trr.s, Se--i.'i-5. i (iltACl-.'S CLI.LbUATFI) SAU H ' I Cures Wounds llruises Sprains. CHACJi'S C FLIiiiK ATFD SAI.Yli ' Cure lJoils, I'lcors, Cancers. ' (ili.VCK'S Clil.LPUATliD "A LYIi Cur'-s Suit Lheum, lirysipclas. (iUACIi li Clil.IiKKATliD SALYli Cures Cli!iipe.l Iluiul'M'.Kitblnii.s. (ll'.ACli'.s CLI.F.Ah'ATLD.isALYi.; Heal. Old So-es, Fles'u Wiunds, ie It i jiruiupt in at.(in, renicvui' pain at one, and (cil'icvx the i iot iury-1'.'vkiiig .nelling and intl i 1 minions, ht, if hy maio, liiu ujurding leiicf and u ' complete cure. Onlv 2'i centi a Ik.x ! (Sent bv mail for "5 cents.) For'Sulc bv J. V. DIN.-.MOKli. .;il Dcy Street, ! Xew York. V. W. FOW Lii A SON, Proprietor. Huston, ui.il by ull Druggist, Ciocer, aud Country I btores. January 27, lcltU ly. 1 GtJODa SUiTAHLK lr;U Kl.!'iAV I'liKSKXTS. HEN HY HARPEIi X 5is) .i i US(l ci , i:i(liul Iril-ia. ( WATCH l-l.-I. . I'i'SiZ JEU'EI.ltV, .' i Sol.HJ KII.VUC YVAliL ami fujieiior sallvrr I'liili-sl tl tin' Oelober 7, IbOJi .'lui XewunJ tno lot ,.f PKltFT ME;-, Xc C r, lie lid.,., at l.l ill I'NPK S. j I'll re l.iherlv 1Vliil I.eitil, V'ill do inorrand lietti r work at n given Cos, Hinn I any other! Try it! Mnnnfaeriirtd onlv bv . ZIKHLlLIt P.M'll'll'. AVholes de Ding. Paint ft ,Wlasi Deai"'?', Xo. 1.17 .North '1 11 I ill) ,-troci, riulsdciphin. January 27, LSItit ly. fni-i- I.HM-i-ly iiliitr B.viiil. The AVIiilest, ti c iiohI durable ni.d tho lui st ico iiomiuil. Try it ! Maiiufacturcil onlv bv lTX I.Llt A Is.MITlf. Wholesale Dint. Paint A (tlns Dealers, ' Xo. :st Noith 1 lillili Street, i'hiladelphia. Jnmiury 7, l.vil y. j JEV7ELRY! JEWELEY !! JOSEPH KEESLEK, ! Xt'H ' i"li mil iitil Jen rlrr, Maiket Street, Suiibury. Pa. 1 I!1 KSI'KC'I i t I.I.Y informs Id friend and tin- public, that he has just recivod n large a-surt- ' meiit ot i utcticr. tloeKs and .li-welry, r-pcct.ieks, .Silver and plated f; nous. Forks. Ae. " Watches, ClocliJ ami Jewelry ri paired war . ranted SfilibnrT. Jan. I.'i, HiJil. I v. ' OIU'nAXS' COURT SALE.: i : N umiftncc of nn (trtT'T i-f Hie (,vj'1 at- Convt r-t' I Xorthutiihcrland Counlv. Pa.. wil be p.,.-e,l to Publi - Sale, nl the Public House of Ji. T. 'lann 1-clVr. in the borough of Snnburv, on E-'rtdui.' ti- i'.'.tU tiny -' E-'ftir'ti.ir.v. M:.i, : the following led estate to wil : a 'S' ts . ' ? s- i. n t . ! Ml'.i;:t-i to Jackson town-hip. Xorthtiiiibcrland --in ty. Pa., bo nded by lands of A.l.-iin Zai-tinan. Samuel II Pin. klcbcrger, and Dnr.V 1 li. lie';-1, coidaiidn-; , -s'. m r s and ju pcrt'n-i, e.iore r b-.-. v. iih the ap-p-Oel' iner s. ; ' j I .mo ti c property (,f M--nry Al'. !.-ir lean, dic'd. Sale to eon, im-iieo "nt II o'cinek A.M., wh'ii the coii'liti-uis will be n.adc known l.v ! JA5ii;S I!. CLL.W lilt. A-5mli.itial'..r. Ly order of Ihe Court. J. A. J. CI .MMI.MiS. CI k 0. C. .Vunji-.ry, Jan. 'Jv, l.-:iti. DlA.5li-;r for l'j'J. An ii:s.:i'rt.iienl ofj lii:iiri, 1-ifge tu.d i.-'li, i'nr t'uV.i l.v : A.S-NA l'AINT!:i!. fjiiil-iir-.-. Jan. (i. i.';.".is. ' OOHM E."t3MICK, I MKKCIIANT TAILOR! I'uwn stroot tif-!nw Miiilt. fust ilnor c"uti) .r lion- , m M,.r.. M'Mll'llY. V. S;nilntrv.(,etfnt'r 1 Si." . I ):-':'-riilI-rsis i-ctully eoiiipor.nd.-d of (In 1 l,e-t I'll I or at l Slainmoiii store ol JXO. l ltll.lXii A SoX. . M iv Jtt.'. It Ml.i . f-.r .Tannarv. jn.-t receiv 1 ht I 1. It! 11 1 . Milt S Mmkct Sonaro 1 Si-l.bn nrv. D.-e. 'S'. I -'"." . tjlHilMi A .Yl.s!T.I5 AliitAXt: 62 10J3 i"i::-ro r.f) To ir 1':lb.'Ti M'lt'i.'S'.x-rs'. i Ilir, ing sn)),ied eiiiselves w ith a new :;nd -uj-ei i-.r p-t-ef Ooods, t f the l.itc-t styles and pattern'. 1 ml !i.-l - irg sec-jTo 1 f'oui 1 1 1 .- ili-i '-rtcr- many arli -be- ot' gi-eat lu-auty and v-dii.-. we ale mo.- jrepiirtd to make for the Siu-ing nad V inter lietier iiir.tiieo.ei'is, and jiresent great r io-lue. itiepis to pureha-' i.-. titan we have ever bet" .re olieicd. We halt' ini.tiliit ia!u eblo and b .-nuli t'n I uriieles of tloo.ls. eoii: rising Pianos. Watches, Diamonds, pl.iin cud 01 iiauo-nial Jewelry, and l-'aicy Oouds ..f every oesci ij te.in, to; t we will cll ui -vJ each rcgartllc.-s of value or ci.-t. Blow nc itiMii-c rl'iin- 4.1i:ks. j We haie .'.ii.tKui Oil Cib.rcd Pliol. .gr:.i lis. eon-.-' pri-ing everv su' je-1 1!. ligi.oi,.. ' iitin-cii'al. Coi.iie and Fancy that w e ivill sell ut Thirty ('.-ll1 each, ' : or four f..'r One Dollar; and v-i:h ee.eh pho:ogi-a;.!i jive gile two nuuil-elt-l l.oliccs. 'i'i.c luei es a.c; ! uiimliei e.l from I 10 .'..Minn, atel put into envelop. , j S'-uleil up, and llloloUiihly inixed; met 11 hen Plioit,- 1 ; gvaplis arc j .ti r,:L:i s.- I. tun fir each Pho'.i'ji -.ph are ' t-.ti ii out and .-tat v.itli il, 'ii.e aiti. lesot tJoj.ls j are Mitii'.! re-l from 1 to e'l IM.", r.u-1 ao ,' ar.tcic. !,. ma'.ter wh-it the vidiio in-iy be. corre.-p.'ieli.'ig niih ! tin- number on Ihc iioti.-e v ili to ; 'j-:t I r 'lie. Do!- ; l.n'i. lice of Co-;, e.v.-.o whet 'ciil 1.;. i..rt-, the:. I at the exp- i.i.c i-l 't'te'j iv.-r. . We "o a-': tl-e v ol t:,a: -h-illld th - l,..:icec.e, r, sj,, t i ttji'o.it Piano or other vtiiuaS le artiele ..f ...1.. tt iv. d ! - . nl to the p-.itchi-ci tor '1 ,vo D.,)i.ii - j B.ir.1 l" i.ijxii?. ttl t,10 vi'.vii. i ScV.-ll 0,-lM,- Vi ll-o'. i lto-cwo d Melolei li-.. (old lluiiliii!- Cr.-e l.-t-er W ;u. !i.-. I Silver U al-.-h.-s, iDi-m.'lid Sei-. Silv-- I !,-! ing Ti;. l:cs, rivts. ("s':lv,r '1'elo.poo nis. i Jo..o:j Cor.il. upal and Lmeruld Proochc. M ..-a:c. Jet, Lava : a-1 'hre:ilii;e Hold Him;. I Ooi j I . . 'De i -U". ! C- oior: h'g .' li I t .null,-- v.iri.-'y .-ni l iin- ehoi.-e-t ; .jllality ol'go-.-'l. 1 e iv.urnlit cur :'i,n,l. sl'per'ol :o tin.' o-tal--iiiiielit ill the c-ottitry. and l.oj e ion will ! jiie ii. one trial at b-.oi. i.. if the article is no! j rcpi.-st nted, and .lo.s u,.; s .iti.-i'iieti.i.i, r linn :', j ami ve will send y.-ur n. ney l,.i-.!;, i La.".'' I'i " J4iilii. ! Send us Thirty Cents ..r '-ce l'l-oo-graoh. or Hue 1 Doll-ir for I'm the e.iir.i one end l-io cx'ra nolie. 1 lo the Agt nl. Vi h'-u aa a-'ci t ha- ;eiii us Slo no f'o: Ooe i.- lllnl Ph .ttil'-iphs, we w ill '.-.e one n-itiee and i the article it t-.-tl's' l'..r fi e i.f 'vh'irg'-; for fl ''.no ! iln-e no-.i-es ti ce ; t'..t- j-J'i.i'i' t-oii' le.tieesfn e; t-.r i ;:.tn.Oo ,i sj lendil I'I. o!i, .i aphie Af'.iin, or s-'x live ; u-it-i-.-t i n- f..r S.ni.t'0 a vrj silver Watch, '.s-irr.u.id a good tiioc-l.eei'i-. We keen nn a.-.-.-uot ot' a'l money V.-:-l. and on j agent can ord'-r hi.- c.i.n-a-. ion nt any time. ! He partvtihu an I m ils- y.-rr a 1 1-esi 'ull nnd ' plsin. ns ..e soi,i. iIicl- i.ir - onles i.i t.ur otticc for j laoiiih. thul v. c esoie I i.nsv. -. r !-.r tL.e want ul roj vr 1 tlire.-iioM. Pin b'.MiTIIKW. li A .'.'.'Pi A CO.. New Y. ,iitt uiuv :;t i -ii."'. ;'i-4 i JOHN WILVCH. . . t BOOT Sa ' M A N U FA C T U I. R, (-lie iloor liut i f I'VUin's M i! ' l hn- I iir.v u 1; u v , v i: x n a . . i: M'Kt T!-i l.l.V ini'.M tit. . i: i. ji-;: J if Rr.'tl . iuipity. tint lutviiu .it'.-l v ichinitil ti. Hi i t'i' a' '.:', will iimii r.'.-uiii'' hi.- tji.siiic--. ni: 1 im iimi : lfft-tuit'. to rl :r. J Mt mi l Hmi. uf kin'.-, u ; l' In ! lil'itniill, HP I lit tin- rUr.:, I t. J.,r i';tli. I lie !io.e. tti rrct-i n i'uli '.. n- c! i : r i. . S3 ni'- ii:i-f.yr. lll"lu-s.:-'i;,-.- , e; oc -. I'ah i ii.l-.i n:.. hi f.irn.l nut! the at.lie th i h. lies ci.c.oe ,1 ,i, il,,,. loa. ling Freight iu Phila.tcli'hi i from l'r.-e.l. Ma: .V i-rce.i, No. akl M.u kct Siive', t.i ' A.''j. AOIIEOOM, (('i:iini.-iuu Meichant. dealer in Flour 1. 1 am. St t ,1... , Jre.) i .vs. ivsi.i tstii iv. i fit., assMin'i iiifiiii, wln-rc nil freiglit villi." loaded on ears t.i the un : dersigucd. for DanpHu. Wunbury, Shciuokin, mid all iiitervciiiii'' poiiii.'. ' Ail fi eight will he carric 1 ns low a-, n any ,,hr ' line. Orm t (o eany fi eight i-t-.-pecllully t.l'.ieiud. whieli v ill rcteiie protuj't attention. J. li. V FLSLK. Si.o.bury, Jan. 1J. Iti'i. Cm. Oi.soo B'ilirj VI'. Xtil Mo Hem tigei.-.s everyii here t-1 sell "v'ill- ! i 'itioii:;i Jt' S.-w ing .llachities. 'I In ve iic-e Mils. I ''per and upper f, ed. Wnriantc I ' ll year. Abi'Ves dai-y or l.n ge eoi.it,.i.-..itn.s oanl. 'I he om.i j m.i. -hints -oid iu I 'tiled 6:.itt It ' It-M than sl.i. , uhiil. are i'uliv i.-,nst., l,v lfiae, M heeler A- M il- s. ii, tiiover .v'il.ikcr, Sing.r l i'o - uuti 11 ich-.l l. r. , , Ail t.i lie r ehtiap nu'hil.w. ..lo iotllugt luei.is nu i l lis . .eittr or user are liable in arirt. Coe. un 1 imp; ! n.: '. mei.t. Cir.-ul,.u lieu Addru', or e il! un n .-I'.m i .V Clark, lliddeloi.l, .Mainu tbe.' ilv ' 1 ceQ.f-'i A iit I'll l-AilLSIS wanted for , six entirely new aili b. just t ut. Ad-1 tlirat 0 I CAKI.Y, City KuiM.ng. ti.l.K-fitJ , Main. M ROT PS i i & 1 1 h ltr:t ly Take Notice! i FAH.MF.I5S rt-- DLAl.Llt.' In J 1515 Tl 1 .T K i". will please fake n nice tiiat we have adopted tho following Trade Aliuk to protect ouisiIms. ami 1 revent those w ho u-o inir It A W HO Mi .-' ( Pl lt l'J I OS PI I ATI." from bc-Tii ('...o ,"it weu piircie ing liiimures. We hnvc been obliged to give this prot'-elion to our citstomors. i,i cii.s Tjneuce of s. veial p-irtii.' !.ai -ing unlaw fully used our di -iinotiveiiaiiie, i. : '-Hiuv Hone,'' in offering the r aili. lo ti the public. Tbi.' 'J'r.ole Mark is adopted in irMitioii to the title 'linw Pone,'' wiiicii i-our e'elosive propi-i !y. ao.l we cautiou nil iiiaiiu'io-tiitcis fiom u-1!.; lure. We would M iic to I'.e tr.nlc nlld c that they will Ibid i'. In their ii.terist lose. '1 i.ide Mark'' is upon eeiy bag in: 1 tn: purchase, in none other isgcnuiii". ; it in l'u- l)Mltll'l--. lll.'lf ' 1 1 i re I tlii y IS.UH1I St'NS. l'A.W ;107 S U I'E IS I'll OS T 1 1 A T K OX M.-nufactured by PAVCUi ?: No. 2'J S"l Til Dl.LAWAi'.K A . Y. Pii::.Ai:i.LPi:t.'i. i .u -ri:, 'lie- grent po, I ! : : l T 1 ;. so Ve-ient itldliee :.. i.t ninlilif'.t.-lui e i.iel n ! I'llalc-'." a ii-ii:..- -.. lii -is rmr mn riglitli.l prop itifi.-rm ii ion ot all. tio.i t:e;:t;ri 1 - of this M : 1 1 i. tin of ii hni in p. i f oi.r kriie5i h. . be. .i t'cmel to te'.-t.dti iti:ii:i!or to .-i-li.-f ..-'It.-. 11.,.-. Ii f ';i'i-.'e I v. i.h u". nl,-' ei t'-. We v ill s'ikl f-.r i!t l e nro tloj I--, clie ii e nmiiu - tlf V-.i ml ai'-l sole no .n -MHnitiicti;id l.v us tor a pel n i ot twcl v e v thai, il i c-A el i d hi r.d letter !..!.-: !. In Id old f l-v m.r.-!i-. -. We ::re lio-.l l .-ely t r ;u'pl V it ill I al go ,(-i.;.,ii. 'o h ii-iog nieiU- reoint ndditi',rs an.'i impmr. rnMi's. Vi-.-.-Is i.lrav.liig i.t t'e.-t nl" n at, r -.an lo:.-l 'itreetiv from tin- wl.aiv, f tl..;. w.eks. v I let. .-.. l .cat.-l at the foot i.l 5!orris .-'tree:, IVIa-iaro lticer Vi e call the litli lit toll !' DLAI V.5iS to t! iv .cr. at d- vatilii'.". " 'J oe prewn: ii. 'iLtr.i -o- a.i. Ilntw. s! all h.,i e ; gi-eia!-,-;.:;,-ea.-.-1 d ii-iaol our I. .si i in - al,4 ; ii : J' asoi anll.e iiiiisj Fai-iiKis t i, s . I iu t'le'l "I'.icrs to lb. ir re. pi.cii c Dealt r at ut r.n C. ly day, tllM 1.11 may o, shi pile I pi ,, ;.!y ' Soliciting y-nr c--,i'.:niu 1 r ii-i., Vc n nr.'::i, Yyu.r- i ci ,- triiK-. i;t on .. .-'-'. ii'o. I'1' S Dei'tv, l'1- Aictl.-.v. PIlll.Mil I. Pill . T-i Sulci.., S.VI'i'li A t'llliil. Minl.ioy, Pa Sl.l:' i;l v, Jin. 2tl. I-:!."!. - ;!to. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional ilrsVnse, n corruption of tlio blood, by wliicli this fluid ljccoinc. vitiuted, weak, and jioor. Ib-ittg in the ein nliitiuii, it jicrvndi's the mIioIl1 body, nnd limy burst mi; in disease on any jinrt of it. No orioin ii- l'm from its ttttniks, nnr i-. then: 0110 ivbh h it may not destroy. The t-eiofnloits; taint is vir.ionsly caused by nv.-reuriul d;,-i-:im-, loiv -li", ing, tliv ordered or uuliitiltliy fund, iniji'iri." nil, liitli nnd liltby tiabils, the de-pre ...ing vices, iiml, libovc nil, by the. vciicrcid ii.fccii.ui. W'lmt cver be its origin, it is h ri 'lilnry in lie- con Mitution, di'seeliiliug " t'lrnt pinviils to children tittto tlio third unddouvtli "ner.-iti"ii ; " indeed. it seems to be the rod of lliiu who says, I will visit the '.iihjuitios of the l'alhi rit upon their childivn." ' Its elli-cts i.ii, niiKiii-c by d.-position rrom tint blood of coi'i tijit or tiled on- nnitttr, whieli, in the lungs, liver, utul int. rnal org.-.u-, ii t.-iiuu: to.bci'cli's i ill the (thiinls, stvi-liings ; and oVi too surrnee, l i iipti'ins or M'lvs. This foul cdr- I'ujilioti, which genders in the Mood, dciircsscj the energies of life, so thai teiufulims constitu tions not only sull'ii- from i-cioi'uhiin cot" Jil.tints, but tiny l ave f.- l-.M pov r (o iiillt btand the ntlucks i.f other diseases; i-oii-o. ijucntly v.i it liiiiiibcrs ii Ii bv ili-nrili-rs whieli, althiiiigh not : crufiiii.ii . in tie ir nature, ai'S .still lctid'.l-'.d fatal l.y tlii-) L.ilit in the syst-.-ni. Mooted' the con-uiuptiiiti iiliichd'-i-itn;ites lb? human family has ils origin dluctly in this scr-ifiil-nts t.. illumination ; tnul ninny dostriii-livc diseases of lie; liver, Ui'lnej ", brain, nnd, ind-. d, of nil the organs, uria-; i'ljia or lire aggravated by ihc mine causo. One ijinirter of ;ill our people iiv .-.-ii.fid.iii- ; , their jmtmi'is lire invad."! fy ibis i'n i.im; in f etiou, nnd their health is iiiuli-i luine-.l by it. To cleanse it from the system lie lnis reitovati; i the blood by uu iiltiintiie in-dielii,-, nud in- j vigotate it by hr.ihhy fi.od and c:.. l'jisc. fcjm.Ii intdiciiu! v. e i-iiop!y in j Aviurs Compoiitisl ICxlraet f iiuvnn:!riihi, the most cftiviltnl letm dy v.l.i.b tiie mi-.Iictil or our tiim-a can di ii--e for this iv. ty whero juevailitig run! fuel nuditdi-, D i. c:ii liiu'.d from the ni'M m tic- r.-.u it-.:.!s lhal hav b ell discovered for tho qoirg-i'i'iii of this f.nd ttisorder fiom tlio blood, and tin? rescue i.f ihe system fiO'ti it. dcsii u til" on-1 ipiuticcs.. ll'-JICt! it li(ildil be i liiphiyi d fur the euro of not only S.rol'iilu, but also tlio-o other ullcc , tioiis which nri-.tf Uoiii it, Mich lis liuri-itvR ' nnd Ski:; l'lsivr-. Sr. Anhlinv's l'ii-.i-, 15o-.it, or l-'uvsii i.t.is, 1'pict i.s, l't sui i s, lli.o i t ur.s. Hi a ins nud I'.. 1 1 1.--, Ti v-i;-, 1'i.t i i n it:d!?M I liio iJt, St vi. li 1 1 i:.i o, lliMi i oui, !iMT::A-js't, Si I n n i l lc and M i t:( i to it-1?!-'-l:st s, Jinufsv,' lvsr!.i-i i, I): mi. i i v, and, indeed, At.t .'(.'tuift its is niir.u ti ..'i Yi iu- i ir.li on l-.it ri:t: lit. 'i l.c popular In lii f ; i'i " iuipurity ;' -.''. " i . I'.i.iniU d iu Irutli, for bcitii'iihi is a d.-g. in i a! nn of li e blood. 'I !.e liartieuhu-Jiin po-i-und viitueol' this S.n.-op'.-I'illn is to jiiirify and i. genrrnto this it n I llui.i, Aiithout nhiiii ii nud health is tinjiosisibh." in coiiti".iniiio'o.d con-rtil mil-its. Ague Cure. lOlt TI1C fM'RUV lI'Kt litlertikiif cut l-'llvrr, or Vrytv uu Ai;iir, rml(ut I ' . i , Itiitl ' 'mr, Ifninti Akui'i Pri h(tf;nl lit ai tl m lie, or JittltMt Hi aituelte, nt: Hil ions l'c t indet il f ;v I he ti !ok ol' U i it ei i-;Iam- In ltltili te l' :it;t itu lit, ni Ly tiiv ilIurl.i it I ?! iusiikul ic otmti Ii We arc rnabh-tl I ! lo olt'cr the eoitiini-.: i'.e a it cures the ahoie colnt'li.itil. remedy whieli, wlitl Willi celtiili'V , u still t'lltcclli naliuiess ui tiny puilltity, ."- ''eh a t. mctl.l is inl altir.hle in di-.ll iets ihtre lhi.-e ailli. to. ilisord- is it.i..i!. 'ibis "I'I'HK" exjiels Ihc iiiiiisinali.- pol-.on of 1-t.llu ASii Ar.Ti: fiom tbf sy-l, 01, ;.nd pit vent', tl e lie vcll mvnt of lo c I'i-t ;,-.. if t: keo on Ihe I'-iM an. I'.oaeh of it . p: ei noli it, u i si ni pi nine, it is not i nly tins best i-iuie'ly cur lit ill-ioi.nd f. r tl.isrl.is. of coniplainl'-, but "No Ihe thei.pt-1. The huge (jtiantit v tie suppli f'-r a dollar I no it i.ithin the retell ot -tori Dt nl y -, ai,,l i:i l ilioit-. di .::!.l', v.l.i :0 l''i;vi:it ami' Aoi i. proieiN, eury l.o.'v sliould li-iie it and u c it fre. ,y holh l', r eric and protec tion, A gicat si;.ei imity of this iei,,e.li our any other i-itr t!i. -"it ri d f.r the .oeedv i.nd intaiii eurc of Inl I'ln'.'.ti nts i:. lin t ii conti.ii.h rn U-iiniue or lniner.il, conseipu nt!y ii j it. hu-e.-, no ijaii.i: in or otliev injurious citi i I v. hau it i iipo-.i ihe i oustiiu tion. 'il.os; urd J y il ate l.;l i , ).-. alili.v as if thev had never bail the di .cut. l'ever and Ague is not 1 1 i;o- die c. i,m tpo nee i-f the mi.i-ioatie poison. . u.evl i ,.i i. ty i f tii--or-dors arise from ils iiri:;t!',n, :"u',i.g wlii-h nro .Vl-Hil'l'., I!hfilmi:t (tin, iii.it, II. ili.ni he, .'.'.'...'- foi, 7.I..O-...-.V e, I .fin rr, ui mn, .-is.vi.-.i.i, i oi- lt(it..'it, i'.iiki.'sJu, . n-.l I S.o. i, ll;it,f. i s, I'uin i.l ( o.'c, '.o',.'..-iv end V- ritiliUmrn i.f .'o- .sVoon.-ei, nil of whit h, uhin (H'igin.tlillg in till, cause, put oil the ,.,'. i oi.V.i t.i '.'", ,)r bt-ci Hie pcii 'dieal. 'I bis "l i: r. " espe'v the puLsim fiom the blood, tu.d eoneiue(.lly enits tluni all alike. It it ;.n iiiialii.,b!e j-.i-.n -etiou In i iin.igr.iuts and .ei-,om traiellit.M tenipuiai ill icsiiimg in llie tnahiiitm.ui.liicls. If taken oeca ionallv or daily while exposed t the infection, ihat will lie extietcd froiii the ayatrui, ami raiitiol itccuuiulatc in sutru-ieat tpiaiility to lipen into tbs. case, llcucc il is e-en inure valuable for protec tion Ihan cute, and few will eier sutler from Inter mittent, if they avail Iheinselies of the I'ltitcctiou this rcmciTy nltoiils. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Nasi. 1 LU.iM'. A MlN, rui.b.ny, Pa. 11.11. M. Cay, Noiihunibcrleiid. iu. 5 all Druirgi i un 1 tipt.l. i et en w here. Al vh.Lv-' V. ' 5!'Kiil.s A CI..' l hil.i l.lphiit. Dtocu.!i.r2:i. Ix'u. Iv .s, X .: ni ft? Ef.ii'irti:t . V white Latin r ii tea.t it:, pi,.; i white La-.hir ii nai.tel onmi J', ti ! i.,' , uicul v.nl 1 1, given, .litiilv W.M. i't l;SI,I..' Mai Let t li e )l. Sui, ton . I. .lU' uiy. J..V. 13. 1 sil.i. imCMFAsTSlll tw.-e t a i..-: f r .ale at tiie F'.ut y AN .V I'Al ttU A T w 'i1 o ti i: . V.. A. JlKNNbjT, 5:.k-i.it rfiiarc, W-J'.TilU'JIT,', J I 1-1.1 AVi.MI rec -i.tiv iii i-L no llrrj .vl..r -ll. 1.' t beg eiv end vi- Oilier) y e''ll l0 -le liv - Fi leave to ii t.'iln the ciiiij.;.' . ciilitv. ihl' 1 hlVI! (..it'-ets- of ' - v ' ' '' ! -d mr k.'itV STs t "lT-'f IS A. W -."rK '. r -' l'"ol... s.-.t i. . sr-.'. a- i'i l Ilrii-I.-'. toei.-ry. li lii "il. Ki.i .-. 'olineeu and Ci;;..r.-, p. r 'il l.-oios, '!S. I al. I.nl : 'tt ;!1'?2LIm!'5 . .-Ml it. y Tio - i "htr pi- i -:i rui i-. ::!:! s. i--1 1 ;i, s. ointi.ii o!-. t ' l.-it. s.;.i.. I -.-. I i . nn. i rl:-r. ''liCii'.-l III :-.l ;fe I. si hi,,!,..-! in p. In Kiui'e a iitiu l-cr f t' year, e.v; i : i el. i-f II. 1 !:ri i. n 1 the . I I'l l ' i-1 it 111 to ..'Pip-. :.t ii:c Pl.-.-i- ..-. A ii !)IV prepare ' a-l - t.'.-o, Ito: ,bi -. rl. i'.. -;.- a: e v ' . 1 r i.., :-:- -il . u-v f i el... ir ' l I ; ii. I- .1... ti c I n -- V.'iN Li if V AM Ilu'.-rg : ui . 1:. uer i. ,f :i miu 1. S.,i.h:u -, T.,v : -fi I d f k -k. r- i'.'n,-'j IMIliclU.;? !;1 Ji ! -u i .;,,,i t ?.' ! . ii.-. . :.!, -; i. art i"t :-i,d i-nii i , i -,..i ,i., a:. ! t ii:li.1l!t' . ii i'.e ' i :..'. it ad y, . u . ::::!. ai-: X F, T'cii:.: (I -. i n i.. ot .--.mt.. etprl I .1 vvs . 1; I . :-.it !v K LO V il 1 i ll, (Vr.ee. 'f. .. S o:: 1 T '1 V i'i I'j Hsu o.i. I fie". . Pas. I. oil'-. article. I-1 .eke A l tei;- i ci br iu "I" '' .' . ') N , .lie- .i'i I.ii..'. T- l-all'-'l CI'' .v. ; i. i si;; 7: . r pi., i fcVf!! H.'-s... V-i. 1 ' si 1 -I'- lt-M ' . I'-.-fiiW, It V,'.'".V'-'''4i''"::-. W? 'V -' tS-i--'-f 'fir-f ; K- V" , .s- (-t.":'. ' s. . -r--- ...v.i... INI I'.. SlMuliiVS WINK. .it.-.i ; I. . All . si r; '.-' w . .1 -V- . i 1. to . I. h i ! I-i ill- .- P e A - V f I "V I . i iF I' ii i X . t I Ii it -. i t ;: Al il.' I ; . i: ' , i n r 1' '.! ... I .v.. . svj V. '. . ! a', i.-, ai'.' let'a -wi ' i i : r "I ' T. ,V T t . o 1 - . r I. -O-I.e li; I- ti:- f.-'l :.. il l. ' i ii.i.i : ' IF - slt!.. .-. :.M ri i; t ! A t; ! A A 1 . i' V A . a a-1 '-tt--Id i :. , ..!'.! h i I . : - ) ' ie-i.1 c ,i ,-'. I. i ii- in I . t i-k- I! s ot k v ill 1. i h l! j 'il..' d.f. t i-:i i--t .f ii r.-t ":'.: e if ' "l IA ii.1 .i iho ' I t I'J'V and ii;id-.-f i..lnil,t , illsi h- , (ulii i i ir ;i i;j.. T',.i,-I i,ii,, I i. T'. i Lei. d 1 ill i, I i'i I i ' k'i'i-K-i-s .u.i -i- : lo-ll, pr!. V! s. l:, All t-i. Ilavii.: .10 r.,1 s ii: in.-, i e : l U'i'- t I" 1 !t-f t. Ih- 1. I. l.l.'-.l .VAi.&U JWwai., ;uii'wtv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers