Will Cure Your Cough. THE r II 03 NIX. 1'ECTOliAt fT compound Syrup of Wild Cherry nnd Knot, wll' euro lb Diseases ol tho THROAT AM) LING' Such ns Coliis. Volutin. Croon, Asthnin. Broneliiit Cntnrrh, Soro Throat, ttnnrsonoss. Whooping Cougli, : to. Ill tilnoly uso will prevent Pulmonary Cou-.: sumption, nnd evon where I hit fearful disease bus taken hold it will afford greater roliof Umiii any otlior medicine. ' This Pectoral In igado from Wild Cherry Bark mid Prnokn is'nnkB Hoot. It Composition Is n sufficient guarantee of its vniae. Pv. lieo. H. Wood, Professor of tho Practice of Medicine in tlio l.'nivurwty of Pennsylvania, l'hysi oi lo the Pennsylvania Hospital nnd one oX tlio authors of tho t'nilcd States Dispensatory. Jays of Wild Cherry Bark "It is among tlio memi valuablo of our indigenous rcinodics, uniting with a touiu pow er the property of claiming irritation nnd diminish ing nervous excitability." - Tho same distinguished physician and author says in tho .Muno work, ".Senokn Snake Hoot it a stimula ting expectorant, its action is especially directed to tlio lun,.i. It is peculiarly useful in chronic ea. tirrb nllecllnna nnd tho secondary stage" of cioup" F'nr wnnt of spoco we cannot publish all tho testi monial in our possession, but wo giro two : I'nnjNixTit.i.E. April 1st, IKfil. This is Ucertil'y Hint I have sold hundreds of Kit tles of Dr. Oberhollf r's Phoenix Pectoral or Com pound Pvrup of ild Cherry nnd Srnekn Snake Knot and I hiivo jet to lind a singlo Individual who hnj uscdil, who docs not bear testimony of its irncderfu1 effects in curing coughs, Signed, J vcon Po-.vmta. UaUPt. riixi.viLi.E,.fnv.. 11; ISO.t. I most chcerfnliy bear testimony lo the vnlncof tho 'rija?nix Poclornl or Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and HenckaSnake Hoot. : Heloro udng it.l had been Buttering Willi a tickling hi my throat nnd tight cough, for more than two yenr?, nnd had taken variuueoluer medicines with no relief. As soou as I began touoDr OberholUcr's uicdioino the India, tiou in my throat w ulliijcd and iu a few weeks I was entirely ourcd. I have nlso given it lo mv little gill, for a croupy cough, with the happiest cliecte. Signed, Josni ll Lli;r.NS. IVitstov X, .Tan. "d, 18(55. This ecrtiArs thai I huve used the Phoenix' Peoto. ra' in my family, nud I recommend It to the publio lis the very bet remedy ior Cough nnd Colds that I h ive ever tried. One of my children wag tnkeii with n cold iteeomptiuied, v.'ilii" a Crivpy cough; so bad indeed that it could nut talk nud scarcely breathe, llnvin.r heard so juuch said nnout the 1'hu.Mix Pcolor-il I piocured'n bottle of it. The first do:c lelicvcd the diR'u-iiIly of breathing and before tho child h.-'d t.'ik. n oiie-lourlh of tho bottle it was outirely well. Every family should hnvo it in tU liouso,' Signed, " I). I. CKOftliY. Tho proprietor of this medicine bus .so luucli confi dence in its curative power. . from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that Ihc money will I rutunded Umiuy purchaser who. is not salihcd with its cQcets. ! It is so plensnnl lo lake that children cry for it. . It costs only Thirty-fire Cents. It is intended for only one class of diheaeos, namely those of tho Throat and LutigD. ij? Pict ured only bv i LKV I OBEr.HOI.TZKB, M.. I . j I'hani.iville, Pa. I Jt.nNSTuv. Hoi.i.oitav A Cuwnn.v. jVi 2"., -Yorth .Sixth etrcet, I'hila leirhin, Uor.eiul j Wholesale Agents. j ISoi.u by Uu.irgo Bright, nnd II. A. F:her, Dru;;- : cUts, ijunl ury : YYui. Cherrington. Urug giat m SShu- ' lnokin. U. II. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper docs nwt keep this ntcduiuc du not let him put yon oil' with some oiher medioine, Woaiiso ho makes njoro money un it, but scud ut once to one o the agents foil it June IP, 1S53. Bm$ U.VW HONK SUPEH-rHOSFHATE OF IME- UAUGII & SONS Mitinij'tu-tiircr and 1'roj rii torn, Btoro No. 20 South Pe'nwnrc Avenue, Philadelphia JtEDl'CTlOX IX PRICE ! After this date. Juno 12ih. the price of BAl'till'S Haw Hone 1'hosplmto will bo reduced to !?ul) per WOO lbs. (It cents per pound) packed in good bugs and bar. rols and delivered free of purlin ago to any wbnrf or depot in Ibis cilv. SKM) IN TMKOUDKRS i:.VULY. Already the indications pniut to a very heavy Irndo in our nrticlo fur thu fall sea.son, ncd" although wo h.vvo iiuinense fai'iliiirs fur nieetiiig a largo demand with a prompt supply, we would strongly adviso Farmers and Iiealers io give us their orders ns early as non-ible. h.vutjirs n.vv-r.oxE piiospiiatr flas now been bobiro tho Agricultural Cntninnnily lor many years under one name nnd 0110 pnpiictor 'hip. and needs no further eom'iier.dntiun than that nccorded to it everywhero. in the continued nnd sue eeful use by plant ienl nnd dici iinimiting bi.vmcis. iMunufautured only by BATCH A SOXft, No. 20 Ponth Itelaw ire Avenue, rhiludclphin, I jftr" Wo recommend Farmers to puruhusoof . MITH A UE.XTH.iIl, Bunbury, Pa. August P.I, IKHj lm UllOCEUIESKJllOCKHlKS! Mrs. S ATt AH A. SI MI'S O N, JY!;oithl,rri Ftreet, et the X. C. )!. R suxnunv", pa., RESPECTFULLY inh.nns her friends and tho 1 ublic generally, that she has just opened a large iwsorUucnt of FBESiL i-uc--i-i-s, suvU as TEAS, COFFEE. SUOAI!, MOLAS bES, FISH, SALT, &0. Pure Ciller A'inegar, Fruit Jars, tilasswure, nnd variety of Ladies 'Trimmings, Fans, Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites nil lo j i-Jtamine before purchasing elsewhere. iVunbury, Juno 17, lwii. I'mi ALIBHOTYFE AND PHOTOQSAril Over J. Bowon's Store, corner Market 4 FawuSia. STJNBTJR IT, 3?A-., SBYEUI.Y. informs his friends nnd the public , generally, that he is taking Portraits iu tho best style and manner at his Uuilcry in tho nbovo . piuce. A MBit OTY PUS 4ND PHOTOUUAPHS, are taken in every ityle ol tho Art, that cannot bo sui'tiassed in the State. Having soveral year's expo rienee, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies w ill bo taken from all styles of Pictures. tiivo him a cull, lleuieuiber, over Boweu'j store. Sunbury, June 17, lsti;i. FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. TvHieS KATE ELACK, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury and vicinity, that she has ju.4 opened her UVRINQ. AND BUMMEIl GOODS, ol Notions and 1'ancyHry Coods, Hark el street, four doori west of Win. II. Miller'1 Boot and Mi ttoie. SLNBl itY, Pa. Her stock coiiriist:i of Trimmings, notions, embrcd deries. Ladies and Children-' huts and shakers; silk md other linings. Hoop-skirts, Crape and Laeti Veils; Nets, gloves, stockings, eollnrs, and corsets, Ac. TWILIGHTS AXU (iAltlBALHI MUi'LIX. Bradley' new Patent B-uples Elliptic (or double Spiir.g SK111TS. .'icnts' Hnndkorehiefs, Crnvats, Neckties, Suspen ders ; llibboi:s. of all kinds. Feathers. Velvet, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Photographs of President Lincoln. P Tfu o-ry, Toilet Soaps, ie. ti.M '1'FEBlNiJ tone handsomely and ut shell notice. , KATE BLACK, rjiibury. May 12, IHOj. M I L L I N E R Y (J 0 0 1) S, AXI r.v.t;v .- mo a 'iKi.n.isi.xt.'M 1I1U8 L. ai'IS3LEt, At ihe new ttnl, in JIarket Square, Bl'i 11 UK Y, HAVE just rocoivod fr.,in. Philadelphia tho latest and luostf shioubloi,tyjo8of .Mijlinerv Hoods, tuch at BounoU, lia s, bilks. Hibbons an, Laces, hcurfs, Hosiery ttmj (j UV.,M, sUeleton Skirts, Flowers, Mead Uresaut Nets, Old Ludics' Caps, bbuwls, bilk, Ao. ' ' Black Crape tad Lace Veilt. Crnpo and I.im n Col Wi. Iroas lrimmiug. and Buttons, Co.ta. Zephyrs, Cotton Yarn, boop and Perfumery. IltiUlo Trlnitulngt), Hair I-u, I'uinltM. Oente' Liucn and Pajr Collure, Neekliet, Ae. Flags, Pioture TaareU and Cords. Parasols, Ladies' Satchels, Fact, Ao. Photographs of President Lincoln, hnnddomoly framed. Thankful for past patronage I hope by stiict at lention lo busiuew to cuutinue the tuine. I cuiLLlr. Miiibury. May 1.1. JSiT, I Wistar's Balsam, : , neof the oldest and tnost reliablo reinodica in tht world for Coughs, Colds, WhooVIng Congh, Bronchitis. Iim eulty of Breathing, Asthma, lloarsnnoss, Horn Throat, Croup, and every Affection of THE TIUIOAT, LUNGS AMD CUEST, I ' including even OONBTTMPTIdN M1STAU 3 BALSAM OK WILl C11EUHY. Fo gcncrnl has the use of this remedy beenme, and so popular is it everywhere, that it Is unnecessary to rewinnl its virtues Its works speaks for It, and lind .Iterative in tho nhimdunt and volunliiry teslimoiiy of the many who from long suffering and settled di sease hnvo hy lla nae been rostored lo pristine 11uor nnd benlth. Wocnn proaent a mass of videucc n proof of our assertion. Ihyt .,.,,..., CANNOT HE liIoCllEHnED. . Well known nnd iniich rospeoled nniong the t.crmn J population iu thisceunlry. makes the following stn te 1 lticnt for Che benetit of the aflUcted r t Hanover, Pa., l'eb. IS, 1b.19. ' I Iiear Sir : Ilnvlng realir.ed in my fimily impnr 1 I ant benefits from the use or your valuabls prepnra 1 t if .11 Wistnr'a Ilnlsnm ofWIln Cbe-rvit nffordrec pleasure to recomroend it te tho publio. riome eight years ugooiiouf my duughlers seemed to be in a de. eline. and little hopes of her recovory were ester ! lained. I then juOvMired a bottle of your xcellent Balsam, nnd before she had lakcn thu whole id' the I contents of the bottle t' lie rasa great improvement ! in her health: 1 have. 1 1 11 t Individual onsv. made frequent use of your v 1 lal e medicine, nnd have al;o been benefited by it 1 JACOB HlvCHUill. ! Emith, Esq., resident ol tho .Morris Counly Bank, Monistown, New Jersey. , ', 'Having used Ur. Wislav'sBalsamof W ild the-ry I forals.ut fifteen Tears, and having realized hs-b;tie. I tie inl results iu niy family, it affords mc great h I sure in recommending it to the pabtic ns 11 valuable ' remedy is eases of weak lung, colds, coughs, ic, nml a remedy which I consider to be entirely inno cent, nnd may lie taken with perfeot safety by e ' most delicate iu healtU." From Hon. John E. Bmith, ' ' A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster. Md. I bavcon several occasions used llr. Wisuir'a Bal aam of Wild Cherry lor aevcro colds, and. always Willi decided benefit. I know of no prCpavnlion that is more etlicncious or nunc deserving of general use. Tho Balsam has nlso been used with cxooltcnt effect by J. h. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Kcmds, .Md. WisTAHa IU1.8AM of Wild CHEiinT None genuine unless signed '-I. Bl'TTS,'1 611 tho wrapper. FOR FA EE BY J. P. PIXSMOrtK. No. 4111 Broadway. Now York. Si. W. FOWLK fi CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by nil Ilruggists. REDnrxa's n uxr-iA .v.-i i. Ileitis Old Sores, KKI1IXQS RUSSIA SALVK . .- Cures Burns, cnlds. Cuts. '. KEDIHNG-S.KUSSIA SALVE . ' Cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. -. LV . ' . ' ;. ,-, ; 1" - RElJOIXtrSRCWfAXALVIi Cures Boils, floors, Cancers. BEDDING'S IIUSSIA- SALVE Cures Salt ltheum, Piles, Erysipelas. EEDDINQ'3 BUSSIA SALVE Cures Pingworui. Corns. .Cc.. t'C. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. ' j Only 25 Cents n Box .J Foil sai.k uv J P. MXSMOP.E, No. 4U1 Broadway. X. V. S. W. l'nWl.E A CO. No. H Tremont St.. Boston. And by all Iiruggijts and Country StorcUeeprs. Deo 21 ISM. " UP Da GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Square. Thrco Doors from Reel's Hotel) WILKES-DArtrtE, PA. millS INSTITUTION is now oi.eu nnd furnished 1 in the most uolly stvle. llcecidion, Private t and Operating Booms arc large and convenient nnd ! well adapted. Thu rnirgicnl apartment contains thu j finest collection of instruments in this country, and j thus his faculties will enable him lo meet, any ami I all emorgeneios in practice. He will operate upon tho various forms ol Jil.lA U. Lft. t Hfni act. IVeluon of tho Pupil. Cross Eyes, Closure of tho Tent Duets. Inveraion of tho Eyelids. Pterygium. Ac., Ao. And will treat all forms ol Sore Eves, lirnnuled Lids. j Opa'.'ctii-s of tho Cornea, nnd N-rofulons uiseases of ! tho Eye. together with till the dbenscs to which tho I eye is subject. : 'DEAFNESS. Will trcnt nil the diseases common J to theorem. Discharges from the Ear. Noises in tho ; Ear, Catarrh, ditliculties of hearing total Jleafnass, i even where tho Drum is destroyed. Will insert nn j articVial one, uuswering nearly nil the purposes of i tho natural. ! DISEASES OF THE THROAT. All diseafca I common to the Throat and Nose will be treaird I IJEXEl! A!. HCitUEK V. Ho will operate upon j Club-feet. Hair Lip, Cleft P.illate, Tumors, Cancers, j Enlarged Toncils. Ac. Plastic operations by healing new Mesh into deformed parts, und tieneral Jnircry ; of whatever character it may present. HEUXIA, (Oil KUPTl'ltE.) Ho will perform ' Lnbiiu." operation for the radical, (complete.) euro I of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfoet cure, nnd is : dona with little or no pain. Out of the ninny hun dred operniod upon in Boston there has been no fuil j ures, it having met ho approbation of all w ho have submitted to it. ARTIFICI AL EYES. Will insert artificial eyes. j giving thcui the motion nnd expression of the iiatu- I j nil. They are insertc.l w ithout Itio leiut pain. I j HEMORRHOID. (PU.E&.I This trouidejome di sease is readily cured. Those sutiering from il will I do well lo call. I'll. Up l'B Gkai-p visits Wilkes. Barre with 11 : view of building up a permanent Institute for Ihe 1 treatment ol the j-.ye, Lar. and Ueneral burgery. meres. Muslins, heelings. Ticking, Calicoes. He ke exporienco ol uure than a ouarler of a ceniurv. 1 luiues. Klunnola. and nil ki,,Hnf miiik v i vh . : 1. i in JbHpitul and gvnerul pruotiou, he hopes, will be h i mui-o.-:., Kunriuiieo ii mosc nuu may ue uitposou 10 January 14, 1660. ly TO CONSUMERS OF stjc?.ii.ia3 c:crBVLi:e .TpIIEur.dors'gnel dealer In Coal from the follow X ingwell known Collieries is prepared to receive orders let I ho taint at thu Lowest Market Hates. ii : MOHDECArS DIAMOXlJ MIXES (iHAY'S " PAHK1SII A C'O'S ' COX SOL! DATED VO'S lit li uUt rcparcj to urmsh tho ltaliimore t'o'si t's-lclsriitrsl t'otil, l.um? ttml IWjitiml. On the l'l tr 1 the Sr qiiehanna P.iver nnd Havre do (Iruco. lit ) as muds urrangeuients for the best PITT3TON AND PLYMOUTH COALS Which he propurii'. lo deliver on board llonts n( .NortliunHiland.or.lv Curs over Northern Central i Hailroiid sod on tht lino m' ihe lMiii,i.ii.t.,i,i,. trie ltaill-.r.d, on th best terms. tie is pi r j.ired to 1 11 all Orders with despatch, nnd respeotfull ,' Address April , boncus i rucrs iroiu tlic 1 ra le JOHN M. FAKLAXI). fcr.i. Norlhumberland, Pn. ! " TAKHwoTicnl fpiIATJ.W. PEA I. A E. It. LCMLLY, hnvo X entered into eo-partncisuip iu tho I'm. ilVc 0- JiedU iuc At Nurfiery, W e tuo always be found at tho utlice of J. V. Peal, unlets j rot'caMuiially engaged. ? i J- W. I'LAL A E. 1). H.'JILKY. Sunbury, April 22, ISH5. :i,u IiaiMuIuliou or Bui-tuf rtss.V milK partnership heretofore existing between tho X undersigned in tho Wholesale and llolail Coal aud Shipping business under the firm name ef (Irani 4 Uictt, it this day dissolved by mutual consent. T1I0.S. 1) OKANT c v . . V ALKNTINU UILTZ, fcuubury, April 15, IStii ' UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite the N. Y. A SEW UAVE.V A WE.vTEUN K. B. Depot BEACH BTttEBTj I03TON. Uy F. M Pit ATX, Formerly of the American Hou. May 13, lt.84. ly ' . ' SCHENOK'S ; RAN I) RAKE PILLS FOR. BICK HEADACHE, lla Ntmpton Cruic antt t'nrr. ' Tuts has received Ha tiamo from ft oor.itant natiseit or ioknessatlb atowaoh, wMoh attends tho pain in he head. This headaeho ia apt lo begin iu the morning on waking from n deep sleep, nnd when some irregularity of diet bin been oninmltteil on the day before, or sometimes for aevoral days previous. At first there Is a distressingly oppressive fueling lu tho head, which grndunlly merges Into A revere haavy pnin in tho temples, frequently hltended by ft tense of fullness nnd tenderness in one rye, nnd ex rending across the furohend. Therein a clnimny, un pleasant taste la the mouth, an oDensive breath, nnd ho tiinguc covered with a yellowish white fir. Tho sufferer rlisiree to bn nlone in the darkroom. As soon as tho patient feels the fullness in tho head and pnfn in the lemplca, Inkc alargo dose of Schcnkc'a Mnndrnko Pills, nnd in an hour or two they will feel as well ns well 119 ever. This has been tried by thou tnndsi and is always sure to euro, and Instead of tho tick bendaeho coming 011 every week or ten days, hey wilt not bo troubled with il one In three months. Sebcnck'a Mandrako Pills are composed of ft num ber of roots bi'sidjl Podophinin, or concentrated Mandrako all of wl'iich tend to relax tho secretions of the liver, and ocl more prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving nny dangerous effects : In n bilious person they will show thomsolvcs by tho fools. They will cjtpcl wonns, mucus, bile nnd nil j morbid matter from the system. In sick hoadnckes if they nro taken ns dircotud nbvove. (a full doso ns ( soon ns they feel the first symptoms of it Dr. Pchenek I will und hns directed his ngents to return the money ! if Ihey do uot gi ve perfect satisfaction. If n J erson has been eoinpelled to stny out Into at j night and drink Its much wine, hy taking a dmo of i piiU ongoing tbd. next uioruing ho will feel ns though-he" had Hofdrnnk it drop, unless he forgets togo to bcdntftll.r .' ' .. ' i They only cost 2 j cents n box. Whoever tnkes tnoimsill ner ase any other. They nro wprtfi dollar to A sick man fur every cent I they cost. '.'.'- ' j Dont forget the name Si hkm k'h Mandiiake : 11 I.I.K. . l Sild wholesale nnd irtnll at Pr. Mienoli's Princi j pal Office, Nn. IS. North (Sixth ttrcct, Philadelphia I and by Druggists and Storekerpius genernlly. Price for Pulmonic Syrup, Senwced Tonic, each ; $1 50 periodic. $7 it) tho half dozen, or two hot- : ties of Syrup nnd one of Tonie, for $:l Ju. j Dr. Schenck v,ill bo nt his office, No, 15 North , Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every .'nlurday to see ! patients. He makes no charge for advice, but for ! through examination of the lungs with nis llcspiro ineter. ho charges $3. 1 March IH lSii... BOARDINGIIOUSE. .1ISCM. .ISA it I A 'I IBO.IIfMP., (Formerly of the 'Lnwrenec Houe,'') SlTNll L Y , P K N N ' A; ' j INFORMS her friends nnd the public generally I that she has refilled the house, formerly occupied bv Dr. J. W. Pcale. on Blackberry street, near the i Northern Central Rnilwny Depot, nod opened n Boarding Douse, where he is prepnred to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT HOARDERS, j With good cooks nnd waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet comforts of home with faro equal to the ( bet hotels. j Patronage from those who may sojourn in Snnbiiry 1 is respectfully Solicited. I Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. runhurv.fcOct 2241. 1 WALXiFAFJGR'!. J. W. FK1I.1NU 4 SON, respectfully aunounee that thoy have just received and opened a verv de si ruble assortment of WALL PAPER nnd HORDE It w-hieh thoy will dispose of at very roasinoble prices Remember the place, Mammoth Store, Maikct S.iunro. J Sunbury, Mny 20. ISflj. ' HUST Zl.X'! P U K E 1. 1 15 E H T Y I. E A I), i Unopprcsscd for Whitening. Fine Oloj?', Durability Firmne.Ni nnd Evenness of Surface. PL'HE LIBERTY I.b'AD Warranted to cuver uioro sui face fur saano weight than any other Lead Try it unit jfun vitl hart no uthcr '. I'UHE J.1HKTY .INC. .elected Zinc, ground in Refined Linseed Oil, un ciiualed in quality, always the same. PU11E LIIiEHTY SSIIffC, Warranted lo do more and beifer work nt a given eobt tunu'miy uthcr C I tin J!. st .' Miinuliielured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT COLOR OHKtf. Orders executed promptly by ZIEGLEK Sc SlvflXn, )17of.ne Jh-i'g, Paint ttml (r'i l)tnlrr. U?' Stui-c i. Office. No 1S7 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. March 4, 13(50. ly. OLD EYES MALE NEW. PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore siht and give up speclneles.wiil.out aid of doe lor or medicine, reul by mail, free, on receipt of 10 tout. Address, 1 E. If. V'OOTE. M. I). I February 1. 1SI5S fim I NK V S ! Mi V M ! itVSi I The liclieliion CIosimI ami NEW GOODS OPENED At No. ) Store of WEAVER & PAGELST, CONSISTING OP DRY GOODS! FOREIGN ANH BOM ESTIC. such as Cloths t?nI. Alpaccnt., Black tsilks, Ciii-buiu., Balmoral and 1 r-Keictun Kllls, Uuiiton ilunnols, Jiuukucni. Car- pcling of nil kinds. HATS Sc CJIPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiery. Gloves. Thread, Pultons, Sus. pendeis, Neck-ties, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth ilrushes. Hum llib bon and Cord.tupe, ciotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dressct. tidy cotton, carpet . uiuuiug, coinui, taiicy tonps. enrpet baini trunks, t alises, luibrcllus, lilmik Ilooks, Paper, hnveloncs. Ac. 1 V 'l ti.nwlt, sucn as .Nulls, Jiimres nnd Sorews. Ihmr der'inlbm " ul uiscription. Also, J)yc8, Dnt-rg, PuintH, Viirr.islifH, Fisli, ria.seel tiiiiUJenzino Oils. Uliiss, Puttv.Ar. t4euii arc ul (Jlnsswurr of sill KisMlsi. S10NE AND E A IIT 1 1 E N W A U E. r.xlonsivo Stook of Jluecnroni. Barley, Jluking-iH.wder. uiolassos. soni s! oaudles.toUeco aud seg.us, l?ut, Fish, Aleat, Chuoto, Also, large variety of BC0T3 & SHOES. for Men, n omen and Children. liAII kinds of Uraiu and Country Produce taken in exchange for OosmIi. Uive ut a call before you purchase elsewhere we are bound to sell as low at any one olse. Suirc-room in Ira T. Clement't building nt Ike s-om wetcuruer ufMarkot rquare, Oe-ir tho Court llou.0. Suiihury June 24. 18.S4. EldX. WILVJ3RT. NOTARY PUBLIC, .UK ! 1 . O .... 1 vimuo iu --DiiDirj Ainerlean BTJrJTtTTR V Twiu-n Building, Will attend to the Acknowledging of Deedt, Mort gages, Letters of Attorney. Ae.. A. Also, it duly athorised to take ncknowlixlgmenu and administer oaths on npplioationa for llouii, ' !?'" IVxefclonti Md Muflwl'iij-of Huldiert, i W ulowtand Urnhans. ' ' ICE CREAM ritEEZERSe ' ",InT,i-sl''"' FltfE Kiat-Ta Fun , received from New Vork, for aale bv j-.iiuusive clock vl ' J)v G II O C ERIE S,'" Composed of Sugar, Coffeo, Tens, llioo, Corn-stnreh, sV ' x FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, l"oa Nen-Itettntlen t Incontinence of Crlae, Inflamma tion or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kidneys, Diseases ( the Prostrate Clsnd, Oravel, Brlek Bml Depettts, Dropsi cal Swellings, Orgtnla Weakness, Debility, Female Com platats,o.. HELMlToLlD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Ami Improved. Hose "Wnsll Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases aris ing from Habits of Dissipation, at Uttl4 taptn, liltlt or no changt f ditt, no acornJtnc or txposurt; onplctely luperscdlng those unpltatantanl icing trout remedies, Copabia and JAtrouryia curing these diseases. USE WTi'TiM'nriT.Ti'fi nJiUlviuwuA FltliD EXTBACT BUCHU In all Diseases ef the Urinary Organs, whether extstlng In hum or rstfiLB, rom lohatevtr cau$t originating, and ' ttomatUrohowtongttantllnff. lilt pleasant In Its taste . tnd odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of jrt or Iron. These suffering from Broktn Down or DtltcaU Conttl- 1 fuKons, yirocNre tht Ittmtiy at once. ! The Uoader roust be aware that however (light may be the attack of the above diseases, It It certain to affect his ; Bodily Health, Mental Povctri and JTapplneit. If no 1 treatment 11 submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may I tntue. All the above d'uieiiei require the aid ef ft dlurtUe. HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretlo. IIELMiioLD'S DtOBiT cottenrnuno Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Mood, removlDg til diseases arising from excess and Imprudence In life, chronic constitutional dht catet arising from in Impure ttate ef the blood, tnd the ouly reliable and effectual knotrn remedy for the cure of Ecrofula, Scald Head, Salt ltheum. Faint and Swelling ef the Donet, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Fact, Tetter, Erysipelas, and til tcaly trap. Hons of tho sldn, and beautifying the oonrLxxios. NOT -A. FEW Of tho worst dlsorderi that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that havo been made to purge It out, none can equal In effect IIELIIBOLD'S COMPO UXQ EXTRA CJ Of SA R3A PA RILLA. It cleanses and renovates the Dlood, Instills the vigor V health Into the tystem, tnd purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels Ihedisordert that grow and ranltlo In the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, hat long been sought for, and now, for the flrnt lime, tho public havo one on which they can de pend. Our space hero doct not admit of certificates to show Us eTocts, but the trial of ft single bottle will show to tho slok that It has virtues turpasilog anything they have ever token. Two tablcspooniful of the Extract of Farsaparllla, added to a pint of water, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Brink, and one bottle Is equal te a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaptrilla, or the decoction at usually made. The above Exlractt are prepared on purely scientific principles Iu Vacuo and embody the full strength of the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will bo ft comparison of their proper, tics with those tct forth In the U. S. Dispensatory, HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES In Disease! of the Blood, Humeri oa the Face, or any and every part of tho bady, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humors or Eruptions the Improved Rose Wash. Use the Extract Duchu for all diseases rcqu'.rlnz tho aid of a Diuretic, except thoso of the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet; In these use tho Extract Duchu and Inject with the Improved Rose Wash. Sjt7 TIIE3E EXTRACTS HAVE BEEX ADMITTED TO CSE IX TUB UNITED STATES AEMV, and also are In very (teneral use lo all the STATE HOSPITALS AND rUDI.IO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well r.s l.i prlrate practice, and are consfUercd at Invaluable remedies. MEDICINE IjELIVERED to aky address. Direct letters to IIELMBOLD'S DKCO k CHEMICAL WAREITOUEE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, n IIELMDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St, Assembly Build's, Phila. Itcribt Symptomi In all Communication. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits! NEW GOODS! S P HI X O A X I) S U M 31 K JUST OPENED 11 ISA.C FTJPwlIAlT, n Zetlrmoyrr't Iluibling. opposito (loaiharCs Con. fectioncry Store, JIarket street, SL'NUl'ItY, Pa., HAS just opened a well selected assortment of Hoods, which he uffers for sale at verv low nriee. - - - --1 - GOODS ! FOP.EWX AND 1KI.MKSTIC. such nt Cloths, Cassi mores. Muslins. Sheetings, Ticking, Culicues, Uc Lames, Silks, tiiughams, Ac , Ac. II AIM a ut I I'AI'si of every description. J NOTIONS & VARIETIES; Consisting of Hosiery, Olovet. Thread, Buttons, Suspenders, Neckties. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair llnwhni. 'IW.ih v n i i ... """"'f iloop-Skirls. Cur put-bags. Tin n k's, Ya- ! luKt, I'liibrellas; Cotlon-Yarn, Smia, and uuuiorous other ariicUt too tediout to mention. I 'fT ft T T tXT A T re " W A U U j tuch at nnils. hiuget nnd screws, door latches and "'. Vl Tl.P.HX ot every description Dvt-9. DrtiP-. l;,a V.mbl... Mil. !.. I O J - -e il mill o, VI I. KM Itl99 t uny, n., Ac. neeHsn arf nsid la.Ht nr oi e'try lf'r-I(luu. STOXK AXI) EAin ilEXWAKE. An extensive Stock of GB O C E R I E S. I i Couinod of Bugar. Coffo. Teas. Hioe, Corn-staroh, i Molaseee. t.ndlct, Jlot, Fish, Cheese. Salt, Tohaooo, j ItEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, BOOTS &. SHOES . for men, women and children. All kinde of Country Produce taken In exchange for Uoodt. I bunbury. Anrll 2 IUeV t'O ll, I'lll.Tl. W AQK PQR HELMBOLD'S. A April 22, ISoi ly. T"' '"'"'""'P of "rant A Diett laving been STJTTNjBTJR,"r, I? Jm raiKH'T unjcr '.iritf uuAvxyjz:i.Tuo JuKrip. rosoeellvalv. m wt nir..li- i:..: (o.yrc.,.,iy, w e riT-pccuuliy solicit eoutinuonce W. T. ORAXT. " ' " , ' T. 0. 4,9 AMI. .. Af,a ul mt.- 'V '"i"?'' ' 7 ; 1 i j i ?: rr-r- l4tckaviina Mi HliMlairtj: Ball fond. . ON and after Jan. 18th, iSetfaerenger train! will ruu ft follows : . .. . .' MOVING SOUTHi. W ., . j Leave Pcrnnton, 1 4,20 1 8 24 .3i " . Kingston, " ' Blnomshurg " Buport, " " Danville. IS Arrive at Nortbumberiand, MUVINQ NORTH. Leave Northpmbcrlnnd, S 00 A. , , " Dniivillo, 8.40 " Rupert, K 4 ' llloomsbarg, .3.r . Kingslou, 12 11 P.M. Arrive at Pcranton, 1.80 Freight 4 Passenger leaves Bloomslmrff. 10. 1J A. M. I'assengers tatting tn ainit t rain (5otitti canneov with the Express train from Norlliuwirerland, nrriv. : lug nt Hnrrishurg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. J M , and at Philadelphia, nt 7.U0 A. M. Tho Mail tho arrival of the Express train from HnrrUburg nnd Biiltimore. nllnwing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 l. M., to reach points on this road during Ihe next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping enra accompany the ' night trmnscaoh way between Northumberland and i Dnitnuore, nnd Nortbiimberlnnd and Pbilndelnhia. I). T. llOVNll, Supt. I. K. BTAUFFEH. WATCHMAKER & JJEWELHT, J0. 148 Korth UKCONO street, curner of Quarry, Philadelphia. All iiKworlmont of Vutclirn, Jew elry, Mllrrr A I'lutril Wore constantly hni.d, Suitnble for HOLIDAY FIIESENTS! I'jf llepairing of Watchea nnd Jewelry promptly attended to, December 3, I SO I ly N 'E AV G 0 0 D S ! I Two doors west of W'm. 11. Miller ' Shoe, store. I Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of j Sl'KING & SUMMKU GOODS, ; Sue.h at Fancy Dress Trimmings. Itibbons, Olovet llnndkerchiel's, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs ' Dent s Linen nnd paper Collars. Nett". Hells. Lace Collars and Sleeves. Jiair Hulls, Velvet Hibbons, ! lied. White nnd llluo Neck-ties, Corsets, (junker I Skirts, Yokes nnd Sleeves, j rSIlAKtll.S, l'AKAOLS, AC. 1 IMiotogniplia ol'Ir-siiIoiil l.liicoln, 1 in frntnes. i Alo, Swiss. Jnennet nnd Victoria Muslins Crape ', Collars nnd Veils, tlrenndine and l.ucc Veils and a ' variety of other articlet loo numerous to mention. ! MA11Y L. LAZAKLS. Sunbury, Jlny IS, ISfi I. i 6 jKLLm3z2xtmvm:v. 9 9 , (Late HEllK'S I10TKL.) Curner Market and.td p'lreets, HAKUISDrllO, iPA. TI1K attention of the publio it respectfully called ! to this Hotel nhicb is now open for the accommoda tion of guests. In Ihe past live month during w hich time it Ties been closed the house has been thurough i ly remodeled and repaired, vntil in point ol eonveni ' euee nnd oomfort, its patrons will bud it to own no I superior. , - . 'I'lte I'nriiiltire ICiKiroIy Vs'iv. lloomj lurzer than are usually founii in inuilern hotels . Situated on tho corner of two principal business . streets of the city. but ttvo and a hair.iiiires from the Hail lload l'epot. 'J'be proprietor determined to spare 110 expense in seetii iui; the comfort ot his jrucst ; Hint u favorable reputation tor tlio cstuhluhmciit. he ! feels Vtillinji lo trust its character to tho juilgmont of liis putruna. 1IEXUY THOMAS. Proprietor. J. R. HILBUSII, 4'oiinfy Snrvcj'wi', Cotivejiinrcr : ' AXI ; Jcsrtci; of : peace. j 3'ttlwno, Xiirtiiiintlii rhiml ' fim nt ji, Vevii'it Oflice in Jackson towunhip. lnrai;einents enn bo made by letter, diteoied to the above address. ; All bu.inoA entrtistod to his euro, will be promptly . attended n. Apiil 8S. ISM. ly , . miULEH.U.E AXJ) RETAIL. ; rpiIE subscriber rcspecifully informs the publio jl l!:nt he keeps constantly on band at his new WAP.KII(1'SK. near th Shamokin Valley Hail road ; liepot.in.L'Miri!Y,l' luurliy the barrel und sacks ' of all kinds of Feed by the ton 1 The above is all lun'iiiifaclured nt his own Mills. ,' nud will be sold ut the luweil cridi prices. : .1 .M. CADWALLADFU. ' Punburv. June 4. Itiiil. O GOBIN. Attoi-n.y y nud ( eniisellar ut l.a , villi:, cciipkr cm.missoiiu. IJOOXY "TII.Lpay taxes on lands iu any part of the State. Huy ntd sell real li.-tale. and all oiher matters eutruited to Litti will reouiti- j rumpt iitteu lion. , , . . . Ju'y S, lsii oil li. Ct. I FANCY DRESS COODS, .IIIM A.l.l.X I'.ll. I lilt, Two Oooru Wvst of the Post Otlii e, 8TJNBURY, 3?EJSTTSrA., HAP just received and oj ulied a liirge ussortmen off noey Drees tlorls. hui'Ii ut llluvce. Joiivinii Ikid-gloiet. Silk nnd lisle thread Hlnves: Lndies cotton Hose. Children's Merino lice. Silk Jlits, Ladies und Uentleuien llandkeichiefs. Corsets. Km broidered Slippers, Hibbons FANCY IiIlKSri HI T. I UN'S. Hugle iiicips. Trimmings, liullons, ilelt Hib 'bon Velvet Hibbons. Hraid, llelt Clasps. Ladies' Neck-tii.CKAPKhIHiiN and TKIMMINtl ; Km broidoring Hrnids, Jaooiiot and Sw is Kdgings and insertions; Jlaltewe Lace Collars, Laces. Drenadiiio Veils, liluek Veil. Funuy Urass Comlw, lloud Iiies scs. Nells, and a variety of other articles. Leckniaid't Paper Cllnis of a suptriur iuHlitv. Ludies' Linen Cullim , a Ta.-ioty of i)um ICIunboth Collars, liluek ami wliito Hnrbes. Picture Cords und Ti wis. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 11 JOKS Aim BTATIONEHY. Monthly Time lksd , I.-awing Hook nnd Stales. Hocks.' Hymn Bonks, : it ink Hm.ks. Jfemornuduui U: ikl, Uinrios, Poik t: Hooks. Ink Stiunls, Pens, -Pen :1s, a Duo k:t;iuml of Paper, iuk, Ao. Toilet r"caps, Xith-l!jjcs, Ao. TOV8 AXD OA.VE.S FOR C'HILDHEX, All of whi.-h have beet el-cled with enre and will be tli r.l reasonable p '.in. , . ANNA PAtXTKR. Ficlnrv Jfny IX H IV 18G5. mi MAMMOTH STORE. J. U'. MIIIJjA: Mil, t"Kii leave to call the attention ut the public that A), they have just returned from Uie l ily with a very .'( LA HOE AND W ELL SKLL'CTED S T O C K OFiGOOD S- fosltIiigfr IHY (JOoDft, . . j ' Hardware, QueensWare Cedarware, BOOTS fctSEOES, Hosiery, U loves, Notions, Trimmings, Uruira niul t'lis-inionU, (His, tuiip and in fuct LVUHYTlllNtl tlKNEHALLY KEPT In 'onnlrj Nlorrtt. ,. J boujht our gQnd at lb bjwest Ct.li J'rleet Md oonswjuoiitly we think we eon oft-r great In ducementt to purchasers fur Cash or Country Pro duce. Ihe highest market prloe paid for all kind of Produce (Jive ut a call. J. W. FHILINll A SON. Sunbury, May 13, IRtll. i no : rou xr.y nowin m j AND lWilli'aT 'fl A r. Just opened ut thellH.WH JJII.LINFHY Sl'nltK, of .tllsiH .TI. f . iisikilrr, ...Hfiivci, iwuiiimn smiun f?nautuaiu i alley or , l uuwiue liaiirnan, .. . . jouiwim, riu.,r,w.mi.vsil Sfl, O loves. Collars, Jlaudkoruhlefi. Iluaierr. i Veils, bilk, iiiviiadiue aud Mourning Veils, aud j liuuieruut (itbor nulUitit, u,sually kept In Afilllnery Call and hi berttesk 1 unburr, Apiil JJ, 1MJ -3 ' I THE RED LION HOTEL ' (Late Mrt. Bowlton't ) MAEKIT ITRIJT, OWBTJIlT, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old Ind well known ttand, an reftctnl and furnished the aatno it pirptuad to accommodate Boarders and Traveler with, tht beat the market eon ftffutd. He linnet by strict attention to business to roeclva ft shirt of publio patronage. Ills TABLE oontftiM the beat the market aflordt Hit Btr it filled with tho choicest of Liiiaort, both Malt and Spirituous. The stabling it good, and attended hj oarrfut usuera. Punbnry, April SO, 18(14. 1y" GK "W. H ATJPT Attorney una 4'ounwellor nt I.iiWt Oiuoe on toulh side of Market street, foul doom west of E. Y. Bright Sent Stose, " s-aisTBTjinr Will attend promptly to all professional Wrineat entrusted to hit caro, the collection of alniuit In Northumberland and the adjoining cunntitt. bmibury, May 2J, 1H03. ly TO THE 1USICAL PUBLIC. f I111K subscriber 20 yeert ft practical Plnno Forts X Manufacturer, of New Yolk City, hat perma nently located in this section, nnd would respectfully solicit orders for TUNING, REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. The tubreribcr it nlso the tniuufucturer't Ajenl for CutcKKnrxo sox-,, If AZI.KTON 11110 S.. LIXIiKMAN A SON'P . WILLIAM H. IIUAIiHt'llY'.-?, KDWAlil) nLWOMl'IELDV, McIlONALU i CO'tJ, II V.( l'(IHH'.N, And Cnrhart i Needlinui's. nnd Peloubet'e MBLODflONS & HARMONIUMS, And L. U. Kluiirt e Pip CllVUCn OKOAX3 JAMES McliONALD. llloomsburg, Pa., April 29, 186i. II. II. SIAfSl'.It, Attorney tit I.av. SI XBUUY, PA. Collections Mttrnded to in the eounties of Nor thumberland. Vniuu Snyder, Montour, Coluuibis tnd Lycomiug. , nrrKKT.yrr.n. lion. John M. Heed, Philadelphia, A. O. Oattell A Co.. " Hon. M m. A. Porter. . " Morton McMiehael, Ksq.. " E. Keteham A Co., iWU Penrl Street, New York. John W. Athmcad. Attorney at Lkw, ' , Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Kuubury. Murch 211, IMti2. THE UNION FOREVER! e-iiOOIDh I'OIC .tlll.l.IO.li t At the rUora of "CHIT BO WE IT Corner of Mnikct and Fawn Streets, s u x n u u v , i' i: xx'a. Just opened FALL & WINTER GOODS, fur cvi'r.Y.Knly. TJiip im "IMuwin.' but ptuin Irulh. which every i'lic will hi' eunvimu'l tlinl culls inul rx niiiincs (ho f4ock, tLh'1) ettnsisld uf Drpnonilfi. ('.isMmort'n, T'loth.. Ootitrf OvfrC'iating. Jcnns, Oot Insotl eMiiiilii.fi. ltrt'si (Jood- in great VHriely. LADIES' DRESS COODS. Plain and Figured Pilaines. Freneh and Figured Merinos. Fine M'ool Iieluinet all ii.rts nml shades. Prints. Nankeens. LAI'IK.'?' CLOAKIXtj, Tuble-Coveis, Irish Linen, Ilrown and White Sheetings. Fhnnls. P.almoral Skirts of all kiuds, Hoop r-kirls. all prices. Hand kerchief. FluDnrls, Ludiis' Kid. Silk and Merino illuves. 40. eVwclrj' wl'till sV1:k!h. Ladles' nnd tirnl.' fnioii rkules. ; 1 A large a..-oitn;ei:l of XoTIit.N".-. XI BB.tZ. Ja.'9 Hardware, Cednrware. (t,as..wnre. ('hinnware. tjtieensnare. Crockery. Oroeeries, Tobacco, Sex-iira. Snuff. Tea. Cnflce. f ugor. Molasses, Spines, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac., and everything else usually kept in a store. Pro. rtuue taken iu cxahango tor goods. No trouble to show goods. JUS 1SOW1 X. r-iinburv. Nov. A, I.Mil. r i: u i' a ,y IMPEHIAL T M J fi 0 t 0 Ct i il 13 II U!5 tl 1 1 T V l T ! iyMtwatwcy v. n . i i .j , Nos. ?Ot, 704 and 7 Oil AHCII S'THKKT PHILADELPHIA. j Dec. 17. ISM. fim j FHOM WASHIKOTON, i LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGEI ! CULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS. ' ' I AT TUB . ( i t ( i F O U IT D R "X", R0HR2ACEU& COCFE?., 8UNBTJRY, IE1STNA. Uet thellvst !et the Cheapets tiet Ihe lo.,l Leo mimical, whi, b enn be had al I be Hohiloieh Fnuu.lrv Having a large assortment of the must approved r.i r..i. sueii iw Cuukiiig. i'urlor.Htliee und Shop ; Stoves, wlii. li will be sold in the b.nrst rales. Also, i Kettles of all sizes. Pans. Skillet.. Ac. 'J hey are also iniiniit'uctiii ing Maehinei v. Ploifhs. ' Castings. Ac., ut short notice. .. . ' " ' llepairing all kimls of Agri-nlliirnl riupuuiciiui i doeo in - m good workmanlike manner anil m il... shortest notiet. All nrlieies shipped as ordered. Orders resiiect fu'.ly sulUitvd nnd promptly nt tended u. JtDllHHACU COUPE K. Lj- Old Iron, and all kinds of Produov taken iu I'.xeiia liBii"e for work Sunbury, June 18, ISfif . If BREAD BREAD I ! BREAD I'.'. NEW BAKERY. rpiIE umlersigned hns opened a linker)-, on JIarket 1. street, Sunbury. Pn., two doors west of the Post Office, where he will keep constantly on bun. I, rr ill-cud, tm i-ti.icoiu, itiitkUsi, andTEA.Hl'XNS. All kinds of FANC CAKES. Common Cakes, Prclr.els. Ac. Pic-Nio Parties, Weddings nud Funerals, will he supplied lit Ihe sborlest noliee. A good assortment will be kept up at all limes, uiiimilactured out oflho best uiuteriul, aud outers will be promptly attended to. He trust that his friends and the public generally will sustain him in this new enterprise, now greully needed in Sunbury. He trusts his experience Iu the business will enn. ble hiiu togive general tutisluctiuu lo all who ma. favor hiiu with their patronage, ... DAVID FHY. bunbury, April 22, lsv.. ''lie 'oitttl-i., Iroulile-.K liiiu i-ir. twcnariilltiar CORN S HELLER ! ! PATENTED, AFOOT Snd, ISCI. rpiIIS Shelter is the only one that shells the Corn X pel fectly clean from Ihe Cob when green, soak. f..dr.y.' V iv'" J-"r b'i.bl i.r. ration the Shelling heel as it pai.ee through, and . pa. relet the I ob from the Corn complete! v. rend, r in- jt at once nt lor uinrket without Ihe use id the fauuTue i mill. 'J his ninehiun shells a lMf Utt,lluf Kim t tht Minutt ly f ),-,,. hitrij llniiJ Wtr. and enn be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water lower by allaehi.ig a Pulley the frank Shaft, for Durability, Cleanliness, Keatneat tlnai mat and Hapidily fa r-bell.i.g, tltis Machine cauu.4 ! equalled by any other. STATE ANDCOl'XTY niHIITS FOR f.U.EO.N'! KKASO.VAI1LK TKRMS. j (Un turn If you want your roiu Ph. lied ' cleau ; if you have occasion lo shell rreru ur duin jeorn: Ifyou went uur cm aud tJ ratl ; it .us Maul e itur.l.l ......I.I..& . ir m.... i ' .boiler. Iiitw Ik. I'. I.... it '..t.i-. u i. j ' I aralinj Curl Sbeller 1 lit ffliKVrm II. II. Uaaser. Dr. J. W. Peale .Vm,l.ry. Charles Haas, Miller, Sauiuel LMig. Heading. C O. Morgan A Co., o Weiarr, 1.. Augusta. ! Milleie. isunbery. Sol Maria. Fat tati. 1 Henry l.awuilng. Hear (lap. C. Albert. Oaurietuwsi I MhoImiuii 4 ht kale el the Fwubdie ui Hull KUAL'll A UooPKU, bunbury ft enmbury, Dee. J, Ia64.ut IF -st 4 I , Wa,e, Ck.M UK a Ntwbkor ...... l-JIIIH ur - Ttte A ! lUftta CowantittT, GIVE NOTIC Ikae Vhey hare eoaeludixl a raj.geaneoui with the IMwdiam Central Kail roti Company te rnn train from llajtlmore or Tork, llarrlsbnrK, !euphin, llallfki, TruvertMi, Bonbury, NurtlmmlMrlaad, Lewlsbarc. Millow. Muney, Wll liatnsBort, and Ml Intetanvdlate etiuUema, eonneotinc a HarrlsbnrR with the UKKAT WwItRN KX PHKHM for Pltuburg, Clnalpnati, Be. inmit ut the West. Alan with Uownrd t Co t tiprest at Mlllotl or I)aasillt, lllaoisituiire:, vTllkesbarre. Htttton, Soran ton. ami hitermediate etatiutia en the Cattawlssa. Iitmkaweeum- -UHMlmrs) lUilroadt. At Wtl liaBispbet. by Howard A to t itixpreat to Jersey tlio'.. and Maveit. AIM, by Howard Co , ejid their enimeeilotie, tor Can tun, Troy, Klralre. Hochreler. HufTalo, Maarn, and to all Honutilt pointt in Western New York and Canada, by wbieb Ihey will forward Merchandise. Ppeoie, flank Note. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. -. - j Alto, Nut., 1rnfta and Hills fur Collection. I'tperieuced and efficient lucMrnjters employed, nud every eSOft will be made to render satisfaction. JOHN UIXiIIA.i. Superintendent Pcnn'nliivition, Philadelnhut. K. A. Uii;iliH, Agent for UuuLury. April 5, IMi. I sua. yi-i-uii'm'nt 14IS. of Mew Vot-k l.tnrti. THF. CA.tllikX AND AM HOY AND PHII.A1UJ,. P1IIA A.l TKKXTOX R, 11. CO. '8 LIN Kb,, . Prom PliiladiJyhtatoXn, York and ll'ay rors, from U'htMit otrci jV.'tarf mid KiHtiHfon. Drpot, trill lenr a fottotrt, tit ; fAta At 6 A. M.. via Cuuiden and Am boy, (C. anj A. Accommodation.) $2 5J . AtO A. M . via Camdenand Jurs.vflil. V .t Acconnnoilation, . At 8 A. M., via, Camden nnd Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) At A A.M., via Camden nnd Jersey e.ity 2d Clam Ticket ' . r -, 3 (k, J 2; , 3 1 il 0'.. i ot. I At Yl A. M via Kensington and Jersey city, i F.x press At 12 M. via. Cumden und' Aua.y, C unfA. ( Accommodation. At 2 P. M., via Camden tnd Am boy. If. and A. Kxpt-uss,) At J P.M., via Kensingt.n nud Jersey Cilv. W ash. nnd S . V. Kxprest At 6i P. M . via Keiinu-ton und Jersey City, (Kveiiiiig Mail.) At 1H P. M. via Kensington nnd Jersey city. s (Ji 3 DO' At I J (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Fotitnerit F.xprcss At 6 P. M.,ria Camden and Amhiv. lAeenm. niodation. Freight und Passungvr, First Class Ticket. j j,( Second Clnss Ticket, j 'i For Water Oap, Slroodsburf. Scranton, Wilkes. bnrre. Montrose, tireat llend, Ac., at 0 A M . from Kensington, via llvlaware,, Laokawauna and Western Kailroiul. For Muuch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Beli- d ere, taslon, Lanibei tville, Fleoiingtun, Ao.. Id u A. M., from Keusinglon iJepot, und nt 21 P M. from Walnut street Wharf. : (TbeO A. M. Line connects with Train) loarin I haston for Maueh Chunk, nt .1-20 P. M.) ror Mount Holly, ut 0 A. M , 2 and 4 P. JI. For Freehold, ut tj A. M. and 2 P. Jl WAY LINKS. j For Pristol. Trenton. Ac, at II A. SI. and 21 and I P. M. from Kensington, Fur Palmyra, llirerton. Delanoo. Iteverlv. Bur ; linjfton, Florence, ltordeuUiwu. A., at 12, 'l 2 It 1 and 0 P. M . j y- For New York., and Way Lines lenving Ken , siiigion Iiepjt, take the t ars on Fitih street, ahote ; Walnut, half nn hour belore departure. Thi Cirs ' run info tho l'epot. aud on Ihe nriiv.nl feach Train, - run from the lot. j Fifty Pounds of llnggage onlv. allowed each passenger. 1'nengi r aie prohibited from UkLn,: anything as ba ' baggage over tiny pounds to be pi. l'..r extra, 'l b. . Con.paiiv limit th.ir n-jionsibiliiv lor bnggngu I. i Duo Imllar per pound, and will not be liable lor uu amount beyond flutl. except bv speui.il ronlrn-t. j . M M. II. liAT.MEIl, Ageut. ! January 17. s5. ji. '. ii:.icBi.ititi j Confectionery, Toy anc FJRTJIT STORE, l:irl-f !Sir--l. Stuibury, (' XFK(' TltixKUY OF A I.I. IClMiS, TOYS OF KVKIiY I)!:S('!MITro FiU IT, Ac. Ac, '10XSTANTI.Y n baud nnd for sali at the abv. establishment ut wholesale aud retail, at reaso hblv priees. H is iramilarim-iiig all kind, of t'oiif-eliunsri I to keep up n lull ussuriiueot which are told nt I, ! rates. Tobaceo. Segnra. Sialionery. Nuts of all kinds, a a variety of other articles, nil of whioh are otjer , tt hob'sule and retail. ; Lir Hemeiuber the name nud place, r j ; , M. C. UKA It II A KT. .Mnrkel slrrel. 3 dbors west ri:. V. il, ijjl.t A rf I store. ; Sutihury. Sept. 10. lfiO.i.tf . tui-ii ni-nrin apuaroi. .lli .il.!.i-:if)w I'A I'ILYI' l it f .iS I'tb-: i'rs:!:zc'E As Improv.id for IS.'iH nnd Isdit. Hy E. KKTl lIA J A CO.. 29 Pearl st.. Now Yo f I 111 K only I'reemr eonstrueted on seienlilic r J eiples. with n revolving can nud spring bl semper. J he one hastens the iVe. ningot the cn-at the other removes il ss f ast n. tr,.en. 1 be must rapid in freezing, with the lens! ouan of ice. The ou st eeiwinmical in cat, as it is t,P ,nut aii, niol doiiil.le iii -truetiiin. For sale iu all ihe pilncipal cities and towns in Isms. Each Preerer neei.mpei.ied with a hook of rec ami full directions. Plill'ES. t" en 4 00 a oo ft on li tin ii. u. y.xr.n. rauiury, i S quarts. 4 ijuarts. (I (ii.rts. t ijuart. 1 1 'junrts. 110 ijuiirts. Apply I,. Jfareh ill. j2. ti Koiu; ic Hill, ssm,, . Woi.ven HILL & WOLVERTON. Altornoy h (iikI l'oiiiiwr-!i- nt Ia CEce. JIarket street, cor. Crbtre Alloy, SUNBURY, P.A.. 7 II-I' attend promptley to the collection "f e ly and ull uther prul'essioiml lniMiies iiitres their eare in Northumberlnml an ladioiuingcou Sunbury, January 2.!. IHfi2. IiiiIioI t Iio I.01.I, liutr Itrkls Just publi-he.l. a new e.llhn of Ir. Culvei Celelmiled Kssny on Ihe radical cure (without cine) nt peruintnrrbien. or seminal weakurs voluntary Seiuinnl lisses, Iiuotener. M.nr Physical Incapacity. Impedimenis to Marriag. al.o, Cousuinption, Epile.y. and Fits, indue sell-indulgence or sexual extravagance. I V Pri.io, iu a sealed envelope, only six cei Hie eelebralcil lluihor In this admirable el. arly demonstrnles. from a thirty veers' suet practice, that the alarming wnioiiiirncra o abuse may radically cured without tho dan use of int. rnal medicine or Iho application knile pointing out a mode of ruiv nt nnco s acrtnin. and etlcetual, by incuua of which eve leier. no waller what his condition may In euro himself cheaply, prlvnlelv. nad iwlira.lt v l-'J'his l.ieture should be'ln Ihe hands o youih and every man iu the land. Sent, uuder seal, in a plaiu envelope, tu a dress, post-pnid, en rectipl of six cents, ur I slninps. Address the publishers. 12. Louery, New York. Post Oftce Uog, ieo J. i-oij. je ly c lnO'rsiiillonal Hold, 3tii and 3i7 liitxiJirnq, frnr PruHltm NEW YOHK. f pllIS first class House the most quiet, b, I ami plea-'nut Hotel in the city often imllieenieLls 1m those vi-lling New York f.ir I or plenriir. Il is eeutral iu its location, and the Ei aorta a l'L,in connection sulil i StLook. wlieierelru.huienu tan Le had al or sen rd iu their own riH.mi. The charges derate, Ihcr.ioins and alti u lmu.. of the tret baiht. aud ell Ihe uioduru voiirei.iki.cet atlw ivt I. w.4 SOI.OMO.N MAI ICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BONnUBY, Norlhuuiberlnoi Count OFFICE in Ct end ot Weaier't Tei.ru, Street. All bu.luew entrusted to him will Ue earrfi punctually aiicndi-o) to l ousullenoa iu ti lull aud tiernian langnagee. Sunbury. A 1 1 1 1 a. Ili JF YOU WANT TO KK0W ITU K OK EVFUVTIUNiJ relet In ituutau syttrm, male and female; h, oij llra'll ineui uf iIimwi : IU suarriitfe ei wuiu , now io suairy well and t things b.l.r puLIUktU Uluie rued Ike tct eulaigwl ediiluu ul "Mtuiiai, (. uueoB. eu'lvut Uwk lor euilou. 'i.. aud e g4 "' "d g". M lilueitaitooe. Pri Cool.uU table eeul free to any e IJrvee its tie had at the IWk M'srvt, u will Ue tout iUou lectMid u( tlif ink AddiM r H Fixili M HJ tieedety te rebiuti; 4. nl -ets
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers