9nta. "" Cha. B. ; SMITE &, GE1TTEEF... ssrket trt, cot door Mt of Mrs. Boulton' Hot StJNBU'R'Y PA., ! Have opens J " .' j ANEW TIN -W 'ARE,. beet It-oil iintl Move (Store. I find intend keeping constantly oo hand, and . nnB-i factoring to order on shortest'oolice, I TIN AND SHEETRON-WARE of all description. ALargeUtock of Cook StoreTof tb Allowing Brand WlWlftPJ PCMN I and on the following two Brands w dtfy oonipsti tioo, namely Comlilnnllon dn( Ilurnei't Cool. OoTrrnor Pcnit Cool. unsurpassed for besnty of finish. simplicity rf ar rangement, combining chenpness and durability. nd itch stove warranted to porloiui what they art re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES. In great varioty.cmbrnclrg all tba boat manufacture, and most fashionable design Also, The celebrated OEM for heating up and down stairs. Also tl.o celebrated VULCAN HEATER. 1 Con! Oil, Cunl M1 l.iinip. rvliuIc, 4 liiiiiiilc. nsid nil arlfi-lfN unusunlly kept in nn establishment of this kind. We arc also prepared to tlo all kinds of Spouting, Roofing Range and Furnncu Work. Out Kitting. Ac Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country" produce taken in exchange at maiket price. SMITn & GENTHER, . Hare the Agency for BIBB'S CK1.KHR.ATFP FIRE PLACE S'iOVES, for the Counties of Northumber land. Snvder. Union nnd Montour. Ard are also agents for the Fipher A Willower Lllo. 'Transportation. Sun; urr.Dec. 8, 1864. FANCY DRESS GOODS, Mini A..V I'.VIA I IiH, Two doors West of the Post Ollieo, 8UNBURY, FETSTN'A., HAS just received and opened a Innre assnrtnion of Kane v Dress Goods, siich ns Glove. Jonvian Kil-gloice, Silk and lisle thread Gloves: Ladies cotton Hose, Children's Merino Huse. t-ilk Mite, Ladies and Goiitloincn Handkerchiefs. Corsets. Km broidercd Slipr.crs. Ribbons FANCY DREhS R IT TONS. Bugle iinps. Trimmings. Buttons. licit Rib bon Velvet Ribbons. Timid, lielt Clasp. Ladies' Neck-lies. CRAl'EltiBBON nd TRIMMING; Km bruidcriug Druids. Jaconet nnd Swiss Edgings and insertions; Malteese Lace Collars. Laces. Grenadine Veils. Black Veils. Fancy Dress Comb. Head Dres ses. Nctts, and a vriri-ty of other article!. Lock wood s Paper Cjlltu-s of a superior quality. Ladies1 Linen Collars, a vn-ioty of Queen Elisabeth Collars, black and white Darbes. Picture Cords and Tassels. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS HOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book, Drawing Book and Slates. Books. Hymn Books. Blank Roofs. Memorandum Books L)iariea. Pocket Books, ink Stands, Pens, Fei :ls. a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ac. Toilet Siaps, Tootb-Ilruchcs, Ac. TOYS AND GAMES EOT! CHILDREN'. All of wb;':b hnve been selected with care and will be sold el reasonatlo prices. ANNA PAINTER. Sunbur", May 13. 18o5. SOLOMON MA LICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUNBTJRY, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE iu East end of Woavor'a Tavcru, Murkel otroet. All business entrusted to hi in will be carefully and punctually attended to. Consultation iu the Esg- luu unu wuruiiin inoeuiij;es. bunbuiy, April d. Istfj. THE EYE and EAR. T h (People ! NOW READY. Work by Tr. votf M't-i.1IZISKER, Of No. 1027 Walnut oiluw, vklladoliibin, entiliod A book rou tii a raopLE, On the following Diseas : EYE and EAR Dojuhkuii THROAT Diseases in General ; Clergymen's and Publi' Speakers' Aire Tlnoat ; Diseases of the Air Pusigut, (Lnryugitii', Bronelnti.",) A inn anil i'uliirrli. This Book is to be hud at No. ftUS Chcsnut street I'bilauelphin. Bud ol all Booknellcrs 1'rico $1 And tvotn tho author, Dr. V-m Moschtiker. who on bo consulted c-n all these maladies, and all Ner ous AfTfoiluns. which he trca.s with the surest Slic es. Office, Ko. on Wauiut street, Philadelphia. Feb. 11, iS65 Smw The Coiuplotc, FroiiMfActiiig' Hvlf. Nepiivinlnsr CORN S HELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUGl'S 2nd, ISM. THIS Shelter is the only one that shells the Corn perfectly elean from the Cob when green, soak ed or dry. It gives the Ear a double operation on the Shelling Wheel as it pastes through, and aepa. rates the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once fit lor market without the use bf the faunim; mill. This machine shells a Half Butid of Ear to the Minute ly Ordi nary Hand Potter. and ean be used, also, by IIor.e, Steam or Water Power by attaohing a Pulley on the Crank Shaft. For Durability, Cleanliness. Neatness Cheapnera and Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cannot be equalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR BALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. . Qentlkmek : If you want your corn Shelled clean ; it' you have occasion to .bell green or damp eurn ; if you want your corn and cob separated ; if yuu want a durable maobine ; if you want a cbeap Utller, buy the Complete, Double-Acting, Solf-Seu-arutuig Corn bhcller. REFERENCES : II. B. Masscr. Jir. J. W. Teale 5unbury. Charles Haas. Miller, Sumucl Lcisig, Reading. C. G. Morgan A Co., Geo. Welser. L. Augusta. Millers, Hunbury. Sol. Marti. Farmer, Henry LeUeuring, Bear Cup. C. Albert, Georgetown Mmufuclured and lor Sale at the Foundry ot HOHKBAC1I A COOPER, ruubury, Pa. bunbury, Deo. 3, 1 8(11. 8ui EltlAD BREAD I ! BREAD ! ! ! NEW BAKBR-T. niUE undersigned hasoiiened a Bakery, on Market 1 street. Sui.bury. Pa., two d..r aiat of the Post Office, where he will keep constantly on hand, U llreutl, '1'Mlait.ttollH, KiiakH. aud TE A-BUNNS. All kinds of FAM-'Y CAKE3, Common Cakes, Pretscls Aa Pic-Nio Parties, Weddings and Funerals, will be supplied at the borU,t notice A good assortment will be kept up at all limes, m.iiiul.ictured out of the bct material, and orders will be promptly attended to. Uelru.1 thut his frauds aud Ihe public generally will sustain him in this new enterprise, DowgreutlV Deeded in Hunbury. " ' He tru.t hi. exporieuce in the busineM will ena ble him tog.va K,.,.ra wrUlucUon to all who uav favor him with their j atronuge. ' Sunbury, April 22, 1S85. DA VID FR Y 103, ' !,',"',e!J,,,ln Kallrond. ' mil IS great line traverses the Northern and North .u LakeE,""..'0 eUlv"'i to ot Erie It h.ia been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Couipoi.y and u operated by Uieiu naurosa in. Mil, length 0peud U passenge, ,.d fn igl,t biunpesa, October 17th, i8el , B lime ol Puawuiger Iraiasat anuhury, ., , , Leave Eastward. Mail Train, arrives ,., tlmira Express Train, 11.S4 Luck Haven AceoinoiedaUoB, 10.3s A. M Mali Tram, Elaiira Express Train, 4 15 A.M. k 'in .. . u nuvjwiuoiiiiioB, 4 sa P M r k SMMiger ears run through on Mail Traia withoat and oo Elroira txpreTrain Vw7lT. I ' V illimsrxrtsxdBaitiu!o,V "' Freight U..UmpAg'.ni J. W. Heynolds. Erl. .'L. ,, ; " . ' WUiai tiro A. k c. K. a ttiaau j - : , . U- U. Hocstox, , j rr r. no .-. .,. B-W.Owhsii, ) Oen'i Ticket AaX. Phiimla. 1 Josaea t. font, " - ( . , lo ' '-'''".. WiUiaouort iii P. M. A SCHENCK'S v M A N I) R A K E ; P I tfLS TOR lis SliMltoit'iue nnd Cure ' trii fu's received Itf name from a roWanl riatraoa or sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain In theaadv -l'his headairhe is : apt to begin In .Ihe morning on waking from a deep elecpt and when some Irregularity of dial. 1ms been committed on the day before, or sorrel lines tit several day previous. At first there Is a distressingly oppressive, lowing in ttt head, wblcn gradually merge Into a tcvere heavy pain in the temples, frequently intended by a ten of fullnesa and tendernos In, otit eye, and ex- ending acroea the forehead. , There is a olarumy, trn- pteasant taste In the anoulh, an otTonelve breath, and the tongue covered with a yellowish whit fur. ' The sufferer dnslrratobo alone In the dark room; As soon as the patient feels the fullnesa in the head and pain in tba tomples, take a large dose of Scheuko'e Mandrake Pills, Bud In an horn or two they will feel as well aa Well as ever. This hat boen tried by thou ands, and is always eure to cure, and instead of the aick headache coming on every week or ten days, they will not be , troubled with it one In three months. " ' " .' Scbenck i Mandrake Pills are composed of a num ber of roots besides Poduphinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which lend to relax tire secretions of the liver, anil aot more prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effect In a bilious person they will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and nl) morbid Matter from the system. ; In sick headaches if they are taken aa directed abvova, (a fall dest ns soon as tboy feel the flrrt symptoms of it Dr. Schenck will and has direeted his agents to return the money If they do not gfve perfect satisfaction' If a person hns boon compelled to slny out lute at night and drink teo inuoh wine, by Inking a doie of pills ongoing to bed. next morning he will feel ns though ho had not drank a drop, unless ho forgets to go to bed at all. They only ooat 25 cents a box. ; Whoever take them will never use asy other. They are worth a dollar to a siok man for every dent they cost. ' ' 1 " 1 Dont forget the name Scsenck'i MiSDHAKK Pill. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Sohenck's Princi pal Office, No. 16. North Sixth street, Philadelphia ' and by Druggists and Storekeeper generally. Trice fr Pulmonic Pyrup, Seaweed Tonio, each Jl 50perbottlo. $7 i0 the half dozen, or two bot tles of Syrup and one of Tonic, for 53 "5. Dr. Schenck will be at his office, No, IS North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see patients. Ho raakee no charge for advice, but for a through examination of the lungs with nis Respiro mtr, he charges $3. March 18 lSiio. "magxj ficknt sale. Hold and Milt er WufclieH, Jew-l-j Ar. OX THE ONE DOLLAR PLAN. The entire stock of One Gold and .Silver Wntch Manufactory, Two Itnmeno Jewelry Establish, men Is. One Silver Plating Warehouse, One Gold Pen and Pencil Maker, to bo disposed of with dispatch without regard to COST ! The Goods arc of fashionnble styles and most ex cellent workmanship, and aro sacrilicel in this man ner to relievo the proprietors from einl.iirrassmniit occasioned by i iits,iuft vi.ti .... i lu prominently "stated, also, that they are mostly of AMERICAN MAN I' V AC T L' R E and therefore grently superior to the goods importeil from abroad aud hawked about aa tho cheapest ever sold. The simple duty on imported goods, and this high premium ou Gold (all freigu bills are payuble in gold.) amount to more then the entire cost of many ol the urticles oflcrvd by us to the publio, To facilitate the sale ONLY ONE DOLLAR will be chnrgod for any article en our list, and this sum the purchaser need not pay until he knows whnt he is to got! This plan accords with the method roconlly become so popular for disposing ol largo stocks of Jelwelry agd similar productions. THE PLAN IS SIMPLE ! The same of each article offered for Sale as ' Gold Huuting Watch," "Gold Uviil-Bnnd Pmcelet," I'earl Breastpin nod Ear-Drops,'' -Gold Enamellod Ring," -Silver Plated Cake basket ' die., is written on a cord and enclosed in a scaled envelope; these envelopes uio then pliced in a drawer and well mixed ; then as an order Is received, with tweuty five cents for return postage and other oharxes. one uf ti t.oi,ior cciuhcaus is taken at ruiidoiu and sent by brst mail to the customer, who will see at once what he can got for one Dollar. If he is pleased with his fortune lie enn forward the money accor ding to directions ou tho eertilicale aud seeure the prize. li the article awarded should bo unsuite l to tho purchaser as lor example, a set of Pearl Ear Drop nod Brea.tpiii to a young man who could col wear them, aud had no one to give them to we will send any other article on the catalogue ot equal price which may bo preferred. Or if, lor any rea son, you choose to venturo no further, then you can let the matter drop where it is and spend no more. Examine eurcfully our Catuloguu ! WATCH DEPARTMENT. .100 Gen Is' Pat. Lever Oold Hunting Case f rtO to $200 3(H) Gents' Dctacd'd Lever Gold lit. Case 40 - 175 4u0 Gents' Swiss Uold Hunting Case 30 - 10 200 Ladies' Gold and Enameled lit. Case 30 - 80 4110 Gents' Patent Lovor Silver lit. Case 31' - Ho 4iMI Gouts' Dot. Lever Silvur ill. Case 30 - tij too Gents' Dot. Lover Silver Open-Faoe 20 - Ml Stio Gents' Patent Level Silver Open-Face 25 - 60 300 Gents' Swiss Silver 18 - 40 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. 300 Diamond Rings $10 to $120 oou uciiur liiamund Tins 20 31100 Gents' Calilornia Diumond Pins 8 3900 Gonta' California Diamond Rings S . 100 15 12 40 40 10 10 8 12 15 65 10 12 15 3d 8' 10 12 12 b 111 lit 10 10 25 12 2U 10 17 12 ooi'u itenia uom ami litiam. Hob Chains 3 4iM)0 Gents' Gold Vest Chains 6 4iW0 Pair Gents' Gobi Sleeve Buttons H 4000 Pair Genu' Gold A Euam. bleeve Bt.4 Hood kim ii..nt c.t.i S - 3 . MM)0 Gents' Stone Set and Signed Rings . - v n.i. L.iut, ,,111. O MaM) Genu' Stone fet A Sig. Enain. Rings 4 HllUI) Ladina' t i. .1.1 '.u.k 1 hi... A 4000 Gold Oi al iinnd Iiinculcts 3 6000 Gold snd Jet Bracelets 8 - 60110 Gold and Enameled Bracelets 8 - 3000 Gold Cbatelain Chains 8 - 5000 Pair Layiios' Gold Sleeve Buttons 3 -4000 Pair Ijidlea' Gold F;naui Sleeve Bt 4 -8"M0 Solitaire Gold Brooches 3 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 3 -5O00 Gold Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops 3 -7000 Maaaio, Jot Lave A Florantiue E.-D.3 -O000 Oold Thimbles 6 - 1000U Coral. Opal and Emerald Ear-Drons 3 -10000 Miniature Lockets . 4 10000 Miniature Lockets niagio spring 8 -IIKioO Plain Gold Rings 4 . lOOtlOSetsLsdics'Jowlry. fluid and Jet 6 -10(1011 Sets Ladies- Jcwelrv.Camen, PearlAo.6 -IIKIOO Ladies' Gilt and Jot Bracelets 4 . 10(100 Ladius' Gilt aud Jet Uat Supporters i - SILVER PLATED WARE, 10(100 funs $2 to $20 HOIIU Go , nta o 20 10 IU - 20 2lt ' 20 8 8 16 24 K'l'OO Pair Napkin Rings 2 2i'(Hi Card Baskets 4 1W'Ck Basket . - - . 4i mo Castor Frames complete with BottlosS . '""ii ice r in tiers to omul Fsir Butter Knives 5tai0 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladle :l IOiMI Engraved Pie Kuives booo Dot. 11 Tea Spoons per doten 6000 Doien Table Sp,Mns ' ' ' - per dozen (Woo Doteu Dossei I Korke ! per doseu 6000 Dosea Vable Furks 1, jier dusea 3 - - 3 -6 -ti - 7 t 30 , OOLD TENS AXD. PENCILS. lilTJ E' ?i,ver ""'Jo :i to $10 " d Pen., Silrer Mourned Aolders 2 - 8 bono Gold Pens, Gold Mounted llulHor 8 - 14 S rh' A ;"" M Ext. Holder 10 - 25 !i Go.dp:u,cira Hua iu ii : , . ., REMEMBER THE PLAN i , . em DosfsTJ? IL'LT ff"rU,UK ,h. CetiJ eat, postsge. and duiag.ke basiasas; xhe aula i.f twenty.Ov, C.ats. ,bth mu.t be enctd in Z or der. Certifioato, will be sent lor II : J'ven -:AQEiiI8 ARB WAKTEOJ j Threnghout lh Country to operate (or , A Ian,. a7t;"! t ' " : jrEWBORsr'i'ctJ..'""1' 1 'UiiriKLl'2i SMITH GEO. DEMERIT & CO., JEWELERS,' ' . i i i j 'in It : . t : :i. ; " f403 Ilretidnny, 'Jfw Yoi-lt, .' . . . . . , , . i . t I ' . i i (CORNER DCANE STREET.) r. : . i ' ; 1 100,000 WATCHES. i.i: . . i - .: . . .,: . ., , il - 1 CHAINS, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. ' & 0 . , & C . .r . .... -i Worth 0300,000 1 , i , TO BE SOLD AT One lollnr EACH, WIJ!I OCT REGARD TO VALVE. And not to be paid until you know what you will receive ! SPLENDID LIST OK ARTICLES All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each ! 100 Gold Hunting cases Watches each $100 100 Gold Watches 6a 200 Ladies' Watches !5 SrtO S.lver Watches $15 00 to $25 rtOO Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 1000 Cbatelain and Vest Chains , & 00 to 15 3000 Vet and Neck Chains 4 00 to 12 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches 4 00 to 8 4(100 Coral, Lava, Garnet, Ac, do. 3 00 to 8 7000 Oold Jet, Opal, Jto , Enr Drops, 3 00 to 8 5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 3 00 to 8 6000 Oval Bund Bracelets ' 3 00 to 8 2l00 Chased Bracelets & 00 to 10 3iu0 California Diamond Pius and Rings 2 ou to a 2000 Gold Watch Keys 2 50 to 6 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2 Oil to 8 3000 Oold Thimbles 4 00 to 6 5000 Mininture Lockets 2 00 to 7 3000 Miniature Lockets. Magic 4 00 to 0 2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac. 2 00 to 6 8000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to & 5000 Chased Gold Rings 2 00 to 5 4000 Stone Set Rings 2 00 to C 6500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold 5 00 to 15 6000 " " " varied styles, 3 00 to 15 8000 Gold Pens, Silver Casoand Pencil 4 00 to 8 4000 Ebony Holder and Case 6 00 to 1000 6000 " 11 Mounted Holder 2 00 to 6 00 All the goods in tho above List will be sold, with out reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Ccrti Scales of all the intuitu articles are placed 'n siml lnr envelopes scaled nnd mixed. These envelopes will bo sent by mail, or delivered at our office, without regard to cboico. Ou receiving a Certificate you will sco whnt article it represents, and it is op' tional with you to rend one dollar, and receive the article nnmed. or nny other in the list of same vnlue By this mode we give selections from a vnricd stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, nnd of intrin.-ic worth, at a nouiinal piice while nil have a chance of securing articles of the very highest value. In all traductions by mail we chargo for forward' iug the Certificate, paying postage, and doing tho business, 25 cents each. Five certificates will be sent for $1; Eleven for $2; TLirty for $5: Sixty five $10 ; and Ouo Hundred for $la. REASONS WHY. We should supply your wants ; our facilities are utt surpassed; our work of unrivalled excellent, i onr promises nunotuallv ob. - our central location t,;AA u. ,Mt tho 'newt remote points. Our good are new from the manufacturers, and of the lutest and mn.:t dcsirublo styles Tho goods must be sold and Ihe terms are unequalled. All articles ordered aro forwarded by return mail. We guarantee entire satisfaction in every intanco and if there should be any person dissatisfied with any nrliclo they mny receive, they will immediately return it. and tho prieo will be refunded. Agents. We allow those acting as Agents Ten Cents on each. Certificate ordered, provided their remittance amount to One Dollar. They will collect 25 cents for every Certitb-ate, and, retaining 10 ocntit, remit to us 15 cents for each Address i:. si:ui:i!rr & co. , . 303 Broad ny, New York. Maich 4,1905. 3m ZCSTEY'S COTTAGE O U k S . Cottago Organ. jJ ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely Uneoualled. hv 111 otbr p ra, : the country. Designed expressly for Churches and , , u, vqunuy wen adapted to lha n.rlAr an. I A .... ... I . ? . F 1. -"'. wmffiuj iuuuj. r or sate only liy x, . E- M nmcE, .- . ' 18 Jor,u 8c"th street. Philadelphia. L If Also Bradbury's Pianos, and a comi.let s sortuicnt of the PerlVjot MELODEON Sept. 24, 1804. lyw lJH08PECTUa OP THE LAPIEERE OIL COMPANY. Offiee, No. 70 North Fourth Street, (second floor, iiiii.Aujii.rmA. CAPITAL STOCK, . . . $750 0( i'0,,00" f'1";". P" Value $5. Subscription Frit r ull Paid, $2. The Company own the following described ir perty in fee simple: 1 Filly acres ol laud near Cherry Tree Run: sa land is one and a quarter miles from Oil Creek ar Is about two hundred 'ods from the M ill on Chen iree Run, that flows from sevcuty-five to one hu dred barrels ol Oil per day; and also, an interest two acres on the shermau Property nit h lour we in various stages of progress oo the property, one which is now H.i.in ii,;r,u i , ' 1 , , I'..,-..-- . . n -"-.- o,n per u.iy. I nitiMii, Ml.ll.... V .1 ' " "v-.iaieuuiu oi all tbe Oil. all the Oil, o, a. expense; also, twuro, adjoining, with four wells bow in a progressive cond.lioa in which the -,K-.,J CU, wra-ininy-seoonutn of the Oil, and ., ... .u.nii wijoining, with one well down r,i' i ru,'""li' "0 v-ompauy g0l e-sixtoenth Ol tlltl iHJld HsllTsMll uus ,' ..II . ... . . . i. T...Tu V7 .7.- . . ' .". tbe ui oo woraiug luterost of the mentioned acre. This Company i. formed on a last basis u.. ikii 10 pav a dinJeud of two per cent per month to 0e Stockholders. Tbe Company pn forth. dev:!.:.:.": ;:."' '."r?.. 1 resident, Pro. Tern. J. J. talicLAY, Esq. Dirreloin U ill!,.... I. i. ,7 .7 ' rV. B. MeGinley, 8. 11 . bwamey and John F. Young T Socretary it. A. Converse. Treasurer John F. Young. ' February 4, 1805. I HATS ! HATS ! ! SAMIEL FAUST, Twp doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market IS constantly manufacturing the latest style. orW and rurll.t. hick for softness ttnjdur.bi: 'ool ibility ssjs v uu, rui UWC14, Owr him -a, Mn 1 1 sis4 sm. k:. ... aow eaeapw than elsewhere. W.robsnUan4 others. . . . OI lltafl WTllPh . n -- ..,", win inn ii iu in.ir ad an , fuourw a article cheaper and Iu city manufacture. . . Sunbury, October 1, 1864. equal BOARDING 1J OUSE. M UU. MAKI V i iiUUiMl., (formerly of the '-lawrenc House') BUNBURY, PKNN'A."-. TNFORMS hw fries-Is and' the publi generally Ty Dr. J. W. PTa-Bkbry'f: T 11. - , ---. iwamon oma en toy 1 km ff Hal t. the .. V.lr.. 1 ' . ' ; is ruuu, -M-W-Kf PMbur, tK.ak.ry, njttU i . 15.1 Il (.( 'APA is f ' ' " -I tna woia eaastasainiT sea-It aaV,, , , Borofuls. and BorcsAiloua Dtssaatwv1 " I IVoiH Emrrg JMei, wn-hwfil MroiN4 o 0 ' Jhnlt MM '" - - ' I l have sold lerg nriaiitiUe wfToar BarmAP. ptt.n, but never yet vmo buttle wUkh failed o tk di-sln-d eirrot aail bill satlsiaeiki totliow) w.o tooK It. A fast a our people try It, tla-y a(;rec tlicro lu been uo medicine Ilko irbeigrlu ysr community.", Eruption, Pimples, Btotah, Pustule, Ul. ocrs. Bores, and all Disease of tha Bkia.i i ' fYntn llrv. Ilnbt. Utrtrtt 'oa BriMol, Kniilmul. 1 ' I only Uo my duty to you. ami Uio nubile, wlun 1 adtl my testimony to that you piblish of the uio. dJiaunl virtues ol your S iKs.l'AitnX.. My dmigb ter, aged ten, hail an sffllctinq lumor t:i her ears, eyes, and hair for yenra, which wo were nnnblo to euro until w tried yonr H.insAriltlLLA. Blio ha been well for some months." iw tetr '-'iT From Mr. Jant K. ttinf, it vHnMn amt meh' efris Italy of Dennirrille, Vpt tiny (So., .V. Mr daughter lin suflV-red for year past with a srrolulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing ah"orded any relief until we tried your 8,nsArAitii.L., whicli soon conplototy cured licr." From Chnrlf T. rV 'e, Esq., vT Hit vl tr ty l-nnwn diigt, Mill-run J1 Co., i imifiutureri otnamcUttl p wert in .Vnskut, V. If. -' I had for seveml years very trnbIermo humor In my face, which grev conatantly worso atttlt it tllatlgiircd my lentures tail became n.l httol enible allllcllon., I tiiotl alino every tliln a mail could of both advhtoatid iucdl.iiet but without any relief whatever, until 1 tuok yitir SAItaAPAtitlXA. It iiiimediutely nni.lo my ft ice aorse, as you toll m It mi"ht for a time; but In a few weeks the new skin began to form under th; blotches, and con tinued until mf fneo la as snootli as a ly body's, aud 1 am without any.iymiituiis of tlie tliscisu tli:it kiiowol. 1 enjoy pi-rtc-i rraiiti, anu wnnoufr a doubt owe it to your S.vn vi-uiilla Erysipolaa Gonertil DeiiUty Purily the Blood. From Dr. Unit. Sin-in, ItnMton St., A'rto 1'orfc. " Hit. Aykh. I svl'loiu fail to remove Eruption and AVro(is resliytlie pTsevcrhiguscoi yonr k 1 1 IV. , V ... crhiguscoi yonr BAKSArAltll.l.A.uno. i nitvo jihi huw cureu an aiitu-K Of Miilignnn' Kruitpi'tiit will It. No alteritlvo wo possess ivpinla the Sakkat .titl.i.A you have sup plied to the professiou as wnl as to the people" FromJ. K. Jnhnli, Eq., Walcenan.Ohln. "For twelve yetirs, I hvl the yellow EryslK'laa on my rlltt arm, during wliWi liino I Trleil all th celebrated pliysloiatia 1 could reach, and took him deeds of doll ira worth of medicine. Tho ulicr were ao bail tlntt tlio rorda bocimo visible, aud the doctors decided that my arm roust be amputated. I began taking your SAimiwniLH. Took two bot tles, snd some- of your 1'ii.ia Together they have cured me. 1 am now ns well snd sound ns any body. Being lu a public place, my nane Is known to every body in this community, an4 excites tho wonder of sll.' - t ' . , From iron. Umry Monro, M. P. P., of Xeirentt?, V. '., o hading member tin Cunatlim I'arlia- merit. l-' '. " 1 have used your SAnslFAim.t.A In my family, for general debllitl, and fbf purlfiinff fas blood, with vcrv bcnrllriiil rcsulti, ami fwl confidence ia commeuditig It to tho atllicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Uoso, Bait Bhsurn, Soald Head, Sore Eyes. From Ikirrrf SU Uer, Fir., the uble editor of th ViinAMiiiiioc Dem-nrol, I'eiin'iilmnUt. u Our only child, about throe years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. Titer rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his lice, ami actually blinded his eyes lor some days. A skillul physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without tiny apprtrent effect. For Hllcn day we guarded his hands, lest with them lie should tear open the res toring and corrupt n ouud which coven-d his whole face. Having tried evorj tiling else we had auy hope from, we began L'lvlij your Sawsapaihi-LA, anil applying the Iodide r potash lotion, aa you direct. The sore began to heal when we hail given the first bottle, aud was mil wlieu we had llnishcd the second. The child' e clashes, which had coino ,,. mm. .ffnln. .ml tie i, now uu hcjilt II V and lair aa auy other. T he n holu neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphili and Ksrourinl Disease. From Ur. Jliram Slot.i, of tit. Louli, Missouri. " 1 lind your SAKsAi-il:iLt4 more cdectiinl remetly for the secondary syiuiitom. of Sy,hiiU and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The prolesBlon are indebted to you lor some ol tho best medlciucs we have." From A. J. French, AT. D.,nn eminent phyiici.m of J.unreme, Mtut., who it a prominent number SAo l.rt.l.i.n, MtiignrtiH.ietts. Dr. Avkh. Sly uYnr Sin 1 h.iv fonnd your Sarsapahii i a an excellent remedy for SijihiUs, both of tho primory aiid ontuu y type, and ell'ee tual in some eases that wero too obsuuaiu to yUld to other remedies. 1 do not kuow what we can em- Idoy w ith more certainty of sucuvss, where a powcr ul alterative is roquirud." Mr. Clin. .1. 1'rHi In ie, ofXew Umnstrfi-J-, X.J., had dreadful ulcers on his !c;rs, caused by tho nbm.o of mercury, or mereurial iliitrtme, which grow mure ud more ageravatcd lor yeaia, in suite of every remedy or treiitmcut that could be applied, until the persevering use of Ayku's SAlWAl-.Mtll.LA relieved nitu. Few cases can be found more Inveterate aud distressing than tliis, aud it took several dozen bottles to cure him. Leucorrhcrft, Whites, Femala Weaknos, aro generally prodiioed by internnl Scrofulou t 'l cerotion. and are very otieu cured by the alterativo eflect of this Saiihapaiiii.i.a. Home eases require, however, in aitl of the S ausaI'.uiii.la, the skillul stiiillcatiou of local remctiics. From th teU-tnfnrn nnd widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Aforrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your Saksapaiiilla an cxor-lletit alterative in disease of femrilos. Slimy cases of Irregularity, Leiicorrhrs.i, Internal rioerattou, and localdcbility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yield(i to It. and there nru few that do nut, when its effect is propi rly aided by local treatment." A Uviy, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, irrite t My daughter and myself have been cured of a very iiebilitatlng I.eiicorr!ini of lontj standing, by two bottles of your Sausaparilla.'' jtneuuiuuau., a...t. t. rvimrtlafnr.. Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Srrofidn in the system, ar rapidly cured by this E&r. aAlt-iAi'AiiiLLA. AYER'S CATIIAHTIC PILLS posses so mnny atlvantngoi over the other ptirgntivcs in tlio market, ami their superior virtues are o universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality it maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may lie depended on to do all that tliey luive ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYEK, M. D., A Co., Lowell, Mass., nnd sold by -Sold by Friling A Grant. Sunbury, R. B. McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron B.irrol, Elysburg, W. R. Kutsner, Sbaniokin, J- P. liogue, Watsoctown, And by all dealen in Medicine everywhere. August Id, lsat. ly ;w , SOLIDIFIED . EE ITT AX, GPkEAW, for l'leuHisK, : Wlsilenini; uutl lrex-vins he '1 II I This article Is prepared with the greatest car upon seientiDc priDeiplus, ud wurrsuled not to contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious to tho tooth or gums. Some of our most emiuenl Deutal Surgeons have given their sanction tu, and cheerful ly recommend Tt as s preparation of 'uperfor quali ties for cleausiug, ahifeulng and preserving tho TEETH. It cleans them readily, renJerlng them beautifully white snd pearly, without Uio Tightest injury tu the enamel.' . It is healing to the gums where they are ulcernto.1 and sore. Il la also au ex cellent disinlecior for old dueayed teeth, which are often exceedingly oflemiiie. It give a rich creamy taste- to Uio luoulh, cleausiug U tboroaghly, aud im parling a delightful fragrance to the breath. - . . - PKEPAKID ONLY BY A., It A W LEY CO.. N. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard Si., PhilIelphia. And auid by ail Druggist, PRICE 25 CEN Id. . TESTIMON'UtS.. The .'ullowing opiuion ot' Dr. W bite, a to th high esteem in which he holds the Dental Cream, must be rufftoien) evidence of its valsie ; to quote other testi nioiiial iu detail is uetslleas.icout anting ourselves by simply giving tbe names and addresses of uerwus who speak of its excellency for the teeth. Phila.ltlphia, April 15th, 1863. Having carefully examined A. Mauley's "Solidi. Bed DeoUd Cream," I hereby cheertullv recom mend it to tbe public generally. It is au excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving lb. teeth, snu can ee used by all persons with tbe utmost oon- . .... . .. r .. .. .. lldenoe, ks its properties are perfectly harmless. i1- Side lireserviUK tbe teeth. It nrouioles a hualthv actum tu lh gums, snd imparts a pleasantness to th breath! m Dr. W. R. WHITE, 120.1 Arch St. Ttomai Ingram, M. D . IhruOst, 401 N. Fourth St. ' i. Birkoy. 2i4 Sixth St.'. , - E. Vanderslice, Surg.u Dentist, 425 Arch St. C. A. Kmsbury, JJeutLn, illy Waluut 61. S. DUItngbaui, D D. si., 7J4. ArcUm.. , ,,. F. M Dixon, bZ7 Arob St, tJ ! f Jr,l Townseud, Dentist, '428 S. FouHh 81"' ' L,' U, Dorjihleyj Dentist, 807 K. Tenth til. "." , WJ..Uug,DeutW,.i'9N,SUUiDlv Mayfe.Wlv. '' , ": ;,"'"" . ... j - IF. YOD WANT TO KH0W . js 'X.' limn of VEiirriLtsa riitiui'i ih.' U human ysicm.usJs ,1 fcmala, U. eoes u4 lreiiu.iuof diseases 1 0? rasrrUre .lLotTof th. world ; ., tow ,0 -myZ M'Zf VtWnd Uiuigs ueur publhibod bXV roadtT. risiswUnd post paid on receipt of fV m. A J J U4t itnasdwssy, Nw Yk FsVraasri. ,,i..' r .!: cwaikvii Hiiuui in ui itnir ..uu.s "1 v swuu mrw IIUI Ul UlsVll. : sHiiu A3s3VJ v. A n 1 I 1 1 susnl l rnM In ass.- I y 1 - 4 t- o. .Vt 1 1 ,vl ,7'i:lljl 7011 I., -j. ' itrou WAMrnrotoK, .i.x 1 1 LATlCSTI MPlt0VEMi5IlrJ ,F' Attt CTJLTURAL , IMPLEMENTS v ti is' at ? ... o --, t (-. F O TJ W JD .i ..rsr-t,'. -.i', ,ii jiii oiiiiii.it, .I, it : Uet the Rest (let the ChtSftpotsjflot the moi Beti nomical, which oan be had ttlho Uotirbucb Fouiidry Ilnving Itirg nssortueiit of tbe most approved STOVES, such us Cooking; Parlor; Office and Shbp 8oves, which will bo sdld at tho lowest rate. ' Also, r Kettle4of all ites 1 ana. Skillet. . (l t -They arc also manufacturing Machlaery, Ploughs, Castings. Ae., at short notice. . r - Itepaiiing all kinds of Agricultural Implements dono in a good workmanlike manner and at the shortest notice -. t i. t.. ' All articles' shipped at ordered. Orders rospsot- fully solicited and promptly attended to. r , ROHRUACll A COOPER. (V Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken In Exehnnge for work Sunbury, June 18, 1864. If ' ' ', Oulcli l'u'li1in CoflVe to, .' I DEPOtl . . 169 Read Street, New York. Tbe above Company are known all over th world ft the owners of the Coffee Plantations of Java and Bntavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are tho largest monopolizers of Coffee on the Globe. The undersigned (who is appointed their solo Agent in Ihe United Slates and id the Biitish Colo nies; will have for Stile three different kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of grade aud cheapness of price, will dofycotnpeiition. Our .tnt.MVi. Coni-it" never hafnra' ititmilnned In . . ' this Country, but extensively used in tho Armies and Navies of Europe nnd richly valued, will be put up at prices to rsnch all oonsnmcrs. snd our Extra Java will be the Magntim Bonn in Coffee of the age. We will have., for accommodation of Grocers, Fa milies, and (lovcrnmetit Contractors, sample (dry, and drawn) for testing. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, ooffo prompt ly lorwaruvu . jum..i. . A. LIPPMAN, " ." 168 Hes.e (Street. New York, Sold Agent, D. E. I. C Co. July 23, 1ES4, ' A. J. WEIDENER, a FSonlii Si'COinl K 4 r '!, between Market and Chesnnt Streets, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lamps and Wholesale dealer in Ulnss Tumblers, Patent Jars aud Glassware generally. Dealers will find it to their ndvantage to examine our stock and compare prices before purchasing their . go-ids for the spring sales. We would cull the attention of the public pnrticu , lurly to our NEW STYLE OF PATENT JAR FOR TUESERVINU FRUIT WITHOUT SUGAR. M'ecan refer to hundreds of respectable persons who put up peaches and other fruit fn our Jars last season w ithout tho se ot r.yrup. anu touinl upon opening that the Fruit retaiued its natural flavor, nnd lu fuel was just the saute as w hen put into the jura. A.J. r.iUL.M-.ii. - No. 88 South Second Street, Philadelphia. April 15, 1805 3m EMPORIU aVI , Jlni-Vi-4 fSiiuiiro, M'.MII ItV, t?:i. II AYINU just returned from the City with an en- AA lire e new stock of Irii; 4'Im'iuU-iiIn, iiiiici-y and '1'oilrt Ai-IU'Iom; to which he invites bis friends and the public gener ally, to call and examine. The Drugs and Medicines arc all selected from the best im-orting houses in ibn Kastern market with the greatest care as to puri ty and efficiency and avoiding as much as possible, the introduction id' dclerluus nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, such us Ayer's, Jayne, McClintoek, Hollowiiys, Wishnrts, ilooHai.ds. fcheuks. Brown s and all other popular patent medicines, always on baud. BHTJSHES, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and Paiul Brushes. Special cam is taken to keep ou hand constantly every variety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to tho trade. , Fancy Toilet Articles and the numerous articles which are generally kept in a well couduclod estab lishment. In connection with theabovearticles.be also koeps on hnnd a Isrge assortment of STATIONERY, such as Paper, Envelopes, Pens. Pencils, Inks, Ao. Physician's prescriptions slid family roccipts compounded with the greatest accurucy and dispatch, at ALL HOURS liny or Night. Remember ihe place, Market Square, under the office of tho "Sunbury American." K. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, June 25, 18(51. I ni'"iK Cuilr-oasl. j WINTEH AREAKGKMENT. November 7th, 1864. I "tREAT TRUNK LINE from the North a. a ! VJ North:West for Philadelphia, New York, Read- , nig, I'oitsviu, i.uuanon, Allontown, it,aston, Ao. ! Trains luavo HarrUburg for Nen-York, as fol lows : 3 00 and 8.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M., arriving at w iora ai iu a. m. ana lAo sua it) uo v. s. Ihe above aonncct with similar trains on the Pcnn sylvania railroad, and Sleopiug Cars accompany the first two trains, without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minora ville, Alleutown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and : i so i'. ai., stopping at Lieoanuo ana principal sta tions only. nay trains, stopping at all points, at 7.23 A. M. and 4.40 P. M. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 A.M.. 12 noon, and TOO P. M.,: Philadelphia at . ana a. .hi i . m ; rottsvitie ul s oil a. M. i-.nrl 2.35 P. M. ; Tamaqua 8.10 A. M. and 2.15 P. 41., anu neaoiug ar iz njiunignt, 1..30 and 10.40 A. Ju 1.X8 and 05 P. M. Reading Aeootnmodatlon Train leaves Reading at S-'IOA. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at 6.40 o 11 j. .11. Xipnruia, Litis, voiumoia, sio. Ou Sundava: Leave New York at 7 P. M Philu delphia J.15 1 M, PoUsvill l.M A. U., Tamaqua 7 n .0, jarri5uurg 0.10 a m auu ucauuig ai li uuu night, fur HarrUburg. CommuUilion, Mileage, Season, and Excursion iicketa, at reduced rates to and from all pom is. 80 Pounds Burgage allowed each Passungcr. , U. A. NICOl.LS. . ."' Nov. 20, IHS4. . " General Superinludeiit- l.ui haH uuua V Hlooiubui- Etail road. ON aud Irer Jan. 18th, 1864, Psajengsr Train n ... . Ul. a, iiillUW, . MOYINU SOUTH. Paneiiger. 4.20 P. 6.55 8.25 9.3i Loav Reran ton, M " ' Kingston, ' " llloouisburg nuperi, ' 'I Danville, ' 1 : ft 15 Arrive at Aortnumoeriana, v.u ' MOVING NORTH Loav Northumberland, 8.00 A M uanviue, 8.40 ' ' Rupert, 8 40 " . Bloomsburg, II.S5 1 "' Kingston, , 12.12 P.M. , Arrive at fcreiitou, 1.30 ' " Freight A Passnugor leaves Bloomsburg, 10.15 A.'M. Passengers taking th Mail Traiu South conneol with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Harrisburg, at 2. .10 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. 1 Zl'L tram N ai., ana at t'Miadcipnia, at 7 00 A M. The Mail lr.nrN,.V,,lt,.nl..,l...1l., I 1 I L".'"'.. '"r L'f VJ"!"!1"? I B .iZr.n" , "A v '"" "".''"""'It V" Aioiiiiuui o. Kiiowiuir r Hiui.,oirf,ra mill' --.w .'tiiMrt..tr,,.t. 1 - i, . u M , ....?. .L: .j j . - i- at 10. 40 P. M., to reach, points on this road during Ml. ...I .O. V.IWU. New and elegant Sleeping oar accompany th night trains each way between Northumberland and Balunior. and, NvrUiUtuberlard and Philadelphia. " L ' w . . D, T- BOUND, Supt. .., ti k'. 6TAUFFEH. 7 ,r WATCUMAKES 4k SWIUJiTi N. 148 Nortk bEOOND strnt, oioer of Qu.rry, tin in TJ-.iJS n-j.l IVkilBdlpbia, : imi.i ..is uiiiia , An asMiimenl of sVatrhrs, Jrw. lrj, KilTfr Ac Pluled YVar oohstasUr . . ksvad. SuUaijl fcr- UOLIDAV SHUEXUi ; ' tVRMirln;rWtabs)aa4 Jsweiry arspUv AUuded to. n u..-i. . . . 1 . , ; . -. j ' 4osar VMtlly"uu a ui ui,iuiii, i,n , XIOWBfttASSOlCUTIONi,, at ,qau juoc PHILADELPHIA A.i yia envelopes, frss of charge'. Addies-T)r. -J.: BKll- LIN UUUUUTON. Howard AssooiaUaa. K. 1 Kostk Ninth bwt, Phiiadaipkla, Pa JaTy it, 184 fy TTHE; RKjff LION IiOTEli i, .j .. !, 4Lt Mrs, Boulfee's.) k, ', ' , , MAEKEX BTSEET, aUNBUiftT, PA. " JULIUS .nBlfBXLi: HA8 Wikea tin old and well known, stand, and refitted and furnished th same is prepared lo fitted and furnished the same is prepared lo accommodate Boarders and Travelers -with the belt the wmrket caw Wfordul lis hopes by striotr attention M business to raewu a (hire ef pwb'lio patxonsgs.. t His I AiiLE contains tbe bnt th ntatket affords. His Bar Is rilled with tbt cholonst of Liquors, both MmII and Spiriluou. i iij...a uv.r vn .hi jfi'. The stabling ia good) and attsudod by careful issuers. t Sunbury, April 30, 1801 lyw ' ' ' O. "W. XJfT4 3 .llfni'iivT nnd Cotttisiellor nff I.tiAV, Office on south side of Market street, fouf doors west ot ti. . Unght A Bon s Store, BTJNBUHY, 3? A. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his enre, the collection oi oluiuis in Northumberland ami the ndjoiuiug counties. Haiibnry. Mny 2.1. IPCS. ly ' " ' UKUAT UEDUCT1UN IN THE PIUCE OF M.X BIS.aV" jrKX9 HsxI9 , , BDWIN HALL & CO , " No 23 South Sooond 6treet, Philadolphia. Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks, A'ress uooos. ruawts, liohis, vionas, feircts, ere fur bi.low Ibn 1iri.i,il flnbl Prleea We have also on hand, alarge stock of DOMESTIC UOODM, which we are now selling at a great reduc tion from the prices we have been selling (hem at As wo huve had the advantage of a riso in the prices of our Stock In the progress of the War for the last to or three years, we now propose to give our Cus tomers tbe Advantage of tbe tail iu i'rices. Calicoes and Muslins, reduced, Flannels and Tuble Linens, reduced, Blankets and all stable Goods, reduced. We respectfully solicit from tbe Ladies and others visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our stock. which is unsurpassed in variety anil style, tn this c'.ly. A. D., t nolusulo Uuyers. are luviteii to exuuiiue our stock. EDWIN HALL A CO., Oolobe'.f4'.ui'i,ii'-00,,J l'uil'"l'llI'1'i TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. f I111E subscriber 20 years a praclical Piano Forte 1. Manufacturer, of New York City, hns permn nently locate I in this section, and would rcspcstl'ully solicit or Ocrs fur , TUNING, REPAIRING. AND BEGU LATINO PIANO FORTES and MELODE0NS. Th subscriber is also tho manufacturer's Agent lor ClIICKKRINO A SON'S, 1! AZLETON HKO S.. L1NDEMAN A SON'S., WILLIAM B. BRADBURY'S, FDiVARl) IILWO.MFIELD'3, McDonald a co s, imvno 1'oimt.s, And Carhnrt A Needham's. and Peloubot's MELODEO N S A HARMONIUMS, And L. U. Stuurl's Pipe CIIl KCII OKGAXd jamks Mcdonald Bloomsburg. Pa., April 20, lf6o. 11. tt. yiAssf.iu 4 lloi nev nt 1 .11 vi . SUNBURY. PA 2. V Collectiutis attended to in tho counties of Nor thumberland. Uuiou, Snyder, Montour, Columbia und Lycoming. RErEK EXCE9. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. (Iiittell A Co., " Hon. Win. A. Porter, " Morton Mc.Michael, Esq., " E. ketchani A Co., 280 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Aslitncud. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Luw, " Sunbury, March 20, IS02. NortSit'in Ccntnil linilwa ! !i .ti.in:cj ti.ii: taiu.i:. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Bultimore and Wabinglou city. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to nnd from Pittsburg nnd the West. 'I DREE THAI XS DALY to and from tne.North and West Branch Snsqttehunna, Elmira. aud all of North em New Yoik. ON nnd after MONDAY. MAY Kith, 1864. ibc Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at nnd depsrt from Sunbury, HariUburg and Baltimore as follows, vix : ' SOU T H WARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 25 A. M. ' leaves Harrisburg, 1 2(1 I. M. " arrives at Baltimore, 5 40 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily nxcept Sunday.) 11 45 P. M. ' leives HarrUburg (except Monday.) 2 50 A. M arrives at Baltimore daily (except Mui.day). 7 00 A. M. Harrisburg Accouimodatiou leaves Harris burg. 7 00 A. M. Sunbury Accommodation Icares Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 7 30 AM NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Stinduy) " leaves Harrisburg " Htitit..! ifntibury, Express Traiu leaves lt,Uliu,.o daily " arrives at Harrisburg, " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday), " arrives at Sunbury. 9 20 A. M 1 35 P. M. 4 05 " V M P. M 1 60 A M. 3 15 A.M. 6 53 " Hurjisburg Accommodation leaies Harris- Lurjj, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M ' arrives at Harrisburg, 7 50 P M Sunbury AccomiiiidMtiou leaves Hnrris- burg daily (vxuspt Sundny) at 4 00 P M Fur iurtbur iut'ormntion aiply at the Oiliei. I. N. Dt BARRY Gen. Supt. Harrisburg, Juno 4 8.'.4. O S JJ O 11 IS'S CEI.EDIt.VTED PJJEPA1JED JAVA COFFEE, WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO ANY I THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly reoom mended for nervous and dvipeptio persons, being very nuitritious and free from all deleterious substanocs, in testinmnv of which I have certificate from tbe most emniinent Physicians in the Country. Try it, snd you will be sure to con tinue its uso in preference to any other. Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First elntsj Urooer throughout Ihe United Stales. lir a iiDerai uutcoutu to the Trade. Put up only by , LEWIS A. OMlI., Wholesale Depot, 60 Warren St. N'w York. May 7, IbfiJ. Till: UNION FOREVER! .I.H lOII MILLION ! At the Store of JCH1T EGW2E1T , Corner of Market and Fawn Streets, "VK'HrilV, l V V K A . Just opened , , . , FALL & WINTER COODS, for everybody. This no "Blowing." but plain truth, wnieu everyone win ne convincel (bat calls and ex amiues the stock, a hich consuls of Dress Goods. Caasimeres. Cloths, Gents' Overcoating, tfuuii., voiieuauea, muslins, isresa uooas m - . j;. groat variety, i ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS.i Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines all sorts and shades, Priuls. Nankeens. LADIEe)' t CLOAKING. Table-Covers, Irish Linen, Brown and White Sheetings, - 1 Shawls. Balmoral Skirts ef alt ' kinds, Hoop Skirts, all prises; Hand kerchiefs, Flannels, Ladtos' kid. aiilk aud Meriue Glpve, Ac. . . ,(' . , .1 Jcwrlry ol'all kiuila. . Ladies' and Oeal' Union Skates. . ; A large assorisaefit of NOTIONS- . . .. 1 B BK ! Hardware, Cdarwar, Olsatwsr, Chin war, Queeoswsrs. Crockery, - Groceries, Tobaocq, . Began SnufL . . . Tea, Coffee, Sugar, r Molasse. Spioes, v ' r Fish, Salt, A., '" snd evervtbins else usually kept in a store! Pro.- du taken la aaebange lor good. No Uoubl I snow goou. , - ' 4 i - " , lunbnry.KT.l..lM. ' - -- ' , fiVTCKVNlT1! , , l3totQgirap;,aUe:nrj3, W.7)B,V4aaljroAitHIT, i FkLLLA-DCLiPBIA. V IT, fUl -Irn, ' ' ' ' i Th Adam's Bafn-w 4Coxikuir. - GIVE DiCrTlCB bM tbey have iiMioiuded ar rangenent wluV th Nertiism CantralRail road Company -to run traini froni Baltimore for York, llarrisburg, Dauphin. HsJlfjut, Trsvorton, Isunbiiry, Northumberland, LewUburf, Milton, Muuoy, Wil llamspoTt and ail intermediate station, ouaeetin at HarrisWg wita ti O&KAT WI3TSRN EX- PREtitt for PtUaUtra UiMiaaati, St. Leal, and th West. .... Alto with Howard 1 Co. ' IxTif ss at Milton or Danville, Rloomshurg, Vfilkesbarre, Pittston, Uorau ton, and Intermedial stations on the Catt.wisvk, Lackawanna- ft Dlonmsburtf Railroads. ; At. Wil han.spoH, .by Howard A Vti.'i Express : U Jersey eaor an4 l.ok Jiaven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their oonnectiohV for Canton, Troy, Eliulra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and 4o all aeeeasibl boints in Western Now York arid Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Speuio, Bank Nates, Jewelry, and Valuable Paokagvs of every desorip- uuu, - Also, Notes, Draft and Bills for Collection. ' "' Experienced and eOicicnt msseniers emnlnved. and every effort, will be made to render satishieliuu. J.U11.X u i Mi 11 AM, Superintendent Pcnn 'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FI8CHER, Agent for Stinbury. April 4, 1802. 1US. Arruutifiitfiilis lfJ3. or Ier York I.I urw. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Nmo Yorl and Way Ptartt, from Walnut ttrtet Wharf and KetuinpfA Depot, will leave at follow, viz t pars At 6 A. M., Via Camdon and Amboy, (C. and A. Accouilnodafion.l 2 2c At OA. 31., via Camden and Jersey City. N.J. , Accommodation, At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jerfcv t lly, (Morning Mail,) 2? Or At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jersey nity 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey oily, Express At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) At I P: M , via Camden and Amboy, IC and A. Exrress.) . . . 2 2.- 3 OC 3 of At 3 P.M., via Kensington anu werfcyC'y, Wash, and N. Y. Express At 61 P. M,, via Kensington and Jersey City, At'i'il'i':"! via Kensington and Jersey oily, Southern Mail. At H (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutnern Express At 6 P. M.,via Camden and Amboy. (Accom . vl b t.t. 3 nn 3 00 3 09 modation, Freight and Passenger, Fir.t Class itcket. Second Class Ticket. 2 50 1 25 For Water Gap. Stroudshurg. Scranton. Wilkes. binre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at 0 A. M., from Kensington, via Dcluware, Lackawanna un 1 Western Railroad. tor Muuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Buli d e. Etiston, Lambertvillc. Fleuiiuglou, Ac, I i a A.erM., from Kensingum Depot, and at 21 P.M. li-oui Walnut street Wharf. , (Tbe 0 A. M. Line connects with Trains leavinj Easton for .Muuch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at tt A. AI., 2 aud 4 P. M. For Freehold, ut 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trentou, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2i ami 5 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Kiveituu. Delnnco, Beverly. Bur lington, Florence, Uordjutuwu, Ac., at 12, 1, 2, 4i and t P. M. tjr For New Yora, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Deiiot, take the Cars ou Fifth street, uimve H aluut, half au hour before departure. The Cms ruu iulo the DoHt, aud ou the arrival of each Train, run trout ttie ilcpot. Fifty Pouuds of Ilnggnge only, allowed ca;U piLeugcr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their weariugapparel. Ail baggage over buy pouuds tu be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their rospouibiliiy tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, aud will uul be liable lor any umount beyond $100, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZMER, Aa'.int. January 17, 1865. WM KWOCIIJi! 3 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., Dealer iu PIANOS. "VJEW Rosewood Pianos, from Ihe best maker. jL from $200 upwards. AlKL. IDEONS The best maimfatured Instru ments, from $15to$100 Guitars, Violins, Accordcons. Flutes, Fifes, Drums. Banjos, lambouriues. Violin and Guiturstiings aud muiictil mer chandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications alwuys ou hand. Musiosot by mail to any purl of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEW00 FRAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, and ull kiuds of picttir always ou baud. A fine assortment of best plated LWh,iG GLA.-iM-.a from smallest to largest sin Any sly! of fiuiu made to order at the short. notice. WM. KNOl'IIE, April 11, 1863. 03 Market st., Harrisburg .11. c. .i:.iitu Ait ri Confectionery, Toy an ZF-FtTTIT STORE, Market Street, Sunbury, lsi. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KIXDS, TOYS OF EVERY DKSCIIHTK FRL'IT, &.c, eve, C10NSTANTLY on hnnd and for sale at the al establishment at wholesale aud retail, at rc-a uble prices. lis ia manufacturing all kinds of Confeetiont to keep up a full assortment which are sold at rates. Tobacco, Segurs, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, a variety of other articles, ull of wliih m oil wholesale and retail. LjrReuieuibcr the name and pbice. v M. C. GEAltllAllT. Mnrket street, 3 doors west vfE. Y. B. iM . store. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1863. tf .uasi:ic'm lunar 1: s ITE i'REi:r.i: As Improved for 1859 and 1S60. By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2S9 Parl st., New ' THE only Freeter eomrtruetcd on sclrnliilo oiple. with a revolving ean and ring scraper. The one hastens the freesing ol the ci 1 the other removes it s fast as froxeu. The most rapid in freeiiug, with the least out of ice. The most eoonomioai in oost, a it is the most s and durable in slruoture. For sale in all the principal cities and towns Union. Each Freeter accompanied with a book of r aud full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, :t no 4 quarts, 4 00 0 quarts, 5 I'll 8 quarts, tf 00 . 14 quarts, g oo 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to II. B. MASSER, Punhnry, March 29, 1862. Gxoku Hill, Siuo.n P. Wolvi - . HILL ii WOLVKH. ON. Attorneys) und Cosstiiselorsi t I OfEce, Market street, cor. Centra Alley. WILL attend promptley to theoollocion of and all other professional busii.ias mUe their care in Northumberland andadjuiniugco Sunbury, January 23, 1862 Sliinliood t liow IohI, how ttci Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culvi Celebrated Essay on tberadical cure (withotii iue) of JSsnutoiThup, or eemiuul woakne voluntary Seminal Lome, Impmeney, Ski. Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Murua Imi, Coiisumplion, Epilesv, and Fits, iudi aelf-indnlgenv or sexual extravagance. If Priee, in asealeii enveluie, only six e lb eelobraled aaUior iu Ibis adwiribl olearly dcraoustralos, liotu a thirty youm' su practice, that the alarming C0U.-V4U1 tu-i-e abuse may radically eured without the da us of internal medicin or the applicaiiou kuifo. puiuting out a moil of cure at oncc certain, and efioolual, by means ol abieh ei fsrer. no matter what nis condition mnv 1 ur himself sbeaply, privately, and radtciill lfTlbi Lotire should be in lbs buid 9 Jouth aud as ery man in tbe land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to dress, puet-pald, oa reeil ef six csnis, or 1 lamp. Address lbs publishers. . - - LllA. j. k. &1.1.V r. ' 177 Bowery,' New York. Post Othce Box, Harch 2t. 1865 Je ly Ic 3 t:ui 1: wrXlOHI IIOlS-l. H W W Bromdva, Corner Fi unlit, ,. ." . .... Ev YORK. rfUIIS first stsss House th Uiost quiet, h X and nieaaant Hotel ia th city offers 1 tbdwonl thow visiting New York lor ot aawsaur. ' It 1 ssatral in it location, ana lh .. Pl. iu connection with T. 6s too, where reireshmeou ean b had a ar M-d la utatrww sworn. : la ebai ges derate, th room and attend ai lis Best be tiis, and all th awdara Nivwruauou o Oof, MW4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers