! tUfcc unl)iirr Smrriran. ?n' . .znz Trr 1 -i -a i. sr- rs-s H. B. MA8SKK. Idltor a Proprietor.' B. WILVSHT, PubUhr. ' dl.XUlitl', I'A. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1805. Three assassination of Union men have occurred nctr Alexandria, V., tvlthisa the past week. Fire linnet red barrels of yellow tmnfT fire itored at Greensboro', N. C, for Southern woman to chew. At a church In Dorsotuhirc, Ennlanfl.lnfo ly", a swarm of been took possession (if I lie chancel, and the efllciHttiit tftgjtnn Was unnMe to read the communion service it the alter in consequence. iLoraf &ffctfrs. . CsVFo Balk Rev. M, -rUrode'i Sermon deli- trcd on the dny of tbe obsequies of oar Martyr Pre liJcpt, published iu pamphlet form for the benefit of tbe Ladies' Sanitary Aitl .Society of Sunbury, can bo bad at thisoflko. t"p"NoTicK To Sruacr.inr.Rs As the firtt year of the publication of Ike Amchicas under I lie piesuu, ' torma will expire iu September. It nisy be well to remind subscribers that fifty eents can be aH by 'Saying witbio tho year. sJS Itoum rt.- A reward or a i Dollars wilt ' Riven for the apprehcnaion and conviction of the ' person or persons, who brike Hio window-lights In v.. iniui uuueoui me suuecnocr, ou mo rMiyaoriown ' road. P. B. MASSER. j in . .13? Religious , services will he held tit the Court lIlouso, on Sunday. July 2nd, at 3 o'clock P. M. Al r 1 r.v- i .. ' . uro. invited to attend. Subjeot of tbe discourse ine comuion Doctrine of Endless Hinrr." tlf The stores in thia place, we are requirflv. I lo say, will he closed un the 4th of July next. tyRAlx. On MoniUy lnt, we were blessed with a copious nnd most refreshing rain, which eonlinued nearly nil dny. Ita effect cm vegetation ia already apparent. l"iV The hnrvett ia already upon us nnd the erop promise well. There is mine complaint of the wee vil, but thia ia confined almost wholly to the bine item white wheat, which aceina to be doomed by this ' pest. The hay crop will he a good one. The iir- peets arc in fnvor of nn abtuitlnjit hmujit and low pricea. I VZF Exci'iision Tii'kKT i-or iiik 4th. The Philadelphia Trie Itailrotul Company will leMie excursion ticket nil along tbo iine at h ilf fare, fir those who desire togofroiu home to celebrate the lib. t-KerAinisn Clocks ami Wati iik.- Wo cnl) : attention lo tbe adverlisi inenl of Mr. J. M clinch . who has commenced ihe above bueiuots. Mr. Mensch is well known in this place as askillul mechanic. tV The coming tlhof July, we regret to any, will nut be celebrated as it should be in thia place Tho inctnbersof tbe Lutheran Church will furnish a din tier on the Court House Square, which will, no doubt, be a pleasant entertainment. Hut the glorious 4lh tit this time, after Ihe suppression of Ihe greatest He bell on nn record, and establishing our independence on a more enduring basis than ever, should be cele brated with more eclat ond by all loyal persons without regard to creed or parly. "''.".: " Kwirre House" at Lcwisburg, is now kopl ry li-'t II. fchoads, formerly of lauphin. Mr. Khoails ks;ws fcnw Vs keep a hotel, and those w h: have ocuusion to atop at the lleviere. will he gla I to find that it fallen into such good bands. (iuld Las couc down again and is i.uw fjuo ted nt 111. The new Court House is progressing. Tho niches which cover the whole cellar, are nearly ail flushed. The course of griiidto in the back work H set and tho bricklayers will cuiuincncc the brirk wurk next neck. It will be auen by a evil in ear ailfrniMlig columns that Win. M. ltocVefellnr, Tiaq., baa taken into purtnetaJiip L. T. Rnhrbach. Jsq., in tbe prac tice of Ihe taw. Mr. Itohrbuch is a jounjj man ot th.irnctn- and ability, whose friends will be pleased to hear of his promotion. lf We have received a lcttr from Piedmonti Yh.. denying the statement in our Inst paper, that a petition bud been forwarded to Uov. Curtin, asking that the discharged ofhsera of that Company be rein stated. We can only repeat that i s contrary to our rule to publish nnonymoua letters. 1 jr-'InpuRTAXT to Odd Fallows. It baa been leoidcj that traveling cards Issued to Odd Fellows iced no revenue stump. The cards arc considered as nere recommendations. . 1 jlook Cut fob TntM. A poorly executed ifty cent currency note of the new or long issue, has IrcudyJ made its appearance. Tbe paper ia co-irse nd thicker than tho genuine, and on close inspection i blurred and indistinct. Tbe counterfeit is well atculnted to deceive. O' ForRTS or Jclv at ELrasi ao. We under tand that the 4th ia to be observed at F.lysburg, by a rocession of Odd Fellows in full regnlia, and the itiwns generally, to a grove opposite Mr. Fersing's, here a substantial cold dinner is to be provided at lets, a ticket, and several speeches by persona from jroaJ, and music by a String Hand from Danville, rovisions will be made for hones to be fed ea or hr the ground. Tbe procession will form at 10 clock A. M., in front of tbo Presbyterian Church Klysburg. KrLLCO T the Caiis. Hugh McKlratK, acitisea Lewis township in this county waa killed by the rs near Dowart on Wednesday of lust week. He ia oo the track when the train came along, and not tting of in time was caught by tbe eow-calcber and rowa several feet to ono side, breaking hia neck d wangling hia body terribly, lie was about 40 iar of age and leaves a family. 3f List o CAtSBS fon A' fiisr Ti u, .JSfli. bn limber vs William Fagely, ashlngton Kreit.er vs James Pollock et al. rare! lire and Ia. Corn y. s Iaaae Stadden et al m. of Penn'a. for usoof 'fbomas Pursel vs Jaaes Vandyke et al i ' nVe'TSSTWtlpwiea Wright va James V.tndyke. muel UrSnt, 3.rraeevs Wi. iV. lwar. o. C. Welker Va Georete Burns, vld Fagely vs" A. M. Kssfrtick. m. ot Penu'a for 8. L. Finney ve Philip W Uilgert. in liHf.-r for use vs Uarbara Ana Alexander, remiah Zimmcrmaa va Jobs A. Conrad Mislian Haupt vs David Waldroa. emiah Kavidge vs Jaeob Dundore. ter K. Fisher va Joseph Weitael. nh Jane Coup va Kliiubeth Jenkins, ebael (trabam va Jauie Pollock. I Hum Cnrutisn Fuxva Joseph Bird, oniaa Comly va Joha Moycr. ' in C Morgan vsglephen Uittenkcoder. am M. Moore vs Jurome t Weloolt. EECO.ND WF.EK. r ' , nry Dowmaoet al vs Edward Ileum n ii Keichline vs CbarUa P lieienjtio riin Uolden vs n Aluuuims , ea F Laue vs Joreauiab Vordy. lutbhu Hoover va Jiaiiah Keeal, Ada r ia A Dodge va Jaooby llarluiao.- ... . in P Heard vs Jaeob Weiok bert D Cumminga va Joba Wltteaaa a vs William Forsmao ' leduiao Thomas v Andrew .hwkel, ! irlus Hoy va Daniel W riimtn in P Pursel va David Waldson " aiel Ilorr vs Jobo F Cowaa -. t i Jlocht vs Pets K Fiaher , r . i ' mevill Shafier vs David thbaeh lliain J llobin va John 6 Sayier . ey Weaver vs Henry Lenty j rV Creamer va Joba Leiscr . in Hancock vs Joba Haas . , as btepp vs Samuel Bolbernjal . new Adam Leaker . 1; b II Edgla w John Youug, CousWpIa u B WeUet vHeorjr Weua ,, i , , 1 eift.n 0 of Penn ars Philip lJUeri,t, :ij ,M 1 Clsassst va Jatj J Tull AWFUL JT.AM.UOAD ACIDKXT. Fifteen 'aloa doldler Killed and Oat Ctaadred and 1'Illy Woaad. i y ., rd-Homo Fatally. - .. IrtDiiviM.K, June 23. The New Albany (tnd.) Ledger report Hint a terriLtu nrxMent Occurred yeaterdty oa tbe Ohio and MU itaippi Ilulirnad, Dear Loogoote, Martin coun'.y, Indiana. A freight trail, bound east, and a noMicr train," bound Went, col lided, and theeneiaeera and firemen of both trnina were Viiled. An angry dispute arose between tbe conductnra at, to the blnmr, during the progreMof whioh another freittht train, from the mat, ran into the soldier train at the station, killing fifteen men, and wonndin n.e fcemdrcd. nnd fifty many of them fr.tnliy. The soldiers lielonccd to Illinois (rnd Missouri regiments, nnd were homeward bound. tTiuc Atlantic Monthly and Ocn Youno Folks, for July, have been received from the publisher, Ti'cknor & Fields, Bos ton. The Atlantic is an excellent number. E P. Whipple contributes the lending paper, "Youny; Men in History." Among the other contrihtitaoti of superior merit, aie Ellen,1' mi affecting episode of the Wnr, Winti r life in St. IVterxl.urg," by llnyuril Tujior; "Deep Sen Dniiisels'' ilisui'ittition n McM aids by George VV.' Hosmur; ml litionnl chnp tcts'of "Doctor Johns," by Ik. Marvel; t Our Ynuiin Folbi inereuses in interest. The July iiiikiImt rontiiins tliirteen niimirably well written nrticles. nine of them being h:inomy filQatrntttl with wood cuts. It is n 'Capital M.iaine fi Youth of loth sexes, nnd by no menus unworthy to cnter tnin nnd instruct their elder. Tbe sub scription price Jo both nnd they ought nlnays to j;6 tocll-efT-is '5,00. New Mrfic We Iihvo received from llornce Wiitcr. No. 48I Kmndway, New York, the f-.dlowing pieces of Music, liy Mis. E. A. I'Kikhurst,- who is one of oar most populuf rompofsers "Finieriil Msroh"- to the memory of Abra ham Lincoln, the martyr President: "Oh! Send me one Flower Iroin bis (irnve " Price cunts eneh. The March, with vignette of the President, 50 cents. Mailed free. jHg'Hon. William Wtlk'ms, a prominent politician, who has been a Senator in Con gress forciiin minister, nnd Secretary of War, died near Pittsburg, Pa., 83d ut the age of eijjhty-six ycurs ---r -r new ad v ;ertisebi ents. BALTIM IE LOCK HOSPITAL. iTAi!Lr.-:iu;D as a uwue kuo.m quack khy. the oxly place w1ieiif. a cvre vax ue outa1xed, D' It. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, World lor a'll Private Disewv, Weakness of the Hack or Limbs. Strictures, Affuctions of the Kidneys and Olaililor. Involuntary Discharges, Iiupotency, tiene ral Debility Nervousness, Pyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or tlidriinesa. Disease of Ihe Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Affections rf the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels thoso Terri ble Disorders arising from tbe Solitary Habits of V'outh those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song ot Syrens In the Ma i iners of I'lysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes r anticipations, rendering marriage, it., impossi ble Especially, who have become ihe victims of Solitary ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually eepe to Hi) yatjtatJy grave tnoiwanda t'oung Men of the iinwt exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherKisehnve eotrniced listew ing Senatea with the thunders of eloquence or waked o eestnty the living lyre, may cull with full eon- ( denee, .ii i it it i i Married Peranos,. or Young Men contemplating inarringe, being aware of physical weakness, organio lebility, cieforniilies. A'!., speedily cured. i He who places himself under tbe care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in hia honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hia skill as a Physician. itjAi' vi:Aiii:.i4 Iinme.lintely Cured, nnd Full Vigor Restored. This Distrewing Affcotion which renders Life mineral. lo and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young Cersons are too apt to commit excesses from not eing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that Ihe power of procreation ia lost sooner by those falling iulo improper habits than by Ihe prudent ' Besides being deprived tbe pleasmme of healthy offspring, the most serioua and dottruotive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Tbe system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Woakened, Loss of Proercarira Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspcpssa, PaJpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Conrtltutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, 4lll--. lo. 1 Koalas Frederick Mlrcel Left hand aids going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomat han in hisutbVe. A WAHiSiVIKt) I TWO Is At W. JVe STttrrrf nr .Vfwift' Drvgt. IslC.IOIIAKTO.V Member of the ltoy .il Oollego or Surgeons. London, llrsduatc from oiieof the most eminent Colleges in Ihe Coited States, snd the greater part of whose life haa been speut in the hospitals of Imdon, Paris, Philadelphia and eleewherc, baa effected some of Ibe most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, baahfulueaa, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were eured immediately. TAKE PAHTICIXiH NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all thoso who have injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, whicb ruin both body and uiiud, unfitting them for iiher business, atudv. society or marriaee. These are some of the aail and melancholy effects roduced bv early habits of youth, vii: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimuees of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the ll. n,i,n Nrcmnt Irritability. Deramrement of the Digestive Functions, uenerai veoiiuy, oymp turns of Consumption, Ac. MaxTALi.v.--ibe learrui eneeia on inemuiaare much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Korobodiogs, Aver sion to Society, Kelf-Distrutt, Love of Solitude, Timidity, are sosneor te evils produced. TaorsaMDS of bersonsof alleges can now judge what is tba cause of their deeliuiug health, losing tneir vigor, becoming weak, palo, nervous ana e naciated. having a singular appearance about tbe eyes, eougb and symptoms of consumption. YOF.ni: ; ; ; Vho lave Injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no eured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind aad body, should spply immediately. What a pily that a young man, the bono of his cvuntrv, the darling of bit parents, etioutd be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by lb Sunaequeaee of deviating from the path of nature snd Indulging ia a certain eeoret habit Such persons ai-it, before oonleasplaling i . . MAUUIAUF. , reflect that a sound salad aad body sre the most nae.MUrv reauisilaa to Bromotl Connubial bannineaa. Indeed without these, the journey through life be-' tomes a weary pilgrimage I use prospect hourly darkens to tbe view; trio tntnd becomes shadowed with despair aad filled with Ik aelaaeboly reflec tion that tbo asppisea of another beoooes bight! wilb oar own i.iHsUAsn of iMPitntKae. When tba nisgoided and Impradant votary of pleasure Doda that aa nas imniDea to seeos oi u is lialUIUI OlSCase, It too oiien oappena uib, au iii-wwu tenia of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him fr annlyina to the who. from eduoatioa aad reaptetabihty, aa alona befriend blra, delaying till ths oonsUtutiopal symptoms of this horrid dlseas uisks tbeir apparaaoa, such aa alseratod sore throat, diseased Bate, ooetarasl pains in the head and limbs, dimaasa af sight, deafasss. aedas ea the Aim boaaa and artaa. blolahaa on the head, fao aad xtramiliw, progressing with frightful rapidity, till t lui tba walaia af tba mouth ar the bona of lb .aa ail ia. aad tba wlotia af this awful dias bsooBM a horrid objaoAaf cost so iteration, till death ruts a period to hia dreadful sufferings, bysttdug im W'tbsiCadissovasd Country ftaat wkana as Iraveller rttu-os." ,iitmetaJuJuht faetto tboasaadt fall vbtlma lo thU.asriiht disaats, owing to th aotkillfuloess of j'jjrart jre'.erders, ara, by ihe ui,f frJMiJly rt'Bt, sVerewry, rata lbs sooatltnUoB and soaks tlia reaieVsef HAS atawrable. -' - - "I HTKA.l6F.Bl1 frost stot year ihras. or health, to tba care of the aiany Unlearned and Worthless PrStsmders, deeUtuU St knowledge, name or charaoter, who eopy Dr. fubnsteaj's advertiaemente, or stylo themselves, in Mie newspapers, regularly Rdueated Physieiana, tticapAle of Curing, they keep yoo trifling month' after month taking their filthy and poisonus eom p. mods, or as long as the smallest fee can bo obtained, and in despair, leave yon whh rained health la sigh et er ysstr galling disappointment. . Dr Johnston ia the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas alwsyt bang in hia office. His remidics or treatement are unknown to all 61 hers, prepared from a life spent in tbe great hos pitals of Europe, the first In the country and a more extensive JVtuafe Practic4 than any other Physician In tbo srorlJ. ISOOICMFME'T OF T1IK PltEfSH. Tho many thovsaads eared at thia institution year after year, atnt lite numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Hie reporters of the "Sun,'' "Clipper," and many other papers, noliees of which have appeared again snd again before tiie pahtio, besides his standing ss a gentleman of obaracter and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantied a the afflicted. Mtl. UlssliANaKM KFF.F.IHI.Y ;hski. Persons writing sbPuld be particular in directing their letters to bis Institution, in tbo following tnsner JOII.A 91. JOII.STO, 91. . Ot the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Aid. Juno M 186l y. Till! PIIWU PIXTOHAL Will Cure Your Cough. THE PIKENIX PECTOltAL Or compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Hoot, will cure tho Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNQS. Such as Colds, Coughs, Croup. Asthma, Bronchiiia, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Ac. Its timely use will prevent PwJtnonary Con sumption, and even wtiYe this fearful disease has taken bold it will aff.ird greater relief tkaa any other medicine. This I'eetnral (s made from Wild Cherry Bark aad tioorfca .Sunke (toot, lit Cum position is a sufneient guarantee of ita value- Dr. Ueo. B. Wood, Professor of the Praotiee of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physi eian to the Pennsylvania Hospital and one of the authors of the liuited States Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry Bark "It is among Ihe aiost valuable of our indigenous remedies, uniting with a tooiu pow er tbe property of claiming irritation and diminish ing nervous excitability." The sninodietia.,'iiUued physician and authors says lr tbe 3;imo work, -'.Scucka tiuake Knot fa a stimula ting expectorant. Its action is especially diroeted to the lungs, it is peculiarly useful in chrouio ea t.irrh affections and tbe secondary stages of croup." For want of space we canuot publish nit the testi monials in our possession, but we give two : . PnaxixviLLE, April 1st, 1964. This is to eertily that I have sold hundreds of bot" ties of Dr. Obcrholtxer's Phoenix Pectoral or Com pound Syrup et Wild Cherry and Seneka Saake Hon and 1 have jet lo fied a single indiviiual who ha1 used it, who dee.- u-it bear tuetiineny of its wondorlus rtlecls iu curing -ighf. Signed, Jacob Puwisns. Hai.i.St. Piiiemxville, Jan. II, 1S01. I most cheerfully bear testimony to the value of Ihe "Phicnix Pectoral or Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Seueka Snake Hoot. : Before uiiug it 1 had been sufleiing with a tickling in my throat and tight cough, for more than two years, and had tuken various ether modioincs with ae relief. As soon as 1 began to use Dr Oberholtser's medicine tbe irrita tion in my throat was allayed sud in a few weeks I was entirely cured. I have also given it lo my little girl, for a eroupy cough, with the happiest cllccts. Signed, JosErB Lckens. PoTTSrows, Jan. 3d, 1885. This certifies that I have used Ihe Phoenix Pecto ral ia my family, and 1 recommend it to the publie as the very best remedy for Cough and Colds that I h ive ever tried. One of my children was takea Kith a cold accompanied with a Croupy cough; so bad indued thai it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having beard so much said aanut tbe Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. Tbe first dose lelievod the difficulty of breathing and before the child hnd taken oue-lnurih of Iho bottle it waa entirely well. Every family should have it in the house. Signed, D. P CHUO'UY. Tbe proprietor of this medicine has ao much eoiifi- denceiu its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used II, that tbe money w ill be refunded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its etlools it is so pleasant to take that children cry (briU (t costs only Thirty! ve Cents, It ia intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the Thru it and Lungs. 1ST 1 renareu oii.y by LEVI OBLRHOLTZER, M. D., Phoruixville, Pa. Joiinstox, HoLLowAr A tow DCS, A'o 23, .Vorth Sixth atreet, Philadelphia, General Wholesale Agents. Sold by Uuerate Uriglit, nnd K. A. ruber, Drug gists, Sunbury ; V. m. Incrnuglon, Druggist at Sba inokin. M. B. If ve-r nearest druggist or storekeeper docs not keep im medicine do uol let him put you off with arme oilier modicine, because be makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the agmts fcr It Juno 10, ISO J fim$ Ktnle of Philip Werlx, dec's!. NOTICK hereby (riven that loit-ers of administra- tiot: having beeti granted. 0 undersigned, on Ibo estate nt Philip Xerh-v late of Lower Mahonoy town ship, Nortbuiuberlsnd County, Pa., deovased. All fiersons indebted to Saul estals sro requested to maso mmediate payment, and those having claims to pre vent tfletn fur settlement. MICHAEL T. WEKTZ, Adin'r. Lower Mshonoy, June .1. Irtni. ot Aatlllor'N .ollcf. The andoraigned having been appointed aa Audi tor to distribute tho balance in the hands of Joseph Priestley, administrator of Joseph Vaadyko, dee d., to all among (hose legally entitled to receive it, will meet an paruea miervsicii lor mat purpoae, av ine omce oi &iegier m rvaae, in no uorougo oi ououury, on Taesilsy the II lb day of July, 1864, between Ihe hours of 12 and S ot said day. O W. ZIE0LEK, Auditor Sunbury, June S, 1S6V- Untitle ol' Chat-lea Fleaaaata, dee'd. NOTICE la hereby given that letters Testimenta ry bavo been granted to tbe subscriber on tbe estate of Charles Pleasants, late of Sunbury, deceas ed. Persons iudebled lo said aetata are requested to make immediate payment, and those hsving claims will present them for settlement. K. P. PLEASANTS, Executrix. Sunbury, June 3, 185 6t HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. rillle undersigned offers at private sale bia HOUSE X aud LOT, siluste oo Deer stroet. near lb Lu theran Church, io the Borough of Sunbury, Pa. The bouse is a large frame with kiicbea attached, nearly new. There is also a new stable, and all necessary outbuildings, erected on said lot. Also a number of young fruit trees, a well of water with a pump. This is a very desirable residues aad will be sold on reasonsble terms. F or further particalsrs apply to WILLIAM TEATS. June S, 1863. ; .. - JEREMIAH 6NYDER, At loratry Ac Caansellsrat sLaw. Office corner of Blackberry and Fawn Street, tbree aoon eaat ol js. 1 . urigbt a rounary, 1 Ml . HCU Y, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted u bis ear., me eoiieetloa of olaims lo Nor- thamberland and tbe adjoining oswatie. lonsaiuauons la Merman aad LagliaB. S.abury, April J2, li.:y WALLPAPER! t, IT. FKILlHa A SON, respectfully announce that they have just received sad opened a very desi. rsble assortment of WALL PAPER aad BORDER, which, they will dispose of at very reasonable nrioes. Remember th place, Maaunoih Stor. Market Sqaara. , - ' i, . Sunbuiy, May 89,1865. "" Basa op aosiarjasisLiSD, I ' Cusaias, Pa , May th, iofti. j -i NOTICE. rA-v ' Ths stoekhstders of ths Bark of Nodbamberlsnd, ars hereby notified, in aeoordanoe with th rauir menii f lb Aot of Assaibly, approved Ike Tti day of August. 18M, acliUea "Aa Ast aaMiag tb Banks ol this Coointoawealtb lo beeesss aasotiatlona for th parpoae of banking ndr th laws of tb Unttad itsta," tha tb Bank of Northumberland, at a meeting of th Siookholdors, bold al th bank, ing house, lo th Borough of Banbary, oa Thursday, th Ith Cay of May, ltuji, votssl to aaooss aa Assaoia. tioa (or aarrying ea tb buaineM of tb Banking under tb Is of tb Unltsd feL.Ua. aad that tba J direolors bate procured tho authority of th owners a ere waa intra oi in. capital steea, a staa tb rtiBoata ran air ad therelor by tb lasrsal tba Vnitssd Btata. ' TwrsfHssfolly, f-l--J---Ii .. .-it ' , rrcAiaAs. f ccluis). May i IM - - , - - tf ac , t T1 GROCERIES ! GHOCnislBSf f A Mra. 8AJEIAB A. SIJoTSON,' ' .', Whortleberry Strut, swst Vn Ar. 0. It. H . SUNBURY, PA., RBRPECTPILLT toftsnm her Irieads and the nblis generally, that aba boa just opened a largo asaortmcat of FKESU Usscerlut, aucb as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAlt, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, kC. Puts Cldsr Vlnetar, Prait Jars, Olnmwsre, and a variety of Laaies' Trlasnings, Fans, Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, 4c, lo which ahe invites all to examine before purchasing elsewhere, fenbury, June 17, 186S m AMBROTYPE AKD PHOTOGRAPH QALLERY. Over J. Bowen's Store, corner Market A FawaSu. 8UNBTJH TT. PA., SBYERL'Y, Informs hisfrt'enws snd the public . generally, that bete taking Portraits in the best style and manner at his Oallory ha tbo above place. A.MBKOTYrtS AND niOTOORAriia, are taken in erwy style ol tlie Art, that cannot bo surpassed in the Stale. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from all styles of Pictures. (live him a call. Remember, over Bowou'e store Sanbury, June 17, 186&. Prs-Morlnf lost carefully compounded of the boat DRLOS at the Mammoth Store of JNO. FRILIXU 4 SOX. Sankery, May JO, 1865. CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! AT m si i: sr: m m -v CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corarr afMarkrl Nqunre A. It-.ill. land Hlrr-t'l, SUNBURY, PENN'A. JUST OPENED, srRINO 1 SUMMER STOCK OF HEADY MADE CLOTHI.XG, Of Ihe newest styles, eul fc) tfci best Artists, trimmed and mode equal to CLium auk, and sold nt the owest pricea. Hen aad Itoj'a Clotlilnftcf lh best ma terial consisting of Dress Costs, Frock Conts, Sack Costs, Pants, aud Vesta of various colors and nuuti .rfee. LINEN OVERCOAT Ss GENTLEMEN'S FCR.VISHINa GOODS, men ae Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers Collars, Cravats, Neckiiet.llssdkerchivfs, Stock inzs. Gloves, Ae. Iliila aad Cap or all Uiadrs. BOOTS AND SJlOli-S, TRUNKS, VALISES, CM- RRELLA?. and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nume rous other articles. The publio are invited to call and examine his Stock. Remember the place. 'Continental Clothing Store,' Corner of Market Square aud the N !. K. K. LBVI liKcnr. Sunbury, May 27, 1965. FANCY DUY GOOD STOilE. MIS8 KATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY Informsher friends in Sunbury snd vicinity, that she hw Just opened her SPUING AND BUMMER OOOD3. ot Notions and FanoyDry (ioods. Market atreet, four doors west of Win. H. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SU.NBl'KY, Pa. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, embroi deries, L alies and Cbildrena' hats and shakers ; silk and other linings. Hoop-skirts, Crape nnd Laoe Veils; Nets, gloves, stockinga, collars, and corsets, io. TWILIGHTS AND OARIBALDI MUSI.l.V Bradley's new Patent Duplex Ell ptic (or d-oblc Spring SKIRTS. Cents' Handkerchief", Cravats, Ncoktios, Suspen lers ; Ribbons, of alt kinds. Feathers, Votvet, unit many other articles too numerous lo mention. l'liotogniplis of PrcsiJent Lincoln. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Ae. KATE BLACK. Sunbury. May 1!. 1365. MIL LINE RY GOODS, AND FA.M:Y .tiOTIO.'Vis Tltl.U.UI.Ms'!!! MISS L. 8HIS3LEH, At the new stand, in Market Squaro, SUNBURY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the ltilust and most fashionable styles of .Millinery (looJs. suoh as Bonnets, Hats. Silks. Ribbons and Laces, fcaTfs, Hoeiory and Gloves. Skeleton Skirts, Flowers, Head Dresses A Nets, Old Ladies' Caps, Shuirls, Silk, tc. Black Crap and Lace Veils, Crape and Linen Col Urs. Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Co. sets, Zephyrs, Cotton Yarn, Soap and Perfumery. Ilugic Triauniiattrm, Hair 11 list and Combat. Genls' Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, Ac. Flags, Picture Tassela and Cords. Parasols, Ladies' Satchels, Fans, As. l'liotographs of President Lincoln, handsomely framed. Thankful for past patronage I hypo by striet at tention to business to continue the tame. L. SUISSLER. Sunbury, May 1 J, 1865, EXCELSIOR SHOE STORE. WMi H. MILLER. Market Sqaare, SUNBURY, PK.VN'A., T I'ST received from New Y'ork and Philadelphia. ej a fresh supply of tbe latest styles aud of the best i ,.i:,v La.u,""v Boots and shoes Men'aKiJ Glove Lincoln Tics. u Oxford ' Buckle " it i; L. Congress, and a variety of other lasting shoes. parties Imitation llucKie, ao., ae Children's Shoe of every variety and styles. Women's Shoes al $1 50. All bis good stock WARRANTED. No Paper Shoes sold at bis store. He will also wholesale Boots snd Shoes by Hie box. The publie generally are invited to call and ex amine bis stock. Sunbury, May 80. 1865. O. W. XIKOI.ER. Ii. H. CAtli CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SCNBCRY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and all Profseaioaal business iirowiiitly attended to in the Coarts of NorthuUiberlund and adjoining Counties. IW'Also, apeciw attention paia to uie loiieouou of Pensions, Bounties and Back Pay for Widows Orphans and Soldiers . i i ,a ,a.t. ouooury, i'i.hh , KEW COAL I'llOI. THE partnership of Grant k Diets having been dissolved. Th undersigned have entered into partnership ia tho V) bolesal and Ileum loal ami Shipping Businea under lb Irm name of UKANT A BROTHER. Thankful for the patronage extended to a in th late firms of Friliog A Grant, and Grants A Diolt respectively, we respectfully solicit a ouiitiuuanee of Ibe sams. MT. T ORANT, T. I. (IRA NT. ' ' - Lower YTberf, Sunbury, 1'enu's. April 1. lMy Disatalallaa or Partaeraltip. THE partnership beretofer existing between th ndersigoed ia tha Wholesale and Retail Coal and bbipplng buaineM under the Arm name ef tlruut a, tiets, is Ibis day ausoivea oy mutuni consent. TI10S. D HRAST, VALENTINE DIETZ. Sunbury, April 11, 1BS UNITED STATES HOTEL, OpisiU th I. V. A NEW HAVEN A WESTERN a. R. Diror BDAOB 8TSBST, BOSTON. By F. M. PRATT, Formsrly of tb Aaaiaaa House. Msy IJ, 184.-ly OLD XTES MAM HEW. FAMPHLKT dUeting bow to tneedily restore A sight SoaK er I if ut aaa giro ap spelel, sntboat ad el er sjaadieiM. Sent by Bail, fro, oa receipt ef 1 sjts, . Addras, . ' . , rtB T00W, M D : 'ebrasryl lM.a ' U. S. 7.30 LOAN. THIRD 3ERIE3, S230 000 000; By authority of th Secretary of the Treasury, lb nndersigned, th General Subscription Ageot for th sale or United States Securities, offers to th publio the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenlha per cent, interest per annum, known aa ths 7lO LO W These Notes arc issned unler date f July 15th. 1805. uml are payable three years from that lime, in currency, or are convertible nt the option of the holder into I". . fl-iiO Sl per veal. GOL I) B EAKLNO BONDS. These bonds are worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as all IheUovcmnicnt Bonds, from Stnle County and Municipal taxation adds from ono to three per cent, mure, According to the rate. levied on other property. The interest is pnynblo semi-annually by coupons ntlnched to each note, which may becutoffaml sold to nny bank or banker. j The interest at 7-30 per cent amounts to j One cent per day on a $j0 note. Two cents " ' " H00 " Ten " " ' fatlO " 50 t. t. fiouo fl " " ' ' $."000 " I Notes of nil denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt nf subscription. The Notes of ibis Third Series are precisely similar in form nnd privileges to the Seven-Thirties" nlroadv sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option uf paying interest in gold coin at A per ct., instead of 7 S-lUctis in currency. Subscribers will ill-Hunt tbe Interest in currency up to July 15th, at the tim! hen they subscribe. Tho delivery of the notes of this third series of Ihe severi-thirties'will commence on the lat of June, and will be made promptly uud continuously after that ' dale. ! Tbe slight ehnnge lna lo in the condi'.lona of this Third Series nrlectsonly tho mutter of interest. Tho payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to tho currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in tho event nf which only will tho option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and rqiialiie prices that purchasers made with six per cent, in gold woul 1 bu fully equal to those mudo with seven and three tenths per cut. iu currency. This ij THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now offered by Ihe Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the CitKAT Pui'ci.AK Loan or the Pkium.k. Less than $J:!0.'lO(),P(0 uf the Loon authorised by the but Congress aro now on the in irkol. This muouut, at the rate at which it is being ubsorbed, will all be subsoribed fur within two mouths, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the Case on closing the subscrip tions to other Loans. In order that cititcn of every town and section of the country mny be nfrnrded facilities for taking the lonn, the National Bonks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have gen rally agreed to receive subscriptions nt par. Subset ibers will seleut their oun agents, in whom they have eoii fl'leiice. and who only arc to bo responsible for tbe delivery of th. notes for whiuh they reueive orders. i.i v cooiii:, St sycHirrtos Agext, Philadelphia. May Irt, 18H5. Sl'BscRirno.xs ll.l. Bit UK''i:ivki by the . First N'atimiHl Bank uf Nnrthuinbcrland. ! F'irst National Bank of Milton. .Northumberland National Buuk efShnmokin. Bank of Northumberland. May I.I, ISOi. ;!iu THE NINTH NATIONAL BANE. OF THE CITY OK NEW YORK. CAPITAL, S'.O.n.Jil.itV". PAID IN, FISCAL AGENT OT THE UNITED ' STATES. And ftieciul Agent Jor Jty Cojke, Siilmd ii lion Aijent, Will deliver T-.1II Notes, Free nf charge, by ex press, in nil parts ol the country, and receive in payment Cheeks on Now Ymk, Fhiluili-lphin. nnd Boston, current bills, ami all live per cent, intere.il notes, with interest to date of subscription. Orders sent by tnuil will bn promptly tilled. 'Ibis Hunk receives the accounts of Banks ami Hanker n f.iviirablo terms ; also of individuals keeping Ne-v York aeo.uii.ty J.T. II ILL. Cashier. J. t. OUVIS. President. March t. IS-i j. ."in .1. IKsl.Tll'S .'KOVI'ir. Enamelled Slate Mantel "WARE-ROOM. !aa, C11ESTNLT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Manufactory Tenth and Sninson Streets. Table-Tops, Fiei-Slsba, Brackets, Wach (Stand Tops, etc., etc. Philadelphia, Jan 7. lbili. tf 1805. 1805. MAMMOTH STORE. J. Y, I'll I i.i ; & SOS, CEG leave to call the attention of tbo publie that they have just returned from the City with a very LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS! Cooaistiug of DRY GOODS, ' Hardware, Quoonswar Cedarware, BOOTS & SHOES, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Trimmings, lrnca aud 4'lteiuletilM, Oils, I.nmpsi nnd in fact KVKRYT11IXH GENERALLY KKl'T ia 4'uuult-y Mures, We bought our goods at tba lowest Cah Prices and consequently wo think we can offer great in duocrjicuts tu purchasers lor Cash or Country Pro duce: The highest market price paid for all kind of Produoe. Give us a cull- i J. FRILlN'l SON. Sanbury, May 13, 1S03. TAILORING. J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFl'LLY inftirua! tfca ciltsens of Sl'N BUAY a4 vlcAi.lty, tbs t he bas opened a 'I'ttllorlnu Sli, la th room over Farnsworth's Grocery, opposite th Cental Hotel, Kuubury, wber he is ready lo tuak up garments of alt kinds in tb letoat stylo and best werkuianlike'manuct. Having bad Clperlenoa In the business for a num ber of yowrs be bopta lo render geueral sati.'faoiiou. Custom worn u respeoiiuuy J. r. SCHAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 1S6S ?ia lle lo TrsMtapaaaersi. NOTICE b hereby given, that no penuo will b allowed to tretpaa oa my properly, oa tho bbamokia Island, or to enter into ao enclosur without pruisaion, Ois peuallie of tha law will b vnforeod against all uBooden. . , . .$: REWARD, ill las paid for Information that will lead to tb aoavieUon ol atij suoh troepaaaer JOtEPfcf Bltlt) f baarkia Ms Msv !J, 1f TaJ V MJtniEt iTtullBJf IT IffflnR' J.HOLMESGROVERSf 1 4 wW i it i IT ' -VI FLUID EXTRACT B0CHU 'oa Kea-teatloa et Incontinence ef Trine. Inflamma Una er L'le.r.Uoa ef ths Dladdcr or sUJniys, Dlstatea ef the rrastrate Oland, Oravel, Drlck Dsul DeposlU, Drepsl sal fiwelUngt, Orianle Tfeakaess, Deblllly, finals Cots plilnts, Ac IIELMBOLT3s FLUID EXTRACT fcUCHU an Improved Hoso "Wixsli Will radically extermlasle frea ths sritem Duttsses arts tog from Habits of Dlssipstl a, al tittl trpmtt, UUlt er hB ehanfft diet, no ineonttnltxet or trpoturt; ssmplstcly superseding those wflIwsantarwf Jangeroul rtmtdlu, Copabia and Afereary.ia curlngtbete discua. use helTmbold's Tim EXTRACT BUCHU la all Outcasts af tha Urinary Organs, whether existing la arm or rsaits, rent chatvr cants originating, and no matter ofltoio long itatuling. It Is pleasant In Ita lasts and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and mora atrangthtnlng than any of tht preparations of D irk or Iron. Those suffering from Broken Down or DtlicaU Conttt iuflens, procuro Ms lltmia'y at onet. Tha Itcsder mutt bt aware that howevertllfhVtf.tr t ths attack of tha above dltcasea, It Is csrlala to affect hta Bo&ilg JTtalth, Ittntat Powtri and ITapp'neu. It no trtatneat b submitted to, CsDsumpllon or Inioslty nay eoiue. All ths sbovs disestes rsqulrs ths aid ot a dlursac. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ts the Gfroat Uiviretiov UELMBOIsD'S siovlt uosuantauvrsat Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilli orpuriryinf tne OleM, removmg anaueascaaruinf rrera excess and Imprudence la life, cbronle constitutional dls- essre arlilng from an Impure atate of the blood, and tho . ..ly reliable and effectual known remedy for Ihe cure of Jcrefula, Scald Head, Bait Ilhenm, Pains and Swelling ef tbs Danes. Ulcerations ef ths Throat and Legs, Blotches, runeleaoa th Pace. Tetter. Erysipelas, and all scaly erus lions of ths akin, and beautifying th ooarixxioK. NOT A FKVV Of ths wont dlsonttrs that afflict manklad arias from lh eorruptloa that accumulates In the Blood. Of all ths dki oevarles th tl hivo been made te purge It out, none esa qua', lo effect ITZLXBOLD'S COMPOVXD EXTRACT Of 8 A ItSS tlRILLA. It cleanses and renovates Ihe Blood, Instills the vigor of health Inte the system, and purges cut the haaors which miko dltcato. It atlmulatea the healthy fane liens of the body, and expels tbe dlterdent tkal ro sad rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that eoahl be relied on, hat long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public hare ens oa which they can de pend. Our apace here does not admit of certificates lo show Ita effects, but the trial of a alnjto bottle will t'.iow a the sick that It hit vltluti surpaisin anythln; they bira ver takes. Two tablciientful ot the Extract t Satiap arllla, a Jilt 1 to a pint of water, It equal lo the l.Ubon Diet Drla':, and One bottle It equal te a gallon of the 8.'-rup of garaaparllla, or the decoction as usoally made. The above rxtraett sre prepared on purely sclenll&e principles In Pjcuo -and embody the '.ill strength o! tho Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will he a comparison of their propre ibt with tbote set fotth la Ihe U. S. Dispensatory, HOW TO U$E THE HEMED1E0. In Diicasct of ths Clood, Humors oa the Face, or any and eyc-y part of the bidy, use Extract Sarsaparilb, ap plying ta Timples and oil external Humors or Eruptleea ths Improved Itote Wush. t'se t'ae Exlract Boclm tor all disrates reqnlrlnz the aid of a Dlufeth', except those of the Urinary Organs, such nt Gonorrhea and Gleet; In thcte use the Extract Euch and Inject with the Improved Rose IVailk tVTIIESB EXTRACTS HAVE BEEX ADMtTTtD TO CSfi IX TUB USITED STATES ARMY, and also are In very general use la oil the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUI1LI0 INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, at well as In . p-lrate practice, and are conjMercd at Invaluable rente illee, HEDICIUE DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS. Dircet letters to UELMOOLD'S DBUO A CltfcillCAt, WARKUOVSB, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa vo HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 Sou tli Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Derlbo Symptom! in all Cbsamuatcattoaa SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVRTWHEFtt", Beware of Counterfeits I April 22, 1603 ly. J. R. HILBUSH, 4'utiitly siiiiieyor, 4'oitvey nuttr AND ,'77f.7i OF TUK PKACF, Jn.ViHoi, X irti'iiiiiitrti'iiil ('iiwittf. Pniii'n nffice In Jackson township. Engngeiueiils ean , J . I... .II ....1 ... .1... .1 ..a.l.Ua; U IllUlie II, II-IIVI , Ull t't IWI iuniv.i.rtv.mv-t. Ail business entrusted to hie cere, will be promptly attended lo. April 22. lSfla.-Iy IT5C: ST si S i3 B-i (Lato HEKR'S HOTEL.) Corner Market and 3d Streets, HARRISIU'RO, PA. THE utteii(i-ii nf ths publio is respectfully culled to this lintel which ia now open for the aooouiuiiHln tii'0 of giiuals. In the past hie month during which time it has been cluM-d the hoiiso has liecu thorough ly remmleled and repaircl. t.'.rilll in p.iintot conveui-eu-e nnd oouilurl, ila putiulii w ill find it to os n uo superior. 'I' lie 1'iii-iiitiire llullrely evv. P.imiiiis larger than are usually founii in intnli-m hotels. Situated on Ibo orrnrr of lsn priucipal butiut-sa streets of the eily.bMt two and a hull' squares f rom Ihe Rail Road Depot? Tho proprietor determined to spare no expense in securing lite cuUirWt ol his gueuls aud a favorable r puUitiou for Ibe cstablisl.menl. he feels willing lo trust ila character to the juil(.me it of his patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21. liWi. TAK3 NOTICE! rrtHATJ. W. PEAL A K. D. LIMLEY, hsve j a .euierea 11110 eo-pariueiBiup in tnu lra llee ol' .vleslititte V Hurarery. We ean always be found at Iho office of J. W. Peal, unlotw professionally engaged. J. W. PEAL A E. D. LI MLEY. Sunbury, April 22. l8i. 3m i est w ii ni. "Tea d i hi: ir zici l'UHE LIBERTY Lt! AD, Inupprossed tvt V hileuing, I in U loss, Duraoilliy Firuiuess aad Evenness of Surface. PIRE LIBERTY LEAU Warrant! to eova more surface for same weight than any other Lead Try it a ml you leit tart uo othtr ? rUltE L1DETY ZINC. .Selected Zinc, around In Refined Linseed Oil, UB , equaled in quality, always Ihe asm. jPUJXJB lilBSiBl l m.mj. Warranted o do nor sad kstter serktls givsa tott thau any othor zv. GottA Bettl- tieaufaotured at PEKSSYtVAXIA PAINT A COLOR WORK. Urster aaocalsd promptly by ZIEOLEK Se BMITH, - WTuitml l?'g fa Oluti Dli". I - Stor Offios, No 1ST Korth THIRD tr FHIXArFLFUIA. Ireh,eS--1y W ASK FOR UELMBQtQ'B. J rff " MERCHANT TAILOR And Bsalar la CLOTHS, CASBIMERES, VESTINO, At Fn-vra street, atontta or Weaver's lltstcfv BUNUiB a TNFORMS th eltinias r on1iry std Vicialtj that he bu jest renamed from Philadelphia with lull assortment et Sl'ltlNO & SUMMER GOODS, tf L'VERY DESCr.irTION AND QUALITY. . And at greatly 1.EDUCK1) VOICES. His stock consisis of Cloths, French Clotba. Bite Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimeres. Black Satin, 1-1 gore Silks. Plain and Fancy Casnimera VESTINU8, wbic he will make up to order in atylee to suit the taste custotnurs, on short notioo, at1 tks nrrst Tessonab' terms. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnbned frd: Pbiludelphin. by giving two dnya' notice. Oiwds I'lirn'iJsXi. Viy catt'jcrt w?Hi aaflo p order as heretofore. As he will emt-.yA41iiit experienced work me persons n,ay toly oa getting their work well done his shot,. Thankful for tho patrunnge heretofore bestow he respectfully solicits a oonuuuoncc of the same Sunbury, April 15, lstji. NEW GOODS f i i Bl'KISG AND 81' M M E R JUST OPENED i BY ISAAC PTOJUlAlT-a In Zetlcmoyer'a liuiUing. VjpTftoaito U ear han't Cc j feetionery Store, MarkotsUeet, SUNBURY, Pa., 1 TTAS just opened a well selected assortment XI Uowls, w hich he offers fur sale at very low prio- DRY GOODS ; FOREIGN AN!) DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, Cm I meres, .Muslins. Sheeting", Ticking, Caliooes, . j Lnines, Silks, (tinghsnrj, Ao , Ac. I1A1M Mad CAl'SW oVory description-. i iinrninvn p It rTnttttW j IJ lUlC V A 1 1 1 fj 1 1 fjl ' ... , . .,, ... , I Consisting of Honery, Hlovcs. Thread, Butto , 8iwpcn(,c, Mct.klieB, dollars. Handkerchiefs, II ijrul,ile,, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head Dressiw. B mural Skirls. Hoop-SkirU, Carpet-bugs. Trunks, A j lines, I'inbrellas, Cotton-Yarn, Soups, and Humeri other articles too tedious to mentiou. HARDWARE such as nnils. bintf'.-s nhd screws, door latches knobs, and CCTLEltY of eVer.y dweription. Dyts, Drugs, Paints, Vnrtiislica, Oito, Gk Putty, tkc, Ac. lueearar! and dalawxtvare 'Verj- deiierilioa. STONE AND EAUTUENWAHE. An extensive Stock uf Composed of Sugar. Coffee. Tens. Rice, Corn.star Jlolanses. Candies, .Meat, Fish, Cheese. Salt, Xubac aud Segurs. 11EADY-MADB CLOTHING. BOOTS &cVS2'CES for men, women and children. All kinds of Country Produce taken iu exchai for Uoo Js. sunbury, April 22, 18Sj. nKNRY HARPER. 0 AIK'II 11.. above Fifth, I'lill .. delpltist. Manufacturer and Dealer in WATCHES. FINE JEWEtRY. SOLIDSlLVEB-WAl nud Superior Silver Plntcd Vare. March 25, lrtfii. Sm NEW G O O D i Two dour west of W iu. H. Miller's Shoe stun Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a freah supply ol SPUING As hLMMfcU ClOb, Suoh ns Fancy trcss Triuimings, Kibbont, Oli llanilkerehiuls, I.alies' Linen Collars and C lienl s Linen and paper Collars. Netu, Belts. I Collars and Sleevts. Hair Hulls, Velvet Ribb Bed. White ami Blue Neck-tics, Corsets, (Jur Skirls. Yokes and Sleeves. .-HAKhltJS PARAWLS, 0. B'ltlosraiaa t'I'rtnidetil IJaco in frainos. Also, Swlf. Jacrtirt nnd Victoria Muslina Vi Jollara aud Vclis-, MrutisdiRo ahil Laos Veils lo variety of ether aii':!es too niitueruus to merit MARY L. LAZARC Sunbury, May 1.1 Slit. MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM WH0LKSALE DEALERS, No. 4:il Market Street, north ctdo, PHIADELPI Have u-jw open their u?ual baudsume variety of Ribbons, Bonnet Materials, Straws A Fancy Bonnets, Ludius' A Siissea' HaU, FLOWERS, RUCHES, LACES, ! aud all other articles required by tba Milliaery Xrade ! By long experience and striet attention to branch ol business exclusively, we Salter ours" that we can utler inducements, in variety, st uuality and moderate pi iocs not everywhere found. The uttention uf MILLlNEUa and Su CHANTS is respectfully solicited. i-?' Particular atteitiien paid to Jit OriUrt. March 1. li-a 3w. Kl( ! ion rW tMJ.XKls AND Millinery Good Just opened at the G RAND MILLINERY STi of yilnn ft. I.. 4HNstlei ; ,. , . . F ! Fswu street, twe drrs tuth of Bbamokin a I Pottsville Railroad, HAVING purchased my goo at-roduoed -p 1 am enabled to sell cheaper. The stock consists ol BONN tTS or every dot linn fur Wnrinir and Summer. Mnaket-, and every slvle of I.adieej' II , Uiblions, Flowers, Ladies Laps. Ao. Gloves. Collins, Iluudkerchieni, Hosiery, I I Veils. Silk. Grenadine und Mourning Veils. I numuruus other uuliuus, usually kept iu Mill ! stnrus. Call and soe her stock, uubury, April 2'i, lS6i. 2in SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY AT IAvv, SUNBURY, Noi-'hUrrirfstrland Ckjunty. OFFICE in East end of Weaver's Tavern, M Slroet. All business entrusted to hiiu will be careful: fuinulually attended to. Cousultatiuu in the irh said German languages. Sunbury, April 8. l6i. FANCY DRESS GOOi yiin p.tn'i'En, Two diMiiu West of the Post Ollicc, BTJJSf I3TrriY. PENN'A. HAS just received and opened a largo assor uf r'aney Dream Goids, r:h aa Gloves, Jo Eii-gloitw, ffi'ik aid lisle thread Gloves; 1 cotton Hose, Children's Meriuo Hate, Silk Ladies aud Gentlemen Haudkerobiefs, Corsets l.roi.lerod Slippers, Hibbous FANCY DRESS TONS. Bugle (simp. Trimmings, Buttons, Belt bun Velvet Riebona, ftraid. Belt Clasps, l.i Neck-ties, CRA I'fSKlBBON and TRIMMING broidering Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Edging insertions ; ilalteere Lac Collars, Laoea, Gren Veils. Black Veils. Fancy Dress Combs, llsasi act, Notts, ami a variety of other articles. Lockwood's Pspsr Collars of a superior q Ladies' Lluea Collar, a Variety of Queeo Eb Collar, black and while Barbca. Pictur Cads and Taassls. P HOT 0 GE AP H AIBTJ YljOstS AND BTATIOlTEB's. .Mimtbly Tim Book, Drawing Book and Bt Books, Hi-am Books. Blank Books Mem. Books Diaries, Poka Book. Ink Bunds, . Fsiiil, a bb ataortsneat of Papa, Ink, Toilet 8c spi.Tootti-Bruhes, A. . .. -TOYS AN to GAMES FOR CIIILD AlloiwaiAbav bMlotod with car aa ps aula at (asoasDi pricM. iKKA l-AIX oaabars, May IA, !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers