Ohm. D. OrtrBW JUarkot street, ono door ea.it of Mr. Uoullon'i Ilotc" STJ 1ST 23 XJI5r, IP-A... Have nprm 4 A N E W T 1 1 - W A II E, Sin-it Iron nnl flop (two, mi l Intend !;cpprr, rnnstnnlly tin hand, and manu facturing tiMTilT ontlmr'.i'st ii'dic. f IN iJ D S11LET irAN-W A HE cd' all ,lcoription. A l.ar;'e Ploik nfOok Stiivenof l.bf f 111. . wing Brands unit on the following two Ilrnnds trs defy tcnt.;ti. tion, namely 4'oiiiliit:tSin Jnn Kunirr, t'oolf. (ilovt'rnoi IVnn eool,. unsntptiwd for hi'mly nf fini.-h. 'iMpllcd! v of ar rangement, oombiiiiii'.'r cheapness iind durnhility. and each stove warranted to pcrlerm what they lire re tire aPtitpd ALSO. PlIM.on and OFFICE STOVES. In gr-at Tnrielv. eni'ii-neini nil tho Lest nimiuiiu'iurei. uim tuo.-t In.hi' iiiil'le ilesiijrs Ao. The celclrated. (.!F.:,I for heatinj up nu . down 8tiirF. Alo Ihe r I nlfd Wf.C ITFA TI.I; VoalOit. ":il 4M1 B,nt-i. Mi:iiI.'S, , J'ltittmics. l-.iul sail sirr'l nmiftinllv Viojit in mi rsNUinient of (Mb kind. Vi nreulio i.rpiiiired tod. .nil kin Isei ?,wiiini!. Itoohroi. Knnu'e nod 1'iiriineeAVork. tin- 1'ittius- Ac. Kci.uir elieppl v ni.d iieailv pool . 1 . ',...n.rv" , li -;V.i; iirVt yri.'C. r.r.NT nrrt. CJ-:l.T.!!KAIKPrir.K PliACK flOVI.. IVr tV Comities of Norlbunibr lund. Snv.ler. I nioii imil Montour. Aidhi-e nl-.. i. fit Jur tho I'iji'utr A Willuwer Lin., ' ri uii'i ..roiiioii. Enn urv . I'e . 1-' t I clotjilm; roit all:! AT CON T CENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corner ol'tirKl Sj:ir.i-o Rnll llond fiti 'i !, 6 r suuiiy, i' j: n n a. JVST Ol'ENtD, VIXTEK STOCK OP RKADYMAIifi C1.0TH1XG, Of ihe newest f'vlts, e-il Lj tl.t W-t ArlNts. triimno 1 ftud inn. ! ' O'lal id Cl.ltlu nil ii, ai.d soh.1 at the owc.t prices. aa TJoyriotI:IrsrcrtU testnin- terial f.onsiitiii!; nf Pre. Con's. Fiojk Ca'1. Si.ke fom, 1'uSiU, aud Yeti of Tarium colon nod juli- OEXTLE.MKN'S OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. CtXTLE.MKX'S l-fi'.XISIHNO OOOPS, rceli a Shirts. Over-?hirt9. Fpder-hins. Iirawsrs. ruil.iis. Cravat. Nv,i.tie ltuU-iai-lvLiels, b'.uckllii. .TC3, AC. , Tltif-J r.i& 'nj oCail Iiml. DCOTS AND SHOES, TF.VNKS, YAEISES, V.M- ' .REI.T.AS. n NATION'S cf all kind), nr.d nume. eu. o'her nrti.'le'. Ihe public are iiiii'.sd to call and rxanir.e hU lock. lenier. ber th i.pp. "Coiitinent'il Clothirttr Flr.re," Cjrnerof Market h'qu.'.re und the N O.K. It LEVI IiECliT. Surbiiry, Dee. 10. ISM. idrtH3lfI'A' liital 3:ifS Itiir fic-ir- ; Hi- irT AT ORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, ATOrMSnd, 1M4. rlU$ Plr'tVr ii niily or, hhi ?hel the Vr rn erfecily ':r:M fri-in tin C wl.Mt pn-co. fuj.k lor 'Iry. It trivo" t!i Kuril timiMa tir i-m on ; .-i.fi line W I:lol as it j'.jiS.-ts tirULl;. t-iai pn tff hv C.li fKnn 'i;p ( cm o:n (-let! . TciiUtrin j it ' cr.i-c tit tor iiui:kr' ,'.') ul the u.-c of (lid fuiini:; ill. 'i ) ; ii iicliii.rt .-iit-iU a lf2)uhdof:trto tl," Minute Jy C;di thiry Hand V iter. id enn he use!, nl. i, I v llnre. Ft:r.m or i'er ft. jwer by ii't;iohi?i ' ft 1'nilfV 0'i t! Cr;tiik t T)i:r'!li;Ii'y. Oi'-N'"m.''"J CIk-iih nl lliini.liiv in SLcllin thia Miichine culihh Le i irUie I ! v ..i y ot!,t-r. 'A'Ii2 AND CO I XIV III IS UTS FOU SALK ON 0hx.rvpn : If yu want your com ShclTwl nn ; if yiu Jinvt t.cvattnn to j-'n-il frrern 'r dsnnp rn ; ifyu w.mt your corn urui cvU et'p:trat 1 ; if ti want'n 'lurablo n:n.him' ; if you want .'t cln .ip sii:r, buy tbe C'i:'t !rto, louble-Ac;iii, HiOt' v.iui Corn il.tUer. Jiii'i:;:: n is : H. Mftt. hr. J. W. TVule 5nl.nry. iiirlts lliifif. Millar. Sjunurl iie.-i. lU'U'li u. ti. Mnrurnn A Co., Geo. Woisir. L. Auu-ta. Mill' i.B. . ui.bitiy. Sol. Mtirlz. Frirn't-r. m t.ry ii in i:.i(. i'rur (jap. C. Albert. i ciretown Miiiiuf'ieinnMl mi 1 rr Mik- lit tli Fouiidt-T tf )lllUiACli A COttl'i It. .-uiiuuvy, i'. Bui. bury. lu. .:, --Oja CLD EYE 3 KABJ3 l.'EW. rAMFIlI.ET.lireeito V siirht and ui 40. ' rpi llf w to speedily restsirfl taelr-. without nid of tr or mt"iie:ne. c'iil hy uiail. frci ou receipt u eents. Addre'i, E. 11. KOOTK, M. D. fehruary 4. lc'55 Rji Ii' i EITTI.F OF i: l'i'.Y IHlXii r-l uini? . the , . hiiumn .-T.-t in, iii-i'o and f.-ui.ile lli o eluH's cir'ti In.- , f I thoii-an.l I tri'.ili.o n' of lAi.r;:..--: tap tnarri. wo.-ld ; h -w to t'l'iiry wed and Iii-V.T pl!t'l!-tl''l liflore ron I the r vi-. -I und di;ion it Miinii it. I'.. v miii Si s K. a. a- pe..ple. a:.d a g""d h....k lor l'..i lllu.'tratioi,. 1'riee $1 in. te to aov iol,ir.-s. iooks 11. ny ai.. .or in ill h S"iit hy luiiii. f'U book for e'jrli ry or.i". 4 'l p:i' J. itei.ts la'.!., -eat fr .lad 1,1 il.e Look ; p.iid on receipt of the price. .t ir s E. M. 1 "' i'i 1.. M. I' i!ro,e.l:.y, New York. Mtnxryi. 155 '.:u JF. V 'I' I. HI H "l" ' I.MPEI'.IAL Tjotoctvapf) (Sallrviffs, X01. JOS, 704 and JOJ AUCI1 STREET, 1 HiEADZbi'IliA. . 17, I'M -'m Ent ri-.:uin;.l l?ot-l. mnd 3C7 liroan'uv. f .rvtr VaniUrt 'ft NEW i.lUK. FIIS fir't class House tin. most rjniet. homelike all 1 pleaai,t iiniel iu ihe ciiy 1 T'-r.-. u(ieri,r iiei locniB 10 ile-Mi vi..i'ing i-w York for hnsini'S ileasure. li is central in its h-c:t!inn. and I'.epton FfKoi kak Pl.s. ill eoniieclion wnii i iri.011 k .01, S, where refreshments enn he had all I. outs. 5; tved in tne.r own roou s. 1 ne ehares are .t,, tit; rooms and alii n laiice ol the hrst onlcr. i. and I'll tho modem convenience ullached. et 1. 1M'.I. THE EYE pr.il FAit. 1 llio I"i-l-! NOW READY, Fork by Dr VON' MiiSCH.l ::K VP.. Of No. JM7 nut .-.ireet. j't.ii.oieiphi. ri.niif 1 1 HOOK f iK rilK rttOI'LK, he f --'.In-viiij Dis.iafL. : l.YE ai d EAR Dif.ies liOAT Diseiics in Oeuerai ; Clergymen's und tie Sp. iker Sore 'Ihroat; Di-i a.-e-'of the Air i.i.'s, tLurjiigiiis, Lna.chitii,,) .Us-iimt:! uml 4'alnrili. his Ilo.k is tuba had at No. tflS Lhsnu (trr't i.iii.'lpl.iH. and nf ull l.'oi.kM'iieis Pi ice (I I froiii the author. Dr. Von Mi, l ii ki r, v L be consulted on nil the.e niap.ie. nnd all N' 1 Afleed ins. hi"h he trea a with the acres' m.' . Olnce. No. lni aliiut ureet, l'L'.ladtlj l.i i. eb. 11, 1S65 ou.w iieniiy iiAr-rnu. . 0'JO.ll.l'II St., above Fif.li, I'Llla I'll:iit. ManufiKlurer aod Da!er ia FINE JEWi:L?kY. EOLIDSILVEE WABE E.p'xs 3 i P'.oiJ Vi ar. .(-tl ' IS)1 - -M i sa.ssasj.wm. tmwmmm A2BK? )? 1THS3 XJiiCilt i:n-it1liiii sTotN'O Co. xei?ot 5 IM P.eu.lo Streit. New York. The nhnvi; Ciir'tuirv pro known n"l ovpr tho world n llio owners ed the Of It.'O Vbinlatinns of Jnvn mid liniavin in tl.p Dutch Ent In li..nnil are the lnrgot lnnimpoliiters ol Coll'op on (lip Globe. 'ihe, innlor-ignel (nhn i fippniiilod tlx'ir Solo Aciil in IliP 1 idled Slut", find in the Erili-h Colo nies; rill hnve for s lie litre" flillcrei'l kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of srr.de md cheapness t.'f juice, will ilt-t'v eon,in',i:ioii. Our "llnt'ivin Cnl;cu ' never before iiitrndivcd in thin Cotntrv. l.nt evtendudy in the Annies mid Nnviisi' l uroT'c-. ni.d richly valued, will In- put up nl price- to reach nil Piinsiin.cis. nnd our Extra Java wiil he the Mn-ntnii I'onniu (.'nflcc ol'llie iil'P. Ao will hive, ior iiccoti.tnoilation of Grocer?. Fa milies. Mi 1 Oi.ierrmont Cotitinetors, samples ('try, and liriiwin for tc.-liir:. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly lor.vmiicd us uireclcil a. i.ippman. W 1!p:m'.o Street. New Voik. fc'olo .Krl,ti D. v -- .li.lyi.1, 1801. n. m j H 1,1 ;i ITS li II X tl rj I JJ jrt M.. Rl'il h:np to p:,1; tlie iiltontionof the fiildie li nt tliey Iiutc ju-t leturmd Iroiu the Ci.j wuli u very LAl'.ilF AM) W 1.1. 1. SELECJK1) S T 0 (J K 0 F G 0 0 D S i CoLiiuirs ef I'UY CO0D3, llird.?ar, C!uectpwar CJrFr, Iiioiery. i.llcnr, N'olions. Trimmintr". I llm-- ul -!ltiJ'slw. 5i!. r.iitnv ! lJ ia l'.ict EYl HYTIIIMI CFNl'H Al LY KEl'T J . iix Co tot try ii'. V'-i'joi our goods at the lowest C:ih I'lioes &rjd eor.penupiilly wa th'.ok we enn offer prrat in duecmcnts to ji-trchnset for Ciish or Country I'ro duee. The I i htii tm.ikt j riee paid fur all kind cf l'roduce. liive n eall. J. W. FU1LISO A SOS. fui.l'ttrv. Nov. II, I.". I. Wlisfaf iii'lflil inm-.-. KORTIIEMI! E HI, A Nl). TEN NY L Y AN I A. I Xrur the .'l.i.'C.) nlIE suh-oiiher luivir.i; lea-id this w-!l kn.-wn L 'l.ivern .-'.ad. laiidy kei.l hy Mr-. 0. S. llrown. r. - e.'tf.iMy iur.-rirs the puhlie ttiat he is refitti:!-.: and repai.i-.iir ihe prcir.iv'S. and will he prepared to eii I'ltain. in a ..oiuloitahle lnatiiier. his titituerous fiiends thp'ii'..oi:l the eoiinty. and nil vlio may ..itioiare to- t.?;..o:bliUieul Uet. 1. lM'ii. .in.-Kl'H YAN'KIilK. HATS! HATS! ! SAMl'E.l, lWl'.sT, Two dvors w e--l ol l i-.. her'a Drug Store. M.irkel st., t-jTJXST 33 TJ Jt V, 3HTiiMN'A.. IS e .ti-tan!! v in.inti fuc Lur ill i: the !u:e; s'vleof M'ool i ad Fur ll i'.-i. v.l.i.'h for oiUie:.s rn-i durnoility are n t .irpa.-Ad. liive him a eull an I see his sloek of Il'its whieh are Sol I e.ieaper than elsewhere. Mere!. ants and oi hers. liUl.diusin lit whohside. wiil fool it to their lehan ta; e to eail and proeure un ail;-:le cLcipi-r :.iid e i.i:.l to pity lminlit'aeture. Suohiirv. '.'c.o'tii-r l. M 1-L L I K E IJ Y G 0 0 D S, AND At ihe r n.i, ia Mmkcl iiifire, M'NIll'F.Y. T I AVE ju-t r I Ti .in IM.:1:o!-'li I'i.- tiro l::ti- I I tin 1 nifi-it f: -inn i'mIi; st l-' i f M il!;i,t" V (lop , 'is ttoii.!-. Il.itn. h;!k Velvets. i'ihi'oi'S ciid I LiuM-t. l-'eiithr r. A Hi.ui.-. IKmJ Dic-( A .. j MM l.t.i:- i'-.ii. V...l-t S Miliar, Lrcuki.ibt j frnw ik hp i V('in L-.rfi, lio.-iiory ! CTjQ&IZ5 U FITTIS! ; l.l.iek Crape ai.d l.aee Veils. Craj.o and l.iuen Col : l.-is. l'n '1 ri. on. o'u.. llo't,ni-. Co 7. ; hyrs, . Si'.'ii m:d IViiumery. Ch ak 'iriu.iuine;s. Wooli.iw A C . " y. Varu, lr-.--iiui, i.t;. , 4 "a.:il.-iii:ili:i,'i' :u.i.l Ci. i :s' l.'n i ii in.,i l,. C"l . TiiV I'lii'lifi . or Wor'-. Thankful f the s.-iiie. Sot.: urv -...: , r ;. r C, .!irs, Nn '. laki ii in exei r 10 -t t.Mtrou , Ac. f. r Co ,.' V -..'.ioi .viLUt. L. A 1.. Mli ' I UOSPECTU3 OP atiii i EAIIEIIRE CIL C&UPA.'iY. ; Oflk, No. 70 North l'( urih Street, ,ivci !id f.i .r, j l'li.'LADEl.l'IIIA. ' CATiTAE STOCK, . ' j:M.0ta 0 . rhar.-s, par Vulun f5. Suh.rriptio.n 1'iiee I- ii:l i'ni 1. v.'. 1 'ii.e i'onip!:ny own the foilowin; dt. ' 1.1 . . . ia l-'i -in 1 !" : 1 J ro- I Fii'.v i:.T',s oi h-tid rear Chirry Tree 11 tin : s ii I ! Lii.il 1-oi.v and a ipitirter niiles from Oil Crei k, ni.d i - 11 : ... 1 1 t w 1 hit 1 1 r i i'e 1 r...i from the W.il on t l.eiry Ti'.-e L'.i'i. ': ai tho'.s f - o- iiiy-fn to 1 i,y h.in I dre I 1 am-'-' ot f ii.lor. vi i:i two 1 . 1 ' ,; . oj.. t ..ii four wills il- n. IH s'i.s: . , ', on tho pr.'I 1 r'y. 011 of j wl.i.'h is now ;' oa-ii ttoity I'Mrrv!-! pi rd.'ty. 'J i:e I Ci lopaev ).."ts tiie ol'." .-i:.leoii;h of all Ihe Oil, ehair I .of all 1 x p . 'i-'.' ; a! -o. two a"res felj .initio, wi h fair I wei.s now in a prigrf.--ive eoudiiioii in wlii-'iill.e 1 'oiopiiny I'l l'" 01. .'-ihii : '. - ". odih o! theiid. and a!-.', .a..' lie 11 ol I ::!. 1 11 ij ' l.ii.j;. with 1 l.e well di un rea iy l'r pun, pint; ; I he Con: p-n y got ol.e-s'.vt ia 11: It nf tin. land interest eleiir id ail 'o..peii-. Al-o. the t oio'-tourtietith of the woiklr t ',vteri.-t of the l:.-t I iiiculioned uere. 'iliis Con. p in.,., liirmed 011 a L.i-i ; that is 1 3. :ieit ed hi pav a iliv i.h od of twoporei tit I - ri,...t:i to th, : t... I.f...'di r-. 'I I,.. Com,. -ii. v I ', o.-e lo pia 1 e 4 .a. 1. mi e.i-h or Mock ill ti.o 'iitaury f r the devi'l i.ment of the proiiertv. i rendeiit. I'ro '1, in ,1. ,1. ii.V Lt'H Y, 1'mi. I ir.--nii' '.'ili;.'.m li. . miih. II. M. Inn is, D. I!. Mi ijti '.i'v. S. il. S, mii-.-v and Johu F. Veuiijf. eei'.'ii.iy it . A. Coi.Vei-e. Treii-urer John F. Youiik. col uat'v , I- G O O D S!! li0 dor o "atibnrv. I'u. Win. II. Milb-r f Shoe, store. Ju-t 1 p-ncd a fresh supply ol FALL AND YVLVFEIt COODS, Kush ns Fancy liress Triinuiiiis. I il.l ons, OIov,. llaii.lkerehief-. La lies" l.ii.eu Colhus at; 1 tiuil li. i '. s Linen and jatper Collars. Netis. l!ei -. L .eo Coi iurs and Sleeves, llnir Lolls, el vet llihlions, Ited. While and Flue Neck-lien, Corsets, (junker Skirls, Yokes and rlcevcs. V. O' li.EN (i diS. coripii-tnirof Sontus, ilo-i,-ry fir iiidii-s and children, Cup! uf ull kinds, i?curh-, liloves, Mitttnii. Ap. AI.-o, a new styii-of iiii,.-!in for tiiirrihiddi wii-ts together w ith Sw i-s. Jaconet and Victoria .Muiliiis (.1 -e J. .liars ami eils. I it eiia.iine mid l.aec 'i its nnd a variety of other articles too numerous to meii timi. MAllV L. LAZAlllS. Sunbury, Oct. 22, Ihrll. V ALL A N I) W I N T E 11 FANCY DRESS GOODS, Two doors t of the I'ost OHice, T I AS vi't rt"ivt'l im.l oncned a lnrir tt"-oi tni' n I 1 (jfFiii.cv l)rr. tiim-l. tnu-U 11 i lovea. Jouvinn I l-gloies, ,-itk un.t lisle threaa l.lovcs; laotuii ttnn m:.l w,nleri Ho-e, hildren Nlerino liorip, k Mils. II:. n 'kiTi-hb f. Coisels. Kmliroi.liTcd Slippers. l;ibi.on.-FANCVDItl'S III l'ldNS. Lueln i:uli'. 1 : 111111,111'-, It.utoos. Hell !!ll,hon elvel l.lb lsms, lliiiid. i'.elt Ch'ps. Ladies' NiH.k-iies. Fancy Ituttoi s. ( !t M'liltil.iai.; and TKl.M.MlNi; ; Lm broidcrin ltiiiids. Jaconet ae.d Swi.-s Ed,;ingi und in erli. :..-; Alaltcese Laee Cohirs. Luces, liri i.iiiine Veils, Fancy Dre-i Combs, IlKani DreA-es, Nctts. und a vi-. r. -t ol other art. tiles. MimLLN (iiii'Drt, uch a. Sontii,-,, Ihrakfast Ci S'-yi, Ci:p. MitteiJ-, Sarejun, tii,n,s. t-Uk nnd Cotton Flag', Ac. FH0T0G&APJZ ALBUMS D0OK3 AND BTATIONEHY. Jlcrii I'yinn L'is'ks. Plunk ll.eks. Men oramlum il's 'ai, Oiaries. Pocket liooki. Ink filainis. Pens, Pcu l, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ac. Toilet 8c if i, T'ioth-nriishc Ao. TOYS AND UAilKS lOIl eillLDllFX, AM f wh.-h hr Veea sitecled wiih car and will befrdd at reas.mal.le .ricei. t ANNA PAINTER. Bunbur , Oat 31, j?', fol Tie-Wara, S K As. tfa.it iei 5 ( HMT1B tt 1 n AVt.VO ju-t rrturnrd from the City VUh anew til c new stock nl in wl licit tii invites fi ionflf nnl tlic jmlilic penrr nlly, tn ci'it iiitd osMtiiinp. 'J'lu- Itruj; ninl Ait.'uioinrs rrv nil Pi'liMitiul In mi IIh ln.-'t itiijiMliH ; lnnisi in t!u r.i.'li iTi Hint Uct w i'li tlic irre:if cct oat e nr t4 pin t 1v nii-l fflu-irncy n"'l n viil ittr fi tiiupIi n Jo.-isiulct the inliuiluotioii (,f (li-IiTtuus nostrums. TAICNT MEDICIKF.S tf nil kind", fneh Ayer'. Ji'vr.of". M.'Clinlock. Jlollowtiy. Yi": limits, lli.oll.t. 1. ':.l.totk. lliowns mid all dliier lopul.ir patent Iticdieines, always '.in lllll.d. llirr. T.-oth. Xnil, Clotlie mi l Taint riru-licn. fprcod care i tnUeu to keep ou lnind conKnntly every vaii. ly 'ii 1'AINTS AXI CHEMICALS, Siiil:ihle lo the trade. Faney Toilet Arlic-l-s mi l Ihe r.mnenv.is mlieles whii h me generally kept in n w ell cuudueted vslub lihinenl. 1 n eotinciMion with the nl.ovp nrt h-1i-. h" nho keeps on hail 1 n lai)jp iissin-diirnt id TA'M"M-.liY, such f 1'iu.er. I'm d..!'..-. I'et... Veiieil... Ii.ks. A.-. I r rli.VMellill's preset i tiol s and lanillv reP'"pts coin mi mil 1 1 i nilh the renti ! acvuraey atid Uispiiteli, ut Aid. IKill.'J 1'avor Ni.'ht. id iiii nilier Ihe ) la.e. Mai kct Square, under thu ollioo ol the. 'viiil.iil v Aineiienn.'' i;. A. FISCHER. Eunbury, June 2.', 1 -dt. iTuWAIM) ASS()CI ATI0N, " l'lilEAliELl'lHA. r.. DJkohhi" rifi- .ri'TOMN, Vmiiinl. I rirctry tititl Si'Miiil ?iH'fi iii'ir iiiid ii linhle trentmoiit in re'. -vis oi liie il' iV A1IH ASSi H i A I l"N Font liy tnml in sealed l. tirr envi'loi.is. free of ehiirre. A'ldrti- jV. J. K1I, 1.1 N llnl tiU'l'iN. Howard A?soei,uion, No. J fcniiih Ninth Street, l'liiladelidiia. l'a. July I'i, lsi'.l. ly i:-;i;i:i;.; klatiioad. Villi TLIi AUS AKCfcluEUT. Ifpvmbor 7th. ("I!EAT lUl-NK FINE from thn North r.-vl H Nortli-V.'wt for I'hilao'.-lohia. New Yoik. lload iiiLt. l'o'.l. iile. i.-!i.iiion. Alletitowu. l-.:'ton. ,le. Train- l..avo llani-luir for New -York, us fol lows : o.uil mid X l.i A. M. m.d l.lo 1'. M , arriving at i.'iw York nt l'l A. M. mid 2.1.' ii"d Ih i. 1". M. 'J he above iioni.eel w ith similar train-' on the lVnn svWuniti railioiul. iiiid Sli epije; Cars ueooi'ivuny tlic first two tlaii -. without "hal.ie. i.ei.ie for Heading, l'ott.-vole. T.ino:.iri. Miner-'- ille. Ail n'.ov.n ai d l'i.ii '.d.-lpl ia lit S la . . H. und l.lj 1'. M .. .-lopi i.. ai l.'-'li:nioii nod principal sia lioi s only. M nv tiaiiiv. s;.i)iin at all ixiint-i. tit 7. "a A. M. und '.'to I'. M. lti'turiiin.'. leave New ol It at '.'.oil l A. M IJ noon, and V.t n I'. M .: l iiihoh'lphia at I - A. M .iiid '! "'' I'. M ; l'o't- iile at .'-..m A. .M. and l' :,.'i I'. ,M.; 'ain.'i'ua ivlo A. M. and 2. 1 i I . i ad il.'adii.L' ut I 2 iiii'll.igol, 7.X' ni.d l'l I-' A. l.'.S and li i i 1'. .M. M ii. j Ken. ling Aei'oiuinod.itioii Train le:ivi"! l'.eadii I i. .'in A. Ai. re'iiinito' froi.i I'hiii.di lj'tiiii al -I. I 1'. M. i Colunl.i l li'dlroad Trains h a', e .".. a.,injut til I i and 11 A. M. l-iioa'.a. I.iti. Co'.uiiii.'a. A.'. ; I On .-uud-ivs : Leave New Voi k nt 7 1'. M ., 1'hd:'- , j ,1. :..!.'.' 1' M. I'ollswlle A. M.. Tamaou'l 7 , i A .Vi. lt..ri'i.-hiiig s,.l j A il and l.e'i.iiii at li mid- ! I night, lor llai'i'i-liiirg. I I Cm, iiiui'. li.n. Milea'o. Sen--, n. m d ExeuHon I lb., ets. at reditenl rales to mid fioin all points. t.J round. E.iga 'e allowed eaeli l niuH'T. (I. A. NICi'l.l.S. )ener..l i-upeiiniendeut' ov. 1S.II. I.ii.dUHHii(ta ittuosu.'.txirg: tt;iil ris(l. ON" and after Jan. Itjtli, 1--'M, l'asscni-r Traiu wiil rj:i in f.lio.v- : JlOVlVi fcOETll. ..i up r. Lei.vo Ft'ii.I. n, 4 :J 1'. M l.inu-tou, i l.io'aii'i.ur K.'.i " l:iinrt. li.i.'i " l'l'.nviiie, SI. 14 Arrivtnt Nurthuinherland, y.ii ;0V1.N1 N0KT1E Leavo N'ortliiiaiberliaul, S.OOj A. M " Eanvilie, n.lJ ' Eupert. HID , Itiooiioa.iirg, y.i ' Kiugston, 12.12 P.M. Ariiveat .veri.iitoii. I.otl j 1 n ight A l'liseeug- r h-aves Uh-ainsburg. 10.15 A. M j lt-''nf.eis tiikn. the .di.il 'Ir.iiti rviiiji eom.jet wilii 111" l,'xpn- train flotn .Vii'thliutht riulul, ;i:'li I ing at Iiarri-lnirg. al J.iln A. .M . ll.ni imore 7.00 A. M id at t'lulieieil i.ia. at 7. tat A. M. 'lim li'd I ti':iin lr"tn N'ni tliuiiiheriand leal e.- iniuieiliiiti ly utter I Il.e an, ml ol the l.xpi e. s H..111 from ll.oi i-'nn,; and 1 Lahlii.ore. nliow iinj i'm'soiigi is leal il;g I'ililiidelptii.l at In. -in 1. M.. to iii.oh p..ii,.s on this road during the I:, it l.il'-l.oo-.l. New nod eh'gtint SIiti ing, enrs aecon.pfi'.iy tho niglit trams eiii'h wa hetwi-.-n Norihlllnl" rl and i'i:d Eultiu.ore. uml .M.r,huii.h..r! md 111 'I i'l-ilndeiphia. 1. T, l.i il NO. Suj t. I. IC. STAUf FEU. i wATCiiMAiioi; a..:Ji;vvi;r.:vV. j N'n. 1IH Nrlh SJ'COii stn-et. cortur (d t;uiirry, 1 l'htludeipili 1. ; An aioriitcii ;iS-3nv(, .!-! ! -Iry, N;i'i- . E'lr. (! V:n e .nslantly ! j Land. Suitable fur Ili'iJl'AY I'KESI.NTS! I ! t xi llpp.iiriiig of i u'.elies mil Jewelry promptly j j atteodi d in. j i liL.'. u.h.'r 2. l.-ol ly FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. ! j MISS ICATii IfiLACIC, J ii.Sl'IXTlTT-hV inform licr friends in Hunbury j und vicinity, that .-he lni jut opened ber FAIjTj AND WTKTUR GOODfJ. v ntion." nnd Fiir.''vDry (ioods. llHrkft street, fiur d or wt of Win. II. .Miller 8 f Jioot and I-ijoc f'ivv, i- MU'J'.V, l'a. j H'T ltoek enn-i.-t- nf' 1 riiniiiin?'. n-itiitn. i-ndm i. der!"-. I.h iiesund Cltil.in.ii'' b its nnd ,-l.jikei. i-ilk itid nil.ir liiiMur-". Ct-v-i?. Jbmt -sk'ntf1, Cr;.po mi l ' l.UCe Veils; jSel.4, lnVeS, Stuckil)''. C'jll!.!, Alei curocif-, c, ' VOOLKN OOOXS, I Itre:ikf.i.-(t Minw!-. .:itn:iige. lie! Hiding Unott:', C:ips. ' Ilu-icry uf till kind-. iiiit.-' IIiindkfTi lIii T. rniviilj. Nerktif. r-'uspen-lt-r. ; Utoi ;it -i. of nil kind-, IYntlH'rs. Velvet, and ninny other m liclen too nuiueruii- d inentinti, ' KA11-; LUACK. t Sunbury. Oct. 22. 1 SO I. LATl-STI LIPrtOVLULZiT OF AGE. I CULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS. AT THE P O U N D r -sr, of Set Ihellest (let the Cheapets Oct the most Eco iioiiiicid. whiihetiii be had ultiie Hohrbach 1'ouiulry lliiv iie; a lar.ite a-MTtiueut of ihe most approved ST i ES. such us Coekin:', Parlor. Ollioo and Shop Sioves. w hich will ho sold til the lowest ruloa. Al o, Keiilea ot ull U,i. Pans. Sl,illri, Ac. 'lhey are also iii.iimfiieturiiii; il.iclii.iery. Ploughs, Ca-tiii;;.-. Ac, at short noiiee. llepiiiin.t? all kinds of Agricultural Implements done iu a ty.od worhumniiku uiuuuer and ul the ihortest notice. All articles diipped a" nrdcred. Order! respect fully i .ivitcd und promptly attended tn. LOiiKLAUl A COOPER. tl Old Iran, and all kinds of Produce takin in Eju-hiingo for work. j Sunbuiy, June l.-i, ISf.l. tf j ! .Ilmilioml i lioivlaisl, liov Itrxlurrtl , Ju-t puhli-hed, a new edition nf Dr. Culverwell ' Celetirated Fs.-ay on the radical cure (without lue.lii cine) of .'peruiatorrhifii, or seniinnl wuakness. In. j 'luutary .'-eii.iuu J.o.-eii. Imi oteiicy. Aleiital and Piiy.-ical incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc.; Coti-iiimplioii, Epilei -y, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance, i I & Price, in a scale I envelope, uiily lix oeuts. 1 'ine 'celebrated author ill Ihia admiruble csnv clearly detiioii-tratcs, from a thuty yeats' succes.-ful j ; piaeiice, that the alarming eotisiiUenpes nf eeif. i i abuse may radipiilly cured witlioul the dungernua j i use of int. rual iiiedic.iiie ur the applieatiou of the : i knife puiniing out a mode uf cure at once simple, j I certain, nnd ctl'cclual, bv n.cans of which every sul- i lerer. no uianer wnai nil eoniuiiou inny uermay i eure himself cheaply, privately, and ratlieally. i IV ihu Lecture tiioul l be in me handi if erery j yomu and every man in the luad. Sent, under seal, in a tdain envelope, in an ad. dress, poit-paid. on r.eeipt of aia eenla, or two poll !lam. Addresi the publisher!. 1 C11A. J 0. SLINK AOO , 12T Evwere.Kaw York, fern OSlee Bi, 4f i Kir'k!e. lVk jIU mi. jimmmiiLj .1 w. .Kit... A 9 nl irontv'i ohfat nniiEtt rot Borofaln nr.rl Scrofulous Discaaol. trom JCmcru l''h , n vil! '. "t, irii iurrfinill of 0 font, .Wi.i .. . 1 lfitw fold liiu.i' (Ma itiii. of yotif 9.VP.?vr. PII.I.A h'lt UfVi-r V"t one l.iitli.' w-iiii-ti fulled of lli ih nired elfi ct and lull Milis aelhri to lliono who too it. An fast as our lvojile try il.they aj;r there lint ltix.rr nn Moilt.-ioe liko it hi loi-o ill tiitl' eOuimailitV." EruptionB, Pimple., Blotc-hci. Tustulc., Ul- I I mm tier. Ili.ht. S1V1011. ,',.'s'o. I'nnUnul. " I only do iny duty 10 yon mi I th ' Jjuhlie, when I add niv testimony tn Unit von pu'ilis:i of tiio ni dieliiiil virtiun nfyour S n vi'Atn.i.v. liy dantrli ter, iigi'il ten, luiil an nlT.ietl'i.' Iriniiie ia tier earl, eyes, and hnir for years, ivlih.-h wa! word unable to riii-e until we Irh-il your .-vui.s.U'AKILLAi blw ha lieeu well lur num.' nio.nhs," Vom Sttf. .'iiic -'. ,''. '' v.7 '-imien ami tmicV fln mril ltjtli.fln;,ih'i;i Cope M;i Vj., X.J. " l (hiuuhi. f Inn siiir -ri I tor a year past with a feriifitlons erupt ion. whi'li was very trouhleoino. 1 Nothing al'.or.iid nov r li f until wc triel your t;.V!tsAr,i:i!.!.A, wlii. ii toon completely cured her." V-irn awi-trn '. r;.o;e. i:.y. rf f.'.'P triMy knnan f..iip, Min riti .f ( 0., 11; '.oie.'ii'ir 1 tuamelUU f ijn i t ia X kUu ', . . 7. "1 hud (iir Kcvir.l vears a verr troublosnnio )iim r in my iii.v, will' ii pr. w eo;it i:itiy veorso uniil it ilisligured lev to it'ire.i and lieeami an lutol enthle iiillii tloii. I t.i.'.l uiiii.i .l every tlilinf a nma fit'ld of both ndf I o it. 1 no di. iii v h it wiih jut any n il .T wli.itever, until 1 too vo ir SAKi.r.ntM.A. It Inline li.iiolv m ill my fa'a. wors-, ml yon t d lu it might lor a ton,-; it In a I" v veek tlic now nfciii hera.i to form irii-r the i.V.tihe, and ivn tiii'u'd iinlil niv l i." I' s sui.1,1: 1 im 0'iy hody'a, and 1 am u ilho.it anv s- in; t nni of tile die.iie that I know of. 1 enjov p-'i i"'t he:il:'i, sni without a Uoubl owe it to your S u: : U'.vitu.t.A." Erysipcl.i3-Qoncr".l LVoility PariiV iha Ttlocitl. Frnm Vr. I' St. i ; 'i"t-!"t Ft., .Vf Ytrrt:. 'lilt. Avkii. 1 si-i'liii'i lad to remove AVii;.'om and ,v,..,-o(oin s'0'1',' l.v tlie iiertecriouscoi vour S lt-i f '. 11 II I. , and I ti.ue in it now cared an attae' of M.iti-jnmit l.i i,' w ith it. No nllol'.itivc pinions' i'lllll! III" .-tli'll'.lllll.lA voil ll.ivO BUJJ plied to the p'-nleilon :ia r.e.i as to tiie people." J. 1:. J- fiiison, ' .. H -ovmiin, 011. .1 l-'or t'.vi.lve vo ilia', 1 hi I I'i'- yelloiv Ervsipeln rntr ri-;M nnu. ilui in r waMi 'ft 10 I trie I all tint e.'li !ii'.i!-..l iilij si 'i iu I i.oi. t n i. li,nnd took liuu dr.'ils er iloll irs w.nth ol im- Heine.'. 'I he nh-erl were HO had til 't th .'or.! ' O 'imimo visible, and tlK rioi't'-rs il'...;,l.'il ttia l'l arm l ntst he It:r)ieital..'d. I In" 1:1 tnl.ttig vonr S h-Af Mttt 1 i. 'l ook two bot ths, 1111.I some of voer I'll i.. 'I'o'g.'ther they havo ruri'd m". 1 am nim II mid niiid an any hodv. Ilidter in a imhlie iihie.-. my e lse Is known to every li niv in tins euunuauity, in 1 txeiUa Ike wo ider of all " i v oat tT-n. It.-nrv .. V. '. r., of .Vtre?W!, i . II'., 11 lfid.n-j mrn't-tr the CunaMm 1'uriin ri'nt. , ., 41 1 hvve ued vour S vf.sA t'.Mttt t. hi my family, for m.ni'r.'d i,VWi', n id for firinii.'q 1,t: ..', w itirverv heiu'li lal r. -. lit -. " I iv.i iJUlideum ia cuiuiiieuuiu it lo Hi'. U..ILU.I." Et. Antlir.ny's F'iro, r.oi, Salt nhcum, BoaM lica.i, Koto E'yca. fir.m f.'i.'fee" M''.'.'.'. ', I -' ; , !! n'.'e tlit ,r vf tht 'l'unk'i'l-!"' ' '"1 ''""' l"'-" -.'ft nail. Oui- o'.ilv i l'il.l. i.l'O .t tlnoe y. :r of ag', w-ai a'.'.i.'k' I i.e iiimpl-i si his Inri'te-.t I. They rapidly rpr .id e ;t ,l tin v for e. 1 a h.altiMiino ami virulent (.ore, v.l'i'ii eovire I Ins re", lonl ni.tually blinded hisiA.s liii-.oi.iei'.ivs. A fUl.i.l i.liysh'i.uiupplied r.iti ',1.' cl'stl'ir an I ot'i, f'iio ne-, without any aiii.ii-i.! nt et i'"t. tor ti.T'.n in,'-, we "iiiiiooo in. han.!. I '-t Willi tholil h" i" I. l ing .1:1 I eoi'iupl woiln i u! f.iei . t;i nig Ira 'I 1 v. . 1 ,i l.i t".ir o 1 it'll the li-s-,1 i i.voi'i d liii w hole i :;t , ii-e we Iiiid any I' .- AtlS Vl-Alttl-l-A, hope fi'oiu. v,i 1 i'u io .a,:' liie 10 ii. I a'.i.l 111 ii . i ig iliriM-t. 'l iie oie h- :ni I" h' w I'.-n had the lir-t Lot 1 1 '. an I . iv. II wli.a v, l.nl tini-ili'd tile nv.ill'l. I'i - . : e. el-1-.l oat, i,r;a v ag lin. fi'' 1." 1 i'"'v i as auv nth. r. 'I !. v.- i"o' m-iii . v. 1. :. ,t li 1 I vol 1 1 e 'h'-.iithy and t'.iir oiiigod preuic'.ud thu: L.e eluid nm ' ' Syphi'.i 1 aivl Ta-ttcu: ;;! Bitexto. r,-rm ;.. ..o. .'. ' ', "' l. .'.'aia, .V;,.'i'l,-. I find y in- Mt:s,M'.ii:ti.l.V a lauie ellivtiial ri meiP" for rlie i- m.larv k uiptoao. of byi'UiLi nnl fnrsvnhiliiie ii- . tii an :r-.y vtti- r v.e os ss. The prol'. sion are l.i'!. I lo JU lor lulin ol tlu best ineilU'llle , i li. e." FrmxA. J. '. " t i. :T. J.,' " :C'lt p,.Vl,lll r J'ti'-rntrc. .Ih.s.'.. l it I (I lo. .. Il,' .iji'i.ilB.fi .1 .!.' IM:. Ait.::. My ! 1" si.'' 1 fiAltSAt'AUll.l.A ;..l ex.. i'.. ;.' n i ' liotll of tl e pi-1 '.'.'I a i l s-'.'"".'. 1 tii.d ill s nn.' i I w r.' to.. toll'!. l.liM.ttr 0 ,:vj found vour 1 iv for .si.ii.'.,', ' 1 vpe, an. I edvo- 1 h'-'iin :le 10 yield to otli-r r.'.iu i'.i. s. I on '.1 t k . w'aat w e e.-iu em ploy with more ia n it:.':' ot Kiev', v. ilerc a power ful alterative is f .V.i.-l." t'r. Ch'. s: Co: ? '. ' V,..e ;;!-:;n;nVt, X.J., Im.l iln a. Hid ni.' . s n.i hi-. I , m: ' d by Hi' iU'Um! of lui reiiry, or imw.n 1 .( i.'.-- 11 , w hndi S; '""re anil i'i ir.' ,i;r,.'i.n : '.. d for 5. -, 1:1 spit-- m ty.-rf ...,..il. ,.P 1 i.v. ,.. Hi -it lo.i! 1 I," :.'i 'li"d. until liie erse. 1 ring livt 01 -Mill, i.i' ..ii.i.'i-. .. e.is. s ivei he tolliot mol'il.l'iviter.it.. a;o ai.t-ni.iif than thl., and it ijui ivvm-at Uwmu Loltl. il to cure l.i. 11 LcuooTrhvetv, V.Lies, Fcrr.alo Wofir.crs, are -on.T.'.llv- j rodueed hy int. rail S--rnah.at I I crtHniii. and n.-c vn v o.t .1 eu.a I by the alt. Tilth 0 i IT et of tliis SM. vi'V'il i.v. Sniiie eaaea re. lire, lloiveveP, 111 I. I of Hie .i is ,e ::1LLA, the kllltl apid.eat.on of . -d r i.-.-.ti.-s. fntn die vrllln-rn ' -ttWirattd Prl ',,..'. ',' i-r,"', fl ! " , :.'. " T have foi a t yoi.r s- m: . m- ntt.t.v an cxe.-Pent altenitive in ili-ea-ei i.f f. 111 .!. -Many ease of Im -uliriiv, l.i icoirV-i. Iit.-riod I lei ration, and bieiif ih hiliiv. are o ig 1 i'.iv 1 Ihe . to. '"Ions ill.ttll'iiV, li.ne yield, d lo it, and O1M0 are i"iy ilial do not. when ita vii'.'i t 1- in'np. rly ana I hy lav d li-i'iituii nt.' A U 'y, uimillinj to .,'.',. 1- tul ligation 1 her I'o.'iK. ,,-r 'S - Mr d.nii.'it. r ami n.v li I.v 0 lin-n eured or a Tory d. 'ulit.itii'.g I.. io-o. .'i,. i of I. m r Btaii'liii";, by two hottles of year hM.s.viAi:ii.i.A." IUieurrmtisin, On.it, Liver C-niplninf, Dya- popsia, Iloart IMacaso, IJouralxia. when einse.1 l y s -r. ;.. I i the system, ar rapidly cured Ly tki L-vr, bAi;-,Ai-Ai:lt.i-. AYER 1 1 p CATHARTIC PILLS posn-n fo ttiiitvy uiletii-.t:i.vs over tin." (dltrr rmrVativi'S in 'In- muik' t. ami thi-ir Fiiperior vir'.uos arc mi .tuivor-ally know n. that we necil nut d i Mure than tn assure, ,tlti) jiul'lio tlieir iHiuiitv is in 'it.1 iiiid fjittil tu tlie best it ever h;t! Lei n. un l that they may be depended on tn do all tiitii thi'V li.iv" ovt dune. l'li'p.ir. il by ). C. AYKH, 11. V., Co., I.owidl, Ma s., ni.d mjU by S.dd by Filling A tiiaut. Sunbury, R. II. McCoy, Northumberland, A '.run P.iirrol, Elv-hur W'. II. Kut.ner. rhaiiiokin, J. P. Ilomie. Wa'solil.iwn. ; And hv all dealers in Mtdicir.il erirywkera. , August'l.'l, IMil. ly ' j is ss.m-3m. vi.X5.' u "Si." pjtJ i SOLIDIFIED DS'iTTAL CT.1t:LCi : ' l'or 4i'iittKlci,'. YIiii'iii"K' j ii'Mr Ikk: tin Ti:HTH ! ; i This article ..- prep.ii.-1 v. ith llicpn alest care upon j Fcieiiiiiie i.r jieipl,-. and warranto! not to contain i nnytliiis'iii il.e sli:-'!.le-l dearie di-lutcrious lo the, teeth or r-iiin. J-.iiic ofmir must eininent Dental , , Surgeons have ;;ivcn their yaiictt-ti to. and checiliil- ! . y ri iiiiiicnd il as a pn p- riili'.n of 'upeii.-r i(iiuli- ; (tie- f.'i- clmi -in, w hheiiin;. in I preserving the I 11.1. 'III. It ele.in tli.'la readi'y, rendering thrill I bviiulili.llv white Ml I pculv. Without the liKhtr.-t injury (" tho enamel, it is lieaitnn to the gums where lie are uhiiat.'d and fore. It is also an ex- celliii d;.Miie.''oi' old de-iyed teeth, which are often exi-eediii'ly oll'u.-i vc. It ivesii rich creamy ta-le totl.e mouih.cii.in iu it tlioroinrtilv. unit im liaiiin i. d Iihtli.l liii','i liiiet, to ihe breath. PKLPAlll.D OM.V lilt A. II A V. I. K Y vV CO.. N' V. ( ,,r. liitb., A Lombard Sts., Philadelphia. And .-old by all Drui-ts. PRICE ili CENTS. TE.-TIM'iNIALP. The followin opinion ol Dr M bile, ajto the high estei t.i in'wiiiih heleihls ihu Dei.tul Cream, must be s i.lliclcnt ei idn fe of its value-; In i(U,ito other tc.sti lnoliiids ill dela." is ni-v lie.-,, eoiitelnin oui.-'clves hy simply giving .hu ijiiines and ad. lie ;es of per.ou who speiik ..I in uii II. nev i'r Ihe let ill. PI, ill. ul) bin. A j i i I Hill, ISM. Having cnrifully i.yin.incd A. Ilattley's Solidi fied Dental Jre.ini, '' 1 hereby cheeifully recom nu n 1 il to tie pulnc generally. It is uu excellent prepa-aii..ii or eleau.-ing uud preserving the teeth, mid can loised by .ill per.-oi.s with tlie utmost con tideiice. as is propi-rlmi, are pcrlectly harmless, lie. sides prc-.viiig the leeih. it prniuutei a healthy action lo lU gums, uud imparls a plcaoiUilueN to the breath. Dr. V. 11. UlilTE, 1203 Arch Fl. Tl.nnina It rum, M. D , Dentibt, 1JI N. Fourth fct. J. liirkcy, i,l S .-ii vili ,-st. K. andir-a e. Suigc.ii lienlist, iZi Areh Bl. 0. A. kiiiMiry. lieuii.-t. II I'i Walnut ti. S. l'iHiiirhiii. D 1). S., J.il Arch bl. F. M. D.x. , n.V Aieh M. Edward 'D ..icinl. Denti.-t, i2fi N. Fourth St. L. II. Dorp.:ey, Demist, Mil N. Teulh bl. i Jl. L. LongDcutist, liJ N . bixih 61 May -, llil. ly JETTi.iIOF ADVICE TOIl LADIES EIYE iN'ATOMICAL ENfjRANlNfJS. Lu iiif'Tiuliou never In lore publiihed. Suit free I a icaled envelope for Tea ecnte. Addrcs Dr. STANFOKD, Hox No 4 852 New York P. 0. July I, le?-Sm Fon SALE. A Ti ael il 'l'lmlirr I niid, below Tree, orton rid,-e, eitaiuiog about (0 act ei. for fortbtr patuaclar. aru ta I 5. B MAWCT rinrniw. A . S 1M -l I 1 Northern Central Enilway ! fStnJEft TIMU TABLE. . TOTiEE TRAFS9 DAILY to cilf.em DilOmor utid Wajhington city. i Conneotioui made villi tra'rji oa Ftnnty'iTWs.1k Hallrond. to ond from PilUlnirg and th W'tii. T11KEK THAl.S'd DALY to and from toeNurth and SVcit lirauck Sbfquouauna, tlnjira, and all uf &orlh cm Nw York. ON rnti after MONDAY. MAY 10th. 1SG4. Ik I'asseuirer IVaina of tho Northern Central llailway will arrive at and depart from Suukuxy, "Vo Cxi? " A 111)'. Mall Train leave! Sunbury finil; (qxctA Sunday). 19 25 A. M. leavei liarrisburg, 1 20 P. Al. " arriret nt llaltiinorc, t U EjtprM Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 11 to P.M. 11 leaves llarriiiburir (xcnpt Monday.) 2 ij A. M " arrive! at Italtinioro daily (uxecpt Moral'iy). T 00 A. M. IlarrUburg Aeaomui:ialivii Uavn Ilarris- bur. 7 00 A. M. Sunbury Accommodation Icrti Sunbury daily lexaepl Suudiiy) at I N0UT1I WAP.D. . Mail Train U.ives Unltitnuro daily vx- aept Sunday) V l'l A. M I " leave lli.it'ijhiirg 1 Ss P. M. ! airives at Suiihuiy. hi 11 Exprosa Traiu leaves lialtimore daily V liil P. M ' arrive? nt llarr'.hiirir, 1 iO A M. I " leaves llurriibur (eiicpt ' Monday). 3 15 A. M. I " arrives nt Sunbury. 6 3 " : Daraihurjr Accoinuindali-jn leu' el llarril ! burg, daily (except Sunday; ut 3 00 PM i ' arrives at Han i.-Oui g. 7 ai P M ' 1 Sunbury Accommodation leave Harris- ! burg daily (except Sunday) al 4 00 P M ! For further iiiforimitioii apply at tho Otticif. I. N". iH liAllllY tivn. fcupt. 1 Harrhburg. June 4 404 . ; 0 s fo UN's I CELEUUATEl) rKEPAKED ' JAVA COFFEE, ir a n n a .v t : n SUPERIOR TO ANY IS TIIE MAEKET. "T T is tied by firsl ela-s f.iuiilitfl everywhi re. mil j highly reeouuneiided for tii-rvous and dyipepiie jiersons, beinu; very nuitt ilious und free Iroai p.ll deleti.'lious Slili-tllliees. in testiinoliv of whii-h I ha', P'Tlifteates from tin; ino-t einiiiitient I'hyieians in the Country. Try it, and you will ho Buicto con tinue its uic ill prrferi'liee to any ether. Sold at rein. I for Tw eitty-l i've Cents per Pound : by First class llroeers ihroiighout Ihe Fulled s.u'.ed. i.' A liberal diic-ni t to the Trade. Put up only by j E.mva. a. o'sttOB:.'. I Vlin1"'i!e Drj-..t, Cy Warren it. New York. ! May 7, lrfu l. Atlciitioit, I.ndccs :iul Ciiill-nt-j! AMBR0TYPE AND PIIOTOGRAPII Over J. Howell's Store, corner Market ,t 1'uwuSu. SXJdN7i3tJJS.'ir, j O HYFIILV. has o .iii-d 11 new Picture (iuile'y i L. in tin, above place, ntnl is ) re pared to UlU j l'oitruiti in tiie hii.H alvle and manner. 1 I AMIIUOTVPES AND. PIl'l'l 0(1 1! Al'lIH, i are taken in every style o( the Art. that cannot be 1 snrptf-si'il in the slat". Having several year's exne- livll'-e. he w ill gi e :-at!. a.ai-.tioii or 110 charge. j l.'ojies will he tukvn I10111 "II sty'n'S ..I Pictures. I liive him a call, lit iiieiiibvr, uvir Ilowen . a'.ure. fcui.bury. Die. 17. 1-'.. THE IM0N FUHEVEIl ! A 1 the Store of "CHIT ECWSIT Corner ef Maiket and Fawn Slreclf, 8 U -N li I HY, l'LXN'A, FALL & AViyi Ell GOODS, fur cvvrvbo.lv- j In- no r-iov. mi;, but plain U uin, wii'cli ni ryoii" wiil I - e .i vtiir ntnii.i1 the stock, whi'di const.--t Drcsslloods. Cassiniertv. Cloths, Jcul.8, CoUuiiiA'les. iiu.iiits I 'hat call. ..! ' of tients' Oveienaliiij;, Drcs. Goou! iu e-.iiii ...,'y. LADIES' Ditl-tf GOODS. i Tluin und Figured Dtliiin. Freneh ami Fi(;urtd iivrino?, l ino S ol Iiel.iiueiali r! and I tMdtlrs l'rlni-, Nti:.liei)-. LAl)ii.i CLOAK LVJ. 'J'.ibt-C ,vr., Jrili Linen. Lrown und Wime ,in ft ! H'ki.vK D'lli.iorul Skirt? of all kind. ll itip Kirt.-. u.l pii's. llsnfi- ' k'Tchiets', FlitiiiieU. Ludie' It id. bi k Ulid iMerino Lilovi-;, Ac. ' Ladies' nn 1 Uent.-' I'liiou Skuc. A lnr-i' nssortiucnt of NO'I in3. , ILirdwaro. CodurHaro, t-ias.-w nre. Cfiin.iTvure, (,uee!iw)ive. Cruekcry. iirocerif . Tntuff, S."'nrs M.uiV. 'Jom. CoPee. Snr.ir. Mulas-t . Spiec, Fi.-h, suit. Ac. Art., i ami everytliin t-No uually kejtt in n stor. I'io iiH'e lak- n in wxchniijju iur gu(di. Mo tr ubU" tu ' khuW goods. J0JIX IH'-'AEN. Sunbnrv. Nov. 5, ISfU. Alwuys ! Ahviivs ! Ah:tvi ! OS HAND, AND SELLING CliEAP T1JK FALL k W INT Ell GOODS, Just opened at No. I Store of WEAVER fit FAGSXTiTj CtiNSl.-TiNii OF DRY GOODS! FOR KMX AND J0.MK STTC. as Ch.tlt-. Cai- ?n (Ti". Mir I in. Sheeting, Tiekin-j. C!i.-ne?i. j)e. laine?, ITanneli. and nit kindx nf .M'H H X I Mi vinud. Alp.'Krii.a, liliiek Silk-. inulnitn-, Hal moral unit Skeleton i-'kirtp', Canton lTunniia, Nankeens, Car poling nf all kind. HATS CAPS. th, -v .- n I'inrllm.n.i iX 11 1 III A O i A h I j 1 I Li. .. . . , I ' i-ouiiinMiiir. jmieiy, imout Jlirt.til. JSiilt .li-. Jjenili rs. Neek-lle-. Collars. Hall Hierehit-ts, Hair HrUi-hes, J ooth Jlru-iie.-. i, uin Kih bon and Cord. tape. ere'"Io i-luaid, Worked collar-, l.incv head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, coiiil'-. haiey fKi.-ips. ciirpi't I . ir- Trunks, Valises, I uibrtlluii, Jduok Uouki, Paper, Envelopes, Ac. Of nil kinds, such as Nails. Hinge, nrd Screws, Door Latches and knobs, Locks, and CI TLEUV of every description. Also, I)y , PriiL'S, Pnints, Varnislu , Flail. KltiXsci'il ntul ISinzinu nils. (ilns, l'ttttv, Ari1. n'-nviir' iiikI 4.'Im-. ki-i- of ull ItilKlM. AND EAUTIIENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCER I E S, Composed uf Sugar. Coflee, Teas, Eice, Coru-stareh, Maccaroni. Hurley. Daking-powdcr. uiolass. s. sonjn, candles, tobacco and Ecgiua, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheexe, Ac, Ae. Also, a large variety of SCOTS & CHCE3. for Men. Women and Children. ( VAll kinds of Oraiu and Country Produee taken in exchuiigo for tioods. (live us a. call before you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell na low as any one else. Siore-rooui in Ira T. Clenicut'i building at the south-wet corucr of Market Square, n.or the Court iioue. Sunbury, Nor. I, lbdi. GREAT REDUCTION IX TIIE PRICE OF EDWIN HALL. & CO.. No it South Second Street, Philadelphia. Are now ofl'crine their magnificent lUick of Eilki, DrtM Goods, Shawls, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, 4c., far below the present Gold Prices 1 We have also on hand, a large stock ef DOMESTIC GOODS, which we are now telling at a great redue ' tion from the prieci we have been selling them at. 1 As we have bad the adramagoof a rise iu Ihe prices . of our Stock iu the progress ul'lke War for ihe last two or three yean. nnes-jimposo io give our (. ul. tomeri the Advantage of the fall iu Price. Calicoci and Muslins, reduce 1, Flaunels and Table Linens, reduced, Blankets and all liable Qrxais, reduced. We respectfully eolioit from the Lad us and other! visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our stock, which il unsurpassed in variety and style, in thiseity. N. B., Wholesale Buyers, are invited lo examine our nook. IDW1S 1IALL i CO , r South. Swol t-tr.sl rti:'if,r'U ciekM :i -; ' own . '.wmi-n' i 'w-iiunnn mimiMi II. XI. MASSEll.. i A ttomoy nt Lnr, Pl'XBmY, TA. Celloctloni attondud to lu tba oouutist of Nor- thuuibcrltuid, Vuiou, Snyder, iluulna, Ciilaiubla and Eyuiuii.g. BtrERE.tCII. lion. Jobs at. ttiti, fhiUJulphla, A. 0. Oattell S Co . ' lion. V ni. A. Porter. " Mortou MoMichacl, Eq.. " . E. Kvteham A Co., Pearl Strctl,- Yo.'n. John W. Ashtucad, Attorney at Eaw, " Mutthtwi A Cox, Attorney! ut Law, ' Sunbury, March 2;i. IS02. Sx-A-I,x, sz dietzi i,ovr.n wiiarp, sundury, pa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEA1.EIIS IN WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Ordera solicited and filled with prcuiptDtia aod di'-paich. Sunbury, Slay 10, lh03.-ly SS a. 32 I 'or lsils, ii-. tZoix-lti'v, ,i ti(., tii-fl Uii; , r illi In t'lii si, 1l iiil tisVe., Biif' lw on i'lmtiM, l'uis, .a iiitn:cl, 1 Ac, lut .p '.1 ?' f? v end St 5(1 llows. Ttultl'-s anil . Fliisk--. 5?3 und Ji iiict fur llulc!, l'ubiio luitilu tiuii, A3. "Only bifall'hie rP'.NP'F.eS Itnown.'1 Vr. e riom Poisons." -Nut danirerous to ihe Hainan Family,' "lints cuie out ol ihe. i- 1, l s to die.''1 tl Sold Whole-tile in all large eires. Sot.l hy nil ilruggi-!-' uml llftaih r j everywhere ! 1 ! liKVM'i- ! ! ! i.full wi.rililc in.iint ions. See that "1 'o-t ar's' name is on eavh- Ih-x. Dultlv a'ld I lii-k, bi'liire vou buy. Addi.-f SHi'l.-SisY IS. iN'I As. I'riuc'V.al tii-.iot -sj Fro'ideay. New Y'mk. I'i: S:..ld by ail holciiie r.-id Ticiiil lirutrgi-:.- in Siiiii.urv. l'a. I'oh.'lM. ls;i.-?,n llcadv to nail down. IS. At le3j than half the cost of tiu rooii. m-Am im M'jiD dur ible than tin. O0?ING 'p or (Ut rooH. Suitable for tie READY LiflJo of bui Par 1 dings, in all climatai. li:ady ;o(flc E.isuy, f In :iply. coaiici: over nti'l lb 'e' qni"My '.I'.'ltt Hill' put A h . Needs no tied down. iii:ady ikxjI'INC Oroi'g woven fi'iiii' llioougiily snin'i'.'.r I el ii) on luiiii sui I'aees w iiii api.tf-ol'y wa Made and ei tin pre ,ipi.-l.li ii. 1, lid put up in rolii leaay Kr i) i l.i. h w ide d u icet iol.g. W also niiinufjicturrt For Lkaky Tix Koofs, IZuch i bearer uii i uu re ilui-ikllo than oil paint. AL.v J. oini'oi:iitl 'mriilt I ur Li:iky riLinlt Hoofi,. "(Vhich r. P.! oiA'ii jiavc the ct of ii new roof. Sun;j v of lUudy Ktwtn.j; and Cireulum tul by mail when desired F yr.ttdc.trMii maaewi'.h respunsiblo pariiua who buy lu khiil auin. KE.U Y LcuiFlNG CO., ? AluiJva Lane. It. Yt. April 23. ISM. LILIIIG CHILLED IROIf SAF ' ,nj It'u-fclr.r.r. i I nn re i ;..' 1 : f.jr;.Y.. i...-. ul Dunk c--..-... '! r v u.-c -ru r .. LifN-tton. . 1 liT'i.'U - S.in s. urid on eitf'i t.t.w in u-t (proof, -'Li iv- ! i'i J three of i. y . i-. i-.M -.n ' i-r 1- j if-ife, belie 1 't- ! it. i.iv ; -.(a-u.i'k t tin 1 ini. ii "t I the :.id o! 1 b iirtoh': I to bo the ! i.-)lid the In ( .. Kt'it ei r i';:ieter. '1 !- Y i. I v ,;i jt , iLr n Mtl liiii-.f lilt to drill ul tn "i.-tiiti.o h;hiii?l both lire and bait: ia thu United .S.:ites o. thu J burhiry ! uny fcai riitme ti.xe Mi l c---t. j 1 lm f t.ii hiii: 1 :tl iTiunk null Siii;. i... . ni. l will fitrbi-h fill kiiM of --ic nil thu Jai:Lii' tf ; liie uho e aiiin-t burlnry . AUo. i.ii a.zt-s nf JMcn-iitiii! Hiitvs both burlur- ' pi'otif und i'iie iit:d l'iir ,l.ir-prt"f. j A!o, i Hiiinii ent.d lvvb!Iii -h -uso F.ife. burlnr j pr.Hit', and li to mid bui jUr-proof wuiruniud not i:.inp.. I Abu. tin simnest ni.d eiicupeat Vault duurb, fur DanK una nn-'rointile aul.-a. Ail tho utovv nru Liiltv'd wrought nnd chilled iron. A'-'O. ix sixes Lillie'it Wrought Iron Fire-rr'uff!. W'M'riintt'd eijUiil lo i.u coujnion x.l'ei, at lully cue Ihir I Jo.' nriec I Alan Heinrd HK-ot ttitont of sefnnd-h:uid S-ife. ( mra.y d litem neurly new. und of apprised makers, j rfeeitd in exehiuiico ff Liliie'a (.'h'ii';d Irou SaUs. I lieao iiro ohuca ai or below uuetmu p.-ices. M. C. SAHLV.U Ai-'int, Ko. i'i fc. SKVL.N'III Suect. June 11, 1AM. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE 0 O L L E G E . !!-....,(-,., Slillicr a l'a. rpnK se.M.,1-, of this 1,-tituti,,., ! d IIUKSDAY. Aliil.-T 1Mb. cniuuienrrs e(l Thtt Wn;tcr JVT-.i V' 1'JLB.m I - jTi IVf" WIOAISJ ..niZWffiWicnY ' Ir"', I l.ll.lrl,iatt, iSnrYnr.', !!,;, .-, 'MrMf J,ll,iUe,r a. fulh,r,, rit : i'A 11 a . ---.''V-..: : V ' - ,7 . At 0 A. M., via Cmiden and Amboy, (C. and ' " , .v Areoiiimoilalion.) $2 2J N--iinii niiUi'.' iiiliot rsovemnur. ti:ums ri.ii session of in weeks : For lhmriiip. Wo.-!iii".r. Furni-lied Jlnnin Fdl-1 nr.d i.t,;it. and Tuition in u!l liie re.rular fciu lies tl t'"f (.' i!. ;i.iii l'l-prrtimi.t. only To. A liberal hedueLiou luudw iu Uvor uf thu Pai:tt'hicr rf nnr Sult.i'i. For fuui' r i-arltoulrrs, or Cinyu'i.r. npplv to I'iOll.K, Fi-fuciM, Sclinirrove, AugM't t1 'vW ''inns. THE HED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. lloullou's.) I.TArtfCET 6T11EET, SUKBUHY, TA. jumus aubitbr, U AS taken thi old and well known t.-iinl. and refitted and furuiilied the same is repnred to uecoiiiiuodate Hoarder, and Travelers wi-.hthe best the market can att'or i. Hu hopes by strict ulteuliou to business to receive a share of public patronage. His TA1ILE contains the be-t themaikcl atlordi. His Ear is tilled with Ihe choicest of Li'iuors, both Malt and Spirituous. 'Ihe stabling is gjod, and attended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury, April 30, 1S84 ly C3-. "W. ii-TJJPT, Alloriiry mul 4'uuiiax-Hor ut I.hvt, Oflice on louth side of Maiket street, four douri west of E. Y. bright A Sou l Store, S U Isl I i TJ -H. "V , FA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, tlie collection oi' clatun iu Northumberland and the adjoining countica. 6uubury, May .J, 1SC3. ly look at the Returns ! WM. II. MILLER. Market Square, Sl'NF.l-UY, PENN'A., JVST received from New York and Philadelphia a fresh supply of the lutc.t styles and of the best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Wouiea and Children, which he c3Vrs at reduced prices. Women's Shoes at fl SO. All his good nock WAfir.ANTED. No Paper Fhocs lold at bis H ire. He will also wholesale Hoots and Shoes by the boi. 'J he public generally are invited to tail eud ex amine his stork. Sunbury ,Ool. 23. J8f' Dlnrlea Tor An assortment of Dia ries for lhfii. of varies itvlea and sir. Also, Cap, Kote aad Latter Paper, for salt br At'' A PAIMX5 eiirr. yr , mm iiimnn'i .'. unw. j..u ! 'Wf ;g Ttr Ailnm'x Kiprmti CoinpnnV, C IVK NOTRE that they haVh ooncluded ar V Jl rangomenu whii in eiirmerri vuuajuin n.j Company to run train! from Balttniorg fir lurk, lUrrisbiirq;, Dauphin. Halifax Trerorton, Sunbury, ISVdiuuibarlard, l.p.wuburr, I'iUon. Aluuay. 1 il -ialnKirt and lul inier'nediate ilR!ioin. coinieetitiij at llnnid.iurt? with tha CICIAT WES'ILllN EX IT. ESS for l'ittiburir, Cincianati, f t. Louis itfld th West. I . AUw-ilh Howard A i'o.'t KxprpM at Milton or j rtanvillu. Dteoiusburg. Mdlke'V-rtrrc, Pillstmi. Serim ton. and intermediate itatti'iri 011 tho Cattawis-a, i Lackawanna A lllooinshurtj llailroads. At W il I liun.siort, by Howard k Co.'s Evpross I" Jiony J Shore and Lock Haven. A1n. liy Howard A Co., i and their coiitn'Piionii. for Cunt'ii, Troy. Elmira, J Rochester, llufliilo. Ntiifira, and to nfl neees-ihU j isdiils iu Western New York and Canada, by which i they will forward Merehnndire. jxeie. Dunk N'olea, ! Jeweli;', and Valuable Packages of every desortp I tii"i. Also. Notec. Drafts and Hills for Collection. I Experienced and illicieut messengers employ ,1, ' and every eliort will be made to reuder s-it i t' .. ion. JOHN HINOIIA.M. Ehtperintendciit Penn'a Division. Philudelpbia. R. A. I'ISCIlLIt, At'ont for sunbury. prili, lC'.'. Arramt'iiicittii I Mil A. THE CAMDEN'AND AMIIOY AND PIITf.ADEL PIIIA AND THENT'N 11. P. CO.'S LINTS. At A A. M., via Canulpn and Jersey Citv N. J A. coiuini'diition. At i; A. M.. via Ciuudcn and Jer.cy Cite, (Morni-o,' Mail.) At S 7 , i. Camden Biid Jersey pi'v 21 Cllis 'p'eklT. At 11 A. il. viaiTsn -"ni'rn and Jersey city. Expre-j At i M. vi 1 Cauideu tua1. A'ji': ;-, T e id A. t Ai'ioinmodatioii.) At 2 I. M . via Camden and Aminiv(C ui.t A. Kxpn!.l Al .1 i'-.M.. via Kuniugton nti'l. J..'vsi y Ci:y. M a-h. and N. Y. 1-ixjn r-i Al fii P. M.. vi 1 Ki.nsiiigtou and Jcrto f .',. 1 Lvi-liiiig Miiii.) At llj I. il . ia KetisiiigtcTi and Jer.-ov ci.'v. Southern -Mail. At li (night 1 via Kensington and Jersey ei;y Soti'iii'iii l-.i(i'risa At i P. il.. via Camden and Aml-ny. iAcoin- 1110. liiti. m. Freight mil l'lscngur, i iist Cl.i.-sT,. k-t. S. ei nd Cla-.Tiekif. l'or ':it''r 'lap. -tioti 1 ' urv.. Scran'on. V,' liiirre. Moi.ir.He, lirat i'leod . at ii A. 2 ml 3 U 1 'ii' Z Of 7 il i 1 a' 3 OC 3 UC 3 OC 3 CO 2 SO 1 :i ihrnt- il I' o m Koii-ii- rtoti. Western llnill'oail. Doiuuaie, I.;iei ae -i: ea aui I'm- Man di Chunk. Alh-t.'own. Ihthle'i der". L.i-t.ni. Liiln'oei t vilie. Fleniin ;toa. A. il.. ir 1111 Iv -i.-ai rt ni I'l'pot, aa I ai I..- i. . t'i a P. M IV. mi Wait. 1:1 t!'e. t Vi 11.11 !'. ilheti A. il. Liii" eiiiiiu.'.l-i with T ai..j loaving l..,-'..n fur Al ui.-li Chunk, at ii-l' 1 I', il.' J ..r .Mount Holly, ut ii A. il.. J.n. i i i M. i ..-freehold, al ii A. M . .m i J !'. il. AY LIM.-. F.-r Drit..l. Trenton. A at 11 A. M. ar.l 21 aad 5 P. il . I.oin Keii-iii.,-tun, I'm-I'lihoyiii. i;irei...u. JJ..lau-o. Erveilv. H.r- lrir'ion. J i'-reiicc, LoliU-iil 'Wii, Ac, ai i. '2. uim ti '. M. j J " For .New Vtirk. und W;iy I.in.- lo.r, Ki i siiinm 1'ipol, tal'U lh Cur -'ii iit it.- r. . ;. I N.altjut, hiilf an hour 1 ci-.r i . '.tir.'. I i.' ii I run in l tl.c i'l'pnt. and uit 11:u i.ii.;J A.".4itJ, 1 il.ii ll"lii lii'.' J)ep-'t. ! i'ii'y I'i'U'.'N of D;i:,i;e ni.'v. ei 'h ; l-r--7'l!er. e'lt r-t ::(. pi'itiiihiled ft "ill 'UKiltj; i a?i tiling a ' bn :.;a' oi. lii ir w. tru ,y .iji; -a ! . Ail . ha,;:;a -r iilV p..un.i.-. in l piou i icviiu. luo '"ii.i ;i::v liciit iii.ir r j i - -1 i i i i v '..;'io to 1 t nr t'nll.T J er pmif J. :ii d v. iM i!"t itc li il i- i .r nuy iUiivant lnw.ijit u.'. I'l.'ep: i.v .'pei'i:!'. e j.Lr:u-t. wii. u. u,.k.:v:l;. . nt. Jrtnnnrv 17, WXX lOOOHti. Ml MAKKtT fcTHLLT, IIAnuiSiaK'J, PA., l'euler in P I A N 0 S . N TKW lin-rwuod Ftann fiuni tiio ueit m.itri (.-in JtU upwanls. .MLLoi.'S 'ihe t.-U n.aruf..eturd Iailra- !- ': : $b to $;HU iiLi.'.ii. iolin. Aeeordeoim. Flu'e. ki.' runn, Jhuij. 'i aail.oia iut-1. Violin ainl ti uitiir strinb'K u,ud UtiB.a! utr chundixu in ;rrtieral. SIILLT y-lfilC. The Infest publicatiouM n I nays nu baud. Muifl sent ev n:a:l in unv puri, of tliu counli v. OVAL, bViLAKK, UiLi A l KOiiWOOD nI'Mbc f ir lGfk 'nto b!aciic, and fall :ad f p'atarM u! tvaj'rj un br.l.d. A fine a.-sortiiictit ofbs-t t' iisl l.OOEINU OLAS.-ES from siaalli -t 10 i .. .rest j.tsi Aoy .tyiy oi l'rime uiudo to nr l-T at toe shoriiiit notice. W.M. K Sni'llK. Ap'jlll, I'M. 83Maiket.. ILniL-'ourj. 31. .'. SLll:tE5 ES'i".i Confectidiiery, Toy n d STORE, Jiiiii lii'l Nlrcct, NuaEiti-y, 3a. CONFi;CT!i)NKlY OF ALT. KIND.. T0YS(F FYF.r.Y 1 I'SL" I :i 'D)X, FItL"lT, Ac, ,'.r., CONSTANTLY on hand and f.r sale at !-. above V .' estal.lishuuilit ul wholesale unj retail. i eian. ati'.i' prices. II is lniiniifiicturint; all kinds of (.' i.r-p!!".arii to ki ep up a lull assorluieut whi.'h are e il i al low rate-. Toh.ieco. Sezars. Statiocery. Nu'of all kindi. nrd a variety of other articles, all i f wln.h are orTcrtd whoicsalf and retail. Jjy Huuieiuber the uiiine an 1 place. M. c. i:i.a :;;i hf. Market itreet, 3 doori west f E. Y. l!i i.;htA Son'i itore. Sunbury. Spt. 19, ISM. tf a. m. Liiwia. A. M. Snum IMPORTEH3 WINES AM) LIQUORS. I.AJ & KAl.t.At',.:, No. 1 i.v South Ninth Street, l etup, n Cke'tui aoi Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. May 7, 1SC4. .iAMii:ii's iAii':.vr nit: su.-x. I n: i'fti:i:i:u ! Al Improved f rlsjj and I-'iO. Py E. KETCH AM A CO., 2s9 Psatl .-t , New York T Mil', only Freezer constructed on scientific i rin- cipic-. w ith a revolt ing run and -pi iog I !ai!- sera pi r. i he one hastens the frei .-ii. get the c.-cam--tin other remove it as fast as tro.-ea. The luo-il r:i; :.i in frcciiug, with the least quanlit) o( i- e. 'l h mort econonii-al incosi. us ii is li.o must s'.inr'e uud duiahlv in .truclure. l'or sale iu all the principal ci.iis an 1 lvi l ia th, F ni.. n. h .ch Freeier aeeon.panied with a beck of reciper aud full direciiuQi. riucEs I quart, 3 Ot i tjuaru, 4 fl 6 quarls, b fiC 6 quarls, Ci 14 quaru, ft CO i. quarts, 1 00 Apply to n. B. MAKKR, Suubuiy, fu' Maicb 2J, lso2, pensions, Bounties AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. s. B. 110YEK. Attorney at Lew. is duly author, iied and liceused to collect 'lls.ioiia. tkolliil K-nii ski a.ai u ";iy ' r vii.i .ws. or. phuus aud Soldiers. I'thoo in Mai k i, reel, oppo site Mi-uver's Hotel, Suubuiy, l'a. January Id. Its64. ly ICE CKEAM FilEEZEIiS. VNew lupply of M.ssita I Fiv r-Mi.m ra Faaa XKBI, received from New York, lor sale bv Sunbury, May 21, Oi. II U MA.Si R. UKonoi IIii.l, Simos P. WoLvaaiox IIILL & WOLVLUI ON. Altoruvy h iiiid ( ounselorsiil l.nTr. OiEce. Market street, eor. Centre Alley, IV ILL attend promplley tolheanllrelioo ef slairri y and all other protish nai business inurus ed to their pare in Norlhuiulieilai.d au la l.mning counties. Sunbury, January 23, 1 Sri J ETbTaoBii," Attorney nul 'ttiuellr nt 1 jtt, IIAKlilSBURG, PENN'A. 1T7ILL esrefully attend to eidleetiiHw and alt other uiatteis entrusted to k'.ai. iu Wi.oounlte ot Daupbur., NorthpnibcikBi "Ti rir Cvt I, UU-'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers