V V r i no 'n'rHujiatrmiM? ! mm ri:u.u of Tim 'A.ncaiCJut.' TEUM3 tWO fcaUuAfcipw annum. tJ 49 tf w-t pal J within toe y. X W ioaal ' iilil" nil rrfttgw PiJ- Tliwc tcrau wlirjb ult.ly aJiereA 'W fceteafler. tf n,beribre neglect of tefcje to Uko their new-' i.,u-or from the office to which they are direoaed, they are responsible utild they hate loitled the kill aud ordered them discontinued. I'.istiiimloK will plcnsc Mt M our Agenti, and frank Idler 0-ntaiiiing eiilseriptioli loomy. They we permitted to do this uudcr the Poit Olljcv Law. TERMS or, '--Tie Ore ronf re of 10 lini. wiv Lvery filial-1 n en I insertion, tlno fcipiure, i Uiunthl, fix limntloi, One your, h'Tc.-utor and A-lnvnlra.tfrS tot. Auditor nni ic.i'!, Uusinoss Cards of i linen, per annum. i9 Merchants and .ilbcrt advertising hy IK w iih llii- privilege of changing o,uirtoi oi l'.llmv : One nititrUT column, not exceeding 4 .niteres, J15 fO 0 LiPtqTY in: M'iii.'SN.l One h ill 1 n m 1 1 , not exceeding H iuurn, 14 CO I '1,1' Column, 4U 00 I Idilui id it Iiicn1 'nlvertijing. not number of 1 in lull I'xi'i'i'iliiijf t'.n. 1'" ccnta jor lino; l'J eeuti fo cvory additional li:io. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II.B.MASSER & E.WILYEI.T, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. JOB PRINT INB, We have connected Willi our (stul.lislin.ei-.t s well .elected JOH Ul'FlCE, which will enable u to eiccuto, 1b the nvutost tyle, every variety of Printing Mima-.' i . 1. 1 I .'i0 roulp. Olotunrb-s nr r' .'iliiiiuiii accompanying notloee of luuibs, lu ii.-i.t' per lino. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 30. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 18ft OLD SERIES, VOL. ;:, NO. !0. C- Hi"'- AM A.vinTn'cLip"t5T tirme.li. -er.ll'l BALTIMOBE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTA'JI.lSHLD AS A P.LTUUK TliOM QVACK KKY. run v.vr.r rtAcn wimnn a cvue cax r.E ouTAixr.n. nK JOIIXSTOX has dis 'nvcred tbomosl Corinin, Si....lv nnd only Llfectunl Koine ly in tho Wnrlil I'.iriiH l'i iviili'l'i'-' MMV. Weiiliiii -i'l' ihfl Km k ; ,r l.milw. Mi-li.ri.-. Afiie'iMiij of fit i Lilne;. .' mif! IM: lili r. liiM'iiniliir.v Jiwh:iv;Ti". lriji-ti'ii-y, dene- j ml liehililv Ncrvim.-ni'-s. I'v-l:in: . l:fni-i"r. Low j f-piiit. Cunl'iiVnin m! l.li'iif. ti limiMioii ' I he llenrt. I 'I iiuiilitv.'1'reiiililinai'.Ti '' of Piifhl i'r : i.l lints. J),-.'Mse"i. the lloail. Thrusit. I'i"' t kin. AT, Tiions f I.iver. l.nnis. Slmnncli rr H-wclr !'.).. e 'I't ri-i- I sie lijM.rder.i rii-liij! from thi Fo'.ilnry Jln'iils ( .inti lli.v -i i-iot mid Milimry jTiu'lici in-i - f . liirir ii-iiini" tlmn Ilie feiL' nl Syrens tu the Mn :iner of I lv.i.ei.. liiiislitio-; 1 1 s -i a- mo'., hi illiiml hupes ! nr miticii'Uin.ii.s rein'.-r:c3 uir.rrie, Ac., iuijinsti- l.lc. . . i i It., ! -i l.t ei.i.. ti.- vii'tiio of P. -litary , , ile. I'.ri'-.lirl l.nu ilvtunivo 1 -il.lt nliiuli Minu ill ' fvei:i I'l iim uiititi'.elv 'riivc ill .i uuls ol i ....Hi SK-ii in i! '.' oi"-t exalicl l:'linlJ an I inill;anl ! ,;!, !,Tct. i'.i .i ii i.hl i.iliorwiwli'ivi! i-mrnt:-.l liiti-i.- ! 'it S'imN- with the l'iii:lwi ..iil.-iu-.;.-- or w-V4 : laiv tUo liviu;; lyio. may call v. iih 1'uU nu- j Tnrr!cl I'i'i'.-u.J. or V'"i"S iUn cont-niplnting loavrhie. heliiT iiwnr.' of j.hy''c1 wealiiiein. orgiuiic deidlitr. .1 .!-. i I i . Ao.. snecilily curort. ' llov.hn .lae"K himself iir.ihr the euro ot'Pr.J. , u-.iiv ii',: :iou-'v cmliiltf in his hminras a jri iiMiT.mn, , aioi conl. 1'. i.iiv li'ly ujun his Kill a. a l'liysi,;iau. : me I. n'i.1 1 nil U"l' Kivlor-.l ' I !. -ill,' Al..vill.!--Wlll"U remi-n 1 (,. iiikit ".' mi).. Mi.l i.. Il:e j 1 1 r. ! . y iriiuin i i i.oC".i r iil'lill' liei'.-. ; L. .. m l l.i i. a.ti'ii ex.'ii-s'-s l"'. it-l l, t ,.; l,e' ,lr. s.!'': ' i ii nn i f r:-v ! . i' u- i;i!.i r 'ai.l th.i f;';t' "'i!l , t Ilia: Iho j-iwcr ' I'ro.Ti -in ,er. l.- II i' I'aUiair ii In iinprnper h-.l.iin limn hy . 1 -i.l-.j ln-ii'i rl ui'.eil ill" l-iiHirv : l'.-ip the tii-.-i deriioiK and l.'-U-ucti o 1 ,.-.!i l.o.l v and mh.d in ho. '1 h p.v-'em 1-ei-n.;e.l. l.o I'liyii-al and Jlinl-il i uiu- . .k . ' .i. I i'f Tr iMiviiiv e I'mWi'I. N'tvoiis j ii.-;i j--:i. l'alr.laniu ol the ii'ar;., I '..i-.ili!:.: ,'ii.l iiohilily. a ViiiMiox of'. lie Frame. Co...:h, (."iiM'iniiiiou, I'ecny ar. i eeun, tiU-c. .. ? Wins III B'rodoi-icJ. N4r'- I I.efi hatel sid. t'-ii fr"" Brflliii'ore mroU. i!ts , lioor.- t;-ii ifie curi.or. Fail uol w ol-?er e uanic j s!i I null. I--'.". . ! i.i -n i.- ii-1; i tm j.aii and cmtrm t. 5l?.'.np. int ; IV. e;i.r' l'i; 1 u:f I.i.iir in l.Noflicc. I a xs:i WArrsiA'sM two ' V. r, h-r . f ihf l:val Cn'.le-c of Surpeon. I.on I'm. . I'-aie f -u oi.i of the lim.-l ominer.t '.d!oi." in . . 1 niir 1 ..(. and I ho irreater I art of w!or: life '..V. t n -.in in the iorj.iinl of l-olid-n. I'aru'. ti 1 e'..-"Kl:erc. has rlleijte.l -'Tne ol ..-liiun cure" linn were ever ha.iwn ; : 1 wUti' rinii-s in Iho head m.d ear- i :re ! iicrvouiiscifli. heiiiir tli.riued .1 i.. ...MI..I-- -is i ii ne??. will! lrn ue iii-iiio:. ,;..- ,i:i.im...i with d.'i';:ii'enie.in of mini, were .ire.i iiein.-i .atv. . Bi V;j a-ru-r.. ; I r. .1. ad lreiw-nll Uioo who have injure-1 them. ,-.!v ii..ir..ior ii.di.U' -me ami s-.lit.iry I at n, ."l.ieii n'lili hiiih Imlv ami mind, unriitiii- ih-iu fjr ; i.-l,. rliusiui--. -ml.-, sm-ieiy orniarri.i-,.-. j I in-.i: in- f ni'.'- f the n-id and m. l.-.u- ."ly i .ioe..- n.i,.e.dl-ve-.,l,-M':.li..,r y.Hilh. yn: . . ....1 i I i t ... in il:e ll. H'l . ..i.'' I.' ,.i- I.i. . ,,!:.r l'o..er. I'.iio'.r.ilii.n of the l, -,rt. llvM.-l S i'-.!if l!."-Mi;: 1 11 mi-; oft i.n.-utnl-ii Ml XTAI.I.V. Til JONES HOUSE, Corner Market strocl and Market .''cuare, HARHISBURO.'PA., AcknowledRod a First Va.s House. riHII- IVej.rietnr "-r.i'd nioi! respectfully call the jL iitt-u'liei o! the til in ni. of Suiihnry and tho sur rournlin ( uiiti-y. to tho necoinmodalioiifl of his Inui'c nii-ii; lli.-iii they wiil liml el erythin that r.'i- - ii t ii) ii' !.. thi i;-"e.jinloil. It i nillintcd far cnouuii Irom tho lit jiol to iivoid Ihc noi-e nnd confu f inii ineidi-iit to railroad sititi.ui!., mid at. t lie ffaino time onlv a f.-w minules wall, l'roni liiesiuue. An I'li'iiiil'in will ho found at the eilntioiw on tho Ai tival of f liell (lain C. II MANX, J'ronrietor. April 9. IS'it. .'im C. G. LKUCE. .A tit!tor! 1 Wicr ltst MIir. WftMiInston.D. C. Mil Nirn Stiiii;t Oio()1,l:o J'ensioii (ifi.o Clovolnnd, Ohio. No 1. Lyman's Hi.o. k. Near tho Court llon.-e. M P 0 It T ANT TO ALL IN7 ALI D IKON IN TIIKBLOOP. fi ' l'u:i.Ii- ( Aruiy Il'r:il. nn.l coll.-eli IEXSICN3, BOUNTY, BACK PAY, r;-i7i'-!iir:toy aii l all other A- ft Tt Is well known to the medical profef'lon that IKON is the vital Principle or Life lilornentof Ihc hlood. This is derivod chiefly from Iho food wo eat; hut if Iho food is not properly digested, or if, from any caiiM' whatever, the nece.-sary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced the whole system sull'crst The bud blood will irri tate t lie l,c:ut, will clojj up Iho lung's, will etupefv 1 lie brain, w ill obstruct tho liver, mid will send its. disease producing elements to till pari.s of the sys tem, nnd every oiin will suli'er iu whatcTor urjjuu j may be pri-iliposc.i to uisctu.o. j The groat value of Sv. n u NnHrlno. ' Ts -f?l kriown ni.-I ncUitiiwlnlned by all medical ; ii ri 'J Ho diiiiculiy ha iieeii to obtain such a pro I Ta"a!io!i of ns will f-nt.-r Ihc circulation mid a.--i 'iiilatc. at oin.-c with the hlim I. Tins -lint, says l'r. I lllys, AIa-iiu-hns(;:ts ,ta?o f'heniist. has been nf j taii.ci in tin. I'.-ruviiin i,mip, by Cumbiua'.Mii iu a W.iy buiuro ulKuowii. Chii-n' f.hii :i i hci-ll n to e! i!n-.. In i -h hnvo i lli'.-l.' I I .'.!'.ii.- V c rin r' ne, i nl ntt ther iill:ir:i-vs'ha-.-o T 1 i.l.l, or wlr I .-TJ-.:;!:".;!"!. Vo iilroii.lv c n. il r r ! I over to Iiii r ai d iheir loar.-i .vi '. rt: I are piyin? thousand dnily. N i e!mr;;o inters sin'ces-tVl. Write i.s. i,,!.l we will send you a ;..l v o our t'-ii. r. fie-. '. i: ( ni.l.!:i' 1 l:-..-n .VI I. to f (''il C:ih Bounty. V'V il-. our fit. in. v iTio-i. r nKi.AV. A- ;il 1'. lji'it. TJio Icr:iTim Wyrnp. Ts a Vrnteeted s,,i:!ii,n of the I'mtoxide cf Iron A new liiM-nvery in Meilicinc that s'rike? the Hoot of ii a-e bj i.ii"ih'' in i lie blood witiiHS vilal 1'iin oi Ic or i.ii- lil "Me.it Iron. t'if I'l i ui :;iri Sy ritp. . Complaint Iiropsv, fvcr Cum rij-J.'; -ia. I.iver Put ..:t:e. Loss of tin 1- : Vi Ip'oll becomes C.oii- N c irr!' i:.ili 1- ., Ia I'm :--.i:t ' I i TO CONSUMIilJS OF M1HK i-.n l. rs' -im 1 diilcr in " al frnm t'? follow Tin; .liciir. l'ldU VI AN Inf.il..-s strenvlh. i,.'' f Hii't buil't- ii' i.n id new life int 1 ' en t.'unstitut l.n.V I'illU!. vr,i p. the jvitm prepare.) o receive t Marl.et U.iii s, vi : l llii.ole; hi i ! e iiio-t aJ'o ::.;, tn.i.1.1. -p. 1 in 'well known Lillieii" oidirs ior the same a: it"; Low PAii:-...-!! i'c f''''.5- " I Ct'''.'.vi.II'Tl-".l) CO S " j i!e is a'. -I prepared to furnish the Il.tll is.ioiM' 0m '! !!: I -l Cor.l, ! 'i.v I'r'vnri l. I Cn the line of the Nisqitehannii Kivcr and Havre d (.race, lie Int-. made airaiiirciir i t-lor Hi" b,-s. Pl'l'T.VTON AliD riiVMOIi TIE CO. LS tVI,; -h l.c is prepared lo deliver on hoar.! I'.o.-iis at ' N.irii.iiii.b i-l -i i. 1. or hy t ars in er N'ortbe.-n ('el.lial Ki.iir...: I. aiid ..n the line of the Philadelphia rr.d . I.rle I. ::il-,.ad. oil Uio In-st teril.s. j I i i- i . r "i to fill all iirder- with Ie-piit-:h, and re-i. '.-iii Hv -liciis order- fr.illl ll." Irade. i Addi. Jt-llN .M I'AHI.AN'Ii. j A'. ul 'J. X'A. N-rrhnn.! er'nud. Pi. HIT; J'vp.VVIAN r'VITP J t'i:irs Nervoi's .'.Pictions, ; ud dit.?iui-'d ..'f l!i. h!.iti:' I'. node Coniplainti, mm! . an 1 JiiaddiT. la, Sti.io . I.,,.. Tin: I'i'.nrviAN ?vuvp 'iuc for all e I'!- ...I, or i I llm-l. flisea,cs ori-invonipanii: ;in.'itiii. in a Ha I 1 l y licUiity or a I'anii lil-.-ts ci.iiti.iiMii certificMt.-f i'f curis an ! r-. ""nillieiii!:t" i.-iis f'.m i-iiiiii. -t the ln.t eminent Pny sici.ii.s t leryliien an.l others, Will he sent I'lee to liny eddre... Ve sclit . Vw of !l.e nuines lo show the cl.ur--li r ni Ic '.ini.iiiiaN. J H.V i: VILLI M.. Krri.. Prejilrnt of the Metropolitan liai.k N. T. BP.CVT-lTIlTG'o EXCELSIOR COFFEE, j Whilst trying CnfT.'p f 1 t!in rnruni Vnml. Rpmomhi-r 'liKOtt'NX'.tf "S J-XCKLSiOU'" nt Ui ' bnn'1 it ' True, ir not liknuihoiv that nro '-SOI.U 1Vi:UV ; WIIKHU " j A little Stllllfh, VC fl'J tlrt V.noW, (JT.i giUils Will j on5ily hpir, , (But a Mrutph liko till -' mIu cvrrywh-.-rc" U very ' npt lo ttiir.) Now, I cmi nutVly r.V;i , it lion t nny lu .-lt.'iinn There's ii'tnr ' Ni s u s J,ti.l..iiuJ:: ' in Lhl.- 1 eiHir'iti'nc-il mi:lfti. ! Skillt'd chfiiiiftta have irnt ftunj a rcinVjo frmn nny ! erro rosrehin th? Mtue ingrViiniln w -irowniiig,s Y.x- ' cuiior ' y.ir i? there nny rnn. In r-r rjit of tho C'in t? tr.rli-. Who knawd iho miii l from whi.-h i:ru;viiiii"t ' ;.et-lsior't"" - Tim t'M it's innIo l.ti: ii.uiry, rr- whc1. Icnu.. iti I pen ; Nadio n ilK.vi.--JHtl ft'ir ih'hy;. '.ml 0.4 'Jlthi Otic if you ji'unrT. j Hut wild the Cotloe-innn I will not 1k41 c'-ntonfioii : l'ur tho ninny, ninny thing ivy tiy t'H hunu'rou.i ; to im iiiion. VCun t'H-y 're ellp'' i ?a ranning round from eNrr: tni .ro t 1 To lf.irn '!.? current wloIch-'jIo yr:co of f'rcT.'i.in.V Hxi-nl-icr," Frpino who kn-w tny rllV.- p-- ; riV' t iiii-fuptioii, 1 1 u v o foH'n -i n i-'nn v.liii h tlu y hoo to t-.m.-'! u Quick riNiction. j Tlio ensr t is with a IV w ; r.o tloul-J. 'twill 1p uvyv ' t To nih'Mc th'ir L'utlcc Mtr Juin.1, (P.itmning' Kxt-oi- tromo fuy thcTr'8 th only lr;m l tlml Will M:u.l a ! Now, try a" liitlo of tlj:a u!I fo wh.Si u like j tli liot . 5 Three yc;rs have pfc-.el away Kiiu?e I firl s.U v ' ! yNiro ; Novor h ive I hi your p:per a Ivi'i 'l-c-l 1,rf,ro; Nor wouhi I now, or vwr eoM-cTit to j'tiitlir'li nn.n'. I 1 1 like FOiuu Ufvd hy "i'v ryWly," vl ' t- whuio' in "f; very store. A Irade like ihii I do not wi.-h ; t!.o ordM I cuid nt till ; The faotory all .Tir?y5 lim l would take leave not a loot lo ti'.l. ' My tra-le. U i.ot bo very birr ; I th :.U I have my share ; Iiul trader, you mty rort .".sare-l. 'ti-? Not Nold i JA-eryrthero " ! Miinnfjietin'td and for .'m!" hy tiit- Avritrr, ; No. 2'J M;.rket : i- v i, tuiiiiKn. N J This C'oTi e f not rot, -n't . I oi' o!-i,hii dni.-. it i:i:,in.-- not!iiii' d,,.''.,.'".oj ; innny noi'-on mv ihii ti.UVo that eatiiiol u.- lii" j-ire ctiVf ; it I n e - 1 : t Mic nitd a h:ilT outws t make a n'lnrt ol pr.it.. sti'oiii; eitlN'C, that Ii in jiim onr-ifili ihv uo tntity it 'iike.-id'eiavu Cullee, ai.ii i.hKt? Ju-. than hiiii' ihc .oe. K t n I I eaters may f'' hr-oit in !.- qa;r.:tuiia than ten rua at my i ri t-.s .rein tho Vi hoi ...ilu V:ro P 0 E TIC A L . B,.Ti:css.i::a;.'vj. r.Y j. Mitiiti-; i:i,i.o'.v, r. T!io p.i'iinit; t iii was !'.i!li:ii; f-.iM, As tliottuli tlio "i lui-oti' li"' rt'iiion jvi? Ah t'il I't.'.'li iiiuii, mil) mml ntnl slnli, Vi Im llirow iti Lis but mi. I i-iioil. Hy j: l't'lriilfUiii!'' !H.i in;; jiluc ml llicin in emicculmoiit in 11 iloioii,it,..l t;!iinii id lui.si.i s, p.' W!i3 t" Jilaou I n iiiuii in nr l.lii.'in in ;m i.j'u ti sji ii'i'. tu tittr.i' t t t lie 1 'i i in- in, l! wnuhl -li-t.-i.a'l l..r in i H -1 luiiucl 1 l'i'..'. -, nil t!,-' lo.-.. m it! w.-io. to .lis- riiiir;;i' lu. :r nrrn-.v--, w!il ii uii'.-.i s iho li:i-; ' p-r tin; tii '. .jii..:t w.-.i'ld p.-i'i-.l..-It) Uiu . 1 Ii.jiiri uf i In- innitstor, 1 1 n I thus ii linpclo s ' ! IIOIIIV Wlltllll III' lill(..d Jll tlll-'V v.;w.-e, , "i'alii) uni t i.i t tc 1 li-l.iJi;; im. i t jir.'til till' pal. I Mill-Ill, ii'.i pl'-ll'l". Til' tt'ltli toy iiivvnili.il, 'ii 1 iio Pti'l -l id which His ohi'i'lis wore I'mU., h's t-yr wt-o lirislit, As it ll.tsh I'rii'ii ti j-;.': in ki.Tiisrfii' 1 i : ; 1 s t ; His limits, us ili'-y sank ill tlio I'l'i-iisy j'rinitiil, l.'-jihihiiuil in;t tliu oily, m i li i. ' i i -us .sunn '. !tl.Hll t i: IP. Iii slri! i : olive lio ui.l soil An lrtn ',;y. I lii -'tsati I leirnd wc'l. '. ; I :. i- . I i- i h,'i . il Tiint Irnlu liis iiiNtrt iln-iv Cii'ih :i :ni:in, iviii'ii.-iiiti : " ''Sink rut that vA), l'.ts rnnscii'iirc stii.l: "Tim I'iu ti Miiko ni:ty (-Hike y.'il iloiul." "p ;;ui's tlio ik i ; ii , linwii pain's tho lior-'. 1. p foiiir.s thi.- stun', pttiiip. "Whtit" ih.'wia:: I-:-' IVii-i.l. uiti ! ' .ndl o:u'." rni'-l Pni'l 'iioi' 'TnUo n niijs lit Mtnl.uiK! Korlinif'd iitn-ttpins hip.'' Two hriity li ar.- i. 1 1 finni rnrli oyo. ' .'Iiu II II nv :.i hy vc'. w is in, i-i .-.v. IVlti-:. ii.ii i. i I ho i;iiiiip ol' liiisiios, sl.iiiilino nut . inin a n :i llm sky, ji,tss:i" '.ii a i in ii.-. .i'ri'si'tillv i''. ii. iit. r.ii. I l licit with tlio il.i.vn it coinu lo ll i isliit: throti"h rJ I I Iiu lnvni tin. n. idiots wciv . mill tin! limn w ii i i'.lillt fpt-C'k tV:l s. l'"i::i.i ami t'onii-i ' it. i-n I :-til! I'm- a f... I i l.n ll .if n "litlli-ll -t::l ' war.!- I'iil iii: .h. An w t ii'.i. ii-. 1' ii ii .'lily nt.'jir ilje sullen I w auy ini'lv.ii l..uv.jtii,j-s, tin. :t i'.i id' a ilmuum v'lL'titn as hi' w;s Linria' t.JV t.io. ttr.'s Iho l'i : IM-.m iiliiiis, tu.il a-l wss iVvi I. Till! Imw- nn'ii li.nl misJi .1 t lifir murk. ' I'liiit .lav ii sii.Uli'r fi'iium thitri ovi r Jiuir ; cvof tin- tfilif hi' Will. on. Aihli J 'l- tin: I'viili-nt I'ict !h:il it niu-i. it'.!;.' puss ii-'.ay, "tlair ipu-'li i -!i ,'ini'il .-hii I' li.ni ilro' ivi.-il ' thi'lli ntnl r,lt'.s-:.l n ;;1'o;hi:!(',is hop.- to lo lo . lor it tn.imi'iit in i-ti-rli lieiu'l onlv to "n out I;i l?.id ti tin. ill piinplili t v'j puiili-hod in ii rinaiiy. prol'i s-in to contain u i riti id' propln-tii: lovidiitions fo'.tml iinion tlio papers nf I..'iioriiv.i'.l, vilio litui iliol toa (.iiis I.H-I'ori! nl im rv-.p-i"! tio. Ii i, no torious that this joilHoatiDn i-Acittil roni nttciili(i:i n'i'l iiht-iniil hirpi cr-.nhMice (I'roiiL'lioiit. OerMf'iy. ?l untioiiin'i'.l itDir.nc; !-lill'r"oVC!ltS Ihl't y-.-f ls":j 'll'TO woi-.'.i I t: :vi l-'. t;' ij. v. Maf upon Ku-j-iuii oil, ii-i'i nhii'h tin.' I'.'iolo ntnl tint loopunl clovolv k"ii tlio lu'.ir t'tlic (Mi-r N.itioloop .Iu ns iliiYoti.. 1 ulways liitviii;' tli'i.l.iii-il tin: Inopnril, not, t lie lion, '.viii lii'.1 '-vinliolii! ntiiuiul ol Ki). hitl.l It that ui'tiT pi-ico hi.) Iiui.'ll M'StoltMl, t't t'icjilrint lln li.il won'ol iit'i-mp't to t'rimplo (,iwn tin- loop-mi iT'iiir'aini;, I'll.. wo.ilil no! siii-i'i.'i il ; tlml I'ol.oivni t the wir lo'tivoi-ii Kussi.i, r.nohinil, nn, rraino, wo'ihl ho mi immense I'inh.'ratii.r. from Our nary . lu! U c-t t'nitc:i'Stft.. -r. many jffv'V '.I f. the -m t!r fit wottUi p-'!'" i' V.'.i ir t'.-i" ' otiio. Out n time) vmiUl i;o!iie w lion i:ivi! v.-f.r 'vi.tihl makii tln-m ilosirn that tln-y li.-.'l not li-fi tin altor thi: ci il w ;.t- hail lour yi'iiis, i'noi.' wo"!.1 nn I li'iinu ki'l-lv vri'-r-rv: : !!.: m'i'. : i i''!i o-'in crt, iiko ninny n wo!!,' (t tu- ,; u itli a'l af i:i li ill; l.o oiii. ui t. ll. A li:i:i;r nuvoti:!-. "s ,i now liowii; well.-' rn.l niaki! tin! ilarknoss umiv vi-il-U'. ."'.any , wit..! iiu i'iipr.-'.'ii.iniis u'.t 'i.' 1 iiainst him, -' li'it s'ill Wnlioo .lospait'i'il il"!. I lo conli n- , ti.-.l to n-,iy lo tin.' i i-oat. Spirit, fully c .t--in.:..i thai, tho I'ai.ll was uvin;4 In FOinc ' 11. i mml -i'f-! 1 i 1 1 ; of liis u s. ii. S i il soi'tni-.l ; lor in tin' tifK! tiir:hl iho t.li'o-i! Spirit n;:ai'i i nppt'.ircd, l'l-iii-i ato.l tho sum ' cuiii'i.ui Is. in.ikhiu' i'-o tiii'ti'.iiui of v, ...it li t.! hap-YiiL-u i ir h.inil; that. 1. nri'iiitv jiiooi'i f.ir would Lo j-.'-ton-i1, " V ri-.ji! ; atul that, t!'u tin:.! tin- War in tho wist hud rinh-.i, a li-arlul sti-lttn.ss, ooniiiieneiii;r in Ku-sia. lvmil'l cMiinl iiiTosi tin; lliltic, .to (.Icni'.atn . cause inimcn-i' mortality ior I ih. .. in r.u-'l and, spri-ii-l to ti"! i.-t pirdiction ( I'.iiii.-ir to la: now i:i its is, at least, riv-'i ir'; tllOlll't! at". I to ir h:i t stlV'l- I 'j-i;r..t;; !ii.iHaiiooi'f'.ly tin; w.":t. This c.ionlry Ijoliovo i-l" !'ii!lilo".nt. It .,'' I :';', "i i-l i'reu. "I don't l'i Ih'ivi ii t!i i tr: 1 ho, I unlit -ili-iilii! .oil. y.t .1 iv - so r in l'.n- l-.i'.iu-,' 'oir-t ; tho .1 iv f.-l'.;.'. "Win n iiioriiiu"; wa- coin-' v":i'.ioo arose t-i vpoat his pii-p.u al 'nni ; hut this time ho l'i. '.ml li i ii-- oil' lii w. me. I i.i Ih-' lac; that his bii'-t of oil, liii'oUL;ii V !- Hall i Still i Tilat n was m t 1 i a i ... .,.i: in ii 1 I'.KH., I ifioi!c li : ! l-.-t fun:--:' ; -.'.ol'' lYi-.U' t.: -ct tii- :r coal. I In 1'i.iia 1 who v, as pn in r Iih. ,, i'i.m the i'l'f lite rha-'.-.i). Ihif V.'u so !: nt o h o si Iih .1 Hi. tl'" iliiaih.l positin hii ii-o oa thi- . -. " i .a'. The li.iv,i".it i:;!l, hot no on.' a illiii'j to risk t-- pli I j..l- i- of lil'i-'.lV- ii ... 'i id I P'1' i":d ta il o f I'V tahill!; i i.i. ! t ii- I 1ii.j'k to iiini no la ;ii.!..-i u iii;.-1. ndo : -rise no nn Ts vitals, i a; ii .It:. III. 11. v. A11KL .STrVKNS. I.r-to nj.t-1 CLib.'.i.in Adocato A Journil. c- rs. . i i'"f,rdL,rshy mail f.i lv alt-ndcd to. ; ' 1 ! rin ry 11. 15C5 - i V.h- iai. piump'.- I.il. Al ! (iit i i-t ti-:h-.l . :;. tin i a iy i ill j.t sil.u-' I'.. in th !'j -ni;i n,OT'!r.:v.'A m5V.i;e: SS Sit W II L IT Wrini- in id','.' Tiioi : S, COUJpl J I rri lnl.it it v. ln-i jli.'liu-nl ncions. i.eiier. l iJt-Liliiy, r-..mi- ii. Ac. . . l.-.u Ail cT-v's on tae nun 1 arc 1 to be -li e...l. 'i l-.-'S ol .Memory. .illillMi.a ui - Ii. nres-i'.ii ol Spirits. IMl-l'orob., dins. Aver to Si. i.'tv. .-eli-Hi.-irusi. Lmo ol' r-iilitu ie. Ac nr.- s .n.i'ot Hie evils pro lucci. iisoriier.-oii.-of uUiis'.'S .-in n..wjiile i ..o..:.. - I. . .lo. 1. iJl'ie caii-c .-I lll'.'ir ii'.-ciiuio, n --..., ,'. '" vi''.ir. l.e.'iiniiii' weak. pale, nervous mid inled. bavin-; n singular appearance about the and svnipiotns ol consaiiipnoii. '1 . have inhiri'l t'.i.-nisclves by a certain practice ,'u.'i-l in win n ..Inc. a hal,:t l'i . -qiieuily I'-nrie-l , ''evil ...ap .i.i.-iis. -r ui s.'hool. the em-cts ol l.l.-li are ui.t'oiiv l it, ci'-n when asleep, and u ri.-t nil rendu" l-iariiii-e impossihle. nnd de.-troys ,0, o, i'i I an I l-.lv. should apply iililiie.lialely. V hat a l . 1 1 v tin t a vauna man. the hope ol Ins i" irv 'he da !'.;!: ,1'bis parents, should be snatche.l ,','' v-,..'..t. . ati-1 enjevinents of life, by the iuei.ee of ik-Ni.ittnj; lioin Iho path ofiiiiturc lui ;inr: in a c. nam nccrel l.aoit i-u. a p i -b..'l"rc cm-'euiphiiin? e.-t that a s.a-.' 1 mind nn I Imdy nr the niost - rv reaui.-it. to proionti connubial happm.s. ,;! v.i.l.oiii li.e.-e. die j .-oiiiey thniiitfli 1:1" he a wear? .i!;rinue; tho prmp.-c ry.urly , !'. .os to Iho' vi. iho mind beeoi.,.-. sin. !-iv e l ;!, ..-p.,ir:u.d lined wiitl tho l.n laiu:l,..ly rth c ll that the ll.lpl ll.ess of lllnnlicr l.ccolncs blllt' I ih our ov. n (m;v;: or iiii'KB i; r.. S l,en the tiiisui.!.l and impni.li'f" votary '.I thai lie has linlelicl mo in on- ...it toioi'i.n bapt.i.ns ihnt nn ill lime I e or dread ol ili-eovery. dcteis lllt.a T 1.) i'a.1.0 wln. fr.:r nliu-itiii "ml bei'liel.l ,ilil..le!i. till - Ill Is:. r l: i the t ni i i. and tJ. -er lua lo. d .Slnle.-, fill sr. k Ti.e i i.v I.V r-liablo se'f. Adjust'.u ' No V.'.i.il.'iV.-rk li ft!l or Split I No Tiiiiiub-S'"rews to i-et out ol'O' 1-r. ! Warranted with or w i.ii..ul C.is-Whc -Is It t...k l!iel'Ii!;T PllMMU'M nt I'd'v ni.-l t.'-ut.ty i a ti..n li-c 1.. I I Pa!Il!..li and An oali :. Sample Wrirper sent, Exr-re?i paid, on reeeipto Prb". ; l-aierj.;'1.!-: agents can make froui S to HI Pl!ar per i ,'!;. f-.M. No 1.$7 11. No. r.fs.T.u No. A.JJ.rO. ' Alnnul neliire.l !in.l s-l-l. wbolosaln and r-tail. by ' 'I 111) Id TNAM MANl l'ACTl ltl.Ml Co.. 'n IH I'latlStrcct. New York, nnd Cleveland. Ohio, j " ' S. C. NOKTllllOP, Air.id. ' WHAT KYPPIlUfiY KNOWS. ir.: Tlmt Ir .n well jralvaiiiied will not ru-t ; . 'Jb.n .i p-iiui'lo machine is belter than a C0n7i.cf.tej '11. ..1 .1 nriOL'rr should be tclf-ftdjiislilii:, uural lo, l-n-l . liK-ieli! ; -j I,,,, 'J'iaiiul.-S-'rews find ra--t.-r,ms cause delay and liio.blo (.. roi-'lllate and keen I'- -irMer; That wood bciiriii;;s l'.n li e . in.. llr-v. r. ClIfUCH. i N cw fork I'liioiiiele. Lew ij .lohtisoii. M. P. ltosw.ill Kiniiev. M I) K h'emiall. .. W 11 Chi holui, .M U l'liinei- 1 1 ma. .M I) Jeremiah Stone. M I J. Antonio S-inehes, M P A A Have-. M II Al.rabii'ii Wendell SI J .1 111 liil.ill, M U II h Kin-aoy. M U V Se-S ftllle ..:ioul an e.v.-ep-LaIan.L Canada. Lii tor Hct. John Pierpor.t. ' Yi'ai'reii lliirion, " Arthur li l-'iilb-r, " liui.loii lt-iiibiii-, I " V 1 1 llllll- Cobb, ' f Ian- Kin. I " Lnl'iaiui N u.e. Jr. I Jo.-cpb II l.'onc!i, j " H.-i-rv I pl.aai, , ' 1" C I'lcoiicv. I " John Hhi. lcad, I Prepare by X. L. CI. AUK A CO., exclusively for J I', l'i ..-.M'ii;i;. .vi. iji liroa tway, .rw loik. I old hy all Iiruyists." j bedding's Eussia Galve. j rouTY yl". it's l-xpicranxoE j J'iie fully i.'tnUi.-l..i..l the upcri.rity of J KhTHHNi i'."'. Ul'SSIA SALVK. j I liver all other hcalini; preparntioti.i I It cures all kii.d- of fores. Out". Scalds, fiuni, r.lieulll, lirtvsipelas. Sties. Pile., ire fives, Ac.. Ac, Hem.. viler tho I 1 iietiueiii" the ino.-t iinry lovkiu EiiiTibii r.ujioiivjiLii, Tin: L".to: ql-a'.;'i v llyilw ,i.'.,u.-ci- vativn.) Tin-: LiUNiirnGH ni:vii:Y wi,i ) Till- WL'ST.M INSTLi: r.i.Vli.W (Had -al Tin: xoKTii unrn.-ii i;i. n;v. lrrco-c:.i.rch.. BLACKWOOD'S EMX 111 ii'ill M.Ui A.I'., I.. T .rv ! 1 i'i... ; no.! ri 11 i'.i a. i luii-i-, n t'li' l he M' a iv: lit l! htiii.l.--. V a'l 1 - a ..o ''m ' ,.!,... vod. 1-1- It I 1, .. .-a- ion v.-a--ii l-l'l calin-fat-1 ail'e-.V 1 ii'ii'i' thi; ho;-!. A lloW!l til ' picVlTl', kncelin:' As to the nv folii'w::;;; tinj . .X)i l'imont we an old (!;( ..- y stood v. iu-!! :.;;': v,:-:!-. id -,u-' iii.ii'.: i i.ii.ily ; it! s. i jll liiil is '.cars 1111." s:. ti :i ;ic ; V.-t r 1. l.. ns I in If. r.d.:-l oil I I'll 'ir:;i!.h 1 duo i-.o'. v all Yt. l'-.-t, of U'V I -a: i-.-r h id a a le' ' 1 111 1 1. il nl' i at :-pi:'i, ll-nll his . ;'- ct,'..' "It I.I T - : it'. r: .01-- r 111 liiiie to .-av.- tucir I :'s d.yiii:; tto''-iS tlio dill 'o ,'. o'i. i.n i.l 1 0 ii tiiat'.-iii i.nd 1 in it:-.. in- k; lo -it- memory ami 11-1 1'iiiin.-.-j while liv'n;.'. tin: i.....-t."! n li .'-in:: shn'i to spriii; .i.r.o , ita.l t i .s,ir, a I liiroiu.'h- M s-is: .0:11 iiii-v In-in"-; o. r Hi I 1 . J .Vijii' t ' I) SKETCHES. 11 J.i ii.iriii'r id. Viie asail I. : iidi illrl tin i'. oa .-co ii. ... t, , n 1 r aillt.'' a . 1 his i i:.' id to Hi. 1 iijiou tin: t'..j tii'.-li- , I b- . .-ait i n.iit i Corn--. Sore i.i ! Pain lit once, a welling! a:-1 Iiillniuulh.il as if by .Man i OlliV '-! ." I - It ICitlL. 1 Toll SKLtt I'.V MS's.Miiltlh Xo t il Itmadwav. New York. 1 " i LL A t.'O. . No. ISTrcmont Uuflou Ami by nil liru'isli ember lo, I ' -l y The Ar .ricin Pi''': " c.i.i. 11' ., a' ov.'-iiaui.'d t-eri.i ii a.' . i..ti .-'' 1 has doubled, the pri"- ' - ' Ir-h'. .!. duties, license, etc.. 1- r . "! v o e 1 .-1. is. polled lo advance tin ir n. m a iol.,i.- TLU':.- I ou I. Far any one of tho P.- vi-e I-'.-r any to ol the lti - .'. I-'or any Ihree of th-: . - .e,i i, K..r nil' f..nr of th- K'.-vi v.s. Kor lilackwond 3 Maar1, -a !'i.r Itla-'cw.'d uiidnn- Pe--w, I cr Pia. kwood and ai... 0 0 Iteviews, For lit a.-k wood and Hate of the P.eviews, I-'or KlackwooJ aud tbcf.mr lie- views, The works will be . I : iv N. ', in Hi. tr 1 i.in. t inu la (-inc. u.-au'c v. e i:'r li--- p . pd. i t'nit it has 1 ii'ii.iis t 1 disi-h. .- i.'' t 1 'if -in 1 .T!l ft nil 1 7 1.-1 la no li no 4 l.'J 7 0U 10 00 1.1 00 lj 00 ! A CO , W.I - pa river, ii i l.tuii.-. i co it a! ia 1 , 1 - 1 am HI til-' Ml'ill.' nao In.;'.';:. A .li ill t .le p.': our t',11; . !.-- Ill.i a no pi- 1. I- we i' 11 ! ouality of t aper. Pcio.iiciils nru c-idn- 1 """' l-.i P. W. I'e. .1 run in will n inr l.slire fill i.l'ul .li-.--n of iditi ul npp'.' . can al. 1 .1 -at. it' 1 iill.ln.. i I ,-.: - : i'.-':'th j l.i'l ii .no. - 11 I ' - a p. 11. . t of 1l.i horrid 111 a a as lib' 11. 1 e.l --I. -' no .0.,; oal )iail.s in iho head .; ;bl. ileal'ness. lnide-- on the I ...'il.'S "Il Ilie lieild. f o- l-l j widi frightful rap'nllty. till e 1.1. .Illh nr li.U bones . f 100 victim of this nwtul d-seasu . tot' coiiiiniscialioii. till de.-l'll Iron It'll! siitti rli.li". I.v seimiu . ni) t I to "tl. I n .is. . II. r - oi ' i- 1 1 ri ible dl-01 lal.t I I n l' 1 i.vcl-ol Couillry llolll whclICO DO , .i.uU,': Thai the Piilnain Vrin.r r '.th or without cog wheels, w ill li-t lea' l'i-.- tlothes ; Ti -. eos-wiiec', riuiatr are rod e."-.-titi:,l ; Te. t I'ac I iiiiiam . rnitp r ha" all tho advantages nnd not inn; of I he di-aih -unlives above named : 'flint all w-lio l-a' o la'tid il, pnino-.iiico it tho best Wiiiver ever mr.dc, Tlmt il w ill Tin;;tt Thread or a U.-d-Quilt without .iliii'a.icu. , .... V.'o in'.. -hi fill the paper with testimonials, but in s.ii onlyu few to convince the skeptical, il such Ihei e be ; and vc sav lo all, test Putiiain'8 Wriiv-T. lest it TllOl'.iil lilli.Y widi AN Y and ALL others, and if not entirely s.iti-frcli.ry, return it. 1'i tn am Mam' i- o-Tt tasii Co: lii-nllemeii ; I know fn.ni practical experience that iron well -.Ualiiicd with tine wi'l lu-t rtidiio i.i rust ore panicle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as po-sible. nnd I can cheerfully rc-c.-iuiui'iiJ it to he ilie best in i.sj H.'Speellullv voi rs, JNO. W. Wlli.ld.idt. ''leveland. Ohio. Many year-' experience .' tho (;a!iaiiizin busi- nable mc to in.or.-c tin. above dan niein iu u.i .b. titi.tjs:s ;kvi;hs. Enamelled Slate Mantel -sieii-!it. iv'fBfii '.'I i - ,:J(,elm ; t ': .i" i i:-i f n Ktlf'M'iHfyM 4 IT"..? IB. l...l.Tr,.CT J? i - , ti . ra f;'rji ri-'.-l on n : I v.liih. ll. r aitv-in.'e-l n ill siic alid very e'-uerndv b.r.h -wo 1 1 . 1 1 e.in'inu tu ejive fuidil'ul cop - ..f nil i- . lor ooulaine.l in the original cdnious. lb "nr pr -nt piiv. w ill I c , found as cheap, f T I !! -t of mat. er. f.n ew.c ! ui ilinso uf any of the et.iiipe'.ii: periodical!' in this country. Compare I -villi the i o :t of in .'. iil-al ediliolo. vhi dint llm -r. ;i iu.o"!i on 'sold w.ml I be ll!.iiit f lOil a yen . i-n" ; ;. .- ,;!.' I are l-.vcee !'y I iw. Add to thi- t tic f id I'm we in ilto oar anna il pig ments to iho lliiti-b 1',. ., i hers f. r o nly sheets an.l copyrir,!;' in liul.l 5-1 c- n at mis lime i-laii.. IS ij.) Dearly SJ . ''il ia . n. IV. ..'.. ill.d wo trti.-eti '.ml in Ihc scale we hoc a oit.le t we slii.ll be entirely jiislilied by our .-'.ib-'-r l. -i-an I Iho re i liiv pa'.il'n-. The ialiicst uf tln-.-e Peril lio-ils lo Amernail lea ders is rather increased th in dimini-liei by tlio nr. i tichs they conn. in on mir I ivil War. and. liioinli soini-liuns linked widi pi.jiliee. ibey cousiderin their irrc -.k nbili:,- nn I tin; ! sland-piiiins Ironi who b iln y ai w-i-iiiea. I c. pr I i and studied Willi mlv.ininno nv the jaeplc of this j country, of ovciy oi ec 1 .n- p -i ty. . Louis a- our ! Iicim: I ue ca-e. j ue -,,-in'i to n. a I points --1 hat i I the, viiiiioe nf j county, tun! Si , 1 iviiK'ir.i.or, . my )'a' !.: mi c I was ma.'..- v, ':' a dcf.i i- .p; .pa-L S' . "'I hi-, I famhii J.i. ui . w I:. !' : ! ov. '!, .'I' tln'se a raft lead '.ni!: Ii.o-t. '. t -.. had iVei.m nt lafaci-!! tin' two our : iilcin nt :il t'.-nf in Calhoun -'i nil ; - 1 '.l 1-lo- .-.iioii w i i . a u - :.. . i fnl' s, iii.-il w is 1'iie pain . ii hivi:i;r li. it '. to .j I o' - I'.r 1 fill Vat' litlT.lliv IU' li'O'. .11 I'.'il U-a-l I' ; ii ', ti." li'.W'.t '..1 tin- spot ,s ro.tn.l hait.-i-.'-'i is i ni ii'i-Iy ovod to Al-,i- i .'. - Tor el' '.in: p.: :s. -.ve lit'il tho t:iy tl it'i; it; tlio way of nu h:"-..: loot with, though it ii :!'. if 'li-? p-i-t ftand tu il .-. in"; it w ill, tliroii::li rlies!;j-. ir..-'e iiini-ti;!".', and -o rot li Tra- if invir'.'.':.'. that pr. '. ' iili-l. "Alim"-. 'hirty i t'ae wt iler. "i. tc. Ic: t the) nir. split two hut- n i ls, idde lv side, out of ii ctic-niit. ho:. Tl'fV '."or-.; .:i:-!,t h"-'. li.np;, i-in'nt iiit'iles wiiic. and t litcv 'iii'.'k. Om; I .-ct lilt t now ii. the olln-r top i"iowi. At t ho end of t. '! ya'-s tin. e.ae ,-c'. i:i hull il y.vn rotle.l oti', ,.i: i 1 i-cl t. in tin: Soiiii: ho'.e. ; At ihc end of s. y. ar- ii was ruted nil ! team, nnd i )"tt i:: a now rne. Tin' other i la-ted lour year.- ! .r.-.--t, when il tot .-i; it hi j I .ii nnd I t.i.ii; it i-i't. 1; wa- ti'-:t i.'o.til I i -.vi i thirds rotti-i! i V. :-."ni--- ;. ais a-.i I j st t .six pairs ot har p-vls-. :., split, om ol' this . lint t cut cl' iii" M.tno whi;.' nik !.;. ;no ; pair Ir t '-h,, ilr." :i, .tiuither pair, om: l.n'.S ! down, tin' othi-r t.-p lio.vn. nti-l otlarstop ' ilno-ti i-'otir year- tt tr- those s-'. ln;t .'.owti : v.ori; rot.,.".', oi ', nn i had to le replaced hy , new ones. Tirs summiT I h ul neca-ioti to j u.-ft thi -.' that. we;., -el i.-,j down. 1 i'otll.ll : tlieui nil sound cti.iimh to r-set. My ox I p-.-rini'-'Mts inivi! e. rivii "cd -. 'h-.t '.'-.; '. '. v a n .o set ih"". to;.- n.,.. ... 1 in. a- cNper 1 iiui'itts f?c..';n verv ici ;-iv.; it' tho --xpt r'.uu.P.- t. f is to he relied nn I'f ..at'i.-'.i'.l ol-ct-va: ion ! -1 ' I ii I s. In:: v-'iy r-r e li.-...- iji.il'ei 1. .-toil !iy Vi i.ri-foti i c; peri 'inn'. As to the potato ct peii'm--.t. n eorr-.-sp m- .h ni in" im.' ol ;lic joipei- sas he was ,-;.'p-, ph';' with a fiicttd. iiii'n hi'l'-und plantin;': I etat-'s: etivt fit.:; !:.. iii iy, say t ..'' ..r three iiuin - ii a o, -in : a i . i .-id. op. r c o'i linn;.. . His fiii-nii tlio,i;;'i! not. hut allowed him to cover a i-n.v hi .own way. Ke I'ieU'.'d out the ; ! r.i-o. ii ilalo-- ill'- IVieud had them cut IM- MISCELLANEOUS. I nr. Pi-L-d or i-i:rl-t ircii.'.s- lie: y. come nil ii. sunn as tin ei-niti d' at-i'- 'mpaiiv vov.n.'os. which f lialtcl staves n.i.lkel. Near tin.; then Alton, Illinois, we were, r had wi-iitie r, and 1 re nin', vamp iu a kit: 1 m' en in lite h':;!t he ir ti o r ' p ;s 1 an oc- no atti.n c.l .; point us, when 'in. ill', i re- 1 It. ' ' V: l!; V' i l s't t tb.r.usallds fill victims ; : to iho nii-killliilii' "s of die ii-b ol' thai lr: ! aitutiuu and inal-u -.1 t i ,1" I : . ! .,,1.1.1 a- a... -I us reu i 1'' I'l s. i 1 1 p-c, r year, an nations pci ii rine l reporters at tli.: ' er papei s. .Will ... by II I '10 rod.U "Idle l.:;-i-lbl.'. -s, t':.4.4iiiJ5' . r liv,.-. or liea!. a- I" luc cnrooi uiu i 1 ami W,.rlbli-s I'i'.-leiideis. d- stilule 1 f.iue it eliaraci.r. who ci.py 1'r. I . i . isi in-'l.'s. or -!lo fhenisell l'i,, till reriditrlv lalocated Physicians. ,,t i'.i-',ie.'. th.-v k"ep y-ui tri.in.c month o, i , kin ll .-u" f.lthy nnd -i.nu com- .". ' ' :. tlo-.-lualle'i-t fee cm be iililllilicl. j j, ii le .M- v.ju with ruined Ueallh to sigh s vo,'r'.lun'li"pp"'i.o"r'"'. ... a-' J.,;.iisi..n i- di only Physician advertisiinr. lis ored-iili-ilor diplomat always liniv in his otlice. j or trc itemeiil arc uniiiowu in an 1 from a liic spent m tin- jjrcui uo-- il..- lira in the country and a more aid,-.- ".- n- l'i,-, lirt tlinn nny other Pliyaieiau bo 111. :.v llnill-.au li Cll-.c.t III lllls insillllin.il je... 1 the i.uiiieruui llliliorltiul puigu-ai I by lir. Jolue'iou. witncssca by .--iiu. ' -Clipper, aud many oi' which htoe uppeartd nain oiin hi l.n c i'..c public. b.--i-e Ins stuii.tu.;? as 'i.'Uileiiiau of ehsriictor m.d rc- oiioitiliiy, 1 a 1 'lent "liaranl''0 to tiie Httlicled. .:!- Ni'suiim.v CUtl.lt. Vrf.r. writing si mild he particular in direelii. ir Icit' is loins lii.tituiiou, in the following inuiiyr .KtJ . .ill.S'H, SI. !., U the Pultiiimre Lock Hospital, lialliniore, SU. vpril 2, lfiit-ly- 5iAi"rsii:We ox, llorrrvs nl l.ntv. No. ISO Cor. Fulton and Iir...idw:iy, New York. Vi ill carefully at 1 iu collection ami all ulher niattcru iiitnutcj lo ir ear. ept. 13, l-iol. LOUIl & PEED STORE WHOLESALE i.JJ HE TAIL. IIS siibs-riber respoc. fully ii.foroii the publie i-.at ho keept cou.-uinily on Laud at hu new ) ; III. I .-!' ne ir it. Shuiuokio alley Kailroad s.i. in.-l NIlCilY, t'Hui by ilie bariul ar.diackt s'l tint.; of Iced by fie ton -.-' i? all maul fiwturel l ii own JJUU. ' K i- -j at tte lowoet eh trier. u tthVAii .tvrn ,. . v '.re t . ' ,1ND. C. LPI I-I'HTS, No. lua lie. kmuii Street, mir.ry. I ai! . I I'utnnm s ( lollies Wringer OV mid know that it w ill do. It is nolo: u reauiros no room, whether nt mi ..pernio n N -It V. idt..T We have lest. praciieal win I.in ek hi. : it i wo. k or al resit a child can npcrilio il t It does It I dill v lli..ro.ivhly ; it saves luau mid it saves wear an iiear. V, e '. arne.silv n Uise all wboli.ua inu.-h wa.-liiin' t-i -1". with int. ili.ieni permits wlioliavo ni.v. to buy tl.is i it. r. It will pay f.r itselt in a vtiir u, ui.i-t. Ji m lMUAClUiKELLLY. June l-s. 1H.V1. mmm vr . .i -i oi- pi J.HOLMES GROVERd 'rT-sl O II f ANS, I Cottar Organ. VH, I'.i: not onlv un-auiilled. hut they lire ah olut.lv 4 P. .Y tinequalle-l. by-iiny other Kee l Instrument in ilie country. I.e-iucl i-vpie-sly for lb urchin and fcb.ails, lliey are o.uud lo lie fijilnlly well adapted to the parl-T and drawing room. 1-' or sale only by If.), it North Seventh ttrcel. Philadelphia. l"7'Also Pradl.ury'a Piamu. and a couiplcto as ..riuu iit of the Perfect SlLLUIiL'jN. Kept. 24, ls'.l lyw BOARDING HOUSE. .IlltS. .MAIIll 'I'llOJII'SO.H, (Foroierljr of the ' Lawrence House,' ) s r n is r ii v. p n x'A. TXFOUMS ber friejids and tin fuhlie generally I that the has refit tnl ibe home formerly occupied by Ir. J. W. Pole, on liluckberiy tirect, near tho Northern Central Uailwuy Inpoi, and opvnej a llnardinir II- i-.-e, where tar is prepared to keep 1 LHMAXLN'f AN1 THAXSILXT UOAItHfltS. With good eonkt iu: I w.inr.. Lourderi cau enjoy the quiet Cuff, lor a of home with fu tual to tliw br .1 hotelt. Patronage from thoea who maytojourn In luobary It retpeoifully tolici ej. Mr.. HAHIA TBnvpfrtv fc.rc.it '.'1 t tV r !nV:1 I WARE-ROOM, ! O-iSt, CI1I-:?TNI T STHKKT, PlIILAriiaPHIA. j Manufactory Tenth and Snmsou Stroeui. Tuble-Tops, Tier-Blubs, BraoLtts, Wn.h BtanJ Tone, &a.,t&a. Philadelphia, Jan 7, loOi If IMtilatlt'Ipliia & llrlc Iliiilruutl. nli'LS great line traverses the Northern and North, I west counties ol Pciiiisylvuuia to Iho city of Lrie on Lnko J-iric. It ha been leased by the I'cnnsylvauia llailrona Company and is. operated by them. Its cntiro lenlll was i.iene.i ior pusacuer iu.u frevht buii.es. October lTili, ISM Time ot Passcuger tniins ut Sunbury, Leave l.aitwaril. Mail Train, arrives 1- linira Lxpresi Train, Lock Hiueii Accoiiiniolalion. Leave WwlwarJ. Mail Train. Ll'aiira . press Train, l.oek lliiv.-n Accommodation, l'u...n-.'or can, run ihrou-di on Mail Trnia, wilhout chiiue both wuys belwoeu Philadelphia asj trie, and I'.nlliinori-slid Lne. ldiijitiil Sleepins Cart on Slail Tralnt tth av between Philadelphia and Ixaik Jluven, and ami ou Lln.ira L'ipreta Train both waya between Williuiusport mid Uult'uaore. l'ur intoriiiHlion respeetinR Piusenier tuiinoat apply ut .iotii Mild Market St., Philadelphia. Aud for Ireiijlit biuiu.su of thcCuiupiiiiy'tAgenti, S.II. Kiinpi.u, Jr., Cor. lll'.h aud Marktt St., Pbiladolphia. J. W. Ui yuoldt, Erie. J. SI Urill, Avni N. 0. P.. R., I5i.ltimore. . U. H. Hot T0N, Oen l Krenilii Agt Philada. II W. (iWINStll, UunlTicket Ag't., Thiladt. Joncru I). Poiti, ben 1 Manager, W iluamtporl. THE rOU: LT.Y.-i.Vd l ull LsilJ I A few eonicii of I'u'i.oinu retiiaiii on b in 1, ni J will bosulJ ai ii f.r the who'.- f..ur, r t'J i-r ury one. I We also publish the l-'nmii'r "!s!!'. Hv lTr.snv SrKi'iiii' s. m' I' lininn ;!i. nnd tlio I itc ' J. P. N'oi.ros. of Yale i'..::.. "..:. P -yal IK 1 tav... lil'lll l-i. ied and inm. -ooas Pn .-rai ii'i-. I Pllll.'i; $7 for lie; 4 tohit.i.-a-by Mail, 1 "-t ' paid, S. . ' L.r.VJ. .V . i . ' . I ' . I c , ' - .. i it'll' mi. No. ,"S ai'-lol -Otei, Ni'W ioi'h. Fol-niary i. 1S65. up 20 n aRAFr?s Eye and Tar Infirmary, for Ihe. M. I.oai littl'-' tlda-.; id' loiia l hi ile up 1 collect He m ade cavenr wi.ich may ne,v L cild'- just aiio'.-e Alton. niie we v.ere, wni'.itin f ir the chalice, livo eai'.o.: '..ads nf, I 1 . 1 i : -. iliiivn ciiw1 ,i our side . T lln-iiv CHI r.'lice so c -iuiiioii I'l'.t we pat lion to lin-tii i,, it'd Ihey had u.u some to." li.ni I, i d va.'d.i 1 . inw tlicy iit:r.i"!c.l my intention l.y ail suddenly li-imrl) t'vif l'i.-r-l iiml iii-,:!iar".iiv,' lln-iV r.ih-.t siitiultam'oi.-ly i tll eia. i id' the . liil". My I'aili r. e, jo was nor :' tic ti.n- in re ply to in y c. i.ieed a-lov, . -'hik-uI, 1.,',! me tin y w-;-.- .-'in-. .tiny; tie... l'i, u-.u-,, ami i;' 1 lie ired, he wnald -i.e in-.- ;; si.ht i.;' it. Ue.c!l'.".-. In-' pl .Ci. 'Ahi'l'o Ilie Ill.li lliS III! I I'i'ed at ,:.': cidl. my f.itlul p .ir.' nl njnvi.l.i and thcie i.ii in 'da- st.ninih roc!; lancath an oVL'Islieilcrin:' 1.-. 1 : I la.ul I the pietun ol soiue l':i;;iii ml luckin;; nuti I- r, dun.- in led paint, tea l h;' iin; tie.- appi ar.inee of l.ei:i:; il U-'V ancient piece ol 111 ll: It W ' ll'lt UVt tl-l j I lUle.l li.-iw.an V lhalhj ha 1 and tho I.: was an i a ii .y. At .V..'--liias li. . 1 I i en t idt-'i ili-pci t'.d tin- I led poor. U lia I I ivn ut t'ii-dica! oi'.i-'"! "..l i rt to study i-i-di d si j.',, n,s ieni: i.LU to i:iM .tinit--1 he cpid"inii' i nol. ila'iie known l-v earl e.u, eles, upon I. it. 1 I l!. Tin 5 J V, t: ut i 10.54 P. ii :;j 10. oi A. 4 15 A. !.2i! ' 4 2J P. M. On the Square. Thrc ; H.-ors from Mud Hut. ;) rplUS IXSTITX 1 lo. 1- le.W I el ( I t.uiii-iie l ; I in the most cosily st vl"- i;.-ceMi-,i,. Priv ile and Operating Ituuiu. arc l.n e and c..nM'iii. . and i wall al .ple.l. ine -uric-a i.p. . ...i. oi eo.n.iiii. in-' . finest collection of in triiiiient in thi eeiioirv. nn I thus his iacultiet will en .b!c him to me I any and all cinereiities in r-ia.-'ice He will opci ito upon 1 the various lori- iol LLIMNJS s .it.nn. a, Oceiuon . of ihc Pupil Cto lives, t l"-ni " of tin.- 'J' -r Due:-, Inversion of iho Eyni-R Pn 'v ri.iai . .1 c . A c. And will trout all toruit ol .".to hyi. Cinni.led I.nh (.nacelles of thoCorie.l, u id S. .....lions .1 -senses of 1 llm L've. toacilicr w.ih all the iit,'.u to which tho i manv Time iiml tens cf tho 1 had con h ior ;'ily i1. -I'.ir. wel-j ch ai ly tia-' id'le. reprcsi 1 led in two i. w t to ot in r in ; feet tern.-. 1 tip-.vor I, : hape tvrs : . hai pyi-e hat: ; nnd ihc iilinut eipia! lo thi' si Kroni ii - uiniidi pi- u ill .-'ml . '.( w t:,i. liifhtl'lii r i.'.-e.-eMtiii 111 lice ll WLOp i.npl-. ' ;ierves. T l's," sti 1 father, those are the I'irisan ihuT-, low fhoot we r ui M'.-titday Shnot cat h t-iUinj; i'-s n a 1. 1' ;-'.:hi hall-. Vet Its (ititllilis iii..: -lcr vra.s . ,i llyin..', a'.d hack with iN d. It'inti.-ril .t of lla: vam made i-s sire I' a i or liii irv hm'-e, 1 illllln il-e tii-k" - - il in all, ii truly ion, well ciih iihitcl to . : llji.m I. IV Vollthi'ld "n 'S'li' Uii'si.tii L'l'i-dictei', It is nfiirint'.l. tin 1 aho.o-t u'liyel'sal' li. Vi 1 in lli.i'op ', th it the I'latrue, "lre.i'h'ul i ii'nh niic much re-piiililiun it in St. Peter-' nr;'.. and h i-i ex' the v dh-y .'t' tiie- 'is. a! in. 1 i'..i-"t Pi'ussi i. Tie O'-n .ml of I il.ii.m en,. . t-.M-taite nl' I'M if .-v.- c -. i (oa , pta en lit i- it-iry tin hy ; ' p -lit e, v. ii.i ilai! em! ; -idi iiees ot the ; -i'..ri' -;i d that, coiupi t. 1 slni .id he -eld li oi.i iv ; -ii-case, hut of t he ie. . : riaiice, wh-i had tin. i.i". it. I'ortv has iM-fh-heil. tin: ci'dcfa, hut the ( ! liilali d pupils of t'ic r pestilential liuiins. H hii , li'listic of till! .li-e . e, lOlflKK) persiil:-, iu I.' 1 liilei. in a lew imnil lis, ( It '.tai-ti-ri' ties ai; tun The Iirili-h Ai.i ia-s-ut.-- had ten-";!';'. ' IVom SI. Peter-hnr..', on the .tli Ai-i'ii, ' fever is rontii -.t iiH. an ' in r'l.'lau.! i-' led the rclap-iii'.' or I'.iiu.ae lev.-r: ah reiiiitiid, or lilll'its lyii.niid l'e or. It , unknown in Ku- i a m.'ii1 ei.d.t m oo'-s , Tn th- ether hand, a , ,'. a oiiv , ec.'-tect,-! ilh it liM f l:o-:.i; d, l,.e '.. ' to '".'.. ' tlml "I he pu'iiie i. - i L. . .ii i- 1-llle appreiii -n-i oi a- tn tin- imp -il of tiie K-K-i Hi i l'i lellli.' ill' i lilt:;!.::!. 1. I'-ariili 1 idle of the tvr-i d' i'i',-: s c iia. i -in.; il i tiiere alivi ly. l tvin ' th.- I.i-i t'.ireo years true typhus In. t 1. a: j.i. .. :ii!..r- .naontr I'm po .1 ,d' i.nn-l "i to .. . eit-nt l' i'- '.', if ever, i.-.-l ae known." I I I.-- r. r.ieni 'f e I, houi-Ver th .t in 'd eal mi n .!:;.. Id 1 ; tl lie' tail" Wh "ili'f till! C'ieoila w'.ich I I,, st r. I. ut '..he.'i tin) rity wa- immi- them, nnd tln-y seasiin, and at (ii . ri;; '. i is Vest. plan!:; iiid i-nme, their -.Ullcl l. It.t oj I'.r ec .ell --.'iil.1 ' :. th. rent a -iea-1 tiiroiti: t he .in- ..ito ton! the n hole slory. yictdiiiLT t'-u or tlir.-u times a- much us any other row. lid: would i-efi di-ei-ive, too. fnpp i-ili' .he expel itnenti-r entirely lel'ahle. hut lln-ro are 1 ao ctreiimsiiine' ; that take i.e. t'j l'r"Ui its coiiip-h-ti.-ue--. The plai-tit: oi laru whole p.i'tati s ia one ca e ;tnd lino liieees iu ni a iifj.tEtirc, at le st uec eaui the oiiior. ina . 1 -r i il:: - t. ri 'r a k-! 1 ir.it P. I liml. I I wen- the cliarae v. In ti it ile-tioved liili'-.i, in Ihe tear imi which :ni: i- ami i'l till pine s. an till. lior the a c k -1. 'a'- h.-d 'a. I. .r. tii...', horn stone he fti- dv of a ' Ih'-yt r n'pliahe!.-, tie- letter-: lit . hhe ! f.r iwui:.. perl'--et vid.on l operai! ui ami tn t 'I lii-- voitif ' -t!ii:y i -."''j;;3'ti! I ':. !. ; r lo t'e I on. 'ion .' , I r. Kid.' ti - i". 'lov i,o in .t-.Iice of ll '-i.-J-' 1 h.ht in a yo-.T'T v-nit m tmrn ;., sjyj. sav.' iadn id;; tdy imd tt :ti ;--.'( ! (-st the !' ll.iw'i'.y; enst' a e a.;-, a, the Pye In-dilution. Mo-ir th :t wiiiiiil l. c lnva'u'n le to r.s l-ea,ia on the part piay.-d hy ,'s in intellect, cte. An in'or-'-fi'io; vt tioir W'-imo'. twoo.y."V'. i-irs ct '. had -pat tly ( du"aU 1 it: !er:.'yl'"in, if1 ''-is tii.i" l-T as o e fee hliiul liletl tr .eiiljj er t vo places in tm-.n f.wi years, was restore '. to i fun' days hy a siir.;ie:vu p'lt'.ial vi.-ion in two tiiinu i ...ii in in an in-ta'it, havin-; ! wo The --on ; hear, yoift : tlrii-. th--. il."...i' l -.vent -. hiiu l'. s tlmsi for t!mj'r-t - .VOii'au'wtf ot' i i.i.-. hind. i .o's and I'f.'tu In r .'i-nial cataract, N i.iutes in Paris Littl) oati 10 he-ail to The eil'"t in iho time in. is t i ; i i i iits. ntnl some Sin- f t-.v c er thitur hut !!i! Pira-in; ind that, li ir- as th- i'ir.isa i ! Iro-n what id. (a i iVoiii U d, r.-aily was tii I ittcr ln-in.' ti you p. ,-c I: 1 .rs connected tl,.-: ttpiiil the r.'. ! tlory it- I ha a !:.m .Mi l, all 1 ill In lint CO. iill. ('..ine. I-! ., ; 'n. re and f will tt .! h.-to'd il I'm. u t' ti ; hti t n, iv n .nee I'l, i'.i ir lo-i'i "Very, v, ry c ivern hi .;;i .slr.nn !l..i:l., irihes of ill i s tu. It fed u th eye is unj.-et. DLAb'NLSS. Wl! treat nil tap ili-e'i.e. .mm..n tu tbcori;iin. l)ischi'':fii li.uii the Lar. .'lisi in tiie Ear, Catiuru.dilnoul.es f imam.,; toial Jiaiilnars. even w hero Ibe Iiruoi is d- my.-d. Will in, i a nn artificial i.lie,uueiS nc.rly ail the j.ui-j osi-s of the natural. JjUKASI-3 OF-'IMi: llli 'VM'-A'.l di-eases eoliiliiii ! the Thro i. and No w ill bu treated IS KN Kit 41. SI If-4 11 V. Ji j i.l ..pi-ram up .u Club-tect, Hair Lip. .'h it Pallatc. T.uiiors, Caii-.-r.. Knlaru-ed Tmicils, A j Plasiic op: r in i s by h-alin-new lle.'.i into .1. f.-ree 1 piirls.aud itcneial Hurgeiy ofwhatefercliaraeKr ii may piccni. ULUN1A. (Hit il'P'll Li.. He w 11 p.-if .n.i "l.nbius," operationl -r (be Tr. I .--.! " I ., I-.1-: cuio efilciuiii, tint unquestionably a pe f el cure, and is done with little ot u pain. Init -t tho nuiiiy l un- ,lr.. nneruleil UIM,n ll U t '11 lb TO lia- b, ell U'J i.lil- uroa, il uaviiist uiet 410 aj pro i.' .e ii nf .ul who baie I to provi I- for submitted le it. ARTIFICIAL E'P-). Wi'l insert arlincnil eyet irivini' Ihcui the uioiur and depression of the nam- hie that In- i l,':it la I. ti-.ui, avail a! iu rav i y, , e i:;lo tiir.iti-! 1 clown upon i : whol- t:i'.s .1 , gary maw. It I nut 10 13 to s i a thliiilv, vciitar.. on ' 11 ;o t h 1 ani lity Pi-si. "I'l-t Ull'I.VIl is..s-ijijii Vi'h a iii-.-i, an w re lie 'SI! I'll v.-! tii- Indians d whliin ti 1 was so nov d St. lies ia 1;: -e tl.vv, tin Hon. -a.'V t'' a' "l"' lii .- w.i , t:,;- il. or. aopal. II -t ll iif; M. At S.ero- J!.-'.:i-.li an I i .11- 1 ill's 1 ol t'ic ancient pen ir with a vi" v of i;s i-.true-tlc'ii'i nolhia. It coatinueil ir niter Vear, sii ri like an I'll! Itpp T air, llil'l 1 I'jlicilia - h'liih'js vioiinis, until tlio . I've ir o. 'il t Pee. 81, UU- B LANK (Parchment Paper,) Deedi and blank lite, t t, rV. n Mori t.j. ee, Loodt, liiecuiiou, Suuinioni, is., M . !'iee. , "-iw rul They are in-elo I wilhout ibe lcn.,1 pain. j IIKMOllKHOll) ll'Ild s )--ll,s iioublc .niie .11 I tcuee it readily ou L T'lm e salTciinj 1'i.au it vail j do well 10 call. ) Dr. I'r l! 0Ff Vitita V ilkes-llano with a. Tiew of building V permanent Ins.uuto for the treatment of the rie. Kar. and l nerul Sui-jjery. j The experienee orimro than a ie.rirr of a oemury. in Hospital and geral praeiioe, he h...e, will be a auffieieut guaranu. lo lli.k who cay bo dhpuJ4 to n. rl, him. I Jtt'frr 14 '! coiiseiiueutly. mi i it litvlf way in thi human rnee. "At lcn-t!i a ini-hty rid-1 .tliiio, liethim-h'.- l.teirvll ol 1ati prayer, ior two wm-'e in mas '-. - Ir I nn luf ter loots, utl I prayed to the -rent spirit tn ilclivi r tlieui from li'uM r it'i; an ! at lust tho Ureal Sp'rit li-ar l his ti'-titinn inul visiled bin) in a .Ire 1111 ; t.'l!in' Uiui tn r'to fe l. i.e. I S lit '.. I'll! I ile atil iiain ol i o or the . I -i ' --1: Iin- il.-nee . hi; I Ihro.e; I lb air.' rate, t". t iiy, 1 - iii'i i. ' P ir. ; i'.: 1 nt ili 1! 11 r v : tops lo 1 ii-jt. .;, if po si! do. I Ik- i.uro lue '.1011 of l in- iii-ca:t- into I'. IU; '.an. t. !t o.'ould app. at- tied this di-.-a-o, or -ome other fearful .-oi lemie, lun lon-r I. cm nnti cipa! -d in I'cri'iuy. Tito Ih -c N'apnh nn, In) wa-. very Mipcr-itaiii--. as tan.iy e;ri:'.t ine it have In-cn and are, p'need I'ei.l r, !i aiicc ill the per.llcliotiS of the ceh.-hr.ilcii .Mademoi-i lie l.itioi nia'ul, will kuotti! a- a proo.-.-ion..l pr.ipini, in P.uis, f; marly lotly . -ais, find a s lie! col li h uts of his wile, wh.!.,e Life f'.'.l iiii.ir. 1 1 istoi Ipies el Secrets, pe I'l. npei.it: ice .!.)-cp!ii:io," ia three volumes, vo.l s'.u lu.h'.i-hc.l in lSJ'J. At the Couere-s nf ,v. i la Ch ipehn, liehl 1 .'!;', when Is ..p. ilt.011 uis a c.ptive in St. Ue'eiia, t'ais .same hen..; iitaii.l titirad...! much ntt. uiioii anion-; the Snvoreii-'u.-, haul Miecie.hil iu paitieiiiiir!) iiitiiealing the Kmpcvor AleMiKltr, (if J'.'issi.l, who indeed ' had a stroin,' leu.lciuy to tn;uiisui iuih i.v the name of picti-m, which was lostere.l l.y his liuudly - tin I I- nu i h-1 tt lull ever of perspective. Si.- p .' in f 1-in 1 to the window to try to it iho ;:... t n ! he i-l l.er - hie of the street, tit-n in .'.lo.iri'.e!.!; '-'u- tried toti .C'1. the o 1-lin'-roi'-i lii-li wi.r I; -he w-'si.'te.dy I-;!'., i.in'. u! a ct minium things (. ., what anelt .hi i.- . as a I..:., a w .'ch. or n coiem wh- ii she sh.tt 1 i r e1 cd lo touch ti" ei , i : told th- in at o' -e ! tin-tii-h the (-rea-v f ironi the eohl. dry. I per pei'iiv . ih. r j ' shown Si'iue m i: lit . i nuni- . th- In li in y, as the Pita is s i foitui la- .1,. to I'e nl il liun ir throi! 'h idl tin i it i; i o, ,c won! I f -rt'i i'.i. a hii Id Iin-; phve-: tii ii v '-t it ii ! of life, mi l I inline o.l.'.o fair to niet-l total ihC'l.fti.ill i'f the : ke s w i ie, or a si'v.-r i ( tii) ami !.a iecr Lot . ,-s and v. hat tt as ii'.h.v d.e c due ile 1 sense) -he s he ci.iihl almost di- -.-! of a sii vi r h-nl'-erott n mr-h fee'ini; of ll cop' v w as . v i i -'.-, '. hoi . i tie? ami i-iv-'el p-n that j one of the sur-eotis had r.c.'i.lcntaliy in I.ii 1 coat, for it seems she knew ;i!l tun plants lu ,thc. i h'r.'.viniin's .:.. Ictt l.y th-.. tmieli and i.ini-U 1 ie look, d .it the hunch nt I.i ys, and 1 nilli i'iiim! hla'ikne-s at the th.'Vei-i, thou sin! h.-r eyes i as to te.-o-nie t'l-.-m. AV tiiis took up h-s th.oi ti v. in i n u it ,. Hut s! , failed to -ay, as Weil ns 1 inov letiicilih' r tho e i-.-, "the-e nn; slow cry." H.lt nu my sitmio; ttl '. '! she .'j'ci e.l I't r lyes uain, " iiy, the-.' ere ilower.l ' "tli, so t iey ur."li; replied, shiitttii"; her tvi.s iicnin (i tit kiv ttml in ' putliin ; ihetii to her now, "Ttii.s i luifjtioiKita, lutcri-our-i' with .M id,tmi; Kruiieiicr, a re- lieji itis vitionai.V ns well as all avowed e r. i.ciiC, .....I. i.,l t.i..J..'i. .... . -' poiiu'e." ht.t ri'.t.iao.i, lo'uiiy n.;,l Isrtly ut to'lhe evi'iils (.(' nation, mid it canuot Lo V oic't tin t thtir invli-ri.Hi4 s-.-rtencet lmd on the morrow bci ne'irt from iuortg Mb ' wei-Li ff; n rt It xt."t t 'il r-rr.i.n ims. A ( -st. m t-t ic tit farn-r lois hon-iled hboitt a toti of l ittler, waiting tit 'd l.u cmild rens li.e v. nty I've cents j,t r pound for it. lie is now i die red lhii't lo t'"t:IV n'u Cents nr pieihd accer-limr to tho autthty. Teu Spriiu.'lic!d !' - , of Sulurd.-.y, .-.y that some of th".' isrceernieti pur- v,ho t f .it'i'.i r.f li'i'.L. a: lot. ;rvon nnd Cf'y ei "lit e n's pr po n' iniwr feilirg the "an. e tit tiiirty-tl -B nil", lu Xew York it ie s!d that lanie rtnntii;i'S t :a jr;:;-J.- is Ct- !U rit.y UuOi It i- ;j'et ' tis i.pt rfi.'-f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers