DiUlM & -liliaillllBil Market H.imiro, NlMU UV, In. HAYINOjust returned fruui the City with an en. lire new stock of kriN, .'lieniienl, aVrfuntery nml Hollil Artirlesil to which hoinrilpj hi fib-rids and the publio tenrr rlly. to colt and i .1111:110. The Drug unit Medicincl nre all selected from the lv-st importing house in the Eastern uiniket with 'he .;feitest care as to pari, ty owl ern-.-ier.ey ond itvoi-liui; es much iw possible, tlio iulroduciio'i Wi'i'frK'iir.'jt"ruui. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, rnch lis Aver"'. Jiivnes. JMeCiint k. ll'dlowayi, i-h?uis. llv.fl.i:. Si-heiiks. Brown's and .ill oilier popuiui pulcm mt licinet. always 011 hnnil. Flair. Tooth, Nail. Clnhc mi l PuiiA Brushes. Ppcuinl c.ira b taken to keep on Lund conslinlly e-vciy vniicty tit PAlN'Td AM) CHEMICALS, trultuble to the trade. Fancy To'lct Art icles mid ;ha nuiii'io-H nr'tclo? which nre gen-vally kept in a well ecu lnete.i e-iiub-lishnicnl. In connection v.' it h (tic flb:'ve arti'le- re cl'o l;e rj on hand a Ini ie assortment nt s i A 'J'l'lSKK 1 , li as Paper. Envelopes. Fens. Penci's. lrk. c ' i j- Physician iii-ei l-i i:ti.ivii aid family H?-ht coini'niinlolwi:h the greatest accuracy and ili-piitehM Ufc .IliU 1WL l Jil',MT M'JlT. Itciiicnibcr the pl'ieo. Market Squares under tlie oEijo of the '-SuiiOury American." H. A. FISCHER. Suiibury. June 2.'i, IS 'I. iauu.!i iMAi'v ra'icwi ffrl JOIIX FAHWHA'S Otll'.tnMI!i-l Trn MANUFACTORY No. 71 S iAKCH Street, I ? P1fiift'ViV;i2-.W Tth., PH1LADA 1 1 ' ''it '- -Ai1 ' I hare now in store f if 'MwSrtrrS'' IWj of my own Importation )' T MtJfi'Siind Manufacture, one ggjrintT-feof the LARGEST and arrrgT most BKAIIIFIL se lections of rnnrj- rirw. for Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves k Collars. As my Fun were all purchased when Hold a? it amiichlower premium than at present, I am enabled to dispose of them at very reasonable priced, and 1 would therefore solicit a call from uiy friends of Jiorrhninberlnnd county, and vicinity. t'tr" Remember the name. Number and Street ! JOHN 1'AREIRA, 7! Arch Street above 7th. south side. P-pt. I0,lil.-Ani PHILADELPHIA. fif I have no Partner, nor connection with any tlier store in Philadelphia. COAL OIL "LAMPS. I beg leave to inform uiy friend and the public generally tint f have commenced the manufacture i t' CO Ali OIL tAMP of every ikfoription and stylo ol ftui.-li, ul NO. 33 P, SF-CiNPSt., PHII.Atin.rillA. With my present facilities fnrnannracturing.an.il ft practical experience of thirteen yearf in the man agement ol'llic lamp bu'iini'? for some of lha largest lioucrf in the country, 1 ttaiter myett tnat my expe rienco and knonlcde Kill enable um to oiler to the public iiool not comillcd hy any in regard to style and worknmnihip.and at prices competing with tho lowest. I .hall alwavn endeavor to lead in otliring t i the pnblio new anil useful inventions in our line. 1 have a!o taken tho wholesale agency for the nalo uC (iEO. Vi. lir.OWN' Si CO S Ct:i.i:iin.TKn Mktal A. J. WK1DENEB, No. S3 ?. Second St., Philodelphiii. September 2J, ISO-t. nENRY HABPER, yio. r,H AKC1I St., lMiIlatlelpliia. lias n large stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELUT, S0LIDSILVEET7ASE Superior plated TEA SETTS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ac. October 1, l?Ct.lni PENSIONS, BOUNTIES . AND BACK "PAY COLLECTED. Q B. BOYEK, Attorney at Law, is duly a-ithoi-IO ized nnd lieeii'od to collect EN'loioriw, iliili':ill1 Kni'K- Pay for Widows. Or phans and Sob licw. Ofiieo in Market stroet, oppo site Weaver's Hotel, Sunhury. Pa. January 10. ISii4, ly ' Luckawaima Ac lllooiuiskui-j;' ISail ! l-ont. ON Rnd after Jan. lath, 1SC1, Pasrcnger Trains Wid run as fjihiivi : JlOVIXa SOl'TII. Leave Scnntrn, hiiuMoii. 4.'J0 P. M. '5 lb " Iiloom. bur " Ki'pert. ' liNiivtlle. 25 it W 9.15 Arrive at 2 uUhnmherliinsl, S.i.i J10VIXU NORTH. Leave ?7urthnmbcrluinl. 8.00 A. M " Dnnviiln, " Rupert, 4t Bloomshurg, " Ivinr;ton, Arrive at Srantor., H.ID 12.12 P. M. 1.30 I'reighl 4 Pnssenier leaves Bloomsburi;, 10.15 A M l'.iNvi.,r tnkmetbe Mail Train South connect v illi ii e i:vi train from X rtliuinbertanil. arriv- at II nrri-'inr r. 1.: 2 "'I A. t.nltir;"rn 7 .I'll A. M , an 1 at Philadelphia, ni 7 M A. .M. Tim Afiil tr m; J'r'T" Nurihiiiiil t i t in, 1 lea-, rs iiniee.liately nfter I 1I11 nrtii'iil of li' 'J.:pre.-i i-:i';.i IVoiu JNrrisbuV'! and j Biiltiiiinre, rllbiving i'.in.i in; r.n leaving l'liiiaii.-lphia nt 10. to P. .V.. lo i'.'aeli f oiuts on inn road during 1 the re.i toieu.iuu Nciv ainj elegant Sleeping ci"n n-conirsny Use r.ishl trams each way l.el,vceu Nurtli-iinher) md and Baltimore, and Nui'.huuiecrlaiiit an I 1'biluiclphia. L. T B"L .'D, Supt. IATE3TI MPR0VEMENT OF AGR: CU.TUKAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUS P O U IT D E "3tT3 of P.CHRBACS & CCCPEP., BUNBTJBY, PENN'A. Cst the Best tlet tho Clieapets (lot tho most Eco nomical, whiij cau bo hud al the Rohrhach I'ouudrv. Having a large assortment of tho most approved STOVE.--, such as Conking. Pallor, Ctiijo and Shop Stoves, which will bo sold at tbu lowest rates. Also, Kctllcs ot all sizes. Puns. Skillets, .t '. Tb v-are also iniiniil'ae-Hirir.g .Machitery, Ploughs, I CtlHnsi, Ac., at short imiiee. I iMDlir nir all kiudJ ol A'lii lillnrnl Imnlcmcnti ' du. ..1 a giAid workuni.iliUo iiiuuner imd at U10 Uorlcjjt noiice. All artii Us slnppfd as ordered. Oi lers rcs'ioct-, -L Tavern S.'und. lately kepi by Mrs. C. S. Brown, fully Eolioited imd proinp.tly at tended to. ' ; respicttully inl'orins thu'puMiu iluit he is reliltiii:; and lluli JtDACll A COOPER. ircjntiringihepreuii.es, and will be prepared to en r3 01.1 Irno. and all f IWV.,1.1,. Krtain, hi a comtbrtalde niaui'cr. his nuiucrous Ficbiingn H-r work Kinibury, June 18, H".l tf A LECTURE TO OTXJSTG- .OSIEISr . iiWw. J'', re A Lecture on the X ;lurc. Tn-aiiiion! and Rulieal l-.ro of Spennuli rrluni or .Scluinul e.lj ilc- :. Invi.I- ruitary Emistions. Sexual Dv-.iiiy. tiid inipidiiiunts to .Viii'.iagc cei,ii!v. 1 1 v iii-t' 1 'S ', Coiisiimjiii,,,,. ! J.pilepsy, and Pits ; ei,t.; ,., ,l ' ...... Jiipa-i- ly. n-sultini fim -ii-Abii-v. ,ve. Py lii l:j:jt'T J 1 4'ILW:ULI.L, M. I', ..iiihor ,'t the -liiceii ili-n:. Ac. Tho mi.M rinornt.l au!h. r. in this admiraf.lo ' Lnolure. e'eer!.- pru , - -Voe: i,i.- .-ricwo that toe swim ..i., .jui-Beml m-U-Ai u.-c iiiav he- etlcelu ally reioi.vc-1 wi.hi.m ui- li -ii..-. aad v. iiii.-ut dni.L-i r. luia .nr.; n-I i.p..r.i!ioi.. Lou-ic,, iii'juiiieiiis, rings emi-,1 i:iuiiiit cm a u,ulv uf cur-4t unc.e ee',. iiu iuim eiieeluiil. liy iii Alii'-li e-jy feuilcn-r. no umt- ier kiiai nis e in.li.i.,1. mi iui - 1 c. mav cure liunsi-lf ttiieupl..-. Lru'kiuly. ant' fu.li.iiPc.' 'litis! 1.1 i- Jll:i: 'VILL Hl.'l'i. A B'i'.Ji 10TlloC;iA.l-J AND lii )t i-.UI.ij. Srut iiudt-ise-ul. to ai.y K l..l;;cii. Iu a plcin. sealed I'llt elope, on lliu lecUfji ol rl ii-i,. IH- irt0 ,,oal K1" alanij, by aditre-.ing .ha pftblisln-rs Cil . J. C. IvLlXE A CO 127 Bowery, New loik, Post 0;lie Km, ve. jj. ioi. jy Jo 33. C. GOBUNT, Allot att-y nud CoiinelIer nt liw, nAUii.'ijeJ J-iej, PENN'A. 7II.L carefully attend to collections anil all 1 I other Uiatters euti uitml to him, in theeo-inti.-i (.1 Dav.phi!.. N..rihuaib.-rui.,l iiol 'njdrr v.-i ii. I oil 1 iy U. S. 7-30 LOAN; The Pccrctnry of tho Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will bo received for Coupon Treasury Not' , payable three years from August 15th 1804, srl'.h semi-annual Interest at tho rate of seven and throe-tenths per ocnt. per afftiim, principal and interest both to be paid In lawful money. These notes will bo convertible t tho option of tho holder M maturity, Into six-per ocnt. gold bear lng bonds, pnye.blo not less than five nor niore tha twenty years from their date, as tho government may elect. They will be issued In denominations of $50, $100, 5500, $1,000 and $5,000, and nil subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiplo of fifty dollars. The ni tes will be transmitted to tho owners freo of transportation charges as soon after tne roceipt of tho original Certificates of Deposit as they cau bo prepared. As tho notes slraw Interest from August 15, persons n. liking deposts subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of noto to date of deposit. Pnrties depositing twenty-five Jiousaud dollars and npwards for these notes at any one timo will bo allowed a commission of one-qunrtcrof ono per cent which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of n bill for tho amount, certified to by the officer w ith nhoin tho deposit was made. No Juluetioiis for caiiiiuif-iui'j untst bo made from tho d-ppsits. 'ix-rial A1 vnulnsost ol" tlilsi Iioan. Ir in A National iUvisus Bask, offering a lik-h cr rate of ir.tvn st than any other, and the be.-t .?:: lity. Any savings bonw whivh pays its depositors in 1'. S. Notes, eoniders that it is paying in tho best circulating medium of the country, and It ctutuot payjiti anything better, foi its own assets aro either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable iu government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or perma ncnt Investment. The notes enn always bo sold fo within a fraction of their faeo and accumulated into rest, and are tho best security with banks as coltn tcrals for discounts. CONVEKTIBLE INTO A SIX TEB CENT 5-20 li OLD BOND. In addition to tho very liberal Interest on the notes fur threojyears, thisprivilego of conversion is now worth about threo per cent, per annum, for tho cart rent rata fur 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per edit, premium, and before tho war the premium on six per cent. L . . stocks was over twenty per cent It ill bo seen that tho actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less th.au ten per cent per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OR. MUNICI PAL TAXATION. But aside from all tho advantages we haee ennui ernte.l. a special A,itof Congress exempt all bo't. itntt Treasury notes from loetil titration. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent per anuuin, nccordinj to the rate of taxation in vari ons parts of tho country. It i believed that no securities offer so groat In dueciuonis to lenders as thoso issued by the govern meat. In all other forma of indebtedness, the faith and ability of privato parties, or stock companies, or sepnrato communities, only, is pledged for payment whilo tho whole property of tho country is held n secure tho discharge of all the obligations of the t'nited .States. Whilo the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, It believes that the very strongest appeal will be to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho pcoplo Duplicate ecrtificateswill be issued for all deposits. iho party depositing must cmlorso upon the origin al certificate tho denominations of notes required, and whether they aro lo be issued in blank or paya blo to order When so endorsed it must bo left with tho officer receiving tho deposit, to bo forwarded to tho Treasury Department. Subscription will be received by tho Treasurer of tho Vnitcd States, at Washington, tho several As-' sistant Troanurcrs and designated Depositaries, and by the 1'iVs.t Aalional Hit 11 U of llillun, .nl lj- nil ii!oiml lttinkrt which are depositaries of Publio money, ind all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKEltS throughout the country, (acting sin.nti Na tional Depository Dunks,) will furnieh further infor mation on application and - AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SL BSCRIBEltS. Autrurt 13. 1fil. Dutch l'.Jiwa-Inlii 'oli'' Co. DEPOT ; 1C3 Keade Street, New York. Tl 0 above Company are known all over the world as tho owners of tho Coffee Plantations of Java anil Balnvin in the Dutch En-t Indies, and arc the lurgest monopolizers of Cotl'eo on the tllubo. Tho undersigned (nho is appointed their sole Agent in the I nitc.l States and in the Britioli Colo niesi will have for sale three different kinds of Cof fee, which, fur regularity of grade and cheapness of. price, will defy competition. i'ur i-llalaviii Collce r never beforo introduced in tblt Country, but extensively used 111 the Armies and Navies ui' Europe, and richly valued, will bo put up at, prices to reach u!l consumers, and our Extra Java mil be tho .Maguuni Bonuiu Coffee of tho age. Wo wilt have, for aecomiiiiHlation of tiroeers. Fa milies, and tioi ernmeiit Contractors, sample (dry, and drawji) for testing. Orders solicited. Oil receipt of cilfli, Coffee prompt ly tonviuJed as directed. A. LIPPMAN, 103 Reiido Street. New York. Solo Agent, D. E. I. O Co. July 2-1, leu I. A CARD TO THE SI.TFKR1NU. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of -Bi.elin," 'Tini-; Bitters," "Sursupnrilla," "Nervous An tidoteu," itc, 4o.. Ac. , and after vnu aro satislled wilh tlie result, and one box of Old DR. Bl'CllAN 'S English Specitio Pills and bo restored tohealih and itic in less than thirty day. Thi v aro nurclv ve- gctuble. pleasant to take, prompt ond salutary in their c Heels on the broken down and shattered con- sli'.utwu. Old and young can tako them with ad vantage. Imported uud soi l in the I'nin-il Slates only ny jsj. -s. iiuiLl.lt, No. 427 Broadway. Now Viuk. IjJ Agent for tho United States. P. S A Box of tho Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of priec, which' is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid.! money refunded by the Agent il'entiio siilieluuliun is not given. Sept. Ill, ISol 3m WslMIlillUIOll- IIOIIKC, NORTIHMBERLAXD, PENNSYLVANIA, (Xear tlie Jieiilge.) HIE siiKirriher liavine leased this well known Irieuas. th-ou;.'hot tlie eounly, and all who may pu'iouiio bis ustuiblUltmeut. Oct. I. IS'Ji. JOSKPII VANKIRK. ICE CKEAM FREEZERS. ,4 New supply of Massku's Kite-Mini ti: Fiieb J r.i:ns, n-ceiioil timu JHuW lork. lor sale l y liubury, May21,Jtij: ILJi. MAS? Ell. SUSQUEHANNA FIIALK C O Ij Ij E G E, fi:i.t"SUi:OVr., Suyilrr I'h. fllllE Fall Se-s-iion of lliw Institution comuienees on X TIILHSD.AV, Al'tilST Dith. Tho Wintor f-essinu on tiio 17th of November. TT.K.MS KU SESSION OP 13 'WEEKS: For Hoarding. Woshing, Furirished Room. Fuel 1111. 1 l.ierlit. and Tuitiou iu all the regular studies 01 the Collcgiato Deprrtweiit, only.$52 75. A liberal b-'duetion 111 ml oil! jitvor of the Daughters f our Soldiurs. For further parlieulrrs, or Cire nlars, apply to S. iHi.Yit.Il, Priucipal, Selinsgrove, August S, libl. 2uios. JACOB HARLEY. (.Seor to Stauffir o Horlty) No. 022 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in Fine Hold and Silver WATCHES FirieUold JEWELRY; riolid SILVER. WAKE, and tho best of SILVER-PLATED-WARE. Con. lantlyon hand a large assortment of the above goods at low prices. Watches and Fine Clocks, Repaired, by skilful workmen; ilso. Jewelry repairing ; Engraving and ail kiuds of ilair-work to order, at short notice. IVDon't forget the old susuJ, Jso 6ii Market tirv.t, PhiladelpUi. tvpt 10. 10.1 ..Im This peculiar taint or Infection which . wo call Scrofula lurks in tho constitutions of multitudes of men. It cither produces or Is p roil 11 cod by an en - fe-ebleil, vitiated stnto of tho blood, wherem 1 1. . O . . 1 .1 lininnidl Itl V4. llinV IIUIU uvoiiiivb ... "onmnctent to sustain 1 f..rn In tlielr vigorous action, aim 45;toovp tho system to sS" full into disorder and decay. Tho scrofulous contnminntton is va riously cnused by mercurinl disease, low living, disordered digestion from unliealthy food, iinpuro air, filth and filthy lmbi a, tho depressing vices, and, above nil, by tho venereal infection. AS hntover be its origin, it is hereditary in tho constitution, descending "from parents to children until the third and fourth feneration indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, " 1 will visit tho iniquities of tho fathesa upon their children." Tho diseases it originates tako various nnince, according to tlio organs it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, nnd finally Consumption; in tho glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in tho stomach nnd bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaint; on tho skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous affections. These, all having the snnie origin, require tho same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of tho blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "lire of tho flesh" LeiiUhy, you cannot hnvo Rcrofuloiis disease. Ayor's S&rsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual anti dotes that medical science lias discovered for this afflicting distemper, nnd for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is fur supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combino virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great niultitndo of publicly known nnd reiiiaikublo cures it has made of tho following diseases: King'a Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ervsinelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in tho lungs, Whito Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, ami. indeed, the whole scries of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Avtn's AsmurAX Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases nre purposely taken from nil sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ni-t ess to tonic one who can speak to him of its bene fits from j personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, nnd thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease nnd its fatal results than arc healthy constitutions, lleucc it tends to shorten, mid does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these (jonsiilerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the publio under the name of Aykr'sj Sarsapahilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sartaparih'a in alterative power. l!y its aid vou may protect yourself from the suffer ing nnd danger of these disorders, l'nrgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, nnd vigorous health will follow. l!y its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, nnd thus expels the diste-mpcrs which lurk within the system or Lum out on any part of it. AVc kntiw the public have been deceived by many compounds of Hanvparilla, that promised much nnd did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no questiiyi rt its surnnesitiB' "". oie-c i.re or tlio niK-uiig diseases it is intended to 'reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has beeu before tho people, nnd is far more ef fectual than any other which hits ever been available, to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Groat Eerredy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief, of Consumptive patients in advanced stagos of tho disease. This l-.as been to long ut-cd and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to tho best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do nil it has ever done. Prepared by l)n. J. C. Ayeii & Co.", Vractical and Analytical ( hemhls, Lowell. Mass. Sold by all tlruggists every where. Sold In- Friling A (irnnt. Sunbury, R. li. McCoy. Northumberland, Aaron Marrol, Klysbnrg. K. kuUnor. Shiuuoki.i, J' P. Hoglie. WatMililinvn. And by all dealers iu Medicines everywhere! August'lS, ISO!. ly SOLIDIFIED I'or 4'letiiiKin', VI hileuiii- itjiel IreerIiK- lle 'I ICII II.! This article is prepared wilh tho greatest caro upon scieiilifie principles, and warranted not tu coutaiu' auything in the slighte.-t decree deleterious lo tho tee-tk or gums. Some "four most einiuent Dental Surgeons have given their sanction to, und cheerful lv recommend it as a i-rcnarution of sum rior ounli. tics' for eleiiiisinj. whitening and preserving the TEETH. It cleans tlieiu readily, rendering them beautifully whito Hint pearly without tho lightest he ilini' to the- L'niiis It'iuiy to the enauicl. It where tRcv are ulcerated and sore, it is also an ex cellent di.-iiilector for old decayed teeth, which are often exceedingly t'tli-nsii c. It iiives a rich croHiuy tasle to the loonlli. cl-.ii.-m it thoroughly, und iui parting a delightful IrBgraiii't- t" the breulh. l'ltm'A RED ONLY BY A. M A U' 1-1: Y eV CO., -N. W. Cor. Hub.. A Lombard Sis., Philadelphia. Aud sold by all Drugi-is. PRICE Si CENTS. TITIMONIAI.S. The following opinion ni Dr. While, as to the high cu cm in n hich be holds the l'enl.il Cream, must be sutlieietit evidence ni its valuu ; to quote ullier tesii uioiiinls in litail is ncclli'ss. eontemitig ourselves by simply iriving tho mimes and aJiiicssi-4 of persons who speak of its excellency for the teeth. l'liliaiieipuia. Anrn i?io, i-o. llui'in? cart Sallv eviiuiin d A. ilawlev s --rvjudi- ne.f l.euia. CreanV' 1 her.by cheerfully reeon, mend ., lo Hie public genera ly. ll is mi excellent preparation lor cleansing aud pr.v-r ng tho teeth, and can be used by a I licrsous with the utmost oun- Hence, as its properties are perfectly hi.ru.les,. Be.! sides 1 r..-1-rii,... ll.n l.-.th. il I.r..o.l.-s H li. nhl.v aclioito luo guTus. and iu.prU a pleasantness tolho Thomas lucrum, M. D , Duutist, 4W1 N.'ourlh St. J. Birkrv, 2ol S. Sixth St. 1.'. Vand'or.-.liee, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St. C A. Kinsbuty, Demist, 1119 Walnut St. S. Dlllin-rhaiii, D D.S., 731 Arch St. f: M. Dixon, hl'7 Arch St. Edward Townsend, Dentist. 42BN. Fourth St. L. 11. Dorphley, Dentist, S07 N. Tenth St. M. L. Long Dentist, 629 N. Sulk St. ' M ay 2S, isu-l ly UTTER OF ADVICE FOR LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL ENGRAN1NOS. II us information never before published. Sent runt iu t sealed envelope for rest cents. Address Dr. STANFORD, Box No 4,652. New York P. 0. July 0, 1861, 3iu FOK SALE. A XriM'l of'l'Inilter I Jintl. below Trev- ortoo bridge, cobletuiug about to acre. For further particulars sppiy 10 . t H.B MASSTR luabwy. Aug IS, mi -ti CONTINENTAL C L 0 T II I JG 13 A Z A it . Cornor ofrtirUrt Square Ac ftkl Itotitl fSticct, 8UXJJURY, PENX'A. BUMMEH STOCK OF READY MADE CL0TI1W Of the newest stvlos, cut by the best Artists, trli and made equal to custom work, and sold Blho lowest prices. j SSC-ii iiimI Hoj 4'lollilnar of the bea- terial consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Conts.ick limits, Pants, uud Vests of various colors nnd nil- tics. I GENTLEMEN'S FURMSUIXU GOODS such as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drftrs, Collars, Cravats, eckties, uanaKercuiets, etoesjgs, liloves, Ao. i Hal nnd Cnpst or nil Klmli. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISEStfM- RRELLAS, and NOTIONS of all kinds, and One rous other articles. ; Tho publio aro invited to call and cxamlf his Stock. . J Remember the plaoo. "Continental Clothing Stte," Corner of Market Square and the N C. R- I LEVI UECf . Sunbury, July 2, 1864. 1 OEOROElIlLr,, , BlUON P. WOLVIf OK. HILL & WOLVERTOH, i Attorney nnd 4,'oimsvlorsi nt livv. Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alloy, STJNBTJBY, TPA.. i WILL attond promptley to the collection ofiims and all other professional business intrusd to tbeirenre in iNortnumiierinnti anuaujoimn g conies. Sunbury, January 23, 1802. i AN INTERESTING IIISTaY or- t DR. SCHENK'S -OWN CA8E WHILE LABOR'INII UNDER CONSl'MTION And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tot f and Mandrake Pills act on the System in Curinat Diseaso, and the j C.rcnt Snccess Attending 1! The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Sch taken niiiD.v years ago, after he had recovered Oni Con. sumption ; by a course of his "Sehenk's 'Cltaonio Syrup." The likeness, although it does ti repre sent him anything like as bad as he wosatke worst, yet it is in s'rong contrast with the hale arvigorons i looks of tlio Portrait below, which is the no like- I ncss of him at present time. Tho contruf between i these'' two portraits is so great that many 'ould not ' believe them to be the same person. Yet.here are hundreds of persons, in and around Phldelpbia, j who nill reengnise both portruits to-be truqeprcscn- tutioiis. When tho first was taken ho wejicd- 107 pounds ; ut tho present time his weight is - pounds Neb- Yor.K, Wednesday, Mari30, 1S64. T0 THE PUBLIC Thirty years ago I was in the last-ses of Pul lnoirirv Con -u nipt ion. and given unto t I resided J in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parruthcn of this city, ordered me to Morcslown, N. J., distance of ' nine inilv -vhich took me twoluv to I there. On I uiy arrival I was put to bed. nud there I for many ! j weeks. This was my nativo p!ni-e, t$re all my 1 family lived and h:id died of Con--1 alien. Dr. j j Thornton, who nllcndcduiy father in liist illness, i was culled, and gave me one week to up my nf- ; I fnirs. lto lis 1 M-en all my family go il way, and ! I tin v'!it I wn.s lo go. ton 1 lieu 1 hi ui'i) the rome I dies 1 now oiler to tho ; nblic. which eii mo. It i sccniKil to me that I eould feel them p iuting my ! ( w li'ilo s nielli. I I Thcy'sixin ripened the matter on inr igs, and I would spit oft more than u pint of of?, ro yellow i matter every morning. As non es li began to ' sulide. my cough, fever, pain. uii;hieats all began to leave uie. and uivnpiieiite bev I so great ; that it was with difficulty t Vould keep ni eating too much. 1 soon gnniSl inv strength (I I have I been growing in llcsh ever since. For r liv years 1 have enjoyed uninterrupted good heal! k oenmir , tne liver anil sioiiincu neaiuiy Willi tne 4veea lo : nie- and Mnndrake Pills, as I um of lubilli temper i anient. My weight is two hundred 1 twenty j pounds On my recovery people wouhll.l for me 1 fur and near, to see If their cases wereo mine. ! For this purpose I pay prolog ioaal vifit-jhc large j cities. ThecoiiMimtives wish to see lino that makes these medicines, aud who was r I of con j sumption hy them. 'I'd make new lunf iuiposi. ble; but cavities in the lungs nud ehru ulcera 1 tioiis ot tho bronchial lubes can bo lu-4 Such j rases arc dying hourly uuder the ordinafiituient ) of piiy iciini-. and just such are cured by proper use tit Sehenk's Pulmunio Syrup, Se-aw foiuo, , an I .Mauuiakc Pills. , I I am noir a healthy man, with a larsvity in ' tho middle lobe of the riht Inn ,'. 1 he lowiibe very Qiuch heputiedHud eompleie adhesion of pleura. The left lunirs is sound, and the upper I of the rijtht lung is m a tolerably healthy conui. Tho I " .. .. . e. .: ... . ... ... V V " y .fieule. , t, , ,- , , cl ; ' " , hei.tiJ f , j' , h(JJ e' ,. .!,.,:;. 1 ', , , , ' '"Jr , T1 l'?! .. i'" ".hk " "!' U,V. I I ""' "' "t uie.Tllier 1 j iSmld'KJe.: f tin- putienilh tho j iii-spiii-iucier. nun uim iuii cnotlgu lei! cure, I iitr,,.. in., i.i.iii.iii li. w in us.. 11,1. .... .ji..u lteuiine the cause aud they will all tf their own accord. Noone ean be eured of eos-inion. 1 liver compluiiif. d.viiia. uatarrh, eurkcrhTiiled 1 throat, unless the liver and .louiacu are nt heal. , thy. In Nnw England thu canker ehronatarrb, I uloeruted Uiroat, elonguiWn ol uvula, is uii reva. lontihaiiiiianyolherse-ctionof the eouc This is frequently caused by a loul stomach. may bum it out with causuc time and again, sill tkey will get is temporary relief. Correct thiiuach aud liver, aud Uiey will heal up tkeuiscive ' Good nutrition is the- remedy. 1 f you, any discosoinauy part ol the body, it willreU theio i and decay more and more uutil you oun g.v sio mm u iu iui eouuuiou 10 digest loud and if new blood to take tho ploue of eilsoasod luatterf liis it the only way to heal cavities iu the lungs sblecr. 'ed bronchial tubes. Corrsr.t ihn ttii.iiiUi.klii..d. and nature will do the healing. Many porhave ! an idea that certain medicines are great intra of ' the blood. When blood iaouoe tlujeaseel lunot ' ne purtnea , it is aiseawd the same as the fa.ed melier in the system ; but get the apparat dor, the liver and stomach, and "give it nourishing food it will make new blood, w or- ' ny of wut . 1 wko iu fiiace ui inai wnicn is aiaoHsetl c l. l - rt 1 . eobeuk s Pulmonio Svrun u on of lii. tul sed wh6B the lesiesi latio ijfiti lbs is l 1 ai iiiTii,l,rjtSS' the stomach, and ts it carried pofl off by the a the Mandrake Pills, tho Pulmonio Syrup Is made into blood. This is the only way to oure consumption. 1 f I oamtot got a good appetite, swl food does not digest, 1 oennnt cure the patient Never mind the cough ; remove the oause and will stop of Itself This is the most trouble I have with my patients at my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I feel stronger ; I can eat ; my night an eats are better, and I feel bet ter every way; but my congh is so bad yet;" and they are astonished to" hear me say that does not matter; remove tho cause and tho eouigh will s:op of itself. Sehenk's Seaweed creates a good appetite in alaititnino davs. when there is no lunu disease, unless the liver ts so congested that the Mandrake Pills ennnnt unlock the ducts of tho sail bladder in that short space of time, in order to ullow the stole bile to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy ond there is less danger of consumption or any other disenso. It is hard to tnko cold whon- those orga,i ave healthy." Thoso that are bilious, low-spinioj, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tonguo, poor appotito, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is oaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try one oottle of M'HENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of SCHENK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only a cost of ouo dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di rections'. This is sufficient, in many cases, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frequently one bottle makes a great change in the system. Any person flmt. rniovs ordiniirv health, bv usinir tho Seaweed Tonio and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the digestive organs in such a healthy condition that they necomo nesny 1 can proauoe anumoer oi my old consumptives patients now enjoying good health, weighing nearly zuu pounds, i win conciuuo Dy relating three cures I have made in New York, and which are all different, and wish any one who feels an interest in the matter to visit them. First is Mis. Farlow, residing thon at No. 107 Houston street Her husban'd called upon me at my rooms, 32 Bond street and wished me to cnll and see her. He said I could do no good ; that he had had all tho best medical attendance, and all sain .sue was too tar gone witn Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some great euros I had made, nnd ho desired to gratify her wishes. I called, and found her lying confined to ber bed in the Inst stage of bronchial consumption and without doubt must hnvo died soon. I examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much affected, hut no cavities had formed, her cough was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus.. Pulso 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse than all, she had chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her that she had lungsnnoughtoho cured, but that this diarrhoen had been of long standing, and her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could bo done. She insisted I should try and do what I could for her, observing that she could not last long in tho condition she was in, and I could not make her any worso. 1 gave her first a dose of uiy Mandrake Pills, and the tonio and .Syrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by tho next Sunday the diarrhoea was carried off, her appetite had returned and sho could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She is now well, and gave a long ccrtilieate, certified to by tho Rev. Dr Downing. 'Mrs. Bartholomew. Hi West Fnrtv-flflh street. enmo to my rooms with a tumor on her liver, fc'ho was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no oppetite. and fast sinking into the grave. The said tumor had been running over fourteen j years. I gave ber Syrup. Tonie nnd Pills, and told Her totake them just as tho directions wero printed. 1 Sho eamo back to lnv rooms. o2 Bond street in two ' wooks, somewhat better ; her tongue had l eg'in to 1 clean a little around tho edges, her skin whiter and her eyes brighter and tlie tumor discharging very offensive mutter, much faster than it had ever done before. Sho kept gradually improving, and m ahout j two months she came to my rooms very much fright. I ened. saying that the tuuiur had nearly slopped j running, and was healing up, and that every doctor I had told her (hat if it ever healed it would eniise her . death. I told her that the disenso had all left her system, and nature would heal the ulcer up'. They t are now healed, anil have heen lor about a year, ami she is u hearty and robust a woman as you will lind ; I in a davs wntk. Sho is triad for anv or.c to call on her, and takes threat rains to visit any one that she ' hears has anything like her e:ise. and tries to get tlieiu to come and sco mo. The next, case is Miss j iScofield, from Stamford, Conn.. Mrs. Bartholomew J got her down to sco me, and she has been ever since : ! at tier house. Vi lien sue urst came to my rooms. sli j , was much emaciated with a distressing couh. spit- ', ; till!; large quantities of blood. I examined her lungs i with the re.-piroinoter, nud iu ail lny practice never ; found ono with one lung so far gone and .the other ! lungso sound. I could not give much eneourage j nient. I thuight she would die ; but to my asiou I ishuient the ruluionie Syrup, Seaweed lohie. and Mandrake Pills all seemed to go rix lit to work, the ; lung is all healed over, leuviug a cavity as large as ' a goose egg; good appetite, fine spirits, and has I gained some thirty-live pounds in weight. Sho has ' some cough yet. which I do not think will leave her Dcloro .nine. 1 siinuin tninK ll wow in no o; great interest to souie unprejudiced phVMciuu to visit these cases, particularly Miss Sc.otii.-ld. or any of them who have been e'ured by uiy medicines. They are rum erons in New York ; but the above three" it I i di! from each other; and if my n-.e.licincs.-"''"1'""' what I represent they are !-.' ni.uid nave tlio credit and the atlhV" KLu,v uu1 how they way be our'- . J. It. iM. tt r.Mv. M. It. Dr. J. H. Sehenk can be found at tho principal i office, No. 39 North 6tb Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from tf A. M. until 5 P. M., tu give aiitico I iree orcnargc; but tor a through examination lw cnarges itireo iioiiars. rriceol Die rulmocie .-yrup and Seaweed Tonic each SI 25 per bottle, or Sti tho L-tli r . . ' '. nun uozen. .HiinuniKo I'liis ecu's per eoi.enil : is for sale bv all Druggists and Dealers. i May H, la!!!. ly Northern Central Ksiilwny ! ' M-MJiriiTiHi; 'I'aisi.i:. ! THREE TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltimore ! and osbinglon city. Connections mndo with trains on Pennsylvania I Railroad, to and from Pittsburs and i tin Wesr i THREE TRAINS DALY to and from tne North ond est Branch Snsquehanua, t'lmira, and all of North ern Now York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th. 1SG4. the Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will airive at and depart from Sunburv, Harrisburg uud Baltimore as follows, vix : BOUT II W A R D . Mail Train leuves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 2i A. M. " leaves liarrisburg, 1 20 P. SI. arrives at lialiimore, 4 40 Expross Truin leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 11 li p. M. " leaves HarrUburg (except jMouday.) 2 50A.M " arrives nt Baltimore daily (except Monday). 7 00 A.M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris- hurg. 7 CO A.M. eunoury Accommodation leaves Sunbury duily (except Sunday) at 30 A M NORTH WARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore duily (ex- cept Sunday) 8 20 A. M " leaves Harrisburg 1 35 J. M, arrives ul runourv, 4 VJ ' j Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 9 30 P. M nrrivvs ni iiarriourir. 1 JOA'M. " 1 envoi Harrisburg (except Monday), 3 15 A. M- " arrives nt Sunbury. 5 D3 " Uarjisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, duily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M ' arrives at ilurnsburg, 7 60 P M Sunbury Accommodation leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M For further information apply at the Office. I N. Di'BARUY. lien. Supt. ilurnsburg, June 4 SOI. CELEBRATED PHEPAKED JAVA COFFEE, ir -1 72 It A N T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptio persons, being very nuitritiuus and free from all deleterious suhstauce, in testimony of which 1 have certificates from the most ommiuent Physicians in the Country. Try it, and you will be sure to con tinue iu use in preference to any other. Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class lirocera throughout the United ""tales. Uf A liberal discount to the Trade. Pul up only by J -Li:tvi A 011010. Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren st. New York. May r, m. THE It F! II UOIV HOTl?! 1 4 Illil IlVJllllJi (Late Mrs. Buulton's.) MARKET STREET, SUiVBUHy. PA .... . mmmmmmZ J U XjAUSS aKBITERi Tl AS taken this old and welt known stand and H refitted and furnished tho same-is preiwed to aceouuuodato Boardere and Travelers with the best the market can afford. He hopes bv strict attention to business to receive a .hereof publio patrouaito Hi. TABLE contains the best the market aflords His Bar is filled wilh tho choicest of tumors, both Malt and Spirituous, ..It- ...si UiV;t.we..l - ' The nulling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. bunbury, April JO1J86 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, FA. Tvi"enea f (lie Xeneus, Kemlnal. J I riiiury uud Hnual System sew and reliable treatment in reports of the HOW. Aali At5s.ii;iATiU ent by mail in sealed letter 1 n r. . . .e .si t . 1 cr,,. kdi.iui'i., ,m vi vuiK. euuica vr, tf. D&XXI. nu bnnnuTnv a . .. - . July 1, le3 ! II. II. MISSEn, a - . ' wr riTrrni'n v PA ' . Nor- voiiecuoof auoauea to iu me wunun ui itwr thumberland, Union, 68der, Montour, Colombia and Lycoming. niriRiscis. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Onttcll A Co., " Hon. Win. A. Porter, . " Morton McMichael, Esq., " E. Ketchain A Co., 2x9 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmead, Attorney it Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 29, 1862. L3-IR,.A.1TT SC DIETZl I.OWEK WHARF, BTJNBURY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL , in every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and aespaicn. Sunbury, May 19, 1863. ly G."W-HA.TTIX, Attorney nnd Connsiellor nt Law, Office on south side of Market street, four doors west of . Y. Bright Son's Store,. BTJNBURT. FA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrnstoii to nis care, tne collection ot claims in Northumberland and tho adjoining oountics. sunbury, May a, iooj. iy for ICnt,IIec, Itoncliess Antu, lied IliiS, Slotlisi In I'll r st, Wuolcns.Ae. IiiHCcts) on IMants, Fowls), Animals Ait- Put up in 25c, .0o. and SI 00 Boxes, Bottles and hiasks. J and a sues lor Hotels, Publio. lnstitu Hons, c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Froo from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family," "Rats come out of their holes to die." trySold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by alt druggists and Retailers everywhere ! '. ! BKWAnit '. ! ! of all worthless imitations Fco that "Costar's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Mask, beforo vou buv. Address II i:H V tl. 'OSTAIC. Principal Depot 4SJ Broadway XewVork. I"? Sold bv all V holcsale and Retail DrtiL'erists iu Sunbury, Pa. 1'ib. L'O. 1PW4. fim JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney V Counsellor nt I.nvt. Office en South si Ic nf -Market street, fmir doors nest of tiearhart's Confectionery store, sxjrTBXjrtY, va.. Will attend promptly to nil proft s-nmial bur-incta entrusted lo his eare. tlie collection of claims in Nor ihtnnberhtml nnd the adjoining counties. . Consultations in Herman and English. Sunburv. March 19, lSdl Iv READ Y ll 00 F J N G Heady to nail donn. "roofing At less than half thu cost of tin roofs. READY "ROOFING More durable thau tin. READ1T ROOFINa Suitable for steep or 11 'it roofs. lSEADYTiOOFING For all kinds of buiMings, in all climates. READY 0Oi''IN.iJ Easily, cheaply.- and quickly put ee. Needs no coa'i'S over with cement ader it is Ban'c'i down. I I' 1 iV l-T t vi-i I lllJ-lul JUiuriAli Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly salurati-d nndeo,ered uisin both surfaeis with anirfrctly wa- terpns-f composition, and put up iu rolls rvady fjr . i,..m ii...l, c. i. . 40 inch wide, nnd Ti feet long We abo manufacture LIQUID CZICZITT. Fon Lkakv Tin Hooi s, Much cheaper and more durable than oil pninl. m ALSO, ('oni)oiid Cemi-nl, For Leaky Shingle Roofs, Which will often nave the cost of h new roof. Samples of Ready Roofing aud Circulars si.nl ey mail when desired. Favorable'ernu made with responsible parties li buy lo ell aain. , READY ROOFING CO.. 73 Muidca Lane, N. V,. April 23, DJiil. WILLIAMSP0RT OIL WORKS !. NON-EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON i IN TIGHT PACKAGES. Orders will receive prompt attention. . 11. D. IIOI.DEV. n illiamsporl, June 25, 1SC4. Proprieu r. spoRTsflnx's ii:pt. " JFST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle for Vprinu sales, consisting nt Rods, Reels. Lines', Baskets. Snoods. Floats, Nets, Flies, Artificial Bail, Rigged Lilies. Gut. Grass and Ib-oks. to which the atteution ol dealers is particularly requested. Orders. Wholcsnlo and Retail, punctually filled llllii inilidl'uilii.n ........ . J ' JOHN KRIPER. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February 27, loot. tim , LILLIES CHILLED IRON SAFE. The Only Bafe Reliable against botii Fire and Burglary, I am now prepared to furnish three sizes of Nation al Bank Sales. They are both Fire and Burglar proof, with twtf distinct iiisido Burglar Safes, and threo of my new Anti-Micrometer Locks on each safe, believed to be the only bank-lock now in uso that has not been picked or cunnot be picked by the aid of the micrometer, lbese Safes all present four lo six inches in thickness of solid iron, guaranteed to be the strongest, the most difficult to drill ml ttand the uiul resistuuoe against both fire and urglary of any Safe in tho L'nited Slates of tho seine sue ana oust. I have on band also, and will furbish all sizes of "" 1--111V., i-N;eeiug an iuo advantages of iue nuvrvagamii uuiKiary. Also, all sizes of Mercantile Safes both burglar proof and fire and burglar-proof. Also, Ornamental Dwelline-house Sf,.. hi,..t... proof, and liro and burglar-proof (warruuted not UHU1JI. Also, tho strongest and cheanrst Vnnti .tnnr. t. bank and mercantile vaults. ' All the above are Lilhe'a wrought and chiito.i iron. Also, six sizes Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs. warranted equal to but ooniuion Safes, at fullv one. third lessprioo. Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safei, many of them nearly new, and of apnr-ved makers, received in exchange for Lillie's Chilled lion Safes.' These are offered at or below auction prices. ' M. C. SADLER Agent. No. 21 8. SEVENTH Street. June 11, 1864. Attention, LndJesi and tUeutlenien! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH In Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel, BUNBTJRX",PA., SBYERLY, has opened a new Picture Gallery . in the above place, and is prepared to take Portraits in the beet style and Banner. AMLR0TYPE3 AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every style of the Art. that eannni k. surpassed in the Slate. Having several year's eipe- rienoe, be will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from ail styles of Piotures. Oire him a sail. Kemom Heel. 'r 6unbury, June 4, 1S64. BLANK (Pvchment Paper,) Deeds and blank Mortae, Bonds, Exueutions, Summons, o fit side at the oftlce of Us - tuneary Am.ricsa " Th Atnm npresm Csmpaar, r"! I VE NOTICE that they have ooneliidod ar T rnnirnmenta with the Northern Central Railroad Company to rim trains from Baltimore for York, Harrisburg, Daophtn. Halifax. Trovorton, Sunbury, NoTthnmberlnnd, Lcwishnrg, Milton, Muucy, Wil liamsport, and all Intermediate stations, connecting at Harrisburg with the OREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for 1'ittsourg, Cincinnati, est. iouis ana uie West. . Also wilh IToward A Co.'s Express at Milton or Danville. Bloomsburg, M'llkosbarre, Plttston, Scran- ' ton, and intermediate stations on tne i'attawisssi, Laokawanna k Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wll liamsport, by Howard A Co.'i Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard k Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, EIrntra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by whioit they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, jewelry, ana vainaoie Packages ol every uescrip- uon. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Excerionced and efficient messengers employed. and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. ilUUN rUiNUMAiVl, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April i, 1862. 1861. 'Arrangement 1861. of Iew York sLInest. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to New York and Way Plaect, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, will leave as follotes, vit I FAR. At 0 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. anil A. Accommodation.) $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, 2 2b At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail,) 3 00 At 8 A. M , via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2" 25' At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express J 00" At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) 2 25' At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (G. nnd A. Express.) 3 Off1 At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 09 At 61 P. M., via Kunaington and Jersoy City, (Evening Mail.) 3 09 At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 09 At li (night) viiv Konsington aud Jersey city Souluern Express 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, l'irst Class Ticket. 2 25 Second Class Tieks-t, 1 50 For Water Hup, Stroudsl,ur, Scranten, Wilkes barre, Montrose, llrcat Bend, Ac., at 0 A. M., jrom Kensington, via Delaware, Laokawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethlehem, Beli dere, Eieston, Laiiibertville, l'leininlon, Ao., att), A. M.. from Kensington Depot, und at 21 P. M. from Walnut street harf. (The 6 A. M. Lino einnets with Trains leitviug Eiuiton for Mnue.h Chunk, at lt-2n P. M ) For Mount ilollv. at A. M.. 2 and I P. M. For Freehold, nt l! A. M. an I 2 P. M. WAY LINES. F..r Brbtol, Trenton. Ac. in. 1 1 A. M. and 21 ami b P. M. from Kcnsiin.toii, L'oi Paliiiyrn, Riverion, Delanco., loverly, Bur lington, Florence, Burdeutuwa, lie, at 12, "l, 2, 41 and 6 P. M. I'lr l'r New York, and Way Lines lea; in if Ke-n-siugion Depot, tuku the Car-) on Eilih srrcel. uhovo U'ulout, half an Uour bef-rc ileoartiir". '1 lie Cars run into the I 'pot, and on tlie axrivul oi cuch Tiain, run from the Depot. Fitly Pounds of Baggnge only, allowed each piu-.-ongcr. Passengers arc ; rohib'iied lioiii taking uny'Jiing as bnzgiie tail their wearing appurel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid fur extra. Thu Company limit, tin ir responsibility t .r baiiige to One Dollar per pound, und will noi be liaolu lor any au'ouiil beyond jiloO. evci.pi l.y spe-eial c"iiraet. W.M. Jl. liATZMElt, Agent. .In-iunry 17, Ibiil. D.TJUKKET STRi:i:T, 11 ARRISDL'RU, PA., Dealer in r i a x os.- N'EW Rnsewci-il Piiiuos, frma the best makers from "5'ii'O iipwnrils. .MKLODLU.VS. The best manufactured Instrn nuiits from $ )j to SIU0. eiuiiai-s. Violins, -Vccoidenns. Flutes, infos -Drums. H.-mju.. Tniulxiiiriuu', ioliu aud (Juitiirs'rings aud iuu.ij.il mer ohaudiie iu general. SHEET Mi:?-C Tini latest publications always on hand. Music sent by ihh'1 t? any p.irt ul' the counter tiVAL, SyL'Ailh, UILT AND ROSEWOOD- FRAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, and ail binds of pictures u'.v, ;iy on hand. A One asoflfcinut orin- t plated LOOKIN'j li LASSES from smallest lo largest sizes: Any stylo vf frame made to ord-r at ! shorto-it n.ttii-tf. IVJl, LXOl'IIK Af.ru it. IX-..I. V.i .M.;i;.-si.. H.nril.i luirg. M. '. s : V If C 3 3 i Confectionery, Toy and 3T-R.XJIX. STORE, .'Vlarleet Street, Suitlnirj-, Ia. CUXFECTIONERY OK ALL KINDS. TOYS HI' EVEUY Di:s( UII'TIUX, FKL'IT, c, C1'"STANTLY on hand and fi r sale at the above J establishment at wholesale aud retail, ut reiu.u j aM prices. Hy is luarnfiictiiring all kinds of Confectionaries . to keep up 5 full assortment w hich aro sold ut low j rates. j Tobacco, Segars. Stationery. Xu's of all kinds, ami - s vmieiy of other articles, "all of whioh are offcied wholesale and retail. i.lxr Remember tbu uuine and placo. ., , M. C GEAP.Il ART. alarket street, 3 doors rest of E. V. Ui . 'hi A Sou sioro. Suiibu1ry.j!ept. 19, Ra3.if a si i i X( itox" Ti 6 is i:, Southwest Comer of Market Square, T.-Mtl KV, BDA f 11H E undersigned respect full v informs the public I th it l.e l,,is taken cliar-e of the al,v n.unc.i Hotel, and atks fur the eonlinuance of ibo forme, piilronagu and would invite nil oilier lo iiv.; him i cull. HIS TABLE is always supplied with tU best the mf.rkot afford' Hi' liar eontninsthe choicest liquors. nd his sial) lnig is good and well attended bv careful tut,.rs ... ... MICHAEL W1LVEUT. nhury, April, Id, t, J. R. HIIiBUSII, touuiy Nurveyor V Cuiiiijanerr Mini-noy, KortiiumlHiliind C,:tt,,:y, P,-ni Office in Washington township. Engagements ea be mudo hy loiter, directed to the above addri-s: All businoM entrusted to his cure, will bo proiuptl attended to. prilJI.JS! ly tow Si iiorsi ioiTn m7iI! THE undersigned will sell at private sale. TWFX TY-SIX TOWN LOTS, ,ituate iu the boroga i Sunbury. Tho lots aro Iocs ted within a few squan of the Pennsylvania KailrtCd Comnanv's Maehin Shops, in the northem part of the town. They at all suitable building lots, it sate in the most pUaai portion of the borough. They will bo sold ou rei touable terms. Forfurtlict particulars apply to PETER B. MASSER, 11 B MASSKtt, FRANCIS Ul CHER, Bunbury, June 13, 1S61 Executors. Q. M. Lacmam. A. M. SallaTi IHVORTEHa ur WINES AND LIQUORS. I.A1 .MA & NAI.I..OI-, No. 128 South Ninth Street, belne-n Chesnut ar " Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. Mav T. 1WY4 .nAstixlK'H IA i:.T ITIJ. in: riti:i:y.i:it As Improved for 1859 and lSfiO, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2S9 Pearls! , New Yor rpHE only Freezer constructed on scientlfio pri JL ciplos, wilh a rovolving can and spring bhu scrkper. The one hastens the freezing of the oruuiu the other removes it as last as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least oaanti of ice. 1 The most economical inoit, as it Is tho niosl tiron nd durable in struolure. For tale in ail the principal cities and towusin tl Inion. j!? rroosor aooompanied with a book of reeip and full directions. PfllCES. Iqaarts, . 3 Hi) 4 quarts, 4 5 qs. b 00 8 quaru, ort 1 lu",,. , 8 On 20 qusrU, 12 Ort' Hb git? U' B MA8B' P,",l w'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers