& 41 ill 11 lO 1TA Wl.--f piir,., NtIII.KY. In. HAVIN'vi ju-i returned from the City with au vn. tire new. ! -t if Hrn,iN, frfecmlculrt, IVi'i'Iintcry nntl 'Eitllit At-iIi U- t v Inch l.i. n, iic Hi- fiiotidi and tin? public gener ally, u call it, cv n. il c. Tin. Irujrs Mid MedicitM r-r- Mil s-'ketel tV:nii the best iin orting house- in the Ki'St.ro linn kt t vv'Hi tho .-ri.:m cue ' lo .iri ty and i-iYi' ii.'v nod v.,i n,- i. i. Ii as ti-sii i-. l'-f iutro.lu t,.i . f (cKrioe- n .-iibi. . FJTiiJfT KEM'.'I V,3 (. T! livid s-h . .yt'.-. 1 .li"l!o'u. W i'hHiio. ll."i.!iiii I .Vo'li. I-.-1.. ! Jlr.'o it s . . ullluv- OU t I nod nil other p ipulor patent .Ii. Hair, Tooth. N.iil. f..ihc ut IVmt IWlie t-'proltil sure IsiaVeii t keep uu hund v. Ktiy mety of PAINTS AND fllE.MK'Al.S. lettable to the trade. .Hutly Fancy 'i'oilel Articles at.d lac imim ro.n niti. !-.' hub are generally kepi in u well cbi.duclc I cstiili- 'in connection with thcubovciiticVs.he ,1k. keel s ! I hand a large assortment ol ST.Vi'l'iXF.IlY . b ' Paper. I.iivoh,ics. rn. Pencils, li.kn. Ae Iff Pliv sicltiit's rcM.ripiii.ns and fnn.ilv receipts i .in pounded wlih the greate.-t accur ley and dbi alch. l. ALL HOURS I.a or Mht. kemenibcr the place. Mai ke' Piunrv, under the ollije oi the "unbury Aucric in.'i u. a. ficiii:k. Euubury. June 2i. 13S4. AT JOIIXFAUEJHAV (ldllnhl!Hbe'. iiiiMANUl-ACT'lKV o. 719.Alit.-H Street, I'm l.tl i1' J 1. i.'- .l mi rr rt I Mil M X Mt-. 11' "ijrfL.4 and Manufnciure. one -:Tai3SwVof tbo UARWKST and u:oat BtAfUFl'L e- 1 etiont of I'nnry I'urn. f. r Ladiiw' and Children' Wear in the City. Also, r. fine asfrtincnt vf Uent't Fur Olnvea & CollarJ. At my Fuik were a',1 purchased when (old was at h much lower premium than at present, I am euiihled W dispone of tiiein at very reasonable pricea, audi would thereliiro nolicit a call from my friends of Jv.irrhuiiiherliinil nmiut.v. and vicinity. I Kemeuiber the uaiue. Number nnd Street ! J'MIX FAREIKA. TIB Arch Ftrecl above "tb.xiuth fide. r:ept 10. l.sr, I. ..in PHILADELPHIA. I tf I have no Pnrtnor. nor connection wilhauy t!..'r tf'.erc in Philadelphia. coal oil; irAMPsr 1 h? leave In Inform n.yfi iin.lK and the public raiicrH)ly that X hivi coiiiun nced the nianufaeture ui'CO.Vt OIL LAMPS ol'iery description and style ef ft:.i-ii, at Nil. : S. SK'JOXD St.. PHILADELPHIA 'i ill, my present fnciiiiies for uinnufaeturinx- and n pr.ii:i:.-:al ctperience ot thirieen yeurt' intbe innn h remeiit of the lump Imbues i'or tonic ot the tarifedl houeii in the country, I li.itter myself that my expf. rieiiee and Unowlrile nill emilile me to clVer to the puldic jr'HitU not eie.Hl,:d by uny in regard tontylo rn.l workmanship, and at prices competing with the i 1 iwist I shall alwavs endeavor to lead in oflering ! the public new and useful inventions in our line. I have also taken tho wholesale agency for the salo u UEO. V. BROWN i CU'6Cei.krratkd Mktal A. .1. KIDENLR. No. S.-t .a. Second St., Philadelphia. September 24. 1k04. HENRY HARPER, o. R-ZO AKCII tit., IMiiliidt'IpItlu. Has a large slock of WATCHES, EIXE JEWELRY, S0LILSILVER WARE t-npeiior plated TEA SETT?, i'FOONS, F0RK6', Ccb.ber 1. Ltfl -Am PENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. O P.. TiOYER. Attorney at Law, is duly auihor ued and licensed to collect IN'!imiim, Jtlllti:lill ISro-U !': ( r Wiilunt, Or. J iians and Soldiers. OTice in .Market street, ,,ppu bile Weaver's Hotel, unbuiy, Pa. JanuiirylbJSiVl. y liiM'kaM Jimi .V lilooiului- liuil I'Ollil. ON and utter Jau. lsth, lsit 1, Pae.'ciigi t Trains w.ll r.i.i ui l'.:.r.vs : M0VI.VH SOLTH. 1'iltst Mirer. l.eats Sernntou, Ivihg'-liin. 4.2ti P 6. oi e.-'j M " riooiu.utg " Rupert. " l'ativillc. t.I5 V.15 .t'liveat Northotrtberlatid, 9 tij MOVINU NORTH. Leutu N,,rthuiiibcrland, fe.OO A. II ' Pauville, P.4l) ' I;ii..rt. 6 40 llluoiiisbnrg, u.;ij ' Kingston, 12.12 P. ?.l. Arrive at Scr.iulou. I. .in 1 reiglit .t Passengci leaves Tiloiosburg. 111. 15 A M. llu..,..fjrj ,uLi,.., tl.n M..1I Tr..l W.....U A v ,,-b the Expivss imiu from Northumberland, an if. i ii.; at llarrislmrg, at 2. .'ill A. M.. liuliiuiore 7 Oil A. M.. Hi d hi Philadelphia, ut 7. ml A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland lent cs immediately after ! the arrival of the Express train from llarrisburg an! llaltimore. allowing Passenger leaving Philadelphia j nt Id. 4(1 P.M., to reach puiuts on this road during t.ie next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping ears accompany tho I liiuht trains each nay between Norihiimb -rland and j E.Uuuiore, and Nonbumbcrlend mi l Philadelphia. D. T. JtilL'XD. Kupl.' 1 OWAI.1.0W twoor three Logheads of -Huchu." Kcmliu;; Itniiroutl. I 5 -Tonic Hitters," fiarsapanilB," -Nervous An SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1 4.. andafler vou je MlMei 1REAT THINK LINE from the North and I '''V . J -J' "J'd no box ol Old 1)R. Bl Cll A N I North-W est for Philadelphia. New York. Read- j h.n"l,".u I'llla and be restored to health and U.f. Potlsville. Lebanon. Alleutown. Eastou, Ac. I vl"!'11" ll'f lln thirty day,. J hey are purely ve 1 ruins leave llarrisburg for Philadelphia. New- i ,ul)U"' P1"""" " 'e, prompt and salutary in V.K. Reading. Potlsviire. nnd all Intermediate! lll.cir crlect on the broken uown aud shattered coti l. ... i i ... , ., u m sutution. (lid and voiinir can take tocui with ad- New York l.xprtss leaves llanishurg at C ."0 A. M Hi; ,i,g at .ivt iork at I 4 the same dav. A spedal Aecomuiodutioii pasaenger tr.iiu leaves ' LeHdtng in 7 1 j A. M., uul ieiuins from Jlarrisbuig Fares' free, Ilarribiir; : To New York f0 l.'; to l'n:!.. i. !;.b.s i-l .ij iu.J Su. Jjagu vhtwLud t'oiouith Reii.ining. lcuvc New York ftl fl A. M.. 12 oi,n, and 7 P M. (PinsburL-h Express arriving at Harris. burg n 2 A .M ) Leave Philadelphia at 6 li A. M. bod .i M 1 .M. Sleeiiing cms in the New York F.vpre-s Traius t...-o'igh Im and from Pitlluirh wiiboni hi t, go. Paenjt-rs by the CtttTuwi'-a Kail Road leave Ta tiKn.na at H ill A. .l.. un I 2 l.i 1'. Al., for Philudvl J .iir. Xew-Vork. and all Wa(i Points. Iruiii leave. it.-ville at (i la A. M.. and I.) P. 1.. for 1'hiltiileli'hia. Ilnrnstuirg and New ) oi U Aiiio'couimc.ilaiion Pn-ci-nL'ei trmn b avi-s Rending ' 6 oil A. .M., and returiu fiou, i'liiludciphiu ut J 00 I M. If 'All the above truiu. run duily. Sunda s el- Copied. A .SinJuv train lenves I'otistiilu al J.;:i) A.M., aud Phikd.-lphia at li.l.i P. .t. Coiitinutaiion, .M,:(,gr. and Kviirjion lick, l.-. in re Inc. d rati- to an 1 from u!l p.ii.ls. O'l Puuiida Ilagjiie ulUivtid eiicli Pi: 'li ,'. ii. A. Mi'OLI.s:. (jciK-iat f ui eriiiti i.Utn'.' ilay ;r, IW,i LAmil MPRGVEBIENT CF AOEI LVLVJZAL lJIFLEilLUIS. I POU IT D K Y, i 1 UUW ii UHY li-t ti. ! the I .. ' -ii, t it,,' i,,..-i i:,. l. jl. It'll WJ.I, , t-HH i ,1 l n'jc it. V i" v i..-ii ,i t ; i cv. v.ir -i, wiii i Ii I ci il. i'. hri.'i.i, ri i ndry. llU'.'l.t ot b ll.' St llliliroVL.t oMi l I. (Ice urd M I ai il.c iiiio.i rum, AKu. AC ' . - are also u niiuf i."urii. Mauhiuerv. Ploaul t -s'i'V? A .., mi hort notice. I iiiu ii.i kMiJs '' .-ri:ullunl luipl.-iri'ii'. in. in a vo t voifcrnuuiikc nuiinvr ui.d i (be .. ! 'o,( I..I1K!,. All uri.'.'in t i't.,...1 us i-ul' ic l. Orders lespvct I.Jj s-ilwittrd plillilllv nil, i d' tu. MJIiiiitACU-. COUP! R, H ('Id Tr.. ul ull laud, vl I'uiiui lV in j.-i.Hf :r l,r s'.rk, -lU.lin, .,,'' ! l..s 1 U. S. 7.30 LOAN, Tito Secretary of the Troatury gives notice trial mhserrption will be received for Coupon Treasury Xotes, pnyablo three yenri from August 15th 18M. with semi-annual Inlcre-t it the rate of seven end tfirec-tsntlii per cent, per annum, principal and Intercut both to be paid la lawful money. Those notes will be oonvcrtible Rt the option of the holder at maturity, Into six-por cent, gold bear in a; bonds, payable ti"t less than tire nor morn tha twenty years from thoir date, as the govornmo"t may elect." They will be issued in denomination! of f '0, Slt'n. J.'iiip. fl.Ono and $5,000, nnd all subscriptions mi. -I l,o tur fifty dollar or otno multiple of fitly dollar. Tl.e note ill be transmitted to the owners free of j trai.spf rtntivu' charges ft nmn after the receipt of the original l'c;tilicates of deposit a they can be ! pp-parcd. j As tho notes draw intercut from August 1 J, persons making deposit rubscqticnt to that date must pay ' I tie iutonsl ncerucd from date of note to date of ! a- init. l'nrlit: depositing twenty-live thousand dollars ' upwrt for these hotel at any one time will bo allowed n commission of one-quarter of one percent.. which will be paid by the Treasury liepnrtnnnt upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by i he officer with whom the deposit wa made. No deductions for couiiniMioiif uiujt bo uindo from tho deposits. Iiciul Ailvim:ii f Loan. It is a National Pa vinbs Hank, offering a high er rate of interest than any other, and the Ut m m. riry. Any savings b.ink which pays its depositors in I . rj. Notes, eeiisidcrs that it is paying ill tbo best circulating medium of tha country, nnd it cuinwt in anything better, foi its own assets are cither tn government securities or in notes or bonds pnyablo in Knvcrnmeut paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or pornm uent investment. The notes can always bo Bold fo withiu ft fraction of their face and accumulated into rest, and are the best security with bauks as colla terals for discounts. CONVERTIBLE INTO A FIX TER CENT 6-20 GOLD I10ND. In addition to tho very liberal interest on the notes fir tliree'yonrs. litis privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for tho curt rent rate for 5-10 liniids it net less than nine fr cent, premium, and before tho war the premium on six per cent. I". S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will bo teen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not leas than ten per cent, per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OR J1VNICI TAL TAXATION. But aklo from all the advantages we hace enum erated. D special Aot of Congress exempts all tunds and TiejKttry notet from local taxation. On tho average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, per anuum, according to the rate of taxation in vari ous parts of (he country. I! is believed thut no securities offer so great ln duccunnts to lenders as those issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the fi.ith nnd ability of private parlies, or stock companies, or acparate communities, only, is pledged for payment. while the whole property of the country is held o secure the discharge of all the obligations of the I'nitcd States. While the government offers tho most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that tho very strongest appeal will betn the loyalty nnd patriotism of the people. Duplicato cerlilleatcswill be Issued forall deposits, Tho party depositing must endorse upon the origin al certificate the denominations o notes required, and whether they arc to be Issued in blunk or paya ble to order. When m, endorsed It must be left with the oPicer receiving the deposit, to bo forwarded to tho Treasury Department. Subscriptions will bo received by tho Treasurer of t'nc 1' oiled State", at Washington, the several As sistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by tho l'lt'fct nllonnl ISauk of .Hillon, Aul by nil TValioual ItuuKd which are depositaries of Public money, tin 1 nil llUSl'KCTAUI.E BANKS AND B.l.SKKHS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depository Ranks.) will furnish further infor mation on npplieutiou and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TOSI ESCRIBERS. August 1:1. 1H. lu It'll i:til-liiliii Collie Co. DEPOT: lfiS Re.ido If trect. New York. The al-ove Company arc known all over the world ai the owners of the Cofice l'liintati'His of Java and liatuvia in the Duteh East Indies, and aro tho lurgest nun I'p.ilizers of Colfeu mi the Globe. 'iho uudcrsmii d (ho is nonointed their solo , Agent in the I'nitcd Mnlea and in the Kritisb Colo- Dies; w ill have for sale three different kinds of C'of I ft -. which, for regularity of grade and cheupness of I price, will defy eonipeiition. Our Hatavia Cofice" never before introduced in this Couutrv. but extensivetv used it, the Armi nnt Navies of Europe, and richly valued, will be put up 'T'J", ""h '""'U'""'. ''d ur Extra Java will he the Magnum liouum Coflee of the aire We will have. f,.r accommodation of Grocers, Fa Milies, an I tioverumeul Contractors, samples (dry, and drawn! IVir testing. thilcrs solicited. !n receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly forwarded as directed. A. LIPP.MAN. 103 Roade Street. New York, tiolo Agent, D. E. I. (J Co. July 21 lSi'4. A ( AKD T) THE Sl'FFKRlNG. ; iiiuni . iuij'uiiru aim soul it, me i niicti oiaies i ouly by JAS. S. l!l TLEIf. ii. 4., iiroaaway. .ew loik. Agent for the Coiled Suites. . P. S A Rox ol the Pills, securely Hacked, will be mailed tu m,y address on receipt of pric. which is O.NK DnLLAtt. liosipait ! money refuuded by I the Agent it enure si.tisiueiion is uot given, pt. in. Iill iim 1 IIHiiislB'Mtlt llOliWt', NORTH I MliERI.AXI), PENNSYLVANIA, (AVirr the liri.lire.) rilllF. sulwcriher having lciiscl this well known J Tavern Stand, lately kept by Sirs, C. S. llrown. respectfully inlorms the public that he is relit! ing and r, ii.iring the preuiiM's. and v. illhe ).remred to en l"iiain, iu a comfortable manner, his uiuueroua friends throughout tho cuuty, and all who may u'r iiiic bis e;tulilishmcnl. H''iLLM11' JOSEPH VANKIRK ICE "CRBAM FHKEZHRS. Nc' supply of iliSSKll'li 1'ive-Mi.m tk Frkk ' received fi.im e ork. for sule bv ejiiLmj. May ij, 01. 1J. 11. MASTER. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE t1 0 h L E G E, .wi:i.i.i.'2iot i:. Siijdci- i'o., I'ii. 'I IIK fall S, ii,n of this I tistitotion commences on lltt llSiUV. Aliil.-T 1Mb. U'bo Winter .csricn en the liitiof .oember. h ums rut si:ss.ion of ia weeks : For lAoiirdii'ir. Woshin, Furnished Rmm. Fuel aiul l.i. 1. 1 and Tuition lu all tho regular studies of Ibe Coiiigite lieprrtment. only 2 7i. A lihi ral bcdueliou made in favor of the Daughters ol'o ir S ildicrs. i oi further purtivulrrs, or Circulars, apply to S. DO.MER, Pri'ucipal, KliiMjrwt , August C, lso.4. Uiuoa. JACOB 'llARLEY. iwwirl N(.ir iV llarlry ) No. O'ii MARKET Stieet, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in 'i,,.:tilj tlid Silver WATCHES . met.., Id JEWELRY; Solid Sll.VEh-WARK. I and the be.1 of SILVER-PLATED-WAKE. Con I "f:ly nn hand a large aortuieut of tbo above goods Ml low prices. 8 i Watches and Fine Clocks. Repaired, by ,ir! ! V'l'iu.-B ; nIu Jewelry repairing; Enr.Ving , kit kind, of llair.wurk tu or-ter, at .h..n ntie ..rh, PHl,e,re,vl, Mtui' W1 Tiik pt culiar tiiint ot infection which wo call j? cnoPft.A lurks in the constitution of Multitudes of men. It citlu-r produce or ii tirotltitiod Ly nn cn- .fcctilcd, vitintcd atate of the Idood, wherein that flu Ul becomes in competent to austnin the vitnl forces in tncir vigorous action, and lenves tho system to . --i!--. full Into tlisoraor and decay. Tho scrofulous contuminntlon is va riously caused ly mercurial diseaap, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure nir, 111th and filthy habits, tho depressing vices, and, above nil, by tho venereal infection. Whatever he its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from pnrents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to lie the rod of Mini who says, "I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their J ciuiuren. inc tuseiiM's ii ungiinuce wne various names, nccording to tho oignns it attacks. In tho lungs, IScrofula iiroducei tubercles, nnd finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate nnd be come ulcerous tores; in the stomach nnd bowels, dernngemcnts which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints ; on tho skin, eruptive and cutaneous ntlections. These, all having the same origin, require tho same remedy, viz., iniriticution and invigora tion tif the Hood, l'uiify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health i with that life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Earsaparilla, is compounded from the most i fieetunl anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect wpon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known Hnd remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Bote cr St Anthony's Fire, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposit in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestiut, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that urise from impurity of tho blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be" found in Ayku's Amkiucan Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous 'distribution, wherein mny be learned tho directions for its use, and sonio of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies hud failed to niiord relief. Those cases are purposely taken from nil sections of the country, in order that every render may have access to some one who can speak to him of its hem-tits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho vital energies, and thus leaves its victims fir more subject to difcai-e nnd its fatal results than are lienltby constitutions. Hitice it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of liuninn life. The vast importance jf these considerations lins led us to tpend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now cfi'er to the public under the name of Avm'si Barsapabii.la, although it is composed of ingredients, some of w hich exceed tho best tif Sarsaparitla in alterative powe'r. liy its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing und dunger of these disorders, l'urgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes tif disease, and vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived liy many compounds of Sartaparilln, that promised much and did fiothing ; hut they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues Iikvc been proven by abun dant trial, nnd there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of tho ufllicting discuses it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is n very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, nnd is fur more ef fectual than uny oilier which has ever lieu available to thcui. CHERRY PECTORAL. The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients iu advanced stages Of thO dibODKO. This has been so long used nnd so uni versally known, that we need do no more, than assure the pu'ulic that its quality is kept up to the Lest it ever has been, nnd thnt it limy be relied on to do all it lias ever done. Prepared by 1k. J. C Avkr & Co-.' l'racticul and Annlitieal Vhtmibts, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every w here. Kild by Erilin;' A lirant. Sunbury, R. II. McCoy. Northumberland, Aaron Karrol. Elysburg. W. R. Kutr.ner. Shaniokin, J. I. llogue, Watsontown. And by all dealers in Mediciucs everywhere. August li), 1S61. ly SOLIDIFIED I'or 'liiuiliipr, liili'iiiiix und Ir-N4rviiif; lli 1 !::' II ! This art i uic is prepared w ith the greulcst care upon scientific principles, nnd warranted not tu contain anything in Ihe slightest degreu deleterious to thv teeth or gums. Some of our most eminent Dental Surgeons have given their sanelicu to, and cheerful ly recommend it as a preparation of uperior ipiali ties f.,r cleansing, whitening and prisering the TEETH. It cleans them readily, rendering Iheui beautifully white und pearly, without the lightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to. the gums where they aro ulcerated and sore, it is also an ex cellent disiufeclor for old decayed teeth, which urc olten exceedingly oll'er.sive. It gives a rich creamy tasto to Iho mouth, cleansing it thoroughly and im parting u delightful fragrance to the hreuth. PREPARED ONLY RV A. 11 A H I, K Y A: CO.. N. W. Cr. loih.. A Li inlaid Sis . Philadelphia. And sold by all Druggists. PRICE 2i CENTS. TESTI.M'iNrU.S. The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high e-teem iu w hich he holds the Dental Cream, must bo snfbcic nt e ideuee of its value ; tu quote other testi monials in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving thu names und addresses of persons who speak of us excel lenev lor (ho teeth. Philadelphia. April liih. 1S6.1. Having carefully examined A. lluw ley 's ''Solidi fied Dental Cream.'' i hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the putilio generally. It is an excellent preparation tor cleansing and preacr ing the teeth, and ran bo used by all persons with the utmost con fidence, as its properties arc perfectly harmless, lie sides preserving the teeth, it promotes a healthy a.' Hon t the guius, m.d imparl a pleawintneoi tu thu breath. Dr. W; R. WHITE. 12u3 Arch St. Thomas Ingram. M.D , Dentist, 4'Jl N. Fourth St. J. iiirkey. 204 S. Sixth St. E. andersliee, Surgeou Dentist. 425 Arch St. C. A. Kinsbury, Dentist. Illy Walnut hi. S. Dillingham. D D.S., 7.:4 Arch St. F. M. Dixon. KJ7 Arch Si. Edward Townscud. Di ntiit. 42rt X. Fourth St. L. H. Dorphlcy, Dentist. NI7 N. Teutb M. M. L. Long, Deutisl. ti;"J N Sixth M. May 2S, 18tl ly ETTER OF ADVICE FOR IADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL ENURAXIXUS. Has Information never before publlshtit. Sent ruts iu a Healed cuvolopc for tk.v cents. Address ' Dr. STANFORD, Hex No 4,652. New York P. 0. July 9, IS6I. .Jui V () li SAL K. i 'I rni'l ol 'I f ml rr l unil, b low Trev. ortoii hridtje, eoulaii ing luuutVU Hern, lurfuilhur purueulain apply to H. Ii. .MASEB. i.htiur , Aug 1 1 H'4 ., tj. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING B A Z A It.. Corner of MarUrt PUi'mirc V ItnIN Itoad trce, . 8 1'NBUUY, PEN K" A. SUMMER STOCK t)F READY MADE CLOTHING, Of tht newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trimmed and made equal tu custom work, -tuid sold at tho lowest prices. . .lii nnd Hoy's) iflilMe of Iho best ma terial consisting of Dress Coats. Frock Coats. Pack Coats, l'aiits, aud Vests of various colors aud iiuali tics. UEXTEEMEX'S Fl'RNISIIINiJ OOODS, such as Shirts, Over-shirts. lTnder?hirts, Drawers, Collars, era Uloves, Ao. Collars. Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stoekings, talis nntl Caps of nil kinds. BOOTS A KI) SHOES, TRI XKS, VAMSKS, I'M- URELEAS, and NOTIONS of all kinds, nnd nume rous other articles. The public aro invited to cull nnd cxnmino his Block. Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Store," Corner of Market Square und the N C. R. It. LEVI HECHX. Stmbury, July 2, (iKonOK IIlLt., PlMOS 1'. Woi'VEHTOS. HILL & WOLVERTOIf. Allorni'j-si nnd 4oiinw'Iorsi ill l.nw. Oflico, Market street, oor. Centre Alley, TJISrBTJKTr, TP A.. "117 ILL attend prompllcy to the collection of claims W and all other prolcs-donal business intrusted to their care in Northumberland andailjoining counties. Sunhury, January 2.1, 18B2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY vr DR. BCHENK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LARORIXU I'NM'.R CONSl'Ml'TION And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic.' and MundrSko I'ills ael on the System ill Curing that Disease, and tho 4r-nt Nim'Ccnm Attending; It! Tho above is a correct likeness of Dr. Schcnk ti.ken luimy years ago, alter ho had recovered fnao Con. siiinpti'in ; by a course ot l.is 'ehenk's rulnioiiio Syrup."' 1 he likeness. althoti:b it does not repre sent him anything liko as bail as he wnsat the wont, yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous looksoi the Portrait below, which b the true like nil's of him at present time. Thu contrast behveen these two portraits is mi great that many would not believe Iheui to be the same person. Vet thero aro hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia, who w ill recognise Imth portruits to be true represen tation'. When the first w as taken bo weighed o7 pounds ; ut the present time hid weight is 2.!') pounds. N'tw YoliK, Wednesday, March 'M, ISA I. 'TO THE Pl ELrC. t Thirty yenro ngo I wf In tho 1nt p!ii;;m of lul- ' inonnr- L'ohstiinpiion. hhJ givm tip to ilic. I rcMilil in riiilmlct'hiH. anil Dr. Jiwcph rrili . llii-n ot this ! city. orlcrcJ me to Morcftown, X. J., a dislunce of ; liint miles wiiii'h took mo two iltiy.- tu ?rt thi-re. On j my tirrivnl I wtiff f ut to hud. untt I litre luid for mnny woflii. This wiin uiy niitive ilnct. wliero all my f.-imily livt-tl Hti-1 hiij died of lV.r.iinitio.i' l'r. 1 Thornton, who nttciided my father in hin l:i-t illnt'-w. ; tt.-u called, nnd gve inc oiiu wi'i'k to fix up my nf fmrs. He hud Been nil my fnuiily j;o that way. und t thought 1 wn to ro. too 'Then 1 lu'iinl d" thcrcmo ' dii'ji I now offer to the ptihlic, which cured me, Jt ' friH1 m ol to me that I could foL! ihciu in-.:trRtiii my whle riVHtcin. 1 Thoy Moon rivencd t!io nmttor nn my limp, nnd I would j'pit ifl" more thao it int of oticnivu yellow ! matier every morning. An hhiii n thut ht'n to i ruUide. my ciuli. fever, jmii). niht 'woat? nil hi'irjiu to Ichvu me. and my appetite ht-came ) f;riiat ' thut it tra nitli difficulty 1 could keep from eating t too iiimdi. 1 coon gained my stromftn. find I havo ' heen growing iu tie?h ever fineo. l or many yearn I ha o enjoyed uninterrupted room health, keeping tho liver and stfmiaeh healthy with thi ieuweed To pic and Maudrnko I'ills. us 1 am of a hillioioi temper auieut. Aly weight i two huudreit and twenty :oumU ihi m v reeovery people would send for mo far aud Hear, lo I'ee if their cae were liko mino. 1 l or thi piirj.to 1 pay profev-iotui! viiu iu the Ittre ! rit leu. 'Jheeonsmupiivea wUti to fee tho ono that i make tluo medieiiieft. and who wan cured of con. ; gumption hy their. To make new lunn impoi-i-hle: hut eav Hies in tliu lun.'M nnd ehrouio uleera- Jjiiiin (,t tho hrop' hiiil lu'n's eaii l-e healed u U ( H.-e.'are dvinsx hnrly under the ordtnav trcatiuent i t of phy'i'M't'n.., end h.st ueb are cured by tho proper I usJofSeheiiW's Puhnonio Syrup, Seavveed 'lonio, I aud -Mandrake i ills. I am now a healthy iiiun. with n large euvity lu the mil lie lobe of the right lung, the lower lobe very nitieh hepalizedand couiplete adhesion of the pleura. The left lungs is sound, and the upper lobe of thu right lung is iu a tolerably healthy eondition. The great reason why physicians do not cure eonsunip tion Is Ihey try to do loo luuen ; they give uiudieiues to stop the e:ugh, to stup chill, to stop uight sweats, beutie fever, uud, by' so duiujf, they derange the whole digestive amors, loeking un tho fiueretiona an I eveuluully the pulient sinks and dies.' After 1 make ii oitretul examination of Ihe patient with the Kespiroiiieter. aud hud lungs enough left to euro, t direet Ihe patient bow to use the three remedies. Peuiov thu eauso uud they will all stop of their uvvu aoeord. Noone ean he eured of consumption, liv er cotupluiiit. dyspepsia, eutarrb, eankor. ulcerated throat, unlets Ihe liver and atouiach aro made heal thy, lu New Puglund Ibis canker chronic catarrh ulcerated throat, elongation ot uvula, is inure preva lent than in any other section of Ihe country. This is IriOjHenlly enured by a 4'oul atomueh. iou may burn it out w ith caustic time and aguin, and all they will get U uuiporury relief. Correct Ihe ptowaeh end liver, aud they will heal up themselves. Hood nutrition is the reuiedy. If you have any disease iu uiy part of the bialy, it will remain there and decay niure and more uulil you can get the sto mach in the conditio', to digest food and make new blood lo tuko Ihe place of diseased matter. This is the only way to hull cuvilici lu the Imis and ulcor ale.l bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and livor and nature will do the healing. Many persons have au idea that certain medicines are great purifiers of tha blood. Whea blood u ouee diseased it cunuot be puritiud ; il is diseased the same us the disoused waller iii the system ; but get the apparatus in or der, Ike liver aud itoiuacb, and, give it plenty of nourishing fuod il will make ew blood, which witl take the place of thai which il d Housed bebeuk I Pulmonic Svrop if one of the best prepv rations of u-na in use. it ii poei fal Uuw ef iiUt, Itel hea eVertwi T r s,dff tt nacw the stomach, and Is It carried pofl off by tha a tha ' Mandrake. I'ills, tho I'ulmonlo Kyrup is mad Into blood. This is tha only way to cura oonsu na tion. . If I cannot gut a good uppetiU, and food does not digest. I cannot euro tbo patient Never mind tho ronnh ; remove tlie cause and will stop of itself. J hit Is tho most trauolo I hav with my patients at my rooms. They say, "Dootor, 1 feel stronger; I can eat ; niy night sweats are better, and I Joel bet ter every way; bnt my oough la so bs yet;" and they are astonished to bona sao say tint does not matter; remove tho causo and' tie cough will sop of itself. Hchonk's Seaweed eroatea a good appetite in abimt nine days, when there Is no lung disease, unless the liver is so ooni;rstd that the Mandrake I'ills cannot unlock Iho ducts of tho gall bladder in that short space of time, In order to allow tho stale ; bile to pasaotr, Roep tho liver nnd stomach healthy and there is less danger of consumption or any other disease. It is hard to tako oold when thoso organs arc healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, iicivmiB. niniuiuiii lull oi wiuii, vvuryiuni mm, is ! eaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try one bottlo of M IIENCK'.S SEAWEED TONIC, and ono box of SCUE.NK'.s MANlilt KK RILLS. It is only a I cost of ono dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di j reetions. This is sufficient, in many cases, to satis ! fy what the medicines uro. Frequently one bottle makes a grout cnnnge in the system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake pills occasionally, must get the (UKusnve organs in suen a nunitiiy eonuinon mat tliey neiiome tlesny 1 ean produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enjoying good health, i weaning nearly 4o niuiius. i wilt colieiuue uy : relating three euros I have made in New York, and which are nil dioj'crent. nnd wish any one who feels ! an interest In the mutter to visit them. First is Mrs. Farlow. residing then at No. Ill7 Houston street Her bushau'd called upon meat my rooms, 'A2 Rond street ' aud wished me to call and see her. lie said 1 could do nfl good ; that he had had all tho host medical attendance, nnd nil said she was too far gone with i Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some I grent eurcs I had made, and be desired to gratify i her wishes. I called, and found her lying confined 1 to tier bod in the last stage of bronchial consumption l and without uouut must uavo uieu soon. 1 eininin , cd her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much : till'ected. but no cavities had formed, her cough ; was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick ! pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; nnd worse ! than nil. she had chronio diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her that sho had 1 uns nnouh to be cured, but that this diurrha a , had been of long standing, and her stomach was in I such a ulcerated condition that I wns afraid nothing could bo don". She insisted I should try and do ' what I could for her. observing that she could not ! last long in tl.e condition she was in. and I could not make her any worse, i gave her first a dose of my ! Mandrako I'ills, and tho tonic nud Syrup freely. ' That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday I lie ' diarrhoea was carried oil', her appetite had returned and she could sit un in bed ami cut her dinner. Sho is now w ell, and gave a long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr Downing. I Mrs. Bartholomew, b-t West Forty-fifth street, I came to my romus with a tumor on her livur. She ' was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue co iled, bowels I costive, no nppcttic. and fast sinking into the grac. Ij'lie said liiumr bad been running over fourteen vcurs. 1 ijn e h"r Svrup. Ionic and Pills, and told her totnke Ihitn juslas tho directioi s w. re printed. She came buck to uy rooms. 32 Rood street in two ' weeks, Rotnewhat belter ; her tongue ha-1 begun to i ; clean a little uruut.il the edges, hcrskiti whiter mil : I her eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very' . offensive mutter, much faster than it bud ever done 1 ' before. Mie kept gradually improving, and in alamt i j two months she cuine to my rooms very much fright. ' . ened. saying liint the tuuior had nearly slopped : running, und was healing up. and that every doctor I . had told her that if it ever healed il would cause her ' death. I told her that the disease bad all left her ' system, nud nature would heal the ulrt-r up. 'They a're nuw healed, iiiid'have been for ubiut a year, und she is a hciirlv and robust a wouian a you will find iu a d i.vs walk. Miu is glad for any one to call on ' her. and lakes great pains to visit any one thut she h'sirs bus anything like her case, and tries to get i them to couie and see uic. Thu next ease is Miss J (Sintield. from Stamford. Conn.. Mrs. l.;rtbohiuieiv pl her down to see uic. uud she 1ms been ever since i at herhousi'. W hen she first came to my roou.s. sho was much emaciated withu distresiug coiih. spit- 1 liu lare quantities of blood. I examined her luns with It, o re-iiiroineier. and in all my p-ieliee ncvi r '. t 'uri'l one Willi one Itin so far gone uil Ihe other j lung so sound. I could not give much encourage ment. I thought she would die ; but to my as;on I l'tuucut the Pulinoiiic tSyrup, l-uaMied ioni'j. and ' Miiiolrake I'ills all seemed to go right to work, the 1 lung i? till healed oer. Iea iug a c.ivity us lure at ' a i;oosa eg);; good appetite, fine spiiits. and hit gained some thirty-five poutals in neiht. She h'.s ' home eoiiifh yet. ivhich 1 do not think will leave her ! Iioiore June. 1 should think it would he of groat interest to suine unprejudiced physician to isil these iv.ses. particularly Miss Seofield. or any of them who have heen cured by my medicines. 'Iney are num. erous in New Vork ; but the at,e three' all ditbr ' .rotii each olher ; and if my mcdiciies are doin wh.it I represent Ihey are. they sl.oi.ld have the credit and Ihe aillie.ud kuow where al 1 how thiy may be e lived. j. h..cii::nk. m.i. Dr. J. H. S limk can tic found at ihe principal office. No. ;t'.i North e.a)i Street. Phila 1 tphiu. eiry Sattinlay. from 11 A. M. until a P. M.. n, jtivo adi ieo fri'e of cli'irgc; Lut for a tliroiiti exuu.inatioii he : I'hurgi-a three dollars. Price of the 1'iiiinonie yrup ! ; und Seaweed Tonic each 1 i'j per tad le. or jui ib hall do7.i-n. Mandrake I'ills Tj cents ptr la.i, an l ', is for sale by all Druggists uud Deai' ts. I -Mav 14, lr'U. Nurtl'itTii Ci'iitral liiiilwav ! .ii vicit TPii: T iiii.i:. Til H EE Ti! UN'S DAILY to anlfti.u. Ualtiuiore and Wnshingioii eity. toiiiieetioos i;.n-l., with train. "n V r,hs lvuuiii Kailroa.l. to and from Pittsburg an I the Wist. 1 IIREK TRAINS DA LY to and fr. in tneS.rth and We-t Uroiii h rii-qiiehui.na, Eloiira, ai.d ail of .North ern .New iork. i"S mil ufi r MONDAY. MAY 10th. 1 -G I. r Trains of the -V r h-rii Cenlml V ihe Passer; Hiiilunv will arrive ut and depart t'l un Sunbi-i ., llurri.-ln'.rg Kiel Hhltiun re as follows, .i : S O L T II K ARD. Mail Train : r Sanbury daily fexeei.t r-iiii'lay;. " lin.i.- liarri.-biirg, li; ri vt s al llalliu.oie, Expro.-s Tram leaves unbi,rv 10 I', A . I 2o P. i 10 JaiU (-x.epi Miiiday. ' 1,'ities Harri.-burg (etcept Monday. " arrves ul Raltimore daily (exei pt Monday). 1 1 45 P. M 2 lu A. M T 00 A. M. llarrisburg Accoiumodutiou lesrns Harris burg, 7 tu) A. M. Sunhury Accommodation lca.es Sunbury duily (except Sunday) ut t an A M NORTHWARD. Muil Train leaves Italtimoru duily (ex cept Sunday) ' leaves ilarrisluirg arrives at Mii.liury, E.vp.xss Train leaves Rallimore daily s arrives al llarrisburg. " leaves llarrisburg (exoi pt Monday). V 2d A. M i p. M. 4 05 V .ill p 1 iOA . M M. .1 ISA. & ii M. arrives ul Suubury. llnrjisbur Aeeuinuiodiition leaves Harris ouv,g, daily (uxeept Sunday) ul arrives ut llarrii.hurg. uiihurv Aeeouiiuodalion leuveif llurris. S Wl P M 7 i0 P M burg daily (except t-undayl at 4 00 V M 'lor iiirther information applr at the Othee. I N. Hi liAllHY. Oeu. tupt. Ilnrrisburg, June I Sfil. CKI.Elllt.VTEI) 1'UEPAnEU JAVA COFFEE, W A U Ji A A T E D i . ... . j SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. "I T is u't',1 by first class families everywhere, and I I highly reeoiuuiended lor nervous aud dyspeptic persons, being -very nukritiuus and free from all deleterious substances, in testimony of which 1 havo certificates from the most emminent Physicians in the Country. Try it, and you will be sure to con tinue its use in preference to any other. rold at retail for Twenty-Five Cent! per Pound by First claw tirucers throughout the L'nitcd "lutes. Ljf - A libtrul discount to ibe Trade. " Put up only by i i:ivisi a. itsuuns. Wholesale Leiol, 611 Warren it. New Y'ork. BTay 7, li. THE ""RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. lioultun'i ) MARKET STREET, 6UNBTJRY, PA. i JULIUS ARBITER, I I A taken this old and well known ttand, and 1 refitted aud furnished the lame is prepared to aeeoimtiudide Hoarder and Traveler wtlb the best the market can attord. lie hopes by strict attention i to business lo receive a share of public patronage. 1 Jlis TAPLK contain the beat tbematket attorda. ! lit Par i filled w lib tha ohoieeat of Liquor, both Malt and Hpirituou. The stabling it good, and attended by careful Ostlers. I guubuiy, April 30, lS64.-ly ; l.OWAKD ASSOCIATION PHILAM-LPIUA, PA. - DUensr f I lie miius, NfmsIuiiI, I rin ii rj' nntl Nriuu fijUfiini ' new and reliablo trealtnenl in report of the HOW ' API) ASSOCIATION sent by mail in aealed Uttr envrlopin. fte of ebarge. Addroa fir. J. f-KIL-' IIN liOriiLITO.N', Howard Ass-ajliUi, 'o. fe.-itb Mmb Vt', Pi-sd Jiy P ' .'utyH, l -y II. II. MAXiSi:it. Atiornry nt SUNJILJiy, VA. Collowtioins attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, I'nion, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. mrraaKCES. lion. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Oatlcll A Co., " Hon. Yt m. A. Porter, ' Morton McMiohacl.Ert., " . Kelcham A Co., 2i) Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Punbury, March 29, 1H62. QRANT SC DIETZ1 liOWEIl WHABF, SUNBURY, PA. V'HOLESALX AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, In every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Kunbury, May 16, 18(53 ly Allorney nnd ('onnstrllor nt Ijtv, Office on south side of Market strpet. four doors west of E. V. Rright ft Son's Store, 8UN11ITRY, TP A.. Will attend jironptiy to all professional business entrusted to bis cre, the collection m" claims in Northumberland ard the adjoining counties. Buubury, May 23, 163. ly I'or ItntM.liro, Itont-liPM, Axis, Il d "iigs, violins in 1'ui-h, Hoolens.i lusit'ctsi on IMiiuIh, l'ovt ls, Anlmal, Put up in 25c. Se. and fl 00 Roxes, Rot ties and f lasks. .) and $b sites for Hotels, Public lnstilu tious, Ac. "Only Infallible remedies known.'' 'rreefrom Poisons.' ''Nsil dangerous to the Human Family." ''Rats cotue out of their holes to die.'' VZ? Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! . : lii:w AliK : : : of all worthless uuiia'ion. j See that "Costar's" name is ou each Uox. Il,.ttl and rlask. bctore vou huv. Address ll l'SIC V It. HS'I'A K. Principal Depot 4S2 Hroadway New 'I'ork. Sold by nil hok.-iik and Retail liug;i.-i. in Sunnurv. Pa. Ki b. 2i). J.V.4 -m jerimTah Tn yde'k! lHorncy .V 'UM'llor ill I.nw. Office on South si of .Market s'rect. P ur dii. w. st of tiearnarl's t'onlVeiioioTv store, BtTNBURY, VA.. Will nttend promptly to all professional busim ,-s entrustod lo his care, the eolleetioti ol elaiU'S tu Ner thiiintu'rliind and tho adjoining eomities. Consu'.t.'itiona in Herman nrd 1.1,1 is h . Sunhurv. Minch la. iNil v READY ROOFING RTIADy "R.OOrNG At li'iS thin, hu'.f tliKco;t el tin roofs. Murr Uur Mc th.tu tiu. tui...Ui.- f.r sleep or .1... rk vi)i;uoriNTr ' For all Kinds of buil ling;., in .ill .'iiiM'.tJ. REAl)YCO!nN(i Easily, cheaply, end oj'ii'l.'y fit oi.. Vi-rds t . coaling over with cen,, t,t at'ierit is nailed do,n. 1 READY l!i)OVINi; Ma le of a strong woven fiil.iic. ii., i,.nirlilv sainraTi d and covered u; oh hot Ii ui t leen w i Ii aperfe.'tl v we terproof eotnp' siiioii. nnd ui up in rolls ready for uw HI inch wide, un 1 7. feet long. V e also mriitiracM.re T,frvrr- -t y (-"!i"1Ti" Foil Liukt Tin Uoii. Mu-ii ehejjvr and more durable Ihi-L oil p:un-. A List), 4'iiiMnitd 4'i'iik-iii, For Ee.'ky Shingle lv..o. V.'hi, i, will olten saw the eost ,.f new i..f. 1 tn;t les i." lletidy Uoohng and Cireuli.rs si ni by II, a: I , lit u deMrcd. Fa"r.ilii'.erio- uiudcwiil, riponsiL.!. p:ii;ie i,hu : buy to il .if.slli. i l'.V DY lt'iollM., :(., t i .M.-ide:, i.unc. N l ,. April' 2.'.. Im'i4. WILLIAMSP0RT OIL V0BKS : NOX-LXI'LOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CAKB0X Hi n-JllI l'.K AiiLi. 'i lers ni',1 receive prua.pt miruticr. li. li. ii oi.M V. Proprkto iilisms,rt. June 1.'., Irn4. SIMsStTKIiTV tl'.IM'l'. j I l''I r.e.lv.d a ; 9) pi u,g sales, e, a lo w tiK;k ol 1 i-bing lueklrf for 'lisiMil.c. ..I Hods. ilceU. Lie.-. Idiskvi... Mioutls. Floats. .,t,. Ki-.,-.. Aililh iiil Kiit. Itigjed I. iocs. lint. iira. and Hooks, to which Ihe . alleolinii of dealers is partii-ularlv ri-ijue-ted. I Urders. Whole-ale and llvtnil, punctually L'.K.l ' and satUfuciiou nurruiicd. J'UIN' KKUiPH. I 2nd and Walnut slreeli. Philadelphia. ! February 27. IV4. Sim LILLIES CHILLED IRON SAi'iS. The Ouly Bute Reliable against Loth Fire and Burglary. I am now prepared to furni.h three siiei of Nation al Hank Elites. They are Isith Fire and Burglar priad, with two distinct insidu liurglar Safes, and three of my uew Anii-Micromeler Locks on each ate. believed In be the only bunk-lock now in u-e that has not been picked or cannot be picked by the aid of the micrometer. Theso .Nifesull present four to six inches in thickness of solid iron, guaranteed to be the strongest, the most difficult to drill and to laud the most resistance agaiost both lire and burglary of uny gate iu tho Visited Mates of tin' same site and cost. I have on hand ubo. and w ill furbish all sices of r.ank Vault .Safes, possessing all the udvaiiluges of the above against burglary. Also, all size of Mercantile S'afel bothXurglur proof and lire aud burglar-proof. Also, Ornamental liw elling house ,Bafes, burglar iruof, aud lire uud burglur-proof (warranted nut amp). Also, the strongest and cheapest Vaalt doors, for bank and uiereaulilu vaults. All the above are Lillic wrought aud chilled iron. Also, six sizes Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, warranted equal to any couiinou Safes, at fully one third les price. Also, a general assortment of second-hand afes, many of theiu nearly new. and of approved makers, received in exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron rafo. Those are oflered at or below auction price. M. C. SADli-K Agent, " No. 21 ti. t t-MU Btreot. June 11, m. Allt'litiuu, I.iiilji-a unil 4jioulU-iii-ii AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. In Ieer (treat, opposite the Central Hotel, 8TJNBTJR V. PA., Q IiYEKLY, has opened a new Picture Gallery JO, in the above plaoe, and i prepared to laku rortraila lo the beat tlyla ana manner. AMBHOTYPES AND rilOTOURAPHS, are taken in every stylo ol the Ai t. that cannot be surpassed iu the State. Having lev-oral year' expe rience, be will give lalisfautiou or no charge. Cupio will bo taken froui all style of Picture. Uiv him call, itemember opjaieil the Central lintel. Sunhury, Jua 4. 1844- ' 1LANK Parohroen PaparA led and blank I I.Mortiriirm. ttud, HxeoMiK". Mimmon. 4-i for ! tti.c3iol th 'r'ui;'..',' luteiiean.'' Tin A1 ii iii'sa l'.Tprrnn 'oiunnr GIVE NOTICE that they have coneluded ar rangemenU W ith trie Northern Central Railross Company to run trains from Unllimoro for York llarrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Sunbary Northumberland, Lewlsburg, Milton, Muncy, Wil liamsport, and all intermediate stations, eouneetitu at llarrisburg wllh the UREAT WESTERN I V PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Oi West. Also with Howard A Co.'s Express at Milton Danville, Hloomsborg. Wilkesbarre, Pittston. Serai t', and intermediate stations on the CattawWo Lncsawsnna a liloouishurg Ratlrossls. At Wi liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express lo Jerse Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Elinir. Rochester, lluffiilo. Niagara, and to all aeoessib points in Western New York and Canada, by whir they will forward Merchandise, Specie. Rank Note Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every desori lion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Rills for Collection. Experienced aud efficient messengers employe aud every effort will be made to render satblnetiv JOHN I1INUHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Suubury. April &, 1HC2. IMOl. Arrnngciuriils laU of .A fir Torlc I.tiiptu. THE CAMDEN AND AMUOY AND PHILADl PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES From rhiladtlphia to Nrtr York and Hy Vr. Jrom Walnut tret Wharf and Kensinc Jtipot. will lertre an follow, viz : r At tf A. M., via Camden and Aiuboy, (C and A. Accommodation.) At A A. M., via Camden and Jersey City. N.J. t: Aecnmmodation. At H A. M , via Cumdeu and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At si A.M., via Camden nnd Jersey eity 2,1 Clnss Ticket " At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At l'i M. via Cnmdcn and Amboy, C aud A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express.) At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express At 6 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City. (Evening Mail,) At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At 1) (night) via Kensington aud Jersey city Suiitnern Express At 5 P. M., via Camden and Anilioy. (Accom modation, Freight utvi Passenger. First Class Ticket. Second Class Ticket, For Water Oim, Strou lsbnrr. S 'ranl,,,,. W l.nrre. Montrose, lireat Rend'. Ac., at 0 A i jioui Kensington, via Delaware, I.ackuwaun ' Western Railroad. Fur Munch Chunk. Alleutown. H Ihlohein. : d"fe. Eiislm. Lamhertvillr. Flemiiigtiui. . A. .it . Iroiu Ki'iisiugtou Depot, aud at 21 from W iilnut s'n el S hart' (Tin-ii A. M. l.inu eonneets will. Trains K Eastoti f,,r Muueh (.'hunk, al .'l-il 1'. M.i l or I t llollv, at i; A. M 2 and 4 P. M. 1 v.-1 reohold, ai ti A. M. and 2 P. M Vv VV LI.I. 1; r ltiir-tol. Tr-ntoM. te . at 11 A. and 2 ' P.M. troni K"mii..toii. i-'or I'liliuyra. iviveii.-ui. li.-i-in.-o. Ilevorlv linglrn. llureiiv. 11 n i'.ulowu. e., id U.'i an i ti P. M. t j - Por .New York, and Vav Lines leavin siugioii In pot. tali- lie., t ars oi, r nth s'rei t. Waliuit. hall' an hoor l.i 1-. re 'iMntu'iur... '1, run inlo lb,' I), pot. i,i., oi, tli,. unival ol .:H 'i. irui, from the. i,.h.,i. Filly I'.iuudr !' Ibo.' J'lge only. alloVTo, pawn,;'. Peligeti im .loi:il.il,d from iiiiytiung as baggage hut then- '.ve.irii: ; aoi..in Ima'ao over fitly pouml- to l- p-iid for e'xrri '.'oiupuny lin.it their r.'v.ouMluiity I..r loig '.'ii,- liollar per potiud. and v.ill .,.t j. Iin!,!, nli.ouul b-y .,u.l iloj. e., epl I y si e 'oil I'-.tilr' Ai. li. lj.lZ.Ui.!l. A .Ism.'iirv 17. l-!4 WM KnOCKE, , iAKKET S'iltEL'T. IlAia'.ILLU'.i I re;.:.r in V I A X 0 S Ti.W U.ew..ol I'l-n.. Ir -m the best I fr- ln J'JOO upwards. -Ml.L'ilH.i.'NS. - ibe I... st muilXictured lat-uts fioin jt,i il'ill liuitars. Violius. A,-e irdenus. Kliites, i ili'S. Prum. liat.jo-. 'i'liiui'ei.riii,., V ioliii and iiuiiai siriiu; luusieal il ir, ei.tral. KIlErT Ml.-IC. The latest publieali n s u;a on bi:d. ' I'V tiiiitl to 'iiiv part vf ill,- .-'.ui.trv. '.'Sal, sr.vi.i;. tiii.r a.sh u? i'XAIwtJBrt. Sui'abl. forlo. Kin; jjiaanes, aod ail hinds nlws ou hiiaj. ' A fire portiueiit of best olated l.'iuKINtj I. LA-SI .- tr. in ti,.,lict to lir i Any sly le ui fru,.t-Uiii.lrt iu,.vi-r a: tii . iio'ier. W M. KN'.i A- ril 11. 1"M",3. V. Mhik.t si.. il, 1 .'I. i'. a:.4tii.i li i ; Confectionery, Toy raXJIT STOR ltiii'licl ,ai ! I, Ssiiiillitry , cofj'.ct:om-:i:y ok ai i. ki: ; Toys f i: i.uy Di:.'. :: 1'iiHT.il'.. Ar 1 V'NSTAN"! I Y l,-n.'t n I f,.r V. i -tiililisl.invi.t ; s I.olt.-ule uiiu retail M pri.tes. IU is niaiiiifnetiir'it i.lt Vil,-1.- t'.iii t" lioop Up A full a-ioi 111,1, . viiiii-ll nre rat. "lot soo'.. S"gHi. S'litioto-rv. No., ofwl' ai"ivi.f f.thrr arti 'les, all , f .l.i.,:i i.uie I" ri. reti.il. ill lueuibrr the lo,lue ai"i l.lio' M. f i.l. Mi Mi.il.et nr'-it, ,1 d,...r -!,. .. Y. VrU stor t Sunhury. F.pl. I j. l."..'i.- if , "AVASHINCiTUX" 110 i rou'.hwesl Corner ol .Market Son Ml Mil UY, I'V.' rpilK iiii'li-rsigne l rcupveti'iilly inf- rii 1. thai he has taken i'U.,i-ge oi' tl.e ul 11 itel, and nA f.r the colli iiiii'ii"-,' of pHttouuge and would iuviu all clUls ;. call. ; uisiAiii.i: is always suppli.d wiih Ihe best the tnai His bur contain ihe .'.i.iceM liiiion. Lug is 'a,d an I well ul'.cii.le'i l.v i an f MllllAL'L V Sunhury, April. 18, Im'i). J. R. HILBUS i'uiiiil) iir-jor A" 4'oui Mulinniiii, Surlitiiinlx rln if Conn Ornce in Washington lovviidiip. I.'ng; he made hy letter, directed to the a Ail business entrusted to bis cure, will lilteloled 10. April II, ISO, I ly XOVI . Ltli S I'OH !.( rpilK uiidor-ined w ill s, II at private I TY-MX '1UWV I.i 1S. siiiuite in t Suiihurv. 'i'he lots are loci'.ed withiu of tho Peiiusylvauia llailrisd Compa Miops. iu the northern part d'the low all suitable building loii.i it tale la the portion d the boiough. Tloy willbu souable terms. I'or furllu-i parliculai PKTLK 11. M II. II. MASsK FliAXCls hi Puuhury. June IK. IV, 4 (i. M. Lai mak. A. 1MPORTEKS WIXES AM) LIU I. al JI a" A t No. Mi South Ninth Street, between Walnut, PIULAl'KLPHI MayT, lMll -ll.4fi!i:it'M IMTII'i' I I i l l: n:i i:i:u As Improvnd for IWO and By E. Kl-TCllAM A CO., SKO Pearl . rpiiK only Freeier eonsliucted on X ciples. vviiha revolving can and f craper. The ore badetis ihe freezing the other removes it as fast a frozen. The most rapid in freciiug, with ihi Oi ice. . . T he ui"rt eeononii ! in cost, as it is I i J ; : I and durable in structure. 1 For sale in all the priucipal cities at j I'nion. tsch Freeier accompanied wilt I and full directiout. rnicis. M quurts, 4 quarts, " A quaxdi, 6 quei is, . It iia.iris, JO qViurta. Apply t U. V. JJASfl II, Apply
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers