TinOt.Trili.i.tiiafir.Arliiiatinir Wrlniror. Th frame being of Iron, thoroughlv galvanised, nil danger from runt Is removed, mid (he linbility to shrink, swell, split, Ae., to unavoidable In wooden machine., If prevented. No thuuil'serews or complicated fastenings to ear ont or get out of orilrr ; it oon bo fastened firmly to the tub la a single scooud. WARRANTED 'WITH OR WITHOUT COG WHEELS. It took tbe First Premium at Fifty-Seven Puto Mill County Fairs in 1863, and ia, without an excep tion, tlio best ringer ever made. Instead (((believing tba statements of parties In crostrd in tba s-le of other Wringors, TRY IT, AND 3 EDGE FOR TOURSELF. Test it Thoroughly with any ami all others, and if tot cutiro'y sa'ialrotury, return it. li will wring from it thread to a bad quilt without aJinriVinn. l t:. t:cl In tie Vniui Sialra, En-jloijd, Canada, srd Aii5l.-uli. Agents wanted in evury town. f 'icrga;io n'c can inuko tVom $3 to Jl pi "? PUnifn, Mtiiiiifarturiiiff Co : (Ikntiuhhr t I know from prr.oti.'al xpcri.i!eo that iron null gn.Wamr.ed with r.ino will not oxidise, or rust one panicle. I can su;Vlv s.iy, after several tears' expoiiinc" in tho uiaiiiilactuio ol chain tor chain-pumps nrnl water-drawers, in which I have tested the affinity of iron and nuo tlril.it too pro cess be conducted properly, it is ftnwl wcblui me two. , . Noorlv one vear ago my f.uuily commence I using one of j our Wringers. Jl now pci I. i mt nil of lis functions as well as it did the first time it was used, mid h is become nn iudispoiir.Me arli.de wilh . I kuvo closely observed several olio r kinds ol clothes, wringer', liie modus operandi Mug dii'i rent, trying to produce the same results as Ihi I'uimini II ringer, ; but in my judirmeut they have l.ulco. Hie Putiuuu j Wringor'ia as neur perfect us l nsioie. mid 1 fnu j cheerfully recoiuniciid it to bp the best in use. j Rcspectlullv Yours. , JNO. w. wheeler. Clcveliind, Ohio. Many years experience in the galvanizing busi ness enable me to indorse the above statement in all particulars. JNO c.i.efferts, No. 100 Betkman Street New York, January, I Mil. No. 2.S5.50; No. 1. $0.0(1; No. A, $d.o0. Msmitnemrod mid sold, wholesale and retnil by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., So. 13 I'lsitt street, New York, and Clcaicland.Ohio S. C. NORTHROP, Agent. April ?3, 104. READY ROOFING liutidy tu mill don n. HEADY "ROOriNG At less limn hulf the cost of tin roofs. REAmr .ooriNG More durable thnu tin. nEADV "nooriNa Suitable for steep or flat roofs. 11EADY1100FING l or all kinds of building', in nil climates. HEADY "ROOFING taslly, cheaply, and quickly put ou. Needs no cuutiug over r. ith ccmeut alter it is muled doviu. ready-Troofing Mh Ic of a gtronp ivovfu fiiVric. tlion.iijjhly pntutAtcJ ttnd coviTfl uiK-u birth furfuow w ith k viTHtly wn trr roof i'iitiii.-itirii. airl put up in rolls ready tur ue 10 iiH.h wiiU", hhU 7. tctt , Wc also maiiufncturo LIQ'JIE csioitt. 1'ob I,i:akv Tin Moors. Much cheupcr a;.d more durublu thm oil J..VM. ALSO, Compound '-inru. For Leaky hinle llooff, Which will often sae the cost if n new roof. Sttinplcs of Ucudy Hooting laid Circulars tent by ii.ail uheii desired. I'avorableterms made with cptlible ptiriies who buy to toll again. KKAI'Y I'.OoriN'l CO.. r.'J Maiden l.ane, .N. Y,. i Apiil2;!. 1SC.4. ion tr Ni:i., Till subscriber oilers bu -sale nuie superior Con- I iivctieut c-ecd-Leaf, and Maryland lliond-'l'oi 1 u- bacco Seed. I'rico j cents pv"r paper feud money ; Biid plum tlireetions Also u lot of good Tobacco Leaf f'.r tale. 1'. IS. MA. Siiiiburv. March 19. 1"S(U. HEKItY fcUAHPEH, .Ao. S'iO AIM II Ml., Ilii3aii-Iiliiii. MAM1 ACTl UKIl & l'LALLU IN WATCHES, FINE JEWELHY, 60IIDSIJLVL2-"WAEE An.l HOUKR'S Superior l'late l AVare. t",' All kind ol ilver-iVnre. nndr jn Ihc preu i te. WATCH llepairiug cari-tully cb i u ' March T bl. .'i:u nit to ri.- ii:rs .tio.'S'ii. rpiIK LITTLE GIANT SEWINM MACHINE L t'OMl'N wnnt an Ajr'mt m county, to Hdicit ..idirs for llicir new fl." Maeliine, wilh suajre, "-driver an ! i -;'ia nvidles Vc will pay a li- t vral .'i.Lnv a..tl c.p ies. or ive lare commi i.m. and l.r add particulars, ! rni. Ac. vitIim. stump T S. PAOI'.. Toledo, O lb. t"l. oni Gi u'l Agent for tho I', .flat it Tin: t'ARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. I' I'll Ciik!nt'T Stiiklt, ,'1'onui rl v No. T(l3.) lMULALLPJHA. " OAV OPLN-l'ai-is-Minle MAWTILLAS and CLOAKS. l!.o. l-prin ' and Siiuitner t-iariiiLiits, of our own dauulaclurc, of thu Latest f-tyios and in great va-j ictv. I J. W. I'ilOCT'iH A CO., Tho Paris Mantilla, Emporium, i No. 12U Chcsmit r-treet, Phiiiidi'.phia. April 0. 'nl eU-Sept. 5, lSii:i ly JACOB HAHLEY," (h um aoi to ' 1 1 Jf'e r iV II , rl t y .) No. 6L'2 MAliKLT Street, PIUI.Al'lXl'lllA rKALKU in l ine Hold and Silver W.TT1IN ) I iiie(ioldJl.Wl:l.ltY; r-oli.l.MI.Vr.U-UAhli. j ndthobest of S1L LK-l'LAl l.i- A UK. (on-, unity on band a large aacoitiucntof the aboeg'uds j t low prices. ulihes an 1 Fina Clocka Repaired, by skillful, .oikiio-n ; aio. Jeuelry repairing ; 1 .. Slaving uud j il kind of Hair-wot k to oi dir. at rb rt roiice. i I j- l'.ai i ii.ri-t the old tuiid, N . o.'J Market ' l'liil.,l,l,iiit. Aj.nl V, I Mil . Jiu j "PENSIONS, BOUNTIES I AND HACK VAY COLLECTED. ' i U KK. Aitormy i-' I and li. ei.-. J to ttiiii)ieitiii llai I lo.n- ai .1 ."-..l.liirs ('tli.'O at 1 aw, is duly n.ilh'.r- c.iliicl l4'iitioii, . j f..r blow. 'r- 1 Aiarkit tri'il, oi'i o- i.. U'cavr's II I, Siiul'urc, i'i ii.t...u.- I'i. I- ly ' ISAAC K- STAUl'F.KIt. j l ll tell .Tliikrr ltnl .! vt Iff. , M M KAl Tl III U IM ! ll.Vr.lt W.Vlti: i Importer .fWMCIIISj i. ll- Noiih Second Si . t'.,imi I'uurry, I 1 1 1 1. A I'l l. ITU j I I. ha- on.liiotlv on hand an .-.,!' nieiil of Gold 1 ai.d silur I'ul'-iil l.t er. I.i iiii0 and Plain ; i.lcbes ; 1 Hit' Gold t ball. h u. 11 I . u u, 1 ii, r Un. -i . M. -lull, .i. 1 kcls, I', I s Mlur lulc. Doit. 1, .i... ; Mlt.r h-."ltS I U ., I l.uil. i ki it Mi' I i . I i u 11 I hi s l.rcs.1 , M.IU..IU1V il l I. -. .-pie. ol J!,..i.... I.e.. ot i i i I.. - .11 ,, l i I I 'II I - V I 'i I..,,. ....... i 1. 1 I .. I . -i in- M. k I ' . i... I i . .. I 1 I i: w c o o D s: m:v siMti.Nt; coons, t. Im.)!1!. . I M , ill . i I I.. H ..I ... .. Ui I .1. ,. . .4 ii .j I . o I II. if I. . II I l..u s t . .!. Ualii I ( I it. a. I ..I.I. I.i .. s .. , ii. . . i hit t.. 4V , ... . . s. I'i. 14 .liilai ji l.u.t l. u4 Uln. Uu'lit.s p- n4t I . . Itii.lii4k all.. h,il, t . ,if ttt 4..4 mi .tv I - u, t t l M U 1. L li t I tS I .1 t ttl r1!. ) i4.M sua II . I I-. .1. .1 .. S 11 ul. GREAT CENTIIAL PAIR, FOR TllK U.8 BANITARY COMMISSION, Orric of tub CotrntTTrs ow LAion, Income and RetenueJi, Ko. 118 South 1(h St., rbiladelphln, Maroh 1, 1B4. Tha Committea on Labor, Income, and Rorontioe of "The Great Central Fair," Intito eo-opcraUon wllh them io tbe partieular work for "hich thoy have been appointed Aa no poruon of the people are inoro patriotio tbun tbe working meo and wome of the oonntry, It ia but Juat and proper that they should alike hate an opportunity to eontributo to the ohjeote of tba Fair. The moat eqnable plan Tor accomplishing this, and, t the aame time, the easl. nt one, ia to ak for tho eontribution of aingle day a labor from all olasaee in the eomnannlty, lo reach Ter department of industry or art, will be a work of great labor, but, If attained, will bt produotlTe of immense results. Tbe auocesa of Iho plan will depend upon the hear ty co-operation of aver element of intluenoe within our liini's, and we invite all tbe guard iane of the Industrial Interests, and all others, to take hold wilh us in forth' ring this groat work of patriotism and humanity. 'ilia coi;uatco is charged with tho following duty, to wit : First. To ol piin tlio Contribution of "one day'a pibor." or carnitine, from every nrtiron and laborer, foreman, operative, and cmplovoo; president, cash ier, ("llcr, and clerk of evury incorporated and un incorporated company, railroad, and express company euipii'i ihg linn, bank, manufactory, iron works, oil nork". mill, mine, and public oilico ; from every private bar.ker and broker, importer, aulioneer, anil merchant; elerk, agent, and saleHiiinn; designer, liui.-ber. and artist ; publisher, pi iutcr, and mechan ic ; from eviry Ciovernment otiiocr, contractor, and employee; pr.a or, buleher, baker, and dealer; fanner, hurlirulhiri'l, and producer; from every noiDtua maker, milliner, and female operative ; eeery individual cnticd in turning soil, tetidirg the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood, or build ing a fortune within Iho Statu of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Oelftwure. Second To obtain the contribution of ono day's "revenue ' from all the great employing establish ments, tiruis, corporations, companies," railroads, and works. Third. To obtain the contribution of ono day's in come from every retired person, and person of for tune male and ft-malc living upon their means, and from all clergymen, lawyers, physician", dentists, editors, authors, and professors; mid all other per sons cnpied in tho learned or other professions. Much of this work must be performed by thu per sonal iritluer.co and efforts of ladies and gentlemen associated, or to be as-ociatcd. with the committee carrying out the plan. The Committee feel the responsibility of the work they hove undertaken, which, to be successful, will reiitiro a very perfect raluiliration of their plan, and they therefore eall upon tho earnest people lo assem ble themselves together in every town, township, and county, and form organizations of ladies and gcullo-liR-ii to fo-opuute with them in this great work and labor of love. In tlio manufacturing counties, tlio coal and oil regions, and in thoHgricultural districts especially let there be organizations in tho Inrirer towns, so that (ho young pcoplu may hnvc nn oppor tunity thus to render assistance to their relatives and' friciub: lighting tbu battles of their country in tho ar iuie of the nation. Tho work of this committee may be prosecuted where no oilier effort can be made lor the fair, as in the mines of tho coal regions. A day 's earning of tho miners, nud a day's product of tho mines, can be ob tained, whero no' portable article could be procured for transportation. Indeed, there is no part or sec tion of these States whero tho day's labor may not -be obtained, if organisations can be formed to reach them. The Committe cannot close wirhout urging upon all proprietors of establishments the duty of taking prompt and energetic aetiou to secure tho bencut of the day of labor from all within their control. Tbe Committee deem it unnecessary to do more than thus to present the subject to the people of the three States named. In the coming campaigns of our armies the laliors of the "Sanitmy Commission" will bo greatly augmented. ly tlio fust of June Tnu.tiUO men one of the largest armies of modern times w ill be operating in tlio field. So largo a force, scattered oier regions to which (he men arc uim iiiuaicd. must nccoi-arily carry along with it an amount id sickness, sullcriug and dcaih, to say noth ing of the gathered horrors of the battle Held. These smicrings it is our hounded duty, as nrcn and Christians, to relieve. A great and enlightened people, enjoying the blessings of a (loverniueut id' their own making, cannot refuo lusistauco to men sullcriug to maintain its authority, and wo will not believe that the tireat Central Fair, drawiugits pro ducts from the three States of Pennsylvania, jew Jersey, and lieltuvare, so atlluenl in nll'mincral. npri- c n 1 1 in ill and indii'triul wealth, shall fall behind any similar orTor( which bus jxt been Hindu for tho relief of the Nation's children. As it is desirable not to Multiply circulars, no further uuthurity than this circular will bo necessary tor uny employing firm or couipauyi or any respect able coiamittcc of ladies anil gentlemen io proceed at once in the work of this committee ; und it is hoped that under it, organizations will spring up in all the towns and busy regions of the Stales of Pennsylvania, New Jersey aiid lelawaro. Subscriptions will be thnnkfully acknowledged in the newspapers of Philadelphia, and it is erv de-irablc that they commence at once as each fresli acknowledgment will sliuiululo further ellort mother localities. All subscriptions should be nil dressed to JOHN A". CLAtillOliN. Trca.-urcr. Office ol IhiJ'-'Coinuiitteo on Labor. Incomes and Itevenue,'' No 113 .South SL YJi.NTH Street, Philadelphia. J All needful help) ill Circulars nnd Posters wiil be forwarded to parties applying for luciu. Li rcct to the Chairman of the Couuuiuee as above. L MON fti'iMEKY l!ONl, Chairman. JOHN W CLAUllOUX, Treasurer. Nov. K. W. II LIT I'll. Corresponding Sec'v. MiOHKliOK J. MITCHKSON, Secretary. " Honorary JIi'iulM-rs.. His Kxcellcncv. A. G. CIRTJ.V . Governor of Penn'a His Lxci-llcncy, JOKL PAKKLU, liovernor of N. J. His : lixcellencV. WM. CANNON, Governor of Del. llin ALI.X. ;i:.KY, .Mayor. Philadelphia. Hiii. C'SITI! It. lNGI.USOLL. Pennsylvania Hon. Jl MIL CAHPh.Vl FR. Now Jersey. II .n Jl D'li; HARRINGTON. Lclawnre. Major-General GEORGL G. MEAUK, Army of tho P- .touiuc. O 111 III I t I V P. llicht Rev. Lisbon Potter. Mrs. Rev. E. W. Huttcr. -Must Rev. lilshop U ood. Chairman. llCV. IllSllol) llljloU. Mrs. George M. 1'ail.uj. Mrs. John Sergeant. Mrs. John M.'Scott. Mrs. General Meade. Mrs. J. Edgar Thomson. Mrs. Jos. Harrison, Jr. Mrs. Robert W Leauiius Rev. Dr. Rrr.inard, Hey. W. P L'rted. Itev. E. W. itiiucr. Rev. Jsriac Leeser. Samuel M. iclton. John Edgar Thomson i oujiuodore K. r Mochton Mrs. L. M. Bond. Mrs. George V. W eaver. Mrs. George W Harris. Mrs F A Drejel. l'redcrivk Frulcy. John Ringhain. George illiauis. Itev W tuddards, D. D. Professor Henry Copiieo. Charles P Truil. M. D Dr. V niter Williamson. Hon l-wald Thompson. Hon J R Ludlow. N li Rrowuo. Duniel Dougherty and I'll others. April lo. ImiI. Mrs M N Kelley. .Mrs John W Forney. Mrs Samuel A Cri'zcr. Mrs Enoch Turley. Mis A Sager. Miss Susan ti'Netll. Miivi Sullio Scott. Mus LouL-a E (Taghorn. and & uthcis. I'Olt A IIIV'S 1.1. ltOK. GI'EAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR. Committee on "Labor, lueumi-s aud Heicnuea.'' OOice No. US South Siveiiih St , Philadelphia. JiillN W. CLAGHiiRN.Trcasurir. This Comn.iliee has a special work, to wit : to ob tain a d.iy - lulMir,'' a day s "income, " and a day s "rcvei. ue. ' from i t cry ciii.cii id' the three State of Pi!iii-iania. New Jcr-ey and Delaware, tor the b -ii i:t of our ick and wounded soldiers. Tin C .ma. .u. i- ii'iw lully org.iuitcj at the aboie addi ts. Mod calls to. the cu-opciutit.u of all clussea in tbe e .uim unity. lit w u i lo show what the h'b T (lll.r So'.iilel. ' h .t i be p..pte eun do in industrial claura can tli i Ir aeparute trades ! What IV .4., ! aliiu e:i I N U.it i' Jur.ey can do ! l bat I'olawaie run do ' t lint eii. h county can do! loitvai it city lu.d town can do ! VI bat each piop--lou enn do 1 li.. I each lia ie cm do ' V bat ia'ii iH-cup tiion cau do ! M but va. li Ui.'iiuUotory eau do ! VI bat emit Liuik. iii.aruu. a company and railroad ci it do ' VV iul e-ii'll Uiilie call i,i 1 V' bal ia. U Woi k-ic p CNIt do ! W bat ijcLi la.l.lly cull .to ' V I .ti i a. li a, ui c.il. d ! ll lol I, b .UtMlt C,U du i' a t, li to t au l no I am do ' ki . w.,i i.i noM iu ih world w bl A at or I.-an fre . 'i it., i t.ls lit du I r then Mi.!. ' 'I' tun j viotk and tlti i.utt tttort. 1 . o. duao uio t'ilii MU. I ' i.i... .u iil -M ktleq - iU JOUI faUudiua I ' ' :'i Utit uliu.i.' I l it, i t. I., . ij.ia. I.' I I' s It l.a o, (.tift. , I 'I i. .U ..t I 1. 1 a. woiku.au site wiih Ihstr stni loyvra, Iks n. 1 1....I wok Uitu .ititt.a It i. .ily d.. li ,,,, aktl( ,,u .yitonw lit. I .M., I .j UvdU.1 l,um lit,,, .v4 , """I""" iwmia.s, k4 lit. .H..,Ut,ua aul add to u s a., ..i u p.. a.. .. .u i. ,um .,,1 u M. tlt.aM.i4 I. a-.t... Iv. Ika.a,! lk, ,,i,tuk. I U-S..I n . a., u .il, u LiitU ,fc lt) l.-.iwuwk lUtt, l. ie4 .ui u.i.1..to4 (..si, ak l.du.tt.k sill atia.ul.1. tauawa to M- titol.ta ana Ull tuaHwjlt. eul be M . I r. tt.it. a akati wtuasf hi if- Vt 4Tial.nl I. S'lt ' I . a,. ' 4.. fc Vt Hi 1 1 kit M u .. '' .! lait. t .ius w ' 1 1 I ' Il I v, NOT A HUM DItmK.1 A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VI-OI'rAULK KIXTUACT. A PTJUS TOITIC. THAT WILL RELIEVE XHK AFFLICTED, AND Not nutke lrraukarln. DR.. nOOFLAND'8 German Bitters 'rilEPARED FY DR. C SI- JACKSON, VUII'A DELPHI A, PA. WILL EFFECTl'ALLt AND MOST CERTAIJJ. LY t'llti: AIM. .DISEASES arising from a Disordered Liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citi.ens are auBering from Dys pepsia and Liver Discuses, and to whom the follow ing questions apply we guarantee UOOFLASirs GERMAN RITTER8 will cure them. Dvsi'Ki'MA and Liver Diska.he. Do you rise wilh a coated tongue morning", with bad taste in the mouth Bnd poor appetite for break fast ? Do vou feel when you first get up so weak nnd Intifrnifl mil can scnrerlv vet utiout ? Do VOU have n dirtiness in the head at times, and often a dulncss, with headache occasionally f Are your bowels costive and irregular, and appetite changea ble ! Do von throw nn wind from the stomach, and do you swell up often f Do Tou feel fulness after eating, and a sinking when tho stomach is empty? Do yon have heartburn occasionally ! Do you feel low spirited, nnd look on the dark side oi things ' Are vou not unusually nervous at times Do you not become restless, and .often lay until midnight before yon enn go to sleep ? and then at times, don't you foil dull and sleepy most of the time Is your skin drv and scaly? also sallow t In short, is not your lifo a burthen, full of forebodings f HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Will oure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of trie Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disordered atoniacn. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Inward Piles. Fulness or Hlood to tho Head. Acidity of the Sto niRi'.h, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for ' Food. Fulness or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour Eructation. Sinking or Fluttering at tho Pit of tho Stomach. Swiininine of tho Head, Hurried and DiHi cult Drcnlliing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision, lints or Wclis before the Sight, Fever aud Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspira. tion, Y'ellownesa of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Rack, Chest, Limits. Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, burning in the Flesh, Constant Imnginings of Evil, aud great Deprcssiun of Spirits. PARTICI LAR NOTICE There are manv nrenarations sold under the nnmo of Cillers, nut mi' in uuart Bottles, compounded of the ehi unest whiskev or common rum, costing from 20. to 40 cents "per gallon, Ike taste disguised by Aniso or Coriander Seed. This class of Hitlers has caused aud w ill continuo to cause, ns lone as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of tiie drunkard. Rv their use the system is kept continually under Iho influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of tho 'worst kind, tho desire for Liquor is created nnd Kept up, and t lie result is uiliuoMat tendant upon a drunkard'alife nnd death. For those w ho desire and will have a Liquor Bit ters, wo publish the following receipt. Get One lioltlo Hoolhind's Oermim Hitters and mix with Three Quarts of Good liruudy or Whiskey, and the result will lie a preparation lhat will far excel in medicinal virtues nnd true excellence uny of the numerous Liquor Ritters in the market, and will cost mucn less, luuwiii nave an tne virtues ei HiHjfhiud's Hitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these, inferior preparations will cost you. HOOPLAS IVS GEHM.VN 15ITTKHS Will Givo Yon A OOD APPETITE, Will give you STRONG HEALTH NERVES. Will give you RRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL INGS, Will euoblc you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive ly prevent Yellow IVtrr, llilioiiM I''V'r, &o. Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, from whatever cause, cither in Male or Fi-ninle. will find in HtiOFLAND'S HERMAN HITTERS, A REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Such has been the case in thousands of instances, aud a fair trial is but required to prove Ihc assertion REMEMBER, THAT THESE MTTKI'Sj A HE hot M&m&&89 And NOT intended as a BEVERAGE. Tho Proprietors have thousands of Letl.-rs from tbe most eminent Clergymen. Lawyers, l'hysiciaits and Ciiiicrts. Testilyiiif: of their own pi rsonal knowlcdga, to tho bcncticiul effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of tha Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa tent .Medicines in general, through distrust of Ihcir ingredients and effects, 1 yet know of no sufficient reasons why o man may not testify to the benefits ho believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contributo to tho benefit of others. 1 do this thu more readily in regard to Hoofland's Ucrimin Hitters, prepared by Dr. CM. Jackson, of this city, becuuso 1 was prejudiced against them for uialiy years, under the impression that they wire chiefly nu alcoholic mixture. Inui indebted to my friend Robert Sheomaker. Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tesis, and for encourage ment to trv tin in, when sutli ring from great aud i loi.g continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Hitlers, at tlio Itegiuuing ut tlio present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration lu a degue id hodiiy and mental vigor which 1 hud not fell for six mouibs before, aud had uliuost despaired of regaining. 1 thcrelore thank God aud my iriend lor directing to the use of tbeui- J NLWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 2.1, l.'til. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, lu You n y or A 'Jul, Mak or tmah, Arc speedily removed, and the path-lit restored health to DELECATE CHILDREN, I Those aufTering from M i a Asms, wasting awav, with acarci ly any Herb on their bones, are cured In a very short I hub ; one buttle in such eaaes, will uavs a uioal surprising attect. I' Alt EN IS having suffering children as above, and wishing lo raise litem, will never regret lbs day they couimeuced wilh these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, and thoae work ing hard with their brains, should always keep a botilool llootfaud a lliltvr ucur them, aa (hoy will ttud much beuctit from lu use, to both Btiud aud body, invigorating aud Mot depreasing. IT IS NOT A 1.IO.I OR STIMULANT, Au. IcaiM nu pruatration. Att'UlluN, saoldirrai t AND THE FRIEND") OF SOLDIER.S We call the atL-lithm of all laving rrlalions or friruds lu tbe aiuiy lu the fact that "H'XiFLAMi II German Billets'' will cure nine U-i.th ol the dtaaoe iiiducvd ly axMwiiia ui, pnvatntita in. i.lciti to vamp lite lu -the publuiied aliuoal daily iu lb aawnaiHtra, on (ha arrival of lite aick. it will be au lieud (Lata wry large propttrliou aiu aull'triutf from debility Evviy eae ul lhal kind en Its leadily cull J I.) Il...ltl,. li.ritiaa) II, litis. M kav bHi kuiiaiua iu stain.' ilml. II ikae Ritura were IrtMtly ' Uei altt.tltg our atildUl. kmi.lrads uf lives NMbl b . av id lhal olkaaWUa Would b l.l I 'lb piot t.uioia ul daily rvdeivma tkaakful U-l-I I lata flow tuliuu iu Iba aiuy mui Ituapiiala, slut I I save ta rwaittrvd lo kaalib If lha aaeot Ibeae Ull , Iwa, aaul to ltUl by (ball lllvula I IHM ABg or fOlMIHl ira! Ws Ik. I ike hijuaiura f -C. U JAt'laWM" la ea live H isppt nl ) UuUls. iu.s pet UolUt U ittt. uf half dwsea M II I attuuld ur baasaat 4uaab4 bu4 kale Iks ailavls, , du I.! t pul vS by aity of la iik.ui, praa Itoua Ikal ktay to ySltuwl la US pla' kail aaatd to as, i at. as aill a; aai4. aaauialy p. a d, bs eiMwm I'liiMiitaJ Gas ai.4 "a.niaso.t r, aw s. auk at (sWSttSSBM-l to C M JU.SM.S t I t. I fltlttois Vf ti awls it ssi Oaslnai Ui as vew i U.e lfciu-4 fewaaas vl'lH II lV. . ly tQ ST0ES F TIIE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR PALE AJ" Jl. liohrbnch A Oo.'a POTJNDE -ST, Bet the Rest Get the Cheapets Oct tba most Eco nomical, which oan be had at the Robrbaeh Foundry. Having a large assortment of the most approved ETOVKtj, such an Cooking, Parlor, Office and Hhop Btorea, which will be told at the loweet rate. Also, Kettle! of all aiiea, Pans, Skillets, ia. Tbey ara also manufacturing Maohincry, riongha, Castinga, Ao., at short notioe. Ropairing all kinda of Agricultural Implemenu dona in a good workmanlike manner and at tba bortoat notieo. All articles shinned aa ordered. Order respect- full; tolioiled and promptly attended to. Ylt Old Iron, and all kinda of Produee taken In Exchange fur work nunbury, vol. it, 1863. tr cbitnyio E1V CLOTIII.'VU & I lIiikKII- sxoui:. THE aubsorlbcr roapeotfully Informs the peoplo o Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened an en. tire new stock of clothing and Furni?hing goods, at his new store in the building of Chariest Pleasants Esq., in Market square. His stock consists in part of ' CLOTHI1TG. HOYS CI.OrillMs. Such as Coats, Over Coats, pants, vests, shlrta, undershirts, drawers, stockings, neckties, handker chiefs, gloves, io. Also, Hals and Caps of all kinds. HOOTS xn SHOES, of all kinds. TRUNKS, and Valises, umbrellas, and notions of all kinds, beside" numerous other ar ticles, The public aro requested to give him a call and examine his stock. LEVI HECHT. Puiibury, Oct., 10, 1863. THE MISSES JOHNSTON'S BO.VU DISO ANDDAY SCHOOL 'or YomiftC l.li'S(, No. 120'J Spruce Street. Philadelphia. REFERENCES : Rev. Dr. Howe, David Webster. Esq., Rev. Dr. Sinldards, Win Haywnrd Drayton. Esq Rev. Dr. Cooper. George M. Wharton, Esq., Henry M Fine, Esq., T. G. Hollingsworlh, Esq., R. R. Montgomery. Esq. Hou. Alexander Henry. Thomas Dunlnp, Esq., Philadelphia. December 6, lbS TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR ENLARGED VEINS j OF TIIE LEG, AC; Instruments for all deformities. DR. GLOVER'S . -w Itevfp 'rriittn has taken the place of other Trusses for tho retention ! and cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting njiou tho principle of a lever, it never loses its strength. Il is conted to prevent rust. It has no pad on (be b.T'k, which is so liablo to injure tho spine and annoy und chafo thu w earer. It is Miro to retain the Rupture, ! giving ease and comfort, and effecting radical cures. It is warrented to givo satisfaction. ! 'I hc improved Shoulder-Draco expands the chest and prevents tho wearer from becoming round . shouldered. Ladies Belts and "Abdominal Supporters. Rand nzes. and Belts of all kinds, nud instruments lor ull Deformities id' tho Bodv. DR. GROVER'S Oliice is No. 4 Ann Street, two doors from Broadway. New York. Strangers should paiticularly note tho name and No. A priMI, 1 (:. JEREMIAH SNYDER, AltoriM'y .V 'iii'llor ut I.tiw. Office on South side of Market street, four doors west of Gcarhart's Confectionery store, 8UNBTJKY, n?A-. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Nor thumberland and Iho adjoining counties. Consultations in German and English. Sunbury, March IK, loo t. ly SUNBURY HIGH BCHOOLt. rpilE first quarter of twelve weeks will open in X the Grand Jury Room, ou Monday tho 4th of April, 1SB4. Tkbvs Pkr QfAiiTKn : For Rending, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography. English Grammar. $1 00 Algebra, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Geologv. or ni.y of these, ti 00 Higher. Mathematics, (including all or any of abovei So (lu French. German. Latin and Greek, or any one of Ihein in addition to als)ve. 7 00 Tuition payable half quarterly in advance. No deduction for lost time. Daily records are kept of the merit and demerit of each student the former denoting the excellencies of each in recitation and deportment, the latter the deficiencies and ikliniiueueies copies of which w ill be sent to the purchus or guardians at tbe end of each term. F ir particulars apply to the principal. KtKKIlEM ts : J. ,T. Reimensnydcr, Sunbury. Prof. M m. Neotling. Sel ins-Grove, Prof. O. R. Bliss, Lewisburg. E. P. ROHUACU, Principal. Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1364. & '.Vail-all V .' Kin., Ihllilt-Illlll. API: OPENING FOR SPRING, lSfil. ion pes. Jl. Fancy SILKS. 50 pes. India Si!(s. Jl. 1H0 " Good Black." 200 " Ordered Pluiu, SILKS 4-4 LYON." Black Silk VELVET. Brown SILKS, Ss5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 per yard. Ulnck " $0, 5. 4, 3, 2, 1, per yaid Moiro Antiques, ull colors. Magnificent Grenadines, M. nrnilice.it Organdies. Richest Chintzes and Percales. Spring SHAWLS. New Household STAPLE GOODS. X. R- General assortment of Meua' Wear. March 5, lsiil "inn I 'sir ItnaiIIlf-, ICons'lis-a, .altlH, Ili-d lllipn, IIvlIlM III I 'asrsi, l ouls'i&f. ak lu ( au I'luulw, 1'ovt l, YuIiiiuIm, aVf. Put up in 25c, 50c. and Jt 00 Roxra, Hot I In and FU.ka. s'.'l and $J ica for Hotels, Publio lustitu tious, Ac. 'Only infallible reinedios known." 'Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family,'1 ''Rata come out uf their holes tu die. 1 jtf Soi l holesule in all large ritiee. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! ! ! Ill AH ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. See that "Costar'a" name ia ou each Box, Bottla and FUk, before you buv. Addrraa M i:.Mt Y It. CON I' I It . I'riiielpul Depot n3 llioadway Naw York. IV'Sajld by all II hulvaalii aud Hi tail Druggists 1u flunlturv. Pa. Feb. 'to, lo -Bin WASHINGTON HOUSE, (soul banal Corner of Maikut Square, ! Mil II Y, lY. fpilE undenigiiad rwl icllully iuluruia lbs publis, I lhal ke baa ukiu cL.rga ul Iba above uaw4 Hotel. aiI aak I. Iba e.tuuuuaues uf lbs furutaf pwiruuaga at. 4 avuld luvu. all uikeia to give hiia a i) ait. IIIST..ULK ia !- auppli.d wild lbs kwal lbs inarkel affurda. llin Bar nt'UUiiti Ibe vkuicvai lufwoia. aud kia atob I'M la good aud Will lluU. by caialul llallara. kill HALL M 1LV kllf biutbury, A pill f14, laet. MHVKUVS ClttHU i: NT IS J A L K o i itttt im u ri .iua, Avkbuwl. to be Iks Wnt Lxu-i-ta 1 Has kladsl aa4 lltbaal swuds la Ataa. ULu'iaLs inn sit on d UAku riMHi SUvtosM, il. 143 AKCat m Ui l l.blh, u .... . , r-mumilaU Uu : i.i . i 18G3 GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, "yOULD respeotfully aB-Krane Oat tbey bava just received and oprard a verv large aai well eelea- ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which tbey ara willing to dispose of at a VERY EMALL ADVANCE ON fr'lrsit C'okI, 0TJB STOCK IS COMPLETE AIID EMBRACT.S EVERYTHING GIVE US -A. CALL. Thankful for past favors ws hope to meet a con tinuanco of the same by still telling Goods ss cheap if not CIIEAPEK than can be purchased clso. where. FRILINQ t GRANT. Sunbury, May 23, 18C3. 0. W. IIEOI ER, SOLUU0X M.ILICK. ZIEGLER & MALICK. ATTORNEYS -A.T X.A.W, Hiiinbury. rVortliiimlsorluntl Co., Isi. Offer their crofessienal services to the public. Col- i lections and all other professional busiuess entrusted to them, will receive prompt attention Also, Militurv claims will be collected, such as Bounty. Back-Pay, Pensions, Ac, Ac. I Roth speak the German Language. . Office Market Square, next door to Prothonotnry a office. Sunbury, March 5, 1S64. iiriiT f.V!w"si:iti VI I or no v nt Law, SLNBl.RY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Nor. : tlmnibcrlai.il, Union, Suyder, Montour, Columbia , and Lycoming. ! Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, ! A. G. Oattcll A Co.. " Hon. Win. A. Porter, Morton MeMiehael, Esq.. " E. Kcicham Co., 2si puarl Street, New York. f John W. Ashmeud, Attorney at Law, " 1 Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " i Sunbury, March 29, 1802. I.r.E(E-.M IIO'I'EI., Iliirrhhttrg, J'tt. nilll-. ll.no,, selllt 111 i f Ibis W mnnntrciiiiiii f tl;t. well-Kiiown Hotel hav- I l,o. he.-ii resumed bv Messr". CO. I.E A llEltH. the present proprietors, hog leave lo inform tbe publio that the house is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved. Willi a view to the proper and comfortable acoommodalion of those whu may favor the establishment with th'-ir custom. Oti-".s will receivo due attention and courtesy, nnd no exiicns will be spared thai may oonduco to maintain .hotel in a first-class style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Hams burg during tho summer months, will find pleneanl boarding aud large and well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, uiiou moderate terms. SCOTT COY I.E. March 2!. 1SR2. J- GI1.BEHT HEHR. NAKDiEU'!! lVt'aTLvr FMIi i th ri;i:zi:it : 1 As Improvad for 1859 and 1SC0, By E. KETCHAM i CO., 2SU Pearl s(., New Y'orlt. rPHE only Freeier constructed on scientific frin J. ciplcs. with a revolving can and spring blado scraper. The one hastens the, freezing of the cream- - 1 the other removes it as fust us frozen. j The most rapid iu freezing, with the least quantity 1 of ico. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple nnd durable in structure For sulti in all (he principal cities and towns in tho Vnion. Each Frcexer accompanied with a book of reoipes : and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 20 quarts, Applv to II . II. MA? March 2, la'62. J.1 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 S 00 12 00 i-ER, Sunbury, Pa. BOOTS AND SHOES, TU ST received from New Vork and Philadelphia, a fresh supply uf the latest stylea and of the best quality, which he has had made up to order, and warranted to give good satisfaction. He has uiudo arrangements in the city to have his best work made to order, which can lie had at ull times, if nut on bond they will bo procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of BOOTS and SHOES of ull kiuds as usual. I will also wholesale Roots and Shoes by the box. Cull and examine bcfoio purchasing elsewhere and satisfy yourselves. Thankful for patrunnge heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a conlinuunce of the same Shop and Store room, three doors wet of the Rail Roud ill .Market Square. WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, Sept. 19, ISM. Yl'ANTED iuimudintelv, a Jour Shoemaker, un lY Meua' Work. Good wages paid. PRIVATE ACADEMY, NORTHUMBERLAND. mill REV. JAMES DICKSON, will rc-open his i 1 Academy un Monday, the Ktk day of Augiut, I (Mill. The following branches will be taught . j Latin, Greek, Mathematics. Philosophy. Rhetoric. I Logic, Book Keeping, Vocal Music iu theory and I' iroctice. Also, Geography, Grammar, History. ,'oiuposilion Wriliug. ) TERMS : ' Per Quarter of It weeks. s JltoH : In the alaire branches wilhout (he lauguagcs JO 00 Latin and above branches,. tl 00 . Greek and above branches, J3 00 I See Circular. ' Pur further particulars apply to I REV. JAMES DICKSON. Teacher. ' Northumberland, August 1st, lKd.'i. ly I WILKESBARRE. FA. I 4'npltul uud turlua, alH,OI( j DIRECTORS: . G. M Holleuback, L. D. Shoemaker, J John Reiehard, D. G. Drieabach, ' Samuel Wadhauis, R. C. Smith, R. D. Lacoe. Chaa. iHirranes, I ( harles A. Miner, Win. S. Rosa, I IV. IV. Ketchain. G M. Harding. ; G. M llol.I.EX IHl'K. Preaidenl. j L. D. SHOEMAKER, V ice President. U. C. FaiTH, Hecretary. . IV G. Stkiii.imj, Treasurer. Thin Cuuiitauy Insure Ihree-fourlb of the Cash t valuation, takea nu Premium Notes, luuke nu Aasewa- lueiiU, Policy ac know ledges all uioueys paid during lbs term ol yuur lusurauus. A. CRAWFORD, Ageul. May 30, lso'l -ly : Htiti on'M itiHi.0 in. I i:." J . a ' eslers and Coitaunier. ul lbs sltuvs Cslvbraled Wash Blue, a ill pleaaa tok Uollce, lhal Ik Label at altered to rad INDIQO BLUE, ; FIT I P A t tlfrtd lllbersr'i UKl'U HTOHK, No. 1S1 Xufih ktt'OXD bUssM, I'lllLAt'ELI'll! V The auality uf tltla HI us will b lb saais la iy apwll r. ll is warraitUsd to autor waiaf tkaa talc Iks 18G3. FR1LING saoss fjuaailiiy ul lisdio, aa4 to u lauch lurikar tkaa any wibx Vah lilua la Ik aiatkal ll ilu. suivaa pailwaily alaar aaa) oam au sii4 a lit eimka. a. atuai of lha ulkvf at.ka au Oas Rv 4.a suitwdlakalf piut uf w alar, will ikaks aa (uud a Linil Hla a U4 is atada, at a Iku4 Iks I A Ills riail4 al lb aaa f4 as Iks lalialto4) aa4 lulaltoS as u. I ta) buwa.kM-.alS sill tad II las y atwck to Ikcu adiuOaa to aaa tof lhat wl Up al H lalMSHIB I y All lllwa pall a k aft as Ik a) 44 lib llAStv a - im a a ui lw.l.a.wi 1 k k Labi 4ua awl IvqWU kUaVf ! l-l kv.1 k tuiitai ms aauM.Hs 1 rV i ti WM. KNOCHE. k3 MARKET 6TREET, HARRISBURO, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from f 200 npwarda. JnELODKON'8. The beet manofaotored Instra menU, from $4itollOO. 'ultars, Violins, Aooordeona, Plate, Fife, Drama, Banjos, Tambourine, Violin and Ouliar strings and musioeJ ner abandiia ia general. . (SHEET MTJBIO. Tbt latest pnblieationt always on band. Hasi sent by mail to any part of the sonntry. OVAL, SQUARE, ILT AND R06EW0OD "FRA-IvIEe. Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds vf picture always on band. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLABbEH from amallert to largort aiaes Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, April 11, 1843. 03 Market at., Haxriaburg. Northern Central Itnilwa 8rvItIER TIME TAHLE. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from the North and West. Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of North ern New York. nnu aiii'r iia.il jl.t t , at titu aunt, iou. j .1-. Ifnvn 1 1 i Tr TT ontU the PassciiEcr Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Suobury, liarrisburg and liulliuiore as loiiowa, vu : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sundsv). 10 10 A. M. " leaves Ifarrislmrg, 115 P.M. " " arrives at Baltimore, & 36 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 07 P. M. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday.) 2 00 A.M. " arrives at Raltimors daily (except Monday). 8 15 A. M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, 6 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore doily (ex cept Sunday) o leaves Hnrrisbnrg " arrives at Sunbury, Express Train leaves Baltimore daily " arrives at llarrisburg, " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday), " arrives at Sunbury. 9 15 A. M. I 15 P. M 4 05 " 8 15 P. M 1 35 A M. 3 00 A. M. 5 : " For further information apply at the Office. I. IN. I) DtBARRY. Supt .nrliiiwanna V IlIooniMbisr--; ISnil. l-oiul. ON and after November 17, 1862, Pasacngor Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Frcieht A- Passenger. Lenve Scrnnlon, 8.00 A. M. " Kingston, 9. 20 Passenger. 10.15 A. M 11.40 P. M. Rupert, 11.30 Danville, 12 05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12 45 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 5 20 P. M Danville, 6.00 ' Rupert. .o5 i ' Kingston, S.45 Leave, Arrive at S riinton. lu.no P M. 1.4.i P M. 3 40 A Pus-'ir.gT Train ni-o leaics Kingston ut 8 no A. M.. for Sermton. to eennect with a train for 1 New York. Returning, leaves Scraiiton on urrivul of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M. ; The Lackawanna A Illoomsburg Railroad connects wilh Hie Delaware, Lackawanna pud Western Rail . road ut Sranton, for New ork and intcriucdialo points cast. j At Rupert it conncels with the Cuttnwissa Rail ' roail. for points laith east und west arming at Phil ! a.l-lpl.iii at U.15 P, M. j At Norlhiiniberbiiid il connects with the Philn.M. phia A Erie Railroad nud Northern Central Rail I road, for fioints west uud south Pa-sseugers arriving ! ut llarrisburg 4.50 P. M ; Philu lelphia lo P.M.; 1 ond Baltimore 10.20 P. M. The Freight nnd Passengers Train north, leaves Northumberland at tl.45 A .M .. and arrives at 9,20 P M., passing Danville ut H.2 P. M. Jt'HN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wki.i.s, General Ticket Agcut. Nov. '.".I, lbSJ .1 laarge AxMortini'itt ol' EVANS A WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA.. February 12, 162. (1f.xti.emkk It gives me much satisfaction to inform you that in the severe fire which, on tbe morning of the 4th inst., entirely destroyed all my stoclf and materials, 1 bad one of your Salamuuder Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and the Rooks and Papers were preserved in au uuiblenii.-hed condition. 1 shall need nuother Safe as euou aa I get in order. Y'ours. most respectfully. W P. DlCKINSON.'Reading, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CiiAUDtiism no, Franklin county, Pa Auirust ;tl-t. 1S01. Messrs. Evans A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of the 22d uf August, 101, our Storehouse at GrecncOAtle wtut dcstrt.yed by fire. "1 he Salamander Safe we purchased from you some few years since w us iu the above meutihncd store house, and contained all uur books, papers, cash, Ac. which were preserved iu a perfect condition, after being cxpoM-d to a most intense heat for several hours. Please inform us upun what terms you will tell us another larger Safe. Yours tiuly, OAKS 4 AUSTIN. Snlauiuuder Sales, for Banks. Stores, Private Families. Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks aud Bank ault Doors, equal to any made in the country, und sold oh as good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to tho follow iug Banks and other parties, having their Safes and Locks now iu use, to their entire sutisfuc tiyn, and many others given at their Store. I MiED Siatks Ml.Nr, Branch Bank, Shclbyville Philudcli'hia. Tennessee. Umteii States Arsenal. City Bank of Philadelphia Caliluruia Consolidation li k of Phila. Pottstown Bank. Pa. Cuutesvillu Bunk, Pa. Stroudsbnrg Bunk, Pa. Jersey Shore Bunk, Pa. Lmak Haveu Bunk, Pa. ( uiou Hank, Bultiinoro. S.utbwestorn R.n.kof Va. Fultun Bunk. Atlanta, Ga. Newark Bank, Del Bank of X. C, Raleiirh, Coin ih Bank of Phila. ChaluuoogaBuuk, Tenn. Pre iu Loan Ass'on. 4th a(. Bank of Northumberland. Rank of North'u Liberties, Philadelphia. Puul and Swift, Bankers, Alabama. W.G. Sterling. Wilkesb'a. Lewuburg Bunk, l a. Other rcfereuci-s given upon calling at our Store, No. IA S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5. 1SH3 ly M iiwliiitftlou llouar, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (.iar the Bridge.) fllllE aubi'riber bating leased this well known X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown, respeetlallv informs tbe public lhat be is refitting aud repairing the premises, and will be prepared to en tertaiu, in a comfortable manner, bis numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may patrouiiv his establishment. April 12, li2 JOSEPH VANKIRK. .il. '. .i:titii tit r'K Confectionery, Toy and FBTJIT STORE, .llurkrl tailrrrl, Naabury, lu. CONFKCTIONKliV OF ALL KINDS, TOVS OF KVLUY DESCIUrTIOX, FIU'IT, Ac, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and lor sale al ih above estaldbhuieut at wholcaal aud retail, at reason able pricea. Ha is manufacturing all kinds of Cuiifivlionariea to keep up a full aaaoriiueul which ar sold at low ratoa. Tobacco. Kt-t;ani. Slaiioaerv. Nut. of all kinds, ami a variety ul' oil., r arliclea, allot abiub ki uliivd ! abuleaaU and retail. la RiuieUtber Ih name and placa .,A J M (' GEAItllAKf. Market tUavl, 3 d.atrs weal ul L Y Bugt-I A SoAt aUt. huiilairy.tv.pl , ioJ If Isalrraaullusaul llutt-l. Mi Naf Sol i'Mtmiy, Lointr fn-lliH i4 I NEW YOIII.. j r 1111 1 -4 lial alas lloui. Ik autat quial. buaialik I 1 and pl.aMul Hot. I ia lb ally ulrr auia.r todwMatcata to ikuas italung k.w Vmk tur kuaiaea M plMaws. l u aaatlal la II. hIU, and kapl ual Ik EikofSis pi 4 a ia u4iMii,.it wnb l.itua s . kat-iwa, akuia laliaakaiakui a.4 , kuura, af saavaj la Ikatf wa louaia 1 k kaiaa auu. ' 4tala, iba lut.aaa sad aUaadaixs ul Ik ktai ud.l baika. aud all 11. a a4iia iaaiavn wiaaknl M4 IS, 14.4 Wmll fupa-r-lH llra, WAIL riPIM or IMU.X I'LelHAtLI or ! ls3 1 kflLl AkD rAIURNs Ikf iu.ii 4ii I "ia Ik kl ait a a tolas. ' to MAklMolU aloMk oi Uili.v' af ISSM Hal Ik l4 The Aslnsn'ia Kipreaa Oanimsaw-, IVE NOTICE that they have eon-duded ar 1 rangements with the Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from ""altin.nre for York, llnrrisbiirg, Dsnphin, Halifax. Trevoiton, Surjb'iry, Northamberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Muney, Wil liam'Worl, and all Intermediate stations, evmneotine at Ilarrisbnr with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and tho We-t. Also wilh Ticward k Co.' Express at Milton or Danville, Bloorosburg, Wilkeehaxre, Pittston, Scraa Ion, and Intermediata stations on the CaMawisssi, Lackawanna A Bloometmra; Railroads. At WU liamaport, by Howard A Co-'s Kxpreas to Jersey Shore and Lock Haves. Also, by Howard Co., and their aonneetions, for Canton, Troy, Elmrra, Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara, and to aU aooeasfbla points In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward klerchandiee, Specis, Rack Notts, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collecticn. Experienced and efficient messengers employe J, and every effort will be mads to render satirfacluva. JOHN BINGHAM, Baperlntendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Ageut for Sunbury, April i, laol. ItRAlsY IIOI SI. Corner of Slate and Third Strctts, Hxkaisicita, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of its convenience and near location to the Capitol, baa made it a desirable stopping place, not only fur those having business at the seat of Government, but for others visiting llarrisburg. . March 29, lbt2. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES SEC RE1S Fok TIIE MILLION ! A most valaul.le and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and 30 colored engraving". DR. HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and p-.nn-lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Fhvsiolngy, Fnnctions, nnd Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure The practice of DR HUNTER has long been, amf still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his1 mcdicnl usefulness through the medium of his "VADE MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, a ft preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for tho alleviation of one of the must awful aud destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postago to any port of the United States for 50 cents in P. O. stump, or 3coniesfor $1. Address, post paid. DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, ISfi.l. Iv. l!3. Arrungrments 1C3, ol ."'v York t.iarn. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL' PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. t'O.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Nftr Yorl and HVjf Plarv, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Dej'ot, trill leave as foltovs. viz : Far.a At 6 A. M.. via Cnmden and Aluboy, (0. and I A. Accommodation.) J3 2i AlrtA M .. via ('aiiiilrn and Jt ri-v Cit v. N. J.. I Accommodation, 5 2i 3 00 2 25 3 00 ' At 8 A. M . via Camden and Jersey City, (.Morning .viaii.) I At SA. M.. via CaiuJcn and Jersey citv 2d j Class Ticket ( At 11 A. M. via Kensington ar.d Jersey city, Express : At 12 M. via Camden and Am Ho v. C end A. I Accommodation,) 2 25 j At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) At H P.M., via Kensington and JcraeyCity, ! Wash, and N. Y. Express At Oi P. M .. via Keusint.u ur.l Jersey Cisy, 3 00 3 0.) 3 00 ;(.veuil:;i .'lail.l . At 111 P. M via htti!!.;(..n ri..i Jersey city, Souihcrn Mail. At 11 (night) via Kut-tinton and J:rcy city ; SitututTU Express At j P. Al., via Cauol.-n and Ainboy. (Accoin- 3 00 3 00 mislation. Freight and Passenger, Firt Class Ticket. 1 Second Class Ticket. 2 25 1 50 lor Water Gup. Slisoudsburg. Scranton. -lilkes-barre, Montrose. Great Rend. Ac. at 6 A. fii'iu. Kensirgton. via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Ruilroad. For Mnuch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Belvi dere. Eastoii. l.anibertville. Flcminiou. Ac at 0 A. M.. Iroin Kensington Depot, aud ut 2i P. M , from Walnut street VI hurf. (ThvC A M. Line connects with Trains leaving Eastoii for Mauch Chunk, at .1-211 P. M.I For .Mount llollv, at 6 A. M.. 2 aud 4 P. M. lor Freehold, at li A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINKS. For Rristol, Trenton. Ac. at 11 A. M. ar.d 21 anj 5 P. M. from Kensington, Fur Palmyra, Kirerlon. Delanco, Beverly, Bnr lington. Florence, Burdeutown, Ao., at 12, 1, 2, 4 : nud 0 P. .M. .i" For New York, and Way I ines leaving Kcn- singion Dcp-tt, take lite Cars on ltt;b street, altove Walnut, hulf an hour before departure. The Cam run into the Depot, and ou ihc arrival of ea-h Train, run from the Dejiot. Fitly Pouuds uf Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers aie prohibited from taking auythiug a baggage but their wearingapparel. All baggage over liny pouuds to be paid i'.-r xtru. Tho Couipuuy limit iheir responsibility br baggage to I Oue Dolior tcr pound, uud will not be liable tor any 1 amuuut bcyoud 5100. except bv s(H eial coutract. ; WM. II ViATMElt. Agent. January 17, 1SJ3. llriiiKlIi's., Wines, in.. .. ri"IUE subscriber, having opt-ncl iu Thompsun'a ' 1 Brick Building. Mill street, Dai.v ills, a lare : aud complete stock of j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, , comprising the best brands of Brandies. Gin, Oil Rye. Scotch and Irish M hUkey. lVrt. Sherry. Ma deira. Champagne aud other VI inc.-, ot all grades, a!l ol which will be sold M'Lolesale, at lh3 it.west ci;v priecs. j avern-Kccpers, by buying ot us, cau save it least tho frciirht. Persuua desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY I S E , nay rely upon being furukhcj wilh a pure and unadulterated article. I ff Being determined to establish a repulaliou for aelliug cheap, he respectfully solicits the atrunaga uf the public. All ordcis prompt'v attended to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, June IS, 1C0. Iiumbcr ! l.uiulx-r! PHILIP SHAY', Muncy, Lycoming county, Pa., INFORMS his friends and the public in a-cneral that be cocslaiitly keeps on hand Botirds. Shingle ath, Joins, and all kiuus ot I. umlter and building Laterials, w hich he w ill sell at tbu lots est prices, u. March 30, lstil. i:'r.iui.iiu:i ijciT.- TETER LORILLARD, kvuufl'A: Xolsiira-o liiniir;iliirt'r ISA 19 CHAMBERS ST, (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would call lbs attention of Dealer, to the article of his uauutucture, via : BROWN SNl'FE Macaboy, Pemitrrus. Fiu'e Rappee, Pure Virginia, CuatM) Rappee, Xacbitoche. American Genllemau, Copenhagen. YLLLOIV SNIFF. Scotch, Honev Dew Scotch. High Toa.1 Sitdch. Vreah Honey Dew Scotch Irish lliirh Toast, Freak tvcolch. or Luudyfuot, Attention ia railed tu the largo tctwsl...ii in pncesol l ine. Cut Chewing an t Suiukii.g Tii-Ss.cor, which will b found of a Superior (.'uilily. TORACCO. (smoking. Fin Cut Chewing. Su.ok.ng. Long, P A L , or plain, S. Ja -o, No I, Caveudish, or Sweet, Snau.-h, No. J, Sweet S'ented I'rouiKu. ( auuvier No. I A S Hiixcd, Tiu Foil v. avcmli.lt, Turkh Granulatvd. N. II A circular of prices will be scut ou applica tion. April 4, led.1.- LOWER WHARF. bUMIUBY, VA. WIIOLIAI.E AND RETAIL DE ALf lis IN WIUTi; ASH COAL, in evtry vsr.viv. I'rders aoluilid aud ti'l-d wnh proai tacai aul dc'liateU auubury. May It ImIJ -ly J 111 n llllll.ll'la , Waoia.AlS AMia.lAIL CLOCK l'STAm.lSIIMl'NT. II E Curarr Itowutid sal Cbv.i ui M . 1'i.oa Ul) 1... tlilNCY M iba PA1I.M kyl AtUlNi IMK. Alt DAY I Lot' si .i, a iv duo alia siiui'M rbwivbas, HoWls, staitka, I'uuuiHtg lb wa. 1'nU.u, Alau, UaaufMluieawf I1NE Gi ID I I -N I lo. ka lapait.d aiid w ti.i.il t'lutk Illtttutta.U ! A- U-ll--a Pkila-Hpki J.u.t IS lwl - , "o'.'-W..AUi)T, .lraJf st4 saaasiavlUr Nl lti lift waife aid -f Mtk aiii. Kwi 4-a ul V V ktiaki t kv HUNUUItV. . .a4..l kl aiyuatol to bus awsa. w ... lt.4. al.MtM ) Y'kaaUa4 vt ' !''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers