7 tTfj: gmifeurg American, 1T. & MASSEJt, MitorA Proprietor. HI 1U KT, IT. . 7STATK CKSTnAL t'OMMITTKK. The appointment of (Jen. Cameron, as Chlrmnn of the Slate Central Coniniittee, m com plete surprise ; but every one admit that no tatter choicw could have been made. Sif The Legislature adjourned ou Thurs day hut. During the last week of the ses sion, sevcrul hundred bills were , passed. The nuaibcr of bills on file was over one thousand. f-iV" The TuM. editor of the Sclinsgrovo Times, rcfe-rii'ug'ite our article on high prices says we wo'smnjy It is ii commoii thing for lunatics ttiiuinrii3 all the world, but them selves, The editor must have either very (ilrtinie or very good n at u red render, else lw wontr! not attempt to make them believe UiHtipror persons arc not knowu or claoe 1ts4.er.ple. A lie'-rt.il contrihutions from States, x)nt.i"s, anfl towns, for the aid and relief uf soldiers .id their families, have amount ed to 'OTeone hundred aud eighty-seven millions -rif 'dollars (187,209,608,02) ; the contributions f?c the care nnd comfort of Mii3rs,!by associations and individuals, has svnnuntcG to over twenty-four millions (24,-t4-i;flCC;jC) ; the contributions at the samo for (Ifcrers abroad have been $6,880,140,-4-;:Bd the contributions for frecduien, suf ferer by tho Xcw York riot of July, and wlr.tc refugees, have been $G39(045 13, mak ing a grand total, exclusive of the expendi tures of the Government, of more than tw o hundred millions of dollars ($3 12,873,230 -.49.) UNION 8TATE CONVENTJpN. "J he Union State Convention met at Har i rislurg on Tuesday of last week, agreeably . to th5call of the State Central Committee, i Hon. Ctairy Jolwson, was chosen temporary chairtr.an, who, upon taking the chair, made a few remarks pertinent to tho occasion. The list f delegates was then called, after which li e usual committees on organization, eoutes'ei scats, &c, were appointed, when thi3Uicvitiou adjourned till three" o'alotk, I'.vtr. i On the re-assembling of the Conrcution, r ihe Committee on organization reported for President, Hon. George V. Lawrenco, of VshiiigUj, and ono person tor Vico Presi dent, from cads icnatorial District, with the tisual number ef Secretaries. The President on taking the etiair delivered a patriotic ad dress. A committee to prepare an address and resolutions as appointed by the Presi dent, after wlikli tho Convention proceeded to select four J)clegates at large to the Na tional Convention, which resulted in the . choice of Hon. Kinon Cameron, Hon. A. K. McC lure, Hon. M. 11. Lowry, and Hon. W. W. ICetcham. A resolution to instructing i the Delegates at large to support tho ro comination of Abraham Lincoln, fbr Presi- .dent, was unanimously adopted. The following Electoral Ticket was then chosen; 2"ATUt.. Wortoh M'Michael, -Philadelphia. Thomas ii.'CunoBighiim, lieaver County, RBPRaSSXTATIKa. l-Robrt P.'Klnx. 13-KIiM W. Hall, H-I'hnrles H. Shriller. 15-John Wlst-r, IS-l'aviJ M'Conaughy, S7-lvid V. Woods, IS-lsaue Uonson, 19-John Patton, JlT-Samuel it. Hick, 21- rorarl Jliorer, 22- Jiihn 1'. Penney, St-Ebertezwr M'Junkin, 31-John W. Itlj.nf (inr.l Morrison C'oaM, -3-JiMirr liunioj, -Wo it. Kera, i-ISurtun 11. Jeuks 6-Cbarica M. lUiak, T-Hobert Ptrkt, 8- Anrna Mull. 9- Juh'n A. li. ieunj, 10- Kichurd II.. Coryell, 11- Kdwartl ll.jlli'jiiy, iJ-iu&rl J-. Keed The Committee on Address made a rcnoit. The address, seta forth that the honor and illory or the people- were sufficient reasons lor urging tho re-election of Mr. Lincoln, alioso administration has presented all the jsoxrets tad resources of the Government in -their Atront light. It was necessary for the successful prosecution of tho war, that there should be no change in tho Admiiiis iKitiou, at IVashington, for any sjjjh change would involve a change of measure :uid of military ami civil lubois, which could only result in ruin to tho national credit aud na tional euu.?. If, on tho contrary, President Lincoln js re-elected, it will in effect reaffirm the principUs w hich he has upheld, ,ud the rebellion will be crushed. The address pays a high tribute to the influence of the personal virtue of the Presi dent, to bis firmness aad impartiality, and coucludes with a statement that his success in the next campaign w ill not bp a triumph of party merely, btst tha triumph of a great principle. The resolution are five ia number. The Vsl i nciorscs thy policy of tbe National Ad ministration in the prosoegtiart of the war aud puuishmcut of traitors a policy which, jf cwried out, will mult in the triumph of tie arms and power of the Government. Tho second rcsolutiuu tenders thauks to Governor Curtiu, who deserves the respect of all lot id men, and w ho J eutiiled la cred it as a jut uod tried oflice-r who lias sus tained the bonoi o J'enusyivauia and its dignity. The third reulutiu eulogist the eUe:ity nf tioviruor Curtin In contributing to the national defence with all tho resource of the Kt y.tono State. Tlw fourth rewiluiion thanks loyal Kcnators aud aienilxrs at liar rihtirg (or a faithful perfornuncu of tluir trust, particulurly fortjUh'iJ th jn;lit uf Siitlrnu la soldivis. The tifth reMilution returns thanks to brave bliers in l'ie debt, ho have sarritlciNj the ri.iiifort. of home for the maintenance of thg print ipl of our GovciiiDiiut, The rtoiuiii ns were adopud uuuuiuinus- Ninator aij s cnlled it for spceb lie was f .:iu.l by JL.r. JLClure. KtUU- uw, and ft '!. 'I hu l'uutiu!tuuruiitia4ttl ia -,'l.iii ! lsi liuur. . ( l iii: tUtt, tthoul esirptinn, ul"t'i id I'rt-.l.l.uj .in,( ,M, H4( ugt,ly ap-I p 4'U J. U t"lUllo4 .huUful $i4 " - - 5:"('niMr WnitM.-i'ut U iirrsl. taiilt sbUj a i in I 1 l. ih Viti Jf U(BtU - fr nOMt WAMII13fTO.t. Iart (cntttfa oflhe Ilnrnlag tf )M dleon C'onrl House. WAntNOTOS,Maj- X ' T-lie expedition which was sent out last Week and destroyed Madison Court House, met no rebels till about a half mile from that town; a slight skirmish then took place, in which tho rebuls lost Hve men and the Union soldiers none. The enemy thcu re turned to the Court House The Star has tho following further par ticulars. The rebels suddenly disappeared but on our forces entering the town receiv, ed a volley of musketry from the w indow of the houses, nnd they were for a time coin ptjlod to withdraw. The officers in com mand of tho rcconnoitcring party ordered another advance, when again o destructive tire was opened on them from the houses, j antl there being no other way of smoking me re we is ntu outers were lssueit that the town should be flrcd. The torch was applied to a number of houses affording cover for the enemy, where upon tho later hastily decamned. lpavinff , our foi-f i's in full possesion of the place. i ne names, However, spread very rapidly, and there being no means at hand whereby the tire could be checked, a general con flagration was the result, and in a short timo almost the entire town was in ashes. The act was certainly not a wanton ono on the part of the I'uiou ollicqrs, but was rendered 'necessary by the desperate act of the rebels, who used the house ns a shelter for the purpose of slaughtering our troops. The cavalry expedition seut out from Vienna on Thursday last under tho com mand of Col. Lowell, returned to that place yesterday after having visited Leesburg, Itectortown and Uppervillc. Near the hitter place, a portion of Moseby's guerrilla band wits cncottuteied, when a sharp fight ensued, which resulted in the capture of 23 prisoners. Colonel Lowell lost three men killed nnd four wounded. Ho returned in safety to Vi enna with tho prisoners captured from Moseby, and three blockade runners, twenty five horses, a largo (ptantity of wool, tobacco nnd other contraband goods picked up on the route. TUn War In Vli-(inlti. Vashinotox, May 3. The counsels of the military authoritic are kept remarkably secret. Heretofore, on the eve of a battle, some idea could bo formed of the contem plated movements, but now they are matters of meres speculnt ion, both among prominent civilians and even army officers. The ut most confidence, however, is reposed in those having the direct conduct of affairs, and due credit is given for their wisdom iii prevent ing premature disclosures. The Navy Department has received co pies of the Hichmond Examiner of the 2Sth ult. A Fredericksburg correspondent of tho Examiner, writuig under date of April 27th, says : The opinion prevails in Washington that Lee's army, in numerical strength, docs' not exceed fifty thousand men. To oppose this force, or rather for the purpose of attack, Grant has required that tho Army of the Potomac shall be rendered one hundred thousand strong. To this end reinforce ments to that army have been continually passing up the Orange and Alexandria raii w ay for the past ten days. Ten days hence it will bo ready for the advance, which is universally desired in the United'SUntes, from Lincoln dowu, or up, whichever phrase you prefer. The commonly received opinion thnt Grant will attack Leo in front nnd in his fortifications is erroneous. He will seek to turn the flank of our army, and his policy is, evidently, to maintain his present posi tion until his organization and equipment are thoroughly accomplished, and then, by suddenly unfolding his strategy, to surprise Geu. Lee. He may march rapidly and with out announcement cither to some point of crossing on tho Hapidan, or Ilappahanuock, or to Port Hepublic, thence to Staunton, thence to Lynchburg. I think that an attempt to Bank on the east more probable, his army crossing at some of the lower fords of the Happahannock. This, however, is all con jecture, and but the echo of Washington gossip. A despatch to the Enquirer from Orange Court House, under dnte of April 27, says "that Avciill has gone to Southwest Vir ginia on a raid, and that Meade is receiving reinforcements over tue Alexnddria Rail road." Tbe l-'ort I'illow MiinHtirre. WAsifixoToN, May 2. The sub-committee on tho conduct of tho War, consisting of Senator Wade and Re presentative Goosh, have returned from Fort Piliow. Then took 57 depositions, nil of which more than confirm the newspaper accounts of the masacre. They say that it would bo impossible to exaggerate tho cruelties committed. Among the witnesses who were examined is the negro who was buried alive, and who dug himself out of bis own grave. There is no boubt of the fact that ono or more persons were nailed through their flesh to pieces of wood and their burned alive. Xot only on tho day of the surrender were such ficmiidi acts perpetrated, but on the next day, in cold blood. The victims seen by tho committee were most of them cut and pierced in the face and eyes with bayonets and swords, w hile other part of '.heir bodies wre ftuiu4 tad disfigured either by sUcl or lead. FBOM BEJ3ELDOM. Washington, May 2. A Richmond paper of Thursday lat, say the languor in the commercial market show that the town people will have to live n half rations until the country people who have provisions to spare shall hate heard of the defeat of Grunt's anrv. We may then expect supplies from all quarter, ami a re vival ot business ou a elcsccudiu!' scale of price. A dispatch from Orange Court House, April 27th, say that all the Yankee have left the valley to reinforce lude. A telegram from Fredcrlcksbutu- uf tha same date, savia yet there arc no indication i nruiits movement toward Fredericks burg, eifrpt that the telczrauli front Oc- eoqtian to Alxmidriu i bong repaired by .V IIRIC1, I 'rout rU ursiliua. New Vonn, Mt 4 X.wUrn advU e to April aoili eoiiHnu the evacuatii.il of Ws.hintoii, N. C. by or der of Gen, Riiih r. ' After the spiking of tba gun and de. truclion of aa much proH-riy M could not Im ran ted awar, it was .ItM overod thnt the tacioy had h it for VirgiuU, hiug but M'V.'ii coiiipaiiica in front uf the plau. Mia rlxd have already eoininaureut tnaa sacraing all who have ewa-e-pled Prraltleat LIucoIn aimioaty pnirUaialioii and pr- iug Intit l heir arrtii't) all capatU of tearing rms. lit. 'lt U ofdeietl l unort la fit. Ilmlrr lad'Uaiuit, for w.a lihl duly a his hwaltn mill mbi biiu U pritorm. it was rtMrtiMt iU.1 ilia rat I ram Koa. ok, tiow t I'lyHsi.uih, l iUIyin lb luri r mouiiiing the tow puuiuKr 1'sr rs.1 iw. full lata tbe r.Ul kand Ih.ia. I Il ... e-snarall. ra.lla.-J U .1.. .T. ....... . " r ' w , VYaaMustt'-if Mill eitaliln Uwrrwv- Vauw. lis ev.se 4 t4U lelsU Sr isre 111 IKs InOrentlag: lVtm .tortH Carolina. KawtfRdttt April 24. The capture of Ply mouth, including General WHssei.s and hi command) is confirmed. Nothing is known her of the movements of tho Rebels; but it is reported that they have gono to Virginia. Should they attack Little Washington or Is'cwberu, their punishment would be fearful. The success ol the Rebels at Plymouth will not compensate them for the loss they sustained. From all accounts General Wna rki.s and his little band of fifteen hundred veterans fought like , heroes for four days nnd nights, leaving in every street heaps of Rebel dead .which they admit will number seventeen hundred. We hear all sorts of re- Sorts in regarel to the Rebel Tarn on the euso River, above the city. 1 lie .Newborn 1 tmn ot t tic 27th inst anr that on Friday last, April 22d!a large Rebel force appeared in front of Liltlo Washing- ton, but tlieir lines were deserted, nnd it, is said a vigorous stampede toward Richmond commenced. A military gentleman direct from Xew bern, 27th inst.. furnishes the following ad ditional particulars from North Carolina: It appears that the Rebel ram liuanokr, w hich sunk some of our best gun-hunts, nnd it ... which nssisted so materially in c.ipturing Plymouth, was injured in the tight, but us . Stone are passengers by the steamer Mem soon s she is prepared, which will not take i phis, from New Orleans. The former is long, the enemy say that they will assert j rapidly recovering from his wound. His their authority over tho rivers anel sounds of North Carolina, including all the towns !'"' tlie responsibility of thu disaster result now in our possession. They expert to act j 'J'3 , f'r"' thu disposition of our forces at in connection with their other rani on the ; Sabine Cross Roads. He further states that Neuse River, which is reported ready to General Stone has endeared himself to the move down on Newbern. The Newbern Timet of the 27th inst. con- tains the following additional particulars of the capture of Plymouth: "The Reliel force was tinder the command of Brigadier General Hokk, and was much larger than we supposed. It must have nmounieet to at least twenty thousand men. 1 he Rebel cavalry was turner the command of Briuadier-General Ransom. The first at- tack was made ou Fort Grav, which was situated about ono mile from the town, ou me jtoanoKo JJiver. l lie Kebel l-atterv which commanded this fort, it is said, was planted on Polk's Island, about a miiu dis- tnnt. "On Wednesday morning the Rebels pre pared to storm our works in Plvmouth nicy accoreungiy mtiescu ineir lorccs ami prce-ipiiaeeei inem upon rort esseis. uni tery Worth, Fort Gray and Fort Williams. These place were taken iu detail, and after several repulses, were finally captured. Rut even then, it is said that General Wksski.s still held out, and fought the Rebels in the streets of Plymouth, throwing up rifle-pits for the protection of his men. ami was only overpowered by sheer force of numbers, be- j Clevehiuel to Chattanooga, and tho facili ty ing nearly 'twenty Rebels to one Federal i w ith w hich reinforcements can lie thrown soldier "It is also said that General Wessei.s pul led off his coat and went into the work himself with the most indomitable enertrv. throwing hand grenades. On the surrender or the plucc the colored soldiers ami Second I Loyal North Carolina stampeded for the I swamps. Meist of the negroes, we regret to j hear, are said to have been massacred. Thu j comduct of tho Rebel soldiery or the ollicers, or both, is saiel to have been barbarous in the extnne, and that they even went so far i as to threaten personal violence to the gal- I lant olel soldier who had commanded for so I nobly punishing them. It is reported that i the Rebel loss was between sixteen hundred and two thousand killed and wounth'd, , while .our losss was comparatively small. All honor to the heroes of Plymouth. i "The sword, sash aiul belt pteseuted to , General Wekski. by his veteran brigade were not captured. They were deposited by him ! with General Peck for s.tfe keeping, aud i are here iu Newbern. Some twenty colored ' soldiers, recruited at Plymouth escaped from he 10 at the time of t lie surrender, mid i and reached here on Sunday morning. j "The follow ing members of company K, Second North Carolina Union Volunteers, j also escaped from the enemy at the siir- i render oi I'lytuout n, anel iiave reaciu-d our lines safely, viz: Jkhm: HoaoAitn, Natiia- kiki. P. OvBitrox, MircitrLt. Howakd, iuhI ilAItCLS C'CTTIKOnO. "The 'ram' still lies in Roanoke River, prcparcel to ram anything that attempts to enter the river. We venture to predict that rum w ill not be the e long. ".Most of the citizens have left Plymouth for Roanoke Island."' The Tinut remarks editorial!): "The past two months have left impres sions on the minds of thousamls of people in Eastern North Carolina, which long years to come will scaiccly efface. These" two months encompass a period of deep anxiety, naturally produced by puling cvritls, and our close proximity to our Rebel enemies. Ever since the formidably Confederate raid on the first of Frbrtmry last, there has been at intervals, the clearest evidence of a de termination on the part of the enemy to re- take Eastern North Carolina. Time and j again the most positive testimony has come t wiihin our lines that at least two irod-clad j rams were preparing by the enemy on the Neuse auc Roanoke livers, with u view of j decending the samu and milking an attack J whenever circumstances seemeel to indicate ! a favorable moment. "The fact that these iron clads were vigo rously preparing was published in the most conspicuous manner in the dispatches sent j to the Associated Pre-ss, nnd other rep at el I warnings. There seems to have bee n at tho j North nothing but doubt anil distrust on ttw. c i, ;.... All n,. .. ...,.. ...V BUIJVl,,, llltaB ll-Ml-m-im!llfll Oil-Ill to have been treated as fai'iuations too lla- grant to require a moment attcntbin, nnd the devoted town of Plymouth and this city have been left to meet the onset as best they could. "The thrilling events of the past w eek have furnished the most overwhelming testi mony that the views entertained la-re by General Pkck and other vigilant, intelligent officers, a to the designs of the en-iny, have been well and completely founded." sV'ro us Wiisihinarlou. TAsi Army ifotinuntt u .Vyafrve, VAaniH-0T05, Mav 8. The counsels nf thu military authorities are kept remarkably secret. Heretofore on the eve of a battle aouie lh s could be form ed of the eoiite-mplateel movement, but now t he v am matters of more, atu ei.lnti.n. . Iv.it I. s mile among pr.uninent cUibana and even army ollicers. The utmost coiitblcnee, b.mavtr. ia reiMweid in those bavinif the direct con. duct of aifulrs, ami due credit is giieu tlie-ui for their wis lum In prevemiug preuiaiure diacloauru. li-rlvMl r FrWoearre) IVvtM II 1t h. esttsnd. JUl TtwiiHi. May 3 . , , ... The i .litre.ia, i special Annapolis h ttrr says the Hag of truce boat Nnw ork arnv- ed at Ihe naial c.li-tiiy barf rc.ti-id i ninr-' Bin?, from lily point, with 34 parulwl ..(fl iers and oU men. riuchwMlha condition uf the latter that every man of them were admitted to Ihe hospital; tina huudrexl and dlly had to lie errln rrrm Ihe boat on sinn hi rs and ears. I hcir io-- aal word abundantly twitfy thai alt .i. II i . . I ...... .HIM...... vo.i.i.iiui, bs MaA pr.mufl. : aiy siaialiuo,a,aiiay aieiia..uU.lly a, rut. ! A ...... .1.- t. n ....... 1 UIU llhU UI Uiaaa k li Inst ass mt.mi.l. o"" ew viwt.vffl u t UHUI lllatff. UI ini ;Luf fuuiaser ul lha Sinn.. 1 i.u 1.1. k - Wsty d t,Hf ntflrs. rMM la 'a-lss 1 Issl. - .el se I ii ! i",; I a in iisit I Tho War la the NoalhwcMt. Mitjipni, Apiil 20, via Cairo, May Martin Bimth was executed to-day, in Fort 1 ickenng, for tho Crime of smuggling per cussion caps to the onerty and violating hi oath ot allegiance. He st.tod at the gal low that ho wa guilty and that hi sentence was just. Two other men are now In tho Irwin prison for the same crime nnd will probably suffer the same penalty. General Washhnrno is Very actively pre--paring Ins forces for active duty in the field. General Sturges has assumed command of tlie cavalry here' and remounting and equiping them. " Caiko, May 1. y the arrival of the s earner Mollie Able we have dates to the 20tli, vin Memphis on tho 20th. n is reported that Paducah is again threat med, and measures are beiua lake:i tu nri. ve" Government groperty from falling fate LIII. f 11111111' U 1. .11,1., 1.....1.I .1 . the enemy's bands, should they advance on the place. It is said 1,000 people from the country about Paducah. and contrabands, are encamped within a radius of ten miles on the opposite side of the river from that city. C.01; 5l'n. who was wounded on the 2 1 tit, has siuce died. ... i-Aino, .May 2. Generals Ransom and I "inienienl goes to exonerate General Stone 1 i Army u the i.ttilt ly ins gallant conduct ; 'he battles of the 8th and Mb. in j J he party who captured the gunboat j Petrel are represented to number about 300 i men, with two pieces of -artillery, which, ! with musketry, suddenly opened on the j ,,oat- The crew, though taken by surprise, quniy responeteu, ami quite a brisk tire " n Kept "p tor some minutes, when from the eueinv pierced the boilers o I...H f - the Petrel, filling the boat with scahlini! -team ! compelling the crew to leave her. What uaiunge was niuicieei em llic eneinv is un I ViiAi. ... The steamer Wilson, from Red river, ar rived at Memphis yesterday, with 2.W0 bales of cotton General bturges had started on the SOih, wmi u inrgu lunu, on an expedition niter 'uonv, uui uie-re is noiuing reuaoie con- cerning the latter. It is rumored that he i was within n few miles uf Alemoliis with a large force, aud intended capturing that piiicc. 'The state of preparation of the artnv in General Johnston's front, the removal of a great body ol troops from Knoxville and front Tennessee anel Kentucky, warn us that : gross will do its duty it tlare not" falter, we need not be surprised at nny time to hear j To those capitalists who complain that that an earnest attempt is being made to 3Ir. Chase ought to pay a higher rate of in break our lines at Dulton, ami that a treat : tcrcst, we sav, pointedly, that a 5 i.t r cent. i battle is going on." .. t-'roui fieri 2tlsr. Nkw Yoiik, Stay . A letter from New Orleans, elated the 2:)d ult., to the t, confirms the statement that Gen. Ranks has fallen back to Alexan dria, in consequence of the lessening wat'-rs in the Red river. Eight hundred it-be! civalry have reached Chancyville, nineteen miles below Alexan dria. The gunboats and transports, except the Eastport, are nil down or below. The lat ter may lie shelled or destroyed. Six gunbimts which went" up tho Bi.ick and Wnshiuton river to Fort Monroe, had retitrnrel w ith 2.U01) bales of cotton, and t'00 contrabands, besides conveying dowu the steamer Ruby with ISO more". The Ruby had been in the employ of tbe rebels. Gen. Stone had left New Oilcans for ashington, Gen. Steele was at Cnmelen Ark., on April 17th. . ii.irfie irniu iii,.r i..... ......Kh.., i.n receut accounts via St. Louis .... .nil. Fi.iiii. W1FIIUIHI9 me I 1 ho ICrbcl i'i-4-H. Wasiiinoto.n, May a. Thu Richmoiul Exittniiur, of the 2!) ult., say: "If we hold our ow n iu Virginia till this slimmer is t-iulcd the North's power of mischief everywhere will be gone-.' if we lose, the Smith's capacity for resistancu will be broken. The t'oiil'edurcy has ample po v er to keep its place in Virginia if -Employed with energy anel conistcnuv, and thit u'ilie hut icirofthe ir.i-, uhiehtnr triut. The Richmond Kuqnir.r of the :!0th says: , . iiuiij.ii!v uas eie-cn organi7.e.l with n j capital of $l.000,000 of which $1.51)0,000 , is pi.iei in. It U-.-clines ebsclosip the con j dition of the enterprise, but says' the com 1 puny aspires to grand results a fleet tit ! le-ast, anl it has now every prospect ol rca i ii,;.... ..ii :i ii 1 , 111,111 llll IL3 I'lll 11111,-1, i .if: in 1u'"is,'c'l in mi.- jvtuL iu i.i'H.v-rifif tfc, nr.ti spoaeu oi as it bold and manly vpeech, and iu several rci-pects the most remarkablu speech that has been delivered in Vaukecdoiii. l-rnin 1-........ The steamer City of Washington has "ar- . . .' " -kw loitK. May , rived, with later dates from Kuropc. 1 he (lermauia arrived out on the flth. The Prussians assaulted aud took Dnppell on the 18th. They wt-ro heavy losses on both sides. The steamer 11 tvaria, from Hamburg for New York, was seized at the mouth of the , . , - . "i?.er '.'' u 1 ll,"h. f",; .T.le. The li.txari.i had a lame number of nassen- i ued at VI" ooii "L" l '" C"rS "X Va'" Gariljabliave; r.laiul on the . ITth. bis Sl ' rfVi"sW. t. . .... . . suiedid h-,, ;,uV 1 The Hania vva. ston ! I.v a fi.iw.,.. tho mouth of thu Wiser, but after an exami- i i - - I iiaimii vi tier p ipers, w as auoweti to pro n.l .... T 1.... .......11 la. 1 creit, The (ierinani.t from New York, at Sotith- tamplon, would not go to llaiiituirg. She j i iiiiieii ui-r passengers, ami w.niM prniianiy jdiarhargo ut Sotitiiiiinpton, The steamer City of New York ha bro i ken anel disaipcareil. I It is again r port. il that a well t-stabliah- ed company will revive the Ualwny line. Mlltie-il II - . , I 1 I t , llitf i.Ptieion iiMn attributes a slight tally iu Confcdi rate loans, ami a re action i -. ,,,u ur,s ' uesiion, i.y tue uoiiseoi itcpre- ; u"UUVl'' Ht wakUi.M,r'"- 'l1'" n'. ii.,.,. in i... i. . - w TO... , -. Ik,. II. llll !! , IIIH llii, The parliamentary proceedings have I rrn uniiiiportaiit. Cyrus Field Lad it-en giving a bauqiu-t to the suorieie of the Ailuiitio telegraph. -Mv-aara. Atbinis auc Ilriuht were ortsint and rkchanued Inli-ruatlonul cuurledra. , Tho public w,r st.irth-d n the ICtli u'l'm0 by 'he aiiuoiiiuniient that OariHsil.ll t ,u 1,0 atsruptly tcrminute.l. and , ill4t lo aould Ictvt, Umd-iu rn rout for ! Cautera on lht Sid. Tim t-scllemriit wa. altrgsil tu Ihi too inueli for his health, and mcd.cal etidi Owe was adduciHl u suppsirl; but it was rirctilatrd ttul his tUnarlure wa au-srld by the liovariin.i-nl at the iustlga- lion ui .-saiuivnu, Tlivea ripoil Htrv eniphath-alty denied by Lord (launibm In the lloux of Ijvrds an.t I i.v.l I' .I11.A..1..1. 1.. il... li....... . .. a. m ,,, aaa n iimun i i uii. wou, TUry t,,:rtf( th.4l Na.ml,.,,,, Xnoi, na ii.li..n to flarlbaldl wVlconn. hbl sfa.llw. - Li . I I. ...a . .. T'l .VJ"i . . U1 lU ,1",U USHl 0l. U HaIi. UatsI lit ft n af Ii I ft.. .it... ' a. aa a . . . , 1 - SJ lauai'S aj,i stao of lli.iii..,..! soaui. Ihe risssisiil iaa i el. 1.1 al I 'Cs.sul 43 t .T..i a 1 r.iis.a U Dane are said to have lost between 60 and 100 oflhvr sod 4,000 n are reported fort ducomLit.- Thesictory wa received with t great rejoicim; in llcrlln. It is reported that the Prussians bare oc cupied Alscn and that the occupation of the whole of Sentland i resolved upon, .' The contervnee would meet at London on the 20th; it is re affirmed that England and France are fully agreed and that a pacific re sult is probable. Tho emperor Maximilian arrived at Rome on the lPth and had a bril liant reception. . ..... . This emperor Xajwleon recimmeals the application of the of the Mexican indemnity to the reduction of taxation. From Thompton't Dunk A' Ilrpvrtf, The tM-rrrtaury' IolIry. It is important to know, so far at possible, j i ne mure policy oi iu uiiaueiai iiuumirr oi the Government; and (-specially at this time, when, to make gambling apecnlat!on pro fitable, an uncommon flood of false assi-r-tions and theories damaging to the public ' credit, arc boldly circulated. i ne cxciienicms goi up in an siren uv gamblers in StocLs and Gold, are telegraph ed everywhere exaggerated and the out side uub'ic naturally feel that there is some Ki..i. niw,i8 wiuicnmic, uiu, iu i.iti. .m.-ic ... ...I :.. .1 . , . .. 1-1 . . i. i -...li. i . . i i in. i ii i ii nnuij;. i inn: u uiiij a uuiinimi- loo among the bulls and bears. Sir Chase will press ri'dit on with the Na- tiona. Ten-Froty Loan, just as he ha. N gun. There will be no change In the rate ol inte- rest. He will make no temporary loans of the Ranks, but will taku money from the i people or, he Ranks ,d five per cen.; inte- rest, payaiile on ten elays notice, as lu-rcto- fore : aud he Will run the Usual line of one- Certificate's. He will sell the surplus from customs, after setting aside an I gold amount stitlicieiit for six montii' interest, nnd use the proceeds, as the spirit and let- tcr ot the law demands, part I v in a Milking r.m.l I ......!.. I- .. .1... ........... 'r i 7. " 1 Kumu r..x . ! the Government. j It iiifnU iijmh f tht foftI in this the j most trying military and financial period of the Re-beliion. to come 'forward with heai t : iiikI tnoucy. lie is reducing the Volume of I currency gradually, and w ill continuo to do I so. If the stock and golel gamblers shall ! again attempt the untne th"V played last w eek, he will bring tile w hole power of the uovernmetil. anel its whole me.uia, botn here j and aoroaj, lo cni-chmatc tnem The Set retary of the Treasury relies npon the IVonle fur the tr.ff'l anil trtttttiM liniin the Army for victories, and upon Congre; lor ndciiuatu taxat:o;i The people will come to his help with every dollar that can be nppprohriati-d. This is their true interest ; it ia their true safety. The armies now will tin their part there is no alternative but victory. Con obligation a;raiiv-it the American people is i better than a bond nt hiiv higher rnte of in- j tcrcst. For why Your money righteous ly invested, tree trout extortion, generously invested Tor your couulry s can, is, and will be through all time, VAl.tn. Roi l. IIi.iiiWAV Roiiiikht. On Friday r. -o i : i j ....!. .iii i '".iii, i fun., nipiiiu tiiiiit.il EH Abraham ShclTtcr, a (Serman and tenmntcr I in the employ of Mr. ( tins. F. Kopitsch, soup ' manul'acture-r of this l'orough, was returuing 1 with the team, from Ashland, he was at- ! tacked at the foot uf Broad Mountain, near i the old toll gate. Fountain Spring, by four i Irishmen. One of theni seized the head of ' the horses nnd held them: another who hail ! a knife in his hand sprang on the tongue of the wagon, anel after being struck onc or . twice by the driver, obtainctl posse. loll of the vhip and cut it in two; the other two jumped into the wagon, and while one held : Shctfter, by the tiiroat almost choking him, ! i'ue other robed him of ifi" in notes: a iat- t tent le er watch worth 25, ud a rhaiu i ..111.. . ... o . -11.. ... . i . i . . . . .. i - i...i - niiui-ii t, t". -3 ii'ijin-i iurr uiaeiuiuine; iii .ne- hiriiirii-. . n niiin icq uiiuutea tuo .1. ... I . At l.l , . ,, ! Ashland stai- reaeheel the sim'I but the rob- mi niiii"nii. . ii iiiiiii l I'll uiiuuiri i.iiii I bcrs had dceumned uitli tlu-ir l-.i.lv Ii . , , . - - , tiiat t.icsu men had solicited Khrtt'lerin Arh- bind to take them to PoUsviihe. but he refu sed. Thev their started before him ami laid in watt for him, and robbed htm as stated. ! 1 A IkiUI piece of business. j A week or two since a coal operator of? ; Ashland who was going to his niine-t at ' ; Centrcvillc, tu pay his men was waylaid; ) i but he presented a bold front and a revolver, ' .mil til, a-iiii n.'r,!. .. . ,l.r. ,-.1 ;n .1...:. I ... 1 1 im miisicii an tiicir ! PUfl"'- I l'e acts .how the neceasiiry of . ...!.,- nrnicu iu nun locality. .Miners Wo'ir- : . ' ' I -. . - I LdroitTAXT TO I'EACTI (Jn.W !;n.- l ht SU- ; thor of U-n Acren Kmuigh " wh" is air experienced horticulturist, gt,ea what be , lias tound to bit a kuic pruvvntativo of the' . , i wilh STJ , Ho first experimented pencil trees that were ncnrl- i destroyed by tisc borer. He bnred the roots ; of the trees, nnd carefully removed all the , , i.v ....n. ., men n on, vu i uc rmita ; With SOiip suds, and left thetu uncovered a weca, to mtiKe sure worK ot any worms that ! might have escaped his notice. He then : ... ..i:.. i.....i i- i . . j T . . t t , l"UMM ,nr, na to, lhe irilllsV OI lilt trr tlVII Uf thmn ini llsJ . 1 . v a- ' - " ........ isv a t- as v j M ew v v ground. 1 tie tree's recovered their original , v igor unii nave i-eu irtlltlul Ue-arera ever : since. Tur applied lo younu trees near the jsurfaceof the ground will t-trcctuallv pie- vent the borers from molesting then,.' Coal I ...7". "'"! y"ln,r- "ul. r.ii ..iiii... .j i.n ....... . . .! Hii.nvia iiiv eniuc uuriiiise. i. are iiiuat .. .. .. ...n.e. not lue-mrr more IIRin a coupic Ot inches aiiove groiiud. - .a.. ! T!",0'VT fcWe would call at- j V ' Throat ami ilrZhia?5. ;1?'"'"T-,,,,t" " "fj fra.an,i oll.crs troubled wilt. i Hiirriini tu nisi i iip.ior 'i i . i ......n". V, ulJ "UT . aaaa.t. am I tmi StlHJ i-ne-s r-auHin irom cold." Cvi.jr.ji.U'.ni:it, ; .',.. HiHiM.AM.-a tiKltstsN :iirralta.-lt isowr ii ii it-ma eiiici; mis i-eienraieHi n nii-ily was iutroduced to the American public, llu ring this time it has pel formed hundreds and thousitnda ol the must astonishing cure, and its reputation and sale, have now reach ed a point that far surpasses any reined ol I tho present or pa-t ages. U ac.iuired this great rcpututiou, not by a vtem of pulling, but by the actual merit of the artl j f - i .-e Use f. It vuu are Mitllei...! - lit. I j the tiist-ascs f.'.r w Uich it is recommended,! I v.."...." vrr"'. ." ompiatni, .-rrvou Hcbility.or Diaordi rofthe Dijjealive Organs, I it win inn lau to auni.in tie rvpuUtiou iu tyoitriase. 1'or s.de by all druggiata aud Jculirs in ineiticiiua at 7i cents jn-r Uitlle. hllMtWutaist 4 anl TruJ. ruois, A piil io. siM. fVNI. t'tf al IU weak andlnf twd Id, fet last lrt, Te saw Uwe U l r, 3 11 M tW04 It J 17 l Uf I I er nVIIHIAUIIH, . . Al the r...leii.-o t,' iU liriibs, ut. il. isih ull , be Ihe U. J. K. Vatnp.aa, M. Aa UHsw Knohmt., uf t.l.bur, li Ml Msai VI. uf bhaiuukin liiauship. HUMUVMY k il II I I; MAMKKT. filial, l.'Wsj. l-w-l. Ieeei, b.aj U-ss-ie. 1 rtiMas, W as) II n i : ; 14 ..... fksks, r'aas..) IsS tl' ssst'l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS! O S 1J O lUS 'S CELEBRATED PREPARED JAVA COFFEE, W A It II A X T E D SUPERIOR TO AST IV THE MARKET. IT w ami kf (ret claw fanUi TrTwbrr. and bibl rconHd0d for awron to 1 dyppti IwrMcw. being Trry naitritiom aad ttr from U acimrrmiia nibtiancM, to mtimoiiT or wbioh I hara rortiGoatn from Hie moct amninnit I'hjrucian in ii!?i'7!."i2:i-Ti.,riI:!!r,.r "n.'ib? ,w , lioua ila aae in pruff-ts-ncr to any olbrr. ' Sold at ralait for Trcir-Kiva Cm pw Ponixt . bv rirat oliia(lmMa lhm,ulutni iiM I 'i ' Uf A liberal diaoonnt to lha Tru.la. . Fill p onljr by I.IVIS A. OK IMS 11. It boltnle I)rut, 69 Warrtn t. 'if York. X o tick" ' She Mtrlhld-rff ar the llnaik ' of .rthmmbertnaid . BoN-oninim.t,t.. Pa.. ) May Sib. ls(. ' j At a regular meeunjr of lha Board of 1'iretoMof Tba ltank of Nwtbomberland. bald al tba Uankiaj I -""" n,m, jiar itb. !. it u i ,, - . nimiT in, j nai ma uoard or Dirretor appoint ' "' J bereby eall a meeting of the stwkholUm of !,a":ior "rlbamberlw.d, to be held at tba i TZZZT TnCtiOxT . HAY OK JL.K,(A. 1. not,) botweeu the b..i. of elovrn o'rlwk forenoon, and two o'elock in the . ! afM'rD"ou-,or ,h Pjrpioa of doei ling upon the re- i Zt Z ' enrdam-e iih and iu purruanre of the trrns and ' provisional the Act of Assembly of th: Cotnmnn- nionwenlth. entitle! "An Act to nmride f.r the ' change of the location of liauk of Northumber land to lha DoruuRh of .vunhur, in the County of, Northumberland.' approted die aixteenth duv of April. A. I.. lN)l.anl that acoproflhU Uewluiion. cvrtifn-d hy the Ca-hier. be puhlirhe. in the Suu- bury American . lm;i roun,y l)rauKnt:,x ,c, ,bjrlr .-innniiry uaietleani urtbumber mocrnl.lt leiul tbirlr dure befure thu day to isad, aa notice of liie eaid' (-'.oekholdera mectini-. j I, Samuel J. Packer. Cashier of the P.ank of Northumberland, do hereby certify thai tha abut a and foregoini; if a correct copy of a Keaolutiun luun ed by the Hoard of lireeiorof the aaid Hank of: Northumberland, at a regular meeting held at tbo -Ilankiue ll..oo and duly entered upon ll.e minutee ol aaid Iloard. upon Ilia fifth day of May; A. !., loot, 1 of abi-h all interoMe.1 will pleaae lake'naitce. n imaei my nana anl ue aeal of aaid Usnk tbia ' fif'h day of May, A. !., Light bundrod I Sbal. I and ixtj-four. ! - S.J. TACKER. Cashier, i Jday I. Ui -4t. lutr of Ihc liunk or Vorlbnniber. fund, May 5, I Ml I. i A.-VKT. . Loam and bills duceuiitod. . . 1 364. fit? 6.1 Cereifieates of I niled Siatca Mint . ImuiuO V Lulled iMatea 4.JH Loan, .... lOO.OOtl w ' " " Intereal beume 1..-.I Tn. ! den. . . . . . . Pebiuiyltaiiia. ... ! Ilauk of NorthuinlM-rUnd Slock, , Northumberland ilridge Stock, ; 'lelmraph Stork, .... Heal hrtate. I'ue lo other liwkj. - So.fiOO 00 M.lut) 00 a.U7U V0 l.ioO 00 T.M 00 .g;o ; Notea of vihor llai.k. aad l.esl Tandera .Trt iSI vu ; Cah liem, . . . . . J.i; S Illl.Vjj 61 i i-i'i-rie in i aint lucluiling t unimonaealtb Siacia Certificate, so.oi: i $tr,sia ;o Sb.y.D :-t Ol-O 00 J0ti.v.S IV lAUILITit. t i,! J7'0,r' 'l0' o other Uaiik.. - Ciimii.iHiwanlih, Currency Specie t erlilKale, lieptjiora, ... for , ... f 49S.W0 43 I cereily the above aiatement to be juat and Irce to ibv Uui uf my ktioakdt;e and bulief. I. J. I'ACKi.K, Caehier. Saoru and aubwribed before me. I M. li. i'sih-iLkr, Notary fubiic. 1 t, tw.-i ' ; - J I w. 1 .1 J 1 . i st"l-ment of MorthumberlAnd (Jounty Bank. i Ststetucnt .f tha N'orlhumbarlaud County Unuk l j "I"1"" hJ lua h aeauan of tha Act of lieniral ftihls'i- U" -"" weUib. approved Ajnl i ' . . " '."..'tI".!,., " J"'? ? i 4M 10 n .nt io o: vo.ooa oo js.seo id 7n i.t?.3 is I.i'.'s ia 00 t . . . - ; Italia aiej IJiKwunt. ,1- t. i, . , - .-. irjau:. I' I. ,1 ll.. I , Hank, in Philadelphia, ! "r .", iue irotn L'-.-ker, : Hank I'ruparty, .Suuo Treasurer, eUol,i33 IS I.tAKILITIKi Capital Moek, t'trcuIaUiiu. I'ue l'o;K..t-,rt, I f' t7i uO S... 703 6j I certify the abuse stateniN.t lo bo correct lo the 4C9v kill I 4 (. - ' S uTiVu.kt c j,-. AiTlrmeJ ,r,l sulucrihed bef. m. " . Hies, N. I. tuamokin. May 4,11. The I5,k ha. declared a dl.id.nd of 4 per eenl r.r th.t.., ,ix months, clear of fnited Ststca aud S:. T, p,yabl. after 10 da. AI11.KTIT1IIKU l.M)( l.tl. I.AXIIS ! FOR SALE. ; rilllK suhaerilier ofTers for tale tow. aurua valuable , i racis el rmiber Land, in ( bapmsn and C.d.i ! ,;'ook townshiiw. in t'lintnn e.junlv. and a ealuabu ; : m .nount enrmel township .Virthu in norland eounte. A 1., . ;. i:n . i.ati. in j.imesiooe townsti and Timlier land. in Limestone tonnshin. l""iuuii ""r- dwellin, hoe .. ! IlorOLlfk Al ..ttki.antUelu.i.l A . . i . I its ia ehe I O "hw"i inim. .1 I'l'l I B4MJ I Ait-It toou to CHAKLKS Pl.KASWTS it.,.t. - Kieemor of Ilu.h Delias, deceased. M.t 2.1. Si5. ! 1 1 1 I'l I KS? ViWWY V I Vv C ULn 1 - . w. -iaM.iv. vi an nun ma iiri.iiir.i ii, .1 I ' I "sje.a.as.w w amis iqun ui inii iirm ar.i I otirt Al L Northumberland couuty. .ill b. .Wed t. noC! , iic sale on ri ATI' It DA V, the 4th day of JINK A D , Wl. al the house of Thomas Koulda. in the town ..f irrinriso, aaiq couuty. fennsvlvania. all thai ..... j.i.ia v, Kroaiwi. suuaie in ine town aroro- . said marked io lheeueral plan of said town as lot No. 3, In Htbek number J4 ft ?f..ur . hereon aie creeled a two store Krame liwrliu( ilOVSK. Also, Twocontlouslnisor pieces of (round, sitd- . ale ajw iu the town of Trevorlou, afureMid, marked ! in the general Ma a of aaid town. ianiUi.1 is ...l I . ... .- - - - I 10 in oioca number na, whereon are ereolel a two i r,.m ."! Ilys. Irame Stable. Cabinei . smry rsuie dwelling House. I Mionaud other outbuildings. ', Michael Knanp, de.jea.eJ. Lalethe proierty of' I Sale la CAUimenee at 13 oVtock A M . r a.l.l A.r i .UoC,.'bV"U" "'" "" W M. . SILVKKW UID, Adm r By order of Ik Onrt, J. A . J Cl avisos, elk O. C. ruahary. May 7, IH34 U LOTS FOR SALE. rPlir underirad fleral Prteate Sale, TlllttS i t.ol. located ui Veuuj s AddiiKau, ' us Ihe korouth ol Suubury. The lots are.uital.le fur build. uig purr-aee w M. lIDOVkk. unbury, May 7. s( . 4t i.ivr or i.i: !-. iViis.. Kesaalaiai la tke Tost Osao. Saabury, Pa , p lo ' M,J ' I41 : l ADlM Ut-T M asl.ib M-l.er. '- Melinda llaua, Miss I'litabeik Fa(eiy. ' 1'atheriae .a.kAlia " w..ir, aialiuda .uvder, . M,a. Us brown, Amt, U.naid Miss A tSvoUit. ' iii:Tt.irMi:x)iiisT Thomas Isasi. K. Nlebotw, J II rtkar. t .irarlius fawell, Jiaipk Miesjak, Audrew l!i, . 1'hoa 1'i.ai.a, J-e k M Hants, J I.. Lansing, J, klolair, rIeuiMa Vi yaa, llaan taadaw. Augustus V) eld, tieorfe lilely, liear. lie. Il-ai. r a'nbiftlue W alia II Muuaal. laut.lt,. ivau k Hatw. 1 wei em a skar..) M ti i.,,,,, iU HM wy taey ar a...iiMd May r, I4A4 ke. M H4..NN, r M , IMfOItTKUU r WINKS ANH LIQIOILS. . 7'' .., M triads lit h,i Usm, i keswaa 4 iMIttl llrtli - Ms.-I lss . anawaa a. . . . . ..... U. S. 10-10 BONDS. 1 kaie hods era oai-r tiia Art of tWgrea ' : el ifsrrh Sih, WA, hich riM 'thnt all Itoeds j L-ud this Act ihall U EXEMPT ritOM T.l.XiTI'JS bj or andrr anvaiatt of music fi ao ' thorilv. ftabaniptiou to lh oud are rcecnod ; In t'niirt .S'lntrj sotta or notn of Nalial Ikakt. Tbryare T( UK KKDLEMLIi IX O 'I.N, at tha tramre of ib Oovaranaat, at aay fwrfod not lot ! 1 date, and nntil thrir radraiption FIVE mi CKST. intkhj-st will hk r.stii is cwin.ch Uood. ' . ofoolnrrr one huuireJ dullan anauallT anil on ali Mhrr Domlssrini-annaallj. Tba intvrnt is pjnblo ' on the fit days of March aad ti-pn-mlr in each ' yar. j falwribtrs aill roceira ailher IlrgUtcrail or Cou pon liondt. at tba; may prefer. Hrgitterrd Iljndj ara rrcordai on tba l-.k of lLa t . 8. Tn-aurcr, iransjrrrail only on tba order. :l,l"'l'"r.Wi to baarer.aud ara mvra . coiiteniuni lor e-jtuiarrvial uu. daWnbera iw Ibis loan Kill bata tbe option of , hating their llond. draw iuirreel from March 1st, by ' pajing ia aocrned inUrcot in coin (or in I niled ; Slate nulea, or tba notes of National Until,, adding Buy per cent for premium,) or receive them draw. in intereit from tire date ot fuUgriptioa and depoeit. A Ibeae Dondi ara Kiempl rrons Innlclpitl or Klnto 'I'liimlon, there value ia inereaxed fiom ena to Ik ree per oeM. per annum, aceordin to Uie rate af tnx letire in ea rioui parte of the country. 11 .1 ... r ' ... dt tue pim-m raie oi premium on g ild th-y pjy OVtR KleillT I'hR CK.NT 1NTLKKST in currency, and are uf equal eoneeuienoe ae a pcr-mant-ut or temporary inveritmcnt. It ia belicrad that no aecuritiee oflor K grent ia : dueemenu lo leuderi aa tha larioue dacriptiun uf I'. . lii.n lf. In all other forme ot indebtedness, tba faith or ability of private partiet or elook companien ( only ia plcdgrd for paymeut, while f-r the debit of . the l ulled States die a hole property of the couu- try ia holden tu secure the paymeut of both principal and inlereat in coin. Tbeae Donde may be tubeerihed for iu turns frnin f J up to any magitude, on the iarae terms, and ar4 ' thus made equally available lo the mi nil -it lender and tho largeet capitalist. They can he eor.vertrtt j into money at any amount, and the holder ill barn lha boueSt of the interest, j It may be useful to slate in thi e.jonection thnt , tha total Funded Iiebtufthe I niled States on which , interest is payable in jold. ou the 3-1 day of .Mareh, 1S61, was JToS.Oiii.OOO. Tbe interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be ati.O.tT.llri. while tbe customs revenue in gold for the current fii'itl year, ending Jane 50th, 1SGI. has been su fur at tha rate of over $100,000,000 per annum It will be seen that even tbe present gold reiouuM of the iuvernmet are largely in excav the wants of tbo Treasury for the psyineut of u-dd inlurmt, ahila the receut increase of the tariff will doubllou raise the annual receipts from customs on tho anij amount t iuipor unions, lo 1 1 W.OuO.Ot'O per annum Instructions to the N ational Hanks act in at lo:ui t ajeuis wero not issued from the I uited Statu 1rs sury uutil March 20, but in the Orel three ikin April the subscriptions arcragsd mora thsu TKN MILI.UiNS A W l.KK. Salacriptious will be received by the First National Ilank of Philadelphia. Vt decua l N'aiiunal Baiik of Philadelphia, I'a Third National Bank of Philadelphia. IV Aud by- nil a(ionnl ItHiikt ahiob ara dupwitariea of Public money, and all ksravTABLC sssas lis atsaans l'urouj(hout tba country, (actiu as ai-nts .f ti.n Nr. lionsl Dvpoiitory Hanks.) a ill furniah further info rualion oa application and AriKl BVkHV K.U ILITt TOSl IWCI'.Il ICII? ily ;. Itt. A Joiut renolutioa propoaing cortui Aiaendmeata to the ConBunuiou. Ci it rrAtil by tht .V.-xit arid' i.-u.yi , j'iV'rsf.f.'re.siir' the O'lrnnonttwltA vf i'rn llriinii in (Jontrnl Attnnbly met, That tl following amendments be proposed to tl Constitution of thu I'mnmonwealTh. in a tordane-e with the proviaiiais of the ton' article thereof: There shutl be an Additional section lo t' third article of the Constitution. toR-dcni nated as sectiou four, as follows : "Skctu..n 4. Whenever any of the qua tied clt-ct-jr of this Coiumouvvealth shall in actual military scrv ice, under a re-jiii tion from the I'rt-siele-nt of the I'nited Stat or by the authority of this Common wraSt such electors may exercise the right of t rage in all elections by ihe citizens, um such regulations as are, or ahull bo pre-scr ed by law, as fully aa if they were present their usual place of election." Sf.ction 2. There shall be two aiblitii al sections to the eleventh article nf the- Ci stitutioli. to be designated us tight, n nine, as follows -. SiciTtoN ts. No bill shall be passed the Legislature, containing moie than subject, which shall be clearly expressec the title, except appropriation biils." "Sue Tle. U. No bill shall bo passed the Legislature granting any powers, privileges, in any case, where the auilioi to grant such powers, or privileges, has be or may hereafter be, corferit-d upon courts of this Commonwealth.'' 11K.NUY C. JuHN.MiN. Speaker of the House of Kcprem-ntativtf j oi in i". 'i:nm:v, Speaker of ihe Se-na'.i (KrtCil OP TUB SlU'ltKTAnY OC TUB CoUMONWKAl.TIt, llVHIllKHl HO, April 2..th, ISO!. rE.NNSYI.YANU. SS; I do hereby certify that L S. I foregoing ia a full, true and reel copy of the orii;tnal J Ih'solution of the tscneral Aasetnby, enti A Joint lie-solution propostr.g ec: . Aiuendiuent to the Constitution," as same remains on tile al this oltico. ' Im Tkstimont whereof, 1 hate hen-i set iny hand aud caused the aeal nf the i rrlary a otKce to b allixt-d, theiUv and ; above written. Kl.l SLIKtlt. SeiM.try of the I'omtnrinwi-a'.t The above ltcaolution having bern ag ; to by a majority of the liiemlicr ot i House, al Iwo ucc-aive s-sioni of ! tlencral Assemblv of I Iii Commonw ,; ( the proposvd aim nibneiits w ill l sttbmi , to (he rople, for their ndnp'inn or r tion, on the riT 1 1 r ta. y or Alula I the uarof our Lord omi tlmusniid e I huiiilrvd and sisty four, in accor.lat.re Ihe provision. V thutniih isriii-ls. i.f , lonat it ui ion, and tho aci, iiiliiltd ".Vu , prei-ribing tho timt- and Inauiier of sub ling lo the jirsiphi, for their approval ' raliticaiina) u( rejci-tlnu, tin irooarl am . mrnta lit thu t . institution, ' upprovi .1 " twenty third day l April, ono D.oti , right hu ndred aud nis.lv four. , ' l.USIUTK. twrrlary of the t ouui.i uwk l Aprii S', I sill le x k v ; o o i) 1m4mss.I Mui.il M.llil Sko. si tuaUij I's Jaa4 wp.n.4 1. s. 1 1 4kv snm cochin ' Saab a laaws liwa Tiiiaoi.ii, xs. hil kia lUodh'ti k en. I sin. I-'na -liars an I iseas e l-iaew sad aanef tollasa. k.sia. It.:is. I .llis 4 .. lien law. V.li.i k.l k.at Wan. ,4 Un VwIihs, e ua.4. t aSKWe aw I avbMi.lias. V.ksM4 kia.t.a t.,lalial asasiia M . al ' Ili.a, a-nae v ks-as. Us.a4.aa aal l-js ea a i si .e U ek-i t. .. its- Hit-V i. 1444 1 1s4.ll ! Ms) i b'Hsl Sab la.aal a l in li.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers