t-r? -'' Efjc Sunburn &n.eucan, H. B. MASSEB, Editor ft Proprietor. nr.: Ji MTtUlltt't IM. SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1B64. B. M. PETTENQIIjI. CO., N. 37 Pm Bow, New York, and 6 State Street, Boolno, are oar egenU forth BcKt America in thoM oitis and are iuUwritod to tali AdTortiae moots Mid eubeorlplloni for u at our lowed rate. THE STATE CONVENTION. The Union men of Northuni!.erln J coun ty are requested to meet in the several Bo roughs and Townships, on Saturday, tlio 23d inst, to elcct delegate, to meet in Sun bury, on Monday, the 25th Inst. ; the object of vhich meeting will be to elect a Reprc dditiitive delegate, and name a Senatorial delegate, (to be concurred in by the ether counties in this Senatorial District) to tho State Convention, at Harrisburg, on Thurs day, the 28lh inst.. As the State Conven tion will appoint the delegates to the Balti more Convention, which will meet on the 7th of June, to nominate the candidates for President and Vice President, the people should give expression to their preference. C. P. SMITH, Chairman of the Standing Committee. ;t7"0itKAT Cknthat. Sanitary Faih. Vecall the attention of our readers to the ad vertisement of tho Great Central Fair, to be held in Philadelphia. Here a fine opportuni ty is offered to each man, woman, boy, and girl, in the State, to do Something to aid in the great and noble work in which the San itary Commission is encased. Persons of every trade and profession arc appealed to to contribute a day's lal or or a clay's income. Uusiness men are invited to give a day's profits. Let every one who rea'ls this pa per consider himself or herself directly ad dressed by the Sanitary Committee, and then aid in doing good. Organize societies or clubs ; organize in your workshops in jour families; let the men organize ; let the woman organise; let the trades organize everywhere; let the workmen give with employers, the employers with their work men. It is easily done. If the workmen will authorize their employers to deduct tnc day from their week's or month's earn ings, and the employers will add to it a duy of their profits, the whole rum will be ac knowledged together to the credit of the estalilishlllCUt. We sny to all, go to work ' at once with us in this great work. Hurry forward your contributions. Every ac knowledgement will bimulate others to fol low your example. Let all work for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers.! mbmwbimd i Blip, iiwtmmmwmmmmmMm U Tho Firct Nutiouul IJaiiK of Selingruvo. oper. c J ou Vftlnosdft of ltt?tHetk, and will receive tl.fnr potti and hnve tborn prcpHrtd for eiruuluiiun in a few vrevks. Tlie ofl'icers of tliii Hank aro George Hchnuri, I'rnideiit, aud A. J. JCorlh, Cuhicr. tW' HATS Hats ! Hats ! manufacturc'l ty P. Fnuit, tliroo doors cast of Kriling A Grant's store, Funburv. are decidedly the nicest and cheapest to be found. All colnrs and shapiM. constantly on band. A large a5Mrtmont of Hoy' Huts ou hand. j(7fiAn AcriDRM. On Thurc?ity evening of lut wcik, Millinin Ornon, of Norlhuivbcrland, acci dentiy full off a train of cars on the Lackawanna and Hlooiusburg railroad, and wu ninuli-d und crushed ly the earn !u such a mannt-r Od to causa hU doath in a few hourd afierwnrdt. tX"We direct attention to the card i f l'r Fou'.k j inanouierroiuuin. je iwtor ti inous-.nous anu of steady habits, and will, uo doubt, attend a'.ieutive- to all rates that may be placed in hiseure. . . . , : t V rioatiiiK operations have coicmencci on the ,;ing "eanawl, ana tlie lounBmS about tal-yar ls I and the wharves, speeulatinj in old "tubs'' aud long oarel horacs, liw oea.ed to exiyt. I!jatinan ! wind ; that horn SRaiii ! How business-like it sounds to hear j tht sound of tho boatman's horu blended with the snorting and puiliing of the ,,iron-,.i-".r.e,M r.p l a found? up and down tho valley of tho tiuit'iuchacna. t'IIinn Watsr. Tho heavy rains during th past fow weekr, has enused the river to raisa to an unusual heights. Lumber raf.s were tied up r.ot deenilnt; it prudent to venture out u)it the rujTeJ stream. Vie learu that some damage has been doue vo booms near Lock Haven, and that sorao eighteen rafta were lost. J'Wt learn, says last week' liaiette. that 1 di S'wio of a very serious and fatal nature has been pre vailing in Hush township, this county, for several weeks past. It begins with a rash, aud terminates fatally by affecting tho spine nnd back part of the brain. Vi understand that a number of pewns, ndulta and ebildron, bave been taken with it, and iu every cue it ha proved fatal. The liootors appear to be unacquainted with the charartcr of the disease. Hugh II. uatiuo. a prominent citisenof the tuwu. .hip, wm union); the victims. fyjohu Warden, residing noar this place, Informs ns uf a freak of nature worthy of notice. He has a lamb "alive and kicking" with Ave leri ! Tub extra leg comes out near the foreleg. Tim leg has two feet, and up to the Srst joint has two separate honn. both covered with one skin. This is certainly a lingular occurrence, WoomsLurg lirpvbliran XjT 1( " 'aid that the French ladies are itarting x new fashion. Tlie tuft of the hair at the aide of the face, which is frequently curled, is to fall straight down the face in a thick moat, and to La frissled so as to look like wbiskenr. ' Wado ' In and copy, ye frinle topi. 'iissrjii tip I.vroitsiATiojf WiSTtn. PI the whereabout! of John L Orayson, of (inen county, Ya. He left L home on the 14th of Uoceinbcr, 1-5'lJ. with the loteution of making his way to the loyal states, and w'non la.t heard from waa laid to hare been at t-harpburg. Washington County, Md Khould thia meet his notice it will Inform hint that his wife. Ana . Urayou. baa alao made her tmeape from Virgi nia, aud 1. I.ow atayiag la the vicinity of Wayne. boro', Franklin vouuty, 1'a wh.ie she tau be cnldretsid. T' Fublhhen of ne spa pais will center a favor j copying. IV Alfred II. Mann, of Havre de Oraee, Md., was killed l.j full in from a third ati.ry window of Parker ' II ill. at W lllmsn.porl.oa Friday aiorainf He bad aMneiek aaxl delesious with erysipelae f4 days (eioue, and abtlebUaurwaeaeleep, after lunj aU'hin(, ha waadered Iroiu hi ria ia'o the ball, and fell fr.au lb ball window, which ii iLfoaa wide opea) a! the lime, lb eeeaee4 bw Imch form seal yean the atfenl uf lw A u ... o, ... luliou ( that Ural Iba ageut t, (hud tint the d vl Mi hulvti.) al Jleita da tiiwe. II wa f. i uie )eia nls vf UuyhMf Ilia, .yeaia( u'.i i , and a maa uf pfetuittebM la ibe ininssrane .Uilet .e..Ji. Ibee. IU -a. fuHy., ill Iui, l.i k.i,' M t te U. Jk' tut y The following Twclva Apoftleaof liberty alt thai remain on the Penaian Rolli of tht Dot ram act an aotual participant In the War of the Revolution Ifamrt. Amailah (kwdwlo John Ooodnow Adam Llnlc HtT. Daal Weljo Wm. Hutching Jamea Durham BcnJ. Millor John Pcttinglll Alex. Maronty VirtAplaer. At. kiraorsw'th' N. II. 106 Budbary, Mum. 102 Washington, Co. Pa. 103 Windhaa, Oonn, 101 York, Ms. 100 Eoutli'pton Co., Vs., 99 PrriDgfleld, Mum. C9 Windham, Conn., 97 Lake Oeorje N. V. M gaml Downing, M N. H. Keg.(nr aga given) Lemuel Cuok (no birthplace or given.) James Oatee (no birthplace or age given.) tj?' At a meeting of He Good Intrnt Fire Com. pnny, held on Monday evening last, Lmanuel Wil. vert was elcetr-d Fresidont, to till the vacancy coca" eioucd by the resignation of John K. Clement, Esq., and J. C. Wtlker, Kocording Secretary, vice II. Wilvert, rnsigucd. ty Joseph towns, of Williauisport, was klllod at tho Lowlaburg railroad dopot on Friday last. In trying to avoid an approuchinit Ir.iiu bo stepped upon ntiotlior track and was itruck by an engine moving in an opposite direction. Willie Davis, njred between three and four yetirr, snnnfCapt. Charles H. Davis, fell into the river n short distance below the bridge, yesterday afternoon and was drowned. A larjtn number i f liien. with n seine, searched until night for hi. body, but did not succeed in recovering it. Owinf? to 'the flood it is probable that the body wns at once carried fur below where tho child fall in. W'tliiamsjjtort Guzitlc. I'ntf c1 StntcsiSniUttiry Osmmssiwloii rhiladelphiu Ageucv, No. 1!l2:i Chcmul St., ) March 1, lid. Tho undersigned, members of the Executive Ci m inittee of tho U REA'f CENTRAL FAIU f.,r tho San itary Cuiuniis'sion. heir to invito the co-operation of all their fellow-citizens, especially cf thoac resident in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey, in this iumortiint enterprise. It is proposed to hold the Fair in Piiilndclphia. in tho find week in June next, and it is confidently expected that tho Contribution?, coining from a populutiuii so benevolent and patriotic as that which inhabits the Central States, uitd repre senting the moat important and varied l-rnuches of industry and art. willsccuror res'uit in aid of tho funds of the Commission, and lor tho beuclit cf the Soldier, at least equal to that which bus nttended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not nee'- sr.ry to say a word to stimulate sympathy for tho s ,. , ..1L....1 i r , i popular heart aotk" oi ly tl.c bi"t nude of manifest- I ina. syinpaw y in too moii tiiuicm ana praeueui vv. llicsc t-ulis.in otoer pniees Lave been pro- duetive of grcut results. l!y this nieunsChicno has recently raised fcr this object sixty thousand dollimj, Boston one hundred nnd titty thousand, and Cincin nati none thun two hundred thousand. We appcnl, then, with the teutcst conlidenje to ths iiiloiLiu.nts of thu Centrtd htates. epe'MHily to tuoo w!o cointi tule the creut induiir'u! clasiiy, to senl n:J contril u tier the productions of theirUtll und ,or!ituHiiihi;. Ve nppci.1 to them in Xhf interest of no pfirty, r:nii cul or cor.stvvative. Republienn cr I'emoor.itie, Ail. tninistrniion orimti-Adiuiuiiirutior. Wo know only ti.i'. thi.t to send our national soldiers in tho Held plies to supplement thoso tloverument under- lake to giv? ilieu, but which tbey -in-:ita. tail to receive, and t!u:s to leliyvo thun whrn a:d inisiTv, ;ja ivi-rli U' Ciirit cliurity. and that U u j u worV d'int'.iltcut mrioirij. uUj. lk eoi".oiuizin j il.t-ir 1 i o . , lituUh, un-i ttllit-ncy, vi vhich. uiuit.. Goi. thu Niiiiun depends in this its time of trouhk. ! We there fur u luk every cU'ryumn to nnuum:(.'0 the huii.nuo ur(Jtr::t!;uiK to his ; toj It. aril to udvisc them tu do what thoy can lu lurthtr it. Wo u.k the j J prow to give H the widest mblivitj and tu luoft ; enruest encourngrmcnt. Wo cull on every work , shop, factory and n,i!l, for a fcpcciiuen of the beit 1 tl:itii it ci'ii turnout ; un every nriijt. f.-rp:it nndiimull i I for one of Ma croatious; on all lyU uou.uii, for tho j i e xercUe of their taste and industry; on funuers, icr j I the product of their fieldi and duirie 'i'no niiiicr, ! j the i.titurulist. t!.c ni:ui of EJieue'. ihu truvcltr. e:;u ! I rack send smethir. that cun. u aie very lu-?t, Lo (' ! couvrrtfd into a blunket thiit wiil wcrtn. and t:ry i f tave fruui death, someone hjUmt nhom Government j t BuL-iliei hnve failed to reach, i'verv okj who c?a I'rduee ai.ythin thfU has unmcy v'alue h- invited to jjive a ?fimjjl. of his hct work as uu oiU'rint; to tho eauio of Daiionnl unity, iivery vuikininnn, or mechanic, cr farmer, Lo cnu uwe a fair of raoen, ! or raise a barrel ofaih-j, i called ou lo cu;:tribulo '. rometbing that can be tun.cd tu:o mom y, and nnm j from money i::tothe meiinsol efonomiiiii tho health j and the liie cf our mtional nol'iier. I t'ouiiui.tui-shuvo bceu anointed tn each dopprt j mc-nt of industry and art, vho.-o bu-aliivsj it w ill be j V) solicit cLu'iijuiioi.i for the 1- air, eaeh in in own I may wih to i.id us. In t!.o uictiiLlmv, it ii rccom j mended tl.at Local CcmmittHaor .W.ctation should j be foru ed in e.ery purtiun i l JiiL-vlvaiiiu, l'el::- vcre. and New Jtidey, villi u view oi orMiitciui; the iudu9iry of thrir reiective ncihberhotiU, so i.d to , tit-cure ci'iitriUiiloiis tr the i'r.ir. Cjmmitttiej of hadicfl have ul j Lccn or.'iu'i' u to i . co-opt rato iiik tko&o tf the tcutlcuiea hi solicitir. A V.fl o! tL :ne Comini'.tce w ill 1 e 'aertlv puMi H ni.d diflriiaueJ. Jn tho m.niiii.e. ijo-c v. ho uuo i ui.i..id to aid us, cr w.u n. y dciro a::v ;''jr:hrr j ii.l .n.-ution cn the sul iect. are rrr-ues'.vd to ao-lic tU Co! roefcono'.iu; ctrcerv if tLs Kxeuutire C miitco ol the Ure'at Central' Fair, ISSJ Ciiesnut it., l'u.inuelpkui. CALL!) L'ori', 'lr:urr. C.J Si'ILLK. Corropondin; creiurv. H. I!. 1 tl'.VKS-S, Ui jorJ-.r,; Secretary, ti. W.HL.N'TLIl, AiitLt aecn-urr. I Vi'.m: ?ii:w3. Tlu'ie h sifruiScnrcc in t!;e general urJor just issued Ly Ccn. Cirant, i liom heailqtmriuri of tin- Army of t'.ie To-I t'ju.ac. It Uircrls that fuliiic and private I tirojitrfy for v!iii-!t traiifporliition is noil lurriishcd by existing ordi-ra tiip.ll lc at ', once Eir.t to tlie ri'.-ir: t'.iat c.il bullvr-s r.'-.d ! private cili.vns slial! loue the army by tlu 10th inst. ; that only members of tlio ".nii tiivy or Christian Coinmiiona and rogis tercd ni'wsjiii'ri corrctpondeuta can re main. All I'uiloii'dis nnd leaves of absence j arc stopped, and till ollicers nnd men doinj; i duly iu otlier corps than their own are or dered to return to their r.-yiuients. (Jen. Clrant viidted the extreme i'toiit of tlie lines ! on Friday. Ho made a close observation of ! the regiment and brigade at lie passed a!oii, expre.isinjt hlmsrlf highly gratified with tluir condition. He ui.;u m'ude a care- ft:l reeonnoisancc of tlie enrmy's dei'cnivc work on the Kaptdan, r.ncl returned to hi-. lieadfuai ters the rame evincing. Heavy rain wus falliiifr a!l day on r-aliirday, and the roads continuo in a very bad condition, and the streams still swo'ilen. Vc hnve Xew-Orleans datia to (he IM int. The election for member of a Consti tutional Conventon rtilh d in a complete triumph fur the Free-Stale party. About :),ul)U vote were cat in the parish of liew (Jrleaus. The Coppt rheads liad no regular ticket, ihouyli a few are said to havo pot in on" Citizciia TieWct-i.'' lie war news is not important. It i poMhlo that the re porte.l i!j;lit at Cane Kiver was a firt of April hoax. At any rate, it U tafe to waite for continuation, before putintr faith in it. The Itcd Kiver correspondent' of The Xett Orltant Ihlta notice an unconfirmed report that lien. Steele' forces captiued bhrevc port WiCliout llrcinf? n gun; that ceveral of our "uiibunt. had gone above the tdioaU of ited Kiver to cotiernte with our hind foreet, and luro num'ers of cattle ami po- uiea were bein ruptttre't by cur scouting parties, g tH u cotton. NEW ADYEimSEMOTS. NEW M I L L 1 N li II Aj) FANCY GOODS, ron oyp.iiTG- at the "lore t n, l. hiiissi r.it, Maiket rV(uare.f-l'MrhV, PA Tba Miesre H. A L f Ular. haeiuf rtawve. their eMahluliBieal in aiere eutnaindioaa and iuui.111,14 I r.ujs. una uuur aeuse ibeir I 'imor ivoatiua, (nloiia their hiekJe and eaeioaiers, ibal Ikey have rewr4 I aud jul lned a eh.iue and '! Ihi4 iul 11r,of WU.UM;Mt AND I A.NCV ttOtiWt.i.. eluding every eiyle uf UONKtro, HATS, QIOOONM THIM. MINaa) Or ALU KINMs. aad all mhef eru.le la tb.ir line, wbitb will be k.14 , M ki.de ... , ,,, a la e d.anee Oao.V. Smith. CniS. B. Obstbm. SMITH &. GEITTEER, Market streot, on door (fiat of Mrs. Booltoo's Ilotab Hay openod A NEW TIN-WARE, sheet Iron and Store Bfbrc, and Intend keeping aonatantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on ahortaat notice, TIN AND BlIEtT IRON-WARfi of all doicripUona A targe Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands: William I'riin, I'rusiNjlTunla, Horn-, C it I on, and the Cele hrntt'U Niagara Cook Stove, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, oombining cheapness nnd durability, and each stove warranted to pertona what thoy aro ro prosentcd. ALSO, PARLOR nnd OFFICE STOVES. In great variety, embracing all tho best manufactures, and most fashionable designs C'oiil Oil, Coal OH Lamps', Khndc, 'IiiiiiU'w, II nd nil article unusually kept In an establishment of this kind. Wo are also prepared todoull kitiiii of .Spouting, Hoofing, Rnno and Furnace Work, (Ins I'ittiug, Ao. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produce tiikon in eschange nt market price . BMITII & OEXTIIER, . Have thcAgcucy forEIBIl'S CliLKllRATED FIRE 1'l.ACK S'iUVhS, lor the Counties of Sorthuuibor laud, huyder, Vnion and Montour. Ai t u;a also agentj for tho Tiphcr & Willowcr Lii. i ransportiition. Sun ,. i April V. lill. 1804, f,T oponi, 1804. A l'KESII EUl'PLY OF SPRINQ AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, At the Larjjo Millinery Slorc of . ISasNM M. I.. iisHt, Fawn rtrc.t, two doors south of Shamnkin Valley l'otiaviilo Railroad, SLXlJL'RV, Pa., Consisting of the very latest styles of .':iSyVkr3asrjr'rB a Also. Trjmminps su'-h is Ribbons, Luces, French and American Flowers. Feathers, do. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Fancy Goods & Notions, to which fhe directs Inn attention of her friends, and .u.i..: nit iv lui, niiu uv iui a uuivuua else- w,cro XhnBkfu, fr rn,, Mtronse. fhe hones by keep. in tnc hat aHoitmeiit at reasonable prieea to eon tinuo the saiiH-. iSunbury. April P. l.Cl. H:n I'okjiij Kuneyor A. t'oiircjnncfr, U.ihi'iK ;, 2rt'ivtiilcrl'iiul County, Pcnn'a. Ofiice in Wiihinton town.-hip. KiiiiL-iueiits can bo nuulc hy lutti-r, rtircctt'd to thu nbovi.'a.i.lrcfs. .Ml hu.iinw Liitniilcd to hi.' euro, will be jruuiptly alt'-ii'Iivl to. A iil U. I :0t ly T ONES HOUSE; Coriier M.uhet ilreet and Murhet .Square, HARRISBURG, I-A.., Acknowledged a First Class IIoupo. rriHK Pmpriutor would mft respectfully call tho I ftttt-iition of the citizens of .Sunburv and the sur rounding country., to tho accommodation of his house, nuring them (hey will Jin J everything that can contribute to their comfort. It is nituntcd far j euouc'u ti'iin tho Deot to avoitl tho nrice nnd eoulu ; iun incident tu railroad fctution. Mi l at the frame I time only :i low minutes walk from thckaitu1. j An Cmnilu-j will bo found nt ttio Matiuns ou tho ' arrival of euvu iruiu. ! C. Jl MANN, Proprietor, t 0. rm ! TU COKSUillillS OK i r 11111- undersigned dealer in Coal from the follow J in:? veil Uiiowu Collieries ii prepared to receive . oidei's fur thu smue nl tho Lowest Market Kute, viz : ! .MounrcArs DIAMOND MIXES iOKAV'S ; l'AHKisii if: ar " I COOUDA'm) ccs j lie Is aLo prepared to furnish tho ; ::tlsiiuus-e t u' 'et tn iili tl t'oal, ! Y.!'f;i!i iul I'.'fjm.-ti!. t'.-e lire of tlio L:s((Uehaniia Uivcr r.nJ Havre de j e'r.ice. lie has mai!" arrangcincnts lor tho best PITTUTO:? AH1) PLV1IOUTII COALS, i Wlit.'h ho U irei ;,ri' 1 lj deliver on lnurd Jlouts 11 lto.trd Jlouts at i Northern Ceiitrul I 1 ort!iun.btrla!d. ,.r i.v Cir.- ,iv i Itr.ilri.aJ. .md on t'oi lino of tho 1'hiiudc'rhia and ! Uric ilaiiro:id. on t lit- best terms. i Jlo :s n.-epjr.'d to liil nil Crder with dispatch, and i rci cc'.iaiiv i.-llciis o: i r li-om t!-c 'lra.l--. , Au--ir.' ; " . Jci1N.MjFA1U.AM, ; .'.i:.i 'J. 1-'J. .NoitluiiiiLerlanJ, l'a. PAI1I3 MANTILLA EMPORIUM, I'.t. t.) Cucs.M-T Pn'ttr.T. (Former'.? Io. 7CS.) 1'11ilaih:li'Iiia. NOW 0?EI."-:ariK..'CnIo WAHTIIjIjAS anil CLOAKC Also, Spring and .uniiner ilarmets, of our own .M iua.'uv'turc, of the l.u'.ott Myics aud ill t;rcat va- ' J. W. PI'.OCTOll .'. CO., Tho rcria until la Emporium, No. P2D Chifnut Street. I'hiladvlphia. iil 9. '04. cb-St pt. S. ItSoJ. ly JACOB IIAItLEY, 5i'fr.i.c In S I a v Jf e r 11 a lit y.) No. (1:2 MAUKET .Street. PIllLAKKI.I'lll A. DEALER in Fino (iold and filver W'ATCHLS ; Kinetiold JKWKI.llV: Solid SILVEll-WAKK. an I the b-t of 1 1. VEll-l'I. ATEH-V AltE. Con- stnntly on hand a large assortment ol the above goods nt low price?. Watches nnd Fine Cloche Repaired, hy skillful workmen ', alo, Jewelry rcpairine; ; Engraving und irl kinds of llnir-woi k to order, ot uliort notice. C"i"-J)oirt forget tuo tld stand, Mo. 01' ilurkct etrcvt, Philadelphia. April If34. iia . ?IEYER'S 1,' V. W L V 1 .M I' Ii O V E D CRESCE N T SCALE VB:ECS1 til J B'IAA)-s. At'kfif.w lrdfpl In he tlie hrst. Loiulon 1'riie Jletlul aud llipliest awards iu Ame- rii-a received. .Mr.LOHEO.NS AND PKCOXU II AND PIAN03. Wurerocins, No. 722 ARtll ft., Iwlow Lit'litb, PHILADELPHIA. March 2o, ifl4. .Intw ''oii.4'4'o (ui:i:i. TUT. fuWriber nfl'ers fr side some superior Con. necticut eed-I.epf. end Maryland lirued-Tup lo hacco SeeJ. Prii!u 2 cents pt.r paper, hend uioucy and pluin directions. A Uo a lot of good Tobacco Leuf formal ft. P. 11. .MASSEU. Funhnry, March 19. liol. HEN BY irAllFEB.' o. r.'i AIM II St.. IMilliiililplilu. MAM FACTi nLll i DLALEK IN WATCHES. rillS JEV7ELHY. C0LIDSILVn WAKE And L'tliLT. S Superior Plated Wnr. 'i All Wni of Siii c-r-Ware, ma le en the prcnil. I.-. WATCH Hepairiug cnielully dol e ! March 31, Itf'l.lui ORPHANS' COlTUf SALE or VAI.I aiii.i: !. I.AM. T pursuance of ao order of lha Orphans' Court of I nrlhuulerland county, will le ed to pub lie rale, at '' I hou- f liemauiia Kaouu, lathe loan i.f TH I. YohTtt.V, on Fit I DAY, the Wih llav i'f AI'ltlL. the one equal undivided tilth pail of all thai e.ru'a lit AC! or Pitt E ol LA Mi, situate In Little Malou." and Caiueroa lown.hipa. .V .riliuuiUrl.nd eountv. bounded by lands ot Juaeph DunklaUiaer. lauda of Ike Treiurloa Company, Jonathan liinkleUrer. ai l Iaarl and lluul.r. I'oalaiinue Four llundied and Maienly Acioa and Hue lluu.lred and tuiiy-lnu Pirobea, alili'l n.aa.ure. Ilie leu I m wall Ttniuered Twu vrio.ol A.N I HK A. 1 1 1 K Co L, bate bean upenad end wokad on aaid I Ual One leiu la It lowt in wulih Ikuieeweef j Ibe Moet taluahle Cual Iraata In the Tr.io.Uia Coat ! heu. Lain Ike ealale af Jaaob Draeslef, do d I hale la euiuutenee al 1 0 u alec k . A M.efeaidday, I wk.a ibe teiiu and aoudUioke of ele wi.l be evade i havwabe JfbEPU IItr-.'Lrr.. Adm r 1 II M.lar f the C.mri. ' I l l MMIM.S ., r. c. o. BRUCE. Anthorlsl Vmr Claim OfHceai. Wahlntton, D. O. I Clavelnnd, Ohio. 443 Niktu SraEiT. I JTo 1, Ltmaii1 Block. Oppoaita Peuaion Offio. Near tha Court Hons. PnbllMhc the Army Herald, ard oollaota TENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY, rriae-Dooay and alt othar A. Claims. Wo pay especial attention It olalnn In which othor HltorncTl bave FA1LKI), or frhiuh hara been SUSPKNUKl. Wa haa already ool looted anil paid over to aoldlem aid their heira'over $.'00, 0UH, and are paying thousand doily. No ehartn unless ucoerul. Writ us, and wo wilt send ypu a copy of our paper, free. Wli COLLUCT from f!0 to f IPO Ca?h Bounty. ' We do our business wiTUotT di:lat Anril 2. 1WH4 a A.COB O- BECZ, MERCHANT TAIL0II, And DrnJerfn CLOTHS, CAIMEKES, VESTIXO, &c, Klan rt-moTrtl inl IiIm ."ot Ilulltl tiik on I'atri alrret, oiitli ot Wenvrr Hotel, STJNBTTBY, r A. . , INFORMS tho citiieiu of Sarlmry and vicinity, that he haa jut roturued from l'liiludelj.hia with a full assortment of SIICI4J Al Xllltlf.St ,II, OK EVKRY DK.SC1UPTI0X AM) QCAl.ITY. Ilis stock ennsiyta of Cloths. Freiirh Cloth.. lilncV Duo Skin and Fancy Canimeroi, Hlnck 8rttin. Fiaureil I h'ilkfl, IMnin and Fancy Ciuwimerc VESTI NttS, which he will uiukc up to order in style, to suit tho tai"te ef j customers, ou short notice, una tlio most rcwounMo terms. Any Coo-Is not on hand, w ill ho furnidicd from riiilrdelphia. hy Riving two days' notice. (looils furnished by customers nill bn maJo up to order as In rctofore. As he will employ none but experienced workmen, I persons may rely on gutting their work will done at j Lis shop. Thankful for the patronnqe heretofore bestowed, j lio rcsrcctlully solicits a contiuuuuuool tue same. Suubury, April 2, !Sfi4. SOMETHING NEW IN SUNBURY. Latest Good News ! WEAVER & FAGELY", HAVK juxt returned from PhilodelpliiA with on of thu .urges nnd bust svlccted etockrf oi tiovda ever brought to Sunburv. DRY GOODS! EOREIUX AND DOMESTIC. such as Cloths, Cossi. mcrcs, .Muiliii", ,Shec'inirs. Ticking. Calicoes, De laines. Flannels, nnd all kinds of Mot 'RX IMJdooils. Alituccay, Itlack Silks, tJiiifrhains. Ilalniiiral and Skolcton Skirts, Canlou Flauuels, Nankeens, Car poliii of all kinds. HATS cSc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprisinp. Hosiery, tiloves. Thrend. Buttons, Fus peT'dor). Neck-tics, Collars, Handkerchiefs, jiuir Ilru-hes. T'.th liru.-lics. Gum Uib bon nnd Cord. tape, erotchet-bruid, worked collars, fancy head dreMcs. tidy ctton. carpet binding, combs, fancy fn.-ip. corjict biii; Trunk, Valines, Vuibrello.", lilank Books, Poper, Envelopes. Ac. Of all kifidi. such ns Nails, Hinires and Screws. Door Latches and Kuobs, Locks, and CL'iLLHV of otcry description. Also. Dye-t, Tlrng, Paint, Yarr.ishes, Fish, Flaxseed and Ueiizino Oils. Glass, Putty, At. ('iiei iisHniT ii lid jiluivnre ot ull liiiKln. STONE AND K A 15 Tl IEN WARE. An Extensive Stock of G R O C E R I E S, Coniposed of Sutrar. Cotfec, leas, Uice. Corn-sturch, Maccttroni, llarlcy. liakiu-iiowder. molab.cs. si.apH, vndl-. tobacco und aegars. Salt, Fith, Meat, Checre, Ac, Ac. Alto, a large variety of Ti m ri mm "ew w w rO fir Men, Women nnd Children. 3" "All kinds of (j ruin and Country l'roduco taken in eA.'hitno for Cioodf. liive us u call bel jre yon rurcho.e elfvwhcro, wo are bound to sell as luvv u lu.y uc else. Sti.rc-rouni in Ira T. Clement's building at the ?oulli-w est corucr of Market hutire, uwur tho Court Ilouso. cunbury. March 10, lS'.t. .fiii.i.ti:i:v a si'it iw .ooim, IN EVEI1V VARIETY, eftl.o Latest Importations, and of tho ncwett und iti'M fa; hionnhlc styles. Out SJriivv Itrpitrliiirnt. will cnmprio cverv variety of Ronncts. HnU and Trimininira to be found iu that line of the latest i:rd ni'wt approved sliapesand styled riulicitiUi; on early e-ill, I remain Yours, Respectfully, IT. WARP. Street Phil Kn. 103, 105 and 107 North Second ublphia. March .9, lbC t. Itw LAI 4 Tom-Ill X Arch Stn., Ihllii1'lpblai APE OPF.N1NO FOR PPUIXQ, 1864. 100 pes. f 1. Fancy SILKS. SO pes. India .Silsjs. $1. l'Jti " Ooiid lliiick " 200 " Ordered Plain, SILKS 4-4 LYONS Mack Silk VELVET. Jlrowu SILhS, f.l, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1 pur yard. Itlack " !, 5, 4, .1, 2, 1, per yard. Moire Antiques, ull colors. Mituitiuenl Orenaditita, Miinilitieiit Or(tindi.-s. r.ii'lieiit C'iiiiites end IVrenlis. Spring SIJAW'LS. New Household STAPLE tiOOLS. N. L. Ocnenil aasortincut of Mens' Wear. iltiroU i, ISi'jI Smw NPOitTNni's iu:rr. Jl'ST received a new etoek of Fisliine Tackle for Spring sales, consistinn; of Rods, heels. Lines, I a.-keU'. mukhIh, Filiate, Nets, Flics, Arlilicinl Unit, HKi?ed Lines. (Jut. (iruse and Hooks, to which the attention of dealers is particularly requested Orders, Wholesale and Kctail, punctually filled and satislaolion warranted. .TOIIX KltlDKR. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February 27, !ol. f.ui lir ICisl,llft, Ituiit'lirai, Aula, lll )!, Holloa In I'ura, Vt oolrna.At ., Imwsm'Im on IMiiutai, I'un la, Aulinnla, As-. I'hI uf in ? ic, .'i0c. and ?l r0 Ilnttre, Mollies and Ha.k.. f l aud ti sites for Hotels, Public lutlilu lion., Ac. "Only Infallible reniediu kuoan." ''Free front poiaona." ' Not dannerous lu the lluuiaa Family," llata oouie eul ui thiUT boln lu die IS.,11 Wboliwale la all lar-e villus K'ld hy all druKgi.la and Itelallaia everywhere '. '. '. Ilea ana 1 1 1 of all wurthleaa Imitation. Kee thai "Coaler a" uauie if ua eaeh Hot, Ibdll aud Flaak, before yen buv. Addict tit.y It V II. 4 OnTA It. Priiielpal l'ril 41 (lioa.wey. .New )ork. t bold by ail Wbvlceale aud Httall Diu,-ou La (iuoiiury, Pa. i.b. , leoj -ut eTva. 7J TO Mtlllll, rpilK MTTIB OIA.XT MIXQ WACIIIXI J lOMI'AN V aa a As. at la eoeilily. la eullail ixdera U tbair i Uubias, auk gkaae, eview-iliiref aal etna kredlae Haalll f-y a li bwal salary au4 afpuee af le 1 (1 f- i inlriliia far f am. vila. I.rats tobv- ( i.u,u, k4 i.l T Si T till , T leea. 0 . lik f- M Cn, 1'illj.nH 'Ill OEO. W. OAHPENTtUH, HEWBSTET A.CO'B "tTbolownln raiq: nnd Clu'UiIcal Unnhonae, No. 737 Market fltxeet. PUILADCLPIIIA. ninB subeerfbem keep eontitantly on handalarir J. etoek of Drnp, Medloinee, Chemioale, Pliarma oentionl Preparation nnd every other nrtiole whioh npportaiiip to tho buiinr-ert. ettibrooing the w"t ei tensive variity i also, PAINTS, 01 LB and ULArid of every domription. All articlea purohaeed from ns can be rolled on ai being; of tho meet aupeiior quality and at an low prlrce as they can Ira had . We can oCer such In dnoeinent n will m-iko It tho inlereet of tho pur chaser to lay in their supplies from us. nnd irivo us their future patronage mid invito all, who visit the city, to oall at our vatnblishnicnt. All orders ad dieased to ua by innil or other wiae will ineol with prompt attention. OLO. W. CARPrXTER, HENSZKY CO. 7;.7 Market Struct, l'hi'udelphia. February .1R64.--3m TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR. KN'I.ARUKD VEINS OK THE l.YM, AC; Inetriiniefits for nil deforisitlee. 1R. tiLOVl'U'tl Sew i.e-vor 'I riixn hn tnken the place of other Trnwcs frr the rrtentfon und cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acliiii: tifum the principle of n lever, it Dover loses ibr strength. It is coated to prevent nisi. It ha no pad ou the hack, which is eo liable to injure tho spine and annoy and fhofc the wearer. It is sure to retain the Rupture, srivinil case and comfort, nnd effecting radical cures. It is warranted to givo satisfaction. Tlie improved fflioulder-Jlrueo expand the chest nnd prevents tho wearer from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Kelts nnd Ahdominnl Supporters, Rand nues. and licit of nil kinds, and instruments fur all Deformities of the llodv. DR lll'iVKK'S OtnceisXo. 4 Ann Street, two doors frofn Ilroiidway. New York. frlrnngcrs should particularly nolo the narno and No. Apr II. ITO JEREJIIAII ENYDER, Attornej Ac 4'itiH-Hor nt I.ner. Ofiice os South "iile of Market street, four doors west of tie.irhart s Confectionery rtore, BUNBUEY, FA. TA'ill nl'end promptly tn itll professional hnsiness entrusted lo hi care, tlie collc'tion ol'clair.is iu Nor. iliuinberlartd nut! the wijoinini; rutnties. Conultations in Nernmn uud F.ngtih. . Kunbury, .March IV, lVt.ly a. w. nr.oLF.n, oloc h.kk. ZIEQLER MALICK, ATTOHNEYS AT LAV, Suiibiii-y , .i-iiiiinls"rlnnl 'o., Pu, OftVr their profesalennl services lo the public. Col leiitiniig and all other professional buelnen entrusted to thciu, will receive prompt attention Also, Military elniins will be collected, luoh as Bounty. Ruck-Pay. Pension. Ac Ac. Roth .speak the Gerinnn Lapruage. Office Jiurket .Square, next dooi lo ProlhnnoWiry 'I office. Sutibury. March 5, lt-8t. 8UKBURY HIGH SCHOOL. TDK tii st quarter of twelve, weeks will open tn the Grand Jury Room, on Monday tho 4lh of April, 136M. Tr.r.MS Pun QiAnTcn : For Rending. Writing. Arithmetic, CJcograt hy. Hnlih liramtiiiir. J 1 00 Ali?cbrn. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and tjieidojrv. or any of these. " $5 00 Hiirhcr, Mathematics, (including all or exy of above) ' $8 OP French. Germon. Latin and Greek, or any one of them in addition to above. $7 00 Tuition payable half quarterly in advance. No deduction for lost tune. Daily records are kept of the merit and demerit of each htudent the former denoting; the excellencies of each in recitation and deportment, tho Inltcr tho dellcietieies and delinquencies copies of which ill be scut to tho parents or Kuiitdiuns at tho (nd of each term. For particulars apply to the principal. Ri:Ki:itK.M i:s : .T. .T. Reiiueiinyder. Sinibiiry, Prof. "Wni. Nen:linn. Scl ins-Grove, Prof. G. R. ill's--. Lewixtmr'A K. P. ROH11AC1I, Principal, f unbury, Feb. 6, lstU. FLAG & BUILDING STONE QTJARRRY TO LET! rpilE subscribers will Le.ve their Flag and Riiild 1 inir .--tone Quarry, about three mile Irom .un hury, on the North Rinneb of the."-oenurhrinna river 1 lie stone are et toe nest rjiinitty. suitatilo tor p.'("o inert and ouildini; pi:r(ose?. For further particulars apply to KHI'.R A MAR TI X Miamokin. IV, or S. H. IHYI'i:. .March IV, 1 SC. 1 . r-mibury. Pa. VARNISHES. PAINTS & GLASS ! (-fTi-r Vj I'rtilcrs. Ccitfliiittikr anl Hiuco 1'aintoN. nt tia very Inwc-t nrtt priaf th! 't Co:trh :m.l ('.tl.iutt V)irui.-hp ; Vwro 'bilo iiiMni; ri'triti-ii nnil Atncni-iin .inf ; i Iiroiuc lri;n9, ami Vclluvf, I'rnp and Ivcvtv lilitokv, mitl h tu 1 us. uoiimoi.t oi till tin- Jiiit r Ci'lis ih Vormi!linn, l.ukis, Tube Cb.rs A!., a!s-i. Tiiint imtl VnrnUh Jtrurhe.-. uf tho n-t ir.-.kt. ll:txuar inanunute tuaj r..ini; Fninl Miilo; -itiIr r.n-l UouMu tiiik 11:ij-, of nil ilmripthip!' '! ti'.i inie.'tilft u- d hy Ihue Hii'l i'rmch I'liiiiitrs wliirb v r.iii s. ll ha elx-ii', if li'it chcajirr, thim nity tuhcr h-niM, I'niin the fuel timt w Kfrp flown oui c-pcLMt hy enduutinj; our bun ii cKt pertijiiHtly. Mr. H.r. t in- f iho firm fur innijy yfnr iimnu futuri'fl I be Viirnihc(. Md hy the lutu'C. Sihrok. We feel coiiiiticnt tiiut uur Varni?lu. nre eiuul. if pot 5i:p-?ri'.r. lu any uitiLUiHOlurfil in this Country. Wo warrant thtm to trivo cntirv ati!'fai.tion. au'l if not tt-t rcprtcnt.'d, tho money v ill he rcluinlid. iiiv iu ij cnll bi'toro )'itr.'liiiiug t-Ufwhoto. A liberal discount tnudu to the trade. HiLTOX A RAt". Xoi. 1.16 X 138 .Vorth Fourth Streut, curnvr Cherry, 1'hilHuf Inhia. Oct. 10, 18;;. 6m lienlers and Con'imiers ol the above Celebratd Wioh lilue, will ,!casc take notice, that the L.bel are altered to rt m! INDIGO BLUE, ITT IP AT AUroU UiltlM-rai'fr's I) It I' (1 STOKE, No. 5.1.1 Nor. h SECON D Street, P11ILA MCLIMII A. The quality of this Line ill he the same in every rrkpeel : It is warranted to color more wntr than twice the ratne quantity ol Indigo, and tu y;o much further lhau ulv uther Vach liiu? in the uiarliet. It dis. f.jves l.crtc'lv eUar end doe not eule on tlie clothes ns most oi' the oilier makes do. I 'tie Itnx div solved iu hall' piot of water, will make as irood a Liquid llluo us ui.y that is uiuuc, ul one thiid tho Cost". Ai it is retailed nt tile same price ns the Imitations and Inferior articles, luiui-i keep.-rs will find it very much tn their advautue tu a-k for thai put up al Vt n.Tni:iiai:it's. t j AH lilue put upaftT this date w ilh Bhi.oh oamu nn it i an luiliutiuu. The New L;ible dues not require a Stamp. For Sale by Storekeepers generally. Feb. I.'l, IfiU. Cmw Oe'ircr IIim., Sivi x p. Wot yerto.v. HILL t WOLVEBION. Attorney s, mitl 'iiin.-lorw lit l.uvi. Ollico, Market street, cor. Centre Allev, 17 II.L attend pruniptlev tuthc culiecnoii rf claims f f and all other prufessieunt husiiiew iiurukted to Ihfirrnr iu N'orthumherland and uiijoiuuii; counties. Suiibury, J.iuuary .'t. In'O. Mil. lUi. lliilillliln tV i:rie UiillrsiiisJ. f IMIIS irreat line travers,-. the Norde-ruaiid North J. west counties o Peuusylvauia to the city ol Loo vu Lake Liie. It has been leaded 1 y tho Pennsylvania l.niln-id Coupauy. aud uu Kr lueir auaplene i being rapidly ocned llirouj;houl its entire Knirib It is now in use for 1'a.rttorcr and rreLdll bualnca. from Harrisburg tu Luipoilum (K'S luilest nn thu I a.leru Divialon. and Irom .-livrHidd lu Luc, 11J nitlos.liiu the W esteru Division. iivib nr rvakitMika Tiiatas ar t v(i uv triiltf i;j.lavfr,f i.r ira rlVfrr.! r,i. Ms it Irwin. II .ii A M Mail 'I rain, i :i p. M, Lipieu 'train, 7 Ui A M Lroaa Tiai. II IU I' M wlthutlt eliauife, Uilh wava, iHI Ihea Iraina bet w ei a Phila Irlpbia aud Luck ilaveu, aud belweeu llaltiuiuie and Loc k Itavru. t.lra;itiil Sleeping C'aia ou Lxiueas Traina both Wave beiaaaa Wiliiaw.pofl aiol Ualliiuoia, aud W illluu...ll and Philadelphia. lor iufi'ituaii- iaiJi lin Pajw afcr buslneee apply al ti.a M. it. far. lliU and Maikal su And I ' Freight buaiuaa ul Ike Com pan y a Arnlt, N II hinxaiun, Jr , lot link ai.j Maiktl M,, fbledaldiia. t W h.,aolds, t'ria I M Dull, A ..oi N I'll J, Paltiia .re 11 II. II..I .M, baa I eitifthi A(l Pbila-la I.aaia I. H .1 r. His I Twbai A.'l , F'blU4e J'rr.e D fettt, in 1 riu-uii. uitr ii f.r t - GRAND OPENING FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBURY PENN'A. orFEit rem balk at VERY LOW PIUCES, a full lino of DOMESTIC AXD XTAPI I, I ID XI or DItL'SS GOODS OP KVEUY VARIETY CTIEAP AD irAXDSOME. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT IIOSIEIiY AXD GLOVKH. III! AD Y MADE CLOTIIIXG, BOOTS AND SHOES II ATS AND CArs, Trunk?, Valises ami Carpet Bngs. HARD WARK AXD GROCERIES. Ql'EKXS AND GLASSWAUK. SUnie and Earthenware. Vnod nnd Willow Wuro. Tar Iron nnd Ptccl, Knils and Pi'ikw. Pruga, Paints nnd Oils, Window !?;ish iind OrindeHmM, Picks nnd Mason Iliimmcn, Comso nnd Fino Salt, Fish, Mont, Chcesu, Ac, Ac. &c, All Kinds) ot Goods, cheap for cnab. or Country Produce, enn be found at tlio OXK PKICK STOKK BRIGHT & SON, N. U. All Goods warranted As rqiicMiitcd. SO DEVIATION IX PHICES. SMAI.E PJtOKlTS AXU QUICK SALES Siniliiiry, Oct., 10ll, 1MJ3. MOUItMNG GOODS!! P.lat k Cilossy Silko, 14 lalack ( uIiiiifrrs; Stlii'f Iil:ll k Molmiis, FSiit- lilat k Alincca. J'liick und I'-trple Irlain, AVliitc and Pluck Figured Delaines, lihu'k Crcju! Marti 7., I.tijiins lilack till wool Pelainm, Illiuk silk HiTcgis, tiood lilttok Drliiye, l'l.iiu Ulat k tiiiioiiiiiu, Plain Pluck ( 'alirocs, "Nettt Fiy;nrfd Pluck Calicnri, Fine Pluck Stiek Fliinnuls, Plnek Love Veils, Jotivins Pluck Kid Gloves, Pluck Silk Gatiiillett.i, Pluck Gloves in Variity, Fine Motmiinir Handkerchiefs, Plaek cotton nnd wool Hosiery, Pluck Tliilitt nnd Wool blmwis, i'cc, A-o., lie. A nice'liiic r?f the tiLavc Roods now f'jiLii and for stile at low juii-i-s. P. Y. PK1GHT & tOX. Sunldiry, October iilfet, lbtiU. BOAT ja-X EC 'flk IS jK'la i LAID! K C AN AL P.OAT. run for several sen. I w.ua. aud TWU Ml 1.1.-. will h- s. bl dniup t by applyin-; tu JOHN IV. IHlPPEK. Murch 1J, isoi. cannuiy, j'a. ISAAC K. STAUFPEn. W(lt'U tiiUer (mil jeweltT, MAM I'.U ll'Id'U UK S1LYFR WAIii: .t Importer r.f MATrillP Xo. IIS North Sccon I St.. (orr.er Quarry, Pltll-A-D!.'LI'I!!.. UK ha. constaully on hand an ns'ort inert of Id and Silver Patent .Lever, l.ipine and Plaiii i niches ; Fine Oo'.d l.'haliis. Seals and Key. Ilruut Pies. Karllinjs. Fiiij;, r Itiiis. Uracilets, Mtniaiuie I'j.se... Mirdallioiis. l.ikeis, Pencils. lhiin'i-le. p.c. lacli s. Siller 'la olc. ie-ell. Tea. Salt l.nd .Mn-t.ud .-pvMiua ; Suicar Spoui,-. t'ups. .apkiu Liii.. l'rud and lluticr Knives, Shiel-ls, Combs. Diamond Point, cd Pens etc , all uf which will be sold low for Cusli '. ,M. 1. Il'l.i AS i t-o e l est qunuiy lull JiHSlr,l raleut I. ever .uoveiueois eoi,-uiu.iy ou QIU.14 ; .o ell,' r .Maker.ol' superior iiuaiii v. X. II Oi l (.old and r'.lvct b-uhtfor c.teb. ' Si;t . I i.'t lv w I tSt'iKliiii.' littilruau. j "WIS TEA ARRAKGLM.x. j -1IM-AT llll'N'K LINK fr-jt.i ;ne s,,nh ami , V jt Virlli-UM lor I'hilalelplne.i N,-,r York, Kind i iriK. I'littsvillo, Lebanon, Alleu'wn, lji.tou, i. 1 Trains lain 0 Hat risbiirc; .,,, pl.ilad Ii lua. ew Yoik, Kradin;. P.uvii, and all l.dcuuediuie ! Staiiuiis. at t A. M., ad -j ml p m. 1 New iotk Luprcsuavea ll.iri i-U.ri; ti r.o'.V.M , I uiiivu.i; ut New 1 oik at 1 4.i the .iua lay. A sp.'lui ivceoiuuiodaliou 1 aseenTer li i'n leirej Leudu,fnJ J j A -M ., and rutin ui 11 oia tlarn.bui,; al v 1' M larea fniui Harrisburg: Ti Nw Y' ik tf.'i Ii : b Philaielpiua $:t oj aud ii tv. j;a,a'..a chetl.ed through llriuinii.g Lave r.'ew Yoik al SAM. t? f-Ti. and I P M. t l'iii.oui;b l.vpioi. Leave Philadel phia al a ii A M. and i 1' M. Hlixpiue; ear. lu ilia New Vuik Kipn-M Traiiu IhiouKn tu and from I'ulthurtfli witlioiil i lii oxc IW-np'i, by ibe lailaai-a Had It "ad leave Ta uiaquaal a ou A. M , aud 2 J P. M . lot Pbiladvl I. hi.. Neat-Yuia. and all It ay Polo.. Traiiu leave I'oii.villa at l A M . and J .'.I) P. rl , l1 I ll lailiaisna, . I'.'.'. i. 1',.. l.aiulrav.a 11.- ii... at 4 ,1U A al , aud latuiua lioui I biladelpbia al t jg y M ' ; I J' All the above Uaina luu daily, Fui..l.y e- j jJl'j 1 Auwlae traia Icevee I'otta.llle al 7 30 A.M., aa-l I'ad.d.lpbia at t Ii P M ', I'uuiaauiall., at.Dav, bvau. aall tacuioifi 1 Vieba'e. al ie lueel laiat au aa.4 fiuau all pwukv. -i ftttat ' iatl'M',u rt- 1.1 NOT A hum diiii:. a niouLT conci::;tratcd Tixjr.r.tiii.i: i:tkact. mi. In auvt TIUT WILL RIJ.ILVE 1 lib AFU.ICH.ll, AMD ot MinliO Drunhnri!, 1)11. IIOOFLAMD'S German Bittei3 I'Rl'.l'ARLH ny DP. C. II. JACKSON", ' IVJr.AUKIJ'UU, J'A. 1LL Fn:t-"lt-'ALLT AND HOST CLRTAt." LY CI K91 Al.E. ItlwIIASCS uricin fiom a Iiisonlcrfd J.tvr. Stomach, or Kidneys. Thrmsnt''!: of Mir citirfti.s nr suni-rirjr from Pys. pepsin in-. i Lier I.'iii.'r.r.. and to whom thi follow lug qiieiioii apply u uanteo HOOELAXIff: CtiRMAX HITTER 3 v '11 core tlirrn. pTI'tPHA AXIl Li vim Pl'fASr!. J)o ynu ri-o with n coati rl lonj'no morniiig", with had tafte in the mouth nnd poor nppctilv lor hri:ak f.uit Io you feel when you tir; t p.t up so e,ik and lutimitd you can scnreely pet t'hout ? Do you h.'H e a ililiney ill llin hvn.i nt limey, and often dulne... with liiattnclic fi-cfi-'r1ally ? Aro your bow eli c"tive and irreiritlar. and iiopetitc clmiiua hie ' Do you throw np w ii.d from tlie s:omin:h. ni. l ilo you -.well up otltn"1 Do ymt 1 fuliicjs niter eiilinu'. mid ft 'inliiii when the stomach is empty' Do V"U hat e p.enrl Inirn uccnioiinll c ! Do you i'col low rpirited. nnd lool on the dark side m ihim Are you not iiiiueual!c ncrcr.,-. at uinc? l"i yoti not become- rettlfs.9. an1.! often lay until m-iiiiht lc fore you can 'iotoskep '. and then al oni". don't you (eel dull nnd sleepy nio-t of the time ! Is your ,-linilry and loaly? ali sallow? In short, is net your lit'o a liurtheii. full of I'oreboJine. f IIOOfliANDIi HERMAN BITTFH3. Vi'l cure every i nsc cTt.'hronic or Xcrvous Debility, DeaiAol" tne kidnejs, iin-l Diseases urisiug from a disordered Stoinaeh. OliSEP.VKTlH: FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS r.osulting fioru Disorders of tho Digestive Organt I ;!! , Inward Til s. Fiiinew or Mood to the IL-ud. Acidity id' the ft") rnrch. Nau?c:i. Hcirthiirn. Di-cual h-r F-l. l'uini s or ti'co.-l.i in tlt'i Stomaeti, fr-nr T.ructBtinuw, .-.iiikittor Klutterin at the Pit of iho Sioiunch. .Swiiiiniiii-; n'tho Head. Jluincl tind Diln cult ltre-ittiini!. I'ltittcriii? at tho Heart. Clicking r Sutlocaiiiii fteu'tilionswlien in n lyinu posiure. Dim. ne.- ol Vision, D-jts or Wl In lore the Sijrht. Fovor and Dull Pain in the Head. 1 'cnuicney ol 'Perspira tion. 1 i llowin s of iho Skin nnd l-.yee. Paiu lu the Side, Hack. C'bi-.t. Limbs, Ac. S.id ieo Flushes of Heat. Jturninc in the Kleali, Cuostant ln.r.iriniiii; of Evil, uiid ;reat ftepretftiuu c: Sp:riiti. PAUTICI LAU NOTIcn Tlierc arc many pre. m at ions sold under the name of Hitters, put io" iu quart Jiotiles. compounded of the cheapest vhi-key or common rum. eo;.i;i: (rota 20 to .PI cents per j;a'ii.'.ii. the li'.s.c uisguticd hs Al.Ua or Coriander Seed. This clas of Litters has caused nnd will mitt true, to cause, us lum; ns I hey can be sold, hundreds to do the dcuth of tlio diunliard. l!y their use the system is kept continually under tlio intlttence of Alcolioloj Slimululitsof lh w"ist kind, tile des're for Liquor is cieuii. I and kept up. ai d the result is nil thecal tendatit upon a driii.Uard's In'e and death. l or those, who desire and nill havo n Liquor Hit ters, we publish thu follow ini; receipt, t'et Oim Dottle Honhand's (reniuin Liners and n.ix with Three (;iiuiis of tio-.d Unruly ,,r Wleskey, and II, a result will he n preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues ami truo excellence any i f th-i Numerous Liquor Litters in the market, and will cost lunch les. You will havo all the virtues uf H eiiland s Litters iu connection with a p od urtic'o of Liquor, ut a mm h les pr:co than these it. tore r preparations willcot you. nOOFLAXD'S GElvMAX CIT'IT-Pa Will l'.i e Yon A O O O D AIMM'TITT., Will rvoyou RTKON'i IITWI.TIIY Will give you URI.-IC AND 1-NLKGLTIC rLM:L. IN'.S, Vi!l enable von to 7. HHP ViTl T., en 1 v.iD prd'.ive lypevei.t A'olloM' J'cti r, liilioiiM I'rTer, Ac, Those sufferim; f; jtn Pr-'ken dun mi P- Hoitu Constitution., lto'u whii'.CM'i c:u:s. cill.er in Maio or 1 enmlo. will f n I in IIOOI'LAXD'S t-il-.iiM.VV IifTrKP.S. A HEMEDT That will restore II. em to tl-ejr u.-iuil health, ."-ucli has been flu' Ca-O 111 Heit-;.'.s nt i:i-ntiees, i 4 fair triu! ii b'lt required to rv c the c-'serii jii that tuksi: pittkps a tip " VTn c ,'C r"'- --i '-f m And NOT ml tided c" a LEYLP.AliL". The ProprietoishaTO th.iiitanil0 of L,-ttcr? from t!ir most eminent t lerMoen. j.awyirs, Physiciitt.'s nul Citizens. Ttstityui'; ol ttletrou persona! knuwlcd;oF to the bencticial ericct? and me-iical iitues of Ihoto Litters. From Her. ,T Xci-tot, Pro-n. P. D . Kdilor of tlo Encyclopedia "f Hi liirtoi.s Kuowii do Althoui;'! uct ilijp It fr.vor r.r rc.-onnncnd Tn tent Me. I. cine: iu K".icrnl, throoh d.s'iu-.t ( f their inh-icuients aud efiectf. 1 yet know of no sJ'ei,r.t ti-:,s-.ii- whv a mini nmy not ls'.ify to the heu.-iiis h ) hclieves hiti-scll to havo ve.'cive-'l Ironi nay si-jip-lw preparation, in the li.-i-e I ij.-it be may iLti.- cont.-itute to tile benefit of ot'ieis. I do this ijio u.ore re.-t, i;ly in rcp-ar 1 t no'.ft'ind'n Ceruian Litters, prepared l y Dr. C M Jm-itsuii, of this cit v, becau. e v. as I i eiuilued ueuia.U them f .r i many years, lu.-ler i!-e io,; resion t'a' the;. wn, I et.icily an alcoholic nii.tuu-. lain ii.iihte f to my Oil lid Hubert Mi-om, k.-r, '.M, 1,4 the releo,rtI ,"f I ibis piciii lie" hy proper te-:. ad tor navurty niein to .ry ttieiu. wlun mUi.-.v' pom n'cal in, I h'li coiiiiiiuc.ldebility. 'Iho u.-t ol three hot'lvsi-f tlie-e Lllteis at the l,;vin;,i;.;. f the pifeiit year, wa' followed h c ideot r lief and res:,.i,iiioii',.i, ft ilcn o of ho.plv ai.d lpeniul vi or which find i.-.r , fc.l for six uiou'lis l. -fore. and lol e!ui,t despaired I ol re:;iiiiiiur'. 1 tiv reiore th.ink and myla-.i.d I l'.-r dii' Ciin tube use ol ibuc. .i. LWTt' rnowN r'.ilr.dclpLi(i. June 21, K-iil. Tiseases of Kidneys tun! Eitiuilcr. Tn Touinjcr A'J- L. Mtlt tvf !('', Aresnocdily reruved, ar.d tl.e palient reetorej to heaiih M.i.r.c ,1 rriuT-rr, Those suf'-riiic ,vm MiKAsMta. wa.ir? awsv, with scarcely i,:v ,..i, ,.u ,i.ir p ,c ....dm a very ihort t : u,e intle iusncb eiuvn, mil In." a u.ui sui rt-ii,,. t,k.' PA P. r.S IS having urerin cl.ii lien as nbore, lud xishiii!! lo raie llt !;i. dl m-v-jr ic-ril tLe day Ue4y cuiuieiicvd with these llinu- Ll'iLUAiiY M 1 N ri i.MS. Art. ; ear t1 n:.J there work -I ui li es keep a el,). a they will ilh u.ll.d aud inir hai 'i nr1! iti--;r l-r-1.01 le ol it-adhiud 1'it'i t'l.-i l.ut.dl b,-n-e-1 'l'..lo i io iy . iu; i'..ui:i-.: ai' l t ir 1 s n.. . . And I 'in m o ,1 . K 1 !Ml I.NT, .0 tl-i-'t;u:'ol.. AlK lllIoil. tai,ltliT ! and 1 iu: Fi'iisi's ur s"i.Dirrs v"e c'.'l iba rt'tiit'oii of rtl b;iv'r" rriati-r.s cr fii-t.d. in ihe t.'t.-y to tiief 1100; i.A.D 3 1.1 (Till all tditel - dl -'oi l- lone U III I . Uo- illicit .1 in Pice-I I v 1 X p u. is rod pnv Heo:- in -i lei.t 1.1 c .1 p l ie. In 1'ie , 1 .loii-I'i-t Liu.. : d.i:!y iii : .. I1CIV V t-Ts. en .SO III 1 .1! it -i. K. ll V ill I.' IU I thata vry In ;c pi -t. i iieo m I.', I ill' lu 1. oe It'.on.v V e b-ivo l.. d, I. n v 1 . v ci 1 rn e .1 t!iu' I. I'll i'ur-'l V ll.arl il'd - riCIII. li 'le,, 1, -s'aii.iu 111 .'.it 'i. Ii hi . 1 i !ivi- l 1 1 o 11 . . e t . ' y tie ! 1.11.1,1 10, r . o ller hue. it,-. , . f li vt billll 1 I I.IV e 1 h..t .'til J a 1,1 Wou'd l.e '.-: 1 '.e ( 1 n ois .oa d , . v. ivii. t lankful 1" te'.s.li l.lt.Ul.in lli.'i,iv and lu- Hals, w ' l.i.Vv be n I'.,!..; I ,i ii.-bph by I'lif uil ot liie.u Lll tel., ,c..l tu lil.11 l,T ll.ill ! 1, .1 I" 11 a a it i. of 1 1 'i .s;Ki:n US' Sua ll.M l.e Sifl.ali.re .0 0 M J.t ivSO.S ' is . r ! , s llt ,f ' . VU. U ItolllC ,, . . . pal I ollic U : 1 I, !f Intra for (I Of ' bout I your i.e-.r. diiixc'-' hair the arti -L.. i ii. I I. pal . any el l..a n ' lien I in-ala 'ha1 " " fflcii l in ua pla ' ui .. i..l lo ua, ai.d wa will .aii an-uials pacard b.Vr... WwhJ Wiwa tav M-tuoi.. So o i V b -ii J""' '" iSj.x.e n 0. i' M Jvta-ea.tl . I'e. '.'. f"i Mi k I. ill I m .1 all-' ! lc '.. t i.;'1 'ea 'Ll. .. l l V, I'll 'eat.e: t.f i ftial a 'ii't.iS. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers