n a r (m r i u it , OR CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR makes high prices ; flaponlflcrs helps to reduce u,em. It makes Snap for Four cents a pound by nsing your kitchen grease. CAUTION! An spitrion Lve are offered also, be careful and only buy the Patented trticle Tt up In Iron cans, ill others being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA .SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. rhHsdolphia No 127 Walnut Ftreet, rlttsbnrg Pitt Street and Duqnesne Wey. November 21. 18o.1,--3ni 18G3. 18C3. FMLING & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, yT'OULD respectfully announce that ihey have just received and opened a very largo and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY t-.MALL ADVANCE ON FirM Com. OUR STOCK IS COMFLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING GIVE TJQ A. CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a con tinuaaco of the some by still selling Hoods as cheap if not CIIEAIEK than con be purchased else where. FRILING A GRANT. Fnnbury, Moy 23, 1863. If. II. ItlAKSi:it, Altornc-y nt Ijivt. SUNBURY, PA Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lyooiuing. REFERENCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. OHttcll A Co., " Jlon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichocl, Esq., " E. Kotchaui A Co., 29 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashtnoad. Attorney nt haw, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Luw, " Sunbury, March 2i, 18G2. iir.itK iioti:i., Uarrisburg, Pa. rnilE management of this well-known Hotel hay' I ing been resumed bv Messrs. COYLE A IIERR, tho present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the uouso is now being thoroughly renovated Vfittcil. and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable acovmnioilntion of those who may favor the establishment with their custom. Guests will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expens will be spared that may conduce to maintain hotel in a first-class stylo. Families and others desiring: to sojourn in Harris burs during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding and large and wcll-vcntilatcd rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLE. March 29, 1SC2. ' J. GILBERT HERR M ull aupt-i -lOOO I'letesi, OF WALL PAPER OF EVFRY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. 1 UST received direct from the Manufacturer, at tt the MAJLMU.U1SJ.OKK of FRILIXG A GRANT, Sunbury, March IS 18o2 JIASSi:'S l'ATKST 1'IVl? MM. ITE FltKKZER ! As Improvid fur lS.'.fl and I860, By E. KETC1IAM A CO., 289 Pearl st., New York f"PHE only Froescr constructed on scientific prin .L oipioe. with a revolving enn and spring blade scraper.. Tho one hastens the freeiingof the creoni--tho other removes it as fust as frozen. The most rapid in frccsing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities andtowns in the Union. Each Frocrer accompanied with a book of recipes auu lull directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 6 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quartx, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. March 29, 1862. T .A. OOB O. BE OK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Mrer-l, nwirly oppoMlte the Itnll Itond l-iol, SUNBUKTT, P -A. . TNFOKMS the citiioni of Sunbury and vicinity. L that be has just returned from Philadelphia w ith a lull assortment ot FAIX Al 1VIXMI .'OOI, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consist of Cloths, French Cloth. Black Doe Skin and Fwey Caw-imcre. Black Satin. Figured Silks. Plain and Fancy Casrimere YESTINGS, which he will make up to order in styles to suit the taste ul customers, ou short notice, and the moat reasonable terms, Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, bv giving two days' notice. Goods furnished by customers will be made np to order as ncrctoiure. As he will employ none but experienced workmen. persons may rely ou gutting their woi k well done at nis sunn. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed be ruspectluliy solicits a eouliuuauoeul the same. Sunbury, Sept. IV, 1863. BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1ST received from New York and Philadelphia. f J a fresh supply of the latest style and of the best quality, width he has had made up to order, and warranted to give good s.ti. faction. He ha uiade arrangements in the city to have his boat work mad to order, which ean be bad at all times, it not on band they will be procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of Buu'ia and blluEri of all kinds as usual. I w ill also wholesale Root and S)km by the box Call and exaiuiue before purcnaaijig elsewhere aud satisfy yuunwlve. 'ihanklul for patrouaga heeetufore bestowed, be respectfully solleiu a eonlinuanee of the same, nliop and Mors room, three duure woal of the Rail Koa4 ui -Market buuare. WM. II. MILLER Sunbury, 8 t. 19, 1KM. ANTED Immediately, a Jour Shueiuaker, on Men' Woik. tiuul wages paid. NEW FANCY 8T0KK. HAVING Just returned fruia 1'lUadclpWa, b Buw ip a fis.ii supply of '' .twsu I !(, 14 I'wsu-jr .rl'lr, at h f new Mora la the rouni adjoining lb rtw.lei.ee of Mrs. Pn ker, in'Maikvl Kjui, fuul.iujr, I's lluriuwk eoitM.1 lu i tut Ladi' Trias uill'Ka I'lna, ! .". 1 alUcat M I'tcMsa, .wLiwidrrir, liah.la,ifvblL, UUitM, llk and lull' Thread. Lxlix l.b.ie SCvidijri Wuufca aud i hyr ! w.4 It. i. ibiald LHtmu. Hull, k., Itil. li' 4. KlI leiH, I ullau aud hUoves. i'.l.U Nwkli'W I 4UU, llai' !lu4.i, tl-.j ..! lUir.SvU. Inlant ls, aiig Mik. t4 aniukitriH uiuor atUAla. all l ahlvk aujl b si al Ut tpawsl latl. I k tJM lo u sluk IUIuiuil Ida, llti ui ply "I lUss-k ksa aiia .4 Mm. iJy w Um all ku.d .1 U.j.Ui M i ....... ....i . i... au . wu.i" U.U.U. ki ik(Ui f,i.u t'k.4f.ik AiUOk. tmmm, , lu i4 iuni , At Alasa4.atxit- I el ivi" kl a vu..'. in-.t 4 ; MU I HiHH .1.1.11 If I..' 1 1 A Ijmrtcm Aaaorfment of I EVANS A WATSON'S BAXAMA.1StT)TiFL SAFES. . GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 13, 1862. Gfhtlckek -It Rives much satisfaction to Inform yo that In the severe fire which, on the morning of the 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, I had one of your Salamander Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an Intense red heat for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and the Books and Papers were preserved In an omblemlshed condition. I shall need another Safe as soon as I get in order. Yours, most respectfully, W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Fa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CnAMBKRSBL'RG, Franklin county, Pa., ) August Hist. IBM. Messrs. Evak Watson, Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of the 22d of August. 1801, our Storehouse at Orcencastle was destroyed by flro. The Salamander Sato we purchased from you soma few years since was in the above mentihned store house, and contained all our books, papers, cash, Ao. which were preserved In a perfect condition, after being exposed lo a most intense heat for several hours. Please inform ns upon what terms yon Will sell ui another larger Hafo. Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Hunks. Stores, Private Families. Ac., Ao. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Rank Locks and Rank Vault iHmrs, equal to nny mndc in the country, and sold on as good terms. E A W. would respectfully rcfor to tho following Banks and other parties, having their Safes and Wks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, and many others given at their Store. Usitko States Mist, Branch Rank, Shclbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. I'jsitkp States AnsKNAL.City Rank of Philadelphia. California Consolidation B'k of Phil Pnttstown Rank, Pa. Coatesville Rank, Pa. Stroudsbnrg Rank, Pa. Jersey Shore Rank, Pa, liek Haven Rank, Pa. Cnnrtk Bonk of Plula. Chatonooga Rank, Tcnn. Fre'm Loan Ass'on. 4th at. Hank of Northumberland. Rank of North'n Liberties, Philadelphia. Union Rank, Baltimore. Southwestern Rank of Va. Paul and Swift, Bankers, Fulton Bonk. Atlanta, Ga. Alnbama. Newark Rank, lel W. O. Stcrling.Wilkesb'o. Bank of N. C.i Raleigh, Lcwisbnrg Bank, Pa. Other references given upon calling at our Storey jvo. to 6. tuurtu street, ruuaucipmi Sept. S, 1863. ly THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND Frit r.ni'onii.n. No. 920 Chesnvt Street, (Formerly No. 708.) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. TROCTOR A CO., invito tho attention o their Friends to their large and Superb Stock of Fine CLOAKS and FURS, unparalleled in any former season The increased accommodation afforded In our new location, enables us to devoto tho fullest attention to our l'nr Dcpnrtment which will bo found well furnished with every de scription of First. Class FURS, which will be guaran teed as represented, or the money paid will bo re lumed. ORDERS per mail will bo carefully attended to. and delivered, Express charges paid, and dUtanco insido of 100 miles. J. W. PROCTOR A CO, No. 920 Chcsnut Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, 1863. ly 50 . STOVES. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT J. IIolii-lMM'h .V Co.'a FOXJNDE Gct the Best Get the Chcnpels Get the most Eco nomical, which can be had at tho Rohrbach Foundry. Having a largo assortment of tho most approved STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Office aud Shop Stoves, which will be sold nt tho lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sines. Pans. Skillets, Ao. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, Ac, at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workmanlike manner and at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. rT-?01d Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exchange for work. Nunbury, Oct. 3, 1883. trch fmylO VARNISHES, FAINTS & GLASS ! VlfE offer to Dealers, Cnachmakcrs and House W Painters, at the very lowest nctt cash prices the best Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure W bito Lead; Irenchand American Zincs; Chrome Greens, and Yellows, Drop and Ivory Blacks, and a full as sortment of ull tho finer Colors such as Vermillions, Lakes, Tube Colors Ac, also. Paint and Varnish Brushes, of the best make. Glazier's Diamonds and Points: Paint Mills: sinelo and double thick Glavs, of all descriptions and all Materials used by House and Leacli Painters wnicn we can sen as cnoup. u not cheaper, than any other house, from the fact that we keep down our expenses by conducting our business personally. Mr. R au. one of the firm for many years manu factured tho Varnishes, sold by the late C. Schrack. We foeljcoufldcnt that our Varnishes, are equal, if not superior, to any manufactured in this Country. no warrant tliem to givo entire saiisiactiou, ana it not as represented, the money will be refunded. Givo us a call before purchasing clsewhcie. A liberal uitoounl made lu the iruuc. FELTON A RAU. No. 130 A 138 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, Philadelphia. Oct. 10, 1863. 6m lending: Itnilrond. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North- est for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing. Puttsvillo, Lebanon, Allcutown, Kaston, Ac. Trains leave lLirrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Pottsville. and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2 00 P. M. New York Expreasleaves llurrioburg at 3 00 A. M.t arriving at New York at 10 15 the same morning. Fares from Harri&burg : To New York $5 15 ; to Philadelphia $3 35 and i'i 80. Buggago cheeked through Returning, leave New York at 8 A. M.. 13 Noon, and 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philadel phia at 8 15 A M. and 3 311 P M. Sleeping can In the New York Express Trains, Uiroutfli to and from Pittsburgh without change. Paeiigcr by the Callawiwa Rail Road leave Ta maquaat 8 50 A. M , and 2 15 P. M , for Philadel phia, New-York, and all Way Puiut. Trains leave l'ottsvillu at V 15 A. M.. and S.30 P. M., for Philadelphia. Uarrisburg and New York. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 0 30 A. M., aud rclurus from Philadelphia at 4 30 P. M. tV A II tho above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leave Pottsville at 7.30 A.M., and Philadelphia at .1.15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and from all point. 80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. MCOLLS, Dec. 12, 18A3. General Superintendent NEW FANCY STOKE. fTlllE sulcriber rrnpectfully inforni her friend X and the public, that she ha la just opened, two a NEW STOCK I K d.air weal iif the Post OnVe, FANCY GOOlS, for ladiu and grullvueu, useful aud ornajueuul. oou.istiug in part of Ladim' Triiniuhig, Sluliouery, t ph).. Blank liks, Cotton and other Thread, Diaries, Bindings, MeuMirandiiiu bock Itll.ls.ll. Dolls, lovs, Trnvellng bag, Inks, Slate, Pocket Uuoks, Game ki Children, aud a variety of other article, ail of wbltbhav beeuMlected with cara and will b sold al reaa.ua. bleinoM. ANNA PAIN IIH. tiuibury, Ool 10, 1863 y M HoltlnulvM lluwar, NOUTIllMUKULASD, PENNSVLVAXIA, (AmC lit UrtJiit ) rpilF. ul-rtUr luii.g lu.-d tl.U Wfll kuoaa 1 'tavvru Maud, lately kepi ly l v n. liioau, ....cIIIIy inli.ruas Hi pulilt" llwl h I. reiitllua' and "l -" l preintM, ai4 it k pnej u, i U iUin, lu a uu.luiiaiU suatiber, ku auiavruu liiewl. ll.n,ul..yt lb touaiy, and ail a a luay m Li. -.ttlutiitnl-AiiU It. 14. JOSHPU VANklHK. V'SATICP.'a HCTZL, tutMt fa a and Maiket liUeeM. hi Mil , f . i,,., ui mU iat all k. u. kuJZ I P', " ' , aii I , . , b lwiaM.IUd auk tk Ul ik kukd af'4. ' fcM Ihi. aJ kM ua- li i--d 4 Uii4.-4 i .w.n.l iwim, MKIItll. wll.Mkf Mai V. mO WM. KNOCITE, ' 93 MARKET STREET, IIARRISBURG, PA., , Dealer In PIANOS . - NEV.' Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from faflO upwards. MELODEONS. The best manufaetured Instru- menta, from ftito $100 Guitars, Violins, Aocordeons, Flutes, yifea, Drums, Hanjos, jamoonrines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mer chandise In general. SHEET MflC. Tli latest publications always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of tho country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FHAMES-I Suitable for lookinc (lasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A An assortment or best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to Isriesl sises. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest DOIloe. HI nnwi,iin, .April 11,1803. 93 Market St., Hnrrisburg. Northern Central Railway ! HinnKBTinE xaiii.i:. TWO TRAINS DAY to and from the North and West Branch Snsquchanna, tluiira, and all of North ern New York. y-VN and after MONDAY. APRIL 20th. 1S03. J the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart trom eunoury, Uarrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vis : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury dally (oxocpt Sundav). 10 10 A. M " leaves llorrlsbnrg, 1 15 P. M ' arrives at Bnlllmore, 6 35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury 'daily (except Sunday.) " leave Uarrisburg (oxcept Monday.) ' arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday). 11 07 P S 00 A. M. M M 8 ISA Uarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, 6 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex. cent Sundav) 9 15 A. M " leaves' llorrishnrg 1 15 P. M ' arrives at Sunbury. 4 05 Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 9 15 P. M " arrives at Harrisbnrg. 1 35 A M lenvec Harrisburir (exocnt Monday). ' S 00 A. M ' arrives at Sunbury. . 6 38 For further information apply at the Office. I. N. DtBARRY. Supt laicknwanna .V llloouisibur Itnll, nonil. fy and after November 17, 1802, Passenger J Trains will run no follows : MOVING SOUTH. Freight Tnreg'r. Partigrr. Leave Scranton, H.ni A. M. MMA..ti ' Kingston, 9.20 11.40 V " Rupert, 11.30 " Danville. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Lcavo Northumberland, 5.20 P. M " Danville, 0.00 ' Rnocrt. 6.35 . M " Kingston, 8.45 Leave Arrive at Scriuiton, 10.00 P. M.. 1.45 P.M. 3.40 A Passeneer Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M., for Serauton, to connect with a train ft New York. Returning, leaves Scrnnton on arrival of train from New York, nt 4.15 P. M The Locknwonnn A Bloonisburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna ana Western Itml road at Serauton, for New York and Intermediate ftouils east. At Rupert, it connect with tho Cattawissa Rail rood, for points both east and west arriving at Phil udclphia nt 6.15 P, M. At Northumberland it connects with the Philndel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, tor points west and soutti I'tuwengers arrlvm at Ilarrit)iirg4.50 I'. W.j Philadelphia 10 P. M and Baltimore 10.20 P. M. The Freight and Passengers Triiin north, leaves Northumberland at 6,4j A M., and arrives at V.Z0 M., passing Dauvillo at 8.20 P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup t. J. C. Wells, General Ticket Agent. Nov. 29, 1862. To Aervoiist NuflV-i-vrsi of ltolli (iexesi, A REVEREND GENTLEMAN havine been re XX stored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irrcgulur expensive uiodcg of treatment, without success, oonsiders it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the means ok ci he. Hence, on the roceipt of an addressed envelope, ho will send (free) a copy of the resorption used. Direct to Dh. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 1MI Fullou Street, Brooklyn, N Y. January 24, lnti3. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN E. SMIGK, Fawn Strrcet, opposito Weaver "s Hotel, SUNBTJRY.'Northumberland Co., Pa., TNFORMShis fricuds and Iho public generally X inw no lias taken me Miop ol JacoD n. ItaKe dee d., and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR 1NG in a good workmanlike manner. Tho patron age oitno puotic is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 16, 1863. ly JUST READY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. A N op-iorttinity not to be lost sight of. Rare ill cnauce for Agent. Ladies as well as Gente can act a Agents. Apply early and secure the agency lur your locality. 100,000 WATCHES, VEST CUAIXS, LOCKETS RIAGS, GOLD PEKS A XV PEXCILS, BRACELETS, STUDS, JIVTTOXS, A'ECK CUAIXS, SETS OF JEW EIJIY, let. To be sold for SI each, aud not to be paid f until you know what you are to get. Scud 25 cents for Certificate, telling you what you can have, with a circular, giving full particular to Agents. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed lu all cases. Address, ' 8. M. WARD A CO., 208 Broadway. Box 4,876. March 21, 1863. ly FAMILY DYE COLOES. Black, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Freueh Blue, Claret Rrowu, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Snutt' Brown, Crimson, Dark Drab, Light Drab, Dark Green, Light Green, Magenta, Maroon, rangu, i'iuk, ii i Royal Purple fannou, Scarlet, Slato. Solferino, Violet, Yellow. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Oootls, Shawls Scarui, Druasi-s, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets. Hat, Feathers, Kid Glove, Children' Clothing, and all kind of Wearing Apparel. A NiivinK of Ml IVr ( rat. For 25 cents you eau color as many goods a would otherwise vutt five lime that sum. Various shade can be produced from the same Jiya with perfect suc cess Direction in English, French and Gorman, inside of each package. For further information in Dying, and giving a pertuct knowledge what color are beat adapted to dyeuver others, (with many valuable recipes.) pur chase How A Stephen' Treatise on Dveing aud Co Ijruig. Heut by mail un seeeipt of pru lo eenl. Mauufacturvd by liGM'K A S1KYKNM, XM0 llroailway, iualuu. For sal by DruggUU and Dealer gtuerally. Sept. i, IBH.I out ' WOO DEBT PIANOB. J30O .11. Il' lai:i(, Hating raiauved lu ku new Ware-huoau, 111 Wt liuiarva Srasat, Nan Yoaa, Take great pleasure in calling tli allenliuo of Ui pulili lu bl Nw aud Full (Hide I Ik Ut ROSEWtxtD PIANO FOHTK.1. Containing all the RKidera iaupruteuirul: Dtrr aiiuug lUsa. French Gland Acln u, Harp i'edol, and lull iiolt Flam, liuui -1SO III tltM, T l-i kotiLUtaiD I'lAMMi, Ekara iuUh, fruaa llllla .!. Tk rreal mm att.n lio M Duiker Nw Meal I'laau Furte I, of lu. ll, a wlaiiitl gaarau. Im t th.lr aupetiuriiy lli'V anl a4 w be bead i kaensae ukirl "atui. t MUkUMi PIAXO r"MT-4. ifur wkitk lit Pus Madal twaitad ai lh bast iiankaa laatiiula ru ) k mw klar (of filial. Mr KuakM klrk.MMl aud skmIuI Iklt'LO DtAika, akkk tMHed U.. f na Pna us ! . aad laeu. aud lik.akM al Ua laat k wf k ol.r a lit Mkiui k.j uiMs, tastua; M !) W ti 'I (MM kkMk4T ikWUiiki filial SS il l WImsI tuLftumUtm al tew (wxaut a t'aajtvk. All Ism luat.ttaaM.Uara umnn4 k We a.a-ia 4 eil hmi 4 a4.4ial, fcd Kauks4 ka) Ua las VI N. H - Pt4nai a 4 tula ils w rai lfkll. DXl SWEET'S. INFALLIBLE L I N 1 lift E NT, THE GREAT REM FEY Fur Jitinnnntim, Goitt, Xeuralgia, Lunilmg StiJt'Aerl; ondjomtt, 8rmn, Jimitt, i'uttnnd Wound, Pile, lleatlaehe, and all lllieumatie and Airrwtt Vitorders. For all of which is a speedy and certain remedy, and nover fails. This Liniment Is prepared from the rcoipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, or Connecticut, tne famous none setter, and has been used in the practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. . . . As an Alleviator of Tain, it is unnvalod hyj any preparation bclore the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. Tina I. Moment will cure raniuiy ana rauicauv, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it ha boen used It has never been known to fail. For Neuralgia, it will atlord Immediate rcnci in every case, how ever distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. F,,r Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from iuiprudenoe or excess, this Liniment is a most nappy anu uiumiiiii; ruuicijr. uhhB nuv.y upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Pilos, as an external remedy, we claim that it Is the best know n, and we challenge tho world to produce an ei)tial. Every victim ot this distressing complaint should givo it a trial, for it will not fail to atlord immediate relief, aud in a majority of eases will effect a radical rcu -a Ouinev and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application. of this Liniment will never tail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very ohsf i iate, and enlarge menlof the joints is liable to occur if neglected. Itie worst cmso inny uecomiuercu uy mu j-iuimvm in two or three days. Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Sores. L'lccrs, Bums and Scolds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro- pcrties ot Ur. pweel s iniaiunio i.innncni, wnen used according to directions. Also, Chilblain V roil ed Feet, and Insect Bites and Slings. DU BTEPEHEN SWEET f Connecticut the Great Natural Bono Setter. DR BTEPHEN SWEET, is known all over the United Stales. Connecticut DR. STEPHEN BWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's lu'ulliblo Li",-ucnt. Dr. Sweet'a InfanibULiument Cures Rhcumatlim, ar.d never failJ. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Bweot'a Infallible Liniment Cure Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains aud ruises. Dr. Sweot'a Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Tiles, and sehi-m fails lo cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and Iwtcs no seiir. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes iu 'be known world. Dr Sweet'a InfalliaJ Liniment 1 1 it- been iu use by more than a million people, and ull praise it. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Taken internally cure Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Swoet'a Infallible Liniment Is truly a 'friend in uccd," and every family should have it hand. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is fur side by all Druggist. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FEIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external rtnWily, is without a rival, and will alleviate paiu more tpeedily than any other prepa ration. For all Rheumatic and Nertous Dirders it is truly iiitollible. and as a curative lor Seres. Wounds, Sprains, Bruite. Ao., it soothing, healing and lKiwerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and aMoniidimcut of ull who bat e ever git en ila trial- Over one thousand ecrtitleates of remarkable oures, performed by it within the laat two year, atlesl the fuut. TO. HOUSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET 8 INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES i unrivaled by any, and iu all ease of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wr curb ing, it elleer i. magici.l and ccrtaiu. . Haines or Saddle Galls. Scratches. Mange, Ac, it will also cure iexiily. S)ievin aud Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured iu their incipient stage, but euu flnnid case are beyond lb possibility of a radaial care. Nu ease of the kmd, however, i o desperate or hoelets but it may be alleviated by Ihi 1. mi ni cut, aud it faithtul application will alway.i remote the l.aiueiies. and enable the horse to travel aitb eolupur alive ease. . EVERy IfORsE VWXER should have this remedy at hand, for Its timely ns al Iho Ural appearane of l.suieutws will etteelually nvut IhoM formidable disease, to which all hor se are liablu, and which render au many utuviaiM taluable hui.u newly worthloa. DR SWEET'S Inallible Liniiuent i tun SOLDIER'S miEND, A ad Ikuusajki kat found it tiuly A 'iXEX4X II- IMXiKrJ I NlallelSS. Twstubl iuin.auiii, kiwirta Iks ki:lr and l.iaa- ..t Df M.4a w nu) Ulmt a4 alas 'St'iiit ssvrii litlalliule Llklu.M.1 ' kiuaa ! Ut sUmm k.a AltJt kaVaaat kiwA) kjuM ! fcUHARItrJiKACO. sMe nsMlrkn, MvrwWl, Ci MVsUiAX S) Akk,S. UoOMoi A.!. t ul sHiMt, S.w lat k44 k ai 4-Ims t))kM iM 41, iMi -1 , BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A8 A REFfGE FROM QUACK . KRY. . THE ONLY PLACE fTITERU A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. eRBri Id f. JOHNSTON ha discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the il lor ail I'nvaie iriseasee. neaaneasoi in dsck For all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blander. Involuntary Discharges, impotenoy, uen ral Debility, Nervowmia, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling. Dimness of Sight or Giddineas, Disease of the Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Affections of the Liver. Lunes. Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorder arising from th Solitary Habits or Youth those secret and solitary practices more total to their victim than th pons of Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, o., iinpoasi ble. Vm-4J IflF.f Especially, who hove become ths victims of Solitary Vii-a. tW dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of onng Men of the most exalted talents aim oriiiiani Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to eostaty we living lyre, may eau wun iuu cun fidence. ItlARRIACiK. Married Tersons, or Yonng Men enntemplaling marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organio aobillty, delonnilins, lo., speenny cured. He w ho places himself under the care of Dr. J may religiously confide in his honor as a gentloman, and confidently rely upon bis skill as a i-nysioian. OKUAIV HKAKSEfiH Immediately Cured, and Full Vltror Restored. litis Distressing A flection whicn rentiers i.ne miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit exoesses from not being nwnre of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those Tailing into improper habits than by the prudent Beside being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to Both body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Los of Prooreative Power. Nervous Irritability. Dvsnerusa. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the f rame, lough, l onsumpuon, Decay ana A'cuui Ollice, :o. 7 Noulh l'rtMlrrick ir-t Left hand side ffolnir from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must bo paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang In his office. A l i lt 11 WAltKA Vri:i tM THO IIAYH. Jro Merevry or Xntitroni Drugt, lt. jii.M ro. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London Graduato from one of the most eminent. Colleges in tho United States, and the greater part of whose life has been snent in the hospitals of London. Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, ha effected some of tie most atanishing cures mat were ever Known: many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrmed at Hidden sounds, boshfulness, with frequent blushing, attcndeil sometimes with deraagonient of mind, wero cured immediately. I'Alii: I'.kitTK I I.Alt OTH'H. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgence and olitnry habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. Tiiksk ro some of the sad ami melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of ll e Back and Limbs. Pains in the Head. Dimneea of .ight. Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart. Dvspcpsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of tho Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. Mkxtai.lv. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas. Depression of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver sion to Society, Selt-DistruBt. Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao a"re some of the evils produced. Titoi s.tMts of persons oT allngca ean now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing neir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and xaciated. having a singular appenrance about tho cough and symptoms of consumption. have injured themselves by a certain practice .dulccdiu when alone, a habit frequently learned flout evil companions, or at school, tho effects of w hich arc nightly felt, oven when asleep, and If not eured renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a nitv that a young man. the bona I'fhis country, tho darling of his parent, should lie snatched from all prospect and enjoyment of life, by the conscquenco of deviating trotn the path of nature ind indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MIST, before contemplating , .V141CICIA4.I'. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote oounubial happiness. Indeed without these, the jokrney through life bo coutes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to tho view; the mind become shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion Hint the happiness of another becomes Lighted with our own. DISDANi: or nirni HEACH. When tho misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shoiiic, or dread of discovery, deter bim from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such a uleeruted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain in the head nnd limits, dimness of sight, deafness, node on the shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till al lost the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of comiitiserntion. till death Puts a period to hi dreadful sufferings, lit" sending him to that Undiscovered Country from wheuceno traveller returns." It is )nrlaurlioly fart that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, ow ing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly Puisoii, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue ol life miserable. N'l'it A..r.nH Trust not your live, or health, to the care of lbs Diany Unlearned and Worthless Pretender, destitute of knowledge. nBine or character, who oopy Dr. Johnston advertisements, or style themselves, in tho newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they 'keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisouus com pounds, or a long a the smallest fee ean be obtained, uncivil despair, leave you with ruiued health to sigh over your gallingdisappointment. Dr Johuston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always bang in his office. His reuiidie or trealement are unknown to all libera, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more extensive I'rirate iVorie than any other Physician in the world, i.iMitsi::ir.vr or Tin: im:iN The many ihoiisaflds cured at this institution year after year, and th numerous important Surgical Operations perlormed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the rcsrters of the ('Suu," '-Clipper," aud many olhi r papers, notice of which have appeared agaiu aud agaiu bclore the public, beside hi standing a a geidleuiau of character and responsibility, i a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Niti is !: at i : Mi:r.iii,Y ( I KLI. Persons writing should be particular In directing their letter to his lustiludon, in the following maner joii.x n. JOIIMTO. M. ., Or Ui Ballimor Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. February 21, 1 bo J I y. MANHOOD, HOW l.ol, HOW (tairtJ. Jutt FhUii.i.I, in m SealtJ Vnvtlvf. 7 Vic Sit Vtul: LECTURE on th Kalur. Treatment and Ra dical Cur of hparwaltarrlkaia wr Seiuinai H ak. na. SasuaJ Debility. Nervousnea. and luvuluulary Eiuuwitiiu, ludueiiig luiuuttaaey, Consumption, and ataeul and I'byaiual Debility. . By ROU J. CI L.R U.L M D. Th iaipurtaul tact that th awlul viawaroe of Self. Abttae way sw cmwlually reuuived wiibnul Itwuai Modiolus or Ik daogeruu applioaliua la) eauatics, iis4ruiuuu, auedioaiMt bugles, and aibsr eiupiiicai detivr, at bar iarly deUMaaaltaltal, and lh Miiiivly aa aud btghlr Mtevtaatlul UMliu.nl adopted by lh eUbralsd aulbur, fully aplaiuvd, by mean of which iiw M t euaklrd lo ur klui. If pMlerlly, aud st lb Ivasl ibl eu.1, Uivrrky avoidiugall Ik adtertiaod nuua sf lhadar 1 hi Ituiai will plots a bvusi k tkutnaads anj Ikwa aua.1 Iwul ukduMal las plait eartlot. a aay addrrts, usi paid ua reai4 ul leu tuu; iam p. by 4 drswlug lb buttluko tiu t c KLisr n, 111 Hotter Ui, IW laxw, feu. a4 Aug 15, lat -t.b l,-l U IsslrrsswiUMMl lUiVi,' tti hJ MI ttiuuJuMt, Crar fisaiia hunt kfcw tOKK f I Ml I list la Ik4ta- k s4 Iiis4, WaaMlikS t aM piiii,i iiukvi ia in stif vi uiks7 l4MMkw.is tu Iksas t kit ia hat losfe k- ti iimai .l.ar l at ssktlial us lis kwaUtti, awl S.a4 sal it ktavrata ft, ta a-wkai t.a wua 1sti.ua 41mii, abMialiksiaM4i ka k4 all kuuea, a m in i4sj mm I s tktu at das!, ia. a. n aa4 siiaa4aa 4 ta a. 4 a4i TUE ALL SUFFICIENT TEHEE. THE GREAT AMERICAS' REMEPIE3 . Known at "IMmloW GENUINE PBEPABATIONS, VIZ. HELMBOLD '8 EXTRACT "BITCU,', ' SARRAPAR1I.LA " IMPROVED ROSE WASH. XI ELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" C0MP0CND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specifio Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSt CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, and all Unnatural Knlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflamation, and is good for men, women, or Children. III-I.HEIOI.Ik'M F.XTItACT III 'Ilir FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early indiscrotion. or Abuse, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power. Loss ol Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness orvision. Universal Lassitude of the Muccular System, Hut Hands, Dryness of the Skin. Difficulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, These symtoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMP0TENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they aro not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCXSCMPTIOX, Many are aware of tho cnusevjf their suffering, but none will confess. The records of ths insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once Affected with Organio Weakness, Roouire the aid of medicine to strengthen and In vigorate the system, which ''Helmbold' Extract Buchu" invariably does. A trial will convince tho most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES Old or 7oung, single, married, or contemplating marriage, a Jn many affections peculiar to r cmales the r.xtrnct Btichu is unequalled bv any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiiifulncss, or Suppression ot the Customary f.vocuatioas, Ulcerated or Schirrnus stato of tho Uterus. Leucorrhea, or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incidcidMo the sex. w hether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Sec sympttins above. NO FAMILY gnOFLD BE WITHOUT IT. Tukc no Balsam, Mcrcurr. or Unpleasant Medicine lor Lnplcasaut and Dungerou Diseases. - lir.I.Ml.OI.ls' IXl'KACl III ( It Corn SECRET DISEASE In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no change iu diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Mnctures ol the t rctnra, allaying pain and iullatiiinntion. so frequent in this class of diseases and exiielliitg Poisonous, Diseased, and Woru-out .Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF l A laS, And ahu have paid Heavy Fees to he cured In a short time, have found they were deceived, anu that the -'Poison" ha, by the use of --Powerful As tringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and Perhaps uftcr Marriage. I' SB iii:i.Hitoi.i' i:vinAC-r m 4'tii; For all Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whother exuding in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter . OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of theso Organs require the aid of a 1711 iiKjir. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Di.eiuics, Tor which it hi recommended. BLOOD I BLOOD I BLOOD I Heliubold's Highly Concentrated Compound . Fluid Extract 8orsaparUla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and attack tbs Sexual Organs, Lining of the Nose. Ears. Throat. Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfifces. making it appearance in the torm ut I leers. llelmtHild s r.x Iract Sanutjiarilla purities the Blood, and remove all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complex ion a Clear aud Healthy Color, ll being prepared evprewdy tor this class of complaints, it Bluofl-Puri' fviog Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent than any oilier preparation orcaraaparilla Efelmbold'a Hoae Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic N ture, and a an injection in Disease of the Urinary Organ, arising from habit of diasipatien, used in connection with the Extract! Buchu and Sarsaparilla in such diaeaaes as recommended. Evidence of the most resxiiaiblo androliable char acter will accompany th medicino. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, ' -From eight to twenty year standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties) ol Buohu, lee Dispensatory the United State. See Professor Dowses' valuable works on ths Practice of Physic. He remark made by ths lata eelcbrated Dr Phvaick, Philadelphia. So rental M made by I'r. r.phraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and Member of 111 Roval College of Surgetius. Ireland, and published iu the Transactions at the king and ijueen s Journal. Sea Medico-Cirurgiual Review, published by Betijauiin 1 raver, Follow of the Royal College of purgeon. See must of th lata Standard Work ou Medl sine. Eat At r Bi t ut', f I 00 m bottle, or six, 15 00 SAkaiUMILLA I IKJ IUU laiaoxKDRuaa Wash, ail "150 Or half adoseuof ah tor f I J 00. which will b uSieieiit to ur lh must obatiuals case, if dirtwlion ar ait bared to. Dvlivrrud to any address, cur!y packed row ouservariuu. (T Dvacribe svuiploUiS In all oluinuulcaiiue Cuius (uaruilvra. Ad tie gratia. AFFIDAVIT' rrHlly kpard kfr ass an Alderman nf lh elty ul 1'huadt li.tue, 11. 1. lleluiould, auu, biua duly aaoru, doik say, bi pfeparaliutt euuUia ao nar volte, ko a.iuui , ur wikvr iijtutoa diuga, but at ptiieii tiaekni. fin ora aud disiibd tefora a,, Iki tJd day of uuibr, iaj. a r hiiioabo, Aldvimasi, kintk sUa!, abuse Haws, I'atla Addl UiIIm t lna.ti. a la .4.lae 11 1 ilU-AlUl'U', tkwtst h 4 104 sawtli Tsutk alieU, WWsi Ckai4a4 Fails Ktw AWKoriOl XTkUrklTa Aa4 I'spfUMibM ialMS w as (bdnatui to dupssa "W Ikeir w" aad uikaf ' aiuula mi U r(Htku-t aiuunad ky tt.ltkUld I tiaaatk PrepuaiioM, m m taiiauA ttokka, M . lJtkB(lllt m at laifcfwtkd ksw M aA SW.14 kf all Vk(-laM w)kM ik.vM lUl sHHil-Dst-IAkKkOOTMH ( el yut tka dMtusksat, and 4 M , Aa4 4 14 Ui-om ! kk.e Ullk.ltl H H l ksU.4 WM Mi i .4.s k.e tMtk I f. Ia4 -ly TT AAnm'ei Ksnt-rvsj CompnitT. i1IVE NOTICB that tkey keys sonclndecf a VT rangement with th Knvlkera Central Railrow Cipny to run trains from Baltimore for York Jfarrlsburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Travortnn, Sunbort Vnsthwailmrland. Ijowlsbnrg, Milton, Muney, Wfl llawisprtft, and all intermediate station, eonnectiu nt MarrVVsrg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRf far Filtsber., Cincinnati, St. Louis and th West. Also wMt Howard A Ca'a Kmra al Mitn D.yllle. Jfl.strorg, Wilkesbsrfe; Plttston, Scran tn, ana intermediate stations on the Cattawiasa Lack awanna m utoomsonrg Jtailroads. At Wil liam rt, bf jfoward A Co.' Express to Jew Shore id Lock Jlaveti. Alan, hy Howard ft Co. and theft' connection, for Canton, TrV,' -Etm'trS Rochester,- Buffalo, Niagara, and to iVleocsibh points' in Western New York and Canada, ky whiol they will forwnrd Merchandise. Specie, BU- Note. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every ecrip tion. Also, Note. Drafts an1 Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed and every effort will be niate to rentier satisfaction JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Phil idrltSis. ' R. A. FISCHER, Agent for t'unbury. April 6, 1862. iikaTv iioi-wkT- Corner of State anit Third Strtrti, HABBlBBtRO, 1'A. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of its convenient and near location to the Capitol, has made It i desirable stopping place, not only for those havinj Diisiiion i me seat oi uovernmeni, nut lur other visiting Harrisbnrg. Morcn zv, ioz. riVERRIBLE DISCLOSURES-fECRETS F6l X THE MILLION ! A most valanbla and wonderful publication. work of 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DP. HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, will Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure The Dractice of DR. HUNTER has long been, ant still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation o numerous persons, he has been induced to extend hi mcdicnl usefulness through the medium of hi "VADE MECUM." It is a volume that should b in the hands of every family in the land, as preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for 111 alleviation of one of the moat awful and destructiv scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, secure! enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to an part ot the t nitcd states lor ou cents in r. u. stamp- or S copies for $1. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTEH No. 3 Division Street, Hoir lorn. June 6, 1803. ly. tM3. Ai-i-nnf-onicnlM Ia03 1" io-w York l.inow. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND riilLADEI PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Xetr Yori nd Way Plaet from II ahiut mreet II harf and hensiiiglo Depot, trill leave an follow, viz : r ai At A A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and I . neeoiiiuiiNiniiuil.l Attl A. M.. via Camden and Jorscy City, N.J. , Accommodation, 2 1 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City. (Morning Mail,) . 3 r At HA. M.. via Cnmdten and Jersey city 2d Close Ticket 2 I At It A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express 3 ( At 12 M. Tia Camden and Auilwy, C and A. (Accommodation,) 2 1 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, IC. and A. Express.) S At 3 P.M., via Kensington aad Jcrcy City. Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 f At 61 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) 2C At 111 P. M. via Kensington and1 Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 ( At It (night) vis Kensington and Jersey city CMiuiueru r..tir'Tii - At 5 P. M.,via Camden and Atnlioy. (Aeeom-' modation. ireighl and Passenger, First Class Tit-Vet. 2 1 Second Cln'! Ticket, 1 ; For Water Gup, Stroudsbnrg. Scranion. Wilkc bnrre, Montrose. Great Bend. Ac., at li A. M from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna al Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Betliluhem,- Belt dere. Easton, Lambcrtvillc, Fleuiitiglon,- Ac at A. M., from Kensinston Depot,- aad' al 2 P. M from Walnut street Whurf.- (Tbo ft A. M. Line oounects with Trains leavil Easton for Mauch Ghilnk. at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount 11. Ilv. at 0 A. M.. 2and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at 1 1 A. M. and 2i an 5 P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Kiverton, Delanco, Beverly, Bv lington, Florence,-Rordbatowu, Ac, at 12,1. 2j and 6 P. M. .'XT For New York, anil Way Line leaving Kc sington Depot, take Iho Cars on Filth street, abo Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Ci run into the Depot, and ou the arrival of each Tnii run from the Depot. Fitly Pounds of Baggngo only, allowed ea. passenger. Passengers are prohibited IV..111 takii anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. .' baggage over fifty pounds to be pnid fore.tlra. T Company limit their ruqsiusibility tor baggage One Dollar per pound, and will no! he liable lor iu amount beyond JlUH. except by special contract. WM. II. GATZ.MEK. Ageut January 17, lflfi."!. .foiiS iMVKa'irr .v ., UAMlAlTtltlHS HI' SAXiEIlAXXTS, SUPER-CARB. OF SODA, .'c, And Solo Ageuts in the City of New York for CREAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE Invented by Pror. Eben N. Horsfonl. of Ilurt o University. Office, 11 Old Slip, Hanover S,;uot upstairs,) NEW YORK. rPHE high price which Cream of Tartar commend. L in 18i4, together with the alarming extent which its dangerous adulteration had been carrie with other considerations, induced the distinguish Chemist, whose namo is given alaivr. to con uien what. proved to be a long and laborious seientiho t search, to discover a desirable substitute llierelor. His effort were crowned with abundant suoeess. at hundreds of thousands of pound of the Substitu have been sold and used during the last five yeai throughout the United State and the Canada. The following true coiuiriaon of iu nature at the results of it use, with those of Cream of Tartu will eonvince the most incredulous of its value. Cream of Tartar is a bi-tartrate of Potash. This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and eontai 'nothing but what is found in beef-steak, and in cor wheat and other cereals, and is therefor high nutritious. It also has a health-giving innocnr and supplies that for which there ia a constant d mand 111 the system. Jjjf" It is sold for a much loss price than Cream Tartur. March SlSoT ly llrundle). M Imea, 4.'Itt, V-. rnilE subscriber, having opened in Tbompsoi L Brick Building, Mill street, Dauvillc, a lar. and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUOHS, comprising th best brands of Rrndi, Gin, i Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Port. Sburrv M deira, ChauiiMign aad other W inoa. ol all irrailcs ol which will b mid, Wholesale, at the lowe.-l ci prioe. Tavern-keep, by buying of us, can sa tl least the freight. Tenon doiruua of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE,, nay rely upon being furnished with a pure at unadulterated article. I f Being determined to establish a reputati..u 1' selling ebeap. he reapeottully olicit tho patron, of th public. All ordw promptly alteude itu JEREMIAHS. HALL Danville, Juns 10, lHftO. I.mtslMrt I.usiilM-r! riilLIP SHAY, Muncy, Lycominf eouiuy. Pa . 1NFOKMH his friend and th public iu gcuen that h sonaunlly kviaoa hand Uoanls. Shtn:l alb, Juktl, aud ail kind id Lumber and buildik Lateriala, abieh be sat ill Mill al the luaiwt price. aiMarekJO, Itxll. i:MTAiu.i)aiii:i ijiio. " PETER LOR1I.LARD, No alt X 'I'abai'ra .llMNulUilstre'r it A IH CIIAWUkUSkT , (r'urairrly 4) I'kalkaat Mim), Kw Vuik Wuuid sail tbs slUaltua of iNialor to ike arluib of kat saauuuMtur, i ; imows sxi fif. Mecabny, Ikauigrtav klu Rapixs, I'kie Virginia, t'lawaa k'pp ' Naclillxki AaMMitaa Usailekaau, lopuage 1KLLUW .IFF saastok. lluasjr k kuk iluk To4 s-'okh, ) ik ll..r l'.si auvU 1 1 tab ll k 1u4, kiuksuk M LkktdSuut, I T-AUeattoa I called to Ut lats raduelioa I ptLsssl S sl yl I kssjlkf ak4 Sas.kii'1 'I i4-rt bkvk Ul Wteaawitsf a ftkpwka) ttaitiy. loHAlCU saakist fias tat lkska kuavkikg U, I A. I. . fUut, sV J. Its I. (Vllll, ta) Sssat, kauk, Nu I kai sosutssl l. ., I ksiarfar lVa. I A I !, Ita 14 tatvadiU, laikiak IstaavlsMs) M ll Aksfktalsj . aiU tMii a Slt4 iia4aiwkiwUiM Im; tajrtik ttiktia ..-. a.4 H k I t l, l-4 Sl ) a) K.tvS Ad A l4J-l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers