tifrj'm mm fjJjYfl '"TJ Amortmcnt or ljj WATSOITB Salamander safes. UKEAT FIRE AT RLAaiXU, PA. February 12, 1883. OrsTMtmrit It gives me mnoh satisfaction to inform you that In the aurora fire which, on tha morning of the 4tli inst., entirely destroyed all my etnek and materials, I had one of your Salamander Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an Intense red neat for seven hours, the Safe was" opened, and the Books and Papers were prescrvod In nu umblcnilshcd condition. 1 shall need another Siifo us soon ai 1 gut 4u order. Your, most respectfully, W. 1'. DICKINSON, Heading, Fa. FIRE AT (JREEN CASTLE. CnAMBEHKui ho, Franklin count v. Fa., ) . August Mist. ISt'.l! ( Messrs. Evans A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle "men : On the ruoridna of ttio '2M of Aiiiroat. 111. 'our Storehouse at Uroencostle was destroyed by fire. The Salon andrr Sato wo purchased from you smno few yearn since was in tho above mcntihnad store house, and contninrtl all oi.r books, papers, cash. Ac. which wero preserved In a perfcet condition, alter being e.KeJ to a uinsl intense bent fur several hours, rien.u ii.torm us upon what terms you Kill sell ua uiuthcr larger Safe. Youra truly, OAKS AVSTIX. Salamander Safes, for ltnnks. Stores, Privnte Families. Ac., Ac. Abo, Kvnns A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Hunk Locks and Bank Vault Hours, equal to any made in the country, and sold on as good terms. K A W. would respectfully refer to the following Bunks and oilier parlits. having -their Hafu and Locks now in use. to their entire satisfac tion, and many others given at their Store. L.nitki) St.tks Mint, liranch Bunk, Shclhyvillo Fhiludcllihia. TmnpHM t'sjTKn States AnarxAi.City Dank of Philadelphia. California. Tottstown Bank. Pa. Coatosvilie Bank. Pa. Stroudtbnrg Bank, Pa. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. Lock Haven Bank, l'a. Vuion Bunk, Bultiuinro. consolidation ji koi runs. Com'tb Bank of i'lnlii. CuntHitooga Bunk, Tcnn. Pre'm Lonn Ass'nn, 4lh st. Bank of Northumhcrlai i. Bank of North'n Liberties, Philudeli.hm. Southwestern Bunk of Vn. Paul and Sw ift, Bankers, ruiiun uniiK, Atlanta, Ua. Alabama. Newark Bank, Del W.ll. Slerling.Wilkesb'e. Bank of N C., Raleigh, Lcwisburg Bank. Pa. Cither references Riven upon calling at our Store, -No. Jli 8. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 6, lSHJi.Jy 18G3. lOU o. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, At tho Large Slillinory Store of Fawn street, two doors south of Shsinokln Valley ,t Pottsvillo Railroad. Sunbury, Pa., including French Pattern Bonnets, Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Laces, French and American Flowers and Feathers, Ao. Inaiv' IZiiIm and Cup., of tho latest styles and designs. Woolen Caps, Children's Caps, Hosiery. Gloves. Slits, plain and fancy Collars, Handkerchiefs, Combs, Thimbles, and alergo assortment of NOTIONS, to which sho invitcj all to call and see before purchasing else where. Thankful for past patronage, sho hopes by keep ing too best assortment at reasonable prices to vou tinue tho same. Sunbury, October 17. 1SC3 3m 50 STOVES. CF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT 1. ISolirltns'lt A: Co.'n POTJNDR "Y, STJlSJ--BXJR-5r, PENN'A. Get the Best Get tho Cheapets Get tho nuist Eco nomical, which can bo had at tho Rohrbach Foundry. Having a largo assortment of tho most approved STOVES, such a Cocking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles ufull sizes, Pans. Skillets. Ac They aro also manufacturing ilachinery, Tloughs, Castings. Ac, at ?hort notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements dono iu a good workmanlike manner and at the shortest notico. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. . JACOB ROHKBACH 4 CO. i'i-r Old Iron, nnd all kinds of Produce taken in E&ckunge for work. Sunbury, Oct. 3. ISo.l. tf eh fmylO oi.in:its i; xiii: Aie.MV AND OUR PEOPLE AT HOME Are now ofTorcl nn opportunity bv which thev can obtnina HOOD AND 1I RALLE TIME PIECE, at a very low figure. O.ir Watches aro Warranted to keep time one year, and the Buyer is allowed tho privilege of Exaiiiina tiun before Puyuieiit is required. Improved Duplox in B'ull tluby Ai'lioiii. A first class Hunting Time-Piece of silver material over which is electro-fine plated 1 k. gold, most durably wjought, making tho imitation so faultless that it cannot be detected from the solid material by the most experienced judges ; acid will not atlect it. Loudon mode movement. Improved Duplex in lull ruby notion, has sweep seconds, and is not to hu ex celled in general appearance. This is decidedly oue of the best articles ever oiTcrcd for traders und specu lators, Engineers, emigrants, and persons traveling, will find t hem superior to auy other ; alteration of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, pnek d in good shnpo and good ruuuing'ordcr, ouly urease of6 for S'.'nu. SILVER DOriil.E TIME HUNTING LEVERS, Best quality Silver Cases, over which eleotroliue line plated IS k. gold, similar to our improved Du plex, and superior adjusted movements will 'stop," lb be used iu timing horses, etc.; has Four Indexes tor Washington and Greeiiwich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. All in all, taking its superior movement into consideration, we regard it us docidckly tho cheapest article ot tho kind iu the market. Price, iu good runuing order, '!-, or coo ot 6 for Slid". V? We ask no pay in advance, but will forward vi'.herof them responsible parties, to anv nart uf the l iyal States, with bill payable to expressman when the gooiis are delivered, giving the buyer tho privi lege of examination, and, if not sutisfactory, tho wntek can be returned at our expense. Tuo express companies refuse juaking collections un sohlieis und other parties in the loyul States, eon. s.'ipututly all such orders must l accompanied by the cash to inauro attciiiiou. We make adedut tii u i f two dollars u either uulch when the payment Is J'urwardi'd iu advanro. .Money uiuy. be sent 1. v esprcss at our expense. 'i IU S. CAF1KH1Y A CO.. (1.1 and V.'i liroad St., opposite City Biuik, 1M. 17, Im;;;. 3u ProviiK-uce, It. 1 V-'SO UEbT PIANOS. S60 ?. ii i:i:Bt, iluvin removed to his new Waro Ruoui?, IV Wlst lliiisrox SraLi.T, Ni.w Vouk, '1 ikej uret .li-ure in eatlingthe ktteuliuu of the puijli; lo tits New and Full .'s ale 7 Octavo RO.-l.UiH.iD PIANO FORTES, Coiitslnlnx a'l the modirii imiroveiiieiit : Over. Miuiiil lti.-, lren:h U:oi. I AeUon, ilui podal, and lull iron xrauie, uoui iiU Iu XttOO. 7 1-4 UOSEW IXJD PIANOS, Eur finub,froui lf?S to Thvirreal success attending M Ducket's New M.-ate l'lultu Kurtrs is, of itself, a onVieiil gnalau tiM, fur thtir sucriorify. jbey ui.ly bea tu be head lu become universal rnvoriiei. 7 I I GRAND PIANO FORTES, (For whi -li the PiU" Mi'.isl was received at the last Aim ri. au Iwliluts f air.) be now e.lir for 1 Ion Mr l:u. kr' III. Ii t-.ul and t.worrul 'I Itlol.O I't.')., ubich reeid the liirt piisu ill l!t.V and l , i. I lik us al lb lul l air, he now It.i. l tb- tollowion low pitcis. n.iii. lioui leo lu f lhMtf un;iior lii-lruiu ills jsfvas sulticient ,wi r to li'i.. a eoiiitri iisiU.u of I wit mia.uu iu any I'hiii.h. All thise li.-litiuisitU aje M4ruied Iw he inadttuf cli-tiiuuuvi lUAluiais, ai.4 I'ululid iu Ihu lle. .N li I'i.jI. ! sad aumlur sia rwotfully lutii."! lovtuiKiue !!,,. vryMtMi .r li.Miuu.vni. IK U. l lx..i ii VAUNIJHtS, fAIK'Ii St GLASS ( ruler, f.j.l,u..k.r ai.1 II.wmi l'ibiir. al I !! ttl hlS)Pl lull tk Hit t.-.-i i 04. h ai.. t abiuwl t sriiUti. , l ure t litis kii l.. , r row.-! au4 An., s i-s Zui, ; I lir.u.4 II n . au4 t vll .es. I " a. .4 l .i IUo k, ai.d a hid S" fr.SIU.Mil ul eli ll.M Do'S C.4.STS - U- a U V I f U.11IU.M, llllt. AH it , M. Plbl Mi.'l V tff 1.1'M li, uii., . lU t"s tt.ks OlMSI. f 9 I'ill'..,. ! ft. 4 Cwiuis : I'iul Mm. , .ihjIo a. 4 J .jI la iki. k ut,. U all l Hi IK'W a,kd ll UsUiUI. u4 k H.. ai4 I k I'suiKi eLi. L as ik svil w vkp. If S4 .k.r, Ibsu .ksi hvosv, li,.u, Ihwlml MA r ' Ml skiM.s a; wsoiUi. ,sl .U-s, w.SJfcll I all list, li,a llU- f ksskV ) asst.. I, lui .4 iks i wi.Hi. 14 Is lbs Ia4, t . luxe Ue ld IIm4 V4.S Vistbuk, Me m,i.s1 if tw4 ists.s. Is. iteilust 1st lt.se kt.lljr V) e iiM.t I1.4W. 1m ti si.iMs Ml.f a.4 u tv4 as tt.su4. fc- eill Ui.iwslU isi.e k m.I i.k.. t eiweksse A ktbwai 4iswski tl. isj Ue i4. U1"M ( , kya M i I .' S.M VI S-4I.M vL.ny, i ls.ss'i is.4 I I I IH. Witt. KNOCnE. 83 MAREET STREET, HARRISBCRO, FA., Dealer In PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from tha best makera from f '.MO upwards. SIELODEONS The best manufactured Instru ments, from .Mo to $100 Unitars, Violins, Aouordeons. Flutes, Fili, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Uuitor strings and tuusioal tner vhandiio in general. SHEET MCSIC. The latest publications always on hand. Music lent bv mail to nnv part of the country. OVAL, SU.LARK, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FBAMESJ Suitable fur lot king jjliua.es, and all kinds of piotures always ou hai.d. A flue assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sires. Any stylo ol Iruuie uiade loonier at the shortest notice. WM. KNOC11E, April 11, lSt13. 93 Market at., Harrisburg. i s r.4in.i.ii i: a i eo7 PETER LOR ILL A RD, Niiu".V ToIm-i-o JBnntiliioturer 1C A 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would rail the attention of Dealers to tho articles o'f his manufacture, vis : BROWN SXTFE. Slacnboy. Demigro. Fiu'e Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitochoa. American Gcnlleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNI FF. Scotch, Honcv Dew Scotch. lli-th Tnnst Swleh, Fn-sh Honey Dow Scotch Irish llifth Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lumlyfoot, tV Attention is ealled lo the larjre reduction in pricisof Kiue-t.'ut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, thicli will bo loundot n Superior uuuuty. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fino Cut Chewing. Smoking. Iong, P. A. L., or plain. S. .Tapo, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, .Spanish. No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canaster No. 1 t 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. Granulated. N. B A circular of prices will bo scut ou applica tion. April 4, 1$G3. 1 Northern Central Kailway ! trMR'nnK XAa.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY lo and from tho North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of North ern Now York. ON and after MONDAY. ATRIL 20th, ISM, tha Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrivo at and depart from Sunbury, HarrUburg and Baltimore as follows, viz : SOUTHWARD. Mail Truin lenves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A " lenves liurrishurg, 1 1 .1 P " arrives at Baltimore, 5 Hi M. M. Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) II 07 P. SI. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday.) 2 00 A. St. " arrives at Baliimoro daily (except Monday). BIjA.M. lfarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris- bur' 6 oO A. SI. NORTHWARD. Sluil Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex- cept Sunday) n ISA. M. ' leaves Harrisburg 1 15 P. M ' arrives at Sunbury, 4 t'5 " Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 9 13 P. M 14 arrive-1 at liarrisburg, 1 J5 A Si. " leaves ilurrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A. 31. arri es at Sunbury. 5 :tS For further information apply at the Office. I. . DiBARRY. Supt Lm-Uuw unnii A: HIooiiiMliiri Knil rond. 0' X and after November IT, loo J, Pasiengcr , m . :.. . :n ...... .... r..i i . xrallis mil lull an unions . MOVING SOUTH. Freight if Pa ftirrr. 10.16 A.' SI 11.10 P.M. Leave Scranton, 8. lit) A. SI. Kingston, u 20 " liupert, 11.311 . Danville, 12.05 Arriveat Northumberland, 12.45 P. 51. S10VING NORTH. Lcavo Northumberland, 0.20 P. SI Danville, 0.00 ' Ruiert, 8.:t5 King-ton, 8-45 Leave, 1.45 P. SI. Arrive nt Scranton. 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. SI., for Scranton, lo connect with a train for New York. Returning, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.1i P. SI. The Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Kail road ax. Scnuitou, for New York and intermediate points eust. At Rupert it connects with the Cattawissa Rail road, lor points both east and west arriving at Phil adelphia ul 0.15 P, SI. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad nnd Northern Cential Rail road, fur points west and south Pm'sciigcrs arriving at Harrisburg 1.50 P. SI.; Philadulphiu 10 P. SI.; and Bultimoro 1(1.20 P. M. The Freight uud Passengers Truin north. leaves Northumberland at ft.45 A SI., and arrives at V,20 P SI., passing Danville at H.2 P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup t. J. C. Wr.i.i.s. Gcncrul Ticket Agent. Nov. 2M, lM2 To ."toiii Niitit-wi-s. oritolla lHft. REVEREND GENTLF.SIAN having been re stored to health iu a few days, alter undergoing ull the usual routine and irrccutur expensive modes of trcutincut, without success, considers it his sucred duty to communicate to his utliiuted lclluw creatures the means or ci us. Henue, ou the ruceipt uf an addressed euveb pe, he will scud (free) a copy of the prcsviptiou Used. Direct to Dr. JOHN SI. DAGNALL, 186 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N Y. Januury 21, ISri.'l. TAILOKING ESELlsHMIiT. " . JOHN E. SIvIIOK, Fawn Strreet, ujipwite W eater's Hotel, SUNBURY, Northumberland Co., Pa.. INFORMS his friends and the yihlic generally, that he has taken II. e Miv. ot Jacob S. Itake, dee d., and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR ING in a good workmanlike manner. Thu palrou age of Ihu public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 10, D.oo. ly JUST BEADY, STYLES OF JEWELRY. NEW A N "I f elianee s.rluuitv not to he lost sitrbt of. Rare 'tancc for Agents. I.aiius as well as Gcnucan aei as Agents. Apply early nod secure Ihu agency for your loeulity. 1 oo.uuu ir.rn , j:.t ciiaix, wckict.i, tii.tis,t;ni.n rj:.s a.j pi:.vu..s, ijji.u Lurrs, sn jts. vvrnt.s, M:CK t7.4.VS,7:7N OF jew. t:ui, irr. To I so ,h for t I ra. h, and uot to Im iiaid f..r i uiml yusi know whirf jou are lo (ot. Send eenla I ,.r Cvrliriuiite. tllin yuu what you eau have, with a circular, K"iu( full pal titulars lo Aguuls. Pel loci ! sttlUlsvulloU (Ukl itulueii iu all elues. ! .Vidiin., U. W ARD CO . 2ui liroadasv. Box 1 a:i. tint SI, IrtdX-ly I,u.-k. Dark lilue, M.ota, UltlUUll, raiiiie, ''Ink. l.lghl lllus, I Klsneh l U". ; t Urvi Hiou, I liiuk llrowu, I l.llil b i,. mi, I'uifU. Koal Purple, sslu,uu, SUaltet, hl.l.. K.ll.lUtu, Si.ull IhuMll, 'o,. I'-' k I ''', I l.t.l I' m.4 D ,i a in-, i I it. til Oie u luifs mlk. Wo-.U, as.il MisJ Usdi, Hli.aU, rs.J!t, lew.-, niLb.4.a, lilutwa, llwilUfcls. liola, I aitiMa kl-1 li siu til lisa t I bolting, as4 sil k.k.l. u W HUlutl A'om4 hwtlMK sf' l-r Vasl, F" 1 estjis ymt t.s e.l 4 as as) a-ls as wiuibl .i..iia. .s. lti l u... !4 4lwa akoaws V-o bs t4viu4 llwao llta aaalic 4' a SJUIl ss Saa4 su I'll. ill. t ttli,!,, titt.sk OMui UaSKiMl, Iw.Je 14 iM.tn ihus attusi I lb., aol . tsvl aii4ca uk.i ksallji bm U.4 a. a Ust t4-isl ijtMS btbats. talisi sai.s I aiU Iwluu i 1.,,. la aa B.M fel S.SU sSI"s 1.1 ..l.- l m a)aakaw. li i" kltt Iks 't ; i . t. DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAf REM FEY Fur lihtnmat'um, Oout, Neuralgia, I.umht,g Stiff Neck andJointf, fyrrtiMa, liruinef, Cutunnd Hoitiif, Me, Ihrntarhr, and all lthtumatie and Nertout Diavrdi:!. F.. 11 nr which Is a sTenv and certain remedy .i nnvor r,,i! 't his Liniment is nrcnared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and hat been used in the practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. ... As an Alleviator of Pain. It i unrivaled by any preparation belore the public, of which the most skeptical may bo convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and iu thousands of caes where it has been used .it hos never been known to tail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve tho worst cases of Headache In three minutes, nnd is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it euro instantly. For Nervous Debility and Ociiernl Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is n most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly iikiu the nervous tissues, it strengthens and rcvivi- tics the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, us an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge tho world to produeo an eiiunl. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to sherd immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will etlect a raiticul reu tjuinry and Sore Throat arc snnietimea cxtrrjuiely malignant aud dangerous, but a timely application ol this l.tnnncnt will never lull to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and eulsrgc ment of tho joints is linblo to occur if negloetcd. The worst caso may be oouiiuurcd by this Liniment in two or three davs. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Fleers, Bums nnd Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains frost ed Feet, nnd Insect Bites and Stiupi. DR STEPEHEN BWEE7 the Great Nulurul Bono Setter. f Ccmnwcticut DR'STEPUEN SWEET, is known all over the United States. ConnetatfiAU DH. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr Sweet's Infallible Li"'-uent.' Dr. Sweet's Infallible. Jjinimont Cures KhcuinutLmi, und never fails. Dr. Sweot'a Infallible Liniment Is a certain icuicdy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Buius und Scalds immediately. Dr. Swcet'n Infallible Liniment beslkuowu remedy fur Sprains and r tho Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liuiment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom foils to cure. Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Swei't'a Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and Iwaiei nu scar. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Soaes in the known world. Dr Sweet'a Infallial Liniment Ha been in use by more thau a million people, and ull praise it. Dr Bwt'a Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Slorbus. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need," aud every family should have' it baud. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is fur rulo by all Druggists. I'ricc 25 uud 50 ceuts. A FEIEKD IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as uu external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate puiu mi re speedily than any other prepa ration. For all Rhcuiuulio and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative fur Sores, b ounds. Sprains. Bruises, du., its soothing, healing and p'lwerlul streiigtheiiiug properlius, excitu llie jusi wonder and aatouishmiut uf all who hate ever given ilu trial. Over one thousand cerlilicales uf remarkable cures, performed by it withiu the lust two years, attest the fuel. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET S INFALLIBLE LIMMENT FOR Ilolt.-Erf U inirhulcd by any, and in all rosea of I. nun uea. arising troui Sprains, Bruisi-s of rench ing. Its ellcot is magical aud certain. Ilarucaa or Saddle Gulls. Scratches. Mange, Ac, il will also euro speedily. Spat iu und Ringbuuu may he easily pre vented and cured iu Iheir iiicipient stages, but con tinued cases are beyond Ihu ssibilily uf a radicul cure. No ease of the kiud, however, is so desperate or l.iijielrss but it may lie allciiat.d by (hu l.ini iniiil. and its luilblul appliealion willalwatareuiute the I.auieueM, and euaUe the bonus lo liovul wilh uomporulit e ease. ni nny juiksk ow.xmt steads have this remedy at hard, for lis timely iim at the Aral apiorajie of l.auiriiras will tHueiualiy preteni Ih.iaj loriuidable duwasea, lu uhich all hor ses are liuUe, and which render su uiouy utheiwiae t si units ItoiMa nearly aurlhless. SR. SWEET'S Iuallible Liniment. U 1 lilt COLDIEU'3 miEKD, Aud UiiMiaoitds kate iututj U truly -rV VllIEND m NEEDI tastiUts, Twi4 uyvUL, idawsse the ! use a4 l.lkastMauf I f il,s mw asiifii lUi. sja4 , . . .-.,. .-m,... wmm alau ' Iks) al luioiliU 4ultiaa4 ' Uvea w " ! kwUie, iiisst nksk kasks) at HKllihl-,i -to. sJa fiMist, Kusek., CI. NotUAal 4 411 k Utwal A4.Ha. S tiJ tv4, t Ul h 4 1 1 a'l slaslai .liakae M.a .1 lui . LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFV6S FROM 'QTJACfc- . - ERY. Tim ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURB CAN HE OBTAINED. TR. JOHNSTON haa discovered the most Certain, J Ppeedy and only Effectual Remedy In the WV.rU fnr all I'rivale Diseases. Weaknem of the Bark or Limbs. Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Ularirlxr Invnluntarv Disoharo'ca. Imcotenov. Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lnnajuor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Tiiniditv.Tremhlinirs. Dimnessof Biiht or Giddiness, Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affections nf the Liver. Lnnn. SUfrnaeh or Bowels those Torri' ble Disorders arising from the SoliUwy Habits of Youth those secret and Solitary practices more luiaa In iheir victims than the eoni or Srrcns to the Ma riners of VI yssca, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering inrrrriagc, ae., impossi bin. VOIMsJIO Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which anhuallv sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranoed listen ing Senates with the thunders of olomience or waked to ecetnty the living lyre, may vail with full con fidence !tIlKltI.4.i:. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic .IMillitv. deformities. An., stieorlilv cured. Ho who places tiimaclf under the oare of Dr. J. mav religiously Confide in his honor as a gentleman, anil confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. OKUA.MC wr,iKii;ss Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Atlection wnicn renacrs Lite misernble and marriage impossible Is tho penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young Eersons are too apt to commit exuessea from tkrt eing aware of tho dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who Hint understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper hnbits than by the prudent ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Tho system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Slental Func tions Weakened, Iaiss of Procrcativo Power. Nervous Irritability, Dvspepssa, Palpitation of thu Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frauic, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Oilier. o. 7 Nontli lV-l-rIoU Hirers Left hnnd Bid goiug from ttaltiinore street, a few doors from tho corner. Fail not to observe name and number. ' Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Ibe Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisoflicc. ACIKU WAKIMTF.I) 1 TWO DAVS. No Xerevrif or Natseoni Dritgt. IHSIOBIAS'lOA. Member of the Royal Cullego of Surgeons. London. Graduato from one of the most eminent Colleges in tho I'nited States, and tho greater part of whoso life has been spent in the hospitals of I-ondon. Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that wero ever known ; many troubled with ringing in tho huud and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulncss, wilh frequent blushing, attended sometimes wilh derangement of mind, wero cured immediately. l Aki: lMltTM't MR .liOTin:. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits' which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Thksk are some "of the sad and mcluiicholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness nf tl.elluck and Limbs, Pains in the Head. DimnrCs'oJ .ight, Loss of Sluseuliir Power. Palpitation of tho limit. Dyspepsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility. Symp toms of Consumption, Ac. SIfxtai.i.y. The fearful effects on Ihc mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity. Ac arc someof the evils produced. Tiioi sands of persons of all ages cam now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing neir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and aiaciatcd. having a singular appearance about the ,cougti and symptoms of consumption. i'OB. 51K." have injured themselves by a certain practice . dulged in when alone, a habit frequently leurned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep; and if tint cured renders marriage impossible, und destroys both mind and body, should apply iuimediutely. What a nitv that a vouns man. the hone of his country, the darling of tiis parents, should be snatched from all prospects ana enjoyuicuis ol lite, ny mo consequence of deviating from the path of nature snd indiilaiugin a certain secret habit. Such persons Ul'sr, before contemplating .UAititi..'i:. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessnrv roouisitos to liromoti couuuhial baiiuiness. Indeed without these, the joi.rncy through life he I comes a weury pilgriuiuge ; tho prospect hourly dui kens to the view ; tho uiiiid becomes shadowed w ith despair and tilled w ith the melancholy reflce lion that the happiness uf another becomes blghtrf with our own. mKi:.ii: or eni'iti u: i:. When tho misguided and imprudent .rotary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tho seeds of Ibis painful diseusc, il too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can uhtne befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face arid extremities, progressing wilh frightful rapidity, till at lust the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death tmls a period to bis dreadful sufferings, by sending iim to "that I'ndiscovercd Country from whence uu traveller returns." It is nmriiHriolj fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, ow ing to tho unskillfulness of ignorant preteuders, who. by the use of that Jlratiitt Puisoti, Mcmtry, ruin the constitution aud make the residue of life miserable. rilHAXsEKX Trust not your lives, or health, to the rare of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling month after mouth tuking their hllhy and siisunus com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee eun be obtained, aud iu despair, leave you w ith ruiuod health lo sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His reuiidies or trealeuient are unknown to all jlhers. prepared from a lilo spent in the great hos pitals ol Europe, lbs first in the country and a mure rxtensive Pm utc J'railict thou any other Physiuiuu iu the world, i:ioiti:Mi.:vr or Tin: lMtr.MN The luuuv thousanils cured at this Institution year after year, aud Ihe numerous iuisirlaut Surgical Operations iertoriued by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of Ihe Sun,"' Clipper," and many oilier puiivrs, notices of which hat e appeared again and aguiu before the public, besides h standing as a geulleuiau uf character and rmpousiuility, U a suUu-ieiil guarantee lu Ihe airlic led. tui iii: t!i: iM:i:iti.Y 4 1 n 1. 1. Persons writing should he particular In directing their letters to his luatitulion. lu the following m slier JOII .11. J4HI YS4 I 0-, .v. !., Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, M J. February 21, IxiJ I y. MANHOOD, How I ! Ilt-klorrtl. J Hit VullfkiJ, in Satd lliucluix. Pint tijt I'lMtt. V LECTURE on the Nalure, Treatment and It a diual Cure of Speruialuri ham ur beuiiual Weak ueaa, Scsual Debility, Nvrvuuaueaa, and lutuluiilary Ewuslous, iudiieiiig liupoleuvy, touauuiuliuu, atuu Meuul and I'litaicol IVIuluy. By ROU T J. t lLVthWEI.L M. X. The important foal Ikal the aaful oousequaiuwa of IM.il. Auuaa aua be saus-iuany rvuautaa wuuoui ut tern! iua-liciuue or he dannviuus application uf lau.llca, inaituausuls. iudicie4 botfita, and oibaf eiupifk-al datiaea, is here elwasly datuoiultaital, ami lb iiluly m si aud kihly suousaaiul liealutsul as o4i.pu,l ty the slaLtai4 auiuur, lull aiplaiind bv iiimis ul whuk ateiv oue u eualded Ut sure. blui. awil Miwn7. s. ...w , i..,u,v v-m., tai..uT asmdiug all Iba adt asliaad buau uiua ul Ihe day 1 lila Itwluie ts HI I'luta w tltuusaiiias kl4 tbult SaiMIMia. Iwul Mndvrtaal. bsa plain eatab pe, to any addraas, burt I4 on asil4 us aslat aUMMIa), by I isawlug lit bubllaltera UlASi J V KLIM AIM ITT H"y, V.w kusk, Fust Ottue IVa, iao A li, a.J - Kb ,- ly. iHls-ratatllaiaiatl lltslrl. Hi 4m J. 81 aVahimf, I'esst.s f.1ttU tll f pill a- liat slass llooaolke aal tulal, UsBalik 1 akl biaaMDl lljsel Ua li sill -Uaia himiisI ii-Jiaxaaakui lu Ikoae I IsllibC Na I'm k M ku.laaa M , l.ae ll ts sasiUal la) Us (unusual. Sja,d kaa4 Uta kt tutttl I'VaS. Ul sa,sjaialauai l.k I lllus a 1 1 mm S ttwa laileskSSMbat kss k4 asi awsua. a saosal us Ifcaii KMv 1 lac skatgae ase aaae e.lasa is laaMi aa.4 aiisttJaaise Ute Oial as 4 as ! a4 i) ik a.4v.a tn.taUM attaaksw ItyS as TUB ALL SUFFICIENT THREE, THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Known oi ,'ilvl', GENUINE PltEPABATIONS, VIZ. nELMBOLD 8 EXTRACT "BCCIltY' ' SARSAPAR1LLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COSIPOVND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHC, A Positivo and Specifio Romedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL ANT) DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which tho vt atery or Calcerous depositions, and all 1'nnats.iral Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and luflaination, and is good for men, women, or Children. lir.I.HIIOI.O'N i:XTIt.VtT III i ll (J FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following svnitoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power, I hiss of Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of vision, Universal Lassitude of tho Mitcculur System, Hot Hands, Drvness of tho Skin. DimVuRy oi Urcathing Trembling AVakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, inese symlouis, it allowed to go nn, wnicn tins niediuino 'invariably removes, soon follow ' IS1P0TENCY, FATl'ITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient mny expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed y tlloeo "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSVMPTION', Slimy are aware of the cniiscof their suffering, but nirtic w ill eonte. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear uuiplu witness to the truth ul the assertion. The Coilitution, once Affected wilh Organic Wenkness, Requires the aid nf medicine to strengthen and In vigorate the system, which 'Hclinbuld'a Extract Buehu" invariably docs. A trial will convince the nry't bVcpticul. FESIALES. F ESI ALES, FES1ALES, Old or young, siugleniurried, ur voulcuiplallug marriage, In many affections peculiar to r emales the r.xtract Biicliu is urrequulled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Pnlnlulness, or Suppression of tlic Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated or Schirrous stale of the terns, l.eucorrhea. or Whites Sterility, nnd for nil complaint iiieident lo the sex. w hether arising from indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or rti the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF CU E. Sec symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Sfercurr, or Unpleasant Medicine lor Unpleasant and Dangerous Discuses. jh:i..iii:oi.i-s i;iF..t r HKH Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages; at little expense ; little or no chunge in diet ; no iuconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing nnd curing Strictures uf tlie Urethru, ulleying pain and iiirlummation, so frequent in this class of discusof- and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wuru-uCt I Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIS1S OF AC'BiS, And who have paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a short lime, have found they were deceived, aud that Ihe "Poison" has, by the use of "Powerful As tringents," been dried lip in tho system, to break out in au aggravated frtu. und Perliasi after Slarriago. 1 SE iit:k.nuoi. ' i:'ri:ACi' ni't'iia: For all Affections and Discus'.'?: of THE CHINA RY ORUANS, Whether existing in Mule or Female, from whatever euuse uriginuiing, and uu matter OF HOW LONU STANDIXtl. Diseases of these Organs reiiuiro the aid of a Dn 11KTK'. HELSIBOIiD'8 EXTRACT BUC1IU IslhoUreat Diuretic, Abd It li tertuin to havo the desired effect iu ull Discuses, for which it is recooimcudcd. BLOOD! BLOOD! DLOOO I Hclmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexuul Orguus. Liuingsoi tlie Niaie. Ears. 1 hroat. Wiudtiiiie, and other Mucus Surfucc. nuikinir its appeuranee in the torm uf I leers. Helmbold's Ex tract Sarsaparilla purities the BIinhI, and leinuves all Scaly hr upturns ot the ,-km. giving to the ioiuplex ion a Clear aud Healthy Color, ll being prepared evpressly for this class of complaints, its Blood' Puri fying Proprietors are preserved lo a greater exteut thou any other preparation uf Sarsaparilla. Helmbold'a Koae W'aah, An excellent Lolion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in Diseases ot the Vrinnry Orguus, arising from habits of dissipaticn. used in connection w ith the Extracts Buehu and Sarsaparilla in sucn diseases as rocouiuicinieu. Evidence of the moat responsible aud reliable char acter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CI RES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For -Medical Properties of Buehu. see Disnensaturv the l uiled States. Sen Profcaaor Dcwees' valuable works on the Practice of Pliysic. See remarks made by the lute celebrated Dr. Phyaick, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. E liraii.i MeIowell. a relebraled Physieiau. and Meuilier of Iho Royal College of Surgeon. Ireland, and published in Ihe irauaauiioiia ul me king ami 1,'uevo s Journal. See Slisiiuo-Cirurgicul Review, published by Bcnjiuulu Traters, Fellow uf the Royal College of Surge.uu. See most of the late Standard Works on Medi cine,. Extmsit 111 ear, l INI per bottle, ur six, f i Ml Saaeaii.i.x 1 no 6 uu Imaosan Rosa Wish. Ml "Iiu Or hall duteuuf each lor 111 00. which will be sufficient tu cure Ihe luuat uUliuale eases, it direction Of adherasl to. Dclitered tu auy addrvaa, seuurely packed rom ebaervariuii. I tf DeaeYilas synipioms in nil touiiuunkaiiuns. i'uies juaiaulivd. Adsiee gratis. A HI DAVIT. Personally apar4 before mean Aldasuiauof the elly ul Philadelphia, 11. T il.luiU.ld, ko, Uiug duly sauru, drfh say, hie ptapeieliuu euuiain nu naiuiilie, nu ntnvury, ur uthes tnjuiiwo diugs, but ojs purely guUw. H T lltLMlMiLD pwura and deeoribsx) Wal'ts sue. Iliia 114 day ut Kuiember. I4. all p. tilblUKl', Aldutaunn, Nlulk-easasit, abuts kaue, plula. AlJleaa leltam I r InkunialUin In euaildsnva. U. 1 liktSllloLD, Ibautisl tfebul 0t Hwalk Tablh eUe, WeiuK 'ksl4ul JhU. HkH AKK UV COl I lk kHUi Aal I ypdiwlplaj DcsKia V. kai at4au la dUboae "uf ikalf aa4 "4ksf 1 as it. Is un tka ispstiauun aiiuad by it4akkvl4 tteoeute Piajjaifcaa, - lUa. ttu-ku, " mm ai.aillle, - ia4ve4 IUa U ask aV44 kj all Dlu(Uaa iim) ekaie Ask loH Utl kllMU D -T4kK kOOTIIta iutuat tka n4sua.aat, a4 aaa4 M at, 4k4 A"4 last-"" aa4 k .s-Ja IUinaa.4 a io an4 t ksasMai sjeaanM, kl, aSiva-leas kts I -k )stssM l4s - tf Tiis A1ntn Kiprfae rVtmfmnr, C"( IVE NOTICE that trrer have concluded ar f rnngetnents with tha Northern Central Railroad ( oinpuny to run trains trom Baltimore ror-i or, Harrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Punhnry, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Money, Wil liamsport, and all Intermediate station, connecting t Harrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with ITowarsl A Oo.'s Express at Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wllkesharre, Plttston, Scran ton. and intermediate stations on the Cattawissa, Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil liamsport, Vy Howard ft Cn.'s Express to Jersey Shore and loeR Haven. Also, ny nowarn a vn., and their connections, for Canton. Trov. Elmira, Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Alan. Vntr Tlrafla and Ttitla fnf Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, and every effort will ve made to render, satisiscuon JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April i, 1K62. ItKAIrY IIOI'Ni:. Corner of Slate and Third Slreelf, IlARRISaTRO, Pa. THIS nOVSE. In eonrequrnee of ita convenience and near location In ihe Canitol. has made It a. desirable stopping plaee, not only for those having business at the scat ot wovcrmueui, irav ior vum. visiting Harrisburg. March 2V, 1362. ' a .... mERRIBLE DISCLOSUR ES PEC RETS FOR X THE 'BULLION ! A most valaublo and wonderful publication. A work of 401) pages, and 30 colored engravings. I'K HUNTER'S VADE S1ECU.M, an origbisl and popu lar treatise on'Man and W oman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies tor their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but nt tho earnest solicitation of numerous persons, ho has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of lira "VADE SIECUM." It is volume that should be In the bands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for tho alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive seourires ever vfcited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of tho United States fur 50 cents iu P. O. stamps, or 3copies for 1 . Address, post Yftid, DR. HUNTER, No. S Division Street, New York. June 6, l!Mi,'l. ly. JLMtM.Y LA MS 1'OK hAI.IO, ALSO, OARDKN OK VWl'tT i'AllSTS. Suitablo for Grapes. Peaches. Pears, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, currants, Ac. nfl.2r. i. 10 or 20 acres each, at tho following prices for the present, vis.: 20 acres for $2lM. In acres for $110, 5 acnv for $60, 21 acres for 10, i acre lor if-'U. I'nvahlu bv one dollar a week. Also B-ond Cranbejrr Iniidi. rtid village lots In CHETWOOIl. 25 by H0 feet, at $01 each, payable bv one dollar a week. The aisivo laud and 1'irnis sTo titnated at Chetwual, Wnshiiigtmi Township, Burliugtou County. New Jersey, tor further tn forumtiun, apply, with a P. O. Stump, Tor a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. (if, Cedar Street, New York, N. Y .1 miliary 21. ISO;;. ly "weI7E?s'S HCT2L, Corner Fawn and Market Streets. XI H I ICY, 1A. MIIE undersigned respectfully informs the public. 1 thai he has taken ehargo of tho iiIhivo named Hotel, and asks for the eontiiiuaiicc of the former patronage aud would invite all others to give him a cull. HIS TABLE is always supplied w ith the best the market affords. His Bar contains the choicest liquors, and bis stab ling is good and well attended bv careful Ostlers. MICHAEL W1LVERT. Sunbury, Slay SO, 1851!. IACY rt'KN! IWM'V I'l K.X I JOHN FAREIRA. Nn. 7IS ArchStrect.be. low Eighth, south side. PHILADELPHIA. Importer ami Mami facturerof. and Dealer in all kinds of Faucv Vurs. -fr Ladies' arid Children 8 w ear. I wish to return my - tlt.ki.La ti, otv IVii.it.ls of a -as c... . .i- ... .runi'iirv nun me sue. -ftvs rounding Counties, for -is their verv liberal pa- 'yiliZi'' troniigo-cxteii-led lo me during the lust few years, and would .'ay to them that I now have in store, of lny o n Inisirlaiioii and mannlactiire u very extensive assortment ot nil . the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs. !' ! Ladies and Children, that will bu woru during the j Fall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Europe, and having them nil Slanufactnred under my own supervision enables lue to oti'er my ens o- mcrs A the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for the same money. Ladies please gite me a call be- tore purchasing . 1'leooe icmemncr lue nuiue, num ber aud strict. JOHN FAREIRA. 713 Arch Street, Philudelphin. September 12, lHtiS. iiu IMIiS. ArruiiK'iti'iilM Ist3. ot TVcw Vork IJiir. THE CAMDEN AX'l AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO. S LINES. Frum Pliiltulrljthia to Nrw Yort- und Wat) Plarf', from Walnut ilrerl Wharf and KtHinslon DiiHtl. trill leave as follnwt, viz: S'.iliK. At A A. SI., tis Camden aud Amboy, (C. uud A. Accommodation., J2 2i At IS A. SI., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, At K A. SI., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Sluil.) At i A. M . ua Camden aud Jersey city 21 Class Ticke' At 11 A. SI ;a Keuslngron nnd Jersey city, Express At 12 SI. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. SI , via Ciuuden and Auiboy, (C. and A. Fxpreas.) , At 3 P. SI., via Kensingtou aud Jersey City, Wash, and N. V. Express , At til. P. St.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P. SI. via Kcuslngton and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At l (uigho via Kensington and Jersey city Soulueru Express Al i P. M.. via Camden and Auiboy, (Aoeoui- nusiation, Freight and Pusaeugcr, First Clasa Ticket. Second Class Ticket. 2 25 3 00 2 li 3 00 2 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 S I jo For Water dap, Slroud-burg. Scruuton, tt ilkes barre, Sloiilnwiu, tireut Bend. Ac, at 0 A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Slaucb Chunk. Allenfown. Bethlubeiu, Belti dere. EoaUm, Lamberltille, 1 l.uiiuglon, , al t A. SI., h-oui Keuaingiou Depot, olid at 2i P. M., trom tt alnul street tt Hurl. (The t A. M. Line eouuerla wilh Trailia leat ing Ewi for Msiiek Chunk, al -20 P. M.I lor .Mount Holly, at a A. M , laud 4 P. M. Fur Freehold, at A . SI and 1 P. SI. WAV LINES. Fur Bristol, Tr.ut.ui. lo.. al II A. M. and 31 and i P. SI. from krllalugloU, Fur Palmyra, Ititvrlou, Delaueo, Beverly, Bur- lintoii. Eluieuce, Buidcutowu, 4o., al 12, I, 2, 4 j euu a l .-ti. ( y For New Yiuk, and Wsy.l.inas luaviug Ken siugiun D(st, take the Cars un r'lltk aireel, nbova Viol nut. half au hour before Ueparlura. The tars run inio Ihe l-4, aud uu the aintal ul aswk Train, run trout lbs Depot fitly Puuuda uf Baggage eolv, allowed eaek paaat-ngur. t'aasengurs are pruhikiu-4 fluM takiug an) thing as baggage bul their waariug apsuel. All baggage uter buy pounda lu be paid M ealra. The tou.pMiy liuull Iheir ftawuaildiiy lur baggage lu Oue Dollar per p..uu4, and will nul be Raid K4 auy aauuuul beyuaid fluu. atcipl by ass,ul ual. U UAUiltU, Agtul. January 17, IwiJ. l UKl'Altli MANTILLA, CI.OAK ANl n ic i:miohii n. So. 2U Cksasi t kiaaar iFmttly Nu T04 ) PUlUl'kLI'lil... J W PKiH'Tiilt 4 CO , niu tka eiLai!. tj lhair 4 1 leads lu Ik .is hug aud Bupa.k au. v( rin t LlUkia aud ri att, iuipaiallfl4 la any Mtaai anas Ike tnuiaaaaul auauumawdaliua ssVdad la anr new Uiss, avail w as) W Uatuta Ike UUaat tuatMl la uaf lM llrtsatrlaws'atl kua alll he fe.a4 stall Iiutai.s4 auk etas 4 assii-ttuaul Vital I lasa 1 1 Ua, al.uk a ill be ssaa. Iaa4 a auasa absasaaua, us ike a.,'b. ka4 atA ka Uul.l i'tt I mail .ill ka eas.sA.llj n.u4.4 W as4 .l4.aa-l, kaaae aaJ(va nas4, ay4 .' It4a u law swim j pmi T i t in, Vm I'kawul !(! I'klalal,.a Is, I l,Ul If Economy to Wealth! 1 ItC YOI It elVUGII I'OIt 13 41s..; The BEST and CHEAP. WJ Household REMEDY In 1110 t'wn. Mud me ZA0 : POHTEIl'H GREAT COUCH REMEDY MAinwtr 7, A DOC POR. TEll JaHv Balsam Is wwtienti'rt if used it-' cordinor tD tli ilireolinns. to cure) rvnl I Coughs, ' Colds, TJlitwrnwg'Congh, ' Asthma, iwil'nll affections ' of the Tluaoti anU Lungs, Madame Zwti' Porter: 1 Jlalsnm is J'W asTSd with ! all the requisiii care and 1 skill, from combination 1 nf the best rejtcdics tiiu ' Tegcutble kinififfsinllords Its .cmodial qua iies are based on flspowcrtrsnasist the healthy and v.'fcriotis ' circulation nf the ;Vhod, ' bloial. thru' the Lun.sr: It Is not a violent reinsvly, but einulicnt wnrinltig, searching and etTectiT ; ean be taken by tho oMrn person or youngest ehibf. M nib me Zadoc Porter's Balsam has been in use by the public for over IS years and has acquired it pru- scnlsalo simply by being recommended by thoso who nave nseu it lo itieir amioien iriemts and others Most InronTAMT. Madame Zoloc Porter's Cure- live Balsam is sold at a price which brings it iu thu reach ol every one to Keep ir convenient lor use. Iho timely use of a single bottle will provo to bu worth 1U0 tunes its cost. NOTICE Save your Sloncv ! Do not be persua ded to purchase articles at Is to f I which do not con tain the virtues ol a I.I cent Bottle ol jtiadninu Por ter's Curntive Balsam, the cost of manuf icturing which is as great as that of almost any other medi cino ; and tiie Very low prico at which it is sold. maVcsthe profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines onjihich their profits are larger, un less the custouiers insist upon hnving Madame Por ter's and none other. Ask for Sladatne Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price Di oeuts, and in largo bottles at 20 cents, ana time no otner. li you cannot get it at one store you can at anotloT. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers lit 13 cts., and in lurgcr bottles at 2o ets. II ALL A RUCKEL, Proprietors, January :il. lij.'l. ly ew York. aon iswk.iit .v co., MANtrAL'TI HKIIS OP SUPER-CARB. Of StVBA. Ac.. Aud Solo Agents in the City of New York for CREAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, Intuited by Prof. Eben N. Horsfird, of Harvard Vniversity. Office, U Old Slip, Hanover Square, (up stairs,) NEW YORK. rpilE high price which Cream cf Tartar eoinmauded J in ISM. together with the alarming extint In which its dangerous adulteration had been carried, w ith other considerations, irssiicc.l tlic distinguished Chemist, whose name v given above, to ymuieiicu what proved to be a long and lalsuious scientific re search, to discover ssdcsiruhlc substitute therefor. His efforts were crow ned wilh abundant success, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of the SubsHiutu have been sold and usi'd iluTiVt tl.e la-t eve tear-, 1 i- , ... . ..... uiriuiiioui ine i inic-.l Klines a!lil tlie l unaittis. llie fnlloing true coiiipin is.il! of its nature an I the results of its um with ilc.-e of Cream of Tartar, w ill convince the most iii'-reiii.lnus of its value. Cream of Tr.rtar is a l.i-tai h ate ol i'otaih. ' This Sulk-titule is simple Phosnhaie. and contains nothing but wind is found in I eef-st.-uk. and in corn, wheat and other cereals, uud is therefore highly nutrition.. It al-o ha- a health-giving influence, nnd supplies that for v. hivh there is a iMiisluut de ntiuid in Ihe sv-teui. t.lr It sold ?ft a much less price than Cream of Tartar. Slareh 21. 1m,:?. ly llr:iuli-v, Hlnes, 4a'iiis. .V'. fllHE subscriber, having opened iu Thompson ' JL I'rick Iluihlitig .Mill street, Dauvillc, a largn and complete slock of FOREDiX AND DO SI Eft IC Llgi'ORS. comprising the best bran U of Brandies, (iin. Old Rye. Scotch and Iiish hiskey. I'l.n. .-sherry.' Slu deira. t'hampaiii-and oilier ines. ol ail grades, all ol ahicll will he sold Wholesale, al the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers, bvbuvinjot us, can save it least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquurs for F A SI I L Y I' S i: , nay rety Uhiii imng liiini.-hcd tvitli a pure au t anadii Iterated articl,. .." Being dciei iiiiited lo estnbli-li a reputation for selling cheap, he respect hilly soli.-ils Ihe patrouarjo of Ihe public. Ail older.- prompt I v attended to. jj:iii:.MiAiis. Hall. Dalit iiie. .fin;., lit. li'.ii. t iis.iii.i ton CE :-.-. NOUTUL'Ml;i:i:L.VM) pexnsy lvaxia, A'.- '.- iviir.! ri'lIlC niWi'iUr having !.as,. ibis well kl.oMit J TaveTu Stand. I.itely !,. pt by .'lis. f. S. Proon. respect fully inl'ori is i1,.-public that he isrelitting and repairing Ihe ,reiiii-c. mi l n ill be prepared lo en tertain, in u c.'mhirluhlc lilaliuei. his luiiiieroiis tricuus throughem patronize hi e-tubli April 12, 1S..2. Ihc eiuiuty, i.u l nil nhu nisy 'iimvllt. JOSEPH VANKIRK. IKnVAi:i ASSOI I li'lOS, PiilLAliUI.l'llJA. For Ihe Relief of the Sick and Di-trcsscd. atHk-ted with Virulent and thronic Diseases, and espcciulle for the cure of Discuses of the Sexuul I ir.-ans MEDICAL ADVICE gitcu gratis, by the acting Surgeou. . V A I. CARLE REPOKTS on .p.crmaiurrhoea or Seminal Weakness, nnd oilier Inseivis of li . Sexual Organs, and ou tlie MEW REMEDIES em ployed in thu Hi-Hl,s.-ir. sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes. lue of charge. Two or three stumps for Iiostugc uill be acccpiablc Address. IiR. J. SK 11.1.1 X 1HH lili fox. Aetinir Surgeon. Howard Assuciution, No. 2 S uith Nintlt Mreet. Philadelphia. Pa. January.'!. Hii:i ly Willi ! cr KHMt li '-, OF MALL PAPER UK EVEltV DESJRAULF STYLES AND PATTERNS, Jl'ST received direct from t'uo Slanufacturer. at the MAMS1011I SloitK f FRILINtJ A UKAXT. Sunbury. March ti 1S2 II. II. .M IKMICK. llortifv ill litt, SINRI RV. PA. 2 t-ollections alien led lo ill Ibe counties ol Nor ihuinberiund, Liiiou, Suydcr, Sloulour, Ci.iuu.hia aud Lycumiu;. iiti-rittKM E.s. Hon. John SI. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oullell lo., Hon. Win. A. Porter. Morton Sle.Miehni-1, Emi., E. Keichaui A Co., 2--J Pearl Street, New York John W. Ashmad. Atlornev at Law, .Matthews A Cox. Aiiomevs at Law, Sunbury, .March 2V, IN.2.' iii:iiu'm iioti:Ih" 7.m.Ai, i'ri.' fpllE management of this well-kiMiwn II. .1,-1 h, 1 lug beeu resumed by .Mi-a.ni. 1 1) i 1. 1; A IIKKH. Ihe preaeul proprietors, beg leave to iutiwiu the public thai the bouse is now being thoroughly reuotated. retilttHl. aud impioved. nh a t it w lu tlie proper and eomlorlable aeoouiiuiMlutiou of ihia.etn.ke may la.r tha ealablisbiueiil with Iheir custom, liue.ts aill les-eive due alleulloa aud tKiurleay. and noeapeu. will ba Siare4 that may oouduce tu luaiulaiu hotel in a ttrst-clu sttlr Families and ulhcrs de-iriug lo sojourn In Harris burg dunug the auiuuur uumlha. w ill Uud pl.-asuiil boarding aud large aud wvll-veulilled loviua ut our aalablishuienl, upon luodciale Inm.. St Olf CO VI P. March t,M3. J. titl.lH.Kf IHKH u iiMi:uiai pviiivinu; niv in: i iti.i. i:n j As Iu.prot a4 lar l and I MO, Dy E K Lit HAM 4 to , t P.wlri , New oik TIIIE uuly Frwaa-r eotuiruotad ou an.i.iitu pn eiplaa. ilk a 1. lohlug vau and pmg tu.o alaHff The ou faaleiia tlie tii-.-aiug ,. the vlvaut tkeoihe rauioi aa ll aa laal aa !... o 'Ike auoat lapld in tlastsiug, Wllk Ihe l.a.1 quat.ll y ut n-e. Ike auoal eem nniWal Uissal, aa ll la lbs u.u-t iu pie aad durable lu aiiueiuie lot aaie In ail tka xii-il elllea and tuaua iu Ibe I asuti. ka.k Frwsas aea,ttipi.la4 a Ilk Uk uf la'-H-s ka4 lull ttUMlV-a IHDti HUM w, 1 1 Ua) 4 quasla. is I 4 sjuajiu. 4 uj ajuaiu, 4 Mi II juaiu, a an U uualts, 11 Ml ifeifiull l U til, uuU., l'a ktalvk , l vJ latMsbrrl ssaasWr rUILII elUY. Munay 1awa.xsg awtbij, Fa , Ik fli k UasS ba HUa ka Illau4eel Ike IsUslls gvaxsaJ aHaull k.aiu a ka4 ia S.u.al slk. J asiaa a4 ail Hfcla ai lwabaS aasl bu.l it.g I iioi.it, akbk as a 41 astl as U .-l fiiaa kiM s i--. 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers