prrriiwiw"iWMiirMiiii w4tmnti mim tfljf nut my ftnuiican.' m II. MAStEIl, Editor A j'roprlelor. iti, IV. Wfc'IIIBi,'UilJUtl.U DDITOHIAIj CORRESPONDENCE. I'liiianr-inm, December 80th, 1SU3. As the holidays ore past, and a new rear 5s u.r.v.:iti;r. people ore beginning to prepare fur another years business. A u holiday, the first dny of the year is of little recount. Everything is centered in Christ inas umleviry body seems to tliiuk itiduuild 1 o celebrated in aoinc -nuy. While many good people fso to church, and behave them pelves as christians and ood citi.'.ciiii should do, quits n hi"oc number, have nn Pica tint diinkimr ecr.nn, nnd other iit:it iiti3 which ! country, me U:nit incteaset 0 - t - - t I - contain more spirit, if not more head ache, she'dd not certainly ho cli--repardoil. ta more .aerreenb'.c if not more creditable. Thousands rt their number have .arc I never heforo saw so many druuU-u men , families tUpi'miing, almost entirely upon in PhiladelphiA as I did on Christmas day. ; them for tin ir daily sustenance, and after ! n.ij in Bom' re-nccii. n drunken carnival ! tho sum reserved f..r tin: exct-M of rlothiiiir. T a Ihuhatiuliati revelry, audi c.v.i lurJly over th-it allowed each year, i deductc. think the ;tiiu mid mora? orderly, if not j from a so'dtcr d pay, the amount which lie the more re;;i..-et.ih!e iiofiion of ihe citizens . is enabled to remit home is very small, thus nectssa. ,.y chtaikn;; suhermg una ' want upon li-4 wife and children. We no unueee-ary delay will he experienced in the pa.-sac-e of a hiil which 1i..m fir its object the improved welfare otVo many ti.ouerinds of our herne. and their dependent relations. KrOin SoiniKtis' Pay. The move ment, in Congress which linn for its object the increase of tho prey of tho soldier cna hut meet with thu approval of the public. Tho enemies rf the Government, alvvny ea;;er to cast obstacles in thu way when the comfort ( our ile-renders is to be Improved by nn appropriation of money, either by the Congress of our Nation or the more humble LcgLuative bodies of States, and intmiei pii'dtiis, are already endeavoring to prevent tho j'usmjic of the bill : I'Ut fortunately the majority of our law-makers at Washington are too patriotic to have their opinio. is changed bv foppeihad su';':jestious. The present remuneration of the soldier id by no means adci-puilo to their expenses to say netl.inir ot their valuable services; mm whr'i wncs, generally, throughout the their claims AppHciition Cos I'.xoiu-Mlon froia tilO cXii'lt tl'Ht'l. Tliere Is mi impression that those1 person, v.hose names are on tho printed lisU of citi-, 7ena Biibjcct ti draft, who Rre entitled .o, exemption J'rom 'any causa whatever, must appear now before tho l'rovost llarphal of their Iistrict, and claim that exemption now. This is a mistake, as there arc onlv ' certain claims of exemption which will bo heard now previous to tho draft, viz: 1st, alienage; 2d, non-residence ; 3d, unsuitable- A ."X fl n I'OKT A IN' t i: A I . Oivnillon or ArrrUl'it Cutulry. OE. ATi.RILt' OfFICIAL rCronT. ' Wapittnoton, Dec. S3. Tho following dispatch has reached Washington I ilDBAY, l'oCOnoNTAS t'OVXTY, V., Dec ai, via Ur.vnni.Y, Dec. 23. j-Gen, Jlitllid, Gcneral-in-Chuf : I liave the honor to reMirt tlint I cut the Virginia and Tennetsti' Itailroad nt f?a!eiu, on tho lGlli instant, nm have ariived safely ness of n''p; 4th, manifest permanent phvsi- i at thi. j.innt with my command, consisting cal elisabilitr; person, now m the military f V' 'ft "V' h'l XT, t d' , . ! tanti v, 1 kh renn-iylvama, Dubseu s hattiil- service oi me uiuieii Mates, or who imvo .'l'liMDmr .t in.i,'jiiwiJiui'iJ'iMiii' I'miii ,orl! C'nrollun. TUi: STATU llECKClTINO JOVAI, 1 KOOI'S TlKCOSM'llliCTION. Tlic Kortli Carolina Timu- tho hew loyal paper at Newborn says iu its issue of. tho 1 1th instant : "North Carolina ia beginning to furnish her mtota to the Fedoml Government. One loyal white regiment hits been raised in Ihn , A (.oinir on, nt-nino o'eloek, this im.rn- insii iei, unit is iniiier eoniiiiauei ii e imwhui M'Chesney; and the second under the com mahd of C aptain Charles Henry Foster. Is rapidly tilling up, and about three hundred men have been enlisted within the last six or tight weeks by his personal exertion. Another regiment of white soldiers from i North Carolina has been mhciI by that mo.-t Ilcbcl Itrport ft-otii 'hnrloion. i't'KTliUss Jlo.Nr.or., Dec. 2. The U'ehlnond Examiner of to day, lecel ved by the flag-of-lrucc, contains tho follow ing despatches i CitAntRTox, Dec. S3. Tho encmv commcnecd dhellini: tho city laft night, keepintr up ft steady the, which ion oicni airy, nim . m.j. PXM.v.nt ,... Cnei-.l H.,.n,h e. in Last At Satin t irte depot wera destroyed, ,r " -,' ,, ,, . .. , ,,' ,,1 ,i, containing 2.0U0 barrels of Hour, 10 000 rcnm-MW. l o u 1 this wo ., in.t .. Id tl e bushels of wheat, lOO.OUQ bushels of shelled gimcnti ol colored volimterM tunt i .. . i . .... ..... . n ., i i . .. have been rai.-ed ami are now in st rviec. A coin, uviAi'JU nu ii'is i e'lus, Dini-.-.s . . . . . , . . ,..,:.;.,,. ' . . .. . 1 . rnvidrv ViMntui'iit ,J lij-u'k4 1A also lcClll L 1111 been discharged since Marc h 'k, 1?l!'.t. Tho following statement will show what cases arc being new heard, and v. hat are laid over until alter the nersons nro draited ; i , . ... ,.. i . i "Onlv Surmo.t. &o."-Tli.-::e ca-ea mo not I :!i l..vr,l.l,in,r 20 bale of cotton. h M"J"r J'!!rr,,,d' 11)0 0,1 -.c "," Ctt) heard now, and cannot be until the pally is ; Mu a large amount of harness, shoes, fad- j actually drafted. It will be well for those i Oles, e luipnients. tool, oil, tar, and various ' interested to letuember that u mother (in j itlu i jtoies, mid one hundred iwsjons. The tho eyes of tlic law) is not a step uiother, telegraph v. ire was cut and coiled and burnt mother-in-law, or a ''iiind-amther. for hah a mile. The water station, turn I toADAMK l'0IiTt:l: M CfltATIVi: r,AT,--.M i line I'jnr t- .:.) t)m tru'h thitll.ciniii'it jr i ri-j' a ( in 1-' 'ii'imt th rc i' la friuTi'.-i'. nt. l !li:.- r.i"li. iit, I Is enm.iiti'lo.t nn frin:ilwiuilv I In lliu .l l listiiro ol .m nn : j hi' cuiunl'ii i hi ki .'nii ojifn the fi'W. nnti rroHtln n pcnMn fnti rnul (vnriulli, n this ciiurimI ty llio im of lliij Mctitfinp. lis r -Mi-'liiil qtetlilit fire .nit fit ilfl Jifuvr to lii-t lljf liiillliy iiU't iK'irfiiiieiicnliiliin.'1 l,l.o 1 llinmli llio Innif. it etiliri t.s tl.a iioi'iIk mil n.-i-iis the shin lo f. iTlorm lis t!ir. f f j'iilniiii'; ll:i 1 1 : 1 1 ol' lb' m-k- Icrn. rr.i In :!.;: !hn'nin ot llio n ..,: ..,1.. frmn ll.e ;ir;.:.. .1 : " I -I v. Il is i t,t vi ,t. -: i Int el), lint IV em lili' .'.t. nti miii". ivlii - " i e:I tVul hf iirur",'it at 1.J nn.l J.i i'. !,!.( i.,.f r.u :. I ll" tlVf llultlc. iiiif. A lire liroki: out at two o cloeK, ne st roj ing ten or twelve buildings, und cuitoiug a lew casualties. A lieavy firing is heard in tho direction of Kvrnnwr.a ix Hf:r. From r ; ',..,VM in'' -, : fT' Stono, which is believed to be between our j fim lioimsf.nn In v !;.;, ':n-ui ,-r. inrnn i., Latteries and tho enrmv's "iin-boaM. j "'". lnv U;i5if ,:!..,;m;ni'j L.vtkh. The hhelliug of tho eit v was con- I ''"J "'" U'," !'";"" l'd !lj'T :'"r tinned during the day. One while man was j o-l.-nf suite. nin nu 1 Ai.h lu-u.i . I in c...'lN.,f mortally aud a white woman slightly woun- tkti.r, tl.o wir i-m r.ui.mns il in-:i(l d .i i., . .j,., ded. Three tiremeu Were badly wounded "i-l'iai a U- met tl.i ,.iy '!'.,,",.r l.vthe falling of the walls of the binned "V V" ' " "; ' . .".'". vam ,.( ,is "Kicetion of l'un nts." W hen; two or ; tabh i mid three curs wh.j burned and t lie tv.ore sons are subieet to draft, the father or i tra:'!; t un un and the r 'is heated mid tln- widowed mother may elect which one f.ha.1 ; ntio-ed as much ns possible in six hours. nuild participate or find any plca.niru in festivities observed in this manner. The nomination of den. McClcilun by n f.w Partv leaders and some of these scarjely known out of the city, is looked upon hero, : us the stnullest tizlc of u grand, scheme, I that ever ciime fi' in tins city or tell'sh, , ii :i"t wonderful p.itnots. Tliere are n j n timber ef aspirants fur the Presidency. ! Anion.' them, the most iTominent are Mr. j Lincoln. tkorcUrv Cliase. Gen. Iianks, Gen IH'.th r, Gen. Grant and others. Tliere is no j li'iubt but thai President Lincoln has the j inside track'. AH cone?..le to him honesty j of purpose nn a disposition to do what j in ri.iht. These important quaiities in a man occupying atu h a position audi give him great weight among tiie masses. ! Secretary ( 'iia-e h is proved himself a man j of rare i.l iiify in the management of our j financial affairs. Gen. Hanks possesses, j pciiiaps, more adunnu-trative taient wian ami "Noinii.- -A r .'.Caul at I;iehmond. it is eiuacuit won; to attempt uj admission is m the London 7V I danurer.i'i and run the blockade of the rebel ports; and ot course this admission implies greater distress and scarcity ntaong the Southern people. Another corrcspniidct.t, who was with la J I I I , . . . , e ...i. " i il alien man as iuc in-i.-i'ii m 'a crisis l.i Miiiroaehni'T to test the Smth. i , . lie also (we (p.iote from the telegraphic re- ! port) "pays a high tribute to tho uiagmlt cetice cf Northern faith and self reliance, as contrasted with the lukcwarmnos ot the I be exempted. This claim must be put Of fori: the ilralt. and will not avail niter n i draft is made, if one or inure is enrolled in ; some olhi r di.-trict. a ri i iii at of tiie Hoard of Knrollnieiit to that eiVcel should cvom par.y the paper. Those exempted from the last draft for this cause need not f.!e nrw papers now; their n.iuica will not ;o into the wheel in January. "Two Krmhcr in Service." Thetc will lie la-i vd nfit : the iliait i made, and the .".pi':ic:it:..i.s should suite tiie name ( each bro; her, and the company and Hyi- ! n:t lit he is i!i, a-; tin v nin- t K sent to ali- iiudon C ity fur i-xatuinatioii by the Var Department. I'uh -s the bothers are "of the san.e f.inily and houeh'l I," this will not exempt. Connuissioned ot'Ieeis do not exempt in this case. "Conviction of lYlony" exempts. nlVr the party is drai.l. 1 lie appluatioii i-iiould lie accompanic I i a copy airy. This lust regiment is obtaining nearly one hundred recruits a day. If the Depart ment of North Carolina has been an expen sive one, it must lie allowed that she has beeoni" partially able to repay the Govern ment for the treasure cxptmh'd. by furnish ing her with men who are used to the coun try anel know how to u-c a lhle. lircoNsTiacTios. North Carolina istpeakinrr with no uncer tain voice in ref'Tcncc to tiie great issues of buildings, and ei; wounded. All quiet at Sumter. C'UAitl.tsToK, Dec. 2(1. One hundred and t'lirtv shells were tired at the city, from 14 l ive bridi'i's and several culverts wore ih stroyed over nn extent of fifteen miles i A hirire quantity of bridge timber and re ! pairing materials were also ih stroyed. My march was interrupted occasionally by the tempt sts in the mountains and the icy l roads. 1 was otiiigcd to swim my command : "lUe reconstruction M the L nion, t tic re j and drag my artillery with ropes across 1 turn of tho seceding States to their former I Croy 'a Creel; several times in twenty-four position, are now the immediate and great i hours. practical qui stious of the hour. Whatever 1 On my return I found six separate com- speculative theories there may be on these I mauds, under General Parly, .tones, Pit. I subjects, we have no hesitancy in declaring I Lee, lm! oden. Jackson, PjhoU and MeCau- that no State which has been guilty of the sin. arranged in a line extending from Statin- I tdninst unpardonable crime of rebellion and ton to .Newport, upon all llio avaiiuiue roads, seces-ion, should lie permitted to take lier to prevent mv return. I cantered a dispnteh place safe! v and Secuielv anions the from General Jones to (telle ral l-.arlv, "lvm;' loval States wh ! wi nr i: r Mirlli aihith ht or tell were shylitW . lir,H,u,i ,,, ,'r-,. ,"'.. ..... jtirittl lu :- ..l:a- iu. :i j iir..!'s' 'u-. tli i e: : limn H"iil l 'Ii' r:ii! "r ill i0 p:et witli di- tli aisreia l'liiut:tl,iiiii m' ho i'o. .'if ,,,vi fi-ini'i"n Is is-t c...e. i i ml'v li.'O.-.ti.-n'Tl-i'limi.i in oler'iii.l. -1 ii .''"! i 'i 1 ;! c. i.i'.i I .. o'clock on Thursday night to 1 o'clock on 1 (r.,m il Itr.mii s-ui: I'i.jii.ia:; 11. 'li oil:... ';.;,:! ,c Friday nfternoon. The enemy fired from ' iiu, 's. u; mil t...5 i;.W:t, uijtt fio guns, three from Gregg, one at Cum-, ining'H Point and one at the Mrtar Battery, j " " t'ixi!-: ot.N'd - r j lt '1 lie engagement on Johnson's Island, be- j M :.' r i . n.-i'-, ' ' tween our light batterii s and the enemy's If j"u ! hetii i--ul!cr;!i dvu i. ietj-jl in L'unboats, resulted in a drawn C 'lit. 1 here : " u,u were but few casualties. I'll Aid.KsroN, Dec. 27.- -The cm my Hr Jtlil. There I Yt Til fir i:T'! .'i:r-; " ' 1 . . 1 1 . 1 t . .L.. 1.1 . tl. : p , v I it. on drt i.l.. i-Mii iici.a lib itiu ii i.irt hi HUH 1 in: -..ittutlii i imtf, in ttu into.'C i , . . -ii i.l i ,.,;,,.., ,. t , ,r,.i. ;,in ! no linn inm Mmtm Klaiul to -uhv, vmy 'II IIIU 1 IVfliVICliV ) - - " V j iwi.iiii.i.tiiwi., . say? of the n eonl. and rebel armvunehr lh-.e'L. admits also that , the o.itliot two cuiens imiemu intr no il- an? lealing men, but the impression fontm-rn masses.- to, an i.ngnsn onserver is.'that he is "biding his time,-' and will j among tiie Southern people admit that they not make anv serious effort. Gen. Puller ! are lukewarm. This is a different state of w id, no diuii t, act in a sensible manner. Vfhat Gen. Grant will do, remains to he i seen. If he puts himself into the hands of; u:s-crupu!ous politicians, as v did, he may share tiie same fate. Chief Justice Taney, it is rumored, is dvin". There are man? anxious r.sii.rants. till that high and re-poiisih! : ofi'ee. j .iera is one cons jlation. that it w ill l.c lilicd j ; r. -.1 Union man. 1 H?" Mletixo or Tilt; Leoislati r.u. Thu new Pei.nsylvaiiin I.cgh-.lature wi!'. ! on Tuesday r.ext. In the Senate the! two par'.I.s will be a tic--18 to 10, owing' to the al'senee of Major 'White, Senator from ! Indiana, who is uow a prisoner iu F.ich- mond. lie was captured when ililroy re-; treated from Winchester, and has been held, ! notwi.htanding the special efforts made by j the government to effect ids exchange, sole ly hc'a!"C the rebels know that his return ; will t;ivc the Union mn a mnioritv in the en. M.-Ciel!an affairs from what is re-porleel by the Mielr mond editors', but we doubt not that it is the true one. The rebellion is on its la-t hjrs. and another will utterly (jUe'.l it. Let t',10 I'.eW tail for troops be promptly complied with, so '.hat the new camp.iign may be vigorous, short nnd deci sive. The North lias ample resources and uulaili;:;: z?al uud faith. Let these be we'd coin I'll III O.ll'l'Ul ,1". lll'l 11 ..v ,1 of the !i- trace of not beintt all his count i v in the tie-Id. "In Service March 3, lSi''V All the-e are cxenijiti d and 'laei d in tlu third cla-s on producing their di-ehuiLiis, ami showiii!: they are the person; inroilrd. This sho';!.! 1 e "done before the draft, or may I e done afterward. "Alien;." These sho'ild -ipply now. but if drafted, tin ir claim, if well ti.irvied. wid cm loot them. If already exc noted for alicnag tiiey need r.ot apply a.. . in. Tliosc exempted for '. id cai si' tor tin: July dr. .11 need r m w tin ir iipoih alio:' "Ovei l'oitv live i . ii ' I ii.i'li r'f'Vi'ii'," Years me their positions and that of Jackron. Clifton Forge and Covington were select ed to be carried. 1 marched from the front of. Tones to that of Jackson during the nieht. His outposts were piiistied in at a gallop bv the 81 li Vir- inia mounted inl.iPtry, and the two lirnlges the word l etc I. A . oe p.m neross jai Ksoii rivi i were saved, ml uougu thi ir banners. lOWetltOM-rve I I'li.r.'Ots bad liei-n liaiili'.! ivikIv to o'tiite I e-cuti lieons are unstained with treason, without a delinite aud une quivocal acknowledgment of tho truths and potency of the Proclamation. "Let them understand that it h a crreat boon to get back again and be embraced by the filial bonds of our beloved Union, wii'.i lavel v entirclv strie n oil' fiom ed ready to ignite j perin iueutly used and the South mif-t soon succumb. r ef Age." The; ea-a s. the pgc " tertliines r. In !'., man w!;. v. ; .- : liable to dm!': I'rtv-tive on t! " may app.y m the" first n't they are or , .!y tmt ; a man w ho , I ..f .Ii:':. all now. In July hut" 1i- ! not ii.iliiu. A ! .b.iy i-: r.ot beeann.' over i is. Wiier.: a m. i tiiem. j My column, about four miles long, hasten j ed across, regardless of the enemy, until all but my ambulances and a few wagons, and t one regiment had pa-scd, when a strong iiii'ortwas made to retake the lirt bridge, ! . i'ii h did not succeed. j Tiie ambulances and some f it k nif n were I lost, and I. y the ilai'r.ut -s and tUcdil'iicultics ' the la.-t regiment was detained upon the op 1 p.'isite until morning', when it was iisccrtiiin- ed that the enemy seemed determined to 1 maintain his position upon the ciii'.s which vcriooiicd '.lie i r When this great matter i tiled, cither by proper action 1 on the part ot ( migriss, or toe requisi.e , i thanges in the fundamental law of thee! j S'.ati s, they w ill undoubtedly have abundant I reaM.ii to njoiee that they have at last been i delivered from the leighiing mid deadly j gr:-; ' ( one of the irreutesi soeia!, moral . I uml political evils which has evet scourged I the human race since the Unml. batteries k( pt up a vigorous lire on the ene my's working parties, engaged in irecfnig another battery on the extreme end of Cum ming's Point. Onr los at Stoi.o waj one killed and live woumh d. from Yir?itit::i. FoUTItKSl Mi'M'.al:, Pee. 5 '3. The flag of truce boat lias anived from City Point, bringing live hundred Union prisoners, ill exchange lor tho-e sel.t up I y J Geheial lh.ilh r. The Ihbel (jovurr.Uitiit -I fuse any further exchange-:. iin!i.. s nil tiie questions nro gien up about which our Government has been contending, aud their , laws in regard to lellei rs and soldiiis of 1 negro regiments be rceogm.c.l. Tiny also I reluse to tvteive allag of t race 1p :n Genera I Iiiiller, or to negotiate with him on the sub ject of eX"hanges, beeau.-e of Jell'. Davis' proclamation of outlawry againt i.cia! ilutlcr. made la-l year. It will bo ri ineiiibered that they were quite willing to rceive mei'.leii'es from mei correspoml with him. notwithstanding the Proeiiiiiiii'.i'. n, which they now iimkc a pre text lor discontinuing the t.egot iai ion. 'I his issliown bv tiie fact that thev hav-.- .orerelv Wlii-'i IVII I: I', ual'a- lii'-ei 1' i 'l".: i i.e-". Ai-t II..- ;t .;.! -'i:l . MAS i. V. v .".V. c vitij!.-nn oiiiii...T,.:i; 1 ia A p.rii n.s. V"il't 'Lit'u 0 ill .hiri,t, BL'l ii Cut '..ill 1 il.l 11M". h" A !v- r' ; I f r i: - I . ' M'.'i. .J:c '1., r II. ia.l. ; I'm rf'.ils ua I I:. 5i b: A 't' ti W exchange I over five hundred pi I General Jkltlcr. mei s v. u In r..:w r . ! -j..-1 !"-vr b on th" 2M i:'-., Mr. i:;::.;:v rt'i !.::. r-.:'.-i "i y. an 7 m i -tii-. 1 In t'l" ei",- "f i!a:': Cr-tk. Mlchl.-an. on I t!.-: lt't'.i nit.', i-i ii!!.. .. oi' bi.t a f.-w j t !:, of !;! tive i !i'l1 t : ;: 1,-e. i-y. j:L- i i i.ia ' a i v., ivi." i i aoi. n i . '..:.'..'., :, a i j -b ye ii-i. 1 1 months a:i 1 10 .1 .-. ! Lf.'.IiUKV TTAUKIli'. i" or, s in ' I:.-.. n V i:at, ft !.'! ' 1 I ilr, Kxe, !.' I '! !!..... li : I'.'rn, 1'.' I .-.! 1, 1 i ; d.iu. 7'. ; !'..'-, 1) i Ilu.-kuV'it, T.'i ; il . '. a, 1 l ! I K.vt-1. ?! : , II..:. . It l.'loVPIs.lC'l, i 1 I.J ' il"llt'liT. l'i I caii-ed the bride 'iter. i ne ; great: fig ...-nan ami ;. for King Tlli Gilt-at Pet l.'il-gs account e'f th .fl.COO a -ide, ',. i.-.en li which took l'laro on the morio-ig of the 10th, at Tu.ibriilge, Lngland. King won in twenty-five rotiu-.l. the Cght having lasted same ruh 1 1 1" i : i-.niio til ! n e. t . j l.n -e W The London Times devotes a leader to ! lutuir, niKl puo'.iBiii s a account. It editorially says : lleeuan was game throughout, from the beginning to the clo.-e of the light, and he put the 'hug' on so as to crush bin antago nist by dashing mm to the ground. King's tuclica were elii'.lient anel mole creditable to a professor of pugiiisiii. They coiis'iiUd simi'lv in striking n Series of hammer r.r.d scte-iti'. e .lav, until the lattercoiiai'icd irom eximustioii. The was over m twenty-four rounds and thii.y live minutes. There abbc-ars to have been .1 from I little "science" on either side, but it w as I', a la.r nai;. I up i:gh'., witi.'itit a cneel;, and ended in a tiecuivo Victorv .or Kirg. 'ike j'ii-us Ciine'.udei its article by ii,;ert- that. "priie Dijiiting is more revolting " and ctight to be dLiantr- :phic special The Senate is always an orgnnired body. It is necessary that it should be so in order to provide fi.r tiie contingency of tho death of rlia Governor, in which case the irpcakcr biows cu the most iir. inii.egt of t',. ......t,. i..!.-.'K i!. rveniiv.. Irarti if lleciriu's iihysiogne Ilvn. Jiihu P. r.iiny, of Allegheny, was chosen Sneaker at the close of the last ses sion, i.cciuse. Speaker Lawrcr.ce reti the Senate, ami it was nee"; ssr.rv tlierefoie to elect u successor v. j.ohe'nl over for the j r: ison. It is f. ', on the meeting I of the Seiia'c. to proceed to the election of a ! aaiv'.r. ilio custom lias been i" accepted. ' j :st as is the custom of the Sp.aker to re- i fign. at the clc'c of the scs.-ion, cvui if hi- j time t'lics not expire, nnd we doubt r.ot that it wi'd be observed ut the coming meeting i cf tiu.l body. Put if the Senate fails to ! elect, as we pus '.me it will, is it to be re- i parded as a body war.titig in organization ? ! If tho tenate should l..u to elect a speaker, is tiie chair vac ant for all purposes I If Governor Curiin ihou'd die or resign, would rot Setiator Penny l.'icome Governor? We tl.ii.k that no sv.lie man vrcul .l deny his right an. I duty to asuin; the Kxccutivv'functious i in that cu": ; r.mi if he be Speaker for that j, for purpo'c is lie ho! Speaker ' ; If the Copperheads attempt to retard I he ' organ;,". 'ion if t!.f Senate, by re) Using to j fow.ide tiie ekviieu of Sj inker Penny, then the L'tiii a win have no course left them but J to upon l lie ir extreme rights. Fori.i-; record, e. itifcaic i f birth or b-.i "wand:riiiicli," or other ivcurd can bo pr - ; dticed, it saves time "d trouble to bring' it. ; us it is the best evidence of age. Tho.-c cx- i euipted on ae'e last '.'.raft uw.l tvt n new ' t'.icir npplie.iti.iiis. ; 'Over Thlrtv live and Manicd." The ' ppiies as in previous paragraph. "over thirt - and mar- rie.i" on tl-e 1st of July are exempt not ! these who l:u;e m-irrh sine . cr sim-e In- ' come ov-r tliirty-livti years of ai'.-. Tlm-e ; air. ;.dv exempted for '.hi1- cause are now in ; il.e .second eia- :. an 1 need not apply again, as they will not be e(T etc.! by this draft. "'.. lent This re'Vrs to t'.ioe 1 who did not reside in the Uistriet at the time of tiie hist enrollment, on the :irst of July last. They should r.pp'.y now to be stricken off, and bring c id-nee nicertiiic-.te of the propi r board that they are enrolled at t'leir ;iopi r rc-i-dences. 'i'liose already j- eAl'lilOll.U l"l til...l.ue:. l.l.u II''' em " ...... application-'. "Xow in Service." The fi'er.dsor t'!:'. tives of this class ofperams may have th. ir names ftiicki :i oil' by liiiug proper eid. m e of tiie fi.cts. "l'iivsieal Disal iiitv." T he air. .dy ex- Washington, Dc. !10. An i-xpe.iiti.m. ; to co operate with .eneiai Averi.l. coiisi: I ing of two r.'gim.-r.ts of infantry, four inin- ! ' Tli ei 1 cak a! in . and a ! "ittcry of six gun. al force numbering l.UU men in nil - under i ! the Com iii and ol l.'o'oiu 1 ( leci g... 1). Wells, ' j oi' the ".till M.i-'ic.iu-.gts b-f,. nl ry. has re- ! turned to llaip-r'n Ferry without th-; loss j of a man. after penetrating to Harrisonburg, j i Weill Geneial Avcrhi had lini-lied his I j work, and Col. Wilis ha I i.ccontpiisln d his i diveisioil, s'.rii t.iy acordiiig to oi.iers. the j Matter found him:-! it confronted by fioui 1 i 7,000 to ;0,0!)0 of Lie's loics, with Gen. ! Ko.-.-er's brigade and a part of ;' mart's j icmalrv in his rear ut Koval. Pv ; le, but by which I crossed over to the top I e'ev. r'stratecrv and furred iiiare'.ies.'Cohi'.iel ! of the A lh gheniis with my commend, ! WUs, escaped the. former and avoided th the exception of cassior.s, v.hich were ; MU.V fK, mu rea. l.ed his pot wi.h his ile.-!roye".l in order to increase the teams of 1 ,.. :imi imu.itions null irmcd, lie made a j th..-pieces. j march of fortv-three miles in thirty bonis., Myitis isiiiximn tlrowned, one ofi'.ecr Si desperate seemed the chances of the I anil lour men w ounued, auo lour umceis ami nn.'' it ou that tiie re be s ot lncliester . . . . i l ets not a man wouin; hundred reb'l iiri-'oners were! brought safely off. LI-;Y ADVKirnsildlhNTS 1. which were long ami high, to be de.-trov ed, mi'l the ineti.y iiim.etiiutily eh ngttl his i '. itiea to '.he li.iiiA Mid rear oi the tb.t.ih, '.l.ieli we.s cat oif. 1 -ent eider-, to tiie remnants to destroy our wagons and to come lo me acro-s the river or ovtr tilt: mountains. They '-'.am tin: rier wil'.ilhe los.s of only four men ili'tcviied, und joined me. In tiie iiuantime the fore.-, of the enemy were concentrating on meat Caiiaghan's ovtr every aiaiiuble road but or.", which was deemed impracti- E ioiti Etm-oiM" .Ni:w V. : The steamer Olvnip:;-. tioui the I Oth instant, ha-, arrive'!. The ships im.'eit li.n i r. V for Xcw Voik, and Amanda fo were C'lptund ami burned ! y Alaiiama, -Nov. b'.. of; Java Head A private im-stigathm was : at 1 'liecll-'.OV, ii into l he I''. ' .'In. there 1 v the Fid-stc-vm i Kei i : re-'ooinit nl admit- that the b!i lime, made ae.-i D. C-s. T.v:; i he r .... In ail ni. i.l tl'.l'. : r.-.l 1 S! 1 1. ' mi J. .Ii ri -.1 i C' I" l :. i;..r I. 1 i I i y. r.-.i:. . " ':.: nt M. 1-ih ; ut il j The llichm don Times i now. for the mets real I V 1. I ei- I '111 ;cn ai 'file col n -pomb.r.t of vvitli the rel.ei mm; of thai the cii.-i is nppn n, and '.ys a in d,', tin- v 'fi em s.-t. mliing ti il tribute to nun i iiii'ii : jlleled lieavy We captured about t wo hundred prison- ! n-mrn. One crs, but have ret -until but liveoiueeis and; eighty men, cm account ot tin ir ln.d.i.ny to waik. Wo took also about oneTiUndred fifty horses. My men and lior.-es have subsisted entire ly iqion a very poorcountry, nnd the oilicirs ami men have sutfcied c.'.lU und hunir and fatigue with remarkable fortitude. Mj f ;(.:(. .. ..;v.W. e!Lu'-f I. iii I ml .lfili,'l I'.oo in)!t, -tin C t'u' S.'l iriti't. vSlgr.nlj W. W. Avt.uit.i., i'rigii'liir Gen will. i; than hull jig aged." l'" Foi'.ii'NAi;: Man. A ce-d t perator in Carbon county, has sold his lease on some lands there, with the machinery thereon, for sevea hundred thousand dollar?. A few years ago ihe ti.iv.c opeiator was bankrupt. He is now almost a millionaire. IS The cfiirird lb! .1 loss at t hicka m.Hi.'.i is .ate.i as follows : Killed, two tliou-and two hundred, and ninety-iiit.e ; e'aui rously wounded, four thousand seven hundred and eighty: slight ly, ten thousand five hundred; missing one thousand nine hundred. cmp'ud f.-r physical disability need i."t ; apply. Other ci.rollt ! ei-.-n.-. :::..y !-. i - .'n.d where the di-ai'iii:y is uiar.ili-t and : ,i.: maiient. Men S..1V1 r'.rg from cpili ;i-y, lung, liver it heart til.-i a.-e, or other atfee-i tii.ns ef the kind, need not apply until 1 d.afttd. Person- v.ho were hen tofoie th-.fied and put in substitutes, juiid Commut iti n, were : cxemjileil by riamiof phvsie..! di.-..biiity, ' in ed not gi e tin i.iseiv iiuy cn!'..: n about ; the coming draf:, tin ir I .ing tint of the wheel. It is baldly probable- that any , P'irson having Valni claims for cxcn p'ioii will le lefn-.'l to I." heard, befnre t r i Ihe tlrad ; il i- :i safer plan to ap ply l.-e.'. ire the oih, if the chum i- et.e licit t.0 requiios. ! A Y.'t'N't C;i.i. Kib:: vi iu: men i.-iied the hoti-e of Mr. M a (Jii.iker, ie.idi.ig mar lliehvk ingtoil county. Til., on the nig! i.j.-i., armed v. i;U i'V..!vt r-, an his e'.aughti r, a beautiful gii ;. 'i'liirl.-en ; i. A. l.ii.t.m, ' w, i.l Wa-li- . it of th'' ."lh l d demanded 1 of sixli t li. . K n: jx'h' 'llahie. Lie S. n respect part;, lints. I i lection, then , Ho U a hiah-t ined, iionora I An Asoki. is Ibst.i i.-K A Fi.M.ij.Au At- TltMl'T AT liol'.iii.UY. 'l'he wife of an (.nicer iu the army, living iu Wilii.ini-on eom.ty. liiinots, recetltiv rt reived liolil her hu-bautl a package c. iilmni j'.i t home ir: .-taiii death t refusal. gin v. as t'.i.i: i.i boo!, on pain of the entire family in ( tanee was ;:npi,ssi!'l ed to her room, f.ui e in e of the 1 to they .v, ill not concede hi.,: t must be manifest that thev j ' seven hundred dollar-. a uortion ol iviin.i l .-huinrd to tiie lami.ies or. r.nd coinuiaiHls the uubouiidcd i of tolilii rs jiving i:i that viiinity. A i-'vv ff all his as--'i,iat'.'s, r. uardlti i ol i 'lays uftir the reception ol the money t.i.-ie cuine a tek solili'-i to the hoc.-e ot the o:i:: ii t wile ami a-uc-i permission io n - i main ovci ii'glit. Ill" woman leiu-ed, rut the -,o!. lit r jusi-ting, siie finally consented. ' During' t!m night the family was aroused by i the violent i.aoiking of parties out-idc, ; who deinau hd t'ii'.t the door be opined, ; and if Hot fp' lied thev would blcnk it Idoivn: tin-i, llicer's wife had a lot of lature w ill , mom ; , and l!u y wi re bound to have it. : 1 he woman was trrnllcil, and giving the I liii'Iii'V to the sol, :ier inside, seert tt d In I'-t If "".! I.'. r. i;'.! n I,. .ii il,.. ,.!.!,, r ,.v, ! ,ie,. ib(. to make provisieti f..r Kubtuitling the ! ,.(p ;,, ,, u i',i t l. kiard by nmendmeiits to a vote of the people, ut a ; : lie illains out i. le, "1 am unarmed, but if H'fa oi. elt ctioii some tune thu mg the Kiim- J nana pistol i wm.Td i.n the ui.iu.s. i.i' r, i th u the ami n.lim may be- a l.ipt td in f'.-.i-oii I't the soldiir to vote at the Oi tuber ( lection. This will be ri -iste l bv the, carried to a ..t'.ggy. anj t:.c.i away; (igbt men remaining to guard the bou-e until morning. Mo clue b the villains or her w hi iea'.ioi:'. has hi -ti gaiut .1. A p'.-rlVet ri ig il of b. ri'.T ha.s existed in that regkui for sonic lime. Tin .-e fieinl- are I (lieveti lo be 'fcc.-sion.-ts, and took this huirible mean to i mi arrass the gov eminent tn the utmost extent of their power. In that case the 1 1 -igmitioii of i'i tuiio. Wiiiic must l.c fb.'liveie I ami a new Union S i.a'or I.e had in his place dt the ii.-lii .-t in -il le rt. i tn it duty of the It the proposed amendments to the m, allow im- so'.lii i s to vote ; and 1 to Villi lliiii' hosliiily to u J eaceful the 'iZ . lag. Sevts t'roi:l lic South, From late Kichmoud pipers we make the follow, ing interesting extracts : A bill requiiiiig a tax of one tenth of the crop of .-went potatoes throughout the rjuuth ha- p., -e 1 the rebel Congress. A bi'iju-t passed enacts: That nil nv:-ci.ui-, I'r.v ites and non commi-siohed tnli-ce:.-, iio .v in the armies of the Conledt rale ."states, by virtue of volunti ering, enliotmeiu or conscription inio military service of the Coiit'e'hrate States', be and thu a.i'.ne is heri by lebiiiied in s.iid service for and dttring the existing war with tlu Uuiled States aiin no longer. The following rc-solutloaj have been adup'.id: 1. That the notes of all banks in the Con'ate St.iles iield by alien enemies be confiscated. '.'. That ai! filch notes which shull not be d'l'o-iiid i.i the banks respectively which have i- ued the same, w ithin ninety days after the pa.-. -age of this act, s.kall be pre sumed to I.e held by alieU enemies. lb 'filial any bank which may incur a debt to the Government by reason of .such confis cation may discharge tiie same or any pari of tin same wiilan a Certain time by paying one tenth thereof in fpecie and the residue iu bonds of the Cord'ci i rate blaUs. i. To apply .similar principle, to cotton aud o'.ln r paper negotiable by deliverv. 'ii'isc tte ticliioll ia St. Itiiliigo. .Ntvv Vtmii. Die. lit). tamer KoanoKe, lmtn Jbivauii on I ioia oi-tli i'sii-ollnn. Mew Vent:, D c. Si Tiie following intelligence fiami Hv.r Carolina has been receive. I by iui r.rrival this port : .-oi: liiti'.'ence ol g.oi '.lit-i n iaith mi. as c.mtia.-ted with tiie luhi an S e.:'. hern !n;i:;--. 'l'here are rtmi-ri i.i ll'iginr. ! Lie material r.jituc'tion m t i ! t slimab. -. The liiam.vnith ir e ! Mouhii'ir, of nearly seven hem j salt lv launehc'l in Un.- I '1 he replies t f the Cb-tman j ti ei. 1 iiim.i k au-l i, ia ; pri-po-e I C'oiigrt ..: arc pu' IV ,.'ol.'o-.-l , (I'llllll te-t li li e m e. c ti e:.;: .' :nn'.:a' ;.' ; . i J a : ft ..: ii vl "T . I : i. .-.' I t. a 1 a I llie'eir;. ,,l In 1. 1 ! ! '' i.i. "a -ti II n i: .N .iv I." 1.; h ; i c. i...:. Un. g.ii.l b i.fiit 'b 1 ."e iv .1. i-l . Au ng b i u le.n .' co The m 'V o, dh i. nlh gi mini gcrcd tt a number of -oldiers vv ho hav e r. lines, bv which t In v act .; f. red bv the rivs'di til l hiil a large number tkw ribc! army iv.d 1 - iike-.v ;.-ii.-t oj poi tunity. i heVii'.-o . D.c. Cn :::, I ..( u i obleels a e irto i .I Lie pile l''U dlrv bii.ig il.te a id b. VI: 1 t! I ' I d ill' o I' ll Druv riii alar n t i u'ly to t be A gri ts re ! i i iv o n t he f. r flu Filli p, an Cong; i tie i Un m r'rer.e .en l.'.'l: T V 1 us e. ; I '.' i.' ll li '1 w'.,- r.-' A. K V a pr.-p !:o aic still in at tin il' 1". :i; .it. at in s JIM '. e ..-.ji-ue !.i v. ilmiug'Lon paper-annnuuca l.ieiit'i.e t' port of block. '..h; rum.icg slt inn'l' great numbers. A refugee who has ri.tit .led ut .' sa;. .. in ii i a 1 1 . -1 :. je i. had arrived the.c culhe l.igi.l U i; ft. '!"' plan of leasini out ll.c iibaiidoncd plantations iu La-urn Noitti ar.'iin.i. adopted by lion. Divid Heaton. Sipc: v i .in;: agent of the 'i'leasUiy DepaiUiu iil at ll.i pia.c, is proving a gl.ett sirc-s to the De partnicnl as well u of utciit In. to tin. laboring cla-.-es of l.'.jth coiors. of Iir m I y i '. ilnlil' I'.ebutt pit. . ': ;ianf'i I. as I're-tiati 'l 'rare.-, is !'. -nly lo t , g w i'.h t i.e Gov i :: on p. it iilt aiiv among t : ., llab'e K lea to T! : Tl: r'.'jip.emenniry I IU toe .-!!''( by a ii: I rent n t i th : n. . 11:.: 1, . fleet io --ol Il.e o: .iui ity. e ha- bet 11 Of P.: till eror. Jfi ' ol miui.-.ti rial I'roiu rSi-vw Oi-ieiiuf. :w YoltK, P The George Wa.-liing!o it, so. from I nion ii an. . . ... C'Urittiu:iM Dinner nt Ntaiiltia ISo... j.ilnl. On Chiistuias ii ty diiiner w:.; prepared .1 inst., arrived ut this port this luoiu- le to pas- f -1 !y but us rovcrtlv as po-sil Copp. rht ads ; but thi y i aliliot th ie il it If the I l ion iiieu a;.-tn:e to tin ir i m: Tills done, I.. e people will adopt thi mm :. bi.iiits . I an i.v . i vv in lining 1 ole, in pi .e i f t i p j Jieihial poiiticiiu.s, " and the oppoial.ts f the governnit id i.i !' i.t.i-y Ivani i will ... aree- j 1 .' l.. .l-.i- a re I.l table t'lul in tLe Ill'M, lhc uoor was then bur-t open, ami t. u iiu ii disgui.-ed as ii. grot-, niei. d lhc hoi;.-.-, li.'o .-hots weie in-tiiiitly find ut them, killing three of tl' party and wounding anoih.r, the iti'..i.i,iti.r li. .1. 'l'he blacking Inn im' bit n wn-hed from the f.ieei. of ihe ih id, ihw v, . r.' t!i.. eovt s-d to be (he woman's in .in-t ini;;l.t .is - i:: la.v. 1 ' ce ti ..I. Alii ,: In . , in. . . I .nt Mid h t i very Ul tt.l1 line. th. r lue luit n in the l.i 'b ij i f f'l.'i mall It nt I i -n li t..e tin- Malf ! ii peist ull ; j i'l.i.l'ot,! i PoSVII'S I !' CoAI. T.f Coid (ipnii,ui ( I :! im;, laid loui.ty j.iop,,. ,. .I'.e'' u 1,'iiiiitily of i oal f t ll.c r-'befi-r ilis !'!. i Ir ( faii.iiii in I Lila h I J'hil, if ub,,nt II i I fallen allien. 'I h foul rl be ii riih,.! I by Mr Giurge II, eh orinitii i f lhc I . IV I ni i-l .a t'jl'l ' I 1 11" I'l.i! eh ! 1.14 und lb It U i-i l:..l'n tl I 0' i'y I. Ill olml'll .1 ( i.l n-ul old Lnglish .-t .le, at Stanton !1 tal, in charge of Surgeon John A. l.idell. United .Stuits Vol u.tei :-. Turkeys ami chichi ns, :.n,l gout! old ale and Keg.irs Weiu provitlctl, whith were highly relish, d by the gallant fellows in ti t ho-pitnl, some two hundred iu hum! cr. Among the di-liu-gi.ishcd guests j iv.-elit, Wile II. m. Il lvvin M. Maii'.i.u ami wife, Senator Wilson, of Ma-aehnM'tts, Ft prt srUt.itilc A. W. Chill., of jeW Yolk, and others, who t p.i-:ed thciiiselU'K highly jilia-etl vv il'n the i Mi He ill iiri' li.riii m.iilu by lr. l.i.'.ell Si, .' I U. Ion addi'e-i d tin a-' ii.bbige ill a I'liel iilnl ..t : i.-lii- 1 H it ll, whith Was clithu-i.i.-i.t.'aliy received by llio-e prt si lit. t I.l lluu l: til llir 'vuiuli'Nii'iil iiiii . (hi ( In i itliins (lay, the soldiers fit the i oiivah-rt nl ramp, i.ei.r Alexiiiitli ia, about 'l'he Uiiiti-d t-titov ...inii,, r c cu'Iium Its ' four ihoi.-aiid ill number, i niovi d a mb- iiiivi t Cm utoii.big iu I ii i'.ttu honrs tioln ' Maiitl.i! and houis-lik dinner of tuikev I ii.u'i st.iu bar. Sim I iingj. M0 di-el.aic. d , ami poultry, willi th act i l n n, -i 1 n ii, un. i Id ii i'd i: t si. ut-r - ipmr eli'.i l"."l I'n ihnliiif li.itliaiii I , l.n'l .1, an er J I nun, w hilt- Idtt li ting to I .c.tpc I'hii I. la I ... A :l i .. a.. ie ir. i r. I l lie 1'luludi Iphl i, ut im ii..- hum :: t. ii on i.-.u i j vinous ' mm iieieniiiiii ii in uiako tliu liiuil.tor lii ol lie ..,1 ol -ll'lll til lis, f'l l '41, li .1 .l 1 buy elml Willi U ej,l t ) 411 1 II f. Ull'l lill . .';, A dn. ir il I i.ih'gii ii. j. u... ,, i"t udu.iiiibly. 'Il.e uilkaiJ '1 he d gi bo ei I ii 1. 1. 1 ; .ii bail.,, r arc to ib 1!" I l In i r iimt., und laii.d the oh! D.iiiibir -in.. No rvtiii oi in poriaiici' iini -itie.i:!,, n,i!4 p, ,t. uuhim lurni of Mi u. led .line I hi .ring ut ll.eli t i Go ka'aul b ,lovv lm ll.ui k aw the ". gll 'e.lllllT. Ill'.ol,.1 rmiM I by ll.o ofi'.ni, m nil. ng l.ul lif'c f.riug Ii4 I O' emu I I it ween the i upon i .,ing ,: i, it,.,, p, inuuti ,. Ihf pit i l"U li ibiv . i ' I alio I dil.efi ul I, nin i in in di un s uiiiu ( i Uiiig I iiiioie. i. ii ijuiiio; I -i-i I i il ea.i,u In (ill-. I il'-fi U'l I fifi I.l "ii im nil in i cel. i inn 1'ro.n 4 !iiirlt'-.tii. J'.'UTlit: it MoMtoi:, Di e. V;7, j - l iiit.'d Unii ...inii., r M. mchuseits ; I ll.M utoii.big iu In , f.u,i honi i tioln 1 The rebellion in ?t. Domingo wss still 1 I'ogre; sing. TiieU' w ere about 10,000 Spa-ni-ii tniops on tiie I -html, hut they cannot pent traie into the iuttlior 0.1 account of the bad roads nnd the liar ot bliiig pithed i-ll' by the Domiiiician guerrilla-. I he iiisurgt nts have laj'tund live hun dred Spaniards. .vcvir.d plucis have bt tu captured by the .piuiai'ds, but lmve I nn .stiLuiueiitly ie t .ipiuitd by the Dominieaiis. o.iir.g to the I. ick i f tints und i'lankets, '.he S.aiii-h troops are ei. filling heavily, thirty or buty living daily. Fil'.eeii lien ihe I h ive been si lit home and four lititKiu d were ill I he hospital. Santa Auim is cp the Oama river. A Sp.iuisli i-s'.l in. !ing eff iit. Di Uiingo city. - .-..-.- - -- .triii) ol ilii- I'vininur. J!i: vti t;i .in i i. us Ai: vi v or nu: Potomac, I ii c, ill. - ( hristnias was tpiictly -jji nt in taicp. Mo important iviltl ui.iiked the tlay. Tiie town of Culpepper Mel vicinity is nil of pa-try, mm i i iiiiui d by u stmiig Iniceoi our inlaii- e. I.'.i uti r.iilil Coltuli I Mi Kelvv. cum- , trv . with battel le utt.ichetl. Ii.alidaiit ol the Ciimp, had plelioUslV imr , "The lieW Ul rnngelnelib. Ci'llCcrnillg passcti- I three thin. s..iid pounds of pouiliv ill f i f'l' Ihe miny bale been completed Mil net ui.v, go Xew Orleans on the Irlh, and M.-si.,.-;ppi. from Xew Orleau-. or. the ISth, arrived at tiiis port this morning. The latbr steamer brbigi a nmiibt r of rebel ii.-om. r-, including Major General Frank Gai.lner. At the late Convention In Id at .Ve'.v Or leans of Free State me::, cilli.l for the pur pose of choosing uneou .i'inind Union mm to rt present the Mate of Louisiana, iu the Convention of the Union nu n of the Slave States to meet at I.oui-v ille, a th h ..alimi ol Colored men was atlmiiud to 'eats, and the roceitliiigs of ihe Convention ware opined with praver by a colored minister. An tui.,oui netl meeting will be held on the :11st. An dibit will I e made to have the general Convention In hi in New Orhar.s. Vlir. HAVOC' iHIUAf l lf'MT. Mi.'.v YoiiK. Dec. 27. Mr. (Jatcheil. the . eorrt -p.'iiih nt who was captured at tin' II ivou Coteitu light, states that there were fix hundred private-. an I I weiiiy four olliccrs raptured with him. lb- statt s that ll.f iii-:i-t: r vv as ovv ille' to the bad conduct of General Washbuine, and the miilautry of Gem iui Hurl ridgo alone saved lhc whole corps from cnptuit.. . .. ... l iolil Ailtiiiisaii. l'onr Smith, Ark., Die. So. The CLoctiivv Chieftiiin JlcCaslin, with other reti I Indian hatiirs, inine into our lit , to ilav nnd nun lull rc.l tht mselve to General McNeil. They have abandoned the ('unit derail- alliance, and proli i a de-ire t avail thcuiMhts of the niiine-ty per the I'n i. b ill's amnesty piorhiinulioii. 'l'licir rxiiinple will have u powerful inlluince over all thu rebel t lit x ii. The nppn luiihioiut lu l l for the fili ty nf the iiiitui iui) Mipply, wfieli is on it way trout Foil Smith, incouiiti for the piv Heiico of Stall vvuitu mid Cjuuiitrtl in Und diiietiiin. rni'im ed llnginu :n ss proji el. Kuniois eouiinui 'iu-iii.:. '1 ic ll-dst. in o'u s.ion i lerm iu troop; ::re a' out I nit lh" Federal th.tei u.iiia; i .e.'.' d that the D.mi-h ir lor thwarting I t e! - ei'h.tUg' ent. r t n, ami I,:,' Jb.rr " ion SAL! ;m; ii" 'ii i.'''i.' . 1 1 ! K i .-r " 'II . !-Vi K 'K I II" ! : .' s e..' i : I i . s '.! :'il.:.l .r !i red t retire to avoid a conflict. 'l lie l r..tikfoi i Diet has voii d a'.i :o. prialion of 17,l00.ii0j tkalcis. for exin esi. The revoht'.ioiiary party T Viuiiiii i. moving. -.ti:' I vti:-t. Qt bl'.NSlo'.V N, Dec. 1(1. Tiie lii '.stelp tjiii stioii contiiiUi s thre'i't nimr. Tiie rebel repre-etit iti'. e, Mr. Siippi rville. has reached France via Mixic". lMi:i;iiiNii to t 'k in i". While Pi'i-'ulcnt Lincoln wa hi- house Willi the varioloid called to f - mpathi.e w on the chiir.u ter of his f.t'Ki.r.s. e.bine.l I 1 some' b e m lh him, i -pu ia! a-e. "Y.-s." I PUBLIC tiV VAS.c' Mil. . 1 : A. I t " t r.e ';'i b: : t z. i i!;i i in I... I I.' . b . I , I -,. y ! : 1 .1.. , I ; ovi ! : ; i :.i..A- . i 1 1 said, "it is a bad di-can', bt.l advantages. For the t'.r-t time bt en in oli'ee. I have -en;i il. 'i'n' to cvirvbodv thiit call.-."' it has M I 1 I'.J'.V II- i.'ilbs ; ( "1 i'.:'. .l.i .nn ll'd .-K ll..i'rs.ll ' UU "ill .11 -lino -'. II .-pi il..' 1 1 I ' ' I - .ll: I Hll I T, U ll'l .-!.!- I.. 't iini . i' : i lh, ;,'..... in.' Ili.ii:.- "i MIi 'iAl.b 'l i e mi 1 T-iri I v, Ul . ;.. . , i . -I. .ilS'.ii. M ini'- in Mi.iin ihl, b M . A. 1.. . ... n i i 1 1 1.''. ' i-.n'l In,:.' I :i l: I v la Auoilirr l imuilliiH lliiltl. llo'TON, Die. Ifl. The Pt. (Ml ITsr,,'.!, publinicd at Calais. J Me , nmr ihcbor hr ol lv liruinwn h, klal A hirc f. .rt b ii ei'llie Amoi i.-'l. ' If ."" vil,"1 ly uiiHiiitrc i'i (he th-h-l.-rieiis t ;T ' ini-i.iinl in Ife (.' l l' I'. .lull. "II Si'b llilll-. dl.T' ''V 1. 111. illg I-, e.'. mil Ai 'lo iv in,' lii'iibli- ll l:i-'li.'-t i .'it.'-ii ti . t ml 1ms he. n ut Inine. I in lln: 111:11 nl ii'lurc et' Ibna k Allen ti. bl .M.-.litl !ltrl.!. V-.- et o pnpur. in. I -ti i! I ii. i r lui o .tn 1 . In r. It it pi.'.' -i In nl t.f mill In in.' "illi iTiiim Hirer. Tit i' 1 "T nl" I'V linat ol tin' tioiei-ri. Mli'l l'l'U);.os:. I'l l ut iv Inilfsule by llio 'Jrailu (tfin-riiily. I'i n ('..ion o. Cnii'i. ash 'I nnd it bis. i i ii.-. t.-c -lint. , ' i'n iMiimil 'I'n chi i." L r ilijr , ' 'l tln iri iii -:ii v l.y R lil nt m iny 'in 'J r . -U -Bit- liij-hly ric. ii. int'i'ih' 1 di'ii i ribortLiil by 11 y i '.iai's ui.f .-"urini'S in lln- Army. p mi si i mi itrn ) Puluiiiiury 4'oiiiuiiliii u in ut'lc Iti-t-ii-.r ! ! A c.l:l. Tj ("c-isi Henri T!i ei'l'tshitni likiirijf bs n iv L'.i'.ih in few w.'tk', by vriy iini'lt: ri'U.e.l,v, ufnT 1. v iin; ti ia-ifil t'vi'ri.1 yi tn wuli iiti-vt ic ltti' td" -(i"ii. m l tlml ilrr tj il'-.-it". C. i..un ( :1 n - i- mvi .lit I'i luuks kuuMB lo Li- UIIul. -llfltlkr4 lln) li. m ef rtne. Tn nil wlie .luir il. be mil naJ a cef.y f f lli 1 ro' .t..iiuu ui.l tii uf eLuit-;, ti UiifC ii.i t , f.i ii j ui.u" an I iiuii' ll.o nD.r, oli'li th" nl f.ti l d luiv cum' f'T t'i.uniiij'li"n, AtiluuH, bioncl'i . Iu. I .null. I'nl'l'. 1'' I'll I'lllv nlj 'cl i f lilt ub I ifi'ut i ni .nliHii llio I'm lii'ii.'u i Ii lai til Me e l W, b. ;:'.i; - i .'UT ; "11 i'i" we-'. ' hi .1 ll.ui I" I' .. '. ! hii I'' ; I"' I' .'! :' lli"-l '.I: I i v.i. .i libs, i.h.i'i i ' -.11 . i- '1 .i : I- V' : . -.ill Al.-v : .V l.'oi IM 1.1 Mi.. l.l l.-.v. , r .i ieiii : I : -i I .. Jl. v. p., . I, .u.. I' i . '. I I'l...:i.' ' II II '- " 1 .' i" "II ll".' II l ill i y h.l: 1 -. i I ' I I rii-.f. ti'.,, ei .:. A : ; . buiie K,!,.,. 1-1 ef :l Ul. .1. s !.l ie I. -i.. i-. M-: i. ami. l ilnlil.;.. '. .;. t-v i a. i r -I'. ' r Vi . Im. V . .. r. i :. : .' n. i'i'.. ' re.'. n- I i h: I. ' v 1 1; v'-.iSt. w : b 100 L-.i-l. lh ll I'I I'a., Jivlli:::s HAM - : Ta-Ciia ::., i::-. b i .: 'I :.. ,.n l: !.'!. 1 : i I .- V : I i 1 ' .iili.iini-i ..', .1 . I., nl .. I .11 ll.l: AM bb l: 1 . 1. .: l::i he i III. I .I b. i.,.. .. . '! I K .'. A.:".-.-. . .; . Ijk l I "II. Hi a din il 'I In li..ii.i I. and iii"i:iini Hie all Im .l''l ..( ll.l If III to day. 1 ii'-i nu'r tram lorlhe liolil It lie the atlilli;toU tit pot on Mai;, bind avenue daily ul l)..'ni A. M. and .' Uj P.'.M.,'il toppiii;t al Aleloindiiit. Ad uimy pa- eni i u-i l und lounlir kio in ti hi ( nib, in Fnk'ii'.h, of Gimral i.". . ,. l i ,o i emu fi iii ma ol I IK' iippr i ,,, Vi,;,,!. othtr than for the ! n-ul. ii,.li.t.'.l rut. i by ihe rebel u--til mol , "I k . iUHiui iviUu.t5.u.4 uiy m.v tti. iViiiiii'i'Ul AU itii.lii. i.tiiiiU" fiom il.e tbimty rst. John. 'I ! I ''" 1 'll ml ,li t, lid. LlllltlV to facill- l itil li . of Ciibm ud l.lslpoit halt- tormi: I I I'mllt Ii.LI tb P'tS' v ul I r V .. I . I I. . . I 1. . .... . I- I . 1.1 . i I IjIu (lull III lh illie.liig. All iaw I iieiiisi 1 1 1 lino n e v. ui u-, mi "i M..J ' gue , f 4 tA. N ;'!,'. lu'f 'I tllO '-Ul.'V. I '.l .i .M b 'i '.. t. : ' i A .1' I.U ii O' l.u. i l.' .1 : i.i 1 1 . . I I .!.'.l.-.l tnil 11' 1 li.("IUik'i. U vll a Lv l""l.'f 11 1 1 I mil in in 11 rxcutiiiriii nn if in i - i--- t.l I he iiiipn Ii It 11 01 u i-t lumiuuuie. tii..i n. t"T" 11.17 11..H.111.1 1 !,..:,.' 1 - VltKloUf, :.!! I. I'll), .ll', rpui: ui. I... .... 1 1. 1 ..- 1 " 1. n : .-1 I 'no 11 in i.l U l.ii'J imtsi U on -tided ft li.ntl'tU U-foj J .' urum iiU niMUnlii n. 1 lint I'-icm l'jt f't'Wr :i''d. th-. I .i .''. !.'.' t f'.t uuk. .. . fcbW A Mi A ML.-". Wihuuijtj. i u n n e il c i v I, I . I I 4 .. f . .1. I i. ii i. I I , ' 1 1 ,u I "fl . . r ' I-,. 11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers