r.rr (ic ftmctican. I .Wbrn I ol'ilie H'itirt of tlic Sec I rrlurj ofllte Interior. j This document contains much t lint will ' niHkf 11. rv American fell l'rinid of the greatness of his country hihI the phntilmb! of it internal r 'sourer, with not a little tlmt will he of special interest to the citif n of this liistrict. Comnicncinir with lhe sub ject of public lauds, the report states that1, the numlirr dt' acres dhped of duriitg the j ti.i.Ml icir was aXthhOhS 4:1. which is mure I I than double the quutit ity disposed of during . the titeviocs ve.ir. The increase is owing ! muinlv to the operation of tin1 law. under which since tiie rrst ot January, It. B. MASsSL'H, Tlditor & Troprhitor. ' J'1 5 J: . 6"A. .ATn'.i)AV, ivECKilf.Kirra. 1803. rlTOIltAt. COItRKai'ONDiJHC'E. lxTKK.N AliCN.'.'.. IIOTft., "CW YotlK, ' l.cuub.r 17, V.V.3. I N'ot xithidiir.ding the numerous large ). tals elected in this city, during the past l-n j er, they arc all well filled and several I SOS, when the act took effect, MSfi.ftU t'O , I .. t,l ni l.omir wni, uriw have Oven taKeu ll . imp itifiin Hhil.-t tl.e dishurr mi ids for tie rar weir poc.;, or purchase thereof through a hunger, estimated Ht flit1:!. ii-l'i. IS-il -1st, hut the-lu teal j by deposiijng w i t It Mich bunker n mm of total was $111.7!J1V.'I'." C'3. The actual in- j money loss than Dm nmourit ticcwary t'i ceipts into the Ueas.iry from nil sources I pay tiiu lull nrmuttit of ruch ptm'huse, or on w ere for the fame period $."i.:)2H.OI4 " I mora w hat is Known til a "margin, is hereby pro than the txpcliditures. The receipts from j bibitcd." nil ordiiuirv sonic, s of m venue, except the j Second. The ssio of cold, silver or foreign internal revenue, exceeded the estimates ; i exchimre br a bankeror broker, directly or the revenue from customs amounted U j indirect Iy, at anr place except within tho 'i;",odsi,c,i'.' .jt, whereas, .Mr. nase nan csu- limits ot the rei.ultir I nnkinr; liouia or oroK mated them nt $',(.'4 1,7110 5(1. The inter- 1 pr's oflice of iitc'ii banker or broker, is hereby mil revenue fell far fhort of the estimates, I prohibited. ow injx in n measure to the impi i f. et cxecu- I Third. '1 he sals of fold, &ilvcr or foreign ,onl,.,tcad 1 ,'on 1,1 ''1L' 'uw' principally iu the change exthiiugc, utiles aoUiMlly paid for at the ol tl.e law ot leohitrcss alter mo esAimaie muc tin; s.g niale, H lii'r,:iv proliiunea. was made. i I'ounh. Anv lier&ou who shall violate any L-h I'-' ... , . . i . , c i . ; innii inr sitiv oi , was c l .x,v . . oeir.lf an iiicitna'.' u.u y. Kept on the European pian. t:umc ,;,,., rT f n.til. ing t-i much ft day for your room, tun'. lu vii-w of the disturbing eaus. s that have ; u niuoli fvr each tueal. accordinc to j existed, our relation:) with the Indian tribca j tieU-o cr.'.er-d. vet, there (ire n.,r.e, ! lvoral.to as cotihl reasonably be ex- ... .: . . . . pteted ; but Home exc Uunt siiiisjeslious on ; in rou.t of coinlert, :i:tt and Clean- i , . ,,,.,,.. ,C ,i. ,., : I..ncs. tl.i.t upproi.ea TayWa "Intt ri.u- , mnvtt, l-j Mr. Usher, who-e piac'.h ul tood j tio.ial," row k-pt by the : llet-srs. Clii.vn.-. -ne s.::J. lu.matle .;:';::::. eM.s ;ive ureut j IVrhnp.", the most "ir.-.fortuiiHte event in 1 bci.uty and force to this portion of there- th, history t-f XovVork.w as the r,.,t riot J 1",, from !. fn.Men Il-.-.reau -,f l.iit f Jm'i'er. !t was trjlj a tearll'.l time, ari. , ,,rv ... ;n;r. On the i'.V'h of .hint ..-..I u-1 one can li.tea t' a recital of aa:iv uf j hot, the iu::nber o!' revolutionarv )h)ie" on . The reccii.ts for the fiscal year of 1801, j pr.iviiion of this act, bhaa on ct'nvietinn ...... .. I . ... I ,i , . nir t , , i Mi. lit .ii.iiiiT in ;-...-.-.- i in r mi . in i.iiru tor me vear . ""t - - -i ef this ti-ror Irom -e l them without an iiivol- i-'.' llise who witr.e: u:,'.tv I'hu-hler. A:.d ret cucli poVi. i A'.h r.1 aK Te'.T.ii.d'i Woud. ai.d other noted were i:i communion, it not in tii'.-se h.wless and brutal mm. .' 'p;.. rh... id; i. i,:.:o. with ,1': the tile in win ie tie v.. ? ioiied fore the United States District Court of t,c ii'.'ii.uiioi are c.Hiimate.i at -v .,.ti...'.'u ...j, tile uisiritt lu wliu.ll tlic ollenfe w commui- and the expe.litures to 'i4W.7!ll.'.'o'J 4 i , td. be lined for each Oll'ense in any BUJinot tins includes the inter. -I on the put lie Kent. ; it..j3 thnti one thousand dollnw, or more than The national d"bt on Hie tirst of July, lt-01, ! cn thousand dollars, and imprisonment for is estimated at :J1. 0Hli,lt-j(h col 4 1 . instead of n puiod riot lesj thun one mouth or more 1.74 .JS"i.5sl W. lis -,.t1nt:ttcvi in the re- ! ,an out year. port ol Peeember lnt a decrca.-e not u'.:al j Fourth! Anv pi-rson who shall lodge in in such et'.iniat. s. fornnuion of the violation of any provision 'i.ibt the i -enfarv ih-ehirc that he has 0f this act with the Unite ! Staiei District no apprchei-siuti of dt lieii r.ev Irom any ol , Attorm v for the District in which the of- the estimated sources of revenue, including i fen;e wa caminitted, shall be entitled to b ans, s:i:l he rccomimnds a revision iu -ot.ie H,K Jmli receive one -li.ill' of the m.mey tu pein's of tbe e.u-to;ns ib;ti. s. 1 ut more par- ' e.jllected. tieiilarly in the intertial veveiiue taxi-, in- , eliidinu in tl.e hitt'-r at 'A on bai:h note1 I!l;ilcr 111 t'hni-l-ltn Ilnrbor. i iieuhili.'ii (it 2 'J" tr fiit. ; on ili-'.u'1 u 1: 'iiJi i. CD eeni- p. r nilloii: on toliac o. 1 cent per pound . :. 1, ,f. and . to TJ no:s on r.iitnuf.iet'.nv.l. ;. ( ., r.iir.j- to iM--d'.!v : a !.- : ct:r.s to have a liar Line w i riiniy of the rebel politicians vrho dcuoui.ee ' hi iu and Lie cabinet with een more severity , thf.n rthorr. C'-iperhend da the Adiuinis- j tr.tti-in of IVe.-ideat l-ineolo. i I'crhans covcr.init'.if on eurt'n has bein j more pucc '.vfjl in i; tlnar.cial policy than o irs, vnder th m. rr cn.er.t of Mr. Chase- The rcKU the!neivt.si v.hihi they deplore j t tiiser.' the cU.s-i pu-.s;'.;-, rolls had dv.ipdled down to' 'ecn, while the uund er ot widows of In roes of that dav w as l.oTo. 'J'iie I iittiuber of artuy pen-eon. rs. i is 7 1 i -i iiii.l i.t' win in were lull- . on n.'connt of w-r.ndi lveeived . r I ' han'c in the petioltum tax and other eontraeted riiiniic the present war : 1 ''"' l.U I oi r.er 1 1 1 he failure Of their mU le h'-le.-.st terms cf th.-; abi r.. rrr'.sry Cl!;ie and ye Copp '.'h' e.in f::d '" Their i.Utis ol pat.i' ti--i:i y. --peak in tho y 1 1 i s l ived by n".r Norihcr.i i. laudations if tieet ii n to the a tnatti.1- of (. P'.lkc; vation o. in ins .ir.r ion?. ci i-;t in fulsome (hneral McClei'r.n, whose IT' 'i'len.-y. is, in their eyes. rc-tNr i.npoitance than the tl". Union. As u military n.-i.'iH rs. ot a it the navy. 1.1 I oi t alii '.-. .l.l:- .. 0,4. The whole M.vernn.-iit f'l' f th'j hi-! iise.ii the ij'nu tiiv f land id t..n :.i ' i . "S w as 0"i.f".l i'4 i'Cii'--. wbii-b. at s1 : per ueie. would ai.'.'.tunt to i-!3.:;';'.i,t;7. 'J'lie recre t.iiy mi I.e.-dome ii.;poi-ta.it M:;:'!-.-.-.tii'r.s with ; n 1 t ti e al eiiri. u i'M.d. : i P;:fiiij the ;mr eiHlii.K b'ili of S-pi'-tn- i b.-r, . appiiciiti.'i'.s Wile re. "'.veii at the ! 1'aUu. i i,vc,;, .!...! .!. t patents w ere i-.-';e'.. ! i The r. -o'.ii'i ' of (:; it", e for ; 1 1 . wen i !U7.5n.. and the ?.pci lit arcs. lV.).tS;:h : b iviii'4 iibalar.ee on hi.-ld, u:i the lit of; Octoh.'r. ,.f :;T.7:!C. t 1 The ( n.v. n.incr.t 1 1 . ;it 1 for the hi-ar e . is justly c".4.!o;;i;-,.;l .y i lie Svorctarr. The ) u'Jir.ber of uclmivions ilurin:; the ve.ir l.ii - 1 a: mi The p i.ient of the foi M l : aiid of th- latter. hin.'.r.!'.: txpt nded by pi r.sion.; t tun e!o :i win ";ii.t;t;:). '.!.!!, r::, irrantt I for inilit-xrv The Seerctai-.-. ' sor.ree.-- of levcuia tiie (''ijiil;:' 1 of the di r ; :kk! ie-:.' Ivi.s'a w h'.eii i - ;.t the ex . .iioiiiv (l.e ;-. ! 1 lii'.d r.'Comnieiidi'i!!; the to meet our cxp-iiM -! in V. ar. W idle.- not to i e nt injl that kind of e. ii'.niy "..-C . f . -y. "."s'tl ll not e:.l ni1. met-, ti.it ; t I.. ; Wa-to, i luotny all-1 c eroi-.s II'' iencA i. te. l''A . ; ol- pli erv in: ..epic: I.', t oi.e man s . dolh.f mi- app r lo r. l;m i opi...rt';:,!ty. tl olnete 1 ,y p all. I y mi l'!i'i.::!tV. I. Ml if are In ol,, .1 r.d I !he o 1 a ecu- .-lAlvlNO OK 1I!E lKON-Cl.AK W KLIIAWKl. TWEK1V-MX I 1VKH l.OT. i I'.y the arrival of the stemier Fulton at ! this' port from Tort lhiyal we have the ; intoUi-jcnee of the loss of the monitor iroii ; cluu Weehawkeu, which sunk at her anchor ' inside of Charh -ton bar on tin: afternoon of 1 l-sunday la.-t. Four of her enrnneer.s and : twenty-six of her crew were drowned. A ! furious pale prevaihd at the time, but no ! damage was ntaii,cd by the rest of Ad -: miral Dahlerct'.s Ih tt. An account of the iii.-a.s Iff-ruHitl I" llio t-!-! tn livrctw f'Jir'r!u'N f.- S.'ntirj t'rf .ii('M llxLi iv.jit.:, Dec.' 14. Thi follow in:; de fpateh wus received here this morning ; FonT Mokiioe, Dec. I'i, IEU8. Tu C. G. Editor rfi: 3u'Uimo:i riooso give r.otlea thr.; the Confudrrnte authoiil.fs declino rt-cciviDtr any wioi'i pack nfffd or provisions for the Union prisoners, s ttiat pnrtics intennleil may retain irom turvurdiiay any more Roods to this point. Jir J. 1 . til.' i hi.lt, Major General Coumiatidin The Hov. Mr. Torrence, who went to (.if v Point with Dr. Clement C. Barclay, of I'hil ftdeljdiia, returned this morning. Ho bad an interview with Captain Hatch, who was sent from nichtnond to meet him. Ho in formed him of the above decision of the rebel f lovernment, and pave as the reason therefore, what they ullcp;ed to be an impu tation of their honor by t lie press and Gov ernment Authorities, that they were not de livering the goods forwarded in good faith to the irioiier. and n."!rted that, r.f his own knowledge, the otlieers in the Lil ly prison, from tho immense supplies tnry had received, could set a table from their stores in hand, equal to any hotel in tho U. lie admitted that there had been eome ir regularities in the supplies at one time, but that the otlieers who had been guilty of nefdeetint? the prisoners had been promptly removed and punished. As tn the bail con dition of th" prisoners relumed to Ann; po lis, ho said that tin y were extieme ea-es of consumption and that it wasapravo error on the part of the authorities to have relieved such ptison'-rs t return. For the present liothiii'c would be received but letters and cuelosiircii ..f money, and that Southern mo ney had better Ik sent. . Trio tHr In VlrrJrf'n. V ,'r iv,no, Dec. 1C Tbn iVilowlrg i. M .1' ti Here rnonlvtvi hero to-daV J'oi.in;:jM MoNiii n, Yr.., Deo, 14. Oemi rul Wislar, with my approbation, ntoul an expedition to Charles City Court Il'iuse, on the Jntncs rircr, to enptrro the utittry s force Etationcd there, end I kavo tho pHa suro to forward bis. report of Its complete success. What ndd.i to the brilliancy ol t'no achievement is that it but) been ucoin pliakud durine; a terrible ntorm. D. F. DUTI.FU, Major On'l. YortitTOw-.v, Vn., Dee. 11, To?.r.Jon Gi:.NKi!.i. Huh.kk: 1 lmvo the -ati itui Hon toannour.cu the complete i.uecess of tho expedition FCiit out under Colonel West. All worked in succusnil ootid, ina- tior. Our cavalry curried tl.o enemy f. iiw.iy oftorwj., i!n?l: Knit 'itoves. w..i-ti Y.n, r:it:it. nt CbnrU'S CitV C. II.. After Hhal I) ! I .am . ic-i'lv to a.j a.l km -la A tii.iint.in.; tjt llie l-IICOIV Ulllljl ll.'lll . AWnv,l.,...,::,lu ...J.t.t . C . I" .. r'.riii t aa. a. NEW FANCY imGI'I. HAVJSR M.irt.'i-rti.sl fr-n i '. !, 1 J . 1 s, I. . i t' ii fruh ftij l 'y ul' '1 rimmtii3, iMul 1 M.i'. .iila'.i'r. at l.ir tiw Sior ia Ui room .'joibii.p th rrtl J.-iiio cf Mm. Fnikvr, ii jMail.cl -jittiro, 8ui.lurj, In. HetsUak o--.tX.ua in jurtof Luli.-s' Irlir.r.lt.n for Ihtieai, Incm. l'atiori.s I',r hrcrvv, tu LroiJuied, i.li.r.H:ncl:i-f', lilove, biik ar.a CMtm Tt.rul, l.(idiM'R!or Zii,yt, Wool-u hnU itvpint Kuc.ii.i otU Jloxi, Inluim Drw, riuitnur, l.itHlit.jsH. ltl,i,,ii, C-ilInis KD.l l.i. ;,(, liiH-k'l.. l'(,i?.-ts, Ilnir l',-e.t.en, ilBir Iihv rtc-tr, lol'..nt Iiuhsois, Krv-.ii; K.iK, amrus oilier arColm, all ol ihiuh niti'u- nol.l at llio loircal ral'.. I lmTn aMotl to my st.;t rilranrrl Siit.". JI,p Sk'Tl, Woolen '".ip tor l,vlif im-l Cl.JJr.n, Iir.,iit rokj, Ur:,ls HI r-ilk Nock'ii-.i, Al-o, a l'r,h f-'un'.'iin-. 1Vt. 17, ! :i.Mli' 1.. O Iv LA.;:r, Hie til": sin-: i.-.'M ll... ix.'i.. l!i-i-ti..n -: I'- 1 1 ;an, r All i . .r.l.uy.- '.: , Uliii-If ".-nr. I. J, v:r ; I ; I'm . ill, . f : Veii ll-i-'l-. 11:1 k 1'". l.i.v!, -!. I I V n.l....;.ln. .. li.-iitin;r. the enemy t.i iti- from t he i.oii-.. j M a ynml v , 'C Captured eight otlieers and c lhty-tv. o . p,r.,eiv! u rin.t'v;rr.i,h AltiiiMK. I enlisted men, bein:? tho whoie coi'imaii't ol l:ra-c l lJrciii-Pis. Alv. a humi-on. t .f ir,i,.i-.,.ii ,.c .IT.I rc horses all'l I 111" I ii'ii'i "i ' ': at. l liny '.eli!-i' .imn-ry, sv mules, besidis liinny tliat w ere shot and lei'i on the eroiuid. 'I lie ciietny's camp, with eip.iipmeitt ;, arms, ainiiuinilion, and pro vi.-ions, all thoroughly destroyed. O.ir Ii s is Copt. tJrepory, severely voun-l el. one serpeant ai d one corjiond hi. ltd. and four men wo".!.deii. Ti.-i ''" s Mount . 'd Kifles, in forty-four hours, i. ft ehed seventy-six miles. Tin; lohlh New York iufaiiti'y, in lii'ty-foiir hours, marche.! .-ixiy-or.e. miles, mostly in a severe storm, movm:; dav and nlubt. and walkilip their she i s oil', which should be made pood by the Govern nicnt. All are entitled to hii'li Conine -nu. lion fofe'idlaiitiy and tmllinf Ui nc :,il';:.'.;..'e ( 'ol. Y."i-t i : pi chilly, f. r hi-, pn . i e m.c.u lion r.f a .iilUi '.ilt ci.ni! ina.ti in, whi'-lt alon- could have aeeoinp';is..e:l niv oi-iect. I.. .1. WKfAK. 151-ipattier Gci.nral. I'.-.., .'. 1-1 l:"Vi; 5ii--::i I ns i i- s. I . till en t ::. Si.t t:rlii -;;i-.o';-,. .".i-tcjilr ; "., , I,si:n! .ii-! 4';:i-.:--, t.J' len:i-rs, a : .!,! I.y t) i, hi. .'-,-- . i k x tt to 7v" r. : : .io-t '. !"'' I'-.l -err.'.! ..t ... ' Arttiv l" tlic Ail dav the YVeehnwken had labored i Hi: n of .m'.tt:i:h Ah.iy I! tie: t!,:, toe i-i- .-ui-i be d. ,i e i I . '. 1 a oner ;y vita.i; d. ration ; ed. and r.ot -r i Ion ss in i t'.i.li 'ui--i'S rei.'.v-s no i !' n so'ire. s. ; .rows weary, : '.e :'.e si.eh V!! and tile heavilv in 'the sua, which kept her decks . - . . , ...ii.,- . ... eon.-tantly siii.meree.t, aiuiwuicu ire.pu.iiuy i swept in huuu voiun-.ts into her forward , hatch. Towards noon the crew commenced ' i-.avii;.' out chain to ease lit r. but, accustom ed us tiny weie in every pale to the shippinp of Mich seas, it is believed that they had .row n conlidcnt and careless of danper. and i.ai.l no hud to the cmronthinp waters Hut here. little of interest Tie weather is i and the dost w hieh co E'otoniiic l'oTOM l . D is no-.v oci iui) an : n. -xt. ,e c, the r.-'v"; ar ended I , u. trv wi:l n r in be sup the 1st of vd I'r. :n t been very hirpe. the e.-es alieo- t ail ai'ii-ii::.' i r.ieltaiu he w m not coin) arc Willi tenerai ! houi overtaxed energies in the ie-ld. A verj Crant. and iniinv other of our (hucrals. On 1 hirpe proportion rcover in the institution. thru- oeoisinus l.e uiipht have cantured , Jilc'.iniocd without jci'Ilus Ic.-s i r diliicu'.ty. If aac is iaa!;i.3 tho Gciicrul. then the . andida'.o of die Coppcrlicads has been most v.afort'.ir.:,lc. IS'" (.'oi:gr..-3 tdjiiuri.ed on Tburstlay Mil to Monday, after choosing Speaker and I. lerk iu the House and admittiuj the deie ptltiois from various States, which the obliging old Clerk, KtheiiJp wliem the I nion men elected two years ago. attempted, on Lis own responsibility, to exclude from their peats. Tin: l'esolutioD ('. thanks tu Ger.tr.il firant, ..u.l his brave ofiicrs cud men, and provi ding for u mt.'.al to he struck to commemo rate their rent services, unanimously passed '.ho Hotije, aud will doultliL-.i pu.-s the Kaale. Ii, both brandies of f.ongrts.s. resolutions bnve been clh red for the repeal of the Fugi tive .Slave Law. Al.-o to exclude slavery . ."Vre-ver from the Ti rriiories of tl.e United ."itatt-s. Also to repeal the o00 exemption provision of the Ilnroliinent Act. U' The der.'inciatiou of JetT. Davis by ?ir. Fo'.te, of Tcn'uvscc, in the rebel Con fT, nj'prars to have been much more iltt-.r than was at find reported. He reviled Da.ii for r.ia!.i:::4 a c jiiipanlon of Pcmbcr tcn aft. rthut yine.'a.i had siU'renderec1 Y'u.k.--burg ; he w as a':':e;,'.d to ! the cause ot tlic Ority-jb'trg and M i:r;"re iboro disasters, and the Cill-e rf the cpt-ning; of Georgia to lOO.'.tCO j'c.leral lav. 1 c.-hles laying South Orutiau liable lo ('cstri.et; a. '1 ii'j p.ioba lu'.ifh s arc that Foote will be dcioomud as nn aboiiiionii-t in .'i.L .;i:e, und satnirely loclied up iu n me i.iil. .Vrtil'.cial iin.bs arc supplied bv the Iiom.i!. il free of toot, tlu; patients bcinp al.so main- ', taint d until they have learned the use of tiiei.i. Tiie Co'iiimbiii Institution for the , deaf and dumb and the blind is a!;: spr '.;. n j of i'.i tfcrrnj of high i.nd de.-i.'ta eou.i.ieu- j da'ien. j ,'otwi,hct:indii:;r tlsr dltflciiiiy r-f I locur- i ing r.iarl !, the woik on the C.pit. 1 exteu- sioii has made aatUfa. lory p; ep.'i A biief mid iiite.'estinp his'. or of tl.e Wi. -liiiuT'on . I Acpiediict is given in the report ; and tlic j Various rp.ie.Uior.s, su, h as claims of parties for dainapi'S on account i f tiieilivisioi) of I the water of the I'otoniae. itc, are ui. ens... d. The Si eretary su'gots that the inhabi tauU of the District should be rtipiired t--pay part of tiie expenses of the police : that the force should be increased, and that a hoce of curice.tion far juvenile oilcn.'.c:: should be provided. A rec immeiu'.aticn made low ardr lie? c?c of Mr. U.ske-.'i I'.-p rt. we trust w:li be a(!' d t:j on by C'oiipn.-s at an early day. Yi'o refer to the t st abli-Ii men t of a National Mureau of Statistics. The w ant of s':c:i a bureau lias i.iu:; been f.-lt. ii.e a-; incr, a -aiilv fiti-id 1: .o,l aid the j-!:...-. '. i.t a cot: w In never . . t he value of 1'. rh:e. . i , t i i d. vat -t b, tl; flar 1 t! i" t l .-Hell E- : iit-port oi" titc 4'iticf 1" Itan ;t:t ol ! Ji-;iai:iij'.,t. j In the commenc..mcnt of Ids ia port to the j ' st rjccntarv ol tae .i.ivv, tile (met ot th( Dcrcau of-, r-.lnance pavs a liipli coiiiplimcnt i I to the r.iaiii.faclureii, founders and niecln.n- I ics of th" ;rivate establishments thronuhou! j j the hiy-d ln'.' -i. for tiie patrii tism and zeal , iiiey La'.e mai.if. ,-tcd in giving aid t the j i JJur. ail. Some idea of the inm.cn -e tlhu-ts I i l'Kjaiiid from the Ordnance ihuvaii to n'.cct j j the li laaiiili created by li.e r..billion, may, ! be gathered from tho fact thai at the con.- i j nieiieetiic'f.t of the year l'-Ol, the oi.luai.ee! ! of the navy cois;s;ed only of S.tt.H) buivy ' I guns, and lllci I'oat hoivit.. r--t. 'elhi r . Tec catioil Public tiie vr wl.i.-.'h 'a. i..l dlll'ns other fal the app. Cooke! ; and ili:t the Sei their i;;'l. !':oi'.!. '"by w hieh in al. lions of dollar-, one hundred, il .'-. dollar-. .i:e n':-'. country rot r.':,; liiiiot;..; all ch.--L :.: .,: . f it-., i vain f.-r a p .i.ill ,.':ppo:t t i a Sc.-.-' iary i i i.e .' !. r or i,,o:.- oi.;- i t of ,tj -ti ;:,- I l:d lie pro', s .-: ittt!::). d. bt 1 of ,-t. a. ri -sive pay ti. .;-:.! scan .1 1 .. ".! ill in Vat miui-ii tl.e l;n tare alii. e l'!. i a ! ; ! liill'.li: .11 lie ,i: t dll.'llo lit si : : t i. i w i i - oi i',t. I'd. of I y v. ,;':'-it. s-t lleOf - a.i-otl.'.r once be :i. A ii, I '1 b i:in, rniidiv e t v iii del t." ll L'l'.iliii .Ml the until it. was too late to resist it was I tin m. Tluv waves hal ! or'vz 'ie ro els a f-w days, nu iiaspiv. it -1...-. t,i timd. l'rovi sions has been n.a.le n --a i n ,-t bad weather I y eorduroviii toe roads whenever l eeessarv. and the labor of bau'inp sepplic.s to the ; troops is tilt!: considerably faeilitittevl. j A toi.o.rra.phu al r-.-connoitenn party, Ik" .-l-u-' i-.-li.-i ts and Firt N-w Jer.-ev Ca' ali --. under I IiniN far iViirni:. 1'it is n.i iiis;iui;i,ii ..I' 1 u;r.i,i.t :il I it 1 1:'. -lilrai'iiii-.' .-" avat an ain-. ! , s :i.w s,,.,i. ,j , ,. a., a,'., - .. it f sent out uiifter Lieel;nn ol CaOt. if. rame, , ,,,.,, t o,.- v.e-ei .nn -I ol i.o pent till in waves ! a,J ticcmi'anf.'d bv an ccort ol three hun- i l,u-; .-- io a f. r inula:: - :l."i .::, fairlv va .vncd to swallow them. Than, when ,i ...... i ,,, i.!,,n, t,, r-j.-kt 'M.is-sieliii. I -.-1 i 1 -: 1 .i.ietMi.H. known for a certaintv that the vessel .Ma .,,., t-:ra. ';..,.. i, J(.v nn.l. i "' cra-.tia:-- tar..: r. i te- r -1: iu (ll 1 11,. Ills. ".era I aa.ent. i.biy :.'.s i.pooiut '.i by to him. to w h nn i eoiopiinieiit for a:a:l Meat siiiciss. ;'o:r hniaired luil miuati. ns of llt'tv, Mastobcln-t.a panic ot tnuht anu tear j p,jnl. ,)nl.,v,,v ,,f (,. beiii'.ml.ied tin. ii). and thn terror -stricken j j,K't n,tlll ,K,, f,.,,,,, ,., crew below had little power to help them- i'la.el riv.T, bv w av of -elves. There were men in irons bet ween decks, and the scrgt.ant-at-arii'.s ru.-hed fiantieaiiy inray to release them. Poor fellows, they uli" went down. 'J iiere were invalids in tiie sick bay, and to their relief the surecon scut his steward, who never , i retnr.hd. There were liienun at the fur- I nio'cs. to whom vaia shruUs tor a bt-lpnip i ,ntmted K.-l el-, n.i.viy beloie-iiv.; ., tl I I hand at the pumpa w ere made. A few of i nixth Virginia ( 'av airy, who t'r. .-t.-t.tiy 11 r. , i t ne con In lent were ni.-lunp to ineir ip.iariers . ut tj,e... ),..', !'!' 1 no ."isoomuoii to eu ', i to save their effects, jostling the timid on Vl, (heir e'o-e a-o lain'a.r."". Their ti:i; p " j their way to the deck to save tlietnselve. j hurt no one. but t h. y sue. .-eded i.i getting ;'. j It was iii the midst of scenes like these that i (,!u. ,,f their own number captured. Their me i eeiiiin urn neui win n. pnr.eipal .'Lav! t: ere appcai Jil I i e u.l "1 believe that none of the otlieers per- iviiifr : this section be'inp a-h!-.! from the isi e.l save the lour iiosistalil eiigineei.-, w .io ,,.,,,), (.;, ));,tlw ,, the anr.ii , were tl.cr Were overtaken bv the tlood bet'.: I -icy I .,-',, sn'o-lh-d with jvrk. pou'.irv. coul, I malie anv euolt to i scape, i oin- i;;,;;,r, t.ua: a-i.jo'lur la; ter rviiii-. . nt, has omieis-aiiee over the Ne-vbv's ( ro-s I load-. to within a few miles of Woodvide, and thence by a dill', rent route hack to camp. 1 her were awavtiiron a.i'.'i ilial aC, j'.lish.'d tl." ol ject of their re.-nn::i.i--:ir.i'e, which was import :'.td, with entire suae si. The country thrmi'th which the'.rioiii" lav lias infest, d bv inn:, roc-, surid t.aiul.-. ! mounted K.-l e! .. Sixth Virginia ( 'a ut them, but show doll. 'tho:;-,, '.-"'It the V, ii l l bci'.iotl. I Ol :,r e ea.- ot -val th to !."!; 1 , tryia.e! . t'.ar 1.; ni:l"l".. ill wl" la- in.;, a. a.'i'" l.i 1 'file in I , (. I :ioi raUi'a- wltil cli.-'.eliev, l:..i irCi.icnt rSt ii--?.-5li-!i iir Siic i lie lollav. ing are the cat. mates : y,'.iUti ; while, on I lie first of November of J tl.e piine.it year, the ordnance :. a.ntej lo j 5.777 guii, siiov. inp that VhSll leal be.-n made m less than two years, and it is p;.,l,. ; able thai JOO tliorc. ol ulf... rent calibre, will j be comiiut d belore the end of the ytar. Y'ei, wu.-n the rebe'iioii bud broken out. ' and tiie Tredegar V.' orL.- at llicitmotid had fade l int. iLu bunds of the i'.i tl.-, tin re iv.ire I".', il.i.e foc.n.b.'iv-, in the country ! w hich ccl.bi be relied upon for the piroduc- ; lion of lu-.ivy ordnance. Soon, however, itf.r- I other csluoiUhliieiita rej.oricd lheu,.-el en iiio'.i is to the i.i'ett rca iy to e.i-r fmate, ana for toiiiO time past svithiii thi Uidlcd i ei:dit found; i.-s have been busilv omiib cvl State- of Ann.i-.ca ,ue i.r-.a. c tore the law, .-..'oi aii i'hd:.u i.f pel -onai s-.t) Itu, excepting t'e -c I -.Hided on c-iitt act, all 1 llio claim of by the ie-ia. i.ti-, tin: aj'propiiai io of llio iicid year For the civil .-er,i a. ii, of forel:'!i iiiteii-otii-lie domain and all except for p. fsioiis M;.i v Dcjiartmeii'.s. I'tnsions, In !:a:; In parimcr.r. Army, proper. A c. heads cf .lap i rcipaiicd f..r iiding .lu:.: t i a. inclndii'ir : Com inaiuler Duuctin had oniv taken eon. in T.id i of the Weehawkeu on Saturday, having ! been detached fre.ui the Fat;! Joins to re i lievo Comniiitidet' Calhoun, Tl.e oL'icciV .cloliiinp. the paymasior's funds and the pup, is of the chip, .slink Willi la T. 1 "1 he yeoman was brought alive on board the hag-hip. hut tltoil in pallns a lew ino : ants' afterward. Y.ii'ious p- r 'i: "ere leekt.! t.p mid takt n lo the nearest vc-ss. 1... w In i e evi ry proviioa v.u made tor t.i'i r i-nnfott and rcstorutioi). 'i'hose of the crr,v v l.o were saved r.rc now scatter.-.'! in siiod'. s j.'ad.- throughout tiie licet, it iJ impos.-i-l. io pr-.cure at prtrtnt the outnes of those a l.o were lo.-t. in (:. o fathor.is a rai.-.d. Until - c..n till with It w as through for she apparent- "Tl.e V.'ceh.iwken is lying f'.irn.sheii .fu.iier, and iil soon I i.'.ents. of s: c is 1 fought up, li' on S'lllK. !? 1 ,hv the l'.a S:i titicaliou-:. 1 ';di: ll.ee, o. "-' expeus,-. I an-, pnl.- ,ther i -xpei.dii ures. Indians, War ami '1ii.:'S-.'.l:;-: ''. , H.ooo.iMii) i,,) !t.:.''i7.!'02 '.al w.'.i'.:!.-; ;.i .', . 455. hot) oil l um: IN.;:-'-, -io -.1 ohU (il ; ceriaoity ' i i.o J.iint ot her "ovcruang I !y took iu i.o water except at her torward hatch and hawse hole. 1: was. to the I'.st ot' my knowledge, through the inattention neglect and l ad nia.i...gl mr.nt of those en : ! oai.l, that the vessel has bicn lo.-t. Had - f..o j ump.-, bicu sit ut work when the wans til -t d.t.-.iied in, it is probable that tiie Wee in.'.', ken would at this moment have been afloat. Ha l the bar with which her :oui 1 paitinents were made water-tight been in their proper places, it is quite likely that the li.c caluintty would never have occur red. I'roi.i ....:..iii;;soii. fCJATOR ii.u.it's nn.:. to fi I-;: nr.iii.i l to.v. The 1-il: af . ".:;:. tor Hale to nior I'lil'.iv f.'Y on the ti. i' he." .uo.r a.l p. of A nicl'.Ca .1 ii i'hii:.u i.f p.- Titr lsbl a p.. tilel S Ut. I. o'l II. ,'. w 1 l-i. I to till- M'.'Vl'!iS ot a miner Child, el.oc I'ei.dered in pursiiMK of a i e lor t..e p ,n: '..Usui of cr.ir.e. hi l .'.i s i : : i IVtl.llIp U::.:c v. ;n tie consutu contra: v p.:.!. to 'i .. :.'s I i". i.vity.isr i.ovs- llic in 'n.i..wi:g I'-iiiCii. l i-iiieu and 11 men gin. -, none of t:ic old Coi'.strite.i.-n 1 eiiig now liianntia'tiire l. The 1.5 inch guns are pi.,, In cod at Fort I iti foundry, and the Parrot t l iile g'.u.s of uli caliU'i s ui the Wist Point foundry, livery gun adopt is subjected to the I'i deal round.-, of r. nice ihaigcs. i-ta::-..i,d Hi...- . t o -li.-lieil all the puns ot eoi.iia. t ,oi-t coincide in their composit, i 'e.r.ci.t-. Min e the i ..mu.e'i' ei.i. nt o; 1 -ii I I as a standard i f on.- thods ,il . and v. itli the a ; te r-l :ia 1. I , re en.. - i I. U it L' to i;u -e v vi l io .-a r.e, ti...- -. an i iii" a 1. au.ii I; iudle ri- s a i ni: lit of a thcr volar.'.' . r. I -i.ty milli-'i.io: It 1'. ahites the p 1 l.tf Si I.t ib. e sel l ice, ( .-.r't r r ' nr: s. r I u.i V hal e 1.1 of i 1 doi'.i I " " r ; o. ..Ml l a.s t. .1 oft 1) 1..1TI : to tho-c V.ho 1 i iii" month". b'y .:i--l .rpt-i, or a r.. th.'ri one year ar lu.ialre-l do'.bns, so ;.d ot.n rs. u.i of ir f.r ib.' ail I r any bill Hpproprh.tis . f T svici. J.-ij:.:tl.'ii. l.-e-Vs : .. ii una, ot there iiav e I meal yards Mi s t'u.'i.t,, , e pour...',- i f i t blUC.U il t ii n.a'i'.o i r p'al.:l.i.- st.ot ll.'.l and II fa, I I., i n can ul a' ll f private !!, ii'td y r s,e ( i .1. the (. law pr. g'lijU. i th d ot ce.leio. v iria ; "f let- i In:. I . . is ; tit". able t r i. tot. j To the (-; statctniti'i . 1. Tin , mat i i theli hi', li'.5, nuole ! acts of I ,.itai-s.-i iie and luucpi i act: r, as t'oi.oii I ol t.l.sceil.1,.1 oil 1 cb.idin r vxiicii Ie. ling tiie rc, customs. For con p, t s :l t,, t; tb-n.-rai l'-.;t (.'ihee f. li.ail S'-rvie.-s, I'or i iv i.i.'a.ioa of I ; i i .it..-, - in- For arming and t .p.ijpi: "lllp.l- 1 the liiii.f ll. 1 i l' i Merest on tc ph. . tlebt, im ite- .'.rc added i sic .viiu ppl.-pi'ia'i '.s (sli i"' toe i a , i f al Ve.ir . noii.:; .1 line by former of a -p, :i I. nt i iiar . vi t olhc',ii.. -.'.-. of I'll- line fa ta EMwafou ui' lliv .liliiiisiii. i NOIlI.li LKTItn OF THK lMtESIDtST TOO UN Klt.'.L OlIANT. CllAllANOOO V, PcO. 0. IHlldfll! Hi' III: "'.V.;mNorov. I h ' iim- ly f irui di. s the !'.:, aovance . t Its p't' .: lVspatshes '.v. re f -. i j . I : i - troni Krox 1 1 ; limits leave for Kuoxvi'de to-night with j p,,.,'r P-i,l ii' ii'' ,"! . supplies for our troops in lhe army there. i ,rill,,,; i"', i,.,,-', - ini-l d. -parted fioin t i A large amount of supplies, clothiii: i eatables have arrived from the rear. Fourteenth Army Corps ii well pio I for w inter. ; and Tks .ided Ul. app, ' maud f ui it i.t i v tor a .-. ii.n : ' il 1 o .: d H 'no s:, I ... F. a.! ;h navy ' I i- fa t piLsiut tl.e f I' OA iti.-j i,u g rdi: nn e ,ur.'..n : 1' ' 'ii : - U te n. ,ss u ii in .led to i f in-1 1 in t i aou: ve.--i I, li..c i I o',:d the l. I in th: - !. j ..ti go of tla Lhiif ;'7,Ci:0.!'''J 11 f'j" 0.000 On 4" iO.i. i.MI Oil Cs'vu.oo'j i; j ii, ,L's r,c . ti i -j j; :'. 1 vitt ! It v ftl'd i: 111 I ui.ln '.. cav ..it y, r ..tt'J iol'uiti i , I or. rt't. e l. 'f If-;!' ti r, i a at, I.:. I Ail. 1 in 1 " , a' I... :., i. 1 1 ; . 1 !'. ' ot es 'i:r; , !la;..i Mi.ith no,! mill. if -..M. Ma ll e .) ! r 1 if I . Ill ' I . . I.I- 1.1 ia .' I:. I I ! -I t, be .1 1 4 hr;i .i .if. r .' i . -a. . .U.l I ; 'Mr. . I . I il. .t l .1 I . .' I H . t. lhe I" lei. i I ". tl.l i. i , I '. ' v i -! ' . I IHil I'J : l J7 15 1 l'l 1 1 .C en pie. I ,e S'ni.. i'.i .. n i';: u . . r i ,i' tin i ut l. .... Ii. II . ' . i I., -a . 1 .' . h ... i. .. : ' II, tail u rttol .:.,. I. 1 i.i it , u: u stop er. fr 111 th f j. , aeeoui.t of t!ie :- . at the c u.:r.. i.e. I Ol' 1'., p.l ,. id ( oil. .1 11 I r.,1 ikci aeeoui.t o the :-: ite ot our1 taeiit 1 f the I itt.nl, tlou 1 Kre.11 an a ilatiee i.,nii iiiade in plating ; it not only on footing Coiniii. n Utah: we.:, i 01. r -r. -. i.t it -,- ,iti, .,' ia.t ;,)-.,, ; ,.!xllt-. i 11 c r i..i,i.er aie. laoie 1 ; . ! it may 1 e - ai l lhal iu . e 1 (ii.ds, :oid, i i soiiiii a ,1.11 .. of :...' 1,.! I f 1' 3 rapid p;, ;. u.i al l. l.-...' mu.j n it, i ' i.'.. I ' .oi .1: n. .1 1. ie. . Ill 1. .... t.'.l .1 . : 1:. 01 t' 1 1 . 1 . ' e, I., h'il al, s "t th, h.va! .-. aa I i'.i 1 'l 1 . led 1 per .1 lol..s ; . ... I'.I . ll'.eii 1.1 i i r. Mi. t ,: . J. I 1. r II l V. 'i l.e 1 the liu,t ' : V, 1 1,1. -s ii: lo 1 oi r an I di , !".-:: ini.iii.1 i al. mac on i x bi'.itii'g eppio 1 i ui. r.s, W hi.'h . i'l oe I.I'.- Vpil'e 1 oil .1 :i'l, '.'I. palt of v ha li i- : . 0 oired lor p:o -U l.l ol li .h.liti. of t'e pr .. nt f ... ;.! 1 ..a, I ut v. l.l. ii v .'! 1,, 1 1 e .1. i'.i 11 from ti-e t:.-a-i:rv until litli r .lone Ho. J o; , ;,:. 1 the balal.... appii. I l. r the -1 1 1 1 - r.f the !':-. al . an '.. ..!..' .lea. :.'', Is.;"., i. : 'or the ( iii! - rv ice n'.d u.i 1 li en 11'.;-, "or lhe Im. 1 .or IVp-.rt- 1.1' iit liidi..i.s and I'i a- 1 he army H inactive. .Many rerun at.tl j draft".! men are dailv arriving. 1 Ttti: UF.H1IM B CoNOKAIl l.ATiONS Tl) Git.'.. CllATrANOOOA, Ili'C. P. The f l'.ov. ill" 1 order ban been issued : ' Ho.k's. M 11.1 r.i:v Divi.-ion or Miss., ) , In Tin-: Fjki.d, Ciiait.vnoooa, Iic. S. f J (iitsi iiM. Olil l lis, No, 7. Tl.e Cnrr d coniinuiiding takes great pieasuie in pid j lishing to lhe brave armies tinder hi.s c. nn- inaud the following ttligraphii: dhpatili, ! j n.st received from iho Ihesidt-i.. ol tl.e L ,.i . ted Mates. j 'Washington, Dec. S. .l'y. Oei 6 '; I Uiidcr.-tandiiip that your lod;d.unt at ( h it- tunoog.i and liiioxville is now sicere, I wi!i 1 io tend, r yoti and ell tin hr y nr roiniihind, I my more than thanhn my profuuti.h -t grai -I ila. Ie for the r.ki.1, courage, an 1 p ivi r. ii.ee w ith w hieh voti and ihey, o 1 1 . reat I dillieu.ties, have filet lid that important ob- j et. liod bless J oll ltd ! ( ill.'ll'.na' I. I All v...s the j Unoxv'ile. It v.a, state ! I "'."it- and m.- v itit's art;!! i til" lurid- of. I a-' "Uli:-- i h The region in w id i b-it made so far collid have aceoinp;n..c:i 111 y oo;eai. .Mi. . . r. I t-.IiiiinoUi.i 4'oi:l Trail". i .a .l-n ,.:s; i 1 ' . I " 1 -VUia , i'l final.. .1. !'. i-s-:-; .'.,:' , , r. . et a-1.0 ' 10 e 1 .it ion .. . - ::.:.:t ,!.- : I :a 1 13. !'' ' "' Tr : '. -a :e: ! .'.'I '':! 'M :',! !! !' . 1.!. i !.i -t l.-rtt-r -v. - P"n f. "V TO'iioS lt. It, a.;... la j;; J.'t I, r-.a T-.'- .''. t ,. r..-,.-r i I'd' hist li'P'r1, CTJ.oif'.: ,.:;, .,. ,1, ,. .;-;:' I. ,..,!,. I ... i 'nvi;.-- . ''. ,,o-.,.i.,. I o-ia.':: t !'. a ' ' ".! : IN I'l.Moit.-'iMli a:"! :''" .- :. : 'hi ' A:' i-' . ' T'i mine tiaifl U-t ym.r, ",.aJ. 1 . ; ,.ti . :c:,rr i----'ri-. !.-;- ......-;.,-,.!-. ! -,...'r.. . i.'i-t , r lie ii ii. . 1 1 i.o.--: ;.- c I', a a a. a - "'-r-'A t:l ; tin-l il --rii'ti..ii ci'nll lis i.i'-.nd ::.::: i-v. sa'-i;.,iT. I'l. :,.. 'ftf-ii-I hid i'i' ' a - .1 aii l.i'-i:a in t,.' ciliary. : ... ..,... v- ,t.h-,' V a-i a. .!-.. v. 1 .:., . ,. ,iait i. ' ;,:t 11 :- 11 1 , i v- 1 ,a. j ; ls-.. iii- . - ., ,. 1- -. 1 . ntnnll t,ii- 1' : J . :. p.. 1 , u . ;ovs , !' , ? ': ' it'. 11 it la's:na. ia- r., ... j . , v 1. ; . . . U. Ijrucuaal laal ; y. I ' I'.I r ; f j; I . . ; a ,. .;; a . i i , 0,1 .-, asT'i-i" ' A '1 1 i. a a i',!i.-lr:!i -I s:-:; ' - -i: i i .--a' c-- t 1"! 0 "V.r I..CI '' .'I '.1 ,., ., ,,,'y j, a I.. ,.-'.!.. . ' illl ,i.t - 1- , (. 1 I.c-ii.t ii i-..'rt.'.'ii po-p'.'.t t'-. iMi'.-crs in Ijciti. .-s j...a ;;y ,f... .'. :., , . ... ,, ,r, ... .. ',....,, -'1 i iil.'S : v :',: ".. l ale::'-, am : . -. a .;,o. a a . -i .n.i. i 'J'hr. P.-ahe . ,.-,l. ,,-,!.,r li'.lt Ul. I i-iVf (!: ) : . ,, j-. . , ,, ' , ' ''.',1 u.on. v.i.-i f nt, 1 ut ilie lii-ii'i ''.' their i : a.' h.'.e. : M 'a i.s i " a,,: , :; . '. ',... .',,,,t, ; na.l v.lai in.- iv. 1 lo '.' a l.i '"" ir. ntly R-t.'l I 'i' ' , ..,'.,,. ' .. -f -. i .... ,.; . Iho t.ioiliras lie v naaui'V. I-iv.-vy v-.u. , a in'"i m li, , ... ... ; a .- , . . la ' .'.. ': ',-. 1 v.. I t'i.unir. -li'Mihl try lo iivi.il l.in-.'i-'l "I ii-lvutit s ,.-.,. .. j i:,.i-.. :-: a - '. : -. i a ; , .. n'i. I ii'.l i.y i coals.-.-! a-ly ia 'a .- 1 '..o. a'-. C '.:.:' .-.ri.i'O. i-i-on . , . .. ia si '".a- , .1' li.c I'.-ii ... m.'iii.ii a 1 it! in! i ;:...:: " v j , . ; hiei ..'. n.;..ir..-in,.-t!n pi'!..-;ii.l.-.Mi'-r'..'b.Mvl-.- en i s ; . : : ... , . A SMITH. l'!TT-'iit Re.ii.lA. ,! : ,i :" o .. ia ,i: i. i y ! . : ' ..."..ll mi A'it-ad I -' ' -I" 1 : .! i-.iii.:.:; y '::-.-. ; " ion : t'tf.'at.Ic- A . !, . ' I 1 ; " h i a'l s u "' t". i.-I : i - -. ia 1 1- : est,-. :-,' I . ; ' ', ' . : . , r.-s :: i i. " : : ... i-i i ..,.. , : - A C-'d). '-! r--' " -'-I ".ti:" - .-"' a I ' Tu (''' - CO-i I VI".' . t ;"-,a i -.1 A ' . ."an. :' : -l ! i -.: a "i Th ur4 rsicril lm it. - t a i.-:.r."l to I'-iltl. f- Fsi -.- .:.;..:.:,. .. a ; . -: . ... u ti iv vi .-. K. . 1 y s n iv -in 'e r-a", iy. al".-r i "- - ' ' ' ll. f. !'. -1 S.-V.-I.1 y. rir - v it !i a ; , i .-' inn j: ul.'1 - .'-.' a .' ri"! '-. v "i ": 1:- ':.' " i i"" . '. i i lere- : lien. ui.. 1 lied .hviel ii,-.'.,-.-. 0 i-en : i-.-ti ii n:.M A M 1 it ; C A a m .,- i - ; .iii ,. ',, ins to n-iihi! kiu.nii t.i ills f..:iv.2.i.1vru- ii..i u. ia '.' .: " : ' '".' ' ' '.'; .'. ', a '..':' . l.::;i:r,ei-. than Im v ...r .., .'..,"..'".. '. ' . a. ny. x , nil v.lai 'h-'ire it. ':'. '!! "! a .r v '-t' il... 'a: .'.'..!'' in" '.iho-i i :..;i. a o ; .;i,-a;: . a; 's and , ,..r!,.ti,u,,-..l . :' ,.,.,r;i-'.. f nil ti.'.' : " f: r : 1 y el'ii - a n-hi r r.,. a .'.. ''ll,!lV- ' f rTr.-j -.i::v-!.t 1 e-aa; t-.- ni-ae. U.vy ",!! S : ' -.' - a a" r i, - . ! .-. -i -.' ;o U.e.r r... ,.. ... i.,i. ia .-ai. ' ''. ' :' : " '. "a ': ' '"' ' ' ' "- " ''' , .-. i s,.o .... ... .t. V . -1 1 I ; . . in- -a " , , ::- . , ,.- .. . ,. ' :' .' lir. I'- a.al... I . 1-. A ' 1 1." : ty i.' ; :' "I tl'- n I- i ti:.-, I -e t ': : - - . ' ' : i-ias. all. ; ;!,. !':-::::. a i-. :-- ':..:'' :!. 1 - : '- ' v " ! er- - h ;, ; i ..a.i.le.I.ai.d -out i:,r::a:a a nl.iah i. a-iv, ,;: Vj i,.-, . . . .... I It ! ' iavaiu'ii.ii' ; t-'l l.e 1 a - o.-ry -;r ; '..! 1 1 . it -- t- ; . i a : .. . . :. t.y Lii ra-cv. ts i: . .! ; - a. . '. -.;;.! y :'i :' . a a- i; , . . - , . ... , . . ' ' an .-ii a'-i .- ...'. :.- ' ..a- , P ' -'-: a-..- .... , .; I . . -, : . ... .., . - a i. ..' . ; i J'.aii-s ui.i.ii.; !!,. -i i;,h a i'i . Ii" v ' '. o, : , . in-.: a. .. c" ill 01.aia,e o. It. l.vV. t. . . i.i. ... ii.. "... l.l. .ii '.', . . , '. 1. few davn silt- l-ii.,-! -y. ,'n ... ' ' - .'ling o;:t gouds o:i ' ' '. . -'. .. . ,. .... viKf tut r '-...- - ..... t I system, with, pir- ; ."ij A V.t I . ii 7'. :i . . 1 H Mli.t . f. '' "VU.).,: the :eg'.l'..iti.:'.3 gov- '. In Shaniohhi, e:t ti e itltli ia '.. a: t- -; - - - - - - - p.-csv . r -idiT.ee of Mr. i'i in. ti. 1) ;:-. .'ottv ' .x ,. ..!.' of the M. prer. nr.d Mi.-s :: I.. m ;. :. t ..f ' the a' ;.ve ,aic.a Tisscs L'. .-'.. ' i .a'a . 'i In thi-pia. e. on th. odi iiad.. by ih-v. M. ' : a .- ' ; . .':!...-;--. Mr. .'o:i:; ('. Snt .w. t i M-rs M r. f ? : :: . . . . . ' ( '.W ! i C! I'. r.f I.oa's I . 11. 1 a ''"',".'. I iJL-'Ta-'s-f'-'v'" -.as.- ..frj. r. v l; ':.nzr,.LUirj '' '' ' " ' ' . .- . , t! i i iis . , ;;;:; ;;': ; ' : Near lib.sbiir.. on the iota 1 .'.:.. :;AilAi!- !-"!';-' ': a;-..aa f r r - i :.- f - V . ;il . il i. l.'il. lead 71; aat- and 12, biv , '' 'ej' y :'''' . '"''.." i.andbe.n lothied In r.n'.y. .: y. on i.tu u t.. i.:.i-a- . v. ..:... v - .. . . had 1 eeii h-'cr and I1- I'll '. SMU'Il, a-1., il1 e..f, l't i;.oi,t-.s ,... , .. ,: , ... .... liavtf had i.ce:.- ' -"-"- . . '. .t ' ' ' .' '" '! ''. N -- .. lu Hiain-.ivin, on t..t; tl.,.1 u.: . IiAi.U.i. I 7' : :;- 1 ". -' i'..U!:.-bter of V.'illiai'l atl.t M..:g-.t' t ii. as, ' ' '- ' ' "'..' .' ageil o years, 1') in ''iiFu ti:..' '' days. :.:..-v .a, .'. ' N-arFiyd 'ira.cn th-fth iiist , Vldl.'. . w",-s,,...,, . r. a .: . a . . - r - - - i,..' ghter .1 i'aiilai :. i. i I. .via.V :si. .:.... a..... , r . ; r . .:;.t(p;. ig yi-.is. 7 n-.'.tit.is and d.,:.. ..." ,. ' - - . .'Il,e ''..-.- cour'.t- ' hi I. .'i.vir Auguita. "n i:. --'d !: '.. .:' dT.V "''-''' ' ' '' iw ir : inl'ninatio-i in ".Vlad.I.V, va ef J ....... I.-..1. . .1. . .1 , . . ' ' t 1! . i.n n .' an'.. It ' r'.'.-i'-ed be',' l,4t ' ' .v-i-w.-..-.'rr.-f..-rT.--'-rw'SW l.'.lO U tt, I.aii.lU i . " i tl.. a.' 'T-nn.. d'.V'i v'o-..'' " 'aviuitv"' '.-Awij.v. ip ;:.-.'.-a : - ii'ii Shi'. I t:.o foil. ' i". a.r. sC'l'K--. :. , '',:,'.;.''.'.'.' ''' tn. annual of the JJ l.,t, Z P .1 I, -'; j . La l a ia o :."n-.;.!e. a d the bitter J; ' 'f- -" .:. .:--.- 1 -;.,:,..-. i ' (.11. city. 1 r..l ably for , . , .' U ' ' ; I hi. kh-..nt, . ' 1-- -a I ....,'., . . 1 ' ' i-'1 i --:';v f.;-:..:', H-. Si ; i:.i''-t ',':., uhl find in tiie vilhiity of their Cou.-idi rablc nun. In is of t'nilo'. i baivi s of al s"i..-i-;oe few lain:: ! anil manv Oiiieei.-, have left oa vir.t homes during the past few days. I e-tf rday lhe First Viigiai i Cavalry, 1 . Ihi'. jhh:..'!e, K iij airii i.'s l.iiv icioii. r. j ceivid their pe: "n.i-.'ion to g,, l,,...i;e aaai l. I 0rja.1t,:. . ll i.i f.M-ecf. U the nn 11 wi 1 tdiatiiiii.i'.'.sly 1. '-enlist, i' is an c.vi'iitnt , leiriment. and it is a .uibh. t tor eaagr.it'.l.i , tiou that iis service will Lc retniiifl. 31 ..'or ! l o; -chart is I lie o j 1; is expected ia it witi.in , lers will l,c allowed to I .soiiivthing liite the 1 . !....,...- 11,11., SO. 111. V.J.1.0J--J crning thetn. Co:;i lerabl.' i-oinplaint has b.-ra cd bv lh cilii.T.tai Quai ti 1 uis.-'e; prc.'.eiit scarcity of MovKiugi and uti.b rcloth ing, and tli"V attr.L'..;. it to dvieit. 1 eon tiaelor-. ll. pottj are' pre'';.'. i;t ia. coup mat i,o:; stieei h.;s .-ucee. .led in c.i. "' ng a .iui.clio. with Lie: but ,U':er .ote in pii.y t.i.i e.riiio be triced to anv rc'.ijoie source. ('apt..!.!', iviii.l all, As.itn.t A djutaut 'ieitera! to ( icin lal I'at. iiK. has t,. a.. n 1 c I hi resieiia' i'Ci in t lie an ot iis aeet pianee. II favorabiv Known t 1 all who , .-1 m to tran-act .uiin-s 111 that de ( apt Phil. S httyl' r. i ii!:..' Fottrt. i-iitii I'nit- d States I'.nVn'.r.', stiecaeds (.'.ti'taiii l.im : hi..l. i :d ti ir nr. thf a' thori'y of i-s. iiji r-, ilait iie h of hung ry and trains had laden into ir p'.ltsllln;' I" lees I .t these Ii, n,..' io'l. i. li the pi. all! 11 gl.ipll .-tatani as t 1 U..UU It Mii 'v such atau iiii nts as pr. du-l: ::h,e. N isnvi. i it, lhe. li There here that General SI11 ridan, the lolc.inn iti pursuit of lam t'oiii.tf ri-d the rih. i roar g' a sett 1 .111 tl.. iiill.ee ii.ptly is a 011,11. still 1 . now tel, t t ) as 1- .NI-W ADVKUTISKMlNTS .ilu;ible i'i :!-i-iy in ."iMl;iiiilM r l.inil oniitv FOR DALE, mill. '.l.cn'...r. .'..-.:..! Iff b' -I 1 ''' ia. e I . . . .- . , a. . 1 ... 1 ,. I .. 1 1 . ,1 1; ail I'..!.' X. ' 1. N "i e: la . I il.'l ' I 1 l l -Ulll Si.', ll.l I Illl Illl. t al l.,:l., l-lll I ti-.-! I r editor '.nihil j 1, in- a-t ol ; Iv iiovm.I .' and sil-t'iit.fd a In al y li pu.-c, in illhi'.h (iellllal Mlllldail Ii. sod tl lull b, en I adly wo..i.ii.l. '1 ne nue.. r i ift gi ntr .llv cr.dited at l 11 - i il lln: .i.-id. -.' 1 T .1 1. 1: ... i . 1 , 11:11. 1" X 1. li.- 1 V .i y ::t Acre- t .a ! ,.!' I l a ,. 1 -.-' .1 11 1 . .In.,' !: .:-.- of l.lllt.f. l.-.s N.i 1 r .1 'ii'ii: : hi AM a.,, tl -1,1., , I to-. I I A liHAMA M 1 INT. d.N. I'.y order of Maj. lieu. I', rx iiKANI'. 1 . M. How 1 k, A. A. 1; -'j.r.j c7 Ft; War 1 h p.ii'.a 1 w. 1 1 . in a . !( (Mil I 1" M . ' . :' r .!' ol l.i a 11 y lia: I l.e - .11. I I 111 . . tail u . , v. . O. t I to" , I I , . 11 , . O.I !l Sirri llirl I I I Ulll ) , n t ..iy, i.t 1. ;. ii ,. ; 1 1 tn, i,;l. li i ' 1 hi. 1 i.t r , i.p. 1. 11 j 11 - .1 ... e ... , ii, . I In .1 ' lu , 1 -1 ; . I I h, 1 ,, t !.c ' I.. - 1 - 10. ! t'e V,, ;.,,. 1. t -, H l 1- II 10. 1 tl , .11. ' ; ,. ; , a! ot ll,. fa! ll.' C I'.lil, a.,, I . I'l O .1 I l.lioll I III 111 I l.l, , ti ! la lhe j .' ) he,., t nil 1 . 0.I1! 1 1 , ,1 , Hi I 1 1 , 1 . . hi r 4,11 , u I ioi h) I 11 1 :- i 1 ,,. i.i.i. i.g ti i.f , Im' 1 1 i .il . f ., 1 . 1, .. 4 . I a..t 1 ; I ! .1 T" 1 1. '.. h ..1 1.4 I I ti .1 . I ... .: . a il 1 l .-t. !, ii,s, ii of 11. I I .u pi,) Hal il.il li t , ,ai,o ,, I ,1 l I J v ., i - ,. a 1 . , I,,- mni It o, ,1 I . . I. ...i. i.i 11 SI I U ., I ... 1 I , l..,.,.iy Hi,,, .11. 1 1 i.u r . 1 1. 1 ,1 1 , ,,: , it .1 -, ,1 11 , .1 1 11 t..,. . , tha tt..i . I I I 1 .'.! . j, I II, I l. ult. t .i I 1 '. f ! I , , 1 1 11 pi an bv the , a'' led I -.millet - ot 1 V i .1.1-4 w til l.u 1111. V . n i. I I In' .11111 ol 1 II l,o- ; , lhe ,'ni'li., ,.n I. A .kill in I'ii i i. (a. illl I il.i- mill lur J.l I Hint a, V, u.it ir I ii.c I ..1 t . di), to j .-- l li it I' ..-.a . , . . I ..l.l. I it.li. .1 , 1 I I a Iln 11. ll 1 I .1,1, l.(it!,:l71 7: mo, ltd u h I Tl 1 nil t 1 .,--1 h ; I til.: IH d. 01- 1 ...t i .i.- 1'. l.u ii .. ', Js ,. ,!,.,t j i If l il : ,td t ' j Army uf llif I'uioiniir, I WasIUS .ii'N, IeC. 11. I A aeoii'iiB rce, ivr l to t ight from the army ! of the Pot om.ie, av that ull report-, tn the l ll.lt lllllt (tcllirul Meade ha-i his!) Sllpelaf. J di d wi re lint. niudi: I ; at 1. ot up t n hitt hour lust night, j far a w.. Known ut 1 hi a l.pllal lers. ieinial Mi adc, the d iv bi f lie v. -'t r! 1 , , hi a.hptar'.ei but it ia tiaeid lo Mieiai 1 1 ii t in -t S'uices. I ,i!ot 1 .in. .1 1 1 ,t . I .y ; ! d.'s ulehea Irom t hattulii.o.o'1, of liii.s date, 1 I lhe st..rv w ilt !'. ! 1 ft-. i 1 1 1 d. 1 ' UIi.NA'l in.N id'" i.I..M.i:AI. FAl.MI It. i l.en. i d I'al'u. r iia-. 1 s'.eie ,i t coinii-aiid of tin' 1 Illl C. 1 p, and ha 1 ri ,u htd lh io . i I port oil l,: r. t in n h an , 11 h.ai he . , i.id 01 .li r 10 ret a. 11 til hal ! iao. g:i, hi . Ii .t l. l ' ta.ii n. t hut 111 hi ill a. 11 t'ti ii. 1 ; Col. M.ailur Ii pott' ti "in lo'.aiubli tint : lhe tt I el di -el ti 1 1 and 11'. ui tii h.e lloaho e to til. I I osl illrn.it It I ll.l -tl -., I.akil'.p l.l I .' i .llii.Wi .1 li tiki' the lilt.1 I. Hi ll C the I'l. d- ll. I I 1 'i :.. ! ia lot h i . o 11 a a.' I al !n.-. is Al , il I., d M W M I- 'S A1 I' ll. . 1. , : -1 1 1 a I :- r' ! "Ol aU T . I I' I !.., ,1 h. 1. II. - .1' A A''1 11 'I 1. t I -' 1 a.- ll.."!' N. !' :-'I -..,. A:. I . i. i"'. ia la.a I'... M I'i N Al.I'M'S " t.-i ai aa I 1 - ; . 11 1. 1 ., ! -..1 -1 1 ; an. A ! 1 I . h kunii. X, a It'. l"iJ -i nit. lux ,lt S I. -. -, . .. ." 11. I I it. m ul Ne iv .- v. .u.ii : -in .-Ki :.'. T"N ..I ii..- ' .''. . I' I a "'I ' '-t f .. . 1 ... ,, .,- . a... I. 1. 1 e . ' 1. . oi- :. .. 1,,, oiio 11 . 1 1 "' " " " .' , 1 ,. 1 , 1 I 1 . I I- I ml la H-iiii- 1 I,:- 1,,'n.- l. I" I ' I l' ""1 1 ' "I l! ' Ai,Ut A,.. 1: a , 73.COO Watrhfi i:-r. oi A.- ' ii ni 1. aim. 1 ii 1 1 ..,.... foil r. 1 1 th r.l's ploehiu.Slloii I . la l Id ii-l'l IllllnU III I III JM'I '.Ull 111 fill Ma 1 I I I ... '... I ll V '. oi, iiitlo-l... a I lh ' 1 .1.1 -pc 1. I.il .. . I Id ll..: pi I I 1 I ' I'l I !.e. foil. '.I ill 'I U 1 1 I. 1.1 1 1 1 . ; 1 1 1 d , p n ti.. p. a I.i pt l 1 1. Ill I . r ' 1.4 i il. I' ii ,1 n ' I IV i nd: .14 I hi It ! ll i. I l.u 1 tin ,' n.i d .l I forwarded bin 1 1 p' I to the War 1 paitnu nl i iiie i,,,,,,,,, t, unning, lh it i.e I1-3 tmr J of 111" It I lilt llloli llil lit t.Utlllf ll.l Iljpl- I ,11 ( (li ,,r. ! .ihtii. ll i.t I'uiilii'.tully bt licie I thai u vu. 1 A ftiv .1 n ago a Capiaiu F- rl.ins, of li.c j I be sut i -lai lory to Iln) Cabi iit. Ilia Uu ' mil Ihhii mh' I .0,1 o, pi id t .ni. ' rettogilo 1.1.1M i.iiiit i fail) lul'rstd by j tit..'irii f.-r pi inii.iuu 1 1.1.1 th,-. .1.. , iihuo.i tn iy iiilh rr. ' n :,. i.tuiii nadir tlu m..n.aiy jdotlaiau , All lhe I'orpa rt-I 11 ily ntgii-d n akiiif u,,n j j thi iii.iln fuiJiliirti!il. Uyoud lhi.i, in. 1 J av In 4 h ill r thsl lilt H.ai p. i J ttlt i'J I'Hti.iO W Vi'lbtf. i lion vi Ita.iuain: U hot llinit i.lood l.r I - " - - - apl rt'Utid Iy lll.Uia'lalit la the llhlll I'tiriluu fl m UrlMl l.titt i-ttl. 1 ( 11, y, au. U tt Um optu. I cl ' I W iHIN dii N, Ike, ll. l.u,,,, cuplnrit I ! Tl"' Ibn'i hi t ht 11 oie Itl.u purd .ii ol F , he t; ,ai t Fmi.U Cal'.ty, lh gu 1.H4. ' ' W . t.iidt. ul A ikiia. from Ihu I nii'ty u h h 1 lu ,l ii. n Mo ink, )i .1 '!, ! ' 1. H toll III. ltd. lit Mid Ull low. U.iO. It nil li,-.' i. 1 o al l I - , M. . .... !.. Ill 1 I I . I 1 k IU' 1 I. lu ll ,.l I'. . ui ia t a lu,. a I 1 ..li I. lu 1 III i.i an, 1... lu ii.i it ..ui't 10 at it. Uli 11 I'l illl. in. I I a . n: I 0 J h a 1 11 lie la nil" s l '. l-u , ..M..' ! 'J i I III ""' 1 I.' 1. 1 I: i I f : I h .-. - (""a! 1 T'i :i 11 ,1 . u , 1 ul. .. 1 1 1 I . Ma .1 I' 'I.il .' .0 I ....all I il. u. . .' I" .. I. I. l-ri-.'U, tihii b he im .iiriil l . iiplmrf ud l ill, I. lag thn oil. i l I I.K her tl.d III Camil Id 11.0 Ititiir,;. Ida lio pti 1 ill '"i ii 11 U. in ! 1 14.1 1 1 In ! fit r ,.hi I I pl"tll), Ha fjUiy li Uttt'lta I'l i'i.. t I l.u 1; id ..si K! .'. li .11 l.iU hl I. t. ti Ihu Ail I lo I a I .1. .1 la I' u st '. i.l I I , 1. Il. i la I ... I.. 1 1. ,! nit li. ti ' liu j ll di M jiiiit.l, lit Alt n.. Ctin'r d -tl. !-'ili., ... .i., Ul 1 111 I . t.t 1 lilo U,tt ihu to.it ti.d.ity udoti t lil Iv I l.l M io i to tl la iu ii I ..s t, i.i., j .1 i.i.. '. ..ii . . ,; 11. F I l.u 1 i I ti J 1,-11 i II, it 1,. . . 4rc 4 4" as tU"i. 11 toui IK u t 1 O . awii.4 alt. i.l4 al-4 a-.u... don u4 ll 4 -! La .-, t-aa 4 1 I i,i M ,,.t 1 r 1 ii 1 l.l Ul U it y I.t a a I L.i.,.. ll i 1.. 1' .1 .t.,, J . . I lUJ I l ,.' , t Id U.. I At it a I - 1 la -I. A'4 Ith u. ... ' j.i 1. 4 "-.j t. ..-, 1 L. A. . 1- i'.i it. t. : di I I H. l. I 1 " . ' 'si I a.. . I I - " 1 t ll...l I I..a I.. I I I. u .' 1 a 4 ( - I a . a ts 11 1. ; a 1 I l a II. ll 'Ill t'i 1 f I ' " . . I 1 f ala tl, I, ,1 K III ., . !f.Ji i 4- In. i y. . I I.i I"'
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