f !; r 5, un tuu 3 ni erica H. TJ. MABSBHi Editor & Propiiotor. St'.YIII'KV, IM. SATLMtDAY, NOVEMMKK 7, IMG;.. FKEACUINQ AN IX POLITICS. The Daiwerul notices the fact that Mr. Mianafelt lias been, relieved of his charge ns pastor df tlir liuim Baptist church, and M) s it wits on account of polit.cfal pifncliiiifr. S c under-lnnd the gist of Mr. Shaniifclt'.s crime was in his prayers in support of I'rcs ident Lincoln, mid his dctiuni iation of .Tell. Davis and nil his aiders and tibettots. Wc have Also heard, that in his farewell sermon, Mr. Mianafelt xvns very severe on the Cop perhead (xnd Northern k nipatlcrs, who drew tbi i. ppliiival mid religious inspiration, in common, lioin the Jelf. Davis' edition of the "Northumberland t.Vv.iity Bible." Sonic of them, we are informed, vvre disponed to retreat from "the lire in the ler" 011 tliif occasion. but some xvickud t'nioii nen out tide, hi Id fi- t the door. Our neighbor xviuds up his notice of Mr. .jJituiiifcU with the following remarkable if ()f sympathisers in America not inexplicable paragraph : I the ablest men living. "We Jo not envy last nmn's f!lion, who, nfier TnK ELKeno.v The vote in the StHle of New York has resulted iu a decisive triumph to the cnv.se of the Union, by a majority of thirty thousand. Governor Andrew's ma jority, it Massuehnsctts. will not fall short of fifty thuusand. Humors prevailed of a radical triumph in Missouri, bused upon statements of majorities in certain quarters heretofore devoted to Secession and slavery. The elections returns in Wisconsin show greiit gains for the t'nion, nnd it is probable that the State is I'nion by fifteen thousand. Various comities in -Nfiv Jersey prove tin increased Union vote, nnd there is fair hope that the result will be. highly gratifying throughout the State, J llviuy Ward Bcccher has addressed immense numbers of people in romc of the largest towns in Ureal Britain. The iiritish papers publish his speeches and comment largely upon them. Thi.i will exercise a powerful influence on the Ibitsh public opinion. lie npenKs boldly, and spares slavery and its defender no more among the sympathisers with the aristocratic r-lave-hoMcrs there 1 linn he does the same clas lie is one of An I npi-rulW-lcil I'wt lax Iron ! lsngiiHgo lhu North, its President, nnd ita I'ouiMliwA. advocates, were posted in various positions It,, 11, 1..1.1.,.. I......1 f .l. l.lt ...,,1 .,lun. TIIETWKNTT ririlOVNS HEVrSTVTWOTONH " uvieu """" OK 11ION AT CNK "HEAT.'' Tlic rillsburg Lhputeh of the 2Gth, snys : I "Wo have Already noticed the fact thn'. where Trie ALAXAMA. I.t',erg by the Cope tnnil state that th British ship Cfimperdowo, from Madras, preparations were progressing nt the Kurt belonging to (Jillultr & Co., M hove to Pitt AVorks, tn this city, for the manufacture I nmj boarded by tho etr-nmrr Alnbnms, on of twenty-inch guns, the lathe, patterns, j t,c j;th of August, olT the Cape of Good Ac.., being, in nu udxanccd condition. As j Hupp. thn experiment of nnuiuliu lining a gun of The Glasgow firmed nt Bochr's Point such a calibre, however, is one of great risk October at). The Time save: "Captain U was determined to nettle nt lcat one j Senimes will not, it is raid, from motives of i.ihiii j.i rieiieuiiy im-ioiu iii u'iii.iim to inoiim . policy, cik nn i ngagcnicni n un me nii the great irtin, by welting nt n MUgle hi at. ! ilei-bUt. but if blockiided bv her in Simon's nearly the same quantity of metal ns would j )ny, will elude his nntogonist ns he did the he required for the twenty-inch. For this yMn Jacinto, nt Martinique. Captain Hem purpose tw o iruns were moiiled of iheliftcen-I nn-V obinloil is that the Vniidcrbilt has inch navy pattern, nnd each furnished with ' verv much greater speed than the Alabnmn, n I welve-ini h instead of n lit'ti endneli hollow atui timt jt will be impossible for him to core, making lhirrongn weight oi eaen oi pet a, way lioin tier. ' the guns netirlv as great as. that of the- ;;.,."V, u l 7JV. " A" ciiluinbaid fifteen-inch. Tin se moulds were ! I It I. A S O . Ii7" How the Soi.dilhs Votu. In a pol' hsviiii InbnicJ nnd voted to lirinir thin swful lection nl vtiin nrTiti Ihp L'ountrv. CMll Ptill a.td to Ms U'lilt Ihf rin n't dwerating tlir nscrort riiKi nt' rri!;iu in cf "-i.OnT votes given bv the Ohio Soldier-.1alif,-0tl,.n thr nion-troiw r-.obory r-jl and I jnUielll,K, Yalland.ghiim. Copperhead; has rum et the nifrft fjrv,'Pruu eountry in til o u-trul , t i i niud.i Bii.-li bv tbo princiiJi aul pjlky el tlio men j only (i, leaving a nisiorit v for Urolith, vbomhlaud.Tiaudiuuliitiu." I'uLu, of IWM, and Vet our Copperhead 1 HIT JUblJULdLiUIl in lilt Ifi'Vin, rtiiv nn- i nirtcovrnv or a plot to kklkask THK 11K11EL riUSONl'.ItS. CroJ'il'U ECoolution In Ohio Hint Itllii . named or Tirr. I'AnTti:' MtitEiTi:; Cincinnati, Nov. 1. An rxtrnordinarv case of treason has re- I'rom tk Army oTllic CuniUrrlaiiil. I ommcsii:ti:d.1 a WAhrriscTQN, October CO, Tho fitnr of i Iulmlnory 'onitiinplIii ii C'..rlIl this evening contains information that on IIIuciihc Ml the 27th Inst., by n very brilliant movement, A CAM). which wn planned ami cxocuteij under the Tu Cor;r.viiirsii. direction of General Smith, Chkf of Kepi- ! Tb, undertignrd Laving Ucn rMtorcd to hw.Ui neers, in the Deportment of the Cumlwrland, in n ft.w wef kl ly t rnJ limie rrn..(.(ly, ttfl,,t f . lines of supply were acquired for th forces i mid , At,Al coa-iunptlon-i, r.x- " . -.1,lllUV02.';' U,U9 r,L,1,,UV";" V,C ' T"1Hn J nu" I'" Mlcr.-,nvr,r. the tuu ol General I honius of its chief cnibai rass- 0rcuro '"General Smith's operations nl the mouth I hn:X';lrr ni PJf ' P"' of Lookout Valley, nro apoken of as u great I "r,,,,,"n ('";u 'f tl",r, )' , ,u" "!" buccess, and their brilliancy cannot )(B ireP'" J th ,amo, alich tl.ry ill .iiTfruil I nnd a sure cure for Comnmptlon, Astlmm. liionchi- Major-General Thomns has telegrajihed to tho War Department the following de spatch, dated nine o'clock jtsterdny morn ing : placed side by side in the pits of the new foundry, nnd on Saturday moniin:? live of the furnaces in the foundry were charged three for the special purpose of easting the great gun and two for the ordinary work of the nhop. I lie-respective weights ui tliese charges will give some idea of the capacity j of these enormous furnaces, being thirty four, nineteen, nineteen, thiitcen and eight and n 1 half Ions, an aggregate of marly ninety-four : . .. 4'. .'. ... , ,i I Mill?, iiuu ii nil ;-n-,iiii iiiiK'iiiu in, ,,n, " ' , , , " , i ; ; eeiillv come to liid't, implicating Fcvetul in n sinWe ctaiiiiyhnu nt in .me dav. rVv ! I"!? i this city, Columbus, Covington tempt to make the North. u!oiie, responsible for tlie war, is what might be expected from (i Copperhead organ, but when he refers tu 'the monstrous robbery, betrayal and ruin of the mcbt prospcrov.s country in the world" and says this ruin and dtsolnlion was brought about or "made such by the principles and policy of the men whom he (Mr. Shnntifeh) slaiulers nnd maligns" is a TiiiiiirkuUe contes.-.ior, i.f crime Mid error, on the part of our neighbor and his Coppel hc.vJ associates, that wc did not expect to see, for a year or two, yet to come. neighbor has the nupiuienei; to t. -11 us tint if the soldiers Lad ull beiin permitted to vote, W oodward w ould hiive been elected by 30.000 majority. - - - .Istollx'i" 1,1'Hii' " ulliiiutitJiiiiii'H -'l'3i- Iri's rl' his l'1-ea-.o'i A-- I'lllllllllllC, Tho Ohio State Journal publishes the fob enty two tons ot this metal, oting in charge of "the thiee large furnaces, were designed for the casting of the cxpcritni ntnl gtain. The in tnl was led from each uf thise fun.a ees to u ho'ge po I cqut-di:'.lniit, from nu ll of ',he moulds nud ci.inniunitali,ig iy two 'runnels' with the "gates." "About one o'clock the three furnaces were tapped in quick succession, and in a moment three streams of molten iion were pouring into the pool, from which, as the metal rose to the level of the openings, two fiery lines shot into each of the moulds. Tlic intense heal of the iron pouring along these seven streams, with the molten mass in the re.'i i ioir, seemed to hue no extraor- 1 dinarv died on the workmen, who iierlbrm- I lowing letter from Ynlhindighnm to n jebel j t.,) their accustomed duties of skimming and : Colunel a copv of which was sent Noith i clearing the moulds with ti much iielii'.Vr- 1 bv James l'limi West, Co. A, Nineteenth O. ' the glowing inelal suiroumiing 1 11. cm ami lining me an wiin snoners oi i i i. . . ,. . r , ., !.'. , his ;,i,.,.i, .,,;,.,;, ,! 1 "lnlcr the impression mat n.cy were sjues. Y. 1., who, ;n l letter to his brother, thus i relates how the document came into and Newport, in conspiring to release the prisoners nt Camp Chase, ami overthrow the Stale Government. The conspiracy was brought to light by United States detectives who were supposed by the pnlties implicated to be spies from the rebel army, and were treated with full confidence. The plot, us disclosed to the detectives, was that an tit tack was to be made on Camp Chase, release the prisoners confined, ;5,o0l) in number, to seize the nrscnnl nt there, and then to com mence the Kchcl campaign in Ohio. Cuilcd Slides Marshal Sands nnd Proves! Mar.-hal Major Penney arrested the follow ir.ir persons implicated in the plot Ci,.nks W. H. Catheurt, of Columbus, foimerly School Commissioner of Ohio ; T. D. Cres sop. of Columbus, formerly sutler in the 1st li Ilegulars, w ho w ere ty lend in the at- Coingtoii. regular agent of the rebel Gov ernment, who furnished monev to detectives General Hooker was attacked at 12 o'clock, midnight, n severe fight continued for two hours, with lighter word until 4 o'clock A. M. "Hooker reports nt 7 P.0 this morning that the conduct ol'hU troops wns splendid. They repelled every attack made on them, iind drovc the enemy from every position they assailed." Nothing additional has been received at. the headquarters of the army up to noon to-day concerning Hooker's victory. The light took place id lJrown's Perry, on the Tennessee, liiver, near Chattanooga, ami the result is considered of tho highe.-t import ance, r.i it relieve llebel obstruction to ' stenniboat navigation to that point, and secures other advantages in opening up the ' way for army supplies. i Xakiivii.i.V., Oct. 21). Lookout Mountain I wns takenn the 2Sth by oiu troops under . Gen. Hooker, with the P.leventh Army; Corps, u portion of the Twelfth, and Pal- i nier s Division ot tlic f ourtli I orps. 1 Hey met witli no serious opposition. (,KNi;nAi, itusr.i ka.ns anh nu: iii hi r.i.r.c- 1 IONS. j The news of the favorable result of the Ohio election was received nt Chattanooga ' on tiie 11th. An o;-d;r v;r; immediiitely icn'. o,it to the iliilcrcul divisions, l.ngailes, ot winch the i tii, Coughs, Cold?, Ae. Tbo only i.lgrcl of the d virtiniT in f nding lb Prrjcriplion Is to benefit the Afflicted, and pprond lnfnrmn:iuii nhicli he conceive, t be invalunblc ; and he cif every FiilTi-rer will try bis retneilv, an it will uoot ticai ro(hin(;. nnd limy I'rovc a Hwiuit. l'nrtien MiinR the prwiiptioii will aihlrcss llcv. i:iAV.ni A. WILP'.i.N. V. lllimnsliiirs, Kings Countv, Now Yoik. fiet. in.1FM lm I l.K W,-K 1IY llMi;.s ! ! In not triflo ivilh your Htallli l oiifiiluli.n nnd I t'biiractrr. j If you are roftVricfC with any Ilsrtup.. fur wUKJi j nr.i.MHui.i) e txTUACT r.i: mi ; i.srccoDiuicnded. 'Jiy it ! Try it! Try il ! j It will cure yon. nve hinp siirTerir.ix. nllnj liij; yn0 mid InHinnni'tiien. mul i ill ri'-l"ic vou lK, ; JIKALTH AM I'lltiTV. At litllo f;xfirn.. and l:n eii.diO i t'tit out tho Advrrtisenienl in miolhcr colninim nnd cull or wnd !' r it . IJOT A XIUEZ X2RXNIC. A UIOj'ILY CONCHNTrtATrC a t-rciTic. 1H AT V ILL liEIdtVE TIJi: AI-TLiaub, A.V! Aol mnhe Irunliitrli, 1K. UOOFLAKD'S German Bitters PKKI'AllKK UV DR. C M. JACKSON, i'iin..i)i:i.i'iu.. W 11,1. l:iTi:CTl ALLY AM) '.MOST ( j.UT ij LY fl'iSK A i.i, iiKi;AmB:s arising from n bi.-iordore'l I. Ivor, fluinncli.or Kidneys . 'J'bou.aiel or our ciiirrM nro rofler'iiii: ,,,o In . jio.ia at:d I.ivr li..rne. nn.l ,i. t.,; , ,. ingquo.iions u i ly wc K"riiuli c llOOFI.A.XIfS OKilMA x i:j TT I , will cure tin in. KVSI-IU SI.V AND 1,1 V Ell IHM Kl l)o ynn rife with n pouted tongue ,,. ig... ,, "" V "'" "';"' 1 r H,1,. fr break lust ? I)., yon tool hen yon tie-. ,. ,, . ,,, S'ii-i ion eiui M.-i,leelv e;. t -l t ' T , ... ,. in ll.e i(,i,l ,.i I..,., ho iivasi.,i.t.v ' lll'l il'u.Viile ,. ll.'ive a di.ii'e dnlne- with heniiii iioweii, en-tin. mid irreulii li'e f jo vou Ihrow I ut!i n n J-4" Thk Cost or Consi nirTs.-The Copperhead (Mgiuu have been dealing so contempt of , r. but we believe that no possession : While out on a reconnolssam e vestcrdav, ! ascideiil has ever yet occurred tit the works i we captured the haai'e. and private papers J during ,he t-pcration ol ca-tine; 2o:wrih- much in fiction of late, that thev have not : of Col. D. D. Inshall, of the tth Alabama, j slaM.liu tne umi-manv u- cuaiuci i onlv deceived their credulous readers, but ! Ceben refiiment. The f. ;!U,w i,-.S iuterotin ! 1 Jl'fZ . :'"3 ,111,1 l ii IT ll i l Liter Ml-lin-ll lit' I I, M - r.-y-.u v. ,--..,.,,.,... . v have befoi'ejed themselves. One of their laiiilhrhatn, while here, was found unions last canards, before thu election, was astute- ' ,U papers. 1 send you a copv of.il, so llu.t lerlacing on their w vou mav know where this man stands, and be governed accordingly, as from the tenor ; of your last letter I was led to believe that vou was inclined to favor his election ns : come to tuent from the "Boston Post,"' that the ex penses of the draft were so great, that every conscript would cost, the government live j thou-and dollars. Suppose thai only one Governor of Ohio. Put when vou hundred thousand conscripts are obtained, ! understand his (! nt,i,nbU ,i,,wi. 1 hope for I according to this thev would cost live lain- i tllc Slllu' " 1,10 ,ulI,u; ol t,lu' family. I dred million., of dollars- a sum sullicient to 1 i"",1,11'0 f l,nir tuU,lt,ry' iyuK W,U ' . ... . hold voiir vote Irom t"l v;). I he . Keep in the tiekl, nearly two years, an army : n,;imii ii:ti,.r will be sent to headoiiartds ! hall a million men. besides keeniii'i tin for "Hosev's" insnection. hot metal and cold water, crossing and m- iv, poured into the moulds without accident. The success ol , the experiment nbiimhiuth demonstrates the I capacity of the works for ihe mauufacttire , of guns of tw eutv im h clibre. 1 i t hall a million men. besides keeniii'i tin an immense navy. Yet such is the stutl' vith which our neighbor of the Copperhead D'nuvri'i, and others like him, lay before their deinded readers bh facts. We trust tliut he w ill be more cautious in regard to lii.-r-fncts and figures, in the legislature, where, although they may tolerate liny i'j;oii !:rt:'.M'f:. Mr. Mason, the Southern (Viv.lni-sior.cr. who had n turned to J'.ivd.iivl fr.'m Prance, was the ptic-t of Mr. V. S. Lind-siy. M. P. Piaron liotli-child litis umie to t-ie n-!:-. f .:!'the fmiint-LS of Piance. and he 1.': tak'-n four mi'iliiuis steiiiuc; i.f Prench Treasury ( .y ofle'.ter c?j.ti.r..il bonds nt Cve percent, iiiter"-!. Ir.Aii ( O....NF... : Your kind note and in- i 1;'- """5 Ward Peeeher h:x been pre vitation ol'vesterdavwas this uiornh.g hand- l- " ';" by the .lud.r.ts n ed me bv vm.rbrother-iu law. who will hand 1 "on eonl,.,;.,;-! colleg. s. He was also vou this in return. It would give me much j ''itcrtnmeu at a bnewell breaklast u I.on r.i ... ..::.,.., ,..! ,...',, ,.,,,,.,,, ,i I dou bv h'.s ad'.inr, t -.. i-' l . .1 l, I u ill 1 1.11 ili u..vi -i. .iiiiiiiii i - .. before leaving the Coiifederacv, but it i linpo sible to do so. ns I have made amoui.L of tough yarns that are plausible, ! arrangement to start this A. M., with the and commit mauv flagrant errors, thev j t arliot train for Wilmington. ;n ., ,i . 1 1 ., , , You surmise correctlv, w hen vou sav that will not be willing to subscribe themselves :m . , i .r -.; i i. i, .'xii, i vou .jcllRe to me be the tneinl to the houth unconditional disciples of Munchausen. I ju )u.r tiruggle for freedom. My feelings Bach stories a the above, and the story of i have been publicly expressed in my own fifteen hundred warmis brim, nmi.-terrd in i country, ill that i.'.lytation from Ltd Ch.it- Jlilton, would make a marvellous impression in the halls of the legislature. J-j" Wrv is it?-Two year aro when lite soldii is were going through this place, to defend tho best government on earth, cer tain politicians made it a point to be at every train inquiring of the soldiers w hether tiiey were Democrats, f-cver.d notices ap peared in the ('jfl'i r.u'd Orpin of this place stating, that "the soldier were all Democrats and did all the fighting while the Pe publicaus remained at home." Now these nunc men set up a great how 1 because tht:c i-nmc fcohliers were in favor of Curtin, and arc bitterly opposed to their voting. Why 13 it i We would like an explanation. If the soldie.M were all democrats two years hn when thfy went to fight for their coun try, w hy so afraid of their voU's now ? What could have induced thorn to vote in opposi tion to these men, iliese self-constituted pure democrats i If the soldiers were ull Republicans when they went, why did these men deceive their friends through the country by telling them a lie ? These Cop perhead politicians will get themselves cor Di red unless they invent another canard to get themselves out of the ir farmer d'. ep- hani "My Lords, vou cannot conquer Aine- ; riea.'' There is not a drop of Puritan blood I in my veins. J hate, depise and defy the tyrannical Government which ha: sent tne atnoiw vnii. for inv oninion.-.' sake, and shall never 'give it my support in its cru-ade upon your institutions. Put you arc mistaken when you say time are but liw such i.i the I'nittd 'Statis, North. Thousands are there who would skeak cut but for the military despotism that strangles them. Although tho contest has Ken, nud will continue to be, a bloody one, you have but to per-cvere. and the Victory w ill surely Ic yours. You must strike home ! The de fensive policy lengthens the contest. The shortest roau to peace is the boldest one. -You c;'.n have your oun terms by gaining the battle on your enemy's soil. Accept my liiiil ligards lor your pir.-ona. welfare, and sincere thanks for your kind wishes in my behalf, and hoping and pray ing for the ultimate cause m which you nie. lighting, believe me, us ever, your friend, " C. L, Y.w i.anmoaa.m. Col. D. I). Insha. i , blh Ala. Yols. A 4'ily in tier Stocky .rniiu;iliis. The resident population of Virginia, Ne vada Territory, on the 1st of July, was esti mated at fifteen thousand, the daily average number of transient visitors being as many more. Alani street, which is the Jimadwi The Loudon 7V.'.. MihlLhc r. Inter bv the well known correspondent "Mysterious.'' commenting upon and showing the import ance of the seizure of the steam ram in t r.i; Mersey, and expressing the belief thai the public will stand by the t iovernment ill their determination to defeat fraudulent cont'.'ivan.TS. Mr. Laird had been -.iking at P.irhcn head, defending his couisc in the matter of the Alabama, etc. The Knn.i ror I.o.ii- Nai.o!e::u In 1 ivc. ived and congratulated the Mexican Deputation on their sucee-s. j iiknky wai:i r.i. 1:1 iii'.i'. at i kti:kiiau.. I'p.li; t'l.e I. . lid. ,11 ! j The scene otit-hli; f the hall was, nb.n e, -iher, one of a ii.ost i xiraordine.ry de-ctip- ' lion. A crowd bigan to a--.-enib!e as early ; as o o'clock" and before 'J o'clock it bcamc so i'en-e atel ntif.ie: ,i,e, a coivph-tcly to block up. Hut only tli' I'.iotw.iy, but the carriage-way of the Mrand, anil tin; ci m- inittee of uiiinagei-.i :;t wisely ddcruiined at once to throw open tlie duor-. V ri'.oh took place, nnd the hall b. eatne lillid to ovei ilowing in a few iniuules. Toe poliecuen and hall-keepers were powi-rlei-s to eou'eud j age.iiist tills immense uow,'i. who immei '.i a'.elv lilleil tin; spacious corridors and stair- ea-es leading to the hall, slill haing an i I immense crowd both in the Mralid and j Plllieigh strcit. A lew luiiilites befoie , I scch o'eloek "M r. P. Scott, the city Cham- be-rlain, ami the chatrman ot the meeting I accompanied by a la rye burly o the com mittee of the eiiiiiia ip.i'.io-.i .-nciity anivcl. but w ere unable to make their w.tv through spatehed and, according to agrei'inent. were to meet Cat heart and others nt Camp Cha-e, and ex pected to mature the plan of attack on Camp Chase; Ruth McDonald, of Covington. wU, acted rs riftjl ir'.'ier through he rebel Vines, and whose home was the lieaiitiiii';ters of the rebels ; Siiinuel P. Thomas, a merchant tailor, of Cincinnati, and his wife, antl Cath arine Parmenter, of Cincpiiiati. Li format ion has been obtained that an nrgani.nt ion exist in Illinois, awaiting the outbreak in Ohio, to produce similar results in that State. Other particulars are known to the authori ties Inn not et made public. I' 1 '.:".! 1 I l:s HI' Tlll'.IH lil'.TIifTt'iN a:-i Aiiur.sT, ; Cl.M IN.NATl, Nov. 2. I Considerable stir was made in this city on Saturday night, by the arrcht sf Samuel P. ! Thomas, and his wife; .lames P. Put ton, of Covington. Ky. ; Ruth McDonald, of New-! poit. iy.. and a Mrs. Parmenter. charged on the allid avit of Major Keany, of General fox's st a if, with conspiring to release live, thousand rebel prisonous in Camp ( ha e, two hundred rebel officers in the Ohio peni tentiary, nnd a many mole in M'Lcan Par- ; lael-.s, in 1l';s pity. The arrests were made by detachments of Putted States trnops. under the din etion of l':ii',( d Slates Marshal Sands. ii;id tin partiis were heal in IO.OuO ea. h. for a heaving on Wednesday before Pnited States Coiiunis her Polliday. George Y.. Pugh i counsel for the accu-ed. On Sunday the Mar.-hal went t Columbus on a special train and arrested the late State School Commissioner, Callicart J J. D. Cris sop, former partner of Thimuis ; ti Mr. Sla.le i foin.eilv a rebel prisoner, and a Dr. l.a.ele, ' who stands high among the Copperheads, l.a.ele was pill in the penitentiary, and the others were brought in irons to this city, i and Iran 'feired to the county jail. : Mr-. Parmcoter was a washerwoman at the I nited Slates hm racks in Newport, and a eo between of the prisoners and outside i emissaries. The detectives gained her con ' fideiiee and that of Mrs. McDonald and be ' came parties to their plana. They all met frequently at Thomas's house. Thomas fur nished money to buy axes mid chloroform i to release the prisoners, and furnished a i di-'oiiise to the detective who traveled be am,!, regiments ot the eorj following is a copy : ' ; IIi ad V autkus Poi tun Attuv C'T.rs, ' Chattanoooa, (let. 11. IM'i". The follow ing dispatch if just received from depart-! uieiit hvad-ijuarti r.- : ; 1I;:ah ii Ai:ii'.Ks Dii ai:tmi-.nt rr tmk CvMi.bui.AM), Oct. 11. ISO:'.. U P. M. ; General Granger, Commanding fourth Army Corns; Ohio l'uu: fur Br.e.tLrh bv thfrty i i thousand. Send wo.'d for three times Ihrcc ' l'vomrli ti".1 ranips. No information of! j .lie ru'i ,on to: cheers to be g'veu l-'V our pickets. ; P.v cov.uii'iibi of Major Cen. I!i: i uixv .1. J. Reynolds. Major- Cell, and I h;vl X Stall'. ! Diision comnianders will sre that the abo",e order is complii d with. Py order of j . Major-General (.uanoi.i:. I Immediately on tin) receipt of this order. ' the dilierelit regiments wire drawn up. and nt the word of command three times three : rousing cheers were given from one end of j the line to the other, at the defeat of the ! most ii uli lit traitor in the land" NYrh or South. j i - l;:vc tit;t;iifM'it' in lient mi. y. The Nashville i;,;'un of the iTth sais : i ""A very respectable s'.avi holder from Kentucky 'informs us that, within three weeks past, a change seems lo Imxe u me ' over the negroes in the southern counties of that State, ai.d large number- ol them are runnhiL' oil'. He says tKu over one hii-dri d and fifty have escaped from one county, and the" trouble i- increasitiLr. In spite of the enormous prices which the great Ken tucky staple, tobaeeo, is bringing, slaves have" depreciated greatly in value. A very large proportion ol the slaveowners say that shnery is hopeles-ly destroyed, and that they are willing to aequiesiein any dispo sition which may be made of the slaves. Thi.- sentiment is rapidly spreading among the people. The I'l.ion men are almost unanimously opposed to the factious and sell'.-ih eour'-e of the pro-slavery bigots nt Louisville and Prai.ki'ort.'' .ot i:iz. Hewiire ol 'Counterfeit-! Ai-H fur llihiilioliln .. i.in io v, ' ' . .'?'.. ':"'"" ''"o- lime no other, i ures loiiui.nuea. : -; - . . imi ii"in ue :..m,, - . lieKdirr 10-2ni ' ''" .vousivell ,, ,!. ii,, ,. , Il, , - - e-i!iti. mid n sinkue; wlien 0.,- ,., i .... llMTolt or Avr.ini AN Prur fir : with ymir i,, ymi him; hwirtlmi n oeeii.:,,iin! v ' b' perm ission I wi-h to sn v In tlic renders nt" your pi- , low spirite 1. mm! ,;l; ,,n , j,. , '. Vi"- jier tlint 1 will mid by return loHil lo nil who v.i-li ; Are you not ueu-nM;iv iienmi. et'tu, ' it (tree) n Jteeijip. with full ilireeti,m fur nmkini; 1 not hpu.m-.v re.'lev. im l oi;,,, .,,. ,.!..ii nnd usinn n sillilile Vesetalile linlni. tint willel'e,;-, In fre vial en en In ;i ' n-, I it ' ",'.' ' !..... i ,: i... in i i... 'r . , . .. . . ' 1 I'-. -11 1:1. :,!,.. 1111.11 V reuini e , in leu u.-i I iiiij-ii-f. imiiii n, -. I an ; you ,'ei tu ,,, i ,.,y j,),..; ,. ( , :JI1(1 , I-'re.-idei.. nnd till iiniiirilie of tlie Skill, lenvin Ihe kin dry nnd sealv' !!-' ' iu'. mine Mil. eleiir. miooth mid biautiliil. i your life u biirihi-u. full uf fori lei iie.- I will Hlsoniliil fre-' to those l.ulile' Itald Ilea'!' ttoomi . , , - . ' " erliuie K;.ee. ". .1.. ..m...I... m.d i ,; S.n ,i..l io.i wi u a ' - blaTT thul will enable llieni to;art n!,iU ene.vtb ol l.nxu rin lit ilair. w lii -ker". fr a Mnunache. in le-s li.iiu I- Ihirlv dni. .Ml ntinlioatiniis ne.-were.l by n".u Oiaii w ;thnllt eharce. Ib-t.e-tt'allv j an -, JI"S. 1". 1 IIAI'MAN. ( l.eni-t. No s;; ;r.,alway. New V' r',c. Si-i.t . 12. l-ii.'!. .''m E6 I", A T E X . Ill this place, on 'Ih'.irsd.iy last, of dipthe.- j ria, PYAN. an infant si.jif .lolm Kny and M.oy S. Clement, aged 2 yeais;i"id I", months. 'JT.U is the seeom! vi'-tini ol lhat fell d" stroyer ithe family of Gen. Cleir.nil. wilhin a mo'.ilh. HOOVLAND'S ClatT.T.A.V Will euro every en-e nfc'hi-.,,,!,. , bi-eli.-e o tiie Kohiev., m Ji;.',.. Ii ijisordercd Stoinaeli". "nsKKYKTlli r.cs,ih;;,,- luin bi 1 1, I.!'- It: ' t'. I l.ri, enll i: Mlti...- l'"U."Y I;,';, ; i-.lirs of the bi Cl-ti. , t stlf-t.. I..W..I I l".'l". l-'tihK-s ' r I. .. t" H e II. a I. A.-i.li. , .... r-.: 1 'Ii. iii:.-.'.i. Ileir;t.i:r i I. Kin.-.- r W.-iirht in ii,,. -l ilioi. .-ir.Kii.s "i- l'lntl, i a: a I'. Sw hnmii,. .if ll... lb. .,! II ithiii -. l'la;'i rin'- : o, "" "' '- 'ti"i when ia a b li; 'I' i-i.'tl. Ill,-- , I ... . '. , I'm . lb - ': invl Ih, II Pain in i!, I,., , Kh,.:.. When., live. Com, '"bit. Tui-kw bent. I Ini.-ee.l. L'lolers.'e.l. :i;NUBV JtAitKKT. ! (Mi I V.fi'. I "' il '. a i j liulivr. li I I i!l,.n , . 1 '.'n I l.-u-.i. ;all'o,k. s T.i 1 on, in $2 bit I Ihitn. I I si 00 j Siliilll ler. mUKjIRiUWIKMKaT'X 1. V. lie- si ! Ma : . .,f . si. ! li. ' : st. I Ileal. l'.INI: stum In i.Lii ill. i r:,-.,I 1 1, e: si : :: : l" : '.Ai; Tii- f bi. ir.' lual.y i; . flit lit. in -t i!ii-k'.-. ;-t 11. m ADVKliTISKMi-X' A V A l.l VlU i: ?L AIJTATSO xT ( v Ca ii, n lr 1! lo '."li: 1 li: ..N 'i Al.MMi "VI.: :o- Me ill I, "i I sf I'NTV. I'J-.XN'A. the lell.all.'l.' V ,.ri!.e!,i-. !:r.D sur.i.b H-:t. 'liiWNSIlll'. CM!. I Ml'IA (' en Ihe watet- of loeaia a k to Sbnun kia. Ml. l ain..;. A-ln.ii.d nu.l l'olt- iUe. .lliiml I CO Acres, lire n'.td in u loi"! -tnte of etiilii ati..ii !, 1.1.1. i l.MbKbbli with p.... I Hlille tr.iU :mi:1 i liite soiiii. of -upetii r -i:-e iiiid iun!:'y. i..e;hir .-. ;'!. Im je pl:iliti!i-s .-niti:!.',e 1 r ii.ii.e jaop-. A the i tn l ,,v, n 1.1 mi- a I e " 1 1 . 1 1 . i d i . . . s tuo story I'i-:itn' 4)m I'.Iiif, liotiKi', jiainted wl.i.e. wit.i ', l!:.r a.el . ui., unlit I.illc Hiiaii-K BIil!-i;. with lar;;e XV A I i 0 N ll'ii'.l' m d O'ltN Chili Bbiii-l.e.l. (ail le. :.. a.' witll It ...il 1. 1 V'.a'IbK in ll..' y.ll-1 'lie;,' are se era! li.a i i -t.ii'.ini; Sj rei.- on the .. .-a:i A I-'., n s.sel il".CII.ltl. ii. d it li; i unmet. t .1 ninnd fnilllblefoi MI'Ab'lXV. 'II:- ,l,.je:!.i i- -o b.- iil.-.l tli:C il ena t-it-ity I c ent tnt.i thl.'i or ..,tr tal.ey fartas. (lyiu- i: r ! s-, n re i fur fialb.r t-t j It' ail. as. ;:j .1.1 v It, ;1,. ..!.-er i.l pel .-.ill ol by i,;,!.r. 'l.l.H'. .loM.'N. hear ;.-,) I'. I I . .V'lti.'d e .ul;ty. 1', in, u il:'i iiu u;'.:. ?tl.. Is '; -- it Ull I I-'. I.-:.-. i; t, Ti.r ..I l:,. !: ui.siii I bv u:. i, r ti-. .' 'v a-'. I.i. .! I II)'. Mel I" el 'lli.-i a.tr "I ,.!' !.: , niil -ii ! I1 inn I .- I) "f I-I'l I..-T-. lit 1 I'lia'tabil:- will "II w.l 1. I, ' .-t y .a. IP i i t. X'.'i-i i,; o n i' : i;".t: li;:. INi's. XV i i ciiox, "I'll .-.' H itr ". as tioaa. Democrats m ill see tho iuconsisieiicy nt once, and the soldiers will readilv dia- Pl)lli."u being elegt.iuly d.re,sed tuales and cover that thev have been slandered by tin; crowd, and a nu ss.-n to the laiw-.-'.u. i police station lor an extra body i f police. About thirty of the reserve men were in, tin diately sent, and these aided by the in. u aireadv on dutv, at last succinic. I W..1I ,it"tl, mi ..it.- w ,-.i,. it,.-, ,..it,n- i in loiciiio a linss:i..:c lor in,' cniuiman of n mile in lcn'lli. is crowded vi ith oeonle ! his frieinls. .Mr. P.eci -her ! ot every pniilc and ile-cription ; n large pro and time I hairi: t t! unable to gain a quarter of an temales. The buildings on nmi.i street mo mostly brick ; the lir-t story iron, open in front.- t Tliiigi.es liglit, cheerful appearance to j tlie tlre.t, especially in the night time whi n , brilliantly lighted with gas. .Many of the biiildiim's in this city are provided with I '"The general impro,io is thae General ! Vmh and sahuhander,; all the four and , . e ..... , .ti,,,. klmv briek- mi I ie,,n Iront lie,, iioii, ommuiKi . .. ,: , , ' imil. nr.g.s now collie ii i nave one or boiiii these miserable politicians, and that poli tical capital has been nnule out of their iidib'.ing to fight, for their country and everything that is Bear and dear to them. Mead lias been suspended in the of the Briny by General John S'.dgwick." Xorthinnlirrliiml Cn'tuly Ikm-icmt. l-i?" 'c Khould like our Hr.-ckinridgo iieighl or to explain how it stibordiniltc otli rer can bii.-pcud hi., biipiri ir :j eomma'td. That would be neither rj i.i'..' '.'..'. .7 r h' v isaflc. "The xi rit of h-iltat rorpun i not and i:e er has been suspended ill the rebel eocfi .(; icy. Mr. Lincoln is ahead of ,1c if. Iavi in thii patlic.ihtr." Xiirt!rtiu(i, rl'tiitl Cvuut'j J,-i.h rr,;t. J- fr" JetT. does not take the trot, Lie to tiupcnd the ivril of habeas corpus, but sti', pcmli. ;n; iu lii idnsl. which aceDiiiiu, per haps, for the fa. t th,.l he ha., lV-ver traitiir in Lis Conl'ed.ra.'; thaii mc line; in the Nmth. lit xi.ni in' i..i i iiiiis. - A report baving gone abroad thai Co-. Curtin w.i.-erio.i-lv ill, the llai i i d are; '!'i lem iph i on ti.lnti it, and ua tl .it his health, in-bad of hWruiingly bad, i chrtr'nigly im- i r .ving, nu,) that lie ii now not unlv re ar- ur.g.s now collie up have one or of those i'ldispeiisablef. atures. Some of the stie. ts an- so blocked up xi ith lumber, brick and nioitar, tiiat teams are ,ii times unable lo get along; common labortrs get from si to ii'"i a day w ithout board. The city .sup ports four daily new spapers, n theatre, opera house, several churches, and any number of liielodeoiis 'ind nepro miuslr. ls ; lo say noth ing' of the iu-tiUitions already enumerated abort:. o one xvho ha- been hen; can form nr. idea of the amount of treasure to be been in in passing throuudi Main street. At Wells iV i';irgo's banking house and express olliee it is not uncommon In see ton-of "silver brieks'' hcrh-d in and out in the course of arri'.ed, but iu- hii.i-elf admittance to the lniil unti hour idler the nine appointed lor the coui !,u nci incut i f his iid lass. 'I'lie reverend oeulleinan bore his .'.! "ntii u in tin- crowd iilh great good humor, and v, as rew arded with a perfect ovat'on, the croud pressing forward in all directions to shake hand.-, with him. ile xas a! list fairly carried into the hail on the shoulder of the p iliec meii, and the iloou: were ot i nee elosid and piii.r.ied by a burly of police, who distinctly niiiiounced that no more person- Mould be adniitled, wlieth -r holding ticket-nr not. This had the elVeet ot thinning, to some txielit. the erowtl outsi.l,'. I ut some IH.OUO i,l" more people still remained, t ag, r to seize on any chance i4'a.!mi--i...i tt.:,t ::.igl.t arise. At a (pinner past .-even a tieiiu ndou- lm.t of cheering Irom xvilhin the building an nounced that .Mr. 1'itcher had made his apbearruee on the p.altorni. Ihecheeiii was then tr.Uc.i lib le echoed again tween the Columbus and Cincinnati coiitial crates. 1 le visited Coluinlius In ruienyy and i tion, requests the t.ovi ri.or conl'erred with t'athenrt and others there, tive States to a-sist in raisinj and was in conference xvith him when arrest- . : . il. i Ti' p!;m f rch nse at Camp Chase w as a ! follows: When the prisrtneis saw n beacon i liL'hl at a certain point, they should be ready, i The guard would be shot by their outside 1 friends, and axes would be thrown over to . i them. Once out, with axes nnd nrms pro- j lidcd, they were, to storm the penitentiary, . I release Morgan and the other otliccrs,, and ' : start for the Ohio river and cross near Mays- , ' viilc. Cathcnrt was to go along, receiving a commission iu tlie rebel iiiniy for his re- i ward. I Caiheart vxas urn sled at Rev. Sabin' j Hough's house. Hough i.- the seceasiouist ! i to whom Valhindighiiui wrote in 18lil that . "the I'nion was hopelessly divided." Cut il - ' , eiiit was IVoiii Dayton and one of Vallamlig i ham's purlirular friends and nduiiies. ; XVii.l as the m lieme is. there seems to be iiliitiidnnt evidence that it was to have been ! uied a week ago ; but the plans miscarried then. (Hher arrcsU are to be made. It is t known how extensive the organuatioii Mi-.-Mo tile ; i i l:ii7.a XVovU, Ann M.,im-. 'un.h Ci i--;i' r Mi-s Malil'la Mr 11. for this infernal business was. The Itclicl 'imilry OiMTiiliiiK on 'u'riil 4rmil'h l.iiifet. l.ot isviLLK, Nov. 2. The tAiHnMMenrns that the rebel forces un.I.r S. 1). l.ee, heeler, Hoddy, and Forrest, are in the neighborhood of Decatur, Court hind, nnd , I liscumbta, Ml t lip So.llli Ot tlio leniiev-ee r j river. They tiuinbrr in all about liftcii. . . .. ..... . 1 1 .. ,, , ., ... 1 o, .;, i.,H fin, nr.'. ,., r... I til r. l i' UK' ouisnieis, Him ...".'-I n..... i-,,.s nud a"ain. The bulk of n, " thi. line ui' General Grant's eommiiiii- l'K'I.A'B tno'x ' AVii!.n:.'.s, The Pies';. Ij-ut of the Uiited Slate- by l'i'.jelamatiou, bearing date on the SeVeilb elttii d.iv of '.'tobcr, lcoil, h is caiiu 1 for TillliiK 'ill'Mi:r.i) THi '1 SAN D Vtd.l'NTl-l'.llS. t) recruit the regiments now in the field from the respective Slabs; .li. iro. )(', J!y information received this dav, the quotu ol the Mate of j'';;ar- lvania under said call is .Ucl.ucd to be TIIIKTV KliiUT Tllul'.vVND TWO Iil.NDliKD AND SlXTV-I'.ltlllT Ml'.N, Cis.-jcs; .!, ir,( .'ti, 1 lie 1 lesi.ieiu in in- sal. i i -ro.-iamu I no I'. spee thu le'iuired : Now, Therefore, I. Andrew (J. Ccriin, Governor of the Couiiiinnwealtii o1' I'etitis;. 1 valiia, do earnestly call on the good and loyal freemen of this Commonwealth, lo enlist in the sen ice of the I'niled Stabs, nnd ! the rroclamation aforesaid, so lhat the required quota may.be made up la fore the Fifth day ot January next, on which day tlie ('resident announces that a draft will coninuiice for any iltlicicncy that may then exi-t in the same. The freemen of l'ennsyh ania enlisting under this call will Le attached to regiments from this State. .Xll x. ho are willing to : enlist ale requested to present themselves at i. nee, lor that purpose, to tne l nited "-ta'es i iYiiii.vlini.i-i I lovo.t Marshals recruiting antl ltlllterill"l V'l-.lu.inberbtn.! Hunk St 1 olliccs, in their respective cities, town and ! counties. They xx ill leeeive the following sums as alloxvau.e, pay, premium and boun ty, x i. : To every recruit xvho is a veteran volun ! t. er, as defined in General Or.hia of the ! War Department of June 2a, lmi.l, .No. I'll, ' fur reel citing veteran volunteers, one month's pay ill advance, and a bounty and premium 'amounting to f4U2. ioall other recruits, I hot Veterans, neci pted nud euli-teil as re ' quilt .1 in cxi-ting Orders, one month's pay in advance, and in adult ion a bounty audi premium iimoitniiui; to (:jn-J. j ( ''i:-'i;.it!..;.-. ol i . inale. u !lilo'l.Ab Ti.a. will i. -; h .- b.-en the ia ti- . IV i . .--LIT!' XV i: !;. i ; ; f, LXlfit; I'....Ke .X. 1 1 etll ai. w !.a:. . r !e: I ii. u ::man i.; ' them I.- ih.-i e in tit. .11. .11 .'Hia.'l la . T"J I.i LIST Oi" LETTHR3 a. lining; i:i !!: Siii!.iiiy tc: i:; . .x . .;. ::!. ii:.- i.i-r t'Mrrie Kuu I'. --i s, b. ,T .-umii r,..el. . ItliMEMBf) i-i. THAT i ' Till'.: - 1 hali ' Ami M :.ne io ri.- l -i i I a 1 1 : Tb And N 'T l,ri.ii.'ioi!i i: hi , c ' ' ' led n- i i;::-. ah; eel II, til'NVl.l I -a.;:' Melt.'. XI' in. A. slu-ener Seth K. Slim pies.' 11. nj .-iiyder, lleul.tu iiline. Sornon Hopkins, S'.iliHlt 1 ruhe .1 II Cole, laet.i) Ibippie. lb Ueck.ll.il. 111. '.' ( has. I., lb nil., lltv.-'e Itttlill. IK.VS l.l-T. Mi- 'I. II P.,,,,--. Jeleiniiili I.av.'t, ,'..M-i !i H. l.yol. . XX III .sleieller, XVm llohiwo.ih, " .blilll bllitll.lll. XI ui. I'mu...!. " .1. Ao.l.a.-ll. ,1,-. A pallium Miller. ,l,i.-:.u, XX abh-i. - Dev. l.a;-. S. Pel i , v. I I I'l.l. ' t.i Ihe 1. ' ll.lleis. '!' ... I, . I Sliltc i f Site !i;inS. 1" i-Iiiiiii1.' i IiiikI, .Not cmiici- i.;:). As.-fi.-.. l..:ic alal llitts .Cs--..iiiitt .1 . . s--'n I'ei'tiliei.li' l nite.1 .-laics Mint . . I nited Stntei-,i-.'o I.oiin, - . b I'l ua lb v. .1 N, :. n , hneycinp,- lia o AltfoUll l:nl lii.-j, ci.t Me.J i. -iii.- iii a au llit . .in.ii;. n-1'l , i1., , !.., re.i.-'.n- I. i. ;.i: -.. m ,y bi lil'l , - be..-. : I ' ... 1 :r e piei anil. ::. la ;!., ,,., lo tin- I. ci. !;:'. .a ...bi-is j I do t!i th: !....- re, I I . . I liliilt I ;i' tel - 1 i i Ibis clly, ) c: l! 1 t. many yeat--, ;:i:.!i i ij., j ebietly nu ale ilii.lic lui. Hi. .mi hnbeil .-he, a, ,k .l'.jil.l;ee l-y III .in. ;' K. li.. . ' i to 1 ,. i it. the, . I y.-i 1. v :. it i .. I', a ;i .j..-.-; I .-. arl I.. I)., j:, 'oMhntnlu rli.nd I ' i i , I Tel...'iii.i St.. !,, Hei.l Csliile, 1UI' I'.. Oilier I'.atlk-. Nut... i f ..th, r llt-i I -. Cash Iter.:-, .-occ:e in Xieah in- liidin l ."q c.'ic l.'ei lit-.-iite. i.i.Mdi.n N'olri. in .-irei.lati. n, Ilie other Ilutlkf. " t'oiniuouuefilth. 1 'tin . l Specie I ertiti, -ate, J'. p isitoi-, k, ,t. Ulal I., -a.! T. i d. ; :u r.s ..:..(! l,l noil i a (on e laent I., ti v th, in. lei, en.i'.iiiu. .1 -I, : Ho -e 1 .it I .-i--. a; iii lias tnlbotial l.c es v hei ,!.lv l.l'-L- ..I. i : ... , . of li.e nil injur JI.' .1 .! i-.-e 0. lo.illv i.ial t , f, .1 ..r , il no lit h. t.i.f . ol ri u-Ninii: I l j r.. lor U!rccllli le l!.e u-e Vliilii.leipliiii Jinn J I'.'. let an 1 noil i - a- ii I e. an 1 i,:.,i ai: ti. :; k ... C .1 thee; I M 1'. . ls'.l. I I; , . Diseases 0f Kidneys n:i,I Is e-j... .,.ia J - .d lie lX.a.iut r, i.opii o'i : ld.i.ia 'il- ji J mi on I i"' in i .Mlf.i -.r.-eiv ni ; lo n It -I; 1 i: i'Ii . Mi;. a th, I the crow d had now i i stin t, which : loud cries w ere ra.sed lor si.nu (ho riuiaiicipal ion Coiniuitt.c. member of to address I au hour. These ""bricks" in sh.al.e r.scml.lc ! "'" 1 ueca , v a-.... , er, i. sjiouue., ; ' the onltic.rv lire brief- but are much lai-'er. to; but fexepd iiiipromptu sp, i.lier, laount- , , and from nine hundred and ii''idx tive i nice Inm.Xied and nim ly per cent, fineness, ; which i. lento ti'teen per cel. t. less than purcril.tr - ii i:i;;ini; noii.e ei'hteen litin- oi n;,n' it. d in Kuileioli : cations. was coinphtcly lilied, ami1, A party ol W heeler scouts xvt re raptured I for some member of in .Maury county, J iiiucssie, rectuuy, an.i sent to Nashville. g.oiiing i.u kir.'ugth, ma l.ee la-t u i j ' ing i phy-ii ..I vigor w hi. h he ha not p. se-.. 1 f.r tin. p..l ll.l.-c ,xe..i. .No .I the Mountain - S til I.u'ki t i... i..,,.t. i., ..I ..,..., ., ; j,, ' CU lljil.lt till s..o'o,.vi. s.',,.c ininii,i u, : and ad.lresseii ti.o people in i.ivor oi itie policy of the North, and their "iiiiark- were received wilh loud cheering liom thi; l.iigt; ' majority of tho-c pie-.ul. Oi.e or two' speakers raised their tioiees in sympathy ! willl the Solltil, but these Were spiedily' dislodged from their position Ly th." crowd, j who-e Noil In in syinpathies were tlin- nn- i niMlakuLlv exhibited, livery burst uf cheer- hall died tl.iil.tr- em h. 'Ihe so'lit drafts sold li.-qiii ill I iiiiioimt to a h il : n 1 if t thousand dolisis it tiny, hums of twenty dollar- nnd upward.- nr.- lis. u. illy paid iniwel.ly tlollar pin e-, i.i p.ijier cillieucy tin re, or in any iinii ii. 't I .una v.. .1 ,.l tin, l;....L.- t itx b.;... the onlv I'"!.' G'Ul r. ...uiel. il lom wmnn n. ihieevlitrep.,;;,,, v V ,.,,1 U Zr , .1 xvas tt.W, n up an. la. heni.ily tespond...! to i 1.315 .UmU iVom U inch mortal and 1 . 1 .. .. i . .i : . i.. i ... i. ... i , I..... . . ... . I ,.,,. i. r 1 hi r,l Is li.ivc 1 1 t-t 'ii I hruu ii m II. ' Old. So iiuu h fur a eiiy h th.m nix ye.irs J 1 '." k have nei ixl trout n,, uiiu) cor rfupotideiit, who w lite, liom the South, on r thu i,i.utur-. of "T"il T iloi." a cm nouii . ni, i iuLrai VH hi iewa mi l opitiioii. of thjwui na l itn dlliation. 'I In ..: iew . ic a, li ... hi . i lit i 1 1 i.i in d lui.l iAiiifol Ij tt.,U. 1. 1 XI ill II. '. J'. tti'y I. plil it n ill e ill XX b i' u V4i,li 'i "I t ,i. o ii;d. i.t ., l,i,. ! .i.i .'..' 0 ' "I I I Il to I Iff I ' I I 1,1 lluisi, Hillside. Indict tlli'V lollldliot have been moiti I III hu-ia-t ii" hud they bee.) listening to the -l ... iu nt hi tun r himself Tni . . lie eoiiiiaui d wuliiiut int. riiii-timi unci tho rlomf of thu meeting. W lieu Mr. lteieher and hl lileiidl issued li "in the biiil.Jiiiy H,uy wern ti;itin renin. I with I,. ml cht i'is A l ull lor a rlii-t r lor Al.i-uliani lh.il Ihe In.bmi ti.nible on tuo .im !,, rc-lml. ltd l in u liiat.iu r lliol "..ui. not willi.lnii.lu,, ii t tury only nil t.ncll.li c,.,.l can exhibit. A ol polite unci liiii.iiie.l in the II. III. igll kiln I, bt li.l blt'.t, U iin.c .e, i,ii,.. lain,.,, i ,r I Ik I loiliiiit lt tr'liil.u i.u iliw 1 )i-r ll.uui. t ub .ib. i, Nov. u. A .. l ial t. .i.lel lioin Dl Moiniai, I ) l. en in.pt I XI i l ri.illy, mi. I ll II .III iiki-r. I Mitiin- U, c Iii ci ill u III is ) .1 Hi ,1 I ut 1 I. loll L Mi, in, I and it Ink. ti by Ih. Iiubuii, ind Liinit-,1. , i.f l l'orri st is reported lo have been again Wounded ill it battle fought near Tilscuiubia on the fit1!. - lliiliiirliiii'ii tit' I'url Kuiiitt-i. I'm; I hi ss Momi.h:, Nov. 1. The Hit hiuoiid W hig of Octobt rHl ban been rut jved here, and contains the follow ing diqi.ib h I Cil xi.l I hlos, Oct UO. Tlic bombardment of I'utt Sumter to day is t iio hi uvicst t tint has vil taken placii. 1'i.uii sundown mil 'i iluu.l.iv uulil n'ui'low u on I hursd'iv, :)U- ..ei.iir 1 airotts have l ieu itirow n iiejauisi tlie foit. Our los ii iveii wounded. This tveiiinej the tiiciny opeued f.ro from the iiniru; batu-ry nt I'umiiiingii' I'oiut va the liortl ea.t aglj of thu fort, vihieh m enu to Le the special object of tin ir atti ntion Thu runny' bitu-rir ingiti'l wrn those M lir. iej aiid W er, the ( i iitru bnlterx mid Ci.iiiiiiiiij;' I'oiut batliry, with the d din. ui of liri d Munition Tho biiiiiLni,lii.. il of Fori Sumter till c.m . on: but the lir-ii mucii l.u ker. o.u b i. . ,.' il.i I, 1 1 f. p a I. ti l I. lli'l I ll rrll. . I I .I ol IblllM! till 'll' I I li.l. . I lii'lllli, on. .1 -, Iji. Il Ui ImUHIh 1 1.1 III till III 1,1. iu Iv an i lib! i fi'ilv. I I" 1. rul J I' X '"' "' il'l"H Aiix lurt.ier lniormaiioii uesircl can be obtained frn:n ihe l':vtoi Miir-halst f the f-pi ctive di trlels. I j In tiiaUiib- thi- up peal to the good and' ! loyal freemen of l'i nnsylvania, I led entire j eonfldencc that it will ie ctl'eetuallv rcsiioii- I I ,r...l i., Th !.; :....;."... ... .i... ' .... .'i .'.. ...us; i ..j '.i ,ii. on ot i in tern! of enlistment of the men now iu the I j fn hi r nd eis it iiece-Miry to replenish our i ri'gimcul.-i. i.et ii. maintain the glory which thur valor ami conduct have n th t ied on: the CommoiiiAealth, and let our people show Ly their proiiipim ami alacrity on this . occasion, that they have not abated iu lour- j ; age or love of country, or in the t.'t teriiiina I j lion that the unholy ivL, liion, ulnu.lv -leu : in .1 and .i.ii'g.T.it'r (hull bi- utluly criishid an. I rxliligui dud. " I t.ivcii under my hand nud the (in at Si ul of Hie Stale, at 1 l.iri i.-'mrg, this twintv-, llo.hlh day of OeloLcr, in the je.iri.f our ! land one thousand ight hundred and kixtx three, and of Ihe Common calth the ; liglity liglilb. Ily the (iovernot ; A. (.'. ( l it I IN, Kl l Si. 11 mi, Herein ry of the Common. xxciilth. " j (oiom.i. 1 1 uuimh' Cum 11 v -Vitir- dy nlblnooll (In. iiii cawiliy liiiiuiH iin.b r eiuiiiiiaiiil of ( olniu I A lex.nidi r Cum- 1 lliilign pr ltd ill ( In lniil .tletil, pit vi,ni l il ilfpalliinr l.irlhex.ut ofmir l'i,'!nLel Cuiiiiiiiii!.' de.eiui j;rttit irtdil for the lol.or vthii'h he h i. iijieih l up, n itt i.;:4iiiali.ui 'I he reeifi, .,1 ha . In 11 i.,ii,t . Iv li.rioi'.l, nn. I will prii) uf.itliv 1.1,1 fi n 1 in. el 1 1 ih. it. 1, 1 in p, f., 1 1 1 i, . ' ', 1 I " 1 eeilil'y I lie ul...i- -tntenant 1 lo till' l. -I of ll:V kin-., h .l'e 111: ) .1 1: run:; Sw..ril lili-l '.lY.-l ;'., I bi .. e to V. .1 I' ll Kl I', .Voll l) I'abl; N,.v 7, Is i.l. . be ju.t . ;i, 1 I I.I.X . :. ' I ' ) .s.i',7', 1 1 , mid liu. : ijim ai ui. J.u MUUUMM; (i(Mi),s! n ltlach (llos-y silks, t 4 lilack Casliinet'i s; Siljier lilack Mohairs, Fine Jl!a k Alpaecas. lilack and I'lt'ob; Dchiin.. W hile and 111 ,', U Figioe I Dilaines, u iii.it K 1 ri pe .xi .in I, Lupins I.I.tck all wo.,1 Delaiim, lilack Silk IS-r.-.;.-.. liood II1.I. W Deluge, l'l.iin ll'aeU l.iiij'i.iui,, I'l.iiil iil-ii'k ( iiln r.i ' Nl'il Figured lll.iek ( :t!ii,, Fine lilack Si, k Fl.uiliei", lilai k I. oie 1 1!-, JMI ill Ilia, k Kid liloi, ,, I'l.u k Silk (iiiiinth iii, lil.u k (iloMt, in Miitty, Fill ' .Mourning II ntdki' . hi. f,, Itl.u k ci.tti.u an, I u,, ll,,.,,, , lilack Thil.it uild Wool N.a-vU A''. A". l ice bile of lm iib.n f e. ,,14 pi ti lm. I for ,'. m io. ..ii,,, F V bbli.lt 1 .'. mi r- ru' erj , 1 1, 1 ,' , ';. 1 1 -1, 1 lll'l h.'it 1.1... : one I 1 ll lln.si sui pi l.i.. etlect. I'AltliN'l.s I :it in ,n, r.'. nnd i-bin I. m:.,. ii,. i, 1 ii.-y coin in, -ii U uith in, ... l.nT.r.Aic, vi.. ,-n m i: g loud it. 1 tl.i ir hi -..it, Lo'llf Jl II . 'an 1 . Ihttcl. i. fin I 111 u.-li Ij. .1. 'it fi,.'. i - ,.. leaiy, un :lii a.. 1 n .;. IT If. l'T A ! :;! 0 And I pr ir.ii 1 : 1 1 1 1 111 ion, am ;ii:: 'i.i'.M XX i- ciil ll. fllllei. II III. I. e. .1. Ull I.I.Ol 111 b. i d .'. . . hie. I I II." lo w let; , 1 . . ai II, -. 1 11...I n 1 1 d.i.l lie. run .1 I v If - 11 1.,..! . u in l U' I fl"0 !l ol, lUI'i 1 iluil nib. I "' I O'I" I. '' let J . . : . .oia. : I,. . I.. 1. r - . Ml.l. ,111 I" la 1 '11 III. ' ill .' ml 1 il .1- I " ' '' sti!i!: r : - bl .-'!. bli of nil li , ,1. .; 1, I . II 1.. , "I in -it. i. '.M t I . I- , II HII IU III . - Vol,:, I...' lb 1. il il.. -.' I . .,:, ,, ' 'l l . 1- leuali. : ; . . , - , ie .i ,i I I ,- 1 .urn-' -1.1.11 a- 1 . 1 ' : .... 1. ' .1.11. li.' hill 1 ;, . I 1. ',,. I. I I,, bet, I'll !-, .1, 11; t 1. . .' 1, .r . I.l to ttieiti b.v 11,. ir ll .clr.- I I XV . 1. 1. "I I "I Nil 1:11 II Il.il ll,.- s, iiHii: .1 I M .1 V , s 'v . ' l I .. j p. I ... t .. ,, b .. . I 1 1 "i I .u.i , , ...1 ' a ',. I: n 1 1 1 : I t-.l' ..1 1 ) l.l I e il.' 'b . . .' ' , 1. . . .e i. ! . 4 . n 4 bv I .' ell I't it'l "I ll y 1 1.' in. 1 ' 1 t- ll-'.t I .. 4 1 li. 1 1 I r , ' .'el ,L 11. I 1 01.1 . I. i I ' buJ 111.I I -oiu i 1. 'una 1 ..... .1 . I-, r . , : 0 I III.. 1. ,1 11. . .'II..! f- II 1 ' I 1 r , .11 l tv I M i - I X A.x- , .. . 1 . I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers