: Sunbury. Bmriican. D. ItAflSEH, Editor Proprietor. i B. M. FETTENOILI. ft CO., IT Park Row, New Vrk, and 6 Put Fired, c jo our irnii for ilio fiKumr Aiimcts eilioa, ai d ere awtlioi iu'd to take Adver'.iim iini rUilrttoriptioi fur tu ai our loweal rate. ( " A Hinders Hewing Tiicliine, but used, gerrcd anil , well tttlnplL'ti ftr njf, will le sold clirap. Inquire nt lice. " Neviulu went ovitw helming Union o .jckii);n; NvlirHskn did lliesunic lat ny, and Colorado did likewise nt her election. The Prrsideiif Proclamation In fc- 0 a new draft, will lie found in another n. We hope the inrreatted biumtii 1 will lmve the effect of inilncing L'tit nuniliers to volunteer. ,orl:int I'hiiii li:iHiuifif;ii. iVIhvii.lk, Oct. 20. MiijnMl, turnl nxsi:ni( ronitnnnd of the arniii is of miU'i'l.'iml and Ohio nnd Kentucky, jlenty of power. left "ior .NhmIiv ille thin imirtiinp;, tn e the direction of ulVuiia at Cliiitta.n- eral Thomas takes command ofOcncral runs' army, liosccnins licing tirdercd ncinnati, to report hy letter to the iint-Ueneiid at Washington. rials Giirlield and Sicadmnn arrived ht. 't'lic Miir In ArKiiUkiiH. Lorts. Oct. 20. Little Rock nthiccs c 1-ltlt say that the Itoliel army is red in every direction, and tin extrti iry revival of Union sentiment taken r.ituinsr the people. Over 1000 men . thi! Federal army at Little Hock, and Topic are coining in daily and takinjr ith of allegiance. ; official report of the rapture of (.'un ite Bteamers, on the Ked Kiver, wont materially from the accounts already Hphcd. ?ioral Affairs. ItKLtoibi s Notick. liivine service will tie i the Preiby teriun Church, in this place, oppo depot; on every Sabbath morning al 11 4 Lev. J II. Vurss. Piunor. The Agricultural Fair nt .Milt.,n last eck t few attractions M an exhibition of ari.tit .cd mechanical products, but wat largely ai- notwithstandlng, the Uieagronc-t 6f the txhi- vote of Sunmiry and Milton, t the recent n, I uearly alike. Iloih polled llii.ifr Woo l. Fur Curt in, Sur.bury polled iWT and Milton Over lit) velars wi;r absent from Sunbury in 0 coiupanii in the army and oilier places. yaars uo Sunbury gave a mnji rlty nf 11 t Curtin. Milton then (jave Ctiruii a majority it '.JO. Ml. Ciriuel, however, takct the land. ; pedie I 7'J fur t'urtin and 1 for WoodvuirJ tiki, Hi uniiKii Tmn saxd Mum:! "--The Pre has issued a cull for three hundred thousand leery, "to serve f.;r three y-.ars or the war, not er exceeding three years, ' persons volunteer nler Ihia cnll will receive very libernl advance id bounty. Should out of the States fail to 1 their quota of the throe hundred thousand y mlLUnant. by the firet dny of .I.n.uary, l'll. t will then be made to fill up said rjuotu. Kach rnr'ioi of a State ahull leccive due credit for 'unteerait miiv furnish. A unmhar of the Director! of the Philadelphia j !rie Fail llond. and a few oiler individuals, ' d here on Monday last, in the regular tr.iiu, ; i e?-i.riivn trip i'i Ivtnporium, the present ! iu;flhe rimd. idii ul M.tv n.ilrs above I.iwk ii. They traveled in u .'peciul train from thU I i. p. flopping u i-hort lime to loidi lit the new 1 m e in.',, end left for Wil'iiuuiiport where! remi.il cd .vef i.i-h'. j , Iiaiiusc- llriuii.Aiar aii HotniRiir On '. .r.nliiy i.i'h; the office f Von. Alexander Jur. I iu entered hy meiini of a skeleton key, throui;l j i..k door. The builurn then proceeded to nr. the iioa site, end by li.einu of drilling a ! of botes ihn.iij;h three plntcf of iron. it li lection about six inches .-,U'ire. eo'veriii ck. They ul.-o diill'-d Se'eral holes through I idlid plate over the lo.-k. und broke oft' about ilf. ir kiilricient to enante them toopen the ' The inner iron dour was then wrenched oft r i.fihe riu ill dniivcrs wn.- ,-uine family j-?welry i 1 w.-c- lakcii. Iu the ott:er there was ubout I a hundred dollar- in money namely, 8 notes lie Vk'. of NoribumbiiiUnd, of JIIIO.Oll each. the otirr in rei nbaehs. nil of whieh was. of -e. tukeu. A package coutainiuK Ill.udO ui Tuuieni hoiM was overlooked, hut we regret to ;ha' f.'iir N''lV::Y '.'enlral Hailaiiy IkiiiiIh, of 0" each, beloliili to Ml Will. WiUoll. tthiell t i-eTi depu-ited in Jii.li; .'i.rjiiii'j.snl'c. win uU . the niis-inf ic l"- in u:i.-t -eiioiis f.r Mrs Wil-on. and we the b-.i.d- ntiiy I.- idenird Kiel reeovored l.urjrl irM, ere ewdently well skilled iu their l . ' j . Itny lett a .01, ill mineral-buttle, filled cil t u the i..u'e. The niiiini blown in the bottle iii-o Itniiidt, C'.ilumbiu." The burglar alto iivfay au overcoat und a pair of pantaloon be in; to .lude Jordan This is one of the uinit .ij; and moat Mieees.-ful buri.-l.irte ever Coll.luit' 111 tbii 1 ij(hbi)l Ileal. ..'! hope the v:ll:n:.l ) "t be npprt l ended. j The i iu.il ulioii of drafied persona by the 1 id ot i-.nr.ilim 111. has tr, u-lit ijuiie a number of j 1 -Ti ti this place tbo pits! et k. It Will beseeu ! . publ dud li-i of pi-r..i. eaeuipted, ill another 1 11.11 thai but lew I'oi.a ri, i)s are obtained There ! many 11 ore cx mpi lioiu diahiiiiy than people ; .1 un 1 llie 1, 11111I er lilm prefer paying the iiiuniiuiioii umni y i ii'Uch greater thuu had 1 1 n ' i ipa'id The receipu I'roiu Itiut source by I vpuiy lullettor Iia rni;el from flow to ; II dui'y , t- iiiniisis 1 v iina' llifs All the e 1 i. I 1. -1 riil, stir Fall mut. will be found . K41 ftT'k. Iwudusas Meat of Plscber's 1'iug 'e, at tioui tllly lo selenly.f.ie OilltleM than 1 l eai. be put.-Ua id t the t In, klij much lt- ' W'.ii'le- j tr ' M. dan i 1..,. .1.1,1, u ' . I . ol lln- U r and l.uiiM.kiii villi lL Ualoystera . i!.e rilt 1,. .ik.ir bj 1 ,,.oJ and .,pn..U .t.,,11 ,., ,..;i ,,( ju ,uu: e lb m a va'l I . ! mm. J U l U Ihu pa. I VSe.k V..huih4 i'U( ul r bi.1,1 ai d 1.1 4 .iiiul auluurn 4aa ku.k ajiltt s.n,. ol lie i.-iLij ), ,,.4 ,tUl U4 u( ,u I ul i;v (.lub' l a.iiUi iisuin bate u .1.,. I iu iU luld i.b ..J tm ,i,f i) (u.l i. 1 11. - t Jii.ti in ukn.4 111 iLt,f o tl ..' U.t I .1, .1. u l.ln.l., (. i4 .,it tie I l, s. U H'li li Ski like 1 it i"i.ii)u... ii u ii iii wAt, ' at" i-kobvttsl un las aree4a Ium tn 1. I at e4 lik. , ,ie a.xi.. W4 wVl l.e a iU te ea w4 aiika ! ,..-i4,, , , !, I - I af4 i's lUf .e 4 k I tt.k.kkH; -t . ua, stt'i a.. 4 Us. ,k tlkk tika li ikt 4lu t jf WihiM Ftnit Ha a II 11 1 After tb IwaUa ef OuttyabWS. t'MW eolcUof M tuunl Id leolf drsj 17X4 cc UieteliJ. wttro, rtwidiJ,i) lid laid hlinaeirdowti dto. In tits liattda, Unhtlfolmplt riK an an brotypc contfllnlrK the orlriiita of lhrM anaJl oliiliiron, and nfHic liiia (.feluro bit eyea sat in de,rtted. Tbe lint oWvl irH wbloh Uidyarf fatlinr looked mu tli lfret) of lis oldldrrvti, ttd M bo illontly giutod tipen Oiom bl aoul ri away. Bow tovaliiTKl bow folooiiif W hat pen oan doaorlb the erooUonj of tlila patriot -faiiier u b gated upara theso ollldreu, ao soon to be made orplnuial Wouud ed and alone, Uiadiu of buttle atlll aouudiut in bis are, ha lies down to die. Ill laat tbuuriit and prayeni aj- for bia family. He haa tnlsbed bla work on earth ( bll laat battlo baa been fought j he bat freely KiTrn uia life to his country j auid now, while hii life's blood Is ebbiu, bo alutpt In hit handa the image of his ehilUreu, and, ouiniendinf Uiem ta the Uod of the falbeileaa, reaU bit latt lingering look upon them. When, after die battle, tbe Jond were being burled this soldier wua tbui fjuud. Tbe auibroiype wu taken from Lis tuibraoe, and baa aiuce becuteutUt Pbila'd for recognition. IS'oibing else wu fouud Upou bis person by which be ini;ht be ideutiOed. His graTe baa been marked, however, ao that if by any means this aiabrotype will lead to hit recognition be cau be disiuterred. 1 bis picture it low iu tbe possession of Dr. Iiurnxt, No. Uui Spring 0 anion street, Philadelphia, who can be culled upon or ad dressed in referenoe to it. The children, two boys L and a girl, are, apparently, nine, suveu and fivuyeara of age. the boys being lespeetlvely the oldest nnd younnt ol the three Tbe younen boy is sitting in a high chair, and on each aide ol biui are bis brother and sister. The oldest bey's jacket ia made from the lame uiateriul at bis sister's dress. Those are tbe most prominent features of the group. It l! earnestly denired that all the papers iu the country will dravr attention to the discovery of this picturo and its attciidcnt circumstances, so that, if toasible the fumily of the dead hero may come imo possesion of It. Of what inestimable value will it bo to these childern, pro v in if , as it does, that the laat thought of their dying father was for them, and thcui only. NEW ADVERTISmiml Exempt louss from I lie UruTt. Pkovost Maiishal's Oi i'icK, 14th Dist.. ) niSADCjUARTEHS AT IlAltt!tST)Cl!0, Octolier 20, 180;J. ) Tie Ilcard of Enrollment is now sitting at Sunlmry, to hear elating for exemption, for Northumberland county. In accordance with orders. I publisli tl;r fotlowinif list of persons exempted from draft by the Board of Enrollment, in Nor thumberland county, in this District, to this date, with the reasons of their exemption : r.v ueasox or rrnsiMHSu an aiti i'tati i. Bt-tH.VlT. Ximt. James Ileilar.d, I'p. Aii(utla tp, Henry Van plm 1. I .leromiah Couier. do Kline lleddmi;-. ! Simon P. Kaivobl. Low. Anustatp. Ki 'luird lln i, lev ! ileniv H. Wolfe, do Jackson Walters. I Abraliam Slaruer. do Israel T, l'er.iin.L-. i .lobii it. Hoke, (.'iiiiisnunriiic ti.. John btoekti.n. lieury Kiiorr. .lucknou tp. John llotdinf. l'hilip Hi ickle. Low. Muhauoy, lleori;e D .qiey. llenjiiiiiu liyerly, do Andrew Z,-rb". Paul l.enker. do Ileueville Tchopp. Ueorv Philij s, do Abiuhuui Kothumel. I'Atll Tim C'O.MMLTAI ION MoM-.Y. Aimer Shu !r. Low. Augusta tp. .1. M. Ifartliolonietv, do Solomon S. Snyder, do Samuel Wolf, do Jiicob 15. liarlhiilntiiew , do William 1. Spcese, do Hubert A. how, do Ifetny Cttlp, do llideon Wolf. do Thomas Snyder, do Jo 'i ph Enietii h, do Levi Conrad, do Kciiben Holletiback, do J. H. KaulVniitn, do lCobert. Flcmintr, 00 John Ii. Kiji-is L'p. A'J,'iiMta tp. William Neabit, do John 1?. ll.ute!!. do lVtir Lonir. Camernii. John II. ib-ller. Chi i-iU:niie. A! x -inder .M.irtln. do Lewis ' 1. Hummel, Tt i .1. Ii. C.iwli y. h i'errr II. Kies'or. do Andrew UottM-, do James ItanHom, do Win. W. Perry. d'i Joseph Ki.yser, do ,lolni K 1 oil. clo Edu.vd Ititlcr, do John Morehi ad, d ) John B. Smith, do James Durham, do Jasper S. Fisht r, do Win. N'oris. do Joseph A. Fricdler, !o (teore Hlnin, do MarfiiU M. Sholl, Coal tp. Jo'.m Mart 7., do (leorije Kohlbroher, lo Jacob Fi-hcr, do Joseph Hili; do Aiiilla l.'Ooth, do Samuel K. Martin, do W. V. Withinntori, b Danifl P. Weary, do William K. Erdmun. do John Volkivtse, do William llcibler, do Isiiae H. Keiser, do Eiins Welel, do l'llYHtCAI. lISAUtl.t1 Y. n. ii. ( onrnd. L i). Auuueta tp. Win. J. Wolvi rtun, do Joseph H. Pci'Mnj', do Kuhiird IJover, do Charles W. Weaver. do Wil'iam S. Snyder, do I-aiic N. Cooper, h (ieorire Hopper, Low. An t;nst n tp. David Ncidijf, do Henry K. Lylle, do David HolleubucU, do .bum a Coldren, do Daniel 11. St. ( lair, do William K. Conrad, do Henry Trajo, do Sitinucl S. DunkleU-r;er, i'.o John It. Shrprirmi, (in Michael Mench, do Jul o!i H. Mcliiiiley, Cliiuiua'iue tp. llllam Allen, Ambrone ( aiuiliell, William L MiiiinUy Joseph Neijlry, John I'nii-t. William Wt Icliaiit e, Jo fph Wc:in , Joseph linker, J:itnea HiU-rl, .luliti 11. .riii, Henry Start.il, John It. l.aU. Fredi iii k iiimr, Smith 'I'liiup. John Hinlersill. Jamb 1 leu, lort, Janil Wury, t,HiCje J.t, 1. Sallii.il ('our. 1 I, 51 nt' hi l.lettt IU 11, ,bi 4l I ulllail, 1 1 idiliull'l lthoid, Ji.Mpli 11 irtliin, I ll'illl la l(..o r, Tlioiiiua A I an, .l.iliii It hnxli r, lb nit Ha' ' Ii, J.iaa pit lv ..i. W llll on It maa , Km t il 1 Vl I llllHH. Dai. '11 ', Ii t. ..1 I t 1 1. tin i 1. r. U 1 1 ! it . .1 ., ., I. s . 1 ' . 1 f .1 l I . -i. h " ' V , , ; I I 1 I. I aSl .. I '0 (.'diner do II tp ('out tf ll'l do do llll do d.i tin do do do do I.I llll II. do do ilo tb. It Ih I man I p. .1 1 d 1 in .1,, It ' 4 1 Eohrsiin Lcinbiirli, clo So' t McKec, Jr., , do ; , Tlllbim Sunders, do JrBi pli Falls, 5r Htinuel Frvmirr., do ; Po er K. Tii lor, d' Pinirt Keefi'r, do Christian L, Witener, da toHepli O. MrCnr.ty, do John I). WaUon, do John (.'. Sanders, do Coursit Springer, do aliens nno oats ieT DnctAitrfy .SjTEN- .Tacob Miller, Coal tp. Michael lief-an, do James Lawrence, do. Dmiel P.eed, do Michnul Lucas, do Charles Bader, do John Hunt, do Abraham Strouae, . do Jcrcmiu!) Tliomais, do KOX-ltr.AIDfiM'S Peter Keiffer, Low. AugUst tp. Joseph D. liostian, do Elia Derk, Coal tp. John Eidmnn, do Simon Kerstetter, Cameron tp. VNsrtTAm.F.NEfiS ok mf.: Lot Bartholomew, Johnson Miller, Daniel 11. Foy, Mose.s B. Wi ikcr, Jeremiah Heilmnn, Thotnb.s J. Sawyer, Anthonv Hopler, Villiitm' Letller. Frederick Kramer, Martin Oiiss, Daniel Aruwine, Up. Atio.'tjra tp. do do do , Co Chilh'.quniiue tji. do Coal tp. do do Delaware tp. VttllE IS TUtt KKUVICR ON TUK 3D OF MAIiCH, Matthew D. Dewitt, Low, Aup;:i-ta tp. Amos Slope, do Daniel KatilTman, jr. do Alexander Krep.s, do John II. lleitz, do Joseph Seasholt,. do Montgomery Boush, Delaware tp. Simon Lilly, do rue only stiTonr or ao!:i ami inkium rAllliSTS. Peter Wampole, L'p. Augusta tp. William Snyder, do Joseph Longstinr, Coal tp. Daniel TrueUenmiller, Delaware tp. OSI.Y 8'1X, 1 IM!l It TOMIUTSUY Ill'TY, Iff A WllMlW, llKl'KMJKNT Ll'O.N HIS I Vllotl I'liti sffl'tlllT. Isaac Slatiglit, l'p. Angiistn !p. Franklin Keigle, do James MeKtiiif-, l'i biv. a.re tp. Wiliiam Hayes, do Frederick Dt umliiscr. d al tp. c; mi: i;ocsw vr ei.i ci iun. I Abraham Al!ui, C'h: i, ttrlfitlf' tp. W-u & 11 War.-, Coal ip. r vrnnn op M'i'tM-.i.i:a cmi.nnr.s VMr:tt VI 1 t. vt.s oi- vol:. .'oapli n. Lytic. Low. Augusta tp. Andrew !. Haupt, .l.'lin M. Hoiiliton. (.'urge 1 loml-erLrer, Chares K. Wink e, do tin Cameron 'p. do Daniel Klo U, no Ja. ob T. Hid. Delaware tp. n; Jiriiii:r.s of tiik sayii: itotsriioi.n III'INU IS I LI, VICE, Win, K. Ln n-ni e, l'p. Augusta t. Cli.i.ies B. K n iget. Coal tp. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, ; Simbury, Oct. 2'), ISCiS NEW FWCV STORE. ! rililK iiinli-rsicred It forms l.er frii ndj und tl a j 1 public. I hat she baa just returned from lb. with an entire, neit sio:k of j I'liucy 4ufMfs, 't'rimiii Juri -''.t which she has opened at her new Store in the room ad joining the ri niden'e of Mrs Pucker, in Mmk't j Sjuare. bunbury, l a. lier slock consists in part of 1 Ladies' Triinminirs for Iiesses, I.ie'es. ru. terns tur Presses, r.itif..roiilerie, Ilandkerehiefs. (Moves, talk und Cotton Thread. Ladies' li'nve 7.eT hyrs. At'uolen and Zephyr Saeques and Uooda, liifai s Uremrs, Uiiltons. Iiui.tin. Hiblmrs. Collars ami Sleeves. Gents' Neckties. Corsi'ts, Hair Brushes, Hair Oil. Hair Neii1. Infant Dreisiesa. Sewing .Siiks. and numerous olher ariiclee, all cf which will be eoiJ at the lowMt ratta MAH L I.ASAIU"?. Sunbury. Oct. 17. 1S63.--1J !soi.iii:its i. 1111: '.iiiMV ASU Ol.'K PKOI'l.K AT JI0.MK Are now ofTered an ofporiunitv tv which thrv cud jbtaiua UOOH ANLi l'LKAIii.E TIMK-l'ltCK. al a very lots figure. ' Our Watches are Warranted to keep time one year, and tbe Uuycr isulbmed the privilege of Kxattina lion before Pay'.neiit is required Iiuprovrtl 1I1' Iu I'utl Itulty As'llunw. A first class HuUlinif Time-l'ioce of silser material over which is electro-due plated IS k. Kohl, inoft durably waought, making the imitttlloii so faulilnse that it cannot be detected fiom the solid materia! by the most experienced judges ; acids will not aftect il London made movement. Improved llnplci iu full ruby action, has sweep sreon.ls. and is nut to bees celled in general appcaranei'. This is decidedly one id the besi articles ever offered f ir ira ti rs ti4 '.ecu lators. Lnu'inei is, eini'.'raui.s, und person' (rati ling. will find them superior to any olher ; alteration of clitnute will not ntleet their uecuraey. i'rice. pnek ed in food shape and good rtiiinilig order, only $Z!tt t.rea-e ot'6 li'r f 'oii. . SIl.VKU Mil Itl.L TIMi: lltNTLNo) I.KVKK., llesl qilalilv .Silver Cil.-es. uTer which elee mfl'ie . fine plated IU k. jtold. Minilar lo our improved lu plei. and superior adjusted nun, men's will "slop. " to be used iu Inning bor-es. etc.; bus l'nur 1 nines ior Washington and lireenwieh lime, sweep eecoml, and all the improv enients. All iu ull. taking its superior sjiofeiiieul into ciTisi leriiiion. we reard it ai decideklv the cheapest article of I lie kind iu tbe market, l'lice, in good ruiining"jrdi r, f !.r' or case , ot B or f Jtin. We lu-k no pay In advance, but will f.rwird ei herol ihein rssui.ible pariiea. to uny part of the loyal States, with bill payable to 1 .prramuii wh.-u the goods are delitered, giving 'he buyer the privi lege of examination, and, if not aalijfa:toiy, the watch can be relumed at ..ur upeiise The eapress companies refute making collections en soldier aud other parlies in the loyal emles. eon sequent ly all luch orders must be uccuuipauied bjr the co.li tu iuure alieulion. Wa muke a deduction cf two dullaisou either watch wheu the jauutut ta f. rw-arded iu advance. Muuev may be sent bv ripre's at our espaute. Til',,-; I'llil'l II'IV a Oil 111".'. I..1I I l.lll I ?1 and 0.'. Lrid bt. 17, litoJ Jm opfaisite City Pal.k, Oct t'rot Hence, n 1 ni:w fancy si 01,1:. ri'MIK subscriber respectfully inlorms hrr friends 1 aud Iba public, that she hit iu-l oprt.e west of the P OUica. a NEW '10' I. two Hiraw.it of Ibe I'oal DDice. a .M. vv sil'llt u FA.NCV itOOl'S, for ladies and grulieu.an, uselul and oii.iiin total , couaitung in pari of tadirt' Triuiu.il.gs, Sialinuary, hys, liUnk Hooks, I .iter and other Ttllad. I'tanes. llindiugs, Meiuoraintiiias books HibboiiS. I'ulla. leva, .raveling bas, Inks, hlatea, I'ot kel Hooks, tlaiuee lor Chilitrra, and a vaiieteof o'hsr artit-lea, all nf which have I etn aelaotcd with (era and will be a.,1 1 al rema n.. i bla pries ANNA PAIN II II. 1 hui. bury, uoi in. isa t ly JACOB O. BECK,! I MKUtllANT TAII.0II, I luilat'l lrr-l, ss-i-ly tiioallv I lit) I Hull lio.itt lr.ul, i HIINHUHY, I A., IM nll.VtH ll.e eilUaita tf Sunt urt an I tl. ti.ily. thai be hue just Ieiuiut4 lo ui 1'bila.lvlpnia Willi lull aaai.lluiet-t ol t il l. M MII I H 4iMl'N, I n k ii V l'N KIPII'iX AM Qt'ALITV. Iltt si k e n isi I 1 1, Iba i.t.. k 1'Ml.e llla. k ..,. r kin at, I I ! . I lU.laa lila. aralil llgJit l lks I'it, at.d 1 aar I. a. lit.e.a i It 1 1 Nltrt ttbolt tm I.I k.ba up Iv ui ir Iu il .Its to ault Iba l:e .i i..ai vt, ib ! b l it, at. I He H.. H rtaawo.l l Willi ti., ii Ian i . a bu I will Im liitiaLsl fi 'tu i'lwlavHIl bta, n .'.'e l ahtje ki-ta tt.ala luikJs aJ IJ tt ll U a-vla bb M uldtl M kxatoi. le Al be wii eta.bt -ava Uit ti I ee.lu.ae ... i a. t ia ; tav a"-- '' Ba4 "' M I it ti.. (1..... It 1 I'.e aai tt'tf" L. .o l . . tu J l. . tt ' -i 1 1 .' it.un. ( see J . . 1 JJ . . Hit si k r nortlinmlwrrliaitd. An rleatbin for dlreetow to teree f,r thp snine; year, will lx- held RI the fin line lit'life.nn Vilxlay. lie t5ih Any f Nnti hi-r ni t, between tliu houu til 10 o'clock A. W and S o'clock P. M. The s'aii-d iirnin.l n-eeling of the a o-.'lisil b-rt will heh'dd at tin Jt-u-li irij I'ntjae on the rnm Tuea-. day in November', al It) o ofooli, A. M. J. II. rKIKsnLY,Cnalref. Cctobrrfl'lulO'n. .ti lt A V in:ii'-i;i(. Onmntotnfl premlweslrif tlie wuloorllier 00 (lftili of rtepterehnr fsll-n yellowish brown Helffer. abnt 2 yeara ld. Tim owner is required in oajl, pay eharees nind tukolt away, or It will he sold (looonUiif to law. JOSEPH EMERIC11. Lower Augusta, Oot. 10.-iiino. ynw i-oTiiixa m FL-iiAisnT.. TTIT. aubeorlber respectfully Intornn the pe.iple of Sueburj iftnl vicinity, that he bus opened a.i eo' tire new siook nf clothing and Furnishing pKiii, nt his new siorn In the huildinit of Charles Pleasant. Ksq., in Market sn.uare. His slock oonsUta in part 1E1T3 3.COTSI1TO. HOY' t LO ("-. I CJ. Such aa Conta, Over Coate. pants, reel, sllrti, undershirts, drawers, aliwkhiir.a, necktiist. Iiaudker ehiefs, gluvas. An. Also, Hats und Caj di all kinds. IHIOIN AMI SIIOI'S, of all kinds. THINKS and Valisea, nnd relliu, and notions of all kinds, beside numerous other ar tides, The public uro requested lo give bim a e Jl and ai imine his ato'ik. LI.VI IILCI1T. Sunbury. Oct.. 10. 1363. IMtll-.l I It I II' l. l'Ii. C1I1KSXVTS. WnlnulK, W.rllbarka, Ac, nnd all kinds ol 1)1! U:D I'll I IT are wanted, fur which the Lighest Cash I'ricea will be paid by M.OAW A uomuurn. Uliiekberrv St.. ore door east of Fright' Foundry, f-unbury. Oct. ID. IMO.'l. " va KNisE es, p iTiTtTg:7a 17'" "er to I'enlvrs. CoachniakerJ nnd llrne f j Painters, nt the v ery lowest nett cash 1 ric.y the beU Coach and Cabinet N'arnishes ; Pure While Leiol ; French and American Zincs ; Chrome Oreens. and Yellows. Drop ami lvn:y lilucks. and a fu'l an. aoriinent of all tbe finer Colors such as Vormillions, lakes. Tube Colors Ac, ulso. I'aint and Varnish Polishes, of the beat rnake. Olatier's Iliamonds and Points; Paint Mills; single and double thick ttlasa, of all descriptions and all Malerlals used by House and Coach Painters v. hich vto can sell as cheap, if not cheaper, Ibun iniv other Iiouae. front the tact that we keep down our expended by conducing our j hu.-mtss p.-rsi.fialiy. Mr. Hal'. one of the firm for many years niami faitiiied the Varnishes, sold by the late 0. .Schrauk. We feel cul.Siltnt that our Varcishea, are equal, if tiut superior, t. any uianufacturod in this Country. We warrant them to give entire satisfaction, and if no; as r presented, the money will be refill) le i. Hive us a call before purchaiua; eliewhvie. A liberal discount made to the trade. it:ltox a KAir. N, s. IBS A luS Nnrlh Fourth titract, corner Cherry, Philadelphia Oct 10, IW3.-om Aiitlilor'-s Af.lIt'O. George linrinan. 1 In the Court of Comiuot vs I Pleas of .Noilhuiuler- Williatn i'arger end Sol- I laud county, oinou I'iitiiAil. J Vcn. Lxps Sv. 3. August Term. Mi Die undersigned appointed Auditor liy 'he Loan I of Coiimwu 1! n 5 of aNi'r.liuiiiiH'iluiiil rouniy. HlWru j iiil. Iu didlrihule Itiu Lt;oi. ry in puiii Cout . uriuf j fn-ui tl.e suic ut ktV'Uil: lil rrnl t.!tc, vill iiilfi.ci t to itif tluiics ut'hii Hppnhttintnt. tit liii i-flice in 1 tlio lurou)fh ul' .Suuburv, i'u.. upuii Sntui-inv Hit1 i 2Uh any ol OcImUm. A. 1 . Is-.;'. il il.iViui.k, A. .M. I " aSAMLl.L J. i'AVKU;, Auaiiur. O.rtoh-r 10. lHftl). GUAM) Dl'J-sMMJ OF FEESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BUI (JUT & SON, SUNBUKY I'ENN'A. orrnn roi: salk at HY LOW P' ICES, Yi S7A V l. A' f- ' ' n fM Vtv.v nf DOMESTIC AM) 3) Y P V) ij j nurss conns of kvkuv VAT1 IUTT CHEAP A SI) HAKPSOME. A C 1 1 1 i ' ft Af ?OHTMKNT mm wnm, iioiUEay .tv ai.ovES. w ........ CLOTH M!, Hi: ADV MA IU" TfOO X ' N.O CHOaS II T.- AND CATS, Tnm1., ViiI'mis iiii'i Ciui:t n.'is. lIAUDWAIli: AMi (UtOCEUfES. lili:i:NS AND CI.ASSWAlir. S'"iit inl Eii'thriiir,ir,. W'linl ninl Willow Ware. U ir Iron utnl Itt el, NuiU ninl riiki'H, lrni;, J'ltint ninl t'i's, Win. low S.ihli itiul liriiiilU'int Piths, unit M 1st hi lliiniintrs, 1 t iiif e Mini Fini' rult, I'Mi, M.itl. ITn.ti , Ac, At,-., ii., All Kin. I- nt tiiHi.U, t In ai lur 4 uU r ( a .ttlll I Pltillli 1 . I'. Ill l- l.ltlll H' ll.l' ink pun 1; hiuiii; DKIGHt'cV- SON, .N II AH ii". A it.i Si' I 1 1 i V I :.M 1. cil a .. , I 'III' ..I W..II .I I. .1 . l.lll . I. I 1 11 1 1 : li 1,1 a ;. t .1U) 11. frtaiaCiiVrJ 1'LLMOMC SYHLI' Mil ( ure ' COKsUMtilON , SchentK's Pnl.noiiic Sy;np U ill ( Ille C'OiNhUJil 'HON. fthi iifk'a ri.lii.oi.i itjirip Vi(l Cure CON'SUMn'IO.N. Bfl.CTicl: rulmcnic Syrup Will Curt! CONSUMPTION. Echettcka lulmonio Syrup Will Cure CONSUMPTION. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic Will Cunt DYSPEPSIA. Echouck'i Sea Weed Tonic Will Cure DYSPLTSIA. Sohem k.s Boa Weed Tonio Wiil Cure DYSPEPSIA. Scbcuck'a Ben Weed Touio Will Cure DYSPEPSIA. Befconck'n Mnndrnko Pilla Will Cure L1VKU C'O.M PLAINT? Bchenck'." Mandrake l'illat Will Cure L1YL11 COMPLAINTS. Schecck'e Mandrake Pills Will Cure LIVEIt COMPLAINTS. Bchfack'a Mandrnkn Pills Wi,l Cure L1VEK COMPLAINTS "Ml. J. 71. fl'HKXK hu Large Suit or linoms at No. ,11! liond ftirect. New York, where be run be found every Tuesday, from 9 A. H ., und nt No. It? Norih Simli Sireot, l'hiladelphia, Pa , cveiy rtatui. day. lie keep, n large supply of medicine at hU rorins. which can he had at all limey. Those wishing advice nr an examination nf the Lungs will do well to call 1111 him as above, lie makes no charge for advice, but fur a thorough cvniiiiiiatinn with the Ucspiromc ter, hif price is $.'!. Many persons are afraid to have iheir luugs tx. iiniined by lr. Scbenek for fear that thev will be found incurable, und by that means it is put oil' until ii is too late. How much b. iier it would bu lo know their condition at once, as hy abundance of evidence. lr S has shoivn stiliiciciit certificates iu Ihia city that he has cured advanced stac of Cuiisuuiption Dr. .Sehei k's Principal Oflucis .No. 39 Xortli Six h street, Philadelphia, Pa., whure letters for udvict, ahoulil always be diiected. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic each $1 per buttle, or $3 the half doxcu. Mandrake Pilla, i!cculfc per box. For sale by ail Drugtjiits and Storekeeper! October le, I :'.;. ;i:n 50 STOVES. OF Till- I.ATLST IMPRiiVr.MLNT AIIL run SALl". AT al. l!olii-l;it li .V ( e.s FOUNDRY. ! XJ ti V, PENISr' A.. i ijct the List (iel the fhcapfts H 't lite niol 1 mimical, which cm be had at liic r,ohrlach riuuidry. 1 Having a lare iisM.rliueiit nf tile 1110-t npiri.vid : H'lu LS. t.uch as Cooking. 1'iiiii.r. Htli-e and M,.,t j Stoves, vvhieh ttlll be Hold ill (he lioveM rate-. Ali,i, i Ketllesot all siiej. Pans. Skillets. Ac ' '1 hey ae al.-o m.inuf.ic'u'iu Machinery. Plonl. I Ciisiini-s. Ac. at sburi notice. H, pairing all hinds of Agricultural Implements I dune in a good vvi.rkmaiilil't manner nrid at tho j shortest no. ice. ! All iutii.de" shipped a." ordered. Orders rrsptct ! fully solicited and 1 nmi.tlv attended 1.1. .1AI.OU Ki.ilillliACH A CO. t' Old rr -r. ai d ail kiuds. if Produce taker, iu r... ianj;c for vv.-rk -i.lll.ul . tK l. .'!. iM'i.l. - tf cl, fmv 10 a.ttliili' ol .luMt-pli liiiiiibt-i laiii, lt- tl'ilM'll. N o'lKT. is hereby nivcn that letters testunienta i v, having been granted to the undri .-incd on ibe estate of ,1,-eplj Chanibcrlriiu. line of Shatiiokin tott ii.-hip. iurlhiiuiherl.iiid county. Pa . dej it d. All I i-r-o'i- ktimt i.i tl.i n.'i !v s !;.(. bn..l to tai 1 citato arc r,-itie-!ed to make, imn.i diate pvnicnt. and lliose hevinn claims lojireiel.l Ihein duly"au.hcntlcu Ul i'..r M'ttleun 1.1 Ll'iU ! CM A MHLli LAIN', Kiecutor. SI. all', .k,ii le p., S. pt . i'li, IM'it fi a) . I'M'lf. NT'TICK i hereby niven. ibat ih whI-.w of 1 in. iel liiltijsli. deeeased. lale of VVit-hiu,;iiin lottn I m.'P- hiut minle her eleelinu lo the amount "I jt.'tmi. ,.f 1 the n rsnnal property of her laie luisban.l. uielcr thg Act of .Wen lay in such case, nuide and provided. ! mid the san e tttll be presented fir allovviince ut the ovcuibcr Xei in of Court I Till! I. AS .MILL. A im r. j Wa.!'.ini;leii. t,vi , Oi t. ,'t. Inl:i. 'M I ISAAC K. Sl'AUFFEK. Wutt'Ii lil.fi- ami . a lci-. : M ASl KAi Tl lll.lt 111' I .SILVJ.R WAHK .1 In, porter of WATCIM'S No 1 IS North Second St.. Comer Quurrv. 1'lliLA j MClPIIIA. nV. has constantly tin hantl an assortment of Hold and Silver Patent Lever. Ltpine and Plain I Watches; Fine linld Ch-.il. s. Seals ami Keys, lireu-t Pins. Lur llinjs, ringer Kin.'. Pr iceleis, 'Miiiiaiuru ! Ciu't-s. Metlallions. Loekels, l'ei.cils. Thimbles. Spee ! tacle.. Silver Table, lleseii, Tea. S ill and Mustard ! Spin. i.s; Suai Si us. Cups. .S'apkm llins. Fruit ! an I liu.ter Knives, Shields, Cuinbs. Diamoii I I', int i e l Pens, etc .all e which w ill be sold I,, it ,,r Ca-b 1 M I 'ldlllASA CO S be.i .(uality lull j, it. led ! Patent Lever Movements etinslautly ou hand ; also oilier M -keisof superior iialilv. I N li Oi l Hold and Silver 6 ..light for cash. I - "'! . I V ., . o a. 1 i 1 ; 111 nek. link Hlue. i Liht ltlue, l-'reiich 1.1 tit I'larei llrow. I'" llniwii. . Li,'ln Itiown, 1 Miurl Diohii. ' Ciin, -on. l'ltrk lnah. ! Light limb, ; I aik !' rem. l.iiihi itrcin, I "or living Silk, Vt t.. n ai d M x. d Hoods, Shawls, . . St'itl Is. I.'i esses, liihh.uiK. Itloves, llonnels. Hats, j Fcathi is. hid lilo t e-. Children a Clothing, j I and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. ! ! Asiiiviug itt'ltOft'erCi'iil, ! I For 25 cents you c iu color as many o.id as would i , otherwise cost live lilnesthnt sum. Various ahu.iea ' can bu produced flout Ibosau.tj I'e with perluct sue , ve-s . l'irectiniis iu Fngliah, Fn nch und German, inside 1 I ,.f each package i For fun her information in 1'wng. anl giving a i pert.et knowledge what eulors aie best adapie.1 lo ' tttet.ver others, twiih many valuable rocipes.i pur- eft.tse lluwe A Stepbeiis 'I leulie oil 1 'veilig and Co- ' : I ring eelil bv lliiill uu reeelpl of pi lee III emit ' .Manufactured by iloW l; A S I L UN'S, . 2'ill llrottdway, lloatt II. . 1 K ir title by Drugirta and I'eiilir.- generujlly j ! Sept Mi.'l Out I !. j lli.iil lilsia aV I i if ItiiUi-tnttl. 1 rpillSitreai line Hat ersct ihe Noriheru and N..rlh- I we.l c tiulica ul l'tiil)ltaui lo the eity ol I nc. I en Lake Frie I 1 1 bet been listed by iba Pt nnaylvai.ia Itlliod I C,,,i.j.nv i,d under Iltt il eu-picea ia btiilig lapidly ol..iied ll,l'.u,l."Ul lit enure lei.gin 1 1 i. now in u lor I'a-at i.g, i i.ft Freight I in Haaa i lion, lluill-burg It. I.illw.d '.'tdf ik ,IWli.u. ' ,.ill,e laateru llitl.t.ti. and I -lat Sl.e.t-ld to llltt, ! (7a mill. I "li 'be M eai. ru I'u lai.ai. 1 urn. or i ts.iM.eu in tia ir raiv. . m .'j -XviiJ I foe H'sWumi-. I Mail liaiit. li' I" V M Wall Tram, I Iu p M i I apit-aa Tiam II I' I l-M" 'i".'" M I l .i.- lan lb..ult ttiil-ul ebaugo. b .ili .. ..u ' (.- li ,.ti a Lelwevit I'lillal. Iphi and L. k ll.it -ii, , i I b. lwt.il bsliin oi an I L i liattu I leganl hlfa-.tbrf lata tit, fr-tpreta I ri int e- .ill at. I., i nt. a M OH .i...oil al t,. .mm.. aul U .Hi. u .. .1 ao I I'bd ol. i l.ia .4 lop II.' ! .t.vlll.i l'.i liaer Lu-ll.lae ( : al il.. I I'"' It'll "4 klsito M, iu I l-.l t i . VI' I aot'to. , . ..to i.i. t . l 4, 1.1a It ttm.t .. H Uli I .it .1 W II-ibU i Ivi t iiK. At" Ii. lot I U a. ii Vltiktt i 1 . 1.1 1 11 11 1..1111 , 11 in 1. 1 1 1. ..1 1 ai lie la I. !l..t tut I Iu a A t 1 , Join 4 i I', in It -at 1 ati 1 1 1 ! U I'tils-ll atabtsttafl 01 1MIANS' (Ot'UT SALE. IN tidrsmroe of aronlrf of th Orta,Cuiirtof KottiSnsi.burlaiid ooority. will I expiated to I lie sale, on the pteii i-ea m tAl t T'l'A V. tlie I'tli 1 day r OCT Ol', I-ft. 1 all li.nl certain rr.tsjtun ItV'lisi I its l.i'itt'. atluate In Itoah lowijl.ip, Nnrtl MT-ltfrlnrs! ev er, it. Pel rv'na-ila, aloiil four n fitsm larrtMeoitIiefoit leatllng to 111 I plieo, a linlrliig liund of IsntJier ftniiaoti, on the north ; land Of Widow Campbell and Peter Itaaghawont on the am ; land beJongtiiK lo the heir fcf Jesoi Weaver, dea'd., on the aoulh, and land of Carter Metier, Al. raliam Caniiaiell and other on lie weal ; Containing Oan Hsimlrr-al nnd 1;IrIsI y I'vna. ArrrtiDBfl IOO lcrclirs ptlrirt Slrixtnrr. Whertton are erected a one ard half aUy fmrne Ilwtlling House with cellar kitchen, a good fiame Item, a wagon-house, and ether outbuilding, a goo I spring of water laat the door, an orchard of fruit trees of various kinds, are aieu on (he preniisee. About 120 acre of which are cleared, a part of which is in a good alatoof culli alien. The balance is lim ber land, lute ibe property of lauae I). Kline, decea sed Sale to commenee nt in o'clock A M.. of said day, When the terms and condition of sale ttill be tuado known bv II Alt MAN O. KLI.VE, Adm'r. lly order otitic Conn, 1 J. A. J. Cl vimimis. Clk. O. 0 Sunbury, Sept. lllh, 1.S63. AltltlVAL OF FALL A: WINTtll j IIDOTS AND SHOES,: J UST received from New York and Philadelphia, B Ircsh supply of the latest aiyles. and of the bett quality, which he has had made up to order, and warranted lo (jive Rood satisfaction. Jle has made arrangements in the city to have hi best work made to order, which ran bo had at all titnes. if not on hand thev will be procured nt rca-. liable n..!iee. Manufacturing of LOOTS and SIIOL.S of all kinds as usual. I will also WhMciale Hoots end Sh a-s by the box. Call and examine hciore purchasing eW'trhire and satisfy yourselves. Thankful for patronage heretofore brstneed. Le respectfully solicits a cintinuaiic" of itioaaine. Shop und Store room, three doors wett cl' the Hail Itoad in Market Square. M M. II. MILLLR. .Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1S6.1. V5 TANTKr immediately, a .tinir Shoemaker, on II Mens' Work. Itood wa;es paid. .lines 1: c::ci:Bt's V.HOl tSALl' AM) nCTAH. cloc k est a r. l i s 1 1 m i:nt, S. E. Corner Second and Che-nut St . Philadelphia 4 tiKNCV for the PATLNT LQl .ALI7.INU TTIIIt. i TV l'AV CLOCKS, a very dcsiiablu article tor Churches. Hotel.-, Hanks. Counting Houses, Puriois. Ac Also, M inufncturcr of FIXE HOLD PtNa. CI.H-ks repaired and warranted. Clock 'i'riiiiiums of every descriptive Philadelphia, January 13, lsbl. .'ly V I .lli: -AVho would lo Mlth. otr ot ? Ir vou have a Trade, have a tJoou One '. There can be no better than the uianu tacture of oups. We have succeeded in reducing the science of Soap making to a mechanical certain tv ; so that any one unskilled iu tho business can. with our Formula, prosecute the manufacture sue- J cis.-luily. Our formula 1 ordains dircciiuis for pro dueing seven kinds of Soap, ! AsaTratle a lHisiness there is 1.0 better. j As connected with a country store, it large in- ( creates the profrs. T he product a sure sale uo rem- j nant.i very little noin required small outlay for fistiirca- 110 oOcuMve odi r omitted in tht proceu cf manufacture. I j Every family should poase.sa the I'uruiula, iij j the Snip produced by it viuhea equally well in h.-.ii I Ui iu soft water. i TKHMS VOU THE FOKMVLA. For Family use, ' l '.r Store use. . . Exclusive manufacturing right in a town of I 1'i.nuU population, or less. iio. over HUH'li and less than 2,'.,0flu Do. over 2J.ti0li and less than 7 j.Ul'O, i'.hi' ea.fO j j.l.ij , It'ii.nu i I A City of over Ti.uCO spcciul term, will be agreed j upon. I I'pivn receipt of the money tre sl.al! sci d thi T.r muhi, contuiug full and coiniclo diieclions. which arc prepared expressly f.-r thote unatnuainted with the process of Soap-making. ! Inqniiies willaV1-' cbeurfn'.ly mt-vt 1 11 .1 ;.i"V i- ded ustan.p is inclosed f..r ritui 1. 1 ostai;,-. j Address HEAIlHSLLV .1 tl', I Z'.'i Illoadway, N.vt-Volk. j Sept. 12. 1 S',.1 2ui u.r I THE PAULS iA NULLA, f'LOVK AND J I I I! Eitil'Oltll M. ! No. P2H CiirSM T Sri'EET. ( Former! v No. iilf ) , PlIlLAl'EI.PIilA. 1 ,f. W. Plt'H'Ti'l! A CO.. ieiiie ibe atttntioii of their Friends to their huge and Supeib Slock of ! Fine CLOAKS and ITUit, . unp.'irnlUled in any former season I The increased accommodation ufftT'ic t in cur 1:1 tv I locution, enables m lo devote the lubi.U itln iitii n 1 lo our j I'lir l-i;iri:iriit . whi -h will be found veil furnish,.! with very tie. 1 scripiion of First ClutS Ft ItS. which will be ixuariin- tied rcprcseutctl. or Ihu iiiotit y paid will bo re- funded. olil'EUS per mail will be carefully attend -d to mid tleliv ert'd. F'xpress charges pa:d. iiiid disiancc iitsi ic of 10(1 miles. J. W PKOCTolv A CO. No. 2n Chtfi.at Stiett Philuilelphia Sept 5. lse.'l ly roruiii ti Aiu'ii mkki:ts. I'HILADEL PUIA. Oii-tiiii.i V A 1. L F A L L T U A I) E, Kn lull MLUINtil 'S.' tioiul IJLAC Iv SILKS, Hurl: l'i-'itvtl SILKS, Xiw PLAIlt SILKS. 1SV.V Ktincy FLANNELS. UALMiilIAL PEITK'OATS, U.'.l. Wliitoitn.l Mini! FLAN XEI. etc. Sept 5. I "11 1 ,1m w 11. 4'. .'B: aBtll tic 1" Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, .ll.ll'l.t l ttli'l-t'l. Vaiiultlll-V) , I oNFF.lTlDNr.UY t)F ALL KINDS. TOVSdF KVKUV piKSi'UIPTlO.N, FKITI. .v.-.. Ac, CvjoNTANIT.Y ou I and an I hi sale at the abov ti . eslablihm,-! ui wln.k.-ult aud rctuii, at teaaou aide .l tec IK i. iioinura -turiiij all kind to Keep up a lull uMior.ttitnl wu: rates. of Conffctioiiirit-s ch are sold al low li.baeeo Sears. Station, ry . Nuis,.f all kinds and t1.11. lv of other nrliebs. ull ot wht.h are tiered 1, ti jli tub. and n lull 1 . lit u:i Int tl H e Inline and 1 l.iee f M I t.K Mill Mt T Maiket street, .1 di.ols t.-l oi F Piljl.t A Sit at or a fuuburv i, pt IV. l-o ! tf oinpu VI U. Ill lOIIKU. woon ts jihrot, I Hill iti-Ue t rii.ii. -! l.la pt l H II I T .ale ltis.li lh, m ..I I'tti.ial le I. V Ntta met lleaulliul if t a 1 ill Mi cat t al t.i .1 1 1 . u Itailiim. I' r i. not. 1',., ;,..i.Ui.c ., a, .1 W lollilbl Jl.d a-l It. 111. and li ilv al.i.id llult aiel lil'l-a Tub lt, llult etalt.l ilia. li,,l,.ol.t,., Mails. I t. uli Iel. I , u ill a 1 tu. I il.i.n. II o, l.io J I'.-il . Lamp Man I.. V '. I til.!, ri..et "'snl. u I I an.. Malt, n t tuiiimui an I all "Hi" if W a a. ft a Uti.aa ivti .1 a., ivi. lta..ni.a iil"l m tloii.iu 1','iaoi a apply ma ! I I " 1''' slate II t kind I . ik nis i. I so pi I t I an, l - iu i Ibils as.it waaul U let. .inj U ' V l o " I' - " M Vt V'l.K PHI' ..! (lat ll'1f! b -I it. .l I.. .like . bi I I. ..'!' Il"l I II' bf 1. .1. .. u . mt I." Il..l' tut "sj v ..' I.., b ut l.asal. I I. 1. I ! I" U- b ' II.. t I ol . I I t t It" 1- Lb- 'I Hal... t tl 11 11.J1fOtt.11-U cm tt M ..,. I m II an a l a.i Iba .Im.i il. iuaa.1 ill t tais.'t't ' I tv. ..I I . b .1 ... U . b . a:e ai 1 b I. at -l l-l PRIVATE ACADKMY. liOHl HUMBERLAUP. Tin; r.rv. samts Mc:.-''"jf. 1 r . iei'leu y m AW I..L ) , li e 1 . Ji u w A :.i .. IJ InufoltuHiit'rn; cbu i'.! I t.u:.;ii'. . Latin, tiritck. Jia'.iien aih. fbibeopuy. ! !."':. i. . Log'e, licatk hex-piiMi. Voeal ft.uaio n lat.e-ff ci tiiaciioe. AUo, ' t:iv?rai-l.;-. ijr.sjria.-, Ui . , Ctrtptiitiw WriUiig. TtMiS : Per Quarter t eks. K-'V Latin tuA al. ve brai.cl,n, Un-ek and els-ve tratihcs, Kee Cireular. 1'i.r further p.-l:ou!rs r; p'j i ItKV. .1AMI Mi K'N. 'I -M. ri'iumberlaii.l, August 1,;. r ..' . iy MANHOOD, llitvsr How ISfs-lors-'I Ju.it J'i.Vs'.-W, i t a A-..-.. ff.-r j .Si.- 1 Vvr.-. I I.r.CTt'ltt on the Nature. Treainim 1 Mid I!n 1 Tl 'lied Cur. of fpermiiton lera or Si n.iiial Wtal.. i iif. S. jual iHbiiiiy. N rv ou-niss. and Im ''..una.y 1 l'.iuis-iou.". ii'dnciiiif Iii.;.oitney. C.nuiiii.',i...t . rod I Mental and Pbvsiea! I'e'olitv. Pv-Hon iJ Cl. I.VLlvWEl.L M P The Important fact that the awful tf .useqii. '( ( Self-Aii'ise may be etT' ctiuil'J r.-t nvej v i : , m :, ! ternal medicines or the danger' appitcat;. n . f j eaiisiics. ii'strunif :il. u,t-:i:cule.l b-.t-ic-. at-i , empirical device... is here clearly l 11 1. stinted, ivi ! the elitirelv new nr.tl highly cuc.:."::ii tr.itla.ei.l -. adopted by the e, 1. 1.nt'i d aiiti.oi. fa", y txrlaio. ) ' IjV means of which every on- is ci.abicd t" .-.ir,.. 1 in . ! self pei f, -l v. and at tin least :im co-t. 'bcri ' y avoidinall the adv, rtin -I n istrtin.- . :' li... -i ;. I'Iim lecture will prove a b n i" lie u, .u i u.. ! li -sunnds. Suit undi rscl In p'niu et.v. luj e.to a: ., vllce-. j post paid on receipt of two pount. atauipa. by I dressing the publishers C'HAS. J. C. KLINE A CO , 127 P.jwery. New York. P -'l 'Wli:X. iis'i Aue-. Ji. IK'1. Feb Zi.-lv :ic j TAILORING ISTABLlSHKLEItT. I JOHN E. 8M1CK, Fawn Sirred, . ppisite Weaver's IIolul. bUNBUHY. r.'rrthumbf.laTirl Co.. I'v . V NI'OIIMSI.U f. i i.ti-: mi.I ti c inliic u. nei.i'l;- . that he has Iwkt-n the Shot. . JittA. - !!.tVt. iec d.. utid is nrenarej i..d j nil k ind- ot I A I l.i '!- lN'it in a pood workdianlikc leaiiutr. The airju age of the public is respectfully aolii.iUu Sunbury. May Iii, lr.'jl:. ly 1803. 1 RILING & GRANT .,T Tun MAMMOTH STORE, ' TOULD respectfully ar.nctnec that tl.ey havo I just receiv ed otd opened a very large and wclllclec j ted !?tock of i GOODS Ol- ALL KINDS, vsiii.'h tl.ry ae t.ill'rT to ii's SMALL AHVANCFON I'irstt t ott ,f et a vrr.r OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMnnAri: i"ti:i GIVE XJ3 A. CALL. Thankful for nt favors 'tobit ; mt t'l.uanc of tl.e i.mie l.y t.'.'.l ..'.!u '.i..e.. ., if not Vlli: ll'l.!: t!.i4. Can l-e J.irchno v.iicre. iniLIN.i A r.'.l.VNT. 1 ol i.rv. My ) 1.-,'.". tV'.lIrI'lSV. rPIll: Select lli.-h e!io il of tl'is I'llC., v:i',l I rteptl.c! All 'll.-f ;tlsi. l.ti.:. Ul der till' lend, nee ot S. I'. FINK. A liberal pa i. na lioiud fit. in tile pull'.-i.- f li.l vb a l. and tin ltll.S gencillllv Ti'.UMs of ti ition pi:r fssion. tirtheriii by. Kcadn:0-. M'litii. and Piiu..ny I ..v 1 1 1 timet ic 1 Ariihii.eti.'. lieoraplivMei Knli.-h C-i atuMar j Nat. Phil.eopliy. Vv all on Ti,e .Mind. Alc- I.ia and tic-.inairy, ' Eook Keeiiiu;:. L:ii,u:ics a!.,! AlroIl.".l'..y. l.i ;i I.- One half of the tuiiitm li.ouev to be paid ii, 1 11.lv.1uce. and liie balance at the eipiratioii el cacu I lellli. 1 I'epils sliidyip.' ary oi.e brat..-! in ,::i .T !' tl.i. 1 higher grades of iiinion will be c'.iscd in tlie :auo 1 elnl.rucilt such blanch. j For further iunriua.icn apr'e to I !s. P' FINK, Piiuoipal j Sunbury. August fih. l.-O.v. ! DYEING ! DYE1XG! SAMUEL FAUST. 1 KSPKl'TKl'LLV infoi mt the o.tirei s , f Sunbury an i vieintiy. that he is pi. p-ie 1 ., li'F any leaterials. a bci.Uiitul ilatk cii'i ai. 1 at n. .;.!iiio price.- s.'pt 19. t1-. tt TRUSSE3S. SIIOULDIR ERACEs. LLA5T1C STOCKINGS FmU l.NLALiil.li LIN OF Hit LLXJ. AC; Instrument, f. r all d.t'.rmi'.bv I'll. CLoVLK'S .vvv I.'a-r I i ii. has taken the plaee .-.f ..th.-r TnbV. . for 'be rei. ntion un-leiireof lieli.ia .r ill. ti.r.- A :i:. U7..1. the principle uiti I. v.-r. r. nov.T 1. .-es its strn ."h it is e.. i.e. I to pit vent rim it ha.- 1 .1 p. id 01, ' 1,, I..1.I. wl.it h is -0 li.tblt to '.: j..n- the -pine and 1.1. hoy "i 1 clnife the weni .-r. l'i-.-ure lo retain lite llnpnn .-. uii 1 ti r ''i'.-e al. 1 coiii!'"i-'. an l cf. .!:: ra.'.iai vul, , il Is warrellled lo Hive -'itl-t'.t I i, u. The itet'lov id r-i..-l: 1 ,1,1-1 : . :ic. l.v;ill'i- tc cb.-' end previuts tho wearer i'le.n bt.-.u.n ,ot:ni .-l.....'..!eled. La lies li.-lus and Abd. n.ii.al St,oiuis. 1'.:.,. 1 ai;es. and LVlts i f all kil.ts. aii-l ilis.i l.l:.t i.t 1,1 :L.l I .. iiun.il-- of the 1. ..It . Ml lilti i l i; S i'tli e i-No 4 nn j'rotl. to d, ,r from l'.roa.lw tv. N -w V..:l. Ml linnet? stluUi.l I No April 11, lsiJ - - ily note the n.u-e a:. I'lx V riTt J Ull X F A R f I K A I'.l.i'V I'I lis : No TH Arch Street. ) lotl Kl.'iilh. .ollth -I'le, PlllLAI'll.l'lUA IiiiiHii-i.-r and Manu f.ieiutt r of. an l PealiT in all kind, of Fan. v Furs. t"i l.-idua alii t.i I Ir. ii a vlvttr. I wi-h I., r. turn ii .1. .. L. ,., i. ' Ir,. ...I - ... I ; .ui.,urv ai.'l 'be so 'iT- v ..,1,, ... ll.elr V .1 V II'.. ml l . ,.w- w ., f' -1 " tr..ov ov't u ti. t li it i' l-tlin; Iht In.1 It veitis. ant w ul I air I. U to lb. I I i...w bite iu '' off. inv oii lie..i l.t'i " at, I nn.iii.tiu lure a Vuy n'on.tu i .-. i ... . i . I all ll.e lit!' lei.l kin.i. aft i 4.1 tltu. a ..' Fie i 1..I - . I.., It. a an I I'l.il.lrtlt. lh..l hill tvWoi ...oor I ull m. I 11 ililel aaiwaiiiia l,ii.( ibe tiirevl lu.ter I all n.. lui. I."l 1 1 uiu.e, and hat ut llitt.i alt Maiitli. iii.i'l oo t. .' lot I.WH atlpelt lali.tl lll.l.a i,e I.. .I'i I la. V In. la A Ui pttblie a st ueb k .it.u..ta.n .m t ol t or I- r the aMUie Itoai.ey a. tjl a plwt-au Jl,.. lue a . all I" l.iie puietiaauiat 1 i'tvae uiiituilo 1 :t t l.u ,. i...' bvl abl atrial .1. ll I' U:I .K ?l r. h .- .1 1. I ....u i.,, i.1.. bapLUlb, la! Itill - .itu HIM; iV KIT F0K tSALK. 1 ..I . . r. it 1 ii, I ouae I 11. 1 a . I . I. .1 it Il 1 11 a. 1 1 s ..,, . ti I I lilt I 10. I 1. ... 11 a .1 a . . : . I 1 tV .s I h- 11. ' i. t al I' 1 1 I t I I II N 111'. I .. 1 a I 1 lol -. ' no t iba. F. am, W-Vai 1 .r-ajbC t, V.' 'I 41 a." I , ,4 e,iii.Js aasti . 4 k,. I I , ttts) Il it 'Wtta ' W j l . Va, - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers